THE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAKt PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1868.' PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON (HirNDAYS KXCKrTKIl), YT THK EVENINO TELEGRAPH BUILDIN3, A'O. 11 S .9. THIRD 8THKKT. Price, Three Cents per Cory (Double Bhwt). or Eighteen Cents per Week, payable to the Carrier, and Malted to Subscribers out of the city at Nine Dollars per Annum Oue Dollar and Fifty CeuUi Tor Two Months, Invariably In advance for (he period ordered. FRIDAY, JULY 10, 18G8. Our Opponents. 11 ad the right to select the Democratic) candi dates been vested in the Republican Hxeou tire Committee, it ooald not have made a weaker ticket for its opponents than has the bodr which is supposed to represent the wis dom of the Democratic part. It was gene ral) feared by the Republicans that one of two wise oouraes would be adopted at Tam many. Either some man alive to the issues of the day, and who could draw some strength outside of the party would be nomi nated; such for instance as or Hancock, or else that some new man, whose very ob- Bourity would be his best protection, anl against whom nothing could be said, becaus" ! nothing could be known, would be their ' ohoioo such for instance as Asa Packer, j or a reserved Pierce or Polk. But the Democracy did neither of the articifated actions. It took up two men whose records are well known, and who are, with the exception of Vallandigham or his j like, the most vulnerable of any of the candi dates proposed. Mr. Horatio Seymour is an old and wily politician. His course through- j out the entire Convention proved that. With onsumvnate address he declined the honor, j presided over the Convention, by personal ! urbanity made many friends, by preconcerted signals had thousands of advocates cheering ! for him at the moment he was proposed. The j action was deeply laid, and by the suddenness ! with which it was sprung, prevented sober thought, and against the sober judgment of many of the delegates gave the nomination to j Mr. Seymour. His record is one which will not ! need investigation to prove him one of the bitterest enemies of the nation in all her hours of peril. lie opposed the draft, he opposed the war in every stage. lie pro claimed it a failure, and all of us cau still re member when we trembled for fear that he would succeed in securing his re-election, and Woodward and Seymour be the duo to ruin the nation. That anxiety has hardly yet died away, and we are now called on to vote for him for the Presidency of the United States. We are asked to reward the man who would thus have coldly sull'ered our Government to perish. We are to put at its head the man who would not have raised a hand to save it. Bat still more than this, we can almost detect a complioity, certainly a sympathy between the leaders of the New York riots in 1SU3 and Horatio Seymour. It may be that it was a coincidence, but on the site where the riots took place on the 13th of July, Mr. Seymour on the fourth, or just nine days before that bloody, murderous mob took the law in its own hands, and said: . , " Yon claim for yourselves, and Iha. whlcii every freemm nna eveiy man wli respects himself will hive lor himself freedom of speech i he right to exercise all I he franchises coulurreU by the OousU tulloo upon Amerlcaus. Qj,rx you sifely tloay us these things ? Are you not exposing; your selves, your own iutereala, to us ureal a peril as that with which you threaten us? Kemember tiilH, that the bloody and treasonable and revola tionary doctrine of public necessity can be pro claimed by a mob a well as by a yovernmeni." And within a week almost, on the very ground on which that speech was delivered, a mob did take "bloody, treasonable, and revolu tionary" action, and did commit foul murder by the wholesale. Who was responsible for that ? Cannot we trace the suggestion to Mr. Seymour? Were not such words as he uttered, words of suggestion if not encourage ment? We shudder when we think of the fearful responsibility which rests on his shoulders. We will not advert to his views on finance now. Suffice it to say that while he declares himself in favor of paying the debt in gold, he accepts a nomination on a platform which favors the payment in greenbacks. For which will the policy of his administration be directed ? Surely in so vital a point there should be no contradiction. If the nominee for President is weak, he is yet strong when compared with the Vice President selected. Mr. Frank P. Blair is probably the worse friend a political party could have. He does more damage to any cause than any other six public men. Ha is headstrong, impetuous, and without that well balanced mind so essential to the President of the Senate of the United States. What better proof could be afforded than his letter to the Convention, and which, by his selection, was naturally declared to be the sentiments of that body.' Let us see what this Salesman says: "There Is but one wny to restore the Govern ment Bud the Constitution, and that is for Hi ) President eleot to declare these acts uullaud void, compel the army to undo Its usurpations at thebouth, din perse the carpet-bag Slate Gov ernments, and aliw the white people to reor ganize their owu governments, and elect Sena tors and Representatives. Tne House of Repre sentatives will contain a majority of I) jmoorats from tbe North, and Ibey will admit the He pre sentalivea elected by the while people of the Koulli, and Willi t lie co-operation of tne Presi dent it will not be uitlicult to compel the Senate to submit ouce inoio to the obligation of tne Constitution. I repeat that this Is the real and only question wuluU we should allow to control us: rihall we submit to the usurpa tions by which the Govern mom laB t,een over thrown, or shall we exert ourselves) for its full and complete restoration? It Is Idle to talk of bonds, ureeu hacks, gold, the publio faith, mid the publio credit. We most restore the Constitution before we cm restore the Uuuucbs and to do this we must h-tve is President who will execute the will of the people by truiiinlliiu- lulo dust the tihiii patioiiH of Congress kuovvnas the Reconstruction aota." Right, Mr. Blair ! We accept the issue. We throw aside all matters of fiuance if you desire it. We will take as the vital question of the campaign the deseition or continuance of the present Governments iu the Mconitruc'.ei utea. Wo cheerfully agree to leave it to tha people on that question alone. Shall the present Government continue, with the wheels peacefully revolving in legal channels, or shll we have the picture so graphioally described by Mr. Blair, the army trampling ou th Governments, with the bayonets "dispersing" the "carpet-baggers," viz.: Northern and all loyal Southern men, and the "white man," viz.: Rebels once more starting a Govern nient over which thsy aloue shall have a voice: proscription to the loyalists, white and black, the election of Rebels unrepentant an 1 arrogant? Mr. Blair has made that the issue for himself; the Convention has adopted it as their issue, and on that line will the battle be fought. We leave it to the people of the land whether Grant and Colfax, or Seymour and Blair shall be the nation's leaders. The Democratic Platform. A ('ONtemporaky; truthfully describes the new Democratic platform as "a strange mixture of fact and fustian, of courage and duplicity, of propositions that are lucid, and proposi tions that are muddy. It is bold to the verge of rashness in regard to finances, equivocal in its allusions to reconstruction, confused in its exposition of fiscal and administrative reforms, diffuse and turgid in its arraignment of the ruling party." It was evidently framed to admit of varied interpretations. At the out set it recognizes "the questions of slavery ami secession as- having been settled for all time to come by the war or the voluntary action of the Southern States, in constitutional conventions assembled, and never to be renewed or reagitatei;" yet a later declaration, in another portion of this platform denounces the " reconstruc tion acts (so called) of CoDgress, as such, as usurpations and nnconstitutional, revolu tionary, and void." It is not diffljult to see that Democratio speakers and writers who ad dress audiences disposed to approve the wise sentiment of General Grant, "Let us havb I'eacb," will dwell upon the opening clause of the Democratic platform; while those who wish to pander to existing discontent, and to revive the smouldering fires of the Rebellion, will need no better text than the declaration that the jolicy of Congress is "unconstitutional, revolutionary, and void." If license could be thus given to a readjustment no man can foretell what issues may be re opened, nor what may be the character of the future governments of the South. The Demo cratio party evidently desire to place them as thoroughly as possible under the control of unrepentant Rebels, and to continue an angry and dangerous agitation until this purpose i accomplished. The financial planks of the Democratic platform are obnoxious not only on account of the dishonest propositions they openly advocate, but on account of the stil1 more dishonest purpose they indicate. It must be remembered that the sentiment which evoked the public declaration in favor of tax ing bonds, and of redeeming them with green backs, will really be content with nothing less than downright repudiation, and that if any party which numbers in its ranks so many persons who are openly antagonistio to a maintenance of the publio credit should ever gain power, it would naturally obey the behests of its repudiating adherents. The sixth resolution makes a confused allusion to the industrial interests of the country by the declaration that the Democracy demand "a tariff for revenue upon foreign imports, and such equal taxation under the internal revenue laws as will afford inci dental protection to domestic manufactures." Heretofore even the Democrats have acknow ledged the wisdom and justice of so regulating the tariff as to afford incidental protection to American manufacturers, but the new resolu tion favors the only practicable form of fiee trade by advocating a tariff exclusively for revenue, and American manufacturers are notified that they are to receive only such incidental protection as may be afforded by "equal taxation under the iuternal revenue laws." If this platform should be approved by the American people, it would justify the free-traders in demanding such a revision of the tariff as would destroy every branch of American industry that is not entirely beyond the reach of foreign competition. Let rs havk Peace. This phrase of General Grant's has been much quoted a3 the welcome expression of the feeling of the people by one of its leaders. The words have additional force as coming from a great soldier. We are apt to forget the fact that war is the trade of the warrior; that in peace his occupation is gone, and repulsive as it must be to faae such a thought, tbe soldier must needs wish for war as the only field wherein he cau win fame and fortune. General Grant has led to victory the largest armies that the world has ever Been; it is as a warrior that he has achieved his fame; and yet he is so true to the interests of the nation that he forgets his mere personal aim, and temperately and wisely urges that policy which will make war impossible in the future. A U USEMENT NO TES. IH'Oi.KY'sOi'KitA Housk Ouroltlzensshould bear in mind mat this is t he lust week but one ol tbe renowned Hooley Opera Troupe in this oily. 1 heir houses are crowded nightly by the elite of tbe city, who bestow showers of ap plausptipon tbe performances. R. M. Carroll baa achieved wonderful mcoess in bis special ties, "My Father Mould UimrcoH" and "1'he Wtfct-Kud iMiiclng Master." 1 he singing and Inn U sque, by long John Mulligau anu Archy Hughes will be repeated during the engage- "at the American Tiieatkk, the "CanCan" by Ihe whole troupe continues lo draw large audiences. To night William Allen, a very wrrlby performer, takes a benefit, and will no doubt have a full bonne He deserves It. The Debuts, of Paris, in reference to the declaration of the Sultan that he regards with vrx equal eye all his subjects, whether Chris tians or Mussulmans, observes: "Are, then, the Mussulmans to have the privilege now-a-days of giving us lessons of toleration ? While the chief of tbe faithful was pronouncing these noble words the question is asked in France whether it is proper to impose limit to tbe zeal of the Churcb, which desire? t? uudortak the conversion, of the Arabs I" Tlie CUy of Tarla. According to Baron iriismann' late at.U'w nient, the Kuperllrlee ot the French cap! Ml h TfCO hi etares (ehCh 2i nore) of willed Pr proper covers Itil)2. anu inn annexed none 4PH. I he net woi a or public Mneei measurea lluoally Hofl l.lli n.ejtre (eaob of a rnllf) spreading over n r urhice of 12,2111 Mitiure kilometres The tbormik blares opened within the last fifteen yearn eilen.l lo 1 .IS k Hornet re. A great nunibor of Hlrreis are mill without footpath, because tbe total length of the aid walks In Paris it only IMN8 kilometre, or 272 Irmcitea; whereas, if all wire provided there would bo an extern! C.M.M lehgueMof waiklug pih. A lonijth of 111 kilometien In planted and Hhaded by 95.577 trees, loi ming what is termed -he alignment. The public promenades aud squares of Pari occupy a total apace of 1783 heciMres, of which the Hols de lioulogue en vera R17, that of Vin crniios bOO. the Park of the. Unties Cliournoul 2A, the coritemplaud giouiitia of Mount Houris 1H, and Inn Park de Moucimii Ht Th lighting if the pub lo streets Is IT -cud nv 31 85! lamps. o which 32,1120 are as, end liSOoil Of coal, 400,000 tona are consumed annually In the gas works or Paris. The capital conmimes at pre. (phi 0 million Hires of water (each a llitlo more than a (isrt livery twenty-four hours, and II will lecelve 110 iniit cms ll'res additional when the wa-ers of the Vaune shall have been hrnuubl In, at d the two ai-inslan well at the l'.utles fuix-Cailleiau'l the Place Hebert are at wotk 1' IcIIhk a Mirply. Tn number of reser voirs Is sevenieen. o tnablu of containing in the Hgiirfgate 2)1 mlllluni ol 11 rec; but for acitv like Pat lH tba rtservo Ih Insignificant, idnce it represents uo more than a i-logie day's con sumption. There ure in Paris l isi) kilometre of water plpea aud on lint of varioiiK dlrneu lloris. Theaeweragn extends lo Kilometres, of which dm ance 17(1 nre lor and broad, pro vided with rails and Kiiiia'ilu o at. There are 1012 cducHtloriHl eslahllNhrneutH, comprising 171.02(1 pupil; the charitable bouses have II, 2'H beilH, and the bureaux de hlenialaancn distri buted aid In 1X07 to 10.1.11!) Indigent perxouH. Rev Henry Ward Beecher passed through Springfield, Mass , Tuesday noou, on his way to HnMcn. The Ri publican reports that lu a briel conversation at t he depot with some ao (juuin ttuices, lie denied favoring the uninlut lion of Chase for the Presidency, and thai he SHldthnthe is, nlwas baa been, aud always would be opposed to Chase. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. OW10 OV TBI EVJCNINS T Kr.KOBAPlt 1 Friday, July 10. io8. There was very little disposition to opcraloTTi Mods tins n, orninc, but prices were wiUi mi any material chunec. (Joveriitneht srcsriipM vero nrnily lie d. 1134 w,,s bid tor Cs of 1S81; HiKj lor June and 7:i0-; ll.'IJ for '62 5 20s ll(lj lor '4 5 20s; 11U It 't5 .r-2'K; lOHj lor July, '05 5 2()a: and 1085 for '67 5-2IK City loans Mere uncbnugid. The new issue sold at 10:i. liitiuobd shares were Inactive. Pennsylvania Hiiilroai sold at ,r.2, no cpuime: Keiiditical 4H, no cbante; Motrisroivu at (18, no rbatice; L"liiirti VbIicv at 54j, no chaime; m d Northern Central at 48, an udvaice ol i; was bid lor North Peiinsjlvaim; 41 fcr fclmira preterredj 31 f ir CHtiiwifsa prctirreil; mid 2(ij lor Philadelphia mill Kric. City I'assenccr Railroad shares were tin chunked. 60 was bid tor m coh I sud Third; 3(i for hiltb and Six'h; 04 tor Tenth nnri IOIcvulUj 15 or Thirteenth and I'i'teenili ; 42J l ir Cnesii tt nnd Wulnut; IdJ for Heionvilk'; and 43 for yrionj Hunk fbarcs were firmly held at full price.". Philadelphia old at lul, nn advance of 1. In Canal shares there was li'tlc movement. Schuylkill Nai.atiob preferred sell at 21$. no f -but ire; 11 was bid for Sutiujlk ill Navijja'ion common; 21J lor Lehign nvujatioii; and 15J. tor htiscjitchantia lausl. PIIIL.t IIKLfllH STUCK KXlTJAMiK SALKS TO-II A I Reported by De Haven & Bro .Nu. 4u & Third street, FlKs'l BOiHD. $1200 Pa 6s 28er.cJip. 107 2 b Penna R Si'i fiiW cliy M. Srw.lF.(ilj J4 gt, JjOll V It - 61 1 7io do.'4 10 do. 6i)i tioou Read n7i pis : io sh Ncirrisfn. M tSDIMI PlllHb'Kfi l Ti'i' iu do .t-Swu. t-S to i' A in rut. 8n.. w I "onnKeaOK N 4s f iixio JIarrisb'g bs s 6 do d U. m 72lK) 1,1-U ON, 'M 1,. S'.'S! 7 nil Pllllll 1U Hit (ludULa)QH.gald I ny, loosbiSuUN PI -HIV IK) dii.....MD. MS 1(9 do 2d. i 600 sli Ocean On l li,, The tollowinp! arc this moruinij's Rold and foreign quotations, renor ed ny Wbelen Bro thers, Gold, Stock, and Excbauae Brokers. No. 105 S. Tliird striei: 9 :i0s.. M. . 1405 11-30 A. M. . 140 10-00 . . 140 j 12 00 M. . 140j 10- 30 " , 14 .J 12-30 P. M. . 140j 11- 00 " . 14081 Poreipn Exchanee on Loudout-OO days, 110J (ailOi,; 3,days, HOAfflJllOl. On Paris: 00 days, 6t. n:(fi,5U I2i: 3 days, 51. llf15f. 10. Mepsre. Jay Coose A Co. quote Govern ment securities, etc., ns follow: U. 8. 6i. of IKK, 113JU3.l; old 5-20s, 1131134; new 6 20s, 18C4, 110J(e)110.l; lo., 1865, HMillH; 5-20s, July, 1083W10HJ; do., 1S07, I08i'f)10i); do., 1HU8. lO.j fV,109; 10-4 0s, 107 t3 I07i: 7'30s. June, lOSjrtf 1' 8J: do., July, 102(3 li l. Gold, 140J. Messrs. De Haven 4 Brother, JSo. 40 South Third street, report the following rates oi ex change to-day at 3 P. M. : U. 8. 6s ol 1881, U2J 113J; do. 1802, 113i'till33; do.. 18G4, 110Q 1104; do.,lHGA, 111 Jtollli ; do., 1806, new, lUHKd I08j;do., liG7, hew, Itl8i atl0 ; do., 1808, 108j 108;do.,5s, 10-40b,107j (Hl07i; do. 7-30s,4une, HHjtSluhl; do., July. l'J8iff108i; Duo Com pound Interest Notes, 119J; August, 1865, llS.ife 1185: do., September, 1805, 118rail84; do. October, 18U!, 117i118. Gold, UOJtjpUOJ. Silver, 133it7135. Messrs. William Painter & Co., bankers, No. 30 S. Third stieet, report the following rates of excbsiifre to-day at 12 o'clocs: Cn i ted States 6s, 19bl, 113f113i ; U. S. 5-20s, lsti, li:itj?;il3i; do., 1804, llojrallOJ; do., 18'i6, HlJ UllU; do. Julv, 1865, I08j(?il08i; do. Jul v, 17, 108,108' 1808, K)8J(Jilo8i; .Is, 10-40s, 107 1074: U. 8. 7-30s, 2d series, 108108,1; 3d serup, 108A108J ; conipouud Interest Motes, Do ten ber, D-64, 119; fllay, 1865, 119: August, 1p5, 118!r7,118j; September, 1!65, 1181184; October, 1805, 1 171 17 j. Oold, 14t)140. 1'Jic Sow York Money Market. From the JV. Y. Tribune of to-day. 'Money coot Iiiiiks In (IrqiuiuI at 4(j:S percent. A )rnu Lumber or Inuiis were luurkud up to 6 per cent to day mid no lie InHlmts is uuim at less ruieH ou uiitK'eihineotis securities, lieulera In OovernumuLi coiilliiue I n 1 1 ' i-upplied. ut 4 I it ( cut. "A clever forn rv was discovered n Fort Wayne ceri 'fiemeti yemerduy. A jiersou who nas beeu an ou sloe oprratnr on tne tirrel 101 Home time ordered the purci'are or li'ty Hhurrs of stuck Hi ouxli a liUnly re picltthle II r in o uint-cled wltn the Mew York sto : t xeliHDKe r queiuiu); ibein 10 have U iraQB'arr. d into 11. la ul live sharei eu h. and cenill huh made out In tlielr l.uuie. aa liesu'd be s'ouk wus purchased lor a 111 11 ber ol persons uiul be deslrrd 10 deliver It In the I nuie ol a well-known untile. 'I'll eeitlh be c-rtllt-cau h have appenrid at 1I14 trnuifer otllce alcered to lui' i-lu res each, and are so cleverly done luui Uiey w.iiiUl deceive aiy one lull an expert, and there is but little doubt bin that the oilier eveuwlii appear lieloie lontr, 'Ihe Ban. nurtv ulw purchiim-d 100 Hhuresf t l leveland and l'lunhuric thi'nin;h anutlur hi line, o rtei Inn ct rilllctex lu len aliare lotH, In ih-lr name, I'p to Ihe pte-e.ii 'uouienl no curilllu'le bearing tha nnmwrn 011 the c-rilllcaei ttrnlHred have b eu preaeutoi ai lUe Uaisier uillce of lUnt louipany." From the N. Y, Times of to dny, "Tbe pollil'al excitenifnt on the Ureal cilml nuieu about noon yesterday lu the an iininc'-ineiit Ironi Tammany Itab that Ml, (Seymour la tne jiruocra'lc randkaie fo- the Presidency. Trie public Mads of ibn U 11 1 el tstuter, which had pievloimly shown fcome firmness, made a fur Iher advant e after the nomluallon, 1 ol, per haps, Si much bfleauia of tne nine aid anie c ileut of tue cndldale as be 'ause o' toe seitle nient of the question and the ei.rly adjournment of the t'onvemloe. The whole subject will probably cense 10 further the market, one wav or the other, before the prmient week clones. The other de partment of the Block Kxcbaige, wulch opened dull, ah-o improved alier one o'clock and the Oold Uiinu relnpsid Into a c..mpr(lvely dull feelluif, at Itn'i per cent. The expnil of Hpeoie by ihe ttmiitiainptiiii nnd llremen steamer 10 dv aunuuts to f:t80 u u At the cln-IPK Hoard of the fxchaiiKe the traiiHactliiim In Hulled hlales 5-KU were qulle heavy at the recovery in prices, and the speculation lu nearly all descrip tions left oil strung." Philadelphia Trade Report. I'kidav, July 10 The Flour Market Is with out Improvement, and only a few hundred bar rels were taken In lots by Ihe home consumers at t7'50' 8 25iorBuperfloe,8 509 25for extrajW 50 (all 25 for spring wbeatextra family, the latter rate for oholce Minnesota, fl0ll75 for I'enn rylvania and Ohio do, do., and $120)11 forfanoy branda, according 10 qualltv. Rye Bolls at 19 4 9-25 "t barrel. JNoIIiihk uoluir in I'oru Meal. Tbtrc is a firm feellnj; In lli Wheat market, and tbedtinand Is entirely for prime lota, wuiou su e In suiaii supply, bmali iv4 wf rd at I i 3 J H2-4n. Rye Is worth SI 80H hnnbel. Cornlas'd fit nnv at the recent advance, sulen of . yellow at II 18, and Western mixed at SI l.ViM loS O are sleadv, with sales rr l'ennnvlvaula at 861 KHc.. and Hontliem at MliMo. Mothlnu doinjj in Jiariey or rnait. HmH Cloveraeed Is selling at S7a.7 -50 01 lb T mothy la nominal. Flaxseed Is takeu by lb cro. bora at Si OortrS'TO. Wv li-ay 1'rlces are nominal. LATEST SllllTlKH INTELLIGENCE. additional Marine Nervt tee Inside Pntte. POlt'l-UJT M 1 LA UKLf H 1 A. ..JULV IV. STATB Or THJCBMOMRTRa T IBM KVK.VI-lu TMLH- bKAi'H omen. 7 A. M .77111 A. M KU2 P. M Si CLKARKD TH Id MOHrlM. Br'gAnnaM. Vouuu Murrell. eiiptttn. Wr kiuin.tCc. fcclir M. K. LUiritsie. fuller, fail itive?, iJiiier,tKic. lny A Wellington, bchr Julin c. Henry, Mlks, Lynn, do, eci.r W. 1. Cargbi, Keiiy, K. Cauibr d IV, Jlauimitt A ell. f chr It. 4 S. Cnrsi-n Onrsori Ttoston, do. l-rtir W. Wl ace, Hcull. Uus'nti, HuiQictomn .t tin. fc hr ni en heppller, McKadden, Waihiiiuai, Day n, i'Mlei, d) Co. l-clir Kivie liavls. Johnson, Boston, Qulnrard, Ward A U. i-ti,r M fitio'g. Ilrown. Providence. Jolnllnnmsl jr, bchrl.A I'.enleil, ikluAlluueu, Ueocgeluwu, O.U- veil, Uurcnii A (Ju. Hchr 1 cen 'I rveilt-r Adams, Bostnn. dn, frciir V. hurriii, mover, l'rovidnu o, i) aklstou.ti.aelT A CO. Kent it Ktitght Ttnrttett, Ttnston. d . N lirA hariieit. Harne t, B isutn Bott.Wllir Ca. r-( hr I p m l In but. (iiii Kin Bealou, do, t-ciir K. I . dales. Freeman, Buniun. da, hctir J V. I'aiierson 1 orHon, Sjiikih ao. rlir V. Hliarp. -burp. Bunioii, Kurd Kil!erAMltini Kclir M. A nrsori. Brnwvr, Hindoo. u.i. bclir K. J Hermy. Mereinm B ihioii. O -o. S.Kaoiiller. i-i'iir Il.M. Binnks. I ore, K 1 nin bridge, do, helir M. J'. biniens. tiHiniy, Uoston, i , echr B.boeimKD, Kobluson, Jacksonville, N. j H. Crio-key A Co. I cnr M. V. Ireland, Ireland, Boston, Aadourled, Nor- 11 n 1 1 1). B h- Kanklln. Hharp. MIMvllle. Whl'all. Tntuti AO? Kl'r Ann Kbza, ItlcbardH, New York, W, P. Clyde ACo' 1 uk Tni'R. JelU rson. Ai en. lor Balilmore, wui, a ., l bBrpr. W. P. ydeA Co. , "w 1 ui l h. supeak n. Meisnon. lor Baltimore, with a low ol barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. AWIVKD THH MORNINCJ. f-teaniHlilp Whirlwind, nei r, 8 Uows Ironi Provi deuce wuh nidne. to 1). fi. eiietauu A Co, t-rhr M. H. I'nri.nie. Potier, from BoHtna. t-elir P. A 8 CiirHiiu, V irHon. liom Hhsioq. (- lir Kiv.e Iikvih. Johiisou, from B ision, heli r B. Wbeeier Llnyd, from Bus'on, hehr A Knrihli, Banleii, Irem Bi.ainn. fccbr V. Ki arp, sharp, from Huston. r( hr K. J lleioiy, Meredeh. Irnru BohioQ. i-rbr M. K. e.n nns. Uniiiiy. irniu Mom oii. helir rt A I'. Cnrsnii, Brnwer, Ironi Him on. Kchr Lewis Cheier Uookln, f rniu Boston. t-chrlfve Williams, rrnm aiilivine. tchr W 1) Ckibiii, Kelly, trotn New York. rci.r Ida V. Mccahn, Buker. trnm Derby, rchr W. Wallace. Bcull. from Olonopaiei-. l-chr Agnes Heppiler. McFadden irum NawTTaveti. Hch r I. A. Benueit. Mc Muid n, from New llaveu. h nr llei j nlronii Brown, rrnm Providence, t'chr Kevenue Uaniiy. fmrn Providence. Kchr F. Burrelt, Olover. Irani Providence. t-chr M. KnlKlil Bartieit, rrum Provldeuce. Kl lir II, 1.. H aghl, Wlllell", liom Htmoi, Helir MurieiiH Hnun, Hrooks from Kali Hlver. fclir I.. A. Danenbowe-, Shenpard. Irnm NupiniPt. pM-nr H. is. Hroi kH i.iivm. irnm Kasi ('Ainnridge. r-ctir Orean Trave ler, Adsms. Irom Salem. i-chr J. C fjei.ry IibkP, Irom Lynn. Slenmer J. H. tihrlver, liennls, labours from Balti more. Willi nirtt-e. to A. Groves. Jr. t-lean'er Che"er. Jones. '.'4 hours from New York, wlih nulse. ro W. 1. Clyde & Co. Tug 1 hoi. Jefl'e'M.n, Allen, irom Baltimore with a tow ol hart eR to W. P. Clyde A Co. Tng Chesapetiltp. Mernhon. (mm Baltimore, with a tow tt barges to W. P, Clyde Co. BELOW. A Isrge aqunrp.rlcged vessel and twn harm brigs sinnrtliiK ui. were ct) ibeCape ol the Ii-la ware yes lerdiy morning. Big Mooiillght, rrom Cardenas ( Bssen hi he Capes ypsierdav morning off the Buny on the Micella, hcnr Mabel Hah, Irom Mayaviiez: at Hon hsy IIih k, lrlv Tuomas Waller, rrom Car.leniti; aihenly I'm 1 1. a Brit'Rh fchooner. unknown. Ke porter) hv M r. Slis. pilot ol sieamBlilu Saxmi, At Breekwnter yesterday moruliij;, brig Dora, from lllo Janeiro Via rit. Thomas. (Bv Atlantic Onblr,.) Popthampton July ill Toe sieamsbtp Holsatta. Irnm New York June SO. arrived at ) mis morula Ui'rKNMi'WN Jui IU The HieBiufiiln luftsltt.lroui Kew Yuik on tbe 1st Inst., arrived to day. SPECIAL NOTICES. Ftr (uUlitimial K)rr,ial Kotiee irr the Inside Paw. SIC TRANSIT. THE SICKB-T TRAM sit ae know of Is a iranslliou Irom Pjaion's Dew pi rltin e, 'Flor de Mayo," 10 any of the wou id-he rlvas of that rrlreshl g and eniranclng ;pnuiue Tlie only n erli tney possess is that ihe'r elll lviuui quickly ludeK; ou the other bard, the fragrance or 11 e great natlouai perfume Is luellaceable. Sold by a 1 diuyg sis. WKKJlirS ALCONA TED GLYCERIN Tablet ul Solidified Ulycerlu tends to preserve tbe skin Irom dryness aud wrinkles, imparts a won derful degree of softness aud delicacy to the com plexion, aud whiteness to tne skiu: Is an excellent dentifrice, giateiul to the taste and tonic to the mouib and gums ; Imparts sweetness to the breilh, and render) the teeth beautifully white. For sole by nil druitgiBts. K. A U. A. WK1UUT, Mo. 64 CH FblUT Street. Sjl 17" OFFICE OF THE SECOND AND SJ THlhllB'lKKHT PA&HKNOKR KAlLWAY COilPANi , No. 21M KKANK FOItU ItOAlJ, l'HILlDICI.I'HIA. July S, 1HI1B. The Biard of Directum have this day declared a dlvl md ilTWO PKK C'F.N . on the cipltal ai ick, payable en and after the ISth Ins1 ant clear of lax, in which date ih Irsna'er bonks w 111 ho cloned, 786 K M f'I't'll KLL ( X) II NKLL. Treasurer, trT OFFTCK OF THE FAMS INSURANCE COM PA A Y, WV 4iCHK'NUT Street Phii.aoki.phi Jji 6, ISRS. The Board of rirocti rs have this day declared a Dividend of THHkK PKlt CEN 1'., payable un de mand, clear of all tuxes. WILLIAMS I. BLANCH Alt D, 7 6 fit Bm-retary. frTJ THE ENTERPRISE INSURANCE a-? COMPANY OK 1"H 1 1, DKtPalA.-OJi :e. No. 400 WA LN UT Street, J ULY , IHiiS. Tlie Directors have tills day declared a Divliend of 1 tH K PKK CKNT. nn the Capital H ock of tlin Couipary fur the last six months payable ou deinaud tree of all taxes. 7 12t ALEXANDFIt W. WINTER. See'y. RARE MANUFACTURED IS FINE Cotifectluns, for Tourists and for the Sea side. SJ1KPHE.N F. WHITMAN, 7 3 1mlp No. 1210 MAliKUT (Street. FINANCIAL. BUY COUrONS OF GOVERNMENT BONDS AT SAME PEICK AS GOLD. A (JEMS FOR THE SALE OE THE POl'U LAH LOAS Central and Union Pacific Rail road First Mortgage Bonds. rrinciiml nuil Interest 1'ayuMe iu Gold. OUFON8 OF 1I1E;K BONDS CACHED AT OUR OFFICE. Dealers in all Government Securities. SMITH, HAND 0 Ll'l I & CO., No. 16 South THIRD Street, 710 PHILADELPHIA. IN TUE OKPIIANS' COURT FOR TUE CITY ANU COUNTY OP PHILADELPHIA. Ksialeot DA NIK I, PUItl'KK. de.eaa-d. The Audlu r appointed by the Court to audit, settle, anil adjust 111 account ul J A MK3 11 K A and O hHJKUK I'OW l,l Kxfcul' m ul Ihe lam will aud it-siameui of DANIEL PO KT K K d-Cosi'd. and lo r-pnn dWirl butlou of the balance lu Ihe hands ol the accountant, will meet the panls tn'ert-sb'd, fur the purpose or bis npiHilnluienl. on TUESDAY, July 21, A. D. ins, at lev 11 1 II) o'clock A. M. at his ulllce, No. 4ul WAL N UT Btreet, lu tbe city of Plntadeinhia, WILLIAM D. BAK'H, 7IOfmw51 Auditor. PATEN T K I) ,-l'ANTS SCOURED AND TK !"'' ! fr-m I 5 M-ia Frr-ncn tHrtaru Dyelnf and tKourlnz, Nj, 2o9 &, CLOTHING. SING To tJie good old tnnc of "Yankec-DootUc." Chief Jostle Chasa Has lost tbe race Jnjt now, for Domination; Atd Pendleton Did not cet on Tew aid rrraldentlal station Some folk! than thought That Banoooc oucbt Or votes ta havsa gy show; But voting slim, Tbty soon dropped him, At 6 Hied upon Horatio. 80 we declare, 8'rmour and Blair nave got the rooilra ion Now de'rgatesl Good clotaing wait For your examination I CHORUH, to bo sang wl h earn erse. We I ny nurrlntre at tbeORIC VT BSOWX HALL! ;uhes tor oil tie Matron! TheJiouWN hIonk HAM. makes clothei fjr allf 1 be bt-at In alt creation ! I After sirring this elenant song, comeatomr. one ad 'I. lu our Bit BROW. H ALU aud we will Ut you tut wlin msgnlaceut New Clothes. THE VICKY BUST CLOTH EH 't THK VKItY LOWFMT PKlCrH! ROCKHJLL & WILSON, Kes. 603 and (505 C11ES3UT STREET, l'8mP PHILADELPHIA. FRANK G R A H E L L O, TAILOR, No. 921 CHESNUT STREET, (PKNN MUTUAL BU:LDIMQ3), HAVING 8ECUUKD THE SKItVICKS OF TU FOLLOWING KM INK NT AHTLiTsJ, JOSEl'II TACKET, on touts, EIINEST L. MUELLER, on Punts and Vests, KNTIBE SATIPFACTION A3 TO STYLK AND FIT IH FULLY (U'AKAN'KKI). MJITU MADK IO OHUKH IN TWKNIY-FOUR HOLIlS' NOITCE 618 8ra WINES, ETC. QWARLES BOTTLER'S IMPERIAL SPARKLING CATAWBA. AGENI8, H. & A. C. VAN BEIL, No. I3IO CHESNUT Street, SISfmwSmcp PHILADELPHIA. TO RENT. R RENT, FBESllSES No- H9 CIIESSUT St., FOB STORE OR OFFICE. ALBO, OFFICES AND LAtttJE ROOMS suitabl for a Cummerclal Co'lage. In JU f 6 24tf BANK F THE REPUBLIO. PIANOS. STFCK & CO.'S, AND IIAINKS i f I BItli lllKHH1 PlANOd, and MaoOJ A MJUIN'H CAiH-NKT OHUANH, J, e. uouiiU H New Htore. 17 8m No. za OHEMIXDT wtraot. ffiyfi ALBUECHT, RIEKE3 & SCHMIDT, MAMDjraCTOBKBa 0 FIEST-CLASS PIANO-FOBTI3 J, Full guarantee, and moderate prices. Wtrwoorm, Mo. 010 AUCII Strc, 14m4p PHILADCL.PKI4. SOAP. QUEKN OP ENGLAND SOAP QU KEN lF ENGLAND SUA P. UUKKN OF KNULANU 8UAP. For doing a lamlly washing lu tne Deal and chnin. en manner. Guaranteed iquai lo any in tne wi rhll Has all the strenmb of theold rosin soap wlib the mild ana lathering qnallnes of Kenulna Castile. Try IhisFplMidid rtnap. SOlI) BY THE ALDtN CHEMICAL WIIHKH, NO. 48 NORTH FRONT BT.. PHILADELPHIA. ti ill J utp HATS AND CAPS. S JONES, TKMHLB & CO., FASHIONABLE HATTERS, No. li& B. NINTH Street, First door above Chesnut street. J eWAIlBURTON'8 IMPROVED VENTI lated.rnd eany tlitlng Dreus Hals (patented), la all the Improved fashions of tbe seajou. CH KB. MOT Btreet. next dour to the Post Oflloe. 11 It) J(.p PARASOLS. tPAKASOI AT $1, $1'25; LINED, $1-60, i Bilk Bun Umbrellas. SI, l 23, aud upwards. At DIXON'B, No. 21 B. EIGHTH Btreet 1 2ra p E A Dl READ! Sporting1 Goods at a liargain. The attention of the trade and publio is called to the large assortment of Gnus, Fishing Tackle, and other Sporting Goods, AT NO. 4011 CH KSH ITT NEBEET, Which la being sold at very low rates to close bul nets. Bargains lu flue Guns, Fiablng Rods. Base Ball and Cricket Implements can be bad, and tbe op portunity should not be lost. Call at once, and be sat'slied as 19 our very low rates. C. B. WETCOTT. ftJATATORIUM AND PlIYttlCAli INMTITCTE, 1IBOAD TBEET, BELOW WALNUT, SWIMMING DKPAUTMEJir. The only Bammer resort la onr city, where people take coiiiiortln lbs ho.test days, Is Ihe NATATO. KIUW. Peason HwlBimlnn Tickets, and Bfasou In struction Tickets, seid aow with a aaduutiuu ol K per COOU t'.if SUMMER RESOR TS. gUMMER BE8l',1RT,, OU LINE OP FTTILADET.HTIA AND RAITO RAILROAD AND KKANCH K8. MANSION DOUSE, MT. C ARB O Iff Mrs, Caroline Wnndrr, Pottsvllle P. O., SchayttSi TU&CARORA HOTEL, Mra. M. U MUler, Trmcarora F. O., BohnylkSl O Mansion house, W. F. Bmlth, Mabanoy dtf P. O., BehuyltfU Otr WHITE HOUSE, ANDALUSIA, A.Mo.Rein .,.- Henry Weaver, Rdrf P. O LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. Smith, Wernersvllle P. O.. Bocbs OO, COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, U.anon Co., Chap. Kodearmel, Box 1(0, UarrUburg P. O, B 0 JERTO WN SEMINA R Tr . - U Ml KoonB. Boyertown P. O., Berks Oo, LITIZ SPRINGS, eorge T. Orldor, Litis P. 0 l,anohstr Oo, PERKWMKN BRIDGE HOTEL, Davis Longakcr, Freeiaud P. O., Montfomery On. PROSPECT TERRACE; I4ri,n.HeS Preeland P. O., M(?ntir"mry wuuty- ttm J.J Y C E H I A HOUSE, tOLIINV BEACH, DIUW4RR, Is nwoppn for the rceentliin of gussip. This fsre rite pi c- of resort Is bemitlmlly si nated at a potnt on tbeDHawar' Un-rsfiw mil. s from theCap'S. It basabeantllullawn lu Ironi, well anat.ed.gooa s water baminr, sslllug, eta Take steaaer I'erry Arch street whaif. 7 10 lm FRANK CO LLJMH, Proprietor.. Post f nic address. Di.kvnevllle, Del. CAlKILL HOUSE, This favorite SUMMER RESORT, situated on the CAIVEILL MOUNTAINS. Stale of New YorK.and cimniatdlng iheOneat view In Amtrlca, having been recently unUrged, will be opon from JUN 10 to OCTOBER 1. Terms, $450 nor day, or SKW-OO ppp week. S ages connect at Caukbl ltb all of the Hudson Kailr. ad trains, and the day boata Irom New Also wlin tbe steamboats Thomas Powatl and New Champion, leaving Plir foot of FRANELIN r-trtet, fit-w Yoik. daily, at 5 P. M Paturdays at P.M. 6 9 2mJ CHAKLE3 L BUACH. Proprietor. JJXCIIANOD HOTEL HUNTINGDON, PENNSYLVANIA. This o'd establishment, having been: leased by S JJORRIHIN. former proprietor of the Morrison llonse, b..s bun tuiiie'y RKMCDKLED AND RttFORNIBHED, and supplied with all the modern Impmvementa andi ccnvenlences ntcessary to a first-clas, Hotel. The dining room bas been removed to ihefl-s'flr anu 1. now suauluus and airy, and the ohamhers are all well ventilated, and the proprietor will endeavor to make his gutwta perlecily at home. I'asnengers for Jledf. rd Hprtiifts wtU find this the musr desirable Btipplng-place In Huutlngdoa. Addieoa J, MORRISON. Exchango Hotel, Huntingdon. 7 1 wfm2w JJOLUJIBIA HOUSE, CAPE MAY, TIIK COLUMBIA IIOU3C, At Cap Istamd.Sr. J., was opened on the 2",th of June. Bituaied but a few rods irom the bench, with three huDdted good bthlng rooms standing directly At the surf, and with fii.e shade trees upon the lawn, this bouse must surpass any other at the Capes, as well for Its outBlde attractions aud conveniences as for Us ex tensive and well regulated Interior. Tbe COLUMBIA has long been sustained by a sab. stantlal and select patronage from all parte of the country, and Its appointments may be depended upon as strictly flrst claaa. For rooms, etc., address CKOUIiil J. UOLTON. Proprietor, CAPE ISLAND, N. J IIOLTDN'N HOTEL, OlJfmwtf HAKUI8BRO. Pa. 3 U R F HOUSE. Allantlc City, Jfew Jersey. 1HIS FIRST-CLASB HOTEL will open for tha season on 25th JUNE. Terms, ls'60 per day, or Uo per week. Address K. F. THO.Ml'SON, Proprietor, Formerly of Congress Ball, Cape bland. N. B -The music will be under the direction of Mr CARL BENTZ 15 Bit JJNITED STATES UOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, B. J W lllbe opened for the reception of guests on NATI'KD.lf ( JUNK 87. Mux under the diiection of Simon Hauler Persons wiablug to engage rooms can do so by ap plying to BROWN U WOELPPER, Proprietoru, ATLANT O CITY, or 2 fm No. Kit RICHMOND Street. LIGHT-HOUSE COTTAGE. ATLANTIC CITY, W.J. This well-known house has been REMOVED, RIB MODKLEO, and very much ENLaR JED. with com moulouH and comfortable rooms. Locaitd tie wien Uuhed Slates Hotel and tha beach. The grounds surrounding are steely eucloaed and well shaded, (lu sis ler tbe bouse will leave tbe car. Hotel. NO bar. 6 121m JoN a H WOITTON, Proprietor. PHILADELl'IlIA HOUSE, CAPE 1BLAND, N. J.. Is now open for the bummer season. Fami lies desiring a quiet home at tue sea shore at a mode rate price, will call on or address K. GRIFFITH. No. lijU4lHriNUTBiieet. Atiaclud to tbe esiahllHliraent Is a line of coaches, lor the accumniodallou of it nests. 81 lm milE TEFAION'T HOUSE, CAPK MAY, WILL, J beipeuedou aud alter ihe iouriuot July, for tbe seanon. Terma-i2 50 per day, or lis per week. HUMPHREY HUQHE3, 6 231m Proprietory FLAGS, BANNERS, ETC. 1868. PRESIDENTIAL CONTEST. FLAUS, HAXNEHS, TRANSrAKECIES, AXU LA-NTEIWS, Campaigu Hadges, Medals, and ring, OF BOTH CANDIDATES. Ten different styles sent on receipt ol On. Dollar and 1'lliy Cent. Agents wanted everywhere. Flags In Muslin, Bunting, and Bilk, all sizes, whole sale and retail. Political Clubs fitted out with everything they may require. CALL OS OR ADDRESS W. F. SCHCIDLE, No. 49 SOUTH THIKW STREET, tifltfrp PHILADELPHIA. ROD(JERS' AND WOSTENHOI.M'3 POCKKT K.NI VKH, Pearl and Stag Handles, of beauiirul linuih. 1 to 1X1 KIW aud WADE A BUTCH KIl'H R4 .OftH, and ihe oelebrated LEOOULTiUli UAZOU bClSHURB ol the flueal quality. Famr, Knlva. Hola-or and Tahla Ontlarv Omnnd! and Pollaied. a. k. -a.tiuLitA'tt, No, 111 bt tttf. Bueet, trolww Cbesuuls fcAui