6 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JULY 7, 18G8. kigilt kami;i.t:s in PAK1S. JI. Thi Clto Tourlir-Cbrt DMW. The "Cite Touruier,"asit ia magniloijueriUy lyled, occupies a loug, narrow strip of ground in the Ruede Haudriucourt, au l cousins of a row of seventeen Luts, each comprising a sin 5I0 apartment, with a small square patch of earth in front of it. These are M. Tournier's chi'iteaux and parks, as he ealls them. At the cite- gates are three or four chiffonuiers, male and female, all with lighted pipes in their mouths, lanterns and books in their haurta, and their baskets, which they jocosely style "cabriolets" or "cachemires d'osier," accord ing as the bearers of thetn belong to the mas culine or feminine gender, already BWUng on their backs, about to sally forth on their nightly rounds. These are the early birds of the HtC, for most of its inhabitants are still Fnoring on their uncleau couches, sleeping oil the eflects of the day's customary debauch. M. Tournier first does the honor of his ovn chateau, formed of two of these huts thrown into one. lie is careful to iuforui us that the iron railings before the windows were not put up, as we might imagine, as a protection against dishonest characters, for there are none in the cite; but to keep bis female tenauts at a respectful distance. "The womn, you fi'je," Le rciuaiks, "all run aftr a line-looking man like ine, so that I am oblig"l to adopt HlL-iut lueans to keep them oil." Monsieur Tournier lias his name inscribed upon his door iu capital letters and at full length. Enter ing the first of the two rooms, M. Tour jiier apologizes for its beiug somewhat ia dis order. "1 was at a ail" a chill'mnier's, of course "last night," observes he, "and got lip late to-day, and my servant has not yet arranged my salon." The room, we notice, is Very well lumished, and is huug roun I with engravings of incidents iu the story of "Abe lard and lleloise," to which he d'reets our in tention with the air of a man well veraed iu the details of the subject, and several portaits tf the family Tournier, with, of course, the pilt clock and candlesticks on the ui iutlepi.;e. Conducting us to the next ajurtm'tit, he iu troduces us to his daughter, stauding b-jiie a cradle with a baby iu it; which bi n- a most untidy chil'onnier, whom Tournier styles his Valet de chaiubre, is engaged iu rokiuj to sleep. V'e now iroceed next door; anl as Tournijr throws open the gate, be points out to tvi the neglected state of the "pailc" in front. "The man win lives here," remarks he, "has no taste for the beauties of nature; he Las room enough to plant almost au avenue of trees, and some lilac-bushes aul Other llovveiing shrubs, and could grow climbing roses and scarlet runners all over these railings, an l yet Le) does not cultivate so much as a blade of grass." Tournier knocks at the door, but there is no response; lie de mands (if the occupants if they ;u- in t . b it there is still no aiinwer; he shouts to hve tlie door opened, which brings forth the rejoin ler, "Va-t-eli au diable. !" which is too much for M. Tournier. lie goes to the window aud ilings it wide open, then strikes a hi:ilW' . match, and calls to us to look at the kiu I of den into which these people htvt converted One of his most eleg uit cli. ' -aux. It is a repe tition of what we h ive ahva ly witnessed rags, Jefuse, and dirt generally, without a single arti cle of furniture, not even a broken clj;t'r or table; a man aud woman, who grumble lou.lly at their privacy beiu;; intruded on, lie on a heap of rags at one end of the room, a couple of miserable-looking children sleep among th j tones aud bottle3 at the other. Alter a ui uute or two the window is closed agaiu, aul we proceed to the next "chateau," which turns out to be a slight improvement on the oue we have just quitted. It is tenanted by a thick set young mau, with long matted hair, Btranger alike to brush and comb, and au oil Woman his mother, evidently whose sharp, hony features, and dark brown skin, cause her face to look like a piece of mahogauy carviug. They are supping or breakfasting together oil a hot mess of meat aud vegetables, au l rise up at our entrance, for the room can bo ist of a wooden bench aud a couple of rickety stools. The lloor is strewn with the same motley collection of rags, bones, old iron, glass, au I crockery, aud the "cabriolet" and "cichj Jiiire d'osier," with the hooks aud lanterns, are placed in readiness for use. Another hovel we entered was teuanted by a chif fonuier, whom M. Tournier described as hi Jack cf-all-trades his uiasou, carpenter, painter, glazier, etc. possibly some once Well-to-do handicraftsman fallen in'.o cUill'm nier condition through drink. He and his wife were about to sally forth on tiioir nightly Wanderings, lie had his "cabriolet" alrea iy on his back, aud she was busily engaged trimming the lanterns. Directly hu caught Sight of us he pulled oil' his cap and bowed, and seizing hold of some tattered garments hungup to dry, which dangled against our heads, Hung them into a corner of the room, tire walls of which, by the way, were huug round with prints, plaster bas-reliefs, ant Other artistic waifs reserved from his pickings as a chifl'ounier. The rent of oue of M. Tour nier's chateaux, he informed us, was teu francs a mouth, payable weekly aud iu ad vance, in dread ot certain immediate ejectment in case of default. By this time several other inhabitants of the cite, who had turned out to proceed ou their nightly rounds, had gathered around us; aud we sallied forth from the cite Tournier with a perfect tribe at our heels. Our guides sug gested the proper thing to do would be to iu Vite them to the cabaret opposite, which ac cordingly was done. Here we ordered half a dozen bottles of "bon Bordeaux," though from what we afterwards learnt of the h tints f their class they would no doubt have pre ferred "gouttes" of "casse poitriue," brandy Seasoned with Cayenne pepp -r. We now drove to the ltue National, by far the worst among the prim ipal streets of the quarter. It abounds with low wine 6hops, aud bristles with soldiers and policemen. For the accommodation of the former there is a guard-house, with a sentry always pacing up and down, and several soldiers lounging in front. Making our way with difficulty through a crowd of half-drunken men aud women, we enter a low cabaret, called the "Brasserie Alsacienue," where we pay five sous each at a small pigeon-hole, and receive tickets good for that amouut of drink, aud admitting us to the ball-room, a low dingy apartment in the rear, with an orches tra of live performers, all verging toward in toxication, and all in their shirt-sleeves. The propriety of racing the orchestra several feet from the ground has obliged the proprietor to make au opening in the low ceiling of the tall-room for the hea ls of the mnsioians, which in consequence are up on the lirst lloor while their leg rest below, Some twenty or thirty couples are dancing, and as many more are seated at narrow wooden tables, smoking and drinking. The men are nearly all youu" and their partners are for the most part girts who have about them a certain slovaliuesa not common to French girls even of the very poorest class. Ou remarking upon this, our guides explain Jhat the company are almost xclu8ivelv Alsaciana, employed in the neigh loring fugar factories; aud that this particu lar cabaret, where, as may be supposed, beer is tbe staple drink, is their favorite haunt. The din is something fearful, and "rows" an continually occurring, spite of the customary ieuile of (soldiers pvotvi at placed of tkiu de scription to preserve order. One of the police agents pointed out to na a brutal-looking young fellow who had recently undergone six months' imprisonment for biting one of the soldiers on duty here iu a savage manner holding on with hia teeth with such tenacity that they were obliged to heat him over the head with their scabbards to force him to re linquish, his hold. At the same moment a dispute arose between a couple of mn, who, after expending all the expletives they were acquainted with, fell to blows, and then drew their knive3, and thereupon were imme diately ejected into the street by the guard. They were quickly followed by several of their partisans, and ere long the melee linoame general. In another instant blood would have been drawn, but a couple of sergeuts-do-ville make their appearance. Instantly .voices are subdued, and knives concealed; for every man among the crowd knows that in a couplo of minutes, if necessary, a picket of soldiers would be on the spot to march them all off to the neighboring guard-house, where the pun ishment would be something severer than a fine of five shillings. The Imperial Govern ment represses with a strong hand anything in the fhape of a street disturbance. Nearly opposite the Alsatian Sugar-bakers' Hall is the Lall-room of the Auveignais, or l'lu li urs di'iu the water-f ain't rs of Paris. The entrance to the ball-room is through a low, dirty wine-shop, witu a counter at one Hide, and a kitchen railed oil' at the other, where red herrings and o'.her daiuties are temptingly displayed, and ngainst the vr-tll; of which a number of rabbit-skius are hangiug fust, as a soit of guarantee of the nature of the viands vended at the establishment; and secondly, in the hope of inducing some specu lative customer to make a bid for them. Tui laudlord is engaged iu serving out drams as fast as he an lor the company in the ball-room, which is of theverywor.it description. Tim men are n Umi-e .wr, or grimy shirt-sleeves, while such of the women as do not wear white caps have their heads bound up with spotted red or yellow handkerchiefs. I'erched up in a little iaile.1 pulpit, with a couple of dingy toy trico'or ll.sgs waving over his bend, is a stout, red fa -ed musician pump ing with more thau Gaelic energy at a bag pipe, avid giving time to the tkuce with his heavy wooden sabots. The dancers dance with diabolic fury, but still with elephantine move ments, raisij g their feet as though they were shod with lead. This was not meiely the case w ith the Auvergnats, who duu:ed iu sabots, which, of course, have neither the lightues-, the llexibility, nor the noi lelessuess of t'.ie dancing-pump, but was comoion to the entire company, male and female alike. Tinned up against the wall ot the ball-room, I noticed a copy of the Auvert:nat newspaper, a small fcheet started Vy three or four Parlsiau jour nalists, natives of Auvergne, no doubt, anl rot; 1 cf being thought m: lor they sauuter along the Boulevards in hi is like tho.,e inva riably worn by the IV.ris p.irteurs d'eau. The.-e water-carriers are not so clean as their constant contact with the puri'ving element ought to make them. It is commonly under stood that one cannot touch pitch without beiug deliled; Anverpiats cannot toit'li even water without a similar result apparently. l-'iom the A uvernats' ball we strolled up a dark avenue into Mere Maiiie's establishment, famed, as the iusciiptiou over the gateway in forms us, for its "bonne gallette," aud its "iapin saue," where such of the surrounding population as are not addicted to dancing coii'Uiouly resort on summer evenings. All that we could make out by the dim light of a few oil lamps was a good sized cabaret stand ing in a large garden shaded with tall trees, and crowded with tables aud hunches sufficient to accommodate several hundred persous. Here the woikmau and the chitl'onnier, wh ) cares not for a solitary debauch, repairs in company with his wife aud family, to take his "cinquii-me" of coarse wiue, or his "goutte" of brandy, or his "gloria at three sous," while his dirty, happy little children scramble over the tables au I benches, munching their "galettes." Finding this phase of domestic felicity rather tedious, we drive oil to the "Cite Dure;" not the "golden city," lor it has uothing golden about it except its name, which is tuat of its pro prietor (an analytical and manufacturing chemist of some repute), but rather the city ot misery. The origin of Cite Doie the mo-it notorious chillYmuiers' hauut iu all l'aris is somewhat curious. It occupies a loug, narrow Strip of ground which formed part of the domain of the old chateau of B-llevue, con verted mauy years since into an English brewery, of which a certain admiral of the Ked was proprietor. The enterprise failed, everything was sold off, aud M. Uorc became the owner of the ground, a portion of which he desired either to sell or to let on build ing leases. Oue day, to his surprise, a chitTonnier called on him, basket ou back and hock iu hand, aud iulormed him that he desired to rent a piece of his land. Ou being asked for what purpose, he replied to build a country house for his wife and family. The interview ended in a lease beiug drawn up for so many Equare yards of grouud at about 4'A. per yard per annum. M. Dore's chilfou nier was laborious, intelligent, aud courageous. At daybreak next day he and his numerous family were at work. They dug out the foundations- of the house, and at teu sous the cartload purchased any quan tity ot materials from the demolitions going forward uuder the auspices of the prefect of the Seiue. With this material they commenced to build; but all their skill and labor could not keep pace with the intense anxiety they felt to occupy the house; so, without wailing to construct it after any regu lar fashion, they put up tbe outer walls in the best way they could, threw a piece of tarpaul iug over the top, coverered this with earth iu which the sowed msturtiums and convolvuli, aud so male a flower-garden ou the roof. Their fiiends tune to visit them; and as cUii fonniers like to heard together, aud there is much in the force of example, the whole of M. Hole's laud was rented, and a cite, such as it is, suddenly appeared there. On the side of the Boulevard d'ltalie the Cite Pore is bounded by a belt of low Cabarets, at which a fiery kind of brand, known as "cam phre," or, when duly seasoned with cayenne pepper, aa "casse poitriue," is the staple drink. There are at least twenty of these driukiug shrps to one baker's. At this hour, however, the guests are tar from numerous, as it is the rule of the chiffonnier to work by night; it is by day that he gets drunk. The proprietor of one of the cabarets jocosely notifies iu large let ters over Us doorway that "Eutrance is free." Another exhibits a comical picture of a pig in his window, with an inscription Retting forth that "pork can be had at all hour," in proof of which "here is the pig." The cite can be entered on the side of the boulevard up seve ral daik, narrow passages conducting to flights of break-neck steps." Voila la Chaus fee d'Antin et les boulevards," exulaimed a chiffonnier to us, as with heavily laden basket on Lis back he made the ascent. We did not think it prudent to follow him, for these pas sages have an infamous reputation. Accord ing to our guides, even the policemen on the neighboring beats are instructed to avoid them. We enter the cite with due precaution from the Place l'inel, down a dirty, narrow turning with a large notice-board stuck up at the cor ner, prohibiting uii carta laea, wHU upwards. of four tona from entering tbe Cite Don', anl requiring all horsea to move at a walking pace, the object of which is to save the rickety houses from being shaken down. "You have heard," remarks M. l'rivat d'Anglemont, "of the huts of the Caribeea, of the ajoupes of the Maroons, of the Indian wigwam, and the Tartar tent; well all these must he like palaces in comparison with the hovela of the Cite ore. And yet this region, which would cause an inhabitant of the Chanssee d'Antin to shudder this town within a town these people lost in the midst of an other people, are only a couple of stepa from the Orleans railway, within a stone's throw of the manufactory of the Gobelins, and ten min utes' walk from the .lardin des 1'lantes." The hoiifea of the Cite Don'- are ill-bnilt aud of the flimsiest kind; the chimneys, formed of drainage ripes,' are loosely fixed, to the outside of the walla. The roofs,' which are now and then of tin, because old tin is the one thing which has no mar ketable value at tbe chiffonuiers' exchange, are rarely supplied with gutters, and access to the upper lloor, when there happens to be any, is usually by means of a step-ladder ia the yard beneath; the lower windows are little else than Bmall square holes, aud the rickety doors would yield to a sudden push. We have to pick our way cautiously, for the cite, although it bag its miniature "place," its strteis ai d its aveuues, (including eveu an Avenue Bellevne, which looks, I should say, cm as much lilth and n isery as ever were cou giegr.ted within the same limited space, ) its cabarets, its hotels garuis, where beds are let out at four sous the day or night, its blind alleys, and its long llights of steep, break-neck steps this cite of more thau a hundred houses, aud with a population as large aa any small towu, is lighted by a single gas lamp at either end, with au occasional lamp at some of its daikest corners. There is a foul gutter in the middle of the roadway, and any amount of slush and filth, and refuse of all kiuds, at the sides. The place appears quite deserted; the inhabitants teem all to have retired for tbe nij,ht, for not a soul is to be seen moving about, aud not even a light is visible in any one of the windows, although it is not more than 11 o'clock. We explored the cite from one end to tlvs other with perlect immunity, and were about to take our departure when we observed a light Over the door of some low cabaret situated at the end of a blind alley, aud heard the sound of loud voices within. Beeping through a crevice in the shutters, We saw half a dozen grimy, ill-looking men seated at a ttble, tour ot wUora weie engaged iu a game of p qtiet. Ou trying the door wo found it fastened, but it was f 1 1 tdily peiied, aud we all entered. The quality of our guides was evideutly instantly riir-eovt led, tor the landlord at once pulled off his cap and bowed, uud a!! the company, lay ing down tin ir cards, saluted us, aud theu eyed the ngeuts ark.wiee, as though waitiug to s-ee what the next move would be. When they found that it was siuifly a question (m ptetensej of "liquoring up," they were nmiiifestly more at their ease. The landlord snggenled as endless a variety of ttroug drinks as any lirst-rate Americaubar could boast of, including the liqueur des braves, the petit lait d'llenri quatre dclices des dames, aud eau-de-vie, or rather eau-de-feu in the vernacular of the locality, under its various designations cf jauue, camphre, tord boyaux, casse poitriue, or parfait amour this latter nectar itself to the paUte of "Cupidou," as in slang language the chiffonnier is com monly termed, while bis basket then goes by the name of his quiver. The sign of cabaret WrS "The Two Bhilosophers in spite of them selves," illustrated by a rude painting of a couple of chillonniers getting comfortably in toxicated. J'alt Hall G'uzitte. EITTER CORDIAL. SCHEETZ'S t'Fi.i:itu.ri:i BITTER CG&D3 AL, S. AY. Cor. olTlFTll and KACJi Sis. 'J Ids iiieilicul preparation is purely vegetable, coLiiiiost'U t)l ViirioitH nei OS, gamercd from tlio Hita. Morelomse of uttiure-, unit selected witu Hie uluiciHt cre, It is a reliable. Km lly Medi cine, eiid ciui tie taken hy eiirier inl ini or adult Willi the same licneilclal results. It In a certain, prompt anil M-coy remedy lor lJiarriuu t, Oys enteiy, Bowel i.'ompluint. Dyspepsia, Lowuess ol t-ptriin, l-'aliitlus, tsick Htfuuiicli, MendHOlie, He. II denies nu appi'tue proves a powerful tiln sicr ol lood, and will counteract the eU'ecls ol liquor in a few minutes. As Indisputable evidence of Its mtdicul properties, wo apj end I be lollot Inn: Slsoug CtntttiioMlal front Fire Marshal Kmc k bum. rn iLAin-.m-uiA, March 10, l,S(iS. Jacob Schffitz.Ksq. Jly Dear Sir: .Some eight mi Libs n-io, wiieu bnll't ring from reat uer vciis pre mihUoii, the result ot exoosure nd over'iu-ued energies, 1 was Induced by you (au old fileiiiOlo take uh a Tonic your celebrated Hitler Cordial; uud ho agreeably surprising liave been its benetlelal effects, that I cannot refrain from time bearing testimony lu its )nvor. As a be erae. it Is rh pleasant and do liglilful us a i;1hsh of rich Uurk-brown Suerry; b an tippet lztr before meals, perfectly maulcal, aud aH a digester of food, tbe m tst potent com pound lever knew. Altogether, I consider it one of tbe lmppieHt combinations of medicinal herbs evt r ollered to the public as a curative. 1 inost chcerlnlly and continently recommend it to every Millerer lrom Iiehlllty, DyspepsU, end HlienniHilsm. As a Kubstitute for the vll Iiiiiiiuh alcoholic and vinous concoctions loi bibtd at too many of the public bars of tue pre sent uuy, it muhialso prove u blessing. Verv trulv yours, A r.KXANUKH W. BLACKHUItX, C 1 0 inw 1 i ML 1'ire MaridmL CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. JAMES & LEE, no. ii no urn Kt:i'M ntki;kt, fciuw or the (Jiiuirs una, Ai:i: sow awuviwu as i:niiiie nkw hTOl'lt ' Spring end Summer Coatings, TOW1I14II THEY INVITE THE ATTEN TION Or THE Tll.lDi: A Jill OTIIUUS, AT IIOIIStiK AMI R KIWI I.. 20m QE O R C E PLOWMAK. CARPENTER AND BUILDEi, REMOVED To 'o. Ui DOCK Street, PW I LA DKLPfTf A. g?b I71UND YARD & CO., o. G17 CHESM'T STItEET, Are clcdDg out tlielr Stock of White (JoouV, Linens, Shawls, Etc., By Auuuse i. They Invite the attention of the Trade. 24mt GO R N EXCHANGE Hag MANUrACiOKY. J O 11 IS T. 11 A I L1C V fc CO., KK.klllVKU lO N, E. corner ot Wahkkt nd WATER Ptroet I'lilimn-iiJlOa. DEALEItS IN KAOb AND BAQUIXU Of every li nerlpllon, for Grain, Flour, bait, fcuper-l'liimuljiue of Lime, Bona Inmt, Etc I.nrpe and small GUNNY HAUH constantly on hand. -'I ... AlNui VVOOL ISAl'KH. 3.un T. li aii. ait, . Jamjm CxavAUi;, DRY GOODS. LADJES ABOUT TO LEAVE THE city for their onantry- hontea or the ifa shore, will find It greatly to their, advantage, befoie pur chasing elsewhere, to examine The Extensive Stock, at (irently Reduced Trices, of E. T1. NEEDUES & CO., No. HOI CIIKSNUT 8TKEET, GIRARD ROW, Comprising a complete assortment for personal or hiustliold use, of LACF8. EMBROIDERIES HANDKERCHIEFS, 1'1'fFM), REV-RI) AND TUCKED MUS LINS, CAMBRICS, JACONETS, riyCEH, and WIlITK GOODS, In every varletj. VEILS AND VEIL MATERIALS of every dpucrlp. lion, loKt'ttier with an extensive assortment of HOUSEHOLD J.LNESS, ATE XlSM.l'XirVG PUICC3 In evory width and fna'ltr. BltlRTINa, PILLOW-CASE, SHEETING, ATABLK LINENS, NAPKINS. DOYLIES, FLANNELS, DIMITIES FOR SPREADS, AND FUKNI ll'ltK COVERS, MARSEILLE, HO t. EVCOM B, AND OTHKR SPREADS, 'IOWH.B AND TOWELLING IN DAMASK A NO HUCKABACK, HUM M ER BLANK K 1 S, TA" ELK COVERS, El'O, ALSO, KDIIITINO, PILLOW-CASE AND SHEET INU MUSLINS. nr. r.:. keedle3 & co., No. HOI C1IESNUT STHEKT, 812 GIRARD ItOW- p R I U C I P A R. DEPOT ros TBI PALH or UKITED CTliCS HEVCriUE 8TA2 &o. SiO. CIIKSNIJT 8trot? CEMBAL IF.1MT No. JOS tfouth FIFTH BirtT.t COue door below Chetuut street, LlciTAIJLiISIIKD 1803. C-r EtocH. comprises all tne fleuomlnatlea tci .tti by luu fcfuvi'iuuiiut. ALL ORDERS FILLED AND FOtWAPvUKD BY Mail ok ExpKEbH imiikiiatii;ly vrox am- UElPTi a luuller of great Importance, Drafts on Philadelphia, Post Office Orders. Green, (sacks, and National Bank Notes, received In payi men i. The following rates ol commlsMion are allotted tin . .. ..... TWO Pf.RCKN'I From f .'.d to 111 ....FOUHI PER CENT Frem f It uHrils...FOUri .AU A HALV PJLU 01 Tho lommlsslon la pavable In stamps. AU orders, etc., should be adaxesed M STAMP AKNCT, No. OHESNUT Sti-c,t4 PHILADELPHIA. ORDERS RHCEIVB'D POR STAMPED CHECKS DkAl-'ls, HACJLlP'ln, BILL H EUiUS, Etc,, and Uit be.i ales of commlusioo alluweO. We have constantly ou band UNITED STATES POBTAGB STAMPS OS ALL KINDS, AND STAMPED ENVELOPES, gT IT LER WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTUREB8 OP MANILLA AND TARRED CORDAGE, CORDS TWINES, ETC., No. 23 North WATER Street, and No. 22 North DHLA WARE Avenue. Edwin H. Fitlkb, Michael Wkaver, Con bad P. Clothucb. 1 14) WOODLANDS CEJIKTERV CXJMPANV. Iiie lol low In ir Managers aud OlUors have been e!ecied i r tlie year Itttis: KL1 K. PlUuK, Presidpnt. Wm. H. Wnoie, ' Wni W. Ke.n, r-Bumel h. Miiuu, (ililies hallett, Ferdluaiid J. ureer, (4eirg L Buiby, kUi-,.uv null TfMinrr..llU H TilWVSITVn. lcwio uieuie, 1. a.nig'-t. The Managers bavtt paHHed a rtmnlu luu rtftnlrlng belli I.oiln Id. m and Visitors to prtsunl tickei.-. at tlie entrance for aitnilaiiloii lo the Cemetery. 'I'lekms uiay lie bad at (he Office of the Company, No Ri8 A Ki ll blre.l. or ot any of the Managers, 7 ii PENNSYLVANIA HOSPITAL. 1'HiLAUtci.puiA, January 28, 1854. The attending Managers are: H. llorrlH Wain. No, 1 at-South Delaware avenue. AOolpli E, Burle. No. IBS llitclt street. Aiu-udlug 1'hytlclan Dr. J. M. Da Costa, No. 100S Epruce stn eU Attending surgeons Dr. Addinnll Hewnoo.No. 13a Ptiuth Flittwnib street; Dr. D. Hayes Aguew, No. It North Elrvenlh slrret. Tbe Phjslclans and Snrgenns attend at tbe Hospi tal every day (Sundays exvepted, lo receive appli cation for admission, Pei.ous seruiimly Injured by accident are always aduiliied If biougUt lo the Hospital liuiuediatly tJiflaflf. f! GOVERNMENT SALES. H OR-fc', MULES, WAGOV ETC., AT AlCllON. Diror Qr-ABi KnMARTKK's Orrtrn WMUIOTI'N, 1). C , JlllH 80 IMI'.S. Will be so'd at public auction, st Lincoln lieimt, on wWiM-iUAY, July e, coiniuiioii,g at lo A M , uiiuer the Hiipervl.ioi of Brevet 'tilonnl Asa 1. Uiiint, A. (J. M , a ijuatitiiy or Wuai teimiuiir S Siore, rU-U as unst-rvlct-abie, rnua st ng lu pari ol ou OTuit-n, iu guoa orutr. ioiiu ius. iron, bsstiou, 8 lloiMfi. do. Iron w r. 2.'0 Aruiy Wssnns, 10 A niDiilnr ce. M bt-lH Li-hU Mule liar iris hfel do. SB ' An.b. WhCfldo. 8 " ' Lead do. 22 I'rlvlng Lines, Rlillng l,rlJ;(S i; SbcIUI-. hShtirtf'd, in Hori-e Biai ketx, 8 Print' t g Fre.-St-s, IS C'llKllS, lu Cook stoves and Fix inre , 1(0 Lnul lirs. 4 H) 5 s.w hot) 8.2 ft m H. s Nails, Iron Piiu, Jtoo, t-rttln -nc ki, kllnni V C" r,i in:, 8 MIorse VVkoiii, H K H r IS, fio Wheels. f e Tall (ta'PS, I.Wfi f.-el Hos.', lit 11 n k"t, -I'sorte I, S Wni; in WUI.is, 217 It ii'eis, !ibhovils, assorted. ii'fuicr wan unriers', I'arpfntero' and Rlnck snil. I ' 1'onls. anil o'lit-r articles nut ennuu-ratel, 'l ennn Cmli, In (lovei ninent lonils, Dy onlir ol the ytmrtermastfr uonpral. J. C. McKKKR N. DoputJ- (i'lKrleruiBsu-r lieuerat, 7 1 flt Pvt. Hilg. un. U. 5. Aruiy. OFKKK ASSI-siANT QUAU1KRMASTKU UNITED MA'll.s ARMY, No. iUjUIR.VkU biii't. rHit.ADKt.i'iirA, .Inly a. Isw, win f fold et riiitf uoi.'iii u mi sah;kd.y, in lltll ll.MHIlI, HI 11 O'clock, A M., (II I HI- (ir.-i 1 1 1 - .'H Iki. ly ni'cuiiti it liyilie Army Men leal lni.rtiii.-iit, si tu nlc on tin- wml slile of sui Ii sire. t aimve " )t im d. In this c t.v, all the Iik es, sheds, aud materials erected Hit r( on hy the I n led Males. '1 lie ahove-nuinert niierlHls will he sr hi In one lot, end the purchaser wl I lie allowed until tlm ;tll lo remove Ihe .nine, after which rtnte Hip f'oipid mi w Inch Hit y are situated will he turued over lo the ow ner. -J h RMS. Ton percent, of tlie purclis-ie niony to he paid In t-ash at the time of acceptance of old; tniance (o he paid wnhln live (1h.vn. Any nddinonal Inkiruiatiou desired will be fur nlHlied by the undersigned. F. J. CRILLT, 71 ft BvtCnl and A. Q. M. U. s. riiiv. CAIE DL' CUDEaNEU frUlWiSrfc.NCI5 c'loni-s. Oi t ail. CiiitF Commikmaby or SrntaTRN(-R, 'OMMTKXARV OF S C n 1ST F V( K, "1 IJINTKIi'T I.NIIIAN IhlrtllirnKV. 1-ukt (i I si.s. C N.. J not- 11 , sii, ) At puMlc anctlon, at Port (liiison, Ciier-keu Nh ion, on ti c h'lthdayol July, lbus, ul S o'clock, k. Jl., cou BlolihK ol-. jii' bhrrcls of Flour. ti ll pounds of Soda Crsclrors. ll i;ttl Iohh Cocuinlier l'irk ie-1 470 kalli na ( 'HliiiiiL-e and Uu on I'l k 1 i , Ha pillions Mixed l'k Uloa. 3-.0 Kailotis Unions. 8ift pillions t-ttner Kriiut. The ai.ove sioies lu be sold without reierve. to th ' lnthesl b (IdtT, Terms CaHh, In (iovprnment funds, on dny of oa'o The hiucehnlul tilclUt-rs to remove stored wuuiu tw i-ny.fonr hours. i!y onlui ol iluior-Gencral Hliprl-'nii. A. K. ROcIC WET L, Brevet I lent.-Col A Q .M , U . A.. SCOet Cl.iet Q. M. anr C. s. I'lal. Intl Ter OA IE OK CONDEMNED QltAHTKUM.V3 KJ 'lEK'rl rnOrhK I v. l)'li:K ClIlKF Ql'AUTKHMAS I EK, D 1ST Hit T (IK Til H I N III AN TKKKI Kill Y 1'on r Uiimin. U. N Jim- ll. im; At Pnh'lc Auction. HI Fort HiliS' n. Cheroe .V. tl( ii coiiftl-diiiK ot llospiitil and other T- lilt, Cln Mux, i'.ittnkets, Harnefis, Army Whkoos, Wiioii t'ovi-rs ( ot kn k t'leiistls. FIhh. and noineroiis o'lierar"! clt.", ail lo be sold without reserve to the Highest binder. cle to lnke plnre at Fort Ollisnn, C. N on the n;h ilnv of July, Ion at s o'clock A.M. Terms Cash, in Government fundi, lo be palt on dny nl'enle, Mir-1'fssliil bidders to reniovo stores within twenty 1( nr lu ii rn. Uy Older ol Mujcr-General Sherldnn. A F. RiiCKWELf,. Brfvet Ll'iitenarit-Coloiiel, A ii M., I', A., 6 2o lit Cliiel i M.. District lodmn Tenllory. 0ERNP1EisT. PROPERTY AT PRIVATE SALE y&piTKiiv&ca ZTKiv'jH. PUITARLE FOR SPORTINU P' ; rtl'. . -K. AND ('HlLDRf N'8 LAWx TEXTS AWXIN1-. BARNK-M. bADDLEcj, HORSE HHKW'H Vi.Y M-1V, ETC PITKIX .t CO., 8 l.H thMulm No 71 TJorlh SH(H)SD street. SHIPPING "lwK UOsru.N VIA NKWPOKT AND FALL The LUis'l UN and NEWPORT LINE, hy thesnieii dul aud superior Hieumers NEWPORT MKI'KH lOLIS, OLD COLONY, anl E M PI R it, STA I K. of great strength and speed, constructed expresslv lor the navigation of Look Inland Sound, rniiiilni; In connection with the OLD COLONY AND NEW PORT RA I LRU A D. Leave P1E11 28. NORTH lUVEtt, foot of MUR ItA Y Street. Tlie steamer NEWPORT, Cuptslu Brown, leaves Monday, Wednesday, aud Friday, at 4 P. ii., lauding at New port. The steamer OLD COLONY, t'nptnli Simmons, leaves Tuesday. 1 huraduy, aud Saturday, at 4 P.M., landlliK al Ivew port. These steamers are fitted up with comrr odious state-rooms wutor-llKlit compartments and every arraiiKement lor the security and comfoi i ol passed- fit rs, w ho are alTorded by this root., a niu'lu's res' on loard, and on arrival at NEWt-ORT proceed per rail road HKRin, reaching iiostou early on the following morning. A baggage master Is attachpd to each steampr, who receive and tickets the baggage, aud accoui-punieg thei-ame to Its denlinailoii. A steamer runs In connection with this line betwppn NEWPORT aud PROVIDENCE dully, fcuutays ex cep'etl. FreUht to Boston Is taken at the same rates as by any other regular line, ami forwarded with the Kret est expedition by au express train, which leaves NEW PORT every morning (Holidays excepted), Kt 7 o'clock, lor Boston aud New Bedlurd, arriving at its declination about 11 A. M. For IrelL'ht or rassai-'e, apply on bosrd, or at the OBIce, on PIER 2s, NOR'l li Rl VER. For siatP-roiitus and berths apply on board, or It R ia desirable to se cure them In advance, apply to E. LITTLEFIELD, Agent, 827 So.HBHOhWAV New Yurie SAFETY, SPUE I), AND COMFORT. KUH'l'UEIt KEDUCTION IN 1aaU It A TEU Favorite passenger steamers of the ANCHOR LINE Ball every r-A'l t; RLA Y with pas engers lor L1VEI POOL. OLAK40W, AMI DKRUY, From PlerNu 2iiinli River Bates of passage pa able in curreucy. To Liverpool, OUigow. aud Derry, cabins $30 and 76, according to location. h xcurslon tickets, goud for twelve months, f 160. Iniermedlate, (Vi; StPerage t.'i. Prepaid certlUcates from llieso ports. fW. Passengers bunked to and lrom Hamburg, Hotter dam, Antwerp, Havre, etc.. at very low rl"fl ror lorther Ii liirmailou appiy at the Company's CUice, No. 8 SOWLINM (IKH.N, Svw York. H EN HER -ON Blt'll'tf H1H, loavrld lmnonillou, pa-seng-rs will please come direct to the otUce, as ibis Cumpauy tloea nut emp y runiiers. 2a.t ON DON AND NEW YOUK STEAMSHIP Li s E Pasage to London direct. (110,875. and 1 10 currency Excursion tickets al reduced rates available fur 8 month. AIALANTA. 11KI.LONA. CELL A. V M. PENN. Fielght w ii' be tsken and through bills ot lading given lo Havre, Autwerp, Rolieru mi, iHi-iolerJum and Dunkirk, Forp ssage apply to ROBERT N CLARC.No. 28 BROADW A Y, New ork. For freight aonly at No. 54 SOUTH Htr"et, Cf. Y. V2tl HOW LAND A Jhl'INWA LL. Anl.g. 70IITIl AMEK1CAN tsmAMSlIIl COlF- X l'ANY. OPPOSITION TO MONOPOLY ! THllOlH.ll LINE TO CALIFORNIA, Via Panama or Nicaragua. Will despatch their new and solendid steamfihlns Irnii) New Ycrk, from Pier No. 2 North River, tt il of Warren street, al uoou, al lower ratea than auy ot her line. For patsuge and freight over both routes, as fjl lovtb: VIA PANAMA. rPtponishlp FULTON, couueciiug with ste.uu-hlp ORt-OONIAN. isieaiio-hii) i-ANTIAHO DE CUBA, connecting with Bteamship NEBRASKA. VIA NICARAOUA. Ftramshlp PAN FRANCIsco, connecting with steambhlp MOoEd TAYLOR. These Btenmshlps areexpressly fitted for this trade, ami are unsurpassed for salety , peert, elgnnce, and ccniiort, aim th-ir rates for puss-'e. and Irelgbt will 41 WAYS UK l-OWKB THAN ANY OTHUK 1. 1 V K. lor Itiriher particulars ad Inss llie undersigned at No. 177 WKsT Street. New York. D. N. CARRINHI'HN, Agent. WILLIAM II. WEBB. President CHARLES lliNA, Vice-President, g?f.f No. 64 Exchange Place. New York UNAIU) LINK OF EXTRA RTE4MERS, UE'IWEEN NEW YORK AND L V E RPOOL, CA1 LINO AT QUEEN STOWN. FROM NEW YORK EVERV WEDNESDAY. X1UPOLI, ALEl'PU HATES OF PA tea A HE: Cabin S0Gold. Steerage tSa Currency. Sieeiage ticket lrom Liverpool or Queeuslowu at lowest rates. For Freight and Cabin Passage, apply at No. Bowling Green. For steerage Passage, apply at No. Broadway. SHIPPING. ftfTSTFAM TO LIVERPOOL, CALLIMd l ne inn,.,, I Ine. under contract with the TTnlted States aud British ooverumenls, for Carrjlng the Iktat's. CITY OF BALTIMORE-.. Batnrday, Jnly 11 E l N A (Via HailiRx)..., , Monday, July 18 (1TV OK HUsiOi Haturday, July m CITY OF AN1WEHP Hnturday, July u CITY OK N KW YURK(via Halifax) Tuesday, July 28 PITY OF PA RIs. -...Saturday, Angust 1 CITY OF LONDON H.iur, lay, August and ech mic eedlog Saturday and alternate Mouday, at noon, from Pier No. 4S NORTH River. Pates ol psssane by tbe Mall Steamer SAILING EVl-RY SATURDAY: Payaoie lu Gold. I Parable In Currency. First Cabin f 100 Steerage........ m SS " to Loudon loM " to London..,. 40 " to Parts.... lift to Paris BO Pa sn CP hy tbe Monday stamers:-Cabln, W gold; H'eetnge, fw, currency. Rates ol passage from Nd l ork to Halifax Cabin, 8A; Mleerag. f 10, In gold. 1 H-seiigers also forwarded to Havre, Hamburg, Bre men, Pic, at moderate rales. Hipernge passage lrom Liverpool or Queen-town, (n currency. Tickets can he botigot lu re hy persons sending jor their friends, Kor turihcr lnlormatlon, apply at tne Company's Mlicc. JotlN (1. DALE, Agent. No. 15 BROADWAY, New York. Or, O'DONNELL ,t FAULK, Maneirprs, Ji No. 4H CHKSXUr Hlreet, 1'tllla. 4tf-Ffr, NORTH 1MEKICAK STRAMSIIIP SLawwCUM PaN Y. hruugh I.lme to Calirorala via Ptatm Hatlroarl. NEW ARRANGEMENT, f-'ii'l'np from New Yo. k on the Mb and soih of 1, 1 K JioaI 1 u., or iho tuy belure wueu ineaudaiea lul' on Holi-lay. SM'ke ii wer tha" by any oilier lino. For Uiiur inmlt.u biU1i's J. N. 'A RRI VOTOX, Acrnnt. Plrr No. 4ti NOR 1 II UlYF.lt New York, Or 111 -lit AS K Sit'.AHLE, No. !!I7 WALNU t l-lrt et, PnilaUelohia. r-a. W. H. l.lilt. t resident. UI ,s. DAN A, VlctPrea. CHh-.-oi l.(H..()K H'.ic . Ntw York. 8 8 9.u SAOH TO AND FUOM CHEAT -- i,.. bill i .'I I a:Ml I It I'.li A JN J ) ii V o I EAftlsli I P AN II SAl lilMi PACKET. AT KKul Vt.D It A I KS DRAFTS AVAILABLE T II R (UHIfOTTT FNO I.ANh, lKKl.AMi.M OTLAN D, AND WALES. 1 or parlicuie.i aiilvlo TaI' l lllTC ltt;0( HEH8 lf) No. 30 t-OUTU Sir. et, and No. H BkOADWAV, Or to Tilt Mamt.BEARLK. 1 I N i. 217 WALNUT tt reet. f -':-. NI'.W EXI'URsa MSB TO ALEX--wfcv, andriB, (teorgeituvn, and Washington, 1. A . v ia Chesapeake and Delaware Ca ial. with oon ni t-i ions ai Alexandria Hum the most direct route lor Li uchitiirg, hrisioi, Kuoxvilie, Naahvllle, Dal lou and he r-M-iii h w ibt. iMt amen it ve regularly from the Drat wharf 'j""e M nikel Mi eel. l itlylit lecelvtd daily, Wf. P. CLYDK A CO, No. 14 Noitu uud .s jiitii Wuarvea. J. R. DAVIDSON, Agent in iieorgt-:uwn. M y LlJlULUa ii Co., Akcuis al Alezaudrla, Vir-gl- Ii 6 1 e-r-'-' NOllTF 1'iilf XPU- vniii.' vr If t - - - -" A'-Ltiv, fat. .i Tt t- I . . W A II W. AMI lltlllTl U . i M . f r.Mlir" f-l I'.AIilllOA t lUAll-AiNV, Ti e Mt uni Propellers ol this line w 111 com nl euro lor.tiing on SAT LRDA Y, lioih InBtanl, leaving dally as usual, THROl'on IN 21 H0UR8. (ioods lorw aided by all the lines going out of New Yi rh. Norih, last, and West, free ol commission. iieighiN re ( ivetl al our usual low rates. WILLIAM P. Ci YDE it t'O.. Agents, No. 14 .-. WHARVES, rhlludelphl . JAM!'S HAND, Agent. so No. tin v A LL street corner of South, New York, ?rr-. FIIlLAD-iU-ilIA, RICHMOND AND MtRl-OLK SIEAMMUP LINE. 1 lii.uL wli. Fl! EKi III' AIR LINE TO THE SOI '111 AND WES p. EVERY NVTURDAY, At noon, from FIRbT WHARF above MARKET Siitet. 1 tiROl OH RATES and TH ItOUOTI RECEIPTS to all points lu Norih and Souih Carolina, via Sea boaro au Line llaiiroad, conceclng at Portsmouth anil to Ly i.eliliii'g, ' , Tennessee and tbe West, via Yirnlniu ami i ennehsie Air Line and Richmond aud laiivilh- Railroad, FnlKlit HANDLED BUT OvC'E, and taken at LO F.K Ra IKS THAN ANY OTHER LISlS. The reguleritv safely, aud cheapness i)4' Ibis route ci innieou u in tlie i nolle as tue most desirable me di n in b'taMtrrying eveiy description ot Irclnl.t. No chaige lor commission, drayugo or auy expeusO Ol transler. r-teaiiishlps Insured at lowest rates. in Ight rccelvtd dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. ll urlli and hou'h WHARVES. w. P. PORTER, Agent at Itlchmoud aud City Pclnl T. P CRO WELL A CO.. Agents at Norfolk. 6 1 w. S FOU MV YOUK SWIFr-SURH mi i i ii n ' i rin in i on ii nun c ompany Upsp.ttcli a u ; m iiirp Lines, via Delaware and Rarllan Canal, on aud alter ine Into ol March, leaving dally at 11 M. mid 5 P. M connecting with all Northern and h astern Lues, For ireh lit. which will he taken on accommodating Urn.s, app.y to WILLI A Jl M. RA1RD A CO . 1 i'i No. 132 8. DELAWARE Avenue, . LoniT.r.ARiv nTTrsniw' t tsu 1014 NEW YORK. Oitl-.AI Klil'LCI'ION IN FREIGHTS. (Ioods ny wt It lu, to ceuis per lou lbs , gross. Measmt men! goods, 4 cents per cubic loot. Ireiglus received al all times, and insurance guar anted ut tnree-eUhtlis percent. For lurllitr liiloimailuu. apply to JOHN F OnL, 7 23 Her IB North Wharves. I IVhliTOOL AND GREAT WESTERN STEAM Li COMPANY. I he loin wing FIRST CLASS IRON STEAMSHIPS, built expiessl lor the ew Yoik trade, are Intended tot-all letililaily between NEW YORK aud LlVU.lv POOL, calling at HUEENS'lOWN, viz : MAMIA'ITAai, MINNESOTA, COLORADO, NEBRASKA, with other lirst-class stenmprs building. From Pier No. a? Fast River. Cabin (ihe accommodations being equal to any At lantic Hieaniei), $wo, gold; rt-turu tlckeia, 160,gold: In Bletn gn, fiit currency. 'J Ickeis lo bring out passengers from Europe can be obtained on reasonable terms. For freight or pan sage apply to WILLIAMS A OUION, No. 71 WALL Btreet. JTor steerate passage to 2 24 t WILLIAMS A OUION, No. 29 BROADWAY. STEAMBOAT LINES. jtHN BRISTOL LINE SEW YORK AJiD BOSTON, VIA BRISTOL, For PROVIT ENCE.TAUNTON. NEW BEDFORD CAPE cod, and ail poiuta of railway communica tion East and North, 'Ihe new and splendid steamers BRISTOL and PmoVIDEN) E leave Pier No. 4o NORI H KlVk;R, toot ot a auai si reel, unjoining Debraases Street Ferry, New oik. al 6 P. M.. ually, huudays excepted, con necting with steamboat train at Bristol at 4 8u A. M , arriving in Rosiou at H A M.. In time lo connect wlla an tbe u oruii g uaius irom that city. The most d srai le and pleaeant rou e to ibe White Mountains, '1 ravel era lor t'al point ran make direct conueo lioi s by way of Piovideuce aud Worcester or Boston. Mate-rooms aud Tickets seemed at olllce on Pier la New or. 6 1 sia H. O. BRIHQS, General Manager. rjgflJ OPI'OSHION TO MONOPOLY ! J tuo a-ekuier ELIZA HANCXlX will leave ARCH blreet W hurl, Philadelphia, tor Wllmingiou, dally, l H A. M aud 4 P. M.; returning, leave W lluilnglon for Philadelphia, at 7 A. M. atd 1 P. M. aKIiULKO KATHJ1 or akk: From W llmingiou to Philadelphia, a. From C hester aud Hook to Philadelphia, 100. From Philade phla lo Wlinilnguin, iioc. From Chester and Hook lo wTimlngum, 100. KU'ND TRIP TICKETS. WJ CENTa, For further particulars luaulre on board. , . L, W. BURNS, I 2H tf Captain. PiCT F(J" CHKSTKR, HOOK, AND si'liTfaMYirtJa WILMINU'l ON-Al 6 30 aud W 60 A. M, mm d m, r. JU, 'lht suau.er 8, M. FELTON and ARIKL leave CDlhNUT blrt-et V. liarf (Suudays excep edl at S 30 ane ran A, M aud S'6U P. M., reiurniug leave Wil mliigiun a n'fin A. M., li bu, aud S-ou P , M. Bupplugat llitMd and Hook each way. Fare, lucent beiweeu all point. Fxcurslou tickets, lii et uis, good to retnrn by either boat. tf ,Arp", PHILADELPHIA AND TREN -TU---.jtJ".tnii r-leauiboat Line. The steamboat iaj,. iN FORIlEsT leaves ARCH Street Wnarl, lor Inulou, stopping at Tacony, Torresdale, Beverly. Bui iinguiii, Lrisiol, Florence Uobbina' Wharf, aud White HPI. Leaves Arch Hireet Wharf Leaves South Trenton, baiuptay, July 4 Pif-t A. M Saturday, July 4, 4 P.M t-nud.y July s. lo Burungiuu. lirisiol, ana Inter nieolate landlo.s, leaves A rt li slreet wuarl at 8 A. M, and 2 P. h .: leaves Bristol al h'S A. M. and 4S P- M; iloi day, July . 1 P.M Monday, July , 5 P.M Tuenlay, 7, l.t P.M iTueBitay, ' 1, M P.M Weu'day. " 8, 1 P M I Weddav, " 8,8', P-M Thursday, " , 2s P.M I Thursday, ' Ki Friday, " lu, 2.' I'M! Friday. ' 10, P.M rare to Trenton, n ceni eacu way, mauui'""i plac.ea 2fcenu. i 411 DAILY EXCUKSI0N8. TUB NfrrvTTcU KSN UT Sireel WUarf, Phllada.. at 1 o'clock and 6 o'chk P. fr Burlliigiou and Bristol, touching at Rlvertou. f orrendale, Audalusla, and Beverly Returning, leaves Bristol at 7 o'olou eTSi ceuu eaca way: .Excursion 40 ou. U tl splendid oteam boat JOHN A. W Alt-