The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, July 07, 1868, FIFTH EDITION, Image 1

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VOL. X No. 5.
The New York Convention.
Tho Gossip of tho Socond
Day's Procecdings-Pro-dictions
iEg the First
Jlanifesto from Andrew Johnson
Circumstances under Which
He will Accept tho
Kte., Jtt,, mtm.
Oorrstpondcare Betwaea Cltl.eas of New
YoiU una tii frtlidiat.
The following correspondence explains Itself:
u the lion. Andrew Johnson Sir: The un
dersiguid. citizens of ine oily of New York,
having observed with silt Infliction your admin
istration of the highest Kxeculive ollica of the
nailou, and believing Hint tuo patriotism,
fldeil'y to l lie coiistnulion, aud fearlessness
Wuieh nave bl' her to maraed tue performance
of yur official duties are the bin hem guarantees
as well an ttie essential quiiullcdiloits lor toe
efficient and lalihiul uiscn-rge i a puouo omoe
for tbei ubiic good, dorespeciiuily ask wlietuer,
If deeiued desiraule for itie preservation aad
unity of ttie conservative interests of in in oouq
try, yon will al ow your name to be presented
to Ihe Democratic Convention as a candidate
tor the office of President of tho LTaited Stales?
Yours with high respect, F. V. CoitUl, James
Gallatin, Thomas Morrell, Robert ii. I'.erdell,
N. A. Baldwin, William H. Appletou, J. W.
Gaiard, Jr., Ueury Urlunell, Francis 8kiddy,
KiiillWuuer. City ol New Y'ork, Juue 21,
Wabhinuton, D. C, July 2, I808 Uentlomen:
Toyimr (rlendly iuquuy whetuer, "it deemed
desirable fur the preservation and unity of the
coustivatlve interests of the couutry," I would
permit my name to be presented to tho Demo
cratic Couvenilon as acaodldaie for tun office of
Piesidtnl of the United (States, I would respect
fully reply that 1 am not ambitious of fun tier
strvlce I way bay, ludeed, of lurmer endur
ance in thai elevated aud responsible position,
unless by a call s geueral and unequivocal
that it would be au endorsement by the peopie
of my endeavors to deleud tbe Constitution
and tbe reserved rights of tbe several Com
monwealths co id pool UK wuat was ouce in fact
tbe Federal Union. Ol moll approval in tbe
j. resent temper ol parties 1 can perhaps have no
reasonable expectation.
All uibtory proves that men who In official
position oppi se for any reason toe cherished
schemes devised by factious to acquire power,
usually hud wore determined assullants than
Open and earnest delenJeis. Heuce itie resisi.
lug measures which, ah hough sustained by
Ce tigress, 1 honestly believed lo be euurotcu
menls ni on the Constitution, my tusk nag been
xuaite aruuous, and seemingly ungracious by
an opiosilion powerlul, well organi.ed, and
peshebsmg a controlling lulluence in tuo halls
of ltgisiaiiou unprecedented lu the history of
tbe country. Compelled to uevote my entire
tiwe to the Issues that have been forced
upon me, and to contend agulnsl a majority
represented by two-thirds of eaou 11 mse
Of Congress, I have been unable, while
striving to protect and malniain the liberties
Of tue jeupie, to check extravagant expendl
lires lor objects not contemplated by the Con
stitution, tiud lo lighten tbe burdensol taxation
vrnleh now reslso oppressively uoon the nation.
In the wldbtof embairassmeuts I have
not bten discouruged, when, from the puolic
prints or irom some unusually (rank aud out
spoken friend, 1 have heard that "I have no
parly." The suggest lou has only served to re
mind me of a memorable r, mark, in erod when
faction ruled high in Koine, mat "Omar had a
purty, and Pompey and Crassus each nad a
party, but that the Commonwealth had none."
Aiming cnly.astherepre-eulallveof the people,
to stand by the rights cf the Common wealth,
may 1 not pertinently make the application to
my own case?
constrained. In occupying my position as tbe
federal executive, lo abide lu silence wrougs
aud encroachments of the most insidious as
well as desperate character, or sometimes,
when incapable of arresting them permuted
only to employ iutile protests, compelled with
only tne privilege of remonstrance or tbe ter
rible alternative of couuter revolution to resist
revolutionary projects; obliged to staud In the
aliunde ol a mere spectator, while the valuable
i.iu-e of the nation his been wasted in cause
less assaults upon myself an 1 office for the
bent lit of a party, I cannot complain if the
people, while witnessing, have not been able to
make my cause thoroughly tbelr own the
defense of the constitution and laws tnelr own
Until, however, the people's representatives
Will lecognize more plainly tue imperative
needs of the country by lightening tbe burdens
of excesbive and onerous taxation, aud pre
venting successive Imposts upon the same arti
cle, beginning with its crude stale and follow
ing It through the successive stages of manu
facture to its final use and cost, the people
being I bus made to pay exlortioualely
and ruinouHly these accumulated taxes,
until the time appropriated in Congress
to partisan schemes is devoted more to legis
lating for the people's wants, the nation will
have to be content with tbe mere delusive
bope and promise of better times; since mere
patty politics will continued to be considered
of greater moment than the study and praotioe
of political economy and tbereductlon of larlii's,
and the making of a President of moreconse-
Suence than the diminution of the natioual in
ebledness, and a return to sound currency
and specie payments. With tne people, then,
must rest the coirecllon of whatever is wrong
In tha respects indicated, aud if Ihelr public
servant tiud them careless of tnelr resuoast
bility, if the people will not do their duly lu
seeing that their representatives perform theirs,
no executive will ever have power successtully
to defend their rights, and few will otre to incur
the apology consequent upon the attempt.
1 am now, however, as I have ever oeen. In
the hands of the people and at their disposal.
My struggle for the Union aud the Integrity of
the Government began long ago, ConiCtous of
having honestly discharged my duty and satis
fied that the coutesl in which X have been com
pelled to engage will, in tbe end at least, enure
totbebeuehl and Indeed safety of constitu
tional liberty aud human rights, I can well
afford. I think, to look calmly on the present
end await patiently the verdict of the future.
W'bllbt I know that the struggle for the rights
of the people and for deference to tue Constitu
tion is not yet over, yet believing that the late
palpable failure lo do violence lo that greut In
strument and the executive office, tue worst
thai faction can for the present do has been
I would only, In concluding this brief state
ment of my views and feelings, express the
bope that in tbe selection by tbe Couvention or
a candidate or the Fret-idency, whose duty It
Vt U be, if elected, to preserve, protect, and
defend tbe Consiliutlou, and to execute the
laws made in pursuauoe of its provltlons, the
public good and leading and well-defined prin
ciples will not besaoriaced tolhe mere purpose
ol party ascendancy. An nun w Joumson,
Caucuulajr of Delegation!.
From tht ff. Y. World of thit morning.
Last evening was spent by most of the dele
gates In ascertaining bow tbe vole would be to
day on candidates. The Fendluton men from
different States held a caucus at tbe Fifth
Avenue Hotel lo work out their programme of
operations lor to day. They are confident of
success, aud base Ihelr oonfldenceon ttiecalou
' lation that all Houthrn delegations will, on the
11 fib. ballot, vole solid for Pendleton. With that
vote they hope lo receive sufficient to noml
JUate him. One of Ihelr plan 1 to have
the North refuse to vote on the first
hnJlot or two, and then vote for
th man vho receives a majority of
the votes In tbe Northern Btates. This they
ie confident will be Pendleton. They count
114 vo-.s an certain on the first ballot, and
believe that thev will Inert ase on every subse
quent ballot. This Is their calculation, while
tbe best figures among those opposed to Pendle
ton do not give hlra as lance a vole as that In
the fctart, and are confident that he will not get
a majority vote In auy ballot. Some of the
frlenusol the other candidates, laboring under
tbe belief that Pendleton's friends will
not be able to nominate him, but will
make the nomination In tbe end, propose
to cabt the vote of tbelr delegation on tne
start for Pendleton, in hopes, in the end
of receiving the entire Pcndle.tou vote for their
candidate. This will swell his vole on tne sturt
to a higher figure than it ot herwlse would be.
Among thosei which may vote in IhH way M
California and Nevada, hoping to thus, In the
end, benefit Judxe Field, and a portion of Mis
souri, who desire to aid lilalr. The Month, as
yet. manifests a determination to scatter their
vole, until they see who will bo most, nccept
ab e in the North. Missouri will not b-ltig for
Wfcrd Blair's name until about the third ballot.
Pxebable First Ballot.
After a careful canvass of tbe different dele
gallons, and taking the best dates that can be
obtaiued of the sentiment, the following table
shows about the probable result ou the llibt
Ai knnsas
Mary laud
M innesoin
M isblssippi
MlKbOuri ,
New Hampshire.,
New Jersey
New York ,
North Carolina....
Kbode Island
Koulh Carolina
Wei-i Virginia
1 2
...I 1' 2 ...
... 4 5 ...
8 ...I.
2 ...I.
11 ...I.
I o
a , a
l 4 J
m a
a. la, W
4 ...
,.. 4 ...
... 3 4
5 C
8;... ... ...
i. .1.
2 ...
21 ...
33;. ..
... 3
3 ...
... 8
Total 1112.52 :i7::
3 ...
!)!26 7i2) 7 81 1
In this calculation thn Hinted nf Pnlif.irnhi
and Nevada are given to Field; tne vote of these
(Mates may be cast fur Pendleton on the start,
in the hopes of getting that vote for Field wuen
it Is found thai Pendleton caunot be nominated.
Delaware is given to Pendleton, but in the cal
culation ol the friendB nf the latter last night,
they did not count Delaware. Those three
states are the only changes of any moment
from the canvass of Pendleton's friends so
lar as Pendleton's vole is concerned.
The Htate or Michigan had not decided
last night bow they would vote. Tuey are put
down above as divided between Hancock and
Koverdy Johnson. They are to hold a meeting
this morning i.tid decide how the vole shall be
cast in the start. There is also some doubt
about a portion of Maryland goiug for lieverdy
Johnson, and from these points the above table
will be lound to be substantially tho result of
the Hist ballot, unless a material change is
made by tbe caucusslng last night and this
Giving to Pendleton the States ot California
and Nevada, as they claim, aud taking from
them Delaware, the vole on the first ballot, lu
accordance with the above table, will only vary
one-hall a vote from tbatot the cauvass of the
Pendleton men. They put It down at IW4,
while those variations in tlie above table make
it 117. The vote tor English, Hancock, aud
Andrew Jabnson, may vary from the above,
tlie Jormer depending uiiou how mauv of 1110
New Kngland men vote for Chase on lae start,
and those of Johnson and Hauonck upon the
final conclusion of some of the Southern dele
Vom the y. Y. Herald of this morning.
ffhi Giants of Democracy.
NewYoikis too large for these fellows. In
threading its streets tnelr small intellects saeiu
loduarlimo nothingness, aud t) supply the
apartments thus made vacant in their skulls
they resort to stimulants. Tbe result of this
excess the delegations seem to prefer "Jersey
rilled," aud unrecliuou benzine," even to
their own native diinks Is delay of ordinary
business in our police courts. The police, as iu
duty bound, are necessitated to arrust all
diuuken and disorderly persons whom they
11 nd on the streets, and that the business of the
t onvcullon may not be delayed for want of a
quorum, those among the prisoners who are
delegates have the precedence in the examina
tions before the silting magistrates who are
kept busy from six o'clock until nine or ten
every morning, dismissing, fluing, and lectur
ing mem lor conuuci so uuseemiy.
And these men would represent the Democra
tic party that grand organization wulou. In
other times, gathered within Us mighty folds
ine greatest intellects of tne republic, inscrib
ing on its banners a Jefferson, a Madison, a
Monroe, a Jackson, a Van Uureu, a Cass, a Cal
houn, a Wright, and a hundred others, whose
names shine like stars on the pages of the
history of onr country 1 O temporal Omoreil
And so out of the length and breadth of the
nation only a pitiable collection suoli as we
have described could be brought together to
prepare tbe people for the fight la November of
tbe ballot-box against the radical hosts, healed
by such banner heareis as Uiybses B. Uraut and
Schuyler Colfax,
Tool Sclllse om the Nooalaatlon.
Owing, as was supposed aud which doubtless
was the lad, to tbe limited notice given of the
atlalr, there were but few in atleudanoe last
evening at Riley's, corner of liioadway and
Twenty-eighth street, on tne pool selling on the
nominations for tbe Presidency at the Conven
tion. Only three pools were sold, from which it
will be seen that Chase was the favorite. The
pools were one for $110 and two for $00 each, as
Chase 30 810 $10
Pendleton 20 8 8
Hsncock 10 6 5
Hendricks 6 5 5
Tbe field 45 22 22
The sale of pools will be resumed at tho snme
place this evening, aud continue every evening
until the Couvention makes Its nomination.
r.cylva.Bla aad Packer.
Ponusylvanlaus profess themselves strongly
in earnest in their presentation of Judie
Packer's name for the suffrages of the Conven
tion. They held a meeting yesterday, at which
a test vole was taken, and although both Pen
dleton and Hancock were represented, It was
finally resolved to urge Judge Packer's claims
as a unit. They argue that wlMnmt Pennsyl
vania tbe Democratic nominee cannot hope lo
be elected; that while Judge Paoker is certain
of carrying that Htate, no other name before
tbe Convention is; benoe his claims for conside
ration as an expediency candidate. Outside of
this delegation, however, Judge Packer's name
Is but rarely mentioned, aud it is snaroely
likely be will receive much beyond his own
btate vote.
'itwTork Stock Quotations 1 PiH7
Received by telegraph irom Ulendlnnlng A
Davis. Block Biokers. No. 48 M. Third street:
N.Y.Ceut. K 13t ' Chi. and K. I. K 107
N.Y. and E. K. ........ !;. Pitts. F. W.aud CW.
Ph. and Kea. K 1W2I R. K 107'
Mlch.H.and N. L K..IH Pacltlo M. M. Co
We tern Onion Tel. a
The Acw York Couvention.
Doings To-day Eesolutions
from A. II. Stephens.
The Plat form Adopteil-Greciihacks
for tho Hondholdcrs-ltecon-struction
Thaddous Stevens' Now Im
peachment Articles.
Insurrectionary Movements in
Mexico A Hairs in Venezuela
and the West Indies.
Ett Cts.i Kt.a Kt.( Et.
Cle. and Pitt. K 87V4'
Chi. and N. W. oiu.7nU;
fd j 7lnl.l
Chi. aaaW.W.pref...b2 j Market duU.
StcvaBs'a New Impitchmtst Articles.
Sj ecial Despatch lo The Evening Telegraplu
Washington, July 7. The following are the
new aud additional articles of Impeachment
against Andrew Johnson, prepared by Hon.
lhaddens Stevens, of Pennsylvania, and by htm
presented to the House of Representatives this
Whereas, A high court of Impeachment has'
lately been in session to try Andrew Johnson,
Piesident of the United States, for high crimes
and misdemeanors, fnd has adjourned without
completing its judgment; and whereas, it is
proper that additional articles should be filed,
if tbe House deems it expedient, therefore,
Jiesotved, That a committee of be ap
pointed to prepare additional articles of Im
peachment, and report the same, iu substance
as fellows:
Additional Articles of Impeachment exhibited 6v
the Jiouae uf Jtepreseiilulive. in the name of
tiemaetvf unci of all the people of the United
Mutes atainst Andrew Johnson, l'revUtcnt of the
United States, in mumlenunae and support of
their impeachment against him for high crimes
and misdemeanors in ojlce.
Andrew Johnson, President of the Uuited
States, did abuse the patronage of the Govern
ment, which, by virtue of his high office, had
been entrusted to him, and did pervert It to im
proper and selfish purposes, inasmuch as he
used it to corrupt the people of the United
Btates, and to Induce them to abandon aud
renounce the principles which they conscien
tiously held, and to adopt others which they
did not approve, in order to promote tbe selfish
purposes of the said Andrew Johnson. Tbe
President of the United Stales came into power
and received his office because he professed to
hold the principles of the Republican party,
and zealously avowed his determination to
carry them into effect. When he came Into
power, he found the offices of the Government,
mcny thousands lu number, filled with men
professing the same Republican priuolples, and
who had been appointed expressly to carry them
Into effeot. When by a fatal acoldeat he
become the Chief Executive of tbe nation, be
determined lo seek an elootlou for the same
office at the next Presidential term. He iorc
saw that it would become necessary to renouuoe
tbe principles ol the Republican party, and to
establish a new personal parly especially de
voted to himself, and he did not hesitate to
apply to that object the profits of thousands of
offices, and millions of revenue. lie set delibe
rately about turning faithful officers out of their
places, because they would not renounce their
principles, and of appointing others to office
because they pledged themselves to support
him and bis principles. The removals and ap
pointments were avowedly made for no cause
of merit or demerit, but for the purpose of ad
ding recruits lo his new party.
Second Additional Article. That the said
Andrew Johnson being tbe chief Executive of
tbe United Btates, and being assigned by law to
the duties to take care that the laws shall be
faithfully executed, and having no Judicial or
legislative power confided to him by tbe Consti
tution, all bis duties being strictly executive,
did, on the 20th day of May, 1865, and before and
after that time, usurp to himself the powers of
another branch of the Government, and did do
acts and exercise lunctions which belonged to
the legislative branch alone; and in pursuance
of tuch claim, having at the time the army and
navy of tbe Uuited Btates at nis command,
did establish and erect luio a separate gov
ernment that portion of tbe United States
from the lately so-called Confederate Btates
of Amerloa, and wblca was lately embraced
within the boundaries of tbo Stale of
North Carolina, aud did by bis owu nsurpel
authority create a Stale and form of govern
ment hitherto unknown to tbe United Stales,
and did create an office hitherto unknown to
our Constitution, and appointed thereto an
officer whom be called Provisional Governor,
aud directed him how to coustruotaud oarry
out said government. He fixed, and by his
own will decreed the qualifications of electors,
and who should be eligible to office in the new
government, which he by proclamation de
clared was deprived of all civil government by
tbe armed forces of the Independent belligerents
with whom wehad been at war; and beappolnted
W, W. Ilolden to the office of Provisional Gov
ernor of North Carolina, and directed him Id
administer the offices of the iiewly-oreated
On the 13th of June, 1865, he usurped the same
powers, and without any direction from Cou
gress, to whom alone it belonged, erected Into
an independent State that part of conquered
territory formerly known as tbe Btate of Missis
sippi, and appointed William L. Sharkey, Pro
visional Governor thereof. And on tbe 17th of
June, 1805, he In like manner ereoted a portion
of said territory Into what be called the State of
Georgia, and appointed Jamea Johnson Provi
sional Governor thereof. On or about the 17th,
21st, and 30th of June, and the 13th of July, he
In like manner created UoverumeuU which bo
Called tbe States cf Texas, South Carotins, and
Florida. And when afterwards Congress de
clared such Governments and ocnvtllutloni
null and void, and prescribed other methods of
governing said territory; and to enable It to
enter the Union by the consent of Congress, the
President declared such laws null and void, and
advised the people to resist their execution; and
be bas never aided in carrying into effect, but
has resisted what are called the "Reconstruction
Tiiikd Additional Articlic. For that An
drew Johnson, President of tbe United Slates,
by bis corrupt practices, did attempt to lnduoe
the Senators elect from the Stale of Colorado to
perjure themselves upon tho condition of his
siguing the bill admitting Colorado Into the
Union as a Slate, and thereby admitting them
as Senators of tbe Uuited States.
He did also pardon and restore the right o
franchise to 193 deserters, who during the war
d- seited from the United States array, upon
condition that they would vote for the Demo
cratic parly at the theu immediately ensuing
election; aud they did thus vote, and gave to
the Democratic agent, Hon. Tuuuus Ii. Flor
ence, tbe sum of S1000 lu cash.
He appointed numerous persons to olllcd who
could not take tbe test oath, aud did not lake it.
but were allowed to act aud discuaro the
functions thereof in defiance of law.
He ordered agricultural scrip to be Issued to
the State of North Carollua, which scrip was
issued under the act of 1802, when North Giro
Una was lu armed warfare agalust the Union.
He restored, without authority of law, large
tracts of forfeited property; ouough, it is be"
Ueved, to pay the national debt, which had
been forfeited under act of Congress, approved
July 17, 1802. By teasou of all which outrages
this government became impoverished, tbe
people embarrassed, the Rebel raiders allowed
to flourish, aud the Constitution flagrantly
violated. He sold pirdons for money, or
allowed it to be done by pardon-brokers.
Fourth Adiutional Ahtici.k. He did take
from the Treasury of the Uuited States large
tracts of laud and large amounts of money,
sufficient, it is believed, to have paid our
national dtbts, and which had been transferred
to the United Btates by act of July 17, 1SG2, as
enemies' property, m be applied to the expenses
of the war and the debts of the Uuited States.
This was corruptly and unlawfully dono with
out any authority of Congress.
Fifth Additional Auticle. Ha dtd usurp
the powers of other branches of the Govern
ment and exercise the legislative power in defi
ance of the Constitution, lu creating or attempt
ing to create new Governments out ot the ter
ritory conquered from the ''Confederate States
ol America," Bo-called, and to govern them by
his own mere power, by form unknown to tbe
Constitution, without consulting Congress, but
defying their authority when they had spoken,
aud denying the constitutionality of tho laws
of Congress enacted to goveru said conquered
Glluipies of Anarchy iBsurrectlOBavy
Alo vsuicatl.
By the Cuba Cable.
Havana, July 7. The following are addi
tional advices recelvel from Vera Cruz to the
dale of July 2:
General Rivera, the rebel, was wounded in a
skirmish recently, and several of bis leading
supporters now disown hl;o.
General Alatorre has gone to Puebla to take
command of the national forces ordered to put
down the Negrete Insurrection. The latter Is
now reported lo have but a small force uuder
General Escobedo bas taken the field to root
out the Santa Anna rebels In the Bl.trra Gordo.
General Corona is reported to have gone to
Sonoia. Other accounts have it that Duraugo
is his destination.
In the Btate of Jalisco the famous Colonel
Chavez bas pronounced in favor of Santa Anna,
with a regency, and the autborlties have given
him seven buudred guns. This was to be ex
pected since the trial of Governor Cuervo.
In the State of Guanajuato the revolutionary
element is on tbe increase. The insurgents
have robbed a mine.
General Martinez, of Slnaloa fame, is again
on the war path. He has captured the town of
Fuerte Toleutlno.
The Ilajtten Paitry Pluader Jc
iul aaluava's Success.
By Cuba Cable.
Havana, July 7. The peasantry in the neigh
borhood of Jacmel entered that town recently
and plundered the place. Tbe American Con
sul calls for a United Slates man-of-war to be
stationed at that point. Bo fur Salnave Is re
ported to have been successful against the in
surgents snrrounding Port-au-Prince.
AlarmlMR Karlbqakos In St. Thomas.
According to our latest advices from Bt
Thomas, the earthquakes theie bad become
again quite frequent aud alarmingly violent.
Some ol the shocks lasted as long aa thirty min
Btraacth of the Uoateadlag Vorcaa
FbIcob's 1uiub JDf alcatioa.
By Cuba Cuftfe.
Havana, July 7. From Caracoa we have ad
vices to Juue 22. Tue rebels have met with
some reverses. General Bruzual is reported to
have about twenty-five hundred men under
bim, and General Mouaga about twice that
number. The latter was very popular.
There were three candidates for the Presi
dency; but Monagas bad the lead. All assem
blages of citizens were forbidden by decree of
tbe Commauder-lu-Chlef. The amount of ex
Presldent Fuloon's defalcation is stated to be
Krigttfal Accideut at Springfield, Mass.
cru cial Despatch lo The Evening I'vlegraph.
Spkingfibld, MasS., July 7. A man, wo
man, and child who were crossing the Connec
ticut River on the steam ferry, at South
Uolyoke, about five o'clo k last night, met a
sudden and shocking death. They were all
seated In a carriage, and their horses taking
fright plunged i ll' the forward part of the boat,
which ran over them. All three were drowned.
Tbe body of the woman has been recovered,
also tbe borse and carriage. The olrcumstanoes
led to the belief that the unfortunate persons
were Mr. and Mrs. 8. O. Davis and son, nine
years old, of Ibis city, who left their board I ui
bouse on East Bridge street, shortly after
dinner, for a carriage ride lo Holyoke. Mr.
Davis baa lived iu the city only a lew months.
Drowning; of a Farailf.
Holyoke, Masa., July 7. Three persons were
drowned while crossing tbe Connecticut river,
at the ferry at this place, yesterdav. Tney are
supposed to have been Mr. and Mrs'. Q, V. Davis
aud ihelr son, of BprlugUeld,
The Orowdlaa; Avaldad This Morulas;,
New York, July 7 The police arrangements
tbla morning on Fourteenth street are excel
lent. All crowding it tbe doors ol Tammany
Hall la prevented by a line of police, who per
mit none but boldera of tickets to the Con yen
tlou to approach the building.
PaadUton Slaughtered.
At 10 o'clock tbe delegatea were generally on
hand, aud the galleries filled with spectators, as
also were all the seats appropriated to the ladies.
Prior to calling the Convention to order tne
Hall was filled with rumor-; some of Pendta.
ton's friends say, that oonibluvtous have been
made which make his defeat certain,
The Platform.
The Committee on Resolutions have agreed
unanimously on the platform, aud are ready to
report promptly.
The Convention was called to order by Its
President at lu-40. Prayer was oflered by the
Kev. Mr, Plumrn, who referred, wn u appropri
ate feeling, to the suil. leu death of Peter Cag
ger. a delegate to Ihe Conveuilou from the SUie
of New York.
On motion of Mr. Blgler, of Pennsylvania, the
reading of yesterday's Jourual was dispensed
Mr. Wright, of Delaware, submitted a series
Rctolntlone from Alax. II. Stepbeaa,
of Georgia, which be asked to have read and
The name of Stephens was loudly oheered.
The resolutions were read bv the Secretary.
The resolutions declare adherence to the
Union; that the Union uuder the CouslHtiMou
Is a union ot Stales, and that the doctrines of
Jellersoi should be reaffirmed, and the ueoet
sity or btiuglng tho Government back to tuotr
observance: that the Democratic) party, in sus
taining the Federal Goverumeut durlug tue
late war, did so iu good faith to sustain the Con
stitution, to preserve the rights aud dignities of
all the States unimpaired; that the btguest meed
of patriotism is due lo all wuo perilled Ufa aud
fortune for the maintenance of tbe Lfulou; out
v e have no thanks for those who carried ou the
war lor tbe subjugation of the States, or lo suo
Jecl the white to the black race.
Afraid of Kjaolutlona.
Mr. Richardson, Illlnoie, moved that all reso
lutions hereafter submitted be referred without
reading. If the Convention took any otuer
eonrse it would maaesome mistake, un I com
mit itself to something it could uotmaldtala
on the slump.
A delegate moved to amend so as to confine
tbe motion toall resolutions relating to the plat
lorm. Mr. Cox said the Committee on Resolutions
was now ready to report, and he hoped that
Mr. Riohardsou would withdraw his mitloa.
A delegate irom Callforniaseut up tne refla
tions of the Labor Conveuilou of OtllforuU
againsl negro domination, and lu favor of tho
eight-hour rule as D.-mocratic doctrine.
Mr. Klcuardsou lusisled on his motion to
refer all resolutions.
Mr. Filgler (Pa.) moved to lay on the table,
wblcb was taken.
The question was then on Mr. Richardson's
moiiou, referring all resolutions without read
ing. Mr. Price (Missouri) here took the chair.
The Pjatrorm Reported.
Before the vote was taken on Mr. Richard
son's motion, Mr. Murphy, of New York, rosa
to report from the Committee ou Resolutions
tbe platform agreed upou, which he sent to tue
Chair, where they were rend by Mr. Murphy.
They declare that the Democratic party, re
posing trust in tbe intelligence and Justice of
tbe people, standing upon the Constitution, re
cognizing slavery and secession as settled by
the late war, or voluntary action of the South
em Btates, never to be renewed, do demand the
immediate restoration of all tbe Htales.
(Cheers.) Amnesty for all political offenders,
and tue right or Boflrage In ll the States; pay
ment of tbe public debt, where the obllgallous
do not expressly stale on tbelr face, 01 the law
under which Issued do not provide fir payment
in coin, shall be paid in lawful money of the
United States. (Prolonged cheers.)
Fourth. Equal taxation of all property, in
cluding Government bonds. (Cheers )
Filth. One currency for the Government and
the people, laborer aud office holder, pensioner
and soldier, producer and bondholder; (great
cheers); and
Sixth. Economy in Ihe administration, re
duction of the army and navy, abolition of the
Freed men's iiureau (cheers) and of the inquis
itorial modes ot collecting revenue, tariff for
revenue, and such equal taxation under internal
leveuue as will ail ird protection for bom our
native and adopted citizens against the
doctrine of lmmuiaule allegiance;
denounced the usurpation and tyranny of tue
radical party in its violation of their pledge in
the conduct of the war that It was only for the
preservation of the Union; having subjugated
the Btates, overthrown tbe freedom of speech
and of the press, established a system of espi
onage, disregarded the habeas corpus, made of
tbe national capital a bastlle, aud ihrea'ea to
destroy the original Jurisdiction of the Supreme
Court, and maligned the Chief Justice because
of bis integrity on the trial or tbe President.
The report continued at considerable leugth
to recite these abuses, and in conclusion de
clares that the privilege and trust of suilVage
belongs exclusively to tbe control of eaoh
Slate, and that Congress has usurped it In vio
lation of the Constitution. Specifically de
nounce he reconstruction acts as usurpations,
unconstitutional and void. The soldiers and
sailors' pensions are to be faithfully paid . The
public lands shall be reserved for homesteads,
aud thanks Andrew Johnson for resisting tne
bggreFslons of Congress. In conclusion, the re
port Invites men of all parties iu the past to
uuile ou this platform.
Tb Platform la Adopted
Mr. Murphy moved the previous question
which waa adopted with few dissentlug votes.
A delegate called for the reading (cries of
"question," "question)," which was put and
adopted with tew dissenting volcos, aud the
Convention rose to its feet wildly cheering.
A Motloa. to Praceed with tbe Noinlaa
tloa. Mr. Blgler, of Pennsylvania, offered a resolu
tion that the Conveuilou do now proceed to
nominate a candidate for President of the
United States. Borne confusion eusued, but the
Chair put tbe question at once, and it was de
cided iu tbe affirmative.
Mr. Seymour here resumed the chair,
Vallaadlgtaam'a Motloa Wabled.
Mr. Vallandlgbam moved to recouslder the
vote Just taken, and that the motloa lo reoou
blder lie on the table. Agreed to.
Tne Two-third Rail.
Mr. Seymour said it was Important that the
Convention, before proceeding 10 ballot, should
cleurly understand what the twothird rule
was. He was very anxious that no mis
apprehension should arise after a ballot
shall have been taken, and called upou the
Stcretary to read the decision of previous
Democratic Conventions lu regard to that rule,
and said if there should be any doubt upou
the operation and en'eot of said rule he
invited discussion and some form of resolution
by the Convention, which should determine
whether two-thlrdsof the entire Convention,
or If tbe vote should not be full, two-thirds of
all those voting should determine tbe ballot.
Mr. Richardson moved that two-thirds of all
tl e delegate vot lug upou any harlot shall de
cide a nomination, aud added a few remarks
denouncing the two-thirds rule as a mlsohlev
ous one.
From Chicago.
Spectal Dcspilch lo The Evening Telegraph.
Chicago July 7. An attempt was made to
arrest Henry Barry this morulng. He drew a
knife and cut the offloer, who shot bim dead.
Great, interest Is felt here aa to the nominee
of the Democratic Convention. If it is not I en
dlelon it will cause schism lu the ranks of ine
Chicago unterrlfled.
Phillips & Lubensteln'a chair faotory took fire
last night. IjOss $10,000. , . ,-
William Holdswortb, a prominent citizen,
died suddenly yesterday.
Suicide of the Cleveland Murderer.
Cleveland, July 7. John Cool, who killed
blsiwo aiep-sons, named Qtiayie, at Warren
vllle. Juue 27, out bis throat, last night, lu bla
oell. wltu a razor; borrowed from a leltow-prl-goner.
Cool'a companion lu tbe cell was
wakeued by tbe blood dropping on bla face,
and fouud Cool to be dead. Ilia trial com uieuoed
' yesterday.
Koralag- quotations.
By Atlantic Cable.
London, July 7 A. M. The Money Market la
25Sim?B,oBCoD"ola for money, Wmi; and lor
fiiHP1 American aeonrltiea quiet and
tem7al.lo.d8'773 Efl ao
17o!AK18' J Uiy 7'The Bour i tea ij j Re Aea,
Frankfort. July 7.-5 Ms, 7714
Of H OW balea. Beef heavy. Lard quiet aud
steady. Chee-e quiet aud steady.
London, July 7. Sugar, to arrive, 20). No
Whale Oil In market. ' 0
Afteraoaa Q,aotatloas.
London, July 7-P. M. The Financial Mar
ket la unchauged. Llneed (Hi, 11 5s.
Livkhpool. July 7 P. M. Cotton firmer:
sales ol 12,000 bales. Beef, lus. 0d. Pork dull.
Datd firm. Cheese buoyant.
AMWRRr, July 7 P. M Petroleum Is firmer.
London. July 7 P. M. American securities
are quiet, but firmer. Illinois Central, lOlud
1('1?H. Atlantic aud Great Western, 35.
Mam-hi.xtkk. July 7 P. M. Tbe market for
yarns aud fabrics Is firmer and higher.
LlVKhi-ooL, July 7-P. M. Corn is firm.
Wheat firmer, but not quotably higher.
DiVkit pool, July 73 30 P. M The shipments
of Cotton from Bombay lo tbe 30th ult , since
lust report, or one wees, were 4000 bales.
Peas quiet. California Wheat steady. Oats:
Marine Intelligence.
Brust, July 7 Arrived, steamship Vllle do
Pails, in m New Y'ork, Juue 27.
kouthamiton, Julv 7 Arrived, steamer
Heiiuaiiii, trom New York.
QttKKNs'iowN. Julv 7 Arrived, steamer City
Of Parli, irom New York.
Pattr G'agfror Tnrowa front his Car
tlafta, Bad Killed.
Special Despatch to The Evening Telegraph.
Ntw York, July 7 Peter Cagger. of Albany
was Instantly killed last ulgbt, while riding la
tbe Central Park, by being thrown from bla
Jonu T. Develln, of New York, was so much
injured that bis lite is depalred of. The Bad
event casts a terrible gloom ou the community.
Markets by Telegraph
Nkw York, Jaly 7. mock lower. Chicago and
Rock island, lotJa; Heading. DO3,; Canton Company, in
Krle, Cleveland aud fulmlo Hut t'levelaud and
Plusliurit, b7',: PiUHhurg and Fun Wayne, K)7'-,;
Michigan Central, lift1-., Miunlgan Houtuarn, HI1,;
Itew York Central, I37.J; milium Central. Ida; Cuiu
Oerland preferred, Virginia fts, 6: Mis
souri Ui, 91 : Hudson river, l:u. U. 8. 6-w, li2, 1I3';
do, 1KW, l-ii'a: do. ISK. lil1!. new Issue, 10ri'.;
ln-408, in7: 7-:wt, los'ji Gold. l4o.'a. Money, 4 lo 6 per
cent. Kxctiange, llul4
OrviOK or thus Ilvkninh Teleorapk, V
Tursday. July 7, iBt!.
There Is no material chance to notice in the
Morey Market. Call loaus rule at 4C)6 per cent.
Fust class com morciul paper ranges from 66
per ceut. per annum. The sto -k tnaikct opened
vtry oull tbts motnins, but prices were without
any n aierial cbauee. (iorernuient loans were
a fraction higher. 113 was bid for 6s of 1881;
117 lor 10 40s; Ki8 tor June ami July 7304; 113J
tor '02 6-20r; 110. lor '04 6 2ds; llljj for '5 6 20s;
l()8j lor July '05 6 20 ; and 10 for '67 5 20s.
t'ii v loans were unchanged, the new issue sold
at 1023.
liatlioad shares were tbe most active on the
list. Cuiiulcu and Aniboy sold at 1204, n'o
cliaopc; lVunsvlvatna Kiilroal at 62ji)524;
Leliuru Valiej at 54$. no change; Reading at 48J-,
a M'gut advance; aud Cataissa prebrred at 21),
no c'jai ee; 44 was b'd lor Lltue Schuylkill; 33
forivortb Pennsjlvums; 41 lorLluira preferred;
204 tor Philadelphia and Erie; ucd 48 for
6rthern Ccuirul.
City Possenuer Hailroad shares were firmly
hrtd. Union r-old at 4l(V4ij, au advance of 2 ;
and Second ana Third at 50, no cti-tnge. 30
whs bid for Fifth and Sixth; CI forTeuth aud
ileventb; aud 10 for Uesfouviile.
Bank ch ares were in demand at full price?.
100 was bid for Philadelphia; 128 for Farmers'
and Mechanics'; 58 for Commercial ; 107 lor
Northern Liberties; 30 for Mechanics'; 110
ftr Kcnsinglon; 58 (pr Peuu Towiisrup; 60 for
Girard; 85 lor Western; 30 for Manulactarcrs';
ond 71 lor City.
Canal shares were dull. Lehigh Navigation
sold at 21j(a22. a shsht decline, and ticliuyhklll
Navigation interred 21. uu advance of ; 74
was bid for Morris Canal p-eterred; 154 lor Sus
quebana Caual, ana 50 lor Delaware Division.
The iollowing are turn ruorninu'a goia and
foreicu quotations, reported oy Whelen Bro
thers, Gold, StocW, Hud Exchange Brokers, No.
105 S. Third street:
10 00 a. M. . 140$ ,12-00 M. . 140
10- 55 " . . 14012 15 P.M. . 140J
11- 09 ' . 14 Ii 12-30 " . 14U
Forelen Exchanae on Loudon: 60 days, llo
frgllOi; 3davs, HOj'ailOJ. On Pans: 60 days,
61. IWdot. 12J: 3 days, 5f. Il4"25f. 10.
Beported by De Haven A Bro., No. 40 8. Third street.
FllteT Board.
1200 City As, New MJ'i 20 sli Leh V.opa&rUt HV
i (it) do.New...c.H'24 k do.. 6l
zuiihb tteaa u. m. ad '4
lnO do....... 3-i
lti do 48 'i
IS b Leh N... .....In. 21
2m) 1o .Is. 'il'i
loosu N Y A Mld..... s
2( sli Mr Mount , as
tUO sli Hon N 2l4
in ih Uuiou P ft......... U!i
ii 44
t:-UHiC 4 Am Us, 'bids liy.l
H0 do is.. l
I04) do.'TS.H6WD. Wt
(IIKlO W I'liea it Sc. 8S
ti(U IelllKtl Couv I... to
10 sn C A AU1..
It) do ............ I ail1
ft ah Pen ii It bi
41 do.. fi
26 do fl
Messrs. De Haven brother, No. 0 Bouta
Third street, report the following rates of ex
change to-day at 3 P. M.: U. 8. 6s of 1881. 113
li:i4; do. 1882, 113(21134; do.. I8ti4, HOJGA
llOj; do., 1805, HUiiH; do.. 1805, new, lUH.JA
1084; do., 167. uew, lii8",(U8J; do., 1808, 108J
&108;do.,5s, 10-40. 100 flOl07J; do. 7308, June,
Hi83(jel08ii; do., July. l'JHi'fil08 ; Due Com
pound Interest Notes, 119i; August, 1865,
11801184; do., September,. 1805, 1180U84; do.
October, 186S, U7i(&118. Gold, 140j(iflUO.
Silver, 1334136.
Messrs. William Painter Sc Co., bankers,
No. 36 S. Third street, report the following
rates of exchauge to-dav at 12 o'clocs:
United States 6s. 1861, 1134-31134; U. 8, 6 20s,
1862, 113t1134;do.. 1864, llOd U04; do., 1885,
111 J SeillJ; do. Julv, 1865, l()84108j ; do. July.
1N07 108108j-18C8, 108ilu8j : 10-408, 100(
107: 0. S. 7-30s, 2d, 1083108A.; 3d
6eriP8, 108ilt8); compound Interest Notes, De
cember, 164, 119; Mav, U65, 119; August,
166. 118H84; Septeoib-r. 165, 1181184;
October 1805. 11741174. Gold, 14OJSU0J.
Messrs. Jay Cooko 4 Co. quote Govern
went securities, etc. as foltowe: U. 8. 6s. of
1HR1, 113113i; old 5-20.S, 113(?8I134; new 6-208,
18C4. llotailOi; lo., 1S6S, llUfUl; 5-2()s. July,
10PIM108J: do., 1X67. 10HK(j)108i; do.. 1808. 108f
W108J; 10-408, 107(81074: 7-30s June, 108j
l''8i; do., July, 108(3 18j. Gold, 140.
Philadelphia Trade Report.
Tuesday, July 7 Bark Supplies come for
ward alowly, and the stocks are exceedingly
small. The demand Is good for No. 1 Querci
tron at JOti per ton.
The Flour market is quiet, and prices rule In
favor of buyers. There la no margin for ship
ment, and tne home consumers onerale spar
ingly. Hales of superfine at t7 608 25; extras at
8 50a9 25; 600 barrels Northwestern extra
fHinlly at 19 50; 200 burrela Mlnuesota do. do., at
$10 75; Pennsylvania and Onio do. do., atS103
1160. aud fancv brands at 1214, according to
quality. Hye Floor U selllugat 89(39 25$ bbl.
No change to notice in Corn Meal.
Tbere la a decided Improvement In tbe de
mand for Wheat, and some bolders are asking
an advance of 6 oenta f bushel. Hales of 6O0O
bushels prime red at $2 802-35. and 2000 bushels
No. 1 Hprlng at 13 Hye is soiling at II 85vl'tH.
a decline. Corn Is In better request, and prices
generally are held at an advance. Males of yel
low at II 14; Western mixed at 1 lkl'i2. and
600 bushels while at II 10. Oataarelnatady re
quest, with sales of Pennsylvania and Western
at 8.r(C8tf cents, and KluO bushels Moutheru at
tD ceuta. Nothing dolDg In barley or Malt.
Provisions are excessively dull, and the Veil
dency of prices la for a lower range,