THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH P III L AD ELPHI A, MONDAY, JULY G, 1863. THE SUAhUKS OF LEBAXOX. Descriptive; Lttr fioot Mr. Vlaceat Tbe Rev. Homy , Vincent, whoie visit to this ouutrv bus pivcn pleasure to uimy of our citi zens, sends to mi English iournal. the Em, ion J.S'ar, tLc following account or tbe Shaker settle Imcntat Lebanon, in New York: I "On the northwestern bonier of the Stated INew Sfork. wit bin h mile of ttie divi Dpir I in" of iMessacbusetts, end nboiit on" hundred and tl i ry tutles from tbe c ty ot Now i'ork,'n the summer retrial ot Lebanon Springs. II 1 1, mo.jQu.u-, ibd vullevs. tree-, uumeus. I.iriu-liomes. mid ftiirujs spread uroiiinl and above you in ever- r aryw i; beauty, lomuidii ir otio of the hiil.t and vai..' ot jj;iiii;'iM"i) iii wales, un th i shlo ot tie r ino mountains aiount Li'-tninon -cou- krridmu 11 line view of the whole imnormiM, .uslcr line distinct portions ot tutt siu.'iiiiir odv ot pcoplo culled by lUe vul.'iir "The linkers.' "l'lrs '.-oticlv of believer?' is the product of that Uiiel.ty nplie:i it i of ilie min i and to til that tnuii .fe.-lrd i'st II in Elojiuiiit mil Kitrop ! tin' pivncr pnrt el' t: ti ; lt-t tcii'ny. Veslcy. wui olcld, tlip rreneli iTOiinet--. hDiDliiil'l batdi'liboli, aiid others, u 11 icpre- intul, with tunic or less trull anil power, Kim iiirinii: of Imnii funis tor 1 Lht, liv, an t s'ii iitioi). In tlii- prcin iv v ikeniiir. a In th-i c 1 1 1 ; f the Couiiii'itiWcuUh, wmiy -r ijiii uf loetrines (Hid new M'c's i-oc and fell mid filllOlii! these we must o liss Hie people osl'i-d liiiki'js, Aboii'. tun vea lios, Ann L 'it Mi''fiit'.-n i. I'.iielaiJd, cur', miter sti-miir r.-li- i'. js ( on unions, and, jij iie l by s-ixor nmlit bit llireii mill n-lcrs. uiuior tlie uuiiliiiK'c ol ii ii-ion, leii England lor A'jii no.i, bcului iii tins OlU.fl.V. "Afir wor'slnr ?"p:int;lv for n llvlnc, and .-'ifei t,L' much pci'x'C'i' i' n m.d li ir (ship for n all j .e:ns, trie hue ti.ui I i hered into a ivD : o iM. toeio'.y in the uoci ol Waici vliot, near Ubany, n iVi'd. in 1 T ' ii l' revival ol ell ion i (Tn.T'l iii Ne, l. ! :iuon unit iu o.lier Alia mi I villnaep, and ma. iv of tlie-o iiejjde ftvete int mi'lv iniiiessei , Ann L,"o and li-r .1 . .1 . : . I . i li-nu s i li.i. in' i nil ii ir i rone in :i ni'i i ie in elves on' ol tbe world, n' d in the no vrv ol Ktrj ilul.v bi rit 'to crncin nil v rmi v lutV and to nter the f.pii- tual fll.llenuul clinrcL m the, irnetieeo ) r eel i.'lnis'.itv . ton-i)t r ince. eii inl v. ijiollicily mid sisfi t v lo'- ,1'iniiiloLim'' n.l irivate property inr the eommon tiood, and haviiifr. IiK the e.irly i'iipti:i'i.-, 'all thinu'- in oniiin'n. riom tlieir rn-it fervor in pi'' 'ie,i- iinr tlieir ti--tn til i ii u.-, and qiiimmH they were Loketi id a 'siiak"i,' .Un u naiue they uro bv ao tin an.- a-hamid to am it. 'iheir prou'i'St win ui-ecaiily blow, as tuey rtook up a cross loo li'avy 'o be bori.e by orli- nir.v iijeu and women ot tl.o uoild. lie Shaker coaituutii'ie arp Oivded Uto families. iWittutt Ni;:h' ot o.ieli ol:i i- n', Mo iiH Leb moil .re tlirio ot tbee taiml ea Aortti lamilv. Ajhurcli taiii lv. an I Sj imi lamilv. The lir-st liuirnben sixty bit!ueii hi I s'ni.-r.N the second flue fjiuulred uud (went.. In he New Lebiuou T-ocieU there are hl'H"et!i?i etLfni ot these t iim- Kiei- in ail live hiirlnd bivibreu ana Bis- ets. The Xe .v I.eliau in mioi tv o vim sit ill in land a.res ol laid :t lauv piooii iu ot wincli is oooien to Met, tin. in r, me' slieep. Ill's peop;e iil. i posse s uaidtii ycls, hot bs. and fiuitn, wbtcli are every w nei e iatnud lor their iual ty. "Ih roil" bout the Union there ara eb'ef'ii flouiih'tiir Miaker t-ocieiei, bv rclly livuiix a C' libate lite, unci enjoying a iei.ecl cbuim niity Of 'Oildl f.'0;jdJ. 'I', was wph no until 1 delight on Friday eveiinf! last I found myseit in tiont of a staii'e wagon, with tn v friend Wiiham Jlardiiero. ot LPhilaoelpb a, ridiu'j neven miles ovtr maddy roads between Uana in an 1 Jenauoti. It was 'evenlnir. ai.d the Betting ,-uii imbed hilU aui 'ralliys in a Hood of li;:h t. Tne nvulet.s vere swollen by heavy rams, and ht mini lets raali'id sn1 spaikled clown the ravines, lpapius into the la iehme wat"ra bouoatti. (Jras0es, leaves, an 1 flowers were beaded by rum ilmpi that glitened like diamonds in the rava of iho Beltimj sun. We reaeaed Norih. Family about 7 o'clock, and were welcomed, with mo jest sine.;, ny aa elderly sister, and wo soon ciaspej the warm bauds of Klder Frederick Kvans, who sonif) (months auo, coiii'teou-ly invited me to share J'lbe Siniple liospitalniei' ol the society. DOMESTIC LIFE. "We were foon introduced to oilier brethren, and found ourselvva at home and at ea-e wit a our hearty tneinla. The bre.hren and sinters at North Family occupy three neat and substantial houses. There is no je.-liaii t other tliiiu the re BtraiLt of food breeding and true Christian pro priety, brethren aud sisters occupy tlie same houses, the sleeping acconiuio latioti beiui at parts ot the i welling, ibey rise at hall-p'ist 4 o'clock iu the moiinn-', oreakta t at 6, dinner at noon, supper at 6 in the evening, and retire to rest about 10. At meals the women occupy one end of the laOlc, the men the other. Before meals they all kueel down aud oiler thanks and prayers in solemn silence. My Iriend aud I took our meals in a small neat room alone. Wo wre watted upon most atten tively by one of the e sicrs, who coiit-taurly kdt the room, eturuiug to lunuire it auythinjj was Wanted. "A Miaker meal is a wholesome least. A room beautilully clean, a plain clean table, good white laud brown br-ad, Sireet fresh butter, rich milk iand cream, wholc-onie well cookrd meat, plain iTepetaoles, pieserved Iruits; but all served in the i simplest, neattst, and economical way. We occupied two bedrooms that opened one iuio the other. The, beds ura sweet aud clean, and you sprawl iu them with a perfect delirium of lazy Uelisbt. All the rooms ot the bouses are Cleanliness and neatness to ppr:ection. "Itouud about re the gardens, orchards, farniB, workshops, barns, and storahouies. The lame baru is Wie most pertect model for apace, convenience, aud ventilation. It consists of three Btorips, the lower story bPtut; appropria ted for Btallma cattle. It is built ou tno side of a hill, sc you can drive wagons into the th inl story from the road on the side of the hill. The men aud women eravitate towards tho wort they can mot ea'ily peiierm; and all are busy from morn until night, woikii g with a joyous Will. won ihjp. "Tlie men drosi as the early Qnakeri drespod. The women wiih the sutuo jubkerhke neatuess, I J aud they are all simple but hearty Iu their man L uers. On Saturday uif-'bt we attended worship t for the first tun p. The men and women stood iu three lines in the pm ence ot each other. A bro ther read a hymn, while tin y all joined in sitijr liifr. This was followed by other txercises iu souc. Klder Evans then uavea powerlul exhor tation liomthe word?, 'fhre is thereiore now no coiKieniiuition to those who are in Uhriot Jei-us.' lie spoke of liio victory they had achieved over the world :u d the power or tun and evil by the e;rueeand mvor of God, niaiulaiu inp, wi'h ereat gravity, 'that eveiyt?o id aud perfict crltt conieth from (j'o I' and from 'the power of His Christ. He was lollowed by u brief Cihortation from one of the sister. "A line was then tonm-d iu the centre of the room, thieo brethren aud three enters standing lace to line. Tbe remainder 10' ined iu a c'rile round the. room. The bte hren and bisters iu theceutieof the room .-air.; luums, while the rttt uiovpfl round tlr-m iu a kind of duiiee, niovina' their open hands as though waitinir to catch a ble-sina. AH was eruvely perlormed, ltith nil eviopiit profound n'U.-i1 ot u", O i iSuiulay this wor.-hip was repea'.ef, with the addition of a more lively npiritual fous and dance. The Shakers hi. id to the example of Jliriam and Kinn l'avid od other niemliers of the ante nt t'huich iu manifesting tb-ir j y aud gratitude at the piooues-oi (Jodto.vatds them by spiritual bonrrs and datiees. "Althout-h the ci'iuiiiuiiy was new to me, I felt lo levity, but wai pravely iuipresse 1 by the. deep solemuity o what J saw. I was permitted to addreas the assenibiy, and ( n Minday iii;;ht . by Invitation, met the Cliurcn Fanidy, mil pave, to the best of my ability, a sketch of the present state of rebeion in Filmland, iu the Fi tabllshed Church and In the diuentinsf bodies. They apuearol particularly impresed by the account I e.ave ot the yreai'work resultini;' from the labors of Mr. (Sjinu'eou; and at botu f inn ii( H they denied n.e to say to brethren in Fun land that they blesied (Jod for all the work done by the wcikinp of the Holy Spirit in otuer churches. C0NCIA1BIONH. "I hud not time to make myself a!cjiiiiinted with all the peculiariliPs or tlieir belief. I have nodcubl they holt many views Uoui which 1 should difnent; but I felt fn no mood for discus sion, and had not opportunity enontrh tor pa tient investigation of the doctrines which kept t In iu apart irom ot her lects. Those who desire inn rmation on these points must search tbeiu out lot then iclvesj they will ti n l them epito mized in woiks published by tho coriety. I contented myself with the reguhs I sa w be'ore nnr, and thought them eullicieiuly remarkable loeonimniid the respectful and tbouuhtlul utten t ton of the t'huich aud the world. "1 sa i a coinm unity of men nd women of all afs livmii a pure celibiite liie, tindrr thesainp roof, full ol sweetness, love, and gentleness a haupy tani'ly of luoMiers and sisters. I knew tint many ol tin in had been u.airied men and women before they wre ld, by areiutout ( iinciplp and nioiive, to Vrneily all worldly liists ' and enter info what they reuar l at tne niilh mi id Mate. I knew that ill's life had been liv I by iuoi,kn and nun-, wuo woe excluded irctii a -Ii oilier with a pn.-oii-lil;o ri r, uu lur lock and k-y, bol s and bar-; but here I saw a H;riMiiil latniiy the own hu-band aud wife entering upon a m w li e in Hie daily presence oi ( nun oilier nod Unit this cha-le comuiuiuty had tested this lite of purity fi r seventy yews wi bout any cloud uiinuji to tlliu the lustra of it.-- . "i if eour-e, we nil cxelnim, MIow c-in these thiiii;s be?' Anil the piolliuHle and tne bie tai.-e li.e yell ol laughter; bat the lJakers modestly reply, 'Mot unto us, but unto Uod be nil the t'l I'.V.' 'J-'lic world laughs uyain, uud r,, ii j ; bul the answer is the fat l ot this life, which tl.i.s peoplp lays opi'ti to the ea3! of all tre-wi ihi, 1 kii', ii oreovcr, a peoole w ho will lot hold private propeity-a people who let securely ami m peict bai inony and prosperity, iion a fomr.iuuiiv ol gi ode. 'J'he dreuin of L'topin is here realized. Ti.ej woik h ud, they en o.v the trnits id their industry, they live simply iitd frugally. For ten vears Kiev have ceased to eut 8a me, or to di ink alcoholic drinks, except under medical a Ivic, '1 t aw that this CMiinuu.ity of goods sprung from :i nrejif r motive ihan a o.- p. onouii c I i u t i . Imieef, in one of tir'ir vi iblicatioiis I toun I this i .vniM'tiph: They could not un ler stand l.o iv so-called Christians (brethren aed sisters) cotild be membi rs ot the sii'iie religions bodf or ( lunch m il be divided into' rich and p or hi .le- things ol ih i s temporary world, but v. !io nie va nlv c.vpei niu that in lac world to come they wui nil be iilin' to have eternal tilings in c ninioti.' Thus their communistic I'll it -prings from a rt liL'ioiis motive, aiid sindi a lact is worthy the coiucmplaiion of thoucht ful men. '1 ij.ipiired into the internal working: of the community, as to how disputes or ui.suu.ier ctamiuies win; settled it they unfortunately arose. I Mastoid that beip again they ad ipied the Chiisltan plan, spealring to tho brofber or ti"tel al.uie, and it that lad. d, 'tell it uuto tbe Chinch;' aud ilia', so lr, all had moved on with harmony, and i.o tenons dilliculties had uisturbi d ibeui. Another thiim I b&v also seen in ifcla'ion to the f-h.ik-is. Fvery ojc iu A ue rica with hom I have spoken speaks highly of their moial character, ot their truiifuliies-. of their bom sty in tln-ir dealings with their tellow llii li; all heur tlrs tiaitimony, with the exeep ti.di id those deciaded p- onh: who believe tneic nie no bucU things as virtue and truth on the fcfu th. ' Surely tkp siiecss of this community mii'-t have a cause. What is that rau.-n ? 1 do noi pre'end to au-wer the question, but it is a. question worthy of an answer. .Many simq r epi r met ts have totally tailed. Why has tilts succeeded? Within the past forty years tho Owcnite expi rnnents in Fngland tiud AmeriCii havo tailwd, but bhakeriFin is a fifing and tri umphant lact. Let me urge upon divines and ec In dor in their rambles through America lo visit tho Shaker community at Mount Lebuuon, and ir they are disposed to inquire 'How cm tbK-e ihuiL's be?' uiy answer is, 'Came and see.' We left the brethren and sisters with regret at (our o'clock, yesterday morn ing, ace1 had a difficult ride of three hours to Chatham Four Corners, and took the train for ewYoik. Klder Frederick Fvatis is an Eng lishman by birth, coming lrom the old couuty of Worcester. He is a tall man, with an, thoughtful lace, aud a pleasant play of grave humor round the mouth. He appear to be over suty years of age. He is atlablo in his man rers, and aiuious to cominunieaiii his optnioas to iiiQuuers. 1 coiivcised with three or four Englishmen, who wete uappy in the enjoyment ot the lives ihey had cho-en. My warm thanks are due, and are thus puoli.dy tendered, to the brethten and Bisters for thoir loving hospi tality.'' 1 The following "warning" is posted on a man's grounds a lew miles back of lloboken: ' Take notice, that whosoever is found tres paseing on these grounds will be shot aud prosecuted." GOVERNMENT SALES. H Oli-E, MULES, WAQDXS, ETC., AT A IX' HOIS'. IlBl'OT CffAKI KRMASTKB'S OFFICK ... Whiiiuton, D. v., Juan 30 isu8.r w 111 be so'o at juihiic miction, at Xdncolu J'eput on W y 1) h.SDA y, july s, cnpiuieiiciiig at lo A. M . miner the siii erviKiOi cf ltreVHl Colouel Asa P. Blunt, A. Q. 1 , a quanihy of Uuaiteriuasler'a ttiortu, raleU as uuHUViciub e, enus sl ug Iu part ol ae Mules, iu good order, los. Iron, assorted, 8 ilo.seH, do. 300 4J0 Iron Wire. 2."o Aruiy Wasons, to AniDiilBi.ees. lis tela L.ia Mule Car 1HSH, K3 ifiB W'bi-el do. ila " Aiub. Wheel do. 3 " ' l.euU do. 22 lirlvlDK Idues, ii KiUlna lirlOim iB Hkdtlleo, assorted, 111 Worse Bliu keiH, 3 Priut Lg l'rt';nes, IS (.'tiaiis. lo Cuok Mtoves and Tlx turc , HO I.fMd liars. H. 8 Nls, Iron Pipe, Hope, Grain Packs, Htietit Zini!. 6 ss 600 8,2' S fcS a i-Horso Wagons, 150 Wheels, sk t all (idles, 1.6H0 feel II use, lit Buckets, ussoi toj, ii'.t W'ukou Whtiis, 217 IS. Uieda, id bliovtls, assorted. TcKPtl ir with tinners', Carpenters' and Elaclc suii i h' 1 cols, and o'lier articles uui enniucialei, '1 einif: Cash, tu Heverunjenl minis, lty outer ul tho yuartBrmaHier Ueneral. Deputy Qunrtermasier (leneral, llvi. Hig. Umi, U. s. Army. 7 1 t OFI-ICK ASSH1ANT QUARIERMASTER VSITKK biA lKa AKW V, Ha. UM UiKAKL) hutel. rHII-ADKLPHIA, JlltV 3, 181. "Witt be fold at public auoliuu, mi sa I'tlliUiY. the llth IiihibiiI. lit II o'clock, A M on the prnnilsPB laieiy orcupiru uj mi Array Hie. Meal Jjaimrcmeiit, hiluuie on Hie west nine of Mi in hi reel, ahove Oxiord, In Hits o ty all tbr laneeit.slirOs.anil materials erected iliertun by the I ' 11 led btuten. '1 lie ain. ve-Lioiikd MiHtfrrlula will ue sold la one lot, and thi purchaser wl 1 be aliewed uutil the Hist to remove ihe sun.e, alir wbtcli date the trrouudou which tbky are auuultd will be lurueu over to Ilia ow '1 . KW8. Ten rer cent, of the purchase tnouy to db iaiu in casn hi me nmo or acuapiative ot Did; L'U'uiiue id iw i'hiu riaii n vp uaj M. Any additional Inlornmllou (laulred will be fur u slieil by the uuUerolud. v. J. rnrLT.r, 7 0 CI llvh Col Bad A. Q. M. U. H. A riuy. QACK OF CONDEMNED SUBdlBTENCJS rlOllKri. Oi -yica. CniiK Commissakt of ScBsiaTKNCK, Liim kict Indian Tkiuutouv J IbUTill HSOM. C Pi.. J II III, II . 1KH4. At public anctloi.. at Fort (Jlbson. e Na ion. on i.i e l.iihdayol 8 o'clock, a. M., cou slsiii l! "I: l'n brrels of Flour. tin ponuna of Hodu Crackers, lei tialloim Ci cuinlier 1'iek les ITU KhIIciiN ( alilin:e umi Uuioil I'tekles, lii i iiallotia Jriiieo ilckle. i .SI ;kll(HIH IHlloll-. sis tixlloi's baiter Kraut. Tl.e i,in, e icoits 10 tio sold without reierve, to th hit: best b Oiler. J ei u,b- I ,.hh. In (loveriimeiit miiiiH, on nay or na:e. The i-ui ct-Hsiul hiuduis 10 remove sturcj wuuiu tu eniy Ii ur hours, ill order ol Jlidur-Oeneral Sheridan. a. K. WH'liWKIL, Brevpt I lent -Col A U M , U H. A., C J6 rt Culi-I ti. M. umi C. (-.. Iud 1'er. s A 1 M OF CONf'EMNED kk's PHOPKhT Y. QUAltTlSUMAS lrlOi Clll KF UOABTKHUAHTEH. Tlifc-i Rirr iu 'i 11 kImiian 1 a mil ion v, Finer (HiiNON. O. N.. Jim- 11. 1KHS. At Pnh'le Aiiri.iiii. ut Fort lobs in. liherixe Na tion copttlsttuK ot llcsplial and other 1'. nts, Cloihlng, BiankriR. lli ik-hs. army Wagrnis, Wunon Covbih. ( 01 kit k t'lensilH, Flans, and numerous oibararti ilea, ail to be uld without ream vo lo the higlioat balder. r-Hle to tuks place at Fort Glbsnu, 0. N OU the IjiU dv of Juij , Iron at k o'clock A. M. Teims-Cush, Iu Uuverumeut fund , to be paid on dny olsale. .... r-uci ustul bidders to remove stores wlthlu twenty lour hours. .y oidi-r ol Major-Cenaral Bberldan. A F. ItDi KWrtLf,, r.revet Llrutenaiit-Ooliinid, A C! M., ('. K, A., ot I idol (4, iii , 1 DUtricl ludlan Territory, RAILROAD LINES, NORTH PENN8K LVANIA UAILROAD lltfi VIDDi.K Kul'TK.-BhnrWH and most direct line to Rel.hlfhem, F.iuutn, Allentown, Maueb I hunk, JI7.leion, White Ji aven, W llamharr, Ma rianey I'I'y. aliainlOrinel. I'lioton. Hcranton. Carbon dale, and an the polota In Ihe LehlgU and Wyoming CXial KpkIoo. l-aener Dapit In Phllslplphla, W. W. oorner ol BlKhs and A At KhldAN sireeta. bllMMKH KIUNi M FN 1 - KLFVKX D4tf.Y TRA Ajn and aOer WKliN KisDaT, May I.', lsns, Pami-nger '1 rains leavp the New Iinimt, corn." of B KK6 and AMI KHAN atreela, daily'(sjunduys ex cepted) ag fodows; A i 6 46 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Wash lutrtnn. At 7'IS A M. MornlnR Ktproas for MptM.)ham anfl I'rlnrisal btiUon on ortu 1'eunsyi vmda i aiiroid. 1 oin eeiln al Hnhlhniu Willi l.ehiKU Vadei- ami LehlKh aiid bnnU"baiina Hallroads lor h.aaot, Al lchiown, Calaaiu(iia, blaiiiiKlnn. jVaueb lihuiiK WRiberlJ, Ja esvllle, Her. en n. White Haveu, Wllkeahwre. h Ineston. J'litaion, rk.rauiou. C.'irtion 'ial, , and all p, lutn in lVhiRh mid Wyondnu Vallys: also in coi u"ct.ou with i-bijh Ktid Malnuoy Kitlt roari for Mahauoy I try; and wlilt I'atnwlKna Railroad tot Kuieri Ihi.vIIIh, finlton, and Wilda'import Arrive at Maacn Chunk at i2Min A. iif : at Wllliea'mrre at 8 t". W I tseraiitou Hi 4'05 ' M., at Mahanov City al i P.M. asH'-iigem hy this train cnu take tue Le .Ikh Valley Trahi. 1 nsing I'eiliif hciu at ll'W A M. Mr Kiiitua, anil polnta on JNcw Jeisey Central Kallroad to Iew York. At S'45 A, !tr. Aoofinirnodatlon for Duylos'own, stopping ai ad Internieolnte tsuatlons, fs t,.nuer. f.r Willow Hnive, liathoro' B'el HarisVllle. bv this train tekn hisue al Cid York itoad. At liitii A. 61 Aecomiu idaiion lor Fort Washing ton, shopping at Inti riiiKiiKl,.- btHilous. At IMA P. Al. Lehhrh Vulley J-;xprens for B-ithle-heio, Allet'l'iwn, Maneh Chunk, While iluveu, WilkPsharre, Mabanoy City, Ceiitralla, Hhcnau.ioali, Ml. farm'), l'lusion and Mi-rRnion, aud all points In tlabiiliov p'ld W omiiiK t'oal Keluni. At tub P. M. Aecoiumoilailon fir Dnylndown, Stopping at all liiternieidul.e HiaMoiiH, Pfieiikeni tKl.e hltKP at 1oj h slow 11 tor JNew ITopu, and at Worth wales for t-iiniiieyiriwii. At S IB P.M. I.eliiKh and siiis'qiiehnnna Kxpresa for Bel lilelo in, lOKiileU, Alieutow u, M ttneh C111111K, Wlikeshrrp, and Hrrantiin. Piissenuurii for Oreeu Vllln take tnl1- iraln lo Wimkeilowu, At 4 Is V. M . Aceoni nivdiii ion ler Diiylestowu, slopping al all Intermediate atu'lons. rasseni'.ers for Willow throve. Baiboro, aud Hartavilie take li't;e lit Ahl'iKion. At 5 lie P. M. Through aoronnnoilatton for Ret hie hPin and all stKtlons on oi.dn line ol North Peoieiyl vanla llullroiu), coniieeileg nt li'lloehe n Willi l.v liinti Valley Kveulng Train lor Kasom, alieutowu, Alaueh I ImiiK. At 611 P. M. Acoinniodat'oii for Lanadale, atop, pipe It ad In'erniei inle htallons. Al lpan P. Al. AccouimoUuliou for Fort Washing ton. TRA IKS AVniVK JN I'll f T, A TiLPHT , 'roiu Lithitbeui al 00 a., ii., ll oU'oon, 2 uu and 3 :-n I-, fa. It")!' A. M, and 2'OOP.M. Trains maSes dtrpet connpc Hen wl'h l.enuh Vulley and l,eliiidi and .-iisipi"hunn trains trcni Kuston. .-iciaulou, WilkebOarre, MaUouy Cltr.nnd ITa.ieton. PasneiiKPra leavlnar Wllkesharra at l'SO P. M. cou unci al Beiiileiieni at 6 05 1'. Xd,, uad ariive lu i'hllu delj a' 8 H'l P. M. 1- rum lioyleniown at 8'25 A.M.. 5'00 and 7'(0 P. M. Proru at 7'Jd A. M. From I'ort Wauhlugtou at 0'30, 10'45 A. Al, aud 3 15 P. Al. ON PUXDATi . PhltaitPtphia for liell-.lehera al) A.M. Philadelphia for linyleulown at '2'ini P. Al. I(;', l. stown lor Philadelphia at 7'no A. III. llei hleheie. tor Philadelphia at 4M) P. M. i iitn and slAth 8ir.-i'U Passeinjr Cars convey pas B'.'nera to and from ihe new d pot. W bite Cars ol Hee. nd andT'lin d f"treeti LInp and I'lilon i.lne run wlililn a abort dlbl.iuce of tbe depot, 'iiekPtn nintit ho trocured at the Ticket olilee, la O.dcr to secure tbe low eat rates id fare. Li.Llsj CI. A UK. A Kent. Tlcksta sold and Kik-iihj cheeki'd tiiriMifth 10 prln aiaiiri'n Mcrth IViniaylvnuia Bakia: i xprecij tillice. Wo. I11S S. FIFTH Sitivet. -OHILAI'I'-LPIJIA, Wll.AlLNUTUX AND UAL JL HiilOKJfi liil.KOAlJ. TI.VK TABLE, coma,enclng MONDAY, April 13, 188. Trains will leve liepoi corner ol .HKOAll btreet and WAsjH.. It 'iTCW A venue as lollow s: Wr.y-Jlall '1 11,1 not 830A.M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore, (Hopping at ail Ketulur irtations, con. iiictiuawlib Ueiawiiro JUillroud at Wilmington lor Ci'icBeiu ana iinernu unite tsimionn. Iraln al 12 llii HI. OSundavs PxnpntPdi for Laitiuiore and WaahhiKton, atopping u.t, Whiulngfon, Perry vllle, and Havre-rie-Oraco. Couuecis at WH mlnlon with train for New Castle. impress Train at 3'iiii p. M. (Sundays excepted) for Bi'lilnaire ana Washlugtun, stopping al Cheater, Thuiiow, Xiiuwond, Ciuymotit.VVllLuluglon, Newport, BiBiitou, Wen-ark, Klktou, Northeast, Chnrleslowu, Porryvllte, llavre-de-Uriioe, Ahurueeii, Perryman'a, K'luewoud, Magnolia. Chaae'a and Htemmur's Kuu. Wikhl Kxprmb at ll'OO P. M. llJady) lor Baltimore no Washington, Rtopplng al Perryvllln and Havre-de-Urace. ConnPcls at Wilmington (Saturdays ex cepted) with IieUware Itallroud Line, alopplng at Mew Castle, MMdletown, Claylon, iiover, llariihK'on, Heatord, Haliatinry, Prinoons Anne, and conoeciiiiK at CriMtield wlih Boat for For tread Mon roo, Woi tolk, I'oiiHiiionlli, and the (South. i-nsspnueni tor Fonreas Monroe and Norfolk Vl9 Baltimore will lake the 12.W Al. Train. Via CrldUeld will take the 1 l-iii P. M. train. WILM1ISOTON TRA 1X8. Stopping at all. suulous between Philadelphia and W'lin ihfeiori. IeaV PhlladPlpbla at 1P0O A. M., 2-80. 5'(I0, 7-O0, and 11' I'ldlttliy) P. M. The 5 00 P. M. Traill counocls with Delaware ituliroad lor Harrington and lnler ciedlf.te stations, Beuve Wilmington 7'O0 and 8T0 A, M. (dally), l'So 4-16 and 7'3e (di.ily) P. M. ThesTnA. M. Train will Uttt stop between Cheateraud Philadelphia. IKUM BALTIMUKK il O PHlBAiJ.fe.LPHI A. Leave Baliimore 7'H6 A. M Way-Mall; 9 40 A. M., Express; 2 if P. Al., tx press; 6' 35 P. M,, Jxpi-esi; S'&o A'M'riCwijAY TRAIN FKOM BALTIMORE!, Leaves Baltimore at 'W P- M., stopping at Havre-de-Oraco, Perryvllle, and W'llmluglou. Also alopi at North-Kant, Klktou, and Newark, to take paasengera for Philadelphia and leave paasengers trom Washing, ton or Baltimore, aud at Chester to leave paaseugen troiu Washliiiou or Baltimoi. 'lbrnugb tickets lo all points West, Honth, Bouth west, may be procured at the Ticket UiUce, io. H2& CHKisW'UT bireet, under tbe Coutlutuial Hotel, where, aiso, atate-rooma and berths In sleeping cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing lickets at this olllce can bave their baggage checked at their residence by the Union Tranater Company 48 tx. x . KKNNKY, buperlnteiideuk T70R CAPE MAY VIA WEbT JEIJSEY RAIL X' KOAH. From fool ol MARK KT (street (Uppsr ierry). Commencing 'J'H UKsbAYi July 2, lst. Trains leave as lollowa lor Cape May: b (Ki A. M Cape May Kx press, due al 12'25 (noon). 8-15 P AL, Cape May Pass-nier, due at 7 15 P M. Bl'TUKiNiWU LbiAVK OAPHi ISLAND. 8 80 A. AL, Alurnlug Mall, due at !01S A. Al. 6 10 P. M., Cape May express, due at H'ti P. M. buuday A all aud Passenger train Itiavea Philadel phia al 'i'J5 A, M. Ki-luridng leaves Cape Island at 6TU P. Al. Kxcurslou Tickets, tl. Cape May Freight trains leave Camden dally at 9-20 A. M., and Cape Island at 8'4S A . Al. Commutation 'lickets betweeu Philadelphia and Cape May, al the following rates: Annual Tlcke s, floo: Quarierly Tickets, Q. tot sale at the 1 luce ot the Company iu cauiueu. in. j. Hiroufch Tickets cau be procured at No. 82S Clieunui stre( t (under the C nllnentAl Hotel), where ciders Con also be loll for Baggage, whloli wi t he ca led lor aud checked al resluences by the Union Trausler Company. WFbi JKltSEY BAII.KOAD LINES. For Bridgeton, baluru. to lllvilie, Viueiadd, and ln ttraitd ate stallons, a t S'OO A. M. and 3 30 P, M, For Cape May, 900 A. M. and 3 15 P. Al. Woodlinry Accommodat'on trBlu at 6 oO P M. Bddgeion auu .Sulem Freight Train leavea Camden "V'J mmuifaVlon'l.'liecks between Philadelphia and all fcUliOeS at reduced rales. , . , . WILLIAM J. BEWKLL, Buperlntendeut. July 2, isiig. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN 'i ItA L BAILIIUAIJ BUStllUt ARKANUK-WEXT.-On and alter MONDAY, April 13, 1S6S, trains ill leave the Depot. 1 H1R 1 Y-FlK-jT aud CHii W UT Streets, W est Philadelphia, as follows: Al 7'lo A. M. Mid 4-fio P. U., aud leave Rising Sun at 5'1d A. Al , nd Oxiord at C A. M.. and leave Oxiord al 8 Aarket Train, with Passenger Oars attached, w ill riiunon TLFj-DA VH and F1UDA YH, leavlug the Jtishig bun at 110SA. M.; Oxiord, U'45 A. M.j and Keunett, 1 P. M.; connecilug al Went Cheater Junc tion with a mihi for Philadelphia. On WKDNKbDAYri and bATCKDAYS Train leaves pnUaUelpUUt at 8 30 P. M.i ruua throunh to UThed'traln leavInK Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M.con I pc ta at Ox bird w 1 111 dally line of staged for Peach Bottom. Iu Lancaster couuty. Returning, leave Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with Alteruoou Train lor Philadelphia. , . Tbe llrain leaving Philadelphia at 4'MP, M. runt HmfKe ,aMeaa.!owdeA to take weartnr apparel BIBP' ''woi'D,01 411 Oeneral rlunarlnlendrint tlLADELI'lIlA AKU E1HIS RAILROAD. fcUMMER TIME TABLE. Thronih and dlreta route bblwt-eu Philadelphia, l altlnio'e, xsarrbburg, Wllilamsport, to the-WoriU-viest, and Ihe (mat (Ml Region Ol Pennsy van a. l-LKHANT bLKFPINU OA Rb on all Night Trains. On and alter A! ON DA Y. Alay 11, USsS, tne trHlus en the I taiiadelphia and Krie Kallroad will run as lollOWS'.- WKSTW11D, in all T, Bin lea VPS Philadelphia m...11'1B P. H " .1 leave W ill lamaporl 8 20 A.M. ii hi rives al Krle . S&o P. M. I'rle tLxnreui leaves Philadelphia M m.12UI noon 1 Tie rcu"1(,ave williamsport 8'bd P. M. I h arrives at Krle loiifi A. M. l lmlra Mall leave phildelphla s-is) A. At, I " loavn V'llllamsport 8 'lis P. M, I" arrives a'. Lock llaveu........M 7i5 P. M. Kis'iWAnot - I II au Train leaves Erie n'V2 ' X I letive Williamsport ...1015 P. Al I ,1 ,i arrives al Philadelphia. 7 10 A. M, I Krle Kti rt4 leaves t rlo u P. M. 1 o l,.ve WllllHliisporl...... 8 16 A.M. u ii t a,i,u.deliihia 6 ll P.M. ntpll And Kxrress connect wUt' Oil Creek and Alle- theoy Itwer iw troau. M,1'r':;"'1,"' "X' Lr n 1 - ju j IU Ueueral bDperlut9adttrA RAILROAD LINES. TDFAniN'O BAILROAD. GREAT "TRUNK tl J','N' frem Philadelphia U the Interior of h2l,?'yJvBlf'th fsbuylkld, Hiisqnehnnn, Cum neriiind, and Wyoming bI!pvs, the North, North SrjjkJ"ld ! .Caiiadas. Hummer Arrangeiueut of rawenger Trains, Monday, My 4, JWI8. leaving t tie vhii'.Si'f? Si1"-'."! Thirteenth and Callowhlll alreeta, a .frW: ,,'lt lf"" 'o'lowli K tirnirs: fh? ' i,IN At"IMODAT10.'V-S.-At 7'30 A. M town gnd lnte, mediate Blatloiis, and Allen- aJ7un' P.M.. arriving AtORNiWO KXPRH.At 818 A.M., for Readtnf Lphsnon, llarrisl.iirii, Pottsvllle, Plnetlrovn, laa.a m a bnnl'iiiy. W iI.iHn.Hpo Kloitrtv Rochester, J'Blf""1."l" W ntteatiarre, P.twtoii. Yorlt, Carlisle, etian hersbiirK, Hsgersiown, etc. Ihe ,-;i(itiHin connect ai Reading with the Fast lennsj ixaida Railroad trains lor Allentown, etc., and ihPS'ifi A. M conuor.ts wiih th,. Lehauou Valley train ferHarrh lniTg, etc.; at Port CHnlon whh I ata-wls-'B KMilroad tr li. tor Wllllrninnori. L(Kk Haven, K.n.ira en-; at llarrlshnr with Northero Central, I uiiiivr and alley, and bcbnjiklll and Kusqtielmnn I Vfimh rVTnr 'VZT WilJlam'""jn' V ... 'o .NV"N. -"-M'KKHS. I.c bvps Philadelphia Bl.t.lel M for RPh.iliur, Potts-ilile Harrlshnrg. etc., to i.eeiliig with Reading and Columbia JUUrcad llillliH ler Ce)iii,,Bi l'l'TIsi rowN A COMMOOATION. Loaves Potts town at 4ft A. M..sioppli!K at, Interniedlate stallons! "1 rives In Philadelphia al o' A. M. heiui iiing leaven MdlHdelpbla at 4 3u P. M .; arrives In Potlfltowu at 8-3S K FADING ACC'iMMOnATION-Tvpa TPBiltnn m 7 it" A. A'., stopplni: hi all way stailous; arrives In I'liiliioelphiu al In Id a. jM. BeliiriihiK, leawg Phliadrlphla at 5T6 F. AL; arrives In Heading id son p. M. Tri-di s lor Philadelphia leave HarnshurR at 8'in A. Al.. dtid F'.tti ville at s io A.M., arriving :ln pldladl pliln at 1 P. At. Allernoon trnins leave 1 'ai rt-dnirg at ?.','5.,1'-,'".", H, l P'd'tviiie at ii tu P. Al.; arriving at l'ldli.iO Iphiri at fi'tn P. M II aTistairi; aeeoiiimodatlon lpavist H'"'rtlnr at 7'I8 A.M., and Urtirlsliurg al 4 10 P. Al. Conuecilug at Hi'iidniK wltli Aiteri, oon Accommodation south at :' P. M., arrivli.g In Piilladelphla at 9 1,1 P. M. Marke. tiin, With a Pa-Mencv' car attii'-Ueu, leaves Hi IdaielpIiU at z 45 eoon for Po tsvtlle end 1. I w ay Mannas; leavi s P -UsiVltlt, at 7 A. M. for Philadelphia Bnd ell 01 her W'uv blalhnm. All the above iraiim run daily. Fniidpr excetited. bumiBv ttrtinB Imkvp oiisvlllo at S-ii A, M and PldliuieiphiB t,llfi P. M ; leai-e Polliiiadiihia for H.esiiing ut tin a, JL, rcuuuihg fr.itu l'.e-dlug at 4 Ji ClllI'Hl VAIJ.KY RAlLr.OAD. Fasi'nn-rers for J.owmi gtown and dnli i- vedi:te latinis lake the 7HII A. AL. lv.'4i and 4 sn P. Af. trains irmn PnilaOel phia. reiuriuiig from Dowiduglowu al 6 u A. M., roo, and Fi'4.) f, Al. yh liKiCMES RAILROAD, Pn-"nKPn for Col lekf vine lake 7-o0 A. M. and 4 31 P. A.. itrIuh l'roru Philadelphia, returning IromColleKevllh-at 7 i I A. M. audi 39 P Al. btuse lim-s lor various pomta in Per kion eu Valley connect with trains at CollHMcville. WKW YORK KAPKhba 1 OR PUT-siSURi aNO 1 Hf. V P. Leaves New York at 9 A M., sun aud 8 00 1". A- ., passing Peedli.g at 1 A. AL, 1 H( andrlu P. A'., and connect at llatrisburg with Penn-y. and Nor. hern t entrallKeuroad Fr.prens Trains for Phih burg, I IdeatsH, William port, Kluilra B.ilt'uinro, etc. Hetiirnlng, Express 1 rnln leaveB Harr!sb"rg, on arnv 'I of 1'enuH. Iva'da p. xpresa irom Pt U.t'iiig, at 3 and 6 .i A. At , 9 3r 1'. M. puh.-Iiik Rending at 4 l'j and "i A Al.,and 11-4(1 P. Al., arriving at New on:, lo lO aud ll'4s A. M ., a d B i o P. At. bieeplnx Cars arcom papvlin; ihese trains thro' gu between Jersey City and x iitstiiir, without chaoae. Aliill train lerNework Iprvps Tlarrlchar'? at R'lll A. At. and 2H5 P. M. Mail train lor llarri.-iburg leaves Nt w ork ai 12 Noon. sell CY I. KILL VALLEY R A TI.ROA r.-Trins leave Pmtsville at 6-3" 11 on A. It., and 7 11 P.M., re turning irom Taniaqua ai 7 '3d A. Ai. and 1' hi aud 4 H6 bl JIUYLK IT L AND SUSQUEHANNA It AIL ROAD. Tralim leave Auburn a! iV'-S A. Al. lor I'lne diove and Harrh.biu i:. and at 1 I1, Al. lor Pine- giove and Tremoiii; returning ir nn Hariishuri; at .Vf s P. Al , aud Irom T lemotut at 7'4n A, -J., and 5 S5 P. M. TICK I.T-S. Through firat-elass tteke's and emi grant to kets to all ihe priuc.pai pcluu iu the Worm aud W11.1 and CuiihiIiv. Kxcursion '1 ickets from Philadelphia to Reading aud iritermedlale siaiioiis, good tor day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Alaiket rinln, Reading and 1'ottttow n;Acconiniodat!ou Trains, at reduced r(-tes. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day otiiy, are sold ai Reading and luier'iied: ..( staltoiiH by Reading and Potislowu Acoummodatiou 'iraioi at reduced rates. rl be to.lowlng tickets are obtainable only at, the Olliceof s. Brae lord. Treasurer, No. :':;7 s, FonrOi street. Philadelphia, or O, A.Nicholla.OeijerHl Super intendent, Keauleg. Commutation Ticket at 25 per cent, discount, be tween any points desired, lor families auu H mis, Allieage'l IckPts, Rood for a 00 miles, between al points, at t i2'So each, for laiuliits and lirius, beason Tickets, lor three, six, u;ue. or twelve moMhs, for lioldeio only, to all potum at reduced rates. Clei gj men residing on the line of the road will be furnished with caids, eulluhlg tlienibeiv'Ci aud wives lo tlcketa at hat fare. Kxcurelou Tickais Irom Phlladfllphla lo principal stations, good for batii'dey, bttuds.y, end Monday, at reruced tare, 10 be had only nt tho Ticket Oihce, at Thirteenth aud Callowhlll streets, Flu- iUliT.-GuoOb of all dencrlptlons forwarded to all the above points Irom the Company a New Freight Depot, fin ad and Willow streets. Freight 1 rains leave Philadelphia daoy at 5'30 A. M., 12-4 b nt tm, and ti P. At., lor Readiiu.', Lebanon, Hariisnurg, Pottsvllle, Port Clinton, auu all polhU beyond. Alalia close at the Philadelphia Post Ol'leeforall places on the road and I s branches al 8 A.Al.,aud tor th" prlncipul fetal ions only at 21A P. At. BACOACE. Duugan's Expiess will collect Bag Kane for all trains leaving Philadelphia Orders cau be left at No. 22S . Fourth sired, or at tbe Depot, Tbirteeuih and Callowhlll streets. DESLSi LVANIA CLATKAL ItAlLUOAD. bCMAJER TIM E, TA KINO EFFECT MAY 11,1668. The trains of tie PeniiHylvauia CeuUal Railroad Have ihe it put. at TH IR'i Y-flRaT auu AlArtKEP btreets, wLicu is reached directly by the Mario t car connecting wl'.n eacu train Raving Front, and A arset streets lalny minutes be fore Its departure. The Chei tuit aud Walnut blrtets cars run whhln one squa-e of the Depot. On bundays The Alarket bireet crs leave Front and Alaiket streets thirty-live miuutes bclore the de puritirwol each tialn. ble ping Car Tickets can be had on application at tbe Ticket cilice N. W. corner Wlutuaud Cuesuut street s, and al the depot. Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver baggage at the depot. Orders lelt at Wo, w 1 Chesnut biieet, or Wo. lltt Market sireet, will rective auction. yj& Mall Train s-00 A, AI. Paoll Accommodation, No. 1 1-roo A. Al, Fast Line 00 Al. Expiess 1- 00 Al Paoll Accom. Nos. ?, 3, and 4 1 00, 6 00 aud lo si P. M. parrisuurg Accommouatiou 2io P. Af. Lancaster Accommodation 4 00 P. Al. Parkesburg Traln D .10 P. AL C lncluni.ll Expiess 8 O11 P. M. Erie Mall H IS P. AL Philadelphia Express 11 11 P. M, Accommodation li'iio P.M. 1. 1 (e M ail leaven dn.llv. excent Halurdav. Philauelpbia Kxpp as leaves daily. All other trains dally, except buuday. 'i i.e Wesiein Accommodation Train runs natty, ex cept buLday. For this train tickets must he pro cured and br.KKBge delivered by tut P. Al., at Wo. llfi Ma'kTRAlNS AIUUVK AT'DEPOT. VIZ.: Cluciucail Express ; i:iS A. M. Pbllcdeli bia xpres8 10 A. M, Paoll Accommouatiou aui. j i a. m. E)rle Mi " 1" A. M. Parkesburg Train 9 10 A. Al. l ast Line " "r . M, Lancaster Traiu !-') P AL Erie ExpriSH ,.fi 00 P. 41. Paoll Acci mmudallou, Nos. 2 aud 3..3 -luaud 710 P. M' Day J'.x press ' L Dairisrura A coon .limitation J i.U r. Al. ior fi rthtr in 10 nuuio" ai , ror r JoiIJS ALLEN. Ticket Aut, We. tiiii CH Eb.s flT bireet, FRNCld l-'UNK, 'l lckc Ageut, No. lis MARK FT r ireet, bAMUKLH. WALLACE, Ticket Agdit al llirt Depot, The Pennsylvania Ituliroad Coiunauy will not as sume any ilsa lor iihkBHe, excepi lor Wearing A- i.arel and limit loeir riBpoiiNiniuty to (hie Hundred Dollars In value. All fiic'iinge exceeding taut auiouut in value win he at the risk of 1 lie owner, unless (akeu by special contract. HiWAltiill, WILLIAMS, 4 Z9 ceaerai i-uperintentieni, Aiioona, Fa. P H1LA DEL PHI A, (iE ft MAN TOW X,AND WOtflllb'lOWN ItA I LEO A Ii TlMK TABLa. FOR ur ltilAN I'Oiv.v. Leave ridisdi Ipnlf. a, 7, S un.', lu, 11, 12 A. M.. 1 i, 8V 8J. ' 5. '''V' In. 7. 8 II, 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave (ietmai tow n t, 7, 7.'a 8, H '.'u, 9, 10, 11, 12 A, M 1 2, 8 4. 4. B, b.', 7, S, 9, la, 11 P. At. The 6 2o liown Train, aud 3'4 and b Up Tralui will nolblop on the Uern auiowu liranch, ON bUNDAYd. Leave rbllpdelplda sa A. M. 2, 7, l"1; P. A!. Leave Oermantowns1., A. AL 1. 8 o'i P. M. CHEblNllp HILL RAILROAD. Leav. Philadelphia 3. b, lo. 12, A. AL, 2, 3 4', 7, and 11 1, AI. 1 eave Chestnut 1TII 1 7'U . 8. D'10, andlPL' A. M., P40, 8-10, 6'4'i, 40. 8 4o and lu -lo P. M ON bU N DAY'S. Leave Philadelphia 94 A. M. 2 and 7 P. AI Leave Chestnut iihl 7 60 A.M. 12 -lo, 6 4.0 aud 9 li P. Al. FOR C'ONsiHOIlOl KEN AND NORRTSTOWN. Leave Philadelphia ti, 7.' ., 9, and U co A. Al. i;a. 3, 4),,.t;.h"iand lit, P. M. Leave Worrtatowu. 6 40, 7, 7 50, 9, and 11 A. M., I1,', 8. ti.6!l. aud a P. M. Iave PhllaCetphia 9 a. M... 2 3u and 7 15 P. U. Leave Nurrlsiowu 7 A. AL, ft-?u and 9 I', Ai, IllK 1UANAYUNK. Leavif Phllnrti lidna.7'i.9, and 1P05 A. M IX, 3, 4l, , 6 'a 8 '4, a Ho, aud III, P. M. 1 eave Aiaiiayunk -lu, 7.'k, 8'20, 9, aud lli A. LL, 2,8'i.. 6, fc4,aiid9P. At. Leave Plilladelp'nla 9 A. AL, i'i and Vi V. M. Leave Maneytink 7 A. AL, 8 aud 9' P. M. W. b. WliUN, Oeneral buperlumndpnt, Depot.. W I NTH and OREEN Bl rbeta. iUT 'IHE UKei THE HOLY B1BL10 HARD O ing's Edlliona Family, Pultilt aud Pocket Hilda In beautliul fstylea bl Turkey Morocco and aniluur. blndlnK. A new edition, arranged for photograpj poTtralUI bl taiuulea, WM. W. Tl ARDINO, Pnhllshe-, US0. kitCJiLUNUT btrae baiawifMwUl RAILROAD LINES. lf"(ft Tr?.R11?1WYOHK--''"R CAMDEN T'PANI, AM HOY ANII I'll tLADKLPHI A NI TRENT N RULROAl' CO.VPa My WbK IROM PMI LA HELP II I A '111 NEW YOHK AND W' H A RF, 'KUil VVA1':l,T BIHEKT At s-o A. M., Via Camden and Am boy Accommo nation AISA.M., via Camden aud Jersey City "Ex press Alall..... n j. A t 2 P, Al ., via Camden and AnitKry Express!!! 8 IK) At a 30 P. M Via Camden and Jersey U ty Ex press j) 00 At 8 P. Al., for Ambny aed I n I er n iod I ata'st aTlons. At i s(l and 8 A. AL, i lid 3 .10 P M., for Freehold. A 1 8 and In A. M 2, 8'8ii and 4 xn P. Af for Trenton. At 6 8". 8, Bud 10 A. AL, 1, 2. 3 H'l. 4 to. 8 and II HO P. At. for Bordenlowu, Burdugion, Beverly, aud Delanro. At VMiand 10 A.M. 1, 2, 3,8 3d, 4 90,6, and It 30 P. M., for Florence. At S :m and in A. M., 1 8, 4 an, 8, and IP.tu P. M. for Edtewater, Riverside, Rlverii.ii.niul I'Aluiyra. 2 P.M. tor itivonoii ruu o .iu r. m. lor 1 aliuTra. At o'.lli Hlltl 10 A, M.,1. 3, Fish House 4u, a. and HiOP. AL for The I and 11 80 P. AL Lines Htieel I-errv (uiiper sldel. leave from Market FKO.M KENSIVfiTON DFPOT. At 11 A. M., via Kensington and Jersey Clly. New York Ixp'psS Line Fare rM. At 7 and 11 A. At.. 2 so, H , sod 5 P. M. for 1 ronton and Pristol, And al lo15 A. At. tor ilrlsiol. A 1 7 and 11 A AL, 2 3d, and ti P. M. for Morrlsvllle atd Tidlyiowu. At 7 Hint peift A. M.i 230, and 5 P, M. for RchPiicxs and Eodii.Ktoii At, and Pels A. M , 2 1, 4, 5. and 8 P. M. lor Corn wells, 'I crrlsdalo, Holiiie-ourg. Tacony, Wis-dno-mlng. Biiileshurg, and Frankf ird, and at 8 P, AX. for HoluitsiiurK and inlennedh.lo -liilons. 1UIIU W l-.ST I'll 1 1,. OKI, I'll I A nif.POT, Via Coniiectl. g Kolwav. At tl-fft A. AL, 1 30. 6 ;Ki, and P.: P. M. NeV Y'irit Ex press Lines, vlajersey City, Ferejfjs. At 1 A. AL, Line, liiiw, 'I he ! ;i ' A. At., and 6M1 P. M. Ll'nua will dally. All others, bund 11 ys exceol"!!. At 9 i A. Al l-.i", 0 :ni, and 12 P. M. Tot Trenton. At II 'Id A, Al., G :t and 12 P. M. for 11 Ktol. At 12 P Al. (NlKhl). lor aiori-l' vlll, Tul'Vlown, Pclieeuk s.Edddiglon, C'lrnw eil 1, i'0-1 l-alal, IP il iocs burg, Tacony, Wiudiuomlu! B.ivleshurt, and Frauk lord. lorllnps loBVlng KpiisIiiu on Depot take the cars on 1 hi id or 11 si 1 eels, ai 1 he nui street. :m 111 In met la lore dm ai inre. '1 he ca on Miti net sti ;el R tilw-ty run diitet to Wed Ph iladelph u Depot. CI- sunt and alniil within one square, iin -'uadas tho Market sii-ei 1 1 i.i-s will ruu tu connect witu tue 9 M A, .tU aud li ;u P. Al. lilies. BELV1DEKE DEL A W A K H TLU ) A D LISE3. From KenMuiitt'ti Depot. At 7'iiO A. M lor Nistiara i'a;l , Huiraln, DnnktrX, f Imira, 1 hsi-a, Owe.o. Koent -'er, Riiighainuin, On t ejio, is raeuse. Hi eat Il-nd, Aiuuiruuu, Wiikesharra, bchooley's Ai 011 111 sin etc. At 7 On A. M and 8M11 P.M. for Boranton, Strouds horn. Water Oap, llelvldf n E.istoii, Laniiiertvide, 1( mlnition. etc. Tee 3 3" P. fit . Line conaec;s direct Willi iv.e 'l : sin leaving Kaiwll lor AlauoU Ci.uug., A lien to n , I'.elb'eheci.e"- At 5 P. M. ler Lamherlvlllo i.ud interruedlate fUa tlous. CAAtPKN AND lirS LI Mi T"rJ CO., AND PFM LEiiiOW iiND lllUli'l'sI'uWN RAILROADb, From AliirKHttsl. Ferrv (up.ier side.) At 8 A. Al., I, 4, and B'lft P. AL, lor Aterchuutsvltle, Moorealown Harllord, Masom die. Hainsi ort, Mount P.o'ly, bmitliVllle, KAauavllle, Vluctutowu. Bir mli i'lam. aud Pembertou. Ai 1 and 4 P.M., for Lew sfown, Wrf-.Uts'own. CookMovt n, New Egl pt, H" ner-towu, Ci'eom itldgo, lmlajbluwn, bharou, aud H'glit3lo.u. Fifty pounds of buirHk' ouir are allowed each passeecci. PusseiiRPr are pi ilidiiled Irom taking any thiug ss Imu-age but iheir .vearlmr apparel. All baggage ver nl'y pounds to h 1 paid 'l,r exi-u. Tne Ccmpai y limit their lespoesluidty for oamtaue lo ouw per pouul. and will not he lli.b.e for any auiouni beyond (no, except in special contract. Tickets sold aud bmrgafco cte eked (Lrecl throiuli to Fes' on, Worcester, spru g' eld 14 rlford, New Haven, Piovtdence, Newport, Albany, l'roy.Haratoga, U.tca, Rome, byraeuse Ki.cnesler, lljiluio, Wiagara Fans, and Biispeimion Bridge. .... . An o..-llilonal Ticket OiU -p I4 located at No. 828 C'lK'snol stre?t, wliere Tickets to New Yor and ail important points North aud 1 ast may no procured. Persons purchasing I'leke.s a', this odlee can have their l.iiicgaRe checked troiu residence ur hotel to destination by Union Trausicr Baggage I'ixpiess. LINES FROM NKW'Yul.K l'OE PH ILADELPH IA, Will leave IKm loot ol Cournauu uireetair a., m.., 1 and 4 P. Al.. and 12 night via Jer ey City ami Cam den; at a-tu P, Al via Jersey City aud Kensliurton: at to A Jr., 12 AL, aud 8 P. AI via Jersey City aud W'aut Philaoelidiia. .. .....,. 1- rem rier No. 1 iorrn j ,iver ai a., ai. A'-ttum. modailou, and 2 P.M. Express, via Auihoy and Camden, WiLbLAM 11. OATZMEIt. I) ltij at'UUta CUOKTEST K0UTE TO' THE SEA-SIIOtiEl CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC KAILROAD. SUMMER ARtlN!3FMET. FIVE TRA IN a DaILY TO AT LAN ITC CITY. On and after BATCH DA V, July 4, trains will leave VINE bireet Ferry aslohows: Special Exccisiot 6-15 A, At. Alull - 7,H0 A. Al, Eieight, wltn passenger car att ichod 9 15 A. M. Express (Hirbligh in two houis) 2'U0 P. M. Atlantic Accuinu-odaiioii .413 P. M, Returning, leave Allan. ie breclal Excursion 8-18 P. AL Alail 4 2" P. Al. with passeuirer car 1140 A. Al. Express (Ibrougti lu two hours) 7'IU A. M. Accommodation 6'&0 A. M, Junction Accommodation to Aro and In tel mediate stations, leaves Vine street 5 3d p. M. Returning, leaves Arco , 623 A, M. llaildoufleld Accommodation Train leaves Vine street lo l5 A. Al. aud 2-00 P. M. Leave KaddouUeld 1'uu P. Al. aud 315 P. AI. Bnnday Alatl Train to Atlantic, Leaves Vine street . , 7 31 A. Af. 4 20 P. M. Leaves Atlantic,. Fare to Atlantic, J2. Round trip tickets, gool only lor the day aui traiu ou which they are Issued, l i. The Philadelphia Local Exprea Company, No. 625 CHESNUl btreet, will call lor baggage In any part of th" city and suburbs, and check tu hotel or collage at Atlantic city. . , Additional t'cketolUces have been located at No. t2.s cHEaW UT btreet. 7JU D. H. AIUNDY. Agent. WEST CUESILK AiJ PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD. bL Mm U AKRANOEMENT, On and after MONDAY, April 13, loos, Tralaa wUl leave as 101 lows: . Leave PM,artelpbla from the Depot, THIRTY. FIRbV aud CHEHNOf sdr.en, 7'I5 A. M , 11 A, M,, I :s0 P. M 4'15 P. M., 4-W P M., 7 P. M..H P. M. Leave West Chester lor Phliauelphia, from Depot on eaut Market street, at 6Tf A. Ai.,7'is a, M , 7K A. M.. 10-4S A. M , 1 68 P. AL, 4' 0 P. AL, 6'55 P. Al. Ou and after Mouday, June 13. au additional Train will leave Philadelphia fo. Ait-rU and Iuteroiedlate Traius' leaving 'West l'best-r at 7'30 A. M., and leaving Philadelphia at 4 is) P. M will stop at B. O. Junction and Media oul. lassenbers to or trom S'ut'.on betwe"n W est Chesier aud li C. Junctlou, going Fast, will take trau leaving West Chester al la A AL. uud going Went wo take train leavlug Philadelphia at 4 60 P, M aud .-aasa.r at li. C. June ''nle Depot In Philadelphia H reiehed directly by the Chesnut and a W a.nui bi .vet eais. 'I hosa of tut Atarket btreet line run in bin one square. The caisot both line connect wuli eiu-ii train upon it arrival. ON BUNHAYS, Leave Philadelphia at s 00 A. and 2'0o P. AI. Leave West Chester at 7 4 . . 1. aud S'Ui) P. M.. Trains leaving Phlladelpblo at 7 IS A. al. and 4'80 P. AL, and leaving West che-i'er at 7:i(l A.M. aud 4 60 P. ti , connect at R, C. Iii"-'i;m wltli Triitus OU I' & P. ('. R. It., lor Oxloui a: l interuiedlaie polnw. Passengers are allowed o take Wealing Anparel only, as Baggage, and th" Coiopauy will not la any case ho responsible lor an i 'aount exceeding one hundred dollars ucles . a spec 1 1 cont ract is tuaue tor Hieiao e. HENRY V. iajjJ, Ueueral bup't, Pldladeiphlli, April 1st, pent. luj li Klli LIT LINES IOK NV.W YORK AND ALL rOlfl ls KOitiii f jvasvj, auu ior an s' atioua on Carmen auu Aiouoy auu uouuecting Railroads, lrorw W'alnul sin et unarf. FrelKht for all way poii la on the Camden and Auiboy. Freehotd and Jnire sejirif, ant) Rnrlinifloll i ouuiy Railroads, forward' d at 12 o'clock Noon For Trenton, ITlncPtou. Klusiton, Roony HIR aud all points ou the New J.JS.y aud Belvldeie Kail rosils, loraarded at iii P. At. For New York.lal 12, iii. and 5 P. M. Freikht received from 7 A. M . lo 6 P . M, A sup memorandum, Bpecilvlog the mwks and utimhers. shlppeis and conainn'es, mnstlu every lu ktauce to Bent with eat h l ad of gords. W'A LTER FHI- MAN, Agent, No. X'a B. Delaware Avenue, tt PaliadulAibla. Hi EIGHT LINE, Vli NOUTH X) PKNNbM.VANIA RAILROAD. t'J Wllkea burre. Alubanoy CUV, Atonnt C armel Ceiitralla, and all points ou LelilaU Valley P.allroad aud lis brRyCiew' arrangements, perlected tills day. this road Is r -ablB.i to give increaued desptucb 10 luochaudise coi.siftiieil to me ahove nanied points. . woods tlellveied al ti e Ihroui IrelKht Depot, b. Kcoruerot FRONT and NOl'-LE btieis, v.. e . .. - n.iii.,1Di,iiaiit.ih.rrii Minii.tilarniel. MahsnoyClty'.aiid.heothersiailoiis In Maliauuy and W yomiug valleys belore HA M. ot the su ,a eejli. ig day. 7 2,1 ELLlsi t L AjtK Aiient. rrun ADAMS EX Hi bib COMPANY, OFITUE L wo. i-.i eilkskU'l btrpel. lorwaru - pckges .1 11,... v..iu . aiol ruecmi ?V?L r ,7.7-. i T ir.n,.t,nn with otner 'iiiK'Hli Vriuoil!.! Kwn. and the Uuj'g'Tfcu h AM.Purerlntendoi.t riOlToa AND FVAX. CANVas. ot all numbeis and lirands. , . ., 'frnnk. and vaou ciiver jaiea. Tent. AwntnK. Tr , ,( j,.,.,,, fn,ln nu, , A Iso Pup" Mu. ." . L'Hli.a ball Tw Ine. etc Btvcial UtlVMdt, la 1 EVEI'MAN A CO . W'u, 106 JON Lib' AUey tl AUCTION SrMLES. M 1H0MAS A HON kmc 139 AND lit . 8. FOUK1H Street. ' "VJ" l V HTA IN4.1UIRM A l l RrsiKb VlN K n ni? bELt), AND OTHER c A R P K I'rt, KTO. BUiJ- T, . , ,u Tuesday Alurnlug Jnly 7. at 10 o cloi k. at No. Mo Dlckerson street th Vali,t. Pan,,,, .d lher bonsehold fiirultu,. Brussels, and other carpe's. Cooking uieuills. n is u, , "aMRElt Ft; KM I it Rtf; HtTPKIlloil OKAiv' M AI'IRH-ks: KVP HRtlssKL'S, IN ORA1N, AN 11 OTHER CAItPKr-i. liio. Inl. . "n eiliitsda.v .lAornliig. 0lwen J ,0,''e'o'k. at No. 138 Congrasi strret the emir.V ronl and Necnnd, he'nw Almond street). JSlutHv B.0n,.EuS' AUCTI0NEKR3. , , . On Friday AlornliiK, July P). at in o'clock, ai No Vart s'rsst second story, by i r.ter of John DavidsouVir, cin,e tna Parineiship coi.eern of .t JUvidson.oiie euiliiiorse sP am eiulnn and h ler, Btea.oe glua iiul .dslini rrlll presit and tools made i.y Q. H. 1 "1 dr'l. "eiVK latLtf aul t"ola' made by C. U. SmltUj 1 he sii am engine may be seem at any time at RsiU'aj At I s No. 32i b, Front street 7 6 It O I). McCLKES V CO. (SUCCESSORS TO r"i'i '''"aud tk Co.), AuclloneeiB, Wo, (me Al A J. LEI bireet. 1 LA RUE BALK OF lsoo Casks HOOTS, 8HOK". BRO OA ,s, FTiX On Thursday moretng, anly . at lAo'iauok. will he 0ld ny CiUalogna for insh ltiio cases At. n', B ys', and Youths U lot, bhoea. Jlrokans, I!lmoral. etc. Also Womeia. Allr.sef , and Oldld ren's WeHT. 7S8t rjinoMAs lira 11 .v sun, auctioneers J AM' COMAf IMS.ION A' E Item NTS, No. 1110 U HI-bN UT bireet: rear entrance No. 11117 Hansom si. LIlTJNCOTr. SON & CO., AV(4 lONKERfcJ. Ashursl Hiilldlng, No, 240 MA RE El' bireet. DU:'V1N(;. DCUbOItOW A. CO., AUCTtOBl ID V. E Kb, Nos. 2.12 aud 2)4 Al A RKET striH. corl u ..r O' b an k streeLJiuccessors Ui John B, Myers it I FIHE AND BURGLAR PR00FSAFE3 7; C. Km MAIS ER. MANDPACTDRKB OF FIRE AI10 BUrlGLth-PROOF SAFES, LOC ITH. BKLLHANUKR, AND DEALKJJ LN BUILDING HARDWARK. tfj No. 434 iiACB Btret JT-Ji A LAXiGE ASSORTMENT OP FIBH Ij-ii-'aud Bnrgtar-proof bA PKb ou band, with tnsld doors, l'welhiiz-honse bales, free from damsne Pr nes low. V, lUNNKIireilDKH, 6 5 No. 42H VINE btr . DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. JOBEUT SHOEMAKER & CO, Jf.E. Corner or l Ol'HTHnud 11ACE Sis., PHILADELPHIA, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS. IMFOR1ERS AND AIANUFACTURERS OF "White Lcud and Colored Paints, Tuttj, Yarnislics, Etc. AQFNT3 FOR THE C'ELEBIt iTED 1KEXCIL ZINC PALMS. TEXLERS AND CONSUMERS SUPPLIED LOWEST FR1CE64 FUR JSAbH. 818tf LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE Clir JL AND COUNT Y OF PHILADELPHIA. E.Hlateol Dr DA V 1 u J AY Na., deceased, Tho Auditors appoiuted bv tue Court to audit, settle, and aoiust the B'Coud account ol' J. W II EATO-H b Jl ITH, H A RL f b H . R jU E Kb. EDWARD M. PAX. buN. HENRY I.EWlb, aid JOHN M. WlltrALU p'xiciitn.H and Trustees under the w II of Dr.DA V1Q JA NE, deceased, aud to report distribution of the balance la the hands o! the accountant, will meet the parties liitererte4 lor the purposes of their ap pointment, u MuNDAY.the lith of July next at. 4 o'cli ck P. AL. at the otllres ol Ihe Estate, No. 818 ClIEisNUT btreet, sec.-ud story, lu the cltyof Phila delphia. JAMEst STARR, 1 Anrtifr,,. 8 24 wfmfit WILLIAM D. BAKER, J STOVES, RANGES, ETC. NOTICE. THE UNDERSIGNED wou d cull attemion of tne public 10 his . IIULPISIN JtAULlt FU KN ACG. This is an entirety new neater. It is so con structed as to at once commvud Itsell to general favor, bell g a combination ot wrought and cast Irou. It la very simple tu lis construction, and Is perieclly atr tlgbi;sell tieanl g, having no pipes or drums to b taken out and cleaned. It Is so arranged wltli upright lines as to produce a larger amount of heat from lha sme weight ol uoal than auy furnace now In use. The hygrumetitc condition ol the air as produced by my uewerrangemeulot evaporation will at once de monstrate mat It Is the only Hot Air Furnace that will produce a perfeody healthy atmosphere. Hiose In want 01 a commele Heating Apparatus would do well to call and examine the Golden Eagle, CMARLEM WILLIAMS, Nos. 1)32 aud 1134 MARK ET btreet, Philadelphia. A larga assortment of Cooking Ranges, tflre-boar4 Roves, Low Down Orates, Ventilators, eta, always N. lil Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. B 10 THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER, OR EUROPEAN RAN UK, tor Famines, Hotels, or Public Institutions, In TWENTr DIFFERENT blZEb. Also, Philadelphia Barges, Hot Air Furnaces, Portaoln Healers, Low down Orates, Flreboard btoves, Bain Boilers, blew- hole Plates, Rollers, coox nig moves, etc., wnoieaais and retail, by tbe nianulaciurers Duanrm ot i iiu.uo.i, 127stuthflm Wo. 209 N. BECOND Street. 1HE STEAM GENERATOR MANCFtlCTllUNG COMPANY OF PtNAMl JhVANIA, CAPITAL, - " SIOO.00O Tbls Company are now prepared u mruinu WIEUAND'IU i'ATKST IJI PBOVED MTEABf VKBllf.IlATOU, trod nnon two weeks' notloa. Tnar bave been Introduced In this city, and thoroughly tested, Wltn mom Batioiootoi j i ... UNDER GUARANTEE OF ABbOLUTE SAFETY FROM DEbTKUCriVE EXPLOSION. They ar cheaper In first coBt, and in expense of erection, mora economical in ruel, auraoie anu convenient iu iu tuau any other apparatus for generating steam. OFFICE OF COMPAMT, (EOOM8 Nos. I ana ), No. 528 WALNUT STKKLiT NELSON J. NICKERSON, President. JOHN CRUMP.' CARPENTER AND BUltDER, snoilh NO. 1 STBF.ET, AK NO. 1733 CHldSVX ST BEET, philadlpitta; yiJIRE GUARDS, FOB TOK! FROSI8, ASYLUMS, FAC TOB1EM, ETC FBtent-Wtre Balling, Iron Bodateads. Ornament wire W ork, Paper Maker' Wire and every Tarlety ... I K ui Wire w or, buiuu.i.iui w M. WALKER BOMS, No 11 North WTXTH WtraM. H its. ) rSHl.n7AVnJp.. Jia,ireBroVr.:rmr,can '1 raet . bojeatehts. Ko.iuCOMMEllU'sjert,