THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JULY G, 1868. 3 CITY INTELLIGENCE. ITCH ADDITIONAL LOOil. ITRtfS III ODTSID1! PAQK. Tna Fourth akd Uow it was Cklkdrated. The uioety-FPcontl aunuul national holiday oc cturcd ou Saturday. It wasarlall Fourth of July, cornparpd with former years. The weather whh extremely hot, the thermometer Maud ins among the uluctir); the sun peeped forth from the darKt Ded Bky until its brilliance was aeain ciob''(1 hy the approach of nis;ht. The exodus from tbe city on Friday whs itroat, and to a trnimi r In our midst to havp witnessed the 1e farturco' the nianv thousands Irom the numer ous railroad d po's and tfambotit docks, it would have appeared tlia'. the w&oIm elty was petting out ol tnn in search ol a more quiet mid l''s heated plwce. Thf ie. beinij no oubllo dpmotiKtratfon.iMip ciiixcns.eWchrve I tbe day to suit i bur sevpral lunrie?. The ehil Ireu Ptijoye.l tlipmplvt s with Irrrriickors, mrpedoe-". e'C. Company A, Vet. rnu Artillery, l apMin UraJy, flrpd a national falnte of thin y oveu train at surii1e. Siiiutes were al o bred at n'lou and tuiuet. The tirc-b?lls were ul.o rung in the lan e in'orval-i. The display ol tlie milt'arv was eredi'.ub'e. The line W;is formed on Broad 1 1 e t, thu riln icMing on Poplar, and tue division moved, ut about lmlt'pHSt 8 o'clock over tlie published route. Tec 1'iie was composed as lollo: The whr le uiiflertfi-' command of Sli'jor-Uoneivtl ChHi'lt'.H ll. I'levost, Firt Ci'y 'from. Kevstoiv! Jt'Uicry, Wahiiitrtou Grav, National (luird, Gray It' 8ci vo, linx'.ei's Zouave, Philadelphia City Guard. The Wavbinc'on fJrajs were i i their summer fntioue tiurorin, bu'. were no', out in ih'-ir etretmth. Thi: Nliotiil (Jimi'la lri I thinned rnnt?, many of the members vt met le'i the citj. Tim Uo'-prvc', under coui'iiund ol Colonel 11 ( Michael, were rutber strolls, an 1 lookd we1!; while Iinver's Z'niuve-5. and the 1'lill idelphia City (Jutird the latter under the comn.aud of CoUntl S'. ('lair A. Mulhollaui ma.lo n pleii did Ht'P'nfince. TLenildiers of the war or 1812 met In the Supreme Court Uoi m. Alderman Peter Hty tri But n and nfter ndopnnn; a number of ap propriate lesolmious, circled the following officers tor the eiiri.uiig year: pi leshleiil IVter llav. ice-PieM(lpiitB Captain William T. Rldr, James Peers, Colonel John Si t, Colonel Joseph S. Uil y. Colonel Iranci Ooper, Colo nel John Acnew, Colontl Jos. P. Leclerc, Cp ti.ln John Wilson. Corresponding a 'erf tarv Ilirntn Arre. Iteronliug secretary John II. I'rick. AsBitunt Secretary Oi-neral Cum. M. i'revost. Truiiirei James fi : u n e rs. Uxtciitive Comtni't' P Celonel John Tliomn ton, Cupta'n Jarol) II. Fisl'T, Colonel C. (. ChiKls, Kouert O'Noule, dVneial Joliu Davis, of lt'icks county, Chailea Lotbaeit aud Jehia Jl. Pe'liell. Ctlom 1 Joseph S. Riley then r nd the Declara tion of Independence in nn lrnprp-sivc maimer, al er which t lit! meeting; ad join tied. At ninr'se a ban Isonie Ainericiti Hat? bnariiisr the nimu s ot (irant and Col'a, vis ihrovn to tb3 breeze at H'ltteen n aud P. streets, wit nes ed by a lame number ol p-rsotid. 4 national feal .tc was tired about the sa-.ue t'.me; also, a ealme in the evt n ua. TIip tirenjcn took (?reat fleiUht on the Po'irth io deeoraiiiifr i he r eiulne hou.-ns. We no'io"d iiiany t' an itnl tit corations, iiinonir the ua nber the Independence Ho e und 8 earn I'Ve Kniiine bou e. Marion llo-e bonse, Dil uent Kinjiue aud Kmpire Hook and Ladder Com names' homed. Thetiood Intent IIoai.d Honk and Liddur Coar.pauy christened their new carnage at the fire on Christian street, below sixth, on the I'ourtb. The I)emorra'' Asocia'ion of Pennsylvania Ce lebuited ihe dy at their be-iilipririera, Ninth and Arch stieets. Mr. li t iard II. Weil read the lbc'araton ol Inde endenee, ind address'' wre m livered by Mr. Charles BuckwaPer ami Mr. Geoce M. Dallas. The Young lleu's Pemocratio AftsociHl.ion of the Filtrt nth Ward throw t the oiee.p a larae and beau ilul tine. Speeches wero made by eeral of the members. The Cat hoi c Pbiininath"an Idenry Institute met m tee C.thydi-U' School House, and was adorctst a by Mr. John H. CAinpbell. Mr. Jamea Heidy read the Declaration or ledepuudeuc?. Bhon n neches were made by nieiLbers of the society. The Jaa cs Pnp:e 1brary Company fired a falii'e at sunrise. At 10 o'do k toe imnio.tal Declai'Ht on was read and ora'ion" delivercl. The Society c tlie Cincinnati of I'fiinylvania held It, mr annual u,eeiiui;lu the morniuii at No. 1105 Wtilnut street. Th- meinbor.s weie prompt in attendance, and the ifeetiiifr was lairly at leaded. Aftei 'ramactint; tue usual loutineof busiutr'h, the society, ut U o'clock in thf even iii!,', sa' dou u a sumpluoun haini'iet, diseua-ed vailous topics of interest, diauk toisis, and Hihke epeeeic, etc. a veiv lai'tie. coticfiur-e of ppoole tit ten led the Ofenititr ieretnoiiiei lnanejia ing the He publicuu W ipam a Meda o i ibo Kourth. An appronnatH and earnest pi-aver was odered, and Dr. Parrish ppoke U r over an hour. II James M. Scovel made an elaboia'e and bnlliaut eppectt. The meetiim adjourned at 2 P. M. Qui e n numtier ot our i iua"ns spent the day out of town. 1'he up-river bo i s to Bm'oi, Uurln p'on, Klorpiic0 Heih's, and imermednue places, tarried lull complemeiits ol pasenpprs, and the plact-s named cnulaiucd ttiojaands of holiday visiiorH. The Knlls, L,aurel llill Wasb iog'on Kutrea'. and other piae alone; the Schulkiil. weie cioaiI. u wnb uipii, women, ano children: but of all the place Pair-nount Park wmtip pencral resf)rt, and it mav oe safely said tuat leu lliouaaud p. r?ona visi'ed the prounds Uiirine tbe day. The coy squares were ala ibronped. Tbe youuu men ol ?ave a erand p'C nio ai 'lliou 'Peon's Grove, Sim Ii and Venaugto streets, which as luifielv atleinied, the tptivi. ties t'losn ft ilb a d spine of ti reworks A 1 ir je n II over buruni!;, and thie.v a number of fcie-lail- ui ibe cr wd of ; pee mors The lad es and ppii'leinea sca'.rered ijromiac iouslv, but tortunate'y no iiamaire i done. The display ol trCiV iks in 'le even'nt; wai (irand. liioad k'r-ei, irom Clie.-iimt to Walnut, was eiO Aded wnb cuia-'n. who ha i eoum!iatcd there o witni fs the beau'iiul di-pl iy rf tire woik iiiaoe by the (Ju on I ea ;e. Their build ing was ban Isoiuely llliliainu'ed, and a bull ot iiiu.-ic ktatirned on tue ba ouv plaPd nu'ional airs. Uevolvni; l eels, rocke h, re ore, Komau cai ulei. and oilier Ihiicv p r. technics wore exhibi'ed tor the e-luica' ion ol ill" manses. At Proud n1 Ch"8 .ut itrcets there was still ar.o'ber ulsnlay of tiewoik-. The p bidepta of ihe I list Waid clubbed to peiher ami piircna-ed nea-lv oni; thO'isand ilol larsnonho! choice tire vorlts which they si ofl loi ihe beueiit ot an immense rod ot people, on i large lot on South N nib tr. et., b -twecu .Tusker and Mountu n siree's. The display was excellent, and alFord'-d auiu eiui-iK lo those cou grpca cd for nearly two h ur-. On the square oil ground troutins; on North Seventn street, bounded bv SI nit.'ouievv aven le and rb-iks street, there wa u ucajtilul display of CrewoiKB. Hestdes these mentioned ther. were other ex hibitions ?ot'c u up at individual expense for thu benefit ot the public at lar Ihe ColnuibiHii Archer Club celebrate 1 th duv ut Sleepy Hollow. Mr. (i llcurv Wall ice read the liec'ai-ation ot lii(h'pndencp a'. 12oclock. Mr. W IPaiu M. Ma ii then eiivpr-d au ora'.iou. Addie-se were mate by Mesrt. W.lliam II. Main and James Call n ba n. afer which the Club partook ot a splendi 1 dinner. The shooliug P b bows an I arows eonnieuced at 4 o'clock, and the cou est was iiiuie spirited. Mr. William II. Ma n won the nrst, prize, a mucniticeiit bow with arrown to mu ch; Colouel Harry A. Cook won tbe second, a Maiie-e tros; Mr. John A. tin 'en the third, a uoiden coblet; Mr. Jamea Sua the tourtb a ir Id watch. For ib" poorest, Vr. Oeore Willu-e lecetvea a n a' her niedal. Th loiiowiuij neu tlen'en were eleeind tQ berve tie ensulns e ir: Mr. Wil'iam II. Main, Pro-idem j Mr. (Jeorje Wadace, Vice-President; Mr. Frederic W. fisk, Secretary odj ireasuier. Poftpokkmknt. The laying of the corner I'nnn ri lit f'Unrt'h fit Ht. Plk.rlnd Rnfrninnit Iwintiethand Chriitian atreet, whien wa to nave laaen piaeu yesneruav, ua uesu paeiponej until Sunday, July 19tb, by order of Uht Uev . . 1 , Wtnil 'I1 1 . a AArAmftriV Will 11. an k. no foru.ed by tbe uewlj comecrated Uikuop, U'gbt T,... Ti. nn...... " AcciDKNTfl. The following Is M of the accidrntt which have occuireJ since Our last lssne: Clvmer Welsh, ajrerj twenfy-alx, fell and irae tured an arm at Seventh and lUdford streets (Justavus Forbi a, a tailor, bad a loot crmhe 1 betwetn two vessels so badly that it had to be an puta'cd; Kmma Babese, aeed 45. fell and dis locaitd her hip on Bugler street. A Ud named Marsh, livirg at Kiahib and Arch streets bad a let; fractured by a lull Iroiu a swing on Smith's lo l,i nd. About four o'clock yesterday morning C.eoree Foster, used ten years was erloii'ly burned about ihe lace and bands occasioned by tue explosion of a box of uunpiwdcr. Two boys were engaged on the Fourth in firine a pistol loaded with stones at the of Mr. Perpignan, renidiiiu In Kric stieel, belo-v Htzwater. Atone of the dl-cbarge the load went throuah the fence, striking a li'tlc sou of Mr. Perp'pnan in the jaw, whre several ot the stones jet remain, tbe child being in prcat pain. Fredtnck Strinclellow, lace aud hints humid by the explosion of a uol'.la of ponder at Manayunk. George Clinton, aped 19 years, residing near Seventh and Shippen street, was tbot iu the lee by a younn uiau named Michael llalov, on Saturday, lla'cy was arrested and committed lor trial. Kichard Kcls aeed 2:1, had sn arm crushed by a passenger car at Third and N'uble streets He iv as rcmoYcd to the Hospital. Samuel Pailey, ai;cd 17 yars residiug in Tli.d mnih street, with a Dnershot oil', cci;jiiioui;ii bv the exrdo-inu of a pistol. John llavilau I, ajed 15 yctrs, resldina nt No. 1721 Lombard street, with a hand iujiired by the ( iemature discharge ol a lu-tol. Ai.orew Uuude, aged 21 year, reidinp at SevPLth and cshippeu streets, shot in the eyo while passing a crowd ol men and boys wiio vee shootiug pistols William Walters, wounded in the mouth, by tlie explosion of a lire cracker. Samuel Winkler, residing mi Hermit aire B'.rect, badlv burned by the explosion of powler. William Curiam), aged VI years, residing at Twentieth and Auu slice's with a hand shat tered by the premature discharge of a pist d. Thorrias McDern ott, aged 1G years residing in Sausi m stnet, with a Uiiuwr shot oil by thu peniattire discharge of a pistol. Alexauder Jluore. aged IS years residing at Twenty-third aiid Kace streets, with a Iraciurcd skull, occak'oued by the kick of a horse. About 9 o'clock ou the morning of the Fourth, a- boy named Frank McClokey waj feriousiy burned about the face by the explo sion ol a small cannon. He waa removed to his home, No. 5 Bickcti'g court. Tairck Day. a-ed 2j years, reading in Bed ford stieet, head badly cut by a fall. At 8 o'clock iu the atierno m, two bays nam"d Charles Ueule and Smub were badly ii juri d by the explosion ol a segar box full of powder. They were iu the act of nriuir oil a cannon at the time of tbe accident. The injured lads were removed to their homes, on Sejoud street. beJow Diamond. Ahout 3 o'clock ou Saturday inoruiii!?,Vireiuia Kaukin, uget 8years, was accident iliy shot in ti e groin by her lather, at T Aeuty-drst aud FitrWfitt r streets. Henry Gre.!ich, 22 years old, residing on Moyan easing avenue, was severely burued by an exploiou of powder. Fires. There were a large aninher of ab.imsof tire on the 4th, but fortunately bit. little damaee was done. Most ot the tJte" were confined to loofs, and in mauy cases the (lames were extinguished with a te buckets of water. The following tires occurred during the day and eveump: I'isher'H grocery store, tueveiuh aud (Hive streets; roofs ol bou-e.- Nos. 8('0 and 802 North Twvllth street were partially destroyed, also roois ot houses Nos. 1835 and 1837 North Front street; sli.gut bre at Pennsjlvama Hose House; roots of houses No. 1226 Wood street, No. 21 Thompson streot, anil 4fi'J North fifth street, fliuhtly damaged. Al-o tbe following, unire or less oamau'ed: mo. i-zi unristian street. Marriott street, below Fifth; Socand street, aDove Ccrist'au: yo. 812 lepot sirecr; Mo. 81H Si m g Carden street; rool of Ziou Lutheran ( hurr h, Poutth and Cherry B(reis; dwelling No. 120j Hope street, and (Ju iker ftjhool, at Dillwvn and (Jieeu streets. The fire at the Pennsylvania Hose House was supposed to be the work of au incendiary, and a young man wa Miiea.ed on the charge ot setting tire to it. The larce barn on Mr. Uotran's place, near thet-icond toll-gate on Second street pike, was s' ruck by 1 ghinin?, and the barn and coufents wire consumed. The cows, seventeen in num ber, were being milked, and thus were saved. lly vigorous Lllorts the other biuklinsjs were saved. "Police Items. George Coyle was arrested on Fr dsy meht, c halted with larceny. He bad lu nis possession a numoer oi oagaieiic oaiis, stolen 'row several later beer saloons Alder man Toiaud held him to an.wer. On Saturday evening a man named Cannon w as tttibbpd in a boure on Beach Afreet. Hose Daily aud Caroline Pollard have been arrestud on suspie on t inllictii.g the wound. A young man was arrested on suspicion or aittinptu g to tire the boose of tbe Pennsylvania IIo Company, at R cbth and Depot street, on Sa'or lay last. The tire ws kiu lled iu the lo't, but was discovered be ore it baj mads much piopies. Ti n arrests were made in Lieutennnt Con nell)'a district on Saturday, of persons charged wnb firinu oil pU'cds. AnMVKESAUY OK TUB IiBTHOKE MemOUIAL Ciicitcu. The aniiiverbary of the Hethutie Me u.onul church, woivbippiug at Uethune Hall, Tweifih aud MouttMiuiery avenue, was cele b'ated yesterday. Notwithstanding the beat, a laipe number of persons were present, lu the tiioi liiiisr a sermon was preached by the pastor, bev. P. D. Taliaaee, and in the afieruoou in iiresliiig Suunay School services were held, when addri-Bses were made by Hev. T. M. Cuu nincbam, D. D., and ex-ijovernor Pollock. The new eu'eTpri-n has crown iniiumbers. It has a laige and flourishing Sunday School. The lair recently hel by the schools yielded a hand some pionf. The hall has beep carpeted and thecn'iie indebtedness removed from the con legation. 1'nhf fntations. On Saturday morning the Swan o l' Assembly presented to toe Marion Ilotr Company a baudsouie American tin?. The ceiemonv took pla"e at 8 o'clorK. Michael i-n.itb, "Hsq.. lu a neat speech, pieeuted the fug on behalf ot the d itio-s, and David Morris, Kk., President of ihe Mariou, leceived it in a lew aiet appropriate remarks. Mr. Thomas K. Vindner, of the Indeoen itence Hoe and Steam Fire Etiaiue Company, a on Sainrdav tlie recioierjt of a silver- niouuted enne from several of his personal Iriertfs. The gilt was pre enteJ on behalf ol the eorois by Mr. Lew in Kubr, and received bv Mr. Viiiduzer iu a neat and appropriate spiCi'D. 1'oi.keman Asraulteu. -Policeman Williath Pieeu. ol ihe heveLth District, was struck on t he front part ot the bead in anestmg a man at Crown aud Vine streets Wrh the issistanee of h ernzen he was enabled lo convey his prUouer o Ihe station bouse. The ouicer bv ihistirae bscau e o faint from tbe loss of blood that meoical a d was summoned, when it was lotiu I i fiat he bad been badly wounded. The delcn riant gave bis name as Milton Smith, and was coniuiuied. Recovered. Tbe body of John B. Buck, Jr.. w no was drowned on Saturday, iu the Hchuyl k H, rear the (iirard Avenue bridge, was re' covereo yesieraay ov tiooert lirown. the uo iv as tsken to ibe residiuce of his fa her. No. tiGO Mechanic street, where au inquest wax held au I a verdict ot accidentally oruwned reudered. Decease 1 bad gone in to oathe, ao l was caught en au old wreck in 'ne river near tae oridie, Inquest. About 8 c-'olock, last evening, f'eoigeSco t, a member of the Fellowship n'ire ruaipany, while going to a ore. was Knocked down bv a horse aud carnaae. the horse tread- ins 11 11 bis abdomen, seriously Injuring bitu internally. Sudden Dbatuh. Daniel Gallagher, living at No. 321 New Market street, and Charles HolT nian, residing at No 22 H uth street, were both i.'iund dead lu bed at their respective home, yes-terday morning, heart diseiue was the ti ute, Firk Badofs. Up to Batnrrlay Chief Engi neer McCniiker had Issued 1400 of the hpw (Ire badges. The law hss gone into effect, and hits so far woiked admiraiiy. The Friendship Kn gine Company were the first to receive 'the cadges. The FocnTU at Rivertos. Aa usual at thta beantilul summer rssort, the national day was celt brated with all honors. Tbe priDciual fea ture being the annual regatta of tbe lliverton Yacht Club, which, though less attended than on previous occasions, was none tbe less lnts- resting. Onlv tarce classes were represented, and especially la the first, compose! ot the yachts Fittbr, Mystery, and Lillie, great lnte- i rest and excitement prevailed. The Mystery always victorious was asaln rigjed to compete with the new and formidable Fittler, little thinking of her third nntairoaist, the Lillie, which was by thsm considered harmless and by mine almost ignored, but whose owner never theless had spared do pains and fitted her out with a cemplete new suit. At half-past 9 o'clak the three boats were put in position, the Lillie hs-ving drawn first choice, and at the word "go," darted oil' leaving her enemies a couple of h'lndred yards astern and continuing to eraln on them, coming In cieht n iiiutcs ahead of the littler aud winning the hrst prize. In the second clas a like Interest prevailed, tbe graceful "Klsie" ncaiu wiDiiin'.', against ,a fleet ol six boats, and a idlng si III ano' her prize to her numerous collection, this bot inak Djj the fastest time of nil in the race. In tlie third class ihe race was awnrded to Ihe lubecra, she haviiie'uone throuch the entire oniue whilst her autaronisU e,ave it up sj ne nv her cap'a'n liaving heard th dinner bell roni the bonrding-hou:o preferring a suhau ial meal to a hot and unccrlain sail and per- haos airald of Inheritiig that awful "little dog" still In possffdou ol Captain Kmlley, of the w n rna. The prizes consisted of maeniflcnt pieces of silver rlate, which wero presented bv Mr. F. W. liciundou, wilh an appropriate speech. To the Li'die, by Mr. Simon Poey, who a'n won Ihe Xliet choice, a beautiful silver water- o' icr. To the Flsie. by the brothers Biddlo, a superb soup tureen; and to the Uebccca, by Mr. T. Moms I'crot. a silver cooee urn. MISCELLANEOUS CITT JOTTINGS. The lollowing gentlemen have been elected i.fhcorsol the Weeeacoo Fire Company : Presi dent, Joseph It. Lyndall; Vice-President, W. I). Martin; Secretary, William L. Fonnau; Finan cial Secretary, Thomas Proom, Jr.; Acsistant Secretary, N. P. C-hidina; Tieasurer, William li. uoriz. Sa'nrday. the 4fh instant, was the anniver sary of the Diliucnt Fnuine. united States Ho-e, and Independence Ho?e Companies. The dili gent was instituted July 4, 17U1; the Uni'ed tales was instituted July 4. 120; aud the Indpp' liil lice, July 4, 1831. Ihe Diligent lloso Company have cloc'.ed he followinu officers lor the ensuing e ir: Prei-ideiit, Joseph E. Schell; Vice Pre-iuent, lauios (. ulbertfou; Secre'arv. Henry C. Cobb; Asf-istant Secretary, Jouu F. Treasurer. John Keneil. Colonel William Fuller. Henry Youn2. T. Knelehart. and Lewis McAllister, and commit tee of Ihe Neptvine Hose Company, visited Lancaster, Pa., Iat week, and presented the Shilller Hose Company of that city with a set of silver. An adionmed meetiucrof the Journeymen Brick makers of the Southern part of toe City will be held at Kater Hall, SjuiIi street, above r nieeniu, tins evening. A meeting ot the Uptown r.nckintkers' Protective Union will be held at the Hall of the itesolution Iloe Company, this eveijiug, at 8 O'clock. The ciirrbpcs of the following nnmtd com panies ue now at the shop lor repairs: Phila delphia, Peiveverauce, Niagara, Hope, Lafay ette, iiLd Wilbaiu Penn Hose. A coinruutce ot tbe Lawrence Fire Com pany of Pittshurp, Pa., will be in our city this week lor the purpose or receiving tneir new carriage. The new carnage built in this city lor the Neversiuk Hose Company of Heading, was bhipped tor that place on Friday last. lne "iveccacoc nave aiiuea turee new lad ders to the r other apparatiifi for use at fires. Asiatcd nieetmgot the Operative Pla-tercrs' Fnion will be held this evening, at Painters' Hall, Locust street, above Kightn, at 8 o'clock. Election t ollicers The Jotiri eymen House Painters will hold a niei-ting al tbe Hall. No. 803 Locust street, this eveiiinp, July C. Election of ollicers. The Harmony Kneine Company will hold a meeting at 8 o'clock this evening. A match has been made between Dan O'Connor, of Pittsburg, and B. T. Kyall, a well known billiard pla.'er of Philadelphia, to play a match game ot billiards at Lafayette Hall, next Wednesday evening. Fifteeu hundred points will be played, Kyall aiviug O'Connor rive hundred. A purse ot $200 will reward the victor. I'Utsburg Commercial. MARINE TELEGRAPH. tar additional Marine Jfewn see brst Pwje. ALMANAC FOB PHtLADKLPH t A T1II8 DAY. dON KlHUh. l8i,MIN lllBK8........ .... SHU HUN Hicth '"H, Hmtr Watuh PHlLADilXl'llIA' BOA.UD OV TKADIC JamkmT. Yoono, ") Coatkh Walton, -Monthly Oommittv, 1 h m a PoTTna, J MOVKMKNTS OP OCEAN STEAM JH.S. FUU AMKKiCA. Bnllona...,........-.IouioD Nw York June 13 Tripoli J.lverpool...New York Juuu 2.i peniiH Ivaula Liverpool... New York .June 2i Nova ecollun ...Xiverrjool ..Quebec M J uun If, "bxunla Siiiliiuuijiou...New York Juue 24 .uop ulasKow New Yora...... ,Jnne m I IjIiiu. Llverpool...New York.... Juuj z7 Miniitsolu....LlVB( pool... New York. ....... Jiinu ai) Aleppo- .......Liverpool. ...New York ...Juue o f OH .UKOPK. Ctmbrla New Vork...iiumhurg July 7 fcoilu... New York..Livnrpool.. July 8 Muul ttiiau Mew York... Liverpool.. July 8 Malta New York... Liverpool. Ju y II liniihcliluiicl......Ntw YorK...Jireiuu... July 9 Perelre New York Havre Jiny Jl U. ol Balllujore.New ork... Liverpool -...July n HiiH -New York. -Liverpool July 1:1 tail' ol Boston...New York ...LI via pool July IS KJAVI'WISIK, DOMK-JTIU, KTO. BlaroftheUuion.PhilHda.....New Orlesus July 8 I'loioer .Phlladn WllmliiKtoa Ju y U 11. Clihiiiiuey New York...Aspluwall. July U l'olueubia....New Y'ork...Hi4vaii... . Juiy 9 Wyouiliiv Phllada Havaiiuab -.July 11 Hlr1Strlies Ptillaila. Havana........ M -July -I ilerriliimk New York. .. lilo Jauelio.......... July 21 Aik iu tue lorwardod by every Lruer lu itie rei;alttr II iiet. 1 He leHiuem tot or from Liverpool cad et Queei nlowri, except tbe Oanndlau Hue, wlilch Cll at I onilonrtorry. Tlieniemmeri for ot Irom the Con 11. Dfiit call at (Snnthamntnn. Cl.b.AKKIl SATUKUAY. llriR Oeorge B. Prcucott, Mlhu.Por lumoutb, Qulutard, Ward & co. Hehr ItebeccaBecora, Tall, Richmond, Philadelphia i oul Co. ret.r H. A. Hotlman, Hoflman, Boston, Blaklston, ii Ren tv .vt fcehr Kidiey, Stanford, Fredericksburg, Qulutard. Ward 4 Lo. Hchr J mien Nelson, Lake, Dorchester. Tyler A Co sjclir W. H. Dennis, Lake, Bustuu, Caatuer, btlckoey A W'elllni'Loli. Behr Keaoiug Bit- No, St, Burke, Norwich, Hamme'.t Sebr Isabella Thompson, Endlcott, Fall Blver, Ban eroti. Lewis A Or . Sehr M. J. PiBiier, Fisher, nigham. schr W. B. Mann, Baxter. I'barleston, N'ir Pearl, piukbam, Beverly, bi'r ocean Bud, Mafeey, Jiackensuck, Blaklstoa braell a Co. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Pel, r Mai vlna, Elilreaworth, i day from Hilton, Jjei.i Wiiu uara tu vuioti w kaj. ARRIVKIJHATURDAY. Steamship Itouian, Baker, 44 buura from Boston, will) indue, and paKaeiiKem to 11. Wlnsorfe Uo. Br. briK Chanuci", Huanllebury, 60 days troin Fal mt'Uir, wlib too uncus Cblua clay to CI. B. Dunn. Hehr freeuiaaen. J?urraau,2 days Irom IudiauRIver, wlib lumber l Moore, Wbeailey & Oottlugaaiu. Ht lir Rebecca Heoora, Tall, Iroui Norfolk. hehr M. J. Fisher, Fisher from Providence. Hchr Jullen Nelson, Lake Irom Providence. Hchrri sj- Blekuiore Cavalier, from Boston. Hehr W. H. HeunlH. Lake Irom Bunion. Hchr Pearl, Pink ham. irom B ston. Hebr C'erdeila. Newklrk. Huuiiey. from Boston. Hchr Beaoli'g r-H No. 84 Burke, from MldilleleWn. Hehr Uabella Tbooipaou, Kudioutt. fui poriamoulu. Hchr Mary J. AiIuiuh. Lowe, froid Portsaioiitb. ' bleuiuer Ocean Bird, Musaey, from Nwark, iff. J. MEMORANDA. ' , Bb I p Lancaster, Jacksuu. lor Liverpool, Cleared at 81. Jobn N. P.. 2d luat Hteawnbip t'tiuty. Fargo, for Philadelphia, sailed frem l'roviilence .Hd I nut, HteaiiiHblp Valley 1,'liy. Morgan, (or Philadelphia, ULtU ffviu lUthUiUd 3d luat. BarqneOsn Edpn. Orenlef. for a por, n rthol pBUerM, sailed frnm Cardxnas ltd nit. Harque J..M. Churchill Kllman. tor a port north Of EkiUms, sallpd from CurilenM .lh ult. Marque Brurswlck, Dixon, for Philadelphia, cleared t New York 3d Inst. Karque O. W. Horton. Bnllcr. hence Tor Portsmontb, was nixiken Soth nil. urT Aiwecoro. Brig Merrlwa, Waterhouiie, from Slrr k Kotena Via below Philadelphia at Portland Id InsU ,, BrlaHan.ael Llndiey, Wllsoa, tCidjn8 4tH nit., reported Irom Philadelphia, Brln Charles Foole, (Sherman, hence, at Mamanllia 18th ult, , Bria John Bilghtman, Gray, hmce, at C. lbarlen leih uh. . ,, cbr Sarah Watson, Bmlth, at Cardenas 54tl fc Irom MatanERi. Hehr K. P t base, Collins, for Phlladelph'a, sailed lipm Cardena 2;d ult. , . echrs ilaty Minus, Burdge. and Nlcionr, make well, sailed Irom Cardeuaa 2olh nit., fur a port aorta el Hatieras. . Hchr J. M. FlanaRan. Shaw, hence, at Ca'.b&rlen Htn lit has been reported at Trinidad ISih. ... , fchr Kary K Blupl.s, Htnpirs, for Philadelphia, cleared at Mt. John. N. B., 2d Inst. . . '. i-chr R. L. Tay. Baker, lor PullftdclphU, c eared al Wti dsor. N. H ?:idnl'. . , Hehr Mabel Hall, Hall, tor Philadelphia, sailed from MayaKnn2tih nit. , Hehr Fleetwinp, Nah. hence, at It iekland 2ltn nit. Brhr Nellie True. Hume, bence at forlland 2d I'lsl. Hehr Jonathan May, Neal, fur PblladelpUU, eleured at Portland id Inst. J.,,., Hchr Hens (tray, hence, at Portland 81 Inst. Hchr American KbbIu. Kanisey.henae, al Mlchrnond "Vebr Lotlle Beard, Pe'ry, for Phllartelnhla. sill" from Digbton 2d lust, and went Into NeApuit next dhr F. T BtBtRlit. Willets, for Philadelphia. salleJ frH?i.r wTlL-i 'ravers. Trdd. for Phlladelph'a, sailed In m veeshliiBlon. 1. C . ad tr! "eiirt'ars, Barrett, ror Philadelphia, was loading at WliDJh'gUiii, N, Ci 2d Ihst. KOTICR TO MAKINEK4. Notice Is l ereby (jlven lliailbe lluht on the Dll Pir Po'nt. Bemtieasl end ot the lilan I or M lta. n Iht 3fi440N., l n14R4F. will b rellk'ited on the ivimim ol tlie lsl of July next. It Is exiublied from Be iciHKonal lower r'slim Irom thecentre of t'ie keep ei s dwelling, whicb is a reclaugular building built ol pie Id Malta n'one. 1 he HBht is revolving showlnsr alternate (ls"oi or rid i.nd whlteevery tiorly neconds. and mv be seen over an aro ol S7i digrees Irom N. S'idek K.. round SMilhwerd to N. bf den VV.. and will he visible 'riui the deck ol a vessel In clear wca'her al a (lit nnca ol lSrulies, By couiiuand. ViClult HOl'iVn' , I'hle' Secretary to Ooverumeut. Talace, Valletta, Junes. Itsa. AMUSEMENTS. "LJOOLEY'S OI'EKA HOUSE, SEVENTH Jl Hireei. below Arcb. l'lrt wiiek of lbs 1eritos.orean Wonder, K. M. 1 AHKOI.L. TPK OBK vT LINUAki, BnRLVSQrF,. T.v JOHN M UtLiG AN and AHi'HY HUllHlC. FCi'OLI'Y'H MINstlBI'-LS. THK WILD KAVVN, 'II, a Ple.lure Oallery, My Father H uld 1,' fieorge 'he Charmer, Stuu.p Hpeecu, U.vnclng M voer, Cior I anee, eic. 7 6Sl TrOi'B AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. .V KVi-KY xlVt-NINO AND HA1 UKJJAV AVlt KNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPK, In Jnml Bullets, Ktbioplaa Burlesques, Ccingl Jjanceo, Panto ralrues, Uymuast Acia, eta. WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. JTAVIa PURCHASED THE INTEREST OF TIIU3IA9 TVBIJI.M, iSH. My late tartner In the Arm of WKiaaiNd t WAR JJKN, I am now prepared to Oder A HiW AND VAKIKD STOCK OU WATCHES AND JEWELRY, AT THE OLD STAND, S.IU ( OK.1EB FIFTH AM C'HK-iNUT STS. And respictinlly reqnet a continuance ot the pa Irenuge so long and liberally bestowed upon tue liut firm, rardcnlar attentloe Klven to the repairing ol WATCUJbJS AND JKWKLKY. A. It. WAItJEIV, Philadelphia, March 16, 1803. 8 wfm2m JEWELRY! JEWELRY! S. E Corner Tenth and Clicsuut. NEW STOKE. NEW GOODS. WRICGINS & CO., (Formerly "Wrlpsrlns St Warden. Fifth and Chesnnt) Invite atientiou to their New Jewelry otore, a, K. cor ner Th NTH and CHKsiNUT Btreeis. We are now prepared, wlih our Kxtenslve Stock, to oPer C4KKAT lNhl tKMKNTS to buyers. WATCBKd ol tlie roost celebrated makers. JEW ELRY, ano HILVKR WARE, always the latent de sluns and best qnalltlee. Hoods epeciallv iieslgnedfor BRIDAL PRESENTS. 1-erlienlnr attention given to the Repairing ol WATCHES ASD JEWELRY. 0 1 luwf witiaaiNS & oo., 8. E. Cornfr TentB and Chesnat Ntreets. 'EWIS LAD0MUS & CO. ( DIAMOND DEALERS & JEWELERS.! WATlllES, 4KWBI.HY BILVEU WAUE. V"WAT0HE8 and JEWELRY REPAIRED. J02 ChestnTit St., PhHai WATCBE3 OF THE FINEST MAKERS, DIAMOND AiSD OTHER JEWELRY, Of the latest styles, SOLID SILVER AND PLATED-WARE, ETC. ETC, SMALL STUDS FOR EYELET HOLES, A large assortment just received, with a variety of settings. 5 mp We keep always on hand an assortment of LADIES' AND GENTS' "FINB WATCHQt' Of the best American and Foreliro Makers, all wai ranted to give complete satisfaction, and al OREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FARR BROTHER, importors of Watches, Jewelry, Moalcal Boxes, sto 11 usinthhp No. 124 ClUSNTXr B below Foarttt, Especial attention given to repairing Watobea Maalcal Buxea bv tuusi-LiiAiiH woraiiiea. TUREET CLOCKS O. W. RUSH ELL, Tmnnrter and dealer In fine Wutho cnnoh ClockB. Gold Jewelry. Etc.. No. 21 N. HIXTH etreel, uaviug receiveu uu agency ui 8TEVENB' PATENT TOWER C LOCKS, Is prepared to make estimates and contracts for put ting tip these Clocks for Town Hulls, Ubnrcuea Pchool Houses. Etc., in tbe full auaurauce that the; are the beat aud cheapest TURRET CLOCKS In tbe United States, Inquiries by mall promptly answered, b26 GROCERIES, ETC. T 0 FAMILIES RESIDING! IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS, We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply families at their country real Jenoea wltb every description of FINE OROCEEIES, TEAS, ETC., AXiirur t). UOBEBTS, Dealer In Vine Grooerlea, 11 7irp Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Bla, FURNITURE, ETC. E 6TADLIBUBD 1781 A. B. ROBINSON, rRKNCB PLATS L,OO$INQ-0ZU8&B3, ENQKA VINOS, PAINT1NQ8, DRAWLN03, TC Uannfactarer of all kinds of LOOKING-GLASS, .PORTRAIT. AND PICTOR PRAMES TO ORDER, RO, II CHKMVI melST, Tbucd Door abov la inniinanm, i tu l'Wldeliui. I FINE WATCHES. insurance companies. FirE Insurance. LirorpooL and LondvN ftD(1 Glo'iE InsnrancE CompanYi ASSETS SEVENTEEN MILLIONS. Short Term, rcrrx'tnal, Flouting, and Rent rolirics Insiu'd on fiivornble terms. Offlco, Ko. 6 3LERCIIAMS' EXCHANGE. ATWOOD SMITH. 8 15 m GENERAL AGENT. ELAWAKE MOTUAIj SAFKTV A "lUKlDUCAJI . Incorporated by tu.4 Lrgls lure el Ptnnsylvaula, ,8&i. Oflice, Boutheast corner TtTTRD and WALNUT H reeis, PhllHdeiphla. MAKINal iN.iUKANUM On Veesels, Cargo, aid Prelsbt, to all parts ot the Win Id. INLAND IN.-'URVN-CR Or floods, by river, canal, lake, aud land carriages to an narlsoi tue iJ fou. ' VIRK INSURANCES On nierehandls" generally. Ou bioies Dwelling Houses, e:o. ASSET! OF TUB COMPA VT Novenitinr I. IMI7. iOO.COU TTnlted htutea i'lve Par Cent. I.OHn 1(MI. - 201,XiOOO icu nio t'niied rtalea iive Per Ceuu Ibii. lssi - 131.100 00 so iVO United states 7 4-10 ferCuul. Load Treasnrv Nine - 62, 512 80 9i r riifi frUme of Pennsvlvanlit hit I've l ent, 210 070 00 125 000 City olPbilad- IphlaSiiX PerUeut. Loan (exempt, Iruui lax) 125,025 00 KO riOO StlBleol iNewJiTHdv bix Pet LVut Loan - 51 OOO'OO 9n rinn leniiHvlvaiila Kaliroud first Mo'tKBKeMX PrCul. Boiid.. lO.SOO'OO 2!5.W)0 Peensyivanla ltallroad, Wei ond MoiIkuh.Mi PerllHUt. Homls. 2.1.375'OH 2,01'0 wes'ern rennsy ivauia nnionu tilx PerUent. Koiids ( Pi nnsyl- vanla Rallroud Kuarrited).... 20.000 00 KO 000 Ftale ot TenuesHie Five Per Cent. I.oaus 18,000-00 7000 "State of Tenutsuee (Six Perueut. Loan 4i70'00 8,000,300 shures stock ol Uer.uitiuii Has Company (principal and Interest enariknteed by the cliy of Philadelphia; 15,093 00 7.5C0 lfiO Hhares (stork of Peuusylva- nla Railroad Company. 7,800 00 8,000 lfo Miare utoek of Nor' Ii Penn sylvania Kallroad Coniuiiiiv. 3,00000 20,000 SO tshnres htnek I'hliadelpbia and Southern Mall KteauiHh'O Coniiany - IS.OOO'OO 201.003 LnntiB nn RAnrln atlfl fAnrtvklra. llrst Ileus ou City Property ...... 20l,90fOO tl.lU.-KO par. Market value. Pea' Estate Kills 1-ei!n,vulilM lor iiiHUrttlKB 80,000-00 rnce 219,135 07 Bnl tn es due t Aueue ei Hre uiiuiiiH on Marine Pohcl s oeblH duo the Con pBiiy 41,33l'3(i nun anaser poi suutiiy insn rnfif'n ui i.tliur onmHioriA . , . u.qiu. ?iimaieu vei w . .... On. nrt tush lu DrWer,. 2.w 52 181315 02 ti 507,008 15 DIRECT0 m-. Thomas C. ITand, J bu C. Jittvln. Juuies C ITand. isaumel K. Blokes, James Traquair, William ', Lu.lwlg, Jacob P. J- lleH, Jituss B. Mcr'arland, J jauua P. Eyre, Jonu D, l aj lor, ..spencer Mcllvalne, Henry O Uallelt. Jr., leorun W. tiernanlou, I). I'. Mnrgau, PKlsburg. J. It t-emple, 1- aiimnil A. houder, Joseph Jl. Sieal, 'i lieophilus PauldlDB, llviHi I'll.lR Edward Uarlinglon John R Penrose, M. Joins Brooke, Henry rloau. OeorKe CI. Leirer, V lillnm (1. liointon, J-dward Larourcade, jauou megel, 1 a. is. JHM'uer, TITOMASJ O. KAMI President. .,.3ull!H c- IAVls, Vice President, nirNTlY I.VT.HDliN. Siecreiary. HKMIY BALL. Assistant (secretary. 12 30 1829 CHARTER PERPETUAL. Franklin Fire Insurance Co, or rmiuAiJjeju'uiA. OFFICE: NOS. 435 AND 437 CHESNUT STREET. ASSET OK JANUARY 1, 190S, i?,003,740'00. CAPITAL . hmh 00,J0) ACCRUED SURPLUS. l,018,bV38tt PRMM'UMS. ltl(i,84S)9 OS SETTLE!) CLAIMii, LNCOME FOB 1868 tS3,S03Z. ZSO.OOO'OO. jbOisarai paid hincb isa OVKS Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Tanna, DIRECTORS. Chajri N. Bancker, beorce Pal an, loblaa W agner, SaxiiuuI Graut, Gsrge W, Richards, Aurwi iuer. JTraucis w. Lewis, . D. ijimo iei umiiin ajtyM asUsl IAS. W. MOA LLlbTEli. Becretarv r.. .1." Except M Lexington. Kentucky, this Company has aiV T TO VI A IIWUUIIl NSURE AT HOME. IN TBI resin Mutual Life Insurance COMPANY, No. 821 CHESNUT ST., PIIILADELPIIIA. AS! XT8.' f.OOO.OOO. CUAIiTEBKJ) UT OUB OHS STATE. MANAGED JBT OUB OWK CITIZEN, JLOMMXIM PBOMPTLI PAID. POJLirlEM ISSUED ON TABIOL'S PK.ARa. Applications may be made at the Home onioe. and ai Abe Agencies tbrougliout tlie blata, U l4 JAMES TK4QCAIII PRESIDENT, BAM DEI. E. KTOKEBJ M... VICJE-PR KSJIDKT &U, H.UOHJIOU A. V. P. and ACTUARY HOBATIO W. WTJBrilEaW . jMK 'RETA RT PROV1DEM LIFE AND TRUST COilPANY OJf PHILADELPHIA,- 1 No. lit K PoCRlH BlieeT, INCORPORATED 8u MONTH, 22, 1863. CAPITAL i60,WI0 AID In. Intnrauceou Lives, by Yearly premiums: or On s 16, or 2ii year 1 remiums. Non-furteliure. ' AMiulllea grauied ou favorable terms. Term Policies, CUIldreu's Euduwmeuta. This I oujpauy .wbiie glvlu ( tbe insured the security ol apa'd-upl ailtal. will dlvlue the entire proUts of the Lite business among tbe policy holders. MonevB received at Interest and paid on demand. Authorized by tbe charter to execute Tr is, s, and to act aa Executor or Administrator, Aaslgnee, or Huaidlau.aud In other fiduciary capacities, uuderap libluiuient ol any Court uf this Comiuonwwtitb, or any person or persons, or bodies pollilo or ooporaie. DIRfcC'lOKS. ui MTTVT. V .UrPl tV I. ... tiOVni ihipq JObJIUA II. MOKRJb, HliniAJi uou Kit HARD CA DBURV. WILLI A U HACKER, w. V JnUBlHK 1 tl , I HAKLKb If. IXlKKlN. BAJdCEL P. bHIPLKY, ROWLAND PARRY, President. Actuary, WILLIAM O. LONHSTRJtTH. Vloe-Precildeul, TIIOMAB WJHTAR. M. D., J. B. TOWNSKNU, 7 27 Medical Examiner, Legal Adviser. PHffiNIX INSURANCE COUPASr OP INCORPORATED lHiHl CHARTER PERPETUAL. No. 'tl IU UT Hireet. oppoalte the hxoh ue, Tbis Company lusurea Iroui loss or damage by EIRE, . on liberal terms on bnlidiuga. merchandise, furnltnre etc.. for limited periods, and parniaueutly ou build ing by deposit of premiums. ..,. . be tiomnanr has peeu iu"- - .or mora ...... ell- TV V H. . ttr, uu. V'-, me oaVS tw t imi.a. iDavid Lewis. ir iT Vi'.i.nnv. . IBenlaiuIn Ettlnc. John T. Lewis. . Thomas H. Powers, William H. Orani, I A. R. Mclleury, Rol-orl W. Learning, Edmund I'anllUou. D. Clara wuarwM, Lawrence Lewis J Hamuel Wilcox, Lewis I'. Morris. JOHN R- W1TIIH ERKU. President. 8AMVXL WIM.VJU btl tjy, ii tl INSURANCE COMPANIES. q "flLLIMCHAST & H I LT! 8 USURAKCE ROOMS, B yMmh I No. 409 WALNUT St. A8IN1B AND ATTORNEYS IOR Home Tire Insurance Companj, NitW HAVEN, CONN, Springfield Tire and Marine Ins. Co., toPKINuriELD, MASS, . Yonkers anil Sew York Insurance Co., NEW YORE reoiIcs' Firo Insurance Com pan j, WORCESTER, MASS,, Allaullc l ire aud Marine Insurance Co., PROVIDENCE, R. I, Guardian Tiro Insurance Company, NEW YORK Lumberman'! Tire Insurance Co., CHIOAOO, ILL Insurance effected at LOWEST Rateh. All losses premptly and liberally adjusted at their Office, So. 40!) WALSUT Street, PHILADELPHIA; INSURE AT HOME. GUARDIAN FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, No. 42G WALNUT 8troet. PHILALKLPIIIA. CIIAK1TKE1) CAPITAL, . . $500,000 PAID I CAPITAL, - - . $100,000 AO LOSSES OR DEBTS. IiiBure against loss or damage by Fire on Bulldlnn Mercbandlse, Houreuold Furulture, and all other luiurab e properly, and alsn take Marine, Canal, and luland NavlKatlou R.Bks at the lowest rates oen siU nt witb security. W. E. OWENS, President, NATHAN IIAINEb Secretary. 8I8 BEN J. F. O BRYON, Burvey . DlKEv-TOKS, Wm. E. Owens; Hun. Oho, V, Laurence, Hou bteidien T, Million. Artbur Mag-Inn Is, Mm. W. Deuuer, Ui. M. aicEwen, Na uau Hamas, bomas Williams, Howard A. Mlckle, 1. Kemp Banuu. 'Jims K. McUonali. jwuitB v- Aira, K. C. Wortlili'irion. W rj. R rfsaau. Joi n Halck, Edward 4. Urattan, INSURANCE OOMPANI OF NORTH AMERICA, No. 232 WALNUT STREET, PIIILADA. INCORPORATED 17SH. CHARTER PERPETUAL, Marine, lalaisd, a aid Fire latsuraace, ASSETS JANUARY 1. 1868, . 2,001.2G6'72 120,000,000 Losses Paid In Cash Since JU Organization. DIREC l'ORH. Artbor P. ccmn, , ueorge L. Harrison, Frauds R. Cum. Jouu A. Brown, Cbarli-s Taylor, Ambrose M bite. William WelHb. Ricliard I. Wood, 8. Morris Wain, Euward 11. Ttolter. Edward B. Clarke, T. Cbantou Henry. Alfred D. Ji-ssup. jobu P. Wblie, Louis C. Madeira, Jobn Mason, ARTHCR O. UOFFIN. Pre.ldant. Chablich Platt, becrnary. V 11.1,1AM BUEHLtM, ilarrlsbnrg, Pa Centra Agent lor the wtatf ol Penuaylvauia. 1 'ilt FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSlVELT.-tHB PENNSYLVANIA FIRE INaURANCE COM." PAN V lucorporalel 186-Cbarier Perpetual No. 61U WALNUT Birevt, opiu8ltti Independence rtquare. TblB Company, lavorably knuw o lo tbecommuulty for over loriy years, continue to Insure asalDst lose or damage by tlie ou Public or Private Buildings, eltbt-r permanent y or lor a limited time. Also oo Furulture. blocks ol Uoods, aud MerchandUe gene rally, on liberal term.. Tbeir Capital, together with a large Ba'plns Fund, Is invested In ti e uiost careful manner, wblcb ena bles them to otler to tbe lusured an undoubted aeon rltr In ibe caae of Iohm. Daniel Pmttb. Jr.. 1IHUTUKS. John DevereaT, Alexander Benson, Isaac HaKlehursl, a uiiiuwi oruilQ. Henry Lewis, J. -Ullllnarhskm 17 All Tbomas Bobbins. DAN I KL H.m JTH, Ja., President. Wm.HM O. rOWHI,l, Hecretarv g mi ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. Vfifrf fENN STEAM JtNUlNE AND miui H-.'i'-. boiler wukk-.-neafie a lew. ...jwiULAMj TH KUKKHlA L EMU1N EERe. M At H JNibTe . BOl LEti-M A K tHS, BtAUJli bMl'JJla, aud FOUNDEHb having lor mauy year beeu in succerslul ope-a i ion, and been nxclunlvely ebgaed la building aud repairing Marine aud River Engines, high audliiw-ureNure. Iron Boilers, Water Tanks. J'rupeilera. etc. etc., respectfully offer their service lu Ibe pi bllu a being lully prepared to con i rail Icr euglnea ol all sizes, Marine, River, aud hiat.oiary; having e .or paiiernsof different aiaea are prepared lo execute orders with quirk deopaich. Every dchcriutiou ol pailMrii-maklug made al tbe shortest noilce. High and Low-prewure Flue Tubular aud Cvlluder Boilers, ol the best Pennsylva nia charcoal Iron. ForKlnga of all slzea and klndn Irou aud Brass CaxliUKB ot all descriptlona Koll Turning Hr w Cnlilrg, and all other work connected wlib Ibe ubuve busiuefeb. Drawings and speclncatl'ins for all work done at ibetHtabluibmenl tree ol charge, aud work guaran teed. The subscribe rs have ample wbarf-dock room for repairs ol boms, where they can lie In perfect safety, and are provided with shears, blocks, fails, etc, ekv lor raising heavy or Hgut weijji K JoUN P. f.EVY. 8 1 BEACH and PALMEHBtroeH. j. vaccina MKamcK, wuSjam h. laaaaioat JOHN k. OOPK. SOUTHWAKK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND WAoJllISuXON Biraeia. PHILlkl.PHtA. MKKKHK dt eiONB, (ENUNEERS AND MACHINISTS, niauufKxure High aud Low Preosure Bteaiu Engines lor Laud, Rlvir.aud Marine Hervice. Boilers, Oanouieiers, Tauks, Iiou Hnata. etc Castings l all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Hours mr tias Wore, Workshops, and Railroad rUUuni eio. . Re'oria and Gas Macbluery, ot tbe latest and moat Improved cooslroclluu. Every description of Plantation Machinery, also 8ugar, Baw, aud Grist Mills. Vacuum Pa us, OU B earn 1 rains, Delecators, Filters, Pumplug, Eo glnee.eio. bole Agents for N. Blllenx's Patent Wmrar Botllnst Apparatus, Nesmytb's Paleut bieam Hammer, and Aspluwall A Wootsey's Patent Centrlugal Hugar Lralnlng Machines. : asu COAL. B MIDCLETON A CO., DEALERS IS HAKLKHiH LEHIGH and EAULH VEIN COAL. Kept diy under cover. Prepared expressly tor lamlly use. Yard. No. 136 W ABJiLN-iTOil Aveuoe Offloe No. IW A Ll JITB'reet -ARRIS & NEW HALL, PAPER WAREHOUSE. No, 818 MiNOR Street. Phlladelphta, Manufacturers ol ENGLISH GLAZED HARDWARE. BLAMTIBIs)