THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, JtTLV 3, 1868. r TENNESSEE. M Wrllltw far Prnttrllnff T mm ihAr Ibjr Called States Iroopi, Ir. Newton, teacher of a freed men's school nt nervllle, TeiJueiwe.wBHHi-Haiilted and ilrlveu in that town a tew days ago, and a (letno'i- ent of troops whs sent to preserve the pence that chivalrous communiiv. Jie returned on utmlay, May J ill), lu compituy with Colonel ilmer, cmei 01 trie t reed men's Bureau, ana u Monday, two teachers from Mum ohls. Miss til. Newlon and MikmL. n.iniruett.weiu.ilinva HSMlft la the preparations lor the closing ex nisesof t he achools, which had lieen luler- f Ptefl S the driving away of Mr. Newton. presence or Colonel V. W. Drown, of the lott'iner wun twenty-jive Nohllors or Unllnl ytaies in I'm try, had quae a InlUieiice upon Hie coiniiiiinUv. nud Mioiigl there had been tine its t at Iho exol- tlon snoiiia nor. ihko placa, ir they were llKPd tu kill Mr. Newton to prevent it. yet the l:tnbnii)i lld inUo place, and on the foil'iwInK rlday. between Uaud 11 A. M.. n proctsNlo'i f nix or elht hundred persons viii lormed at e J'.plNRopat Church, ana lea oy donel ltiown: they nnirclied wiiU 11 im tlyiiii; rough the principal streets; to the urnve. V lere tlx y entertained hy concert, recllu- Vis. itlali(;Pen, duel tint' inni, and nni'-io. Vhere w as a banquet witu fie usn-tl "ci n -J.lmcnt cfi peeclie.s ami liras. Colonel ISro vu like In fa or of moderHi ion t.inl l rti-ii-iiic borlim.' Ins audience, cotnp iieil clilell o!' tirrof P, to Ik- industrious, temperate, courteous. meui, dui orave anu wi.iiii 10 s:iei nice .ev.ii e to l.uiiiilulii the pi indoles of rlKht. lie Id them II they would perie . ere, i n tnelra', mpts to i '1we:'e Hnil elev;ln t liemsel ves If ey worked hard and eciiioiiitzed, savin:; their fine" to euy land and provitio lueinsiM ves Ih liontiH. even their cm-tnies WdiihI ba lined lo neluii.wU iliro tli'.y hnvo rlUts Ich min-t tt respected Ir. Ni wton hI.ko addros-'-d his ficholirs and lr fi lends In a hitnllar H'ruln, an 1 the oxer. es were concluded wIMiout, 1 iiferriiiuion. Itthef.ict that this tii'iiiM w.ns only Keuure I the piesetiCH or a military f.i en is a n.l e im tilary iircn the muto of t n en', ait hlic oiilcr In Governor JL'.rowiilow'u juri-idic- 1J. A L A S K A. The Ktunorsd Ooltl P'sco vrl .:s I'he following Is. an extract from a letter dnt3d n Francisco, June 7, ISO'S; "Tlie news from Sitka Is astounding-, if true. e report's from the recent iroid discovorlea of HKku have pi oil need ureal exoll.oinniU here, alHO as lepoittd m die ;on, y estimator! Ter- iory, mid nrUiMi Column! a. The reports, H rue, are brouiriu to sunn by Indians, hut y coine from the whites, who lire collecting ) gold, villi commissions to bring up pans, lor tdiicer luinlnir As a couKiMitiniica. Ir reports are accepted as true at SiiKa, rind ny are utarl ln' lor t he di'snlntis. Here there some lucitdullty as to liiu immense richness these in i nes, but t he report h are accepted wit h iie deduct I. ms lor posMule eX!iner.itlon. It ell known that Mil '.II i iuiiiH ol Russians veloiiK worked poid ml ies in Ala.stn, n t IhKtiiii' lnK the disf-our:'' irwnt an. I opi..1- In of the yif at HusMnii A mei icun I'ur ( on1- ny. A' nit events, lmintifis of enr reoeln ll bo. These Indiims n purr, rec tt t .iis -- i if 8 of vi, st mines of I ho in st iiiilhraclt e cm il. I'CinieiiM ff which thev are said to linvo fought to Hltka. Ho soon as Conijri ss esia- lshis a J erriiorial Uovi-.rnniciit in Alaska. id extends there the homestead and ore- liptlon sysiein, there will bo a ureal imml- aiion ii'cre. it is not oniv i tie uoid rninm. lit the co-il. Iron, 'lead, copper. Kra.ins;. nnl rlcultural lands, lls'ieries. fur iride. snlen- d tlin her, Ice trade, matin ill cent harbors. vers, etc. 3L- CULLO Oil. 0W tin Secretary of the Trcntury Ob- Kims "Kudoritmtnli," 'erliaps the fret that the lollowinR article ap- ;ared editorially lu the National IiitcLllgencer i yesterday, la a uullloieut relutallou of the arges made lu It: 'A few days Blnce a tool of Secretary MeC'ul- itih culled upon a Democratic member ot Con- ess from New Jerney and lusked him to .sign ft per for the releullou of Mr. .MeOnlloeli lu his VseDt f Kitiou. The member of Congress .) led to comply with tills request, giving as a son that he had repeatnlly recomuiended A removal of promluent radical ollloe holders f ins oihtrici wno were Dung me power ana Mrocage of their offices uuainst hltn, and that I such recommendations had been dlareKarileil. r. McCuilouh's friend then iisked the member Congress what office in the gift of the Secre- Iry of the Treasury he desired. Tne member 1 Congress stated thai he had urged for many tonths the removal or a certain radical ouiclal. he deputy of Mr. MeCuilocu then retired, but Uumed lu a few hours, and Informed the liember of Congress that the removal he des ired had beeu made, and then requested him sign the paper lor the retention of Mr. cCullocu as Secretary of the Treasury. Tue ember of CoDKress si 111 refused to do so, and ie gentleman was obliged to depart without ,e ixiucu-coveiea euuorsemeui, MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. Lotta says she won't marry. -The Duke of Argyle's living man oan't fly. Taglioui Las left Paris for Lake Como. 7-Tb.e Loudon Daily Ntw.i is to become a pony paper. An Irish woman marshals Lopez's Ama Ins. Auriol, the once celebrated French elown, sixty years of age aud travels with a circus. Louisiana has a debt of 13,332.001. ex- Kisive of Convention expenses. Rheumatio gout in the knee is Napoleon's ouble just now. New York has received nearly 100.000 migrants in the past six months Charitable fund dinners are comin? to ba unsidered a bore in Eugland Judd aud Trumbull don't ppeak, and their milies mutually cut each other. A baiber won the tfSO.OOO nrize in the rPoor Children's" lottery at l'aiis. V New Yoik expects auiil) visitors ou tiio ourth. Ileeuau would like to fi'ut MoCaole for fiO.OOO. The comedy in which Ristori appeared U illed M"1 on Purpose. Kate Field has trans ited it. By a rocvut marriage iu Maiue, a young romau oi twenty is given a grauduioluer of ineteeii. f. Mrs. Frofser, who has ben a realarto ueen Victoria, coudesceuds to kuep a boird- tig-house in New lork. If Isaiah Warren proposes to give the l . .... v a .j . . t 1 i. . r (ryeburg lAiaine) AOdueuiy iuuh m ium in 1000 whenever the trustees shall raise ifilOOO. 'A yontJg man advertises in a Rjston m .r.. a 1 ,1. l.u,.!,!. Tr.cillMi aiA tt,i MytSf IVl f uuua-ftrcn.i a .... v ..... . " mmm at he "is willing to uiacK poois. - A tailor's apprentice in F.uglmd cut his 'jroat and the thread of his young existence ith a pair of ehears. , Somebody has done Seneca's "Agamem on" into Fienth, and the Theatre Fraucaise i to produce it. , A (soaker at Ouirev. 111., absorbed 110 lasses of bter between luuoh aud tea the ther day. There is a queer 6tory that Wales went to he l'arit races iucok., that he there had his itad pttLched by a Fieiichinau, also incog-nae. It in proposed to place in the chancel 01 Ft. raul's cnurch, iu ihuuswick, we., a . - . 1 ; 1 i . 1 . tained fJlasf window, as a memorial 10 lue ate liibbop liargess. At the recent wedding of the daughter of k New York banker, the house was vocal with enumerable canaries, and the unae looKea svteel in white satin and pjint lace. Two women in the coal district of Kng land ite.eutly decided their claims to the amo tions o( a young man by a fight after the most 4:ipproved otyle of the 1'. K. il SUMMER RESORTS. g U W M E R li H 8 0 R T fc) XjU L1KF. OF riTTrArKr,PIIlA AND RKAD1N0 HAJ1.UOAI) ANU ililANCIIKS. HA FJSWN HOUSE, MT. CAKL.ON, Mr. Caroline Wuniler, PiitlBVllle P. O., KclmylWUl Co IL't CAliOllA HOTEL, lrn. SJ. 1.. AiUlcr.Tiisearura P. O.. Schuylkill Oo MANSION HOUSE, W. F, sj in I tli, riiihaaoy City P. O., ecluiylklUOo WHiTE HOUSE, K. A. Moss, ItontllnsP. ANDALUSIA, Iffiiry WpRver, Rpnillng P, LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, Dr. A. trinitli, Wprnersvllle P. O., Bucks Co, COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebanon Co., Clittf. Ilodcarmel, llm l,, llurrlliirg P, O, 0 EH TOW 'N SEMINA H Y, L. M. Kootm, lluyertown P. O., Berks Co, LIT1Z STRINGS, CMiirire 'J'. Oi iiler, M1I7. P. O,, Lanclister Co. TERKIOMEN li RIDGE HOTEL, l'MA Is 1nnKiifcer, Freeland 1'. o., Montgomery Co PROSPECT 'ThRRA CE; I'r. Ji.iiii-n l-ilnicr, ireelaud P, ()., Moat;rornrry cetiii'y. b n iia X CHANG K HOTEL. 1IUN1 IKODON, 1'KNNSYLVANIA, This n'd rs(fillshnipnt, hnvin;: lioeu loaipii bv J. T- OJ UIK1N. loriner pronrl .lor ol U10 ilorrkiuu J.ouse, linn Iju'l i uiiieiy r.EMCl)KlED AND ItFUltNISUED, f nd Ruppllert with all Hip fnoiorn hnprovpiupn's and toiiveiileiii'on in ei usury to 11 lir.n-plini lintel. Tup (llnlnu r tun 1ms bten remnvel to tlieli s'llloor, at 0 l mm- Butte Imiim ana airy, ami 1 hp cliaiiitiprn r all wpIi vnntiiHiert, and Ihn pmnrl 'tor will enrteavor tu inhke Ids nii''Ms la rlecilv 111 Imuie. l'Hsnei'KeiN fur l!ell' ril HpniiiH wl'l Iln1 this tlio mi si (li'Hirnlilo st '.jpliiK-p'ucu In iluiilingdou. Aii!resd J. MORRISON, 7 I wfrolw FxchaiK'? IIotl, irnntimrcton. I'ATSlkILL JIOl'MAIX HOUSE, Tide favoriri sUMMKH RF'0-.T, nltvmtPrt on the ( AlvKJIJi MOUNTAINS. fctRie of Ne.v Ycrk, and cenimaiidltiR thefliipst view In Amfrl.-a, liavlug been recently enlarged, will be open from JUNE 10 to 1. Terms, $'oQ por day, or $28'00 per ircck. K'pkpr connect at Caisklil Ith Ml of thn Hudson Ttlver Jtailmad trains, and the Cuy kuata Irom New York or Alhany. A ipo who the ptpHttiOt-.tii Tlioma? Powi11 and New Cliampiun, liaviny Plrr an, foot of FRANKLIN t" ireei, ew York, daily, at 5 P. M Huturduy at P.M. fll92ml CHAltl.KJ Ij. BEACU. Proprietor. JiOLUMBIA nous r, cai'e may. COI.U5IBIA. Ht)lT3, At Cape Inland, M. J., wan orened 011 the 2 th ot Juno. Situated lint a few roils troin the bench, with three linndied good bAthlpg rooma standing directly at tho Hiirf, and with line shade trees upon the lawn, thii bruise must surpass any other at the Capes, as well for. Its oulbide attractions and conveniences as lor Its ex tennlvp and well regulated Interior. The COLUJIBTA bos long been sustained by a sub. stiOitUl aud BPlect patronage from all parts of the country, and Us appointments may be depended upon as strictly lirst-clasB, For rooms, etc., address tiKUllUli! J. liOLTON', PropiUtor, CAPJi IbLAND, N. J., ItOLTON'N IIOrKily, fil2fmwtf HARRISJIUItCi. Pa. s u rc f h o u s Atlantic City, Sew Jersey. TEIS FIRST CLASS HOTEL will open for the season on 25th JUNK. Terms, 3'60 per day, or $jo per week. Address K. K. THOMI'SOS, rroprlelor, Formerly of Congress Hall, Cape Island, N. B The music will be under the direction of Mr CARL SEKTZ 6 15 Sit QONCRES3 HALL, t'Al'E ISLAM), SEW JEKSEY, AVill receive guests June 23. Terms ?i00 per tiny $25-00 per week. riease atWress, J. r. CAKE, 6 0 tnthszm CAPE ISLAND. "UNITED STATES HOTEL, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J W H'be opened for the reception of guests on MATtII(lAY, JUMtl 7. Mus under the Uiieclion of Simon Ilasslcr Persons wishing to engage rooms can do so by ap plying to JJROWK & WOELPPER, Proprietors, ATLANTIC CITY, or bo. m KICilMUND atreet. 6 2 3m LICHT-HOU8E COTTAGE. ATLANTIC C ITY, N. J. This wpll-kDown house has been REMOVED, RE ill) 1 1 H. Kb. and very much NLARJK1). with com UKiOiOuc anil coinloriulile moms. l.tiinu d be wteu Uul ed Hialts Hotel and tho boach. IlieKrouuds Mirroundlng are ilcely enclosed anil well BliHot-o, tin his n.r the houoe will leave the cut hi I'. H. Hotel. KODAK, 12lm JONAH WO YTTON, Proprietor. PHILAliELPIlIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND, N J.. lu now i) lie n for the Summer season. Fami lies ileHliing u quiet home ai toe nen shorn at a moda rule price, will call on or addrets K. J nihil VII, No, 1UH 1 11 Kt-NUT blieet. AliHcbi d U lite estubllPhment is a line of coachns, lor i lie uci cimmoiittiion oi kupsih. a n iiu rnilE TRFJ10XT IIOUSB, CAPE MAY, WILL X liuepenedou and alier the iourLU ot July, lor tne Be. hen. 'itrujs-2 50 per day, or 15 per week. UUMPURKV Hoonr.s, 6 211m Proprietor. THE STEAL. GENERATOR SUNlFACTlIUMi niML'AKY OF PtSNMYLVAJllA, CAPITAL, - - - SI 00,000 TMs Company are now prepared to furnish WIl.AJ'r.TIFJRiT IMI-RV:iSTiR..a UKNKHATOli, Of any power required, upon two weeks' notice. They Lavo been Introduced lu this city, and thoroughly tested, with most satisfactory results, and are sold UNDt-R OUaRANTKE OF ABtiOLUfK BAFETY FROM DltVlRCCriVK EXPLOSION, They are cheaper lu llrnt cost, and In expense of erection, more economical In fuel, durable and convenient lu nss tuan any other apparatus for generating steam, tH rUK Or CO.tll-ANT, (K00M8 Ron. B aud 6), No. fc'a WALNUT STttliKT NKLftON J. NIC'KEIvHON, President, ffl-WARD H. OitAllAM, n3ui Henrrtarv and Trea nrer O I! N c n u w p. CARl'ENTER AND BUILDER, hnrtt K4. siit i.tii;K tbi:i:t, anu KO, 1789 llllMStWT NTUEKT, ta PHILADELPHIA. RAILROAD LINES, NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAIUtOAD. '1JIK WIIIIILK KOU'l K. Hhorleit nud must direct line to fiptlilebem, Kwilon, AUnntowii, Maie-h Chunk, UriElelon, White Daren, WllKwi'itirrn, Ma lmnoj City, Mount funnel. Plittin. fScrantri.('arb"ii. dale, mid nil the poluia In the Lehigh and Wyomlu Cil Keulon Panmiiker Depot In Philadelphia, N. W. corner ol BKKKS and AM K.RIOAN str.eis. HVM M h.R A kRANUK M KN'l KLEVKN DATT.Y TRAIN- on and alter WKIJN Kha Y, May 1'. ISM Psnppi per T rains leuve Die New Depot, c. rn.-of BMiKts and AMI- IU (JAN streets, dally l4andy e cepted). as foilnws: . At 6-46 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Wash ington. At 7 46 A. M. Morning Kxprens for Bethlehem and Principal Blt.tloim on NortU Pennsylvania uallroi (1, enni.pi llnir at lieilileliem witti Lehigh Vaile and LpIiIIi and husquehaiina Rllronos iur .a ton, Al Ipniown, Catupauqun, blaiuiKtnn, iimi(;li Chiinlc V'eatherly, Jennesvllle, Itrsieton. White llnvcn, WllaeHlmrre, Kingston, l'litHion, biYanlnn. Carbon Oalc, bi d ell points tu Lrh'Rh an-t Wyoming Valines; also il' eoiineititm Willi Jelngii kikI Malemnv Knll road for Mananoy Cllyi and vhh Catawi :sa Kailrond lor Kin pi t Iiaiiville, Mil:n, and W lltii.uinn,rt Arrive at Mauch Chunk hi 2u.i A. At ; at wilKeon.irra at 8 P. M ; (amnion at4'ds P M , at Mananoi' t:iiy t 2 P.M.'i.gers by th's train roo tahe the l.e -1 1 : Valley Train i r-Mmr Bethlehem a, 11 -ss A M. lor Kntfih, ami potnis ou New Joisey Central Railroad to New 1 rk. At S'45 A, M. AecommndRtlon for Dnytmtowu stepping ui all Intenneillnto Hiatlnns, Piit.s'tuirersliir i iimw drove, Jibiikhii' and llurtsvlilo bv ti.ia trftln take btage at Old York Koad. At 1 1 0 A. M Atcoium idutlou iur Fort Washlrig lue,s'oiliig at Intel 11,1 ilh.ip htaitons. AU'ti P. Hi. I.ehli.h Valley i.ipr, for T'Plhle 11 em, Alleniowu, Allinrh Chunk. White Ilaveu, Vllk hliurie, Idabauoy i lly, ontraii . blienuni'o.tii, Ml, Ciirinei, l'ittnion ami Scranion, and all polutn In Mabnnoy and Woiiiing Coal Reglnns. At 'I :i6 1'. M. Accommodation fir Doyloit'iwn, Btoiiplng at all liilermeoiatH hip'lons. l'n ,e'i;,ern tke stare at Hoyh -atewn lor New Hope, anil at North ales for niiiiuipyiown. At 8 I? P.M. Lehigh and (Siinqueiii'infi E.xprp .i for retlileliftu, Kaston, A hentowu, M-H''h Cbuiik, Wlikehlmrre, and scranion. l'aniengers for Ureen Ville take LI 1 1 rr train to Omikeriowii. At 1 r P. . Accommoilatlon for Doj-Ieimvn, s'fipplng at all Intermediate stations. Puatenijorn tor Willow (iruva. iimooro, and Hiuuvil e lake Stniip at. A blngiop. At 5 (Hi p. At. i hrough accommodation for Bthl3 lipm and all utallons 011 main line ol NoriU I'Minnyl Vanla Ralirnnd, comiet , g nt lletli'eliem with Lo hlh Valley Kveniug 'lralu lor Kajton, Alleutovvn, iiuuch Cbuiik. Ate w p. M. AceOTiimodntlon for Lansdale, stop. pliiRB1 all Internjedii.te Hlatloim. At U'au P. W. Accomaiodation for Fort Washing- t0"' TRAINS ARRIVK tN rniLAPKLPHrA. Frr.m Rellilehein at 1x1 A. Xd ll'oONoou, 2 01) and 8HHP. W. ll-oii A. M. and 2-iiop.Br. Trains makes direct connec tion whh Leblgli Valley and Lehigh and Hunpiohaiina trnliis from l .:'.Hton, fcrauton, Wilkenharre, ilahouy City, and Ha.leUin. PasseiigeiB leaving Wllkesbarre at 1-30 P. M. con nect al Leihl' hero at6U5 P. M., and arrive lu Piiila. deljdiln at 8 8ti P. M. From Doylesiowu at 8-?5 A. M., 6"00 and 7'00 P. M. Freni Lansi'ile at 7'W A. M. From Fort Waahlckton at tt'30, 10-43 A. M. and 313 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia for Jietlilehem at 31 A.M. Plillaoeiphlu lor Doylestown at 2-nn P. M. I'oylestown for Philadelphia at 7'i'0 A. if, Bethlehem for PhilPdelnhla at I10 P. M. Fifth and Hixth btreets Panaenger Cars convey pas sengers to and from the new depot. White Cars ot 8ec( nd and Third Streets Line and Union Line run within a snort distance of the depot. Tickets must bo proeorpd at the Ticket otl'ce, In Order to secure the lowest rates 01 lare. F.LLId CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Bnggage cheeked through to prln clpal poinla, at Mann's North Pennsylvania Ln-;gag6 Ijtpresh OUlce. No. HI". M. FIFTH street PlllLADKLPlllA, WILMlJiUTON AND BAL XIAiOlUi RAILROAD. TIM hi TABLE, comner.clng MONDAY. April i:t, ls, Tralnn will leave Depot comer of BROAD blieet and WASH- 1.111IUA avenue as loiio.vs: Way-Man 'I rani at 8 30 A. M. (Snnnavs excentodl for Jiuliiiiiure, stopping a all Regular fttatiou i, con. in ctliig with Delaware Rullroad at Wlliaingiou fur Cilst eld mid lnlfrmedlale Uiallous. i. xn. ess 'train at li! on AL tuundavs excpnteill fnr Baltimore ana Wanhiugiou, stopping at Wilmington, Perryvllle, and Havre-de-Orace. Couuecis at V11 njlnglon with train for New Castle. t.Apreas Train at a-sii P. Al. (.Buuaays excepted) for rthliiuiere ana WaHlilngton, BUipplng at Chemer, lhuriow, Lin wood. Clavmont. Wilmington. Nmvnnrt. 13 anion, Newark, Klkion, Woruinuai, cimntowu, Perryvllle, Davre-de-Orace, Aberaeen, Perrymau's, i:dgewood, .liagnolla. Chase's and bteJimer's Ruu, Night express at ll'uu P. JH.. (JJauyi ior iialtimoie and WuHhlngtnn. stopping at Perryvlllo Bnd Havre- fle-Grace. I'onnfcts at Wilmington (Saturdays px- ceptiv) with Delaware Railroad Line, mopping at isew (jastie, juiuaiutowu, .iayion, uover, .Harrington, Beatord. Balisbnry. Princess Anue. and connecting at Cristield with Boat for Fortress Mon roe, NurioiK, i'oriHiiioiuii, ana tneeioutn. I tv-sengerB lor Jioriri-SH juouroe ana isoriouc via Baltimore will take tne 12.00 M. Train. Via CrLtiield will take the ll ui 1-, M. train. WJLftUNOTON TKA1INO. stopping at ail sLaiitma between Phlladelohla and Wlluiliifeton. jeav i'niiaaeipnia at 11-wi m., 1 .w, o w, 7-iki, and UMiXdallv) P. M. The 6 00 P. M. Train connects Willi Delaware Railroad lor Harrington aud Inter mediate stations. Leave wilmingion 7'nu ana s iu a. ju. luany;, i-so 4-15 and 7'Wi (dally) P. hi. Tlie 8'M A, ai. Train will Bi t slop between Chesteranu rnunaeipuia. j-hojsi isaijIiJiiUHii, iu rmiiaufiiiriiiA. Leave Baltimore 7'25 A. M.. Way-Mall; if4u A. M Fxpress; 'lia P. M,, K-ipress; 615 P, At., Fxpi'eaa; b'&i v. HI., jvxprefls. tt'NDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE, Leaves Baltimore at S'&S P. M., Btopping at Havre-de-Krace, Perryvilie, aud Wilmington. Also Blops at North-Kant, Klkion, aud Newark to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washing, ton or Baltimore, and al Chester to leave passengers iroiu Washington or Baltimore. through tickets to all points west, Booth, South west, may be procured at the Ticket O.illce, No. 8Z8 CHEHNUT fcstreet, under the Continental Hotel, where, also, state-rooms and berths In sleeping cars can be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets al this otuce can have their baggage checked at their residence by tne union company 481 XI. Jr. fcENNKY, (Superintendent. "IOR CAPE MAY VIA WEST JERSEY RAIL A' ROAD. From loot ol MARKET Street (Uppur ierry). Commencing Til L'RSDA Y, July 2, isw. Tialns leave as ioiiows ior cape may: 9 1 11 A, M Cape Way Kx press, due at 12'2o (noon). a -15 P. M Cape Way Pass-nger, due al 7 15 P At. RK1 URN1NU LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. 6 '!0 A. M Morning Wall, due at iU'Uti A. M. 6 (0 P. At ., Cape May express, due al 8 22 P. M. bunday Vail aud Passenger train leaves Philadel phia at V15 A. M. Returblng leaven Cape I.naud at 6'ln P. M. Excursion Tickets, (I. Cape May freight trains leave Cnmden d..liy at 0-2ii A. M., and Cape Island at tt'45 A. M. Commuiallon 'iickeis between Philadelphia and Cape Way, at the following ratei: Annual Tlcke s, f li,0; Quarterly Tickets, t"0. for sale at the cilice nl the Company In Camden, N. J. 'through Tickets can be procured at No. 828 Chesnut stret t (under the C- ntluanUl Hotel), where 1 idem Cfch aiao be lull for Baggage, which wl I he ca led ior and checked at reaiueuces by the Union Truiisler t'oinp'iiiy. WtBT JERSEY RAILROAD LINES. For Bridgelon, talem. -M llivllie, Vluela'id, and lu p riut-U a e st&tluns. st H'110 A. M. and il ;10 P. M. Fo- Care May, litin a. AC anil a lii P. M. Woodbury Accou.moil t ou train at 6 CO P M. lluiigeion aiiU cialem Freight Train leat.8 .'.Uaaden d c! mmutaVi'on'cliecks between I'hlladelphla aid all bUilUJ-t at leiinci d rules. WILLIAM J. bEWELL, Superintendent, Jn'y 2. IMih. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CENT TllAL RAILROAD HUaiMER ARKANiiE- AiJCN T. On and alter aiUiiA r , apru la, ism, irauia .ill leave the Depot. 1 U1RT Y-FltlsT aud CHl'J N UT streets. West Philadelphia, as follows: Al 7'16 A. M. and 4-50 P. M aud leave Rising Sun at C15 A. Ai . and Oxlord at 6 A. AL, and leave Oxford at A'arket Train, with Passenger Cars attached, will ruutou Tt DA VH and FRIDAYS, leaving the lUHh'i bun at 11-05 A.M.: Oxford, 1P45 A. M.; and Keunetl, 1 P. M.: connecilng at West Cheater Juuo tinu with a train for Philadelphia. On WEDNESDAYS anrf SATURDAYS Train 1- aves Philadelphia at a a) V, M..i runs through to The1tratn leaving Philadelphia at 7.15 A. M. con nects at Oxlorit with daily line ot stages lor Peaoh ilottom, lu Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with Afteruoou 'TViiM'tovtafttHelphUt at "XS,PZi& to take weanng appareP oidy as3 nJaegga"?and the """'img car.e be. responsible for an an loinnrpa Qouars. union "i" r 7;.. . ,. - lor the same. le HENRY WOOD. General Superlnlendont. P' LnLADELPIIlAANERIE RAILROAD. BUMMER TIME TABLK. Throngh and direct route betwten Philadelphia, lH.l"moie.Harrlhbiirg. WllllamsM3rt. to the North west, and he oreat Oil Region oi Pennsylvania, k LEflA NT SLEh'Pi NO CA RS on all Night Trains. Oi. and alter MONDAY. May 11, 18., tne trains on the" Philadelphia and Kne Railroad will ruu as follows: -WXHTWABD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia 1P18 P. M loivea Wllllambport S '2'l A, M, arrives al Erie - 8 60 P. M, Erie Express leaves Philadelphia 12 to noon I. ti leaves Wllllamsporl H-cO P. M. n arrives at rle 10 1.5 A.M. VI n, Ira Mall leaves Philadelphia K IM) A. M. I. lo.ves Wiinamiiport 8 -as P. M, a b" arrlvesal Lo. k Haven 7'4d P. M, lAHlWAllO, Man Train leaves Erie .lPOO A. M " leaves WllllaiiiHiort Ib'lB P. AI arrived at Philadelphia 7 lo A. M. Krle Ktprtms leaves J- rln 7 -lo P. M. e leaves Willlai.isporl b 16 A. M, a ai rlv at Philadelphia 5 (0 P. M, Mr II ond Fx press connect with Oil Creek and Alls. ghei y luser Railroad. u Vi' LKfV,'' U taeneral buperluteuduut, RAILROAD LINES. "READING ft-ojij Philadelphia to the Interior of jpnnsyiyRnin lurla,.H T'.. renuyiaiii, Biipqiiennnna, unm west .,,rt,,h-Ion!.l" Valleys. th North, North- Pmn.1,71. r. , ciummer a rrangemeut oi n?.y.1.ra,on,,,.M4. 1S. leaving the l'h aii.? hili T "rfc"ih and CallowhlU streets. ft.iV.,'Nw At (;O.M MODATIONH. A t 7"S0 A, M- town " u ""ewedlat stations, aud Allen- town, Returning, InftVosI l?naitlH . In t-lilladernna a "i p m'" " w P. M., arriving aiojiiMiu AeKKSH.-AtBM8 A.M.. for Readlnr ouan'n !,frT wtt 'llle, I'lneVlrov? faml ...... . . - - . 1 Piinsvivaiiia Fast nt, 1 1 at. . a , .., ju Alli'IlliiWH. VHU.. T. .in V?. ii. 'i 1 ' C,,1'',cm whh the Lebanon Valley train i:r II arrl- bu.g, etc.: at Port I'llnm,, whh fati. j.i.iuobu trains lor Allmilnwn eic, i!- 1 ,ir , 1 il '".r Wllll.,miiori,l.r,rk Haven, 1 V,V' h '.'."'""""fiUi-R wild Northern Central i ,'"l '',B"d alley, and r-cluiylklll and Hupqtu-hanna .iA."w J;.NVU'N, 'Xi'Kl-s.-I.favps Philadelphia Bth.nPM lor KcMlli'g, I'oitnvlilo HarriaburK. etc., conne.'iliig with leading nd Columbia ti aie lor " '( luinbla, etc, PtiTlH'POWN ACCOMMODATION. Leaves Potts t( w 11 ri 6 -1 A. V., ntonpP'i! nt hit, rr 101'imn s'xilonnj arm-PR In Ph lli;rtel phlii at il l A. JM. Return:rg leaven 1 liilnrioiobla at 4 an P. A!,; arrives In Poltniowu at (J d6 J . M. Kt-AMMl ACCoaimohaTIoN-Lprvps -Poaitlna "'"loA. ..iitcpplngiitallway Hu;Iojih; arrlvts lu I'liiluiie'lil ia al lu P, a. M. p pihi nloi;, leav.s Philadelphia at 8-15 F. M.i arrivei In RhH'II lig ul 8 no p. W. TrMi f h.r Philadelphia lpnve irnrr!nhur at 8 10 A. AL. ami 1'nttnvllle at 8 44 4. M., arriving In Plilbulel pliia lit 1 P. hi. Aturuonn IiiiIuh Ii livk iiarrl'iiirg at 2i ) P. unl pf ttsvil'o al an P. M.i urriviiig at phllMd. Iphia at omo P. M ln.ri I ilnrh in ( oiiiiiio.iutlon Icitvea Rraiilng at 7"5 A. 31., aid !uiTini'nrg at 4 10 1". m. t vuih c ing at lieiu'li g W illi . ip-rnooti A eriu n,o'iti oi south at B-.iii P. ti., i.irivlng lu Philadelphia at 9 lu P. tn. JSierke tram, with a l'm -i-i.( ear !: le d, leavrs J-lillailelphi.i at lit 45 i.oen fer Poi'.ville nr.ri a. I wnv Siulioiir; leaven P. itvllle at 7 A. Al lor Philadelphia bin! ml oil er V.'nv r-t..HonH All t li e above trade, run dn' y, f nnd-c-s exrontod, IMIlllh.'. IrMitiH i...tff .-' al. si.i ,i uorl PiillmlelpblK i,tair, P. M.: b ,n Plla Vli.hi'.i lor VefidlnK at 8 Oti A. Rf.. rptiirnliik.- Ir .m IuiIim. nt 4 -25 P.M. Cll.ll,K VALLEY V I.ROAH-'rV. pogprs f,r piMvnii gtown and Intern eoniie points luko ib 7 i(i A. AL. li-4i and 4-M" P. Al. trains irom fu l.-i'el-pliia, re.urulng from Downlugtowu al UMI A, AI.-Poo, alio n ti r. ill , Jr J-HKJOjilKN itAILtiOAD, Piissensers for Col lrgiville take ?vi A. Al. ami 4 P. t.-alns from PlillpdelfililR rellll liing fri mCjIlegeVlileHi 'Hi A. and 1 hu P AI, Stune Iiihs for various pen is i n Per kier en Vi.llt y connect with faiiiM at CoIlegevUle. NEW YORK ItXl'Ki-ss KOR P1TTSBU lt'4 4ND 'IDE WESi'. Leaves New York at HA M., 6 no and ii-eu P. tu., pussiug heading at 1 . M., 1 8(1 and lu'lo P. 5 , and to mi ft at Harris bun; wl'.h Penimy Ivaui.- aud NorihPrn ( enirnl.naiiiuail fxpres 'i'raio.i in, Ppta bnrg, Ciiiciigii, William, port, Kliniru. B .i'limio'-i), etc, Kelurnlbg, Kxpn-MM 'lr-dn liii;t-s Han Isb -ig. on arrival of Peuns. Ivenla x press from PI tshnrg. at 3 and 5-25 A. At , H X, P. AI. pacing Heading at 4 ill and V l A AL, and ll-4(i P. At., arriving at ,New '. ork, 10-10 and 11-4.0 A. M., ai d 6 (m P. fii. Sleeping Cam accjiii pfiuylng these trains throtgh between Jemty Cliy and PlMsbure, wiiheni chuij.e. Wail train lor Mew York leaves Harrlshnrg at 810 A.M. ami 2('5 P. M. Mull tr.iu lor ilarrinour leaves New York at 12Nooe. StHCYI.KILL VALLEY KA ILTVA D. Trains leave Poitsville at 6'.n lI'imA, K., and 7P l.M., re turning irom Tubiuqua at 7 ;5 A. M. aud P ;uiiud4 35 WllCYLKIIL AND llS(jUEIIANN RAIL LOAD, 1 rniiiH'li a e Alburn hl Vim A. M.ior I'm irrove anrl JlarrlNb-irg, and at l'.'-J j P. M. (or Plne grove and Tieniont; returning Ir.ioi Hiir: ihnr ' at a-.-.s P. At. i and irom 'Iremout at Ti" A, J., and 6 S-i P. M . TICKETS. Through fh?t-cle.'s tiek'.t.i and emi grant tickets to all the principal poluis lu tUy Norih and West and Canada. xi ui.iii n Tickets from Philadelphia to lteadl-g and iiiteriiirdtate sttt! loii-i. good I'm iii.y only, smc sold by Morning A cconiiiioili.tloii, Mai ln-i Tr-Aiii, It"aillrg and PoltMownAccomiiiodutiou Iramo, at reoucod rates. Excursion Tickets to Philadelphia, good for day omy, are sold at Readlni: and Inle'oieili.He -tiulons by I. tailing aud Puluiluwu Acconimou.aion Traina at reduced ratis. '1 he ioilow lug tickets are obtainable only at the Olllceof S. BraOlord, Treasurer, No. .S. touriti street, Philadelphia, or U. A . Nicholl i, lleueral Soper Intendeiil, Keaillng. Conimutaiiou Ticket at 25 p?r cent, dhiconnt, bo-twe- n any points desired, lor lamilles aud Urm-i. Mileage '1 ickets, good for I'ikiO luhea. between al polniu, at 4f250 each, tor lamilies und linns. freaooa Tickets, lor three, six, nine, or twelve months, for holders only, to all polnii at reduced rates. Cieigymen residing on the line of the road will be furnished with cardn, entluluk Ihemseive aud wives to tickets at hali fare. Ext. union Tickets irom Philadelphia to principal stai ions, good for Salu dy, Sunilay, and Monday, at reduced .'are, lo be had only al the Ticket Oilice, at Thirteenth and Callowhill Blreeis, FRelGDT. C4oods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points hem the Company's New Freight Depot, Bread and Willow "treels. Freight Trales leave Fhlladeiphiu daily at 6-3(1 A. U., 12'45 noon, and 6 P. M lor Reading. Lebanon, llarilsburg, Pottsvllle, Port Clinton, and all points beyond. Alaiis close at the Philadelphia Post Oltle for all Pluces ou tue road and I s brunch a at 5 A. At., aud lor the principiil tiaiions only at 215 P. M. BACCAOE. Duiigan's Ex pi ess will collect Bag gage for all truin-i leavlug I'hllndelptiia Depjt. Orders can be left at No. 225 S. Fourth slreet, or at the Depot, Thirteenth and CalluwhlH streets, pEMISlLVAXlA CLMTKAL RAILROAD. bUMMER TIME, TAK1NO EFFECT MAY 11.1808. The trains of tie Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Dl put, at THIRTY K1UST ami MAitKET Streets, vl.lcu is rtached directly by the Market bireet cars, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market streets lulriy minutes be fore its Ceparture. '1 he t and Walnut btreets cars run wlihln one Bqnaie of tne Depot. On Sundays The MarKet Street cars Ipavs Front aud Market streets thirty-live minutes uefjre the de parture ol each tialu sle plug Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket oilice N. W. corner Nimh aud Chesnut streets, and at the depou Ageius ot the Union Tranbfer Company will call for and deliver baggage at the depot. Orders left at No. vol Chesnut slieet, or No. 110 Market sireet, will ....ina sllut.llnn TRAINS LEAVE DEPOT, VIZ:- Mall Train 8-00 A.M. Paoli Accommodation, No. 1 ln'o i A, M, Fast Line- i2 0" M. Erie Expiess H on M Paoli Accom. Nos. 2, a, aud 41 uu, (i uo and in M P. M. ilarrlanurg Accomuiodaiiou 2fo P. JU. lancaiiter accommodation - 4 (W P. M. Parktbburg Train 5 so P. M. tiiicinnwii Express S on P. M. Erl Mail H'I5 P. AL Philadelphia Express 11 15 P. M. Acciiinmoilatlnu U'3u P.M. Erie Alall leaves dally, except Saturday. Phliaoelpbia h xprt-ss leaves daily. All other trains dally, e.xcipt sundry. The Western Accommodation Train runs dally, ex cept Sunday. For this train iickeis must he pro cured and bi ggnge delivered by 5 ut P. M., at No. lltl iUlkTRAINS ARRIVE At'dEPOT. VIZ.:- Clncliii Bii 1 xpresH P5 A. M. i'hlltiueh Ida ExpnhS in A. M. Paoli Accoiiimouallon No. 1 8 2U A. Al. EileMai' - 7 IK A. M. Park PS Hurts Train 9 1" A. Al. l ast Line 'J A. M. Liiiieasier Tralu i--:;u P. AI. 1-1 le Ex press 5 on P. M. Paoli Acci u.iu'juatloii, Nos. 2 and 3.3 4uand 7 in P. M' iay Express ' " 1 M. ilairiM,urg Aeioinniodallon 'J iO P.M. For furtliir into inalinn apply lo eor iiuitr J(JHjN A LLFN. Ticket Ageiil, m1. min;HG.fl.iiii oireet, FRANCIS t'UNK.'llcgel Agent, No. IIS AfARJuKI' ireet, SAMl.EL II. WALLACE, Ticket Agent at tne Depot, The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will mil as- Niitr.p anv l I'-K lor ihtLKauH. excent lor Weai-inir An. iiarpl ana Hunt tneir l iHiMinsiolIlt V to I ine iiiiiidred Dollars in value. Ail Bagiisge excetdlng that amount in value win ne at iu nsg ot the owner, iiulesi taken by special couiraci, finvAllhll, WILLI A 4 2 l.eneral buperiiueiidem, Aliooua, Pa, lj 1 1 1 L A 1 K L PH I A , t i E It 51 AN TO WX AND I j,oiltlTOWN RAILROAD TlMiS TABLai l-'OR WEH MAIN ! OWN. Leave Phllsdelplilati, 7, 8. tpu5. In, 11, 12 A, M!., 1, S, 3 ".i. . o . in, ii, 1 If. m. i.eave Ceimai town li, 7, li, H, 8-2n, , f0, 11, 12 A, M, 1 2.8 4.4 '., 6. ti'-, 7, s, , In. 1 1 p. M. The 8 2u Down 'I rain, and 3'. and fV Uj Trains will not btop on the Geruianmwu liranch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia .p., A. At. 2, 7, in?; P. M, Leave CernmnlownN'., A. M. I. 6. H'a P. M. cnj'K'iNiir itiLi, railroad. Leavt- Philadelphia 3, b, lu, 12, A. M., 3, 314', Vi.T, i and 11 P. Al. I.eave Chestnut H1I17-K, 8. 9'40, andll'li) A. M P4", 3-to. i-4o, ti 4o, t 4u and lu 4(1 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Philadelphia l.'4 A. W. 2 and 7 P. Ar. Ltave Chesiuut II l.l 7 6U A.M. 12 4U, 6 40 aud 9 25 Vllft rONSHOHOl KEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave 1 blladt lphia o. 7'a, u, and 11 U5 A. M. i., 3, 4', 5'.,m,s-l'5fci.dll.'J P. Al. ' ' Leave Norrlsiown 61n, 7, 7 6J, 9, and 11 A. AI., I,1,, 8, ..andb.'.P.M BUVDAm Ltave Philadelphia tt A. M., 2 3u and 7 15 P. M. Leave Noiriolowu 7 A. M., 5-: u and U P. Al. Hill MANAYUNK. Leav Philadelphia d. 7,1), aud llt5 A. M.1IJ, 3, 4, b'. (i'i. I'", aud 11, P. M. 'j eave Manajni'k II-IU, 7ia, 8'20, and Uii A, M., 2. 6. Ht and V P. Ai . t, e,..o. ON SUNDAYS. I.eave Philadelphia 9 A. Al., ii and Vi P. M. Leave Mauayunk 7 A. Al., 6 and .'., p, AI. W, S. WILSON. Oenural Siipertmeudent, Depot, NINTH and PREEN Streets. I FT THE BES'l THE HOLY B1HLE HARD I X lug's Editions Family, Pulpit and Pocket bible In heaulliul 'styles ol Turkey Morocco and aniliiu bTdiiikS. A hew edition, arranged or photographic iv-iruiut Ol families, WM. W. TTARDINO, Pnhllsher, Fo. titCilESNUT tAtovt telo Fourill RAILROAD LINES. l-flH T1:.'.' NFW YORK.-THB CA HDKS - v I- 1 ' A PI II. I I A M IU1V A .V 1 1 Pun . t. 1.- i u . , , . V v P'lII ADKLl'II IA 11) WK1V VUHK AND STREET nnfliir, At 5 nil A. AC vlfk I'anid and Amboy Accoinnio- 4 . uaiirn. At li j M 1 1 ....A . ' . press Mall .Im At2 P. AI .. vlaCmu. : aud A nilx.y b x'r'rt'ni' " 8 00 At 8 8(1 P. M via Camden and Jersey C ty hx- I'rt HS m 3 00 At 6 P. Al., for Amlioy at d inter iiiexllate stations, Al 5 HO and 8 A. Al ., 2 lid H . (I I' IM., lor Freehold. A 18 and le A. M 2, a ?n a. il 4-S'i P. Al for Trenton. At fi'liii. 8, mid In A. Al., . 2. .1 .i :M, 4-hii, a and 1180 J. Al. for liordentown, isurdrgton, Beverly, and Dplaiio. A t 5'H(l and 10 A, M, 1, 2, 3 3 3D, I -In A 1 1 D.I I HC for Florpiice, ' ' ' Al & ami III A. AI., 1. s, 4 :m, 11, and ll-llo F TiUewaler, lilvpisld", Rlvrrl"ii,ai.d I'ulloyr.l i r Riverlon pi.d 3 :i0 P. At. lor 1- .imvra At u-.'.n and lo A. Al.,1. 8, 4 :iu, (j. and 1180 P. AL for i P.M. M. for r i-ii jitniu. The 1 and IPSO P. M. L'oes leiivo from Market Street Firrv (tipper snh ). FI'.OJI K ! N -11 ?"4 TO -I DEPOT. .M 11 A. At., i la h'i'iiHliiv?:on i r.u J.rsev CM v. New Yor x A t' e.-rt i ,Hi.? r are f i. ( i anil il A. it.. 2 li, 33 ', r.n nnd Pri:.u,l. .i,d at lu-15 . M. At 7 and it A.M., 2 30, and 6 I and Tullyinivn. Al 7 ami I ris A. M., 23U, mid , i P. M, for 1 renion r itrl'iml. dI. for Morrlsvllle 1". Al. for HoheiiCiis ai'o j on ti;:i oil At 7 and ln-is A. M . 2 -W1. 4, 5. i- i I (! p. Al. t'ir C irn wellft, 1 (trrl- dale, llulni" .mi'-i-. i'm'ony, W iiiho rilng. Ri Iflenbnrg, and Krp n l,o I. nn.t at 8 P. M, lor liolniebl iirg mi l haerini-il, m tl m.r. ill)M WKvr I'HII.a if l.l in DKl'OT, via 1'iinm cli g It .isituv, At 9-.0 A. AT , 1 ini.6 Wi. anil U p. ..l. Nex- York Kx presi Lints, via Jersey ciiv, -,,ru ct. At I A. Al., I- iiiii:i ant Lhe I'i ,e, l-. The ft 3'i A. M.. and (i-sii P. Al, Lines will run dully. All others, Suuiln s execi.i d. At H-:iii A. fl P.:i, 0i, m I 12 P. M . fir Trenton. At :i 3d A, ri., 6 3i and 12 P.. I. .'-ir It Kiel. Al 12 P. M. (, lor .vi o i ri ville, Tullvtown, Fchei-ek's, Kdillnliiii. C rn rell.i 'i' i' rl:l lie, il-.l men mi's, Tucony, V. l.Hjli.ouiiiig . lire.. Jmii, and ir.iun ford. Forlinrs leavlnp Kensii rmn Depot take thn PArs fli 1 hiul or 1- ,1th si i eelH, u. lie- mu hi reel, :m minutes belore net al lure. Tlie . a'H on A! arket nt.eei Kail way 1 nil tll:t-el lo Writ Pbllii.ielpli a Depot; Clvsiml and Walnut, within one s.puire. on iiuil.ijS the M rnet strcHl ears will run to canned wim liie "30 A. Ai. aud b M P. M. hiiei. EELVIDEHE PEL A VA K V. V TLRfJAD LIN'ES. Fioin iv eni,i:.;(.n Dei.fH. At 7f0 A. AI. lor Niagara hull ., b.iitalu, tlcnklrk, Elmira,, iHve.o. it i -!,"s.e", lii-ighai'itun, Os wego, S raeiiMe, Oreat 11. n i, jloa rooe, Wiik. sharre, bchoolej's Moniitaln etc. AtTl'iA. I! and 8-311 P. AI. It Scrsnton. Slronds hiu g. Vi aler iup, Beivlile: e, E.stoii, Lunine-t' l lo, 1 if niingion, ( to. Thu 3 3'1 1 M. ijine con. ec direct with lie Treln leaving ;.:.ituii ,or 1 iauch Cuuiik, AHetilOi' n, I'cth'elieni . ete At 6 P. M, ior LumherlvUlo Intermedials Hta Hons. CAMDEN AND BIT" LI a UT'"N CO., v PKM BERION AND H Kill VSTOWN RA I L.P ). Uri, From Alurkettst. Feiry (upper side.) At 8 A. AL, 1.4, and li'lfi i'. Al . lor Men lianvllle, Moorestown. Hart lord, AI unon vile. Halusi on, Minut Ho iy, Smlthvllle, Ewaosville, Vluctnilowu. Blr uili 4I.Hm. and i'enibi rlon. At l and 4 P. L, for Lew 'at --j wo, Wrlcittown, Cookotown, New F'jypt, II o. iienUown, Creaul Ridge, Jmlayeiown, Sharon, and liighisiun u, I'lfty pounds of hngL;w,p onlv are allowed each passei ni i. PaRseiiRer.4 'are pr ...ihited from taking ims thing us huggt.fcf but ti.iii-wei.riug apparel, All li.kK t e ver liliy oiiinds io lit o Oil lor ex fa. The l emi'iiny limit their lei-iioniioi iiy for oaggage to u ie tlol ar jer pi. mil, and win no', be liable for uuy amount uiyond f ltd, excej t by icial conlra'-t. llcketM sold aud bscgae cii.ikeJ direct ihrointh to j:osioii,Woru-str, Spriugi'eld, 1 1 -.rtford, New Haven, ft oviOPnce. iewperi, a in ny, i iny,Baratog, mien, Romp, Syracuse Kocliester, Bullaio, iNlagnra Fads, anil Siih) enslou Bililge. A n allionai iicaet ouee ii hu-ihk-j u. Cliesiidt 8tre3t, where Tickets lo New ork aud all imperinit points North a 'd 1 asi may oh procured. Persons purchasing i to,e i ar mis uun-t can nv iheir i,eir:,i cheeked Ir on residence or hotel to destination by Cnluii Transier Baggage Express, LINES FROAI N J' W YOIIK l'Ofi PHILADELPHIA, W lil leave iriu tool ol C lUrtluuu street at t a., "i i 1 and 4 P. M., nd 12 olglit via Jr ey City and Cam den; f t (j-,-;e P. M via Jen cy Chy and Keiislngtou: at Hi A. At., 12 AL, aud 5 P. AI. vU Jersey City and West J'l.Wltfii hihia. 1- rem Pier No. 1 NO' in J-.!7er at t-( a. oi. Aec-jom- nuidailou, aud VI P. Al. hxiii via Audi iy aud Cannleu, WlLilAH il. UAT.M Wit. U luj aiuui. gUOuTEST ROCTE TU THE S2A-SII0KE! CAMDEiN ACSIJ iV I hi.. I IU 11lll.JtWJ u. S C At M E R ARit N .1 K M E X T. FIVE TRAlNa DaILY lO ATLANTIC CITi". On and after 8AT0RDA Y, .Inly 4, trains will leave VINE Street Ferry as lol.u.vs: Special lxcctnion 015 . Af. iMaii .....v in k. m. Fieighi, with paosenger car att. cneu w l.l . Al, Express (through in iwo noius) 2'0ii 1'. .M. Allan lie Actoiuu odatiou .4 15 P. Al, Returning, leave Special Excursion ,...518 P. Af. ....4-2ii P. AI. ..11-40 A. Af. ...7-10 A. M. ,...5'50 A. Al, Alail Freight, wltb passenger Car Exprtts (through In two noma; Accommouatiou . Junction Accommodation to Ar.'O and In- lei mediate stations, leaves vino street. ..5 30 P. M. , A. M. Returning, leaves Arco , BaddonQeld Accommodation Train leaves Vine street -....PI-IS A. Al. anu z-nii r. M. Leave Haddoulield l'uu P. M. aud 3' lb P, M. Sunday Mall Train to Atlantic. Deaves vine sireet Leaves Atlantic 7 30 A. Af. 4-2U P. M, Fare to Atlantic, (2, Round trip tickets, goad only lor the day and train on which they are Issued. (3. The Pbiladeiohla I.eeal Kinrwn Cnmnauv. No. 825 CH ESNU i' Street, will can lor baggage in any part or ih city aud suburbs, aud check to hotel or collage at Atlantic City. Additional ticket omces bav been located at No. (!2o cHEaNCT Street. 7 3tl D. h. Muwuv, Agent. WEST CHESTER AKD PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD.-bCIu ill It ARRANGEMENT. On and after MONDAY, Api a 13, lttoo, Tralus wlii leave as follows: Leave Pbliadelnhla froru th- Depot, THIRTY FIRST and CHESNUT nlre. id, 715 A. M... 11 A. JJ., i-so P. M 4'15 P. M., 4-i.U P. iL, 7 P. M.. 11 P. M. Leave West Chester lor Philadelphia, from Depot on east Market Btreet, aia io M., 715 A. M , 7'3C A. M.. 10-45 A. M , 1-65 P. Jj.., 4- U P. M., ti'05 P. M. Ou and after Monday, Jin e 1) an additional Train will leave Philadelphia lor Meo and Intermediate points at r. jb.., , Trains leaving West nest' leaving Philadelphia at 4 en j JuncLiun and Alcdla on): 1 a 7-81) A. Af,, atM AL, will stop at B. O. fjengcre to or Irom . and B C. Junction, .lug Wel Ciieiler at 'ake lralu leaving i-ansier at It. C. Juno stutlon between Wet.t Cheste. going Eiutt, will taue tra: i K : 7'irA M.. aud going We-1 v. i Philadelphia at 1 bu P, M au-i ' 'pne Depot in Philadelphia i -Hie CiM sniit and a VVa.uui a. Market fclrePl lino ruu viiii cars oi boiit Hues connect ruoched directly by l caa, 'luce of tht oue tipiaro. The each lralu upon Its atrlvl. fjNBUMlA.s, Leave Philadelphia at Hi u A. v, and i'00 P. M. Leave Weft Chester at i j-. . .. and j WiP. Af. 'trains leaving Philadelphia tt 7 la A . M. and 4'iHi P. AI., and leaving West ('In r at 730 A. M. and 4 En P. M., connect at B. C. Im ( il ni with Trains on P. A B. C. R. R., lor Oxlon! ai o Intel uiedlaie poluui. Paisenger8 are allowed to i. !. Wearing Aonarel only, as Bagsase, aud tlie Con. any will not in any erne be responsible for tu ..uounl exceeding one hundred dollars unless a s; "C .c-ontipct Is luade for theerme. HENPV wt;oi, Oeneral Sup'l, Philadeiphl, April 1st, 4 lo TTA-T HUClClir LIN' W, VIA NORTH X' P PENNSYLVANIA K li.KOAO, U Wllkes barre, Mahanoy Cuy, Alonnl I armel, Coiurallu, and all points ou Lehigh Yulicy Railroad aud lis Py iu w'arrangt ments, porleo'ed this day, tills road Is i nabled to give Increased l 'uaich to mercliaudlse consigned to the ubove named p-onus. Oouds delivered at the 1 hmiigh Freight Depot, U.K. corner of FRONT and NOriLK Htreets. Before 6 P. M.. will reach Wilkebrre. MouutCaruiel, ii iihunov en v. and the oth'-r stations lu Mahanov and V yoiniug valleys beiors 11 A AI. ot the succeeding day. Till cia-tiii, Agent, GUARDS, ron TBK l-ItONTS, AYia'3IS, WAV T4I'ti, IVfO, Patent Wire Railing, Iron li-dsteads, Ornaments Wire Work, Paper Makers' W Ires, and every yrloy 01 Wire Work, wnulacturd by naw N 11 North SIXTH Strned. n Tl N EXCHANGE O It 40 MAN LFACIOKY. JOHN T. BAILEY & CO., HKMOVKO TO N, K. 00rnr ol JJrtREEl' and WAmn nreeis, DEAI.FHS IN RAUa ND RAGOINQ rirain. Flour, ball, fcuier P.heiphale of Idjje. Boas 11IIHI, Ji.1'1 Irge and small OL'NN V BAOS cons .utiy ou ilalld, JtilN T. BAU.tV. ' iAMEi Ca.SCA.PES, AUCTIC.N SALES. M. 1IIOMAS A HUNS, a?03. S, FOURTH Btreet. 133 AND 141 .t-n.-..,l;."1 No- HTkerson street. 'J.:'" vvM.iNi t PA HI ill DlNlNU . i,i i'.V.K -l ' RTA IN 1. PA 1 Ni l Nos. 'l IN K l i'lK fA I I JIESSP.S. IlKPfllNll. FINK. ltHII4lrru INOJt,, IH, A Nl' (I'I II Ml CAR PKM, KVO. T, . "" ..ler-onr IM'irnillg rat. Lia.,,0"cl0' kv' No- fil" Hiekeison street by '"""gne the w.llt. h .....elmoi fnrpllure. 7821 V SON. AUCTIONEERS fT,.V.JLOAlMjKsi ION A1 1'.KOH A NTrl. No. 11 in rear entrance No. Il(i7 Hansom st, AshurstBnlldlhg. No. 2IO MARKET Street. AT ARTIN I'.ROrilKKS, AUCTHISKISK.S.-. B'' ' ' f'i Hiiien l, r M. l homas,tr ) i hi.i I 111 -N l nt , renr t nt ranee Irom Minor. D. JlcCl l KS A CO. (sUOCFS.sORS TO A'ct'iellr.hd A, Cu . a neilonenri, n Mm. K FT Sireet. , t U N S INC, M'liDDKOW ,v- AU0TI0iy El. ViS, Nos 2mid Vi4 MAKKCT StreM,ror4 n ;r OijUbUit an wet. snecetisors to Jonn a, Mveri ii ( Fl HE ANDBlinGLAR FHOOF SAFES LU-l AISI) DHY PLASTER ACAIH GUCCr-GGrUL. BBoiiiavN, May 1.1, 1861 .Messrs. Marvin A Co., New Y'ork Oentlemeu; Our Pla.ihig Mill, with FIFTY 1 IOCS AN D tent ol lum ber, wis Ccuroypd by fire last night, and we are happy to Buy your ALUM AND DRY PLA3TE8 SAFE preserved our books, papers, and money, In excellent Older. We want another and larger one, and will call on you an soon as wo have time. Y'onrs truiy, SHEA KM AN BROS, This Safe was Red hot lor several hour.!, aud the cast-iron feet were actually tut-hed. It can be seen nt our store, No. iii BROADWAY, A PERFECT SAFE. CUllOME IRON SrilEltlCAL. BURGL&R. SAFE, V" ill ri'Ml nil burglars' Iinplcincuts for uny lenglh of time. PLEASE SEND FOR DE5CRIPTI VKCtRCULAR. fVIARVIN & CO., PmCU'AL: 1721 CiltSOUT ST., UAKElIOl'SlwS, ) (Jlitsonic Hall), Thila., SOS IlltOABWAV, SEW TOItU, 108 11ANK hllll KT, IXI VEL.iJil), O., And for sale by our Agents iu the principal cities throughout the United States. b 2d tuths'ini IsTSl C. La MAISEH, in MANUyACTOBKU OT FIRE AND B U h G L A H-P ROOF SAFES, LOO ITH, BELL HANGER, AND DEALER IN BU1LD1NO. HARDWARE, SBJ No, 6 HACK BtTMt SrV,W A LA UU G ASSORTMENT OF F1RB ra. anu jsnrgiar-riruoi oar jws uu oauu, witu insia doors, Dwelllng-noute Sales, free- from danisms PrTes low. UAsKKHFOftUKIi, d5 oo. tat vms Hiraeu DRUGS, PAINTS, ETC. JOliERT SHOEMAKER & CO., E. Corner of FOURTH and IMCE HU,t PHILADELPHIA, wholesale: druggists, IMPORIER9 AND AIANDFACTURERS OF White Lead nntl Colored Taints, ruUj, Yarnlslics, Etc. AOENTA I'OR THE CELEBRATED FKEM'll ZINC PAINTS. DEALERS AND CON9CMF.R9 SUPPLIED AT (IStX LOWF.KT PRICES FOR CASH. LEGAL NOTICES. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT I- Oil TUE CITr AND COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. ejsiate oi ur if a v i u j & 1 1 a, ueceaswu. The Auditors appointed hv the Court tu audit, settle, anrl noJUBt the sf-coud account or J. WIIMIWI billTH.i HARLHH H. RJOEKH. KDWARDM. PAX KuN. HKNRY LEWIS, ard JOHN M. WHIT ALU Kitculo.s and True tees under the wll or Dr. DAVID JAVNF, deceased, and to report dlsiribiuinn of the hulance in the nanus oi ine accoiiulant. will meet the parties Interested for the purposes ef tlieir ap polmment, on MONDAY, the tiih of July neslat 4 o'cli ck P. M., al the olhees ol the Kstate, No. 61s CHESNUT Btreet, stctud story , lu the cltyof Phila delphia, ,.,.,,a C,..DD 624 wfnifit WILLIAM D. BAKER, J AOd'tOrS. TN THK OlU'llAMs' COURT FOR TUE CTTX X AND COUN1Y OK PHILADELPHIA. iLSiaieOI llivairt yvalui, iiauenncu. Tim Attiiiior ai, noli. led bv the Court to audil.scttln. and adjust tlie account of WILLIAM T. BAI- 1.1- x . Atiiuiiiinirniiir ui iu. j ... ...u . . . w . i' a i v.i ii rt,..ituo,t noil to reoorL .1 Iritriht.Llo.i .if the haiance In the lianas ol the accountant, will meet the parlies Interested lor me purpose oi ins ai, ou HJWSDAY, July 7 4 o'clock P. M at his olllce. No. 4.1-1 WALNUT Htreel, lu the City of Phlladulphla. TUOilAo J. WORRKLL. U to thsiuiii TN THE DISTRICT COURT OV THI? KlAi'KS tOll THE JLA.STERN DIS J 17 N IT ED TRICT OF PENNbVLVAAl A. JJN KAlNftHirivi, Tin, mrier.lfr.iAil liereh V C I VrS Hot 106 01 Ills appoint' mint as Assignee ol EVAN DALK1 Al PLE ol the c-iiy ot Philauelphia, couniy of Philadelphia, aud Male of, wlihln said Dliiricl. who has hein afljtidged a hankrupt npen his own petition, by the lilsiilct Court ol said DiMrlci. J lil 1 rWDr,lon,An.i(iuDti, No. I'JH H. rSIXl K street. Dated at Philadelphia, June 21, lS.iB. 6 2Tstuth8vir INSTATE OF KL1ZAUK1II I). ItIRD, Dcccaied. Jli i'Hll.AUII.l-lllA JUUH24. 1JU1- l.ellers Tf siiiineiuary npou wi usiaiBui i...-.- n.i., i.u.tli.f. iru.i.eil 111 tlie UllUer Nik lied, ail persons having claiuis BKalnst cald Estaia aud muse Indebted are reiiuesieu lo prfseni .uem, luiuuke payuicuv .iuiiiii v ,1',-r a-w nmn Nos. 605 aud Ui7 aRCII Mtreet. I'lilladaiphlS. V II 111' 1 " - - o 20 rut STOVES, RANGES, ETO "vri'i'ifr". TU B U N D E R 8 I (J N E D wou acallalleu.lonof the public to his SJK nri.: .ireiv new heater. It la so con st met ed ss lo at cum mud llsell u neueral lavor, ll.r".,,l,i.,aiioutilwrousht aud cast Irou. It Is I.?muie lu its construction, aud I perieoiiy i Hhr se?l tfeanlVg, havmif no pines or drums to he tLken out an cleaned. Ills so arrayed witu up.tjtht lines as to produce a larger amouul ol heal from lha ime weitht nl mal any lui nacoiiow In use. "i liViTronielrlcceiidhlonol the air as produced by ,.,v new arraiiKtuieul ol evapora ion will atoiicede- nn(,.rBie mat it is Hie only Hot Arr Furnace that " ,'! i roiJnce a peilec'iy healthy a'uiophere. ' In '(i.lui a i-oinuiele HealleK ApparatiiA WOUid do woll to cull ylV,TLuiM',l',, NOS. puilllAHKKlW,, A lars Bssoitmei t ol Conkintr R inses, t lrs-hoar Huv.-ii, I.uw Diwu OiatiH, Veu.llutoia, tie, alwa "N'.'ll'-Johh'iiK of Pll kinds, promptly dnsia, 5 lO ""J THOMl'BON'ri LONDON KITCHEN fB. tii'1, OK FHuoeKAN llAWIIt, tot aitJ'!V llo.elh or Public liibluulious, In l.V..i,i 1 FFFiFNi H .!' Also. Hl.lhAl;'Ph PaTtes Hot Air Furnaces. Portaole H'a-1-ow-n ora ii. Virehoa.d Moves. Bath ih'jT, hole o. Inn hioves, e W"oja and retail, by the wauulacturj-rs TfOMHOS. UT.tuthOm No.'NDW