THE PAILl EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 27, 1867. 8 MEXICO. A Tlllt t Geerl lx and III. Army. fin 01onneM. who is roving tbrtFJgb Mexico M ipeclal correspondent of the New lork aVilmnp, Rives the following interesting ac count of ft vleit to General Torfirlo Diaz and Dnn'n our stay in Tehnacwi. for the few daje, we have seen most ot wn , gnown M the Army of the Orient, boi4 m odd and in quarters. The troops - ie pnnctpfilif dnoe 1 of in the convent of tt,e town. BiculuBlve ot h on hrm nf i2o to 1500 stron?, feed ing in panares at .omo distance f.otn the main v. u mimhHrs a divUtonoi about wy.jr, ibb -mull 4111 rri or nvo icitimcuvD. - tout historic. Evidently it is as poorly equipped as it i well fed, thouRh on parade certain rrtrlments are remarkably present able and impressive. The rations are a pof tsourri of all sorts, a floating dish of mixed vec ta.hle element called puchero, and pprlmps au ata podrida of Home sort, and other tutors un stinted: tne whole belli? plentifully seasoned ulih the torture of red pepper or chile, preatly xelUhed, hoever, by the Mexcan soldiers, fctioes are scarce, and sandnls common, show ing that the Mexicans, like other patriots, hive bud to march barcloot to glory and to liberty. At the review held yesterday, in honjr of his Jixceliency, Mr. Romero, the troops ap peared to decided advantage, cvolvinpc handhomcly on the plain outside ot town, their small arms are of the Entield and Pprinttoeld patterns: and the hpnc ot their field-pieces are the mule Runs cap tured Irom the Austrlans. their other armament being; mutnly too heavy lor neici, ana especially moun am bervice. Urev and blue coats, yellow epaulets, white breast-otraps, arid chusseur caps were their unilorm too much by half, sinoe the best and cheapest ULiform is next to none at il. But the siuiDlicitv of tue Mexican, ranic and file is loud of colors thouph with no treaier -neukuees in this respect than some of their commanders. The Geueral's etad appeared in gold enihtoidercd Jackets, gold-laced caps, silver-laced red pantaloons a stvleof wear un kindly coutrastios: wiih the poverty of the pri vate soldiers; but these precious equipments were captured irom tne trench, the Vom-mander-in-Chief. in his simple suit of erev, was as modestly dressed as possible. His inlantry, I am told, receive 35 ceaU per day; cavahy, 65, owniug their horses not so bad -naues. consldenna the needs of the Mext- can Government. As for the moral and vhvsinae of the troops, I can but jutgs mberficiallv. 'i'hev Hre dark-faced, and mostly Indians, officxeu by Mexicans, so-called. Ke?u ar features aie very rare among them. As a rule the faces indicate only pnvsical intelli geuce, which is but another way of saying that Aletico has lew schools, and that her Indiuiid are lenorant. Their physique, however is of the toughest and most durable sort, well made for mountain matches, tropic suns, muirtv road. With education such men might become all that could be oe'ired in soldier: nor need this education be military, for the wurline spirit appears to be suprrabunuant in Mexico. I am sot too tnr surprised at bearing General Diaz .-ay that he has marcued some of his troop more thau iifij miles in a tingle day, a march ua iuowuat the Nrth. You must measure this fact by the sandalled feet ol tbelndiaus. They ar not only the greatest walkers, but the great est trotieis in the wo.ld. Let me speak of General Porflrlo Diaz, sometimes called the Grain of Mexico. By the accord of all parties, he is, undoubtedly, the bent and bravest soldier, one ot whom the Liberal cause and teaching may well bo proud. Yet, except In bis simplicity of manners and in an absence of official vanity and duplicity, you will have no notion of his character or person by comparison with the s.merican Chief. His ability is especially active and executive. In the North he might have made one ot the most Eopular and brilliant corps commander; but is countenance gives no instant impression of the very high position which he occupies as a puDlic roan in Mexico, mis want 01 leauire has been the objection made to him at every step ot his career; so, too, perhaps it has been with the subtle und patient President ot Mexico; tout both men have won their due in spue ot appearuuees. His line, nervous Jnme, excel lent mature, cropped head, keen eyes, thin nose, rather narrow lace, ana countenance at an angle, convey, if anything, the picture of a soldier one who pursues rather than retreats. By all acknowledgment he U a man wuhoat pretense, and whut he has won he has won locestly and thorouehly. Some points of his biography will not De ami6s. General Diaz is now thirty-seven years old, having been a BolJier lor twelve years. Ho was a collegian with Romero, Beintes, and some other well known Mexicans, in the college at Oaxaca, of which Benito Juarez was President. He was at one time, therefore, a pupil of the Chief Magistrate ot Mexico, ot whom heisa per sonal friend. He has been prelect of one ot the Oaxaca districts, and for a brief time deputy to Congress, prior to becoming which he dad been a lawyer. The crisis ot the recent war found him near Oaxaca, whence with an Inferior force of men he took the city, havinn previously with 300 men defeated about live times his number. Froin this point proceeds the most brilliant chapter in the career ot General Diaz. With the arms won at Oaxaca, he marched with an augmented army through Hie valley In the direction of Put bla, whete two years betoiehe had assisted against the French the brave Geue xals Zarngoza and Llave, who were the real heroes ot Puebla, and not General Ortega. Seated near Puebla, and for a moment in doubt whether its strong garrison would come out to attack him, he hesitated whether to attacic the garrison boldlytr march to meet & lorce of 4000 or 6000 men, a number equal to bis own which, uuder Marquez. were oming to relieve the garrison. His troops were at this time in rags, and even with a train of artillery which joined him from Oaxaca, his armament did not exceed thirty pieces against 150 of the enemy. It was alter having deceived his enemy outside of the wall by a le nt upon the city ot Mexico, that Diaz began his operations auaiust Puebla, without once retrograding au iuch. After tweuty-oue days of actions, more or less severe, he ordered a DEal assuult, thirteen columns of troops at tacking the fame iid ruber of points in the peri meter of the eneinj's lomucations. The assault wo carriod on in the came direction as that irom which Marshal Forey commenced his operations that; is to say, the West, U being next to imnosf-ihle to caiiture the hish and steep Mrongholds g iarding the tront roads namely, Forts GuuJaloupe and Loreto, Diaz succeeded in capturing the rear defenses of the town, and there Installed, cut tbe forts off from water and compelled their surrender. It wan a daring and almoi-t desperate action, the nio'st oniiunt perlormed ny any Mexican in me iaio War. With his thinned torces, Diaz could not at onco risk a battle with the fresh troops of Marqnez, but his pursuit ol this ferocious leuder wasjas tueetive a any pitched battle. He forced him into Mexico wlih tne loss of all his trains, and ouu-thud of his array killed, wounded, or prisoners. There he suut him up, aud after two months of siege, during wh.r.h the Inhabitants snttHrod the rams of fauin'? and the cruelty of Maique).., compelled the city'a surrender with little or u0 loss o life. This victory was highly appreciated, as tt showed prudence and moderation lu tne commander. Ureatcommanders it Will not be claimed M;xico has proauced. Of during and da-hlug men sue has had number!" Bnta Anns, Minunon. Mur- 3 uez, were all of f his kind. Dinz ts a man of liferent stamp. He has moderation at wen a oouraice and shrewdness, and he bus been a magnanimous victor. It ithould bo und-mood that his reeent nomination lor both PiesUencv and Vice-Presidency has been unsought and even unwished, and that he acaulesces irtnkly In the e.tclion ol Citizen Juarez. Not very long ago' the Oncrul whs mairied to a lady whose graceful and fecial ireinee will be welcome in tbe United States, fhould the General ever feel inclined u pay a visit North." A seveDteen-year old American surgeon was decorated by Maximilian for Lis serviuHg at Queretaro. As it is not stated to wnlon side ths youth belonged, we are in doubt whether fce was rewarded lor saving Frenchmen or killing Miiau8, DRAMATIC A3 IWJSICftL IWES- Th IUwr-oM's ATirirK iCiDKMY op Music Id lbete luttrr das ol the world, the soenc of ths tymnat and acribat has, as a general thlnt-, fallen Into the hands of a clas ot persous who v resent bit little cl dm upon the co inte ranc .and encouragement of toe public. When, thnefove, we Hud thrown open to ns such a rare and class leal cntertaloment ai Is now presented by the I'faolou Brothers, we cannot refrain from gtvot the e'.:C:-,U'.iO more th. prouiine. The Hanlons are meters of evory branch of the acrobatic pclenre, and many of their lets are as original as they are Btanlini. For downright audacity thsy cer- tamlv have never been excelled, and rarely. If ever, equalled by any sinrlar troupe ; of a. cer tainty we have had no performers ot 'the kind in hub cuy, tor yenrs pan. wuo Bpuroacn xnera. The marvellous skill w hich they exhibit in "The Three Fljing Men ia tho Air," is equalled only by the danger tacnrred by those who partici pate lu the feat, life anl Urn) b.-lng boldly risked and yet not iiskM, for science has reduced their perilous movements to a degree of certainty wh'ch Is equivalent to safety, une ot tne most novel features of the entertain nierft Is the Man-Frog, u niyMcrlous creature who dives about beneath the wa'cr. while luxuriating In tobacco smoke. In addition to the intelligent bdngs who parti cipate in the evening's entertainment are a number of dogs whose quaint performances are almost equal to thoso of their masier. Atto cef her, au evening Ciunot be more entertam inply, and foarcely more profltaoly, cpent tuan at the Academy of -Music during the present engagement of the Hanlon. At the Chksnct Street Tubatrb the fairy spectacle of VtnarU on still hulls its sway de servrdly. A number of modldcailons la the drama is plated la-t winter have been made, to its decided improvement. The thread of the f-tory is the ever popular romance of "Cinde rella, and the Little Glass Sliuper," with which the tfritUiRtist has takeu cou-iilerable liberties, placing Cinderella's lather in the unenviable position of a hen-pecked huband, whoe tribu lations hdd not a little to tbe interest of the lomnncc. While the chief attraction of the play consols in tho bniler which figures so promi nently in it, there is still considerable opportu nity for the legitimate drama, wuich is almost lacking in the ruinous Black Crook. At tub Arch Street Theatre tho delightful drama of furs will continue the attraction dnrmtr the remainder ot the week. The vivid ihunder-t-torm aud the picturesque uiooullgut march have lost none of their original altrao tiverees. This evening Mrs. John Drew will txke a uenetit us "Mary Netlev" in Ours, and at the matinee and evening performances to-morrow, the S'ime will be presented for the last times'. Ou aionday evening next, according to the nnnonnce'neijt, long since male, Colonel Fitzecrald's tie w IrK-b drama of L glita'- Las'; or, The Madow on the Cascnvitf, will bo produced, aud curiosity will be put at rest. At the Walnut Street Theatre Miss Lucille Wei-teru is still eugaved in .serving up East Lynne to ite unwearied admirers of tnat i ever ending t-ensatinn. This eveulna she will take a benefit, and Jiast Lynne will, as usual, be the attraction. At tub American Thhatre the holiday week Is being characterized by even more than the customary variety ot eUiertaintng performances. A malinee is given to-miirrow afiernoou. At the Seven in Street Opera House Santa Claua made his aonearaiice on Christmas even ine, and he has not jei disappeared. The Into- restof the entei.tainment ts greatlv Increased by the lavlsbness with .vu ch Old Kickscttters his 10)8 amous tbe audience. This evening Mr. William Allen will take a becebt. At Conoebt Hall the Morris Brothers' troupe of minstrels have been perforninir throughout tbe week to la tire audiences, whom they have in no cac failed to please. Sacred Concerts on Sundat Eveninq. The first of a certes of Sacrea Concerts on Sanday evenings will tab? place at Concert Hall on next Sunday eventne. the 29th instant, under the direction of Mark Hasslor, and the prepara tions are being conducted ou a very grnul scle. It will be one ot the finest musical reuutou that has taken glace in the city tor many years. Mr. Ilaseler has foriunately effected an engage ment with the great prima donna couralto M'me Klifa Luraley, lately arrived from Europe, who ha taken prominent parts in the grand operas of PariP, Milan, Lonnon, and other European cities Madame Luml?y bus had tbe bouor to sing beoie a number of the crowned heads of Europe, and us an oratorio singer she stands unrqualled, A grand orchestra of fifty first class performers has been engaged, and a choice programme ot sacred gems has been prepared, which will be found in another column. The Home Mis-lonary Society will be tbe recipients ol the entire net proceeds of tbe first concert. The Gerhanta Orchestra will give their re gular public rehearsal, at the Musical Fund Hall, to-morTow afternoon, commencing at half-past three o'clock. The following is the programme: 1. Overture, "La Dame Blanche" (by request), Bolel dl.u. 2. Coueert for Viol In, op. 64 allegro molto and andante. Pertormed by Wdlium Hlull, Jr., Meudelsoliu. . "Coronation WaUz"- ; I. Lnuier. 4. Adaitlo cantablle, from Tenth blufoule J. Hnvd i. 6. Overture, "Kgnioni" i by request) ..Beptbovea. 6. Duet. Mldnl.hi" (first time) A. U. O'lelar'J. 7, Kluale from "Lucia dl liammermoor" .UonUettl. Hassler's Orchestra will, on Monday afier noou next, give anotQerof tnose popular instru mental and vocal conceits, which have found such ready and hearty Javor with our music golng public. eiBABD BOW. E. M. NEEDLES & CO., Elrmtl aad Cb.iaut Strts( Invite attention to their KPLENEID bTOCK O? Laces and Lace Goods. HANDKERCHIEFS, in every variety, lor Ladles and Gentlemen, VEILS, SETS, KECKTIIS, EMBROIDK- IUiS. JLTU ETC, Expieesfy adapted tor BOLID4.Y PBEBENT8, Wblch they are offering at Prices as Low as those' for an inferior Ciaa of Oooaa, wblob h ve brea Imported to supply notion Sales at Hi's seson, MOU QHVMIO SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Bafe Company, cor tb Bar Kccplnar of Bouds, Stocks, and oitiar Valuables. CAPITAL $500,000 DlBkt'TOBa. m n TinnWN K. HUWAH1J W. UI'AKK, ALKXANDkR HEiSltY, i. a. HAiJlWtXL. ;la Ki n. vlakk, JOHN WKIAII, i ..ill I Ni'. (I A M TKI.I, dKNKY O. UIBSON, Ofllreln the Klre-prool BnliUiug of the Philadelphia Hank. L HKKNU i Htreet. above ""h. n his l omuuiiv roelvi-8 on deposit, and UU A KAW- upoD the I'oUowiuk rales a year, via.: Coupon BondH. 1 Pe HfKlnlerrd Hond-. and becurlllea......-60 cjnw per Gofd Com or holllon P "J Niiwr t'oln or Hullioa f Pr 0 IWJO. m. UK r0 KM) Gold or Hilver nan- . V"T" I er iihi irokere, t'aHli lloxea orstuall un uuin oi mui, aoilaliHtn. elc. conlenia unt uowo to the Uoiuui (apHaliHtn. elc, any, and llulilllty limited, io a year. TtieUuniDaiivoirTH K.r HKNT (renter exclusively holding litu kev) HAKM INblDK I IX VMJMa a-i tM. fM, mu, r, aud 76 a year, according to slse aud locution. , t'otiiK,,). M1d I nte rent Collected tor one per oenl. luicrt..! ilowwt uu Muui-y UepoKlls. Ibbnouiuauy Is auihoriieed 10 receive and execute N. B. BROWN K. rremneu .TTicRinN.KrrAiarv and Treasurer. TESTATE OV WILLIAM B, SCHS1DER, J.JJ 11.1-enned, I.eKers ot dmtnUtrailoo nron the Estate of eald dodeut h vlim ui'nii uronifd lo the uiidertluued, all ,(.r-iiiiH I avIiiK c'aiin. kuisi mid mtmle are re-uue-ied to prtiteul I lie u. and i' ewe ludeh.ed tuereUl to lnbW" liv cnt wminul l.lHy, to atAlUiAKKT L. fct, Admlnlitratrlx, M aNunlc Hall. Or IgJOllN THOMSON, AdintnUiraior, J227 W No, 6U l'lnestrnet CLOTHING. CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST CLOTHING IN THE CITY. ROCKHlLL & WILSON, Nos. 603 and 605CHESNUT St. Every Garment in our Exten sive Assortment LOWERED in Price to suit the times. We are determined to close out our Stock of Overcoats and Heavy Suits before tho Holi days, Very Cheap. . Prices greatly reduced on Ordered Work. Parents, brine; Boys. We have along your all kinds of Boys' Clothing, which wewiil sell very low. Tho Best Ready-madeCloth-ing In Philadelphia at tho low ost figures. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed to every purchaser. 930 3m SEWING MACHINES. THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION BUT TON HOLE, CVERSEAMINC, AND SEWING MACHINE Is warranted to execute in the best manner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilt ing, Overseaming, Embroidering on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Ejlet Holes in all fabrics. It has no Equal, being Abso lutely the best Family Machine in the world, and intrinsically the cheapest. Ciroulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had by application at the Salesrooms of the Company. S. W. Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets. Instruction given on tously to all purchasers. the Machine gratul- 11 2 tfrp BOOTS AND SHOES. fUE LATEST STYLES IN CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS AND SHOES, FOB CtEKTLEMEN AND BOTS. CALL AND BBB THE NEW BOX TOES. TEE SKA TING BOOT. PBICES FIXED AT LOW FIGURES, DARTLETT, NO. 33 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 11 28 tfrp ABOVE CHESNUT COO AUCII STREET. 600 GRIFFITH & PAGE. PATENT BIBS) CAGES FINE SKATES. BLACUINCI TABLES. BOOK SHELVES. BRITANNIA WAKE. WBITINO DESKS. BK BOXFS, AND HOUSE-FURNISH. IKS OOODN. 11 Uw QECKHAUS & ALLCAIER Reerectlully Invite attention to their large and varied stock of t- SUrEltlOR FAMILY CAIIKIAGES Of latest styles, with all the moat recent Improve ments of finish. ELEGANT LANDAU, Jnst completed. Also. CLARENCE COACI1E8 AND COUPES of (Klei em styles. ilAKUF ACTOR Y AND WAREROOMS, NO. IS04 FBANKFOKD AVENUE, Glrard A venae, rusrmwBmrp E R S T E A M E R." JUST BECEIYED, AN INYOICE OF Papier Macho and Canton Tea Poys. ALSO, A FULL LINE OF t FANCY GOODS. ' WILLIAMS & WOODWAHU, HO, 08 (NINE TWENTT TWO) CHESNUT STItKET, 1011 wf'tumrp DRV GOODS. piNE DRESS GOODS, FROM THE LATE FORCED SALES. One ease superb quality GRA.1ITB POPLINa, all colors, at 71 centr. re now selling at i 2V One cats elegant EMFKEsS CLOTH. POPLINS, Tj cents; are now sell.rg kt f l'OO. One cm llHU'b FRENCH MERINOE9, very tine quality, it . Oue cue FBENCn SILK POrLTNS at ll'tK are now selling at t- One cse very heavy FRKNCH CORDED POP LINS, at tl'flS: worth till. FANCY SILKS et great reduction. Elegant hevy BLACK BILKS, 2 B0, fl BlaclC Silks, best In the city. FANCY DE LAIME8, new styles, t lh''c. J. C. KTBAWItniDOH A COM W. corner EIGHTH and M 4.RKST Sts. N, LADIES' CLOAKINCS. VELVET 1IEAVEBS, (UI(IIILLA BEAVfltl, MOSCOW RF.AVEHN, ANTRACI1AN 1IK.4VEBN, WHITE AND KCABLET BEAVEU1, J. C. STKAWBKIOWE A (, N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Sta. B N K E T SI BLANKETS S BLANKETS! AU-wool Blankets, 1 8 per pair. All-wool B.ankets, 4 per Large size Blankets. s per pair. ' Very large Blanktls, t7 per pair. Elegant Premium Blankets, 18 per pair, Elegant Gold Medal Bluukets, $12 per pair.; , ABOUT a0 PAIR OF FINK LARttFj BLAH HETH, slightly tolled at the mill, will be sold very low. We have unusual facilities tor getting BLANKET. direct from manufacturers, and can oD'er Ibem 1-j larger aatortment, and on bettei terms than any others In tbe retail trade. J. C. STUAWBRIDGE & CO., NORTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., 1 Ilfsmrp PHILADELPHIA.' ftHITE BEDSPREADS. JUST OPKKED, 60O COUNTER PANES, AT KAC'II. PBF.TIOUSLT HOLD AT ! tinWEN ST0DDART & BR0IIIEU, NOS.430,452, AND4SI N. SECOND STREET, 12 at ABOVE WILLOW. IQNG BLANKET SHAWLS OP BRIGHT AND PLAIN STYLES. NEW LOTS AT SEDUCED PBICES. CIBWEN ST0DDART & BROTHER, NOS. 430,4S,AND 4S4 N. SECOND STREET 12 25;ilt ABOVE WILLOW. LONG BROCHE SHAWLS AT LOW PRICES, FROM THE LATE AUCIION SALES. CIRWEN ST0DDART & BROTHER, NOS. 430,459, AND 494 N. SECOND STREET, 11 24 8t ABOVE WILLOW. 3 AL MORAL SKIRTS, ONLY 1'37K, AUCTION LOTS. PBICES OBEATLY DEDUCED. CURWEN STODDART & BROTHER, NOS. 450, 438, AND 494 N. SECOND STREET, 12 24 St ABOVE WILLOW. u SEFUL PRESENTS AT VERY LOW PIIIOES. FINK EMBROIDERED PIANO COVERS, At 14, IS, and 16 Dollars. FINE EMBROIDERED LACE CURTAINS, At 10, 15, aud 20 Dollars Per Pair. FINE MARSEILLES QUILTS, At 5, t, and 10 Dollars. FINE PREMIUM AND MEDAL BLANK XT8, At 5, 8, and 12 Dollars Per Pair. FINE DOUBLE DAMA8K TABLE CLOTH 8, 8, 4, 6, 6, and yards long, WITH NAPKINS TO MATCH, AT REDUCED PRICES. FINE FRINGED AND BORDKRED DAMASK TOWELS, At 8, 10, 11, and 16 Dolls, per dos. IINE HEMSTITCHED AND EMBROIDERED HDKFS., For Ladles, Gentlemen, and Youth. FINE FRENCH CORDED BORDER HDKFS. SKEFPARD VAN HARLINGCN & ARRISON, 111 7trp WO, 1008 CHESNUT SI MEET, DRY GOODS. SPECIALTIES nt LADIES' FINE CLOAKS. MOW OPEN Tho handsomest stock wo have over exhibited, compris ing Garments in the most de sirable materials, and of Vo most fashionble colo n great variety, and w',,ich wo will sell at POPULAR PRICES. J. w. PROCTOR & CO., NO. 30 CHKSMJT MTRKET. PECIALTIES IN RICH BLACK DRESS SILKS. W. bsve Just received a Case of FINE LYONS SILKS, PurcliAKed under advantageous circumstances, of qualities vsrylng from 64 to S5"OOf To which we respectfully ask tho attention of Ladles. Ttese goods will be sold for less than they would cost to Import. J. W. PROCTOR & CO.. NO. 9S0 CHESNUT STREET, DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. All the Favorite Colors PLAIN CORDED POPLINS, BEI'S, ' EFINULINES. In TELOUBS BVSB And other Rich Fabrics fer WALKING SUITS. Wblob. we will sell by the yard, or make to order. LADIES' DRESSES, MADE IN TWXNTY-FOUR HOURS. A large variety ot LADIES' WALKING SUITS At all times ready-made to put on. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. SO CHESNUT STlitCET. POPULAR PRICES FOR DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 CHESNUT STREET. 114 Ul UIKARD ROW, E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Will be prepare to offer for HOLIDAY r RE- SENTtt ispiendid assortments ot LACES. LACE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS , VEILS, EMBBOIDEBIES, ETC. AT PRICES TO INSURE SALES. THEIR STOCK OF HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS Will be offered at tbe Lowest Rates. Elsreatb aad Cheaant Streets G1BARU HOW. MOH XVHI i 212 NrvTii EiaiiTii st. 212 LE MAISTRE & ROSS Have lust opened a large and choice lot of GOODS suitable FOR TUB HOLIDAYS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS for Ladles', OenU', and Chll dren's wear, comprslDg Plain Linen, Hemmed Hemstitched, Embroidered, Col. red Boidered Tucked, etc., much below regular rates. REAL LACE HDKFS. irom 2 28 up.; IMITATION " 61 cents up. LACE COLLa RS from U cents up, ' LACE TIDIES at a bargain. LACE CURTAINS FROM AUCTION, 3'O0 and ft-00 per pair. Also, CURTAIN LACK, very cheap. 4G0O yards HAMBURG EDUINUS AND INSERT- INU8. ol elegant patterns. u im T CHAMBERS No. 810 ARC II STREET. U . -UOiTIDAY PRESENTS. Polnte Ice Hdkfii. Pot u le Lace t) 1 1 ars and Belts, : 'J lirfad Lace Veils, -lltbl Val. lidkfs. from t2'50, iLiiib'd Hdkh, bargalus. linilH' Kdkh), very cheap. Valrnrlenne Siih, new dif(JOS. Keal ( iiinv Collars, at 6o cunts. Freneh Kinb'd Hvlis, from 75 cents ahont halt tbe cost ol hupoiUlJou. lllilui DRY GOODS. QHRISTMAS IS COMING I tlFTS FOR TUH HOLIDAYS. ME KKNTN. FI.AII COBDKD FOrLIKD FOR FBI NCKTK. BKfN (IIKAP, BF.r.1 C'HFAP, niR THE BI'H rf.AIl) HI AttS. CUEAP t'Oll PBC- SfSTS. BIC1I l'I.II POPLIMS,7B CM,, FORMER & PRICE, . kPFCIALTIF. IN IBIMI POPLISS, Extra VN Idtb, all th. Cboloe Shailea. Peraoi dt-alrone or Bargain will conbiitt tbetr Interests by calling ea-ly at GliO. D. WISIIAM'8, KMfmwtt NO. T N. F.IUliril STREET- SPECIALTIES IN Fine Lyons Silk for Presents. THE II FAT BLACK SILKS IJIPOBTED, CORDKD SILKS, In all colors, reduced. tLAiy t-ILKb, lu all colors, reduced. Come and See Unit 2 00 611k, Black Admitted by all tu be the CHEAPEST BLACK BILE olltrcd this Fall, at WISHAIYL'S Cheap Store, 12 20 Itr wCt NO. 7 . FIUHTII STREET. 1867. 1867. EYRE & LAND ELL, S. W . CORNER FOURTH AND ARCH STS. LOW PRICES FOB DRY GOODS DURING THE HOLIDAYS. SPLENDID CASHMERE BORES. 10Ulwlm3tul KXPkNSIVK SHAWLS, CLOAKS, ETC. fi L O A K I N G 8. WE ABB DAILY BECElVINtJ TUB NEWEST STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAKINCS, WHICH WE OFFER AT REATLY BB - . DUCED PBICES, IN ADDITION TO A FULL UNE OF FANCY CASSIMERES, COATINGS, AND OODS F.N EB ALLY ADAPTED TO HEN'S AND BOYS' WEAK. MOfiUIS, CLOTHIER & LEWIS, CLOTH JOBBERS, 8 M 6m BOS. 19 AND Bl S. FOURTH ST. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! a. VKKY NEW HTV HEN&Y 1VEN8. No. 8 tt. NINTH St. c mMr K 8 1 HENKY IVKN8, Sio. U 8. NINTH St. CLOAKS! C L O A KI nn im Htsnr ivecl no. un. swath . ' i ! i in i- - .J - ' GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. QENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. OENTLEHEN'S WBAPPEBS. VENTLEHE 'S WBAPPEBS. GENTLEMEN'S WBAPPEBS. JOHN C. ARRISON, NOS. 1 AND NOBTU SIIITn STBEET, . Is now ofl'erlut an elegant and extensive variety of GENTLEMEN'S WBAPPEBS, SVABFS, TIES HUFFLEBS, GLOVES, HANDHEBCIIIEFS, ETC., SUITABLE FOB CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Also, bis nnual and WOOLLEN assortment of MERINO. SILK, 122rp UNDEBSniBTS AND DBAVTEBS. L O L I D A Y PRESENTS FOR GENTLEMEN. AN ELEGANT ASSOBTMENT OF WBAPPEBS BBEAUFAKT JACKETS, CABDIGAN JACKETS, CltAVATM, SCAKES. GLOVES. MTJFFLERt?, HANDKERCHIEFS, SCABF BINGS AND SLEEVE BUTTONS. WITH A GBEAT VABIETT OF UNDER GABMLENTS, ETC. J. W. SCOTT & CO., 12Utd31tp NO. SI 1 CHESNUT STBEET. MRS. R. DILLON, NOS. SS AND SSt SOUTH STBEET, Has all the NoveltlMi In HOLIDAY MILLINERY. I Laolea', Uls.e.', andUhlldrt.i's Milk, Valval, Felt, '. Straw and Kanry Runnels and Hat. of tb. la' est styles. Old Velvet Bunuxts made over on Hie new frame. tho, bilks, Velveii, Rlbbnns. Crapes, feathers, Flowers, Frauioa, eto.i wbuleoale and re. tail. . i