nrmj 1 E(&RA ELd. YOL. YI.Vf.No 152 PHILADELPHIA, FIHDAY, DECEMBER 27, 18G7. DOUBLE SUEET-TIIUEE CENTS. TTTTl 1NO- r FIRST EDITION FROM EUROPE BY STEAMER. Full Particulars of tho Clork enwell Explosion. Financial Arrangements Between Austria and Hungary. Napoleon III and tho Roman Question. Bte.. Kte, Etc., Etc., Ktc, Kt. New York, Dec. 27. The Cuaard steamship Scotia, Captain Watson, which left Liverpool on the 14th at eleven o'clock A. M., and Queens town on the eveuing ot the 15th instant, arrivel at this port at one o'clock this mornln?, bring ing mail details of cable despatches dated to her day ot sailing from Ireland. Miscellaneous Items. Tbe English papers by the Hcolla are filled Willi details of Hie Fenian funeral processions agitation In Knglatid and lielaud, the inoa auies taken for their repression, auu tne Clerk eDwell explosion. Tbe Loudon Timet of the 14th Instant, in an editorial ou tbe Clerkeuwell Fenian ou irate. Bays: "Ireland has BUllered much at tbe bauds of her self-constituted represenlatlves.and never more tlan when Blie la maiie to appear before tle world as the moi tier of assassins." Tbe Oi and Jury at the Liverpool Assizes re turned a Hue bill for misdemeanor against Mr. Charles Lee Campbell, of l be fl.ui of Colin Campbell & Hons, comou brokers, on accouut of the transactions between lilui and ibeNmional liank of Liverpool, which have created ho much aensatlon. A uecrteof the Portuguese Government abo llsi es tbe duties on ceieals imported Into Portu gal until ihe end ol June, 1808. 'J lie Emperor of ltussta lias sanctioned tbe firepoeal of the War Minister for tbe mauufao uie of breech-loaders lor the Russian ariuy, Sid both the Govern ment and private gun factories are actively engaged la preparing the new arm. An Imperial KussUn deoree fixed the Intro duction oi a new tariff of oustoms from 1809. Tbe Opinione, of Antwerp, a liberal Belgian journal, reports the withdrawal of MM. Freie and Kogler from the Ministry, In consequence of olsagreement in tbe Cabinet of Brussels as to the Conference on Kducatlon, tbe new ex penditure for the fortifications of Antwerp, aud upon the question of military organiza tion. AUSTRIA. Financial Agreement with Hungary. At tbe silting of tbe Lower Uouseor tne Aus trian Kelctisralb the general debate came on nroo tne financial agreement with Hungary, Deputy Herbst defended the motion of the ma jority, and spoke in lavor of tne interests of the Hi ate creditors. After a reply from Deputy Baene and several olher speakers the Finance Minister stated the purt he bad taken in tbe negotiations wlln Hungary for agreement. lie tated that after tbe agreement was etfeoted a new ministry would be appointed. Tbe dele- tatlons from the Hungarian, aud Austrian nets would co-operaie in. preparing tne budget. Tbe CU-Lenhan Budget for 18U8 snowed anxpendlueof 248,1.00,000 florins, and a reve nue ol 195,WjO,000, leaving a deficit, or 51,000,000. The present coutrloutiiiu of Hungary was oi, 000,000. against 64,oo0,oi0 in the previous year, and there was uo doubt that the amount pro mised would be received Tbe Una 'Clal world nailed tbe agreement with Joy. Tne rte of exebange bad risen, and capital was flowlug Into railway enterprises. 'J be Increase la direct taxes ainouuleu to 2.700 000 florins, and indirect taxes to 8,b0u,0l0 above the sums originally esti mated. There whb. upon the wiio.e, an lucmase in the revenue ol 31,000,000 llorlus over tne pre vious year. ITALY. Debate In the Chambers The Course of Mapuleon III. The debate in the Italian Chambers of Depu ties on the policy of the Government, wuictt eventuated adversely to tbe Cabinet, was con tinued, blgnor Beriani strongly condemned tbe policy ol tbe Government; aud, with regard to ine iultrveuuou, said the French soldiers had been guilty of cruelly to the wounded Garl baiuians at Moulano. Tne blood shed at Mon tana had seteied ine lie between the volunteers stud the mouarchy. H gnor Beriani concluded by proposing au order of the day aflliming Homo to be the capi tal of Italy, aud the existence of a Ponllnoal Hiate to be incompatible with that of an alien kingdom, and also declaring that the Chamber did not consider the present Ministry capable of cariyltig out such a programme. Ueueral Menabrea energetically protested agalust tbe expressions made use of by Ulgnor Beriani relative to the monarchy, and respecting tne alleged cruelly on the part of the French ololers. The Paris Presse says: 'We are informed that the French Cabinet Is about to lsuea manifesto acquainting the powers that in accordance With M. Kouber's statement France has placed the territorial possessions of the Papacy under her guarantee.' The Paris ratt le of December 13 denies an as sertion made by the 1'renne ot Vienna that the Fmperor apoleou would sbortly address a manliesio to Kurope relative to a guarantee of tbe integrity of l he Papal 8 tales. Tbe Puns Etendard, speaking of tbe Italian Green Book, says M. Houher must bave expe rienced some surprise on seeing tbe use which has been made therein of confidential conver sations. Tbe accuracy of the version given ot these conversullous is assuredly debateable. and tbe course of proceeding adopted Is alto getter opposed to the traditions of diplomatic proprleiy. THE FhNlAN MANOEUVRES. Details of the JCxploslon at Clerlteuwell Prison, London The Gunpowder Plot In lis Matui It jr and Effect. 15y tbe steamihip Scotia we have very Inte resting mail details ot U.e Keniuu movement, by gun lowdi r explosion, sgaiu-t the Cler&enweil prison, Loudon which w us hist reported through the Atlantic cable. The Explosion. Telegrams from London, dated Friday night, December 13, saj:8borl)y alter 4 o'clock this evening, and Just as the shades oi eveulug were falling, a It i nil o explosion was heard in the neighborhood of Cleikeuwell Prisou, where Colonel Burke was contiued. In a lew minutes it was ascertained that the explosion was caustd by tbe placing of a barrel of gunpowder oiose to tbe piii-ou wall, and couiuiuuloallug flie to it by a luse, with a view, it is supposed, to level the wall and thus open a means of escape for Colonel llurke, who was woul to like exercise in the north yard enclosed by the wall. Tbe wall was elli-ctiveiy breached to the extent of some foity feel, but Burke was at tbe time In auolbtr yard, and no escape was elleeled, and Jl seems uotutiy wllb a view to rescue was attempted. wo bouses opposite the wall were levelled to tbe ground by Ihe eoucusslou, aud some thirty Others were severely Injured. The Inmates were severely injured. Two men were instantly killed and one child, while sixty persons are al edy known to bave been mure or less In jured, some of them severely aud some mor. tally tut all requlied lo be remeved to the hospital. Others who weresllgully Injured were attended by the local surgtoue. Home of tbe wounded In Uarttiolomew'a Hospital are said to TVl'hoek felt throughout the neighborhood was terrific. Wir-dow weresualttired al a oou tlderuble Ulstunce from, the bite of luo explo sion. The district Is new surrounded by a cordon of policemen, and one of the household region ms of Guards bave been called out and posted at couvenlenl places all around to sup port tbe police. London Is In a stale of grent excitement, and tbe most intense Indignation is felt at tbe utter disregard of innocent lives manllested oy tne perpetrators of the outrage. Thiee men bave been arrested on suspicion. SECOND DESPATCH LoiTon, Friday Night, Deo. 13-9 o'clock. About four P. M. two men and a woman brought a barrel on a track n I piso d it against tbe w all of the tier ken well House of De'outlon. in Corporation row. They lit a fuse, and a tre mendous explosion took place. The wall was driven in, leaving a gap sixty feet at the top, and narrowing to ten leet at tho bottom. Tne men and tbe woman ran away, but were arrest ed. The house opposite was destroyed, and nearly thirty houses adjoining are more or less Injured, while in tbe adjoining street au im mense amount of glass is broken. Forly per sous injured, Including women and children, are in hospital; tbree are dying. Firemen are working in the ruins searching for bodies. A large body of police are in the prison yard, and a detachment of guards In the prisou. The prison wall enclosed the yard where the pri soner take exerelse. There is little doubt that tbe object was to liberate Burke and Casey, but to-day these men were taken fur a walk in another enclosed spce, consequently the attempt filled. The report was heard at n great distance, and the event has canned considerable excit ement and Indignation at tbe reckless disregard of lite and property. At 9 o'clock P. M. thousands ot persons were attempting to get near ihe scene of Ihe outrage. All the approaches are kept by the police armed with cutlasses. Tbe force of the explt slon was so great that ma Hues ol bricks were burled seventy or eighty feel into the prison yard. Full Particulars. From (7ie London Olobe. flflh edition, Dcc 18. 'J his afternoon about four o'clock the neigh borhood at the House of Detention, Clerken wcll, was thrown into a state of great alarm In consequence of a terildcexploslou taking place, and which, for within a radius of half a mile, terrlfltd tne inhabitants. All the windows were shattered into pieces, and the greatest confu sion prevailed al the time. This diabolical out rope is supposed to have been perpetrated to eflecl the release of tbe Fenian leader, Colonel Burke, who is confined In Clerkenwelt House ot Detention. The cause of the explosion is now ascertained beyond a doubt. Before the catastrophe atten tion bad been excited by tbe suspicious appear ance of several irlch roughs, the type of the class wbcih represent Fenlanlsm, loilerlug on tbe outskirts of the prison. The detectives who bad been engxiced to watch the preclnots of tbe pilson since Burke's incarceration, aud who for some hours to-day watched the move ment of the suspicious parties, did not fall to acquaint tbe officer incbaige of Burke, aud the prison authorities of the occurrence. Soon after 3 o'clock one of the p dice officers went to tbe Srlson with a witness to identify Burke, and on Is attention being drawn to the suspicious aspect of affairs, thouga no danger was at that lime apprehended, be at once despatched an ottlcer lor a body of constables to resist any possible attempt to rescue the Fenian, Burke, as that was at once presumed to be tne object in view. Before, however, tbe staff of constables had arrived, tbe explosion took place, with e fleets even more disastrous, we iar. than above narrated. It is said that three persona were seen to pass up tbe lane carry lug a barrel, tbe appearance of which, however, cieated no snsplcinn as to its contents. The men were seen to place the barrel down, appa rently for rest, against tbe newly built piece of wall, where an entrance bad lately been used for the purpose ot enlarging the prison. One man went a WHy, leaving the other in possesion of the barrel. Iso one seems to have seen what took place for a few moments, when a very violent shock was felt. A great portion of tbe north wall was blown up, and a block of poor dwell ings, containing from twelve to flfteeo houses. instantly became a heap of rains. Fortunately the prison was uninjured, except the glass, which was mostly shattered, and thus the at tempt to provide a means of escape for Burke proved futile. All tbe bouses and buildings tn the vlclulty were shaken to their foundations; scarcely a pane of glass, of whatever thickness, remains entire. People are reporting, some of them that they were thrown upon their backs, others that they were frightfully shaken. A telegram from London, dated Saturday morning, Deo, 14, 1 o'clock A. M., reports: Forty-two persons are now in tbe hospital and tbree are dead. It is understood thai the police bad some informa tion of tbe attempt at rescue, and that one policeman on duty was carried insensible to tbe hospital. Tbe two male prisoners decline to say anything. One of them states that bis name la Dtsmond. Their female companion has attempted to commit suicide. Another Account. London Telegrams to Manchester Ouordian. Tbe prisoners in tbe House of Detention pre allowed extra privileges. . Burke and Casey bad in consequence, lately seen many visitors. Ihese the police had watched, aud they dis covered that a house in the neighborhood was a Fenian rendezvous. A woman visited Burke and Casey early ibis afternoon. On leaving she was followed by two men who had beeu luiklng about tbe prison. These men were seen to roll a barrel, now supposed to have been barrel of gunpowder, along Corporation lane, which has bouses of two and tbree stories on one side and tbe walls of the House of Detention on tbe other. They fixed it aaalnst the prison wall, and one of them lighted a fuse, bat tbe light went out. The olher man iben took from his pocket a box of lucifers. A match was struck, a fuse lighted, and both ran off, followed by detectives. One detective bad not ran far before be was blown down by tbe force of tbe explosion. The man bewas after escaped. Tbeolherman and woman were captured, and a second man has slaee been taken into custody, on suspicion. Tne prison wall is about twenty feet la height. Tbe breach is about twenty yards at tbe base, to several times tbat width at tbe top. Tne debrii fell into tbe yard in which the prisoners were known to take exercise. It was supposed tbey would be doing so at four o'olock.but they hap pen! d lobe locked np. Tbe two bouses facing tbe breach in the wall were literally blown to pieces. Out of the ruins live bodies were taken within an hour. About sixty persons bad their injuries dressed at Su Bnrtho omew's Hofpltal. Borne were sent home, others remained In tbe house. Tbe bouses run ning out of Corporation laneare Bloomer's Court V Bloomer s nuuuings. At ine ntck or tbe bouses In Corporation lane is Hosamand street; adjacent are Harab's pluce, Sl James street. In' these about two hundred houses are more or less damaged. Manoeuvres ef the Antl-Fenlans. THE PROCLAMATIONS OP TUB OOVBHNilBNT AGAINST FH.MAN PUOCKS8ION8. J'YomUie Manchester Guardian, December It. The proclamation it-sued by tbe Irish Privy Council, prohibiting the processions at Klllur ney and Kilkenny, state in reference to each case: "Whereas, Placards of the said intended meeting aud procession have been printed aud circulated, stating that the said lu tended pro cession is to lake place In honor of certain men lately executed in Manchester for tbe crime of murder, and calling upon Irishmen lo assemble In thousunds for the said procession; And whtreus, iPtelirjgs aud processions of large numbeisof persons bave been already held, aud have taken place la dltlereut parts of the Dulled Kingdom of Great Britain and Irelaud under the like pretense, at some of which, and particularly at a meeting and procession in the city ol Dublin, language of a seditious and lu lluixiuiHtory character has been used, calculated to .xclle discontent aud dlHau'eotloa in the minds of her Majesty's subjecls, and to ere Ue 1 1-will and animosity amongst them, aud to bring into hatred and contempt the Govern ment aud Coifelltullon of the country as by law established; and whereas, tbe said In tended meeting and procession and the obleot of the persons to be assembled and take part therein are not legal or constitutional, but are calculated to bring into hatred and contempt the Government of the United Kingdom as by law established, and to impede the administration of Justice by Intimida tion and tbe demonstration of pnyslnal force; Now we, tbe Lord Lteutenaut and Governor General of Ireland, by and witti Ihe advice or Her Majesty's 1'rtvy Oouooll la lielaud. being satisfied thai such meetings and processions as aforesaid can o'Wy teud to serve the ends or factiurs, seditious, aud traitorous peisons, and to tbe vloUllou of the public pebce, do herebv cant Ion aud forewarn ail per sona whonisov'er that they do abiluln from assembling at any such meeting, and fro-n joining or taking part In any snob procession. And w e do hereby order and enjolu all magis trates snd officers entrusted with the preserva tion of the public peaoe, aud others whom It may concern, to aid and assist the execution of tbe law, in preventing tbe raid iatended rnee -ing and procession, and In the effectual sup pression of tbe same." Proclamations of a similar character wilt, says the Irish Times, be transmitted to every locality where it may be intended to make demonstrations resembling those of Dublin and Cork. Tbe proclamations against the Intended fu neral processions were hardly issued when the Attorney-General applied at one of the police offices for summonses against Mr. John Mania end the secretaries of the committee of the Dublin demonstration, Mr. J. O. Waters and Messrs. J. Hcanlon and J. J. Lalor. The Nation says: "Mr. Martin bad left that evening for liis residence, Kilbroney, Rostrevor, where tbe missive was sped after blm ; the other gentlemen were served with the document lu the course of the night." Tbe summons stales: "You and eaoh of you are hereby re quired to be and appear personally before us at our said court on Monday next, to answer the complaint of tbe Queen at the proseontion of tbe Klght Hon. Robert R. Warren, her Majes ty's Attorney-General for Irelaud, and show cause why informations shall hot be taken against you for that you and each of you did, on tbe 8tb day ot December instant, on Xnmnas stieet, lu tbe oily of Dublin, and at otber places, take part in a certain illegal procession, and were part of an r.nlawful assembly then and there, and at olher places, gathered together, and did then and there, and at other places, la the presence ot divers liege subjecls of ber Majesty, speak cert'iiu seditions and Inflam niatory words with Intent to disturb the peace four lady the Queen, and toexclte hatred nd dislike of her Majesty's Government, as by law established in this realm." Proclamations by the Mayor and Roman Catholic Dlshop of Liverpool, and the Orangemen Counter-Proclamations by Fenians. On the 13th of December the Mayor ot Liver pool issued tbe following proclamation: Bokocqh of Livkrpooi,. Notice is hereby given that, in consequence of certain placards Laving been posted on the walls of this town, uddiosed to tbe Irishmen and women of Liver pool and the surrounding towns, announcing tbat a "Monster" funeral procession will take place in this town on Sunday next, tbe lota instant; and it also having been intimated to tbe Mayor that In the event of such proces sion taking place, a counter-procession will belormed; audlnformatlon onoatb, having been given to the magistrates in meeting as sembled that a breach of the peace would be likely to take place if the Intended processions are allowed. I do therefore hereby order and direct the bead constable, and all constables of tbe said borough, to preveut such proce.slons taking place; and do hereby caution all persons from Joining in such processions, or in any way forming part thereof as all such persons will be immediately taken into custody, and pun ished with the uimosl rigor of tbe law. Edwarw WHiaKiiEY, Mayor. ; Town Hall, Dee. 11, 1807. : Dr. Gosb, the Hainan Catholic Bishop of Liverpool, has also Issued a proclamation call ing on ;the members of his flock not to Join in tbe demonstration. Tbe Orangemen of Liverpool who had pro posed a counter demonstration as a mark of re spect to tbe murdered police sergeant bad like wise Issued the following: To tbe Orangemen of Liverpool. Brethren: YOur deputallou having received the assurance of bis Worship the Mayor tbat the procession of Fenian sympathizers proposed to take place on Hunday next for the purponeof showing their sympathy with tbe murderers of Sergeant Brett, will not, be alloweJ, you are hereby re quested not to assemble, as was intended for the purpose of holding demonstration, and also to absent yourselves from the propose i meeting place of tbe Fenians, except you are called upon by tbe authorities to act as special constables to assist in pieserving tbe peace of the town. By oider, John Kvbkbtt, D. a. M., Joskph Ball, G. T., Griffiths Thomas, G. 8. BlCUABO JjtBVlS, C. G. C. December 12, 1807. Tbe above documents were succeeded by the following, from tne Fenian leaders: God huve Ireland. Funeral procession In honor of Allen, Larkln, and O'Brien, the three Irish patriots executed at Manchester on Satur day, 23d November, will lake place in Liver pool ou bunday next, loth Inst. The procession will assemble al Bhellroad, and start from thence between 1 and 2 o'clock In the afternoon. No party emblems, etc, will be allowed. Tbe processionists to wear crape, tied with green ribbon, on the lelt arm. Irish men ! assemble In your thousands, and show, by your quiet and orderly demeanor, your sympathy with tbe fate of the executed patriots. Irishwomen I you also are requested to show your sympathy by your presence. Tbe commit tees earnestly desire that all who take part lu tbe procession will refrain from giving the slightest offense to any one, and strictly to ob serve the rales laid down for their guidanoe. The bauds will cease to play whilst passing any place of P. vine worship. Tbe procession to keep outside the borough, so as not to infringe on tbe law. By order of the committee. A. J. O'SUKA. Liverpool, December 12. On tbe 13th tbe county magistrates In the vicinity of Liverpool, resolved tbat no proces sion should be permitted outside the bounda ries of the town aud thereupon the follow ing letter was addressed to the Liverpool Jour nals: Sir, tbe Committee for eonductlng the pro cession en next bunday bave been walled on to day by several of their countrymen, long resident in this town for whose opinions they entertain the highest esteem, and, in deference to tbe strongly expressed wish of those gentle men, tbey have abandoned the idea of having a procession either in oroutof town. WiUyoa please kindly make this known through the columns of your paper, and oblige yours obeolently, A. J. O'Shha. On bu,haif of the Committee, Liverpool, De cember 18, 1807. Admiral Farracut at Gibraltar. The Gibraltar Chronicle of November SO says: "We announced tne other day that Admiral Fariagut bad landed from his flagship, the Franklin, under a salute from our batteries, and paid au official visit to bis Excellenoy the Gov ernor, at the Convent, which waa immediately returned by Kir Hlchard Airey, attended by his Biaff, at tbe Club House Hotel, tbe temporary residence of tbe distinguished Admiral. Ou Wednesday he was accompanied by Colo nel Maberly, commanding the Hoyal Artillery, to ibe various sights of iulerest on the rock, and yesterday paid a visit to Tahgler, return ing to Ihe garrison in tbeoourse of tbe evening. Admiral Farraant and staff will dine tblaeveu inn wllb the oUlcers of the Hoyal Artillery, and be was compelled owing lo a previous engage ment to decline an invitation to dine witu tbe ofllceiaof tbe 2d Battalion, 15th Hegiraent. to morrow evening. These hospitalities are pleasant and agreeable in themselves, nut tney nave a wiuer tnau an individual' bearing. The personal distinction of a guest no doubt, as in this Instance, en hanced them as well ss gives the opportunity for the manifestations; but these courtesies partake also of an lnteruational charrcter; they tend to promote that good reeling between the iwoconutrles wbish is so desirable. Ad ml- ral Fan aau l will leave ibis very sbortly for Mce. He will carry with him the best wishes of ibis garrison. Christmas In Mew York. HOW THB PEOfLB AMUSED THBHSKLVES. Tbe 2Vme furnishes tbe following statement ot receipts at tbe various theatres lor me day and evenii gt Academy f Music t looO'OO (Mad "lie Jauausuusa mm nanauae.) Barnnm's Museum- -.. mm.w .32161 (Pauioiuiiue and M-enagerie.) lUn.a.'a M imanm No reUorl iluta AV.uue Theatre....- sSo-OO ' v Gr-ud uueun lieu..") New York Clrcu.-.. - MOO M .Sew York Theatre....- -.. Ibai a (l uiinr the (Jasllsut. i K Iblo's Garden.-. tSOO'OO ' .black (JrouK.") Oiymulo Theatre I8i5 00 (WliUumuier IS Ik Ill's Dreaui "1 Btelnway Hall.- - ilOO OO tOralorlo ol Ui ".M4lab."j F.e Francisco M lusirele... '. 72 '00 Tnor Pnaloi's lnooiio 1 lieaue comuiue Voroo Walifcck'e Tlitaiie-. 17J; ("The IxmMeUalUut.") Droadway Theatre HefuHtni ...., , t"i.atif Autlley's Heoret.") SECOND EDITION FROM WASHINGTON TO-DAY. MaRfjuerado Ball at Klrkwood's Action by tbe Conservative Armj and NaT Union The President's Organ on Southern Distress Gcn.Ord'B Stroke or roller, Etc. Etc. SPFCIAL DESPATCH TO EVENING TELEGRAPH, Washington, Dec. 27. The first masquerade bail of the season took place last night at Klrkwood's, aud numbered about seventy couples. Their costumes com prised everything titat taste and ingenuity could devise. The ball commenced with masquerade dances, in which the whole company partici pated. At midnight the masks were thrown aside, and the paity revealed themselves tn the radiance of beauty and fashion. The Conservative Army and Navy Union last evening unanimously passed the following reso lution: "lit soled, That the thanks of this Association are due and are hereby tendered to tbe proprie tor of my two papers, both daily, tor his gratui tous advertisement of tbe action of tbe Associa tion in regard to delinquent member; and we regret that his title of Colonel was not bestowed lor devotion to the Union, either for service iu tbe field or at home, and his idea of loyalty so at variance with the laws and Constitution of our country, that we cannot express our thanks In a mote tangible form." Tbe President's organ this morning whines hypocritically, in a thiee-column editorial, over the destitute condition of the Southern people, and accuses Congress of causing all the wretch edness there, including the fall are of the crops in many places. By a singular paradox it repre sents the negroes as being fat, dressed in uniform, and marching about the country armed and plentifully supplied with ammunition, while the poor white planters, who own all the capital and the land, are in a sorry plight, begging for bread for their wives and children. , Yet these same planters in the Gulf States are forming combinations for the purpose of regu lating the price of labor and ihe general business of employing freedmen. They propose to pay twelve dollars a month and rations to first-class bands. Tbe arrival here of General Ord's embassador! General Glllem, is regarded as a stroke ot policy on Ord's part to gain Presidential favor. Some talk had commenced about the probability of Ord helm? removed from his command, and this mission of Gillem is one of concllllation and submission to the powers that he to avert threatened decapitation. Ord is a shrewd di plomat, and looks a long way ahead. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. A Brutal Murder A Drunken and Dis orderly Christmas. special despatch to thbkvenino telegraph. Baltimore, Dec. 27. A man named John McNamara, residing in the suburbs of Balti more, murdered his wife Ann, by beating out her brains with a boot-jack, on Christmas night' Drunkeness was the cause. He has been ar rested. There has not been so much drankeness seen here for many years as disgraced our recent Christmas anniversary. A good deal of it was kept up during yesterday and last night, with considerable rowdyism. Several fatal and pain ful accidents resulted from the same cause. Commodore Uolllns, of Steam Ram memory, dbs received tidings ol his son's death at sea. The weather Is mild, the ground muddy, and rain threatened. Business is dulL European Commercial News. Z?l A ttantie Cable. London, Dec. 26 Evenlne. United States Five twenties closed firm at 72 J. The bullion in tbe Bank of Enrland has increased since the last report only 300. FstMKFOBT, Dec. 26 Evening. United States bonds 76i76. - Fire at Boston. Boston, Dec. 27. The large furniture manu factory ot A. G. De Laporte & Co., in South Boston, was destroyed by fire last night. Loss about $50,000; Insured for $8000. markets by Telegraph. Btirw Tobk, Dec. 27. Blocks dull. Chicago and Bock Island, 99V. Reading. Sti.V: Canton (.'oinpauy, 61; Krle, 78'4: Cleveland aud Toledo, say. Cleveland and Plusburg, sV Pittsburg and Fort Wayoe.liuo; Michigan Ceairal,'IU7; Michigan sjouibem, in,',; New York Ceutral, 117!.: Illinois Central, 181; Cumberland treierrea, VMt w moouri ss, una ton Hiver, l. K Flve-lweullen, 162, 1GSJ do. 166i. ',; do. un&, J('f5; Ten-forties, 101?: Heveu-thlrtles, KM1. Money, (percent. Kxcbaage. K. Oold, 184. Nsw York, Dec. 27. Cotton steady at 15'.,'o. Flour code t; 600" barrels sold; btate. N'U(s,i0 W: other quota tions unchanged. Wheat doll. Corn firm Oats iuiet at 8tc4. Barley quint Beef quiet. Pork nroi; new mess at fjO-tti. Lard dull. Wlilaay quiet, Mississippi Mud-Lumps. The New Oilcans Picayune has the following-: "Tbe examination of tbe mud-lumps on the bar at the mouth of tbe Misslslppt, lately msde by Piofessor Hilgard, of the University of Mis ei.ieippi, under the authority of the Saiitbonian Institution, assisted bv Rev. Mr. Fontaiue, of this city, was in part laid before tbe Academy of Sciences at its lost meeting by the latter gen tleman. These cones were found in various conditions, tn various portions ot tbe bar, irom tbe outer etlue lothe toner, formed generally iu clusteis, and were found to be the only earth which seemed to be firm, These cones, when liesh and new, were tbougbt to be a species of volcano, throwing forth salt water, though located in the midst of frebh, and gas. The lat ter was caught and burned with readineis. There were craters formed upon and within tbem as clearly as in the lava-oailtin? volcanic mountains. When these craters ceased to be active, tbe coues disintegrated and to 1 away, waiting to form others. The products of the cones and tbelr component parts are to be the subject of chemical and microscopical exami nations. Fourteen out of two hundred girls em ployed by a dry goods firm in Boston were recently taken the same day with the small pox, supposed to have been contained in im ported goods. Mr. Joseph Jefferson, the comedian, was married in Chicago on Friday to Mary Warren, daughter of the treasurer of MoVickar'a Theatre, and xueoe of the Mayor of Chicago. THE BDRHIHG OF THE RALEIGH. Description of the Steamship Origin of the fire Loss Sustained Insurance Probable Safety of Thirty-one Persons. Fromth N. Y. Evening Telegram of yesterday. The sldewheel steamship Kalelgh was a sister ship to the steamers JIatteras, Kapidan, and Albemarle, belonging to tbe Atlantic Coast Mail Bteamsblp Company, of which Messrs. Livingstone Fox A Co, are the principal owners and agents. These vessels were bnllt by Messrs. Lawrence Fonlks A Co., or New York, in the year lrtbi; tbelr dimensions of bull, character of ma chinery, and fittings, similar In every respect, are as follows: Length on deck, 170 feel; breadth of beam, S3 leet; depth of hold, HI feel; number of decks, 2; draft of water, lufeet 6 inches; hull of white oak and baomatao, square fasieued .with copper and treenails; vertical beam en gine, one cylinder. 44 inches in diameter by 11 leet stroke; fitted with flue boilers, schooner rigsed, and SIM tons burtben. The Kalelgh bad a fire risk of $75,000, the greater amount in Insurance companies of New Orleans. There was no sea risk upon ber, the company being their own Insurers in this re spect, in character of fittings and security and provision against fire, ber owners assert that no wooden vessel ever left this port bor superior, as independent steam fire and bilge puoipn were on board, hose, boats, and all else In this regard lu excess of tbe law. Curtain Marsbman, who was In charge of the vessel, lias been in command of first-class steamships running from the ports of New York and 1'hlladelphia since the year and had, in every respect, the confidence of the Atlantic Coast Moll Steamship Company and or the un derwriters, tier oiHolal rate was: Class 4, rate A 114, security and provision against fli e ludii fcroul a raiesiruilar to all first-class American woooen steamships. At the office of the Company yesterday after noon it was asserted that two of the lifeboats, containing respectively eighteen and thirteen persons, that left the steamer at the time of tue dire culnmlty, bad been heard from. The loss by the accident is not accurately known, but la estimated at 9325,000. The vessel alone was worth $12o,lHH). STATKHBNT or THE PURSER, Mr. McManns, tbe purser of the Kalelsrh, re ports tiat at noon on the 24th Instant flames were discovered issuing from the engine room of tne vessel. At thia lime tbe steamer was about twenty miles off the Houth Carolina coast, and in five minutes tbe fire bad made such progress that tbe officers of the vessel took immediate steps for tbe provision of means of etcape for all ihe passengers and orew. ThU gentlemen confirms the report of the safety of tbe two boats with the thirty-one persons alluded to above. STATEMENT Or THB OWNKRS flj1 THE RIIKIOH. No. 88 Liberty sthekt. Nkw York, Deo. M. We are wltliout definite information as to the cause ut tbe tire bywnlcli the Kalelgh was b.irned nor hve we received tbe names of the saved. Tbe ship's com plement, including captain aud officers, was forty live, and there were on board some three oabia and fllieen steerage passengers, and tne eblp was pro vided wl'b. llie-boats to carry a much larger numbnr of people, so tbat we trust the loos or life may yet torn out lo be very small, f Indeed tbere Is mar, Tbe Kalelgb (notwithstanding tbe very general in sinuation to the contrary In the editorial column of tbe Herald this morning) was a first class vessel, built at Williamsburg In IS68 by Lawrenoe fc Fonlks lor tbls company, was iurnlxhed and (Hied In strict accordance wltb tbe law, and commanded by an able and experienced captain, Willi ouicers and engineers ot well known capacity. We are unable to give tbe nams of tbe crew, bat append tbose of tbe oUlcers aud passengers: . tofrlcers. C. P. Marsbman, Captain: T. McManns, Purser; O.W. Bartleit, First Officer U. Gordon, Hecond officer; D. B. Bice, Chief nglueer; John Brooks, First Assistant Engineer. Cabin passengers. D. John Cass; H. J. Hallsek, Captain Mills. Bieerage passengers. J. Parker. Morgan, J. Short, C P. W blibam, F. O. Uaber.telu, R, Ad m and sou, H. Komen, F. Maitral, A. Neuman. F. W. Moody, A. Uarlgaro, J. Oarrigaro and tbree clil'dreu. LIVINGSTON, FOX A CO. It will, perhaps, be remembered that the Raleigh is tbe vessel which rescued tbe passen gers from the Philadelphia steamship Tioga, destroyed by fire not long since. It then was under the same officers as of late. En. FJv.Tel. FINANCE AND COMMERCE. Ornca or tub Even i no Tblbokaph.I Frld&v. DefL 97 naif r There was more disposition to operate in slocks this morning, and prices were rather firmer. Government loans continue in lair de mand. 10-403 sold at 101, no change; and '64 6-20s atl054, no change. 104 was bid for Jane and July 730s; 1121 for 6s of 1881; 108i for '62 6-20s; 105J for '66 6-209; and 108J for July, '6fi 6 20s. City loans were also in fair demand; the new issue sold at 99994. an advance of i, and old do. at 95, an advance of . Railroad shares were the moH active on the list. Reading sold at 48J48J, an odvance of i; Pennsylvania Railroad sold at 61i51J, an advance of t; and Philadelphia and brie ut 28(, a slight advance; 127 was bid for Camden and Ambov; 264 for Little Schuylkill; 64 for Morris town; 57 lor Minehiir? 33 lor North Peousylva nia; 1 4 for Lehigh Valley; 40 for Elmira Pre ferred ; 234 for Catawissa Preferred ; and 424 for Northern Central. City Pasfenger Railroad shares were un changed. Thirteenth and Fifteenth sold at 19, no change; 44$ was bid for Cbesnut and Walnut, and 10 lor Uettonviile. Bat k shares were in good demand for invest ment at full prices. Glrard sold at 65, an ad vance of J, and Commonwealth at 62J624, an advance of ; 130 was bid for Farmers' and Me chanics'; 100 for Northern Liberties; 29 for Mechanics'; 02 for Western; 31 lor Manufaetur e3t', and 70 for City. Quotations of Gold 10J A. If., 134; 11 A. M., 1344; 12 M., 133 j; 1 P. M.. 134. ' The New York Herald this morning says- "There was a very moderate demand for money from tbe Slock Exchange, and loans were made in nearly all cases at six per cent., the exception being at seven. Some of tbe country banks are drawing down their balances here In preparation lor their quarterly returns as well as to meet Government dralts upon such of them as are public depositories; but no disturbance what ever from ihis source is probable, cr we might oaj tiusBiuic, iu view oi ine present condition of monetary affairs at this centre. The discount line Is quiet. First-class commer cial paper is In limited supply, and rated at 7448 per cent, on the street, and the banks are accommodating their customers to a moderate rxteut at tbe legal rate. The Indications point to a still cheaper and more abundant supply of loanable funds after tbe opening of tbe new year. Speculation on the "tock Exchange will therefore be encourugeJ, however dull and de pressed the general business of the country my be. To-day the stock market was somewnat dull, as usual, at this season, but, not withstanding securities were quietly bought up m large amounts bv strong parties aud prices advanced, and an active bull speculation is generally looked forward for by the brokers and other professional speculators, who make It their business to go wilh tho tide. At the commencement of busi ness the stock market was steady at tbe closing prices of Tuesday, Pacltic Mail excepted, which was active and weak, the price declining at tbe early session of the open Board to 108, under a pressure to sell, influenced to some extent by the uniavorsble constructions pliced upoD the report ot tbe President of the company, just published. At the first regular Board' tlieie was a moderate amount of specula tive business transacted, but there was no special activity in any stock on the list. The tone of tbe maiket wa firm and Pscltic Mall recovered on the second call to 109; Milwaukio and 8t. Paul advanced to 49; trie was quiet at 72 j 724. Tbe sliares of the associated express companies were stea ly, and Wells & Fargo advance! 1J. Erie closed 4 ioer than at tbe same time on TucJay, Readiug 4 Michigan Southern 4, Cleveland and Putsbur I, Cleveland and Toledo 4, North wetrn i! Pacific Mail 14. Erie was 4 higher. Rock Isiun J , Fort Wayne 4, Milwaukie aud St. Paul 2, do. preferred 4, Western Union Telegraph 4. Oov ernmeot securities were dull. Coupon Five twenties of 1864 closed 4 higher, seven-tbirties 4. Tbe State stocks were steady and quiet." The New York Times this niornlwr says: "The sales In the Hold-room wero ut 134 134Jt(l33$ per cent, Tho settlement of tho day at tbe Gold Exchange Bank reflected a scare' tv of the cash gold, and a small considers' ion was paid for ns use until to-morrow. No doubt a good many sales have been made of gold to be collected from the Treasury after the New Year and tbe each gold bono wed for delivery in the meantime. Tbe expert demsnd this week cms absorbed thus far all the gold and silver bars received by the last California steamer and over a million in American gold coin. Bills on London are gnerMlly held for 1104 at 60 days by tbe regular bankers, and 110J110i for short sight. As money continues cbeaper in London and Paris at 2 per ctnt. a year, the short sight rates beie am comr ara'lvelv easier tban for 60 day bills. The shipments of specie by the Rus sia yesterday were $1,082,000. aod by the Bremen and Southampton steamer Union, to-day, about $1,000,000." The Chlcaeo Repub'ican of Monday says: "Puflnef at the banks to day ruled doll In consequence ot tbe disagreeable state of the weather. Currency, however, remains close, and ihe market is still stringent. Pume paper is passed at the banks at 10 per cent, per annum, but interior grades are discounted on Ihestteetat rates equal to 12 percent, per month. Business during the week has bsen more active, chiefly owing to the demand by the country n erchsnts tor holiday good. The dry goods trade ba been particularly brisk tor a few da.vs pat, aud tbere is a visible improve meotin nearly all other branches of mercantile business." The Cincinnati Qoiette of Monday says: "There was a brisk demand for money on Satur day, and wba'ever amounts baakcrs bad to loan were readily placed with tbelr depositors on the best ot paper, at the current rates, 9 12 per rent , wbile tbere was considerable pressure from ouside parties of good paper at 1518 per cent. Tbe sut ply of currency is gradually in creasing, and ihe wotklnvof the market is easier, although rates of interest are fully ens ta ned. The depositories were called upon by the Oovemment for re nit tanees, the policy of the Treasury Department being evidently to keep down the balances in the National Bank depositories." PHlLAHKLl'HIA 8T0CK EXCHANGE 8st?,S TO-DAY Ke ported by Pebaveu A Mro., No. 40 B, Third street FIK.MT BOARD. f toon s-zos 'tncp..., n4 y'Zttuu U t lis-HJM.cp.iiii (2(100 raffs Jserles lui. (HKMi city s, ... p. BU'4 tino do-New. (I b W, 3(KX) . do. N..c&p. 'J tfrtiO do.. Old....... (MV4 1(i0 Pa 6a. '70 W f 11 (KKi boh M ss. 'tficAp 70 SlonOCAAoiSs.'TO Ilium Head fl '7"........ 2 sb Leb N !-... 2d J, ! 0 do.SOdsa'XO. 29 : 200 - 2 I sb Leb V H sc 40 1 sh Glrard TUnfr.... lush Couiw'ltb Bk. H do b2 20 sh Eesllng.....trf 48 'i 100 do......... bao. 4H,Ji 2d0 du-.n is. 48 sl S00 dO....IsLSI. 8MJ do...ls4fl-2l 200 do...,...6U. K liiO do. .8'S1 II sh Penna K...... 61 S luo sh Phil fe bS. 1K l(i4 do. 2m72 luo. sh Ocean Oil...-.- S'i Messrs. William Painter A Co.,' bankers, no. 30 is. xniru street, report tne folio wine rates of exchange to-dav at H o'clock tr-Gold. 1341344 ; C. 8. 6s, 1881, mllli U. 8. 6-20s. IStii. 108J1084; 10.. l64, 1054106-, do., 1866, 105jglii6i: do. Julv, 18G5, 108l08i; do. July, 1867, 10841081; 6s, 10-40s, 101i10l; U. 8. 7'30s, 2d series, 104(3104j; 3d series, 104S(& If 4j: Compound Interest Notes, December, 1864, 119-40; May, 1?05, 11741174: Angut, 186S, 1161 1163; 8-itember, 1865, 1151116J: October, 1866. 115iH5I. . Messrs. Jay Cooke A Co. quote Govern ment seem it ten, etc., as follows: U. 8. 6s of lt-Rl 1124112$: old 6-20, 1081084; new 6-20s, 18C4. iofi4l"5J; do.. 186S, 106.JW105I; do., July, 1U84108; do., 1887, 108J108j; 10-40s, 101,'tf 1014; 7'30s, June, 1'4J104; do., July, 1044 104J. Gold, 1334(81134. Messrs. Ue baven & Brother. Bo. 40 Bouth Third street, report the following rates ot ex change to-day at 3 P. M. : U. 8. 6s of 1881, 1124 3112: do. 162. 108 31084; do., 1864, loei Iii6i; do., 186S. 105i2105: do.. 1865, new, 1084a 1081; do., 1867, new, 1084 C108J; do. 6s, KMOs. 101i1014; do. 7'3(K, June, 104J104i; af. July, 104j104i; Compound Interest Notes. nunc, wui, ., uu tftuj, 1004, 119"4U; do. August, 1864, 119-40; ao., October, 1864. 119-40; do. December, 1864, 119-40; dol May, 1866, 1171174; do., Aueust, 1865. 1164 116,; do., September. 1866, 1151llfi; do.. October, 1866, 116j115i. Gold, 133J1341. 8ilver, 128129j. .wmm. Philadelphia Trade Report. Friday, Deo. 27. Tbe Flour market con tinues excessively dull, but prices remain with out quotable change. There is no demand ex cept from the home consumers, who purchase sparing! ; sales of 609 barrels, lnolndlcg super fine, at I7'608 25; extras at i8-609'60; North western extra family at 19 76llj Pennsylvania and Ohio do. do. at $107512; and fancy brands at $12 75'4, according to quality. Rye Flour Is selling at $8 5uffl8 75. Nothing doing in Com Meal, Tbe Wheat market Is qnlet, and there is less inquiry for prim-, ihe offerings of which are small; sales of 1200 bushel red at 12'6oi$2 65 Rye is unchanged; sales of Pennsylvania at $175. Corn Is wilhont change; sales of 2000 bushels old yellow at 81 40; 1800 bushels new do. at 110(ail'2O; and 800 bushels old Western mixed atl S3. Oats are held firmly, with sales of 2000 bushels Pennsylvania al7808Oa. Nothing doing In either Barley or Malt. Beeds S80 bushels Cloverseed sold at f8 ft 64 lbs. Prices or Timothy are nominal. Flaxseed elIsatS2'452 60. Whisky Nothing doing. LATEST SrilPPISG IBTELLIGEBCL For additional Marine New$ see Inside Paget. POKT OV PHILADELPHIA.... D0MBB S7. statb or THBAMOnrraa at tbb BvavMiKe Taxa- ssira orriom, A. M IH A. M..... p. if... M CLEARED THIS MORNING. ISArqne John Matthews, Iugbam, Guautanamo.G. W. Bei nanou Bre. Brig Albert Uewis, Dew is, Cork or Falmoutb, for oidern. Workman A Co. Brig Kutb, McLearn, Barbados, John K Bue & Bon. A KRI V Kit THIS MO RN INOi Barque Corn wallln. Allen S days from Liverpool, w lib nidse. etc . to Peter Wright ft Sons. bleemer R. Willing. Cnndltt. 20 hours from Balti more, with mdw. tn A. Groves. Jr. steamer J. . sjhriver. Deunis. 20 boors from Baltl tuoie, with nidse. to A. Groves, Jr. , MEMORANDA. Barque Queen of Hcotn, nence for Antwerp. Is ashore on Maiden island, above Cbenicr. ills thought abe w ill bave lo aiHcbarge part of ber cargo (petroleum) bemie gelling ott. Baruue Neveislnk, Gibson, hence, at Antwerp llth in. taut. Barque Aojnsta. Klendtworth, benoe, at Havre 10th Id bi ant. Barque Istila. hence, at Liverpool 13th Inst. Baruue SKimineren, A iiiieruo'-j tor Philadelphia, Cleared at Liitiatm 1Mb lust. . Haiques Luial. Urar. aud KoDfc Cart, Kundersen, ror PMIauviphia. entered out al London 12th lust. Baruue Royailsi, Tucker, fur Philadelphia, sailed freui l'imoii'li 2i h lust. Brig Anna Wellington, Johnson, henoe, atMaton tas lllih Ium. . ..i. ,. Brig A iiaella. Brown, hence, at Trtnldsd tn Insu Bilg KinViimn. Small, beice. at wiora'w d lusl., and ren allied Bi h, waiting orders . phn. BrU Keren. Hermanns! rom Kotwrdaa r Pb lla wllb a general cargo. ff dio suo lh Inst . and an attempt " Vaier and was olst reed. (She was niakms b"""1 "lBr' "asois cbaigli.g, Flushing t2tb Inst Instaut. Hhenherd. hence for Rotterdam, at hcl.r Keh-ccm f lesy and with loss of lore- . Bic uweisUaveu " " a -..niiaM. Flanagan. r and from Phlladel febr with coal, which arrived at Newport 111 fur " ... ni-innall. elc . ju . tnuu-ji tn " ,D" . en Fi liiay. fch was anchored below and ilrieiice hBl1y, ua would be towed lo the railroad! Till at high water aud discharged as sunn a pos- v le . sibie. fsr TKLiwBAra.l wcw York, Dec. 117. Arrived, steamship Atalanta, -from Lounon. 1'oaiL.M.. Dec 17. Tbe steamship Hibernian., from Londonderry Dec. 13 bas arrived, DOM HotTo" PO RTB. New Yobk, Do. sc Arrived, steamship Bcol'.a. Watson. Irom Liverpool. HieauiBtilp s ugle Greene, from Havana, bleauislilp Bienville., Baker, .'rem Now Orleans, Sddp patrician. Koiilnson. Irom Calcutta. Baruue Mosait, JaJlclier, fiuiu Ouuoa.