FINANCIAL. TREASURY DEPARTMENT or PENNSYLVANIA, HARRI6BURO, December 18, 1W7. NOTICE TO TIIE HOLDERS OF THE L O A. IV B OF TOE Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, due July 1, 1868, THE FOLLOWING LOANS, DUE JULY 1, 18G8, Will b Redeemed vrlth Interest to Date of Payment, on Presentation, at the Farmers' and Mechanics' National Bank OF PHILADELPHIA, viz., Loan of March 27, 1839, due July 1, 1868. Loan of July 19, 1839, duo July 1, 1868. Interest on the Above Loans will Cease on the 1st of Only, 1808. FRANCIS JORDAN, Secretary of State. JOHN F. IIARTRANFT, Auditor-General. W. II. KEMBLE, State Treasurer. ' 2 ig Commimnoners of Sinking Fund. TE HAVE FOR SALE THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE Central Pacific Railroad Company AT (951 NINETY-FIVE, And Accrued Interest In Currency. The Bonds are payable by law, principal and Inte rest, In gold. interest payable lbt of January and lat cfJlr. Wwlll take Governments In exchange, allowing the full market price. VTe recommend them to Investors as a first-dual Security, and will give at all time, the latent pam phlets and general Information upon application to in Having fuU supply ol these BOMm on baud we are prepared to DELIVER THEM AT ONCE. ' DIS IIAVKN & DUO., Bankers and Dsalsrg In Government, 12 51m KO. 4 SVIITII TIUUU MT, THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH TRIPLti SlIKtiT PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 23, FINANCIAL. 525 M L 13 S Or TBI UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD Running West from Omaha Api'ohh tlio Continent, AIIE fOW COMPLETED. This brings the Hue to the eastern has of the Rocky Mountain, and It 1 expected tbat the track will be 'aid thirty miles further, to Kvans Pass, the highest point on the road, by January. The maxi mum grade from the loot of the mountains to lb summit I but eighty feet to the mile, while tbatof many. Eastern roads Is over on hundred. Work In the rock-cutting on tht western slop will continue through tbe winter, and there I sow no reason to doubt that the entire grand line to the Pa cific will be open for business In 1870. Tbe mean provided for the construction of this Great National Work are ample. The United States grants Its Blx Per Cent. Bond at tbe rate of from lfl,ooo to 48,000 per mile, for which It takes a second (im as security, and receives payment to a large If no to the full extent of Its o'alin In services. These Honda are Issued as each twenty-mile section Is finished, and after It has been examined by United State Commissioners and pronounced to be In all re spects a first-class road, thoroughly supplied with depots, repair-shops, statlojs, and ail the necessary rolling stock, and other equipments. The United States also makes a donation of 12,800 acres of land to the mile, which will be a source of large revenue to the Company. Much of this land In lbs Platte Valley is among the most fertile In the world, and other large portions are covered with heavy pin forests and abound in coal ot the best quality. The Company Is also authorised to Issue Its own First Mortgage Bonds to an amount equal to the Ism of the Governm.' nt, and no more, lion, E. D. Morgan and Hon. Oakes Ames are Trustees tor ths Bondholders, and deliver the Bonds to tbe Company only as tbe work progresses, so that they always re present an actual and productive value. Tbe authorized capital of the Company Is ONE BUNCHED WILLI JN DOLLARS, of which over five millions have been paid in npsn the work already done. Earnings of the Company. At present, the profits of the Company are derived only from its local traffic, but this Is already muoh more than sufficient to pay the interest on all tbe Bonds lbs Company can issue, if not another mile wore built. It is not doubted that when the road is completed the through traffic of the only line con. necling the Atlantic and Pacific States will be large beyond precedent, and, as there wl 1 be no competi tion, It can alwajs be done at profitable rates. It will be noticed that tbe Union Pacific Railroad Is, In tact, a Government Work, built nnder the super vision of Government officers, and to a large extent wilh Government money, and that Its bonds are biBUfd nnder Government dliectlon. It Is believed that no similar security Is so carefully guarded, and ceitalnly uo other Is based upon a larger or more valuable property. As the Company's First Mortgage Bonds Are offered for the present are NINE I Y CENTS ON THE DOLLAR, they aie the cheapest security In the market, being more than 15 per cent, lower than United States blocks. They pay SIX PER CENT. IN GOLD, Or over HIKE FEB CENT, upon the Investment. Subscriptions will be received In Philadelphia by DK HAVEN & BROTHER. No. 4!) 8. Third street. WILLIAM PAINTEB & CO , No. 86 8. Third sU J. K. LEWARS A CO., No. 29 8. Third street. THE TBADESMEN'H NATIONAL BANK. In Wilmington, Delaware, by B. R. ROBINSON A CO. JAMES McLEAK & SONS, And In Nw York at the Company's Office, No, 20 NASSAU Street, and by CONTINENTAL NATIONAL BANE, 7 Nassau St. OLABE, DODGE & CO., Bankers. No. 51 Wall st. JOHN J. CISCO & SON, Bankers, No. 83 Wall sU, And by the Company's advertised Agents throughout the United States. Remittances should be made In draits or other funds par In New York, and tho bonds will be sent free of charge by return express. A NEW PAMPHLET AND MAP, showing the progress of the work, resouices for construction, and value oi Bonds, may be obtained at the Com pany's Offices, cr ot Its advertised Agents, or will be Bent tree on application. JOHN J. CISCO, TREASURER, NEW YORK. November 23. lRf.7. 12 11 wfm9t u, S. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKEES AND BROKERS, KO. 16 K.TltIBDMT.,HO. 8 MASSAC ST. PHILADELPHIA. NKW YOBK. Orders or Slocks and Gold executed in Phila delphia and New York. l 1 QOUPONS OF UMON PACIFIC RAILROAD, CENTRAL TACIFIO RAILItOAP, O-SO COUPONS, PUG 1st JANUARY, BOUGHT BY DE HA YEN & BROTHER lOlrp KO. 40 . THIRD STREET. TJNION PACIFIC RAILROAD CO. NOTICE. TBE COUPONS OF THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE Union Pacific Railroad Co. DUE JANUARY 1,1868, WILL BE PAID ON AND AFTER THAT DATE IN HOLD COIN, FREE OF GOVERNMENT TAX, At the Company's Office, No. 20 NASSAU Street, New York. UlOJw JOHN J. CISCO, TREASURER. FINANCI L BANKING HOUSE OP JayCooke&Qx 112 and Y.A So. THIRD ST. nilLAP'A. Dealers In all Government Oecuritiea, OLD B-SOsj WANTED W EXCHANGE FOR GEWI A UBBRAL DirFEBEHCB ALLOWED. Compound Interest Notes Wanted IKTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collections mad Blocks bought and sold on Oommlsaion. Special buaneM accommodations reserved for die .9 24 3m ACENCY OF THE Union Pacific Railroad Company, OFFICE OF DE HAVEN & BROTBIEH, ko. so iovth third itbhei W desire to ca attention to tns difference In Hit relative price of the First Mortgage Bond of Union Pacific Railroad, and the price of Governments. We would to-day give these bonds and pay a diffe rence ot 206 38 taking in exchange TJ. S. 6's of 188L $15688 do. do. 6-20'sof 1862. 9127-58 do. do. S-20's or 1864. 1181'M do. do. 6-20'sofl865,MayftNov. 151-88 do. do. 6-20's of '65, Jan. A Jo 1151-83 do. do. S-20'8 Of '67, do. 108-88 do. do. s $ cent. HMO's, do. 1591S do. do. 7 8-10 Cy. June Issue. 1168-18 do. do. 78-10 Cy. July Issue. (For every thousand dollars.) We offer these bonds to the public, with every con fidence in their security. DE HAVEN & BBO. Philadelphia, November 21, 1867, 12 S JpOR TIIE INFORMATION OP HOLDERS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, who may wish to convert them Into the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TBB Onion Pacific Railroad Co., We publish below the terms upon which they may nowbeexchrr.gdatth office of the Agents of the Company In this city, VM. FAINTER A CO., NO. SO SOUTH THIRD NTREKT, We would to-day give these bonds and pay a diffe rence of I206-3L taking In exchange IT. 8. 8's of 1881. $166-83 do. do. 6-20'S Of 1862. 8127-68 do. do. 6-20' of 1864. 187 68 do. do. 5-2l's of 1865, May ft Nov 1151-83 do. do. 6-20's of '65, Jan, & July 151S8 do. do. 6-20'S Of '67. do. 93-83 do. do. 5 cent. 10 40's. do. 16918 do, do. 7-llCy. June issue. 153-18 do. do. 8-lo C July Issue. (For every thousand dolla's We offer these bond to the public, w 1th every con Ddrace In their security, Philadelphia, Nov. 21, 1867. 12 2 4p JANUARY COUPONS or Union Pacific Railroad Bonds AND F1VE-TWENTIES, BOI OIIT OR CASHED IN GOLD AT BEST MARKET RATES, BY W. PAINTER & CO., BANKER, No. 36 South THIRD Street, 1212 RflSSs PHILADELPHIA. 9 MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS ETC, r. RS. R. DILLON. NOS. 838 AND 881 SOUTH STREET Has all the novelties in FALL MILLINERY, for Ladles, Misses, and Children. Also, Crapes, Silks, Ribbon, Velvets, Flowers, Feathers. Frames, etc. Milliners supplied. 8 lflf LEGAL NOTICES. TN THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CITY L AM COUNTY OK PHILADELPHIA. Ettate of JAM Re HAMILTON, deceased. Tbe Audlur appointed by the Court to audit, set tle, and afjusi the thirty-seventh aocounl ol THOMAS CAD WAI.ADEK, Executor and Trustee of the Ibbi will and testament ol JAMES H A M I L 1 0N. deceaaed. Bribing from thai p rtlon ot ths Fatai belonging lo Schedule B. annexed to tue In denture ol partition In the said Estate, elated Jauuary 6. li 49, recorded lu tue office lor recording deed, eU:., In 1'lilladHvhia, In Deed Honk O. W. C No. I, pa-e 4U7, etc., and to report cisirlbuiion of the balance in Ibe bauds of the. accouutsui, will meet the parlies Interested for the puipotiB of Ms appointment, on MONDAY, Decmber23. 1867. at 4 o'clock P. M.. nt his oilloe. No. 4U6 WALNUT Street, lu the oily of Philadelphia. 12 13imw6t W. D. BAKER. Auditor. BIKAH) BOW, E. M. NEEDLES & CO., EUveath askd Ch.iuut Streets, Invite attenilon to their SPLENDID STOCK OF Laces and Lace Co ode. HANDKERCHIEFS, In every variety, tor Ladles and Gentlemen, VEILS, BETS, NECKTIBS, EMBROIDE RIES. ETU ETC., Expiessly adapted lor HOLIDAY PBESENTS, Which they are offering at Prices as Low as those for an Inferior Clasi of Uoods, whlcb bkve bteu Imported to supply Auo. ion Sales at lhs seaiton. mom aavaio QEOHCC PLOWMAN. OAllPKNTKRAND BU1LDEU IIE5IOVED 1 o No. DOCIC Street, )U PHILADELPHIA. RAILROAD LINES. 1 QfV7 FOR hW VOUK-TIIR CAMDKN Kl I I , and Amboy au. I'hllnclelnl.iaand I'renton Pal'road Company's Lines, fri.r1 hlladeliihia to New York and Wm I'Imcp.. fr.,n w a . NUf blreei Wlurf will leaTe as folluwH, vlK.: itakk. sit A. II, via Damrien and Amboy AccOiS At 8 A. li,, via Camden and Jersey City, hxinl'N.i Mll... dtM) l J il'. U . vlal'aniden and Jerey fliy Ki press 8 0(1 A l 6 P. M . . via Camden and A nibor, Ac- Niclans, 225 ronimndallon and EniiKrnnt I2d class. 180 At 8 A M. and 2 P.M. for Freehold. 1 ' W At 8 and loA. M., 2 and 8 30 P M.. for Trenton. At 6. 8. arid 10 A. M., 1, 8, 8 80, 4'30, and P. M., for Bord'niown. Vlorenos!1 W A M ' t t0' 'M' 6 P' M" fr Ate, 8, and 10 A. M., I, 2. 3 80. 448rt. 6 and 11 80 P. M ror J'u'llrKion, Beveny, and lelnnco. At and 10 A. M., I. 2, 4 30, , and 11 -30 P. M. for Edgewaier, Rl vernlae, Riverlon, and Palmyra. At sand 10 A. M., i, 6, ana Irao P. M., for Fish Douse. The I and n -M P. M. Lines leave from Market Street Ferry, I'l'ix-'- ld. L1NK FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as ToIIowh: ami a.m.. via Kensington and Jersey City, New ok Hxprec Line. Fare, 3. ' " sYAlSana n A. M 2 So. ,v:i nnd 5 P. If., for Trenton and Hr slol. Ana at lo 15 A. M. f ir Jtrlslol. At 8 and 11 A. M., 2 80 and P. Al., tor Morrls Vlllp aud Tallyion. A t 8 and lo ifi tt. M 2 30 and 6 P. M., for Bcbenck's and d(lirielon At 8 and Iii-lS A. M , 2 30. 4. 5, and 6 P. M.. fbr Cornwells. loirradale, ilolnirshnrg, Tacony, vvissi. nomlng, Jlrldmburg. and Frunkiord. nii.l at 8 P. itf for Jlolnienliurg and Intel nieolam nlutlons. " BELV1DEBE DELAWARK It A 11. HO AD IINES. TrotV, 1....... a. a a. in, or 0p. etc . eto. At 8 A. M. and 3-Wi P. M for Belvldere, Easton. Lambertvllle Fietningtou, etc. I be 8-80 P. M. Line counects direct with the Train leaving Easion for toauou Chuuk, Alleniuwn, Bvthle hera. etc. At t P. M. for Lamhertvllla nil lnlarn.Hi.ia ... tlnns. L'ne. from west Philadelphia Depot, vis Connect ing 1'allway. will Ikrvm as follows: At 9 M A. M and Pao, 6 , and 12 P. M, New York ,.(nnwwuw vim jRiHcy .'iiy. rare.3! The 9 30 A. M. ami 6-Ho P. M. Lines will ri Others. Huudnys excepted. 1 run dally. All A l 9-30 A. M., 1 -so, 6 80, and 12 P. M. for Trenton. At 9 80 A. M 6-8i and 12 P. M. ror Bristol. At U P. M. (nlglill. lor Morrlsvllle, Tullytown, Sclienok's, KOdligtoii, Cornwells. Torresdalu, Holmeriburg, Tacony, WIssiuomlug, Brldesburs, aud Frank lord. December 10, 1867. WM. H. QATZMER, AgenU PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL TIMORE RAll.KOAU HWK TABLE. Commencing Montiay, September 80, 1807. Trains y'x'J, f:"ve Deiiol, comer BKOAD bueel aud WASH INU'l ON Avenue, as lollows: Way MaliTrala at 8 so A. M. (Sundays excepted', for isalliuiore. stopping at all regular stations. Con necting with Deluware Railroad at Wilmington for Crlstieid and Intermediate stations. Express '1 rain at li M. (Sundays excepted), for Bal timore and Washington. Kxpiers Train al 8 80 P. M. (Sundriys excepted) for Baiilikore aud Waalilngtou, stopping al Uhnter, Ihuriow, Llnwood, Claymont, wilruinKton, New port, btnnton, Newark. Elklon, Noitbeaxt, L'lmrles lown, i' r.j vllle, Havre-de-Uiace, Aberdeen, Porry niau's, Edge wood, Magnolia, Chase's, aud blemuinr's Night Express at ll oo P. M. (dally) for Baltimore and Wasbluaton. Connects at WilminKtou (aamr Oays excepted) with Deluware Railroad Line, stoo ping at NewcxMle. Mlddleiuwn, (.;layton, Doer Har rintjton, beatord, Salisbury. t rlnceuH Anne, and con necting al Crlstitio wilh for Fortress Monroe Norfolk. Poitnioutb, and Hie South. FaMitttgers lor lortiess Monroe and Norfolk, via Baltimore, will take the 12 M. Train. Via Crlstieid Will take the I1U0 P. M. Train. WlLIIN'-TON TRAINS, Stopping at a l teiuliuns between Philadelphia and Wilu.lugton. Leae Philadelphia at 1-30, 4-80, S'00, and li-3o (dally) P.M. The i-M P. M. Train connecU with OeUware Railroad ler 11 1) lot d an1 lulerinedUie stations. The 6 ikj p. M. Train ruus to New Castle. Lr,BV.eDw'.lujlu,fU'u 141 7 ttud 8 A. it., 4 00 and 6 30 (dall ) P. M. J-ltOM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore 7"J5 A. M.. Wny Mail: 9H5A. M., Exprtes; 8-15 P. M.. ExDreis; 6'36 P.iM., Express: 8'3o P. M., Express SUNKAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORK. Leaves Baltimore ai 8 6n P. M. stopping at Havre-de-(irace. Perryvllle, and v llmington. Also slop at Norilirast, Eikton, and take pasneuKers lor Phllude phla and leave passengers from Wa-dnng-Un or Unit Injure, and at C'n ester lo leave passengers trim Wtsblngtcu or Baltimore. TiiroiiRh Tickets lo all points West, South, and Pontliwest nmy be procured at tbe Ticket Olllce, No. 8-8 CHEhN UT ttreel, under the Conliiientai Hotel, v. here, also, otate-rooms and beitbs lu sleeping-caia cun be secured during the day. Persons purchasing tickets at this oliice. can have their hai.'ijftKe ciiecked at ttielr resiaence tiy tbe Union -J runnier C'ODjimny. 4 8 11. t KENNEY.buuerliiienUeah WEST CHESTKR AND PHILADELPHIA .RAILROAD, VIA Mi-DIA. W.MKll AR1UNUM1CNT, On and alter MDNDA Y, t), toi,,-r 7, IW, Trains will leave Depot ,'flll KT Y-FI Hhl' aud CHEstX UT Mirux. West 1 l'liilntlelpbiu, as follows: Leave t'llllAiil'lohlK lor Wont C'hnalaT tv A M 11 A. M.. 2-30 p. M 415 p. m., 4 50 P. &L, 6 .6 P. M n(j 11811 r. M. Leave West Chesfr for Philadelphia, from Dents on East Market street, at 625 A. M J-45 A. M.. 8 .0 and 1U--1& A. M ., 1-66 P. M., 4-So ant "5 P. M. Trains leavrng WW Cht-ster at 8.(Xi A. M.. aud leav ing Phiiadelpliiu al 4 oo P. M will etop st B. C. Juno tion and Media only. Passengers to or iroin itUitions between West Oie ter and R. C. Juncilon going east, will lake irulu leaving West Chester at 7-45 A. M., aud -jolus w-t will lake train leaving Philadelphia at 4'ii0P. M., ant: trausler at B. C Junction. The chesutil and v alnut Street ears oonneel with all of the above tralus, curt lug passeiigurs dotvc Cbesiiul street, past tlieprincipal IioielH nud tueOaui den and Aniboy Kit. olllce, al Walnut street wharf passing out W aloul stieul to ihu d pol. The Markel Sreet cats will be lu waiting, as nsnai all birty-llrsl and Market streets, on the arrival of euch train, to convey passengers Into the city; acJ for lines leaving tbe Drpot lake the cars on Market street, the lust car connecting with eacli train lnavlng Front aud Markel streets thirty minutes previous to duiariure. ON SUNDAYS, Leave Phlludelpbiu al bao A. M. and t P. M. Leave W Hl Ciieuier at 7-n6 A. Id. anu 4 P. M. The Depot Is reached directly by toe Cuesnut aud Walnut streets curs. Thoseuf the Market street Hue ruu liliin one njuure. The cais oi both lines connect with each train ui on its arrival. Trains leaving Philadelphia al 7'45 A. M. aud 4-50 p M., and leaving West Chester ul 8'00 A. M, aud 4-60 p. M., connect at B. C. Junction w lib train ou P, and B C. H. R., for Oxford and lutermwdlaie poiuts. Paaseiigtirs are allowed lo lake wearing apparel only, as bagKac, and the Company will not In any rase be responsible for an amount exceudiQT one huu dred dollars, unless a ipeclal contract la ruade for.lbi snrre. HENRY WOOD, 4 )'V General Superintendent, TpUl LA DELPHI A AND EH1E KAILHOAD.- W INTER TIME TABLE. Through and direct route between Philadelphia, Baltimore, Harnsburg, Wllllamsport, and the Great Oil Region ol Pennsylvania. KLl'OAiNT SLKEPiNU CARS on all Night Trains. On and alter MONDAY, November 25. law, tbe tralus on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run a follows: WSKTWAKD. Mall Train leaves Philadelphia .. leaves W illnuiibpurl..., " M arrives at :rle , Erie Express leaves Philadelphia.. " " leaves W illlamsport, 11'15 P. M. . 8 0S A, M, ,. 9-no P. hi. 12-no noon. . 810 P. M, !15. -? " axjilve at Erie Elm Ira Mall leaves Philadelphia. ' leaves Willlaiubpurl.... " " arrives at Lock Haven, ICAUT WAJU, Mail Train leaves Erie o w A. M, P. M 7 40 P, H 10-25 A, M. " leaves W iiiiBiiibJort..... " " ai rive al Philadelphia- Erie Express leave Erie " " leaves Wllllamsoort..., ii i r. m. ...MM 8'55 A. Ma St 4 25 P. M. 8'tll A. M, arrives al Philadelphia., 1 uo r, M Elrulra Mall leaves Lock Haven 7'10 A. M " M leaves Wllllamsport. . 8 85 A.M. " arrive at Philadelphia. 6' Id f, it. Mull and Express couuect with all iraluson Warren aud Fraiikiliiltall-A ay. Passengers leaving Philadel phia at 12-00 M. arrive atlrvlneton at 840 A, M. and Oil City al9 5u A. M. Leaving Philadelphia at 1115 P U., arrive at OU City at 4-35 P. M. All trains on Warren and Kranklln Railway make close connections al Oil City with trains for Fraiiklui and Petroleum Centre, Baggage checked Uirongu. ski'SKii it. i i 111 General bupejrluUndant. WLPT JEHSEY RAILROAD LINES, "FROM foot or MARK KT Htreel (Uptwr Ferry), Commencing TUESDAY, September 17, 1H67, For Urlilgeton, fcaieui Vluelaud, Mill vllle, audio termediale Blatloi s, S'uO A. M., aud 8'80 P. M. or Cupe ti ay 8'30 P. M. tor WiMiiilnfyy at (! A. M., and 8-30 and 6-no P. M. Fret-tht Train leaves Camden at 12 M. (noon) dally. Freight will be received at Heuoud Covered Wnarf below W alnut street, from 7-00 A. M. until 6-00 P. M. Freight received before 900 A. M. will go forward ths srme day. Freight Delivery. No. (28 8. DELAWARE Avenue, 18 If WILLIAM J. SEWKLL, Superintendent. CAW TEN AND BURLINGTON COUNTY Rall.KOAD. On and slur MONDAY, December 16. 18(17. Trains will leave from toot of WAKKW t-llreet (upper leny) lor Merohanlvlile, Mooreatown, Hartford, Mssonvllle, Haiiiesporl. Mount Holly, Smliuville, EvaiikVllle Vlnciiitown, Birmingham, aud Ftuubi-r-ion, ai 1U 30 A. M. and 4'.Ui p. M. ItKlUltMNO. I.(ve Pe niberton at 7 2 A. M. and ! 40 P. M. Liave Mouul Holly al7'-lt A M. and 2 45 I', M. Letive MouitAloun 8 is A. M aid 8 1H p. M. 10 22 C. bAlLLH bupottuteudout. for Niagara Falls, llnllnlo, Dunkirk, tauaudalgoa, Klmira, Ithaca. Owbkj. hoc jester. Blugnanitnn. Osweno. Syracuse, Ureal Bend, Mon. trose, vMlkeHlinrre. hcraniim., x..,. . , - r. , ., wj. RAILROAD LINES. ri A I?LN H AI L R O A D. ,"ll TRUNK I.INU OF SIJ!4- Nil ik bouts-. At 1 in WIJRI7N(L ATOMMO ATION, nied'iateso;;..10' AlKn.own. and Mter- AIUHMAO EXPRKKS. Poitji.iii- iiS"'mJur It,t:"dl"K- lnanon. Harrlbnrs; ni;ilgktjB,fe,t,c:'e,c:o'k' cr,isie' W?.t i.irln, eo',nrU at BLADING with Jst Pennsylvania Railroad trains lor Allen- nTu;. v'.itnd "1,9 8;16 A- M- ,raln wniifcls with T t , train for HBrrlKbttrg. etc.: al POH1 ii . Jols taw Is a Rullroad trains for wi. Hrw,?1".'. 1i'Pk aven, Elmlra. etc; at HARRIS r li ,' Northern Central Cumberland Valley S !,h.b,r,,JSJi'klliL.,;r.d W"1'Hhanna train, fbr North- pCgrove e- n'",'0rt' Yrk' c,mmuer,b,"' ' AFTERNOON EXPRESS -A?V.T Pl'sdelphlaatg-aiP. M., tor Reading, Potts-7- i ? 1 rh.V rK J"'0, - connecting with heading and Columbia Kb 1 1 road trains lor Columbia, etc I'Oi'lBIUWiN ACCOMMODATION i-enves j-oitstown al 6 45 A. M.. Htminln. t Inta. medial stai Ion) arrive In Philadelphia at 9 (io A. M lieturnli g, leaves PliHadelpbla al & P. M.: arrives In Polbttown at 7 lit P. M. ' trlro" HiADltSO ACCOMMODATION Leave Reading at 7-80 A.M., stopping at ail way Btatlnns. arriving at Philadelphia atVi-15 A?M IvViS&tWfi?1 M 4 00 M' "lve Trains lor Philadelphia leave llarrlsinr at 810 A M. and Pnttsvllleat8-45 A. M.; arriving in Phlladel , o ."ySJ p- M Afternoon trains feave Harrlsiiurs Bli2'".P- J,:,u?vl"e at 2-45 P. M.: arriving in Phlla? dclphia nt 6-45 P. M. U A KH ISBCTRfl ACCOM MOD ATION. Leaves Reantng at 715 A. M., and Uarrlsburg at 4-10 P. M. Coui.ectiug at Resiling with Afiernoon Acco u o, i?nf 0,'tn at e it0 p M" "lviug In Philadelphia Alarket train, with pannerger car attached, leave riillHilelplilaat la 4 noon for I'ottsvllle anil all way stHtloi.s. Leaves Pottsvlllo al 7 00 A. M. for Pulladul. phla and all way stations. All the above trains run dally, f-nndavs excepted t-nuriay trains leave Potisvllle at s-oil A. AL. and Philadelphia at 815 P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 8-00 A. M., returning from Rending al 4 25 ' ' CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. PasspnRern for I)o ulnnU'wii ami huiermedlaie r'nis lake the 7-80 A.M.. aud 4 00 P.M. trains from Philadelphia, retarning from Downlugtown at 6-30 A. M.aiidl-tNiP M. vj. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AND Leaves New York at 9 A.' M. and 6 and 8 P. M . pashli.g Reading al l-0o A. M. and I SO and lii-lu p M and conn, cling at Harr sUurg whb Pennsylvania' and! Northern Central Railroad express tralus for Pitts burg. Chicago, W'liliaiuNDort, Klmira, Baillmure. eto. Beiurning, express iruln leaves HarrLiburg on arrll val ol the Pennsylvania express from Pituourir at 8 and 625 A. M. and 9 85 P. M passing Reading at 4-48 and 7 C6 A M., aud W40 P. if., and arriving 1U New York at lo-lo and 11-45 A. M., and Sun P. M. Sleerv lug cars accompany these trains through between Jersey Cily and Plilsbtirg, without change. A mail train for New York leaves Harrlsburir at 8-10 A. M. and 2 05 P. M. Mail train for UarrUbura leaves New York at 12 M. " SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILRO VD. Trains leave l'ottsvillo at 6-30 and 11 A, M., and 7-15 P. M ., returning lrom Tamautia at 7'M A. M.. aud i-i and 4-35 P.M. ' ' S HUYLKILL AND SU8QDKH ANNA RAILROAD 1 rains leave Auburn at 7Vj A. M. for Plrieirrove and Uarrlsburg, aud 12 45 noon for Pinegrove and Tremont, returning from Harrinburg at 3 55 p &r and from Tremont at 7 40 A. M. aud 5 35 P. M. "' TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to a l the prlnciuul uuinta In ihe North mul Wuii ami Cm ad a. A so. rslon tickets from Philadelphia to Reading auo intermediate stations, good lor one day only, are sold by Morning Accommodatioa, Market train, Bead'ng and Pottstowu Accommodation trains, at reducid rales. Excursion tickets to Philadelphia good oily for one day, are sola at Reading and inter mediate stations.' by Reading and Fotisto-vn Ao ct rnmoi ut'on trains, at reduced rates. Tbe fc Mowing tickets are obtainable only at the rfllce of A BRADtORD. Treasurer. No. 227 Houth FOURTH htreet. Philadelphia, or of O. A. NICOLL' Oeueral St-tiei iiiiendenl, Reading: ' COMMUTATION TICKETS At 25 per c int. discount, between any points desired, for lamilies t ud firms. MILEAGE TICKETS, Gcod for 201 miles between all points, 52-50 each for lamU'es an 1 tlruis. SEASON TICKETS, F-r three, six, nine, or twelve mouths, for holders only, tu all point i, at reduced ratts. CLE1UIYMEN Residing on the Hue ot tbe rond will be furnished enrds eiiutllug tht ustlvesaud wives to tickets at naif EXCURSION TICKETS From Pblludttiph.a lo pr'ncli ul stations, good fbr Salurduy, Sunday, .Monday, at roduced faro, to be had only at the Tickit Olllce. al THIRTEENTH aud CALLOWHILL ctre is UKFOHT. Onoi's of all drscrlptons forwarded to all the above points from tlie Cudij. iuy' Freight Depot. UHUA.U aud WILLOW Streets. h FRfc.lOilT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia d.tlly at 6-30 A. M., 12-45 noon ai d P. M., lor Reading, Lebanon, Uarrlsburg, Polls Ville, Port Clinton, and al. points forward. ilillrt Close at the Philadelphia Pobt Onice for all places ou the road and its branch ts at 5 A. M., aud .'or the principal etutions only ai2'i)P. M. 4 3J pKNNSYLVANIA C.CKTBAL RAILROAD W INTER TIME, TAKING KFFECT NOV. 24. 1887' . The train ol the Pennsyn aula Central Railroad leave tbe 1HIRTY-c'lRbT aud MARKET Streets, which is reached d.tectly by the Market Street cais, the lust car contacting with each train h aving Front aud Market stree wj thirty minutes be fore lis departure, The Chen uul and Walnut Streets curs run within on square of tb e Depot. On Sundays The Me.rkel Btriet cars leave Front aud Market Streets thlrly-uv uiiuuie before ths departure of each train. bleeping Car Tickets can be had ou application at the Ticket oUice, N. W.cor. Nlulb audCheenut slrebls, and at thr Depot. Auentu of the Union 1 raunfer Company will call for and deliver bukguge al lue Dupoi, Orders left at No, On! Chtsnut street, No. 116 Market street, or No. 1 8. Eleventh "'r ei lll roceive attention. TRAINS LEAVE DHUHT, VIZ.:- Mall Train 800 A. M, Fabt Line aud Erie Express...... m .12 00 M. Puull A ceo m mod alio a, No, 1 l'uo p. M, Ilarr.Hburg Accommodation 230 P. M. LancuMer AccouiuiouaUon... ., 4 00 P, hi, Parkesburg '1 rain......... ........... 6 (k! P. M. Erie Mull U'15 P. M, Cinciunall Exprewi M.M sou P. M, Philadelphia Express H'I5 P. M. Paoli Accommodation, No. 2 ....... 9 00 P. M. Aocommodaliou , 11 30 P. M. Erie Mull leaves dally, except baturday, Philadelphia Exprecs leaves daiiy. All other trains dally, except Sunday. The Western Accommodation Train runs dally, except Sunday. For llils trulu llckoig must be pro cured and bagguge delivered by 6 0ti P. M., at Ku, 110 Market street, TRA INS ARRIVE AT DEPOT. VJZ.:- (Inclnuall Ex press. l-a5 A. M, Philudelphia Express - 710 A. M. Paoli AccommodutiOii, No, 1 8'20 A. M. Erie Mull..........-..- 9'3t A, M, Fast Line..- 9 3d A. M. Parkesburk Train. ............- 9-10 A, M. Lancaster Train 1-10 P. M. Erie Expi'esH...... . I'lO P. M, Day Express 6'20 P. M. PiM.ll AfJCOL-DiOdBttou, No. 2. 7-10 P. M llarrlsbuig A ca aimtxUtlou ...-. 9 50 P. M For lurthei LiforaiBl1 :n rspply to JOHN ( ALIEN, Ticket Agent, 150. ( CH ILi.S UT fclreet, FRAKUId FUNK. Ticket Agent. No. lit SAMUEL H. WALLACE, ,. Ticket Agent al tho Depot, The Pennsylvania Railroad Coujpauy will not as snuio any ribk for Rayisage, except for Wearing Ar Lurel, uud limit their responsibility to One Hundred lullars In value. All BuKgage exceeding that amount lu value will be at the risk of the owner, unless taken by medal contract. EDWARD 11, WILL1AM-3, 4 29 General Superintendents Altoona, Pa. PHILADELPHIA, GERM ANTOWN, AND NOR1USTOWN KA ILKOA D. TIME TABLE FOR GERMANTOWN. Lesve Philadelphia 6.7, 8, 8u, 10, 11. HA. M-l 2. 3,'4, H. 4.8,65., 6-10. 7. 8,9. 10, 11, 12 P. M. Leave t4eruiaulown 6, 7, 7,. ts 8 20, 9, 10, 11, 12 A M.. 1. 2. 8, 4. 4?-4, 6, 6,. 7, 8 8. 10, II P. M. ' 1 be 8 20 Dowu Train, and a5,,' aud 6' Up Train will not slop on the G rmanlown liranch, UN SUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia '4 A. M. J, 7, 10' P. M. Leave Gtrmauiown 8'j A.M. I ,'. P.M. CHEMNUT HILL RAILROAD. L ave Philauelphia , 8, 10, 12 A. M. 2, iM, 7, 9, and 11 P. M, Leave Chesnut Hill 7M0. 8, 9-40, and IP J) A. M, Io. 8'4e, 6 40, 8-40. tt 4u, aud 10 40 P. M . ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 94 A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leav Chvanut Hill 7 '40 A. M. 12-40, 6 40, and 9'25 P. M. ICR CONS1IOHOCKEN AND NORRI9TOWN. Leave Philadelphia , 7a , 9, aud 11 1)5 A. M, 1;,.3, 4H, 6.. .'n. 8 0a, aud HH P. M. Leave Norrlslowu 6-40, 7, 7 '60, 9, and 11 A. M. 1', 8, .. and 8.'. P.M. ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.. 2-80 and 7-15 P. M. Leave Norrlstown 7 A. M 6-ai and 9 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 8, 7).B, auo. 1106 A. M., Hi. a. 4,.6, 6S.805. and ll P. M. ' Leave Manayunk 610. 7, g'20, t'i, and 11 A, M., 2, 8t, 6, t).V, aud 9 P. M. ON SUNDAYS. Leave riillatlelphia 9 A. M , tj and 7V p. M. Leave "Manayunk 7S A. M 6 anil W, p. M. W. S. WILKO'N, General Huixiriiiieiideiit 1 U Depot, NLNiU aud GREEN sue 'S.'il''-PHIA IO 1HK 1NTKP.IOR V Al tHvi.,UtinKRLA- Nf)- A N I) WVOMI T l- i vi 7 . K WORTH, NORTHWEST, A W'INTFh ARKANOKMENT OF PASKNQER lMl" NH. MONDAY. November in, mi, towinsf hmrVs-"1 8l,ee"' ,JulPils. al lbs fol- 1867. 11 RAILROAD LINES. T0BTI1 PRNNSILVANIA RAILROAD. JL 1 li E MIDDLE RlAJ I K-Shorl.-st and most Olrect rouie to Bethlclieiu, A lien town, Maunh Ctiunk, Har.elton, W hlle Haven, W llkesbarre. Uahaiwiy City. Mount ( armel, Pulsion, ScranUin, and all points la Hie Lehigh. Mahanoy, end Wyoming coal region. PBfsei tier Depot In Philadelphia, N. W. cvrnea" O BERKS and AMERICAN M reels. ' wjnti" it arranhemfnts. nine daily trains, On and afler Til l'RsDy, Nov. 14, 1867. Pa-ufBro trains leave ihe New Depot, corner llerks and Am4 can streets, dally (Sundays excepted), follows: A 7-4 A. M. Morning Expres. tor Bnihlenem andt I rlnnipal Matlona on Norlh Pennirlvania Railroad, coiinenh.g t Be hlrhem with lhlgh Valley K-itlroail for A lie mow ti. Cataxanipis. Slut lug ton. Maucb I'll tin k. W ealherly Jeanaville, V ltoo, White Haven. Wlik-sbarrn, pulsion. Reran ton. and all points In Lehigh end Wyoming valleys; also. In connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad, lor Mauaoor Ci'y, and lih Catawiw-a Ra'lioad, for Kuiert. I yllie Milton and Wl liao. sport. Arrive at Manors hunk at 12 05 A. M.: at W ilkesbarre at 8 P. M i at Ma lisnoy Cily at 2 p. M.J at Scranlon nt 4 05 P. M. 1 assenjrers by tbls train can take the Ihigh Valley tialn, lasslnn I'etbleliem at 11-65 P. M., for Easton, Y ork1'0" U Ktw ie'Rt' Central Railroad to New" A18-45 A.M. Accommodation for D"yletown, stop ping at ail Intermediate stallons. Passengenr for Wlliow Orove, Hatnoro, and Hartsville, by ths train, tske Ibe stage at Old York road. AllU'lAA. M. Accommodation for Fort Washlnav ton, stopplr g at Intermediate station-. At ray P. W.- Express for Bethlehem, Allontownr Wsuch t hunk, White Haven, Wllk. sbarre, Mahanoy' City, ( enliaita. Khntiandoali, Mount Carmel, Pltiston. Sciahton, and all points In tbe Mahanoy and Wyo niliig toal regions. Passenger for Greenville taka Ibl train to Quakerlown. At 2-45 P.M. Accommodation for DoyIetown, Slopping stall Inlermediatestatlons. Pa'Sengers tak stage ai Doylestowu for New Hope- at Norlh Walesv lor bu in nej town. At 4-ld P. M. Accommodation for Doylestown, stop P'nf at all Intern edlate stations Pasenters lotf w iliow Grove, Uaiboru, and Hurisville, take stage at, AbthKton. At 6 2ii P. M Through arcommndatlon for Betblsv h tu and all stations on main line of North Peonsvl. vnnia Kailread, contiecllns at Retblobein with Leblgft Valley Evenlug trulu for Easion, Alleutown. andV MBUcht hunk. At 6-2i P. M . A rcomm ol atlon for Lansdale. ton plng at all Intermediate stations. At II 30 P, M. Accommodation for Fort Wash-' B TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem, al 9-ls A. M., 2 05, and 8 40 P. M 2-i;5 P. M. train makes direct connection with Ihlgh. alley trams from Easton, Scrauton, Wllkesbarre. Mahanoy City, aud Uazieton. Passenger leavins Eaa ton at 11 iO A, M. arrive In Phlladeli hla at 2-05 1. M. puHKeiiKers leave Wllkesbarre at 130 P M couuect t Bethieh,em at 615 P. M., and arrive in Phliadelpbhv Frnm Doylestown at 8 85 A. M., 510 and 700 P. M. From Ijinsdale al 7 8o A. M. From Fort VVasbington at 1110 A. M. and 10S P. If... OA SUNDAYS. w. Philadelphia for Belhlebem at 9 80 A. M. I'lilliKleli hla lor Doyleslown at 2-'J P. M, Doy lestowu lo Philadelphia at 720 A. M. Bethlehem lo Philadelphia at 4 lu p. M. Flub and Sixth Streets Passenger car convey pas Si ngers to and from 1 lie new depot. While cars ol Second and Third Btreets line and Union Hue run within a short distance of the Depot. Tickets must be procured al the Ticket CdlloslQ' order lo secure the lowest rales of fare. El. LIS CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggage checked through to prin cipal point ai Mauu's North Pennsylvania Baggag) Express Office, 111 No. 1068. Fifth street. PHILADELPHIA!! AND BALTIMORE CEHV TRAL RAILROAD. Wlu ter Arrangement.", Ou and alter MONDAY, October 7, 1867, Tralus will leave Philadelphia, from Ibe Depot of the West Chester aud Philadelphia Railroad, corner of' THIRTY-FIRST and CHESNUT Streets (West Pbllsn delphia), at 7 45 A. M. and 4 50 PM. ! Leave Rising Sun al6'45 aud .Oxford at 6'SQ A. and leave Ox ford at 3-25 P. M. A Market Train, with Pusnen ter Car attached, wTTI run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Saa si 11-05 A. M., Oxford t 11 45 M., and Kennett at It -P. M., connecting at West Chester Junction wltn a Train for Philadelphia. On Wednesdays and Bato days trains leave Philadelphia at IM P. M nui log through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7-45 A. M. con nects at Oxford with a dally Hue ot Stages lor Peaoai -Bottom, In Lancaster county. Returning, leaves Peach Bottom lo connect at Oxford wltii the Alloc. noon Train tor Philadelphia. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 4-60 P. M. mas la BlsingSnn, Md. Passengers allowed to take wearing apparel only' as baggage, and the Company will not in any oas b responsible tor an amouut exceeding one hundred dollars, nnless a special contract lie made forthesamsM Ul HENRY WOOD General Sup's. GOVERNMENT SALES. s ALE OP UNSERVICEABLE QUARTER- Dkpot QrARTKRKASTP.a' Ofwicw. Wabuinuton, 1. O., December lt, lsOT. Will be sold al public aumlon, under tbe supervision of Brevet Colonel A. P. BHiut. A. Q. M., U. S. Army, on FRIDAY, 27th Instant, at Lincoln Depot, a lot of Quartermaster's Stores, rated as unserviceable, oonp- it- ti li U In pnrt of sun Army Wagons, 8Sprlns do.. 633 Set Lead Mule Har ness. 253 Sets Wheel do., 202 Sets Wheel Ambu lance Harness, 25 Wagon Wheels, 25 Wagon Tongues, 2ll Ambulanen Whu.1. 9 Spring Bodies, unfln- inueu. 10 Two-horse Ambu lances, 1 Steam Engine. 1 Steam Worlhlngton Pump, 1 Lifting Force do., 1 Power Punch. j.uu nu. rci.u irUD. KiO do. Old Shoes. 100 do. Old Bolts. 1000 do, Old Tires, 600 do. Old Springs, 2000 Wagon Bowb; 1 1 ravelling Forge, 53 Battery do., 2119 Grain Sack, iUB M ule Pack Saddle. Together with Tool of all kinds, and other artldea not enumerated. Sle will commence st 10 A. M. Purchases must be removed within ten days from, day ot Bale. . Terms: Cash In Government funds. By order of the Quartermaster-General, J. O. McFERRAW, , ' Depmy Q. M. General. 12 20 5t Brev. Brig. General, U. S. A. ENGINES. MACHINERY, ETC, -rfSffV PENN STEAM ENGINE TnT y.fcolr'Tfr-BOILKB WORKS. NEAFIE LEVY. lltACllL'AL AND THEORETICAL ENGINEERS! Machinists, boilkr-makers, blaoS SM1H1S, and FOUNDERS, having for many yeara been in seceessful operation, and been exclusively engaged In building aud repairing Marine and River Engines, high aud low-pressure. Iron Boilers, Water Tank, Propellers, etc., etc., respectfully otter their services to tbe public as beiug fully prepared lo con tract for engine ot all sizes. Marine, River, and Stationary; having aets or patterns of different sixes, are pi epared to execute order with qtilok despatoti. Evi ry description of paltern-maklng made at the . bhonest notice. High and Low-premure Fine. Tubular, and Cylinder Boilers, or the best Pennsyl vania charcoal Iron. Forglugs of all sizes and kinds; lion and Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, t- crew Cutting, and all other work connected ia It li the above business. Drawing and specifications for all work dons. al the establishment free of charge, and work: guar anteed. 'The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of bouts, where Ihey can He In perfect-safely,, and are provided with shears, blocks, tails, etc eto.. for raising heavy or light weights. JACOB C. NEAFIEL JOHN P. LEVY, 8 1! BEACH and PALMER Streets. J. VU'OHN HUBBICK, WILLIAM H. MBBBIOK li JoHJ . COP. QOFTHWARK FOUNDRY, FIFTH AND k WASHINGTON Btreets. PUILAPKLPHIA. MERRICK ft SONS, ENGINEERS AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Engine for J and, River, and Marine Service. Boilers, Oasomeleis, Tanks, Iron Boats, eto. Cat lings ot all kinds, either iron or brass. Iron Frame Rools for Gas Works, Woikshops, andT Eallroad blatioi s, etc. Retorts and Gas Machinery, of tbe latest and most Improved construct on. Every description of Plantation Machinery, and Stigsr, Saw, and Grist Mills, Vacuum Paus, Opel fcieum Trulns, Dolecators, Fillers, Puuiplug En lilies, etc. Sole Agents for N. Bllleux's Patent Sugar BollinfC Appuraltis, Nesmytb'R Patent Httain Hammer, and Asplnwall A Woolsey's Patent Centrifugal Sugar Draining Machine. 30 RIDESBURG MACHINE WORKfik OFFICE, No. 66 N. FRONT STREET, pnii.AUir.i.PHiA. . . We are prepared to 1111 orders to any extent fat Otur nell-kuouu . . MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLKNT Including all recent Unprveniant In Carding. SplaV iiIhk, and Weaving. . . , . We inviteuhe atlentlon ol manufacturers to our w tvnsiv. works. ALrRKD JEN KB A BOM WILLI AM ROB A H X 0, 88 SLSwAK S, Dtiponf. a.nlrSlV Boll., and Vmil ' 24 I 'Tr3ToNl PAbTK AD SIZING COM' ANY oieik in Tract HocI' .iv.anrt oii.u Hile Akeulb, i. i vliAWUS 04 W ., NO, 120 COM. MERCUj Direci. - t" i-r.'elo. in iU uot sour. Is cheap and alwavS i. ? or use. Refer lo J. B. I'l'l;11; A Co.. Devar ""V. ..r William Munn. Phftadelp'. ,i. " T..,:" r sirothers. Al i pi - . 4.