THE DAILY tivmi'NG ' ' TtLIGKAriI--rfllLAt)LPIIIA FRIDAY, . DECEMBER M3; 1607. G An Outraira ou the Christian UellKu Wrom the N. Y. Independent, . It is the glory of CurisVianity that it stoop3 to tbo lowly. The proud exalt the proud. Tho great flatter the great. " The strong make fellowship with the strong. The rich rank themselves with the rich. Pat Jesus Christ was the Messiah of the poor. Horn in a manger, he made the lowliest roof sacred. The ion of a carpenter, he made the commonest calling honorable. Having not where to lay his head, he took. from poverty its disgrace. Condescending to men o'' low estate, he made pride of rank forever dspicable. Lifted up that he niigbt draw all men unto him, he thereby invested human nature with a dignity which forbids the Ftrong man to oppress the weak, forbids society to divide itself into castes, and forbids the Government to outrage its citizens. In contravention of the Christian religion, the 1'resident of the United States has once again set his heel on the necks of the lowly. His late Message is the greatest affront to the Christian spirit of the age which has been given by any Presidential manifesto since the iniquitous days of the Fugitive Slave law. With scorn and indiguation, with sorrow and shame, we have read the dull, stony, and cruel argument which the Chief Magistrate of a Christian republic has pointed against a class of citizens whom he ought to exalt rather thsn to degrade, and whom he ought to clap with the hand of fellowship rather than to smite with the gauntlet of soorn. This state-paper is without parallel and with out excuse. It is out of harmony with the Christian era. It is three hundred centuries old. It is the product of a 1'agan brain. 15y the side of the Roman Emperor who kept in his girdle a bodkin to pierce flies, let us place an American President who keeps in his ink stand a pen to stab negroes. This new document from the Whited Se pulchre is filled with dead men's bones. It crushes at a stroke not merely a multitude, hut a race of victims. It rolls, like Jugger naut, over the rights of one-sixth portion of the American people. It relights the dying fires of that martyrdom which the negro race on this continent Buffered for generations, aud ought to suffer no more. It begins again the persecutions which all mankind lately sup posed were drawing to an end. Not even Horatio Seymour, were he Governor, nor Fer nando Wood, were he Mayor, would have writteD, at this late day, a message so bitter in its accusations aguinst the most docile race in the Republic The man who promised the bliick-fnced millions of his fellow-countrymen that he was to be their Moses; the man who wrote to Governor Sharkey that all negroes who could read and write ought to rote; the man who said to Major Stearns that negro suffrage ought to be promoted in Ten nessee; the man who assured the black regi ment that this Government was not to be for white men alone this man, forgetting his pledges, forgetting bis duty, forgetting his Lord, and forgetting the Judgment Day, has shocked his own nation, and astonished man kind, by putting forth, under the solemn seal of the Executive Department, an official re utterance, in the ye:ir 1SU7, of the satanic slanders against the negro which disgraced the year lisiO'. Daring the peril of the republic, the negro was a loyalist; his master a traitor. The negro was the nation's defender; his master its assassin. The negro succored Union prison ers; his master starved them to death. Yet now, after this history, the President pro poses to deliver the ne;ro, bound hand and foot, to his master ! He argues that black loyalists should have no political rights, aud white Rebels no political disabilities. He asks for the repeal of all that Congress has done towards reconstruction, in order that Southern whites may immediately be reinstated over Southern blacks. He declares that impartial suffrage is worse than military despotism. He intimates that black men are unlit, not only to share political power with their white irethren, hut even to govern themselves. He believes that foreign immigrants should have more privileges than native-born citizens. He insists that no peril has ever yet hefalleu the republic equal to the peril which will ensue . from what he calls Africanizing one-half the country. lie maintains that what is stigma tized as negro supremacy in the South will cost two hundred million dollars a year. He concludes that the ballot in the negro's hand will paralyze all the mercantile business south cf Mason and Dixon's obliterated line. Snh an argument as the President Lis uttered against the negro could fall from the lips of no man under the Bun except a Southern "mean white." The only human being who has ever been able to shake our faith in the quality of mankind is the Southern "mean white." from any other President ever to be hosen out of this same class, "Good Lord, deliver us 1" How strangely the President's Message falls upon the ears of thoughtful Europeans 1 One President of the United States issues a procla mation emancipating the slaves; and his suc cessor writes a message asking practieally for their rendition to slavery. How the beginning of 18C3 puts to shame the end of 1867 1 How the silent sepulchre at Springfield rebukes the habbling Executive at Washington 1 Spiritual wickedness prevails In high places. "What is the remedy I Spiritual purity must prevail all the more in other places. When the Government is base, the people must be noble. When the State is false, the Church must be faithful. The Christian conscience of this nation ought to be so sensitive that such a Message from the President would sting twenty million loyalists to indignation, and ost its author Lis immediate impeachment. The Christian religion ought to prevail among the people to such a degree that a Chief Magistrate who would Bpeak against the just rights of the weakest citizen would raise as great a tempest about his head as if he had publicly assailed the Thirty-nine Arti cles. A nation that quietly looks on while its ruler tramples a negro shall be one day trampled itself. The venerable Rev. Dr. Cutler, of Urooklyn, on his death-bed, said to his friend the Kev. Dr. iyng , who Bat at his bedside, "I feel like taking by the hand the meanest beggar that walks the earth, if B0 be I may stand his equal in the kmgdom of heaven ! How the temper of the dying samt contrasts with the temper of the living President ! And how, in view of the eternal bar, all human distinctions disap pear I How, before Him who is no rnoui. of persons, both the white skin and the black lose their difference of pride ! How, judging by a true Christian test, the mind revolts at a tyrant who would use his "brief hour of au thority" for setting his foot even on a Blavo i This nation needs to be rebaptized hi the fountain of political equality. To this end, the Lord's Gospel must be more fervently pro claimed. The Christian pulpit must repreach St. Paul's Berinon on the one blood of which God hath made all nations of men. Citizen who love liberty must kindle anew its altar 11 am ft a in their brt-asts. Christian lips nmst teach themselves to say, "Who is offoudediiid I burn not if" We want to pee tyranvy swept out of the land I We want to Bee the civil and political a riclils of all American citizens established on a rock of adamant. V waut to se all sec tions and classes brought into national har mony and nnlty. We want to see justice done alike -to rich and poor, high aud low, white and black. V want to see the Christian reli gion victorious over men's pride of birth and prejudice of-ekinr- We wut to see a truer value Bet upon that human nature which the ,Ltrd thonght worthy of redeeming at so high a price. We want to see the Gospel leveling no class down, Lut all- classes np. We want to live under a Government which fears God and reppeotB its citizens. ; We want to ae an nwening Church leading the sluggish State. We want to hear the echoes of thirty thousand pulpits, proclaiming with an eloquence here tofore unheard by the ears of this generation, the inherent and ineradicable equality.nobitity, and immortality of all mankind 1 Oh, for a baptism of lire I - - A Hard Hit. J'Yf.m the A. Y. Independent, A friend showed us his hook of autographs, the other day, in which, on the same page, were a sentiment y Professor Morse, the in ventor of the telegraph, and a contradictory sentiment by the Kev. Dr. Cheever, who is LirxiBelf an electric battery. Professor Morse wrote: "Man's fundamental proneness to evil in volves the idea of government as a necessity, and government involves slavery, wbich is but a form of government, haviDg no intrinsic moral character, and hence does not neces sarily involve the idea of sin. The great and wide-spread error on this point is the prolitio source of our present national troubles. "Samukl F. li. Morse. "New Yoik, Fob. 27, 1861." Directly under the above, Dr. Cheever wrote the following: "Slavery is man-stealing, the making mer chandise of man, a crime condemned of God in the penalty of death. Slavery is the most extreme and impious perversion of govern ment, from the nature and purpose with which God hath ordained it for man's good, to an instrument of the greatest wickedness and cruelty. Hut, if friend Morse admires it, we should like to have his theory of government tried upon himself. Experience might en lighten and rectify his opinion as to its benefi cial effect upon others. "George B. Cheever. "Washington City, Feb. 18, 1SC2." It strikes us that in the above tournament the reverend doctor gave the scientific pro fessor something of a galvanic shosk. CARPETINGS. L STOCK OF CARPETING?. J nst Opened, a Full Assortment of . TAPESTRY BBl'SSELS, 3 PLY INGRAIXSi: AND EX1BA Sl'rKRFIKB INUltAIN CAB. OIL CLOTH, 12, 18, and 21 feet sheets. COIR MATTINUfci, HUGH, Etc 1. t. DEt.icnoix, SO. 37 SOITH SECOND STREET, 11 1 ftnw8ni Above Chesnut. DYEING, SCOURING, ETC. TRENCH STEAM ALOCDVLL. FriARX St CO, KO. IS. SUli -! iVERTH M AND IM. DIO RACE STREET. SlOmwl FERTILIZERS. MJIOIS IATED PHOSPHATE, AN CKKCBPiSSlKD FERTILIZER For Wheat, Corn, Oats Potatoes, Grass, the Vegetal)! Gardes, Frnlt Trees, Grapevines, Etc Etc. This Fertiliser contains Ground Bone and thebee Fertilizing ISalts. Price 4) pei ton of 2000 pound. For sale by thi ffinnfactnrers, WLLXlAM ELXIS A CO., Chemlsu, 1 28mvrf No. 724 MARKET BLANK BOOKS. J-JIGUEST PREMIUM AWARDED FOR BLANK BOOKS. BY THE PARIS EXPOSITION. WM, F. MURPHY'S SONS, No. 330 GHKSNUr Street, Blank Book Manufacturers, Steam Power Printers, and Stationers. A full assortment of BLANK BOOKS AND COUNT ING-HOUSE STATIONERY constantly on I and. 11 4 mwflm GLKAfeD how, E. M. NEEDLES & CO., H. W. Eleventh and Cbesnut Streets, Have opened a large lot of very superior TAULB DAMASKS Which they offer at il-25 and tl'50 per yard, These goods are from forced isles by the Importers, and will be found superior In quality and style to the same class ol goods uitually sold In auction, I Also, a very cbenp lot of LINEN SHEET JNUS, reduced from U to l'6 ud from 12 2fi to i'&0 per yard. Also, 0 and 4-lnch PILLOW LINEN, re duced from f 1 to 75 cents, aud from 1 IS to 87X cents. Also.alot of ALL LINEN LIUCKAB 1CI, reduced from 80 cents to Vlii cents. 'MOH CIHVHIt) QEOS1GE PLOWMAN. OAltPENTJI6 AND BUILDKlt 'To No.134 DOCIC Htrotit, 111 PHILADKLPITIA. 0 0 U N K X C n A N G H 1VAO MANI k'AITOltV. JOHN T. U A I L E Y fc CO., LiirtfH and fiamil MIN . V WiIm roiistautly on hand JuiiN T. BAJLay. . J&uua Cabcadjcv. N. E. comer of Mah k et' and WATEB Streets, Hi UAWH AND BAGGING 1 , ... V ' t'.v lM'rl,,tln, fur Grain, Hour, ba.t, ni.M-vi1.)..,iit ut l.lmn. Berne WA fCHtS, itWtiLKY, ETC, V -- i. : ! 1 1 a CHRISTMAS AND NEW S YEAR PRESENTS. tJj LEWIS LAE0KU3 & CO., BIATflOXD DEAI-m AM) JRIVELIKKS, No. 802.; CHESNUT Street, Have on band a lnrge and beautiful assortment of WATCH), , DIAMOJNSN, ar.WEI.UV, AND " niLvr.n ivAn. A large portion ot our Etoek Is en Irely new, ma le eipitsaly lor our . . HOLIDAY SALES. NEW OOOD9 CON TlND ALLY RECEIVED. OurFtock 01 WATCHES AND DIAMONDS is nil- usually largo, and the price i low. If not lower, than they can be pnrohaned In ItiU city. UhlLAL FRKSKN 18 In great variety. 12 11 til LEWIS LADOMU5 & CO., DIAMOND DCfiLCRS AND JEWELLERS, JSo. KOi2 CHEKXUT HTRiDET, Would Invite the attention of purchasers to their large stock of KEATS' AM l.AI) I t'.S' WATUEEM, Just received, et the 11 cent European makis. Independent quarter, econd, and sell-winding, tn gold aud .liver cmhs. Alto, Aom-niyACi w n i bjs oi nil sizes. Jiihruohd (Sets, iritis, ttml8, KlnRS, eto. dual. Malachite. Garnet, aud Etruscan Pp'i. In grml variety. ' r& I ! 4p KOI ID SILVERWARE of all kinds, Including a large assortment suuuble lor Itridal Freiema.; HOLIDAY PrtESENTG ISAAC K. &TAUFFEK, WATCH K8 AND JEWELRY, KO. 14 9 NOHT1I NKC!f STREET, Corner of Quarry, Philadelphia, Ac ftFsorlinent of WAKliKN, JJLWF.I.KY. &IL,VR AND 1-A.ATEn WIHE, iillTAEl.K FOR HOLIDAY H11T, AT u;ki low itiii:. i2iiwrmt C. RUSSELL & CO.,f JiO, 22 NOltTII HUTU STREET, OFFF.B ORE OF TIIK LAUUKftT KTOCKS 07 FINE FRENCH CLOCKS, OF 1IIF.1RCWN IMPORTATION, IN TIIK CAT Y. 6 26J AMERICAN WATCHES, SvTh best In the world, sold at Factory Trico C. ii A. PEQUICNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASSil, No. IS South SIXTH Htreet. 8 8 Manufactory, Ao. 22. 8. flFTB Street. gTERLINQ SILVERWARE MANUFACTORY NO. 411 I.OC 1ST sIBEETi GEO Xi G IiJ S II A.H 1?, Patentee of the Ball and Cube patterns, manufactures every description of flue (STERLING BILVEK W ARE, and oilers for sale, wholesale and retail, a choice assortment of rich aud beautiful goods of new styles at low prices. 9 2A 3m J. M. 6 II A UP. A- BO BERTS, FURS. 1867. FALL AND WINTER. 1867.1 FUR HOUSE, (Established in 1318.) The undersigned Invite the special attention of the Ladles to their large stock of I'L RH, consisting of Muffs, Tipccto, Collars, Etc.. IN RUSSIAN SABLE, . HUDtiON'B BAY 8ABLK. MINK BABLB ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, FITCH, ETO. All Of the LATEST STYLES. SUPERIOR FINISH, and at reasonable prices. Ladles In monrnlng will find handsome articles 1 FERSIANNES and BIMIAS; the latter a most bean tliul fnr. CARRIAGE ROBES, 8 LEIGH ROBES, and FOOT MUFFS, In great variety. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, 8114m NO. 417 A Kill STRKKT. A 4" Will remove to our new Store, No. 1213 Chesnut street, about May 1, 1R0S. P A tl C Y F U R Q. The subscriber having recently returned from Europe with an entirely new stock of FUKS Of his own selection, would ofler the same to his cus tomers, made opto the latent styles, and at reduced prices, at bis OLD ESTABLISHED STORK, NO. litfl MOUTH T11IBO STREET, , 10262mrp ABOVE ARCH. JAMES ItKISKY. SADDLERY, HARNESS, Ac. JiJJE UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OF TUB NEW II IAN IT KTBFF.T (SO. 1S10), BADSLKKY, IIABM'NO, AND IIORiW HCllMMllNU WOODS JIOCXI! OF LACEY, F.TECKER & CO.. It altrilulable to the following facts: Tbey are very attentive to the wants ofthetr ci.s- : turners. Tbey are satlsllc-d wits a fair busluess prollt. Tbey sell goods only on their own merit. They guarantee every strap in all harness they nnli over flu, the fault of the purchaser only who dix-u nut get what he Is guarauud and paid for. Their goods are 2b per cent, cheaper than can be bought elsewhere. They have cheaper and finer goods than cau bs bought In the city. They have tkel rgest aud most complete stocr In Philadelphia. All Harness over 826 are "hand inude," Harness from 111 lolxA Genu' Caddies from 8 to 875. Ladles' Saddle from (.0 to (1 They ae the oldest and largest manufacturer the country. LACEY, KEEKER & CC. 1148m nO.UKJ tlll-SMI UTBKET, &3 HNANCIAl. BANK I N't HOUS.i CL2 and 114. Go. THIRD CT. rmLAP'A. IJS'aicrs :n ail Oovcrnmorvt ounU OLD 6-ao. WANTKD 48) EICHOrtfeF. FCf) Hi I X i.imitAi. 8il i:k.n k ali.omtris Cotapoyrid Interest Cf, iKTiniNT iiLowin k iii i'4)sn'4, t Mhx-tlone funis st.Ktita ttobeat and sold on Commission. HfjcUl bnnlnv.M aucriiita.uvlauc!Deroourveo ioj IUIIon. 10 34 810 "y E II A V R F OH SALE THE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS Of TUB Central TaclUc railroad Corapasr, AT (95) NINETY-HVE, And Accrued Interest In Currency." These oris are payable by law, principal and Inte rcut, In gold, jiiieitst payable 1st of January ahd 1st OfJuly. . . j ' We will take Gorernmeuts In exchange, allowlug the full market price, We recommend them to Investors as a ApiUcIhss Security, and will give at all tluits the latest pam phlets and general Information upon application to us Having a full supply of these BONDS on hand, 'we are prepared to X)KLi VEK T11EM AT OMCli , DE HAVEN" & 33110.,' ; Banker and Dealers In Governments, 12 51m N. 410 SOUTH Till RO NT. b S. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. SMITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKEES AND BHOJIEn3f BO, 16 S. II:1IU)bT.,KO, 8 NASSAU KT. rilllACKLFillA. I NKW YORlt. Orders for Stocks and Gold executed in Phila delphia and New York. 1 ' GROCERIES, ETC pnCSH FRUITS, I8C7. PKAC'IIES, PXABS. PINEAPPLES, rUMM, APBICOTS, CIIF.UBIES, BLAl'KBEBBIEN, flUIKCES, IITC. rJHSCKVI AND FBESII, IN CANS AND CjllAAsi JAUM, Put np for onr trade, and for sale by the dozen, or In smaller quantities, by . MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 10 8m MO. 1204 CIIM1NUT MTHElf, JBESII FRUITS, HUD BASFBERBIES, PEACHES, PLUMS, TOJIATOES IN GI.AHH JARS AND CANS. FOR BALE BY JAMES R. WEDB, 8141 WALNUT AND EIGHTH HTS, E VV F R U I T. Double and Single Crown, Layer, S edles3, and Baa tana RAISINS. CURRANTS, CITRON ORANGES, PRUNES, FIQd, ALMONDS, ETC. AIJLEKT C. BOBEKTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, 1 17frp Corner KLEVF.NTH and VTNB Bts. RATIONAL UNION CiBOCEBT AND PBOTISION COJIPAST, Groceries and frvlslons at Coat. OFFICE : No. 23S Booth THIRD Street. STORE: No. 608 ARCH Street. Cash CaplUl. ...... ..f30,000 President- WH ILL. D. U A 1, KM ANN 11 101m JSq'EW CITRON, C1I0ICE QUALITY, 35 CTS MW CURRANTS, Choice Quality, IB ocnts. NEW KA.IBIN3, for 22 cento to 60 ceuts. CHOICE bULTANA RAISINS. PURE SPICKS, CIDJiR,COOJlINa WINE3, AND BRAN JjI KB, at COUSTV'G East End Grocery, 2 10 12t No. 118 South 8KCOND Street. FIRE AND BURGLAR FROOFSAF C. L. MAISER. M ANtJTAOTDBBR Of riBK AMD BimULiltPBttOf 8AFK8, 1UOCKMS1ITH, BEEHIAN43EB, AHi KEAEA.ll IN IttlLUIHU IIABOWAIIC, 6 64 NO. 44 BACK MTBKlif i rri A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FIRE fUiL and Burglar-prool SAFES on band, with lulde Uours, UwelllUg-liouse pan, irt-e imiu auuipuusn. prices low, y 1 1 ii lHiit Street. PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. . pAPER HANGINGS. HEW I STAHLISIlrlEaT. E, ('OBNIB OP TENTH AND WALNUT. J. C. FINN & SON3 Have opened with an ertensfve aMonrnent of DK4 O RAT1VK and I-LAlN WALL PAi'KliH, ewbrac ng very quality 10 suit all tastes. til dm INSURA.J0 COMPANIES. 1829 ciiAhatu rEiirKTUAL Franklin Tire Insurance Co. OF rillLADKLfniA. . OFFICE. 489 ASD 417 CAIKaUT ITBEET, ' AASKT ON OCTOltF.H 1,1907, ' tM,ltt4. fcapltal .......tOO.OCO", 0 Accrued Surplus ...,.,.... fremmnis UNSETTLED CLAIMS, INCOMK FOB 17, 60.UU0, !! IS, IOWttKM PAID HINCB la OVEU 3,5WO,O0O. PerpetuAl and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms, DIRKCTORH. Clmrles N. Bsncker, Georire Fslpe, Altr1 Filler, nnclM W. lewls, 11. D Ihrmas sparks, Wlliluui b. Urant. i (."ins w sitner, naDiuei wiant, OtMirue w, Richards, CITARLlUi N. It. i'rnafaanL H KOiU h. FALKjt, Vice-l'reli1uiit. J. MoALLIi'l Kit, cwirelory nro letu. H12.ll J JEOOELYK LIFU- IN&UltANCE OI' NEW VItK,HlIllAU JVOLIC1K8 NON-FORHITABLK. Thirty cl.'.ys grnce given In payment of Premiums. No extra charge Xiir rrsideuce' or trtvel In any portion or the world. Dividends declared ainuully, aud paid In cash, Dividend In iW, 40 per cent. COLTOr & bllfciLDEN, BKAJiiiiAL AUEM'IS, .:. Ki'.Vfc.VJ II A AD CUESai'T, Agents and Sollcltois wanted lu all the cities and towns In Pennsylvania and fcoutliern .New Jqr. g n s u r a n c e co:i pan y OF NORTH AMl'-lUCA; OFFICE, No. 232 WALNUT BT., PHILADELPHIA. INCORf ORATED 1794. CHARTER FEJRPETUAL. CAPITAL, eSOO.OOO. ASSETS JTAN IIAUI 8, 1SG7 0 l,7S3,367-SO INSURES MARINE, INLAND TRANSPORTA TION AND FIRE RISKS. DIRJLCT0R8, Arthur G. Coftln, Samuel W. Jones, Jonn A. Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose Wblte, Richard D. Wood, W illiam Welfth, S. MorriH Wain, Oeorge L. Harrison, Frauds K Cope, Edwurd H. Trotter, ;uwwrd s. Clarke, Willltfm UuuiiniiiKi, T. Clur ton Heuiy, Alfred D. Jeup, John P. White. joun juason Lnul c. Madeira. ARTHUR O. COFFiT. Pr.lilvnlL Piatt, secretary. WILLIAM BUEHLEH, lla-rNburg, Pa Cen'raJ Ageut lor the fetnte of Pennsylvania. 1 lii Q1RARD FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE COMPANY, (No. 630) N. E. COR. CUE3NUT AND EEVENTII ST3., rillLADKLFUIA. CAPITAL AND SVBPLUs OVEBt $300,000. INCOME I'Olt I860, f, Losses Paid and Accrued In ims, M7.0U0. Of which amount not f&iuo remain anuald at this date, f loo.i uu,(i(0 ol property hus.been 8000068111' ly insured by this Couipauy lu thirteeu years, and Kight Hun dred Lonea by Flrepiomptiy paid. DIRECTORS. Thomas Craven. Silas Yerkes, Jr., Furuian Sbeppard, Tn mus Wucli.eilar,l Aiireu cv uiueit, M. s. Lawrence, ('liar It a I, Duiiout, Henry F. Keutiev. John W. Claghorti, aohepu niapp, in. u. tTKuMAS (JHAViCN, President-. A. 8. GILLETT. Vice-President. 8 22friiw JAMKS B. ALVORD, Secretary. piRE INSURANCE. LITEBrOOL AND LONDON ASD OLODB INttUBANCK COM PA NT, ASSETS OVEB . ....$10,000,000 1A VESTED 1 TUK V. HH O VEir...l,00O00 PHILADELPHIA BOARD. Lemnel Coffin, Ksq., ICbarles S, Smith, Esq., Joseph W, Lewis, Ksq., Henry A. Duhrlug, hua., Edward Biter, Eaq. All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, AO. 6 MERUHANTtf EXCIIANQ1S, ATWOOD SMITH, 10 17 thstp6m General Agent for Pennsylvania. PROVIDENT LIFIC AND TRL'ST COMPANY OF PillLAUitLr-HlA, ' No. Ill H. ioUKilt htreet. XNCOlli UUA'I KD 8(1 AlON I'll 'li, 1805. CAPITAL, 15u,lA) PAID IN. Insurance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums: or by 8, 10, or KO year Premiums, Non-lorleliure, Annuities granted 011 fuvoruOle ' erms, lerui Policies, Children's itudowmeuts. This Compuuy. while kivlniillie liibured thesecurlty ol a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire prolils ol the Llle business among its policy holders, MonevB rrceived at luUresl, and paid on demand. Authorised by chartealo execuie Trusts, aud to act as i.Jttculor or Admiuisirutor. Assignee, or Uuardian, and in other fiduciary capacities, uuuer appoluiuient ui auy uri. 01 Luis lonmiouweaiin, or auy persou or perHons.or bodies poiltio or corporatu. SAMUEL P. SniPLKV, HKWRY HAINES. JUhHUA ii, aiuwud. li It'll ABU WOOD, RICHARD CAD BURY. T. WldTAU BROWN", W, C. lANiiVi'KKTH, t'HAhLKS 1.UKK1M. BA li UEL R. UH 1 lJL H. Y , ROWLAND PARRY, Frei-lcleiit. Actuary. WILLIAM O. LONUbTUUI'IT, Vice-President. THOMAS WlhTAR. M D., J. B. T('WftSKKI), HI') la eel leal i.xauilner. Lei;ul Advisor. Piiq;mx insurance company of phi. LA llhLPHlA. LNCOittOKA'lh.D If ill CnARTF.R PERPETUAL. This Company lusuresfrom loss or damage by nlture, etc., lor limlled periods, and permanently on bulliluikB by detionlt ol preuiloiu. The tonipauy has been lu active operation for more than H1XTY VKAHH, durlug which all 'obscs hivve JOIKKCTOUH. John L. Hodge, Duvid Lewis, Beujituilu lining, 'I'hi.tuas H. Powers, A. K. Wflleury, Kduiund OiHtlllon, -.aioiiel Wilcox, BJ. ii. AlHIIOtiy, J till 11 T. l.ewiH, Wlllitim B. Ornnt, Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharton, Lawrence Lew 10. Jr.. I.OU1H . JNOri'lH. JOHN R. W Ll I. I..KI. il. l'rHi,lunL Samufl Wilcox, Hecretury. TiMUE INf-tKANCK EXt I.CSIVELY.-TUH X1 PEN NHY LV A.N I A PIRK INbURANCEOOM. PA NY Incorporated 18i6 lerpetuai No, Sill WALNUT Blreet, oiposlle luitepeudeuue Square, TblB Company, favorably kuowu to tue ooiuuiuulty for over forty years, coiitliines to InmirH aalnnt loas or damage by tiro on I'm. lie or Privato itulldlugn, either pt rmaneutly or for a limited time. Also, on Furniture, blocks of Goods, aud Merchandise g-tie-rally, on liberal terms. . 1 heir Capital, together with a larte Surplus Fnnd, slnveHted in the mom careli.I luauner. wlilcli enatilns tlieuii o oiler to the insured an undoubted security la the case of lots, Daniel Hmnh, Jr.. Jobs Devereu, 1 lioiuaa Suiilh, Henry Lewis. Alexander rvHiirva, l'rtw I it. Thomas Ronnius. J. HdlitiKliaiu Poll.'l Vaildnck Jr. DA N I FL nil 1TH, J President. Willi O. Ceow xlx, betr-'ary v,jf INSURANCE COMPANIES. DfcLAWARF. MUTUAL SAFETY INSU hAMK COMPANY. Incorporated by the Legislature of PttnuBylvaula, JAM. , Dfuc,R. E. comer Tniitn and WALNUT Street, l'lnlndelrlila. 1 VARINK 1NSUKANCF.H On Vmels, Cargo, and IVelsUi, to all parts of th world. 1 INLAND INSTTRAtfCKS On pnortshy river,, lake, and land carriage al psrls of tbe Union. FiHK INSURANCES.. On merchandise Ruerlly. On bluii'S, Dwelling ltm.Hes, etc. ASSETS OF TIIK COMPANY. ' November 1. IaK7. 1200,000 United Males 1 nan. lo-4o..... live Per Cent. t-JOl.OOODs 131,400' JO B2.6C2S) 21(1,(170 -09 11,000-00 lasoo'oo 2.1, 375-00 ?0,000'00 1,000 00 4,270 00 lj.OCO-00 7.800 -00 noo-oo 11,000-00 2OI.MV0O 120.0C0 United Males Five Per Cent, I can, 18x1 EO.OtO United Hiaii-s 7 S 10 Per Cent Loan Tu usury Notts 1C0,(00 Plate of l'nii sylvnnla 8ix Per lent l.nni) KS.OIIO (Hy Of I'hllitdelplila bix Percent l.onu (rxempi tnuii tux ) ' 9,(i00 Mate of New Jersey bix Per Cent. Loan m tO.f-OO l' tinfylvanlH itailnad First MoriKilieMx rerl'enl Bonds.. , 20,000 Pennsylvania Kallroad, second MorigHi'H mix I'.-r Cent.. It inns,,,, 2S,iki r It ru I i.iik Ivania Kallroad Mi hr ei t. 1 111 iIh (l'pnnyl- Vaiila Kallroad i i;vr .nt...-l Bl'.txiOHaieol 'leiinice Five For Cent. Loan 7,0i'0 Mate ol leiini'M.. a six 1'nrCVnt, Ilbll lo.O" 0 slmres -t'.rk ol .. rinaiilnwn Cwt '.-bipnny iprliii'ipnl ami in tires' aor-runu id by tbecliy of I'll 1 in del ili ti T.B'jO li.11 Shwj t im k 01 I Hnun ivuiiia KaMri.Kfl 1 '(np;ii"i' H,(i0(i Hid Shares MiK-k ! Nnr ii I eniitiV Iv- nm tal!rHl t'l'irniirn 0.00 80 Slmres Mock- oT Hiiil.leliniia uud Si niliern i'i;il M aiuai.'p 1 0:11- psnv Ull,900 I.IIHHH .-ii It.-i.'.s lillil ri .ilfu.', lirst II1M1H mi itv FropeitiiN H vl,lul,4uu par. Murket value tl C'0-.t f I ,(.M,''7! lu. Penl 1 stati- Pins lt crlVHuli- lor luiirauce iiiadiv LvlHi'ces fine at Ak 'Iii'Ihs-l'i limiui" nti .Valine Policies Ac criiiii Iiiiitpi, iifil oilier dcbls cue Ihe oirit.any ( toik and Sciip of Sninlry Iiimi rnnce and otli' r Compaulos, .rii7H-00 FJatluiateil value Osn In f'aiik 4.111:11117-111 ,10Vt, ,802-M ono'00 135-67 33i'3 ,017-00 ,315-M 4.1 (fcblilu Dinner 2i.s5J KM l,.rii'7.fiit"-15 DIRECTORS. Thomas C. Hand, innies C. Hand, e tuiiiel K, ntokes, Jhiihm i'iiiiiiatr. W'lliliim i', Lii.lwle, liu'nh I. Jones, Jitroea II. McFarland .T.mhiia P. h'.vrt.. Jonn o. Davis, Juiiuuuii A. b.unler. Joseph H. Si 11I, Theophllus Paulding Hugh Craig, Edward Darl'uKton, John K. Pennine, H. Jones Brooke, Henry Slean. Oeorge O. Leltier. W-lllinm 0. Hi ulton, Fdward I.afourcade, 1 1 1 John D. Talnr. Siiencer Mcltvalno. i Henrv C. LalUtl. Jr., (JtMire W. Bernnriioii, J. 8. hetnple, Plttstiurg, I A. B. Rerger, " Jacoo iUegel il). T. ftloruitn. TflOMAgC, HAND, Pr(-Mnnt If 114 M f mviu lnAl...ui.inl - , nti - ..3, , ii-i.r.iuQu. FFNRY LY'LRUHN.Senrnary. HEN MY BALL, Absistanmucretary. 12 8 19 31 l3 1 c. To Persons Intending to Effect INSURANCE UPON THEIR L1VE9, 1 ' TEE PEN N MUTUAL LIFE INSU RANCE COMPANY, . No. 031 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Offers Inducements equal to an j other Company, and . superior to many. Tbe return premium has averaged l&rger than most Ot the other Companies. The insured participate EVERY YEAR In the divi sion of surplus, while In some companies no return la ever given for the first year's premium. All the Surplus Belongs to the Insured ! ' There being no Btockhold era to claim a share. Tbe security IB ample. The as.iein are well and sstely Invested, aud lu pro portlou to the amount of liability. INSURE NOW I ALL POLICIES ISSUED PREVH U3 TO FIRST JANUARY WILL HriAltK IN lUdi JANUARY DIVISION. v. ASSETS $1,300,000. Losses Paid Promptly. JAMES TRAQUATR, President. KAMl'ICLli, HTilKKS, Vice-President. . JOHN W. HORN Ell. A. V. V. aud Actua y. HORATIO S.bTEPU EN Is. Secretary, li Minwf3t LUMBER. 1 CiV7 SELECT WHITE PISE bOAEDS -LOO . AND PLANK. t-4. B-4, 6-4, 2, 2,'i. 8, and 4 Inch CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COMMON, IS leetlOOC, 4-4, 1-4, S-4, 2, 2',, 8. and 4 Inch WHITE PINE, PANEL PATTERN PLANKj LARUE AND SUPERIOR SlfKiK UN HAND, 1&67 BUILDING BUILDING KUILDINUI LUMBER! LUMBER! LDMBEJbtl 4-4 CAKULUflA K L.UUI111NU. 6-4 CAROLINA PLOOKUv.-.. 1-4 DELAWARE FLOORING. M DELAWARE FLOOKINO. WHITE PINE FLOORiEU, AHH FIXMJKINW. WALNUT FLOOR1NQ, bPRL'CE FLOOKINU. fSTEP ROA RDH, KAIL PLANK. PLAbTKRIN LATH. 1867; AND CYPRESS SH1NULES. 1867 W ALNUT BOARDS! , WALNUT PLANK. WALNUT ROA RDH. WAI.P.UI .TL.AINK.. LARGE biOCK BEAaONED. "1 QK7 LUMBER FOR UNDERTA KEICj XOO I . Ll'MRKR FOR UNDERTAKER RED CEDAR. WALNUT. AND PINK i QfiT ALBANY LUMBER OP ALL KINDS i,OU . ALIiANY LUMBER OK ALL KLSDM, M-.AtsONi.IJ WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. I'll KRRY, AND ASH, OAK PLANK AND ROARDB. MAlifHiANY. ROb-EWOOD. AND WALNUT VENEERS, i QC7 CIGAH-HOX MAN'UFAirrURERS. XOl I . ClOAR-l'.OX MANUFACTURERS. KPAMfll ti.DAIt ItOX bUARDd. 1 QlV7 ppruce joisri wruce jolsi XCU I . SPRUCE JOIel I FROM 14 TO H2 FEET LONG. bUPEUiOR NOKWA V SCANTLIN4. MAUI.E. RKOl Ilrilt A CO., 1 1 rp No. iouu hOUTii IsHtEST. Jm S. BUILDERS' MILL, liUts. 114, att, AND SS N, lifTI'.PiKTH ESLKR & BRO., Proprietors, Ala-ays on baud, made of the Best bo&aoned Lumber , at low pr.uis, WOOD MOCLDINf tt. LRACKETa, BALUaTERa, AND NEWh.Lt. Newels, Bulii(.te.-9, PrurbBi and Wood Momdlnga. WOOD VOULD1NMM, ER4;KETtS, RAHIbTERU AND NEWELS, Walnut and Asb II and Railing, B, 8X, and 4 Inches. l.UTTFRNUT, UUKSKOT, aud WALNUT Bfi.i(JLDIN4" n oi.'i r 1 JB C. PE K K 1 u e, LUMltllt SII'IUIIANT, Huccrtsor to R. Clark, Jr. KO. 324 CHRISTIAN KTKKhr. CnnRtRutlj on hand lare and varlod airtrnen Of LullCUii Luuitier. T ECTUEES. A KEW COURSE OF LEC-J-J tun-, as bung delivered at 11. e New Vor Museum, oi Ai'blnuiy, uibiaciiiK Hie kiilijvut-: .!i''ve d w,,ul to live tor-Youth, Maturity, and old (!-Manlinod K'i,orally reviewed - Tlia causes ol Imllnenion, (lHtiili nco, an 1 Nervous diHeasia U'et'c U ,01-iurllB8 I'hllosophh ally CoualaereO, Pi cket volumes contulnlnir these lectures will h foiwamed lo parties tiuhble to at. end 0,1 recelnt of lour btaniis, by andii.iinr r-Kelt K I'A RY . New Ll.UADVA,Nsw 12 Imi A