CITY USTJr.J.lIENCE. I m I IraB ADDITIONAL LOCAL I 1 Kk!. s . K U rslllIC TAOB Cm CoimiLP. Tio regular stated meeting' of t.ty councils was held jctcr,)ay afternoon. Toix who the business transncud: iJ"' Stokluy was In the chair, the President occupying rt sett upon tne Door. A communication was receivr-il from the Bctioul Controllers, ncuountliiK ut loiip'h tor the espun diturc of the one million collar school loan. Another wss lecr-ived Irom the smiie source askiup that Uounc.ld woul I D'irchasR a certain lot lor ichool purp"g b in tho Taentj-tourtli Ward. Another wat read a-k.i g an appropria tion of $1500 to put lnul(! rlm-'crs on the new school house at Hxiti an.l C -uie streets. A communication, numerously Mened by (.hipping nie.cuiintp, ufkin Hint t ie Schuylkill shall oe kept open for navlun'iou Hiring tho winter season. Mr. Uiitnui nmde an intTc'stinir exhibit rclntive to the pi trolonm business upon that stream, and showed t ho iinpor'.aucc of keep liifr it open, that vessels i;ibv go up to the petroleum whurves to re.-eivo cargo. The subject was referred to the Committee ot Port WhkIcu-. Thu appropi Ution ot $Z1,3U1 to the Department ot tity Co'iunissiouer), win now tukeu up. The bill whs debated at lenatb, principally upon the Hppropriu tons to the Clerk ol ihe Ouiuter Sei-siou-i and the District AUor rey. Tlie bi.l was passed, wi'h amen lmentj by Mr. Wanner, restoring to tlu oriental sums named by the Committee on lA nance au l dimin ished by Common Council, ill-' items appropri ated to the etllccrs abovo naned. Tne bill making appropriations to repair damages by the lave hail-storm to the public schools was psssed filially. A bill appropriating $185 for the payment of certain scuool-liou-e rents was also pa-sed. An ordinance settlus? apart Spriui? Garden Hall foi school purposes was Introduced; the Monroe grammar school, which it is pro posed should occupy the same, being so close to a steam suw-uiill that iu six huulred pupils are prevented from purstiiUir their studies. Referred to Committee on City Property. An ordinance permitting the mi Iron I romp-mi) s to use salt, at the rate of tlt'toen bushels per mile, to remove ic ? formed lu the nieht aficr they have removed the snow from their track by mechanical means, was referred to a committee. The securities of the Chief Kn gtneer Mcuker and the City Treasurer elect, were accepted. An ordinance whs passed nil thoriziiiir. tho temporary louu of $U6U,nU0; another making appioprialiou to the Guardians of the Poor. An ordinance was passed, restoring . to service tlie Hope and Moyanieu.siiig compa nies. An ordinance approoi'iaiing $as,123 to the Board of llevi-.ion was passed. Auother, making an additional appropriation to the City Con ims-Morii r, and one to a? th 3 Interest on the funned debt of the city, were parsed. Tua bill relative to the purchase ot the Franklin nnd Wanen Railroad was concurred in. Tne reso lution to keep the squares ooen all lue jear rouud was concurred in. Adjourned. Comrtxon Vouncil. President llarcer In the chair. The chairman called up the ordinance authorizing tne creation of a temporary loan, 'which was under discussion at the adjournment of Councils on last mee'ang day. Tho bill parsed. The Finance Committee reported the lolloping: Resolution approving the sureties of Joseph N. Peirol, City Treasurer elect-1-tased. Also, a resolution to discharge the committee from the consideration of the com munication from Wasbmeton l Bladen asking for a settlement of claims lor back salary in 1867--passed. Also, an ordinance concerning the delivery ot bonds, amounting to $18,500, tssued by tho Philadelphia City Passenger Railway Company, in connection with the building of the Chesmit street bridge Sussed. Also, an ordinance making an ad iticnal appropriation of $27 to the City Commissioners to meet certain expenses passed. Also, an ordinance providing that hereafter upon tho presentation ot city warrants at the ollice of tho City Treasurer, It shall be the duty ot the City Treasurer to pay the same on denmud, and in tue order of their piCientatiou, and in the eveutof the inability of 1 he City Treasurer to so pay the same on their first presentation, he shall cuu-,e such unpaid watriints to be stamped with date of presenta tion and cumber, and he shall tnen announce to the holders the eailiest probable time within which he shall be able to pay the same, and thereafter no new or unstamped warrants shrill be cashed until all those stamped have been fiist paid, and those stamped snail be entitled to be fiist paid, and in the order of their number, the Treasurer making previous publication, by printed notice posted on the door of his otlicu, ol the lime at which ho will be able to com mence 1 be payment of stumped warrauts, provided the City Treasurer shall, however, in no vise reluse to cash unstamped wai rants when the funds in the Treasury are suffi cient to meet the stamped warrants as well as those presented and not stamped. Passed. A communication from the Teachers' Institute, inviting Councils to attend lectures to be given at tie Central High School, was accepted. Mr. Potter submitted an ordinance to pay Dr. R. J. Levis $200 in payment tor an analysis of blood slams in connection with the Wiuuemore murder, and to pay $768 to Mr. Thomas Kalston for work doue at Fairtnouut Park. Duiing the consideration of this ordi nance the honr ol 6 arrived, which time had been made the special order lor tho bill making an appropriation to the Guardiaus ol the Poor lor lbGB. The bill passed, and the consideration of Mr. Potter's ordinance was continued. Mr. Hancock's amendment was agreed to, and the bill and ameudment passed. Tne ordinance from Select Council to take possession of the Gas Works on tbe 1st of March, 18G8, created considerable debate. Councils adjourned bsfore any action was taken on the subject. Last Evening's Sebsioh op thb National Convention ' op Babe-Ball Platers. G. P. Sands, ol Ohio, was elected President of tbe As sociation; Manning Tread way, ol Wisconsin, and Fiank B. Wood, ol New Jeisey, Vice-Presi-dmts; K. II. Gregg, of Jlliuols, Corresponding Secretary; A. 11. Rogers, Recording Kecieiarv ; and M. Long, Treasurer. The Chair reported the following committees: On Judiciary W. II. Murclm, of the Excel sior Club; J. W. Dswsou, Hurcka; O. W. Thompson, N. Y. ; J. F. Pierson, Independent; P. R. Hall. Irxtngtou, K.J.; W. H. Holoies, Oriental, Brooklyn; A. Ilanbest, Kndover, N. Y. ; D. W. C. Moore, Athletic, PhiluaelpUia; J. C. fccariell, Ohio. Committee on Kul'-s V. R. Bought in. J. S. Pape, U. Chad wick, W. R. McDnuuond, A. leek, D. D. Corner, W. C. Hudson, W. M. Hudson, T. O. Barber, and b. J. Reedi r. Committee on Printing O. O. Simons, Jhn AVildev. and J. J. lididslt-v. Alter the trausac Ion of some nnimportint bti6ines3 the Convt'Ltion adjourned. The Fihk Department TUe Board of DL rectors of tho Fire Department bell a rueetius lart evening, for tbe purpose of notuiua'iiig candidates lor Assistant Kneiueer ot the Pirt Division. The lol owinrr ecn'luuien were pluced in nomination :-Jan.e "o'lock. Harmony f ire Company; Joseph II. L-.fic. r.u.""a lre Coinpanv; John J. Maimer. H.bexnia Fire torn panv: Villiatn L. Foiman, Weecacoe F re Com pany; William Butler, r-outhwark Fire Co npanv; ThoniHs II. Peto, Hope H )-e Company; Alex ander MeCllntocK, Fame IIoe Coiipany; J ibn G. Iimler, Peii-everniee Hose Couiniiny: and Cutitletd Dortf, Good Will Kirn Company. The election will uke .laco on Tuesduv evening next, and tLe Board will meet on VVeJuoiidtiy ricnt to near me returns. AMUSJSMFK TS. Aotemt op Music Mrs. Lander fakes her farewell benefit this eveitlu-', aud makes her last appeaiunct but Ou this S'-ain. Mrs. Lan der asmroes tlie roU of Lady Macbeth," anl xtr .inmeM II. Tavlor enacts the ourtot "Mac ttth " iu Shakespeare's sublime traaedy of ihat .,un,.. Mrs. Lauder will De sunporteo oy Mr, i oiii o. Mr. Beck. Miss Minnin Monk, Mis Ida Leslie. Miss Jennie i sll the I avoi ite ,.v i,..r irniir n A Biroiiur cli nis has been pro .,iUt nnri Mil thi music of the iilav will be i flTiently rendo'ed. We hooe that tti" stormy veuther will not prevent Mrs. Laudtr's hosts THE DAILY' EVEN of fitcrdsand admlu-rs irom being present at tbe Acn;etr)y this eveuiui'. TnE La Crnnge-liiignoH Italian Operi Troupe, , under ihe directiou ot Max Sirakosch, will open on Mononv evecli g, at tho Academy ot Music, in II Trovalore, Verdi's masterpiece. M'inel.a, Grange will appear as "Leonora," Miss A'lelm le Phillips as "Azucena," Sintior Mrignoli as ' Mau rieo," and Sipnor Kandoltl as "Count di Luna." On Tuenlay niett otma will be presented, and on Wednesday Ln I'avonta, Max Maretzik will commence a season of two weeks ot Italian Opera, at the A.':ele ny of Mu'ic on Monday, J mnary 8, with M'me Pa ippu liosa as prima I'onna asso'uli. The Citeenut. Mile M.irle Zoe takes her farewell binetit this evening, and presents an unususliy attractive bill. ble will appear in the tlnillmg drama ot Darner a' da, in which she will speak in Fnelih for the first time in this city. Zoe is a real artiste and deserves a crowded house to-niuht. At the matinee to-morrow ntteinoon, M ile Zoe will appeqr in the, French (SpV foi the lust time, in which drama she has no superior now on the American stnge. To morrow nlelit, farewell performance ot Zoe in Philadelphia. Mad'lle Fanny Janausciiek mskes her first nppe-irnnro at the Clieuiit Street Theatre next Monday evening, lu Grillparzer's gieat tracedy of Mei'ea, supported by her full German trouoe ot hMrions On Tuesday evening Adrienne L couvrtur will be produced. TnE Aitcn. Mr. Edwin Adam. for his benc!it to-mphi, oilers an aitrnctle bill. Ho appears as ' Sir Bernard llarleigh" in Dreams of le'u fion, and as "Rover" in the pleasant comedy of 11 i d Vols Iu both ot these pieces Mr. Adams will be supported by Mr. Maekay, Miss Lizzie Piicc, Mr. Craig, Mr. Ileuiple, und others. For the Christina holidays Mrs. Crew will have a Kiatd revival of the military drama of Ours, which was so successful laot season. The Walnut. Mr. Brougham appears in his great (atire upon the people of the day, called 2he Lotiiri of Life,ior the seventeenth time, to-n'tht. Ihe success of this new play U tiuly wonderful. Mr. Frank Brower gives his favorite minstrel fecne in the third act, as usual. Mr. Brougham announces Iuj benciit to-ntght. America TiiEATRr. Martini Chiriskl, the acrobat and juggler, is exhibiting to good louses at the American. The beautiful foun tain of many colors is as popular as ever. A Clinstmus pantomime ib ln preparation. TnE following Is the procramnie for Mr. Hasa ler's concert next Monday afternoon, at Concert Hall: L Overture "Remlramlite," Jtosstnl. 2. 8olo for French JJoi n "Her'tnni'," T.uebeck Mr. Knten msclier. a. eirnnd Vleiory Mureti (new). Llhzt. i. Vecal Quartet "tiearcliing lor Ood," Krenl.r Mr. Ural, llerwlg. Miller, and Thnley. 6. Mlnnetto 1 rem Sj mi liony, No. 2. In F. Hrj-cIm. 6. Overture ' I oel and !' nl," 8ui e, 7. (Jrnd Operalio SpUh. tion "Kia JUlavilo," Auber. 8. Oalop "Tout a Voua." Kiiebull. 'J lie conductor, Mr. Simon nnaRler, litis In Botlve preparation "The talaris," Ileimeti; 'Robespierre," J.nioUV; "Lrs I'relu es," I.lszt; "Le Kevell du Lion" (ilin Wnklng uf the X.lon), Koulbkl; Flumbeuu Dauce, M eyerlmer. liiori upen at half-rest 2. Overture at half past s. Tub Germania. The following is the pro gramme for the Concert to-morrow afternoon at the Musical Fund Hall: 1. Overture. "Le Hot dY vetot" A. Adam 2 Horg, "Hrl Kinii" F. Hchiihert a. Vaii7. "Nit ht Violeis" J. Lauuur 4. ALdaiite con moto, from biuioule JSo. 4. Mendi'Ksohu 5. Overture, "Semtrnmlrte" (by reqnest)...,.o. KnSslnl 6. Hopua and Cavalina. from "Altlla". U. Verdi 7. Finale from "Oberon" (first tlme)....C. M. v. Weber Seventh Street Opera House. This week Mr. Budwortn appears in a new p!ny, iu which he eives imitations of celebrated actors; and a complete change of programme is anuounced. Mr. Kennedy, the Scottish ballad singer, gives two exhibitions at Musical Fund Hall, on this and to-morrow evenings. MARINE TELEGRAPH.. For additional Marin Newt tee First Page.. ALMANAC FOB PHILADKLPHIA-TUld DAT, "on KiHH...u.....MMmn.7'lB Moon Risra. ........ 77 Sn Hm. 4 118 Hmw With 8 U1 PHILADELPHIA BOARD OF TBADK. F. A. Sot'DBB, "I UKUEIlI L, Ul'ZBY, JiONTHI,Y COMMITTKIC, bAWUKL K KTOKKS, ) MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAME11S, FOK AMKK1UA. Atlantic 8outlianipton...lSew York Nov. 27 VliKliita. ?....L.Iverpooi...JMew yoric Nov. Z7 ot Antwerp... .LIverpool...New Yoric Nov 27 Fulum- .....Havre Mew York Nov, 2S Alleuuiiiultt..aoiitlianjptou..New York -Nov. 29 Ataluula L,onuon JNew York -Nov. mi Tarlla Llverpool...New York Dec. g I ulon isouiiiampion...iMew York Ubc. 8 O. ol feimiou I.lverpool...New York I)m. a Helvetia Llverpool...New York Deo. 4 AiiBlrln.........Llverpool...Portland Dbo. 6 J ava. Liverpool...Boion Deo. 1 rHIU1 J uiTri,nnii,iDlT I Ul K , U&C, 7 '. ol N.York I.lverpool...New York Iho. i Vllle de Paris.... Breni .New York.... ...!.. 7 thlcago ,......L.lverpooi...Isew York Deo, lo run. nu norn.. Ktna....... ..New York.Liverpool Deo. ranee ..xsew i orK... Liverpool .Deo V. KliiKtlom New York...UlftMKOW.., Iu. 1 eo. Iea Ilea. ........Deo. . Duo. ra...lua. Nentor iau. Puriluud..,.. Liverpool. BoruKla New 1 ork... Hamburg.. Perelre.M .New York. Havre Cella- ...New YorkLondon...... Allemanula New Yorkllaniburx.. Heolu Mew YorkLiverpool., llluuesola New Y oik... Liverpool. ,.Dea, Cniua Bon ton Liverpool ..Dec. UOAbTWIBK. DOMKHTIO. KTLl WyoDalDfr.... Pbllada -Bavannali... .Deo. 14 BanllHgo deCubaNewYork Aspinwall.... .. ... Dec. 14 Tonuwaoda.... Pbllada. Bh van nah. ..., Deo 14 j-iuiiri?r,. w limillKLOQ.. .XJeO. 9 Juniata.. .... .Phllaaa .New Orleans. ...Deo 21 Klnlnitbtar .New York AsDinwall nn u, uuiuiutruir iew i ora... rtio J aneiro. ,Deo. S3 .N. America. New York Klo Janeiro.. ....Jan. i.t Itnea. The steamers for or from Llnriumi o-n . aa hub nr iurwKruni ut uvurT auamer in mi.i.. Queenntown, except the Canadian line, which call at , tiii.iiiutirrrrr, I u niiur lurur irom lUeClOnU- CLKARED YWTEHDAV. BteamsbtD Roman, liaker. lJoKton. H. Wlmn. .a n iJnrque Aleiamler McNeil, Andrews, Charleston. Lu BriK Nazarlne. Murphy. Barbados. J. It. Rue 4 Co BiIk Kolus. KeulircKik. HaBiburc. (!. C. Van II, in, ' fcclir tutr, Uainmond, Norfolk, Workman fc Co, ARRIVED YH8TERDAT. Fchr A. M. Kdwards. Hliinlin. (mm Near Vb lk ..II I., A V a. . Jfr U ... ' " t-chr w, o. Dearborn. Scull, from nh n,dHe. to r&Dtulii. ' bcurj. Wliubv. Henderson. 1 dav from Pri v.n. Dei., wltti grain to Christian A Co. ' t-i lir Kace Horse, Brans. In m Cape Ann, Hleemer Blaek Dlam-'Ud. Mereonn. 4 hoiim trnm xsw i ui a, w ii u uiuttu. bo vr. ai, jMtiru o vh. . . MEM OKANDA, (nip Biominnn. Cowen. irtiiu Liverpool for Pbtla. uni'iim. T-aa ui, riiiui i.vnas. s r, M. zstl ult. (Mehunhip Arie. Matthews, for Philadelphia, cli aied at Boston lutb lest. Mean. ship iluiiter, Rogers, hence, at Providence luih liisl. Baniue Deslah, OUkey, hence for Antwerp, at Flushing ?Hti ult, Baiciue t ma. Bjerhaas, for ruliadeipnia, entered en i ai i.oiiiion win iiiu Buique Jennie, Biaiidea, hence for Antwerp, at X imbiiihk zvi u oil, BuiqneM K. LUihy, T.lliby. hence, arrived o(T Port ia" " i-Kiiiroav aiifrniMin. ana remained outside hllllbet Moildav eveiilnLT. llitMhlntn vet. I ,i helnu leeil ue. The u. b. steamer Maliuniug had gone to tier Hr,,- iHl.nce. Barque Industrie, Blchoft, hence, at Leghorn 22d u 1 1 mo. Barque Olivia Davis, Shcurds, hence, at Port Mtthon - b int., via (Jiiayadiiil, R K M. A. Heed. Reed, hence, at Portland 11th Inst, Br,rC. Uctarlliy, Kurcly. heuce, at fct. Jago do Ceoa mun int.. via kuhiiimuiiuio. Belir N Jt. Hklimer. Preston, trom Taunton tor Phi lm eiiiliiK ut New York Inn lust. hchr, I'rowell, lor Philadelphia, cleared a' ew York llib Inst. Hchr Sidney Price. Oodlrey, hence, at Savunnah 3th '"hchr'wjllow Harp. Davis, henoa, at New Haven he hr VV. Wallace. Scull, hence, at Providence loth Krhrs" American Eogle. Wiaw, for Philadelphia and t u j-lcyd. Kelly, for Newport, sailed Iroiu Puw .,,. i,..i iniV; k Hiim'ickson. Wlnsniore. for Phlladeliihla, '-."r? ?l in" l"'," 'rv: J. n. Thnmnson. Van s.i l- and V isharp. Kharp, hencs tor BoMon; Halo, ,Vl ...... f! .... m,. i ester: f B. Austin. Duvls, heme for Hoitiury: and rt. A. Honmau. Haley, hence lor K si.,n at Holmes' Hole WlU fehra M. lulev. Hliev. heuee for Boston, and Hia wsIIih. Howard, hence for WoyuiouHi, at liulii Hei.r Ceiiiuiemn. riiillun. hence, at Alexandria 11th Iraiant. ... . Helir M. F. Taher. Morris, for Philudelphla, Cleared at Wilmington, N. C 1UIU lust. G TELEGIiAPH PHILADKLPIIIA; FKIDAY, DECEMBER' 1 Rrhr (). H. Ttourke. McAlmon. iienne. tor SU Jihil N. B, has put Into Holmes' Hole wltn losiof lore- mun and malnlepinant. SehrJ, H. Allen, Ketchnm, hence for Boston, at Holmes' llole'lh InHU KehisT. J Trsfion. Taeley. hence for Porismonth: W. M. Wilson. Brown; and Kil'.a anil Hubecoa, Price, heuee lor Boainn. at llolmes' Hole Sib Inst, tolirs K. a. Kniery, Youhr, and M . v.cnoa. rainen erir. henre lor Boxton: and A. K. Craiiraer, Cramuer, lenrr lor Hnlem. at Holmes' Holo uih Insr. Hies met Norfolk, Vance, benoe, at ltionmona idio Ltlsnu . , . . . . . . Mlt-CKLLANY. Ci 1. . ni ..I AiitriialA Ma M II rmiiacl with chr 1 aniommint. from PniladelphlH.orr I.eug Island, and bad bulwarks anive. spill lores.ill, elc. The Tantamount lost, jiobnoui, ami was towed up to iiCBlou ou 9i h Inst, by steamer Clover. S A A C D. EVANS, MAMTf ATTl Itrn Alt!) DCALKR IU Oil S. TAINTS, VAKMSI1ES, Naval Stores and Soaps, WO. 19 HOKTH PKMtfABE AVKItJE, in R t.m 3p PFTTTjAI' MjjPHIA CLOTHING. QUE PRICE ONLY. JOHES OLD ESTABLISHED OxVJE I RICE CLOT lil WG Si O USE, No. G04 MARKET St., ABOVK BIXTII. For style, durability, and excellence a workman ship, onr goods cannot he excelled. Particular atten tion paid to customer work, and a perfect fit guaran teed ln all cases. 10 MfrawSm CARRIAGES. QECKHAUS & ALLCAIER Bespectlully Invite attention to their large and varied stock of SUPERIOR FAMILY CARRIAGES Of latest styles, with all the most recent Improve ments of finish. ELEGANT LANDAU, Just completed. Also, CLARENCE COACHES AND COUPES of dlflerent styles. MANUFACTORY AND WABEROOMS, NO. 1S04 FBAKKFOBD AVENUE, G I rard Avenue. n8fnw0mrp FURNITURE, ETC. pURNITURE! FURNITURE! MODERN AM) ANTIQUE! PARXOH, HALJL AND CHAMBER SUITS AT ItEDClXD PBICEN. Onr facilities are such that we are enabled to offer at very moderate prices, a large aud well assorted stuck of every description ot HOUSEHOLD FUKNi TURK AND BEDDING. Goods packed to carry safely to all parts ot ths country. RICHMOND A FOKEPAUUU, 921 tf NO. 40 H. NFCOND ITBEF.T, JO HOUSEKEEPERS. I have a large stock of every variety ol FTJliNlTUKK, Which I will sell at reduced prices, conststlnc of PLA1W AMD UAKSLU TUf CUH AUU ttUilU WALNUT CHAMBER SUITS. PARLOR SUITS IN VJS.LVKT PLUSH, PARLOR eCITS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN BKPH. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Book, cases, Mattresses, Lounges, etc etc. I. P. OU8TINE, 8 1 flm N. E. corner SECOND and RAUS, (Streets. ESTABLISHED 1705. A. S. ROBINSON. French Plate Looking-Glasses, ENQRAVINOB, FAINTINtiB, DRAWINGS, ETC Uamufacturer of all kinds of aOOKINO-ClaVABS, PORTRAIT, AND PIO TUBE FRAMES TO ORDER. No. lO OHESNUT STREET THIRD DOOR ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, Pin lad it Lewi A. 1 16 Q P E C I .'. - NOTICE. BALANCE OF IMPORTED FRENCH FUR, N ITU BE, ttUITABEE POR HOLIDAY PRESENTS, Closing out at Reduced Prices, at MR. I. LUTZ'S FURNITURE STORE, 11 go Jit No. 121 Bouth ELEVENTH Btreet. COAL. B. MIDDLETON & CO., DEALERS IN HARLEIUH LEHIGH nd KAULN VELN COAL. Kept dry under cover. Prepared expretmly for fumllT amlly nse. Yard, JNo. WABiiuiuiua Avenue, onice. No. M WALNUT Rtreek TS XaTILLIAM STILL'S COAL DEPOT, Nos VV WIS, 1218, and 1 WASHINGTON Avenue. I he best qualities ol Coal, for douieallo or steam uie, AKCU STREET. 600 GRIFFITH & PACE. PATENT BIRD CAUFN, FIXE SKATES. DLAOtlNU TABLES. BOOK SHELVES. BRITANNIA WARE. f WIHTINU ESiU. HOBU BOXES. AND IIOUSE-FURNISII. INO SJOOli. I'l tw fOIION AKI) FLAX, J BAIL VVCK AND CANVAS, ' y v)f all uumber. aud brands Tent, Awning, Trunk. Vud Wku tover Uiio Also, l'sper Maiiutiictureiu' Drier Fells, from one.i several ieet Wide; ( siiIIok, Renins:, ball Twine, eto, JOHN W, VKHMAN ft CO.. I tif A, lu JONHU' Alley. PROPOSALS 1DUOPH8AL8 FOH ARM v TBaSBPOKTA- orrrrR chtf q v a rtkrwa" ttr, i FonT I.kavkn wiibth, KaesHs, Nov. is, 117. : Penled pronosaiB will be received at this olllee until litM'cieck At, ihe nth ol January, im;s, for the trant- ertutlon of nillltsry sneiilles durlnn tlie year com- reeiirintt April l, lsss, aud ending March ai, IW, n ne loiioMiug routex: ROUTE KO. . ' From Fort TTnrker. K iniiM. Fort TTavs. KUnsn find anyottier pot ntor points that mayhdMlRnaied by in l.lel uuarietninnier in i ariuieni 01 in ntiswuri. on the I'lilon paeltlc Railroad, K. I)., to any plaei hut may he designated bv the alilpplnx oitltier. In tne Bime ot Kansas aud Territory of Colorado south ( Islllude 4u decrees North, and to tort Union, Ne Mexlro. or Olher depot ihat may bedeslnaled In that Territory, and to any other points on the route to that t'VH , . From Fort Union, or such othpr depot as maybs eeiabllxhed in the Territory of New .Mexico, to any pests or ntui Ions that are or may be established In Unit I errltory, and to Mich posts or stations as may be de signated In the Territory of Arisona, ud ln the btale ot Texas, west of lonxtttide his degrees. KUUTK 0. D. ' From such point as may be de I mated on the Mlv ' 11 rl Pue.illn kailrond. HoiitbweHt llranrh of Missouri I'sclllc Itallroad.or Ihe Union Pacific Rsllroad, b' i to For. Oibsou, Ji rtlsn Territory, or such oilier p lnt as may be established as the ujilltary depot lu that l rriiory. The welcnt to be transported dtirirr the year win not exceed ou Itotite No. 2, 2(i.otK),lxiopoundM; on I nine 2o. s. s.iAKi.otu pounds; and ou Rome o. 5. z.two.uuo pounds. I'repi.sais win ue mane ior eacu mine separaieiy. Kldtters will stale the rale rer lwi pounds per 110 Dilles at which they will trausport (he store In each inoiiih of the vear. besluuiuK April 1. istiS. and end- li u Msrell 81, 18( S. Itldilerswlll give their names In full, as well as their plsees ol residence, and each proposal rnuf. a ai cniniiatiUd by a boud In Ihe sum ot leu tlmuiaiid (fio.ion) dollars, duly exeonttd by two or ruorere sponsiiile persons, lu lenul form and properly sininped, liiiaruiiteelnK that In case the coi tract Is awardml for Ihe route mentioned In the proposal lo tho party pro posing It w ill he accepted and entered Into, and KOod and tulllclHiit securliy fornlslied by snlil pariy lu ac cordance with the terms of this ad verilseninnt. .Kneii iiiaser musi lie piesent at tne opening or tho proiiesnls, or be represented by his attorney. 'J lie contractor will be reuutred to give bonds In the follow leg ami tints: Ou Route No. , 2li0,f0n. Ou Rou e No. 8, tli,.rtKJ. On Route No. , Ito.eto Hatisfuetorv evh enee ot the lovaltv and sMveney of eseli bidder und peraou olltred as security will be re quired. Freposals will be Indorsed "Prop' sat for Army Transportation on Rouie No. "2," '8," or "5," as the case may be, and none u-ilt be mtrrUiinrd unlest llwy Ciimily with the rtqutrcmtnt of thu advin Utr.mciU. Tiie'parly to whom au award Is made must, be pre pared to execute the contract without unnecessary cieluy and to Rive the required bonds for tUe lallUml penormance of the coiuraot. 'IheiiKht to reject any aud all bids that maybe offered Is reserved. ' The contractor op v;a route must oe in readiness for service by the It-', daf April, ist8, and must have a idaco of business f agency at which he may be eommunlcatt d wlih readily. For Route N . 2 at Fort llarker, and such other polntB on tne railroad as may he designated as the starling point ot the route; for Route No. 8 at Fort Union, New Mexico, orsucb other point as may be established as the depot, aud for .Home ino, o ai j.eavenworiu, juusas. Itluiik forms showlnit the conditions ot the contract to he entered Inio for each route can be had upou ap plication at this ollice, or at the ollice or tne ijuiiru-r-rtiaster at New York, t'hlcr.iro, (St. JjoiiIs, ist. I'atil, Fort Leavenworth, Omaha, Ltnver, C. T and 8anla Fe. aud must accompany aud be a part of the pro posals. o Deputy Qtiartermaster-tteneral, 12 8IJU t .y. M. Dep'l of the Missouri. HEADQUARTERS DEPOT OF JHti PLATTE, CM IKK QlTAKTKRMASTKR'S OFFICU, 1 Omaha. Nen.. iNovemner-zu, is7. 1 JPROrORALS FOR ARMY TRANSPOKTA ITO.V. Bea ed I'toi esnls will be received ai this otllce until ll M.ou THURSDAY, the id day of January, Its, for the trausportatlon of Military fciupplies riiirlin? the year ron.meuclng April 1, isr8, and ending March 81, 1ku, on Route No. 1, from Cheyenne, Dakota, or such other points as may be determined upou during the year, on the Omaha branch of the Union 1'acitio Ralireau, west of Cheyenne, io such posts or depots as are now or may be es'abllsbed ln the Ter ritory ot Montana, south ot latitude 47 degrees, In the Territory ol Dakota, west of longitude Ml degrees, lu the Territory of Idaho, east ol longitude 111 degrees, ai d In the 1 errltorles nl lltuh and Colorado, nonh of latitude 40 degrees. Including, 11' necessary, Denver cny. The weight to be transported during the year on Route No. 1 will not exceed twenty-live million (J.iKO.onii) nounds. Rldders will btate the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport the stores lu eaoti month of the jear beuluulug April 1, 18BS, aud ending Murch ai. lhtiii. Rldders should give their names la full, as well as their p. aces ol residence, and each proposal should be accompanied by a bond in tbe Bum of ten thousand (fiOiKHij dollars, sinned by two or more resnonsiole persons, legally executed and properly stumped guar anteeing mat in case a contract is awarueu ror tlie route uiontloned ln the proposal to the party pro posing, tne contract will ne accepted ana enierea into, and snod and suftlclent security furnished by said party ln accordance Willi Ihe terms of this advertise- menu i.ach bidder mnst be present at the opening ot the proposals in person or be represeuted by his at torney. The contractor will be required to give i)0,0O0 bonis. (Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and peison oueruu as security win uo te oim-pd. Proposals lriust be Indorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation on Route No. 1," aud none will be en tertained unless thev lully comply with the require ments ot this advertisement. The nariv to whom the award Is made mnst be prepared to execute the contract at ouce, and to give ine reqiurea Dunus ior me inuuiui periuiiuauce ui the romract. The right to reject any or all bids that may be often d Is reserved. The contractor must be In readiness for service by the 1st dav of Anril. 1S68. aud will be reaulred to have placed bustuess or agency at which he may be communicated with promptly aud readily, for Route No, 1, at Cheyenne. Dakota, or at such other point a may be Indicated as the starting point or the route. Hianka forma showluir the conditions of the con tract to be entered into, can be had on application at this otllce, or at the ollice or tbeQuartermaster at New York, Ut. Louis, Fort Leavenworth, ban la Fe, aud Fort Bnelllug, and must accompany and be a part Of the proposals. By order of the Quartermaster-General, WILLIAM MYERS. Brevet Brlg.-Gen. , Chief Quartermaster, Department oi ine nuiie. ui im PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANSPORTA TION. OrriCB Chief Quahtkbmastkh, Due aktmknt or Dakota, Ft. Padl. Minnesota. Nov. 18. 1807 , Reeled proposals will be received at this otUce until It o clock M., on theiotb day of.January, iss lor Ihe trausportatlon of Military Hupplles during the year ccnimeuciug April i, lsbj, ana euuing Aiarcu si IKCB. on Route No. 4. trom Halo I Paul. Minn., or bulu Cloud. Minn., by the shortest road or line, to such Posts as are now or may be established In the Htute ol Minnesota and lu that portion of Daffota Territory lying east of the Missouri river and bounded by It, and from Fort S-tevensou, or other designated point on Ihe Missouri river, eastward to pieseut posts, or Biicn vs may ne esiaousuea east or norm oi tuai river, In Dakota Territory. The-wdebt to be transported on this Route No, 4 shall not exceed tea mllllua pounds OO.otxi.ouu puuuos,; 11 dders will state the rte per one hundred ( 100) pounds per one huudred (Wo) miles forei ch inontn of ine year uegiuniug April 1, leuo, auu euuiug juarcu ji lhl'.H. Kiddera should give their Dames In full, as well as their pluces ol residence, and each proposal should he accompanied by a bond In tbe sum of ten thousand dollars, binned by two or more responsible persons, guaranteeing that In rase a coutraet la awarded lor the route mentioned In the proposal to the parly pro posing, ine contract win ne accepted aon entered into, and good aud sulllclent security furnished by said purty lu accordance wlih the terms of thla adveruse- ntelit- The contractor will be required to give bonds In the Bum of one hundred thuusand dollars l' (i.ihki.) batlslsclory evidence of the loyally and solvency of each btdder and person ollertd as security will be required. . Proposals must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation on Route No. 4," and uoue will be entertained unless they fully comply with the re quirements ol this advertisement. Tl.e party to whom au award Is made must he pre pared to execute the contract at once, and lo give the eqiilred bonds lor thu iullulul performance of the Vlie right to reject any and all bids that may be ottered Is reserveu. The coutrrctor must be In readiness for service by the 1st dav ol April, IstiS, and will he required to have a place ot business or agency at which be may be com municated with promptly uud readily lor Route No, 4 at Saint Paul, Mluuesoia, iott bleveuaon, Dakota '1 errliorv, or at si ch oilier point us uiuy be ladioiiled us Hie Blurting point of the route. Jtlsnk iorms, Bhowlug Ihe conditions or the con tract to be entered Into, cuuhe hud ou application at this ellice, or ut the otllce of the Quartermaster nt New Yoik, Chicago. Hi. Louts, Fort Leavenworth, Omit.ia, and Fuit bnelllug, and must aucompauy aud be a put t 01 the proposals p. B. noLABTiyn, Lknt.-Col., Deputy u. M. ami., Rrevet Brlg.-Oen. U. B. A., 11 80 tJlt Chief Q. it., Department of DukoU. piTLER, WEAVER &. CO., MANUFACTURERS OB" MANILLA AND TARRKD CORDAGE. CORDS, TWINKS, KTC. No. 21 North WATKH tsueet. snt No. 22 North DS LA WAM Avenue, . ' IHll.AllKI.l'UIA. . IhWlN LT. Fiti.kk, Mie-nAEL Wbavkh, CoisttAD F. Clotuika. 12 n 3, 1807. SHiPFiriG eftf' STKAM TO LI VribU'HOL. O-tLTANI uLi.ihArg(,hK.huivN. , i ne i union i,i ne, sailing n,;.M i- iw. iv u i . ran j i. s Ihe t lined htsLus ttlulis. r. I N A : .Snturd iy poeMt'er 1 1 ,...s ,i unlay , I)-c-niiier il ....(a'tirdsv, I leivniher as H.itunl iy, J tnini-y 1 .talurdty, Janury II and Weduesday, at CITY OF lit IS I (IN ( I I V OF ItAl.TIMOttK t IT Y UK LONDON tlTY OF WASUiMilON. and each sneceeilliii; xtni'i nonn. from f er Nil 48 NdK l II River. Hull's of I'u.' Knee U tLu Muil htcimer sailing KVIKY hATUKDAY: l'syslile lu Uo'd. Pd) able lu Currency. . First Ci bla..... InelsieerBso - M ' . IO l,t,H4l01V P1-''! '' tu l.iinlon " tol'srl 1 1 to Pari-. 4S I'Mssaim bv ihs Wi dm S'inv steaniern - Klrsi Cabin, Sim; Meerrte ?::0. Ksyaliie In ImIi,m1 -t n'e4 cm re irr. Fa.enuers also forwaided to llavr.. Hamburg, Bre men, etc.. ai ne dernte f.tles uteeruao nnxsage Iroul Liverpool Or Queens own, Stn. rurreiiov. Tlokeia oan he botiKht here by per.-mns sending lor tiieir irteinH, For lurtner luiotmauou seny at the Comoany's cilices.. JOHN t DA.LK Agent, 121' No. 4IlCltKNUT Mreet. 1'lilla.j fct-fv PA88Alt TO ANH FUOlv t7n1Jl-J" OHKAT BRITAIN AND 1KFLAKJT XiX SlItAllfiUir BllSAl,KlirAl.Kl(li AT RF.DLCKD HATM. DltAFJH AVAILA KLK.TJI ItOUO HOI'T ENrtfASf . IRELAND, HtKTLAND, AND WALUH. For particulars apply to TAPHCOT'I'M, BROTHKRfl A CO, No. 8fi POCT11 htreet, and No. 28 bKOADWAY, . II OrtTHOH.T. HKAKLK. No. 217 WALNUT : t&UfeiJh' COMPANY. ' Tt rti ti Lin to California. rla Poasms r or Nlosrtgua, Ballnzfr m New Y'ork December Bth and IStli; January Bth, lath, and 2sth, and February iMh aud 2.'ih, with New bteamsblps ol the First-class. Passage Lower than by uny ouinr Line. For further iiiloruiatiiin addr-ss the uilderslened. at No. 177 Wain' btreet New Y'ork. V. is. lAssisnivn, Agent. Or THOMAS R. sKARt.K, No. 217 WALNUT Hlreet, 12 8 3m Philadelphia, Pa. THE I'lllLAUDLI'IIU AM) SOUTHERN HAIL MKAMMIHP COM. ANY'" RhUCLAR SHM1-MONTIII.Y I.INF.. FOR NEW H l.KAN St, Lt.,VIA HAVANA, JVXslATA, 1-15 tons, t'apluiu P. F. Lloxle. BTAROF THE UN10N.lt7S tons. Capt. T. N.Cooksey. Ihe JUNIATA will leave lor New Orleans on Paturdny, December Ui, at S o'clock A. M., lroui Pier is, oouiu wuarves. Tlie BTAK OF TLTK UNTON will leave New Or. leans tor this port ou BUurduy, Deceniber 1, j nrotign nitiB oi iiioiug siguea ior ireigui to nionue, Oalveslon, Natchez, Vicksburg, Meaiphls, Na&Uvilie, iairu, ri, XjOuis, iomsvuie, auu uinciunati. AaeuisbtNew Orleans, Creevy Nlckerson, t Co. -VILLI A M L. JAM FN, General Agent, CI1ARLF.U K. JjJLkl'Js, Freight Agent, 11 22 No. SI4 8. Delaware avenue. wtPr TJMB l'llll.Ir:i.IllI.lL AND 2wLkse;.. SOUTHERN MAIL KlfcAMbiUP OuM UiM'U RKOULAK hKM I-M ONT11 L Y LINK Wll..niV4jT4S, N. . i ne stenmsiiip I'lOiVthB, nu tons, captain j. lien belt, will leave lor the above port on Thursday, December IS. at 6 o'clock P. M.. lroui Pier Is niiilIi Wharves. Rills ol lading signed at through and reduced rates to all principal points in North Carolina. . Ageuts at Wlimlnglou, Worth fe Daniel. WILLIAM L. JAMK4, General Agent, CHARLLEi K. DILKKS, Freight agent. 11 2', No. ;II4 8. Delaware avenue. T S I 1. A . W A A W 'fo BOUI HKRN At AI L bl KAMslilP COM.- t'OU S.A W ANNAll, SJA. TOKAWANl'A, SCO tuus, CatHatu Wui. Jennlug3. W O.M1NW, Sot) tons, Captain Jac ib Teal. 'ihe steamship WYOMINo will leave for the above port ou Saturday, December 14, at 8 o'clock A. M., irom Pier is bouth Wharves. Through passage tickets sold, and freight taken foi all points In connection with the Georgia Central Rail road. WILLI AM 1.. J AMKS, Ueueral Agent, CHARLES E DILKFJS, Freight Ageut, No. S14 b. UEUWAKK Avenue. Agents at Savannah, Humer fe Gammell. 11 'il eiiii.iiici.eiiii. Hifiiniiwn AND NORFOLK Bl'KAMfelllP LINK. AND wtsn - THROUGH RECH-IPTiJ TO NRWBBRN. Also all points In North aud BoulU Carolina, yls beahuard aud Roanoke Italiroad, aud to Lynchburg Va 'lennessee and the West, via Norfolk, Petei's burg, bouth-blde Railroad, aud Richmond and Dan ville Hallroad. .The regularity, safety and cheapness of this root oommeuu It to the public as the most desirable medium lor carry imt every desci linion of freight. No chnrge for ootuiulhalou, dray age, or auy expenM of trausier. bteumships Inanre at lowest rates, and leave regu larly irom first wharf above Market street. Freight received dally, WILLIAM P. CLY'DK A CO., No. 14 North aud Soulu tVllARVER. W. P. PORTER, Ageut at Richmond aud CXtj Point. T. P. CROWKLL CO., Agents at Norfolk. 6 1 -T-.t'l,OLY.-DAlLV LINE FOR 11 A LIT Phlludelp'hla and Baltimore Union Steamboat Com pai.y, daily at S o'clock P. M. The Steamers of this line are now plying regularly Between this port and Baltimore, leaving the Pier No, 2N. Delaware avenue, abovo Market street dally ut It o'clock P. M (buudays excepted). " Carrying ail description, ol Freight as low as any Other line. Freight bandied with great care, delivered promptly, and forwarded to all potuta beyond the MIIUIUIU IICO UI bUIUUlinstUU, Particular attention paid to the transportation ol Kll UB-iviipiuli IH jioiiwiiuiuioiii AUi nVB, VJUllHft. elc, etc For further Information apply to JOLIN D. RUOFF, Agent, 616t No. 18 N. DELAWARE Aveuue. HEW RXPBEII MRB T ; Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washlugtou. i D, C. via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. w iiii connections at Aiexanuria irom tae most direct route tor Lynchburg, Bristol, Ruoxvllle, Naauvllia Dalton, and the Houlhwent. bteamers leave regularly from the first wharf asoYI Market street. ireUiht received dally. wM p ft No, 14 North and bouth WharvoS, J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown M.ELDRLDUE dk Co.. Ageuts at Alexandria, Vh tlnla. (1 I FOIt HEW YORK, VIA DELA win aua uiritan ususi. Exuress bteamboat Company Hteam Propellers leave Dally from first wharf below Market street. Through in twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded w all points, North, East, and West, tree of ootnmisalua. Otrelgut receivea at tue toweni rates. WM. P. CLYDE fc CO., Agents, No. 14 Boutn V uarves. JAMF8 HAND. Agent, No. HH Wall sUeet, New York. IU FOH NEW YOUKr-SWIrT '-A-f KURE Trausiorlailou Company Do- 2.' a.,.. , .,1. u.,,1 -u)ll'lu,a I .I..l.u Unla. snatch and bwlf tsure Lluea. via Dela ware ana autriiau uauai, on aua alter tne tain oi March, leaving daily at 12 M. and S P, M connecting with all Northern ana luuiiern lines. F or freight, which will be taken on accommodating terms, apply to WILLIAM M. BAIRD A CO., Ill No, 1MB. DELAWARE Aveuue, .rPFff TO SHIP CAPTAIN8 AND OWNER3, s.iUirf, undersigned having leased the KEN- n.,u ion btltJ-.w uui K, uess to lnioriu nis rrieads and the patrons of the Dock ibat he Is prepared with Increased facilities to accommodate those havliig vessels to be raised or repaired, aud belug a practical rhlp-carpeuter and caulker, will klve personal atten tion to the vessels eulrimted to him ior repairs. . Captains or Agents. hhlp-Carpenters and Machinists having vessels to lepalr, are solicited lo call. Having the agency lor the Bale of " Welterstedts' Paleut Melall'e Composition" for Copper paint, for the preservation of vessels' bottoms, lor this city, I am prepared to furnish the sameou reasonable terms. JOHN H. HAM MITT, Keiisliigtou Bcrew Dock, 1 DELAWARE Aveuue, above Laurel street. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. N0TICE.-TIIE UNDER STONED woold call attention ot the public to his NEW GOLDEN EAGLE FURNACE. This Is an entirely new healer. Itlaso!oon sirucied as to at once commend luulf io general iavor being acombluBtlou of wrought aud cast Irou. It la very Bluiple In ItB construction, aud is peiiectly air tut I it: Bell-cleantng, having no pipes ordrums to be taken out aud cleaned. 11 la so arranged with upright flus SB io produoe a larger amount of heat from the same weight or coal than any furnuce now lu one. The hygrometrlo condition of the air as produced by niv new arrangement ot evaporation will at ouce do. niLnstrttie that It Is the only Hot Air Furnace that will produce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. Those ln want of a complete Heating Apparatus would do well to call and examine the Gulden Eagle, wouiuuuwo CHARLKH WILLIAMS, Nos, 11 aud Ui IMARK El' btreet, . Philadelphia. A large assortment of Cooking Ranges, Fire-Board Btoves. Low Down Urates, VeuUlators, etc, always XS. li. Jobblnr of kluds promptly don ftlO) - THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCTTENEK; OR jKUHOaVKAN HANUK, for Fia1)le, Ho . ..lo U.ii.ltn 1 out II ut ts.s.Ba l.i TU UM TV III It. 'CiA" FKIlENT tilEW. Also. Philadelphia Rarigos. liot-AIr Furuaoes, Portable Ueaters, Uiwduwu Grates, llreboard SitoviB, balh Boilers, Htewhole Plains Pollers, Cooking Ktovea, et., wholesale and retail, hy L.Vinanuli'e'urirs, slIAhi'K & THOMSON, UMStulhlia . No.aN.bJfCONDblreeU AMUSEMENTS. Ell l CAN ACADEJir Of JIUSIC. b. I tGH Lessee and Manager MACHE-IU, With Locke's ortglniil niuslo. 'I ll Is (Fildsy) EVENING. Den. IS, 11ENKF1I' AND l,ASl'IUUI f the tligi-kemeiit 01 1 lie distinguished TRAGIC A H I l" I E. WRn. f. w. lander, who will annear. by particular request, la Blmke- Kpesre's grand tragedy of LADY MACBETH Ihisl lime).! MRS. LANDKR MACI'J'.TH J II. TY LOR The trrgertv will be cat lo tne Hill strengin oi in LANJ'KK Hlh'llllOMC COMPANY, . anrtrted ly Miss IDA LESLIE aud au eilli'leut chorus TO MORROW (Siltirdsy , nec. 14. UAHt .blL'AR't' MATlNaK, . LAST APPEA ltANCE OF MUM. LA NDEH, ALMieRION. l arouet, l aniuet Circle, and Bal cony, fl. (No extra rhargn lor reserved seats.) l amlly Cnl'e, so cents; Amphitheatre, H oeuls; l'roscenium Ro.xe", I 0, Admlsklou lo niailute. 50 cents to all parts of the house. Iix Pheet open at Trnmpler's Mitslo Store, NO. Chesniu street; nisoat the Acatemy. Doors open at 7. Corisln rises at s prerlfely. A C A D E M Y 0 P MUSIC. I'E LA ORANOF.' RRIQNOLI. (11(MJ ITALIAN OPERA. MAXhTRAKOst II hss the honor to announce the opening ol the tall season nt the Itulian Opera, limited lu ne nigins auu one Matinee, on MONDAY EVKfMiNG lieeemner 111, at s M., When will be produced Verdi's chut d'teuvre tr foul acts, ' j ii 1 ito v a 1 oiin Mme. ANNA DK LA Hit NHK as ...LKONO"R4. Miss ADELAIDE PHlLLlPiS as .....AZUCENA Mb nor BRIONOLI as MANRtOO Mgi.or RANLOLFI ss -....COUNl' DI LUNI Tl.e Chorus and Orchestra bve boen carefully selected irom tne verv nest latent. VtiMcal Director and Conductor -Ignor NTCOLAO Tl'EHDAY Evening D c. 17. r-ORAlA. WK11NK. I'AY, Dec. K LA FAVOUUA. TIIUtl-IDAY, I'er. jw van gio vanni. j-ttiLFii, jjbo. xh. KHNAN1. . SAivitriAT, Dec. zi. ohanoj fahewell MATINEE. Kt ALE OF PRICES Admission to Parquet. DreSs Circle, and Balcony, ONE DOLLAR. Reserved Heall, socenui extra. ramiiy Circle, w ceuta. uunery,i,j cenlB. Private Boxes. IIA. B x Otllce opto dully from ba, M , at the Academy ot Music, and C. W. A. TKUMFLERis neiv Muslo btcre .No. SS CUFbN UT blreei. 12 li th fs m AMERICAN 'ACADEMY OF MUSIC. MAX MAREIZEK'8 ., , 1. 11 A 1. 1 1 iiAiiiAH urr-ivs, POSITIVELY FOit TWO SVEElitl OLY, ' (kmimenclnk MONDAY. Jan. . 18:1. daring which ihe distinguished prima donna, 1 -. M'ME PAItEl'A ROSA, will appear In a rum her of her favorite roles. - 11 12tf NEW CIIESN0T 8TK EET THEATRK, Doors open at S I"). Curtain rises at 74,1. . THl" (i-riuay) r.i r,inu, uec, 10. BENKF1TOS' M'LLK MAltli ZUR The terlormance will commence with tbe mree-Act drama, EaMERALDA. Esmeralda, the Gl( sy ...... ... M 116 MARIE ZO-? To Couclude Wlin wont s tarce. 1 THAT NtMR. BATUPDAY A FTe-RNOON MATIVKR. ' M'l.LK ZOE IN THE FRENCH SPY. M RS. JOHN DUEW'a AKCU i SIR SET IHEATRK. Begins at IM o clock. BENEFIT OF EDWIN ADAM8. TO-NIGHT (Friday). Dec J3, DRKAMd OF DELUSIOV. " Sir Bernard Harlelnh... ...EDWIN ADAMS Concluding with o me -le s comedy or WILD OATa. Jack Bover EDWIN" ADAMS him - ..Mr. Oi. Craig Fphraim bmootb m r. nempie Lady Amarunlh..... Mli8 F;. Price CilltlBlMAS W ttf.vlVAIj U "UUtlV WALNUT 8TBKET THEATRE. THIS (Frldaj) EVENING Deo. IS, BENEFIT OF UK, JOHN BKOUGHAM, who will antiear. for the seventeenth time. In his great dramatic satire, entitled , THE LOTTERY OF LTFK, 1 Terry, the Bwell. ..Mr. john BsuuuitAJt Popular Ethiopian tsceue by Mr FRANK BROWEH. Ihe Oicheslra, under the direction ol Mr. Blouoa HiiHMler, will pertorm, tor the first time la public,. ' The Flrem. n's March," composed and dedioated to tbe Moyumenslng Hose Company, bv Mr. Brougham. FOX'S AMl-.hlCAN VARIETY THEATRE. EVERY EVENING AND b AT URD AY AFTERNOON. OR EAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Grand Ballets Ethiopian Burlesques, Wongs, Dance Pantomimes, Gymnast Acts, etc, SEVhNTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, BKVENTn ftreel, beiow Arch. L. V. TFNihon & co Proprietors. TL'NISON fc tn.VS M INsiTh ELS. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME THROUGH CROWDED HODbEH. JFLIGHTED AUDIENCES. JMMEWE BUtt!EtS OF THE new peter piper pepper podge and fort fisher. J. 11, Budworth, Frank Morau. W. 8. Budworth. Wm. Allen, J. Robinson, Henry Bchenk, and others. THE CREAM OF THE PROFESSION, In their respective characters. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8. AdmUh Slou a, 5o, and 75 cents. Boxes, S3. "jAST TWA NICHTS IN SCOTLAND." MUSICAL FUND JTALL, FRIDAY AND bA'lURDAY', Dec 13 and 14, MR. KENNEDY Will make his last appearance ln his ; i'OFULAR FN 1ERTAINMENT ON TUB BONGS OF SCOTLAND. Piano Forte.. ..Miss KENNEDY Ad in Ission, to ce nts Reserv ed beats. 75 cents. Commence at 8 o'clock. "I IcketB at Trumpler'B, No. 02a Chesnut street, ' rv. it,r..B,!di P.tno n,d" b" Hallet, Davis A Co., Is lumlBbed by Mr. C. W. A Trumpler. 12 SmwOi A R L SENTZ'S ' ORCHH8TKAL MATTNEEH EVERY THURSDAY AFTERdOON At 8'io clock, IN HORTICULTURAL HALL. ; Piano 80I0 Mr, H. G. THUNDER. Package of Four Tickets for Oue D.tiar. Blngle Tlckela, 60 cents. To be bad at Boner dc Co.'s. No. HC-iChesnnt street, rod at thedoor. 11 iwtf HASSLER'3 MONDAY AFTERNOON CON CER'IB, at CONCERT HALL, EVEKY MON DAY, trom 8i till 6 o'clock. Four tickets, 111 thirty, i. GERMANIA 0RCTIE8TRA. PUBLIC RB heurtals at the MUB1CAL FUND HALL, every SATURDAY, at 8, P. M. Tickets sold at Ihe door, and at all principal Music stores. Engagements can be made by addressing O. RASTERT, No. V2M MON 7'EREY Btreet, or at R. WiLLlU'b Music btore, No ".Oil CHEBNUT btreet. 10 8 8m FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS,&0 J AV. SCOTT An CO., IIIBT HANirFACTVKOEBa, , AMD DBAUEJUl Uf . jikk'i r v uti 1 at mat eoooi MO. ai CIIEMNIIT TBF.inr. FOUR DOOKH BELOW THJt "CONTIN UNTAX, t I7Jrp tHILADXlLPHl. PATENT SIIOULDER . BEAU HIIIBT HANVrAtTOBT, tKner.NTLnes's ruuNiNitiMu btoboi PERFECT FITTING BH 1 R'lti AND DRAWtRa made Irom measurement at very short notice. All other articles Ot GENTLEMEN el DRESS GOOCb lu full variety. WINCHEMTEB A COH UI JNq. Jus CHEbNUT btreal. UKION PASTE AND glZINO COSIPANY. A PaHle for Box-makers, Bookbinders, Paper, hangers, bhoemukers, Pockel-book Mkers, BUI Posters, etc. It will not sour. Is cheap and always ready lor use. Refer to J. R, Llppliioott A Co., Devar & Keller, William Mann, Philadelphia Jtiquirur, Harper Brothers, American Tiact e-oclely, aud others, hole Ageuta, I, L. CRAGIN & CO., NO. 420 COM. MERCE Btreet. in) JOHN CRUMP, OAHPHNTEH AND BUILDER: IBOtHl HO. BIS LOIIUB MTREKT, AMD HO. 17118 ClIFNVT MTRKHT, WILLIAM S. GRANT COW MISKION MERCHANT, - . Na 83 B. DELAWARE Aveuue, Philadelphia. AMKNT JfOU. rcroDl's Gunpowder, ReUned Nllre, Chsrooal, Kto W. Ithker At Co.'s Chocolate, O iroa, and Broma. T,t1r, tl-r. Jhr!" JO' Ylw Metal bheathlnf Eolta, and tiallB, lUi