8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1867. MUSICAL AND DRAMATIC. Jf AIIM.MAWN'8 OlT.RATIO Conckrt last evo KlEgWM attended liya large and iiiHliloimMe audience, which fully appreciated thw rate character ot Ilia musio, Choice selections from Roeslol's liarber of Hiville wore given, Mailnme licrtha, Johannseu personating "Itosifia," Mr. Ilabelmann the "Count," and Mr, Jean Iou. FiKaro." The second act of Beethoven' jalsilv opera of Fi'lclio wm alsol given eullro, with Madame Johanimen as 'Kldello," Mr. Ilabelmann as "Florlstan," Mr. Herrmauns ax Roooo," and Mr. Jean Louts as "I'iisarro." All these artists were In excellent voloo, and their interpretation of Beetnoven's soore especially was faithfal, and eujoyaidv received. Aa this was the lam concert of tue series, we cannot forbear remark Ing that Mr. Jean Ixwls, who lias this season inale bis first appearance in opo ralloroU, lias fairly earned a high place in I lie estimation of nnr music IovIuk pulillo, and we treat that we shall soon have an opportunity to Witness bis debut npon a more extended 8tii;0. Mr. kunwedv'b Ffi.sT Concert at Musical Fnod Hall, lt evening, was a very enjoyable flair. Mr. Kennedy has a fine, clear voice, and sings with much expression, lie can like wise lay claim to considerable dramatic power, his by-play at times being very amusing. The ballads of Hcotland are unequallod for sweet ii ess and simplicity, and find no truer Inter preter than this conscientious artist. His second and last concert will be given this even ing, When, In addition to "Auld ltubin Uray," 'John Anderson, My Jo," "Scots wha ha'e wl' Wallace bled," and other charming bcottlsu. books, he will give our grand national anthem Ol "Ihe Btar-Hpangled Banner." Mark H akki.f.r'h Ohciif.rtral Concert will be necetsurlly omitted on next Monday after noon. In conae quence of the occupation of Con cert Ilall by other parties. Ou the following Monday the aeries will bo permanently re fcuined. Mr", t andkr ah "Mart Stuart," List evening Mrs. K. W. Lander made her first ap pearance In this city as "Mary Hluart," at the Academy of Music, and fully sustained the blgb reputation she has achieved in the oom f anion role of "Elizabeth." The two characters are tbe exact opposite of each other, but Mil. Lander's conception of "Mary Hluart" is quite as correct as that of "El'iiabeth," and she plays the former with tbe same earnestness which so eminently characterizes her as the 'Virgin titieen." The effect of her fine acting was much Increased by the splendor and ap propriateness of her toilet, and altogether the personation Of tue unfortunate Queen or Hoots was so classical that we are glad to know that It will be repented on Monday evening. This afternoon Elizabeth Is given at a matinee. M'li.k Fanny Janauschrk in German Tbagkdy, This great Herman tragedienne has created a seusatlon In New York approaching theurore which has greeted Madame Klstorl ever since her first appearance In this con u try. Her acting has a rugged simplicity eminently appropriate to several of the mlei which she assumes, while she Is equally gified with a true appreciation of the requirements of highly wrought situations. Ou Monday evening, Do eeonber 18, she will make her first appearance In this city at the Chvsnut Street Theatre, and daring the single week of her engagement she will appear consecutively in Medea, Adrienne ZAcouvreur, Deborah, Jigmont, JCmilia Ualotti, nd itartranne. The price of admission has been placed at one dollar, with fifty cents extra lor reserved seats. The Boiler Kxplo.lon at Fall River-Full Particulars. The Fall River ( Mass.) News of Thursday even ing gives a long aoooun t of the terrific boiler ex plosion which occurred the same morning, and waa partially reported In our telegraphic colnniiiB One of the boilers of the Globe ftlnt works, at rail Klver. exploded about half-post Six o'clock, entirely demolishing the boiler bouse, which contained seven boilers, and set tins fire to the pi lnt works, which were com pletely des'royed. The Aeu says: "Two of the boilers were thrown Into the air, and, In descending, struck upon the roof-of the madder dye-house, making a complete wreck of that building boilers, reels, timbers, machinery, and steam pipes being mlDgled in one confused mass. A piece of another boiler, weighing over three tons, Btrnck the atone wall of the main building (which was two feet in thickness), and went through H, opening a breach forty or fifty feet wide the eutlre height of the building (four stories). A portion of the exploded boiler, With a Urge number of the tubes, weighing about half a ton, struck the cottage occupied by a Mr. Borden on the opposite side of the Street with such force as to smash In the upper part of tue front, tearing oir the Jet and thoroughly demolishing the windows and tioors. As soon aa the noise was heard in tbe bouse, a yonng man visiting there in Bllnctively pushed Mrs. Borden out of doors, bat she exclaiming, 'My child! my child!' ' attempted to rush back Into the house to reco ver her child, who whs In a cradle near the tove. But tne youDg man prevented her, and coing in minseu lounu thai inree Kerosene arops which stood on the mantelieoe had been knocked over on the stove and exploded, so that the flames almost enveloped the baby's cradle. Be carried the child to its mother, safe and sound. This was an almost mlraou'ous escape, for In an instant after a large tuoe from V- boiler came crashing through the house and Boent its "rce ou the very spot where mo ment be(orehe you,.; ?aDe In J J" J4o damage was done to the nousv P tue names of tbe burning oil. . 'Another large piece or the same Doner, weighing about three quarters of a ton, with a considerable number of tubes, passed over the same cottage, knocking down the chimney and lodging Uself in a garden some two hundred and fifty or three hundred yards from i 3'ier' fcgune, and "'""g ialo the harcCWea ground to tue depth of a foot or more. Tubes and bricks were scattered In great profusion all along the path of the flying missiles, and we think It safe to say that tubes and bricks could be found In large quantities anywhere within a Tjlua of three hundred yards from tbe boiler bouse. Windows fthd doors In every quarter were demolished. ."In the maticfer dye-bouse, wheie the two boilers lay, some sixteen hands were at work at the time of the explosion, yet not one of them was seriously Injured. Thomas McKale, the person who was most Injured In this room, says that tbe workmen there were tossed about aud thrown down like mere toys. Me was at work close to tbe place where one of the boilers fell, and would have been crushed to death had It not been for tbe support which the large reels gave to tbe falling timbers, lie was Injured la Uie right shoulder and left leg. and received a alight cut on tbe head. Patrick Lowney, who was at work In the same place, received asllght Injury In tbe back. Four persons were at work Where the other boiler fell, yet all escaped with out Injury. On hearing the 'rip,' rip' of the ex ploding boiler, and seeing the gas lights extin guished, they thought something was wrong, and rushed out just In time to save themselves from a horrible death. Hiram 1'leroe. the fire man, was seriously injured about the bead aud OhesL There was a large cut upon his head gome four Inches In length, and his left ear was bUt. Ills bead was bruised in a shocking man ner, the periosteum, or the membrane Invest ing tbe skull, being denuded to a considerable ftxieni." - " . . About, two hundred bands are thrown out of employment by this catastrophe. . Chambersburg to be Rebuilt by Co-ops-ratios. Chambersburg Is to be rebuilt; Its citizens aave formed a Building Association on the co-operative plan. The object of this Associa tion hi declared In Its constitution to be "toe ' feccQiunlaiion of a fund by the savings of the ambers sufficient to enable every stockholder I1 nul savings safely and speedily, and to Er rettl ' i. or to Invest the same us It L?emed by him most profitable.". . ""Vvanlan of legal age can beoome 5i?abSrJ?of.iihta A-wooiatlon by buylug a sin SI?h aud "liulnK the constitution 1? --ffljas?" 'vnS"- greitesT caution w ill be" uied." P in the of course goes Into the treasory, ana l, fund again reaobes the fixed amount, the am process of allotment la repeated. ' This form of co-operation Is rapidly onmlnir IdIo favor ' among laboring men throughout the Northern Btates. We have reoeutiy sea accounts of the formation of several such ocletiea as this at Chambersburg. To get a we Is an ambition not less praise woi thy i common, and co-operation Is aa easy ' f e road to Its attainment. Her. Mr. Barton, of Hartford, who 1Us Mr. Beeoher'a pulpit, it one of -rent and elfeotira preachers in CLOTHING. CHEAP, CHEAPER, CHEAPEST CLOTHING IW TilE CITY. ROCKHILL & WILSON, Nos, 603 and 605CHESNUT St. Every Garment In our Exten sive Assortment LOWERED in Price to suit the times. We are determined to close out our Stock of Overcoats and Heavy Suits before the Holi days! Very Cheap. Prices greatly reduced on Ordered Work. Parents, brine: along your Doys. We have all kinds of Soys' Clothing, which wewiil sell very low. The Oest Ready-madeCloth-ing in Philadelphia at the low ost figures. Perfect satisfaction guaran teed to every purchaser. 9308n HOLIDAY GOODS. VIENNESE SKATE DAGS, THE CiltKAT CHRISTMAS IS O "V E L T Y. These Elegant Goods have been expressly designed for this CHRISTMAS SALES, AND ABE SOLD EXCE.VKI VEIT MV BAILEY & CO, No. 819 CHESNUT Street. 10 2 tbsta PHILADELPHIA.. JAMES E. CALDWELL & CO., MERCHANT JEWELERS, No. 822 CHESNUT STREET, ARE NOW OPENING VIENNA FANCY GOODS, PARIS FANCY GOODS, DECORATED PORCELAINS, FLOWER STANDS, ENTIRELY NEW DESIGNS, Mounted in Bron'ie, Gilt, and Carved Wood, PARIS JET JEWELRY. 10 16 tulbssmrp H OLIDAY PRESENT S. NO. ioSl CHESNUT STREET. Bins. ra. a. binder; Has JiiH received beautiful assortment of PARIS UltKb 1(U,lh, Id the latest cosiuiuee, at Lull price. Larue aaaoilmrnt of kjmic Fancy goods. ELEGANT FKEKCH tsAbH-HOLDERS FOR THE WAIBT. NEW 6TYLE JET. GILT. AND PEARL BANDS, FOK THE HAIR. CORAL bKTAD NECKLACES. HTKKL AND JET JKWELRV. ZFPriYK feLl I'PKKH, beautiful pauerng. V.Y I'M YK CUHHIONS, Urge variety. OKN'IS' hMOKINU OA l'H, new SVc lb. I 1 0 A II CA H Ktt, KTU ETC. . tuoicE r ok point Applique tidies. DKEftS AND OLOjf, TRIMMINGS, SATINb, ,G.I.M-, ORNAMENTS. Jll'OLE Trimmings, BUTTON S. Point Ai'"iu,' tinny, Valeucleuuai, Blond, Tbitail, ana Gui-j,lle jjk.,.. Real Poluta otut. Collars, Barbes, IlaodkercUiefs, etc. etc. Pulled Tulsl, Bleeves, and Square-neck Spencert. Cr'. TrlniuiliiK, Fancy Jet Collars, and Bell. L,V h.1 H. In choice suadee. BUCK VELVETS, all width.. paper patterns for ladies- and ciiil- DUKN'S DREsHKH. PERPECT BVbTKM OF DREH8 CUTTING PARISIAN DREfiH and CLOAK MAKING. Ladle' Drees iude in Twenty Hours. U23s6t 1 be moderate prlies and exeellenl workmanship recommend it to ladies aud strangers generally. H. D I X 0 N. NO. 21 S. EIGHTH Street. II ICH VA NOV noons. A MAGNIFICENT ASSORTMENT, UNBURPASSEI) FOR VARIETY, ELEGANCE OF STVLE, . MODERATION IN PRICE. Rich BoherulHu and Chlua Vaees, and Toilet Sets. Parian Riihih, Hiatultes. aud Vaiee. Rich Work Boxes, Jewel aud Odor C. Floe Wrltlug Denksand Drt-BBlntCtoes. Catwa. Foilos, aud Coninaulous, Gilt-mounted Card stands and Watch-holders, bcolcb Wood and Vienna Goods, Paris Ifanaaud Jewelry, Cigar fetanda, Tobacco Boxe, Jet and Rubber Jewelry, Silk Umbrellas anil Canes, Lealber Mugs. Pocket-Books, Card Caaee, Toilet Ooodi, etc.. with a complete asuortmenl ol articles su.Uble tor BRIDAL, BIRTHDAY, noLi i) ay "presents. At ireatlv rrdoced prices. If- HiWiaf 10 12 it 17 NO. 11 B. EIGHITI St. BOARDINQ. TTIKBT.ci.A8B BOARD I N G. Central location No. 1m GlRARD Street, west of Eleventh, above UiwuM ttr-t. a bauaoueseiu4. Utorj front room, uulurauiwd now racanL OIL PAINTINGS, ETC. Q I L PAINTINGS. JAMES S. EARLE & SONS, No. 816 CHESNUT STREET, rilIL4IF.I.IIIIA, IIAV13 NOW OPEN THEIR LATEST COLLECTIONS or EXQUISITE PAINTINGS, The Works of the Most Celebrated Modern Painters. Unnsual care has been bestowed upon the selection of their Works of Art this season, a far greater extent of country having been visited than usual, and a very general acquain tance with the great Artists of Europe has resulted in the acquisition of a more choioe and extensive assortment of Faintings than they have ever before exhibited. The artists represented are prominently as follows:. ADOPII STiOKJIAXX, t il. IIOIItT, K. rBIEDBI('HE, MAX nUIIAKL, A. BKAITII, W. AMBCKCJ, J. it. I) E II A AN, DK TOM, IK NOTF.H, CARL HILLKEB, J. AltNOLO, A. MAIITIN, HEYKB VO.V Illti:.')IKV, t'ABL BOH Kit, A. PBEVEB, II. IIKRZoU, II. B1IOHBEHO, JAtOBsEN, MHMLEB, C. JVMOIIEIM, FRIED VOITZ, A. LED, BEIHEIt DAHLIA, BENO HUII1.IU, W. VEDMIIIIIIIK, . CARL IIIIBNEK, II. WEBKEK, HEBnANN BETIIKE. VAN STAHKENDUKUII, VON NEBEN, PAUL WEBEB, EMI L. IE MIIOl'I.Ti:, - R. -ZIMMERMAN N. KAIIFFnANN, P. .ONNOW. lioacn. U20eod 1 m SEWING MACHINES. THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION BUTTON HOLE, OVERSE AM INC, AND SEWING MACHINE Is warranted to execute in the best manner every variety of Sewing, Ilemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilt ing, Overseaming, Embroidering on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eylet Holes iu all fabrics. It has no Equal, being Abso lutely the best Family Machine in the world, and intrinsically the cheapest. Circulars, with full particulars and samples of work done on this Machine, can be had by application at the Salesrooms of the Company, S. W. Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets. Instruction giv-en on the Machine graVui tously to all purchasers. n 2 tfrp GEftT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. Q-EXTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPERS. CIEKTLKllEit'N WRAPPERS. GENTLEMEN'S WRAPPI R. JOHN C. ARRISON, NOW. 1 AND S NOBTII SIKT1I STBEDT, Is dow ofl'erlof an elegant and extensive variety of dENTLEMEN'H WRAPPERS, Nt'ARFS, TIES, MrFlI.EKM, 8LOVE8, HANIHEUt'IIIEFS, ETC., Sl'ITABLE FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Also, his usual assortment of MERINO. StLBT, and WOOLLEN , I Krp V N DERS I I It T N A N OJD It A W E UH . CUC K GLO V E MANUFACTURERS, MoNEKLY & CO.. 11 tO wsmlmrpl NO.tU N. FOPBTH STREET. w .ITTN WILMINGTON BTEAMBUAT XiSI LINE. ou kiiTYiuir TlilJllSDAY, Dereuiber s, tbe steamer AKIP L will dlHconlluue her trips. Tbe steamer 8. M. E ELTON will ma aa follows;-Leave CHESNUT rureet Wbarf, PlilladcobU, at it A M aud WIL WINOTON at 7-20A.M. 12 4 3t r.ATTT FOE CHESTER, I100K, AND JLimaJZS Wlluilugton. The sieaunr H M. EEL TlOi Ickvm Cheaual Kireot Wbarf at s K aC, aud re turning, leaves WI1iuIukUu at T'ta A. at. Fitre to WlliuiuKUtu, li ceuta. Uuux, or Hook, W eta. lit t DRY GOODS. piNE DRESS GOODS. FROM TIIE LATE FORCED SALES. One case aurerb quality GRANITE POPLINH, all colors, at 7 cent: are now selling at II 2V Oneoaia elegant EMPKE-S CLOTH POPLIK3, 4 cent; are now selllrg at $1(K). One case LUPIN'S FKKNCU MERINOES, very fine quality, II CO. One case FRENCH fcILK POPLINS at 1115; are now selling at 12. One case very heavy FRENCH CORDED POP I.INB. at tl'tS: worth t2-2. FANCY blLKS at great reduction. Elrgant heavy BLACK BILKS, (2 60, t- Black Bilks, bent In the city. FANCY I)E LAINER, new styles, at 1S0. J. C. STRAW II HI DOE A COM N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Bts. LADIES' CLOAKINCS. VELVET HEAVERS. 411 IN CU ILL A BEAVIRS. MOSCOW 1IEAVEHS. ASTRACHAN HEAVERS, WHITE AND SCARLET BEATER1. JT. C. STRAWHRIOUE A CO.. N. W. corner EIGHTH and MARKET Hts. r LA N K E T S! BLANKETS ! BLANKETS I All-wool Blankets, $3 per pair, All-wool Biankets, ft per pair. Large size Blankets, IS per pair. Very large Blankets, 7 per pair. Elegant Premium Blankets, (3 per pair. Elegant Gold Medal Blankets, 112 per pair.; ABOUT BOO PAIRS OF FINE LAItUE BLA1 KETS, slightly soiled at tbe mill, will be sold very low. We have nnusnal facilities (or getting BLANKETS direct from manufacturers, and can offer them In larger assortment, and on better terms than any others In tbe retail trade. J. C. STItAWBRIDGE & CO , NORTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET. STS., I Utemrp PHILADELPHIA. M. A. JEZ, li 13 1? JL.JSJD ?q NINTH. j 0R & COtt Large Assortments, at Low ana Popular Prices, of LADIES' CLOAKS. CHRISTMAS SHAWLS. CLOAKINd CLOTHS. OVEUCOATINtt. CASSIMEBEflf. CHRISTMAS DELAINES, CHRISTMAS PRINTS. C1IP.LSTMA8 PLAIDS. FRENCH POPLINS. FRENCH MERINO ES. BLACK DRESS GOODS, ROYAL BLANKETS, FINE QUILTS. DOMESTIC CIOODN. HANDKERCHIEFS. HOSIERY, ( Hit IS1 MAS LACES. CHRISTMAS SCARFS. COLLARS AND CUFfS. 9 7 Stuth A R BURTON & SON, 2STo. IOQ-I CUKSNUT Street, OFFER TO LADIES AND THE TRADE, CHOICE GOODS, At Low Prices, to Meat the Depression lu Bjuslness, BONWET VELVETS, PLUBHE8. BAT1N8, CORDED BILES, POULT DK K0IE8, ORO DE NAPLES, MARCELLINE, BONNET RIBBONS, SASH ItlBJIONH, TH1MMINO RIBBONS, VELVET RIBBONS, BATLN RIBBONS. MANTUA RIBBONS. CRAPE AIBBONS, BEfcT MAKES OF ENGLISH CRAPES, BLACK AND COLOKED. A LAROE AND CHOICE STOCK OF REAL LACK GOODS, IN POINT, BRCBtiELS, VA LENCI ENNES. GCIMPCRK, MALTEHB, THREAD. REAL BLOND, CLONY, JNSERTINGS TO MATCH. TARLETANS, ILLUSIONS, AND. FINE NErS, t yards wide, for Evening Dresses. A SPLENDID STOCK OF HAMBURO EDGINGS AN INSERTINOH. BARGAINS. TBK J'lNEBT AND NEWEST IMITATION LACK GOODHw a I stutb. A larg discount to the trade. DRY GUODS. RICH LACE CURTAINS AT AUCTION PRICES! The subscribers bTS Jast received, from tbe late AUCTION BALES IN NEW YORK, THREE IIINDUFD PAIRS or FRENCH LACE CURTAINS. From the lowest to the h'gbest quality, some of the RICHEST MADE. ALSO, NOTTINGHAM LACK CURTAINS, F.MBAOIDERED MUSLIN CURTAINS, JACO.UAHD AND MUSLIN DRAPERIES, VESTIBULE CURTAINS, IN UBEAI VARIETY. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINCEN & ARRIS3N, NO.IOOS CHESNUT STREET. QHEAP LINEN GOODS. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, NO. 1008 CHESNUT STREET, Are now receiving from tbe recent AUCTION SALES, BOME VERY CHEAP LOTS OF Barnsle y Shectlnfrs, Towli,Huo abiicki, and Other Linen Uoods, To which they Invite the attention of buyers. AS BEING NEARER TO OLD PRICES than anything they have been able to odor. Dlankets at Reduced Prices. The subscribers are new prepared to offer the latgest assortment to be lound In the city of Superior Quality Blankets, All-wool and Extra Width, for I est Family Use. . ALSO, CR1R AND CRADLE BLANKETS, ADd a Fnll Line ot MEDIUM BLANKETS, lot Hotels, Public Institutions, etc. SHEPPARD, VAN HARIINGEN & ARRISON, House-Furnishing Dry Goods, 11 S0 20t BO. 1008 CHESNUT ST. I) E N N H L L A C O NO. 1017 MARKET Street, Philadelphia. MEN'S WEAR. SATIN UTS. G2H cts. 76 cts. 66 cts. 70 cts. 76 cis. Kii cts, per yard. CAHH1MKUJC 87 cts. trvo. -50 per yard. FLANNELS. WIHTI, BKU, AMD OoKY iXANSKUt. lb cts, si cts. s& cts. :n S cts. dzii cts. per yard. 25 cts. 50 cts. MUSLINS. WHITE AND BROWN SU1KTINO AXO 8HKF.TISO. 8 4, 1UCIS. 41,i2, Ct8. 4-4, 15 CIS. 4-4. It) CIS. per yard. 4-4,18 cts. 4-4, 20 els. 4-4, t5 cts. per yard. CALICOES. ALL THE BSHT MAKK or CALI0OK8. 10 Cts. CIS. 14 CIS. J6 eta. 16 Cts, 17 ots. ptr yntd, TICK I NCI. 12)j'cl8. lActs. JHolf. 20 CM :5cti. 81 CIS. 37 cts. per yard. BLANKETS. Per l'alr. Per Pair. All Wool Blankeu......(a uo All-Wool Blankets l-&0 ' " . 8-25 ' 6 (0 " " 4 0u " ' 8U0 Up to Ibe finest made MARSEILLES QUILTS. Aplece.t Apiece. Marseilles Qu Uts.M.M.s &o Marseilles Qullu f.voj " " m.... 4fU " " ......... 6 U0 m 4 50 Up to tbe'a'uest Prize Medal Quilts. ALHO, HONEYCOMB, LANCASTER TRICKS, OTTOMAN, AND ALlUMBKA UILTS. A large assortment of Table Linttug, aua Napkins, Doylies, Towels, Blilrtlng, PLlow Case, and tiueeilug LlueiiB. A GREAT VABIKTY OF WINDOW Slf ADKS. I eraons would do well by giving the above suclc an examination, bavlng all been purchased for cash at tbe recent decline In goods. 12 8 thBinat T)B E S 8 GOO DS ' FOB IIOLIDAV GIFTS. PLAID VALKNCIAS, 16 and 20 DO DO. 25a, FIGURED WINSEYP "AM-T0E8, 87SO. .AED POPLIN ALPACAS, Vc. IKJCBLE-WIDTU WINSEYS.iffi.'c. ALL-WOOL PLAID. BTiia. FRENCH MERINOEa,60and75c. M PLAID MERINOEB, 76c -4 UNION DO., 8SC. DOUBLE CORD REP3, 60 and 66c. ALL-WOOL STRIPED POPLINS, 73c. FIGURED FRENCH MERINOEB, 75c. ALL KINDS OF DRESS GOODS AT LOW PRICES. CUBWEN STODDART A BRO., 12 7 3t Nos. 450. 46 and 464 N. SECOND Street. UIKAHD ROW. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. Will be prepared to offer for HOLIDAY PRE- BENTb splendld assortmenMof LACES. LACE GOODS, HANDKERCHIEFS, VEILS, ; ,w ; EMBROIDERIES, ETU AT PRICES TO INfaTJRE SALES. THEIR STOCK OE HOUSE-rURRISKING DRY GOODS Will be offered at Ibe Lowest Rates. Glrard Row, PtilladelpbU. QUEAP DRY GOODS, CARPKTS, OIL CLOTHS AND WINDOW SHADES. V.E.AIIOHAMBAULT, . U, K. Cor. Kleventh and Market gtreeta, Will open this morning, from Auction,' Yard wide Electrotype Brussels Carpet only&uo. Ingrain Carpels, woul tilling, 411. 46 aud auc. Ingrain laipeis, all wool, 620 , 76. 87, and tl. Engllfcu Tapestry BruweU Carpets, nuly 8183. PeH Cloth Cuip is, yaid aud a nulf wide. l 60, Heir p and Rag Carpels. 81, 87,'. 6e. and tla. r Hour Oil Clolhs, all wkUbs 46.60. 2, aud 76c V indow hhMilHB. Ill-bortlerx, II, 8i, aud 8.1. Velvet Rug. bliet-p klu aud Cocoa Maw. Table aud ttlr Oil Cioths. btalr Druggets aud Elour Clotbs. CHEAP BLANKETS AND COVERLE'l'S. All-wool Blankets, 8H, II, 80, 16. 87. and hilver grey aud brown Hlaiikeis, uu t'oa-ifortable. tl: Oovvrleis, l anil fs. tasfiuit-re auil Salluets. Ml, Hi, Jt- aud fl. Hauneln, all color, 80, 4 1 -fcud W!. Cliiiichiilaaud Wl.lti.ey t'loaklim.. 2 to l. WlidMiale aud Heiall morn, N. E. corner KLK VEMTU aud MARKETMlrteta. li 4mwslct DRY GOODS. JPECIAL REDUCTION mi tiii CIIRISTMAS HOLIDAYS. J. M. HAFLEIGH, Nos. 1012 and 1014 CHESNUT St., WILL COMMENCE MONDAT, DEC. 9, TO SELL THE BALANCE OF HIS STOCK or DRESS GOODS At Still Further Reductions In Pries. CHEAP DEPARTMENT NOW OPES ENUI.IS1I HOSIER T. MERINO SIIIKTS AND DRA WEI'S. ftKATINU UA1TKHM, 8HAT1AU JACKETS, AND FANCV IIOSIEKT. HOLIDAY I'KCSENTS IN LACfS AND KMIIItOIDERIES, Put np In bean Uf ill Oriental Boxes, Imported ex presBly for same. CAMEL'S HAIR SHAWLS AMI? SCARFS AT Bl DI CED lRICE4. 12 7 8t 1867. CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. 1337. iiioKE i) kiss oons, AT REDUCED PRICES, FOR HOLIDAY PREVENTS. II plain all-wool Pep Ids reduced to 75c. l25 plain all-wool Poplins reduced to 87 '3c. (160 plain all-wool Poplins reduced to I'. (126 rich printed Poplins reduced to 66c. tnc. mott ed Popllui reduced to Sue 76c. plaid Poplins reduced to 3?,o. 60c. mixed Poplins reduced to 25c. ' 40c Cbene Poplins reduced to 20c. 16,000 TABDS PACIFIC, MANCHESTER AND HAMILTON DELAIIkFSAT I6c 1',-IARDI WIDE FNULISH MERINOS' BEDl'CED TO 0',c.; COST (SSr. nandsome Black Silks at low prices. UaiiUsome Colored Silks at low prices. FINE BLANKETS, Large sized, nt very low prices. FINE SHAWLS. A larte assortment, at very low prices. 11 II. STEEL & SOrST, Kos. 713 and 715 H. 'TENTH Street. OOLLEN COODS! WOOLLEN COODS I WE OFFER A VERY DESIRABLE STOCK OF WOOLLEN UOODS AT SB PER CENT. LESS 1 1I AN COS I, T WHICH WE CALL 1 PARTICULAR ATTENTION. . HEAVY 8-4 CHINCHILLA CLOAHINUS' VF.HY FINE PURPLE CI1IKCHILLA CLO AKIN 8. FINE BLACK.BROWN, AND MULBERRY CLOAKINCJS. FINE CA9SIMEBES FOR fiENTLEMEN'S WEAR. BROWN AND OLIVE CLOTHS FOR "FKIKNIIS." ALL-WOOL CAS9IMEREN FOB BOYS, 6X, 7B, 87X CENTS, AND l'OI. BLANKETS, CRIB BLANKETS, UBEY BLANKE1S. ONE LOT ALL-WOOL DELAINES, YARD AND A O.UAH1 ER WIDE. FINE, 75 CENTS. c t n if e c jr. iu r a w ix s - . ww wa 1 NO. 70S ARCH STREET, g1 3 9b PHILADKLPHIA. u SEFUL AND SERVICEABLE CHRISTMAS PRESENTS EVANS j-HIPPS, fENTH and ARCH ?treets n.vejust opened a magnlHOeut lot of PLAIN aad FA :CY WOODS, suitable for CHRISTMAS AND NEW YEAR PRE SENTS. DRESS UOODS AT PANIC PRICE. One case all-wool, double-width PLAIDS, 370.. Fine and handsome French Plaids , extra cheap . DEL AIM'S, very pretty styles, 18c. CALICOES, right good, for 7c. (old times). FLANNELS, good quality, for lc. , MCSLINS,best In tbe market, 8, 10, and 12c, CLOAKINU CLOTHS, all styles, t low prices BALMORAL SKIRTS, elegant styles, tl to 8 (XOTHS AND CASSIMERES. 600 pieces Cassimeres, extra cheap, 73c. to 41 50. BLANKETS. BLANKETS. At very low prices, from lvO to (12 par pair. 'SHAWLS. ELEUANT SHAWLS. A mSKnlficent Broche Shawl for :I0, worth 83). A large aHSonmeot from (i 10 (12. Blanket Shawls at great bargains, onjy i. FOR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS. Pemember, s J4stl J EVANS 4c PHIPP", N. W. (corner of TKNTII and ARCH StreeH. K.-f B ANKRUPvT ST o c We have purchased a portion of BANKRUPT STOCK FOR CASH, Which Is arranged this day for sale. This stock, with our Ute purchases at late AUCTION BALES, Enables us to present to our customers and the public the most attractive stock ever offered. As tbe season Is advanced, we have marked the whole at UNPRECEDENTED PRICES. CURWEN KTODDART & l0', 12 7 3t Nos. 450, 4M. and 4"4 N. aKCOND Street. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! HVKKY NEW hl'YljK. HFNHY IVKNH. No. V . NINTH. B. CLOAKS! CLOAKS! Til K t H KA PFRT AND RMT HENRY IVEN8, Nu.238. NINTH Bt. CLOAKS! CLOAK8! 12liu HENRY IVEN, N0.28 8.NINT1I REMOVAL. CONWAY BROTHERS, lf POUT E KS AND JOBBKBS OF HOSIERY, CILOVES, . NOTIONS, AND TOYS. Have removed from No. 4o North FOURTH gireet, to tbe large and spacious storerooms NOS. Ba AND N. FOURTH STREET, Bruihwetit corner of Commerce. 12 4 St LECTUHKS. A NEW COURSE OP tEC mrei as belug delivered at the New York Museum ol A natomy, fmbmclng the subject-: How to live ai'd what to live lor Youth, Maturity, and old age Manhood generally review" Tua causes of lndlget lion. lUlulence, an Nervous disease ccoiinlea lor ilarrluge phliosopblcaiiy oousideied, etc. elo." Pocket volumes containing- these lectures will bs forwarded to parlies unable to ituend on roulpt or four sumps, by addrHimr HKC'ltKrARlr, New York MiiHeuiu of Anatomy aud bciome, Na IK BROADWAY, NW itk." U8u