THE DAIL1 KVKNING TELEGKAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 18G7. G Hill I I ' V NDMBEIt CXMX A nrr fob MwtxAt "fmci. w a cubb COMPUT OP A BY ORDBB. COMPILED BY OUR SERIES EDITOR. SPJBT OF THE LPHPON COMIC WEEKLIES. Front lunch. Ei!S(oi al Tekfcme. The Bishop of New York has been much pleased with his visit to Old England. Specially has he been delighted Vith his brother hierarcha. Oue piece of in formation which the good Bishop give3 will le iritereptiug to most persons: "He had visited the palaces of Eeveral of the Bishops, and the atmosphere which prevailed at these Messed places was such as to cause a glow of happiness to take possession of one's soul." Will any of Mr. Punch's Episcopal friendd '(he has many) inform him how this blessed atmosphere is generated, and where the mate rial can be procured, and whether the same result can be obtained in a secular mansion ? The "savor of such good ointments" would be worth cultivating. It must be a much nicer thing than the odor of sanctity, which Popish saints prepare by masterly inaction in the matter of Balvation. Would MM. Plesae and Lutiin, or ;M. Rimmel call upon one or two of the bishops and investigate f We prediot great popularity for Bouquet da Bishop. Jv'ot Said at the Stkoi. The Bishop of Gregory said a good thing recently. An enthu siastically Ritualistic young lady showed him a charming photograph of a group of hand some young curates decked out in all the lovely church millinery of sentimental schism. "Those are Anglicans," she said. "No," said his Lordship, smiling; "but I may say that though non Angli, they whould be Angcli si I beg pardon for Latin, my dear if they ware trnly Christians." Militaht Intelligence. It is with satisfac tion that we announce that the Rifled Popgun is about to be placed in the hands of the In fantry. As an arm of precision, this breach loader will, no doubt, be a great improvement on the noisy but ineffective weapon hitherto employed in the Nurseries of British Valor. Tub Greatest op ocr Tears. What an enormous size Lord Granville must be 1 Speaking of him at the Paris Exhibition ban quet, the newspaper says, "His Lordship filled the room." The Harvest op thb Sea. Then did the ancient Greeks find it profitable to plough the ocean f In the days of Ce-crops. From Judy. NOT FOR JOKER. Said Tom Brown to Jones, "It is really worth while ' In these Bhare9 to invest come, take six; The company means to dredge mud from the Nile, And make of it excellent bricks." "No, no," answered Jones, "I'm not quite a fool, ' Though I do not set tip for a wit; But I capnot forget that I learnt when at school, . Ex nihil, 0 Tom, nihil fit," QoerT.A piece at one of the theatres is extensively advertised as follows: Man is not perfect, nor woman neither. If two negatives make a positive, the grammar here is not per fect. We suggest a change nor woman either. It may, however, be a delicate compliment to the sex. "Oh ! what A Fall was there, my Couxtry jieh 1" What difference is there between a child that tumbles from the top landing to the bottom one, and a traveller visiting Niagara ? One falls down the stairs, and the other stares down the Falls. A PARADOX. "All flesh is grass,' at least so say" The writingso( the sages; If this be so, then theliey-day Of life, 'tis clear, old age' is. "Down't." No wonder a youth gets "chaffed" when his whiskers are just begin ning to grow, for even they are "down upon him I" A Ja-dbd Jest. A correspondent, having shot a Jay, wishes to know whether he ought to send it to the Dead Letter Office. By an Undergraduate. What bears the Strongest affinity to a cow cabbage ? An Ox enion (!) Trite. Those that speak falsehoods should live in live a house of many storys 1 The "Foor in Spirit" Baukrupt Publicans. A "Walker's" Dictionary The Milestones. The best shares of any Plough-shares. From Fun. Cut and Shave. A Bavarian journal, the Gazelle de Ketnpteu, announces its intention to publish daily a bulletin den mensonges, in which the canards of the day will be kept distinct from the authentio news. It would be well if our English papers would take the hint, and have the sub-editorial department thus di vided under the right heads, though it might not be always easy to keep the canards to their Separate pen. The wielder of the scissors luight at least keep all their shear absurdities in a column by themselves. Quantum Mctatus. Mr. Organ, Inspector of Keleased Convicts in Ireland, in a paper lately read at Belfast, announces that by procuring employment for prisoners immediately on dis charge, and fey inspiring them with a sense of iltXuXa:SnnmUra t0 honesty and respectability, buch an amelioration of the felon is indeed an Organ-ic change, and we Should like to see a good many instruments playing the same tune, ' (The Upset Pr.cbtu mi8creant wno attempts to upset a train reives J sentence at the hands of the aJ " 1 rery justly, too. But the l"uator?prom? ter, financier, or what you please to rj" (a word of one syllable would suaiuB)i U(Z he upsets a whole company of 6harliiwBra literally taking the bread out of the mouths of widows, orphans, and gentlewomen, gets- What he does get f , Jn all probability a tes timonial. Civilization. The only daughter of the Indian chief "Spotted Tail" is linishing . her education at Omaha, where she learns Italian and music Of course, the young lady can not bear the odious names by whit h her father la known, and so we suppose she is called Miss Peacock by those who tealt her to play the peaheniio 1 "Gousbet, Gophbet, Gander t" The chief Trench restaurateur at the Paris Exhibition is tf otted to be a bankrupt, and Lift liabilities are estimated at 1,500,000 franca. . There can be no doubt that the grasping meamiesi au'l n,iuM,T,!.D.tiiit of the Imperial CouimisHlou most 1 held responsible for his failure. This Is not the only lustance in wnicu vuey train oidally killed the gousset with the golden eggs ' Melancholy. A correspondent wishes us to tell him what sort of salad a merman and mer maid hugging each other would be taking. Then, without waiting for an answer, he says, ?'Vaterc(a)resaes." To aggravate the insult, he adds that he is an old soldier himself at dry humor, but sends this to Fun because the latter is a wetter-'un. "The best substitute for silver" Gold. "JAM-BO REE." BY JOHN HAFfr. Young Jam-Bo-Nee. a boy about thlrtenn vear. old. son to Hie bar-kerier ol Hie I'lm-oaiietzle (Saloon, remained at his post. In the hack room ln a ntngle- iiumu-u khiiio oi euchrf), alter tun "puny" hd broken up in a RRUeral "bust." and cvnrv hand" hurl hern BluiiKhinid except iila own and that of oue re mamma uiivernary. The boy held on to the greasy "deck," Whence all but him had lied; The lump threw its light on his last red check, And he hadn't another "red." Yet beautiful and bright he sat, A 8 born to win or lose; With the ace of trumps hid under his hat, And a "bower" or two in his clothes. The game went on he would not "go" Y itliout bis lather's word; That father, drunk on the floor below, Ilia voice no longer heard. ' '' . He called aloud "Say, daddy, say lliiln't I Ittr 'no it alone V " . He knew not that the chieftain lay Unconscious of his son. "Speak, father !" once again he cried, "I'm playing my best for even "And" but the man on the other side "Ordered him np on the seven." His countenance fell when his ear caught that, isut it wasn't a time to grieve; So he played him the aoe from under his hat, And the "right bower" out of his sleeve. And he shouted loud once more at last, "My father 1 must I stay r ' While o'er the table, thick and fast, Ihe lluttering "pasteboards" play. The tallow-dip burned fitfully wild And ihekered np on high, And gleamed in the face of the gallant child, And nearly blinded his eye. It flickered up and flickered down, And at last disappeared in the socket; And the man at the table, who "hailed frm town," Slipped all of the stakes in his pocket. And then with a burst of thunder sound, He kicked over table and chairs, And cleared the door with a single bound, And slid down the bannister stairs. NATURAL IIlSTuRYOF BABIES. IIat.ies are the passive Items of humanity w no bo through life wearing a mental bib and tucker. The Hoy-Baby is a painfully bashful young man, to whom nature, for wisa purposes no doubt, bas denied the fuculty of self-assertion tbat pertains to masculines, He Is generally a tall, slender young man, who has the appear ance of being drawn out, like a telescope, to the utmost limits that his constitution will allow. His feeble heart does not seem to have the power to pump the vital lluld to his far dis tant head, and consequently he is of that pallid completion which Is popularly supposed to denote consumption, except wnen a pretty girl talks to him, and then the vital organ that drums delirium In bis narrow chest sends a few drops of the carnallou tint to the end of his contemplative nose. When the B. B. enters a room iu which there Is company, be looks as It hall aazed with the bright glances of the la dle?, and slinks hastily away to a seat la the Ltrttiest corner, where he can be out of reach of the surveillance of bright eyes. If the B. B. visits a place of amusement, It Is In the company of his sisters or bis mother, or with some female relative, whose con sanguinity forbids the idea of gallantry. The B. B. never gets Into the scrapes that seem a Lecesnity with young men of his age. If any practical Joke is proposed, or any little esca pade Is planned, by bis companions, he has a xiever-failing excuse to go home, so as to be out of the way of mischief. At his tongue's end be bos a set of first-class axioms that with him stand In the place of discretion and Judgment, ana oy inese is ne guinea wnen any oi moss little ebullitions of wlldness tbat effervesce from the masculinity of virile young men threaten to bubble up In uproarious action. The B. B. is a goody Individual, If goodness eoufcibU in doing little that is wrong, and doing not much more that Is right. lie never lets slip an oath, or even lndulees In one of those good substitutes for profane swearing that are more vigorous than their principals: he never smokes, nor drinks, nor lllrts, nor nbs, nor asks fur a latch-key nor stays out at church till past midnight not because he is nulnfuilv convinced of tbo hldeousness or moralobliquities, butslmply because he has not been weaned by the lrrepresslbilitles of man hood from the dependencies of childhood, and harms to ihe moralities of the apron-string be cause he has not as yet attained courage to toddle from home restraints. The B. B. is a thorn in the aides of masculine, self-asserting young men; for he is often cited as an example of preternatural virtue, as a specimen of the brick of which paradise Is built, and as an em bodiment oi an me gooa-Doy virtues. XQ re tit na tion, his compeers call him a spooney, a lick spittle, and other depreciating diminutives. A little while and nature will assert her power, or perish In the attempt. The B. B. will die of sheer Inanity or- become that compound of tiery desires, a man; then farewell bib and tucker, good-to your-moiherness, good, boy book maxims, and pntent noble examples. '1 hk hi'sinkbsuahy is mat, mucu-io-ue-piuou individual whom all his acquaintance wonSor why he does not get along belter-r-seelng that he is Bieauy, lnuubtnous, luieingoui;, auu uo ule-nt v of liieudi'. The B. B. has a strong tend ency to remuin In the same position of life in which he is placed by circumstances. If he be a cletk, others pass him in remuneration and nrmition; if he be ft merchant, his business aeinistobe allectedwith that most painful of ail commercial diseases a Blow ueenne. lie seen, one after another, those who started with him b( coming wealthy through their enter prise and tact; but he learns nothing from the it eson. ami though by nonieuuH unambitious, does not better himself. The B. li. never makes a hard bargain; but Is often victimized by those who re aoiuuinted with his lndolency of men talitv. When his neighbors are In peounlary trouble, they are in the hublt of applying for iinin to the B. B.. who seldom can muster coui ate enough to say no; but when he is In a similar predicament, he Is not able to demand a return or lavors, out asas mr um m ucu u hesitntlng. bungling way, that he Is almost In stantly refused. The B. B. Is generally well spoken of. Like most amiable, ludoleut poo pie, he has many friends In words; and when he sinks to linpecuniohily, he finds hundreds to pity him, but not oue to otler him assistance- to alter the old blasphemous maxim, men are inciiueu to ueip iuuoo wuij nuu uoii themselves. . Tub Benedict bahv is one oi tnose hoii heaittd husbands who have not emerged from tiie.mellilluous lullueuces of the houeyinoou. He In generally a little withered specimen of ft man who has been drugged Into the bonds of wedlock by a tall and strapping specimen of '"'iiiniue avolruupols. lie Is kept down by the weight of his lemule companion. Many tiia ami 0fi i,e lius rt)hoiVed to be a man and verv nU"tt l,B 1h master In his house, bat at the CljnenM of It. 1$. t be'.'iJ Z-t 1 Jt " g.llemanly""1 tall, chivalrous, nVrulouN, ucutrau,ir'Mi?"d lo fe m,lle' wile. He Is loo hlgu.som"rea.rv1'11 . ot a prleals on W8 snarly, ifroi.t nf the world' ii,. a too inuuh loin oi revolt, the stern "Thomas, my hundred a ni,1111 unctuous weight of oue hoai. lirlni J i? J P""ds of hard, puugeutsolt V,,ltl?'i .l.'.l-u o sense ot his own luslgul- ber, una o VlUer yruy C Subuul prnrenbly. . Tbe moat frtnnent. Tt n. la the min who Ins been onltrd to a woman inoro of a man mnn he Is himself, and has the dmerellon to perceive it. tSIm ia hla rnalootnn. treaonrpr. financier, councilor, gold, and friend. There in a aiory ioju among Ills irlends mni no asKeo ber advice nbout tha nronrlt tv of oourtlnn hfr. and that before he popped the quest Inn he niM HMieii ner 11 Bne inougnv it wouhi oe tue proper thing to do. She had to ulve him direc tions atiout the wedding tour, the ordering of bis wrddipg-aiilt, and generally direct him In all matrimonial proceedings. From the order ing of the cradle to the naming of the baby, be never ventured to think for himself, and he has been h nown to run back, after leaving the bonne, to fink her whether she thought It belter for him to.'breat he tli rough hla mouth or through his nostrils. The B. B. is never consulted In do mestic nfTalra, Is never lnvltd, except through hla wife; If any peraon wishes a donation from him for any charitable purpose, Mrs. it. H. Is pplled to at once, to save trouble and circum locution. The servants snub him. and the children disobey .him, which somellmer Irri tates him a little, but at these times he uni formly complains to bis wl e; and she, after due Investigation, decides who )b In the wrong, and reprimands accordingly. Many may think this latter species ol 11. B. a very miserable Indi vidual, but they are grievously mistaken, iie anows nis incapacity to walk alone, and know ing, uare maiutuin;uis right lo wear the main inonlal yoke. Tub M oka i Baby is of that numerous class Of lmbecllts who, not being a law to themselves, pin their consciences on other people's d lota. The M. 11. lives In a state of continual terror from hearing t he bugaboo stories of the sensation-manufacturing dry-nurses of public morals and propriety. The staggering question, "la It a sin to take snuff?" asked with soul harrowlDg seriousness, has been known to filgbten Ike discretion less M. B. Into connip tion ins, ana ine leariutiy momentous query, "Is It proper to pick one's teeth on Sunday T bas oft induced hydrocephalus in the babes of trie moral nursery, i ne m. is. never avers that cnicanery or peculation is wrong because 11 Is a sin against (Jod and our neighbor, but merely because that It Is accounted so by society. Ho it is that when certain forms of vice become fash lonnble, the M. B. will practise them without the least feeling of compunction, and she who would not for a camel's hair shawl be seen prome nading of a Sunday, will not hesitate to commit moauiaiea cuiia murder. jy. Y. Mercury. SPECIAL NOTICES. fldgp NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. JOY COB & CO., Ageuts for the 'T bath" and Newspaper Press of the whole country, haveRE MOVKD from FIFTH and CHBSNUT Btreeta to No. 144 S. SIXTH Street, second door above WALNUT. Office8:-No. 144 8. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia; TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. New York. 74P IST GRAND UNION FAIR OF THH BAPTIST CnURCHKS OF rillLADELFHI A, IN AID OT THK MEMORIAL BAPTIST CHAPEL, now bring erected under tlie auspices ofthe CHTIRCH t-Xl'F.NbluN COMMISSION, will open on MONDAY KVKN1KO rexl, !-ceu.ber 9, at CONCERT 11 ALL, and will continue for one week, Anexceheiit selectluu ot FANCY AND USEFUL AR'l U XK8 will he on aale at reasonable prices nt the tale of the dlllerent timrclie. ALL CHANCES, VOTINO. MCHKMKH, Kit'.. WILL BK HTKlCiLV PKOHIH1TKD DURING 'IHE FAIR, (Mid these ob jectionable features being disallowed, the patronage and support ofthe denomination and public generally arerarnestly solicited anil expected. Tickets can be procured at the Baptist Publication Rooms, No. MO Arcb. street, and rom Hie Huperlaten dents and Teachers of the various Baptist Sunday Schools. ia s at In order to avoid any Interference with tlit Fair, the Haxsler Orchestra bava most trenwrniiHlv rnn. sented to defer their usual Muuduv nlwrininn Con. cert, on tbe fcth Inst. 1ST UNION LEAGUE HOUSE . BROAD STREET. ' . Philadelphia, Nov. 80, 1867, THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE CSION I, K AG liC OF PHILADELPHIA. ' Will be held at the League House, ON MONDAY EVENING, December 9, AT 7 O'CLOCK. At this meeting there will be an election for Officers and Dlrectota to serve for the ensuing year. UEKUE II. ItOKEIt, 11 80 7t - SECRETARY. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY. TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT. Philadkli'hia, Nov. 2, 1H67. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. The Board of Di rectors have thin day declared a semi-annual dividend of;THREE PERCENT, on tbe capital slock of the Company, clear of National and State taxes, payable on and alter November 80. 1W. IIIhdK powers of at torney for collecting dividends can be had at lueotllce Of the Company, No. 288 S. THILD Street. PersouB holdlnu Scrip Ceitlticates can have thorn cashed ou presentation at this Ollice. 114 6W 'i mum as T. nivru. Treasurer. fT5" FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' NATIONAL BANK. Pnii.iDEi.pniA. Dec. 6. 1867. Tbe Annual Election for Directors ot ibis Bank will be held at tbe BanklDg House on Wednesday, tbe 8th day of January next, between the hours of ll 0 clock A, M. and 2 o'clock P. M. 12 8 1 1 s w. kushton, J a., Cftsnter. SECOND NATIONAL BANK OF PHI- La DELPHI A. Frankford, Dec 4, 1867. For the convenience of Its stockholders, tills itauk will pay the State Tax otaTbree Mills aiaessed upon tneir snares, ami now i ayauin to me itfcwvetoi Taxes ot this city. W, IL SHttLMEKDINE. 1ZB8C camier. POST OFFIC E. T1 -. - . . ..... . Tl ,. Tu K t l.i- The Mall for Havana, ner sieamer ST A R OF T 11 K UNION, will close at this Ollice at .6 A. M., ou SUN- 2JA 1 , BkU 1UBU 12 8 2t HENRY H. BINGnAM, Postmaster, WIEGAND'S PATENT STEAM GENE BATOR la cheap, compact, economical In use, and ABSOLUTELY SAFE FROM ANY POSSI BILITY OF EXPLOSION Apply at the Office of SAMUEL WORK, N. E. cor ner of THIRD and DOCK Streets. 18 4p KBf HOLLOW AY'S PILLS. FEVER AND AGUE. 'Ihe Dreuarations ot uuluiue and Calomel prescribed by the faculty tor ibis disease are more destructive In their ravages on the human body than tbe coninlalut Itself, verllylnn the old adage, "A remedy worse than the disease." JIollo- way s 1'ins possess no mineral poison, anu are more soeedy and ellicaclous in promoting a permaiiuut cure, Hold by all druggists, in 4 tut lust BEAUTIFUL HAIR. MANY" YEARS In chemical experiments have resulted In the perfection or CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR, an unrivalled hair dressing. Imparling new lite and increased nutriment to the hair, preventing baldness and arresting Its progress when commenced: regulating and sustaining the principle upon wbicU the color ot balr depends, thereby positively restor ing grey hair to Its original color ana youthful beauty, and stopping Us lulling out at once. Sold by all diuggists. J6 in WHiiru HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM. T. HOPKINS, C28. MANUFACTURER OF FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, - FOR THE TRADE AND AT RETAIL. NO, 638 AKtn STBEIET, BELOW fiK VMTU, rillLAUELPIIIA. Also dealer In full lines of low-priced New York aud Eastern made Skirts. All the uew and desirable St fles and sizes ot Ladles', Mlsnes', and Children's Hoop-sklrls constantly on bandaud made to order, embracing the largest and most varied assortment hi thli market, at very moue- rEeveryLiady should try "O u Own Make" of Hoop Skirts, as they have no equal, Southern, Western, autt ne(.r Trade buyers Will Hud It to their Interest lo examlnu our goods. Catalogue or styles, sixes, uu en "v yy'"i address. WANTS. WANTED, BY A LAROE DRY GOODS JOBBING BOUSE, First clasa SALES MAN. To an active, energetic man, who can control an extensive trade, a liberal salary win oe given. Address In coundeuce, with real name, E. XL T.i Miei Atthl0iUv9i INTERNAL REVENUE PRINCIPAL DEPOT ,t FOB THK BALK OF UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS, No. 304 OIIESNUT Street. CENTRAL DEPOT, No. 103 Smith FIFTH Street (One door below Ohesnnt street). KSTABLISIIKD 1802. Oar stock comprises all tbe denominations printed by tbe Government, ALL ORDERS FILLED AND FORWARDED BY MAIL OR FXPRFSB IMMEriATELY UPON RE CEIPT, a matter Of great Importance. Drafts on Philadelphia, Post Ollice Orders, Green backs, and National Bunk Notes, received In pay menu .Tbelollowlug rates ol commission are allowed On20. ...TWO PR CENT From 20 to $100...... - - .FOUIU PER OK NT From luo upwards.... FOUR AND A HALF PER CT Tbe Commission Is payable In stamps. All orders, etc., should be addressed to NTA.HP AMF.NCT, No. 304 OIIESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. OBHEP.8 RFCEIVED FOR STAMPED CHECKS RAF1S, RECEIPTS. ETC 1122 BOOTS AND SHOES. I HE LATEST STYLES IN tl'iTOJl JtADF. HOOTS Aivr SHOES FOR GKJiTIjtJir.S AND HOTS. CALL AND BEB THB NEW BOX TOES. PBIti: FIXED AT LOW FIUCRES. BARTLETT, NO. 33 KOlTII SIXTH STREET, H 28 tf ABOVE CHESNUT. fjOW READY, Gentlemen's and Youths BOOTS AND GAITERS FOB FALL AND WINTER WEAB. FRENCH PATENT LEATHER BOOTS. FINE iRENCH CALF BOOTS for Balls and Par. ties. SINGLE-POLED BOOTS for Fall Wear. LIGHT DOUBLE-SOLE D BOOT a for Fall Wear. FRENCH CORK-SOLED BOOTS, very easy for tender feet. QULLTED SOLED BOOTS made by hand. GUM SOLED BOOIS, very durable, and guaranteed to keep tbe teet dry. Having fitted the second story of my store for some ot my workmen, I am able to make any sort of Boots to order, at verv sbort notice. Fair dealing aud a moderate price Is my motto. A trial is all I desire. WM. H. HELWEG, NO. 539 ARCH STREET, 828smw3mrp One door below Sixth. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE CLOTH HOUSE. WM. T. SNODGRASS & CO., NO. 84 SOITII SECOND STREET, Announce a fresh Importation o LADI1N' TEE VET CLOTHS, It'll BEATERS, ASTRAKHAN'S, TEEVETEKNW, CIIINOIIEEAN, TUFTED HEAVERS, ETC. ETC. ETC. Also, a large and varied assortment of GOODS adapted lorMens aud Boys' Wear. 1119 lmrp MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS ETC. MRS. R. DILLON. BIOS. 383 AND 831 SOUTH STREET Em all the novelties In FALL MILLINERY, foi Ladles, M lanes, and Children. Also, Crapea, Silks, Ribbons, Velvets, Flower. Feathers, Frames, etc. Milliners supplied. 16j FOR SALE. m PUBLIC BALE OF VALUABLE MILL PROPERTY. Will be sold at public lale on 1 t URSDA Y , Deo. 12, 1867, at i o'clicK P. M., on the premises, tbe property known as tbeUULF MILLS, aud 'it acrts of Land, situated In UpperMerlon Towi ship, MontKomery couniy, 4 miles from Norrlstowu, one aud a bait miles iron Consbobocken.on tue Phila delphia and Reading Railroad. The Mill Is adapted to merchants or country work, and contain, two pairs oi Frenub burs, with all the necessary machinery, bolts, etc.! propelled by thu Gull creek, ou an over-shot waier wheel, with about twenty-seven feet lit ad aud fall. The Improvements, bvHldes the mill, consist of a large Btone manslou bouse, containing twelve rooms, aud a lame hall, two stories high; two stone tenant houses, stone barn, smoke bouKe, sprinx-bouse, and other necessary out buildings. This property bas the advantage of a large country custom, being contiguous to lrou works and factories, and is delightfully situated In rne of the most pleasant neighborhoods In the Ktnte, convenient to churches, scbaols. etc Is well worthy the attention Of business men and capitalists. AIbo, will be sold a House and Lot of about three acres, with carriage bonne ailjoinlng. Terms easy, and made known on the day ol sale by 12 6 7 I" A. L. CORSON, Agent. Persons desirous of viewing the property will be shown by applying lo John Alman. on the premises. TO RENT. "" O LET, Large Third-Storv Room, Well Lighted, wltU r without Power. APPLY AT 11 6 tf NO. 10 SOUTH THIRD ST. I OK RENT A COMPLETELY FUR- liiNIt-HKD HOUSE. Apply to J. AlULFORO, CH1.SM LIT H ILL. li 7 at h sTmechamcal JUAUNDKV COMPANT, PlIIEADEI.I'lilA, INtOKCOUAlDO 1HA7. CAPITAL. lOO,Ono. SI'Kfc Itll'TlOA PIIICK or kllAKIS, 10. Orders li lt at the following places will meet with prompt attention, viz.: tMaleu Island Fancy Dyeing l ouii any, 47 N. Eighth street; Atkiuson's Gents' Fur nishing store, 621 Chesnut street; AtklnBon's Gents' Furnishing Store, uu C'liesnut street; Lalng's Hat and Gents' Furnishing Store. N. K. cor. Sixth aud t'hesuut streets; WlnclHHler's Uents' Furnlshlug Store, To6 Chesnut street; Grant's Uents Furnishing Store, 1018 theamil street; Levi's Gem's Furnishing Storu, W. K, cor i-U hlh and Rce streets: Hachse S. Sou's Shirt Store, S. J'i cor. F.lghth and Vine streels; Butler's Gents' Furnishing Store, 14iS. Eighth street; Scott's Gents' Furnishing Store, i5 8. Tenth street; Jones' Hoop Skirt aud Ladles' Furnishing Store, 822 Arch street; Hooper & Parker's Gents' I-urnlshlng store., N. b: cor. Arch and Ninth streets; Taggart & Farr'a sewing Machine Store. 61 N. Ninth street: Atkinson's Dry Hoods store, W2?i Ridge avenue, aud at the Laundry, Ninth street, bslow Dl kersou. W nulling done at 8i ci is psrdoten. All articles called fur and dellveredfi of charge, and all cloth ing lost will be paid for. No ciieraicals used. All work performed In tha best possible manner, uuder the uierln tendance of expe rienced aud carelul leinala operative. UkuW Socks mended aud liuliona replaced wlihoul extra charge. The public are Invited lo Inspect tbe Ijtundry. Holders of lour shares of stock will have Ihnlr bills rendered monthly, with a discount ol Wl par ce rt Stock may be .uhsrrlbed for at the Ollice of 1LKNRY C POl.UMJK. Treaiurer, WO. m S. bLXTH Street, 10 12(Jtt3mrp - PUllndulpUU GROCERIES, fcTC. pRCSH FRUITS, I OG7. rKAtllES, PEARS, PINEAPPLES, PLUMS, APRICOTS, CIIEBRIF.S, BLACHBRKRIES, tlTIN ES, ETC, PBIEBTED AND I'KKSII, III CASTS AND ULAhS J A US, ' Put np for onr trade, and for sale by thi doaen, or In smaUer quantities, by MITCHELL & FLETCHER. iosm wo. iao4 cnr,swrT mtrrkt. James r; v e d d, TEA DKALKR AND C-ROGKR, S. E. COR. EIGHTH AID WALK (IT STS. Fxtra Flue Souohong, or English Breakfast Teas. Superior Cbulati Teas, very cheap. Oolong Teas of every grade. Yonng Ujson Teas of finest qualities. All fresh Imported. H jj RATIONAL UNION CillOCERT AM) PROVIKION COMPANY. Groceries and f revision at Coet. OFFICE : No, 235 South THIRD Street. STORE; No. 08 ARCH Street. Cash Capital .,00, President- VVHILL. D. liALKUANIt 11 16 lin SADDLERY, HARNESS, Ac. JJIIK UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS OP THi KEW CUESKTJT STREET (NO. 181), IADDLEBT, HARNESS, AND HORSE iruBNuiiiNO cioods house OP LACEY, MEEKER & CO.. attributable to the following facts: They are very attentive to the wants oftheir cue-1 torn ere. Tbey are satisfied with a fair business profit. Tbey sell goods only on their -own merits. Tbey guarantee every strap In all harness they sell over flu, the fault of tbe purchaser only who does not get what he Is guaranteed and paid lor. Their goods are 26 per cent, cheaper than can b bought elsewhere. Tbey have cheaper and finer goods than can bt beught In tbe city. Tbey have the 1 rgestand most complete stock In Philadelphia. All Harness over $25 are "hand-made." Barnes, from (11 to (C26. Gents' Saddles from IS to fTS. Ladles' Saddles from ItO to 1125. Tbey are the oldest and largest manufacturers the country. LACEY, MEEKER & CO., 9 HSm no. iai cnEswrT street. HATS AND CAPS. H THE FALL AND WINTER STYLE HATS AT L. BLAYLOOK'S, I SJSf MO. 08 NOBIII EIC1HTII STREET, Are commended to the especial attention of UENTLE3IEK OF TASTE AND FASHION, BEING ELEGANT IN OUTLINE, MATCHLESS IN FABRIC, CHARMING? IN FINISH For ease, grace, and fashion, they are 11 2Jsmwi0t THE HOI1ELS OF THE SEASON.' FURS. 1867. FALL AND WINTER. 1867 FUR HOUSE, (Established In 1318.) The undersigned invite the special attention of the Ladles to their large stock of FURS, consisting of Muffs, Tipoets, Collars, Etc.. LN RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON'S BAY SABLE, . MINK 8ABLB ROYAL ERMINE, CHINCHILLA, FITCH, ETC. AU Of tne LATEST STYLES, SUPERIOR FINISH and at reasonable prices. Ladles In mourning will fled handsome article PFRSIANNKS and SIMIAS; the latter a moat bean tlfnl lur. CARRIAGE ROBES, SLEIGH ROBES, and FOOO MUFFS, la great variety. A. K. & F. K. WO M RATH, 9114111 SO. 417 ARCH STREET. 4 if Will remove to our new Store, No. 1212 Chesnut street, about May 1, WS. p A W C Y F U R C. The snbscrlber having recently returned from Europe with an entirely new stock of F U It B Ol his own selection, would oiler the same to bis cus tomers, made np In the latest styles, and at reduced prices, at buT OLD JlSTABLISHKD STORE, MO. 19 NORTH THIRD STREET, ' 10 2ti2mrp ABOVE ARCH. JAMES R EI SKY. GAltDNER & FLEMING, OOAOII MAKKKS. HO. Sl SOUTH FIFTH STREET, Kew and Beoond-hand Carriages for sale. Par tlrnlar attDtlon paid to repairing 6 803'U T. STEWART BROWN, U.K. Canttl FOURTH ACHE?1613 BTKAfU, iUl iaov ' and XraveUxii I""1' X CHEAPEST, DRY GOODS. LIHE1? STORE. AltOH BT11EET. ANOTHER INVOICE Or EXTENSION TAIILE CLOTHS, FINE NAPKINS AND DOTLIK Received Direct from Europe. FINE TABLE CLOTHS Of every else from I to a yards long, with Napkins match. A FULL LINK OF REAL RARNSLET DAMASKS AND LINEN SHEETINGS. G. HILLIKEN, Linen Importer, Jobber, and Retail Dealer, 918wsm;rp NO. 88 ARCH STREET. pRICE & WOOD, N.W.COR.EieHTH AND FILBERT STS HAVE JUST OPKNKD A large lot of 811k Fans, very cheap. Gilt Stick Silk Fans, lor the opera. Handsome Papier Mache Work Boies and Writing Desks, very low, 25 per cent, less than Importers' prices. Watch Stands, Ink Stands, Cigar Cases, Glove Boxes, Wax Dolls, etc. A large assortment of Ildfs., very cheap. ' Ladles' Embroidered JIdkfs. Ladles' Lace Hdkrs.. 4oa, Boc.. 80c., 11, il-25, l'5o, f Ladies' Hem stitch and Tucked Hdkls., very cheap.' Geuts' Hem-etlched and Colored Border Hdks. A large lot of Porte-monaales, very cheap, 13c. 20C 31c, 85c., IOC, 60C, 65C. 75c, 85C, 1. Velvet and Berlin Wire Purses, very cheap. A large lot of Ladles' Companions, 40c, 60o.ic. 75C, 1.25, 1 1-50. A new lot of Gents' Neck Ties. 3I& A large assortment of Hosiery and Gloves. Ladles', Gents', aud Children's Merino Shltts and Drawers. All-wool and Do met Flannels. Heavy Shaker Flannels, 26c. 33c, 40c, and 50c. Bleached and Unbleached Canton Flannels. Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Table Linen, Napkins, and Towels, very cheap, PRICE A WOOD, 8 21smwt Jl N. W. Cor. EIGHTH and FILBERT. POPULAR PRICES FOR DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & C0.r 727 CHESNUT STREET. 1HW1 C L O A K I N C S. WE ARE DAILY RECEIVING TUB NEWEST STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAKENGS, WHICH WE OFFER AT GREATLY BE; DICED PRICES, IN ADDITION TO A FULL LINE OF. FANCY CASSIMERES, COATINGS, AND GOODS GENERALLY ADAPTED TO ' MEN'S AND DOTS' WEAR. MIIKKIS, CLOTIIIEK & LEWIS, CLOTH JOBBERS, 8 216m HOS. 10 AND 81 S. FOURTH ST, JAMES & LEE, AO, 11 NORTH SECOND STREET, SIGN OF THE GOLDEX LAMII, HATE J VST RECEIVED A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTS! EN T OF PANTALOON STUFFS, OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, WHICH WILL, BE SOLD AT THE LOWEST PHICEM, WHOLESALE A1'P RETAIL. 8 2la 212 north EiaiiTii st. 212 LE MAISTRE & ROSS Have Just opened a large and choice lot of G00D3 suitable i UK TUE HOLIDAYS, such as HANDKEHCHIEF8 for Ladles', Gents', aud Chll dren's'wear, compr'slug Plain Linen, Hemmed Hemstitched, Embroidered, Colored Bordered Tucked, etc, much below regular rates. REAL LACE HL KFS, Irota 12 25 up.; IMITATION - " es cants np. LACE COLLARS from 3) cents op. LACE TIDIES at a bargain. LACE CUBTAINS FKOM AUCTION. -3 00 and frPOOper pair. Also, CCIITAIN LACK very cheap. 000 jards HAJtBUKU LDULNOS AND INSKBT, 1M0B.OI elegant patterns, Ulia