THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7, 1867. " dlfaprccable petillemcn wcreon -ntsioin frou neivhboriTiff Bute; one on aouotury affairs, tie cn political, one on oectarinn. fvcral of the (reiitlptncu got upone by ono, and -walked off as they wiilli)ed their last mend; pauMn pcnerallv bv the tove for a minute or to to rrfittiU themselves at th brass cptitroiiB. A few cdeniary diameters, however, n ma tied nt the table lull a quarter of an hour, tmd did not rise until the ladles rose, when all BUon up. ...... "Where are they froing?" aked .Martlri, .la. tie ear of Jefferson brick. "To their bed-rooma, sir." ' "Is there no dessert, or ofher tnWvul of con- vernation ?" a-ked Martin, who whs disposed to enjoy himeell alter Ins long; voyase. I "We are a butpeople here, kir, anl have no. tirre foT that," wnR the reply. N the l.ioles passed out in s'tntrln fllo, Mr. Jf llerson Brick and such other uinrrled senile men fie were lett, acknowludiugr the departuro of their other halves by a nod; tuid there was an end of them. Onee or twice, when there wa a panne, Mar tin aked nu-h questions as nuturaily occurred to him, beintr a stranuer, about the national poets, the theatre, lileiature, and the arts. But the information which thee pentlrinen were In a coudltion to tfive hint on such Ionic, dil not extend beyond the ellusii-ns ot cuoh mat'-r-Sfirits ol the time as Colonel Diver, Mr. Jcf-tere-ou llrick, and others; renowned,, as it ap peared, lor excellence in the achievement of a peculiar style of broadside-essay called "a terminer." ... '".We are a busy ppople, sir," said one of the captains, who was from the West, "and have no time lor reading mere notions. We don't mind 'em If they come to us iu newspapers along with almighty strong stud" of another sort, butdaru jour books." line the peneral, who appeared to quite prow fiiint at the bare thoupbl ot roaliny any thing which was neither mercantile nor politi cal, aud was iiot iu a newspaper, Inquired "if any pcntleman would drink some?" Most of the company, considering this a very choice and seasonable idea, lonneed out one by one to the bar-room In the next block. Thence they probably went to their stores and counting houses; tbence to the bar-room npain, to talk onee more of dollars, and enlarge their minds with the perusal and discussion of screamers; and thence each man to snore in the bosom of his own funny. Now, there had been at the dinner-table a middle-aped man with a dark eye and a sun burnt face, who bad attractea Martin's attention by having something very enpatner and honest in the expreksion ot his features: but of whom he could learn nothing from either of hie neigh bors, who seemed to cousider him quite beneath their notice. He had taken no pait in the con version round the stove, nor had he pone forth with the rest; and now, when be heard Martin tie h for the third or fourth time, he mterpo-ed with some casual remark, as if he desired, with out obtrudiup himself upon a stranger's notice, to eueftoe him in choerlul conversation it he coulo. His motive was so obvious, and yet so delicately expressed, that Martin felt really eratetul to him, and showed him so in the man ner 01 his reply. "I will not ask you," said this penllamau with a smile, as he rose and moved towards him, "how you like my country, for I can quite anticipate yoar real feeling on that noiut. But. as I Bui an American, aud consequently bouud to begin with a question, I'll abk you how do yon I ke the colonel ?" ' "You are so very frank," returned Martin, "that I have no hesitation in saying I don't like htm at all. Thouph 1 must add that I am - be holden to him lor his civility in brinsrini? me heie amt arranging lor my i-tav, on pretty reasonable terms, by the way," he added: re men. b?ring that the colonel had whispered him to that effect, before going out. . "Not much beholden," said the stranger drily. "The colonel occasionally boards packet ships', I have heard, to glean the latest iniormation for liislournul; and be occasionally brings stranger? to board heie, I believe, with a view lo the little percentage which attaches to those good ollices; and which the hostess deducts Irom his weekly bill. I ooo't offend you, I hope t" he added, seeing that Martin reddened. "My dear sir," returued Mtrttn, as they shook hands, "how is that possible? to tell you the truth, I am " "Yen?" said the gentleman, sitting down beside him. am ra'her at a loss, since I must speak plainly,".ta.d Martin, petting the better ot hi9 hesitation, "to know how the colonel escapes wq beaten." "Weill He has hern bea'en once or twice," remaiked the gentleman quietly. "He is ono of a class of men in whom our own Franklin, so Iole ago as ten years belore the close ot the last century, loreeaw our danger ana aisgntce, rer haps you don't know that Franklin, in very severe terms, published bia opinion that those who - were tdandeicd by such fellows as this colonel, havinp no sufficient remedy in the ad ministration of this country's laws, or in the decent and Tight-minded leelinp of its people, were justified iu retorting on such public,nui sauccs by means of a stout cudgel f" . "I was not aware of that," said Martin, "but I am very glad to know it, and I think it worthy ol his memory, especially" hire he hesitated again. "Go on,"" said thf other, if he knew what stucK in Martin' throat. "Es-pt daily," pursued Martin, "as I can already understand that it mav have required great courage, even in his time, to write treely on any uestion wnictt was not a party one in inis very tlree country." "Some courage, no ootiDi," returuea nis new -lend. "Do jou think It would require any to tio so, now ?" llKH-eu, 1 l-uilia. 10 wvum, emu uvi n ituic, said Martin. "you are right. So very right, that I believe uo satirist could breathe; this air. If another Juvenal or Swift could rise up amouer us to uionow, he would be hunted down. If you have any knowledge, of our literature, aud can give mo the ntirin of any man. Aiicr can born aud Srfd.wbo has anatomized our lollies as a people, d not as ibis or that party; and has escaped e foulest and most brutal slander, tha ruost in i terate hatred and intolerant pursuit' It will astranue name tu my ears, oeiieve me. in me cases I could name to you, wuere a native riter has ventured on I he most harmless and ood-humored illuctratious ol our vices or de- cts, it has been -found necessary to announce hat iu a second edition the pas-uge has been puDpcd. or altered, or eApla'ned aay, or atchi.d into praise." r. .it 1. 1. .... 1 i .1 no Ami how has tnts Deen Drouaui auoutr- ski-d Martin, in dismay. "Think ot what you have seen 0111 neara 10- av, beiMliuiug witn tue coiouci," saiu uis nend, "and a-k yourser. How they came .bout is another question, neaven ioioiu mai hey fboulii be samples of the intelligence aud rtue or America, but tney come uppermost; ud in great numbern too; and too oun repre- nt it. Will vou walk?" It was Herbaria to men like this, his new com- aiiion, that a traveller of honored name, who od these shores no w nearly forty y enrs ago, aim ke upon that soil, as minv have done since, 0 blots and Minis upon its h gh pretensions, bich iu the briebtnet.3 ot his distant dreams 1 re lobl to view, appealed in these words Oh luit lor such Columbia's days were (lone: Kimk wlllimil ripeness, qiilee.nert witlioul BUB, ( nule at Hie ourlKce, rulien ul me eoie, " iitrliuiln would lull belorfhertipni:; were o er. " j"tNATioN. vr. I'oner, riuii.-"'" f liotauv in Lafayette College, hns presented -T7 ........ TV . t. . T- f . - nis coneeuiMi is u t-pecial value, as containing ii-, miuiiii m r lorH 01 rt'nuJlvanla in ex tencc. It is the result ot moro than twenty cars' labor on the part of the Professor aud his fistants, and Is full, eual iu extent and value . 1l.i b'lrn-a nf flip Rtat., 1 n ... ai... 11 IU i-iu.i. w -.- ... 11111, lUT VILU olleclion of which such large appropriations ere voieu ojr luciiipmi'iiuic, William Morrison, who fought under acksou at New Orleans, died at Utiua, In- flua a few days since, at the age or seventy- ine. He was a native of Lyooming county, eEDsylvania, and a brother or the venerable houiaa Morrison, of Dayton, wko Burvives on. . CITY INTELLIGENCE. JOB ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITKMR NKK OUTRIDE PAOKA.J Tub Numismatic and AtmynAMA!, Socirty or 1'iiiLiDFLriii a. A stated meeting of this Socirty was held on Thursday evening last, at its Hall, No. 624 Walnut street, Vice President Chandler in the chair. A number 01 donations were made- to Ihe So ciety, Including one very tine Calcutta rupee, dated Awno Hcpirle 1131, which was presented B'y Mr,,-tTlgh.ton. , . Mr. Hart con.iiiunlcateu an account of a recent discovery ol Itomau gel coins Id Parts. Mr. Phillips read an article relative to niw Kpypt an postage stamps aud recent archieolo gital discoveries in the West. A very interesting original communication was made by Dr. fanlcl (i. Uriuton, iu relation to the newly discovered alphabetical key to the OutrHl American inscriptions at Pulenque, etc. He showed clearly the phonetiB character of those Inscriptions, and traced the origin of all wilting, which he divided Into two clases, "ideographic"' and "pictographies," which lormcr if derived Irom aud is a modification and devel opment ol the latter. Words bear two relations: 1. Ideas relating to outside things. 2. Ideas relatirg to interior things. . Of the first class is picture writing, and can never represent ideas of absolute things. Pure picture writing cannot exist without symbols, which are the beginning of ideographic writing. The tpjptian ideographic writings are rich in concrete Ideas, but are unable to express ab stract oues. Hence, there are many symbols for women in their various relations, such as wire, virgin, and widow, mother, etc., but none lor womaD In the abstract. To such an alphabet, where no ideas are expressed, but only things, the key once lost is pone forever; only a general idea remains from which we can guess at the meaning. The tiausposition from ideographic to phonetic writinp, from symbol to sound, occurs for the hrst time in proper names, which all had once a meaning outside ot the indi vidual who bore them, and had reference to some external object or quality. For example, Jones, John-son; Hobcrtson, Kobin-son, etc. The earliest names ot which we have record are compound words. Amnemonic sign was oilcn aoopted for a portion of the name, an ii'statce whereof is shown in eaily heralcry of articles taken together and combined like a rebus. Thus, Bolton arms were a cask or tun pierced by a cross-bar bolt. Similarly in the most ancient alphabets the un dies of the lelters were taken from some word, and with which thev began. The case In Oiihara, Hebrew, etc. Thus in Hebrew the letter A Is named Aleph, B is Eet, from Bayit, a house; G is Gimel, a camel, etc. M in Gothic is called "Jucm," a wotd common to that stock ol languages, and of most frequent occurrence. ir. Brintou then proceeded to explain the new found Maya alphabet. The Maya race was the most civilized aud cultivated race in America. The ruins of their palaces, etc., Hinply prove it. Their language doubtiess par took in Fome degree of civilization and of a pho netic character. Carloiiebes lound that the Central American figures bear resemblance In object to the Fgyptian ones. Abbe Brasse de uourooiry has Deeu able to icad several mss. ty means ot a Mapa alphabet found in a Hna- nirb convent. The al habet consists of t went v- ....... J . . I A 1 1 ! ,J iuui puuuur, ujusu.y puuiiiui, wuicu cannot De represented in our tongue. An additional source of trouble in interpreting the inscrip tion Is the omihsiou of words arid the use of aroitrary symbols for others, variable at the win 01 i acn writer. Mr. Chandler made some remarks relative tn pictured rock seen by bim iu Venezuela. 'J. he con mittee on celebrating the tenth anni versary of the Society reported adversely to any iuiiuui ueiuuiJii uiiuu. The following penllcmen were elected officers ol the Society for 18t!8: j resimnt 11 tv. Puce. Vtce-rrcsiclents William S. Van x. William P. Chandler, William Duane, John Faruura. Lorrefjionaing Setretary Henry Phillips, Jr. hecordmg Secretary Alfred B. Taylor. 3'reosurcr Thomas E. McKlroy. . Historiographer Charles H. Hart. ; ( vrator Numismatics- William J. Jenks. Curator Antiques iJaniel G. Biluton, M. D. Librarian William T. Taylor, M. D. John Evans. Esu.. of Nash Mills. Ilemel- Hetmitteail. KugUnd, was elected a foreign cor- rerponding member of the Society. On motion the Society adiourned. Meeting of Steam riKB E.vginbCompanies. A meeting of delegates from the various Steam Fire engine companies ot tais city was neia iasi evening, at the Hibernia Engine house, for the purpose of considering the application already made to Councils lor an extra appropriation of $1U(J0 to each company, aud to devise some plan by which the oniect 01 tne application may oe speedily obtained. The meetiug was called to order by the Chairman, Samuel 8. Stone, Esq. John K. Downing, Esq., acted as Secretary. The committee appointed to prepare a memo rial reported that, iu consequence of the death ot the lhte Chief Engineer, David M. Lyle, the election of a new Chief, and the action of City Councils in regard lo a paid nre department, thev had bean unable to make any progress, The committee appointed bv each company to ascertain the views ol the members of Couucils upon tbis subject, reported that they had at tended to the purposes of their appointment, and that a great diversity of opinion existed; some of the members, while believing that $20ti0 per annum wua not sufficient for the sup port ot the steam nre-engme compauies, were 01 the opinion that their number was too large, and Others were in favoj ol a paul department. On motion, the meeting then adjouxuea to meet at the call of the officers. ' IntlOETANT AKREPT BY DETECTIVE GEORGE II. Smith. About a week ago. Detective George H. bmith lett the city In search of one Stephen Allis, w ho, it is alltged, stole $20,000 in Govern ment bonds from the residence of the late Patrick O L'onncll, in the upper scetion of the city. The theft was committed In May last, immediately alter the decease of Mr. O'Uounell; and in consequence of Allis leaving Philiudel phia, suspicion pointed to him. 'A irue bill was lound by the Grand Jury, aud all that remained to be done was the arrest of the defendant. Detective Smith was intrusted with this duty, and yesterday returned to this city, having in his custody the accused, who was found com fuitablv located on a (ami iu Parkcrsburg, Va., which he had recently purchased. Defendant's wife was in some way related to the late Mr. O'Doiinell, and, of couise. Allis was a frequent visitor, ltwaskuown that the deceased was iu possession of Government bonds; but on a search be ing for them they could not be lound. Other circumstances connected with the diKflppeaniTice' ot the money pointed to the guilt of Allis. He will no doubt be at once taken into Court and tried for the alleged oUVnsc. Detec tive Smith is Indebted to Uflicer Thomas l'.ie gart, ol Paiker'-bng, for assistance rendered him 111 the arrest ol the prisoner. Arrest of a Sneak Thief. Special Officer Charles S. Smith arrested, yesterday morning, llarrv Dumotdin, uoou the rhargeof the larceny of a watch from the office of E. Trace y & Co., near Sixth and Chesnut streets. Mr. E. B. Kiniber. book-Keeper for Mers. Tracey & Co., testified that the walch had been stolen the day befoire Thanksgiving, and that he accused was in the pluee on that day. Mr. liosenbaum. pawnbroker, testified inatDumoulinhad pawned the watch in his establishment ou the Viltli .of November. The accused had a hearing before Alderman Bciiler ye.-terdiy afternoon, and was held for ttial. Dumouliu recently served, four mouths In the County Prison lor thieving. r. . - . Hvui Tk-RKvv TV TTnmnhrAVH. M. T lirkr Mr: Your Camrrn Pills cured my wilo of a catarrh ol eignu'en uiouiiih hiumuhik. mr mucu sun hud -previously taken ttUupuUilc luedlclues Iu valu. 1 tin Item them hlKlny. ; ... yours respecilully. J. G. Williamson. Thla Is No, IU ol the erl a. Jol lieion, Hollowny ACowden.No. 28 North Sixth lr?et lyoll A Co., No. Iti2 North Heud Blreel. liole.ale Kenl. Bold also by Uaorae U Kvuuii, fclu knd i'oilr slreew; Anilirosa Miultu, Hroad nd ( XtMuut irjlH; llorlter TweuilwlU nd Uteuii ireU; JoIjo Uley, Kriiklord roBil: Hoche. iifuwnld and tiouih lrt-u: CttlleiKier. 'I OlrU mid Wnliiul irfelit; Hiekiukii, No. H.l Houlh Keconil street; Mr lll, Tuiron-uib and Market aireui; HlylOe. No. 81 ai Wrkei.ireeu hold I a Uenaautown by W. JL Joue. Vcueial Dcpvt, No. W Aioatbfvk Tni: Pecretary of the Treasury's Itcport revea's a Very satisfactory ttata of the national finances, and, saya the Hpcretary, 'This Is now a fUtlng opportunity to further provide tnt Its Improvement." speaking of "flttlDK opportunities," they are as abundant as tilting ciftome.rt at this teason Of the year, at the large Iteady Made Clothlug House ot Ciiarles Blokes & Oo., under the Continental. IMPOIITANT TO KUYEHH OF HoHIKRT GOODS. MesKra. t'Hk & Brother, No. 53 North r'lihth street, claim to' be the only firm In Phlladel delphla keeplnif till arartn of HoMerypf. Hrtnil who import their own goods. They feel assured That hy avoiding the profits aud commls slons linpost'd In the ordinary course of Inula, they Rave vhelr customers Pt least a5 per CeuU 2. That they have the quality of their rokIs under coinpleur control uslnx the best yarnH, and employing the best workuieu iu their manntHciuro. a Thitt, having direct aecess to,. Karopean rr.arkt ts, ibey cau k-ep a more complete bUk-Ii than if dependent upon purobasoa made here of foreign nooxls. A call from the reader is solicited at their store, No. 63 North Eighth street. Takk Tim k nv thk Forrt.ook and never allow NeurallH, Nerve Ache, or any nervous complaint lo iiln pre u 11 (I. but on the approach of the first avinp lenis. vse 1 r. Turner'B Tie Douloureux, or Universal Neuralgia Pill, and the efTectn of thla medlolue will he appxrenc, and the dlxfase Imelf driven completely outfit the ayalein. by Hie toning and ftimulatiug pro perties of this meulclne. Apotlifcarlea have IU Fai.k of Hoots ani 8nors. The special attention of the trade In called to the large aale ol Boom. bhoe, lircgann. Halmnrala, etc., to be syld by catalogue, for chbIi, on Monday morning, December 9, commencing at 10 o'clock, by Mrtieiiand A Co., auctioneers, at tbtlr atore, No. 6 Market street, A HotTsFnoi.r Worm. The best, the onlv reliable, Ihe cliPHpeHt, Try It. Mrs. 8. A. A llen'B Improved (new tyle) Ilalr Restorer or Dressing (In one bottle). My wile and children prefer It. KveryDrugglat Bulla It. Trice One Dollar. GRovrrt A Bakfr's nichest Premium Sew ing Machines, No. 730 Chesnnt street. CONCESSION TO CTBTOM KTIB. JtW Mer'no and Wool Underwear. Btf Merino and Wool Underwear. 4 H" Merino and Wool Underwear. McIwtiwb t Bbothkr, No. h'36 t'n kbnut street. MA.HBIED. TtOBFTtTS IlICE. Decembf r I, In tula city, by the Rev. Wlilard M. Bice. D. D.. Mr. FKANKLIN KOBERT'H, of Falrfux county, Va to M lea CJLAK4. A. HICK, daughter of the olliclatlog clergyman. PEKOETl OODEY. Pecember flltb, at et, James Church, by the Key. Dr. H. J. Morton. KO LAND fcEtGEK to MAKIOK, daughter of JU, A. Oodey. DIED. BIBD.-On the8d lDtant, JH83TC SPITTALL, only sou ot Edmund and Eliza Bird, In the I8lh year of his age, A beloved and dutiful son. The relatives and tnenda ot the fumllv. tbe Second Didtrlct Police Force, and also the Weccacoe Knitlue Company, are respectfully invited to attend the fune ral, irom tne residence or 11 IB parenin, H. w, corner or Klehleeiitb and Caroenter HLreeLu. on Htindav atter- at 2 o'clock. To proceed to Uuchpelah Ceme tery. CARMICIIA EL. Suddenly, on thesth Instant. Mr. JAM l-HCAHW lull A KL. In the 6Hh year of hid aire. The nude frlendn and those of tbe lamlly, also Key Btoi e Lodpe, No. 2T1, A. Y. M., aud the Scots' ThlHlle Sorlety, are resiiecuully Invited to attend his funeral. irom ins one resiaenco. in. tiecona street, ahove Kead Iok ttailroad. CooiierRVllle. on Monday afternoon at 1 o'elock, without further notice. To proceed to Monu tm nt O meiery. . . HA LLO WELL On the sd Instant, alter short Ill ness, Mr. WILLIAM I1ALLOWELL, In the 6(5thyear ol his age. Ills friends Bnd those of the family, also I.oden Nn. 3, A. Y. M.; and lleiieosls Adelphon Lodge. No. 28, f. O. of O. ., are reapoci fully Invited to attend his fune ral, Irom his late residence. No, IMS N. Front street, on Kumlay afternoon at 1 o'clock. To proceed to Lau rel mil itmwry, KFRBAfOH. On the 6th Instant. PARK IT son of U man and the late Ullzabelu. Kttrbaugu. In the 21st yenr ot 11m ave. The relatives and friends ot the family are respect fully Invited to attend bis funeral, from his lather's 1 enideuce, No. 222ti Lombard street, ou Monday morn ing at 10 o'clock. BIM KIN. On tbe 5ih Instant. EICTTART) o. RTM. K I N, In the 4!Hu year ot Ills age. The relatives aud friends or the family, also Mont gomery Lodge. No. 19, A. Y, M.; Paradlne Lodge, No, 127, 1. O, oO. V.; and Ht. Ueorge's Hoolety, are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from bis late resi dence. No. SOSSannom street, on Monday. Decpmher S, at 1 o'clock I. M . . without further notice. To pro ceed 10 Odd Fellows! Cemetery. THOM AH. December . KDIE M.. only child of John . and Badle M. Thomas, aged 2 years 6 months uuo ouHja, The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, on Habnalli mnrn- Ing at a n'cKieR. Irom uer parenia' residence. IN o. 1102 Mount Vernon atreet. To proceed lo tbe Upper Dub lin Burying Oround. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Newt see First Page. ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAT. mh.7'1 1 - MnoM Rihwi............. 2 27 4M Hrn Wnn loai JUN RlBHS. IHW KTH. ...... PHILADELPHIA COABJD Of TKADB. E. A. HOl'DKH, ") UFIlRQI L. BCZBV. . VJIONTHLY COMMITTEE. HAMUk.1. E. bTOKKS, ) MOVEilKNTH OF OCKAS STK AMICUS. FOB. AMICitlCA. Aleppo............Liverpool...New York Nov. 19 Cot Par ls.,....Llverpool.MNew York Nov. 20 VllledeParlj9....Havre.........New York Noy. 28 Cot Boston Llverpool...New York Nov. la China Llvenool...BoBton ..Nov. 24 Hecla Llverpool...New York Nov. 23 UluneHOta. Llverpool...New York Nov. 26 fcorUHula .BtulhamutouNew York Nov. 26 New Yor4i...Bouthanipton...New York.... -Nov. 26 Atlanllo......Boulhanipton.New York. -Nov. 27 I- tun.... ..LIverpool...New York Nov. 27 Virginia. Llverpool...New York ....Nov. 27 Columbia Glasgow New York..........Nov. 27 Col Atitweip.-.Llverpool.New Yorc............Nov, 27 Fulton. H.....Hre....Hew York....M Nov. 28 Belgian. Liverpool ..Portland,tM...Nov. ii AlleuiauulaBoutbampton..New York.....Nov. 2 BushI .LIverpoolNew York.. ..Nov. 80 A1ul -KKUKOPj2r0rk""; -NOV'80 C. ofParla.......New York... Liverpool. ...Dec. 7 Furopa.. New York...Ulangow......Y...n.De&, 7 Penunj I van la. .New York...LlverpooL..... Dec, 7 Moravian Porlland...MLlverpool ...Dec. 7 peiHia.............New York. ..Liverpool... .Dec, 11 Aleppo New York...Llverpool .....Deo. 11 etitr,.. New York. .Bremen ......Dec. 12 COABTWIBK, DOMKBTIO, Km AHIance Philada..M.M,Charleatoa Deo, g BtaraandBtripeePblla1a....'.Uavan.....M......Deo. 10 Il.Chauncey...New York.,.A8plnwaU.....Dec 11 Kagle ..New York. ..Havana... .bec 13 BanliHgu aeCubaNewYork...Asplnwall. Deo. 14 N. America New York... Klo Janeiro. ......... ..Jau. 23 Matin are forwarded by every steamer Iu the regular lines. The steamers (or or from Liverpool call at Queeuntown, except tbe Canadian line, which call at 1 oudouderry. . The steamers lor 01 Irom the CouU neut call at Southampton. CLEARED YKBTKKDAY. 6teairiHhlp Toimwuiidn, Jennings. Savannah, Phlla- uelphia aud southern Mull .Steinu.slilp Co. BchrJ. M. Fiauagau, btiaw, Cardeuas, Madeira it Caiihda. Bcl.r i.. N. Perry, Hamilton, Salem. Penna. Qas Coal Co. Pchr Hiawatha, noward, Boston. Knight 4 80ns, bt'r H. V iIIIiik. Cundirt, Bultimure, A. Proves, Jr. rt'r 11. I'. Caw, Her. Kallimure, A.Uroves.Jr. Ht'r Cheater. Jones. New York, W. 1. Clyde A Co. Tag Tims. Jetlerxou, Alien, tur Baltimore, witn a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde tt Co. ARRIVED yit'BTKRDAY. Ship Burmali, Davidson, Irotu Liverpool Oct, 18, Willi luclt-e. to Juhu It. Penrose, , Unique Kliaa Young, Jiullleld. 8 days from New York. In haliasl lo K. A. Bouder A Co. - Bchr Clayton fe Lowber. Jackson, 1 dny from 8m ma, Del., Willi grain to James J. Bewley A Co. r-chr Mary B. Kuy, 1 day Irom Uululou, N. Y., with grain lo James L. Bewley & Co. Bcl.rJullaA. Lewis, Tress, 1 day from llancox Bridge, N. V.. with grain lo James L. Bewley fe I o. Bteauier W. C Pierreoont. Bhronshlre. 24 hours iron New York, with mdse. to W. M. Balrd 4Co. Bteanu-r It. Willing, Cundlil, 18 hours Irum Balti more, with indue, to A. Urovea. Jr. Bleamer A. C. Btlmers, Knox, 24 hours from New V01 k, wltb mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Tug Thus. JerJerson. Allen, irom Baltimore, with tow or barges to W. P. Clyde Co. o. . , . MIMOKANDA. Steamship Alliance. Kelly, lor Philadelphia, sailed Ii om I liurifcM.'ii yesierday, BilgC. V. W illiams, , lor Philadelphia, sailed friui CharieHKin jesierday. 1'ulhway. Haley, Barah Cullen. Cullen; Jona Mxy. Neai; aou Bulie Wllsou, Nowell, heuce, at Bos ton 4to luM, t-i hr Clara DavlCson, Garwood, hence, at Newberu, N. i , UO Ins... chkilered to load lor Philadelphia. Hi hie D. V. Btreaker, Jewati. and K. Davis, Weeks, hence lor boston, at Holmes' Hole 2d Inst. Minnie. K Inula, Bprague; Richard Law. York j V. Newklrk. Huutlev; and K. It. Oraham, Bmlth, hence, at I rovnience 4th lust. r-chr Kihau Allen, Bluke. of Philadelphia, aalled Irom PruviUence 4th Inst. r-chr Mluoesuia, Pbinuey, heuce at Newport 4th Instant. Bchr Mnoollght. Berry, hence, at Newport 8d Inst. ax hr B. Washhuru. Macomher, froui Tauutou lor Philadelphia, at Newport 8d Inst. Bchrs iuelila, Davis, from Boston; A.A.Andrews, Kelly, Irom do.; H. Vanamau, Vauaman. froi'i Han aor. all for Philadelphia: and A. M Flanagau.Culllus, fur Boston, were at Newport 4lli InsU Bi hr Beveuue, Oaudy, heuce, at Fall Itlver4tb Inst. Hi'lirs Uirv Halev. llalvi m D u.uli 1. Urae: aud J.1L jaivU,UuUila,ttuve.atlUvaaaaiMiUuit. Pobr Mary and Francos. Boyle, for Philadelphia, sailed from Richmond ih lust. H'lir A. M. le. hence, below Klc.hmon 4t.h Inat. t-chrs J II. Perry. Kelley; L' tile Beard. Perry; and M. II. Bead, Benson, for Philadelphia, were op at New Bedlord 4lh Inst. .... Kcbr Ada, from Trenton, Me., for Philadelphia, at rortiainl 4ib lent. . . . . . tclir H. Hinimnns. Oodfrev.benee. at Calais 4th Inst, Pcbr 1 ochlel, liaakell, heuce lor Itockland, at fcdgar town Id Inet. Hc br W. F. Garrison. Morris, from Providence for Philadelphia, at New York Vh Inst. hchr William Donnelly. Hunter, for Philadelphia, sailed from (leorgeiown, D C. 5th Inst. f-chra Acoaa, Moore, and It. J.Mercer, Btetson, hence, at Norfolk 4tb Inst. echrj. h Jewett. Foster, hence for Boston, at Holmes' Hole 4i b Inst, JSOT1CK To"M ARINKRR. With reference to Notice lo Mariners. No. 40, Issned from Ihla office on the 27th day of May. IK7. ofllclal Information lias been received at tnts office that towards the end of October, 1&7, alight will he ex hibited from a lighthouse recently erected on Falud den, anutheaal coast of Oottland. The light Is a fixed red light, elevated 85 I eel above the level of the sea, and In clear weather should be seen from a distance ot eight miles. The Illuminating apparatus Is diop tric, or by lenses of the third order. The lighthouse In !h feet high and painted red, and lis position, as given. Is In lat. Btl 59 N.. long. IHZft K. of Greenwich. Two of the adjacent dwellings and outhouses are painted red ana one white. By order. W. II. BHUBRICK, Chairman. Treasury Department, Ofllce Lighthouse Board, Wash ington. D. C, Nov. 22, 1h7. COKING -GLA8GE8 OP TH BEST FRENCH PLATE, In Every Style of Frames, ON HAND OR MADE TO ORDER. NEW ART GALLERY F. BO LAND & CO., 11 1 2ai2p No. C14 ARCH Street. SAAC B. EVANS, HJi Nil f Al'Tl'BEIl AND DEALER IK OILS. PAINTS, VARNISHES, Naval Stores and Soaps, KO. 16 SOUTH DELAWARE AVENUE, in 5 Km Hp PHILA1 W..PHIA. PATRNTE P. PANTS SCOURED AND nTKETUlEO from 1 to 6 Inches, at Mottet Fre'jch bieam Dyeing aud Bcoaring, No, 209 B, N' "'IH Byreet and No. 1H RACK Street. 9 17Sp If WARBURTON'S IMPROVED, VEXTI S lated, and eaay-rliiing Dress Hats (patented i. In all the Improved laBhUins of tbe seaauu. (JHW NUT Blreet, next door lo the Post OtMce. 11 18 J5p JONES. TEMPLE & CO., fABUIOMABLB HATTBK8, No. ZS B. NINTH Btreet, Flrat Store above Cbeatnnt atreet. 49 HOR S E 1 CHEAPEST IN THE CITi'. No. 631 MAKKK'l Btreet, Where the B1U KUKHB Is In tbe Dour, t 11 tathssp BLANKETS. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRiP tlons ot Character, with advice on Business, liealthfKducatlon, etc., given dally by J. L. CAPEN, 8 2ftwsm5p at No. 722 CHEUNUT HtreeU THANKSGIVING WEEK-TO GROCERS AND DKALEK8. Just received from Roches ter, New York, a superior lot of Sweet Cider; also some fine Virginia Crab. P. J. JORDAN, No. 220 PE.AR Btreet, below Third and Walnut sta. 11 7 op TO GROCERS, HOTEL-KEEPERS. FAMILIES, AND OTHEKS. Tbe undersigued has Just received a tresh supply of Catawba, Calllor nla, and Champagne Wines. "Tonic" Ale (for In valids) constantly on band. P. J. JORDAN, No. 22 PiAK Street, below Third and Walnut sis. 11 7Jbp DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAI science and skill have Invented to assist the bearing In every degree of deafness; also, Respirators; alBO, CrandaU's Patent Crutches, superior to an others In Bse, at P. MADEIRA'S, NO. IU TENTH Btreet. below Cheannfc B6p RODGERS'AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, Pearl and Stag Bandies, or beautiful finish. RODOERS' and WADE A BUTCHER'S RAZORS, and tbe celebrated LKOOULTRJC RAZOR. SCIBBORB of the finest quality. Razors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Oatlery Oronnd and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S, No, Ut TEN I B Btreet. below Cheannt. o TJOUSE-FURiNISIIINa DEPOT, 1BONIMO TABLEM.NAFEN, MTEPIiAUDEBg, VOAIi HODS And a general variety of Kitchen Utensils, at B. A. WIXDHAN'S, 8 28 tuthsspj No. 1011 SPRING GARDEN Street. QEDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AT itEixjcEr ntioiay. WHOLESALE AND BETA It. HO, Baa BIDUE AVENUE HUB VINE ST J. O. FULLER. I Ktntham PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. pAPER HANGINGS. XEYV EMTABEIMII9IEHT. E. (!UBK IB OF TENTH AND WAENUT. J. O. FINN & SONS Have opened with an extensive assortment of DECO BATIVE and PLAIN WALL PAPERM, embraclni every onallty to anlt all tauten. 14 8m GOVERNMENT SALES. LARGE SALE (JP. CLOTHING, C. ANl U. EQUIPAtili Depot Quaktkkm ahtrk'h Okkice, V awh iM. liiN. IX C. Iec-inlier 2. 167. t Will he sold -l Public Aputlon, at the Clot hint; Depot, Armory bqimre, this city, 00 THUKSOAY, Dectmher 12, commencing at 111 A. M., under ihe supervision of (Japialn D. li. Tliomm, M. 8, K... U. ts A., a large lol ol lion regulation, uew.dumagud, and unserviceable clothlug, etc., couslatlug In part Ct tiuoill. 1,1-tHi.oou leet hemp tent 8f00 Sibley tent Stoves. sou Jickets. lmo Z t)HVe Jackets. IMUt cavalry do. .iiu V. It. O. do. ' 1-UMI greut ooats. . 0 Inlaiilry do. ' 7.0 artillery do. 870 vests. Bugle, trumpets, etc. etc coru, new. 18 000 OlulikeLB. Id, ohi yards I me. 4,600 pairs bootees, ii'O pairs boots. 2..MK1 tronaers, ioot. l,7iKi IrowserH, m' ted, 2 co beosacka. -6611 cai-orled teuts, , K.. 11 ahelU-r teuls. Teiuis:-t aMi. In tiuVfrnment runiui. . Purchases must be rvmovcu wilUlqIve days frpo) dav of sa'e 1 ily oroer of the Quarlermaf ter Oeneral. , - : ' - J. '. kftPtURAN. - . Deputy U. M. OenttraL 12 ' - tOrevet Biig.-Ueuofttl, V.U. A, ' PROPOSALS PROPOSALS FOR ARMY TRANSFOKTA llON. Orrrr K CHtKr QitARTr.RMAT"R. I Fort T.kaVkn w uhth, Kansas, Nov. 1", ISfiT.J Peled proposals will be received at ibis ollloe until liuTicck M. ihellih ol Jai.nury, ist-s, for the trans portatinn of military supplies during the year com mencing April l.ls3,aud eudiug alarcb 81, 1S0K, on Ihe lollowing routes: ROUTR NO. 2. From Fort Barker, Kansas, Fort JTavs. Kansas, and any other poln tor points that maybe designated by the lilef Quartermaster Department of the Missouri, on Ihe Colon I'aclhc K. D., to any pliu;es that may be drslgnaied by the snipping ofllcer. In the Stule ol Kabsaa aud Territory of Colorado south of latitude 40 degrees North, and to Port Vnlmi, New M ex W o, or 01 her depot that may be designated Iu that Territory, and to any other poiuts on tbe route to that depot. 1 ' ROCTE NO. 8. From Fort Colon, or such other depot as may he established in the Territory of New Mexico, to any posjx orsiailons that are or may beeslablished In that 1 en Uoiy, and to such posts or stations as may be de slgneted in tbe Territory ol Arlr.-ina, and lu the State ol Texas, west 0 longitude 1"5 degrees. ROUTE "No. 6. From such point as may be designated on the Mis souri Pacillc hailroad , Sonthwesi llranch of Missouri Paclllc llallroad.or the l ulou Paclllo lullroad, E. U, to Fori (illiMin, Indian Territory, or such oilier point as may be established as tbe military depot lu that Territory. Tbe weight to be transported during the year will ' Dot exceed ou Route No. 2, 2u,Miu.Mo pounds; on R m( No. 8. s.ouo.OM) pounds; and ou Route No. 6, Z.uoo.uoo pounds. prop sals will be made for each route separately. ' Bidders will state tbe rate per no pounds per 100 miles at which. they will transport the stores In each mouth of tbe vear, beginning April 1, lbtsa, and eud Iiie March 81. 18R, Bidders will give their names In full, as well as their places ot residence, and each proposal must bh accompanied by a bond lu the sum ol ten thousand (tlo,li(Hi) dollars, duly exec.nUd by two or more re Bpouslole persons. In legal form and properly stamped, guaranteeing that In case the col tract Is awarded for Ihe route mentioned lu the proposal to the party pro posing. It w ill be accepied and entered Into, aud good and sufficient security furnished by said party In ac cordance with the terms of this advertisement. Each bidder must be present at the opening of the proiHisals, or be represented by bis attorney. 0 be contractor will be required to give bonds lu tbe following auic unts: On Home No. 1, 2i0,f00. On Jtou No. 8, tlim.Mio.. On Route No. K Iho.MO Satlsfacuiry evlnence ot the loyalty and s dvenry of each bidder and person olUied as security will be re quired. Proposals will be Indorsed "Proprsals for Army Transportation on Route No. "2." or "5," as the case may be, oncl none will 0 enterUUnf d unluit they cimiply villi the rrqiiiremmtt ofthit mlvrrt Licmt iU. 1 ne'party to whom au award Is made must be pre pared to execute the contract without unnecessary delay, and 10 give tbe required bouds for the lallhtUl periormance of the contract The right to reject any and all bids that may be Offered Is reserved. Tbe contractor on enclj route must be In readiness for service by the Istdarf April, 1808. and must have a place of business or ageucy at which he may be communicated wltb readily. For Route N j. 2 at Fort Darker, and such other points on the railroad as may be designated as tbe starting-point ot the route: for Route No. 8 at Fort Union, New Mexico, orsucb other point as may be established as tbe deoot, and for Route No, 6 at Leaveuwortii, Kansas. Blank forms showing the conditions ot the contract to be entered Into for each route can he had upon ap plication at this oltice, or at theolliceor the Uunrtcr inasier at New York. Chicago, St. Ixmli, St. Puul, Fort Leavenworth, Omaha, Denver, C. T.. and Santa Fe, and must accompany aud be a part of the pro posals. L. C EASTON, Deputy Quartermaster-Ueneral, 12 8IJU ' (J. M. Dep'tof tbe Missouri. HEADQUARTERS DKPOTOF THfci PLATTE, ClUKK yilARI KHMASTKK B OKFICB, I Omaha. Nen., Novemner 20, 1K87. PROPOflALS FOR ARM. Y TRANSPORTA I'lOX. Pea ed Proiosals will be received at this ollice until 12 M.on THURSDAY, the id. day of January, 188, for the transportation of Military Supplies during tbe year commencing April 1, 1K.H. and eliding March 81, IHGt), on Route No. l.froni Cheyenne, Dakota, or Biich other poiuts as may be determined upon during the year, on the Omaha branch of the Union 1'acitic Kalirop.d, west of Cheyenne, 10 sorb posuj or depoiB as are now or may be established la tho Ter ritory of Montana, soutb of latitude 47 degrees. In the Territory ol Dakota, west of longitude I111 degrees, lu the Territory of Idaho, east of longitude 114 degrees, ai d In Hie 'lerritorles ol Utah aud Colorado, north of latitude 40 degrees. Including, If neceseary, Denver city. The weight to be transported during the year on Rome No. 1 will not exceed twenty-live million 12.VH 0.000) pounds. Bidders will state the rate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport the stores In each 1110111 Ii of the year beginning April 1, 1868, aud endiog March 8 1, IMS. Bldiiera should give their names In full, as well as their p. aces ot residence, aud each proposal should be accompanied by a bond In the sum ol ten thousand (flOiKHi) dollars, signed by two or more reanonsiole persons, legally executed and properly stamped guar anteeing that In case a contract is awarded for the route mentioned In the proposal to the party pro - poaiuir. ihecc-ntract will be aecemed and entered Into. and good and sufllcient security furnished by said party lu accordance wltb the terms of ibis advertise ment. . Each bidder most be present at the opening of the proporals In person or be represented by bis at torney, 'Ihe contractor will be required to give f 50,000 bonds. Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder aud persou offered as security will be re quired. Proposals must be Indorsed "Proposals for Army TraiiKportatlon on Route No. 1," and none will be en tertained unless tbey fully comply wltb the require ments ot Ibis advertisement, Tbe parly to whom tbe award Is made must be prepared 'to execute the contract at once, and to give tbe required bonds for the tullhful perfoiniauce of the contract. The right to reject any or all bids that may be often d Is reserved. Tbe contractor must be In readiness for service by tbe 1st day of April, 1888, and will be required to have a place ot business or agency at wblcb be may be communicated with promptly aud readily, for Route No. 1, at Cheyenne. Dakota, or at such other point as may be indicated aa the starting point of the rouie. Blanks forms, showing tbe conditions of tbe con tract to he entered Into, can be had on application at this office, or at the ollice of the Quartermaster at New York. Hi. Louis, Fort Leavenworth, Santa Fe, aud Fort Fuelling, and must accompany aud be apart of the proposals. By oruer of the Quartermaster-General. WILLIAM MYERS. Brevet Brig. -3en. .Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Platte. 12 2 lot PROPOSALS T10N. FOR ARMY" TRANSPORTA. Office CrrrKR quartermaster, hi. ) cota, V- 18, 1867.) Djcpartu jcnt or Dakota, St. Paul,. Minnesota. Nov. lx. I Sealed proposals will be received at this oltice until 12 o clock M., on the 20th day of.Jauuary , 1868. lur the transportation ot Military Supplies during the year commencing April 1, IMS, aud ending March 81, lM-a. on Route No. 4, Irom Salut Paul. 'Minn., or faint Cloud, Minn., by the shortest road or Hue, to such Posts sb are now or may be established In the state ot Minnesota and lu that portion of Dakota Territory lying east of the Missouri river and bounded by It, aud from Fort Heveuson, or otber designated point on the Missouri river, eastward lo piesent posts, or such m may be establibhed east or north of that river, lu Dakota Territory, The wtlgbt to be transported on this Route No, 4 shall not exceed teu million pouuds (.10,000,000 pouuCs,) - B dders will state the rate per one hundred (100) pouuds per one huudred (10") miles fur et oli mouth ot the year bcgiuulug April 1, lst8, aud ending March 81, lMf. Bidders should give their names In full, as well as their pluces ol residence, aud each proposal should be aciouipauied by a bond in the sum of ten ibousaud doltura, t.igued by two or more respounliile persons, guafauttelhg Ihut In caso a contract Is awarded for the route meulloued In ihe proposal lo the party pro posing, the ooulrart will he accepted and entered Into, and good and sulticlent secuMlv furnished by said parly iu accordance with the terms of this adverimo ment. '1 he comraetor will be required to give bonds In the gum of one hundred thousand dollars ($io,0un.) Irmllhlsctory evidence of Ihe loyally and solvency of each tluuer and person ollereU as security win be requited. J roposuls must be endorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation on H-.uie No. 4," and none will be etiteiiaiued unltss they fully comply with the re quirements ot tills advertisement. The party 10 whom au awurd Is made must be pre pared 10 execute the contract ut once, and tu give the teqinred bonds for the lullhlul perturiuaucu of the con tract. The right to reject any and all bids that may bo ottered Is reserved. The conlruclor must be In readiness for service by the 1st dav ol April, IMS, aud will he required lo huve a place ol business or agency at which he may becom U11111I. uleii wilh promptly aud readily lor Ruhr No, 4. al Kalni PhuI. Minnesota, J- oil Stevenson, Dakou Territory, orataifh other point as may be Indicated as the Marling point of the rouie. Rlapk IotiuS. snowing the conditions of thecontract 10 be entered lino, can be had ou application at thw clliie, or at thtt' lllce i f the Quartermaster nt New Yiii k. Chicago. St. Loul", l'ort Leavenworth, Omaha, uhd Foit Siielllng. aud must accompany and be a pa I of Ihe proposals H. B. niLABIKD, Lliut.-Col . Deputy Q. M. lien., Brevet ilrig.-Oen. U. S. A., 11 80 tJ ID Chief Q. M., Department of Dakota. piTF-ER. WEAVER & CO., Jtf AJS'UFACT.URERS OF MAPILLA, AND TARJiKUCOftDGK, CORDS . '. . ' T.WINKSKTC. ' . No, 18 North WATER sueet, and No', Ii Norlb'DKL AWARE Avenue, . , ' PniLAMtLrHIA. Ehwjn II. Fjtlkb, Michael WgAvca Com had F, Cxotiii. IVK". 11 11 AMUSEMENTS. ,4 ACAD KM Y OF MUSIC. --r - . . " i DE LA ORANGK. ORNO 1TALIAW nuii-u. v RRIdNOLI. MAX SI KAKOSi II has the honor to announce the Opening of tbe Tall xeasnu ol Italian Opera limited I to live uighis and one Matinee, on ; ,' " " MONDAY KVK.NI.Vn, December to "' by the leinous LA (I It A NOR ANO HHlrtHOLI HHANP OI'ER COM PAN V, comprising the follow ing eminent artistes; The great lyric Prima Donna, M4iE. ANf A DE LA OR NOK. wfcose career In Orand Onei a has impurted a lustre to the mage throughout but h Kurpe aud America. 'I he brilliant Am- ru sn t'oniralto, MI-H ADELAIDE PH1LMPM. the most g' fied and accomplished Americas Fr'raa Donna who has yet api eared, aud 1 he talented yi ung Prima 1 onna Soprano, MiMM I HA BELLA McCULLOCil, The universally admired Teeor. 1 INCH HHIHNOLI, The renowned Tenor Rohnsto. SIoNOK MASMMILIANI, The fkmous Harttone. SION11R ORLANDINI, The dlstlugnUhed young Baritone. SIiNOIt UANOObKl, And the favnrne Kassl and Burto, SlWNORI SUH1NI. COLI.K1T, antl MAHTL The Chorus and Orchestra bs been carefully spigoted Irom the very best talent. Mmlcal Dlreclor and Conductor,.-'-Ignor NICOLAO MONDAY Evenlny, December 18, ORAND OPES 1NU NIOUT-IL TKOVrt'liORE. TUESDAY Evening D c. iV.-NOUMA. WKDNKS I AY, Dec. 1S.-LA FAVOllITA. TIIOHSDAY, Dec. 19 DON GIOVANNI. RID AY, Dec 8J. EHNANI. SATURDAY, Dec. 21. GRAND FAREWELL Mai in ee. SCALE OF PRICES Admission to Parquet, Drees Circle, and Balcony ONE IKILHR. Ileserved Seats, tu cents extra. Family Circle, W cents, Gallery ii cents. Private Boxes, I5. TI.esaleot seals lor ihe SEASON ONLY will com- , mttire 011 WEDNESDAY, Dec. 11, at 0 o'clock. A. M.( at Ihe Box omce of the Acadumy of Music only. 'Ihe Btieof sea's for either night or Matinee wll pin meuceon THURSDAY, Den. 12, at 9 A. M , at the Academy ot Music. nd TrUMI'LER'B Music Htore, No. 2ftlH ESN UT Street. 12479 10 11 N EW CIIESNCT fcTREET TflEATRB, THIS (Satnrdny) AFTERNOON, Dec. 7, r 1 1 r. na 1 I r. rfc ONLY DAY PERFORM A NCR OF . 1 HIS (Saturday) NIHUT, A TREMENDOUS DOUBLE BILL, SI TH NIUUT OF M'LLE MARIE ZOE. TIIE DASHING AND BEAUTIFUL ACTRESS AND PANTOM I M 1ST. The performance will ci mmence with . , THE FRENCH SPY. M'LLE ZOE IN THREE CHARACTERS. Ipcli'enlal to tbe piece, ' "ZOE'S INI Mil ABLE SWORD COMBAT. To conclude with . .THE DUMB GIRL OF GENOA. Julletls M'He ZOE Incidental to Ihn piece, A TRIPLE SWORD COMB AT BETWEEN .OE. LEAK. AND LAY. NEW CI1ESNUT STREET THEATRE. Lessees WM. E. SINN dt.CO, GKHMA1.-1 DRAMA. - Director MAX MARETZEFC. FIRST APPEARANCE IN PH I L A DKLPUIA OF M'LI.K FANNY JASAUSl'HEK (Tho (Jreatesi Llvlrg Tragedienne), I-OH HlX NIOIIfSONLY. GRAND OPFN1NU MUUT, MONDAY. Dec. 16, wllh Grlllparzer's great tragedy. In four acts, MEDKA. TrF.EDAY, Dec. 17 ADRIKNNB LECOUVREUR WEDNESDAY. Dec. 18 DEBORAH THl'KSDAY. Dec. 19 EG MOM C FKIDAY, Dec. 2" EMILI A G A LLOTTt SA'I URD Y, Dec. 21.. MARIEANNK Hckets, fl: deserved seals, 80 cents extra. Family Circle, 80 cents onlv. PrH ate Boxes 115. iS SUBSt RI PTION FORTH ESIX NIGH PS will be re ceived from MONDAY. Dec. , until WEDNESDAY, Dec. 11,'at Witt Ig'a Music Store. Nol02l Cbeeuut street. '1 lie sale ol tickets for either of the single perform ances will commence on THURSDAY, Deo. 12, ml u A . M.. at Willie's Music Store. Doors open at 7. Commence-at 8 o'clock. 12t WALNUT STREET THEATRE. HOUSES CKOWDKl) TO THE ROOF, . I THIS iSalunlay) EVENING Dec. 7, MP. JOHN BROUGHAM. -will appear for the twelfth time In his great dramatic satire upon the vices, follies, and sensations of the present lime, entitled THE LOITERY OF LT FE. Terry. IhePwell .Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM (A Scampish character ou -The Chances"). Popular Ethloi lun Scene by Mr FRANK B ROWER. Clog Dance by Mr. RKNJ AM IN GOLDSMITH. MRS. JtiHN DUEW'Js ARCH 8TREET THEATRE. Begius at 7X o'clock. LAST NIGHT OK ROSED A LIT. LAST NIGHT OF MBS. JOHN DREW. TO-NIUHT (Siturday), Dec. 7. POSITIVELY LabT NIGHT of Lester Wallack's play. KOhKbAtEr 11 OR. THK RIFLE BALL, , wltb all Us grand etleuts and grest caHt. , MRS. JOHN DltKW as ROSA LErOH, WON DAY EDWIN ADAMS IN .MEN OF TUE DAY. "TjpOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE J? EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Orand Ballets. Etblopian Burlesque, Songs, raacea Pantomimes, Gymnast Acts, etc TSJEW PHILADELPHIA OPERA HOUSE. X sRVENTU rtreet, below Arch. L. V. TI NisON A CO . Proprietors.' SAMUEL STANFORD BuBluess Manager. 1UN1HON A OO.'S MINSTbKLS. THE CREAM OF THE PROFESSION. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME THROUGH ALL THE BTARS IN THEIR GREAT KFFORTSL FRANK MORAN AS HAMLET. , J. n. BUDWOKTH AS COUSIN SOHNIDER. W. S. BUDVkORTH AS HAM COLLYER. W.ALLEN AS YOUNG KELLY. YOUNG BOWFN WITH NEW SONGS ROBINSON IN NEW DANCES. iiwtsiv-t Wl 111 NEW OVERTURES. BOLES, EDWARDS. DAN1KLS, AND COMPANY, All In their respective characters. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Commence at 8. Admla slon 25. 60. and 78 cents. Boxes, 88 each. . "rp WA NICHTS IN SCOTLAND." MUSICAL FUND ITALL. MUSICAL FUND HALL. " ' FRIDAY AND SATURDAY. Dea and 7, MR. KENNEDY, MR. KENNEOY, The celebrated Scottish Vocalist, will give his . POPULAR INT ERT AIN MEN T OS TH K BONGS OF St'OTLAND. SONGS OF SCOlLAND. Tlano Forte. Mlajt KENNEDY Doors open at 1, Commence at 8 o'clock. Admission, ttt cents Reserved Heats, 78 cents,' 'licketB lor sale at Trumpler's Music Store, No. 038 Chesnut sireet. 12 2 lit TOWN HALL, GERMANTOWN. GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, on TUESDAY EVENING, December lu, lMi7. MISS CAROLINE MCCAFFREY lias the pleasure ot announcing that she will be as aisled bv the following talent; M me. Henrietta Kehrenii. Soprano; Miss Helen McCall'rey, Suprauo; Mr. Tlnl, Habelmann, Tenor; Mr Pb. Carlln, Harl ti ne: Mr. S. Behrens. Pianist. Tickets can be procured at Mr Jos llullon's Drug Hlore, and at tbe stores of Mis. HarkihBou, Ai r. J. Parker, Mr Joliu Hurkluson, and Mr. t has. K Eherle, Mam aud Mill alreeis; also at the Door. Admission, One Do. lur. 12 0 51 A R L S E N T Z ' S ORt H ESTM A L MATINEES. EVERY THLRHDAY AFTERNOON, At .V . o deck. 0 IN IIOR'l ICULTUKAL If ALT,. Piano solo Mr. C. JF.IiUME HOPKINS. , Package of Four Tickets lor One Dllar. Single Tickets, 50 cents. Tu oe had ai Bouer A Co.'s. No. 11C2 Chesnut street, rud ut theduor. ' 11 z:nf HASSLLR'o MONDAY AFTERNOON CON CFRiS. at CONCERT HALL. EVERY MOX DAY, Irom 8,'. till 6 o'cloik. Four llokela, '; thlrlv. fs. ' ' NOTICE. No Concrt will be given on MONDAY, the 0lh It. slant-, in consequence ot a church fair. 'I lie nexi Couieit lakes tilace on the Hilh lusiant. No further Interruption uuilug Die season. 117 Cl KRJ1ANIA ORl'llr BiRA. PUBLIC RE X hearrals at ihe M I'SICAL FUND HALL, every SATURDAY, al 81, P. M. 'lickela sold al the door, and al all principal Music Mores. Engagements can be made by addressing G. BAHTEHT. No. 12ii MON ? F B FY Street, or al R. WILLIG'S Mualc biore, No (21 CHESNUT Street. lo8a QL'ORCE PLOWMAN. OAKFKNTKHAND hUILDKU To rSfo. It JOOCIC Street, PHILADELPHIA. JTTrSBD HlZING COMPANY TTi vasie ior Box-makera, BooSblnders. Paper U Mjoemakera, Ptket-book Mkers, bill bangers, , uot H()Uri u and always hl!S7.'.r use. Keier lo J. B. Llpplncoit A Co.. Devar iireiler William Mhiiu. Philadelphia VinuO-er, Brothers, American Tract Society, and oilers. I "eAgenta. I. U CRAOIN & LU.. No. i 2 X ihstWW'!