8 THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, DEOEMDER 0, 18C7 MUSICAL, ' ftfU. IIA.WLMANN'S OrgRATIC OOKCMtT ut Truing drew a large audience to Concert Hall. Sftle was tee fifth concert given this season by Um distinguished German tenor, and at lan taej Lave become on established Institution la nr musical commouUj. Mr. Habelmann was assisted last evenlug by Mrs. HenrletteBebrens, Mr, Joseph Herrmanns, the distinguished b'tseo, Mr. Jfn Loils, and a irentleraan amateur. Mrs. Behrens gave the audience Blumentbal's 'Way to ParaJlse," and Ardlti's L'Ettaai value Tbe latter she snog with rare sweetness and ex pression, and well deserted the imperative t core wblcb it elicited. r. Herrmanns Las seldom appeared to better advantage In his favor ite ro'ta tban he did last evening. Ho first rave a solo "To the Storm Winds," by Carl Bvers which was heartily encored, and subse quently appeared In costume in his great per sonation of "Mophlstopbcles,r supported by Mr. Habelmann as "Faust," and Mr. Jean Louis as 'Valentin." The first act of Gounod's Faust Was given entire, and likewise the serenade and encounter with "Valentin," from the fourth act. It U unnecessary for us to speak of the manner In which tbeae charming morceaux were ran slere 1. Suffice It to say that it was unexcep tionable, and the effect was much heightened by the Introduction of appropriate scenery. At the close of the concert, Messrs. Habelmann and Louis in costume gave the amusing duet from Flotou'a opera of etradeila, which was received with rounds of laughter and applause, as on the occasion when it was recently presented at Horticultural Hall. This evening Mr. Habelmann's sixth Costume Concert will be given at Concert Hall, M'me Beitba Johannsen, and Messrs. Herrmanns, Ha belmacn, and Jean Louis, participating. Iu addition to several solos, the programme pro visos selections from Bowlni's droll Barter of Bni , and the entire second act ol Ft del to, the nly opera given to the world by the master hand of Beethoven. Mb. Kennedy's Scotch Songs. "Twa Niclits an Scotland" are promised by Mr. Kennedy, the eminent Scottish vocalist, who ha3 no superior m an interpreter of the characteristic melodies t bis native land. The concerts will take place at the Musical Fond Hall this evening and to morrow. Amot.g the selections on this even ing's piogramme are "My Aln Fireside," "An nie's Tryste," "Jock o' llazeldeao,'' and "Jjha Crnmbie." Miss Kennedy, an accomplished performer, will preside at the piano, varying the entertainment with a sprinkling of lively Bcottith reels. . FROM HAVANA. Latest Hews by Steamers D.erease of tbe Tallow 'eTr Otmmtrcul Ad vices, Ete. KVBNIKO TELBOBArH SPECIAL C0BH8SP0MBXCB. Havana. iSov. 80, 1HU7. In the dearth of more Important news, tliere la nothing Jiere to write about, except, to men tion the Increased unpopulailiy of the Governor, and to rejoice over the decrease of the epidemical disease which first appeared last October, and bits been raging since. The mild ttmperalure of the weather has considera bly lessened the number of oases, particularly iue more dangerous ouea, and a few more plea sant days may rt move tUe disease entirely. As yet tbe name of the disease la unknown to the materia medica profession; but tney are ear nestly Investigating the symptoms and nature of tbe epiuemlo. Tbe opposition to tbe Uovernor arises from , several Improprieties whleli fce has perpetrated. One of bis unpopu lar acts was to create unnecessary alarm, and Injure commercial trade by bid feealth orders. As a consequence of these orders, tbe Boards of liealtn In MJIereut parts of the island bave placed an in terdict On all coasting vessels coming from Havana, and most, on arriving here, are obliged to remain at great pecuniary loss. Tbe Governor's appointment to the Iutioector galp of Hospitals of a very unlit man, and one of bad repute, has been severely condemned, and a report lias been circulated that It was donefc allow tbe Governor a good opportunity of obtaining for bis private purse tbe 8100.UOO specially provided In tbe city court chests for aanltary purposes. The scandal against hirn bas been increased by bis conduot at the fune ral of tbe late General Mayano, hn having pub jicly appeared iu tbe prooeaaion nonchalantly rmokiug a large pipe, In open carriage. It la said that be is only waiting bere to obtain some wealthy heiress for bla wile, and that then be will return to Hpaln, without carrying any pleasant feeling towards tne Cubans. Already be has made three attempts t form an alliance with prominent Ureole fami lies bere, and has failed: and now be U being gallant to the daughter of a millionaire, lately a parveun A commission has been ordered to report on the condition of the sugar plantation of tbe contractor for cleaning the streeu of this city, where an epldemlo has been extensively raging among the negroes. It it tbe plantation of "Toledo," situated within a short distance of tbls city, and the contractor has made It the receptacle of all tbe filth and garbage collected from the streets of Havana. Several years' col lection or tblsexcrement has made his planta tion a monBter .Nadir of nastluess, and the re sult Is that sixty negroes bave died by pesti lence, and others are suffering. Besides this, the stench has offended the nostrils of the in habitants of the Cerro, PuenttiS, Marianao, and Other suburbs of Havana. Business has been dull, wbile money has been Elenty. Tbe pronpeota for tbe coining year, owever, appear good. HABKETS. Sugar The market opened this week with little activity, and closed without any change. Low elasses till No. 13 are scarce, and are ptd from to 8 reals. Molasses There bas been no sales, owing to the scant atonic. Exchange On London, 60 days, 18 to i percent, pre mium; on Mew Yerk. loux sigut, 28 to 2o per cent, discount, enrrencv. Shipping Arrived, November 2, American aobooner Philadelphia, Ward, from Mobile, Nov. 2ft, Amerioan schooner Florida, Adams, from Penaaoola; Nov. 20, American aobooner Thomas Jen'erson, Chase, from New York; American barque John Orlfno, from New York. Sailed Nov. '2D, British brig Beauty, for New York. The Sale of tbe Message.. The National Itiielligencer and the Nun of this city have both much to say about the premature publication of the Jlt-ssnee. and endeavor to shew that the Journals which thus published It J guilty of a disreputable breach of faith. Tbls i the veiieot nonsense. We doubt if there was any breach of faith upon the part of a slnslo paper. We know t0Ht if we had thaunht the document worth the cost of paying, say titty dollars for a copy and one hundred dollars lor telegraphing t ir0B, Washington, we should 'hrfi fh?tB)F cPe the offer made to wla th. 1 Prw08 in tne transaction. Had the President provided the prin cipal journals of the couutrv with ariAn coples,J with permission to P7t 7he documen? intvpeon the condition that it should not be made public until delivered to Congress then those journals accepting tbe MeiK ou'd have been under the strongest obligaUons to observe, In good faith, the prescrioed comii. lions. But in this instance tbe Mettsaqe wM vnfalrly and partially attributed, and upju this partial distribution comes an oiler from a well known habitue of the White House, offer lag to sell the Message to certain parties for advance and exclusive publication. The American, for instance, early on Monday lait, received a telegraphic despatch, of which the fallowing Is a copy : Washington, Dec. 1 Fu'Kon,' jltiurU-an.- Would Sou rec.ive escluuive copy or iM" ty islefraph r moiaiug peysi T Wliat wou.'d you pa t Answer Sjulck, EVA KB." Twenty years' newspaper experience has JtngU n that Preeidents' mesa r onoitla- hie commoIHit, and we declined tbe pur chase, lint bad we accepted tho proposition, tin re would have bn no breach or laitta and nothing disreputable In onr part of the transac tion. Whoihertbe party at Washington would be cqrjsllT blameless Is another question. Tb truth is that all tbta clamor about "breach of faith" and "diwrcputable entei-prise" is got up to cover the Teal fl nder at Wahingtoa. He Is known, has sn utablishcd footing in the White Houe, and until It is proved that his pait In the aOalr wai net at leapt consented to, toe tnUUi gencer had better withhold Us nimulated indig nation Jid'ilmtirt American, Mh. SEWING MACHINES. : THE GREAT AMERICAN COMBINATION CUTTON HOLE, OVER3EAMING, AND SEWING MACHINE ' la warranted to execute in the beBt manner every variety of Sewing, Hemming, Felling, Cording, Tucking, Braiding, Gathering, Quilt ing, Overeeaming, Embroidering on the edge, and in addition makes beautiful Button and Eylet Holes hi all fabrics. It has no Equal, being Abso lutely the best Family Machine In the world, and intrinsically tho cheapest. Circulars, with frfll particulars and samplea of work done on this Machine, can be had by application at the ' Salesrooms of the Company. 8. W; Corner of ELEVENTH and CHESNUT Streets. Instruction given on the Machine gratui tously to all purchasers. h t trrp ' INTERNAL REVENUE PRINCIPAL DEPOT FOR THB EALB OF UNITED STATES REVENUE STAMPS, No. 304 OHESNUT Street. CENTHAL DEPOT, No. 103 South FIFTH Street (One door below Oaesnnl street). ESTABLISHKL) 180S. Our sKick comprises all tie denominations printed by tte Government. ALL OIIDEK8 FILLED AND FORWARDED BY MAIL OR 1XPHFB8 IMMEIIATBLY UPON KG CIIPT, a matter of great Importance. Drafts on Pbl'adelpbla. Fo&tOrBce Orders. Oreen Docks, and NatloDal Bank Notei, received hi par uent. .TbstollowlDg rates ol commission are allowed On 20......M.. .........T WO PSR CENT From 20 to IIW.............. ..FOURl PER CENT iom 1W) upward..,. FOTJR AND A HALF PER CT the Commlsaloo Is payable In stamca s All orders, etc., should be addressed to ' TAMP AdENVY, No. 304 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. ORDERS RECEIVED FOR STAMPED CHECKS BRAF1S, RECEIPTS. ETC. 1122 BOOTS AND, SHOES. THE LATEST STYLES IN CUSTOM-MADE BOOTS A IV 13 SHOES, toll EKILEni:N AH I SOT. CALL A3D EBB THE NEW BOX TOES. PBIt'MI FIXED AT LOW MHCBKS. DARTLETT, xo. aa th KixTn sthf.et, U 28 tf ABOVE CHESNDT. CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, ETC. RETAIL AND WHOLESALE CLOTH IIOTJE. j WM, T. SNODGItASS & CO., MO. 84 SOUTH SECOND N1RI ET, AmiOQBce a fresh Imporutloo o UDIIS' VELVET CXOTIIt rilU BEATEBI, ANTBACHiMi VKliVETEKWS, CIII Hill ILL AM, TCFIEDUeiTKBS. ETC. ETC. ErC Also, a Urge and varied assortment of GOODS adapted: lor Men's and Bovs' Wear. 11 19 lmrp MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS ETC. MRS. R. DILLON. KOS. a AND SSI SOUTH RTBEET Bas all the novelties In FALL MILLINERY, for Ladles, Ulaues, and Children, Aluo, Crapes, silks, Ribbons, Velvets, Flowora, Featbers, Frames, etc Milliners supplied. SMJ TO RENT. f O LET, Large Third-Storv Room, Well Lighted, Hb or wltbsnt Vwr. APPLY AT I . ii e if no. ioa south tuibust. FOB 180 H, rhii popular ( It edged DilnU ure vulume l rpleie vviib Pootlo ' eutluienl, PieauluK Miscellany. HuuavhoM 11 caipia, 4;kleudr ud J4 eino- r.nuit page, eic. Prlue 60 ceiitn. Mailed, CtJOLIIRiK, tin, S MILK Hlrfet, B mlon, ud nolt by all booksellers. Pblladelphla, J. B. LlPflNCO TT oo. n a 6i WILMINGTON LINE. BTKAMSUAT fitl T""IIMII ' II II IW I H 11 i-hiay.li d,oouniiue her Irlim. Tbe ttmrK birt W liiif Jl!.ruu " tollowr.-Leave CUWNMT M1NUTON 5 f-X'W. a P. aud WIU WUiuiuclon. 0 't. Cbcier. , Levjf, M JEWELRY, SILVERWARE, ETC. CLAliK & BIDDLE No. 712 CHESNUT Street, AUK NOW OHEiNlNGI AN INVOICE OF French Mantel Clocks, . 1 Selected and Imported j Ex- preesly for their Sales. t i CLAHK & BIDDLE, CALL ATTENTION TO THEIR LARGE ASS0KTMENT or ts? T IS II LI M. O ' STANDARD SILVER-WARE. QERMAN-SILVEE GOODS, i SUITABLE TOli HOLIDAY OR lillH wiDHuirp BlflDAL II"I!S. CARRIAGES. QECKHAUS & ALLCAIER Rtspecttully invite attention to their large and varied stock of gUPEKIOIt FAMILY CAR1UAGE8 Of latest styles, with all tbe most recent improve ments of nnlsn. ELEGANT LAND ATI, Jnst completed. Alto. CLABENCB COACHES! AND OOTJl'F.a Of different strlrs. MANUFACTORY AND WABSBOOUS. HO. 1S04 FBAHKFOBD AYESCE, Cilrard Avenns. 118rmwnarp QAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The Fidelity tararaatSi Trust sad Safe Deposit Company, for the, Safe Keeping of Bonds, Stocks, and Other Vadwabla. 1 - CAPITAX...... $300,000 mOTOML n. B. BROWKE CLAKk.CU H. (J LABS, JOHN WKLHU. J.(.1I.IJNHAM FELL ALKk ANDKR HKNltV, HENRY O. QIBUUN, (Jtl A time filAiaLr i ivil Office In tbe Fire-proof Building of tbe Philadelphia national Bftuk, CIIKMMIT Street, above Fourth. This Com nan v recelvee on deposit, and UD A RAN- TEEM THE ISA FK KEEPIMU OF VALUABLES tinon the followinir rates m vear. via.: Coupon Bod(1s.... 1 per 11000 Deglstered Bonds aud Becuritlea....-60 ceute per tiooa Oold Coin or BiiUIod........ ..1'23 per iioo tsilver Coin or Bull lon..... per (luoo Oold or Hllver Plate 1 per fluO Caab Boies or small tin boxes ol Baukere, Brokers, CapltallHtn, eta., coutents nnkuown to Uie Company, and liability limited, tub year. . . The Company orti'iT) for KltNT (renter enclunlvely holding tbe key) HAi'kAi IMHIDK 11 VAULTS ai lio. tao, 40, 6ti, and t75 a; ear, acoordlng to site and location. Coupons and Interest Collected for one per cent. Interest allowed on Money Depoalta. Tbls Company Is authorized to receive and execute Tronu of every description. 12 8)mwfrp) N. B. BROWNE, President, Bvajlst PATTKRSOM.Hevretary and Xreaiurer. 60Q AKCIS STftEET. GRIFFITH & PAGE. t i NEW ANU 1JESIRAKLE GOODS FOB HOUSEKEEPERS r-'INE , ! SWISS OAIIVKD imACKI'jTS, i tittn 1 BOOK-&UELVES AND LADDERS MMUR"r.HtrCSt j ioruNisHiNcyicr ' DRY GOODS. Q P EC I A L T IE 3 TH LADIES' FINE CLOAKS. NOV OPEN ' Tho handsomest stock wo havo cvor exhibited, comprls Inn; Garments In tho most de sirable materials, and of tho most fashlonble colors, In great variety, and which wo will sell at POPULAR PRICES. J. Y. PROCTOR & CO., NO. CHKSNITT 8TBKRT. 3 PE C I A L TIE 8 IM . i RICH DLACK DRESS SILKS. - IV a bave jst received a Caae of ' FINE LYONS SILK S, Parcbased under advantageous circumstances, of qualities varying from S4 to S5"GQ, To which we respectfully ask the attention of Ladles. These Roods will be sold for less tban they would cost to Import. J. W. PROCTOR & CO., MO. OSO CIIESXCT STBEGT, DRESS MAKING DEPARTMENT. All the Favorite Colors In PLAIN (OHDUI P0P1.INSJ, ItEP, KPINjlE.IHet. TELOl'Bs BI SHE, And other Klch Fabrics fer ' WALKING SUITS, Wnieb we will sell by the yard, or make to order.' LADIES' DRESSES, MACE IN TWENTY-FOUR HOURS. A large variety of . : . . LADIES' WALKING SUITS At all times ready-made to pnt od. I. W. PROCTOR & CO., NO. OSO CHESNUT STRtfET. p INE DRESS GOODS, FROM THE LATE FORCED SALES. One caxe soverb quality GRANITE POFLINb, all colors, at 75 cents: are now selling at One esse elegant EMPHKbB CLOTH POPLINS, 7S rents; are now selllo g at ioa Onease Ll'HS'8 FRENCH If ERIN0K8, very Use quality, i fO. One case FBEKCH SILK POPLIN8 at are now selling at (2. One case very heavy FRENCH CORDKD POP UN 8. at tt'SB: worth ms. FANCY fclLKS at great reduction, Klfgant heavy BLACK BILKS, f2M, t2. Black Bilks, best In the city. FANCY JS LAINIiS, sew styles, at lMc J. C tTBltT BBIDOB A CO ' . W. corner EIGHTH and MABKBT Bts. L A D I E S' C LO A K I N C S. VELVET stSivEBH. CBINCUILLA BEAVEBIt nOKCOW IIKAVEJBS. .AMTBACUAN BBAVKttM, WllITI AND MCABLKTBCAfB, J. V. HTBAWBRIOOK A JO . W. corner ElQflTHand KABKETBW. L A U K E T S! BUHHETII B1VWKBTI All-wool Blankets, 13 per pair. A 11-wool B ankets, S4 per pair. Large site Blankets, 8 per pair. Very large Blankets, 7 per pair. Elegant Premium Blanket, 8 per pair, Elegant Gold Medal Blankets, IU per palr ABOUT PAlBSi or LABdG BLAl UETSJ, allgbtly soiled at tbe mUl, will be sold very low, We bave annsnal facilities tor getting DL AN BETS direct from manufacturers, and can offer tnem In larger assortment, and on belter terms tban any otneis In tbe retail trade. J. I. STKAWBIUDCE & W tionmwEST corner - t ' EIGHTH AND MARKET STS., Hlfemri-, PHILADELPHIA. QLOAKS! CLOAKS! A Eli THB KEW BTTI.ES NOW BEAUT. CLOAKING CLVTUR IN ENULEt VABIk-TV. CLOAAH CUT EBEB OF CHABUB. . Tbs only CLOAK HTOitK In the city wbere ycu can get full value tor your money, la at j D. WATKIMS', NINTH AND OIIERltV. M17 tbfta2ni Mween Areh aui DRY GOODS. Q O M P L lM E N T S r THE SEASON. HOLIDAY PRESENTS OF VERY ORE AT VALUE roa VERY LITTLE MONEY, HDVlfl HALL & CO., NO. 28 SOtTIl SECOND STttEET, Bave an extensive assortment of new and ele gant GOOD3, BILE St 811 AWLS. VELVETS CLOAK IN OS, and DKESH GOODS, wbioti will be offered at a still further redaction, tans aflbrdlng to all an opportunity to purouastf useful and elegant presents for the Holidays, at Such prloea aa eannot fall to alve aatlsf totlon. RICH LACE CURTAINS AT AUCTION PRIOJSai Tbe subscribers bave Joel received, from tbe late AUCTION BALES IN HBW YORK, Til RLE HUiNDKF.D PAIUS FRENCH LACE CURTAINS, From tbe lowest to tbe h'gheat quality, some of tbe , RICH EaT MADE. Atso, NOTTINGHAM EACE CVRTAIN, EMB1 OIDERED MCSEIN CURTAINS, JACQUABD AND MUKEIN DKAPEBIES, VESTIBCEE CEBTAINS, , IN NIIKAT VABIRTV. SKEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISOR, NO. 1008 CHESNUT SJTBF.ET. QHEAP LINEN GOODS. SKEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISOR. NO. 1008 CHESNUT STREET." Are now receiving from tbe recent AUCTION SALES, SOME VERY CHEAP LOTS OF Barn sley Sheeting, Towels, Huo aback, sad Otber EJsiea Oos.de, To w blob they Invite tbe attention of buyers, AS BEING NEARER 1 O OLD PRIOES than anything tbey bave been able to offer. Dlankots at Reduced Prices. Tbe subscribers are new prepared to offer tbe lai gest assortment to be found In tbe elty of Superior Quality Blankets, All-wool and Extra Width, for I est Family Dae. auo, , CBVB AND CBABLB BLANKETS, And a Fall Line Of MEDIUM BLANKETS, foi Hotels, Public Institutions, etc. SHEPPARD, VAX HARLINGEN & ABRISGN, IIouse-FvmlelilDg Dry do ads, 11 SOMt ' lO. 1008 CHESNUT ST. HIH AK1 ROW. E. M. NEEDLES & CO. WUl be preparf d to offer for HOLIDAY PBE- fctEMTS splendld assortments of LACES. LACK GOODS, HANDKERCHHP8. VEIM, KUBSOIDKRIES, XTa AT PRICES TO INSURE SALES. THEIR STOCK OF HGUSE-rURXISHINS DRY GOODS 'Will be offered at tbe Lowest Rates. 3S - A W W A A. GUsvrd How, PbUitdelpuiaV I MOW OHTHIft 212"oetu EIQHTU ST. 2 L2 LE MAISTRE.& ROSS Have Just opened a large and choice lot of GOODS suitable FOR THE HOLIDAYS, such as HANDKERCHIEFS for Ladles', Gents', and Chtl. dren's wear, comprslng Plain Linen, Hemmed Hemstitched, Embroidered, Col-red Botdered Tacked, etc., much below regular rates. REAL LACE HDKFS. Irom 2 25 up.; IMITATION cents up. " 1100 up. LACE COLLARS Irom 35 cents up. LACE TIDIES at a b&rg.ltu LACK CURTAINS PKOM AUCTION, tl M and t4 00per pair. Also, CURTAIN LACE, very obao. ttttl fards HASBURQ EDQI5GS AND ISHKHT IN0H, of elegant patterns. IS a loo 1867, CHRISTMAS. 1867. B.V.Orser et XTonvUbi and Aarait Otm B ave reduced some FIN QOODS for valuable CHRIST HAS PBESENTS. rmw! aiiAWijg, 11 MI NN, 1IK HLVSTS, IM F1.AIIW TlBt" CO VEBS, "MM UAMASKS, LINKS NtPHISS, UlrtlUVLIIVM MOHM Us COLLtBS r A w . w w.m , . . , DrtY GOODS. POPULAR GOODS roa LAD E S' DBESSES A. ISO STJIXH, EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 2S SOl'TH SKCOND STREET, Opened ThlHeralsg the Iaat Gas Re snalalaiK mm. hsad TOCELM EE1TEB C ' FRENCH POPLINS, IN ALL THE 5KW POPULAR SHADES OF t OlORI, AT 87i CENTS FEU YARD F0E1IEB. PRIOR $125. hji ' 8. JAFFRAY & CO., bo. ees ciiesset stbkxtt, ABB BECEIVINO ANO NOW OPESIJIQ f OB FALL TBAItlj FULL LIMES Of L1KEKS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, HUCKABACKS, DUPERS, TOWELLINGS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW LINENS, L. C. HDKFS., HOSIERY, GLOVES, CRAPES, VEILS, QUILTS, Lad lea', Oeatts', stud Children's Under wear, Kmhttold.rl.s, Beta, ILlbWena, Jbte. , The above will be sold at tbe lowest New York prloea, and on the most advaatageoog terms. Rep-resented by 8. Story. SI wfm3m POPULAR PRICES FOR w DRY aOOIDS. EICKEY, SHARP & CO., 727 OHESNUT STREET. 1 14 tJl Q L O A ' K I N G 8. VI ABB DAILY BECE1T1N TUB ME WEST STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAK1NC3, WIIII'U WB OFFER AT OBEATLT BE BE CEO PBICES, IW ADDITION TO A FULL LINE OF FANCY CASSIMERES, COATINGS' AND CIOODS OENEBALLT ADAPTED TO MES S AND BOYS' WCAB, MCEKIS, CLOTHIER & LEWIS, CLOTH JOBBERS, 8 24 Bra BOB. 19 AND Bl S. FOVBTII ST. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM. T. HOPKINS, C28. MANUFACTURER OF FIRST QUALITY HOOP SKIRTS, FOB THE TRADE AND AT RETAIL. NO. OtS ABCII STBEET BELOW SB TENTH, PUILADELPIIIA. Also dealer In frill lines of low-prloed New Tor ud Jtsisrn nnnlc tklrw. All uw .ud dw-lrbl. strlesaDdslsee ol Ladles', ' Uiwici', aud Cuilort-D's Honp-akirts ounstaully on liund and mwl. K urdor, embracing Ihe largest and mutt vrUd assoruneut la U1 4 luarkvt, at vary mode rfcta prHM. Kvfiy ..dv should try "O-ir Own Bake" of Hoop Bk Irts. a Ujer lisvo bo eqnal. mint hern, WwitTB, aou nj Trade buyers Will And It to Uinlr liitormtto .xkiuiixi our goiMta, catalogues ot stylus, siiua, aud rlue sent to any BdiU'es. u m WANTS. WAKTED, BY A LABOE DRY" G00D3 JOEBQ JHOUiiE, a Flrst oiaa BALKS MAN. To an active, energetic men, who caa control an extensive trade, a liberal salary will be given. Address In couUiteooe, wltta leal name, E. R. T ' l4t At UU Office,