Ut'iuuMi rim THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL ADELPHIA, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 5, 1867. 3 CITY INTELLIGENCE. 1MB ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITSMB KK OUTBIDS FAQM. SnF.RiKF'8 Sales. The first gala of proper tics under the administration ot bhcilITLylo wa men attended, and a latjre number of properties were disputed ol. Amongst ttieni were tuo fol io mrr, at tue prices named: Hijika etnte, Manayunk, $40,9''0. Three-story brick house and lot, Sixth street, lelow IMckereou; 30 by 110 feet; trouud-rent, Two-story brick. Louse and lot, Tina street, above Till; 60 by 150 feet; $7000. Half part of three-storv brick house and lot. N. I. corner Water and I'ino strceis; 29 feet 1 in cb by 60 feet 6 Inches; subject to proportion ot j;"000 inortpajte; $ G50. Time-story bili k house and lor, riirrisri street, shove Nineteenth: 15 by 70 leet; mortgage, fiooo-$icoo. Two-Btor brick house and lot, Thoropon ftreet, below Seventeenth; 21 by 120 lect: ground-rent, f 4!V0 $1000. Three-story brick house and lot, Twelfth street, below Washington: 10 feet 2 inches by 64; jronnd-rent, $0111000. Tbrce-Ptory brick house and lot, No. 119 New e'reet; 17 leet 8 inches by 73 luet 6 inches; jiound-rent, $100 $7750. Tbree-story brick house and lot, S. V. corner. Sixteenth and Valeria streeis; 18 by 80 feet; mortgage, $3000 $:!005. Two brick bonnes and lott, Honsall street, above Ninth; 16 by 5? feet $3000. Three-story brick house and lot, Alleu street, between Hanover and t'alnier; 25 by 66 feet 11 Inches; ground rent, $30 $1500. Lot Dortliside Coales street, below Eighteeuth; 18 by b0 leet-$1300. Three-story brick, houec ruia lot, north side Coatee stieet, adjoining the above, same size $4300. Tbree-story brick house and lot, Olive street, below Eighteenth; 18 by 40 feet $1200. Thiee-story brick house and lot, Olive street, adjoining the above; same size $1100. Lot west tide ol Orlan street, below Nanscript, Twenty-Iourth Ward, 10 by 71 leet; together with the lot of ground, beer vaults, distillery, with two-stoiy stone buildiues, 8 E. corner Thirty-fifth and Sycamore streets, 50 by 1G7 feet 6 inches $8200. Lot Christian street, above Twenty-first, 10 by 76 feet deep to an alley, with privilege $1950. . Election of Chiep Enginekb of the Firk Department. Last evening the full returns from all the fire companies in the various dis tricts of our city, votin Jbr Chief Engineer of the Fire Department, were received at the hall of tbe Fire Association, at the corner ot Fifth and North streets. This drew a large body of firemen about the vicinity, while the hall itself was well tilled with the delegates from the com panies. bamucl S. Stone" presided, T. West Blake act ing as Secretary. Alter the introductory busi ness the returns were handed in. Messrs. J. B. Allen and William H. Kendrick were appointed as tellers. The following Is a summary of the vote: Terrence McCusker, of Moyamensing Hose . 32 George Downey, Jr., Western Engiue ... 30 George Hensler, Mechanic Engine .... 13 Aoarewj. dhkct, Diiieent Engine . ... 3 1 1 , A. . W Wtm u I jn u ica UUIIIC ...... O Samuel J. larger, Kmpiie Hook and Ladder. 2 William A. Deianey, bood Intent uose . . 1 Total vote ....... 84 Instead of a return from the Fairmount En- cine, a communication was read from that com pany, em noayinir a resolution to the effect that it would be inexpedient tor them to participate) in the election lor Chief Eugineer for the unex pired term of David M. Lyle, deceased. Tbe Phoenix Hose eave this as its reason also for not Bending any returns. I Piotests were entered bv the Western Eaerlne JCompaoy against receiving the" returns from the ueiiauce engine, and irom the Congress, of Jbesnut Hill, but on a rising vote in each case, ne proiesiB were iaia upon me taoie. A protest against the return of the Mantna look and Ladder Company was also made by he Philadelphia Fire Company, but was lost on v vote being taken. The President then announced the result of the vote, and declared Mr. Terience McCusker, I the Moyumeustug ttose, 10 do auiy eiecreu y the fire Department, ana mat ma name ould be sent to Councils for confirmation. Vben the result was announced to the waiting rowd of firemen in the street, three routing icers were given, and a tiger that niaao lue reels fairly resound with its force. Meeting of Cigar Manufacturers. Ameet- pg ot cigar manufacturers oi mis city was nem esterday afternoon, at the corner of Fourth nd Cheiry streets. After the reading of the iiinutts ot tbe previous meeting, a preamoie nd resolutions were read, emanating from the igar Makers' Union, In which they pledged hemselvpa in adhere to the bill of Drices Idopted by them a few weeks since, and that jhey had, after mature deliberation, determined Sot to rescind or alter them. - The members en engaged in a discussion in reference to tbe jkiuclubious arrived at by the members of the nion, when, on motion, it was Hetolved. That the preamble and resolutions lould be returned to the body from which they nunated. piVhe following resolution was adopted: ResotVid, That we, tbe cigar mauuraciurer ot us city, will employ no nanas wao win oe in trolled by the Cigar Makers' Union. After the transaction of some business of inor Importance, the meeting adjourned to senible at the call of the I'resideut. Gbakd Lodge of Masons of Pennsylvania. i the reenlar ouarterlv session of the Grand dge of A. Y. M., held at tbe Masonic Hall, jet nut street, in mis cny, on weunesaav, nu mber 4th, the following were elected ofllcers that bodv: Richard Vaux, K. W. Grand ister: It. A. Lamberton, R. W. Deputy Grand .ister; Samuel C. Perkins, K. W. 8. G. Warden; irea 14. I'oiter, it. vv. j. u. warden. Thee officers will be installed on St. John's iy, December 27, at the Annual Cotnmunica u. to be held on that dav. The following were also elected: trustees ot the Girara Deque-t Samuel n. :kins, James Hutchinson, David Boyd,. George Kinison, Daiiicl M. Kox. Trustees of Gruud Lodge Charity Fund seph B. Ktlev, Jacob Jx)udenslaser, George iscom, John Wilson. Sr., Daniel Drutu in. iiesides the above business, reports of com- itees were read ana considered. - AMUSEMENTS. JMkp. Lanpeu as Mart Stuart. Mrs. Lander greeted last evening oy an ovation due a nedienne so eminently successful in the ihlul portraiture of "Mary, Queeu of Scots." uoi-i every seat in the bouse was occupied, 1 tbe taiuteht whisper, audible ai it was to use seated upon the sea's nearest to the door- v, was expletive or lue deep Interest mam td by U'e audience in the unexceptionable lug ot Mis. Lander. Tbe Interview between haughty "Elizabeth" and the imprisoned ary" teemed to tire the audience wiih a de alionol tho Imperious and Juulous Queen; I when ber approach was announced, aryV' wrons weiled up iu a passionate re w the heart broken with toi row, and by cruel eulferinss inflicted by a sister's hand, ' caused her to shrinK Daca as irom a viper's etice. The RoodneiS of her nature atla'jt juced her appioach, and upon bended knee, idoird ti e masculine Queen to in'orrn her (.lie hud otlendeii: and when "Klizabeth" trued ber from her feet, and taunted her a the remark that "-a common wme oeoomea .. minon beaut v." tbe. siruguliiig heart ot an" bursts with its agony ot jirief: hurling her lace the illegitimacy ot "llUzabeth's" b she ext laims as me uuwrnuif loriu m me eii disMppears, "Ah, I am your Queen!" The ne at thiB ruomeut inspired the bouse, aud w continued applaud. , . the next scene "Ellzabeih , althoneh ,... iii, ih iif,lpgome truths uttered by .ry." at first refuses to iga the death-wur-t, but ber religion U appealed to, and when jecalls tbe allusion to her b rtb. she i ex ms. with a vindictive smile, "She shall die," I "Leicester," the treacherous, la aliened H. ..ii.,,i..i.,i, n l.ur th futal news, "ilttri" receives It with composure, and Invokes bless nips upon her faithful aitrnOnnts. Durin-t thi part of tbeicnditiun tbe house wasMill as ilenlii, and many a nioisl ce might be noted among the audience. The ploomy moments were in tplred by the cbterfiilness of "Mary," and the fatal knife fiees "Elizabeth's" amoition from her bated ilval. Mr. Taylor enacted the fickle and perjured "Leicrstci" to perfection. Mr. Fenuo, as "Lord Ihulclgh," tho iron hand that controlled the bloody Queen, was nccorupltshe l in his acting. Mr. Cogswell, as "Mortimer," was faultless, as were the costumes. This evening Mrs. Lender will repeat, by re quest, "Llizabetb."-,0)iti Boston Journal. Academy of Musio. Mrs. Lander appears in her great role of ' Elizabeth" again this even ing, supported by Mr. J. H. Taylor and the excellent stock companv. To-morrow (Friday) evening Mary Stuart will be picisented lor Mis. Lander's first benefit. Italian Ctera Elsewhere will be found the announcement of the La Granue B-ignoli Opera Iroupe, who propose to give a brief season of Italian opera at the Academy of Music, com nieucinc December 16. Madame De La Grange is the acknowledged queen of tho lyno stage. Bricnoli, Jlassamilliani, and other favorites will su port her. It Irovalore is the opening opera. Season tickets will be on sale at the box olllce 01 the Academy next Wednesday. Chesnct. M'lle Marie Zoe appears In four preat characters this evening, in the Broken Sword and French Xpy. Her dancing and broaiisword action are universally admired. To-morrow night, benefit of Zoe. The Walnut is still crowded nighlly with the admirers of Brougham and his Lottery of Life. "Rosedale," at the Arch, will be presented again to-night, with Mrs. John Drew as "Rosa Leigh." Miss Emma Fowler and tbe Carlo Family aro me principal attractions at roxs American Variety Theatre, The Gerhania. The following Is the pro gramme lor tbe concert on Saturday afternoon, at 3A o'clock, at Musical Fund Hall: Ovenure Or. 8 Kalltwoda Bong "Ihu Thear." rornel KoId ...F. Kutckeu Performed, by U. Uuuu. Waltr-"Tlie Rplralen' M J. Btranss Allegretto fclierzandif rom Bin ouie Io 8 Beethoven Ovtriure Martiiu" (by requeiit). .. Flotow Iiuetfrom '7,mpa" , F. Herold Unule trom "Macbeth" A. IX. Cbelard Concert at Geruantown. Miss Caroline McCatlrey will give a grand vocal concert on next Tscfday evening," December 10, at the Town Hall, Germantown. which promises to be a brilliant affair. Miss McCaffrey will be assisted by Madame Bebreno, Miss Helen Mc Caffrey, Mr. Theodore Habelmann, Mr. Philip Carliu, Mr. S. Behrens, and other artistes. See announcement elsewhere. Hahelmann's Concerts occur this and to monow evenings, at Concert Hall. Hermanns, Habelmann, aud Johaunsen all appear at each entertainment. How it Seems to a Spectator. Those who look on a game should be, and generally are, the most capable critics. The London Specta tor is out of patience with the Republican party, because "they seem willing to make contracts with any number of devils, if only they may be allowed to carry on God's work." MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine Newt tee First Pagt, JLLHANAO JrOK JHILA1XPHIA-THIS DAT. Bust RisB..M..M.,Mn7,n9 Moow Rihbb..mmmm.h... o-24 oeTs.. M.....4 as; UrH WIU... 8 22 FHIXjAOJEliFiLLA OAJ) OS TKAOK, F. A. bOUDEK, ) Okobor l. uiizby. J Monthly Comuittbk. fiuuiL K. StukbSi y UOVEUESTI OP UCBAIf BTEAMKRS. BOH Celln.... Lonilon New York.M.,.....Nov. IS Aleppo .....Llverpool...New Vorlc.. Nov. 19 Col Pails IJverpoolNew Yorlc..-....M.,Nov. 211 VHIerleFhris Havre New York Nov. 2S C.oi Boslou Llverpool...New York............Nov. M China... ...Llverpool...Boton -Nov. 5M Uvcla L,lvrpool...New Yorlt......Nov. M V. of AUiwi-ip... .Llverpool...New Yorlc.,mNov, 27 Fulton. ...Havre New York...... Nov. 28 AUeiuBunlu.HouthaiupU)n.New Yorlc...Nov. 2 Ruaiiia ...Liverpool. ..New York ..Kov. SO FOR EUROPE;. America New YorkHremen pc. 5 O. ol t'arl8.........1sw York.LlverpooL..-.... Ueo. 7 Kuropa .New York...01a8gow....M.M. Dea 7 PenuxylvaDla. .New York...LlverpooL.... Deo, 7 Moravian -Portland... Liverpool .I)ec 7 COAbTWiBK, DOMKSTIO, ETC Colnmbla New York.Havana.............Dea 8 A illanoe Fhllada.......CliarleloQ......I)ec. 8 BuarandHtrlpee'hiiala.......lIavaiia...........Deo. lu l.CiiauDcey.New York...A8plnwall......I)eo. 11 N. America..... .New York...Rlo J autco..... Jan. 28 Malls are forwarded by every steamer in tbe regular lines. Tbe steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queeoetown, except tbe Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers tor or from the UonU pent call at Honthampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bcbr Artie Garwood, iuiwarda, Washington, John C KCOIt&BODB. etbr K. F. Crowell, Btevens, Boston, via Balem, N. J.. Captain. 1 ' Bfr Philadelphia, Fults, New York, W.P. Clyde & Co. Ht'r Ann Kllza, Richards, New York, W. P. Clyde Co. St'r V. Franklin Plerson, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. Tug Thos. jetterson, Allen, for Baltimore, Willi a tow oi bargee, W. P. Clyde 4 Co. . ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Fen r Archer A Reeves, Ireland, from New York. hchr Viola, Bonn, from Beaufort. bteamer H. O. Walker, Shertn, M hoars from Ken "J ork, with nidse. to W. M. Balrd Co. bteamer Chester, Jones, 24 hours from New York, with tudse. to W. P. Clyde Co. bteamer Black Diamond, Meredith, 24 hours from New York, with muse, to W. M. Balrd Co. jog j nos. jeuenion. Alien, front Baliuuore, with a tow ot barges to W. P. Clyde Co, ... MEMORANDA. Liver poo?a SruC0WBn' Iml,ldelJhla' ,aI1d f ,h,llL,L'I;ftrw",rd-8,rlol"n1. hence, was going up to New Orleans 2lh ult. Mill Hanopareil, McAlplne; Btratford, Myers: and 2ad ultrIU' ' for 't,lluelPlll. were al Liverpool Barque While Wing, pike, for Laguayra, cleared at J.ew York yesterday. . Barque L. Warren, Cobb, for Philadelphia, cleared at Antwerp jrub ult. Barque Cereal, Bolt, hence, at Venice 13lh ult. Barque Kagle, Poller, hence, remained at Palermo 15lh ult. Brig Cuba, Snow, hence, at Genoa 18th utt rK Ji. 1. McUilvery, Carl, for Phiiadelphla.cleared at Bangor 2d Inst. tchr Thos. Uolcomb, Godfrey, hence, at Genoa 18th ultimo. brhr A. P. Gilbert, Noell, hence tor London, at Gravt-neud 2Xd ulu t-ciir o. K. Couover. Rohluson, hence, at Richmond 2d Iijki belli T. D. Wilder, Heather, lor New York, cleared at Mobile ai th ult, behr Cornelia, Joyce, hPnce, at Norfolk 8(1 Inst. bchr M. K bmltb, heuce tor Aliyu's Point, al New London 2rl itiKt, btlir W, Gliltim, Bcovel, heuce tor Uartford, at New York yeHterday. bchrsM. 11. Read and Lamartlne, hence, at New. Bedlord 'id Inst. bebr A. M. Flanagan. Collins, hence for Boston, at Newport 2d liutt , with Iohb ol uialuaail. benr Wemmoreland, Rice, beuce, at Providence 2d IriKtaut. bchr A. 1 Irrell, Alwood, hence, at Fall River 2d Instant, bohr R. Vsnneman, trom Bangor fur Philadelphia, at Newport nd tiiHt. - bchr Kate Run get, hence for Norwich, at New Lon don nl hint. bchrs Willlkm. Pazson, arid Garland, Llbby, hence for Hohiou. Bl llolinea' itole 1st lost. bf'hr L. J. Warren, iiuu-U, trom Deer Isle for Phila delphia sallnd Irnm Newport Stiih ult. bchr N. 1) l'uliie, Doane, Iroiu Purllund for Phllu deli'hla, at Uoluiea' Hole IU hint. bchr Ada A. Andrews, trom Boston for Philadel phia, sailed from Newport xoth un. bchr Geurire Nevlnger. bitilib, from New York for Plilladelpiila. relumed SO liibt. Nov. Sti, 7 A.M., oil Abnecom. was run Into by an unknown schr, slrlHlng us on the hlarhoard side aailUHhlns. carrying away ahuul filly lect ol the rail, stanchions and bulwarks, tore and nialnsall. maiuhooiu and Diain-rlggintiw '1'tie schr In roll wlon was prnhHlily the Harab L. Hlmmnus, irrm Philadelphia lor Bvstuu, wbluU put In at New York ?d lnt. BAAC D. EVANS, MAKITACTIBEU AND DEAUCB IU OliS, TAINIS, YARMSHES. Naval Stores and Soaps, O, 10 MO It Til DELAWABB AVCCE, UMiatv PIUJ-ArBLPIUA, SHIPPING '- PARK Lll C -n r . u iv nr,u ' ,TT .Jr n ' r it' iic rUH4II,INH PACK XT,; DRAFTS A VAILABLKTIIKOUUHOUTENNLAIW. Pr..i K,:,'AM-CTLA&D, ANOWAUM For particulars apply to t.? P.SCOTTH, BROTKKRS A CO jvo. SSBOCTH btreet, and No. 2S BHUA IJWAY, II OrlolHOH.T. KAKLK. No. 217 WALNUT NORTH AMERICAN BTEAMSUIP COMPANY. TbieuKb L.lue to Callfomlat, via Panama or Nicaragua. Pa ling fr ni New York December 6th and lKth; JaiiUHr. Olh, Iftth, and Vol li. and Kebruary if.Ui aud 2,)ili, llli New blcuiuhhips ol tne Pirnt-class, Pshsee Lower than )y an; oilier Line. Porlii'lher lolorDiHilou addr ss the undersigned, at No. 177 WlibX btrset New York. 1). N. ( ARMNUTON, Aaent. Or IHUMAi R. HrCAR..ai. No. 217 WALNUT btreet, 12 3 3m Philadelphia, Pa. Till: rilII.AIKL,lIIIA AM) BOli'lH KRN MAIL HlMMHlUP IXJAL- AN 'K RKOULA R bH M l-MON I II l,V 1.1 NR. IB JVKW OHI,I AS, 1.4., VIA HAVANA, JUMATA, I'Jlfi tons, Cupluin P, F. lloxle. STAROKTHE t'NION.IuTB Uns. tpt. T. N.tkHik.sey. The b'l'A R OF TUK UNION will lenve for New Oi ieann on balurday, December 7, at 8 o'clock A. At., from I'ler 18, bfutu Wharves. The JUNIATA win leave New Orleans for this port Through bills ofladlng signed for frelirht to Mobile, Galvexton, Natchez, Vlcksburg, Memphis, Nashville. Cairo, bU Louis, Louisville, antl Clnclnnatf. "T""' Agents at New Orleans, Creevy N Ickerson, A Co. WILLIAM L. JAMKH, General Aiient, CHAllLi-b K. LILKl-.H. Freight AKent, 11 22 No. 814 H. Xielaware avenue. TIIK PIIILAnKLPIlIA A IV I bOL'lllKHN MAIL HI k.AMlllP (HiM- 'AhI'H RKOUI.AR SEMI-MONTHLY LINK, The steamship 1'ION Kh,K, 812 ions, Captain J. Hen ri fit, will leave lor ihe above port on Thursiiay, Heceruber 6, at 6 o'clock P. M., from Pier 18 boutU WhurveB, Rills of lading signed at through and reduced ratea to all principal points In North Carolina. Agents al Wilmington, Worth & Daniel. WILLIAM L. JAM Ed, General Agent, CHAHLL8 K. D1LK K8, Freight Agent. 11 2 No. 8MB. Delaware avenue. TIIK 1IIIL,AIKI.IMII4. AN It SOUT11KRN MAIL bi'KAMalllP i;t)M- am fcPANY'H MOULAlt LINK IOKkAVAKMAII,A, TONA WANDA, 850 tons, Captain Wm. Jennings, W OM1NO, 860 tons, Captain Jacob Teal. 'the slesmsblp TONA WANDA will leave for the above port ou Saturday, December 7, at 8 o'clock A, M., trom Pier 18 South Wharves. Tnrough passage tickets sold, and freight taken for all poiuis In conuectlon with the Georgia Central Rail road. WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Ageut, CIIARLKS K D1LKKS, Freight Ageut, No. 814 S. DluLAWAKK Avenue. Agents at Savannah, Hunter fe Gammell. 11 -a P1IIL.AIKL.I1IIA. HU'llMOIHn ',AKU NORFOLK bTF.AMbUlP LINK. iriAuuuxt. Ain ijintii iu i lijL Buuin AND W lib 11 THROUGH RKOltlPTS TO NEWBERN. Also all points in North and bouih Carolina, vis Seaboard and Roanoke Railroad, aud to Lynchburg Va Tennessee and the West, via Norfolk, Peters burg, bouib-bide Railroad, aud Richmond aud Dan ville Railroad. , The regularity, safety and cheapness of this route oommeud It to the publio as the most desirable medium lor carrying every desci iption of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of trausier. Steamships Insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly trom first wbarf above Market street, freight received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No, 14 North aud South WHARVES. W. P. PORTJU.R, Ageut at Rlchmoud and Olt Point. T. P. CROWELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 1 OrPOWlTlO.V TO MONO POLY. DAiLk' LINE FOR BALT1 MORE. Via Chesapeake and Dala Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steamboat Com pany, dally at o'clock P. M. Tbe Steamers oi this line are now plying regularly between this port aud Baltimore, leaving the Pier No, 2N. Delaware avenue, above Market street dally at it o'clock P. M (Hundays excepted). Currying all description of Freight as low as any other line. Freight handled with great care, delivered promptly, aud lorwarded to all points beyond ths tetmiuus tree of commission. Particular attention paid to the transportation of all description of Merchandise, Horses, Carriages For further Information apply to JOHN D. RTJOFF, Agent, lsf No. IS N. DELAWARE Avenue. HKW RXPBKII UB T SWfy-. Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington 5(aii .tn D. C, via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal with connections at Alexandria Irom the most direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, KnoxvUle, Nash villa Dalton, and the Southwest, Steamers leave regularly from the first wharf abort Market street. Freight received dally. WM. P. CLYDE A CO. No, 14 North aud South Wharves, J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M. ELDRLDUE A Co., Agents at Alexandria, V glula. rOB MEW TOBK, VIA OfXA ware ana iiaruan uanai. uresa bteamboat Company bteam Propellen leave Dally Irom first wbarf below Market street, Through In twenty-four hours. Goods forwarded to all points. North, East, and West, free of oonuulaslon, Freight received at tbe lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No. 14 South Wharves, JAMES HAND. Agent. No. 104 Wall street, New York. 1 tt rOB NEW TOBKr-NWin- STJRh) Trausporlailon Company De spatch and bwlftsure Lines, via Dela ware una Rrllau Canal, on and alter the 15ih of March, leaving dally at 12 M. and P. M., connecting With all Northern and Eastern lines. For freight, which will be taken on accommodating teriua. apply to WILLIAM M. B AIRD A CO., No. lig B. DELAWARE! Aveuue. T(1 KRIP f!APTATNS AND OWNI5M. Uii. The undersigned bavlna leased the KEN. btuiOit SCREW DOCK, begs to Tutorui his trieuds and the patrons of the Dock ihat he la prepared with Increased facilities to accommodate those having vessels to be raised or repaired, and being a practical ship-carpenter aud caulker, will Hive personal atten tion to the vessels entrusted to him for repairs. Captains or Agents, btilp-Cerpeuters and Machinists having vessels to tepair, are solicited to call. Having the agency for the sale of "Welterstedts' Patent Metallic Composition" for Copper paint, for the preservation of vessels' bottoms, lor this city, lam prepared U furulah the sameon reasonable terms. y y JOHN H. HAM MITT, Keuslnglon Screw Dock, 1! DELAWARE Avenue, above Laurel street. FURNISHING GOODS, SHIBTS,&C M ERINO UNDERWEAR IN GREAT VA. riety, lor sale at HOFMANN'S HOSIERY BTORE. Merino Underwear for Gents. Merino Underwear for Youths. Merino Underwear fur Infants. Merino Uuuerwear lor Minxes. Merino Uuderwear for Ladles. Merino Hose for Ladies, Merino Hose for Misses. Meriuo Hose lor Youths. Merino Hose lor Inlanuj. Merino Hose for Geuis. All-wool Shirts, white, for Gents. Ail-wool Shirts, scarlet. lorGeuts, All-wool bhlrts, grey mixed, All-wool bhlrts, blue mixed. All the above, of superior qualities, for sale at IlOFIlAItM'H UOMIEUY kTOBE, 8 6tutbs! No. t North EIGHTH Street, J. V. SCOTT Ac COM BIIIBT WANCFACTCBEltS, AND DKAI.KKS 1ST HKN1I W V Utt ItfUIM O flOOBI HO. 814 'UEN9IIIT RTBEKT. FOUR POORS BELOW THE "CONTINENTAL, ' 27rp THILAD JLFH1A, PATENT S1IOULDER - SEAM tJIIIBT BtANVFAITOBY, ANlJENTE.KmEMa rVHNlttHIM STOBB PKRFKCT FITTING SHIRTS AND DRAWERS made irom measurement at very short notice, BAV'?V,,"il..,urlli,'B u UAUSTLEALEN'tt DRESS GOODS In roll variety. WIKCUFJiTEB A Hn UI feq 70S CUEbNUT blreefc COAL. BMIDDI.KTOS A CO., DBA ITERS IN . HARLF1UH LEHIGH and EAGLE VEIN COAJ Kept dry under rover, prepared ejrwl for family ase. Yard, No. izsi W AblLLNAi'lOOf Avenue. UOice. No. A. W A LN Ij f Htrm-t. t i WILLIAM BTILL'8 COAL DEPOT, Nos liii, 1218, and 1!0 WAbiiiNGTON Avenue. The best qualities of Coal, for doiuvstio Of eteam uaa, futoiaiiea W ajiv pail vf Ue eKy, MAiuA PROPOSALS Tjr.Oj'OSALS FOR AIU1Y TRAN8P011TA- X. 'HON, OrrrcK Ciiikf Qcartrrma'TRR. Four I.kavkn woktm. Kspsiih, Nov. 15, lW7. ,o . ,r,ll,''ais will oe received at ihls olllce II Uo click M. the llilt ol January. PCs, for Ihe trans porlhlloii of nllltnr supplies (luring the year com nieiK ins A pi II i. itii, aud eutliug March 31, isiw, on Ihe following routes:- " ROUTE o. J. From Fort rinrker, Kaunas, Port TTftvs, Kansas, and any otner polm or polo id Dial may,beile.iignHid by Ihe Chid Quai terniaster lieparlnieut ol the Missouri, on the Union Pacific Railroad, h, l).,to any placei tl, at n ay be tieslgiiHieU bv the shipping oftloer, in me Sime ol Kansas and Territory ol Colorado south ol lailiuds ill tjegree North, and to Port Union, New Mexico or oilier depot Hint may bedeluuaied In that Territory, and lo any other points on the route to that depot. ROUTE NO. . From Fort Union, or Mich other depot as maybe esiHbiiPlHd in tbe Territory ol New Mexico, lo any p Hta orNla'lonB lhal are or may be eHmblislied In that I errltoiy, and to Mich posts or stations as may be (1 slynsted In the Territory of Arizona, and lu the Slate ol '1 exas, west of longitude Ins degrees. ROUTE No. 6. From such point as may be designated on the MIs-S-url fscilic haiircad. houihwesl Hrancli of Missouri 1'i.cHlc KaliroHO.or the Union Pacillc Rnilroad. E. I)., to por Gibson, li dlsn lerritury.or sticli oiher p ilot as may be established as the military depot In that Ti uliory. The weight fo be transported during the year will Dot excrto on Route No, a. M ono ooo pounds; on U nite No. 8 8,000.010 pcuuds; and ou Route No. S, 2.0v0,0uo pounds. I'ropt sals will be made for each route separately. Plddeis will slate the rate per 1 pounds per 100 miles at whlch.they will transport the stores) in each month of the vear, btgluuing April 1, ita, aud end ing March 81. 8t9. lildderswlll give their names In full, awell as their places ol residence, aud each proposal nu fen a'conipanUd by a bond lu tue sum ol ten thoiiiand lio,ioo) dollars, duly exec, ud by two or morere sponslole persons, in legal form and properly stamped, guaranteeing that In case the col tract is awarded for the rouie meuilomd lu the proposal to the par y pro posing, It ill be accepied and entered Into, aud good and nilllctent security furnished bv said party in ac cordance with the terms of Una advertisement. Kucli ninth r must be piesent al tne opening of the proposals, or he represented by his attorney. 'l he comracnr will be required to give bands In the following amounts: On Route No. y, 2'iO,fOO. Cn Koine No. 8, f loc.onu. On Route No. N IdO.I'IO SstisrHciory evl ence ol the loyalty and solvency of each bidder and person oiltred as security wilt be re quired. Proposals will be Indorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation on Rout No, "2," 8," or "6," as the case may be, and none ici( be rnterlaitwd vnlrstthcy comply with the requirement othu ailvrnUemcnl. 1 he parly to whom au anard Is made must be pre pared to execute tbe contract without un necessary delay, and lo give the required bonds for the faithful performance ot the contrite. 'I he light to reject any and all bids that maybe Offered Is reserved, Tbe contractor on enctt oute must be In readiness for service by the 1st day r April, ls8, and must have a place of business or agency at wbich he may be communicated with readily. For Route N . 2 at Port Darker, and such other points on tbe railroad as may be designated as the starling point ot the route; for Route No. it at Fort Union, New Mexico, ursucn other point as may be established as the depot, and for Route No, 6 at Leaveuwonn, Kansas. llliink forms showing the conditions ot the contract to be entered into for each route can be had upon ap plication at this oMico, or nt the olllce or the Quarter master at New York. Chicago, St. Louis, St. Paul, Fort Leavenworth, Omaha, Denver, C T and Santa Fe, and must accompany and be a part of the pro posals. L. C EA8TON. Deputy Quartermaster-General, 12 8 tJll t . Q. M. Dep'tof the Missouri. HEADQUARTERS DEPOT OF THE! PLATTE, CHIKK QUARTKHM ASTKB'S OFPICB, I Omaha. Neb., November 20, IH7. PROPOSALS FoR ARMY TRANSPORT A I'lOtf. Sea ed Propnsnls will be received at this olllce until 112 M.ou THURSDAY, the id day of January, 166. for Ihe transportation of Military Supplies during the year commencing April 1, lSi'ifl. and ending March 81, Isuh, on Route No. 1, from Cheyenne, Dakota, or such other points as may be determined upon during the year, on the Omaha branch of the Union Pacitle Railroad, west of Cheyenne, o such, posts or depots as are now or may be es'abllshed In the Ter ritory of Montana, south ot latitude 47 degrees, lo the Territory ol Dakota, west of longitude lot degrees. In tbe Territory of Idaho, east of longitude 114 degrees, ai d In Ibe Territories o' Utah and Colorado, north at latitude 40 degrees. Including, If necessary, Denver city. Tbe weight to be transported during the year on Route No. 1 will not exceed tweiuy-nva million firix o.oon) pounds. Bidders will state the Tate per 100 pounds per 100 miles at which they will transport the stores In each inoni h of the year beginning April 1, Ihch, aud eudiug March 81, 186a. Bidders should give their names In full, as well an their p aces of residence, and each proposal should be accompanied by a bond In the sum or ten thousand (l0ooo) dollars. Binned by two or more responsible persons, legally executed and properly stamped, guar anteeing that In case a contract Is awarded for the route montloned In the proposal to the party pro posing, ihecnnlract will be accepied and entered Into, and good and sufficient security furnished by said party lu accordance with the terms of this advertise ment. Kach bidder must be present at the opening ot the proposals in person or be represented by bis at torney. ibe contractor will be required to give $250,000 bonds. Satisfactory evidence of the loyalty and solvency of each bidder aud person olTered as security will be re quired. Proposals must be Indorsed "Proposals for Army Transportation on Route No. 1," and noue will be en tertained unless they fully cdiuply with the require ments of ibis advert lsement. The party to whom tbe award Is made must be prepared to execute the contract at ouoe, and to give the required bonds for the faithful performance of tbe contract. The right to reject any or all bids that may be Offer d Is reserved. Tbe contractor must be In readiness for service by the 1st day or April. 1B8, and will be required to have a placed business or agency at whlcn he may be communicated with promptly aud readily, fttr Route No. l.-at Cheyenne. Dakota, or at such other poiut as may be indicated as the starling point of the route. Rlanks forms, showing tbe conditions of the con tract to be entered Into, can be had on application al this oDlce, or at tbe olllce of the Quartermaster at New York. St. Louis, Fort Leavenworth, Santa Fe, and Fort Bnelllng, and must accompany and be a part of the proposals. By order of the Quartermaster-General. WILLIAM MYERS. Brevet Rrlg.-Gen., Chief Quartermaster, Department of the Platte. llllm PR0P0SAL8 FOR ARMY TRANSPORTA TION. Oyyics Chikv quartermaster, Dkpaktmkmt ojt Dakota, I67.jf olfici Ft. Paul., Minnesota, Nov. 13, 1867. beaied proposals will be received at this olhce until 14 o clock M., on tbe 20th dav of.January, lsas, lor the transportation ol Military Supplies during the year commencing April 1, Ibtis, and ending March 81, lsiiu. on Route No. 4, trom balut Paul, Miun., or baiut Cloud, Miiru., by ibe shortest road or Hue, to such Posts sb are uow or may be established lu the State ol Minnesota aud in lhal portion of Dakota Territory lylug east of the Missouri river and bounded by It, aud from Fort bteveuson, or other designated point on Ibe Missouri river, eastward to pieseut posts, or such as may be established east or north of that river, lu Dakota Territory. Ihe wlxht lo be transported on tbls Route No. 4 shall not exceed ten million ptuuds (10,000,000 pounds.) II uders will state the rate per one hundred (100) pounds per one hundred (lOo) miles lore'.ch mouth ot the year beginning April 1, ltxiti, aud ehdlug March 31, lfc6. bidders Bhot4d give their names In full, as well as Ibelr pluces ol residence, and each proposal should be hci ompauied by a bond In the sum ol ten thousand dollars, bigned by two or more responsible persons, guaranteeing that ki case a cou tract M awarded lor the route mentioned lu the proposal to the party pro posing, the cou tract will be accepted aud entered 1 u to, and gr d aud sutlicieut secutliv furnished by said Vurly ,u accordance Willi the terms of this advertise ment. The cortiractor will be required lo give bonds In the sum ol one btindreil thousand do'lurs (iio.ihiii.) butlsihclory evhleiice ol ihe loyally and solvency ol each bidder aud per.on ottered as security will be required. Proposals must be endorsed ''Proposals for Army Transportation ou Route No, 4," and none will be entertained uuhss they fully comply with lue ru Qlilreuu niskol this advertisement. The party to whom au award Is made must bs pre pared lo execute the contract at once, and to give the required bonds for the luuhlul perlormaticu of the contract. The right to reject any aud all bids that may be offered la reserved. '1 h tontrnolor must bain readiness for service by the 1st dv ol April, 1mh, and will be required to have a place ol business or agency at which he may be com municated wlih promptly and readily lor Kioto Nu, 4. al balm Paul, Minnesota, Poi I ir-leveiison, Jlnkot Territory, or at si cli other point us may he lutliculed as the starting point of the route. Blank loruis. showing the coudltions of (hncoulract tolieenlered iulo. oau be hud on application at this ollu e, or at Ihe otlioe cf the Quartermaster at New Yoik. Chicago, bt. Louis, t ori Leavenworth, Oiiiauu, aud i oil bnelllng. aud must accompany aud be a nai l of Ihe proposals, M. Tl. nOLABIRT), . Lleut.-Col , Deputy Q. M. Gen., ' Rrevet iirlg.-Ueii. U. 8. A 11 BO U19 Chief Q, M., Department of Dakota. p-ITLCn, WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OP MAMLLA AND TARRED CORDAQE, CORDS, TWINKS, ETC. . NO. 13 North WaTKH bueet, and No. 22 North DELA WARE Avenue, PHILADELPHIA. EiWiM H. FtTi.EB, Michael WkAVirn. COMBAD F. CXOTAUJhH. H IH FINANCIAL. BANKING HOUSE JayQ)qke&(p. (12 and 114 So. THIRD BT. PniLAT" A. Deftlera in all Government Soouritia. OLD B-SOs WANTED II EXCHANGE FOB fcTWt A LIBKIUL PIITEBENCE AIiLOWKll, Compound Interest Notes Wanted. IAT1RIAT AtLOWKD ON DEPOSITB. Collections mat. Blocks bought and sold on OomiDiHSton. Bpecial fenainetui accommodations reserved foi males. f9SH8m "TE UAVE FOR SALE FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OP THE Central Faciflc Kallroad Company, AT (95) NINETY-FIVE, And Accrued Interest In Currency. These Bonds are payable by law, principal and Inte rest, In gold. Interest payable 1st of January and 1st ofJuly. We will take Governments .In exchange, allowing tbe full market price. We recommend them to Investors as a first-class Security, and will give at all times the latest pam phlets and general Information upon application to ns Bavlug a full supply ot these ROSDS on band, we are prepared to DELIVER THEM AT ONCE. DE HAVEN & BRO Bankers and Dealers In Governments, 12Slm NO. 40 SOCTII TtllRn KT. 7 3-10s, ALL SKICIISS, CONVERTED INTO I 1YE-TWE IS TI ES. BOMJS DELIVERED IMMEDIATK!, DE HAVEN & BKOTKER 10 2 rp . 0 B. TniBS ITBEGTi u. 8. SECURITIES A SPECIALTY. 1 S5IITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKEES AND BROKERS, KO. 16 S.TltlBDBT.,JNO. S NASSAU ST., PHILADELPHIA. NKW YORK. Order for Slocks and Gold executed in Phila delphia and New York. HI PROPOSALS. pKOPOSAL B IF OR WOOD. Depot Quart kkmabteb's Omen, Wamhikston, D. C., Nov. 16, 1867. Sealed proposals from responsible parties will be received at tbls office until 12 M.ou 8ATUKJDAY, December 7, lor tbe delivery of (ouoo) three thousand cords of well-seasoned, sound, and merchantable BAUD WOOD. 4 feet long, and split to the ordinary size of cord wood. The contractor to keep tbe weod on hand at a con vi uient point, aud deliver It on orders from this office at any place in the city, lujsucli quantities as may from lime lotlme be required. An Inspector will be designated on the part of the Government to examine and Dieaanre the wood as delivered, and such as does not conform to the speci fications above will be rejected. Hie names of two responsible persons signed. In tbeir own baud, to a statement that tbey will become securities In case tbe contract Is awarded lo the bidder, must accompany each proposal, Honds In the sum of ten tbousaud dollars, signed by himself and both bis sureties, will be required ot (he successful bidder. Payments for wood received will be made monthly. If In tuuds, or as soon thereafter as funds are furnished for the purpose. The successful bidder muRt hold himself In readi ness to commence delivery on the 15tU December next. All bids will be submitted to the Quartermaster General for Instructions before awardlug contract. Hidden will address proposals to the undersigned, endorsed "Proposals for Wood," aud are invited lo be present at tbe opening of bids. By order of tu Quai termaxter General. J. O. MclKRRAN, Deputy Qunrternaier(.eueral, 11 19ts Bvl. Urig.-Gen. U. b. Army. GOVERNMENT SALES. LAKGE SALE OF CLOTHING, C. AND G. MlUIPAUE. Depot Quartermaster's Or.FrcE, , Washington. D. C, December t, lo7. r win ne soiu ai I'uuno Auction, at i n I 'Milling Depot, Armory bquare, this city, on THURSDAY, December IU, commencing at HI A. AI., under Hie supei vision of Cuplaiu D. ti. Thomas, M. ti. K., U. tt. A., a large lul ol non regulation, new, damaged, and unserviceable dotbiug, etc, couslallug In part ot hb' ul l.liHi.uou leet hemp tent! won Rlbley tent stoves. cora. new. ou Hokeis. 1A.0O0 blslikels. lo.n.il yartts lace. ' t.b'H) puns bootees, H0 pairs boots. 2.6uo troasvra, toot. 1. Tiki Iroahers, m'led 2. KG0 beilsacks. sftii hHHorted tents, SiiO shelter tenls. lu i i0 Zouave Jackets. 1MK! cavalry do. oixio V. H. O. do. ; H.so great coats. g o lufunlry do. no aitlilery do. 370 vests. Bugle, trumpets, etc. eta Tei n. s: t'afli. In (lovrriiuient funds. I'urrbares must be removed within five days from day of sa'a Ily orcer of the Quarleimaster-Oereral. J, WoFKHRAN, i Deputy U. Al. Ueiiiiral, 12 -I fit , Brevet lirig,-UeneralU. fe. A. QUOItCE PLOWMAN. OAKPENTERAND BUILDKR BE310VED To 10.13. DOCXC Street, PniLADRLPHIA- COTTON AND FLAX. ElAIX. DUCK AND OANVAR, ' Of all numbers and brands Tent, Awning, Trunk, and Wagon lover Duuir Also, Paper Wauufacturers' Drier tells, from ouxtr Several luet Wide; PaullPg, Pelting, hall Twnie, atu, JOUJS W. liVKliAIArV CO., AMUSEMENTS.. AWpiI'h11 ACADEMY1 OP ,J8IC. DEI IOHTbD AND KNTH UeF A.HTIO AUDIKNC1T4 F 1,17. A BKTIf. THI (Thursday i tVKMSfl. Deo, 5, FOURTH ArPtAI'AiNCK OF WHS. V. W. LAM DKIt (Formerly Miss Jean M. Davenport), In her unapproachable role ot K LIZA HKTT, , QUKKiN OF KN DLAND. Being an sdapintion ol Olucomelll's (elebratel lianidy oriliat name, MUM. LA NDf'.R A KLTZtBF.TII. UK. J. 11. TAYLOR Ah KdSKX. Hiipporleil hy THE LANDKR 11 lTKIONIC fXIMPANY. I'l'HUU rOALKOr' l'KIUKH. rarqnet . Pnriiei Clreie and Balcony, ft. No extra cliarge lor rexerved sea's. Family Circle, SO oeuts Aiiipliltlieslre, 26 Cents: Prosceuiunn Boxes, I o. Box t-liept opeu al I rmupliM's Music tilore, No. 026 t'lieMiut street; also at Hie ca1eniy. Doors open at 7 o'c ock. t'uriHiu rises at t o'clock HATUMDAY, Dec. 7, FIRhT KUZABKIIUN MATIWFR. Admission to all parts of the houso 60 cents. C A D E M Y OF MUSIC. 'l.B. FUan Lessee and Manager FRIDAY EVENING,; Dec, 6, BENEFIT OF ' DIRN.r.W, LANDER (Formerly It Ins Jean M. Davenport), On which occasion she will appear, BY SPECIAL KQUKST, A8 Al A RY STUART, The companion role of Kii.abetb, In an adaptation from a translation by M'S. Frances Anne Kemble. EW CHESNTJT 6TREET THEATBE;, Doors open at 6'4& Curalu rises at 7 t5. THURSDAY KVKNINQ, Deo. S, -KNHAIlr.&l KNT OF 1HK DAbBIKO AMD MKAUTlFUL ACTRESS, PAN TOMlMlttT, AM) UANMEUBE, M'LLK A.ARIK .OK. THE CUBAN HVLPU. Who will appear In THE BROKEN bWORD, Myrtello (the Dumb Boy) il'Ue MARIE ZOE To conclude wlih THE FRENCn SPY. M'LLE ZOE IN THREE CHARACTERS, i. ' Irjclveiilal to tbe piece, ZOK'i INIMI'IARLE BWORD COMBAT. ' SATURDAY A FTF.hNQt'N-FAMILY MATINEK. CHE8NUT 8 T E E E T THEATRE. M'LLE FANNY J A N A USCHftK, COMMKNCINO MONDAY KVKNINU, Dec. 16. Ticket Ofllce at Wltllg's Music Store, No. 1021 Chen put stieet. 113 MBS. JOHN DRKW'S AHCII STEEET THFATKK. Begins at 7 o'clock. BOSHDALK eiX KIHUTSONLY. MONDAY AND DURING THE WKKK, Lester Wallack's great ,ilay of , , ROSKDALE: OR, THE RIFLE BALL, With all Its grand etltcis anH great cant. MRS. JOHN DKKW lo ber original character, rosa i.kioh remembkr, six nights only, friday benefit of mrs john dhev7. , Monday next-edwin adams. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. THIS (Thursday) EVENINQ, Dec S, ! MR. JOHN BROUGHAM will appear fur ibe leuth line in his great dramatic satire upon tbe vices, follies, and sensations of the present time, entitled THE LOTTERY OF LIFE. Tetry. lbePwell...... -Mr. JOHN BROUGHAM! (A team pish character on "The t'huncea"). Popular Eililowan Scene by Mr FRANK B HO WEB. Clog Dance by Mr. BKNJAMIN GOLDSMITH, , FRIDAY BKNEF1T OF MR BROUGHAM. FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. , GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, In Grand Ballets Ethiopian Burlesques, Songs, Dances Pantomimes, Gymnast Acts, etc "VTEW PHILADELPHIA OPERA HOUSE, XN HKVKN1H ttreel, below Arch. L. V. TTNifcON . Proprietors. SAMUEL i HAN FORD Business Manager. 11N1SON A O'.'S MINMThELS. THE CREAM OF THE PROFESSION. GRAND CHANGE OF PROGRAMME THROUGH OUT. ALL THE STABS IN THEIR GREAT EFFORTS. FRANK MORAN AS HAMLET. J. H. BUDWOhTH AS COUSIN BUHNIDEB, W. K BUDVtUHTH AM HAM COLLYEB. W. ALLEN AS YOUNG KELLY. YOUNG BO WEN WITH NKW SONGS. , ROBINSON IN NKW DANCES. HOBHS WITH NEW OVERTURES. BOLES, EDWARDS, DANIKLS. AND COMPANY. All In their respective characters. Doors open at 7 o'clock, commence at . Admlg. slou 45. to. and 75 ceniH. Boxes, S each. TT ABELMAKN'S CONCERT HALL, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENING?. Dec S and 6. M'me JOHANNSEN. JTme BEHRENS. JOfcEPH HERMANNS, the great Basso, JEAN LOUIS. THEO. HABELMANN. GENTLEMAN AMATBUR! AND CARL SEN'iZ'B ORCHESTRA. Grand Selections from FAUST, BARBER OF SEVILLE, AND FIDELIO. Subscription Tickets for Two Nights....... ....! W Single '1 icket .. ...ilfJO. To be had at the Music mores ot Mr. Trumpler. No. 26 C hesuut street, and Mr. Boner, No. IMi Chsanuk ' street. No Extra Charge for Reserved Seats. Doors open at 7. Ooooen commenoee at g. llgfj "-JI W A MIGHTS IN SCOTLAND." MUSICAL FUND Tf ALL, MUSICAL FUND HALL. FRIDAY AN D SATURDAY, Dec 6 and 7t MR. KENNEDY, MR. KENNEDY 'The celebrated Scottish Vocalist, will rive his POPULAR Jl N TERT AON MEN I' OH TUX BONOS OF SCOTLAND. SONGS OF SCOTLAND. Piano Forte.......- Miss KENNEDY Doors open at 7. Commence at S o'clock. Admission, 10 cents Reserved Seats, 76 cents.' Tickets lor sale at Trumpler's Music Store, No. 924 Cbesnut street, 126t TOWN HALL, GERMANTOWN. GRAND VOCAL CONCERT, on TUESDAY EVENING. December 10, IKiT. MISS CAROLINE MCCAFFREY has tbo pleasure ot auuouuclug that she will be as--aisled bv Ibe following taleut: Mme. Henrietta BebrenB, Boprano: Mii-s lleleo McCaffrey, Moprano; Mr. Tbeo, Halielmaun, leuor; S r Ph. Carliu, Barl I' ne Mr. S. Belireus. I'iaulst. Tickets can be procured at Mr. Joe. Boltou's Drug cstore, and al ibe stores of Mis Ilarkinson, St r. J. Parker, Mr John Harkliison, antl Mr. t has. L. Ebrle, Main aud Mill streets; also al the Door. Admission. Que Do lur. l'it CARL SENTZ'S ORCHKSTKAL MATrVEES. EVERY THUBMDAY AFTERNOON, At V, o clock, IN HORTICULTURAL IT ALL. . Piano Solo-Mr. O. H. JARVI9, Package of Four Tickets for One Dollar. r-lUKie I II KCUi, Duvruin, To ue had al llouer A Co.'s, No. 1101 Cbesnut street, rnd at Die door. It tttf (" ERMANIA ORCITJSTRA. PrilLIO RE" t l enrtals at the M L all'Al, FUN V HALL, every BA TLRDA Y , at J . ai. Tickets 'iu at tne noor, and at all principal Music stores. Engagements can he niBde by addressing G. BASTKRT, No. vai HON 7'ERE Street, or at R. W liLlG'S Music Store, No ' Kl CH ESN UT Street. 10 3 in , (alRAtiL ROW. C. fl. NCDLE8 & CO., W W. F'eveuth astrl Cbesnut Street' , jrave opened a large lot of very siiper'o TA13LK DAMASKS 'Which they offer at ! - 7.. ' ' .L.J. mrced sales by the,! tuese gooos "-- ,upei lor 1st quality Importer., and U b 0(gl)od, usually sold and style to i so . In auction clie.p t'-t Of LINEN SnKET" jthuWdlr-mli to IW5. aud from W 20 lo.i:60 .d iv-lncb PILLOW LINKN, re duced ficm l to 78 ceuia. and from HS U s7 "rlto.alot of ALL LINEN HUCKABACK, reduced Irom 30 cents to cents. 'M.OH OUVMIO