r n 7 -TI7f-TD) A TCD H A Hi it .n aa O VOL. VIII-No. 131. PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, DECEMBER 2, 18G7. ! DOUBLE SHEET-THREE CENTS. 11 A12AlhA . . . I FIRST EDITION WAR DEPARTMENT. An null Report of General Grant. Great Redaction of Military Expenditure! Reports of the Military Commanders. JCte-, Kte., Etc., Kte., Kte., Kte. The following it General Grant's Report as General-in-Cblcl and Kecrctary of War ad interim: A long war bad entailed nnoa the army practices of extiavagauce totally unjustifiable In tun of pao-; end m the Increaao ot th regular army .Inc. 110 (now almost the entire army) I offlcer-Ml by men whuee army cxpeilvuce dove not go back tw thai period (and ther-lore they may not know but their 1. dulgence at the ex peine of the u.ueral Govern ment are all legitimate), retrenchment waa the firm subject to attract my attention. During the Hebel llon anihnlancee and liiouuted ordtril-a at every headquarter bad coma Into use; and since tlie Re bellion they baTe been continued. If not at evy poet of.a ilDKle company, at le.st generally throughout the army, A discontinuance of this evil waa uautsv nary both to the discipline and eMolency or the army and the relief of the Treasury. Orders wars therefore given for breaking It up aud seeing to Its execution. 1 be Bureau ot Rebel Archive waa traa.ferrnd to the Adjutant-General's Department, aa was a so the Bureau for the kxchange of Prisoners, etc, tbiis re lleviDg from Uovert nienl employment a large num ber o -cluraa and several ollloei who bad, to that date been cen'luned in service, fcuipuljlng largo. r rules (or a period ol four yean of hostiiliws neces-..ily led to an accumulation ot stores of all sorts far bevoud the wants ot our present etuabluthnient for many years to come. Many of these articles were of a peilshahle nature: be.ldea being borne on ths returns of oilicers accountable for thetu, they bad to be stored and guarded, allhjugu the cost or care per an-uui might be greater than their value. Under my direction all these surplus and useless stores In th uuartermas.er'a Depart ment are being sold, and the balance distribute;! for Is ue to troop 1 as they may be wauted. Thle releaaes large number ot storehouses for which rent l. being paid, and also discharges a large number of civil em ployts ol Government. During the last summer, and summer before I canned Inspections to be made ot the vurioue routed of travel and supply through the territory between the Mis souri river and the Pacific coHttt. The cost of main taining troops In that section wan so enormous that I d sired. If poisible. to reduce It. Thli I bava been enubled to do, to some exleut, from the Information obtained by these Inspections; but for tbe preseut the military establishment between the lines designated must be maintained a' a great cost per man. The completion of these roads will also go lar towards a permanent settlement of our Indian dllbculilea. There Is good reason to hope that negotiations now going on with the hostile til ben of Indians will re sult, It not a permanent peace, at leant loasuipen aloo of hostilities until the railroads are pushed through that portion of tbe Indian territory where they are giving the most trouble. FRKIDVPUt'S B0BSUT. From tbe report of the Commissioner of the Bureau cf KfuKe, Freednien. and Abandoned Lauds, I make the following synopsis: r o changes have been made In the organization and practical working of tbe Bureau nf Refugees, Freed ni en, and Abandoned Lands, except such as have been caused by the appointment of District Com manders under the Reconstiuctlon act. The detail or officers serving with troops has enabled the Commissioner to reduce the numoer of bureau agentB. Twenty-eight civil agent have been dis charged and forty-eight mustered out. The freedmen, as a people, are making rapid pro tress in education, la mechanic arts, aud in all bracbesof lodusiry. Tbe amount of "abandoned land" now In possession 01 the Bureau Is 816,024 acres, much of which Is swauip laod, and scarcely any affording revenue. Tbe num ber of nieces or town property is 950. Tha Fin. ! nt arlliistlna- the claims of colored sol diers has greatly Increased In good results, The total I number of claims presented during tbe yew la 65S.5. of I which 76 nave oeen nnatiy aujusveu, auu tioo are now awaiting action In tbe Treasury Department. Tbe amount collected and paid to claimants has been certificates received by tbe Commissioner and ordered paid, under Act of Congress approved March 2D, ln7, amounting to S89U,7121M). Tranao.rtatlon baa been furnished to 778 refugees. and to l,ai freedmen, to enable tuem to reach places Where they can proviue lor tueniaeivev. leacuer and agents have also received transportation. Hall road unninti for transportation bava been audited. amounting to tln2 out w. end the amount paid by the disbursing c nicer nas oeen lZY.vnt iu. Vlnanluais ara balntr ranldlv closed and dispensaries substituted, as a mere economical mode ot giving relief to tbe sick. The number of refugees treated during tbe year ending August si, is ss. nr whom lw riled, or 2 2 10 Der cent. The number of freedmen treated Is 15,298: died, 4840, 3 4-10 percent. Tbe number Qf commlHsionea meucai oiucers sua private physicians employed by the Bureau has been 178, of whom 10 were on duty at the eud ot tue year. No adpmiata rjrnvlslon has been mads for the Ineaoe. either by State or municipal authorities; but they are Cared for lo separate wards of Bureau hospitals. The average cost of furnishing medical attendance and medicines during tbe year bas been li 73 for each pa lent. A na total expenauores lor lu. iu-vuiuni xuparbiueui, have been ll.sito. Commlssarv auonllesbave bean Issued to a limited extent. It bas been found Impracticable to disco n tli ne sncb Issues altogether. The average number of rations for tbe year ending (September l, 1867, was 11,668 per day. In the latter partotwluter tha desti tution became so great tnat urgent appeal were made for a more general aisinouiion ot supplies, i ne total amountof supplies furnished by means of the Belief una baa beeu 850.688 pounds of pork and baoon. and 6,8U9,2vt ponnds of oorn. Tho number or persons re ceiving relief ia repurteu se uave uevu asa,.. i ue average number bas been 66 000, tha large -t number being In July, 82 wou. Tbe whole expense bas beau 44f.lu8 4 i e , nearly to escn person for the period or rour mourns, or as per uiuuiu. t ma tiwumi reiiei was discontinued In August, tbe funds and aspplles remaining on baud being reserved lor those who may require belp during the coming winter. 'i ue schools have Increased in number and useful pan. Normal aud training Scbo Jle are well attended. T he total of day and night school reported, Including indust-lal, out not me rtunuay ivjnouis, is uui, wun 2442 teachers and 130 T.ti scholars; an lucrease of 40,000 sluee last annual report, or these, loss schools ara suHialned wholly or In part by freedmen, aod 8il buildings are owned by them. Of the teachers, 8'JD are colored and IMH white, Tbe average amount of tultiou paid per month by tbe freedmen has beeu 14 &S5. ytnancr. Appropriation lor the year ending J air 1, U68. (8 886 300. . . . Total expenditures from Oct. 1, 1866, to Aug, 81, 1887 eleven mouths), (:t.0t7.W8. . The nrinninai items of axpendltnres are: For schools and school buildings rj.vt3.9l67!: suoelstenoe stores. fl,40 828 28; transnortauim, i,7 h ss; salaries of agents, clerks, etc., '2l,42lMI; medical department. frttl.lul-21: quarters and fuel. IIM.OKS; clothing, 116 ftW 80 The balance of tbe expenditure, t2Sl,l9'86, bas been for prlnlUig. posUge, and other contingencies. ' The surplus from the unexpended appropriations Of 1868, with tbe balance of tue aparopriatloa or this ) ear, will be .ufbclent tor tbe purposes of tbe Bureaa curing the present fiscal year ending June SO, 1884. In addition to the above proper expenditures, the dis bursing oMcer has paid back to colored soldiers, or their heirs, retained Hiate bounties to the amountof 81,7201. acd has paid claims of colored soldiers, ULder joint resolution of Congress approved M.aroU 28, 1867, to the amount of 0,b7i ApirciUioethin in Maryland silll holds large num bers or colored chMrtren lu vlrtiml slavery. 1 he evils and cruelties reaulllng Irom this system, sanctioned by theftate laws, are mailers ol constant complaint. As many as two thousand cases have been presented in a single county. Jiluruiion.-In .11 tbe schools In tha District rf Columbia and western Virginia there have been 7!fS scholars and 2t fachers. In West Virginia the aclioon have beeu susiaiued In part from the public chool fund, where an impartial system of tree schools exists. Iuth.e lilstrlct ol Columbia the oolor ed schools are also entitled to a proportionate share of the public school lund. but the city authorities have not yet paid the entire sum claimed. It la prob able, however, that the trustees of the colored schools will recover all that la due, and lu future receive an eoultable shure or the publio funds, In which case tbe colored ecbi.ols will be Independent of the Bureau. Several iu.iiliuimi. of higher grade tliau common schools have been established; aud bava made a good beginning. a.mong these are the Nalioual Theological Institute, lu Washlugton, under the auspices of the Baptist denomination: the normal school aud oollego at ilarper'a Kerry, conducted by lbeKree-v.111 Buptlsla, and I he Howard University In the District of Columbia, whloU Is designed lobs . i mnti Imm lo all. I he normal ... ..... tiaialorr department has been opeuwt wltu about sixty scholars, and buildings ate now beiug eiued Provide cheap bomes for Indoslrloiis colored men, I larut la bt purcUaev4, survey ed lulu act Iota, and sold at coot, "he lots have baen taken op raploly, and payment)! opon them promptly made. . apendiiurea bavt (alien below the original esti mates. No further appropriation of funds Is asked for. As the liur-an will expire nejtt July, unlens ex tended by Congress, no fnaas are estimated for the n st H al year. In ease the Bureau is not extended. It Is recommended by the Commissioner that prop.r arrangements he made with the Hleie authorities fur Ibe care of Indigent classes: that tha educational work be eontluued under the direction of the Bureau tit adora'i.in, or other United states agency, w in full ixiwrr and means to maintain and extend the present systsm: and that the Claim Division be sontlnoed in connection with tbe War Department as long as It may be deemed necessary by tbe Secretary of war. Tbia Is but a brief abstract of the report of tha Oom-Bilssionera-ot Itefugees, Freedmen. and A ban toned l.a da. Hpclal attention lo the report Itself Is re enectiully Invited. No reoommendatlon Is made at tha present lime respecting the continuance nrd'.s rentinnanr or this Bureau. During tha session of t'ongrees facis snay develop themselves requiring special leel.iallcn In the premies, wbea tbe necessary tecum ui sudatlons aan be made, FIRST MILITABT DKITRiel' comprises the HUte or Virginia. Brevet Malor General J. M Kohofieid commanding. In assuming command tbe principle was announced by Ueneral Hcbotleld that the ni.lliary power conlerred by act of Con grass on the IM.lrh-t Commander would be used only so far as waa necessary to accomplish tha purposas for which the power was conferred. The civil Govern-' nient was (nierlered with only when necessary, and tbe wisdom of the policy bas oeen demonstrated by the result. The Instances or complaint of the action of the civil Courts become exceedingly rare, mill the evil which existed prior to the act or Congress of Ma rob 2, Iss7, though mitigated by the Increased efficiency ot civil oiucers, was not removed. It was sn evil In the Jury system, apparent at all times, and lully developed by the natural antagonism be twi en loyalist aud Rebel, or the prejudice between white and black, existing throngbout the Hnntb since the Hebelllou. 1 he first Idea was to admit blacks on Juries and prescribe a teat of loyalty, lt.it a the re quirement or a unanimous verdict must give very Inadequate protection where strong prejudioe of class or taate exists, and as a military changa of Jury sys tem would he but temporary. It was determined to leave Its change lo the Convention soon to meet, and be content with a system of military commissions. Mich Commissioners were appointed from officers of the army and Freed men's Bureau for thedltTerent cities and counties or the (Mate,, wltb powers or Jus tices of ibe peace, while the Htate was divided Intosub disirlcis, under comuiandais whose power, were nlllmately Increased to those of Circuit Judges, tak ing Jurisdiction only In cases where civil authorities failed to do Justice. Ibe system baa given a large measure of protection to all classes or citizens, with slight Interference wltb the civil courts. Hir.ce tbe publication ot the A et or March 23. 1887, all elections have been suspended. Existing Htate, connly, and municipal oilicers were continued la olltce. Vacancies have beeu filled by the District Commander. The number ot removals lias been fire, and ol appointments to till vacancies. lo In executing tbe registration a board of officers was first appointed to selftt registering officers The se lections were made with great care, aad the oilicers so selected have, with few exceptions, done their duty In the most satisfactory manner. Care'ully prepared regulations for the boards of registration were Issued, being made as specillo as poaslble. to as to secure a nnliorm rnle ot dlsiranchlsement throughout tha Male. In prescribing them tbe District Commander waa controlled by the belief that the law made blm re sponsible for Us correct Interpretation, aa well as Its falihlul execution. The results of tha first session of the registering boards were all received on Heptemher 18. Oue hun dred and 11 1 teen thousand and sixty-eight whites, and one bundled and one thuu. aud three hundred and eighty-two colored registered: one thousand six hundred aud twenty whites and two hundred aud thirty-two colored being rejected. Tbe tax list of l6-'ii7 (not qalte complete) returns about one hun dred and thirty-six thousand white male adults, and eighty-seven thousand colored male adults. This In dicates that tbe number of whites disfranchised, or wbo have failed to register, Is about nineteen thou sand, and that about fifteen thousand more colored men I ave been registered than were on the lax lists. JH ence it may be inferred thai nearly all male adults white or colored, not disfranchised, bava been regis tered. S ICO WD MILITARY rI"TICrr Romprlses the tttetes of North Carolina and South Carolina, Brevet Majur-(lenera) K. B, K Cauhy. com manding. Major tieueral Daniel K. Hick I a., who was originally assigned to tbe command ot tin. district, waa relieved, eud Uentral Cauhy assigned by order ol the President. A Bureau or Civil Affairs was established to lake charge ol all mailers pertaining lo registration; and Its duties were afterward extended to Include all questions or prot cllon to person or properly aralng under the laws of Congress. Oue bundr'd and seventy registration precincts were established In Norm Caro Ina, and one hundred aud nine In boutn Carolina. In North Carolina there were registered 1 g.oso whites aed 71,687 blacks; and In Mouth Carolina! 4,7l wlilies and 78.888 blacks, Begtstratlon proceeded verv slowly on account ot slowness of commuutoatlon with distant parts of tbe district. Ol the appropriation made by Congress, tM, 801-87 have been expended, and outstanding liabilities will exceed the oatauce on nana ti,oo. ni. The present condition nf the district Is so satisfac tory as to warrant tbe belief that after the elections the nnruber of military posts In both State can be dlniiiilaheu. THIRD MILITARY DISTRICT comr rises the States ofOeorgia, Florida, and Alabama, Brevet Major-General Jobu Hope, commanding. On assuming command an order was Issued by General Pope continuing In oflice state offclafs, but forbidding their opposlug tbe Reconstruction acts; prohibiting elections except under those acis; and giving notice that all vacancies In civil offices would be tilled by the District Commander. Becoming satisfied subsequently that Stale officials, while obey log the order personally, yet officially, by their patronage, encouraged papers opposing the Recon struction act, an order waa Issued forbidding ollioial patronage to sucn papers. In cousequeuce ot the riot at Mobil an order was Issued holding city and county officers responsible for the preservation of peace at all publlo meetings, aud requiring tbe United States troops to assist them wheu called on. No disturbances have since occurred. Under the laws ol the male no colored person could be admitted to the Jury box, and there was no surety ot Justice to Union, to people from the North (and especially ex-Union, soldiers), er to colored persons, Iroui Juries lullamed with hostility toward snob Cl ftBWtWis) '1 here Is a very !a?g number of case of wrong perpetrated by suob Juries In the district on file. Accordingly an order waa leaned directing all Juries to be draw u Indiscriminately from lb list of voter regist-red by the Board of HevlHtratlun. Very few civil ottluers have been removed, and those. In almost every case, were removed fur refus ing to comply wltb orders. Appoiiiluieul. lo nil vacancies have only been mad where the dally busi ness ol the people demanded It. The Stale Treasurers ot Ueorgla, Alabama, and Florida have beeu ordered to make no paymenla alter the appropriations of the present fiscal year have expl ed, save ou warrants approved by the District Commander, as it is believed that a new Legislature will not continue or approve mauy of the appropria tions made. Iu executing the registration It waa deemed advisa ble that no officer or soldier or tne United stales should be employed, and accordingly each Board or Beglai ration was appointed from among theoiilr.an living In the dlalriul, and to consist of two while men and one colored. A fixed sum was paid tor register ing each name, the overage for lu district beiug twenty-six ceuls per name. 'there srere registered In Georgia M.2I4 whites and 98,487 colored; In Alabama, 74,dti white and vo.iiO colored: aud In Florida, 11,186 whites and is Yl col ored. The amount expended in realairaliou. etc., baa been $162.8M. The appointment of delegate was made in Ceorgia for State senatorial Districts, sud lu Alabama for Representative District", fixed by au order. Polls were ordered lo be opened at each oouuty seat. FOURTH MILITARY DISTRICT comprises tbe Slates of Mississippi and Arkansas, Brevet Mejor-Geoeral K. O. C. Oro, commaudloa. Tbe officers of the Provisional Male Uovaroinsnt have coutluued In office, except where they have failed to perform their duties. It Is difficult to Had competent n-en wbo can qualify to till vacancies In civil otUoee, sum of which are consequently vacant In consequence of the Indisposition iaa manifested of late) ol tbecivil authorities In Arkansas to take actlou lu ollenaea or an aggravated nature against freedmen, orders have been Issued fur the trial of all such cases by Military CumnilMiion, and for prompt action to be taken tor the punishment of civil olhc-rs who tall to lasua writ agalust offeuders committing aasaul s, etc., against rreeduien, and prohibiting ball lor the appearance f aucb criminals. In a majority or the counties of this district there are very lew men whooan take the test oath, and these are uot disposed to defy public opinion bv ao cepi lug office, uulea snppoiled by a military "lore a'lerwarda, FIFTH MILITARA DISTRICT comprises the States ol Louisiana and Texas, Bravet Malor General J. A. Mower commanding. No report has yet been received from General Mower, but tils expected lu time tor the meeting of Congress. Major-General P. H. Sheridan, who was originally asalgued to tbe command of this district, wairelleved, and General liaucoo assigned, by the ordere of ths president. Ou the decease or Brevet MaJor-Ueneal Charles Griffin, designated as the officer next In rauk lo whom General Huerldan should turn over the com mand until (ieneral Hancock assumed It, General Mower succeeded lo the command. Geueials Sheridan and sickles having been relieved before the period tor submitting their annual re ports, none have been received from them. They ham, i..,u ever bean called on recently to submit re ports, which may be expected befur lb meeting of Congreee. Ti,a ter.iinr nf tha Tin I ted State not stobraood In the five military dls'rlot la divided luto military division. fiUey subdivided Into tlepaitsavuia) "d tla lyartiu villa, . ANOTHER HOTEL HOMICIDE. Ham Mardrd In Pitt Tows ship Tlx Parpotrdtor mt tn Ied 1st Custody. Another affray, fatal la lu result, occurred last evening, and the perpetrator of tbe mur derous deed ! now aafelj In cnelodv. It ap pears that Owen McGovern, the murdered man, and James Mon tooth, the man who slew htm, were boarders at the National Hotel, corner of Perm and Boundary streets, Pilt township, and occupied ths same room and bed. Moutooth was formerly employed at tho rolling; mill of Reese, Graff & Doll, and was Injured at the recent boiler explosion there, his lee beinir so badly hurt that be has had to walk with a stick ever since. WcGovcro came to the house some six weeks since to board, and was era ployed as puddler in Klomau's rolling mill. Ue was in the habit of getting Intoxicated, and when in that condition waa very quarrelsome and insulting. Yesterday McGovern drank freely, and be came considerably intoxicated. He returned to tbe house between 4 and 6 o'clock, and at a little before 6 went with the other boarders to supper. Montooth, alter finishing his supper, came into tbe bar-room, where Mr. UeCarthy, the proprie tor of tbe bouse, was attending the bar. Jlon tooth sat down on a bench near a window, where several others were sitting, and shortly afterwards McGovern came in and sat down on the bench beside Montooth, throwing himself heavily against htm, and hurting his lame leg. Montooth remonstrated with bim, and bad him be more cnrelul. MeGovern answered abusively, telling the other that he be lieved ho was "playing oil"," and that he was not hurt at all. He also called him vilo names. Montooth answered that he did not wish to quarrel. Tho other renewed his Insulting remarks, and slapped Montooth in the face. Tbe latter bad an open pocket-knife in bis band, picking hi teeth with it, and told his assailant that if he repeated the blow ha would cut bis throat. The otber replied that he was "equal to him and his knife both," and struck him a severe blow in the lace. Montooth bad ttpen to his feet, and after this blow struck: McGovern with the knife, inflicting a small but deep wound in the neck, severing a branch of one of the arteries, and penetrating the wind pipe. Tbe injured man reeled back against the bar. And as Boon as his collar was removed the blood spouted from the wound in a stream, ex hausting him rapidly. He was taken to his room and Dr. James Uobinson called in. When he arrived, however, the patient had bled almost to death, and was bo tar gone that there was scarcely any hope of saving him. He rallied a little, but sank again, and died at twenty minutes before 11 o'clock. Montooth did not attempt to escape, and had little to say of the all air. Justice McUuire Issued a warrant for his arrest, and there being no officer there, gave the warrant to Andrew Henderson, a young man who resides in the neishborbood. The murderer was brought to the lock-up about eight o'clock, and delivered into the hands of Officer Elvers, who Immedi ately locked him up. The deceased was a young man of about twenty-five years of age. He Is thought to have rome from Chambersburg, and to be unmarried. The prisoner is about thirty-five years old, and Is a widower. We believe he has no family, filisbwg Vommtrcial, Nov. 80. LATER h ROM MEXICO. Arrival of Haxlmlllan' Hematite at Ilavaaia Tba Kaestrt to Vara Orui Padra Flichir Reported Frc. ' Havana, Dec. 1. The Austrian steam frigate Novara, with the remains of Maximilian, arrived here. Bhe Is coaling and taking in provisions Vice-Admiral Tegethoff accompanies the re mains. The Mexicsn Government granted an escort of one hundred mounted troops, who accompanied tbe cortege as far as Vera Cruz. On arriving in the latter city the remains were placed in a cbapeUe avente at the Cathedral, where an Immense multitude visited them. There was no solemn performance or public ceremonies, but simply the celebration ot a requiem mass. The barge of the Novara con veyed the remains from the mole on board the. frigate, which lay at anchor near Sacrltlclos. The Novara sailed from Vera Cruz on the 26th. Mrs was celebrated everyday during the trip to Havana. The remains are in a good state ol preservation. The Princess Salm-Salm has gone to New Orleans. Padre Fischer Is reported to have received his liberty at the capital. WEST INDIES. Karthqwaka 8 hock. Volcanic Eruptions, and a Ooxtorstl wbmarlxt Upbearing lsnntna Leiisi of lata and Property Am lalastd Cat In Two by tho Wave Wrack or ant American lebseasr, KntoBTON, Jamaica, Nov. 28, via Havana, Dec 1. The British West India mail steamship La Plata, at this port, reports that violent shocks of earthquake have been experienced al St. Thomas, SU Croix, Tortola, Peter's Island, and Little baba. The shocks occurred within the period from 2 o'clock in the afternoon of the 18th to the 19th instant. Many lives and vessels have been lost. Tnere was also a volcanic eruption. Tbe sea was raised hlty feet ovsr the land, and in Its retiocesston swept off the populace, with i tu rn c ti se losses of human lite aud merchandise. Little r-uba Isdivlded by water In consequence of the fury with which the waves were thrown up. The American schooner Wild Pigeon was sunk by a hurricane. Tbe details ot the loss are expected here to-day, and will be luly reported by telegram. A Disc sstd PuKlUst'a Wlf. fYom f i Cleveland plaindealer, qf IfGtA. The wife of Barney Duffy, the pugilist, who was captured by tbe police jesterday, called on him al the jail last evening. Mrs, Dully is a food-look iug and Intelligent lady. Hue was mmcnselv disgusted at the conduct of her hus band, and made no concealment of her feelings, lturoev stood be 'ore her, with his gashed and battered lace, banking bis head and lookiug as sheepish a possible. Mrs. Duffy ejed htm con templuouxly tor a time, aud then, walkiug around him and eyeing from head to foot, ex claimed, "Who are you f Is this barney Duffy ? Mce-looklng man, ain't you f A disgrace to your lamily and children. You ought to be arrested, and you ought to be made aa example of- Presume jou'd do tbe same thing auatn. I see your name now, around town, ou those nasty sparrlug pouters." Barney matutalned an appearance of great meekness, and aald that he would never tight, and would even never again put on tbe gloves to spar. Mrs. Duffy nt her little boy to Uerea yesterday, In hopes that be might prevail upon his father to desist: and Barney said he would have heeded him but for tbe jeers of bis com panions. Bartey was released from jail this morning, on his own recoguizance. A MisAPPEiaiKM8io. A Loudon newspaper says a girl recently called at Miss Rye's office to ask some questions about tha English colo nies. Seeing she had many misgivings about life in Australia, Mini Rye auked what aha considered the apeoial drawback to lifing la Victoria, to which question aba raottlved tho ensuing answer : "Oh (with a long algh), I do Lear out there they doea perch npon tho tKrW SECOND EDITION FROM EUROPE BY CABLE. Noon Report ol Market. London, Dc. 2 Noon. Contolsfor money, 94 13-16; United States Five-twenties, 71 5. 16; Illinois Central, 894; Erie Railroad. 47 J. Fbanxpobt, Dec. 2 Noon. United States bonds, 764- Livgarooi,, Dec. 2 Noon. The cotton market is quiet. The sales to day are estimated at 8000 bales. Middling uplands are quoted at 7d.; and middling Orleans at ?jd. Breads toffs are quiet. Two o'clock Market Report. London. Dec 22 P. M. Consols, ex-divl dend, 93 4; United States Five twenties, 714 Illinois Central, 684; Krle Railroad, 43. Liverpool, Dec. 2 -2 P. M. The Cotton market is steady at last quotations. lireadstutJs torn, 48s. aiirornu Wheat, 15s. Produce Lard, 49s. Common Roain, 7s. 6d. Other articles are without change. Bteamera Arrived Out. OrtlKSTOwN. Dec. 2. The steamer Java, from Boston via Halifax, has arrived. The steamer Helvetia, from New Fork, arrived yesterday. FROM WASHINGTON TO-DAY. LSPECIiL DESPATCHES TO EVENING TBLEOBAPB. Washington, Dec. 2. Treasury Report Bond of tho Tho Smithsonian Insiltuto. Treasurer Splnucr will soon propose to Con gress to sell all the stocks now held in trust for the Smithsonian Institution, Indian annuities, etc.. and place tb avails in the Treasury. Such a process 79uld make these transactions so simple as to relieve the Department from much extra labor, and all the matters pertaining to trust funds would be belter understood by Congress and .by the people. Had such a law existed ten years ago, the great larceny of In dian trust fund bonds from the Uultcd States could not have been perpetrated. The Report of the Secretary of the Treasury will not be Bent to Congress until the day after the reception of the President's Message. It has been completed and in type for several days, and tent to the Sub-Treasurers throughout the country, with the customary injunctions as to its delivery to the newspapers. The Secretary denies the accuracy of the abstracts which have been made public. It is well known he has not changed his general financial views, and a reference to his last annual report will put the public in posses sion of his present opinions upon many points. FROM BALTIMORE TO-DAY. Mr. and Mr. Dsvli-Hsr. Political Trou. blcs Tho Weather, Utc. SPECIAL DESPATCH TO TUB BTENINd TBLKOBAFH. Baltimore, Dec. 2. Jeff. Davis, Mrs. Davis, and Jeff. 'a special irlend, Mr. Wood, are still here. They were at Barnum's, but, on Invita tion, are at present sojourning with a special friend, wbo does not wish hts name published. Mr. Whitman, the newly appointed Superinten dent of City Fire-alarm and Police Telegraph, was assaulted on Saturday by King, the old 8uperintendent,unoa Whitman's demanding pas sesbion of the office. Judge Gilmer issued a bench warran'. this morning for King's rearrest, to hold him under heavier bail. Klntr also re fused to initiate his successor, and Whitman, unacquainted with signals, etc., could not pro ceed until aided by an old operator, who volun teered to act. Thus,,for a time, great danger from fires existed. The weatber Is intensely cold, and the ice Is now three inches thick, and we have some skating. . Marine Disaster. ; Boston, Deo. 2. The schooner Lizzie L. Top ley, Captain Perkins, from Bangor for New York, with lumber, while attempting to make Newport harbor in the storm ot Friday night, went ashore on Bearer Tail, and became a total loss. She was 130 tons burthen. The crew were saved. Stocks In New York To-Day SPECIAL DESPATCH TO EVSNDfO TKTEOBAPH. New York, Dee. 2. Smith, Randolph fc Co., Banker, Ho. 16 South Third street, and No. 8 Nassau street, New York, report all o'clock tbia afternoon aa follows: United States 1881a, 112Un2J. United States 6-aoa, 1862, l(n(9 ifW. United States 5-208, mi, 104105. United States 6-2ue, i860, Iur-106. United States 6-20s, new, 186, 107107. United States 6-20s,.1867. 1U7107. United States KMOa, 1U1101. . Jane and July 7 WW, 1(105 Tho market la heavy and declining. Markets by Telegraph. HiW York, Dec. t, Stocks are lower. Chicago and Kock Island, WH; Beading, Canlou' Com pany, 46; KrletUttilroad, 71V Cleveland and Toledo, liZ; Cleveland and Pltteburg, 8$ Pittsburg and Fort Wayne, 97; MlctilKau Lwatral, 61V; Mldblgan Hoiitbern, so; Mew York (Jeutral, 118 Illinois Cen tral, lVi; Cumberland preferred, 28; Missouri ss, 15; Hudson Itlver, vmi: U. K Flve-twentlus, 1882, 107'-.; do. 1864. lof.S; do. 1888, 106'i: Teu-fbriies, 10l7; Heven-thlrUea, ubH. (Sterling Kxcaangelouk'. Money 7 percent. Bold, 187 J. Nitw Yoksx, Ix-cS!. t'otton quiet at 18V316a Flour dull; sales of (HX) carrels Hlata, 77aalu; Ohio, SU'IO (412-40; Western. T-70m11M; Houtbera, IW4ihaU75; California. SU6vl8 26. Wneal decllulng. Corn de ullning. Oats firmer; Western Subsist cent. Barley eUady, Beef dull, Porlr. firm; new mesa, fniru. iU-Ji Lard dull. Wnlsay quiet. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. Eatraaea of Judg Ludlow upia his Second Versa. Jn fa Common Plea this morning. Judges Allison, P. ire, and Brewster un the Benob, tbe oath of olbee aa Associate Justice of Ibis Court was administered to James H. Ludlow by Judge Allison. The Gov ernor's commission waa then read by tue crier; at the conclusion ot wbicb Attorney Ueneral Benjamin H. Brewster took occasion to congratulate the publlo, the Bar, tbe Bench, and Judge Ludlow himself, upon bis re-election, lie said thai the people, ever aluce lb change In the Coustltuiion making the office of Judre eleutlv Instead or appointed, ana particularly on Ibis orcsslou, bad sbown themselves capable of givrrulDg themselves amid the wildest political ex citement, and bad ever secured to themselves one ot Ue best bieealogs of a people a wise and good Judi ciary. Hecli srdMs beautiful address by again con gratulatlrg Judg Ludlow on b.balf o tbe publlo aud the liar, aud eitaudlug bis own personal congratula tions. Judg Ludlow, In reply, said: lit. Atturuey-Oeneral aud ti.ntlemen of the flan Tbe oalb which, according to the Constitution of this Onuiiiiouwvallh. baa Just oeen administered, remind, me of the solemn obligalloaa uow Imposed upon me. In eulerlug upon tbe duties of my ollloe for a second term. It le Tmiioaslble to forget the history of tbe past lu years; and while there la much lor wblcb 1 ought 10 be lhaukful, It la probable that, notwith standing the brat Inteutious, many duties have been Tuipvrfecllr performed, otber possibly n.glerUd, and errors sometlcaes committed. While 11 would be Improper 10 Indicate any given course of future anion, the experience of years nugbl with ac curacy to point out past defects, aod Induce me to form a determined resolution , so to discharge every public duty that, uader lb superintending guidance of Almighty fowm, lb work may be more perfectly pt-riorniad. Orateful for tli assistance derived from the labors and counsels ef my lata colleague, tbe lamauied Judge Tiiuuipeoa, as well a theae ot my preseat able aad learnad aasnoMWee. whom 1 ueliabt to rail my Personal as well a official friend; Uaakful for la aid afforded, la the ootnioa ol caaave, ay Ut )jmlaal the I'lOlawaipaia) l)ar, aa well as for thetr forbearance and nilforrn parson M kindness always exhibited, ar.d very thankful 10 the people or Ibis county lor Ibe honor conferred lu doming me wl'h the peroratlvs a d powers ot a Judge among them for the second time: I now enter upon tne discharge of my nfllcial duties.ln tbe earnest bon that they will be ao parlormed as to warrant the cnnAdance wbloh baa ben ao aeuerously be stowed. The commission of Peter Lyl as High SharifT was read. UFBF,MECOURT AT HIKI PRItTS-JndgeSbars-wood 1 bis morning Judge Kbarswood look bis seat In this Court, caused bis commission to be read, and began the business of the term without ceremony or deiay, b having been sworn Into office earlier In tbe mornlag by Chief Just lo Thompson, at Cnainbers. Uutekunstvs. Petroleum Company or Pennsylva nia. Hul to an.wer. etc Held under advisement. Cochran vs. the Washington Library Company. Motion to set aside. Judgment taken pro confttto fn this case. Held under advisement. Lennlgvs. Kmery. Acknowledgment of a deed. Utile to Ana I Kmery. commission of Peter Lyla, High Sheriff, was DIBTRICT COTJRT.-Judg Bar waa tbls morn ing sworn Intootllreea President Judge of this Court, by Judge Htrnud, and his Commission was read. CODKT OK UCARTKR HKtt10Ni.-The oommls slon of James M. Ludlow aa Associate, Judge or this Court, was read by the Crier. The commission of Peter Lyl as Sheriff or the County was also read. J ude Ludlow opened a special session of the Cenrt In tbe old Court; and alter the calling of th tutors discharged them until to-morrow morning. UNITKU BTATKrJ IH8TB1CT OODUT Judg Cadwalader. The United Slate vs. Whisky, eic, James R. Cantrell claimant. An Information ot th foneltureot property lor violation ol tbe Revenu law by th claimant. In carrylugon an Illicit distil lery, lb properly Is appialsed at f8(Ke or more. On trial. Tha Nw Jersey Railroad Dlapute. Th New Jersey Conrt of Appeals, on Saturday last, derided lb long-pending controversy between the Camden and Amboy Railroad Company and the Camden and Atlantlo and Banian and Delaware Bay Ballroad Company. Chief Justice Beasley read the opinion of tb Court, declaring: 1. That tbe tax upon through passengers and through freight, provided for b the Camden and Am boy charter., was not a tax npon commerce, aod not unconstitutional. 2. '1 bat whether so or not, however, the monopoly covenant mad by tbe Mat with the Camden and Amboy Company waa valid, and entitled that Com pany lo protection against all competing routes. s. That, even It tbiscovenaut had not been made, or npon Its expiration, January 1, 1889, th situation ol th parlies wonld not change, the Camden aud Amboy Company being chartered to exercise tbe franchise of transportation betweeu New York and Philadelphia, and ibe other companies having bad no sncb Iranchlee conferred upon them. Klther singly or together they have no right to carry on such a business, or to connect in order 10 do so. 4. Tbe Camden and Amboy Company Is therefor entitled to full relief, which mean, a severance of the connection by taking up so much of tbe road as U necessary to stop the through business. But for the piesent, a sutllclent remedy will be an lnuuotlon against Its being carried on. If such business does Dot cease, tbe Conrt will order tbe connection, which is legally a nuisance, abated. An "Idee." In the third aot of M. Dumas' remarkable dramatio essay on the regeneration of modern society, he puta Into the mouth of the young M. Camilla the following language: 'I feel myself young, rioh,- happy, prodigal. Let any one have need of me and he shall see. I find everything whioh God has i&ade superb and wonderful. I should like to take immen sity into my arms.". FINANCE AND COMMERCE. OrricB or tbs Evknino Tblsjoraph,! Monday. Deo. X, 1887. f The letter of Hon. Robert J. Walker is the pifneipal toplo of discussion on the streets to day, and many of hit views meet with very general approval. That portion of tho letter which discusses the question of payment of the Five-twenties in gold; meets with universal commendation. Much doubt is expressed as to whether or not the securing of the proposed foreign gold loan is either practical or desirable, the current of opinion apparently setting strongly against It All acknowledge the ability of the writer, and consider hla essay remarkable for its dispassionate tone, and well calculated to do good in these days, when repudiation in fact, if not in name, has open advocates on the floor of the House. 2fce Atlanlio Monthly for December con tains an able and carefully prepared article on the subject of the Pacific Ballroad. It is written by one who is thoroughly familiar with the sub ject, and conveys the clearest idea of the differ ence between tbe two lines, that we have met with. Tbe article treats mainly of the Kansas and Nebraska' branches designating one as the channel of the Philadelphia, Pittsburg, Cincinnati, and St. Louis trade ; the other tho New York, Lake, and Chicago trade. We have but little doubt that the current of traffic will flow substantially iu the channels marked out by the writer. His estimate of the magnitude of the work being accomplished by the Central Pacific Railroad, in cutting its way through the Sierra Nevada, will convey au Idea of the ex pense and trouble which that Company has undergone. It promises groat things for the futuie of the road. The Stock Market was excessively dull this morning, and prices were unaltered and droop ing. Government loaDB were a fraction lower. 6s of 1881 sold at 113, nocbaage; 10J j was bid tor 10-408 ; 105 for 7-30s; 107J for '62 6-20s: 105 for 64 5-20s; 106 j for '05 5-20s; and 1071 tor July '65 5-208. City loans were unchanged; the new issue sold at 8, interest off. Railroad shares were inactive Reading sold at 47i49 94-100, a slight decline: Pennsylvania Railroad at 60, no change: and Catawissa pre ferred at 21, no change. 125 was bid for Cam den and Amboy; 23 for Little Schuylkill; 64 for Norribto wii ; 66j for Minehtll; 50 J for Lehigh Valley; 63 for Philadelphia and Baltimore; aud 251 for Philadelphia and Erie. In City Passenger Railroad shares there was more doing. Second and Third sold at 76; Chesnut and Walnut at 45; and Green and Coates at 30, no change. 65 was bid for Tenth and Eleventh ; I84 lor Thirteenth and Fifteenth; 63 for West Philadelphia; and 104 for Heston ville. Bank shares were firmly held at full prices. 235 was bid for North America; 61 for Com mercial; 106 for Kensington; 56 for Girard; 30 for Manufacturers'; 71 tor City; and 41 for Con solidation. Canal shares were dull. Lehigh Navigation sold at 32i32, an advance ot i; 12 was bid for Schuylkill Navigation common; 21 for pre ferred do.; 88 tor Morris Canal preferred; 12 for Snsquehanna Canal; 47 for Delaware Division; and 36 for Wyoming Valley Caoal Quotations or Gold 104 A. M., 137 j; 11 A. M, 137; 12 M., 136: 1 P. M., 136, a decline of U ou the closing price of Saturday evening. PHILADELPHIA 8T0CK EXCHANGE SALF.3 TO" DAY K ported by Sehaven Bro., No. M B, Third street BKFORB BOARDS. 100 Sb Phil A E....U80. 28 I 11.0 sh Phil A E S0. 25 V FIRHT BOARD. S3CO0TT8 8 '81 61IS 100 ah Leu Pi star. s?w 600 dO.l...b0tf 12 21 do.. s6wn. ti 2 ItiO do mm bftu. 8i 100. h Catal'rf... si J 1IM1 do.. ........., 2)2 loo do ... 11)2 1 sh id 8d MUt R... 7 Ssb Ciies A Wal.. .4 82 sb Or 4 Ooau o b0 Fa8, 8 series. ...10S Sluaj Cltv 8a, H...c&p. t'.!l-0 C At 2 111 8s.... 7H tatioo bch N 8s, '82....... 72 2tsb Bead B. bfte.4f 84 114 Oo........c.47W lot) do-...-.8wn. 1 too do... s6 rry StO do.. le. 9 sb Feona B ...... Is. te Meaers. De Haven 4 Brother, Ho. 40 South Third street, report the following rates of ex change to-day at 1 P. M.-U. ti. 6a of l8l, 112 UilHi do. 1862, 107,1071; do., 1864, 10.J 1051; do., 166!., 105Q10r(; do.; 1865, new, 107j)3 107: do., 1867, new, 1074tlO7(; do. 6s, 10-40s, 101101J; do. 7-30. June, 1,105 3105J; do., July, 106j(jil0f) ; Cottpound Interest Notes, June, 1864, 11940; do., July, 1864, 11940; do. Angnst, 1864, 119-40; do., October, 1864, 11940S120; do. Decern ber, 164, 119113: do.. May, 1866, U71174; do., Aueust, 1K65, 116(1 16; do., September. 1H66, 1161(1151; do., October, lf65, 115J115. Gold, 13ej13i. Silver, 1311.U. Messrs. William Painter ft Co., bankers. No. S6 8. Third street, report the following rates of exchange to-day at 12 o'clock Gold, ' 137137 J: C. a 6s, 18bl. 112rtfll2i; C. 8.6-209, 1862, 107107I; do.. 1h4, 106ftl06; do., 18C6, 106i106; do. July, 1866, I07((fil08; do. July, 1867, 1071(2108; 6s, 10-40, 10l101j D. 8. . 7-308, d series, 105(1051 ; Sd aeries), 105 106; Compound Interest Notes, December, 1864, 119; May, 18C5. 1174: Aognst. M65. II6J5 Sep-' tember, 1865, 116 J; October, 1865. 115i Messrs. Jay Cooke A Oo. quote Govern ment securities, etc., as follows: U. 8. 6s of 1HR1, 112tJJU21: old 5-208, 107a3t07J; new 6-20s. 18C4. 104lfiilO6; do., 1865, 105J106; do., July, 1071(8107,; do., 1867, 107107; 10-40s, lOU'Vd 101; 7-3()h. June, 105J 106; do., July,J06iifl 106i. Gold,13CJ2)137i. ' ,vu' - M. fjchultj A Co.. No. IS Booth Third street report tha following quotation per slaaniar 80 Of. do., 8nS08fl; Cologne. Lelpsln, and Berlin 80 do. do., 71nKuT2: Amsterdam and rank fort 0 do. do 4o,il. Market dull. Gold at noon. 187,'i. " Business Statsmkni of ihb Assistant Tria- tUJBEB Or THE CviTXD HTATEK. PHILADELPHIA FOB TBE MOUTH OF NOVKMBXR, 1807! ' Ck. Balances on hand Nov. 1. . .781.S3i-98 Receipts during tb mouth ending Nov. So, vlr: ' " Account General Treasury, In- Including l'UBtoius........2,l.VI.4t'90 Post Ottlc Fund 12!, 587'87 InWrrst Fund B,8.i!)l-f0 Dlsbuitars' Fund 1.778.01810 MU.S70-87 I13JW.210 W Dl Paymtntf during tbe mouth, viz: Account Uen.ral Treasury.....S4,8in,88t'S0 I'ost Offlce. .. 89.M4 67 Interest. M 1.878.58-7 Llebureis............ ..,..,.. i,2a8.8U8 s 7.829.1S3 I Balance at close of business Nov. I0., ts,S84,087'8S Temporary Loan Department for the month of November, 1867: Balance due lo depositors Nov. I.-............, r9v,lM Beef Ived from depositors during tha month ending Nov. 30 98.100 . Repayment to depositors during tbe month 17.700 Balance doe to depositors at close of business Nov. 80,.... 81,409 Fractional currency redeemed durlug tbe month -.. 181,001 C. AloKlBBIN, Assutant Treasurer. Philadelphia Trade Report. Monday, Deo. 2. The Flour Market Is remarkably dull, and there Is no disposition on the part ol toe bom co&Mimers to purche beyoud Immediate wants. Bales of a feW hundred barrels at S7-0o(8lS for superfine. f8'oOa-fer. extra, S9 76(0 10-76 for Norlbwrstern extra family, si!t?6(aia tor Bannsylva nla and Ohio do. do,, and I2 50.0,14 lor tancy brands, according to quail y. Ky Flour Is not muCS Inquired after. Bmall sales at t8 t0. Nothing doing In Ctjia Meal. 1 he demand for Wheat of prime quality I fair, but common graata are negiecteo. Bale or 4000 busbela ' fair and prime red at S2-4.v3fj0 Rye Is la moderate request, with sales of I8bu bushels Pennsylvania at 1 i and Southern at tl-ewai-65. Corn la quiet, with sal. s or 1000 bush-la old yellow at 81-42; 400 buahela new Western mixed at ll'SS, and nia do. at tibial I 85, UaW are unchanged Bale of Houihern aud Penn sylvania at 70to'So INotUiug aolug in either Bailey or Malt. f Bark Is In steady demand, with sales of No. 1 Quer citron at (- ton. Heeds Cloverseed I selling at t7'12,'iff?8 Silos. Prices of Timothy are nominal. i"laxseit sells to tha -crushers at 2-;.u'i'4o. Whisky Is without Improvement. Philadelphia Cattle Market. Mon dat1 Dec. 2. Tb Cattle Market was mode rately actlv this wek, aud prices were ratbec firmer. About tsoebead arrived, and sold at SCo)9c. per lb, gross, for extra Pennsylvania and Weatern ster,7(s4.8c, for fair to good do., and 4(ai6)a per lb. gross, for common, a to quality, Th follow luir ara Ibe particular ol tb sales. 72 head A. Christy A Brother, Western, 7(218. 48 McClesse & Co., Western", 62 " P.McFtllen, Chester county, 7to. 118 - P. Bathoway, Western, 6(a)8. 60 " James Kirk, Chester county, 783i. 87 " B. McFUlen. Chester county, 7(48W id " James MO lllen. Western, ik. 40 H K. B. McFlllen, Western, 8(o)8H- 81 " TJllman & Bocbman, Chester county ,8a8. 12 " Martin Fuller Co, Western. u;8'i. 100 " Mooney SV Bmitb, Western, 78. 6s ' T. Moonej A Bro'ber, Western, t&Si. 28 ' H. Chain, Pennsylvania. 8S7. 100 " John fmlth A Brother, Western. ti8)Si. 68 " J.Frank, Western, esftt7. 106 " Frank ABhomberg, Western. . 104 " Blum A Co.. Western . 8(31 7 . 46 " Chsndler Co., Chester county, 79. Cows w ere la fair demand, 26(1 bead sold at S50(75 for springers, and M$ 115 bead for cow and calf. bheep wer unchanged. 6o0 bead sold at 4(5c. V lb. gross, as t condition. Hogs were dull snd lower. 6000 head sold at the different yards at t8'76(yfM 100 lbs. net. LATEST SHIPP1WG IHTELLIEEgCE. For additional Marine Newt See Seventh Tage PORT OF flULAjmi'H-U DaCKM BJTB a. . btatb ov THa a at oarsrT k a at THi arvKerura rixa. saara orrion. TA. M .... MiU A. M .ajjl P. M ,.-,,..,. 38 CUE A RED THJJ4 MORNING. Brig Natrona. Koburtson, Antwerp, J. EL Bazley A Co. Brig Wm. B. Parks, Simmons, Matauaas, I. Bough A Co. Bchr Hattla, Carter, Georgetown, Caldwell, Gordon Co. Bt'r Diamond But, Robinson, Baltimore, J. D, Kuon. ARRIVED THIS MORNING. Brig Roth. McLearn, from Orchllla 12th ult.. with guano to B. F. Fol.om. brig J, B. KUoy, for PbS ladelphla In 6 daya. Hcb r Hams, Carter, 12 days from Bangor, with lum ber to captain. Bchr Ot ace Glrdler, Smith, from Bangor, with lum ber to J.w. Uasklll A Boua. ' Bchr Bonny Boat, Kelly, daya from Gloucester, with mdse. to captain. ticbr tiettvsburg. Bmlth. from Boston. Hteamer W.Whllldln, Klggaus, from Baltlmor,wlUl mdae. to J. D. Buott. MEMORANDA. BrlgL. Warren. Cobo, hence, at Gibraltar lath alt. Bchr R. O. Wblllden Messlck. lor PbUelXa. sailed from Providence 28th ult. bchr bu.an WcDevltt and I. V. MoCabe, for Phila. delphla. sailed from Georgetown Jsih ulL bebr Maggie Van liuaeu, lor Philadelphia, aller from Bavaunah 2sth ulu aui nHfol.'. I verlng. Corson, hence, al Boston JU Ugfehuif yal "d W' UT.b. Wash- ,Bfih5 A.I! E".ere.ltl Ktury- 'mm Vlnalbaven for Philadelphia, sailed from Dutch Island iiarbor U ultimo, Bchr a J. Krrlckson, Bmlth, hence, at Pawtocke Tpila UlC Bchr Blar, Lewi, for Philadelphia or New York, ailed from Providence 27th ulL tkbr Pickwick, Putt, fur Philadelphia, cleared at Boston 2Mb ult. Bchr Lucy J.Warren, from Dear 11 for Philadel phia, at Newport tib 'ilt, hcht Charles Paige. Doty, from Boston for Philadel phia, al New York yesterday, . bteamer New Yor. Joue. for Philadelphia, sauea irom ueorgetown xsto uib 'Iber and uludaA 1 rv)M rcrfi iu rutin To"-. I- "-Arnvad, a4eaaahlt Hanry 1 ,i,,.v, rroui A.plawall. CtV:i!lt. Ur, Iurliee, Irom Oardlfl. Zulu tiaruiaaia, Ivkibrwca, Uviu AWWerAwiO. . . . - . m.Aum r ft. e were 41 American ro ero n w . - r -- ' 10 foreigner (bound to or 1 ,. M PorU) leiKwieO. ditrlog '; ,.,Miar suipe, S loetormlaalng. 1 hay rami.ri.e l- of I bane 8S barque. 10 br"g. aod to ecfa 4, 1 buraad, wr wracked. ebaodonau. f -omaMl0 or.ft ana 6 are Dilsalng. I "'(ul,j at us utsi lu .paula, (eiclualve ol oa'so ai varlou puiuta lit Tberarevrrl ",, UOmdd la the above, tha precarious P'"!"" jooed, faiual ! are saH lu Diav Uoalli' u til. r