9 THE DAIIA EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1867. YOUR MISSION. If yon cannot on tba wean Bail Among the" swiftest Hunt, Booking on the highest billows, LangbJng at the storms yon meet, Yon oan stand among the sailors, Anchor'd yet within the bay, Too can lend a hand to help them, As they launch their boats away. If you are too weak to journey, Up the mountain steep and high, You can stand within the yalley, While the multitudes go by. Yon can chant in happy measure, As they slowly pass aloDg; Though they may forget the 6inger, They will not forget the song. If yon haye not gold and silver Ever ready to command, If yon cannot towards the needy Reach an ever opeu hand, You can vinit the afflicted, O'er the erring you can weep, Yon can be a true dlbciple, bitting at the Saviour's feet. If you cannot in the conflict, Trove yourself a soldier true, If where fire and smoke are thickest There's no work for you to do, When the battle-field Is silent, You can go with careful tread, You can bear away the wounded, You can cover up the dead. Do not then stand idly waiting For some greater work to do, Fortune is a lazy goddess, She will never come to you. Clo and toil in any viuoyard, Do not fear to do or dare, If you wrnt a field of labor, Vou can find it anywhere. LITERATURE. life VIlW OD' NKVV HOOKS. Tub 1Ifb and J.kttkrs op Matame Bwetchnjh. Hy Count le Falloux. Trans lated by Miss Ilari'tet W. Preston. Moaton: Roberts Uroluers. rnlliulelpliiu Agent; (i. W. Pitcher, No. 03 C'besnut stieet. We give a most cordial welcome to the Becond of the admirable series in course of publication by Messrs. Roberts Brothers, wMch will includo the lives of the first women of Europe. The first of the series was the 'Life of Madamo rucamier," of the merits of Which we spoke' at its first appearance. The Liography of Madame Swetclmie resembles, in many respects, that of Madame Ri'camier. Uoth lived about the same time; both swayed most extended influence in France; both were the objects of the sincere friendship of the greatest men of the day; and each was pure amid the vices of the dissolute French court. 13ut they differed in many respects. Each possessed power; but one relied for it n her beauty and tact, the other on her talent nd principles. One was the model beauty of the age, the other had no qualifications to fit her for a belle. The biography of Madame Swetchnie is much more satisfactory than that of Madame Re ca lmer. In it we find all the letters of the lieroine, by means of which -we are enabled to pierce into the secret of her inner life. This source of interest is entirely wanting in the life of the latter. While the incidents given in Madame Rucamier's life are more numerous, and the anecdotes of distinguished meu scat tered through it are more frequent, yet as a literary effort it is incomparably superior, his Written in a Style of simple purity, and much credit is due to Miss Treston for the fekill she ha3 displayed in her translation. 1 1 will prove a jnost welcome addition to this class of stan dard works, which are so generally welcomed. It is bound uniformly with the life of Madame Jlecamier. We hope that the series will meet With such a reception as to warrant its con tinuation. It introduces us to characters well known before only by name, and in whom we all feel an interest. AXONOTHS iNBIAKJt EIGHT YEARS IN TUB Far Wkst-JK5K-18H6. Uy Henry A. Boiler: T. Elwood Zell: Philadelphia. The number of writers who have gone over this path before Mr. Boiler lias left him little or nothing to tell us of the Indians which we do not know already. It is an error too easily fallen into by travellers, to think that because scenes are new to them they will be new to their readers. We could recall a dozen works, all written by men who have leen eight years with the Indians, and all of Which, are just as thorough as that of Mr. Boiler; and being published before his, have made as already familiar with all the charac teristics of the aborigines, so that the most transcendent merit could hardly redeem a work on the West just now. If Mr. Boiler had. the descriptive powers of an Irving, it would, possible to make his work a success. But while being a very pure, and en many occasions a talented writer, in his de scriptions, yet with all the happiness of ex pression which he frequently excels in, ho cannot raise his work above its predecessors. The fault lies with the subject rather than the author. It is. handsomely bound, and neatly published by Mr. Zell, and to those not already familiar with its contents, will well repay peruBul. CtJIP A1T,irVD T,IB CnimcsB Classics. By vkiV?iVk A- K'Jniau & t.'.: Cali fornia. Philadelphia; j. u, Lippiucoll & Co. The publications of Messrs. Roman & Co., While they are intended especially to supply the wants of the reading population of Cali fornia, are not restricted to it. They are of ' general interest, and the work now before ua is as well adapted to the scholar here as it is to the Chinese-American population of the Golden State. The work is a careful transla tion, filled with explanatory notes, and com prises a correct transoript of the principal theories of the celebrated Chinese philosopher. It 1b curious to note how time and nationality make little difference in the views of right as laid down by thinkers, and to see that many f the positions assumed by Bacon are found n the other side of the globe, with Confucius a their advocate. The work is very curious, ad will well repay perusal. SPECIAL NOTICES. rPT- NEWPrAPEH ADVERTISING. JOTr OOJB CO.. Agents foi tb "Tn.aaaAMl" and Newspaper Prem of the wholecountry, bare RIO MOVED from FIFTH end OHESNTJT Streets to No. 144 B. PIXTH Btreet, second deor above WALNUT. Ornrvn: No. 144 B. SIXTH Btreet, Philadelphia; TRIBUNE BUILPINHS. Kr York. 7804p tTZof DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIOH- a" WAYS-OPi ICE. No. 104 WAYB OfflCE, No. 104 bomb. FIFTH Street. pHIt.APF.r.rHTA, Nov. 8.1867. NOTICE IX) CON'I UAUTORH. Pealed Proposal will be received at the Office of the Clilr t'onimlHSloner ot lilt;liways until 11 o'clock M on MOMiaV, lllli InHt., for the oonnlructlon of the following two Itn Fix Inch sewers, viz.: On Tanker and on Dickinson Mreels, Imm Beventh to ElKhtli Btreet: on Otis street, from Coral street, one hundred and eifclity-eiiiht leetnorthwemwaid. and on Warnock Ntrttt. lrom Poplar btreet tu two hundred and llirce feet smith of Olrard avenue, with piicu manholes as may be directed bv the Chief Knglneer and Surveyor, fl lie understanding to he tlmt the Contractor Html) lake hills prepared HKivlnst the property lroullng on miiil sewers to the amount ot one dollar and twenty live cent tor each lineal foot of front on each side of th street as so much rash paid: the balance, as limited by Ordinance, to he paid by the city: and the Con tractor will be required to Keep thetrett and newer In Ko d order for three years alter the sewer Is finished. When the street In occupied by a City l'assencor Tlaiiroad trHck, the gcwct shall he constructed along side ol said track In such manner as not to obstruct or Interfere with tlte sale prsmikb of the cars thereon; and no claim lor remuneration shall he paid the con tractor by the company unIiik ?ald track, as specified In act ol Assembly approved May 8, IK1I6. : A II Bidders are Invited to he present at the time and place ot opening the said Proposals. Kach propomil will be accompanied by a certiorate that a Bond has been filed In the Law Department as directed by Ordi nance of May 25, immi. If the. Lowest Didder shall not execute a contract within live davs after the work Ih awaid'Kl, he will he deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond tor the UtUercuce between his bid and the next highest bid. hprrincatlons may lie had at the Department ol Hui veys. which will be strictly adhered to. W. W. HM HOLEY, 110.1t Chief ConimlHslonor nf Highways. yoUiv; mkn who wish to rac pure for advanced positions by January next have stipe lor advantages for doiug at CRITTENDES'S COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, No. 37 UIK,""KUT Htreet, corner of Seventh. PRACTICAL HOOK-KEEPING In all Its branches. PKNMAJSblllP, CALCULATIONS, ETC. ETC, Students Instructed at such hours as may best suit their convenience. f 10 30 wntulm OPEN DAY AX D JVESfyo. Catalogues gratis. 3?""" 100 HKWAHD. STOLEN FROM OUR Counter, TOUR LACE PARASOL COVERS. The above reward will be given for their reco7cry and conviction of the thief. E. M. NEEDLE3 & CO., 11 9 2t K. W. cor. ELEVENTH and CHESS UT. rT" PENNSYLVANIA. RAILROAD COM--3' PAN Y, THKAUKKK-9 DEPARTMENT. l'HII.AI)Kll'UIA, NOV, 2, 1807. N OTICE TO BTOCKHOLDKItS. The Board of Di rectors have thi day tlco'ared a Heml-annual dividend ollllKKE PKRCKNT. on the capital stock of tho Conn any, clear ot National and Stu'e taxes, payable on and alf r NovemtierWl l. Blank powers of at torney forcollectlnsdivldends can be bad at theollice of the Companv, No. 28 S. '1 11 1 LD Htreet. l'eisous holdmu .Scrl' CemU' ntcd can have them cashed ou presenlat ion at this Olllce. 14 5w THOMAS T. FI RTII, Troasurer. N O T I C E. NO. 11 (STATE IiOls?E ROW. SECOND STORY. OFFICE .RECEIVER OF TAXES, CITY Of PHILADKLPIJ IA. The .siato Tax ol three (:i) mills per dollar npon the assessed vali. e oi i each share ol National Ii:iiiKi-tock hehl by restdeDts of this county, will be payable at tblsoflice (in accordance with an act of Assembly, ap proved April 18 lMi7),oii and after llOMDAY, Nov. 11, between the hours ot 9 A. M. and .1 P. M. KB. HARD PEr.TZ, Receiver of Taxes, llSGt No. II 8TATK HOUSE BOW. A SPECIAL MB.ETING OP TMG Stockholders of tho Dark Hollow Oil nd v annfacturiiiK Coiupsny, will he held at No. 218.' WALNUT Mreet, Room No. 4, (second story, on UlL'IhSDAY, November 21. 1807. at li o'clock M., to take into consideration the Hll'airs of the Company. Philadelphia, October ill, 1W7 11 1 17t WIEGANU'S PATENT STEAM GENE RATOR Is cheap, compact, economical In use, and ABSOLUTELY KAFIC FROM ANY POSSI BILITY OF EXPLOSION Apply at the Ottice of HAMTJEL WORK, N. E. cor Per of THIRD and DOCK K'reets. 9J3 tp THE BRANSONS HAVE NOT SOLD out the old Coal Yard. No. Ml 7 South 1IKOAD Street, helow Lombard, as has been reported, but continue selling trie BEiT yUALITIES OF COAL at fair prices. superior LEHIGH and genuine EAGLE VEIN always on hand. 9 18 2ru4p DR. J. M. HOLE, OF OHIO, PRESI dent of the National Medical Association of the Fuited States of America, can be consulted by those v Ishlng medical or surgical treatment, on and alter the :ith Instant, at the olllce No. 'J. AltOH Street, Philadelphia, Pa., formerly occupied by Pro feKsor William Paine. Olllce hourb, 9 A. M. to 12 M. 1 P. M, to 4 P. M., 7 P. M. to II P. f. 111 241m-tp BATCH ELOR'B HAIR DYE. THIS splendid Hair Dye la the best In the world. The only true ana yfrrrci ine Harmless, Rename, in stantaneous. No omappoluiment. No ridiculous ttuta. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the 111 effects of had J'vt. Invigorates tho hair, leaving it soft and beautiful. The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCH ELOR. All others are mere imitations, and should be avoided. Hold by all DruggiuUJ and Per f'imers. Factory, No. 81 BARCLAY Btreet, New York. 5fmw DIVIDENDS. 82T COMMONWEALTH NATIONAL BANK. Philadelphia. Nov. 8. W7. The Directors have this djiy declared a dividend of FIVE 1'Jin CENT., elear of tuxes, payable on demand. H. C, YOUN(, 11 6 lit cashier. rT" GIRARD NATIONAL BANK. -s-' Pun.AVBi.PBiA, November 6. 17. Tiie Directors bave declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT, out of the profits of the last six months, paya ble on demand, clear of UDited states tax, 1166t W. L.HCHAF- SR, Cashier. UNION NATIONAL BANK. rillLAIIHLPlIIA. NOV. ft. 1867. The Roard of Directors have this day declared a dividend of FIVE PkR CENT, for the last six months, clear ot taxes, and pavable on demand. II 6 Ot N. C, MUSSELMAN. Cashier. fT TnE MANUFACTURERS' NATIONAL BAM. PHlT.ATJIT.PniA, NOV. 5. 1867. Tli Ttnard of Directors have this day declared a Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable on demand, clear of United Slates tax. 115 61 M. v. w iionw a au, i usiiinr, KENSINGTON NATIONAL BANK. PH1I.AI)KLI'II1A. NOV. 5, i'7. The Directors have this day declared a Dividend ot Til I HTEEN P It CENT., payable on demand, clear oftax. 116iit') WILLIAM Mi'UONNEIjL, Cashier. KSSf" MECHANICS' NATIONAL. liANli. kV-S-y PlIII.APKI.I'lIIA, NOV, S, lSti7. The Board of Directors have this day declared a dividend of BIX PER CENT., payable on demand, free ot tuxes, J. WIEOAND, Jk., 11 5 (it c-aauier. FARMERS' AND MECHANICS' "NATIONA I. BANK. FlIILAOELPIMA, Nov, 5,1887, Tho PnnM of Director have this day declared a dividend of SIX PER CENT., payable on deuiaud, clear ot United Slates lax. H6 6t W. kubuiu.'i J a., c;asnier. FURNISHING GOODS, SHIRTS.4C. J W. 0COTT Sc CO., SIIIBT MAMTAtTCMLBS, AND UlLAt.KIta IM KEN'S f I! UN1I HO. 811 CIIKSNVT STBEEI. FOUR DOORS BELOW TILE "CONTINENTAL,1 t KSrp PHILADELPHIA. PATENT SHOULDER-BEAM KIHUT NAMJFAl!TBT AH UEMI.LM en H f fj U M ISH I STBJi , ,H-C-r FITT1NU SHIRTS AND DRA.WKK8 nikiietroui Baeasureuient at very short notice. awftmuVwiet,. 01 "TUfJiJUS'H DRIras WINCirESTrB A CIO III "o. 70S CHKSNUT IBtreei fctoliw wrtvf WelU cleaned mud V.,... A. rtSTBOW, I1C COMBMITurjUI DRY GOODS. QRCAT OFFERIWC MESS GOODS M RETAIL, C0113IENC1N ON MONDAT, NOT. 11. J. IfL HAFLEIGH Will OfTr t bli New Store, Nos. 1012 and 1014 CHESNUT St., A Half Million Dollar Worth of ForclRn Presa Uoods, to be fold at a Vreat Sacrifice. Dally Shipments received from New Toik to close Importations aud Couslgumeuts.at ONE HALF THE CCfST. ttVST E MILD lJlJIKIHlTI,tT, AIITICLKH WILhllKOII EKED AT 1 UK t'UFAF IIIKKAI! AT f'KNTN, EAt ll WOltTlI OH Fj DOI.LAB. (I.OtHIMl CLOTHS ItKlJUtKD FIIOII IO 1 fJil'BO. fll,U I'LIMI liKIRCKD l'lllOIKtllTO 6io. riiBtr MI, KM AT HAir FOniVirit IK1C'F.M. Q.REAT FALL IN DOMESTICS f'GUROY, DU.!(LE & CO., No. 140 Horth EIGHTH Street, ABOVE ARCH, ARE KOW OFFERIN3 GREAT BARGAINS ;IN IDirESS GOODS. Bargains In Domestics. Bureulns iu Blankets. Bargains In Black Silks. 8-4 English Merlnoes, 87Xc. per yard. Bargains lu Domet Flannels, Bargains In Canton Flannels. Bargains In Wool Flannels. Bargains lu Lyons Velvets, all Bilk, flu, (11, 1)12, and f 15. Having purchased largely during the late panic, we are prepared to oiler unusual Inducements to purcha sers. A call Is respectfully solicited. 10 12smwtf blHAKil ROW. E. SV1. NEEDLES & CO. Invite attention to their first-class stock of LACES AND LACE GOODS, EMBROIDERIES, HDKFS., VEILS, ETC. To which additions will constantly be made of the NOVELTIES OF THE SEASON. Ttey offer in their WHITE GOODS DEPART MENT HEAVY BKIRTINQ CAMBRICS, At CO, ss, and 40 cents, a Great BacrlUce. AiOH irvnro QLOA K INGS, WE AltK BAIIT REC'EIVINO TUIi NEWEST STYLES OF LADIES' CLOAKSNCS, WHICH WE OFFER AT GREATLY RE DICED PRICES, IN ADDITION TO A FULL LINE Of FANCY CASS1MERES, COATINGS, AND 4UOODM GENERALLY ADA1T TO 31 EX'S AND BOYS' WEAR. M0BRIS, CLOTHIER & LEWIS, CLOTH JOBBERS, 8 24 dm IV ON. 19 AND 91 H. FOITBTH ST. & & L A ftf (J. Comer ot ITcnrtb and jroli Gta IIIAVE FINE STOCK OP OOOD BLANKETS. FINE FLANNELS. STAPLE UOODS. BLACK SILKS. CLOAK VELVETS. EXPENSIVE SHAWLS. FINE DRESS UOODS. 110 83wfrfl!fm NDIA SHAWLS. GEORGE FRYER, NO. 910 CHESNUT STREET, Hes received and now open his Fall Importation of INDIA (-HAWL8 AND bCARirts. together with other kinds ot bhawls. Also, BICII DRESS SILKS, BLACK SILKS, POPLINS, CXOAKINUM 10 2 48t CLOAKS, ETC., To which the attention of purchasers is Invited. The goods are purchased lor cash and will lie sold ctnap. QLOAK3I CLOAKS! ALL THE NEW STYLES NOW READY. riOAHINU CLOTHS IN KNDLK&S VARIETY. CLOAKS CUT FREE OF CHARGE. The only CLOAK STORE In the city where you can get full value lor your money, is at D. WATKINS', NINTH It w utfuuat AND OIIiiltnY. etwea Aicli nnl RWt DRY GOODS. LIITEN STORR Bat? A ROH RTIIEET ANOTHER INVOICE OF EXTENSION TABLE CLOTH!, . FINE NAPKINS AND DOYLIES, Received Direct lrom Europe. FINE TABLE CLOTHS Oi every size from 2 to 8 yards long, with Napkins to match. A FULL LINE OF HEAL BARNSLEY DAMASKS AND LINEN SHEETINGS. U. MILLIKEN, Linen Importer, Jobber, and Retail Doaler, UlHWBmgrp NO. HtH ARCH STREET. QRCAT BARGAINS IN DRY GOODS. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., ISirORTFBS.JOBB AND RETAILERS! No. 7G7 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, Have made very extensive purchases during the late panic, and aro now prepared to offer great Inducements In FRENCH AND BRITISH DRY UOODS Of reliable qualities, In the best Styles and Colorings. ALSO, BLANKETS In great variety, at lower prices than current before tho war. Their stocK of SILHS, SHAWLS, AND 1 H tJl DRESS GOODS, Is the most varied and extensive In this market, RICKEY. SHARP & CO, LINEN ESTABLISHMENT. NEW AND LARGEST STOCK IN THE CITY OF SUPERIOR LINEN GOODS ' AT LOWEST CASH PRICfiS. FRONTING, SI1IBTING, PILLOW CASKS. AND SHEETING LINENS. AIbo. a Linen Imported exnrnK.lv fnr T.Arvrira W K.A K, all ol celebrated makes. New and o.ettuit dislguB ol splendid norms damask table ilotuh, 3, 4. E, and 8 yards long, with Napkins and Doylies to maicn. TABLE DAMASKS AND DIAPERS In all widths and qualities, very heavy. NOVELTIES IN TABLE NAPKINS AND DOYLIES of all slzos. '1UWK1.B, piuin, burner. d, and fringed. 'iOWlLIMW of all decrlitlons. lu every variety and sire, tor household use. HI Kim EYE I.FN KN. 6 6,1-4,7-8. 4 4 Wide. 1 IMCN LAYVNb lor SnruLces aud Hdkfs . and for Rlllll UK. j,oor and ptair ltnens. I tRNIl LRECOVERINU&i, both plain and striped. SKEPPARD, VAR IIARLINGEK & ftRRISOU, II wfmint NO. 1008 CHESNUT STREET. E. S. JAFFRAY & CO., NO. 008 CnESNVT STREET, ARE RECEIVING AND NOW OPENING FOR FALL TRADE, FULL LINES OF LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, HUCKABACKS, DIAPERS, TOWELLINGS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW LINENS, L. C. HDKFS., HOSIERY, GLOVES, CRAPES, VEILS, QUILTS, Ladles', dents', and Children' Under wear, Embroideries, Nate, Rlbfeone, Ktc. Ktc. Trao above will bo sold at tho lowest New York prices, and on ttie moat advantageous terms. Represented by 8. Story. 0 4 wfm3m "NEW MOURNING STORE," ITo. 1J13 CHESNUT Street, " GIBABO ROW." siwf2it A. MYERS. Q L O T H HOUSE. JAMES & LEE, NO. 11 NORTH SECOND STREET, (SIGN OP THE OOLDEN LABIR, COMPLETE STOCK OF Glottis, Coatings, and Casslmcres, FOR CIENTIJCMEN'g AND DOTS' WEAR. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' CLOAKINCiS AND SACUUNOS, WHOUi- AL AKO BMJUZt Mul FURS. 1867. FALL AND WINTER. 1867! FUR HOUSE, (Established In IOIO.) The onderalKued Invite the special attention of tbe Ladlee to tbelr large stock of FURS, consisting of Muffs, Tlpoots, Collars, Etc.. IN KCBSIAN BAULK, HTJDaOJS'H BAT BAELE, MINK BABLB KOTAL KKMINK, CHINCHILLA, FtTOII, Km AU Of toe LATEST BTYLKH. BUPERIOK FINISH. and at reanonable prices. Ladlee In monrntng will find bandnome articles PKRBIANNE8 and BIMIAS: tbe Utter a most bean tlinl far. CARRIAOB ROBFS, BLKIUU ROBEH.snd FOOl WUFF8. In greet verlcty. A. K. & F. K. WOMRATH, 114m NO. 417 Alt CM RTHF.I'.T. p A IM C Y FURG. The snbnrrlbrr having recently returned lrom Europe with an entirely new stock of IP TJ I t S Ol tils Own selection, would offer tbe same to lil cus tomers, made up in the latent eiyles, and at reduced pricts. at bis OLD KBTAULIelUKU BTO RK, NO. I&0 NORTH THIRD STREET, 102J2mrp AB JVIS ARCIt. J AMES RKISKY. BOOTS AND SHOES. O VV READY, Gentlemen's and - Youths' BOOTS AND GAITERS FOR FALL AND WINTER WEAR. FRENCH PATENT LEATHER DOOTS. FINE SRENCH CALF BOOTB for Balls and Par ties. BINGLE-BOLED BOOTS for Fall Wear. LIGHT DOUBLE-SOLED BOOTa for Fall Wear. FRENCH CORK-SOLED BOOTS, very easy for tender feet. QUILTED SOLED BOOTS made by hand. GUM BOLED BOOTS, very durable, and guaranteed to keep tbe feet dry, Having fitted tho second story of my store for some ot my workmen, I am able to make any sort of Boots to order, at very short notice. Fair dealing aud a moderate price Is my motto. A trial Is all I desire. VM. H. HELWEC, NO. 985 ARCH STREET, 828smw3m One door below Blztb gOOTS AND SHOES AT REDUCED PRICES. FALL AND WINTER STYLES OF FIRST-CLASS WORK on band aud made to measure, Tbe best material used In all our work. BOYS' BOOTS AND BUOES, of the best quality, always ou hand. CARTLETT, NO. 88 SOUTH SIXTH STREET, 917!rp ABOVE CHESNUT. WINDOW BUNT'S AND SHADES. 831. CHARLES L HALE, 831, (Late Salesman and Superl itendent for B. J. Williams) NO. 831 ARCn STREET,! MANUFACTUB'BB OF VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW SHADES. Largest and finest aoairtment In tbe city at tbe LOWEST PRICES, 9 U 2in8y UPHOLSTERING IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, Eg. J. WILLIAMS & SONS, NO. 10 NORTH SIXTn STREET, MANUI ACTURERS OF VENETIAN BLINDS AND WINDOW B HADE 8. Largest and finest assortment In tbe city at tbe LOWEST PRICES. Repairing promptly attended to. BTORB KHADFB made and lettered. 9 25?m8p GROCERIES, ETC. pRESH FRUITS, 1867. PEACHES, PEARS, PINEAPPLES, PLITBIS, APRICOTS, CHERRIES, BLACKBERRIES, QUINCES, ETC. PRESERVER AND FRESH, IN CANS AND CILAhS JARS, Put np for our particular trade, and for sale by the dosen, or In smaller quantities, by . ft! ITCH ELL &. FLETCHER, 910 8m NO. laOl CHKSNCT STREET. JAMES R. WEBB, TEA DEALER AND GROCER, S. E. COR. EIGHTH AND WALNUT STS. Extra Fine Bouobong, or Engllub Breakfast Teas. Eupeilor Cbulan Teai, very cheap. Ooloug Teas of every grudo. YouDg Hyson Teas of fiuest qualities. All freh Imported. 6 MJ JEW BUCKWHEAT FLOUR, WHITE CLOVER II ONE Y, FIRST OP THE SEASON, ALXERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries, Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Bts. 1175rp PAPER HANGINGS, ETO. PAPER HANGINGS- HEW ESTABLISHMENT. E. CORNER OP TENTH AND WALNUT. j o. FINN Os SONS Have openedVltbw extensive a-ortmen. of DECO RATIVE and PLAIN WALL PAPERS, embracing k every fluaUiW suit all taewft. . WATCHES, JEWELRY. ETC. LEWI3 LADOMUS & CO., DIMBMD DEALERS AKD JEWELLERS. iSo. 80S CH1CWNIJX HXItlClEX,' Wonld Invite tbe attention of purchasers to tbelr large stock of CENTS' AND LADir' WATCHES, Jnst received, ef tbe finest European makers. Independent atiartsr. ura. .... (old end sliver cWV. ' "uu -w'nan, IUaniosd Heui, Pine, Kiul liinm ! n. tlnml. Malawi, llo. inr,. I" Breit variety -"ucan new. in BOM D BfLVERWARR of all kind., Includlua a large assortment suitable lor Bridal Presenie. FINE WATCHES. We keep always on baud an assortment ol LADIES' AND UEKTV "FINE WATCHES' Of the best American and Foreign Makers, all wax ramea to Rive couii'icie saimiacuon, aua at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FAItll & BUOTHISil; Importers of Watches, Jewelry, Musical Boxes, etc, 11 llomthSrpl No. 824 CItESNUTSt,, below Fourth. Jiliprlal attention riven to renalrlnu Watches and jMuslcal Boxes by FlRST'l'LASr workmen. WATC'HLS, JliWELlfY. V. W. OA8SIDY, NO. IS SOUTH SECOND STREET, oner, an Antlrelv. new and mnnt. r.rcfnlla a a , - w J WtMilTOU votk of AMERICAN AND GENEVA WATCHES, JEWKl.RT. SILVER-WARE, AiSD FANCY ARTICLES O JtVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable FOR RRIDAL OR IIOLIDAT PRESENTS. An examination will show my stock to be nnsoi pafme'l In quality and clieapneoa. Particular attention paid to repairing. 1 13 G. RUSSELL & CO., Ko. 22 K0I1TD KIITII STREET, ' OFFER ONE OF THE LARGEST STOCKS FINE FRENCH CLOCKS, OF THEIR OWN IMPORTATION, IN TUB CITY. 5 28 i.PjrifAM WATriire i . .-,?.Tlie best In tbe world, sold at Factory Prices, BY C. Si A. PEQU1CNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASES, No. 13 Boutb BIXTH Street. 8 8 Manufactory, tfo. 22. & TlfTH Street. gTERLIKQ SILVERWARE MANUFACTORY ' NO. 411 LOCUST STREET. GEOHGE S II Alt T?, Patentee of tbe Ball and Cube patterns, manufacture every description or fine STERLING BILVER. WARE, and offers for sale, wholesale and retail, a choice assortment of rich and beautiful goods of neV styles at low prices. 19 2a 3m J. M. BIIARP. A. ROBERTS. FIRE AND BURGLAR PfiOOFSAFtS $94,500 SAVED FU0SI B0E6LAR3 IN ONE OP MARVIN'S SAFES. See New York Papers ofVJth September. The Burelars were at work dnrino last Saturday Night, and till 3 P. M N 1 i i . - ouncay, ana iauea to secure a dollar. MARVIN'S PATENT IPX AN!) BUBGLAR iAFES, ALUM AMD DRY PLASTEE. Are Always Dry, Never Corrode the Iron, Never lose their Fire-Proof Qualities. MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTN U T St.MasonlcHall AND NO. S6S BROADWAY, N. T. Eend lor Illustrated Catalogue. s It mw3m C. L. MAISER. XAHUrACTUBIB OF FIRE AND BVBfiliAB-PBOOI 8AFK8, IAtCKSMITn, HKLL-HANOER, AN DEALER IN RUILDINU UAROWABK, 6 6J NO. 4114 RACE BTREET. A LARGE ASS0BTA1EMT 09 FIRB MLil and Btirglar-proof'BAFES on band, with Inside dTrs. DwellHig-bouse Bafe., free ''ofdampneM. Price, low. ft yjfZIymU STOVES, RANGES, ETC. NOTTrE THE UNDER 8IQ NED would call atteniion ol tlie public to hi. NliW OOLDEN KAULK FUKNACK. Ti.i. u un uLirnlv new lieHlnr. Ills o!oon. atructed as to at once itiw mend ltaelf to general In vor, being a combination of wrought and cast Iron. It la liKl?!; Beli.cleanl,.g. bavyig pip- or gum bm taken oui auucieauru. - -- ,; . Hues as to produce a larger ainouiil of beat from tbe wll produce a perfectly bealll.y aunopl.re. Tbte lu want or a complete lieanug Appnrattui would do w eil 10 call and NOS. 1134ud li 4MARK K V hlreet, Philadelphia. A large assortment of Cooking Range., Fire-Roard BtoveH, LowUovt n Urates, VeuUlators, etc, always "n .' lil Jobbing of all klwds promptly done. 5 10 THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCIIENEBl OR EUltOl'KAN RANUK, for lamlllea, Ho tem. or Public I nniuuHons, lu TWfclNTY DIF i'KKENT bl.lt. Alao. PIiIIkih1ii1Ik li.ni.1. Bot-AIr Euruaoes, Portable Healers, LowdowuUraTea. J'lreboard Btoves, Bath Rollers. Klowiiole Platen. Boilers, Cooking Hloves, etc., wboleeale and retail, by tlie uianiiluj-turers. IsHAKl'E A THOMHON, (27stulbtm Mo. auDN. bEOUNXbtroet. aARDNEIl Si FLEMING, COACH MAKKKS. ho. i4 south rirru tbeet. Hew and Beoond-nauU Carrlaites for sale. PAf, JJculM ttenpig rtaa to repftixuig 80 s Tl SbyrrLuielrlo toudlilon of the air as produced by uv new airaiigeuieiil ol evaporailou will at once de. P1'.....,.. .i.J.. i u ilietiiily Hot Air i'urnaca that u H