THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 180T. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON, (SUNDAYS EXCKPTED) AT THR EVENING TELEGRAPH BUILDING, MO. 10S SOUTH TIIIBD STREET. Price, Three Cents per Copy (Double Bheet), or TJighteen Cents per Week, payable to the Carrier, en availed to Subscribers out ot the city at Nine Doll an ter Annum; Od Dollar and Fifty Genu for Two Jnontbs, Invariably In advance for the perloi ordered WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1867. The Koman Kevolution. Thb newa from Rome continues to be of great Interest, and must absorb the attention of the Xmblio to the exclusion of everything else tmti the crisis in Italian affairs shall have jftssoiJ. Garibaldi, escaping from hia treache rous confinement in his island home, seems to liave made his way immediately to the Papal f3tals, and to have put himself at the head of the scattered bands of revolutionists, who had lien'ofore been under the command of his gon Menotti, and who had been pretty effeo lually held at bay by the Papal troops. The appt.-; .nee of Garibaldi at the head of the jevc ionary forces, and his stirring appeals to tl eople, had the effect to rapidly recruit Us 3 1 ' bt-rs, go that he at once assumed the ff.'n , fought and defeated the Papal troops nt " ' ii .. Rotondo, and drove them back upon Ho: '-f If, which he la now besieging with lei " .sand troops. I . vhile the French Ueot has left Toulon, and ;ld already be off the Italian coast, so that . 'egs Garibaldi's movements are very rcri,; l.e will soon have the French foroes to con I with also, and Rome may not, after all, ;. .1 into his hands. Victor Emanuel, too. niter much hesitation, has issued a pro clau ition against Garibaldi, and announoes that Italy and France will endeavor to make a practical arrangement which will end the Roman question. But the people and the army are said to side with Garibaldi, and to Ie exceedingly indignant at the King's course. What the upshot of the whole affair will be It is difficult to predict. Had Victor Emanuel taken advantage of the feeling in Italy, and Immediately upon the first outbreak marchel n strong column to Rome and occupied it, in defiance of French threats, he would doubtless Jiave been master of the situation. Napoleon, In the present delicate state of affairs between Trarce and Prussia, would never have dared to a; tack a united Italy; for, had he done so, he Vrould at onoe have precipitated a general Eu ropean war, and Italy would have held Rome in spite of him. In the present state of aflairs, It is vain to suppose that Garibaldi can hold cut long against the Governments of both Trance and Italy. Even should he capture Home, we should merely behold a repetition F the scenes of 1848. The Pope was driven from Rome then and a republic established, iut French bayonets oveithrew the republic and brought back the Pope. It is not at all impossible, or even improba ble, that France and Italy may agree upon an arrangement in regard to the Koman question Substantially the same as that some time ago jnade publio, viz., the occupation of Rome by Italian troops during the life of the present Pope, and the cessation of the temporal power, Vith the full possession of Rome by Italy, at Us death. Some such settlement of the ques tion would seem to be almost essential to the etability of Victor Emanuel's throne; for his course of action has alienated from him a large portion of his subjects, and the revolutionary elements thwarted at Rome might turn upon the King himself, and hurl him headlong from Us position. The story that Mr. Seward has despatched a secret agent to offer the Pope an asylum in this country is worthy of little credence. Ivery foreigner knows that he has a refuge in America if he can only get here. The Pope can come if he likes, and after five years' resi dence can become a citizen of the United States. But neither Mr. Seward nor any other Officer of the Government can offer him any snore of an "asylum," or any different stand ing, than wfluld be accorded to any other for eign immigrant or refugee. He could be the Lead of the Catholio Church here as well as elsewhere, but he could wield no temporal power. The Battle of the Pavements. yVx fear that the cup of the Broad street pro perty owners is not yet full, and that before they can congratulate themselves on having drained the dregs, they will have to pay so Smelt per foot for Laving the Niool Eon pavement removed. We have as our f'Patres Conscripti" a set of very great little Snen. These gentlemen having once oom jnenced to upheave the .foundations of our fcigbways, do not seem at all inclined to stop Vith one change, but they are experimenting lth. their patient, in order to Bee how much Lia constitution will stand. We are not surprised at their course, fortheir object LZi 5 trhRt f NaPol-nIII,who re- tbtmUid lnaten imeamor expensive manner, In order that the popnWla caga !f ' regular Parisian riot, could nUlTa jnis.-des to hurl at the gendarme,' heads Bat altl.ongh we have no such anticipations here ye t the end in view is quite as pUin aa tb t ' thn great Napoleon. The "Fathers" would put jni ney in their purses, and anew contractor la a fruitful vine, bearing much fruit for offluii appetites. The reason why we prophesy another ooa- flk t between the city and Bouvler et. al., i8 founded on logical inferences. We see a series of objects like battering rams in the north, Viti an army.without banners, with pota of jfitrange-smelling incense, not myrrh or aloes, ,trho are fastening together blocks of wood, and neatly cover up all they do with a layer tf gravel. This means that the north o( : Broad street ia having a Nicolson pavement. If, however, we go towards the torrid tone, we find something entirely difforent. The sacerdotal smell of incense ia not there, nor the blocka of wood, nor the battering rams, but another army following another leader, and laying "the concrete pavement." Now, the concrete is based upon the theory that the Nicolson is utterly opposed to. It would be easier to reconcile theChuroh and the Devil, or the (luelphs and Ghibellines, than to harmonize the theories of the two rival pavements. Whenever they meet there must come a con flict, and one must give way. We therefore are watcbing.with painful interest, the gradual approach of the forces. We see them Hear ing square by Bqnaro, and can almost calculate the spot on which the two will meet and touch. The people who drive along Broad street will pass gently off of one on to the other, and will soon conceive a preference for one. Of course, it is only in accordance with the publio spirit of Philadelphia that the great thoroughfare of our city should have, along all its length, the best possible pave ment. Hence the question of removing one of the rivals will at once be agitated, and the "City Fathers" will decide which one must give way. We rather fear that it will be the Nicolson. Not that we think the concrete the best; but three certain thing3 wi 1 be urged against the Nicol son. In the first place, it is the cheapest; hence, by making the "concrete" triumphant, much more money will go into the hauls of the contractors. Then, again, there will be more of the Nicolson to remove, which will be an inducement for the same reason. While a third reason is that the remains of the Nicolson pavement can be used by the new contractors, which is a fat thing, as the property owners are allowed no deduction on that account. Aa we have always noticed that the great "ciroumlooution office" theory of "how not to do it" has been successful In Philadelphia, we see no reason why that venerable and time-honored rule should not succeed again. Therefore we say to Bouvier et al., that the chance for law-suits is not yet past. Injunc tions may be prayed for again, and either secured or not, as the fates shall decide. Bat there is one sweet thought which will act as a balm to the suffering pockets ot the pro perty owners. Their ill is the general good. Their sufferings are but teaching the rest of mankind what pavemeuts are the best. And our City Councils say to them, as the doctor did to a patient whose limb he unnecessarily amputated, " Your sufferings, sir, are but those of one man; thiuk of the good thus done to science and humanity." And if such a thought is a consolation, the Broad street pro perty owners will be consoled. Prating ton Cleverness. Ou the 6th ot August, the annual festival called Ch'i-ch'iao, or "praying for cleverness," took place in Cliina. It is a verv curious custom, described as follows by the Foochow Annals:" On the seventh night of tbe seventh moou the ladies, married and unmarried (of the familv), spread out for sucrlllce seven sorts or gourJs and fruit, seven teacups, and seven incense pot9. They then squat down, and taking seven threads of silk, try to thread seven needles bj tho crlure caused by tbe burning of a little paper, their respective skill (in the performance of female duties) being evinced by the number of needles they can each thread in this short space of time. They also catch small spiders and shut them up in boxes till daylight on the following morning, when if a web is spun in either of the boxes, it is con sidered a proof tbat the deity Has granted to tbe fortunate owner of the box her 'prayer of cleverness.' " Tbe Honorary Degree of Doctor of Laws W88 conferred by the University of Cambridge on the following American Bishops who took part in the Pan-Anglican Conference: Right Revs. John H. Uopkins, Bishop of Vermont; Charles P. Mcllvaine, Ohio; Manton Eastburn, Massachusetts; John Payne, Cape Pabnas; Henry J. Whitehouse, Illinois; Thomas Atkin son, North Carolina; Henry Washington Lee, Iowa; Horatio Potter, New York; Thomas M Clark, Rhode Island; Alexander Gregg, Texas; W. H. Odenhelmer, New Jersey; G. T. Bedell, Assistant Bishop of Ohio; Henry C. Lay, Mis sionary Bishop of Arkansas and the Indian Ter ritory ; Joseph C. Talbot, Assistant Bishop of Indiana; Richard H. Wilmer, Alabama: Charles Todd Quintard, Tennessee; John B. Kerfoot, Pittsburg; J. P. Wilmer, Louisiana; and C. M. Williams, Missionary uisnop to imna. Beethoven's Piano. A precious artistic relic the piano of Beethoven is offered for sale by its present proprietor, an inhabitant of Klau- senber,?, in Transylvania. The Instrument was made about seventy years ago, and is In a very lair state of preservation. On one of the panels is painted the portrait of the great musician at the aire of twenty. It is supposed tbat it was a piti to him lroni the maker, 8. A. Vosgel, of reMn. Internal Revenue Statistics. Tho nnvernnipnt. fnnnri lust vpar that there were a great many more taxable watches than the year before, as well as u pood many more taxable pianos. A friend condenses for us the inuircr nmiiutiia. anri ifiRtrnrtivp record. Com parison of the number of gold watches and pianos in me uuiiea states in tae years iouj uu 180(i! 18!C Water es-328,373 at $1 each $328,373 4!t,twi at 2 eaou vo.iot 377,4i 1426,655 Vm Watches-WIM at Jl each. 054 at ?j eacu to 78U6 19138 lt)(Xi-llauoB-!i7,ir8 at 82 each jSf'mZ 4,656 al &0 each W.SW 147.192 1103,506 18.j-l'lanog-l742 at 92 each 1484 m at 14 each W Ti at o eaolt 42 2778 $7758 RrriHr1fiHat had watohes W instils 6' U ba" discovered im by.,,..' tt l8(w found more than in I people became uddenu ,"' cerjal" I watches In im, whea IZTZ? ?d, of PUa0 nd 1800. Who believe ix 7 M fow Rue ta DtH f a Notable Wematn In Spain. Tbe London TthgrapK says: "Th'rty-four years since Madrid witnessed a remarkable trial, which excited Interest and provoked comment. A young Spanish nun, Sister Patroclnio, ha l averted that the marks ot the nails, com men ly called the Btigmata of our Ixrd, had appeared miraculously in her bands and foet, and the. wounds refused to heal, and that blood hud con tinued lor months to flow fro -u tbem. It was su'pected that either In a fienzy of r Unions enthusiasm, or with a view to Impostutc, Pairo cluio had is flirted these wounds upon herself, and brU purposely kept lueni open, persistently eiicoiirnsiit R the blood to flow. She was secretly wa1cbcc and the opinion prevailed thit it was demrslile to make an example of her, an! thus to d scourane the superstitious credulity which nestles in the l earfof evrry Spanish pensant. She was b-ouelit pub'lcly t tria', wai round puilty uf fraudulentl.v impoaine upon hcrcouu trncti, and was seuienced to punishmen'. How lar sho wai Uoisclf unconsciously saycd by regions terv. r, or consciously trading on the supersittlon by which she was surrounded, is one of those vexed and sttll open questions wtich tliir'y-four yesrs have lsilod to solve. Hut (-he had the shrewdness to soo that enlight ened public 0inion was nntrifrotiistle to her clmniBOf miraculous interposition, and. publicly con'cpsirg ber fault, she received tho absolution of the Church. "A woman with much natural force of charac ter, she subsequently acquired such ascendancv over Queen Isabella, fbat she became the chief link ol communication between the Pope's nun cio and the tSpani.-h throne. Speakimr of her in I8(i5, Mr. Grant Duif calls her 'one of tho-e peiHonaue half enthusiusl, half rotrue, who are so common in Catholic countries.' Lstterly she withdrew lioin Madrid, and resl led for some years in a convent ol Aranjuez, keeping up little opi n Intercour-e with the Queen or tbe rntnis t' rs of ftate. But the opinion that her secret influence at court had never ceased was widely rnteitaiucd through fepaln, and on thi account we read wilh little surprise that h r death, which has iusl been reported, Is popularly be lieved to have been attended with suspicious clrcnmstances. The Eugliih pre:s has for many a yr ai loved to represent Father Claret and the 'breeding nun' as tbe two mot trusted advisors of the lionrbou Qnecn. flow far the represen tation is true will probably be inn lo clear by the narrative of Sinter Patroclnio's lite and character which her dea'h cannot fail to elicit." SPECIAL NOTICES. " HEH MIRROR MAYSATrSFY A LADY tlmt tier drea Is fnulllpss Uiai all that can faxclnate Hie eye in combined In her costume but yet she will not o nitlrier nereeir Irrenls'lule until she has added the crowning charm to ber atlruclloiiH. by pr jnkllnu I'll Al.OM'h "iN Klit-Jtioo'iilutf UeroUb" OU her lace handkerchief. Pot ttmut 1'ivtt. H tfx?J OKFIOK OF THE AMERICAN AVTI lNtlUJWTATIOK COMPANY, No. H7soutli FOUK1U b i reel. Pim.AiiF.i.eiiiA, October 20. 1867. At a slated meeting of the i'.ourd of Direclor.i, held tl Is tiny , It was fcrsolved, 'Hint a dl Mewl or FIVE PERCENT., In declared out or Hie earn ;iu; c.j the C'om pi'iiy, 1 nyuhle oi. and nfer November II, lsr7. Mevnivetl, That ihe Transler books of the C mpany be l H( d In III November lirm to eleventh. 18ii7. 10 :-0-1 1 I 4 7 tl K.KA LVKI-.NS. Treasurer. (TP ST. JOHN'S KV. LTJTHhltAN CHURCH, -xy HACK (itreet, above l-iilo. The Heventli Jubllie of the Heforniatlon will open with special cer Ics on TH L"Kf-DA Y (lo-iuurrowj. Iu the Morn iDg at lila: EveiiliiK- 7,'j. rf- CB ITTEN DKN'S COMMERCIAli COLLKOK. No. 6J7 CJUHSi O r dlreet, corner of Beventh. I?,tabilHliert 1844. Incorporated IS-jl. TI1K IjONOKh'l' KSTABI 1411 KU ANB BKRT OltiMNIhU LOAlMIJKCl AL tOLLEUK IN THE tll'Y. PHACTICAL BOOK -KEF. PI NO, In all lit) branches, oh !uctited by the beat accountants and business rKNM AN PTtt P. COMMKUCTAI, CAL,CTTL, ri yNS, COMWEU11AI. LaW, BUSINKSS FOK.M6, ifiTO. OPEN DAY AND EVENING. Students rectlvd at any time, and Instructed nt such limirs as may best suit their convenience. Cata- lOKoes lurnl.Mlnxl rulis on aill-utton. The t'HlTTKM-KN C'liR M K.I'.CI AL ARIflME- Tin AND BLfclJN'I-JS.S MANUEL for sale at the t'olleiee. Price, tl'25. 10 2wnmlm iri THE JUBILEE SERVICES OF THE Ite'ormailoii, In comuiemorution of tbe .snth AnnlverHiiry, will be lyli-lir.leJ lu SI'. M AUK'S hV A MiKLlCAL LUT11 KUAN CllUitCII, PttlNli OAHItEN Htreel, above Thirteenth, ou THUKbDA Y NJ AT, October 81. hervlo a in the morning at :o'J o clock Holiday t ebool Jubilee In the evening at 74 o'clock. The church will be bandnnmely decoruteil, end Hiieclal liiHlrtiiuental and vocal euuhIo 1h to cuq. etltute a proiiilnent feature of thp service. to 2 2t ttrT' OFFICE OF THE DISTILLERS' AND s-? REt'llFJKHH' AbSOClATlON OF PUILi. UELP11IA, No. TlSbAKOW (Street. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. The Distillers and Rectifiers' Aesoclaiion' ot Philadelphia will pay tbe above reward for Ihe detection and con viction of any person engaged In the Illicit Oistlllatlon of spirits In this cUy, By order of tbe President. 10 S8t ISAAC M. KAHoWEiLKK, Secretary DB. J. M. HOLE. OF OHIO. PRESI- dent ot the National Uedical AHsoclaLInn of tbe Fulled States of America, can be consulted by those wishing medical or surgical treatment, on and alter the 80th Instant, at tbe oUlce No. 0X1 A ECU. (Street, Philadelphia, Pa., formerly occupied by Pro fessor W illiam Paine. Office Hours, A. M. to 12 M. 1 P. M, to 4 P. M 7 P. M. io 9 P. M. 10 24 lm4p UNION PACIFIC BAILWAY COM PANY. E. D . Office No. 424 WALN UT Street. Philadelphia, October 21, ist7. The Interest on tbe First Mortgage Bonds, Leaven worth Branch, of the Union Pacific Railway Com pany, Eastern Division, due November 1, 1887, will be paid on presentation of the coupons therefor at the bank lug house ol DABNEY, MORGAN fe CO., 10 22 lot No. 63 EXCHANGE Place. New York. gggp WIEGAND'S PATENT STEAM GENE RATOR la cheap, compact, economical in use, and ABSOLUTELY SAFE FROM ANY POSSI BILITY OF EXPLOSION Apply at the Office of SAMUEL WORE, N. E. cor. ner of THIRD anj DOCK Streets. 918 4p THE BRANSONS HAVE NOT SOLD out the old Coal Yard. No. 607 South BKOAD Street, below Lombard, as has been reported, but continue selling tbe BEST QUALITIES OF COAL at fair prices. Superior LEDIGH and genuine EAGLE VEIN always on hand. 8 18 2m4p BEAUTIFUL HAIR. MANY YEARS in chemical experiments have resulted In tbe perfection of CHEVALIER'S LIFE FOR THE HAIR, an unrivalled hair dressing. Imparting new llle and increased nutriment to tbe hair, preventing baldness and arresting Its progress when commenced: egiilatlng and sustaining the principle upon which the color ot hair depends, thereby positively restor ing grey hair lo Its original color and youthful beauty, and stopping Its Xalflug out at once, Sold by all diuggist. 6 10 wstitu S. A. CHEVALIER, M. D., New York. rff UATCIJElAm'H I1A1H DYE. THIS nlendld 11 air Dye Is tbe best In the world. Tbe only (rue and ixrfect Dye Harmless. Reliable, In stantaneous. No disappointment. No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the 111 effects of Jiad Jnjet. Invigorates the hair, leaving It son and beautiful. The genuine la signed WILLIAM A. BATCUELOR. AU others are mere Imitations, and should be avoided, bold by all Druggists and Per fumers. Factory, No. 81 BARCLAY Street, New York. ifmw THE GREAT RE MED Y.- TFIE ORFAT REMEDY THE (JltEA r REMEDY THE URKAT RFM.KDY THE GREAT RKMKDY THE GREAT REMEDY For tbe Cure of Coughs, Colds, Consumption, Asthma, Bronchitis, Spitting of Blood, Hoaneuess or Loss of Voice, Night (Sweats, Store Thro'H, Pains In the Hole and Breast, Whooping Cough, Palpitation or Disease ot the Heart, and all Cumplaluis 01 a Pulmo tary Nature. SWA YNE'8 HWAYNE'S SWAYNE'S SWAYNMS HWAYNt'S BWAYHH'8 SWAYN K'H SWAYHE'8 .. COMl'OUND SYRUP OF tX)MFOUND SYRUP OF COMPOUND SYRUP OF COMPOUND BYRUP OF COMPOUND SYRUP OF COMPOUND SYRUP OF ' COMPOUND SYRUP OF COMPOUND SYRUP OF WILD CHERRY. WILD CHERRY. WILD CHERRY. WILD CHERRY. WILD CHERRY. . W.ILD OHKKKY, WILD CH KBltr. WILD CHERRY. Brrpaied only by DR. SWAYNE SON', No, iM KoJtU folX llI Street, above Vine, Phlladel- pbia I uw SPECIAL NOTICES. f NEWrAPER ADVEUIISINO. JOY COB A CO., Agents for the 'TLJtRiPaH and Newspaper Press of the whole country, have RE MOVED from FIFTH and CHEWNUT Street to No. 144 8. SIXTH Street, second door above WALNUT. OrrioKa: No. 144 8. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia; TRIBUNE BUILDINGS, New York. 780j4p COMPLETE (VICTORY AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION, I8p7.-Chlck-erlng's Pianos Triumphant I having received from the Emperor' "The Legion of Honor," belngthe highest Prize awarded at the Exoosltlon, and in addition The First Grand Cold Medal of Merit from the Inter national Juries. W. H. DUTTON, SKwstf No. 14 CHE8NUT St. RHEUMATISM. Positively a Certain Cure. NO ai'AlK MEDICINE. isr ioiiidi:, roTAKNA, L,ciiitxT.n, ou 91F.It4.XftT. OR. J. P. FITLER'S GPEAT BHEUMATIO REMEDY, rK niii:i'NATis.n, necbaliuia. rU IMW AUDLTi ISED INWAItnLY, A l'Kfl guarantee slveu, stating eact quantity warranted to cure, or mtmey refunded, I he only : Vmnneut Bhruruatlc Cure prepared by a regular physician In Amnrloa. It Is warranted not Injurious. Bet Philadelphia physicians prescribe It, and cured by it. Among tbein Dr. Walton, No. 164 North Seventh street. Best lawyers and Judges cured by It. Among them Hon. Judge Lee. Camden, opposite Philadelphia, An Alderman of the city cured by It His Honor Alderman Conily, Twenty-third Ward. And thtu:andi ot ceriltlcmes endcrne Its curative power, and Its discovery was truly a modern miracle. Prepared by Dr. F1TLEU, one of Philadelphia'? oldest regular pbyblcians. Principal ClUcs, No. 29 South FOURTH St., Between MARKET and HIIRMSDT, Phllada.. and No. 7H4 Broadway, N. Y. Advice and consultations tree of charge dally. Al. oroerp and Inquiries hy mall answered. I6'2mws tl4p gjAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. The F idelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Vtyouit Company, for tbe Safe KcejiinK ef Bauds, Stocks, and Other Valuable. CAPITAL $300,000 DlKhCTOHx. N. B. BliOWNB. tUVVARI) W. Of. ARK. CLAI'.fM'B. H. CLARK, JOHN WEC.HH. ALEX ANDcK HENItY, . A. CAlUWELL. J. Oil.LlJNUll AM FELT. MJ-NRY ) UIBsiON, CHAItUS MACALKSTKR Office In the Firc-pro.)f Kul.ding of the Philadelphia NoilouBl bunk, CI I EkiNU'I tstrtet. above Fourth. This Conipnn" repel v-b on deposit, and HUARAN TEEH THE bAFE KEEPING OF VALUABLES upon the following rates a yeur, via.: Coupon Bonds. $1 per 10u0 Beglstered Bonds mid Hecuritie.-i .50 cents per fluou Gold Com or bullion l'i per iioo Silver Coin or Bnllluu f2 per $HXHi (iold or Hljver PlBte (I per l"0 Cash Boxes orsniallttn boxes ot Buulcers, Brokers, CaplialistH, etc., content unknown to the Company, and llnlillity limited, f-JA a year. The Company oilers for KENT (renter exclusively holding the key) HAFK- INSIDE Ills VAULTS at t:o. tMii, 4U, .5( i, anu f76 a year, according to size and location. Ioniums and Interest Collected tor one per cent. Interml allowi d on Money lioposlts. This Company In authorized to receive and execute Trust of evpry description. 12 HlmwfrpJ is. B. BROWNE. President, y.MT PTTBBO?t,Secrptury and Trea-surer. C R A L JEWELRY. CLARK & BIDDLE, No. 712 CHESNUT Street, Have Just Opend am Immense Invoice or PINK COBAL JEWELRY, TO 1VIIK1I THEY CALL SPECIAL AT- TtSTIOM. 18 wfm3mrp "yERY LARGE AND FINE AS. JORTMENT OF OPERA GLAS&IE AT J. W. QUEEN & OO.'S, 10 28 mwflmrp HO. 04 C nBUMfT ST. 1 gROWN'S PATENT COBinlNED CARPET-STBETCIIEB AND TAI'U-DB1VB. With this machine a lady can alone stretch and tack down at tbe same time her carpets as easily as to sweep them, saving back -aches, bruised Angers, temper, time, and money. It will stretch all klndsjof carpets without the least damage, better, quicker, and easier than any other Btretcher made, and drive from i to 20-ov tacks with or without leather heads Is simple, easily worked, and will last a lifetime. Agents wanted. Liberal terms given. It Is a nloe machine for ladles to sell. For Machines or Agencies call on or address WILLIAM F. St'HEIBLB, No. 4ft 8. THIRD Street, Philadelphia 27tfr ffW FOR BAL E ONE FAIR DARK aa- BZVW" Horses, one Black Uorse kuuoi.c i White Horse; drive together or single, and are good under saddle. " ' u One Close (Xiach and One Park Phaetnu, made by Beckham One log Cart and One Barouche, iuadeby Wood Brothers. A lo Harness. Haddles, elo. etc Can be seen dally (Kuudays excepted), from SAM. to lit rinon. at private sublea, west side of FIF TEENTH blreet. above Locust. iJiSM iy JmurpheyA I6 vouse viz lO'VlrURNISHING Q ROCKHILL & WILSON, CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos. 603 and 605 CHESNUT St. FALL iD WIMEU CLOTHING. Wo offer to tho publio tho largest and best selected Stock of Ready-mado Cloth ing In tho City, for Men's and Boys' Wear. Also, an elegant assortment of Piece Goods, which wo will mako to order for Men and Doysf at reasonable prices, and in tho most approved styles. Always on hand afull assort ment of Fall and Winter Over coats and Business Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Hunting Coats, New Stylo Walking Coats, Pants and Vests, of all descriptions. Boys' Readymado Clothing in great variety. ROCKHILL & WILSON, NOS. 60S AK9 60S CnKSNCI STREET 30 3m PHILADELPHIA FINE ARTS. We beg to announce that we will open, during the next two weeks, over Fifty Cases of CHOICE OIL PAI3MT INCS, RARE STATUARY, RICH BRONZES, and FANCY GOODS. THESE GEMS OF ART Havo been selected with groat care by Mr. Bailey from the studios of the most cele brated Artists, and the work shops of the best makers in Europe, and contain many works that havo achieved dis tinction at the Paris Exhibi tion. BAILEY & CO., No. BIO CIIKSNUT STREET, 10 8 Wfm -PHILADELPHIA. QAILEY & CO., NO, 819 iUESSVI ITBEET. FINE OPERA GLASSES, TUB NEW MODEL, DUCHESSE DOUZE VEBRES OF LABOE FIELD, BE3I Alt K ABLE POWER AND CLEABNES. BAILEY & CO., No. 819 CHESNUT Street, 101 Wfm PHILADELPHIA." QRIPPEN & MADDOCK, (Successors to W. L, Maddock A Co.,) No. 115 South THIRD Street, Have Just received tbelr Fall Supply ot Imported and American Cheese. BOUQTJErOBT t'HEFSE, STILTON 1 11 FEME, NECFCIIATEL t'HEEE, HOLLAND rHEEMK, t'UEDDAB CHEESE, YOUJKO AMERICA CHEESE, MAUOC1IEEME, PINEAPPLE CHEESE NKW.YOBK CBEAH CHEtME, And olliers, from the Finest New York Dairies. ALSO, 800 BITS OF THE FINEST NEW WHITE MESS MACHEIIEL. 1012aw2m PATAPSCO FAMILY FLOUR always on head. PATENT DOOK CARRIERS AND LUNCH BOOKS. GRIFFITH & PACE, mo. a urn TBggr. 410 Lb KNOWLC8 & CO., HO. MABHET TBEET, BKCEIVEES OF CHOICS HOIlmrp FAMILY FLOUR. C L D C MUTUAL LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, NEW YORK. loniN-o ANnRKIwrRKBMf N' JUHN A. UAKUkNUEHOrr Woe-President. HEN BY C FKEHlf AN, Beoretary. CASH ASSETS ... ORGANIZED JTJNK, laji. ALL POLTCIK NON- FOR V KrT A BLR. pbb. M1UM3 PA TABLE IN OABII. LOBiJlW PAID IK CASH. IT ItKCKI VEd 2JO notkb; ANI uivna NONB, By tbe provisions of Its Charter, the emirs surplus belongs to Policy Holders, and must .be paid to them In Dividends, or merred for their greater security. Dividends are made on the contribution plan, and paid annually, cou.meoclug two ytars from tbe date ofthePolloy. ' It has already made two Dlv.dends, amounting to $104,000-00, An amount never before equalled during the first three years of any company, . FREE PERMISSION fllTER TO TRAVEL IN THE CNITKU Ml ATI S AND EDROPI AT ALL SEA bUSS OE THE TEAR. HO POLICY FEE REQUIRED. FEMALH RIftKSTAHEN AT THE USUAL PKIMTKD MATES, NO EXTRA PREMIUM BEING DEMANDED. Applications for a'l kinds of Policies. Llf. Tea Year Lire, Endowment, lern), or CliUdren's Kndow ments taken, and all ltif.iru.anon cheerfully afforded at tbe BRANCH OFFICE OF THE COM PAN T, No. 408 WALNUT Streot, PHILADELPHIA, ELMliS & QllIFFITTS. MANAOE1W. , Department of State of Pennsylvania. Chables E. Klmkh, late of Phlla National Baak. W. J. Griffitts, Jn. lOUwslttlp Fire, Marine and Accident Insurance elTeoted la the most reliable O mpnnies ol this citv, and lo those of Mew York, New Knglaud and Baltimore N OPPORTUNITY RARELY OFFKIifciD. DRY GOODS At an Immense Sacrifice. UN EQUALLED CHANCES. EDVIN HALL & CO.. KO. 28 SOUTH SECOND STREET, ARE HOW NiLLINU DRT OOODS OF EVETIT DESCRIPTION, (onslsling In part of Silks, Shawls, Cloths, -and Dress Goods EM EVERY VARIETY, From tbelr Immense Stock, at Extra ordinarily Low Prices. LADIES LOOK TO YOUB INTERESTS t Now Is tbe Time to make Yonr Purchases for tbe Fall and Winter, lotsewp MAGNIFICENT QUALITY OP COLORED MOIRE ANTIQUES AT A Q li EAT SACRIFICE. EDWIN HALL & CO., No. 28 SOITII SECOND STREET, 10 28 8t4p PHILADELPHIA. ACENCY OF THE ' Ur.!on Pacific Railroad Company. OFFICI OF DE HAVEN & BBCXTllEJl, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD STREET, . Philadelphia, October 4, 1SJ7, We desire to ca .attention to tbe dlflerenoeln the relative price or tbe First Mortgage Bonds of Unloa Pacillo Kullroad, and tbe prloe of Governments. We would to-day give these bonds and par a dlf fereuce of iiR7 v2 taklnr In exchange U. 8. ss of 1881. Mivt Co. do. -2.e oi lHi ibA-42 do. do. b-'Hm of liA. il7'W do, do. (-2CS ot 1B6. x im 17 do. do. s-ms ores, Jan. AJoIy 1M-17 do. do. s-iieof'W. f,4t do. do. S licent. KMOs, 1K K7 do. do. 7S loiy. June Issae. 1167 '87 do. do. 1 S-lOCy. July Issue. (For every thousand d 'liars.) We offer these Bonds to the publ c with every con. fldeuce In their security. DE HAVEN & I) HO. 10 Urn QORAL JEWELRY. CLABK & BIDDLE, No. 712 CHESNUT Streot, Have Just Opened aa Immense laveloa OK PINK CORAL JEWELUY. TO WIIICII THEY CALL SPECIAL AT- TENT ION. Hw(ni3inrp COPAETNEK!HIP NOTICE. WB HATB not autborUed JA(XB U. MAXWKLL to make or advertise changes aUeotlng our lirai and busloeM, rUlUdelpUla, Oct. 16, l07. UaN