THE DAI1A EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 20, 16G7. 6 ; .f f ir-w. NUMBER CXLIII.l A Birr FOB MENTAL DTSrBPTICB. AND A CTJR Ion BT-rotuoNDiuA, ny-rocBisY, or an COMI-LAIKT OF A HY ORDER DV OUll 8EIUKS KDITO U. ALMANAC AND DIARY. tmrtAT MlITRB-ILLOOICAl. OBSERVATIONS FOB PBW TUB WEAK, October. Msndnr. Hop Growers In Convontlon at " the Aator House, New York. The meet ing was honored by the presence of neve rafdistlnizotHhed l'oles. The Hop Season the oomlnit winter, JudKlujr from the number ol Halls ertgntced, promlnos well. "Tuesday, ii3. Commodore Vanderbllt chal lenges Bonner, of the New York ledger, to run horses, lionner contents himself with merely running the Commodore in the papers, "Wednesday, !43. Governor Swarm Lssaes an order lo disband the lialtltnore colored troops. He says they turnout too strong, and in their demonstrations and proces sions they are void of good scents. Thursday, a 1. Councils meet. One Myth thouKht they might give up the business of lighting streets and curbing sidewalks, and huild something in Venn Square that will ornament the city; a Methodist meeting-house, for example, similar to the one lately built on Independence Square, Friday, 5. Cholera breaks out at the Navy Yurd, and Grant Clubs spread fearfully throughout the cltv. The presence of these epidemics confused alike the doctors of both practices, Saturday, 0.-Seriks Column Day. The Editor receives an invitation to Join the culling match of the Hchuylkill navy, and one from Fowler A Wells for a model of his BCUll. FROM OUR WASHINGTON CORRESPONDENT. Wahhinoton, Oct. 2&, 18G7. Iear Editor: The President to-day called General Grant's attention to the petition of some citizens of Georgia, in which they com plain of General Tope. It is not the first time these Georgia gentlemen have complained ct General Tope. About six years ago, down the Mississippi, a delegation waited npon Lim with a speech, wanting to know what "you nns come down here to trouble wee uns for; wee nns never went to you uns." The Secretary of War returned the paper to the TreBident, saying that he would write to Pope himself, and see what the trouble is. think there is a great deal of the Napoleon bout Grant, particularly as to his desire to sustain the temporal power of the Pope, (N. B. If you think this a good joke, don't lo afraid of putting it in the paper; it may i new to some of your readers.) Every tAUOg IB vary no down uore $xkn uow, us yvu will see ly this letter: ' 'nuttier goak," as Mr, Ward used to say, poor fellow I Some little sensation is occasioned here in the golden circles by the report of the suspen lion of S. M. Clark, Superintendent of the Printing Bureau of the Treasury Department. Several reporters who attended the conspiracy trial were down here, but left in disgust when they found he was only going to be suspended from the performance of his official duties, in rtead of from a platform. This kind of Capitol punishment they see every day. To-day they are putting down the new car pets on the Senate floor, and for once, GENTLEMEN HAVB THE FLOOR, f adverse political opinions, without being railed to order by the chair. On putting down the new carpet reference will Ve had to the fitness of the times in its color; consequently it will be blue. Any member who treads the floor the next session will feel blue. There will be a pickle tub in the office of the Sergeant-at-Anns, in which THE ROH IN PICKLE will be kept. This feature of the next Senate will be a salt, with intent to kill, within the meaning of the law. I believe I Bhall see General Butler about it, however. The Hall of the House of Representatives is now cleared of its desks, chairs, and sofas, preparatory to laying down its new carpet. Indeed, the gallery is cleared at last, which the Speaker a year ago threatened daily and liourly to do, but never did. The House of Jteps. is going to have the chairs oovered with rep, as is appropriate, and in view of the new Representatives expected from your State and Borne others yet to hold their elections, the floor will be covered, very appropriately, with green, to represent the position of those free States that send slaviuh Representatives. Th Supreme Court will be thoroughly over hauled and refitted. This it wants badly enough. Two or three of the dummies ought to be taken down off the bench, dusted, var nished, and sent to auction, and some live figures put in their place. This I don't sup pose will be done; they will be merely taken Aown and whitewashed, and set back again. 11 V All through the entire Capitol, carpenters, rainters, npholstererfl, and plasterers are busy. New lights are being put In the Capitol, which will be an improvement; new coloring given to many of the acts of the last Congress, and the plasterers will leave a quantity of slack on hand for the use of the new members. The upholsterers will stuff the members with every subject except WOOL, which will not be brought into use except for the purpose of pulling it over the eyes of the minority. So everything that art can do Will be done for the next Congress. General Butler's Committee on the Assassi nation was to have met yesterday, but none of the members have arrived. If there ever was a sassy nation, it is this. THE ORPNAKCE COMMITTEB was also to have had a sitting yesterday, to see about the cannons changing their breeches for the approaching winter. The Impeaching Testimony is in the hands of the compositors at the Government Printing Office, and they are Betting on the case. About one witness is set up in ten days, and is then locked up and put in the vault. The "Chase" used in this trial is the same as that used in the conspiracy case, 24 by 38, made of wrought iron. The Government printer re gards the President's case in the "form" as dead matter, and expeots to distribute it as soon as they can get the time. General Grant has so far recovered from his indisposition as to attend to his duties. lie has been much indisposed to do that hereto fore, so the President told me. Governor Ward, of New Jersey, arrived this evening. Secretary Seward acknowledged him, and introducod him to the other foreign visi tors here, including Mr. Romero, the Mexican minister. The White House was well attended to-day with visitors seeking interviews with the Pre sident. The President's views of things are generally of the stereopticon nature double The Postmaster-General has issued propo sals for carrying the mails to Sitka. Next spring he will issue proposals to the different shipping houses to carry the females there likewise. Yocr Own Correspondent. THE MAID IN THE "NECK." Of a "trucker's" maid I now will sing Down in the Neck she dwelt, Iler heart much felt for others' woes, (Her hat was made of Felt.) Iler toilet was of simple kind, And so it came to pass, She had no mirror she herself Was a good lookin-g-lass. She sold the sweetest violets, And roses white and red, And every kind of savory herb That's how she got herb bread ! At early morning in the street Her cheery voice did reign, "While other people cried for loss, She only cn'et for gain. And though the sale was rather slow, And folks were very funny, Yet, being sage, she all the time Did make a mint ot mcney. An undertaker lived a-near, A man of poor degree, And though he was robust and strong, A nailing man was he; And every morning when he heard The maiden's tender try, He said, u0h, would I were a bird, Prom woody ware to fly I" And still he long delayed to ask If she with him would wed; His head was turned by love, and so He turned it in hie head. Yet oftentimes a pleasant chat Did he contrive to gain; And when at last he owned her sway, Then first sho owned her swain. So in the ripening Autumn month This Bartlett pair were wed; And then she no more walked the streets A-crying for her bread. So her "Sweet William," proved a "pink," A "balsam" for all ills; And, if for more particulars, You'll have to see "small Hills." ADVEUTISEMENT.l -WANTKl A K1KHT-OLABS RULER. Ainu, three oirlg to feed. Apply to W., etc Surely this is a very proper want; but does the adverser epeak in a national sense, or as an individual f if the former, the whole coun try would join in with him, and cry," Wanted A First class Ituler V Who shall satisfy the want, is the question jut now llng discussed among the varioun Grant Clubs. The latter part of the "adver," though, is rather a stunner. How anybody can want "three girls to feed" just in the face of ap proaching winter, and business dull, we cau BOt imagine. "lt we write Ike oonga of a. Ill RHR nation," said Fuller, "and I care not who 1 makes its laws," would in our day be varied to read, "Let me write the 'advers' of a peo ple, and I care not who reads them; they'll be none the wiser." SPECIAL NOTICES. irriT- NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. JOY v,va ol v.w., .eg film lur iu i miVMr and Newspaper Frmn of the wholecountry. liave KB- MOVED from FIFTH and CHEHNUT Htreet to Na me. HIXTH Street, second dour above WALNUT. Officii: No. 144 B. SIXTH "Street. Philadelphia! TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. New York. 7304p KPT TWENTY-SECOND WARD. A MEET- Ipk of llio Citizens or the T W KNT Y-HkOON 1) lf A TJ T. 1.1 . . , i . , , ... l, VA pnertu "KANT an the candidate of thp Republican imriv for rrmniHii, win oe l.elil oohAl lKUAV KVk.Nirvu, October W. 1MV7. at 7'. o' lllft TOWN HA I.I,. hmimamipwn, tor tlie jiurpoHeof lormlng a CA M I'AIUN CLUB, W llllum W later. IC. W. Churchman. Samuel C. Ford, C. J. Churchman, ji. i j-.oyi, Namucl UoimrU. Horace it. Browne. J. H. Iloiiithtuii. It. H. Griua Franklin Knltilit, liarles H. 1'ancoatit, John 11. Wlrkerehftra, I. P. Thnmpnon. Kb hard I evlck. Owen bherldau, tSumuel W, itoop, 10io"t KTf- A GENEUAL MEETING OF THE w-r WIMIIHIH UK THK M. 10. I'HITUfir in favor of I. AY ItKHKKsiKN I'ATION. will he held hi the M'KINO GAllDkN BTRKKT Clll'HCli (corner oi iivmsiiiiu ana m'iubh uaiiiikn Hireew, Philadelphia), on II ON DA Y KVKNINlt. October 28. at half-pant 7 o'clock, to take nuch memiren m will necure the favorable action ol the next Ucneral Cou- lerence. AddreescB may be expected from lion. JUDUE BOND, ot llultlmore. Md. WILLIAM J. JONkht. Eeij. ot Elkton, Md. BKNJ. HAYWOOD. Kbi .of Pot lev II 1b. pa. H. M. IIARRINUTON, ksq., ol Wilmington, Del. j(ev. jamw ki ddlk, oi Wilmington, JOSEPH PABltlHU M.D..0f Philadelphia. Pren't WM. II. A I, LION, LL.D. or Phliadolpbia. iiy orotr 01 tue comnmiee oi Arrangemeni. C- D1KSKELL, Chairman. John Fiai.n, Secretary. 10 2 i 31 irr?T DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC HIGH- v-s WAY 8 OFFICE, H. W.Corncr Of FIFTH and WAiiiui isireeiii, Ptm.AnFT.PiMA, Oci.2 !, 1807. NOTICE TO CONTUACTOKH. Healed PropoBals will be received at theOflioe of the Chid ComnilHhioncr ot HlgiiwHyg until 12 o'clock M.. on MONDAY. 28th Inst., for the construction of a Hewer on the line of Berks street, to commence at the Cohucksluk creek, at or near Uber street, and extend weetwardly to Twenty-second street, of the following dlmenalonn, from the creek to Woodcock street to ue oi a Clear limine ammeter or xoorieetBix inches (4 It. 6 In.), from Woodstock street to Twentv- second street, three feet six Inches (3 ft. 6 In.), with such inletB and manholes as may be directed by the cniei .engineer ana surveyor. The undemanding to be that the Contractor shall take bll's prepared aKalimt the property trontlne on said sewer to the amount of one dollar and twenty- five cents for each lineal foot of front on each sldeol tbe street as so much cash puld; the balance to be paid by the owner of rruitrty; and the IX) u- tratnr will be required to keep the street and sewer In good order for three years after the newer Is finished. All Bidders are Invited to be present at tbe time and place of opening the said Proposals. Kaon proposal will be accompanied by a certificate that a Bond has been filed In the Law Department as directed by Ordi nance of May 25, i860. If the Lowest Bidder shall not execute a contract within live days after tbe work Is awarded, be will be deemed as declining, and will be held liable on his bond lor the dlllerence between bis bid and the next highest bid. Specifications may be bad at tbe Department o surveys, wblcn wui De siricuy aunerea to. W. W. BMF.DLEY, 10 U 3t Chief ComnalBBlonor of Highways. SKST CE ITT EN DFN' 8 COMMERCIAL s' COLhKQK, No. 837 CIlk-WN UT Street, corner oieeventn, ktnbll!ihed 1844. Incorporated 18.V). THK LONOEST ESTABLISHED AND BERT ORGANIZED COMMERCIAL COLLEGE IN THE CITY. PBACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING, In all its branches, as piacllsed by tbe best, accountant and buslueas men. PENMANSHIP, COMMERCIAL CALOTTDATION3, WMUHjIuiallaw. BUNinw inmaia, jiiu, OPEN DAY AN O EVENING. Htudents rectiyid at any lime, and Instructed at sucn uours as may Deal suit tneir convenience, uaia- lliui'uu f ii ritlnlia.1 ur.ll. on Rititllnatloii. The CHITTENDEN COM M kltCI AL AltlfHME- TIO AND BUblNEbU MANUEL lor sale at tbe College. Price. tl-a-V 10 2wamtm fJKwjT- OFFICE OF THE DISTILLERS' AND BECTIFIKIttS' ASSOCIATION OE PHILA DELPHIA, No. 718 hANISO.M. Hireet. Nonce. At a meet ne of the DIHTILLEKH' AND R1.CT1I IEKS' ASSOCIATION OF THE CITY OF PHILADELPHIA, held on MONDAY EVUNINU. October 21. 1S67, tue following resolution was passed: nenoiveo, inat an uiruuiern cunueineu wuti iui Association shall sumiend the diHtillatlon of spirits on and alter MONDAY next, October 28, for tbe period of two weeks, unlets otherwise ordered. H'zn4t imaaum n a tin w r.iictv, cecrewry. ff357 OFFICE OF THE DISTILTiERS' AND HECTIFIKHS' AHSOClATION OF PHILA DELPHIA. No. 718 HANSOM istreet. ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS REWARD. The Distillers aud Rectifiers' AFSoclaiion' ol Phildelpliia will pay tbe above reward for tbe detection and con viction of any person engaged In the Illicit flstltlatlou or spirits in iuis C'ty. jsy oruer or tne rresuienu 10:6 81 ISAAC M. KAHMWElLER, Hecretary. fKTST OFFICE WEST PHILADELPHIA PAS- BENOEK RAILWAY COMPANY. K. W. corner FOUTx-FLUbT ana havkhujiiu tstreois. PlIll.AIIKLl'HIA. Oct. 16. 1887. Notice Is hereby given that the Annual Meetiugot the fttcckholders of this Company will be held at this office on TUESDAY, tbe 5th day of November next, al lu o'clock A. bi., at wiucu place au election for nine Directors of said Company will be he d. be tween tbe hours ot 10 o clock A, m. ana 4 o'clock P. M. Jo. F. BTOKES, 10 15 tutnslOt becretury. KST" OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIOATION COMPANY. piiii-AUKiFHiA. October 14. 18S7. At the renuent of numerous (stockholders of this Con' pany who tailed to receive lo time copies of the circular Of ucioner s.aaareBsea toiiiem, inesuDscrip tlon books to the new CONVERTIBLE LOAN will remain pen until the 28th Ins'ant. 10 15 lit SOLOMON HHKPHERD, Treasurer. rtrrr- dr. j. m. hole, of ohio. presi- dent ol the National Medical Association of tbe i niteu mates or America, can be consulted by those wishing medical or surgical treatment, on and aiier iue nuiu instant, at win omce No, vij AIU.I1 oireei, i-iiuaueiiinia, ru., formerly occupied by Pro fessor William i-aine. omce nouts, t A. M. to 12 M. i jr. mi, to i r. m., i r. m. to f. m. 10illimp union pacific railway com- TTr - P ' omce No. 421 WALN UT Btreet, jrniiBueiiJiiia, uctooer zi, IS07. Tbe interest on the Flrxt Mortrnss Bonds. T.eaven- wortn Branch, of the Union Pucitlo Railway Com pany, Eaktern Division, due November 1, 1867, will be paid on presentation of Hie coupons therefor at tbe unuK i ii k uouhe oi jja IIMKY, MO KUAN &CO., Hi 22 lot No. C3 EXCH ANUE Plaoe. New Voik. rpT WIEGAND'S PATENT STEAM GENE- BATOR la cheap, compact, economical la use, ana ABSOLUTELY BAFK FKUM ANY POSSI BILITY OF EXPLOBION Apply at the Office of SAMUEL WOBK, N. E. cor- "er or ihiku ana dock Ht reels. 184p KET- THE BRANSONS HAVE NOT SOLD ont tbe old Coal Yard, No. 607 South BROAD Street, below Lombard, as has been reported, but ntkiii I miA utl 1 1 nif I Ita b BISbT QUALITIES OF COAL hi ittir priccb. tsuperlur LEHIGH fciid genuine EAGLK VEIN "J" V" Mma. f in ZWV "A LL CAN HAVE BEAUTIFUL H.AIR." LONDON HAIR COLOTt. I NOT LONDOtN H Al K COLOR. A LONDON HA1U COLOR. DYE. LONDON HAIR COLOR. 1 NOT LONDON HA1U COI.Ult. A LONDON HAIR COLOR. DYE. LONDON HAIR COLOR LONDON II AIR f'OI.OU LONDON HAIR COLOR LONDON HAIR OO1.OH FKt-'lOltKR AND DREHHINO, RENTOHER AND Dit KH-,1 NG, JthHTOltKR AND IjKE-HINU, h kk'roii h 11 a m n oitLvwiMo The only known Restorer of Color aud Perfect Hal' Drtskliig co ui i)i 1 eu. NO MORI? BALDNHSH NO Mdltli BALDNhH-t NO MOKK BAI.HNK-VS NO MORE BALDNEtid oil ik tit OH GREY HAIR. I.HI'Y HAIR. IlilKY 11 A lit. J ll U- U If 1 III It never falls to !in-,art life, growth, and Vigor to tba weakest hulr. fuHlvns and .tops Its lalllnR. aua is sure lo produce, new growth of hair, caviblug H to grow iiik-k anu Hirontr. (inly 76 ccuu a bottle; half a 1nr.en, M. ku.ldai UK. HWlVNKH, no. bku n, hi rn ntrwii, aouye v ". Aad all Druggist, aad Yaxl.ty tvis, 1 2 tataisl SPECIAL NOTICE3. jrJ- BEAUTIFUL HAIR, MANY YEAU9 1'erfertlon of CM EVA LI kit's l.IKK, FOR THE II A lit, an unrivalled hair dri-ssliiK, Imparting now Hie and Increaned nutriment to Ihn hulr baldneM and arrmllnii tin iirogrinit wln-n commenood: rfKiwatlng and iiHiaiiln the principle upon which the color ot hair depend, thereby noftltlvely rentor init grey hair to Us original color aua youthful beamy, and mopping Us ailing out at once, Hxld by all diugglstB. r in wnAru B. A. CHEVALIER, M. D New York. eCwJy HOLLOWAY'S TILLS ANDOINTMENT It A It'K ITCH Thin foul n.l .!, 1 1 v tivi'uvp uinuoMT in in e luce m Hpeeniiy anil perma- irniijr emuiuiuvu u y a lew Hpnncai iwiiN or iniserno- litntUlnimpiit, and the plllH, by purifying the blood, acMsl the operation. M any CHe abandoned by phv Blclann an hopelcHH have been I in medial el v rureil hv these medicine. In uicnxle, imiill pox, aoald head. Itch, ring-worm, and nil rutimeoui diseases, the ellocl oi inene r emeu leu ih nwlli aua lure. eoia ny an oi y(rgmp 10 22 tutlin at FURNITURE, ETC. VIS IMPORTANT! IIEIIIX MDI'IILLM, ponr Ba'ons et Cbambres a Coucber, Arranges pour Exposition dans Appnrtemenbi;aarDls et Couvcrts de Tapis. JEmE J. I1ENKEI.M, I.ACT CO., KBENISTE9, CHEBNUT STREET, au Coin de lame. SPECIAL CARD. FINK FUKNITURE ON EXHIBITION IN BUITES OF ROOMS. CARPETED AND FUR NIBUED AS CHAMBERS AND PARLORS. UEOBUE J. IIF.NItr.LN, LAtr A CO., CABINET MAKER3, THIRTEENTH AND CHESNUT, Philadelphia. )1E FEINSTEN MEUBEL ARAN- OIERT IN DEIt GANZEN ETA G IS FERTIG ZUR ANB18HT, TErPICU UND GART1ENEN KIN- BEORLFFEN. MEUBEL FABRICK ANT THIRTEENTH AND CHKHNUT. Philadelphia, A V I s o. MEUBLE8 F I N O EN EXHIBICION. . ' In Bene de Cuartos, COLOCADO COMO Balas de reclolmlento CUARTOH D3 CAMARA. 9 26 2m pURNITURE! FURNITURE! BioDEBif and antique: PARLOR, HALL AND CIIAMBEB SUITS AT REDUCED PRICES. Our facilities are Bach that we are enabled to offer at very moderate prices, a large and well-assorted stock of every description ot HOUSEHOLD EUBNI- TUBE AMD BEDDING. - Goods packed to carry safely to all parts ol the country. BICI19IOND fc FOBEPAUII, 9 21 tf HO, 40 8. SECOND STREET. PARISIAN FURNITURE. Jl'sl IMPORTED THE PARIS EX. POSITION. Tbe most handsome and valuable assortment ever Imported, selected by MR. LUTZ In person. It will be sold at a smail advance on first coal. It la now arranged for Inspection. WAREBOOMS, 10 4 fmwlm NO. 131 fcOVTlI EL1VEKTH STREET, A. & H. LEJAMBRE HAVE uMOVED THEIB FURNITURE AiD UFKOLSTERIKG WAREROQiHIS TO MO. 1108 CHESNUT STREET, (UP STAIRS.) 87 3m TO HOUSEKEEPERS. I have a large stock of every variety of FUltMlTUKK. Which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of riiiin aou juakulis tor CVJ1 1 AUE bUllii. WALMIT CfiAMBEK BUl'ltS. PABLOU bUI'lS IH VELVET PLUSH, PA BLOB btl'ltj IN Ulllt CLOTH. PAKLOK bClTts 1M KEPB. bldeboards. Extension 1 allies. Wardrobes. Book. vases, juattreBsea, i4un.eaeic. etc. P. P. QFMTIME. 81! N. E. corner SECOND and Race Sireetn, ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. RODINSON, Fronchi Plate Looking-Glasses, ENGRAV1NUB, PALNTLN6S, DRAWINGS, ETC Manufacturar of all klmda of LOOHIN-LAhS, PORTRAIT, AND PIC- TURE PRAJHES TO ORDER. No. 910 OI1ESNUT STREET. THIRD DOOR ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, PHILADELPHIA, 15 I L LI AM WITTFELD. MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IH CABINET FURNITURE, NOS.64, 66 AND 68 NORTH SECOND ST., Below Arch, West Side, Philadelphia Calls attention to his extensive assortment ot FIRST- CLASS FURNITURE comprising' SOLID ROSEWOOD PARLOR SUITS OF PLUSH, TERRY, REPS, AND HAIR CLOTH, ELEGANT CHAMBER AND BEST DINING ROOM AND - khvuej ji uiunh vain. ALSO. WRITING DESKS, MABBLE-TOP STANDS ETC, AU of which are manufactured by ourselves, of the oest materials, aud will be sold for casta only, at uiuch lower rates than are otlered elsewhere. j, I,(ioods packed aud shipped to all parts of the oouutry. .lusuiiiiim SEWING MACHINES. QCT THE DEST! Conipulion the only test." . FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE THE FIRST PRIZE at the PARIS EXPOSITION. Making four different Stitches with self-ad' justing 'l erihion in Shuttle. WHITNEY & LUKENS, GENERAL AGENTS, I ttwsiutr NO. 113 CUESNUT STREET, ELAWABB MUTUAL SAFETY INSL RAN CK COM pa NY, I ncorporai ed by tbe Lefcts- lainre of Pennsylvania, lsa&. Omce, 8, K. corner of THIRD and WALNUT Streets, t.iiuHAii.itt MARINE INHCRANCEH on vessels, cargo, and freight to all parts of the werld. 1LA1I lriSUBAWl M on goods by river, canal, lake, and laud carriage, to all parts Of the Union. on merchandise generally. In , . .. T I . i I I 11 ..M.O. AB8ETS OF THK COMPANY November 1. lw.. 100,000 United Btates t PerCeuU Loan, i"" f in,miu uu 120.000 United Btates 6 Per Ceut, Lean, 1SS1 136,500-00 SOO.000 United Males 7 HO Per Ceut. Loan, TrejRnry Notes 211,000011 128 ,00 C ity of Philadelphia 6 Per Ceut. Loans (exempts) 126,SS2 M 54,000 tstate of Pennsylvania S Per Cent. Loan 64.700-00 66,000 (rotate ot Pennsylvania b Per Cent. Liimi-. 44,020-08 50,000 Bute ot New Jersey Blx Per Ceut. Loan 50.75000 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 1st Jlort- Ke, Hlx I'er Cent. BondB JOiOO-OP 25,000 1'ennsyiVfcnla Railroad, second MortgiigeHlx Per tent. Bonus.... 21,250 00 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Railroad Blx r"er Cent, Hol ds (Pennsyl vania Railroad nuprn'e)..... 20,750"Oli 80,ti00trtateol Tennessee Five Per Ceut. Ixian,.... . lB.ooooo 7,0i 0 State ol Teuuewiee Six Per Ceut, I-oan 4ooo 16,0(ifl Ml shares tock of Oermantown Otis Company (principal and In terest guaranteed by tbe city of Philadelphia) 15,000 011 7,150,143 Bhares block of Pennsylvania Railroad Company 8,25825 5,000,100 Bhares Block ofNorth PenusvlVA- nlftU.llNinill'tnii.i.nD D WflW u r-naren rMocK oi t'uiiaueiplila ana cumueru juuii bieamsniD iiin- m panys. 20,00000 lVf.800 I.onns on Roiiill and Mnriiuuo. llrst liens on City Proper ty ..... l6,900'0(i 1,040,050 par. Market,28075 Cost. tl.(lHO..'v,'-lh. Real Estate lln,,ion'n(i Bills ricelvable tor Insurances made 2?.tU7'20 iiBiuiii i' uue at agencies premiums on jua- rme -onoieH. Accruea interest, ana otner debts due to the Com nan v... 88.923-9(1 Bcrlo and Btmtk of stinurv Iimurunra and other Companies, 15173. Estimated valuo... 2,93000 Cash In limit, mi I.iir2-2A. Casb in Drawer, f M714 41,540-00 t,4K7,321-56 This belntt a new enterprise, the Par la assumed as tne maraet value. Thomas C. Hand, Pamnel R. Btokes, Henry Bloati, William O. Bonlton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Edward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McFarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Bpencer Mcltvalne, J. B. Bemple, Plttsbtirg, A. B. Berger, ' D. T. Morgan, M Ueorre w. Rnrnardon. jonn v. uavis, Eomund A. Bouder, Theopbilus Paulding, jonn ii. Penrose, James Traqralr, Henry C. l.altetl, Jr., James C. Haud, William C Ladwla Joseph H. Beal, Ueome U. Iloer. HtiRh Crale. John D. Taylor, j aeon luegei, THOMAS I",. HAND. President. JOHN C. DA Via, Vice-Freeident. Henry Ltlbukn, Becretary. 1 i M g29 CHAIITER TERPETUAIj rraiiKlin Tire Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICES KOS. 435 AND 437 CUESMUT STREET. ASSETS ON JANUARY 1,1867, 253,14013. Capital.. Accrued fcurplus. ,.....)O,0O0O0 l, 710ns 2u6,tU2-lC Premiums UK8ETTLED CLAIMb, LNCOMB FOB 18, 7,11'1S. f.,U00. LONMES PAID SINCE 1839 OVER 83,500,000. Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Term a DIRECTORS. Charles N. Bancker, George Falea, loblas Wagner, Bam u el Grant, beorgew. Richards, aiii'eu nier, Francis W, Lewis, M, D Peter McCah, rhomas ttparks. isaac i.ea, CHARLES N. BANCKER. Preanmt GEOBOE FALEtt, Vice-President. J. W. McALLUs'IEJi, becretary pro lew. UU1231, PKOYIDEM LIFE AND TKTJ8T C03IPASY OF PHILADELPHIA, Ko. ill South FOURTH fctreet, INCORPORATED ttd MOJSTU 22d. 186T. I CAPITAL, IIWJ.OOU. PAID LN. " Insarance on Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by a 10, or 20 year Premiums, fton-lorieilure. Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policies, Children's Endowment. This Company, while giving tbe Insured the security of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire . prolita of the Lite business among its policy holders. Moueys received at Interest, and paid on demand. Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, and to act as Executor or Administrator, Assignee or Guardian, and In other fiduciary capacities, under appointment ot auy Court of this Commonwealth, or any persaa or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. DIBaC'TOKH, SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, HENRY HAINES. T. W1STAR BROWN, W. C LGNGHTRETH, WILLIAM HACKER. JUbllUA 11. munxvicj, RICHARD WOOD, RICHARD CAt1glLES F. COFFIN. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, ROWLAND PARRY. Prestdent. Actuary, WM. C. LONGST BETH, Vice President. THOMAS WIHT A R. M.D., J. B. TOWNSEND. 7271 Medical Examiner, Legal Ad vlaei, INSURANCE COMPANY ' OP NOltTIl AMERICA. OFFICE, Ko. 2o2 WALNUT B PHILADELPHIA. INCORPORATED 17W. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 1900,000. ASSETS JANUARY 8,1807 tl,73la67"B0 IKbURES MARINE, INLAND TRANSPOR TATION AND riBK RISKS. DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Coflln, George L. Harrison, Samuel W. Jones, J)obn Jl Brown, Charles 'lay lor, Ambrose White, Bicbard D. Wood, William Welsh. ITraucts it. Cooe. Euward H. Trotter. Kuwurd b, Ciarae, M'lllliUfi Ctuiimluga, r. CUarltou iieury, Alfred D. Jenaup, K Hj orris Wain, e. jkiorri. watu, I ' ul " ' ' John Mason, I Louis U Madeira. ' ABTHUK G. (JOFLN,PriiUnt. loun r. wuue. CHABLica Pltt. becretary, u ii. ii am ituu.llLEil, Harrlsborg, Pa Central Agent lor the Slate ol Pennsylvania. 1 i pHCENIX IKSUKANCB COMPANY Of COBPoltATEDtlcHARTEB PERPETUAL, No. 224 WALN UT Hireet, oppusite tbe Exchange. In addition lo MARINE aud INLAND INSUR ANCE, this Company Insures Irom loss or damage by t iBE lor liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, luruiture, etc., lor limited periods, and permanently on buildings, by del osil of premium. 1 he Company has been In active operation for more hau SIXTY YEARS, during which ail loaaea liv een promptly adjusted and paid. siaatTiuas. John L. Hodge, Lawrenoe Lewis, Jr, David Lewis, Beujamln Eltlng, Thomas H. power, A xC McUenry, Edmund Oantlllon. M. B. aiauony, John T. Lewis, William S. Grant, Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharton, ttamaei wucox, iXHiiii I.J. in orris. JOHN Wur UEBER PmaMant, 6AUDXX. WlLOOX. Secretary FIRE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.-THB PENNSYLVANIA FIBK INbUBANCK COM PANY -Incorporated 126-Cbarter Pertual No. til) WALN UT Street, opposite Independence euiuare, Tbls Company, favorably known to tne community lor over ioriy years, continues to Insure against loas or damage by fire on Publlo or Private BulldUiga, either permauenily or forallu.lted tline. Also, on Furniture, blocks of Goods, and Meruiuuidlwt geue- "WiSViplS.Mr with alargeSnrninsMnd, s In vis lid I J rtbe mot carelul manner, wbrob enables tVen.i o otter to the lued an undoubted security la the cam of loss. plB10T0Ba. Daniel Smith. Jr.. I Joha Devereax, Alexander Beiuon, 1 bouias hinliu, laacllaleburst, I Henry Lewis, Thomaa Bobiiu, I J. Gllhugbaut FeU, Daulel Haddock, Jr. DANIELsm ITU, J., President. Wiixiam O. Caow aix, becretary, Ai msUHANlr. COMPANIES. J3l:O0ELYN LIFE INSURANCE F KIW TOIIH, l I-TV A IV. TOLICllS NON -FORFEITABLE, Thirty days grace given In payment ot Premiums. No extra charge for residence or travol In any portion of the world. Dividends declared a tnually, and paid hi cash. Dividend In D7. 40 per cent. E. B. COLTOW, GENERAL AGENT, M, E. CORKEB KtVESTII A!M CHESKVT, Agents and Solicitors wanted In all the cities and towns In Pennsylvania and Eoutbern New Jer et. 1231 7IRE INSURANCE. MVEItPOOI. AM) -LONDON AND CflLOBE LM'1IA.(K COJIPANTi AKM.TM OVER 916,000.000 IltTEslED in T1IK V. Bn OVEH 141,800,000 PHILADELPHIA BOARD. Lemnel Oeflln, Esq., ICharles S. Rmlth, Eiq Joseph W. Lewis, li sq., Henry A. Duhrlng, Esq., Eawara blter, Eiq. All losses promptly adjusted without reference to England. PHILADELPHIA OFFICE, JVo. 6 MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE, ATWOOD 8MITH, 10 17 thstuCm General Agent for Pennsylvania. FINANCIAL. BANKING HOUSE ODE' JayCooke&(J). U2 and 114 So. THIRD ST. FIJILAFA. Dealers in all Government Securities j OLD c-so WANTED IX EXCHANGE FOR NEW! A LIBERAL DIFFERENCE ALLOWED, Compound Interest Notes Wanteds INTEREST ALLOWED ON DEPOSITS. Collection.! mad. Btooka bought wad sold on Oommlwilon. BpeoiiU bnsDiesa aooommodaUous reserved for adlea. 9 M am N ATIONAL BAM OF THE REPUBLIC, 809 and 811 CHESNUT STREET PHILADELPHIA. C APIT A Il,IWM,,HMMHM, IM,WM,IIIIMI,IIWW.,1 ,000,00 S DIRECTORH. Joseph T. Bailey, William ErtMen, Osgood Welab, Frederick A, Hoyt, Wot, H, Rhawa. r.ainan Mines, Ben). Rowland, Jr., Samuel A. Blspham, Edward B. Orne, WM. H. EHAWN, President, lot Cathier of IM Central Rational aii JOS. P. MUATFORD Cashier, Hi! LaUoftM fhUaMLphia National Ban 7 3-10s, A.JLJL. 8EIIIE9, CONVERTED INTO FIYE-TWE IN TI ES. BONDS DELIVERED IMMEDIATE!, DE HAYEK & EEOTHER lOtrp HO. 00 B. THIRD STRICT. Jm G. O EC U R I TI CO A SPECIALTY. 8MITH, RANDOLPH & CO., BANKEBS AND BROKERS. SO.IOS TDIRD STHjNO, B MASSAV TH mXASXIf HIA, I WWH YOkJK Orders for Stocks and Gold executed in Phila delvhia and New York. 1 lj INTERNAL REVENUE' REVENUE OTAMPQ FOR SALE AT THE PRINCIPAL, AGENCY, NO. 07 SOVTII TIIIRD STREET, I III LA. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED. Orden or Stamped Check! received, and ditvm with despatch. Orders by mall or express promptly attended to. j-29-1 JACOPE. R I II (iWiT, BOARDING. 1191 ;IKA11D feTKEET. 1SETWEEN J- J. Cliesnut and Market aud Elwveuth and I weifib streets centrally looated, AocouiUiOlatloa forperniai)eut. tiannli-iu. and table Boarders. Is 112m OXEBI UOXE8I UOXE3I ' Franklin PlanliiK Ml I, all kin. Is of Boxes, Box rUUUllKUU l.l DIIHIUI WW" m u 1 11 c 1 , AlAU, l.ULH- ber for sale, worked to suit ruKtomeni. AU'i, Whtta and Hard Pine Hoorlug. UU.WH 11TNU, If. JL. cut. tiu,nliiTRllin iv.iuid rn.nA VI fcVTCA k.. uu,i...