THE DAILY EVE KING TELEGRAPH PIHLADELPIIIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1867. PUBLISHED EVERT AFTERNOON. (BUKDATS xowrD) AT TH- BTVKMINa TELEGRAPH BUILDING, KO. 1S . TniBB STREET. Price, Three On Is per Copy (Double Sheet), or Eighteen Cent" per Week. payable to the Carrier, and mailed to Subscribers out of the city at Nine Dollars per Annum; One Dollar and Fifty Oentt tor Two months, invariably In advanoefor the period ordered. SATURDAY, OCTOBER 12, 1867. Sound Words From a Former Southern Lender. So fab as present wisdom can atone for past foil, Mr. Roger A. Tryor ia evidently deter mined to do all that be can in reparation of Lis former course. The letter on national Affairs whioh we yesterday republished from Ilia pen la one of the most sound, manly, and creditable declarations of opinion and aenti mont that we have yet seen from any of the Southern leaders. If hia spirit, aa evinced in that letter, actuated the majority of the Southern people, or Borne of the Democratic party of the North, the work of restoration Would at once be completed, and we should rTltnesa a "more perfect union" of these States than has ever yet existed. The fact that bo many still cling to the old order of things Which has forever passed away, that they Clierlsh the spirit of oppression while slavery Itself has been abolished, that they still foster prejudices and aentimenta born of that terrible evil, la one of the moat discouraging featurea Of the times. Yet it ia fairly offset by the growing number of those who, like Mr. Tryor, have wisdom and patriotism and Christianity enough to appreciate the changes that have passed over the country, and to seek to reform the social and politioal elements in aocordanoe with the great principles of freedom and equal J-ights. We can but commend to our conservative readera the comprehensive and truly states manlike views of Mr. Fryor upon the vital point in the reconstruction problem, namely, the relation which the two races shall sustain to one another in the Rebel States. It ought to be evident to the commonest apprehension , that the peace and prosperity of the South cannot possibly lie in the direction of a per petuation of the spirit of caste. All history proves the contrary, and the deepest princi ples in human nature make the teachings of Iiifitory on this point authoritative for the future. A community divided into two races Of nearly equal numbers, cannot exist peace fully and prosperously in a condition which constantly incites to oppression and outrage On the one side and to anger and resistance On the other. Sooner or later a conflict must ensue of the most bitter and revolting charac ter. Most especially must this be the case in a country where the doctrines of equal rights And of government by the people form tu Tery basis of its whole political structure. The disfranchised and oppressed class find in these doctrines a constant reminder of their unjust degradation, and a perpetual incentive to re sistance. Hence we consider Mr. Tryor as but tittering the words of truth and soberness When he says "that, considering the com parative numbers of the two raoea in the South, it would be the merest madness to pro voke a collision of caste; in a word, thit it is absolutely essential to the peace, repose, and prosperity of the South that the emancipated class should be undisturbed in the enjoyment of their rights under the law, and should be enlightened to understand the duties and inte rests of social order and well-being." These are the words of true statesmanship. They grasp the problem before the country in the Eplrit of humanity. They point out the only path which leads to true peace and prosperity. There are other points in Mr. Pryor's letter . toIi i oh are worthv of comment and commenda tion. It is full of wisdom and good counsel, and we trust that it will be widely read and pondered, not only by the Southern people, to whom it is more particularly addressed, baK also by our Northern Conservatives, who are in equal need of its humane and statesmanlike teachings. Our Fellow-Citizens of Fejee. T 1 V!l. : i - 11,. CtAtA TVahI t way ub, we wnwo, mo bww cyan Blent is ratifying an agreement whereby terri tory of immense value will be added to the United States. It seems, from latest ad vices, that II. R. II. the King of the Fejee3 has expressed his willingness to cede three small islands to the United States, one of which, we are told, Is capable of being transformed into a naval Station. We do not doubt for a moment that Ills magnanimous offer will be acoepted with great joy, and the three small islands, with the inhabitants, beco ue part of the domain of the United States. In order that one of these valuable gifts may be used as a station, it is probable that several millions will be expended In preparing it; but when it is done we will be able to congratulate our citizens that the ever Inoreasing territory of the United States is gradually approaching the domain of Great Britain in India. Some captious persons may, and doubtless Will ask, Of what value ia such a station at tt one proposed ? Why should we aooept Uu-efl small islands from the King of the Fejeesf u we weM offered the crater of Mount Vesu viu8 would it be sound policy to accept it, on o.niiti011 tliat w would fill it up And build a city vbere ? T carpers we jeply, in the language of tlie g"at Gradgrin, that "we are a practical people," and that on policy is one of "ilUmitablw' progression." We are not all of us born statesmen, and cann ,t flee as far into the future as the Secretary of State. "Soppose" we do not dM Mr. Seward would say "suppose an AuW."cau Vessel, in sailing from Japan, after we get per mission to enter her ports whioh must come In course of time should run out of coal, or get out of repair; how useful H would be to have a naval depot at Fejee, Into which it could go, and have its wanU supplied." True, some might reply that this is not unlike the argument of "Mrs. Toodles" when she bought the door -plate with "Thomp son" marked on It. We freely grant, if such a thing should happen, how Important it would be to have such port, but the chances are against such an event happening. But we do not dare to raise our voice against the doctrine of "national destiny," and have only to advise Mr. Seward to aoquire Honolulu or Borneo, or Robinson Crusoe's Island, or any other he can get hold of. They may be needed in the event of a war with the King of the Fejees, or with Chili, or some other great power in the Facific. As it is, we anticipate, as soon as General McCook arrives at Wash ington, to have to call the toiletless natives of Honolulu, as well as the greasy residents of Alaska, "fellow-citizens of the United States." We only hope, however, that Mr. Stanbery will not say it is unconstitutional for Congress to insist on sumptuary laws, and demand that the delegate from Fejee shall assume a full dreSB more elaborate than that of thei r native court, which, we are told, consists of an Ame rican collar and a pair of spurs. Another Rebellion in the Celestial llealm. Thb foreign agentsof the Associated I'ressmust have a high appreciation of the general in formation of the reading public of the United States. They seem to take it for granted that we know all the details of any movement up to the present moment, and take up the thread of the narrative as though we had just left off discussing the previous portion. Thus, to day we have the intelligence that "theCninese rebels are meeting with success, and seem ingly threaten Tekin." Now, this is the first information we have had of the existence of a rebellion in the Celestial Umpire, unless, indeed, the present effort is the old one, which we had thought subdued over a year ago. We rather think, however, that this i3 something new, as rebellions in the realm of the "Child of the Sun" are oontinually budding forth. We suppose that this attempt has been occa sioned by as grave a cause as the great revolt last year. At that time the Emperor, with a heedlessness which argued ill for his intelli gence, positively conferred the right to wear a peacock feather with two eyes on hi3 Chief Home Secretary, and gave his Secretary of War, of unpronounceable name, the right to wear only two feathers, each with one eye. The consequences of so dire an insult were at once apparent. The excitement when Queen Elizabeth struck Essex, or when Richard of Gloster turned his back on Bucking ham, can but feebly compare with this por tentous insult. The slighted officer at once challenged the whole Cabinet to the cheerful amusement of hari-kari, and as an accumula tion of horrors, included the great uucle of the "Child of the Sun" in the challenge. Of oovtrso, llLa ooulOl uul lo bvrut) y the 14u&- peror, and the result was civil war. After a contest of nearly eighteen months, in which at least forty thousand lives were lost, the statesman who had two feathers each with one eye, restored peace to the realm by imi tating Iscariot or Brutus, and shulfling off thij mortal coil. Such was the history of the causes of the last rebellion, and now we fear that a yet more dire insult has been perpe trated by his Highness. Can it be that in his rashness he has given to some favorite a feather with three eyes ? If so, we tremble for the consequences. Pekin may have fallen, and the insult be avenged in the destruction of the capital. We think it due to humanity that Mr. Seward should interfere, and suggest that he communicate with the Chinese Secre tary a proposition for permanent peace, em bracing as a new feature the plucking out of the tail ot every peacocK every leather with more than one eye. Thus only can peace be maintained. Bishop Whipple. We invite attention to the fact that the Right Rev. Bishop Whipple, of Minnesota, will preach to-morrow at St. Luke's Church, Germantown. His eloquence as an orator will ensure a large attendance. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. jggj- SOUVENIR MEETING OF THB YOUNG MEN'S CHRISTIAN ASSOCIATION, IN HOItTICULTUItAL II ALL, TO-MORROW (Sabbath) EVENING, Oct. 13, 187, AT HALF-PAST SEVEN O'CLOCK. GKOHOE COOKMAN, Esq., deceased. Second President of the Association. Brier Addresses will be delivered by REV. K. B. BEADLE. D. D. 11EV.T. M.GKIFFITH. ME93B8. PETElt B. SIMONS. GEOUOK W. 1IKAUS, JAMES WHITE, CiEOKGE II, STUART, and JOHN B.OOLGH. ALL ABE INVITED. "VOUNG MEN ESPECIALLY For whom seats will be reserved la the body of the Hall. Members of Ibe Assocluiloo will occupy seati provided on tlie platform, entrance last door, south Bide of the Hall. It srto. I'ENTUAL 1'HE.IIiy TKIIIAX CHUiCH, corner of EIUHTU arid U1IK11UY (Streets. Tlie Habbutu Hcbools of tliU church will bold a tperial meeting To-monow (Sabbath) afternoon, at. a o'clock, iu the church, at whlcli time the children will bring 'heir oiferliiga to the Jlnnrd of Foreign Hint-Inns. The Pastor. Kev. Dr. KKKU, and others, will address the meeting. Pieuoiilug at lu,'i A. M. and 7'j P. M. by the raster. ERA NKEOll Ik. It E V. W.W. ATTER- HUllY.ol New York, will preuch iu the new l'rosbvterlun Church, corner of MAIN and HARKI BON Htrie . Frankiurd, To-morrow (tsabuath), at !(! A. M and 7'i P. M, At 2 P. M. be will address the fabbttu Buboni, gU in a an account of tils late VHlt to the Holy Laud. Bh1'v!!.,h "K CN MAW AIISI LO Ji lr MA lff ir Berni0" on tul stibjeot. by Kev. men Vibw'ujft All seals tree". Young uiitlly liivii,i y' autl I'ubilo generally, are oo Pr Kev Preaching T0.i'0Ul Htreet auove Plinth'. ev. GKmtua h. qha1w Ml u1 7y v- M- j' - 1 II It II k 1IIIRU tenth kmh r,T'f:?.KMri ( llmior. J ItCJltfwuii., rasior. brvlee tA"..T ' J' w- i . , - ji i-. ,t . , . - , o uiH. uiouiu sun o olocl4 ev,niug. RELIGIOUS NOTICES. wv-r. RrR riirBni,TWKirrH Ainn IV& CHKKKY btret. Divine nervine In tbls church To-morrow Evening, at quarter before o'clock, T t lll'IKII or TIIK WEW TIWT. Ta) MKNT. KLKVKNTH nd W(K)D Htrwets. Bev. H.L HOWAIUMrom Miichnst.w,wlil preaih To-morrow RtS'i P. M. Union HpeakinK and Prayer MeetlnK. 3uesdy Evening. 7Li o'clock. Eurnett efforts for increased success. Christian helpers urgently Invliert. scr THE WET SPRITE NT RE BT M3 Cflimoll, corner of 8RVKNTEENTH and HPItlTCKHtreets, will bold Its tunal Monthly Kvnii Inct Kerviceon To-morrow (aahhath) Evening, tht 1 ith Ins',, at bnlf past 7 o'circk. Sub)pct of discussion "Church Union." By Rev. W. P. ItltKKD, D. D. 5o oilmen or the ixterceor. bPHINU UAHDKN Strfot, below On Holiday evening the Hector, Kev. J. W. BON HAM, will preach a sermon, which will be Interpreted bv the B'Kn-lanKiiftKe for do if mutes by Rnv. T. F. CLARE. P.P. Hervlce at 7 ifi. Htrsntrers welcome. nm. JFICri ANTOWN MECOKD I'RF.S- RYTKKIAN OUT RCH.TUI.PKIloriK EN and O R KEN fcitreets. Prcachlnif To-morrow at 104 A. M. and P. M., by the Rev, Mr. I JAM. Pastor elect, W'Tcr. NORTH IlltO til .STREET IMtl'.S fiy-V BYTKR1AN CHURCH, corner or BROAD and GRKKN Street. Pieiichlng To-morrow at I0 A M. and 7 P. M., by Rtv. E, N, WHITE, of New York. I' ffrxa. IMIIOH WHIPPLE Wll,t 111)1,11 a Missionary Mealing In HAINT 1,1) UK'S I'll UBCH, Germantown, on fetunday Evening, October 1, at o'clock. u REV. . A. PE1YTZ WILL PREACH 'o-morrow Mornlmt and Evening nt the TARERNACLK BAPTIST CHUROII, CUKSNUT btreet. west ot Eighteenth. Services at lo'j A. M, and 7X P. M. MEMORIAL RAP IVT 'IIF IU II.- Ai5.' Hie services lor tlie present will lie held at a'IHLVTIC HALL, THIRTEENTH (Street, ahove Jelicrson. Preaching To-morrow bv tlie Pastor, Rev, P. S. HFKPOS, D P.. it in1; A M. wnd l'j P. M. fXTxa. OLl PIKESTREETriliriK'II.rOR- A-W? nerel FOURTH and PINK Htrenti. I'reidi Inir In the Lec!ure-r om b7 tlie Pastor, Rev. It. II. AT1.EN, To-morrow at 0!i A. M. Y'oting Men's Prayer Met tlnir at 7'j P. M. -v 'AI.VARV I R K X II V T K II I A SI rni:P.CH. LOCl'ST Street, above Fifteen'.!). Rev. OEOKtiK HTUART CHAMBKBS wit prPHOli To-lnorro (babtalh), a' W, A. M. and P. M. nil', j. v. lri'i.Ki.MKn wit.T. iu T1UMTY M K. CHURCH, To rn i-rrow tit 10i A. M. and l)i P. M. SPECIAL NOTICES. " ti V K EN" FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY, LIVERPOOL AND LONDON, CAPITAL, 2,000.000 STERLING, Insures Dwellings, Merchandise, and Manufactories, on most iioerul terms and at current rates. bAlilNE & ALLEN, Aeenls, No. !! WALNUT HtreeU 10 10 12t NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. JOY COE 6 CO., Aticuts for the "TuiKa&Lvu" and Newspaper Press ol tne whole country, have RE MOVED from FIFTH and ttUESNUT Street to No, 144 S. SIXTH Btreet, second door above WALNUT. OrriCK:-No. 144 8. SBXTH Btreet, Philadelphia TRIBUNE BUILPINOW. New York. 704p IKW" T1IK "EVliNIXO TiSLRORAPtI" MAY always be found at the Ciguraud Puriodicul Store No. 241 K. FIFTEENTH Btreet. lust below Locust. 9 28 ISt P K M N S Y L V A M A RAILROA COM PANY. THHARtrnrcn's Dkpabtw ent, PfllLAMKt.PiiiA, Septemlier 16. 18u7. J NOTICE TO BONDHOLDER. At a meeting of the Board of Directors, held on 4lh ln.stant, tlie following preamble aud resolution were adopted; Whereas, Nnniprons applications huve been made to this Company from the holders of tne First and Second Mortgage Coupon Bonds to convert the nam.) Into the Reiiisti red Geuerul Morigage Bonds, dated Jnly 1. 18G7, therefore be it Reso'ved. Thnt ths Treasurer be aDd lie Ih hereny Instructed to cause public notice to b& given that t:ils Company Is now prepnred to exclianne I s IU'i;;8iur"d Bonus, secured by a Ktiieral mortgitge upon the Iln from Philadelphia to Pittsburg, ot (lie estate, re -.l anfl personal, and eerporate IranehlsKs therein mentinnwl, dated July 1 13'i7. Ur the First r.nd eoonil Mortu-iije rniiiiiin HmuU tl'bulil Cumiukn , on tfc, Umwm-i. llarrlstiurK and PlttKlmr. An further Inl'oriuaMan can be obtained on appli Cit'oe at this otllce. 9 1l!Ot THOM VR T. FIRTH, Trea Hirer trji" C It I T T 15 N I) KN'S COM M BRCI k U COLLEGE. No. Ii:)7 UHKBNUT dtreel, corner ofKevcnth. Itiibll8hed 1814. Incorporated ITi'i TIIK I.O.Nai'WT KHTA BMSKKI) AND BUST OltMANlZH'C COMMERCIAL COlLKOU IN TIIK CI 1 Y. PRACTICAL BOOK-KEEPING. In ail Its branches. bs piactlsed by the beat accountants aud business PENM ANBH IP. COM M Ell' TAL CALOTTL ATI ,N1, COMMEl!tTAL LAW, KUSIN KSS (OHMS. El'U. OPEN DaY AND EVENINU. Students reoelvi d at any thiia, and Instructed at such hours as may best Milt thlr co.iveuience. CUa lori'es lurnlHhed gratis on application. Tim CRITTENDEN COMMKKCIAL ARITHME TIC AND BUSINESS MANUEL lor sale at the College. Price, fl'M. 10 2wsmlm fcW THK WOMEN'S FREEDMEVS KB-V3-? LIE" ASSOCIATION will hold their Annual Meeting at their Rooms, No. 7ll 8ANHOM Slreet.on MONDAY, the Hth inst.,At ll o'cloolt A.M. All who are Inleiested In the work of education at tlie bouth, or who may desire to become members of the Association, are cordially invited to be present. 10 ll 2l MRS. K. P. WHITE, Secretary. UMVERITT OP PENNSYLVANIA. aitDIOAL DEPARTMENT. 1 he General Introductory to ibe One Hundred and Second Coune of Lectures will be delivered by Pro lefBor JOSEPH LFIDY, M. D on MONDAY, the 14tb lust., at 12 o'clock, M. ,m 10 H n B. E. ROOER8.M D.,Dean.rj rST JEFFERSON MEDICAL COLLEGE. "- FORTY-THIRD BKbSlON OF LEOTURES. r.! leHue,B' Introductory will be delivered on MONDAY EVEN INU next, October 14. at7P. M., by ProlessorGROHS. '1 be regular lectutea wul begin the day alter, at in A. M. in 9 6t tpZF' THE THIRTY-SIXTH ANNUAL n meeting of the UNION BENEVOLENT ASSOCIATION will be held on the l&th Instant, at 4 0 clock P.M., in the rooms ol the Association, N.W. corner of BEVENTH and BANSUM Hlreeta when an election will be be!d lor OHIcors and! gers ot the Association for the ensuing vear. ,.,. JJ11N H. AT w-O'Jl), 10 V1 8t4P Becretay. OFFICE OF THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY The Btockholdors of Xnl 1 l 'Viee as soon 1,8 W'. aud obtain a n J .Hfi f cUcur "itnnlng 10 them me privilege of ? Tlm"S' npoJ' urlu 'rr"s, to the new loan about obeissutil a.d also containing Important g "ral Information. bOLuMON SIIEPHKRD. 1U ' tl Treasurer. WIEGANU'S PATENT STEAM GENE RA TOR Is cheap, compact, economical In use, and ABSOLUTELY SAFE FROM ANY POSSI BILITY OF EXPLOSION Apply at the OlBce of SA-MUEL Wt KK N. E. cor ner of THIRD and DOCK S reets. ' j 13 4p THE mUN80NS HAVK NOT &OI-D atfairrrle'1' ALITIES OF COAL Superior LFI1IQH and genuine RAOLK VKIN always 011 hand. y i8 2uJlo rZSr' THE IiOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THS Columbia mi, company liuve this day declared a Dividend. No. 28, of TIIRrfK (3) per cent, on tho capital slock, pavablo 011 de ijand. ,.,., W ESI El; VELT.Secret rry. Pittsburg, Oct. 8, 1M7. 10,1101 FST BEAUTIFUL UAIR.MA.NY YEARS f In cheinlcal experiments have rosulted In the petft-aiVU f CUKVALIlilt'S LIFhj FOlY TUB mA1R'. f" "n'lvttB haf. (Wito tinuafiliKl He and Increased nutriment to the liulr preventing baldiii ss and airesllng Its progress when coiunoenoto: egulallng and sustaining the principle utmn which the Color ol hair iIi.iii,1j ihu.,.i,., ..'..,.'., rtr- ng grey ha r to Its original color andyouthiul heauiy. and stopping lis falling out at ouoo. Hold by a'l diiglsts, . f6 10 w-'intiiu nOLLOWAY'9 OINTMENT AND PI I.l.H. (Jiilnuv nr ln.m,..nn,i nf the throat, Is very prevalent during the Spring and Fall of the year. Thousands of peisons have I111 mediate re course i! these medicines 011 the ilrst ayutptoius 01 attack, an,! thus not only save tiuiebu' even dispense w ith the ad .vice or attendance of a physlolau. Ool'l produced by Jihe rapid and lrtiieni oiiangts of the atuiiphere dnr.'ng this seaxon, ara nie1lly mired tty the pills. These remedies forliiy the body ag'nil the Inclemencies ra' Hie winter. , . BoW by all DriMfuWUt. 10 1 tUthsS. SPECIAL NOTICES. ftJ" DR8. EVANS AND RUTTLEY. TURSE t emarkabl physicians and benefactor ol the afflicted are meeting with astonishing suocess. Their parlors, as well as their public ball, are dally thronged with patients, and we have yet to hear of a single oase In which tbelr treatment baa not proved highly bene ficial, and In most cases a care Is elTecUed by a s'ngls treatment of but a few minutes. Their treatment la peculiar to themselves, altboigh there have been men In all age who have had the same magnetlo power over diseases of the body and mind (some call It the "Oift ol Healing"). 7et few have possessed It to auch an extent over nearly all diseases and persons. It Is a Hie and vitality passed from a strong, healthy body to a eak one, that resto es the lost or unequal circulation of tbe vital or nervous fluid, Ho powerful IS this influence that persons who have for many years suffered from diseases which have been prono inced incurable, aud to whom medicine has been adminis tered with no good effect, have been restored to health In an Incredibly short space of time. Below we give -a few of their wonderful cures: - lilt I1KAV AND DUM1) MADK 10 HKAB AND STEAK. This is to certify that my little daughter, twelve years of age, had been deaf and dumb slooe she was eighteen months old; could neither hear nor speak since Unit time until she was treated by Drs. Ruttley and Evans about two weeks ago, who, by two treat ments of but a few minutes each, have perfectly re stored her hearing and her speech, so that she oan repeat any word orsentence In an Intelligible manner. (Signed) ANN DIVINE, Residence, No. 109. Affirmed and subscribed bofore me this seventh day of October, 1807. H. TUNISON, Alderman. HH- P1HKAHK CUKKD, This is to certify thut my Utile daughter, six and one-hall years of age, bad been suffering Irom Hip Disease for the past eighteen month; could not walk without assistance, had been In the City Hospital for four weeks without receiving any bunetlt, was cured by Dis. Ruttley und Evans by the treatments of but a few minutes each, aud it now perfectly free from lur Oiseate. (Signed) SUSANNA SWIW3NY, Jlcsldence, No. 16 Lecd's avenue, Philadelphia. Sworn n tid subscribed before me this the seventh day ol October. Mr. John 8. Smith, residence corner of Thirty, seventh aud Poplar streets, West Philadelphia, says be bad suffered from Cbronlo Rheumatism for the past four years, and that tor the past two years could not walk without canes, nor put on his coat or fasten bis shoes without assistance, was cured by two treat ments, and now, for the first time in the past four years, feels tbav. lie Is a well man. May be referred to- Mrs. Llzale Waer. No. 1154 S. Eighth street, says she bad been suffering from Epileptic Spasms and Partial Paralysis for the past lour months, averaging one or more spasms almost every day; was cured by two treatments by Drs. Ruttley and Evans. Mis. Martha Chapman. No. 41 Uuity street, Frank ford, Partial Blinduess; could uot thread a needle nor read ordinary print; sight pericctly restored by oue treatment. Mrs. Ailace Taylor, residence No. 4501 Fraukford street, Loss of Voice; had uot spoken a word above a low whisper for six months; voice perleclly restored by oue treatment at Public Hall. Muy be re lor reel to by calling at her residence. Mr. William Giles, entirely Deaf In one Eur, anl hearing but Indifferently in the other for fourteen years, also nearly blind: hearing perfectly rostorcd by one treatment, apd his sight much improved. Re ference is made to Mr. Parker, City Officer, corner of Tenth and Chesnut streets. Mr. Hinkle, Alto street, or Stall In Ulrard Market, Shaking Paralysis; cured by oi e treatment at Public Hall. May be referred to. Mr. L. II, Johnson, residence No. 1545 Franklin Btreet. hud been suffering from Disease of the Spine for the past three years, which totally incapacitated hlin for business; could not walk up a fllt;b'. or stairs; alter two treatments went to work aa of old. M.vy be seen by calling at his residence as above. For further reference call at their Parlors, No. 911 C'hpsnnt Btrx.r. iwp I'EOl I,K DlbFExf ON MANY POINTS hut am. aori:k that thk "LONDON HAIR COLOR RESTORER AND DRESSING" "London" . -'Hair Color Restorer" 'j.ouilou' Is the most "Hair Colr Rest ror" "London" "Hair Color Re-ttorer" "London" Reliable Hair "Hair Color Restorer" "London" 'Hulr Color Restorer" "London" Restorative "Hulr Color Restorer" "London" Hatr Color Restorer" ' Lot. don-' Ever Introduced "Hair Color Restorer" "lAiudon" "Hair Color Restorer" "LondHii" to the "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "HatrCjlur Restorer" "Loudon1 American "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" People "Hair Color Restorer" "Londou" "UairCo'or Restorer" "London" For Restoring "Hair Color Restorer" ' London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Gray Hair and "Hair Color Restorer" "londou" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Preventing "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Baldness. "Hair Color Restorer" PRESERVES THK ORIGINAL COLOR TO OLD AGE "Londou" "Hair Color Restorer" "Londo&V Life Prevents "Hair Color Restorer" "London" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" Growth, the Hair "Hair Color Restorer" "Londou" "Hair Color Restorer" "London" aud from "Hair Color Restorer" "London" 'Hair Color Restorer" "London" Beauty. Falling. "Hair Color Restorer" No washing or preparation before or after Its use; applied by the baud or soft brush. Only 75 ce.nts a bottle; 8 per dozen. Bold at Dr. SWA YNE'B.f No. 330 N. SIXTH Street, above Vine, Philadelphia, and at the leading Druggists and Dealers In Toilet Articles. 8 2 stntulp fffffi UNIVERSAL EXPOSITION PA. HIS, 1807. Steinway & Sons Triumphant, HAVING BEEN AWARDED THK ftlRMT GBAND UOI.D MEDAL, FOB AMERICAN PIANOS, In all three stylts exhibited, this MEDAL being dis tinctly classified first In order of merit by the unani mous verdict of International Jury. FOR SALE ONLY BY BLASIUS BROS., 8 20 tutbstt HO. 1006 tlUFSSfUT HT. f HE WEBER PIANO Is pronounced by the Flrtit Musicians In the country THE BEST PIANO MANUFACTURED, For Immense Power, Sweetnest, Brilliancy, and Equality of Tone, Elasticity of Touch, and Durability. Shoulngar Co, Nw Pataot Expression Tremolo ORGANS AND MELODEONS, A UI1CAT INVENTION. J. A. CETZE, 8lmr.p NO, 110 CMESNVT 9TBET, J. E. GOULD HAS ItBMOVKD HIS STOCK OF StCcli & Co.'s, slid HaliiPs Uros Pianos, AND Mason & Hamlin's Cabiuot Organs, TO HIS HEW AND BI.KUANT KTOttt, No. 923 CHESNUT STREET, 10 2 Pit Koith Side. above Ninth.' 0 CHICKERING PIANOS AT THE PARIS EXPOSITION. Tho First Premlum-Crand Cold Medal-has been awarded to Chlckerlng Sons for the best Pianos: and also The Crand Decoration and Medal of The Legion of Honor has been conferred upon Mr. Chlckering by the hands of the Emperor of France for entire superiority In Piano Fortes over all others exhibited at the Exposition. W. H. DUTTON, 8 3s- No. 014 CHE8NUT St. THE LATEST EUROPEAN NOVELTIES IN I1VZ4NTINE, (OfJAL, ENAMEL, CIENCVt, VENETIAN. ROMAN, FABISTAX JEWELRY, NOW OPENING BY BAILEY & CO.. No. 819 CHESNUT STREET, 10 2 wsm PHILADELPHIA. LIViE O I A CRAPES, Very Choice, in Large Clusters. THE FINEST OPKNEIk IN PJI II.A lEb I'llI V THUS SEASON. - fclMUN C0LT0N & CLIKKfc. H. W. COB. BBOAD AND WALNUT NTS., t 14 tHtbMpJ PHILADELPHIA. QRIPPEN & MADDOCK, tsu cessors to W. L. Uaddock & Co.,) No. 115 South THIRD Stre3t, Have jtiRt received tbelr Fall Supply ot Imported and Amcrlcau Cheese. HOVO.UEFORT CHEESE, MTlLTON CHEESE, HtllKIIATEL CHEESE, HOLLAND CHEESE, CHEDDAR CHEESE. VOl Jifl AMERICA CHEESE, NAbO CHEESE, PINEAPPLE CHEESE NEW YORK CUE All CHEiSE, And oihfrs, from the Finest New York Dairies ALSO. S00 KITS OF THE FINEST NEW WHITE HESS MACKEREL. 1012sw2m PATAPSCO FAMILY FLOUR always on hand. JAMES R. WEBB, TEA DEALER AND UBOCEB, H. E. COB. EIGHTH AND WALSH ST., Extra Fine Souchong or ENgllsh lireakfuat Teas. Superior (Jlrnlan Teas, very cheap. Oolong Teas, ofeveiy grade YouiigHyion Tt as, of 11 nest qualities. All Iresh importations. g l IJ rjMIE MECHANICAL L A V N D R Y COMPANY, PHILADELPHIA, lMtORPOBATEO 1807. CAPITAL $100,000. SUBSCRIPTION PUK'K OK Mil IO. The MKlianlcal Laundry Company whose esla Ullsliuiei.1, located at Mo. 1K0 B. NJNfU Btreet. Is the largest of Its kind Iu the co.nlry. are now pre pun d ioi tiiihlnefs. OnlerH muy lie left at the Lutiudry: MuK-n laleiiil Fancy DyelnK KiiwHwliment, No47 S. HOHT11 Kiron: (liant's ticioln' FuriilMhliiB Htore, No. Kti h OIKHNI'T Htreel: Boon's (Inula" Kiuiiisliliiir 'tore ISo "Hi f Tt-NTli Htrwa: Atkiuaou's Dry Goods htorc". Ko. "liv-jmDOK Avenue. WshIjIiik tioiio at K0 cfiiis per uoec'II. All articles rullrd for arl delivered freu ol charge, aud all ololu li r lost will Hi1 paid for. 5.'o ciii'uiict.iB utcil. All work performed In the best ponsltilo uai nt-r, under tlie siiperiiitundtHioe of expe uenct d bmI c km-IiiI leinule operatives. The public are Invited to li.f-pi'i.t the Lnundiy. HolderH oi iimr fbai es of stock will hnve the lr bills rw dcird mom lily, with a discount ol -JO per cent. Mink uey i': i uiiKcnOed for at the oilier ot HKNRY C. POLLOOK, Treasurer, Ko. lW) 8. blXTH HI reel, 10 ISsmSmrp Philadelphia. ETURNITURE. JOHN A. BAUEIt & SON Have now on band a large assortment ot F.LE&ANT AND WELL MADE FURNITTJIXE, Whlck they will sell at greatly reduced price. NO. a MOUTH JM-COND STREET, 9 Ut Abovs Spruoa. ROCKHILL & WILSON, j CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos.603and 605 CHESNUT St. FALL AND WINTER CLOTHING. Wo offer to the public tho largest and best selected Stock of Ready-made Cloth ing in tho City, for Men's and Boys' Wear. Also, an elegant assortment ot 1'iece uooas, which we will make to order for Men and uoys, at reasonable prices, and in the most annrovAd styles. Alwavs on hand a full ment of Fall and WinterOvAr. coats and Business Coats, Coachmen's Coats, Hunting Coats, flew Style Walking -ui, ranis ana vests, of all descriptions. Boys Ready-mado Clothing in great variety. ROCKHILL & WILSON, NOS. 60S AKH 005 CHE.tNCT SI BEET 805m PHILADELPHIA. Q P E N I N C FINE FANCY GOODS FOR WlUDDirSC; PRESENTS, BY BAILEY & CO., No. 819 CHESNUT Street, 10 2 wsm PHILADELPHIA. ACENCY OF THE Union Pacific Railroad Company. OFFICE OF DE EAVEN & BROTHER, NO. 40 SOUTH THIRD MTREET, Philadelphia, October t, 187, We desire to ca lattentlon to the difference In relative price of the First Mortgage Bonds of Union Pacific .Railroad, aud the price of Qoverumenta. We would to-day give these bonds and pay a dlf forence of !187 f2 taking in exchange TJ. S. 8s of 1881. 202-H2 do. do. S-2(is oi 1862. Xifi'S 2' 8-20SOfl864. 5' 20, 8-20sotl86. tJZ 5' i0' B-asot ' Jnljr 1W17 do. do. 6-20s of '67. S 20, 20, 7 Mo Cy. June tesne. 1157-87 do. do. 7 MO Cy. July issue. (For every thousand dollars.) We offer these Bonds to tbe public, with every con fldeuce la their security. 1011m DE HAVEN & BRO. RHEUMATISM. Positively a Certain Cure. NO QUACK MEDICINE. NO IODIDE, POT ANSA, COLCHICUH, OB MERCURY. DR. J. P. FITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC REMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, NEUBALIOIA. UNED INWARDLY. USED INWARDLY. A legal guarantee given, stating ect quantity warranted to cure, or money refunded. The only permanent Bheumatio Cure prepared by regular physician In America. It la warranted not Injurious. Best Philadelphia physicians prescribe it, and cured -by It. Among them Dr. Walton, No. 164 North Seventh, street. Best lawyers and Judges enred by It. Among them Hon. Judge Let. Camden, opposite Philadelphia. An Alderman of the olty cured by It His Honor Alderman Oomly, Twenty-third Ward. And thotuandi of certificates endorse Its curative power, and Its discovery was truly a modern miracle. Prepared by Dr. FITLKR, one of Philadelphia's oldest regular physicians. Principal Olhce No. 29 South FOURTH St., BETWEEN MARKET AND CHESNUT. Advice and consultations free of charsa. daiiv. a n Orders and Inquiries by mall answered. Smws tttp QHAMPION CLOTHES-WRINGERS REDUCED TO $8 50. GRIFFITH & PACE, -ln - 600 ARCH STREET. 3 E D P n q OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT REDUCED I'llICias. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO.VSa B4DUE AVENUE WEAR TINS IT 1 23tutherp J. O, FULLEH. S