TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PIIILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 8, 1867. The Coinage of Japan, On trotters of trndr- and currency, which, on V jo well know, have tbc most direct nnd vitnl bearing upon each other, the people ot Japan have been iuHtructed to ton.c txtent by the Dutch, with whom their trudinir transac lions have hitherto been almost exclusively carried on. The inlorniation thus gained neverlhelcfs was of a limited kind, at.d was probably t-oi pht for tlie purpose ot nieetintr the internal wants of the country, and the con-e-quencc was the otablihhnient of a syMc n of co iinfie by uo means cos l.opolitan In its appli cation, but, on the contrary, most narro w and artificial. The coinace of Japan was. lioa-pvt r, it must be admitted, laieltilly devised, from out point of view, for its especial object, and 1W ai rantreinent, though -ie.cniin f-tiutlint; tinotiin lies to thoc unaccustomed to it, wat not ill adapted to the daily necessities of the native population. Ihetteaty which was completed In 1H58, con jointly between ("rent Dritiiiii, America, and Japan, and which, to a very limited decree, opened up connnerce hetween thu three coun tries, first induced the Japanese to tak- into earnest cofTsiderat 'on the nature and pcctilir ri ties of their ovwi metallic currency, and its adaptability or otherwise to the purposes of lircipn Irade. Tins consideration was a fact forced upon them by pres.-ure of the slronccst influence hieh it is said can operate upo-i tiadirs in pi ncials that of uOt-intctcst. To make this point more clear and intelligible, let us describe the coinacc of Japan as it was ar ranced at the period just cited. The principal coins circulating anterior to lr8 were the. pokl Kobanor. the irold itzebu, nnd the silrer itzebu. The original kobauf of uold was worth ubant 18s. 3jd., or IH. 51. Uritish. The cold itzebu was worth one-thirl of the olJ kobaui, and the silver itzebu equalled in value Is. .Id. English money. At the time of the partial openinc; up of foreipn tradiupr transactions, the kotianir circu lated in Japan at lour itzebus, aUhou-.-tj its European value was actui.lly uoirly loiuloen itzebus ! The immediate consequence, of this latter circumstance on the sharp traders of America and Kncrlaud was to induce them to buy up all the kobanps that came In their way at the Japanese valuation. I3v this procccdliic, which no doubt cnlichtened'the poor ua Jves. nnd revealed to them the truly commercial character of their new customers, the latter pained larpc sums ot money. The lesson thus practically taught aud forcibly illustrated was speedily learned by the Japanese, who set about purchasing the remaining kobunsis. The result necessarily was a total disappearance of the kobiuig from the channels ot general circu lation. Ttae First Advertisement. The London City J'ress says: "The first known newspaper advertisement is one which refers to the theft of two horses. It is contained in an early number of a paper called the Imperial InteUigencer, published in the cur 1148. It was inserted by a gentleman Of Candish, in Sutlolk. After this these notifi cations were very lew and far between for several years, until we approach the era of the Loudon Gazette. Here, for some lime, they assumed no very detinite form, consisting merely of a short official notice iu italics at the end of each Gazitte, and not headed with the title of 'advertisement.' One ot the first called by this name in ibis paper is contained in the number for May, 1667. It is sufliciently remarkable to deserve resuscitation, and runs as follows: 'An advertisement. We are, by his Majesty's com. maud, to give notice, that by reason of the jrrcat heats which, are growing on, there will be no further touching for the evil till Michaelmas next, and. accordingly, all persons concerned are to forbear their addresses till that time.' In Chambers'1 Journa', in an article on "Kaily Newspaper Advertisements," we read: "Charging lor advertisements commenced at a very early period. A few at first might have been inserted gratuitously, but tho revenue flowing from this source was bo obvious a con sideration that the practice goon began of charging a fixed sura for each." "In the Mrcurius Librarius, a bookseller's paper, it Is staled that, 'To show that the pub lishers design the public advantage of trade, they will expect but sixpence for inserting any book, nor but twdvepence for any advertise ment relating to the trade, unless it be excessive Jon?." The next intimation as to price is in the Jockey's Intelligencer, which charged one shil ling for each, and sixpence for renewing. The Obwrrutor, in 1704, charged one shilling for cipht lines; and the Covniry Gentleman's Vourant, in 17l), intei ted advertisements at twopence per line. The Public Advertiser chatire l for a length of time two shillings (breach insertion." Old Documents In France. The Council-Oeneral of the Department of Seine iuferleure at its last session received a repoit on the contents of the archives. The cataloguo, ordered and to be paid lor by the city ot Rouen, is now complete to the loiter G. The museum of Kouen is making a collection of fac-bimiles of the more valuable teals. Sixteen hundred impressions have already been secured, nearly all of them in plaster. Anions the mosr interesting papers are those dated at the end of the seventeenth centuiy, in which archbishops, bishops, archdeacons, and other clergy express their conviction that the attempts to convert Protestants by repressive measures is a failure. A r erics of court records cive many curious detailaof the prison discipline used in the six teenth century. One of these documents is de scribed by a Paris journal. Under date ot January 21, 15 14, the records contain a copy of e -rttim letters pateuu from Louis XII. dated at Blois, March 12, 150'-. l-'rom thete it appears that there was a prisou in Rouen, known as the ' Stone House," the Jailor of which availed himself of a privilege granted te him by the King, to treat his prisoners as he pleased that is, with nu exacting and captious tjraLiij. At lust, he v, cut so far as to claim the custrdy of the prisoners comiug from the f'our des Aides. The King refuses in these letters to crder prisoners from this court to be put in his keeping, saylug that they shall be sent to a respectable prison prison lionnete where they will have equitable treatment. MISCELLANEOUS ITEMS. The amount paid for freighting over thu Bauta Fe route last year was i-2,OtiO,tKKi. John Urougham calls the victims of prettj waiter girls Saloonites. The gentleman who took the chair wasjnot arrested for larceny. Madders colors red. This is tho reason why the madder you gt the redder you grow. The yield of che.snuts, walnut.-, and but ternuts in Vermont this season, will be larger than any previous season for nimy years. Mrs. Ellis, the author of "The Women of England," has in press a new three-volume novel entitled "Northern Hosus.' Jenkins fays that the author of "Heulali" "looks as if she. would Weigh, about 115 pounds." The proprietor of the White Sulphur Springs, in Virginia, is said to have made 4y)(MJ this Beaton. During the past year barges Lave brought more freight to Naw Orleans than tho steam boats. The French soldiers are each to carry a medioiue box on the waist belt. Kill or cure Is their motto. (jiYPa people are to be severely avoided; I'Ut we see no reason why one who is a grocer uiuy not be cultivated in a friendly way. The Theatre Comique, of Chicago, has Veen closed by the authorities. It has become a den of thieves. Mark Twain's first effort as a "writist" an oidiug to the Memphis liulU:tin, was while he was a Mississippi river boatman. u of the earliest and most important Molu iiimedan histories has been translated into l'lciuh by lr. Zotvuberg, an eminent INSURANCE COMPANIES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COM I'AN Y, Incorporated by the Leg la in lure ot 1'eunsylvaula, ls.u. Ollice. 8. E. corner of Til I 111) and WALNUT Streets. ' Philadelphia. MA KINK JNSl'RANf'EH on vesnols. carn, and freight to nil parts of the world, INLAND INSURANCES on oils hv river, canal, lake, and laud carriage, to nil parts oi tlie Union. ,.-, , ....... 1'IHK INSURANCES on merchandise Kenetally. Oil Stores, Dweiling-HoUHCS, etc. ASSETS OK THE COMPANY November 1, lS'.K. IIOPJ-OO Untied (Slates 6 Pel Cent. Loan, 1S71 I1U.OOO-00 1'AUKiO Lulled (Stales Per Cent. Loan, IKKi l.TC.MO-On 2i 'p WO Lull ill Slates 7 Hl'i l'er Cent. Loan, Treasury Notes 211,500-00 120,001) Cliy of Millaoeliihltt 6 l'er t'enU I.onn.'i (exempt) I20.5'i2"i0 54,000 State of l'ennsylvania u l'ur Cent, Lian 61.70000 G6.0H0 Slate ot 1'Bunsylvanla 5 i'er Cent. 1. 1 an 4l,f:,Ai,09 50,000 Stale ot New Jersey Six l'er Cent. Loan 6H.7W00 20,000 l'ennsylvanlH Railroad, 1st Moit- Kat;e, Si l'er Cent. Konds 2,VJfl'0o 25 Olio l'eiipsyivinila Railroad, fucond Mortgage Six l-er t ent. Jiondn.... 21,2.".il 00 25,000 Western I'entioylvnnlit Railroad Mx Ver Ceul, Hoi.ds (Pennsyl vania Railroad gtiaranlcoH) lO.'jO'OO RO.OOOf'tate ol leiitiesHte live l'er Conk Loan 1S,000 00 7,000 State of Tenneesee six Percent, lionn 4)'00 15,000 foo shares Mock of (ieriiiantown (las t:onipany (principal anil in lereat fjnarantetd by tlie city of 1'hlladelplna) 15,(X000 7,150,143 Shares Stock of 1'eniiHylvaula Railroad Company 8,25823 5.ei0,lO0 Sliares Stock of Norlli I'enusvlva- nta Railroad Company 8,95000 2(1,000 -b0 Sliares Stoek of I'luladelphlft and Southern Aluil fclfcauisliiii Coiu- panys 20,000(i0 196,000 l.otiiis on Jionill and Mortuane, llrst liens ou City l'roperty 105,Doo0fl 1,1145,050 par. Market value.H.070,2r75 , Cost, , (180,5520(1. Real Kstate Rn,000oo Ii:lls rtceivaole lor insurances made 27,U.I7'20 Lulanee due at atjencieo I'reiniums on Ma rlne 1'ollcies, Accrued Interest, and other dehts chip to the Company 38,!)aT0O Scrip and stock of Rimdry liiKiirance and other Conipumles, fSIT'J, Ketliuated value... 2.M0-00 Cash In Rank, iHll.loraj. CabU lu Drawer, fH714 41,51()fO $i,4n7,:t2r5 This bolnjr a new enterprise, the Par la assumed v, uir uinrKVL value. '1 hoiiias C. Hand. Pamnel R. Stokes, Henry (Sloan, William O. Honlton, Kdward DarlliiKtuu, 11. Jones Brooke, Kdward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones, James I). McFarlaud, Josliua P. Kyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, J. li. bemple, Pitlsbitrg, A. IS. Herger, ' I). T. Morgan, " iertrtrtk w llarnnrilnn John C. UhvIm, Kunmnd A. Souder, Theophiliis Paulding, John It. 1'enrone, James Traqlr, Henrv C. I.xielt, Jr., James C. Hand, William U Ludwlg Joseph H. Heal, Ueorge O. Lelper, HukI' CralK, John I). Taylor, jacoo iiienei, THOMAS (5. II AND PrHifii'tit. JOHN C. DA VIS, Vice-President. Henry Lvi.bcbn, Secretary. lsj 1829CIIArvTEIl PERrETUAb luiiiKlin Fire Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA, OFFICE: &5. 435 AM 437 ClIKHM UT SlItEKT. AXS OS JANV1BV 1,1807, 9 ,553,1 10'18. Capital Accrued Surplus. Premiums UtiHTTLED CLAIM'S, t-7,451-18. flOO.OOO'Ou - l,713-8 1 200,43216 LNCOMK FOR 1806, 425,000. I.OSSM PAID fclXCK 1SJU UVEQ 93,500,000. Perpetual aud Temporary Eollclos on Liberal TerniB, DIHKCTOK8. t harlcs N, Bancker, Oeorge Falea, Alfred Filler, Frauds W. Lewis, M, D Peler McCali, Thomas Sparks, looias waguer, 6umuel (irunt, -eorge W. KlchaiCs, Isaac Lea, CHARLKs N. BANCKKR, Prestaeut. OKOROK FALKH, Vlce PiesldeuU J. W. McALLifaTKil. btcretary pro Itiai, altl-S pSURANC COMPANY OF NORTH AMKltfCA. OFFICE, KO, 2.2 WALNUT , PHIL ADJ-LfHIA. INCOKPOItATED 1704. lliARTKK PiUU'ETUAL. CAPITAL, 500,000, ASSK1& JAM'AltV 8,1807 Sl,?63,SiG7'30 IT.f.l liKS MAlilNE, IMAM) TUANXPoii 1A1ION ABtti UttU JULstKM, DI IOR3. ArthurO. CoiUn, Samuel W. Jones joliu A Brown, Churles 'iuylur, Aiiibrobe V hlte, Bichard D. Wood, William Welsh, K A.orria Wain, Ueorse L. Harrison Jfrauula Jt. Cope, Kuward H. Trotter, lidward B. Clarke, William Cummlngs, 1. Chaillou Heury, Allred D. Jeisup, John P. White, John Muuou, Louis C Madeira, ARTHUR G. DUJCHIN. I', .i,i,,r Chaiii.kh Pi.att, Sfcrelary. WILLIAM LLF.HLJ-;R, Harrisburg, Po Central Agent lor the State oi Ptuuhyivauia. j i, UliOllt.' LIFE AND TliUST COjII'AAY JL OF 1H1LADFLPHIA, "m No. Ill bouiu iOUiil'H blreek lCOlti ORATF.D lal MONTH 221. 1S6S. CAPITAL, luo,oeu. PAID IN. iimurauce ou Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or bvh ,0 or hi year Premiums, Nou-Iorieituie, ' Annuiliitb granted uu lavorable terms. Term Policies, ChilUreu's Kudowmeuts, 'lh i Company, while giving the luaured theaecnrilv A a pi ul-up capital, wnl divide the entire pruliia ui lie l.ile buhlneoa auiong lla policy holders. oioi.ejH received at iuU-rest, aud paid ou demand. ulLoilzid by charter to execute Trunin, aud to act s Faih tuor or Aanilnisirator, Assignee oruuardiari tnd in other Iniuciary taiacitie, under appuiuliueul 1 any t ourl ot this Commonwealth, or Buy pexsoil or eruotis, or bodiev politic or corporate, 1-lHJl.CrollH. Ab L'FLK. HHIPX.ifiV, J1J..NIIY HAINE3, iiti li. juuititiei, 'IK Ha Rl) WOOD, i.tailiJJ CADliLRi , . IHA11LFJ3 T. W 1ST AK K HO V"ji , W. C LONos'i jtK'rH WJLLIAM HACK.F.H. F. COFFIN. sAMLKL K. bll 1 1L1l , llOWLAJND PARRY. preMiieut. Actuary, iVM, C. LOJSOS'1 KF1 H, Vice President l HOiUAb WlbTAK, M. D J. 11. TOWN-JKND, 7 27 Aitdical Fxaxuintr, Legal Ad vluer. U'lUli INfcUKAJCE EXCLUE1VELY. THE C v J'PSVLVAWA FIRifi lNaUllANCKCOM t'ATi!'!',V.rI"""ttl,'d If-CI'arter Perpelual-No, Hi W AI.NUi blreel, opposue Indupendeuce bquure This Company, lavorauly anowu lu the comniuully or over tony years, continues to insure against lo.-i ,r damage hy hre ou Public or Private Buildings, .'Uhtr puruiauentiy or foralluiiied time. Also, ou D'uruuure, blocks of Ouodu, aud Merdiaudlae Irene ally, on liberal lenus. " 1 heir Capital, together with a large Surplus Fand. d lnve.,li d in Hi- most caretul manner, whlcli enuul.fl i. J oili r to the lu.iuied au uudoubled secutlty In vne ci.fc ol lobs, WBKCTOBR. Daniel Bmtlh, Jr.. i Joha Deverej, Alexander Benton, Thoiuaa Hmiiu, Isaac Ha.leliursl. I Henry Lewis, TUoiua llobbius. I J. Ollllughaiu Fell, Daniel Haddock, Jr. DANIEL sm 1 f 11, Ja., Presldenk William O. Caovv kix.. becretary. ao fllKENIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF 1 N(oBPOR ATEDi-t-CHARTKR PFRPETUAL. tj.. 'i "4 WALK UT Hireet, opposite the Exchange. rn ad'dtUun 10 MARIN fc and INLAND I&aUB, a vl v i iiia 4omuany Insures lrom losa or damage by tlRF'for llbSJartemis ou buildings merchandise, .uriiuureto. lor limited periods, aud ibriuaueuUjr ? 'T; ti hakCn nCuve'o-i.erat.on for more 'virVEARdurmg whlcit 11 loane. Hav. eJn promptly itnjl paW. John L. Ilode. , l"""1?'"' M. 11. Mahouv. lmviaw" ?. HUT " , John T. Lewis, William b. Orant, Ro'ieri W. Leauitnf, 1). C'ark Wharton, Thomas II. Powen, A. Ik MeHenry, lClinund CaHllllon, 1,0111s c. r f-rris. Ramve Witgoxi bvcfeiwy INSURANCE COMPANIES. BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE OF NEW VOltK, MtTlTAL, POLICIES KON-FOI'.FEITABLE. Thirty days grace given in payment ol Friniluuis. No extra charge for residence; or travel In any portion of the world. Dividends declared annually, aud paid In cash, Dividend in K-07, 40 per cent. E. B. C0LT017, ok:; r ual aoent, Nt T (OKNKB .SIVKSTII AM I1I;h: I T. A cents and Folicllors wanted In all tho c'.ties and towns lu Pennsylvania nnd Pontliern 'ew Jer- ey 2 2jJ Q.IKARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUKANOK COMPANY, (No. 030) N. L'. COR. CI1ESKUT AND BEVENTII ETS. rUII.ADKLI'HIA. firlTAIi AND M IIPUM OTI It 8300,000 IMIOH1K 1WII 1M06, fcloa.t'itl. Lueses Paid aud Accrued In lbb6, 917,000 Of wMch Rtnonnt not t:"00 remain nnpnldat tMs dats JMKi,ooii,om of property has been Successlnlly insured by this Company In thirteen years, aud Eight Hun dred Losses by Fire promptly paid. DIRECTORR ThoniRi C'rpven, bilas YPikM, Jr., Allred b. Olllett, N. b Lawrence, Charles I. Dupont, Henry F. Keuney, Furnian fchcpp-ird Thomas Mm Keliar, John hnpplee, John W. lighorn, Joseph K app, oi. j). THOMAb t HAVEN. President A. S. OILLETT, Vice-President, 2 2ifmwJ JAM EH B. ALVORD, Socretar LUMBER. i QPJ7 SELECT WHITE HXE BOARDS OU I AND PLANK. 4-4. 6-4. 6-4, 2, 24, 8, and 4 Inch CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COMMON, feet lone. 4-4, 5-4, 6-4, 2, 2,1,, 3, and 4 inch WniTE PINE, PANEL PATTERN PLANK. LA HOE AND (SUPERIOR bl'OCK ON HAND, i CiQT UILDIKUI uuiluin t; JLUU I . Bl'ILDINO! LUMBER I LUMBER! LUMBER! 4- 4 WKOlilflA J1AJUK1.MI, 5- 4 CAROLINA FLOORINrt. 4- 4 DELAWARE FLOORINO. 5- 4 DELAWARE FLOOR1NO, WHITE PINE FLOORING. AbH FLOORING. WALNUT FLOORING, bPKUCE FLOORING, B'l'EP BOARDt-), RAIL PLANK. PLASTERING LATH. 1 fV7 -CEDAR lOU I . blllNGLEb. AND CYPRESS 1867, -W ALNUT BOARD. S. , WALNUT TLANK. WALNUT HOARDS. WALNUT PLANK. LARGE STOCK SE AfjONK D. 1867 LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKER'S . LIIMHKK FOR r L.-L i,u, nr.u Lf.lMU, WAl.lX-JT, AND PINE. i ALBANY LUMBER OP ALL KINDS lOU I ALIIAMY I.UAIUKH OK ALL KLNDa HEA6SONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR, CHERRY, AND ASH, OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOD, AND WALNUT VENEERS, i r7 -ClrtAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. XOU I . CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURER!-!. bPANlaU CEDAR BOX BOARDS. 1 A7 SPRUCE JOIST! SPRUCE JOIST JLOU I . SPRUCE JOIf-T ! FROM 14 TO 32 FEET LONG. (SUPERIOR NORWAY SCANTLING. MAULE, BROTHER fe CO., 1 1 rp Ku.iiSiiUtaOUTH (STREET. ya S. BUILDERS" MILL, &. 84, 6, AMI) 28 to. fii-tei:ntii ST.. ESLEIi & EHO., Proprietors. Always on hand, made of tne Best Seasoned Lumber at low prices, WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS, AND NEWELS. Newols, Balusters, Bracket und Wood Uomdlnga. WOOD MOULDINGS. BRACKETS, BALUSTERS AKD NEWELS. Walnut and Ash Hand Railing, 8, V,' and 4 Inches. BUTTERNUT. CIlliSK U T, and WALNUT MOULDIMGSto onier. 6 12 J. C. P E R K I Fl S, ItJIIitlt MK1KIIANT, Successor to R.Clark, Jr., R0. 324 CHRISTIAN (STREET. Constantly on hand a large aud varied asoortrjent f Building Lumber. Oil STOVES, RANGES, ETC. NOTIC K. Til E UNDERSIGNED would cull attention ot the public to his NEW GOLUEiV EAGLE FURNACE. This Is an entirely uew healer. Itlsso'oon. siructed us lo at once commend Itself to general lavor. being a combination of wrouuht aud cast iron. It is very simple lu its construction, and Is perfectly air UKlil; self-cleaning, having no pipes or drums to he taken out and cleaned. It is ho arranged Willi upright Hues as to produce a larger amount of heat from tne hme weight of coal than any lurnace now lu uue. The hygrometric condition of the air as produced hy my new aiiungement ol evaporation will at once de monstrate that it Is the only Hot Air Furnace that will produce a perfectly healthy atmosphere. Those in want ol a complete Heating Apparatus would do well lo call and examine ibeiioljen Eagle. OHAHLEH WILLIAMS, Hos, 1132 aud 113 4MARK El' Street, . , Philadelphia, A large assortment of Cooking Ranges, Kiro-Board Sloves, Low Down Orates, Veutilators, etc., always on hand. N. li. Jobbing of all kinds promptly done. 6 luj ,x, THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCIIENEBi f--J OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for Families, Ho KJvfl lf'8- ' f uu"c luBiiiuiioiip, lu TWJ? ; i' i' Dip. - FERENT SIZES. Also. P'lll.idi'li.lila Ruin HoUAlr Furnaces, PortuhU 'leaieiu, LowdowuGriitin, t'irehoard SlovtH, Balh Boilers, islevvliola Plau,i Boilers, Cooking StovuD, etc, w holonale and retail, by the manufacturers. SHARPK & THOMSON, 527 stulhom No. 209 N. SECOND Street, FERTILIZERS. M M OUIATED PIIOSPHATF, AM DKSVKPAKNKl) FEIITIUZEB Kor W )ieat, Corn, Oats Potatoes, Grass, tho Vegetabi fiardeu, Fruit Trees, Grape Vlues, EtcEto. This Ferlllirer contains Ground Bone and the ban ycillliKlr.g halts. l-i x e fc.ii per ton of 2HO0 pounds. For sale by tin UP'iiilnclurnrs, WILLI A M ELLIS A CO., CheinUU, I 'SSniwfr No. 724 MARKET 8tret. r-f- T. STEWART BaOWN, frrf'f H. K. furoor of hf-tH--' Jb-OVJITU C CIIVSTXVT ST3 i MANUFACTURER OF IFTJWK8, VAIISES, BAGS, RT.TICTJI.F.S, BHA WJ BTBAP8, HAT CA5ES, POCKET BOOKS, ILA&ti auU Traveling Good generally. c -10TTON AND l'LA"X, bAlL Dl l'K AN1J CAIN VAn Ol all niiinhi is and brands Tent, Awiilcg, Trunk, and Whmui Cover Diel A Imo, Pn,'r M Hiiiuai liii els' Drier Fells, from on", several leel Kle; Panlmg, J.i lniiL'. bull '1 wine, eU), JOHN W, EVER .MAN t CO., 8 (J Ifiy. lW.yJSF:' AllpT RAILROAD LINES. READING KAIL It OA GREAT TRUNK LINE TtROM PHILADELPHIA I O TH E INTERIOR OI PENNSYLVANIA, HIE HCMUVI.K I LL, SUH. UIII li ANNA, CUM Rt- ULANI). AND WYOMING YA!',;1':vi ? kortu, morihweht, ajsd J HE CAN A DAS fall arrangement of paissknger TRAINS, MO.NKA Y.Heptemlier SO, 1HH7, Leaving the ( nmimny's Dei (it, nt THIRTEENTH and t ALLOWHiLL Streets. Philadelphia, at the fol lowing hours: MORNING A(XOMMOI)ATIOV, At 7 SO A.M., for RealinK Bllri inlormediateHlatlons, iwi:!V.h&4:tV"iWl,,ii ,.m.."vu, u. MORNING EXPRESS. At 81 " A. M, for BendlnR, Lebenin, Harriiburj CotUtvlMe, Pinegrove, l amaiiua, Sunbury, Wllllanis port, Elmlru Rochester, Niate-ra Kails, Ruilalo. Allentown, V llkesliarre, PillHlon, York, Carlisle Clianiber.iburg, Hugerstown, elc. etc. Tins tram connwui at REA 1)1 Ml with Fast Tonn sylvanla luillioad trains fur Allentown, etc., and tin I.eb'inon Valley train lor II arrlsburg, etc., at POUT' CLINTON Willi Caiawissa Railroad trains (or Wll IH'ii.sburK. Lock Haven, Elm Ira, etc.; el HARRIS Ll'JvG with Northern Central Cumberland Valley and schuylU ill and (iiis.uehatina trains for Northum berland, Wllliamsport, ork, Chaiuberjburg, Plu grove, etc a FTKRNOON F.XI'PIXh Leaves Phllalelihia at a So p. fi f0r Renrtine I'ciltsvIlK', Hi.rrlsburg,i'to.,connccllni; with lieadnn nud Columbia Railroad trains lor OoliTmblH etc POT'ISTOWN ACCOM I'ODATION Leaves Potiatowu tit 6- A, M., sloiipiug at Intot mediate (StatloiiR; arrives in Philadelphia at I) 15 A. M lietiirning, leaves Philadelphia at O Ci P. M.: ar-iv. In PotUtown at mo P. M. READING ACCOMMODATION Leaves Rending at 7M A.M., siopclng at p.ll wm stations, arriving at Philadelphia at WI5 A. M. Reiiirning, leaves Philadelphia at 6dU P. M.i arrive) D Reading at 7'4r P. M. Train lur Philadelphia leave nprrlslnirg t 8'10 A M ., and I'ottsvllle at s 4r. A. M., arrlvliiT lu Piiiiadel phla at PcO P. M. Afioriioon tral ;s leave Harrlsiuug at 2-10 P. M., PollHVlUe at 2 4o P. M., arriving In Phlla Uelphla at '4B 1'. M. HARRItrbURG ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading at 7lo A. M., and Ilarrlsbnr? ' 4lul'. M. Connecting at Reading with Allernooii Accommodation south at 6'Su P. M., airivinglu Phlla ddphiaut O KI P. M. Market train, with passenger car attached, leaves Philiuielphia at 12'4. noon lor I-ottsville and ail w; stations. Leaves Pol tsvilleat 7 lit) A, hi. for Piilladcl phla and all wtiy Btat ions, All Hie above trains run dally, Sundays excepted, Sunday trains leave FolUivlilo at S:u0 A. M ami Philadelphia at 3'li P. U. Leave Philadelphia fi i Reading at 8u0 A. M., reluming lrom Reading at 4'U P. M. CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers lor Duwnlnglown and mtermodlnf mints take the 7'3i) A. M., and 600 P. M, trains Lou Philadelphia, returning from Downing town at OTU A. M, and Poo P, M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AN1 THE WEST Leaves New York at 9A.M, and 6 and 8 P. M. pa-islng Reading at PfKi A. M and P60 and Hi'ofl p. M, and conneciing at Harrlsburg with Pennsylvania and Northern Control Rallroud express trains for Pitta burg, Chlcauo. WIHiamsport, Elmlra, Baltimore, eto Returning, express train leaves Harrlsburg on ar rival of the Pennsylvania express from Pittsburg, ai Baud 8'4r A. M. and 9 P. M., passing Reading at 4 aud 10-30 A. M., and 4'2ii and 1116 P. M., and arrivlni lu New Y'ork at 10T0A.M., and 4'4u aud 5'2e P. M bleeping',! accompany these trains lliroughbetweei Jersey Cliy aud Pitt-sburg, without ciiange. A mail train lor New Y ork leaves Harrlsburg tt 211 P. M. Mall train for Harrlaburg leaves .New Yorl Mli SCHUYLKILL VALLFY RAILROAD, Trains leave Foltsvllte at 7 andll sn A. M., audT-u P. M reluming lrom Tamaqua at 7'85 A. Msandl'4( aud 4'lft P. M, St HUYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAX Trains leave Auliurn at 7'S0 A. M. lor Pinegcove and Harrlsburg, and 150 P. M. for 1 inegrovuand Iremont returning from Harrlsburg at 820 P. M and fromTre monl at 7 36 A. M. aud s-25 P. M. TICK ETS. Throniib flrst-claes tickets aud emigrant tickets to all the principal points in the North and Went aud Canada. Excursion tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and lntermedlatestallons, good lor cue day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market train, Rendinc and Fotustowu Accommodation trains, at reduced rates. Excursion tickets to Phlltdeiphia, good only for one day, are sold at Rending aud Intermediate stations, by Reading aud Pottslown Accotutnodallnn trains, at reduced rates. The following tickets are obtainable only at th ollice of S. BRADFORD, Treasurer, No. 227 S FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, or of G. A. NiCOLLtj General bui erintendect. Rending: COMMUTATION TICKETS At 25 per cent.discouitt. between auy points desired auji)lea and lirms. ,ot M ILEAOK TICKETS, Good for 2uo6 Zlik 0HWen all points, i2o0 a; for lamllies and lirms. For three, six, nlue, or twelve mouths, for holder) only, to all points, at reduced rales, CLERGYMEN Residing on the line of the road will b fnrnlnhed cards entitling themselves aud wlvea to tickets at hull 'aie" EXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good fo; Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced (are, to be had only at the Ticket Ollice, at THIRTEENTH and CALLOW HILL Streets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to til the above points lrom the Company's Freight Depot, BROAP uud WILLOW Street. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dally ia 630 A. M., 1245 noon aud 6 P. M., tor Reading. Lebanon. Harrlsburg, Potts ville, Port Chuton, aud all pomta for w aid, MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Onire for alt plaeos on the roi:d and Its branches at 6 A. M., and lor th principal slaituun only at 2 15 P. M. 4 hj pKNNbYLVANIA CKMRAL R I LROAD WINTER TIME. TAKING EFFECT OCT. (1, 187. The trains ot the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at TH1RTY-HRST aud MARKET Streets, which Is reached directly by the Market Streetcars, the lust car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market streets Ihlrtv minutes ba fore Its departure, TheCheHiiul a:id Walnut Slieela curs run within out square of the Depot. On Sundays The Market Street cars leave Front and Market Streets thirty-live minutes before the departure of each train. bieetiig Car Tickets cau bo had on application at the Ticket ollice, N. W.cor. Nlulh aud Chesnut street, and at thf Depot, Agents of the Union Transfer Company will call for and deliver baggage at the Depot, Orders left at No, bill Chesnut Blreel, or No. 1 Soutli Eleventh street, will receive attention. 1 xia ixt i3 iciivii xj ui, vxzi.:-" Mall Train - 800 A. M. l ast Line aud Erie Express 12 oo M. Paoll Accommodation, JN ii, 1 Ilarrisburg Accommodation Lancaster Accommodulion , l'arkesburg i rai'i Western Accommodation Train., Erie Mall I iuciuuall Express t'hliadelphia Fxpies Paoll Accommodaliou, No. 2 Accommod Allot) F00 P. M. .. 2 1 P. M. .. 400 I'. M. 6 II ! P. M. .. 6'4j P. M. ... 7 (10 P, M. ... 8 "0 P. M. ..1115 P. M. ... 'J 00 1'. M. o.120v) P. M. Erie Mail lei1 ves uaily, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves daiiy. All other tralua dally, except Sunday, Tlie Western Accommodation Train runs dally, except Suuday. For full particulais as to fare and acconimoilaiions, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Aguut, No. 137 DOCK street. TRAINS ARRIVE AT DEPOT, VIZ.:- Clnclnnali Express l'EOA.M. Philadelphia Express 7'ln A. M. Erie Mali 711) A. M, Puoli Accommodation. No. 1 - 8 20 A, M. Fast Line. U u.iA M. Parkesburg Tram U' l ) A, I(. Lancaster Traiu 110 P. f t. :rie Expres'.. P10 P. M, Day Express (i'2n P. M, l'aoll Aicoiuiiiudutiou, No. 2 7'10 1. M, Uarrishurg Ac, nuiuunlallun S (hj P, Ai, Fur further iniurmatlou apply to JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agent, No. ool ClltNUT Street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, '1 icket Agent at the Depot, The Fenn .ylvanlH, Railroad Company will not as sume any rink lor Burgage, except for Wearing Ap- Brel, aud lloiil their responsibility lo Ono Hundred Dollars In value. All Bagge exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk ot the owner, unless laktsn by spoUul contract. EDWARD n. WILLIAMS, 4 28 General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. pillLADELrillA AND EK1 RAILROAD. BUMMER TIME TABLE. Throngh aud ulrect route between Phlladolphlh, Baltimore, llarrisbiug, Wliliauisport, aud the Gre.l Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELhOANT SLEKPINlt CARS on all Night Trains. Ou and alter MONDAY, April 2, is7, tllB trains on the PhlladulpUIa and Erlu -Mailroa Will run t followB; s Mall Train leaves Phllaiielphia ,a,, p leaves WilllamBport... .. 4-i?Ar arrives at Erle.....";;".; ;g Erie Express leaves Philadelphia .UVA2110 uooii." " " leaves Wll llamaporl s46P m ' " arrives at Erie .10 00 a' m' Elmira Mall leaves PliiUUelphla s-u.1 a! m' " leaves Wlillamsport 645 P m' .. arrives at Ick liaven 810 p tt' M all Tral n leaves Erie in-wi a m leaves Wlillamsport .. .m IuToPM " ' arrives at Phllau'elphla....: Z.Z riui'.M Erie Express leaves Erie. .-J. j-,, F ' leaves Wllllamsporl . 42dA. M " " arrives at Philadelphia l-oi y m" Elmlra Mtl leaves Lock Havvn 7-15 a.' m' " " leaves WIHiamsport ., 8 HA A. M " ' arrives at Philadelphia 6 40 P. m' Mall and Express conned with all trains on Warren' and Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Philadul. phla at woo M, arrive at lrvinolou at tt'io A, M. aud Oil City at D'So A. M. Leaving Philadelphia at 7'Ss P M., arrive at OU City at 4--.0 P. M. ... All trains on Warrun and Franklin Rullv.-sy mslo close coe, !" at till I Ity w.iu lalns fur Frruil.au ai.dp.iiv'.' .) .'ns iHKK1'r1;,i:- .; S'".'1" ALpRI' I) Ik IM.Ki'., ..." OwuhhI suciuiteudoht. RAILROAD LINES. 1 Qf7 -FOR NEW VORK. THE CAMDEN XOU I , and Amboyaud Philndelphln and Trenton Railroad Company's Lints, from Philadelphia to New Y ork and Way l'laccir, lrom WALNUT Street Wharf will leave as lollows. vlr..: jTabu. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom i2ii8 At s A. hi., via Camden and Jersey City, Express Mall.. 800 At 2 P. M., via I nuiden and Amboy, Express 8-00 A t 6 P. M., via Can. den nnd A niboy, Ac- I In t class, 228 commodatlon nnd ! migrant I2d cibhi, 1 so At 8 A, M., 2 and 5 P, M tor Mount Holly, Ewausvllln, l'cmhertnn, Birminvham, aud VlnceutoWD, and 6 P, M . lor Mount Holly onlv. Aid A,M. and 2 P. M, for I ree'iold. Alb, 8 aud 10 A. M., 2 and ;)"') P. M for Trentpn. At n, H and in A. M., I, 2, 8 ;i", 6, fi. and ll'iiu P. M., for 1 ordeniown, Burllngion, Beverly. Bnd Delauco. At and Jo A. M. 1, 2, 3 00, 6, 8, and 11 30 P. M.., for Florence. At s aud in A. M., 1, .I'll), 5. 8, and lltn p. M., for Edge Water, Riverside, Rlvertnu, and Palmyra. A t) and 10 A. M,, 1. ie fu, 6, aud 1P80 P. M., for Fish 1 louse. The J and 1130 P. M. Lines leave from Market ctreel retry, iiprcr side. LINES f (;o,M KENSINGTON DF.POT Will leave as follows: At II A, M.,4 He p, M.. and 12 P. M. (night), via Ken sington and Jersey Cliy, New York Express Llues. 1 are. $.4. At s, liri5and II A. M 230, 3Do, 4-30,8, and 12 P. M for Trenton and Uri-tol. A t 8 and lo ih A. M.. 2 30, 5, and 12 P. for Morris vllle and T11I' vlown. At 8 and lu'l( A. M., 2 30, 430, 5. and 12 P. M., lor Fcbeneks. At lu ll. A. M., 230 and B P. M for FJddlmtnn, At 7;) anil 10 lj A. II., 230, 4, 5, 6, aud 12 1'. M for Cornweil's, Torrendale, HolmeHburg, Taconv, Wissl milling. Brldesburg. 111111 Frankl'ord, and at 8 P. M.. In H niu'eshiii g and intermeillate station:-, BEL VI DERI1. UKI.A WA RE RAILROAD LINES, From Kensington Depot, At 8 A.M. lor Niagara Falls, Rudalo, Dnnklrk, I tniani!i'li;ua, Elmlra, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, i .nghau.toii. Oswego, Syracuse, Great Bend, Moil Irose.w llkesbarre.bcrautou, Stroudsburg, Water Oau. etc. etc. ' At 8 A.M. and S'.io P. sr. for Belvldere, Easton, I aiiibei iville, 1 lenilii:ton, etc '1 lie s:i P.M. Line connects direct with tlie Train l' :ving Eaiiton for Mauch Chuuk, Alleulown, Bethle hem, etc. At 5 P.M. lor Lauibertvlile and Intermediate Sta tions. Lines from West Philadelphia Depot, vl Connect ing Railway, will leave a" billows: At i uo A. M and 130 aud 3'i P.M.Washington and New Y ork Express Lines, via Jersey City, Fare, 1 i 2o. The 6 80 P. M. Liue will run dally. All oluer. Sundays excepted, October 7, istj7. WM. H. GATZMER, Agent PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Commencing MONDAY, September 30,1887, Trains will leave Depot, comer BROAD Street aud WASH INGTON Avenue, as follows: Way Mail Train at 830 A.M. (Sundays excepted, for Baltimore, mopping at all regular stations, Con necting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington for Crlslleld aud Intermediate stations. Express Train at 12 M, (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington. Express 'lraln at 3'cu p. M. (Sundays excepted) fcr Baltimore and Washington, stopping at Chester, Thur low, Linwood, Clayrnont, Wilmington, NewDort, Stan, ton, Newark, Elklon, Northeas' , Charlestown, Perry. ville, Havre-de-Orace, Aberdeen, Ferryman's, Edge wiHid, Maj'uolia, chase's, and Slemmer's Run. Night Express at lluii P.M. (daily) for Baltimore and Washington. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays excepted) with Delaware Railroad Llue, slopping al Newcastle, Midulelown, Clayton, Dover, Harring ton, Sealcrd, Salisbury, Princess Anne, aud connect ing at Crlslleld with Boat lor Fortress Monroe, Nor folk, Portsmouth, and tne South. Pnssenqers for Fortress Monroe and NorfolK via Baltimore will take the 11 M. Train. Via Crls lleld will lake thell OuP. M. Train. WILMINGION TRAINS. Slopping at all stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave Philadelphia at 130, 430, 800, and 11-ttC (dally) P. M. The 430 P. M. Train connects with Delaware Railroad (or Milford and Intermediate sta tions. The tj'OO P. M. Train runs to New Castle. Leave Wilmington al 7 and 8 A. M., 400, and 8'3C (dally) P. M. FROM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore 7 .j A. M., Way Mall, 1) 35 A. M, Express, 215 P. M., Express, 6 35 P, M., Express, 8-65 P. M., Express. SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORR. Leaves Baltimore at 8 08 P. M., stopping at Havre de-Grace, perryvlllo, and Wllmlnglou, Also stops al Northeast, Elktou, aud Newark to take passengeri for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washing ton or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave piwaeflgfert from Washington or Baltimore. Through Tickets to all points West. South, and South-"-' be orocui eu i t the Ticket Oih.ce, No. 8' CHEsNUT Street, nn.!eT Ibe Conii.:!--ftnl Hotei, n hprn ii,,, ut&tv-rooiiis am' hciihs In sleeplngcars can be secured during .he day. Persona 01: rcllHlU lioketa at this ollice can havt their b;tg.:npt-ij.H:k: id. thulr rcHldetice by the Union 1 ransier Compouy. 4 8 H. . KENNEY, Superiutendont, WEST CIIESTKK AND PIIILADELPIIIA RAILROAD, VIA MEDIA. WiK'l ER A RR A Ni iKM ENT. On and ailer MONDAY, Oceber 7, is7. Trains will leave 1 1. pol , TH 1 Rl Y-Fl RsT audCHESN UT Hlreula, West l'hiladelphia, as follows: Leave Philadelphia for West Chester, at7 4;4uM 11 A.M., 230 p. M l'j P. M 450 P. M., 0.5 P. M., and 11 'til) ! Au Leave West Chester Tor Philadelphia, from Depoi on East Market street, at 62d A. M., 745 A. M.. 81(1 and lu)5 A. M., pf P. M 4-6.) aud e55 P. M. Tialus leaving West Chester at s00 A, M and leav ing Philailelnhia at 4 oo P. il will stop at B. U Juuc '.lon and Media only. Passengers to or irom stntlons between West Ches 'er aud B. C. .luncilou going east, will take train !e,ivlr,g West Chester t 74i A. M., and going weal will take train leaving Philadelphia at 450 P. M and tranbier at B. C. J 11 null Mi. The Market Sireet cum will be In waiting, as usual, at Thirty-Urst and Market streets, ou the arrival of each Irani, lo convey passengers Into the city; and for llues leaving the Depot take the cars on Market street, tlie last car connecting with en"i train leaving Front aud Market streets thirty uiAuutea previous to dot arm re. The Chesnut and Walnut Street cars connect with all or the above trains, carry lug passengers down Chohuut street, past tlie principal hoiels and tho Cam den aud Amboy RR. t'llice, at Walnut street wharf, possing out Walnut street to the dtpot, ON SUNDAYS. Lenv" Philadelphia at 830 A. M. and 2 P. M. Leave West Chester at 765 A, M aud 4 P. M. 'Ibe cars t.n Market street will connect with f!l Sunday trains, both ways, as usual, leaving Front uud Market streets thlrty-U ve mluules before ihe train leaves Depot, and will leave Depot ou arrival of each train, to carry passengers luto the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 745 A. M. and 450 P, M., Mid leaving West Chester at 8C0 A.M. and 4tx) P, ui., connect at I. C, Juuctlou with trains on P, and R, C. R. R., tor Oxlord r.nd Intermediate points. Passengers are aliowea to lake wearlug apparel only, as bi gunge, atid tlie Company will not lu auy cu-!') he responsible for an amount exceedlug one hun dred dollars, uuleu a special contract Is made for tbc Wf, HENRY WOOD, 1 )' ; General superlnteuuent. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AN! JSORRlOiOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLK, Oa and after Wednesday, May 1, ia.iT. FOR GERM AN TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 8, 7, 8,8(15, 10,11, 12 A.M. 1,2, , ;'4'. 4,5, b4, bio, 7, 8, t), 10, n, 12 p. m. Ltave Oeiinaulown ti, 7, iy 8, 820, t), 10, 11, 12 A. M 1, 2.3,4,4!t,t,8i, 7,8, 8, 10, 11 P. M. '1 he 820 Down Train and s' and 6Jf Up Tr.tlns will lotstbp on tho Gernmiitowii Brancu, ON SUNDAYS. Lenvo Philadelphia 'i'4 A, M. 2, 7, HiH P. M. Leave Geiiimnlown s-4 A. M. 1, 6, W'i P. AU CHESNUT h ILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia , 8, 10, 12 A.M. 2, 8.V, 6.-, 1. and 11 P. M. Leave Chesnut HIU 710, 8. 910, and 1110 A. M. 1'40 ii'10, 10, 640, b40i nd 1040 P. 1L. ON SUNDAYS. Leave Phlltu'.-lphi'i ')'; A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chtauut Hill 7ih) A. M. 12 ). 6 40. and 'hr CXlNS-HOHOCHEN AND NORR1STOWN. Leave l'hiladelphia 8,7,8, aud H'UfiA.M. is.t, I1. 6.'. sl4, 8'uo, aud li P. M. . ileavo Noi rlstuwu o4o, 7, 7 60, , and U V. 51. I, , i..-w.iir.M.l. nw. Leave Philadelphia A. M 2so n.l 7-1S P. M. I cave Norriulowu 7 A. M.. K Ml " FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Phllndelphla ,!? 8. .and lPUaA.M. l. s jliVv' Munyunk '(". .'. 8 , Ui, nd A. M. 3 J,.S.(fJi,t, M.d ll&nAV Leave Philadelphia 11 A. M, 2;4 Uud V P. Al. I ellvu Ttiai-ay unk 1 A. &L b and li P. M. B. WllfcuN, Oclieral snperlnteiidenl. A Depot. NINTH and GREEN Street. FOR CAVE MAY LY RAILR0AP, I'ROM loot 01 MARKET Street (Upper Ferrf). ! Coiiimencing '1 1; ESDA Y, September ii, 107, 40 P.M. t ape May, I'ussenger. Cll CRN INI, '1RAINS LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. .)( A. M. JNIoililiig Hull. Ihti SUNDAY MAIL and P A8K:tl Kit Tit A IS leaves Plilludelphla nt V oo A. M., reiuruiiig lu:wef CUipe Island at 5 in P. M. Coiiinintaliini ttckeis, eood for (INK, THREE. 01 TWELVE UjoniliH, urn lie procured ai the OUiue o the Company, Oauiden, N. J, Through Ci Ue"i can be i rncine1 rl No. tflA Oliesnui Jtrel (iimler ibe 'mil In. inal lio.tl) lvrn oru .inrclinsliig tickets al ihlu ulli. e cn li.wo tb.iir Imj ;ai,e ehe ked al llieir kmuIoiicd. Vi 1CSH' JKlCStV Ulbt(l).U) LINKS, from (out of M - 1. 1: 1. 1' M 1 ( er 1-ei 1 y), Comuie'icll g TI.Kl-ll-lV, Sepieu, r 17, ),,;;, Vtr i:rnli. 101. i-a'n- Vim lml. M : ! I vl4 1 , r,ul (. 'ern.i iiiai sluiioi t . s'nn A. rl.., laid 3'UO I. M. 1 or V Tlliiy 3 M.. I. M. I or Ww'lliri)' ats-.f! A. "t,, nil 1 T: .1 si.d O-oo M Kr. 'i-hl 1' "-' " ; I . , 1 eo u. (,i0(M1) v. t reubt will h nci lved m Second Covtreo A liur -.low Walnut sire.. . lr, 01 A. .M . unill rlrl )'. M trelKl,i received bijlore linA, M. v. ill go (orward th I. .11,. 1 1I11V. fWWlWiF'- " w I'S LA WA K d A venae. 7 2 tf V 1LL1AM J, t iWKU, St'.pertuKuaeu-, RAILROAD LINES. N ORTH l-ENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. 'J HE MIDDLE ROUTE. Shortest and mt uii'tri rouieio jieinienem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, HukcIU'Ii. While Haven, VV'ilkesbarre, Mahanoy Oily, Mount Carmel, l'lttston, Scisnton. aud all points Ta the I ehlKh, Mbnoy, and Wyoming coal regions. Passenger Depot In Philadelphia, N. W. corner Of BERKS and AM ERICAN street. SUMM ER A RRANOEMF.NT. NINE DAILY TRAINS. On and after WEDNESDAY. May 8, 18fl7, Passengnr trains leave the New Depot, corner Rerks Rnd A marl, can str et, dally (isuudays excepted), as lollo ws: A 1 746 A. M. Morning Kx press for Bethlehem and Principal Stations ou North Pennsylvania Railroad, ronuecllngat Bethlehem witb Leblch Valley Railroad tor Alleulown, C;atasau.ua,Slalltig',ou, Manoh Chunk, WeBtherly, Jeansville, Hazel ton, While Haven, Wllkesbarre, Pulsion, Scranton, and all points la Lehigb and Wyoming valleys; also, In connection with Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad, for Mahanoy City, and with Catawlnsu Itaiiioad, tor Rupert, Dan ville, Milton, and WllllnnisporL Arrive at Mauch Chunk at 12-06 A.M.; at Wdkosbarre at 8 P. M.' at Ma hanny City at 2 P. M ; at Scrsnton Bt 4 05 P. M. Passengers by this train cau lake Hie 1-ehigh Valley train, passing Rethlelieni at u-65 I'. M., for Easton, and point on New Jersey Ceu tral Railroad to Netf York. At8'48A. M. Accommodation for.Doylentown.stop. ping al all intermediate stations. Passengers for V, lllow Grove, Htuboro, and II arts vllle, by thl trein, take the slage at Old York road. At lu-16 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washings ton, slopping at Intermediate siallons. At 1 3d 1'. it. Express for Bethlehem, Allentown Mauch Chunk, While Haveu, WilKenbarre, Mahanoy t Ity , Centralia, Shenandoah, Mount Carmel, Plimton. Scranton, and all points lu the Mahanoy and Wyo ming Coal region, passengers for Greenville talta this train to uuakc rtnwu. At 24ri P. M. Accommodation for Doylmtown,' stopping al all intermediate slatlons. Passengers take mage at Doylestowu for New Hope; al North Wales for Stinineyio-A n. At 4 P. M. Accommodation fo.' Doylostown, s ton pi ng at all Intermediate station). Passengers for Willow Grove, Hathi ro, and Hartsville, take stage BlAblimb n: lor Lumbervllle at Doylestown. At 5 20 P. M. Through accomniodatio,i for Bothle-' heui and all stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, conneciing at Rethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening traiu lor Easlon, Allentown, anil Mauch Chunk, At 62o P. M. Accommodation for Lausdale, atop-j ping al all Intermedlaie stations. At 1130 P. M. Accommodation for FoTt Washv lugton. TRAINS ARRIVE IN PHILA DELPHIA- From Bethlehem, at 815 A. M., 2o& and 840 P. M. 2('5P. M. train makes direct connection with Lehlfrtx Valley trains from Eastvn, Wllkesbarre, Mahanoy Cliy, and Hazlclon. pa:engers leaving Eastoa 4 1120 A. M. arrive In Philadelphia at 2-06 P. M. Passengers leave Wllkesbarre at 1 80 P. M., Conner at Bethlehem at 6T5 P. M., aud arrive tn Philadelphia 4 l 0 P. M. From Doylestown at 8'25 A. M Slo P, M andt 4o P. M. From Lansdale at 780 A. M. From Fort Washington at 1180 A. M. and 8'0B P. ' ON SUNDAYK Philadelphia for Bethlehem at -M A. M. Philadelphia for Doylestowu at 2 45 p. M. Doylestowu to Philadelphia at 7'2i) A. M. Bethlehem to Philadelphia at 430 P. M. Fifth and Sixth Streets Passenger cars convey paa- sengers to aud from the new depot. White cars of Second and Third Streets line an Union tine run within a short distance ol the Depot, Tlck-ets must be procured at the Ticket OUloe la order to ecure the lowest rajes otj Tickets sola Bnd Baggage checked through to prin cipal points at Mtvuu'a North Pennsylvania Baggago Express OUlce, Hi No. 105 8. FIFTH Htreet. PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN TRAL RA I LKOAD.-Su turner ArrangementaJ On and alter SATURDAY, June 1, 1867, Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the West Chester aud Philadelphia Railroad, corner of THIRTY-FIRST and CHESNUT StreeW (West Pnil4V. delphlft).fct7T5 A. II. and 450 P M. Leave Rising Sun at 6 -15 and.Oxford t 0 A. M.,' and leave Oxford at 32,- P. M. M , A Market Train, with Passenfer Oar attached, will run on Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving the Rising Sao at 1116 A. M Oxford at 12-00 M., and Kenuett at 100 P. M connecting at West Chester Junction with ft Tialn for Philadelphia. On Wednesdays and Satur days trains leave Philadelphia at 880 P. 11., run ,Df'herTraVleavlng 'Philadelphia at 7-18 A. M. con- nects at Oxford with a daily liue of Stages for Peaott Bottom, In Lancaster county. Returning, leave Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford with the Alters noon Train lor Philadelphia. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 480 P. M. rung ta Bpaenge'r8Iailowed to take wearing apparel only,' as baggage, and the Company will not In any case Ess rannouslble lor an amount exceeding one hundred, dollars, unless a special contract be made for tbesamet' B 111 HENRY WOOD General Sup't. ENGINES, MACHINERY, ETC. , ENGINE - AND if 1 ac iuit act a 10 1 wi aj 1. 1 - ninu x"jir3. J&tj n J tk SMITHS, and FOUNDERS, having for many year been In successful operation, and uoen excluslvelp engaged In building aud repairing Marine and River Engines, high and low-pressure, Iron Rollers, Wates. Tanks, Propellers, etc. etc. respectfully offer their services to tlie public as being fully prepared to con tract for engines of all sites, Marine, River, and Statiouary; having sets of patterns of different slues, are prepared to execute orders with quick despatch. Every description of pattern-making made at tho shortest notice. High and Low-pressure Fine, Tubular, aud Cylinder Boilers, of the best Pennsyl vania charcoal Iron, Forglngs of all sl7.es and kinds; Iron aud Brass Castings of all descriptions; Roll Turning, Screw Cutting, and all other work oonnecWii with the above business. Drawings and uuecillcatlons for all work dona at the establishment tree Of charge, and work guar anteed. The subscribers have ample wharf-dock room for repairs of boau., where they can lie In perlect safely and are provided with shears, blocks, falls, eto. etc., for raising heavy or light wolghu, JACOB O, NEAFrB. JOHN P. LEVY. 8 1? REACH and PALMER Streets. fid, HUH AN MKUBICK, WILUAM H. MBBXIOK JOHN M. ooric SOimiWARK iOUKDKY, FIFTH AND WASHINGTON Streets, Philadelphia. MERRICK te SONS, ENGINF.ERs AND MACHINISTS, manufacture High and Low Pressure Steam Knglnea lot Laud, River, and Marine Service. Rollers, Gasometers, Tauks, Iron Boats, etA Castings of all kinds, either Iron or brass. Iron Frame Roofs for Gas Works, Workshop!, ana Railroad Stations, eto. Retorts aud Gas Machinery, oT the latest and most Umiroved construction. Every description of Plantation Machinery, and Sugar, Saw, aud Grist Mills, Vacuum Pans, Opeu Steam Trams, Dolecators, Filters, Pumping En gine, etc. bole Agents for N. Billeux's Patent Sngar Boiling Apparatus, Neamyth's Patent Steam Hammer, and Aspinwall & Woolsey'l Patent Centrifugal sugar. Draining Machine. 6oit BIUDESIiUKO MACHINE! WORKS ; OFFICE, NO. 63 N. FRONT STREET, PH1I.AOKLPHIA. We are prepared to 11)1 order to any extent for oar WrU'ri MOVVlt MACHINERY FOR COTTON AND WOOLLKM MILLS, Including all recent ImprovemeuU In -Carding, Spin u'i'B. aiirt WT-vlng. . We luvite the attention oi manufaciurers to oor ex- tehslve wor-a. ALFRED JKNK8 BOSS STFjAM hNUlNE MANUFACTURED BY" "l ORLIts," providence. Size of cylinder, 20 Inch ditmeter hy 48 Inch siroke about one hundred "'L'U 2" I'018" ,,0Wer A"P'y 10 W. B. LE VAN. Cor of WOOD nnd TWENTY-FOUR I'll sts.Phlla HITLER, WEAVER & CO., MANUFACTURERS OJT Man lla nnd Tarred Cordaee, Cords Twines Etc. r?0. 23 North WATER Street, and t o is Norlh DELAWARIC Aveune, PH1LA1(1.1'HIA. rj.wraH vtv9 cicgimiB. ntl CO a N EXO HANOI BAG MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. R A I L K Y A CO., EKMOVKD TO N JC Corner of M A R K ET aud WATER Street. ' Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAGS AND BAGGING Of everv Description, tor Gialn. Flour, Halt, super-Phosphate oi Lime, Bona Dust, Etc. . . . Largo and small GUNN Y BAGS in'tantly on hand i 5j J A bo, WOOi, BACKS. w; J ohm T Bailkv. Jambs uaboau JOHN CRUMP, OAltlKNTKW AND nnAOH MAKKIWJ .?iVsi'"f nrTii STBKKT. BO VL?vjiii-bVrrigeiitoi gale. Pt , SZ "ISSqo raid to xortiUlns 5 W Qui w Jlr,.. D T VT .. . Siti-laiiBOlLER WORKS. NKAFIK, w - iTLtCTlCAL AND THEORETICAL ENGlNEERn ft I A fill I TV' I i'I-J Dfklt LU . M A L'L'IU -rtr .