THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER 7, 1&7. THE JTALO-ROMAN REVOLUTION. ... victor jamnnV Proclamation aaribaldlaua Mtim' A elcfrram from Florence, dated On I be list of fX-pte mber, reports the followm royal order ba having been Issued in the Italian capital. Tb Ministers eat The Minl'try bas carefully watched tip to the? pre sent the great agitation which, under the Urious name of Rome, is trjinr to force the nountrv to violate international stipulation con trated bv the vote of the Parliament and tt of it ; nation. CT.e Ministry regrett. talory wbich such WtoQ woj Id 0 t0 the ItanqulllltJ of the Stale, tbe PublcrcdH). those financial operations on Btcn depend the .u.beine and fortuno ot ne COuntrv. Up to the present the Mini' .j have respected the rights ot all citizen" hut now that, contrary to tho riphts, .cttiin persons would proceed to threats, the liintry leel tt their duty to pre serve miolat',. the public confidence and the ovejigtt et the law. The Government will fftoaln faithful to, and thoronphly carry out, the declarations laid before and accepted by Paf.ament. In a Iree State no citizen can rise K)ve the law, or substitute himself in the place f the high powers ot the nation, and thus dis turb by violent means the organization of the vonntry and lead her into the gravest complica- The Ministry lias con6dence in the wisdom aid love of country of the Italians; bnt if any ne iboold fail In lojalty towards those national BtipulKtions, and should attempt to violate that -frontier for wbich we have passed our word, the Ministry will not permit such an act in any way, and will place on thoe persous contravening this order the responsibility of whatever acts they may provoke. What Make Monty Tight! The grain received at the lake ports in Sep tember was about double the quantity tor September of 18fi6, and all the Wcntem bunks were taxed to their utmost in satisfying the wants of the movers of all this product. The ilMjunting of this paper, and the withdraw ot the balances of Western banks, caused an outflow of currency, leeal temler and bank, of probably $25,000,000 within the month. The tame result will be measurably seen in October. Send us money and wu will send you grain, is now the cry in the West. Besides, there is not an average of a wheat crop in Great Britain, and France is making large demands upon that quarter, which muBt oe in part supplied by ship ments from the United States. From the 7th to the 21st of September the export of wheat from tie United Kingdom was confined to 9000 quar ters, or 72,000 bnbhels, while the imports were as much as three millions ot bushels. N. Y. xpress. Railroad Accident la Albany. train on the New York Central Railroad, drawn ly the engine Alonzo C 1 aiire, ran over and horribly mangled a laboring man named Thomas Clancy, at the Broadway crossing, in this city, this evening. He is a widower, resides on Canal street, and has four little children depending on him for support. CLOTH HOUSE. JAMES & LEE, MO. 11 NORTH SECOND STBEET, SIGN OF THE OiE9l I. A Mil, COMPLETE STOCK OF Cloths, Coatings, and Casslincrcs, FOB UGNILEMEK'N AMD HOTS' WEAR. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' CLOAHINtJM AND HACKING, WHOLE. MALE AND RETAIL. 8 2mJ Q L O T H H O U S E. SNODGRASS & CO., NO. 84 SO I'TII SECOND KTKEGT, COMPLETE (STOCK OF Cloths,Coatings, and Cassimeres, FOB LADIES, GENTLEMEN'S AND BOTH WEAR. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO LADIES' CLOAKINGS AND SACKING? -WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. 10 1 lmrp QONNET OPENING, WEDNESDAY, October 9. CHAS. A. SCHOLLER," No. 724 ARCH STREET, 72t PHILADELPHIA, YOUNG LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S .MILLINKRY OPENING, WKDMKSBAY, Uciobers. 1S67. MM, NIC HOLS', No. 102 . x.ivju 1 n mreec. oeiow unetinut. in v SAAC D. EVANS, KANl'rACTCBEK AND DEALEB IN OILS. PAINTS, VARNISHES, Naval Stores and Soaps, NO. 10 NORTH DELAWARE AVENUE, 10 5 tm 3p PHILADELPHIA. QHAMPION CLOTHES-WRINGERS REDUCED TO $8 50. GRIFFITH & PACE, 1 lh NO. ItOO ABCH STBEET. UNIVERSITY .OP PENNSYLVANIA MEDICAL DK1'ARTMKNT-1(i2d SESSION JSS7-4S. The regular Lectures of this Bvbool will com uenceon MONDAY, October Mlh. and continue uuiil tiia let ul March. Fee for the full course, i4'. ' It K. KOUK1H, M. D.. , 7 Dean Medical Faculty.' FFICE8 TO LET IN SECOND 8TOHY bSVEHTU airft. JCft- Rno ADSj j0 5 8t No, Mb. (SEVEN I'll Birtet, OBARTLETT 6EC.CEI. AND OTHER . rH UrsrH tree for city cardens, at 7 Choice pear. lar(? tree for city eardens, at mX'M NITRHEKY. HlX'l' Y-BKVENTIi bireet anil Tkt 0ARBY Koal. 10 7 i t mrartvio rVPHk'SU AND GOLDEN .iii.i fr.r rwiia tad Omfterv Lota. Tne faucet stock l the country, at MUIHT-H VMY. lsiTY-ilVl.irTU bmieland DAUBY Uf1t i POLITICAL. !() THE CITIZENS OF PHILADELPHIA. Bo (inn do tit and so artful havs been the effort to divert your attention from the true Issues at stake In the apprc aching election, that we feel It a doty to re mind yon of the vast Intereett which depend npon your votes. It la not a mere local struggle. It li not a question who la to ba bheilfT.or Treasurer, or Jndge. Mr. Johnson and Ma allies, tn tbelr efforts to neutral ise the defeat of tbe rebellion, have appealed to the people of the north, and they will read in the majori ties which yon will caat on Tuesday the ren fence whether they are triumphant or defeated. In those significant figures they will learn whether yon regard rebellion a a Tlrtne to be rewarded, or as a crime to be washed away by repentance; whether you are prepared to readmit the aoath without condi tions, or to Insist npon Hio trlso measures devled by your repreacntatlTea in Congress, and nullified by the despot who sits in the p'nr.eof the martyred President of your choice. Such are the real Issues to be decided by your votes for local officers. It may suit the Democraoy to-day to abanre you to the contrary; but yon may reBt as sured that If you do not a understand it. the country, both north and lonth, is not ao blind. It has of late been truly aald by one of the ablest men of New York: "Upon tho fate of the Union Republican party, In the approaching election in Pennsylvania, bang conse quences ao vaat and Important that the mind doea not reedily graap all the dangers of our position. A De cratio victory la that State would rouse the dormant energies of the wholo rebel element of the south." California and Maine are claimed ta herald the long looked for Democratic reaction, and hive (already given renewed hopes to .he unaubdued rebel spirit. From every part of the unreconstructed States come tons appeals from Union men not to abandon them to the mercies of their eDemiea, who are only waiting the fulfilment of the hopes held out to them by tbelr Democratic frienda In Pennsylvania to renew the bit ter proaoription of the U at six years, and practically to disfranchise all who have suffered for the Union. Fellow-citizens, will you desert them? But even more than this is the great question, whe ther our government for the future le to be constitu tionally legislative, or a one-man dictatorship? Mr. Johnson bB arrogated to himself legislative as well as executive funotlons, ond his appealed to you, through his rcmocratic allies, for support. By your votes on Timd, yon - to d..Ua whether you approve of his usurpation, or whetbor yiu are reeolved "that gov ernment of the peoplo, by the people, for the people. shall not perish from tho Wm. M. Meredith, Vm. I. Lewis, Isaao Harelhnrst, Daniel Smith, Jr., HeDj Harris Brewster, Henry U. Lea, Henry O. Carey, William Bellera, H. Pratt McKean, (Jbarlea Ulbbrns, Arthur O. OofUn. I indley t-mitli, James V. Watson, earth." floraoe Blnney, George H. B'.oart. Samuel U. Perkins, Frederlok Fraley, James W. Paol, J. G. Foil, A. Whitney. Jamee Pollock, Anirew Wheeler, Kdward Shippen, Caleb Cope, A. K. Rnrin. Horace Blnney, Jr., Augustus Ilea'on, John Bellera, Jr., M. Carey Lea, Ward B Hateltlne, George H. Boker, Henry G.Morris, K. W. OUrk, Charles Magnlre, Hiohard Wright, J. S. Whitney, A. H. Franciscua,l Thoraaa Birch, Grove Hro., G. J. Hoffman, J. Wood A Bro.. J. Morgan Jenniaoo, Henry D. Bherrerd, Hatthiaa Maria, Browning A Bro.. Kdmnnd A. Bonder It Co., W.N. Kowland (Jo., Wetherill & Bro , Wm. Ueaton, Geo. D. Wethe ill, S. M. Dntton, y James P. Perot, J. Bayard. John M. Ford, Wm. H. Barnes, Ed. Q. KalgbU James t. Aertaon, J. Uiookley Clark, Charlea Noma, T. Uegarge, Thoa. C. Band. Fred. M. Adams, Wm. Qnlager, Geo. J. Peiroe, Edward D. Smith, J. L E. L. Perot, D. W. Ueratlne, J . Atlee White, Charles U.Cammlngs. O. B. Boxers, B. Klcket ACo., B. Ktting. S.J. CbrUtian, J K. Moorhead, David Bhelmire, Peter tjtlman, Charlea Smith, A. M. Walkioahaw, K.O. Markley, William Akers. George S. Weaver, t'harlea Trleohel. William M. MuzKey, John C CresHon, James J. Sharpless, Henry Avery, Thomas D. WatUon. K. Mitchel, William Sellers, John Sellers, A. Whitney, J. S. Whitney, J. 11. BedSeld, M. baird, George Bombira, Charles T. Parry, Geoign Qi, John W. Leigh, W, J. P. White, K. K. Pendleton, U. A. Walhora, K. B. Gorsoa, B. Uckel, John K. Lttts, W, (1. Garrlgaes. G, W, Marks, J. K, MeOammoo, Charles H. Cramp, , D. Thompson, John G. Butler, Joseph Kerr, Wm. Spooner, Jr., Geo II Howell, K. H. Downing, John F. Smith, thoa. J. M'gear, Frank H, Huberts, Franklin Kvans, Wm. Murphy, Geo. H. Uoberts, 1 boa. W. Davis, M. U. Dlckinsou, J. B. HoFarlaud, O. B. Andreas, Chas. J. Fteld, Joaepb Wood, H. karoeat Goodmn, J. W Blddie. Jos. T. Thomas, Charles J Kills. P. L. Parkin, W. H. Hurley, Alfred Croinelleo, John H.UUka, Joha Moss. Jr., Fred, ataad bissell, Tbxa. B. Lancaster, Jainee Ilaraer. S',iMurhead, ftd. BaaiaeU, Jr. It John Price Wetherill, John B. Badd, James tiorne. Nathan Trotter a Co.. John Uaseltlne. Henry O. Howell, John Oofortb, Ivans Bodolph, Htcphen A. Oaldwell, Wm. B. ThomaB, W. H. Oarryl. John K. Addicks, Geo. morrlson Go&ts, V m. McMichael, ueory fersius, W. O. Lndwig. J. 8. Whitney, Clarence H. Mark, J' hn II Bedfleld, Charles T. Prony, Matthew Bnird, Ihomas B. Maris, Geo. Bntnham, Benj. Bullock's Sons, Oeorae L. Bnzbr. Charles H. Beeves, It eiiey, Ibeo. A. Weasels, A. U. Cattell, Haimanns Keff, Howard Hlnchman, B. P. Klnir. Charles O'Neill. Cochran, Ruasell & Co., Baniuel L. Ward, Henry B. Potter, H. H. Meara & Bona. Alfred Boaera, W. 8. Smith, Win. B.Kern, I. Dunwoody m Co., Alex. J. Andrews, Gen. Horatio O. Blckel. T. Horace Brown, Henry Yarnham, Kdward Biter, L. O. Graff, P. B. Mingle Co.. J. A A. H. Detwller, Caleb H. Needles, John B. Kenney, James Traqnulr, Charles W. Ogden, William 8. Grant, L. H. Vonte, Frank Walter, Samuel II. Trotter, William K Littleton, k 8. C. Coinly. William Petltt, K. Lafonroade, George W. Uamerslr, Barry Walter, Kdward Bobertson, Kdwsrd Wharton, Henry A. Vczln, J. Kasaell !wson, George W. Vogel, George A, Smith, J. B.McCreary, I. L. Webster, Henry 1). Moore, Kamael I. Jacobs, Samuel P. Cauby, J.J. BDckev, Krastns P. Server, Dr. J. U. Slack, John 8. Welnier, George J. Itlcbardson, George J. Grots, Jacob W. Colladay, r. T. Walton, John J. Hartman, J. U. Selter, Wm. BUIott. Sterling Hell, Frederick Graff, Wm. Wharton, Jr.. K.D Marrhant, James K. Kerr, Wm. Bart Carr, Wm. A. Kowland, Frauds Blackburn, Samuel biapham. jol J Held, E. B. Mawiou, A. J, Harper. O. N. Cadwalader, Q. Hiddleton A. P, C'oieaberry, Wm, Cuuiuiinaa, Charles B. Jones, K Geiumlll, W. B G.mmlll, J. 8 Hhean, Wm. B. fctew&xt. K. Strickland, Kd. Webater, Theo. Kitchen. Cbas. Biohardson. Col. K A. Landell. John Fry, Jus. H. Trotter, Henry Davie, FIFTH EDITION Gaeral SlieridAik in Ma8eckBeett8. Botow, Oct. 7. General Sheridan readied Itoiborynnd Boston line at 11 A. M. to-day, having left Newport aborlly after o'clock. He received a popular welcome at Fall Hlver and Taunton, where brief stops were made. At each o. luetic places the etty authorities ana large crowds ol ettisens received toe General In the most enthusiastic manner. At Savin 11IU depot ho was received by the Roxbnry autho rities and a salute of artillery, and escorted by the Koxbury Horse Guards to lloston L'ne. At this point he was received by the Hoston city authorities and an imposing array or Htaie mllltla, who formed an esooriof the procession. The public and private buildings are gnyly de corated, and an immense crowd of citizens throng the street. Mrs. Lincoln's Affairs. Chicago, 111., Oct. 6 The stories eonccrnlnc Mrs. Lincoln's poverty which appr in the New York miners occasion ruitoh surprlso hi re. As they are untrne, they are looked upon ph n advertlslnu dodge of the partios enaKOd In disposing of property which she dots not wish to retain. The Latest Gold Quotation. Special to Twk Kvkkino Tfi.kobaI'H by JUaeeon's Independent News Agency. Nbw Yobk, Oct. 7. Gold i? now at 145. GENERAL SHERIDAN. A law Days Spent In q,ulctness at Hsw port, II. I. Preparations for Ills Recep tion In Boston To day Programme Ills Future Mo veitien t . Kitwi'OKT, R. I., Xlct. 6. Mnjor-Oeneral Kbertdan has been aiOourniDg'in quiet here aluoe nla arrival from New York, and lo-morrow lie will leave on the flrsi tralu from Borneo. Upon ills arrival here he was honored Willi o public welcome, uml furnished with a military escort to the reeuleoce of Mr. H. D. Urad lord, whose guest be has reuiulued duriog his brlet "a ha flrM two davs he spent in ouiptnesn; but this sHerneon he look a ride around the city and some of the oliariuiOK uuburhs of Newport, lie lias, of course, been the recipient of many private courtesies on the part of i he clilrens of the btate while here, every- IllinfC OI a pUUIlC I1MIUIV UUIUK uoirunj UUbll the oceaslou or his viHit to Providence. This noon he wu Invited by acommlitee appointed at a citizens' meeting In that city to visit Hartford. Heaocepted the Invitation with many expressions of thanks, and said that he would be with them on the '24th, imooeiil ately after his visit to Providence. The citv govern ment of Hartford havlug substantially refused to (jive the General a puhllo reception, hie gratitude to the citizens for tbelr appreciation of his services is doubly profound. A commlltee of the Boston city government ar rived here last evening, aud tbey will accompany the General to-morrow morning. They wailed upou him this afiernoon, and. in compliance with an argent re quest, the General concerned to protract his visit to Massachusetts until Weduesday morning, when he will leave tor Albany. To-morrow will be given no to his reception in Bostou. In the evening he will be serenaded at the Kevere House, and on Tuesday be will visit Lowell, returning to Boston on the same evening to accept a complimentary dinner to be given by the Lniou (. lub. The train conveying the General from here to Hoston will leave In the morn ing at six o clock. At 1'all River it will be detained an bour in order to allow the citizens to pay their rcspecle to the hero ortheHlienandoab, and at Taunton there will be a slmilur detention for tlie same purpose. After leaving Taunton the train will proceed to Savin 1 ill, some four miles ill-tant from Boston, where the welcoming festivities ou the part of the Uubonians wPl begin. 'rom preparations already made, it would seem that the city and Btate authorities will succeed in making the demonstration In honor of General bheridan the most magnificent of any wbich he has yet received. Nearly all the Htaie militia will unite in doing escort duty, aud many private military organ iralions will participate. All the public and numerous private buildings will be decorated. Dual nrss will be generally suspeuoed, and the citizens as well as otlliials wPl combine to express, la a most emphatic and hearty manner, the high estimation in which General Sheriduu is held by the whole loyal community. HlB AkCIENT PaTRON'MIC SAVED IIlM NOT. Sly . 1. 1 1 1 ... ..a v m n n y r.ul.ff. mn.t t lmrt that there Is such a secret conclave as the "Hchuyl kill Bangeie." who prowl about In i he day-time and range throughout the city at night, deprecating right belore Hie oanuageu ejei ui J uauw, erwu nine iu time their lavo-ite schemes like other men aud nice, etc. have been dlscuveed and made public. On Sunday morning. It will he rem em tered, tbat a posse of police arrested pugilists, and backers, and friends, who were about having a time of It la the woods back of the Point Hree7.eOa Works. In the rusb of police for prisoners. Lieutenant Larxalere anled out a lumlllar lace, and started tor Its owner, who, quick paced, but siiort-legged, attempted to evade i he oflicial haud by slipping behind a barn door. But the official haud caught li'in by the collar, snd in quick time he was moving towards; the Station. His name Is Julius Magee, but he has an alias of Michael Murlln. He is Imp icated in stealing a set of harness some time ago, with a party, one ot whom, Aleck Unliiiey. was convicted. lie will have a hearing to-day at the tlentral Htailon. Hearings at the Central Station. Before A'derman Boltler, at two o'clock to-day, Tulley Mciif e was charged with being concer ied lu the lar ceny of a horse, wagon, harness, aud clothing from Mr. Levy, residing at W hllehall, on theMthot August hist. -The defendant was held In MW ball for a fur. ther hearing on Huturday next, Thomas Kyan, residing In Hamilton, Ohio, a shoe-rc-uker by trade, was arraigned upon the charge of the larceny of rive pieces ol black alpaca, valued at fiw, belonging to James Lindsay & Co.. dry goods Import ers, No 21 Ktruwterry street. The defendant went mio the store, packed up tho goods, and ran off with (hem. Pursuit wub Iven, and Ofliccr Black arrested him at Second street und Church alley. Ryan threw sway the goods during his flight. He was held io 4(0 bail to answer at Court. tlhtharlne Aiulviu. Kinlly YounK. Cornelius Mulvin, and George Young were charged with the larceny of $1700, belousing to Lawrence Given, Hour dealer. No. 815 Eurp street. The money wns in a tea-caddy, which was found in the house of the Mulvins, Very nearly ftiOO was found upon the person of Mrs. Young, which she stated her husband had given her. The defendants were held for a further hearing. PMlada. Stock Exchange Sales, Oct. 7 Reported by De Haven A Bro., No. to 8, Third street BETWEEN BOARDS. 11700 City s. V Ssb I.ebNstg....M.. ItlGoO do.. Old. ..2d. Bs, fliHHiN Fenna Ss ,. 7 rMKKi do S7 1000 Leh Vul Lis. Vb 60 ah Cam & At pld... v.'. loo sb Read R...b:io. 6l' 100 do b3061'4 looshCata I'f. btK. SS 8J3 sh Noble A Dela... 316 BKCOND BOARD. l?.00Clty 6s, New loi sshC&Am R..2d .l26'; liooo do. New lul liono do.. New 102 (moo Pa cp4s bs. 4 ;aiiO0 (' t A m 6s, 'b.. . Wl'i 1 ,1000 Pa Kiln Ba c. 'M)j 9sh Leh V R , lUshPeunaK. U-H 31 do Is 100 sh N W com...b30. &'4 POLITiCAL. tST HIXBEASON8WHY NO REPUBLICAN --' SHOULD VOTE FOrt JU1)K LULLOW: I. Because he Is emphatically loenlllied with the party that opposes the Ipubltcan principle, I'. RecHUhe In October, IMiil, at the 4(U'i'''''n or Democratic politicians, he liuerlered with the Return JuUk.b of the city while count' ug the votes, ud com pelled them, under color ot the writ ot wmi'iun to count certain votes which they alleged were frau in tent, and thus bad Robert Effing declared the Bherlir elect, when In point of lact he was not elected; In. stead of allowing the Keiurn Judges to Mulsh thdr duties, and leavo those aggrieved ti the remedy ex pressly provided by luw, namely, to couteat the election. .... III. Because, In 163, at the gloomiest period of the war, he gave encourugemeut to the enemies of the Government by charting the Grand Jury, without being called upon to do bo by a pending case, to pre sent for Indictment the parties who arrested, at the luutanceof tue War Department, the proprietors ot the "Evening Jourual" for advising resistance to the national authorities. IV. Heouuse the use of his Judicial position in a way so palpably Illegal (as was so clearly shown by judge Allison in hi charge to the Urund Jurr In the same matter), exhibited either a gross delicleucy In legal guowledge In the premises, or the perve'Blon ol his position to the dictates ol poluicul bias. And either should render it Inexpedient to retain him longer lu iudiciul station than can be helped. , . , V. Because be Is atillldtutiued with, and endorsed by, the party that oppotrd thr u ar for national pretrr. vaticn aiul ilfelarm his tU termination to votf. IM ticket prt itnUd by that party, includlnu JMjt hliarr. wood for the. tfupreme llencli. V. Because his opponent, M. Russell Thayer, is a better and i aler lawyer, a ripe scholar, a pnre paiript. and In every way eminent ualllied for the Judicial Position, aud, huuee, should receive the vole oi every tepubllcan. llJ A. U. JONES. TEMPLE & CO., FASHIONABLE H A T T E B 8, No. U a NINTH Street, First Store above Chestnut street. 1 n FOSTER, VARHIOSAht ib na rrmi 11 fcnfp, mo. t b. HlJtTH Btree. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCR1P tlous ol Vbaracter, with advice on Buaiases, Health, Eilucatkin, etc., given dllEN 2wsinip at No, 723 CUiJNUT Huv'tU POLITICAL. 3r TO THE PEOPL4E. riiiLADEirniA, oct. a, i6T. The hnOerslgoed Lavlsg rorg known MR. JOSEPH M. COWELL, And knowing him to be a capable and correct bo il Dess man, of reliable character, and sound principle a man ertlrely worthy to be made S H E R I F F OF PniLADELrilU, And one whose Election Is demanded by the best In terests of the Public, hereby earnestly and respect hilly solicit TOVK VOTES AND Ef FOBTt JN HIS EE1IALF. MOWU8, TASK EE A CO. FITLER, WEAVKR A CO. BENJAMIN BULLOCK'S SONS. I. P. MORBI9, TOWNE A CO. GEORGE B. KEBFOOT A CO. COTTRELL A AYRES. M ILUAM BL'MM A BON, KENNEDY, 8TA1R3 & CO. KOONS, SCHWARTZ A CO. JAMES 8. MASON A CO. SHARP, HAINES & CO. A. COWTON A CO. OIIXINGHAM A GARRISON. NEAFIE A LEVY. BIRELY, HILLMAN A STREAKER. W. CRAMP A SONS. JAUE3 ROWLAND A CO. TIERS A BRADSHAW. VERRBE A MITCHELL. TATTERSON A LIPPINCOTT. WETHERILL A BROTHER. H. B. A 3. M. BENNERS WEORGE MORRISON COATES. JOHN I'BICB WETHERILL. WILLIAM TROTTER. SAMUEL V. MERRICK. u JUDGE ALLISON'S OI'hNJON JUDGE LUDLOW. A letter bus been received from Europe from Hon Joseph Alllion, In which he says: "I have seen the address to JUDOE LUDLOW, so numerously and respectfully signed, and cannot per mit myself to doubt tbe result. You are at liberty ray, privately and publicly, THAT I AM FOR HI8 HE-ELECTION." 10 tn TO WHOM IT MAI OONOKBN. 1 ahall vote for Bon M. KUriBELL THAYER for Judge of the Court ol Common JPIeasfortbs fol lowing reasons: Flr.t. lie ia nominated by the only organlratlon which repreaented a loyal American sentiment daring the rebellion. Second. Becanse the renomtnation of Jndge Ludlow waa obtained by false pretences, it being openly as serted by his friends that he would not aocept a party nomination, and lust unless be was nominated an un known and until Republican candidate would be elected. Third, Beosnse at thetlme of the eonntry's greatest lerll. Jndge Allison, tbe Freaidont Judge of the aauie Court, waa compelled to denounce the partlaan oourse of Jndce Ludlow as tendlnc to "Brrcfnltata a Anlilalnn between tbe Btate and tbe Ueneral Government," and to give "encouragement, protection and approval," to tbe "mallffusnt and treasonable faction which lives among na," loortu. B cause no War Democrat ought to give hiaaupport to any man who, Use Judge i,ndlow, re lused his tympathi and support to the government ia ita rflorta for the auppreestonof the late rebellion. Fifth. Becauae Judge Ludlow is the choice of the sham Democracy, who wonld regard his election as a triumph for their false and pernicious prindples. aa oppottd to the sound Uemooratlc doctrines of JeDdraon and Jackson. fclxtb. Becsnse Hon. M. Bussell Thayer Is the best nan of the two. lie is an able lawyer, an eminently Ju.t and good man, and In every way fitted to be an or nm nt to the Ihiladelpbla beech teveotb. Becsuae rotation in office Is a sound, old laahloLed Democratic doctrine. Judge Ludlow bas served ont bis term, and bas no right to doinaud an other ele.tion. Eighth. Bocauie Judge Lnllow has openly assailed and abused hla opporent in the public pipera aa unfit foroffioe, while Mr. 1 hayer bas treated hint with dig nified oourteay and slltuce. Ninth. B'ccnee Mr. Thayer, as well aa all of Jndge Ludlow'a judloial saaoclates, contributed freely of h s taleuta. influence aud insane to aare he conntry from ruin, whi e Judge Ludlow never spoke a word or did an act in its behalf. Tenth, becauae there Is s eriaia here and throughout the oount ry, produced by men btl nglng to the ehtu Democracy, who aapire to turnover the government to rebels and traitors, and Judge Ludlow hs always eotfd.ard Is now supported by thoae who dealre to accomplish that remit. Ibeaeare eomeof the reasons why I who claim to be a loyal war Deinoorat of thirty rears' attndlng, re fuse to support Juuies 11. Ludlow, aud pref. r to give my vote fur M.Lusaell Tb.yer, who, whtfiher a lie publican or not, has ever been true to his country, aud who Is a man whom Philadelphia may well be proud to recognise aud bonor. se7 AN OLD WAS DEMOCRAT. jggT EIGHTH WARD REPUBLICAN TICKET. Representative, EDMUND S, YARD. Common Council, JOHN C, MARTIN. School Directors. ALEXANDER P. COLEBBERRY. WILLIAM y. JUDSON. ROBERT If, W ILLSON. 10 1 2t POLITICAL. MASS MEETING AT HANAY0NK. MONDAY EVENING, Oct. 7. at Seven and a half o'clock. Tarn oat freemen to this last Grand Bally of the Campaign, to hear EX-C0V. ANDREW G. CURT1N, AMD HON. 11. liUCIlEU SW0PE, Who will certainly be present to address the meeting. F. JORDAN, H Chairman Btate Committee. SKST" NINTH WARD UNION REPUBLICAN TICKET. Common Council, JOUN KARKIRA. Alderman. DAVH) BKI1LER. School Direemrs, JOHN L. YOUNCJ, fRANtia BLACK BURN E FHANCia NKWLAND, For the ocexplted teim of Bartholomew W. Beeeley, resigned. SIMEON DILLINGHAM. Tor the unexpired term of George Kesaler, deceased, JAM EH BOUND'!' REE. 9iKI7t THIRTEEMTH WARD VMON KEFl'BLICAS TKHKT. ASSEM DLY SEVENTH DISTRICT. JAM KH bUHKKS. WARD TICKET-COMMON COUNCIL. AUHAHAM KLINE. ALDEHMAN. CHARLES M. CAFPKNTER. SCHOOL Dl RECTO KH. HAMUEL aLLKN, HKNHY F. HAYH, BAMUKL ALLEN, In place Of John Fry, resigned.. JOHN 11. tiHEKN, D. W. U MOORE. In place of Abraham Kline, resigned. MATTHEW C. BOKUIA, I02t In plane of Abraham Alhurger, deceased. K3" ATTENTION, EIGHTH WARD. A meeting ol the Union Republican cltluens of the Eighth Ward will be held at the SCHUYLKILL HOSE HOCSK, LOCUST, above Twelfth, ou MON DAY KVFNINO, 7th Inst., to perfect arrangements lor the election on Tuesday. A. J. HARPER, President. Masufl N. Phillips. 1 Kw.tri feTKBHNO Bull ) stcreUrles. , 5 tt RATIONAL UNION Grocery and Provision Company, GROCERIES 'AlfD PROVISIONS AT COST. OFFICE: SO. Has SOITH tlllBD STBEET. STORES: IJVON. 90 AND IO ABCH STBEET. CASH CAPITAL, $30,000. President, WIIILL, I. HACF3IANN. Secretury and Treasurer, W. 1IAUBINON KBF.BLY, Late First Teller of tbe First National Bans; of Me chunk suurg, Pennsylvania. Directors, . W1HU, I. DAtrMANN, W. IIABBIsJOM EBEBLY, 1IABBV W. STONEB, BICIIABD 31. POPIIAJI, IEOKOE T. PEBBY. We would your attentlor, to our Company, organised for the purpose of selling Gro ceries and I'rovislous at Cost trice, to all persons who become members of the Association. For the accommodation of all olHsies, we will Issue Tickets of Membership as follows: A Six (til) DolUr Ticket entitl s you to full membership tor Six months, during which time you get your Groceries and Provisions at Cost Price at any of the Company's hi ores In the City. A Ten (tlo) Dollar Ticket eutulej the holder to the same privileges for one year. persons not holding tickets ol membership will be required to pay regular retail price for llielr goods. This plan ol operailon Is much better for the Work ing Classes than the Co-operative plan, recently established in New York aud elsewhere; there the goods are sold at the regular retail price, and all the benefits derived are lu the shape ot Dividends, after deducting the expenses, which are necessarily very high. We only require you to pay for your ticket, after which you virtually receive a Dividend every time you make a purchase, as every article is sold at Cobt. It is a well-known fact tbat there is from 15 toll per cent, profit on every dollar expended for Gro ceries, and lor every dollar expended for Provisions, there is a profit of Irom 80 to no per cent.; all ef wbich you save by becoming a member ol this Company. We are fully awake to the fact that every Uroaery and Provision Dealer In the City will become our common enemy, and tbat there will be every effort made on their part to crush the enter-rise; never theless, we reel confident that the people of Phila delphia will Bupport us In tills, the greatest as well as the noblest enterprise ever undertaken In this olrecilou, Kvery housekeeper will readily perceive the great advantages arlfing from becoming a member ot tbls CoD'pany, as the amount paid tera yearly member ship vi 111 be saved In sixty day a. 1 be Comiuiny Intends opouiug Btorei In every sec tion of the City, In aa close proximity to eucli other as the sale ot the tickets will warrant Just as somas the Company receives a sulliclent number of sub scribers from any certain uelgliborhood to JuhMiY them In opening a Store, just so soou the Store Hhull be opened, at blch time persons cau procure their tickets cf membership. TbeComiany has employed Agents to canvass the city, for the purpose of taking the names of tnoselu tendli'g tn anppojt the enterprise, and wMI call on you In a lew duys. In no case are the Agentt allowed to receive money for subscriptions, as the money will not be required until the ticket of membership Is delivered. All goods purchased will be delivered If deMred. All tickets will dat from the time the first purchase is wosde. The Company are fitting up two large and com municating Stores, MOS. 608 AM 610 AKCH STBEET, Where the ruhllc are respectfully Invited to cull and examine their stock and list of prices. lvSDt GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOOD?, TUB FINE SIIIBT EMPORIUM, Sos. 1 and 3 North SIXTH Streets JOHN O. ABBISON, Importer, Maofactr.r, and DeUr la Kvery Description f 6EBTLEHEN1 rlBKWIHlIU CHtOIM, Wonld Invite Inspection to bis FINK STOCK OW GOODS, suitable lor the season, selling off at moderate prices. Kepeolal attention given to tha tnamnlfcetaia of JINK KHIBTB AND COLLARS. Warranted id give saUsntotiou. I rp FOURTH EDITION ARRIVAL OF THE STEAMER P ERE IRE. Tbe Quickest Trip on Record Wkw York, Oct. 7.-The steamer Perelro has arrived in nine days and two hours from Srlt Tills is the quickest time on reoord. W LATEST NEWS FROM EUROPE. hy Atlantic Cable. Noon Ueport of Markets. LiVBHrooL, Oct. 7 fioon. Cotton stnait tiuchnuged. Bales to-day are estimated at 10 uoft bales. ' Hreadstnns are generally quiet. Corn has advanced UMIis, 9d. Other quolatlong are un. alteted. From Washington To-Day. Washtmoton. Oct. 7.-Two hundred and lEf1" Pnten,t8 wU1 b wuo'l from the rateut omce for the week endlutt Tneiaay the 15111 Instant. During ttie past weotc 5o aDDil catlons and 85 caveats have oeen filed Returns to the Ueneral Land Oflloe show that 825 farms, comprising iu the ag,r,regtte 'it WtO acres, were added to the rroduotiva force of the Blatesof Mississippi and Alabama during the nicntbs of Angust and Soplember, under the Homestead act of June 21, follows: Mis Mssippl Located at the Jackson oltlce darlnjr l he month ot August, 111 fuiins, embraolug 874 acres. Alabama located at the liutitsville cilice durlug (September, 1" faring, etnbraoinir 13,180 acres. lion. Mr. Browning, S-.cretary of t he Interior, returned to Washington on .Saturday evening and was engHged nt the iJopurluient alteudlnii to his official duties. , The Navy Department has received des puteheg from Heur-Aclmlrul IJt-tl, dated in August, stating that all was well iu the Aslatlo squadron. t An oflicial letterjfrom Pensaocla, dated the 1st Inst., states that the yellow fever there la abating. Wlllium lu Wells, at present Collector of (Ms terns at Petersburg, has been appointed (Jotleo tor of Internal Revenue for the Fourth District of Virginia, vice Anderson.suspended for alleged misconduct in olllce, TheHecretaiy of the Treasury and the Com missioner of Internal Revenue havedetermlned thut tbe necessities of the service require the employment of an experienced oifloer as Deputy-Commissioner In Kevr York, and as a member of the Metropolitan Revenue Hrarrl. Therefore one of the present Dcpnty-Oominls-sinners in this city is to he detailed for that position, and the person tobe appointed to sup ply the vacancy occasioned by the removal of Colonel Messmore will be employed in Wash ington. All the heads of bureaus are required by law to report to tbelr respe live heads of tier artments tbe condition of their business. 1 he followingls an extract from tha report of GeL-eral Hplnner, Treasurer of tbe United Stn'es, made to tbe (Secretary of the Treasury to-day, and which will accompany tbe laiter'a next annual report of the lluanoes: "In this coi neoiion It may not be Improper for me to say that tbe intimate lnteroourse ana close bu siness relations existing between this office and others of the Treasury Department give mm nbuncant opportunity to be well acquainted with those transactions connected with tho preparation, issue, and redemption of tho so curitii of the Government. Having tbls know ledge, It would seem to be due from me to the oubllo to state that tbe stories wbloh have bun so industriously circulated in regard to sH traotlons or over-issues of stocks, notes, coupons, and currency, or of any one of them, or of any other obligation of tbe Government, are entirely without any foundation in truth or lu fact.'' Movements of Steamers. PorTHAMProrr. Oct. 7 Noon The steamship R' varla. ol the Hamburir American line, sailed henoooa Saturday for New Orleans, and the Teulonia will follow in a fow days. These voj ages are merely experimental, bnt should the scheme succeed, the above named company will continue tbe service between Humbarir and New Orleans, via Houthampton. Latest New York Markets. V. 8. fisoi 1881, 110.'(uUll; do. 5-20S 1863. 112VaU2V. do. ism. iwsceio Tt: do. isus. u9atusa: da lottos, Mli fn lidJi; do. 7 3-Kii, June ai d December, loti; do. fl lbburg, W(t.8o; Pacific Malt, 1421a: Canton Com- pui.y, ?: Quicksilver, 2b: Cumberland, 3I: Western Union Telegraph, 3t4(a w.'j; Boston Water Power, 18. Wk ask our readers to give the following Democratic insult to the memory of Abraham Lincoln a pernsal. No man can be found in this country who wonld be guilt of such an outrage on the character and glorious fame of our martyred President, except in the ranks of that party of which Andrew Johnson is the leader the Democratic party. It is difficult to imagine that any others than fiend them selves were the auditors who applauded this infamous production of our country's enemies. We quote from the Indianapolis Journal: At a meeting of Copperheads held at Hills boro. Mr. Vallandigham waa advertised to spetik, but Just before that apostle commenced, the Chairman, Mr. Jillson, announced that "ho had Just received a letter, and he would like to read it." Mr. Vallandigham said certainly, and ' Mr. Jillson read as follows: "In Hkix. Room No. 71,40. " To the Black Rfpublicant of Ohio: 1 am here buttering torments for my crimes and Usurpations while ou earth. In these flames I am re minded of my great wickedness, and aend these wurdt to you tbat you may take warning. George Waablng ton passed by me on tbe other side of the great -ulT, but only looked at me wltb unutterable scorn. Take warning by my fate. (blgned) "ABRAHAM LINCOLN." The impious devil read this with a chuckle and Vallandigham made it the basis bf ar appeal to his audience to avoid hell by votlni With the Democratio party. A Suspicious Fellow Sent Bklow. Abou a week ago a hearty looking individual was aeenoi be outskirts of the city engaged In picking up livelihood by begglug. lie waa very shabbily dressed and presented altogether a decidedly woe-begoueap pearauco. About 12 o'clock today, Mr. D. K Walker, tbe Assistant Huperluteudent ot the Pol lot and tire Alarm Telegraph encountered tbls same la dividual at bevenih and Chesnut streets. Air. Walke: bad assisted him In the day of his advereit, aud wai tLererore somewhat surprised to hod him clad verj bt cumliigly, and looking very much like a gentle man of meaua. NotwUnatandiug his good clothes he agnln preferred a petition for alma, and It Is salt tbat durlug the morning he had told many differen atoriea concerning his neceasltles and maimer of life He was accordingly taken into custody, and Aides man Heltler gave him a bearing on the cbarge d b'lug a cusplcloua cburaeter. lie gave the named George Harris; but when Questioned as to bis res. deuce was quite ludetiiille, alleging that he reside! In the neighborhood ot the Weuern Hose House, a order that he might be able to slate the precla 1 csilty of h's lodging place, he was sent dowuo Mi yamenslng fortnlrty days. Meeting of thb Board of SuBVEYS.--Tie recular slated meeting ot the Board of Surveys vas beld till morning. Prealdent Kueass lu theohslr. Petitions for constructing sewers on the follow air streeis were received and referred to a committen v, ho reported favorably: ; Wood aireel, from Nos. 621 and Si8 to Sixth street Germantown avenue between Ualnei and Rilleo house streets; tecoud street, from Church alley ti Market atreet: Walnut street, 4rom Fifteenth aboil twenty-four feet west; Fifth street, between Wlllof and Noble; Glrard avenue, between Nineteenth audi point two hundred led west ot Twentieth: Kortw aecoiid street, belweeu Chesnut aud Walnut; Maatel aireet, Ridge avenue, and Jeilcr-sou street, beiwael Klghteentn and a point ou J e Her son street two butt' dred and eighty-live teelweator Twenty-first; Iau Lb In street, between Sixth and Klgblh; Gold au udge street, between becoud street and two huudrel aad twentv-one feet westward, ut tbe expense of tli t'nlUd States Government: Green street, betwee Nli'eleeulh aud Twentieth: Ontario street, from Osda tol'nplai; Twentieth street, from Hamilton to Moi terey. Adjourned. Closed. The establishment of K. R. Let, No. 43 N. Klghtb street, will he clo ed until Weduut day next, lu order to repair the damages oocaslootd by the fire on Saturday ulght. At the time announced the Store Will be opened. Blioht Fib. About 11 o'clock to-day a slight fire occurred at ttaeUlrard Flour M ilia, on Nlnlla street, below Glrard aveuoe, caused by the exploeWa tl a heller. Ko oue waa hurt. London, Oct. 7 Noon. Consols for monev 94 8 1; United Hlatea Flve-twentle 7i u i?.' Krie Itallroad, 1V4'; Illinois Central, 77; Atlan tic and Ureal Western. ""'' tfn.iumj nuu .in;, iwDT,; .tiim, no; x. central, lit', (rain,; Frie, V7y,(cmSi: Hudson, 13(iiJ; Reading, liti'2 (a lnv?; Michigan Southern, Samicsa1;; do. Central, 109('U1 9: Illinois Central. V'i'n: ('lovoh.t.rt nrf