The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, October 07, 1867, FIFTH EDITION, Page 7, Image 7

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On Tuesday, Octobers, IC07,
Being tlie Second Tuesday of tlio ir.ontu, and day
Of the 'Ueneral and Municipal Flection, there are to
bo elected; viz.:
Ry the Frrpinen of I ho Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania, one quitli lied n rsou lo serve as ono ol tlx; .1 us
tines or 1 1 . M.i'ii.nv Court ol said Coiiiioonwe.iltli lur
JilleCIl VClllH.
liv Hit' Freemen rt-sld li'K In tlio Tlilrd Heuiitoiliil
District ol Dii cn.vof l'hilndelnhia, eiihiprl.dni,' tlio
J-lllh, rslxin. i.ievcuin, iwoiitii, M.xtcehlli, (seven
tecnth, ii nd J-.l; lilfti: i i ardu (exclusive ol the
Fdevonth mid 'Iwellth Flection DIvMnns of said
F.inhlceiilh wind), one person to Burve us!tl;"ire
m nintlve of f aid DiMi'.ct in tiic t cuutc 01 tlie Com
liinnwei' lib ol Pennsylvania.
I'.y tlie Freemen residing In tho First Representa
tive Di.strii t of tlio ( fly ol riilluilclnhlu, couipri dim
ino i irm v urn, uno inc r list, isocond. Third, Fourlh,
P'lllh, tsixlh, and -TS ii (now the Ninth and 'Icnlln
.election jhvimuiis oi uiu i wenty-siMii ward, one
liersru In serve us u lit prcsf-ulalivc ot mid Instiirliu
Hie House ol Representatives ol the Ueneral Assem
bly ol the Cninmnnweillli uf Pennsylvania.
Jly tlie Freemen residue in tue econd Jtoproontu
tlve District ol I lie C My ol Philuuclphlu, comprising
the Firtl, (second, Third, Fourth, F1III1, (sixth, (Seventh,
FdKhlb, and Ninth, now tlie l'lrst, (second. Third,
Fourth, I i lib. mi jr. t h, Seventh, l.ithlh, Kin Hi, T well Hi,
Bi d Thirleenlh Llcctlou J bvisions ol Second V:ird,
and the First, St cohd. mid Third Flection liivUlona
ol Third Wnidot said Citv, one person to servo us it
Jleprcsenlative ol said District In the Homo of liepre-
niiiinnt in me lenei in iisaeiiihiy ui trie toiiiuiyti'
Vtenlih ol Pennsylvania,
Jly the Freemen residing In the Third Represonta
tive District ol llie City oi Philadelphia. cumprlMiiK
the Founh Ward, tlie lentil and jMeventli F.icotioii
liivlHlons of the (Second Ward, the Fourth. Fifth,
Mxth, Seventh, Kiglith and Mntli F.lcctlou Divisions
ol the Third Ward, and the First and Third Fdeellon
Divisions f the Fifth Ward ol said City, one person
to serve as a Keiiresenluiive of said District in iha
House of Representatives ol the (enerul Assembly of
the Cohiniunwtullh of l'entisylvaina,
Aty iiib r icemen rcsiuiut; ill me i'onrili nepresenia
live Dhtrict ol the City of Philadelphia. comprising
the hovenlh Ward, and the Seventh and KIkiuIj (now
tlie KUhth and Flcvenlh) FJIeetlon Divisions ol the
Twenty-sixth Ward of said City one person to serve
as a .Representative of said District tn the House ot
Representatives of the Ueneral Assembly of the Coan
moiiwealth of Pennsylvania.
liy the Freedmen residing In the Fifth Representa
tive District of the City oi Philadelphia comprising
the Kitfhth Ward, and the Second, Fourth, Filth,
blxth, Seventh and Kighth Flection Divisions of Fifth
Ward ol said City, one person to serve as a Repre
sentative ol said District In the House of Representa
tives ol the General Assembly ol tho Coiuinouweallh
Of Pennsylvania,
Ry the Freemen residing In tho Sixth Representa
tive District of the City of Philadelphia, comprising
tlie First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth. Seventh and Kighlu
Klectlon Divisions ot Sixth Ward, and the First,
Second, Third. Fourth. Fifth, Sixth and Seveuth
Klectlon Divisions ol Ninth Ward of said City, one
iierson to serve as a Representative of said District
n the House ol Representatives of the Ueneral
Assembly of tlie Coma on wealth of Pennsylvania.
Ry the F reemen residing In the Seventh Representa
tive District ut the Cily ot Philadelphia, comprising
the Thirteenth Ward, and the Third, Filth, and Sixth
Election Divisions of the Fourteenth Ward of said
City, one person to serve as a Representative of said
District in the House of Representatives of the Uene
ral Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ry the Freemeii residing In the Kighth Representa
tive District of the City of Philadelphia, comprising
the Tenth Ward, the F.lghth Klectlon Division of the
Ninth Ward, and the First, Second, and Fourth Elec
tion Divisions of Fourteenth Ward of said City, one
person to serve as a Representative of said District in
the House ot Representatives of the Ueneral Assem
bly ot the Commonwealth ot Pennsylvania.
By the Freemen residing lu tlie Nluth Representa
tive District of the City of Philadelphia, comprising
the Kleventh Ward, the Second and Third Klectlon
Divisions of the Sixth Ward, and the First, Second,
Fifth, andslxlh Election Divisions of Tweliih Ward
ot said City, one person to serve as a Representative
of said District In th House ol Representatives ot tho
General Assembly of the Commonwealth ol Pennsyl
vania ily the Freemen residing In the Tenth Representa
tive District of the City of Philadelphia, comprising
the Fllteenth Ward Of said city (except the Kightu
md Thirteenth Klectlon Divisions), one pursou to
serve as a Representative ot said District in the
House of Representatives of the General Assembly of
he Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ry the Freemen residing In tho Floventh Repre
sentative District of the Cily of Philadelphia, com
arising the Third, Fourth, and Seventh FUectlon
Divisions or Twelfth Wuru, tho F'irst, (second, Third
Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, and Fiiyhth Kleclloii Divisions
Of Sixteenth Ward, aud the First and Second Divi
sions of Twentieth Ward of said City, one person to
Serve as a Representative Of said District In the
House of Representatives ot the Ueneral Assembly
Of tbeConiiiiouweullh ot Pennsylvania.
Ry the F reemen residing In the Twellh Representa
tive District or tlie City ot Philadelphia, comprising
the Kighteenth Ward and the First Kiocliou Division
ol Seventeenth Ward, the Third Klectlon Division ol
Nineteenth Ward, aud tlio Fourth Klectlon Division
of Twiuty-fillb Ward of said City, one person lo
serve as a Representative of said District In tlio
House of Representatives of the Ueneral Ajsemoly
of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ry the Freemen residing lu the Thirteenth Repre
sentative District of tlie City of Philadelphia, c mi
tirisine the Seventeenth Ward of said Citv (except the
First Klectlon Division) the Seveuth j:iec!ion Divi
sion of the sixteenth Ward, and the second and
Seventh tkctiou tlvisious of Nineteenth Ward of
said City, one per-on lo serve as a Representntl ve
ol said District in the Hi, use of Representatives of
theUenerul Assembly of the Commonwealth ol Penn
sylvania. Ry the Freemen residing In the Fourteenth Repre
sentative District ot thu City of Philadelphia, com
iirising the Seventh mid Kiglilh Kieciiun Divisions of
-'ourlepinh Ward, the JCighth aud Thirteenth K. op
tion Divisions of Fifteenth Ward, and the Fourth
Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Kighth, Ninth, Tenth,
Fllteenth, and Sixteenth Kleclion Divisions ot Twen
tieth Ward ot said City, one person to serve as a
Representative ol said District in the House of Repre
sentatives of the Ueneral Assembly of the Uouimon
wealtb ol Pennsylvania.
Ry Hie F'leemeu residing In the Fifteenth R"presnn
tative District of the City of Philadelphia, compris
ing the First, Fourth. Fitth, Ninth, and Tenth (now
the: First, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Ninth, Tenth, Kle
venth, and Twelfth) Klectlon Divisions ot tho Nine
teenth Ward; tlie Third aud Fdeventh (now tne
Third, Eleventh, T wel I tii.'l hirteentli, nd Fourteenth)
Flection Divisions of 'twentieth Ward; (the First
Fdectioii DivWon of Twenty-nrst Ward) now the
First, Second, 'third, aud Fourth Klectlon Divisions
of the Twenty-eighth aid, and the Fifth and Sixth
Klectlon Divisions of Twenty-tilth Ward of Bald City,
oue person to serve as a Representative ol said Dis
i trlct In tlie House of Representatives of the General
Assembly of the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania.
I Ry the Freemen residing in the sixteenth. Represen
I talive District ot the City or Philadelphia, comprising
! the Twenty-second Ward (the Third, Fourth, Fifth,
tiixlh, and Seventu Klectlon Divisions oi tne i wemy
lirst Ward), now the First, Second, Third, Fourth,
Fifth, and sixth Election Divisions of Twenty-llrst
Ward ol said City, (me person lo serve as a Represeu
jatlveof said District in the House of Representatives
of the General Assembly of the Commonwealth of
Pennsylvania. ,
ltv ilm Fipemen resldlnz lu the Seventeenth Repre
sentative District ol the City of Philadelphia, com-
- .. . .... n- i.t.,1 'uw.l rl.u L'lri ku'xini
prising me i weiiiji-unm ,fniw. hiw
aiid'J hiid Election Divisions of Twenty-filth - ard
and the -Eighth (now the FJIghlh and Thirteenth)
Election Divisions of Nineteenth Ward of said City,
one person to serve as a Representative ol said Dis
trict In the House ot Ret resentatlves of tlio Ueneral
Assembly of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.
Ry the Freemen residiug lu tlio Klghleentu Repre
sentative 1 il-t rl.-i. nf Mm Citv ot Philadelphia, cum-
I'r'hhig the Twenty-fourth Ward (now the Twenty
lourth and Twenty-seventh Wards), and the (Second
and Kighth Election Divisions of the Twenty-llrst
Ward), now the Seventh aud Eihth Flection Divl
Iplonh of the Twenty-llrst Ward, and the Fifth, sixth,
Seventh. and Eighth FJlectiou Divlsions.of the Twenty
l iKhlli Ward ot said Cily. one person to serve us a
Representative or suld District lu the House of Retire
leiiiailves ol the General Assembly of the Common
Veallhol Pennsylvania.
hy the Freemen residlnst in the City and Oo'inty of
Jhiladelidila, oil" qnalilied person t ) serve ui an As
I1'1' Judge of tlie Court of Common Piea-i, elc, In
ilia lor the said City and County for ten years; ono
(ferson lo serve as sheriff, lor said City and County,
it'll i , one person to serve as Register oi
w ins, lor raid City and Cnimtv. for tire Tears: one
person to serve as Cleric ot tlie Orphans' Court in, and
iiJ',iKal?.(Jlly und 'oi'HV, for three years.
,it,i ; ; r"'ul resiuing lu the City or Philadel
Criti J ?,H'r8(jU 10 Bve as City 't reasurer, lor three
years, ana one iiurHiai t... .
I tor three years. " "
oniy 1,,!;';!'!! residing m the First Ward,
i?.miu.Vi n i . i Ket'" B "'ber of Select
Council lor three years, one person to serve
as a member of Com,,,,,,; Council lor two yelrs
aud one peieou to serve as a Couitabla "i r live
jeasr, and .even per-ons t, servu u riolorH ,.f
, l'sblic Schools, lour of tiieut 1)r u,re T yel1H im I.VI
the unexpired term, J,Kv7s ? -n'ed one
lor the unexpired term of Asa Jones tf , ""S
one lor the unexpired term ot Frauds CuuiL Z 1 u.2
4-eased. '
Jly the freemen tedding In thu Hcond Ward seven
persons to serve us Directors of Puhllo Huti aula four
ui ihein for three years, aud three ol them tor i , .V. ....
t-xplred leims of Kdward C. Riohardvoii. Charlat H
beheliengbr, aud John W. Frazler, reepoctlvely riy-
lill.V, ll
J.y Hie Fieemen residing In the Third Ward, one
I'ciscii to serve as Akst ssoi lor the unexpired term of
j i ui. cm A, J i -villi resinned, one persou to serve as
Aim iniiiii In. live vear-i. and one person to nerve us
oe si able lor live ems mid fo ir persons to surve us
Jilie. Ii ik ol Public schools lor lore.; years.
J;v tin I reen, en resiolm; in the Founh Ward, one
I elm n lo sei vb r.1 A leiinan for live years, and four
la-rsons to bvin M Dlm'tors, of 1'ubliO ScLvl'i ht
Ity the Freemen residing In the Fifth Ward, one
person to serve ns a member ot Common I'onneii i .r
two years, and live persons to serve as Directma of
Public Schools, four of them lor three years, and one
lei me nnexpirea term oi ij. c Grteu.
Ry the Freemen residing In' the Sixth Ward, five
persons to serve as Directors ot Public Schools lor
llisee year.
ity Iho Freemen residing In the Seventh Ward, one
person to serve as a member of Common Council for
two years, one person lo serve as a member of Com
inon t ouncll lor the unexpired term or 1 hoiiias Uti le,
resigned, one person lo serve as Ahleiinati for live
years, and four persons to .serve as Directors oi Puolli;
Schools lor three years.
Ry the Freemen residing In the Klgh'h Ward, nno
peison lo sirve ns a member ol Common C lunell for
iwo yours, and lour persons to serve as Directors ol
l'nbllc Schools for three years,
Jiyllm Freemen residing m tbo Ninth Ward one
pcj'Miu to strvu as Alderman for live years, six per
sons lo nerve its Jilreclois of J'uhllc Schools, lour of
Hiem lor llnee years, one of (hem lor I In; une.xolrc 1
teini ol George R. he'sler, decenseil, and one lor tho
uiu .t.iiod lei in ol 11. W. Ilee.'.ley, rusigni'd.
liy tlie Fiei-nien residing In the Tenth Ward one
pii'-en lo serve as a lneni'ier of Select Councillor
tint e years, one persuii lo serve us a Ineinher ol c ,in
loon Cobii' il lor Iwo ;enM, and five persons to serve,
as Directors of J'uMic schools, lour ofihem lur three
.veiir.-.. ami ine lor the unexpired time of Ciiailes
Ji well, icml:i i d.
i'.y the Freemen resjilln In the Kleventh Ward,
one ptrson to si rve at a member of the Ciininon
otihcll lor two yeais, ono person to serve as Aid. t
lnan lor live j eais, and four persons lo serve at Dili-
inrs ol Public Schools for three ye.trs.
I'.y i hi- F reemen residing lu the Twelfth Ward, one
I er (in lo serve as a member ol select Coiuo-.i for
Ihr. e ea;s, and Tour persons to serve as D;i colors ol
I'lihli'. schools lor lliree years.
J;y the Fre emeu residing in the Tliirleentli Ward,
ore per.Min to serve as a member of Comnio.i C kiuci!
lor lu o years, one person to serve as an Alder in an lor
in e years and six persons to serv- as Directors oi'
Public s:elioolN. lour of them lor three years, and two
oi l), ( in lor the unexpired terms .of A JCIiue and
John 1 r', ifsigned; also, one person to serve lor the
unexpired term ol A. J I. Albtirger, d .'ceased.
I'.y the I reenien residing lu the Fourteenth W'ard
one person lo serve as a member ol select Coiinci
lor Hit? unexpired term (1 I , A, Van Cleve, resigned
one person to serve as a member ot said Select Coun
cil lor three years, one person lo serve as a m"iiil-r of
( 'i. iniiion Council lur two years, mi l lour person to
Serve tot 1 irei tors ol Public Schools for l:ree ve us.
Jly the Freemen residing in the I'ilteenih Ward,
one p. rson to serve us a member or Common Conn ;ll
lor two years, and live persons to serve as Directors
oi J'nhlic ,-chools, lour of them lor three years, and
one lor the unexpiieil term of H. K tchiis. res gne I.
Ry the Freemen resitllug in the Sixteenft Ward.
one person lo serve as u member of Select Council lor
three ears, one person to serve as a member of Com
mon Council lor two years, and four persons to serve
us Directors ol Public schools for three years.
Ry .tlio F reemen residing in the Seventeenth Ward,
oi e person to serve as a member of Select Council lor
tbreo years, one person lo serve as a member of
Common Council lor two years, one person to serve
as mi Alderman for five years, and lour persons to
serve an Directors of l'nbllc Scuoois for threo years.
Ry Hie! Freemen residing in Iho F:ighteeutli Ward,
two persons to serve as members of Common Coun
cil lor two years, and live persons to aerve as Di
rectors of Public Schools, lour of them lor three
yeurs, and one for the unexpired term of Samuel J'eu
iilnglon, resigned,
Ry the F'reemeu residing In the Nineteenth Ward,
one person to STve as a member of Select Council,
for three years, two persons to serve as members of
Common Council, one ol them for two yers, and one
lor Die unexpired term of Joseph JOarnest. resigned,
and live persons to serve bs Directors ot Public
Schools, four ot them for three yeurs, and one for the
unexpired term ofJ.R. Hines, deceased
JlV I lid KreeillPIl rAHldinv lo t),n Twdnllulh UT..
two persons to serve as members ol Com mon Council
lor two years, one person to serve as an Assessor (for
that part of the Ward west ol 11 road streeti lor the
unexpired term of R. W. McCloBkey, deceased, ajd
four persons to serve as Directors of Public Schools
for three years; also, one person to serve for the unex
pired term of Thomas R. Rrown.
Ry the F'reemen residing in the Twentv-flrst Ward.
one person to serve as a member of Select Conned lor
three years, one ersou lo Se-rve as an Aldermau for
nve years, one person to serve as Constable for five
yearB aud twelve persons to serve as Directors ot
Public Schools, four ot whom are to serve lor three
years, four to serve for two years, and four to serve
jor one year irom me nrsi oi Jauuary next.
Ry the F'reemen residing in the Twenty-second
Ward, one nerson to Hnrvn as a mpmhar nf lnmnmn
Council for two years, two persons to serve as Alder
men ior nve years, ana lour persons to serve as Di lec
tors of Public Schools lor three years. And by the
Freemen residing in the First, Second, Third, and
Fourth election divisions, one person to serve as As
sessor, for the unexpired term of Ii. W. Slngley.
liy the F reemen residing In theTwentv-th rd Ward.
one person to serve at a member of Select Council tor
threo vearn. and ono nerson tn Rprvn ah a mmiui r
Common Council for two years: and by the Freemen
rt siding lu the F irst FJlectiou Division, late Delaware
township, ono person to serve as an Alderman tor
five years, and two persons to serve as Directors of
Public Schools, one of them for threo years, aud one
lur the unexpired term of John Neville, resltrued; and
by Ihe F'reemen residing in the Second F;iecllou Divi
sion, line l.owei Dublin township, one; person to serve
as au Alderman for live years, and one oers in to
serve as a Director ol Public Schools for three years;
oy uiu i reenien resiuing in Itie iniru l.lecuon Divi
sion, late the '1 ownsinps of Ryberry aud Morela d,
two persons io serve as l-iireciors or t'uonc scuoois
lor lliree years; aud oy the I leemou residing in the
Fourth, F ilth, Sixth, Seventh, and Kighth J:iestlou
Divisions, two persons to serve as Directors of Public
Schools for three years; and ny the Freemen residiug
in the Ninth Election Division, late Ihe To.vnslilp of
Oxford, one person lo Berve as Director of J'ublic
schools ior mree yeurs.
iiy the i reenien resin ng in tne l weniy-'ourtn
Ward, two persons to serve i:s members of Common
Council lor two years, aud seven persous to s irve as
Direotois oi mono schools, six or mem ior Hire";
years, and one lor the unexpired term of JC. J Jtus
se'l, removed
liy the Freemen rr sldlug In the Twenty lUtu Ward.
one person lo serve as a Oiwiihcr of Common Council
loi l a o eais, and oue pernon to serve as an Alder
man lor live years. And by thelreemen reddl.tir in
each of the Fdec'ion Divi'lous ol said Ward, one
peison to serve as a Director ot public Schools lor
lliree years. And by ihe F'reemen resldim; in the
Thiid Election D. vision, one person to serve as au Al
derman lor live yeurs.
Jiy the Freemen resldingln the Twenty-sixth Wurd,
one person lo serve as a member ol the Select C Mined
lor three years, one person to s'-rve us a member of
Common Couucll fur two yea's, and one person lo
serve lor the une.xp red term ol Jlobert Armstrong,
resigned, and live persons to serve as Dlrec'.orsot
Public Schools, lour ol them for three J ears, ami oue
Ior the unexpired term of Lewis Waterman, deceaied.
liy the Freemen residing lu me Twenty-seventh
Wurd, iwo persons to herve as Aldermen for live
yeurs, one peison to serve as Constable lor live year",
and six persons to serve as Direc.ors of PtililicS.itiools,
hveol them ior thre-! years, aud oue tor lue uusx-
pirtd term o' H. W. Marshall, removed.
uy me F reemen resiuing in me r weniy oigiiin
Ward, one person to serve us a member of se ect
Council for tw o years; ore nerson to serve as au Al Jer-
man for live years; one person to serve ai a Constable
for live yeais; and twelve persous toserveas Directors
of Public schools, four ot whom are to serve three
years, four to f erve iwo years and four lo serve oue
year, from Ihe first day of January next.
Aliuuyme 1 leemeu resiuing in eaen oi uie ec
llon 1 i visions of each of the several Wards of the said
C ty, one person to serve as Judge, two pertous to
serve as Inspectors, aud two persons to serve as Re-
mm Inspectors ut KleclionB for each ol said Divisions
The i reenien reMding In tlie several Klectlon Divi
sions of the First Ward w ill vole as follows, to whi
lst Division, ut the house of Joseph Kivel, l.oau-iie
Island road.
:d Division, at the house of Peter Rovier, northeast
corner of Moyameiibiny avenue aud Ureen-vlcli
strei t.
id Jjlvislou. at the house of Samuel Gilbert, south
east corner ot Moyamensing avenue and lie ;d struct.
sin Division, ai tue house oi airs. Dubois, second
stieet, below Wharioii.
(jth the house of Henry Sauer, north
west corner of F ourth and Reed streets.
liih Division, at the houe of s.tmuel l'euk, south
west corner of Sixth and Dtckerson streets.
7th Division, at the house ol Thomas Kane, north
east corner ol Pussyunk road and Cross street.
s'h Division, at li e house of Mrs. Huuer, corner of
Kighth and Medina si reels.
tub Division at the house of Joseph Scholleld, sou .li
weal cornel ot sixth and Tusker s reels
liilh Division, at th house ot Mr. Woll, northwest
corner ot Front and Moore strt els.
'i he Freemen leslding in the several Fileot ou Divi
sions of the Second Waid will vote as, follows, to
Division, ot the southeast corner of Moyatno.u
slng avenue and Prime street.
2d Division. at tlie lions; ol JCdward Watcher, north
east corner ol Second and Carpenter st reels.
lid Division, at Ihe house of Lewis Thornton, north
west corner ol Moyamensing avenue aud Washington
lib Division, at tlie house of William Mauritian,
southwest corner of Th'rd und Christian htteets,
r.tli Division al the house ol George UurUiner, No.
11JI SoiuMi F:ighlh street.
nth Division, ut iho iiouso of Francis King, south
east corner or J.'iltli und Carpenter streets.
7th Division, at the hunse ot Jacob Rent, southeast
corner of Pas.synnk road and christian street.
8lh Division at the house ol Fuchs, norlhwes'
corner of J'llth aud Redwood streets.
lith Division, at the house of'J iniothy Mealy, south
west corner ot Tenth and Carpenter streets.
loth Division, at Ihe house of Hugh 1'inley, s nith
oust corner ot Twelfth and Carpenter streets.
llih Division, at the hull e ol William Halfpenny,
southwest comer of loth and Manilla sireets.
J"th Division, at the housu of Charles Peak, snnlli
eas't corner of Moyamensing avouue and Feduial
"'I'tth'Dlvlsloii, at the house nf K. Pat'on, southeast
corner of J'assyuuk road and Federal street.
The Freemen resldu.g in tho several Kleclion Divi
sions of the Third Ward will vole as follows, lo w P
1st Division, at the house of Uliam E. Slaucliilo.
Second street, below Queen, ,i,
id DivGlon, at the house of John Graham, south
west corner of Front and Catherine streets.
8d Division, at the house of Jamei Hail J, bouthwesl
comer ol second and German streets. ,,,,
4th Division, at the house ot J. Rabiiigt jii, southeasl
corner of Filth and Queen streets. .,!, ut
f'lh Division, at the hou-e ol G. F. Sooler, southeast
corner of I- lub and German streets. ,...,.,'
ih Division, al the house oi Patrick M'irjsiie,
ottu,wesi coi ner ol Catherine and Sixth streets.
Vth Division, ,,t thu house of John aviu, northwest
corner ot Kighih and t'alhei lue: strecls.
Mb Division, beginning at Ihe corner of Tenth and
I' lliwaier street; tlieuce along I enlh street loChi ls
iiau street; thenc,. i,iopK christian strvet lo Tc.i.h
idiuel; Unuce. along 'i'wultlU street to l'lU'rt'';lV't
street; thonro Blong Fllzwaler slreet to the place of
beginning. And Ihe election shall he held al the
limine of Julius St liwalher, at (be southwest corner of
Jelevonlh and Fllzwater streets.
!'lh Division, beginning at the corner of Twnlfth and
I'llzwater streets; thence along Twelfth street to
viiiisioin ntreoi; (hence along curisiiiu street lo
Rroad street; thence along liroad lo I'llzwater street;
inent e biopr iMt.water to the Place ol beginning
A nd Ihe election shall be held at the house ot David
Alexander, corner of I'llzwater street audjuuipur
I line,
1 he Freoinen residing In the several Klectlon Divi
slons ol Ihe Founh Ward will vote as lollows, to wil:
1st Division, at lite house of Jacob Kerbor, liorth-
OMi eimier III I' roll L a DO A I II I Ollll SlTPPtS.
-d Divlsi at the house of William Murphy, No,
o'i2 South front SI reel.
.id Division, at the bonne of Charles Ilray, north
west comer of Second and M unro sti eels.
4ih Division, at Ihe house or William liyeriy, south-
in" t oi oer oi i oori ii ami mi an ley si reels,
Olh J'lvisinp, at the house ol Owen Lamb, southeast
cm tier oi ital ics aid south stieet s.
tub Division, al the house of James McDonough,
Sixth street, below Shlppen.
Tlh Division, at the house of Patrick Reajon, No,
HIT South Sevi nth slieet.
sih Dtv the house of James A, Mutthleu
(liallas House!, Flidith slreet. below Shlppen.
'Ill I 1 1 V I ' i"h, at Ine hoi'se ot .loll 11 Tl I oli i ps, ill , llortll-
etiHt corie r ol '1 ivellth and Ilrinton streets,
1 f li Division, at the botiseof Robert Morrow, north
east coiner ol Rroad and Shlppen streets.
The Freemen resldingln the several FMeetlon Dlvl
Hloits ol Hie J Uii, Ward will vole as lollows. to wil:
l-l Division, at Ihe house of chui les Medar.t, comer
ol Si -rand and Relief si reels.
- I Division, at I he lioipe of Charles McOtftth, Lom
bard sir, et, above Second.
::d Division, at the house nf John Wood, southwe'tt
coi tier ol I llih and Lombard streets.
lib I dvision, at the house ol , northwest
corner ol Front and l ine streets,
.r.ih Division, at the house of Lewis Fischer, No. 21'J
Jioek st rer t.
mli Division, at tho house of John Crawford. No. 312
Filth sinel.
Tib ImnMoii, at the house of l'atrlck McUrossIn,
no 1 1 hetist ( orn er (d I- if: h and Prune st reels.
sth Division, at the house ol Thomas Whltmorn,
smith west comer of Exchange place and Caller's
'1 lie Freemen residing In tho several Elo-nlon Di
visors of I be six lb Ward will vote as follows, to wP: -
1st Division, al tho southwest corner ol Second aud
A rob st reel.
2d Division, at the house of Richard Wellington,
sontliwi st corner ol Second and Quarry streets.
:id Division, at Ihe house of William A. Thorp, Race
Btrei'i. Huitvt: fecoini.
4th Division, at tho house. Third street, below Arch,
west side.
fiih Division, nt the house, northwest comerof Sixth
and Jayne strecls,
(i ll Division, at the Golden Fleece Hotel, in Cherry
street, between Tlilrd and Fourth,
7th Division, at tho White Rear Hotel, southwest
corner of Filth and Race streets.
Bih Division, at the house of James Buck, southwest
corner of Vino aud Crown streets.
The F'reemen residing n the several Election Divi
sions, of the Seventh Ward will vote as lollows, to
1st Division, at the house of D. M. llathleu, No. 808
Lombard slreet.
2d Division, at the house of James Lobley, north
east corner of Twelfth and Lombard streets.
Hd Division, at the house ot Andrew Morrow, south
west corner of Thlrteeth and Lombard street'.
4th Division, at the house ot Lawrence McCabe,
southwest corner of Sixteenth and Lombard streets.
6th Division, at the house of P.Mouaghan, Eighteenth
and McDuflle streets,
6lh Division, at the house of Addis A Knglo, south
west comer or Twentieth aud Pine streets.
7lh Division, at the house of George Connors, north
west corner of Twenty-second and Lombard streets.
8th Division, at the house of James McKinley,
northeast corner of Twenty-third aud Naudaiu
The l-'reemen residing In the several Election Divi
sions ol the Eighth Ward will vote as follows, to wit:
1st Division, at the house ot William Urear, Sausom
Street, below Ninth.
2d Division, at the house of Joseph Relgel, south
west corner of Twelfth and Locust streets.
3d Division, at the house of William Lauge , No. 211
South Rroad street.
4th Division, ai the house of Reuben Delany, south
west corner of Thirteenth and Sausom streels,
6th Division, at the house of John Rrown, northeast
corner of Twenty-Unit and Locust sireets.
6th Division, at the office ol Samuel Bye, No. 120
South Twentieth street.
7th Division, al the house of James Sayles, No. 243
South Seventeenth slreel.
The F'reemen residing in the several Election Divi
sions ol the Ninth Ward will vo'e as follows, to wL:
1st Division, at the house of Amos Qo'lahuu, south
east corner cf PCighth and F'ilbert streets.
2d Division, at the bouse of Robert shnrrard. Nn.
823 Filbeit ftreet.
.id DlvlBlon. at the house of Mrs. Lobley. a uthwont
corner ol K'eventn mid l-'iiuert streets.
lib Division, at the house ol C. Zimmerman. No.
1323 Market slreet
th Division, at the house ol William Shlnti. No. 16
S. Jlrond street.
(ith i vis on. at the house ol Dan el li. lie tier. No.
ll!l Marketsireet.
7th Division, ut Uie house ot Thomas Blair, No. 1011
Market street.
Hi h Division, at the house of II.'K. Mlnnlcli. No.2l"'i
Market street.
The Freemen resldlntr In the several Election Divi
sions of Ihe Teulh Ward will vote as follows, to
1st Division, at No. HI N. Ninth street.
2d Division, at Hie house ot Thomas P. Moon, v,
noitbwest comer of Ninth aud C'herrv strejts.
3d Division, at the house ot Charles C. Gvorbeck,
southwest corner of Eleventh ond Vine streets.
Ith Division, at tho house ol Patrick MeUanus.
southwest corner of Kleventh and Race streets.
Mb Division, at the house or Patrick McLaughlin,
nnrihwer.i corner or Rroad and Race streets,
(th Division, at the house sou t Invest corner nl Gob-
hard and Race streets.
7th Division, at ihe house southwest corner of Six
teenth and Cherry streets.
sth Dlvisien, al the house of Thomas Stewart.south
west corner of T.wenty-lirsl and cherry streels.
Hih Division, at Ihe house of lieiijumin Gingrich,
soulbwi Bt corner of Twenty-second and Vluestreots.
The Freemen residine lu the several Klectlon Divi
sions of the Eleventh Ward will vote as follows, to
lst D'vlslon, nt the house of Jacob Fluck. C'allowhill
street, below Second.
d Division, at the hnue of C. J. vallett, northwest
corner ol New Market aud Cullowhill streets.
al Division, al tlie house ol A. Cumo'jell. Bouthwest
corner ol' Front and l'egg streets.
4!h Dlvis tm, at the house ot Andrew I, Haas, No.
4'3 st. John street.
5th Division, at the house Of A. Gilbert. Third street.
above Rultouwund.
tub Division, at the house of Mrs. P. B'eease. north.
west corner ot St. John and Ureen streets.
lb Division, at tlie bouse ol M. Royston. southwest
corner ol New Market and Rrown streets.
Mb Division, at tlie house ol James Smith, No. 812
tf com) slreet, above Rrown.
'Iho J'reemen residing in the several Election Divi
sions ot tlie Tweltth Ward will vote as lollows, to wit:
1st Division, at tlie house of Lewis Ueohard, uorlh
easi comer of Fourth aud Wood streets.
2d Division, at the housejot Lewis Snell, northwest
corner of Crown and Cullowhill streels.
Ml DivlsMtu, at the house of JI. L, Rose, No. 30!) But
tonvvocd slreet, above Third,
Hh Division, at tlio house occupied by John Metz,
northwest corner of Noble street and York avouue.
fith Division, at tho house of C., nertheast
corner ol Fourth and t oates streels.
mil Division, at the house of John Schmltt, No. 82o
North Third street.
Iili Division, at Wright's Hole!, southwest comer
ot 1 llih and Poplar streets.
The Freemen residiug In tlie several Elc-tlon Divi
sions of the Thirteenth Ward will vote as folio a s, to
Division, at the house of J. Ft. Turner, southwest
corner ol f ranklin and Cullowhill streets.
2d Division, at the house of John Welbank, north
west corner of Rugan ami Ca'.lowhlll streets.
.'id Division, al tho house No. 713 Spring Garden
lib Division, at the house of David S. Drum, south
west comer of J'JIghlh und Rultonwood streets. Division, al Uie house of Amelia Davis, south
east cm nor of Seventh aud Coates streets.
nth Division, al the house of John Dechlor, north
eiiBlcmerof Ninth and Coatei streels,
7th Division, at the house ol Mr. Jlleyler, northwest
corner of sixth aud lirown htreels.
bth Division, al ihe northeast corner of Ninth and
lirown streets, kept by Henry Welsh.
The Freemen residing in the several Kle.Hion Divi
sions of the Fourteenth Ward will vote as follows, to
1st Division, at the house of Christian Theurer, No.
lliiiu Ridge avenue.
2d Division, at the house of John Warwick, north
eust corner of Thirteenth and Cullowhill streels.
.id Division, at the house of Coulter Russell, R dge
avenue below Spring Garden street.
4lli Dlvisi .n, ill the hall, northwtst corutr of Thir
teenth and Sprn g Garden sireets.
fiih Division, at the house Simpson, southwest
corner ol Eleventh and Coalos streels.
lith Division at the house ol Miller, north
west corner of Rroad und Coates streets.
7lh Division, al the uoilhwesl comer of Eleventh
and Parrlsh streets
8th Division, at the house of Horsholl', south
wist corner oi Thirteenth und Ogden s'loels.
The Frienieu residing In the auviiral Klectloi Divi
sions of the Filleeulh Wurd v ill vote ut iul ows,
lo wil
1st Dlv'sloii, at tho house of Jlenry Young, soutli
easfrcornt r of Fill enth and Callnivhill sin ets,
2d Division, ut the house ol diaries KUlinvcr, liiil
tonw i 00, between Seventeenth an A Klgh' lech It sis.
lid Ilivlslon, commence u' Hie northwest corner of
llioadand Green streets, thence along tlio north side
ol Green stieet lo Ihe oust side of Seventeen'!! .street,
thenc, along lb east utile nrscvenieeii Ii to the south
ode ol I onics street, thence along the nldo ot
Coulea slreel lo Ihe, west sale of liroati street, Ibouce
along Iho west side of Rroad stit o' t i Itie place tit
beginning. Ami Die place of volhm shall b.i at the
bouse ol John Herman, sualhoast corner ol F.f.ueu.h
and ( al s.
Ith I '(vision, nt the Mechanic I'nejno House, Brown
street, ht ii w Fiiieen h.
oth Di vi: i in. from N inetot nth lo Twenty -II est str.tnt,
I ruin Nine to II antlltou a' I v-1. 'ot i at ihe ho. no ol
.lame'' Fit w at er, ."so litis Cu low In. I si i eel.
Hi It Divi- ion, al I he in u e of ,1 o teph M 'tJ ''. nou'li
w est corner ol Cu I low Id II and 'I went v second s s.
'Mi Division, a' the iiotisv ol Wli.iam Sep i d, corn !
of Riddle and Cullowhill streels.
sih 1 iv it ion, coinntei re nl the corner of Twr-tity-flrsi
und Spiiuu Gni licit sireets I hence alum: t h" n1 .r It
side ol spring Garden si u-el to Pet in 1 . an .i a veil 1 1.
I hence ah ng the east side ol Fennel 1 wiiim a ' lo
Twenty. fourth street, thence lib I'm e (-' - ' I
'I n fiti v-loui I Ii si i -i : it flu. nor", i s . !'
llu'fvo'uoilh I' Luudinu live , I i- -
t hence along Ihe south side of Poplar street to the
west sh e ol Tw t niyfourlh street, thence alone the
west side of 'J w enly-loiirlh street lo the south side of
i oatps street, thence along the south side of Coiifos
street lo the west sideol 1 Wpi'ty-soeond street, thence
along the w est side of Twoiitv-sponnil street to tho
south side of Green sf root, thence along the south side
of Green stieit to 'J w only-first street, thence along
tbn ttHul ttirtn nl 'I n I .li .i u, -n... . .., ... t..l
u ... ... i u i.ij-iiin.nun.i to low oiu:e oi 1,0-
ciniilnir. And Ihe nlitce of votioe n)iaii be hi tho
house of A ndreiv smith, at the southwest corner of
j w em y-secono ana t oaies.
lull Division, at the house No. lsl I North street.
litih Division, at the house ol Christian Ourne, No.
21i 'i Coatep streot.
llih Division, at tbo house of Jeplha n. Mumi,
Iiortlieast corner of Francis and Shlrlev slroetR.
12ih Division, at tho house of Uuorge Liber, No, 11)11)
A anno, . oo-n't'i-i-
l ull Division, commence at tho northeast enrnor or
Twenty second and Coates streets, thence along tho
run lb side of Coalos slreel to tho east side of Twenly
letirih street, t hence along I he east side of Twenty
lourth streit to Pi plur street, thence along the south
side of Poplar lo Iho west nldo of Twenty-second
slreet, thence a'ong the west side ol Twenty-second
to the place of beginning. And tlie place of voting
shall bo at the honse ol ( ieorge ( Uderaft, at the south
west corner of lirown and llucknell streets.
Mill Division, c, iiiini nee ut the northwest corner of
Ktiige avenue and Coales stieet, thence along the
north sid" ol Conies street to the east side ot S vpn
leehlh slreel, Iheni o along tho east side nf Seven
teenth f I reel to the soul Ii aide td Francis street,
II. ence alone. Ihe south Side of Francis atrve't to the
h i st side ol Itlilge avenue, t hence along the west sldo
ol lihigo avt nne to the place of beginning. And tho
place i f voting shall lie at the Drove Yard Hotel,
lildeo avenue above six teen lb street,
I he I- ret men residing in Iho several Flection Divi
sions ol the sixteenth Ward will vole as loiljws to
w i I :
1st Division, at the Bull's I feud Hotel, Front street,
al.o c 1'oplar.
2d Division, at tho house or Joseph Morris, north
east coi tier of Front and (liter sireets.
3d 1 ilvision. nt t he house ol Thomas Murphy, corner
ol New Maikeland Laurel streets.
4lh JMvislon, at the house ol John T.lpps, Uorniun
town road and second street.
Oth Division at tlio house of Robert Sherrar J, G r
inanlown road, above Second street
idh Division, ut the house nl Mrs. Bluer, southwest
corner of r tun lh and George st reels.
7th Division, at No. 1121 N. Third street,
Mh Division . ut iho house of Christian Schtiitell,
No. Hill North Filth street, above Poplar.
The Freemen residing in Hie several JOlectlon Divi
sions of the tcvenleenth Ward will vole as lollows,
lo w ii:
1st Division nt tho hnnsoof John R, Schuyler, south
fast corner ol Front and Master streets.
2d Division, nt Ihe house of John liolmos, south
west corner of I'rontand Thompson streets,
3d Division, at the house of Mr, Chumberd, corner
of Howard a no Master streets,
4lb Division, at Ihe house of James Crelghton,
northeast corner of Second and Thompson streets.
6lh Division at the house of Philip Marrx, No. 1329
Germantown road,
tllh Division, at the house of James Donnelly, north
west corner ol Master and Cadwalader streets.
7th Division, at Ihe house of Michael Jlnrns, north
west corner of Jefferson and Calwalader streets.
8th Jilvislon, at the house of William Cougdon,
southeast corner Sixth and Master streets.
nth JJivlsion, at the house or James O'Neill, south
east corner ot Filth and Jefferson streets.
lath Division, at the house or Johu McCartney,
southeast corner ot Thompson and Cadwalader
The Freemen residine In the several Election Dlvl.
slons of the Eighteenth Ward will vote as follows, to J
w it:
1st Division, at the house corner ot Frankford road
and Manderson street.
2d Division, at the house of James Holdcraft, Beach
street, above Shackamaxou.
3d Division, ut the house of C. V, Nauman, corner
of Girard avenue and Marlborough slreet.
Ith Division, at Die house of John Relnhnrd, south
east corner of Ulrard avenue and Savery street.
nth Division, at the house of John snear, Beach,
above Hanover.
6th DIvibIoii, at the house of William Flake, corner
Of Vienna and Richmond streets.
7th Division, at the house of John Pote, corner of
Richmond and Otis streets.
8th Division, at the house of Peter Klein, corner of
Hanover and Moyer streets.
91 h Division, at the house of Andrew Weber, corner
ol Belgrade and Palmer streets,
loth Division, at tlie house of Frederick Miipssn.
corner ot Vienna and Relgrade streets.
llih Division, at the house of Mancaret McCIure.
corner of Richmond and Norrls streets.
12th Division, at the house of David GaflkllL corner
ot Richmond aud Huntingdon streets.
The Freemen residing in the several Election Divi
sions oi the Nineteenth Ward will vote as follows, tn
lst Division, at the house of George Boyor, German
town mad. below Norrls street.
2d Division, at tlie house ot nonry Helscr. Frank,
ford roHti , oiiQiue ooiunioin, avenue,
Rd Division, at the house of Mr. Lentz, corner of
Norrls street and Frunklort road.
4th Division, at the house of John Ileenno. nt (ho
corner of Front and Amber streets.
8th Division, al the house ol A. Peters. F rankford
road, north of Norrls slreet.
(ith Division, at the house of A, W. Streeter, corner
of Frank lord road and Adams street,
7th Division, at the house' or John M. Iverchman,
Germantown road, above Columbia avenue,
sih Division, at Iho house ot Thomas Cope, corner
of Coral and Letterly sireets,
9th Division, at the house nf William Kulr m,n..
of Fourth and Diumond streets.
pun DlvlBlon, at the house oi John Doerr, corner
of Klla and Amber streels
Hth Division, at the house of P. H. K neohel oornor
of Sixth and York streets.
12th Division, at tue house of Francis Schmidt, cor
ner of F'ilth and Norris streels.
huh Division, at the house of W. F. Wlllard, corner
ot Second and York streets.
l lie Freemen residing lu the several Election Dlvl-
sions of the Tweulietli Ward will vole as follows, lo
1st Division, at tho southeast corner of Girard avo.
hue and Tenth sireets.
2d Division, at Hie house occupied by Christian
Rentscheller northeast corner of Franklin street ami
Girard avenue.
3d Division, at the hou., or Jamei M. Rainaev.
northeast comer of Seventh and Ox lord streets.
4th Division, at the house of George Mei.ger, south
east comer ol Eleventh street aud Girurd avenue
oth Division, at the northwest corner ot Poplar and
Km Iz streels, house ol George W. Kohl,
mh Division, at tlie house of Josenh Thompson.
nonhead corner ol' Girard avenue and Deacon street.
7 tli Division, at me house ot Charles ll. F-eicsteiu
north west corner ol Eleventh and Master streets.
sth Division, coniuiouce at the northwest corner of
Rroad and Pwplar streels. thence alum: Hie north sldo
oi 1'oplar street 10 tho east sldo ol Fifteenth street,
thence along the east side of Fifteenth street to the
south side ol Montgomery aventio, thence along the
south bale oi jMonigomery aveuue to the wen. sideot
liii ad t freet, thence aloug the west side of Broad
stieet lo the place of begiuulng And the place of
voting shall be at ihe house of Henry Roohm, south,
casii corner of Thompson and Amity Btroets.
em Divisior, commence at mo northwest corner ol
Poplar and Seventeenth streels, tbenoe along ihe
north side ot l'o lar to the east side of Hie river
chuylKill, thence along the east side of the river
chuvlkill to the south side of. Master street, thence
along ihe south side of Master street to the west side
ol seventeenth street, thence along the west side of
Seventeenth street to the place ol beginning. And
ihe place ol voting shall he at the house ol Henry
Balttrsby. No. iioK Nineteenth street.
lnlli Division, commence at tlie northwest corner of
Twenty-lirst and Master strepls, thence along the
north side of Master direct to the east sideot Hie
river Schuylkill, thence along the east s do of the
river Schuylkill to the soulh side of Montgomery
avenue, thence aloug the south side of Montgomery
uvenue to the west side of Twenty-lirst slreet, thence
aloLg the west side of 1 wentv-llrst street to the place
ot b ginning. And Ihe place of voting shall be at Ihe
house ol Charles M. Fugis, northwest corner of
'1 w enty-fourlh und Jellersou streets.
lltli Division, at the house of James Riglez, south
east coi ner of Eleventh and Oxlord streets.
12th Division, at the house oi William Cobb, uorih
eas'l corner of F'raukllii and Oxlord sireets.
liilh Division, al lite northeast corner ol Tweliih
and Jellersou sireets.
l ith Division, al ihe southwest comerof Thirteenth
and Oxlord si reels.
1,'iih Division, commence at the uonhw.-st corner
ol Poplar md Filleeulh streets, tin nee along the north
s'de ol I'oi lur slreet to ihe east side ol Sixteenth
Blreet thence along the east side ot sixteenth street
10 ihe' south side ol Montgomery avenue, thence along
iho south side ot Montgomery avenue to the west
side of Fifteenth street, thence along the west side
of Fifteenth street lo tlio place of begiuulng. And
iho mace ol voiing shall be ut the house of Johu
Fox. southwebt corner of Fllteenth und Thompson
Kith Division, commence at the norlhwest corner
of Six'eentli anil Poplar sireets; thence along the
north blue of Poplar stieet lo llie east side ol Seven
teenth BtreeU thence ulolig the east Mdu ot Seveu
tienih Blreet to the north side of Master street:
thence alonr tlie norlli si do of Mus'er street lo tue
east side of Tweniy-Ursl sueti'; Ihenct) along ihe east
-Ide of 'Jweiit-liirsl btreet lo Iho soulh S'de of Mont
to nieiy avenue: thence along the south Bide or Mont
ilomi i v a eliue to Iho west side ol' Sixteenin street;
ibiiice along the wial sideol sixteenth street to thu
oU.ce ol benliinlioV. and the pUo of Win ,' shall be
at the housu of Jacob Urehc-r, No. lt.21 Seybcri
"''nrnVrpenieu residing In Ihe several Kleclion Divl
su ns of thu Tweiiiy-hrst Ward will vote as follows,
Us'dTvIsIoii, beginning al Hie ItHorseclon ot tlio
u, oibsasteru Hue of thu hue horoutth of Mmuyunk
and the river Schuylkill. Hieiioo alou.' said borough
in o to the iiorlheiisteru boundary -of Ihe samj,
H ence along said line to Penii airoa:. thctico along
l' i n slreet io Main street, thence ahins Ma iiRlrect
to Ptibesi ll stieet, thence ulouu Robeson s' root to the
river Schuylkill. Uieni. nluiig s ml river lo iho pl'ive
of hegiiiuliig. Vote at the I' ltiuttilu llot-.-l,
Sl"d'Dlvision. beginning at the northeast oirnir of
Pmiii and Main street, llienca along rem s'.re t to
11 e late borough line, Iheilt e lllou fcalil boi ooii line
'!i Micltanii'Slieel. II. nice aloe Median!.: sired lo
HeilulistK el, thence nloiu lh'.i.iii- Mr. ft toCoKon
, iheiieo alniie, I lotion s' r-ei lit'ie i Ivor S -hyul-kill
ii , nee aloin; sain river lo ll boson s're-t, llience
Kliuit: llobo.-on stieet lo .M In '.t.,t. thence itlo .g
1 in s'rt 1 1 to l'euu si reel, P a.'e of Inuiuuin j. Vole
a'iliePolici) Million. Mechanic s'.re t.
(1 j hej. i lining ill tne noiihi i corner of Ihe
f.Vel S( 1,1 ) lii l.l l l.d I o' Ion s' li "I , I : t! .,1, Col
toll r 1 1 eel lii l nlr HI l ee' . Ilt 'o.-i: .i'hil: ll 1! lie stl'-'et
,o Mei In-nli tt reel In ' f'.n'ti Met .t.tni.' s red to
I lie Uleii f ( nub line, I lie lit e t lone h .hi t ot i,,:h l'no
tl, , ,.,ltiu st . eel , Hence ilt.,1, I e i r ll - 1 1". 'Ot to
,t ,. . ,i -i sc, i yll.i.l. ll ence ablet. s.,i.I nvt- lo p'
. . s, gte lit lie' !,.' ll"'. .u li e:- J(;ll
4th Division, beginning at the norlhoait corner of
me liver sciiiiyiKin bhu iverlng street, tnence
along Levering street to the lale borough Hue, thence
along said borough lino to Green lane, I hence along
Green lane to Woi d street, thence along Wood street
lo Oak street, thence alone Oak street tu linker street,
thence along Raker slreet lo Jackson street, thence
along Jackson street to the river Schuylkill, thence
a ong said river to Levering street, tho place of be
ginning. Vole at Metzier's lintel, Cresson street.
6th Division, beginning at tho nortliesst corner of
Jackson street and the river Schuylkill, thence bIohr
.lack son street to Raker street, tbo' ce along Haker
Btreet to Oak street, thence along Oak stieet to Wood
street, thence along Wont, street to Green lane, thence
along Gieeii lane to the lale borough line, llience
alone said borough lino lo t ontro street, thence along
Centre slreet to the river Schuylkill, llience along
said river to Jackson stieet, the place ol beginning.
Vote et Iho Qiilnton Hotel, Main street.
nth Division, beginning al t lie northeast corner of
river Schuylkill and Centre street, thence along Cen
tre stn el to the late borough line, thence along said
beronah line to ( iniiamlnson run, tlieuce along said
( iniinmlnson run to the river Schuylkill, llience
along said rivt r to CeitH e hired, the place ut be,:lti
nlng. Vote at Keeley's house, corner of Maiu aud
V iishlngloti streets.
7lh Division, beginning at tho uorllirnst corner of
Doinnio lane anil river Schuylkill, aloha norllislde
l said lane to Ultimo road, along east .- ide urs.ild road
lo ( lease lane, along north snie ol said lane to town
ship line, a'ong said Hi o to Montgomery county line,
aim g said line to river Schuylkill, along said river lo
lace of bediming. Vote at Anil's Hotel, Rld:eroad,
Mh Division, beginning at tlie tipper sidii of tho bo
rough line aud river St huyil.lll, Pillowing ihe said
line iinlil It meets tlierh er again, along said river to
School house lane, along said lane lo township lino,
along said line lo I rensn lane, along said lane to
l.ulge n ml, along wc.s.sii! of said road to Domltxt
hine, along said lane to river sehtiy li. 114. along said
i ll er to place ol beginning. Vole al Lcvericg's Hotel.
'I lie 1 1 ( n en residing in the several Kleclion Divi
sions ol the Twenty second Ward will vote as lol.oivs.
lo v. it:
1st Division, r-.t the linus of John Fplton, corner of
Fisi er's 1 lie and Second street turnpike road,
id Division, ui the llranclitmvn Holel, corner of
oi k road and Mil. Blreet.
3d Division, at illlani stallman's General Wayne,
I'onit t of .Main and Miinnelm streets.
lib IdvUlon, ul ihe school House, School IIouso
.'.th Division, at the house of William Hughes, Main
slreet, opposite the Town Hull,
tali Division, at Ihe puhllo house ot E. North, cor
ner ol Germantown avenue and Harvey street.
7ih Division, ut the bouse ol Frauds Rluker, known
as the White Swan Hotel.
sih Division, at tlie houseof John Bush, known us
the Funic Hotel.
lub Division, at tho house of Barbara Boon.
The F'ropmeu residing iu the several Klectlon Divi
sions of tho Twenty-third Ward will vote as lollows,
lo wit:
1st Division, at the Washington House, kept by I'.
O. M ilehner, Holmesburg.
2d Division, nt the house of Robert N. Murray, lu
the village of Ruslleton.
3d Division, at the house of the late Elijah Hoff
man, in the village of Smilhtield.
4th Division, at the house of diaries Johnson.
bill Division, at the house of Joseph 11. Comly.
lith Division, at the house of Daniel F'aiince.
7tli JJlvision, at the house of Robert Thornton, on
l'rankford street,
8ih Division, at the house of George Ertel, corner of
Bridge street and the Philadelphia and Treuluu Rail
road, mh Division, at the house ol Albert S. Walton, cor
ner ol F ranklord or Main slreel and Oxford road.
The Freemen residing In the several F.lection Divi
sions of the Twenty-fourth Ward will vole as follows,
lo wit:
1st Division, at Milner's Hotel, northeast corner of
Thlrty-lliih and Lancaster avenue.
2d Division, at the Pennsylvania Hotel, southeast
corner of Thirty-fourth and Lancaster avenue,
3d Division, at the Win. 1'enu Hotel, Market stieet,
west of Thiriy-elgnth street.
4th Division, at the Washington House, northwest
cornr-rol Thirty-ninth and Market streets.
Oth Division, at the Union Hotel, southeast Corner
of Forty-lirsl and Haverford streets.
fiih Division, at Vanleer's Hotel, northeast corner of
Fifty-third street and H averfdrd avenue.
7th Division, at Major Wh'testde's, Haddington, .
sih Division, at the Park Hotel, llestonvllle.
9th Division, at the Summit House, Mouumeut road,
above Belmont avenue.
loth Division, at Vodges' office, Fortieth street, near
Sycamore slreet.
11th Division, at the Mantua Public School House,
Haverford street, above Thirty-filth street.
The F'reemen residing In the several Flection Di
visions ot the Tweuty-lilth Ward will vote as lollows,
to whi
lst Division, at the houseof Jacob Markley, Rising
Sun Village.
2d Division, at the house now or late of Charles
Wiles, Harrowgate.
3d Division, at the house of Conrad Lutz. Cedar
Grove Hotel. .... , . .
4ih Division, at the house of Johu Dougherty, Rich
mond street ubove Somerset.
6th Division, at tho house of A, P, Stackhonse,
northeast coruer ot Frankford road and Clearlleld
6th Jilvislon, at the house of William B. Tustiu,
northeast corner of Richmond und Ann streets.
'i he Freemen residing in Hie severul Election Divi
sions of the Twenty-sixth Wurd will vote as follows,
1st Division, at the Girard School House.
2d Division, at the house of 1', Eve, corner of Whar
ton Btreet aud Pussyunk road.
3d Division, nt Ihe house of Samuel Beagley, south
west corner of Thirteenth ami Wharton streets.
4th Division, at the house of Hugh Walker, north
west corner of F ederal and Clarion streets.
6lh Division, at the house of Thomas Wylie, south
west corner of Eighteenth and Carpenter streets.
tith Division, at the house of F'. Suxloii, soutwest
comer of Rroad und South streets.
71 li Division, at the house ot James Boyd, southeast
coiner ot p:ighteeutb and South streets.
Mh Division, beginning at tlie coruer of Nineteenth
and Fil.water sireets, along Filzwaterstreot to Gray's
Ferry road, along Gray's Ferry road to Shlppen s'.reet,
along Shippeu street to Sutherland uveoue. along
Sutherland uvenue to Christian street, along Chris
tian slreet to Nineteenth, and along Nineteenth (street
to the place of beginning. Vole at the northwest cor
ner ol Twentieth and Catharine Btreets.
nth Division, beginning at the southwest corner of
Ninetpenih and Christian streets, thence west to the
river Schuylkill; thence to the uortli side of Federal
street; tlieuce eastward to Hie weslslde ol Nineteenth
street; and from llience lo the place of beginning.
Aud the place of holding election shall be the house
oi Fldw ard Parr, at the northwest coruer of Twentieth
und Federal streets.
loth Division, beginning at the southwest corner of
Nineteenth ami Federal sireets; llience along the
south side of F'ederal suv t. to the river Schuylkill;
H ence south to the nor h line of Millltu street; thence
eastward to the west line of Nineteenth stroot, and
llieneo to the place o' beginning; and the place or
holding elections shall bo at tho house of Andtew
Mclntyre, southwest coruer ol Tweuly-elghiU and
Federal streets.
llih Division, beginning at the corner of NineteontU
and I- Hz w titer streels, idong FM. water street lu Gray's
Ferry road, along Gray's Ferry road to Shlppen
street, along Shippeu s reel lo Sutherland avenue,
along Sutherland avenue to Christian streel, along
Christian street to the river Schuylkill, along said
river to south slreet, along soulh slreet to Nineteenth,
street, and along Nineteenth slreet to the pluco of be
ginning. Vote ut the southwest corner of Tweuty
liist and Shlppen streets.
The F'reemen residiug In the several Eloctlon Divi
sions of ihe Tweiuy-sevi nth Ward will vote as follows,
lowli: '
lsl Division, at the house of Bernard Shannon
southwest comerof Thiriy-third and Chusnut streets
2d Division, at tho Houtheust coruer of Thirty
seventh und Locus'. strt ets.
ml 1 livlslon, at ComuiUulouers' Hall, Thlrty-soveuth
und Market Btieets.
4tn Division, at Alderman Allen's, Chosnut sireot.
oust of F'oriit-th. '
6ih Jilvislon, at Enoch Gray's ofllce. Woodland and
1-orty-second si reels.
tith Di Isiou, at BuuJamid Sharp's Hotel, Forty-third
and Market slreet.
7lh Division, ut the Ritie Bell tavern, Darby road.
I'lischal ville. 1
The Freemen residing iu the several Kleclion Di
visions of ihe Twenty-ciguUi Wurd will vote as lol
lows, to wlii
lst Division, beginning at ihe northwest corner of
Montgomery and Jlev. ntu streets, theuct aloii" the
west sine or Fllevenih sin et to Nurrislown Railroad
llience along thewesi side of said road to Leuli'h
avenue, Hit lice ulong tho soulh side of said uvenue io
seventeenth street, llieneo along the east side of
seveuteeih Blreet to MonWomeiy tlieuce uloiu tho
north she oi Montgomery to Eleventh street, or
place of beginning. Vide at Biishnell's North Broad
.-Hrect Skating Park, B.oid und .Montgomery.
2d Division, beginning ai the northeast corner of
usiiuehiinna uvenue and lileventh Blreet. thence
along east Bide of Fllevt tilh slreet to Norrlstown Ral'l
I'LT, ', ,a'nL' ulK tl'e east sideot said railroad to
Lehigh uvenue, Iheuco along soulh side of said ave
niio lo Germantown avenue, tht-itcM along southwest
side of Germantown avenue lo avomie
ihencna ong nonh side ot Susquehanna avenue to
Kleventh slreel, or place ol beginning. Vole t tlio
stn ei'. 1'1'tIilUo"tti' UU..t:,towu kveiiuo and Seventh
3d Division, beginning nt the northwest corner of
Germantown avenue mi l Lehigh avenue tlioiicit
along west sideot U.-rinan'owu ave, i8 to i s of
I weidy-second Wurd, along said bus to Town'
"hip Line road thence along east slda of wfld roil lo
Kile avenue, thence along norm side of Krle uvenue
to Seveuiet ntit Mreel, I nt nee along oast side of Sovoi."
teen h atieei lo Tioga street, iheuu along iionh shio
0 -l loga street to Rroad street, thence a "oni east
1 ,Jir',a .if t,a ,u J"'blh avenue, tnence uiong north
side of said avenue to j lace ol b0luulni vEte a
Scoit h, Rroad ami Germaniowa read '' v ule l
BnlidTi:'!'. '.. corner of
street in Sevimioeth street, thence wmtslde of Severn
leeiilh street lo Fine av. nun, Iheuco south suit! ol 1'ri,.
avenue lo township .ii,eto..d, tlieuce t Nlcclow,.
iiniMbuice south sldo of Mcoloivu lane to l imb
tivcr.i road, llience along mi.u, side ot 1.,1,
'ii' vvesV'suio
, v, . .' ; , '" " Kn iiveuuit, thence bIoiil.
the norlh sideot Bald avenue lo r.roud sii'om t i.i.. B
along the wesl s'de of Li Man t ', r ., 'TKir' .', r i.,
ot bigii'iiliiK. Vtte at Jimoi I rui ti' ; . ri0il':
Wt moreland streets. 1 t.rowu s, UroaJ and
:,lb Division, l.tKliinlng at Iho northwest corner or
K"V.-i.teMb "' Mon. hop. ,-ry, u.m uljpg tne wi st
s ee oi Sevm etnih biiei i io I n"i
Ho ... e i.lom; Hie so.t.i w dl ti'' of stlYZtd' t',j
.werivh';; " -1' -r
I w ll l -liilh to M00I..1 inn 1 ,- uvenue' Icoiicm Ii Diyi-ion, I, echini.,:: nl the horlliwesi rornor of
1 wt nty niio ami M out ..ouoiv streets; thence aloii:
llie wi t sine o( '1 weiity iittl. Hired to I, Tavern
roi.d; tin nee i-.'ni g the souili side of i hob Tivwii
roud to N iv'dow u ltiiie; lUtiice along thu noulhside of
Nlcotow n lane to Can brlrt street! thence south side of
CnnbrlB street to Hie liver Schuylkill; thenc alone
the river to Montgomery slreet: thence lo place ol b
ginning. Vote at J. Siohl's, Washington lane and
Ridge avenue.
7in Division, beginning at the Junction of Nlcetown
Inne and Township Line road, thence along the south
west side of Township lino road to Kails road, thence
past sideot Falls road to the river Schuylkill, thence
along Ihe river lo ( amhrla street, thence along north
side of Cambria slreet to Nlcetown lano, thence alonic
Ihe norlh side of Nlcetown lane to Township lino
road, and place ol beginning. Vote at Mehr's Hotel,
lll" avenue.
sth 1 Division, brginnlng at the Junction of Falls road
nnd 1 on iiship Hue road, tlionco along theTownshipi
line road 10 Sa.poi House lane, thence along said lane
to Ihe Schuylkill riyer, thence to Falls road. thehc
slong the west side or FH romi to place of begin
lung. ole at Ridge a,M1p and llrldgo road.
Ihe Judges und Juspeciors are particularly re
(Itiested to i.ollt e Hie following extract of an Act ol
Ihe General Assembly:
In Bccon'Biice with Ihe provisions of the' Eighth
section ol an Act of tho General Assembly of Ihe
Ct'iiinionwtallh of Pennsylvania, emitted "A further
Supplement to the Election l aws or this Common
wt all h," nppioved the P'ourth day of June. A. D. lsiirt,
the billowing Pionmblo and First Four Sections or
bald Act are published, to wit:
Whereas, ltv the Act of the Congress of the Unllod
Slates en til led "A 11 Act to amend tho several acts here
tofore passed lo provide lor the onrolllt g and calling
tail Hip National forces, and lor oilier purpose.'' anil
approved Match 3, one thousand eight hundred and
sixlv-llvp, all persons who havttdpsertpd the military
or navi.i -1 rvlce 01 the l ulled states, nnd who huva
not been discharged or relievod Irom the penally or
disability therein provided, sro deemed and taken to
have voluntarily rellmnitHhed and forfeited their
righis ot citizenship, and their rights to become citi
zens, and ate deprived of exercising any rights of citi
zens thereof. .
A nil wherens, Pi rsons, not citizens of tho United
States, 1110 not, under the Constitution and laws of
Pt iinsyivama, qnalilied electors of the Commou
wealth. Section 1. Bo It enacted by tho Senate and House of
Li piesenliitives ol llie Commonwealth of Pennsylva
nia in Gi neinl AssPtnbly met, and It Is hereby e 11 acted
by Ihe authority of the same, That In ull elections
herealler to be held 111 this Commonwealth, it shall
be uiiluwlul ior the Judge or Inspectors of any
such election to receive any ballot or ballots from
any person or persons embraced In the provisions and
subject to ihe disability imposed by the said act of
( ongress, approved March 3, one thousand eight hun
dred und sixty-live, and It shall be unlawful for Buy
such person tn oiler to vole any ballot or ballots.
Section 2. That If any such Judge und Inspectors of
Election, or any one el them, shall receive or consent
to receive any such unlawlul ballot or ballots frora
. - . " "'n.pmiiiieu person, ne or they so ouenuluff
shall I, e guilty of a misdemeanor, and, upon convic
tion lhereorin any Court or Quarter Sessions of this
Commonwealth, be shall, for each oIleiiBe, be sen
tenced to pay a line oi not less tliau one hundred dol
lars, and 10 undergo an imprisonment In the Jail of
the proper coiinly for not less than sixty days
Sicuon 8 -That If a y person deprived of citizen
ship and disqualified as aforesaid, shall, at any elec
tion hereafter to he held In this Commonwealth, vota
or tender lo the officers thereof and otTor to vote.
ballot or ballots: any person so oirending, shall be
deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction
thereof. In any Court of Quarter Sessions of thlsj
Commonwealth, shall for each olfense be punished la
like man. er as Is provided la the preceding section
of tliis Act, In the case ot ollleers of election receiv
ing such unlawful ballot or ballots.
Section 4. That if aoy person shall hereafter per
suade or advise any peison or persons, deprived of
citizenship and disqualified as aforesaid, to offer any
ballot or ballots to the ollleers of any election herr.
after to be held In this Commonwealth, or shall per
suade or advise any such olltcor to receive any ballot
or ballots, from any person deprived of citizenship
and disqunlllied ns afoiesahl; such person so offend
ing shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon con
viction thereof, In any Ccurt of Quarter Sessions of
this Commonwealth, shall be punished In like manner
as Is provided In the second section of this Act, In tho
case of oflicers of such election receiving such unlaw
ful ballot or ballots.
I'ursuant to an act of the General Assembly of thtt
Commonwealth, passed the 30th day of March, A. D".
IsfiG, Notice Is hereby given that the qualiiied voters)
of the several counties of this Commonwealth, at all
tcnoral, township, borough, and special elections, are
lercby hereafter authorized and required to vote, by
tickets, printed, or written, or partly printed and
partly written, severally classified as follows: One)
ticket shall embrace the names of all Judges ot courts)
voted for, and to be labelled outsido "judiciary;" one
ticket shall embrace tho names of all State officers
voted for, and to be labelled "State;" one ticket shall
embrace the names of all county oflicers voled for,
Including ofllce of senator, member and members
of Assembly, If voted for. and members of Congress,
if voled lor, and be labelled "county;" one ticket shall
embrace tlie names of all township ollleers voted for,
and be labelled "township:" one ticket shall embrace
tho names of all borough ollleers voted for, and b
labelled ' borough;" and each class shall be deposited
In separate ballot-boxes.
In pursuance of an act of the General Assembly of
the Commonwealth ol Pennsylvania, entitled "An
act relating to Flections ot this Commonwealth,"
parsed the 2d day ol July, A. D. 1S39, notice is hereby
given, thai every person, excepting Justices of the)
I'eace, Military Oflicers, and Jlorough Ollleers, who
shall hold any ofllce or appointments of profit or trust
under the Government of tho United states or of this
State, or of any City or Incorporated District, whether
a Commissioned Ofiicer or otherwise, a subordinate
Ollicer or Agent, who Is or shall be employed under
the Legislative, Executive, or Judiciary Department
of this stule, or ot the United Slates, or of any City or
I incorporated Dlst rlct, and also that every member of
Congress, and of Hie State Legislature, and of the
Select or Common Councils of any City or Commis
sioners or any Incorporated District, is by law lucapa
ble of holding or exercising at tlie same time the olllco
or appointment or Judge, Inspector, or Clerk of any
Kleclion of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspec
tor, Judge, or other ollicer of any Btieh' Flection shall
he eligible to any oltlce except the office of Judge ana
Inspector, to be then voted for.
The Polls In the respective Klectlon Divisions of the
Wards ol' the said City shall be open at seven o'clock
In the morning, aud shall be closed at six o'clock: la
Dip evening.
The heiurn Judges are to make their Returns for
said City and County for General and Municipal Ofli
cers, at the State House, on Chesnut street, of said
City, on Friday, the llih day of October, A. D. 1867. at
10 o'clock A. M.
God save the Commonwealth.
HKNItY C. HOWF.LT, Sheriff.
Philadelphia, Sheriff's Ofllce, Sept. 12, lsti7. i 18 2t
O '1 ION.
Notice Is hereby given that the following change
and corrections lu the Proclamation of the 12th lust,
ere to be observed, to wil:
Flub Ward-6lh Division vote at No, 235 Soruca
Ninth Ward The Freemen of Ninth Ward are to
e!ict one pits'-n to serve as a member of the Common
Council lor two ytars.
Fourteenth Ward 7th Division vote at tho N, E.
coruer of Eleventh nnd Parrlsh Btreets.
Fifteenth Ward 7th Division vole at No. 2137 Callow-hill
Twentieth Ward--The Freemen ot the Twentieth
Ward are to elect one person to serve as a Director of
Public Schools for the unexpired term ot Thomas It.
Brown, resigned.
Twenty-third Ward-8th Division vote at the New
Arsenal Hotel, Bridge and'lacony streels.
Twenty-fourth Ward 1 1 tit Division vote nt the N.
W. corner of Thirty-tilth and Haverford streels.
Twenty-tilth Ward The Freemen of the Third
Kleclion Division ure to elect oue person to serve as
an Alderman for live years.
4'h Division vote at No. 1500 Richmond street.
61 h Jilvislon vole at the bouse ol L. Blumhart, cor
ner of 'J'ren ton avenue aud Ann blreet.
God save the Commonwealth.
HF:NRY G. HOWELL, Sheriff.
Phlladel phla, Sept. 27, 1S07. 10 8 2t
Put up for our particular trade, and for sale by the
dozeu, or in smaller quantities, by
9 to sm
rvnn oi,o cibkm vinegars,
ts.rrer WALNUT and EiaHTft BU.
8 n;
A,, Ue re,u die. for Preserving and PUal.ngr
POSiss. All'''1 ' K,,lKU','
Denier lu J-lue Groceries, -
n7;-i ' ci . i " y ?j:Vi Mi'syi
nirL' -rovjnii .t -:n:sTXi"t at
t 9 ....... .i ' TL hm t Aivi Bi.ll er '
ST)' AI 8, HA! CASLb, TOCKiX XQ0h,6, tLhb4
ud XravsUtt tttwdf entraliy.