TUE DAILY EVENING TELEGKAPII PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, OCTOBER- 7, 1867. CITY INTELLIGENCE. f FOB ADDITIONAL LOCAL IT KH HKK I I7T8I PACKS. 1 l. m Iirr ii tub Ninth Vaih. Tlie alarm of . iT. 4 " inartcr to 10 o'i lock on Saturday nleiU wiib caused by tlie dii-rovcry of fla'Tics lunttiR from the tour-story bride building Iront ic.B nt No. 43 North Kiulith street, cxtcndinp I ?.V' . ,CU11 of nn "L," and fomiui? out on Mlocrt etrct't. The liotme is o n. i by William War-nark, and ia occupied by I . R. Lee, a a Loop-skirt and ilrv-e,oods tslai.l slimetit on tho 1 rst floor, the ninin snlenxoui h inc on Eighth tlreet. Thi'KPcond story, on Filbert pi i rct, Is occup'ed by C. Henry, an n bonnet birnrhtnir establiih inent. He has nn lufiirance in iho Sprinir G'nr tleu IiiPiirnu.ce Company, which will probably cover his loss. The tiic oiipinafrd in the sorrrl Mory, and rtirut up through the third and lourth stones in the rear portion of the bui.'iil.;--', doinii ron Mtlerable tlitmnrr. The alarm "f -ire yesterday inoininjr about 6 o'clock was raui-crt by the re k'u tiling of the embers at the ab -ve-named lire. The loss of William Wariio ! is estimate. I at fully 1n-nrrd in the ('in Vsso'tiat'on. That of K. It. Lee, will am jj ,t to at leant jL'f'iiO by wilier, instiled. ('. Henry, lie-os $1000 on slock, '., illumed In lb ; isprinir (Jar i, en insurance Company. John Money, notion (it aler, occupied a portion of the same floor; ;m about $r.i(ii) by water. II-.' has n policy fur :)ua in the Mechanics' In-iirauco Com pany. The third and lotiiili t-i i s were usad lor the manufacture of paper bes by William Harm's; lef-s by tire Il,'i0(l. insured in the Sprint; (.'arclen. The orftin of tiic lire i;. not deUnitcly known. I'roii.isTir Ahpihastk m Dlkos. Tho police of the First District were iiifritind on Saturday nif:lit that a pri::e-lli:ht was to take place at day break m Sunday Mornini: near the I'oint Hrec.p (Jas Works. A pqimd of men, in cbarL'e of Lieutenant Larz.b-re. repaired to that nek'h boiimod at an early h nir, mid discovered that the information was true. Men were seen pre pniiri? n rinp, while a 'ar?e nun ber of their liicnds were lying on the ground for conceal ment. lU forc the police could reach the epot the ahirm was rivou, nnd the emirs crovd started itro-s the fields. The police pursued them, i'Vinsf their pist .la in the air. Alter a short cdiHcc twenty-one of the party were arrested an 1 taken to the Fifth District i'olice station, and loi ked up to await a hearimr. During yesterday ill .... ...,.i .-i . . J " uuiuici'imiia-u 11,1,1, huh were anoweit to po at larpe. The principals of the riplit, it h nir posed, made their escape with a crowd that tv an too far off for the police to reach. Found Drowned. An unknown white man, niicd about fifty years, was found drowned yes terday at Race street wharf. Deceased is five feet seven inches hish, and had brown hair and a brown goatee, lie wore a black alpaca T.oat, black vest, and dark pants and palter boots. A letter, bearinp date of October 2, 18G7, was found In one of his pockets, statin?; that owiue to the scarcity of hands, a coat in his possession would not be done thut week. The letter had the name of F. A. Neuendorf, No. 1027 Charlotte street, stpned to it. The deceased is supposed to have been a (Jercnan. The Coroner took charge ol the body. AMUSEMENTS. Chtknut Street Theatre. Mr. James K Murdoch commences tho second week ol 'bin veiy successful enunuenjent MiU evening, mid oLc-rs fur the attraction of the eveuing S'lorl dii n's sparkling comedy of The 8,-hool for Sean thil, which will bo excellently oust., and will be pi i formed, in nn admirable manner through out. W e look- for the presence of a large and fa Miiojiable audience to-night. Jr. must be remem bered that Mr. Murdoch's present engagement Is n limited one, and will bo do vote! mutniy to the production of the best old comedies known to be most popular now. The new coin puny is certuloly Unit-rate. Mr. Sedley .Smith Jh a capital old man, and Messrs. .Lcalte and MeM'uius are carotin and promising aeLors. Miss Virginia Diiehanan is very pretty in form and feature, but lias a sort ol cruin uess of stylo and a rimltlplicl'y ot mannerisms which mill, tate greatly against iter success n.-i n btsirion; tiic.se may and we hope will be eoi reeled. Mrs. :iitrle is a very happy "old woman;" she will be a great fitvorlte Hli tlio litibittiL'H of the (Jtiesnut. Of Miss Josie Orion, Mr. J. W. Jennings, Mr. Lmin x, and Mr. M iclinel Woolf we need say nothingof th'iiko: 'J'l-ej mo tstabllKlied favorites hold. The ov cl.i Mrn, under i'rofessor li.Mijaiui 1 J3. Woolf, is enlarged this season and mucli Improved. Si ii ie delightful chi-slcul and popular sehic tins are flvm every evening, those fr m Mi art and oilier ild masltrs i;i ing oflen re el iveil Willi npiiiiiusi) from the appieoiativo auiliences who attend the .Murdoch tsoirvex, Aki'U S'tiikkt Thkatim-:. Mi s. John Drew M ill produce Falconer's very successful new play of Innhfullvn tills evci-iiif. flie scenjry, biege furniture, and appoluinieiils aioallnovv aiu4 unusually handsome. We venture, from a cursory glance, to predict that (no fastidious folks who frequent the Arch lniVf) never seeu any thing neater. Miss Kute Hcinolds has been engaged especially to perform the princi pal female role, that of "Maggie M.iguire." Mi-H J'fcignolds Is a pleasing, vivacious oomedlouue, and has achieved a gr,eat success in this part in New York, Jioston, l'rovidenee, .New Haven, and oilier cities of tho Last. Mr, IMmuud Fal coner, the author of tho new piny, v. itl also sus tain an important role, and wid superintend the production of the piece. We have no doubt that Jnnisallen will have n great run at the Arch. We bad almost forgot to mention th.t the entire strength of tho new Company will bo brought forward in the east of the new piece. AVat.nCt Street Theatre. Our readers will be gratified to learn that the management have eflt cted an engagement wild the Philadelphia favorite Miss Charlotte Thompson who will intike her first appearance lo-iiigot in one of ber best charaeiers. 'Lottie" has been away iiom home a great while, travelling in the West, where sue has gained triumphs everywhere. Jler-nctln-.' Is even bet ter than formerly, and although rather more tiiihonjioint q person, Is Just as pretty as ever, and has ibe same Joyous, ringing laugh that Ut'liiihted us so much a lew years since, when, as an humble stock actress, she was working up to a position of Influence and Importance In her profession. Miss Charlotte Thorn osou will bo Mij ported by Mr. F. Mordauol, M r. Chapman, Miss Lena, Frentice, Mr. F'aweeu, and other favorites. American Theatre. An entirely new pro gri.niu.e has been arrauued for the present Mok, introducing Fox's great Vi.iiety Troupe in many excellent ballets, pantomimes, farces, songs, and Jamborees,' The K.itubow Fountain, a ti uly scientific discovery, will regain a week loniier. At the Academy of Mu.sicthe ninvk Crook wl'l be presented every night until further notice. M if. J. Li'theh Hinuwai.t continues bis very UiMiiiclivelieturtson " Wtnlwunl Jluf" during tl:e I rest nt wek. In these last six lectures in I l.llndelplila Mr. Rmgwalt will introduce some new matters relative to mining, t he Iudlans. tc. and will exhibit twen'y ce-v views, in tu union to those shown last week. All who aie Interested m the (Jrcat We t Umd who In not 1) should hear Mr. Kingwalt'a addresses. At li'K w Dhiladelphia Opera Uouso. h,1,-'. r;''i),;low Arch, Tomson .t Jo 's iiu.ioos loiiisirei troupe wll'l app. ur in a first- F.r..K lo':,: ewk,,v. v"VnttanK; Will as I rf,n k H ' K ",rA?l sCo-jtpmk Conc itrt -The-A lo e iabcbuHn will give two eoncor" oi.ei die costume at Horticultural ' ll Oeteher p and 10. He will b '1h11. on tub nied corps of slnger " - assisted by a lend the orchestra. V- , t and Carl rteritz will Heelig will lu , iearu that Mad'llo Anna ir.m'e a gie' hit",V1'iK?.,,col"',rlli. Tl'' lady last yi'(!r ' UU' ttt tUe besuut, in The Jwes, LEGAL NOTICES. "I N THE ORPHANS' COURT FOIt THE CITV J AMI COUNTY OF l'Mir.AUKM'HI A i jimln ol ( llltlMTUl'HKKMluoN.aecoatmd. Tlie Audllor upixiliited by Ui Court, vi auaiiiwttio nr.d Bcijust tntt kccoiuit ot ClIAHCSB b KlMlli.lt, K ecu tor ol tlio lust will unit tmtaiunt ol ( II RIs'lOl'liKK blMON. decetweil, and to riori tlihlriljuiien of the hulunoe In the IiuiiiIh ot tho ho coiintuiit, will meet tlie part lea lnt.-rintd lor tho imriiNH of tils u)ioliituient. on '1 1 l-.SUA V, the I6U1 ly bf Oetohcr. Inst., ul 4 o'clock P. At., kt, bis olllce, Jv'e. lis H. si X'l' 11 btreet H-coni Bturyl, In the City ol I'MlRil.-lhin, hilikJT H, JSICHOLH, itiiiuiwH Auanor, fire and burglar rnoov safes MAXIM 'ILLEQIiAVlL For additional Marine Ntus ire IHr.st Paye, ALMANAC Bun Br Biur.bHTn JTOK IHIJ..ADE1,1 ULA TilW UA ............'"-l Moon Hihk , 683 HtBH Wl BR.. troll FHI1.ADKLPHIA BOAKD OF TUADX1 IIUNHV WlNHIlR, (IIAHIIH WHKKI.Ii'.B, VMOVIULY COMMITTKk. Jam 'J'. 1 oiiN. . MOVKMKNTH OK OCKAN 8TKAMICKS FOB AUKRICA. Peotl I,lviTirnil...New ork u,,t 9i hmm In lluinurK...Npw York ,,i' BIclitH - Liverpool... Itosuni ...Mi-I.t' 21 C.oi!iBuclieKl r..l.lver)ool...Mi.v York teiit 5 H(iiuhiiiiiilon....Ncw York !. sol.t" "1 AVMeiropi llslsoijUiiiiiiloii...,New York Si-lit' 4 ui).ikit l.ivtirtiiinl .Nii.tu v.... 1. .. 1 : -7 .Hi. pi. W Hi lt. v.i .Si-pi. 2H ..Sent, vx ."'lit. 2n niiiriin urn i ,jiri.,Tvw IU1K... V. ol i'osu 11 l,tveriool.,.Nv YorK Kovti bcollun I.lveri(iiil... juehee t 1 1 ii J.lveriiool... liosion ','',"' TriU;ll J.lveriol...INw York I-1 on A ulwerp New York New Y(nk....M, iitl.nnii ton....Ncw York.....'..'" Cn n,iiiu....S(iiul.in !oii...., w York ........ KLKOI'K. 1. nt N. rk New York... Liverpool CI'Ici.bo Ni-w York...i,lverpiMi .I'.VIi .r.r.MOn I .tvf.ru.l S- lii im ,. vv Yori;...I.Ivi.n.o,,l '"" An. erica New York... firemen C' llii .New York., l.oh.e.ti t!D.slW t;u-.-Tlu, KiU hi n FinreiBeo...New York....i.n Jim It. I l.i.iiiit ey...N,.w York. ..Anpin wull limawiiiida 1'hllucln hviniiiHli . AiuiiiK e i'loia.ih I lmrlenton. ' HiKiHBi.dHiruii Bl'liiimlH IIkviuib l'ione.T..M.. Phllmlh V 1 1 11. 1 mk'umi" Ju,l''' l'lillailii New Unt-HiiH... , . 1 rw 1 "rK Jiwielro Oct. vi AlKlIu .TO tl.ru uv.ln.1 .... ... ........... v... t. ' "J every SLeitiner 111 I lie ri'lillllir PiitH. 1 he HtennierH tor or from Liverpool cull l Qneensiown, except the Caiiwllaa line, which call ut ' ol"1 Jerry. '1 he stenuieni lor or Iroui the Coutl- Ueiitcuil hi Koiitliiinipniii. ct. ... Oct. Oct. .....Oct, ....Oct. ....Oct. ....Oct. ....Oct. ....Oct. ....Oct. ....Oct. ....Oct. ....( ICl. ,....Oct. ....Oct. AURIVFD YKHTKRDA Y. Er. tmrqiie V. 11. JenkhiH. Patten, r0 (lftls fr0m Liverpool, with indue, to 1. Wright di Mons. lir. tiHripie hoiuioke, Diivls. K, duys Irom 1'ort'i C'lt hello. In hulhiht to J. liiillcit ,t Co. Metiner A mile, 'l ull, ia hours lroui HultlDJore. with n.u.' e. lo A. Uroves, Jr. CI.KARKDlsATURnAY. Mcamslilp CIiiimc, ilurdiiiB, Providence, 1). s. ftcl?on ,V t o. Ship oiiiive, Whltniore, New Orleans, do Bctir Adoiph liinjei, ltohhisoii, Huilauury, Blaklnton. Ornt II fc Co, t-chr King Uove, Wooater, Bridgeport, Weatruoreland 8clir A. liainmond, Palno. Benton, Borda, Keller & Niittltnt. Pclir C. Merrick, Mnntpomery, Lynn. do. t-chr Wary htaudlbh, Kicti, Boaloii, Van Dusen, Loch ninn A Co. Kehr Oolden Ksgle. irowes, New Bedford. Captain. M'r Alexundria, Pratt, Hlelnnond, W. P. Clyde rtt Co. St'r 0. 11. Stout, Ford. Washington, V. P. 1'lyde A Co. ht'r Ann Kli.B, Rlchurds, New York.W. P.CIyde.feCo St'r I'lillndelphla, Kulix, New York, W. P. Clyde A Coi Tuit ThoR. Jellerson, Allen, lor Baltimore, will! a tu ol burn, W, P. Clyde k Co. saTu-.d. BteaniBhlp Wyoming, Teal, for Savannah. arrivkd"haturday. Brl K. M. Iltslen, Join s, 6 days lroui Boston, with mdhe. to Mcrnhon A Cloud. sehr i-nhle Vtney, Marlon, 1 day from New Castle. Willi Krain to J. Barrett. i-teanier Cluyuiout, Carr, from Richmond, via Nor folk, with mdhe. to W. P. Clyde Co. Hleainer Black Diamond. Meredith, 21 hoars from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird & Co. HteamerN'ew York, Marshall, irom Washington, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde Co. ' Bteamer H.K Phelps, Brown, 24 honrs from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Balrd fc Co. Hleamer May flower. Robinson, 24 hours from New York, w llh riKiBe. to W. M. Bulrd A Co. TugTbos. Jellerson. Allen, trom Baltimore, with tow of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. Ox row drive of tht Philadelphia Kxrhannr. J.EWK8. Del., Oct. 4-U P. M. A barque, supposed to he I lie l.lnda, lroui Calbarlea lor Phlladelphhi. caiue to the Bieukwatcr last IiIkIiI, nnd remains, In com pany with a lleet of vessels, wind bound. There has been no communication with any or them to-day, 011 account el theheuvy sea selling in. Wind NK.,aad blowing fresh. JUSKPU LAFJiXUA. k, , , KMOItANDA.. 311111 uh! P Junl"la- Uuxio. hence.at Southwest Pass t.daly?"il',,, Baxo' Mntthowa, honce, at Boston yes JUiniiie Mlra. Idx, from Tvigtut for Philadelphia, wenll'er li0"lal"lrf c -i Zh uit, through stressor ii)"jrue(f I'n'riier, Yearnon, hence, at Stetiln 18th Briu J'arrlet Amelia, Cox, for Philadelphia, was at Aliavcla 1 llh Hit. Brl Of 11. Banks, Ketcinim, hence for Boston, s.-.lled f on) Holmes' lie lo 3.1 Inst. Bi Ik II. J. Burton, Uurlon. hence, at Stettin lHth ult. iiri(! N01 inunliy, utiti, hence et I vl'lut -tth ult. Kelir orti'e Chiton, Oils, lor Philadelphia, cleured at lloHiou .lib Inst. Hclir K W. (Inrdiicr. Hteeluian, for Philadelphia, cleared ut New York fitli lust. fchrO. DieihiK, Wiilard, for Philadelphia, sailed 1 1 urn portiiiixl an Inst. Schr .. It i nun il, hence, nt Norwich 3d Inst. Sfchis lieveiiiie, OaiHlj ; U.K. Vlckery. Itenton: II. Hi 1'itrt, Mhiisdh; and (ine.rin. Ii.ivis.lor PhlhidelphlH, Shih d fiom Providence -Uh Inst. Si'lir 11. vV. Bei.edlcl. Case, lor Phlluilnlphla, sailed from Newport 41 h Inst. fccir J. II. Bank it, Uftirls, hence for Boston, at Kd Ettriown 3d Inst. t-chr Mury Price, (iarrlson, lor Philadelphia, sailed Irom 1'1 no, nili 3d Inst. f-chrs J. '1 riinmii. Clihs; Moonlight, Berrv: Colias pelt. Ollihs; .Siirnli. Cotih; and J. 11. Perry, Kelly, lor Philadelphia, sailed from New Bedford 4lh Inst. Hchr Mary I'atten, hence lor Kulew, at Kdgartown 2d Inst. l-chr Isbrc Rich, Crowell. from Boston for Plilladel ) hia, ran ashore at landlord Point, Hell (late, on Friday alt eriioon, and carried away rudder, hut was siihseiuenty towed oil by slenmtun Knrrett. Bteamer Tacony, Nichols, lor Philadelphia, cleared at New York 6U1 hist. PIANOS. JHE WEBER PIANO is pronounced by the First Musicians In the country THE BEST PIANO MANUFACTURED, For Immrnse Power, Sweetnest, Brilliancy, and Eijuality of Tone, Elasticity of Touch, and Durability. Shonlngcr Co. Ntv Patent Expression Tremolo ORGANS AND MELODEONS. A liBEAT INVENTION. J. A. CETZE, 82&lm5p . 11 Oa ( IIISill'T NTRKKT, IJ. E. GOULDS HAS UKMOVKI) 1113 STOCK OF Stetk &. Co.'s and Haines L'ro.'s rianos, AND llason A- Hamlin's Cabinet Organs, TO HIS Ktff AU ELKUiNT NThltE, No. 923 CHESNUT STREET, -1?-2Li North Side, ahove Ninth. HOOP SKIRTS. 628. WM. T. HOPKINS, 020, tfANUFACTUtKn OF IIHT QUALITY; HOOP SKIRTS, FOIt THE TRADE AND AT RETAIL. RO. 628 AIMJI BTBKET, II K LOW SK TENTH, nilEAWEEI'IHA, Al-iO dealer in full lints of low-priced New1 York and frsslrrii madehklrls. All the lit w and deidrahle styles and sizes ot Lidles', MlMhe:', and Children's Jloop-nklrtH coimtautly on hund aud uiade to order, euihraclnn the lartjest and n.cHt varied assortment In this market, at very mode- 'eryVkdy should try "Our Own Make" of Hoop fcklrtH, an Ihey have no eoual. Houtherip, Western, and near Trade buyers Will tlud It to their luleiestto examine our goods. ( aialogueaol styles, sites, ud prices Bent to nay rtdre-B, l 17 Sill FL L I A M Hi O R A NT" GOWMIHHION MEKC'HANT, Mo. 88 b. X1H.LAWA HK Avenue, Philadelphia, 'print's finnpowder, Kellued Nitre, Charcoal. Etc. w, Haker A 'o.' L'hocolaU. Oicoa, and Hroiua. $94,500 .SAVED FKtlM BUIttJtAlij IN ONE (IF MARVIN'S SAFES. .SVeA'tte York J,p, mr.Vtih September. lie Burglars wcih at work dnriD"- 1 . . r . . 1 ... O iBbt cauutiay wight, aid till 3 P. M Eunt'Oy, and failed ti secure a dolKr. u A R V I M ' 0 PATENT MIX AN!) ISl'KtiLAU SAFES, ALUM ADD LLY rLASTER. Aie Always Eiy. Jevcr Crrrode the Iron. ITcvcr lose their Tire-Ficof Qualities. KARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT SUMasonicHall ANI NO. 265 IliiUAIn A Y, N. T. J-eiid lor llltstrated CataloK'.ie. 9 I9niwsim HiiT "c lTMA I IS ER MANUFACTURER 0 t I It i: AIU BI KULAK THOUr 8AFEB, jLocui'niiii, hi:liiunek, AND k' t AM-I.U IN 111 ILllIAU II AK1W A KB, " NO. 4M BACK HTKKKT. fl,, A LAKGK ASSORTMENT OF FIRK and IlnrRlar-iiroofHAFES on hand, with Inside b , iiweiiiutl-iiouse taies, iree irom aampuess. esJow. C. IIANNKNFOIIOKK, no. tu Vi-iNU. street, GOVERNMENT SALES. JAI.fiG SALE OF PUBLIC PROPHRrV. Ol'HCE Of A KM Y ( 'LOT HI Nit AN!) Ktjril'AOE, No. is xr rii Stkkkt, . f KW VollK. Oct. 4. 1HII7 Will be sold at rultlio Auction, st the Depot of Army lo hh.ic and Kiiulpnne, to. 41K1 WAiSHIYo. 'KIM Street, Mew York cuy, oil I'UK-lDA Y, the Kd day ol t ctotti-r, 1W7, t'imn)eiielni at 11 o'clock A. M In he l oiillnued Iroirj day to duy, tho followluii arti cles ot Army Clothing and Kiul)HL'e: l.ti'Jl "i oollen blankets. 1 ijs.SIM (Stable froeks ;. II liubher do. fi.e.'.s Do. Ponchos. (is,4Mi Pi'KKed llootees, pairs. 63,125 lluud-bewedlioot- ees, pulrs. II a n d - s e w e d Hools, pairs. 3 l.t-35 Penned Hoots, nairs. 22 116I Oreat Coats, horse, ln.'i I !i2 Do. do. loot, ii.'lis Orty Ii'laanel shirts. U9 !it!l Di met shlrtt. 13l Uml. coals, Art. 1 usiciaiiH. 8J4 Jackets, t'av. )o. ivl Unit, coats, Kiik'l- iieers. 20 do. do. Ordnance. 11 III ,(,. 1I0. v rt. AltiHlo. j I'M do. do. I nfi. do. ld.'lO Mosijulto huis, I 's:M,.n' ' najiMiekH. ' 3,11119 do. strsps, sots. lOJ.liul H a v e r s a c k a, liamled. 2M do. unpuinted. ! 2; 2.511 Canteens. I 4 v ..') Coituii overalls. l,!4s,l,'S Itat Numlx iH. I n.'i:i!i 110. 1-eittnerti. ; 1 ,ielS Do. DukIcs. M011.; H. I 1,000 llrass Healef, N. .'. S pairs, 4,:.W!i Bras e'eults. Ker-1 rc ants, puliH. 1 100 S'rale hutioiiH, pre. ! 4a I llisp. MewaKls 1. tilers t;. 4,';7 llosp. Mi'wmds l.eiters.s. I 1,,'i'IJ t-'rale (.Piles, pairs. ' 4.517 I up Covers, y.: Kins. ;,W ltini;.s for lit. Art.1 Cups, pairs. 21 Ri d lluir l'luiue;!, 18,ea 1'lekaxes. ln2 do. handles lii.t-.'til Axis, feUlnir. i do. hmidlis, 1 ii;,i;ih do. siinuhi. .ci,.i'i7 Ilati hem. 24,!in'J do. handles.' lii,242 110. shuns. ; u,(;,0 Fpadpp. ' I 1,141 MlOVclB. j 5,M(j btove-Pipe, pieces ot I 2 CauipColorKtafts, Xt Canteen Struts. CO, Sub 11 ess Pntis. 26,ti'.i4 Camp Kettles. i Kihley Tents. 47 Wall Tent Files. 3 Marquee Tents. ,4c 6 Dos itul Tent Poles, sets. 2H. C. F. drawers, 7.(.i4 1 linnet do. l.r),4iiu Trowsers, horse. 107,1.11 Korae caps. 32,274 Unit. huts. 110- Ir 1 inn mil. 1.3! Do. Inn..trlmm,rt. a,n7s Do. Cav., trhniii'd. 00". Do. Art., trinitn'd. 1S1 k:m Oreat Coat straps. is,4ii8 Jackets, cav., pri vates. 8,2(45 rjnif. cuats, Inft., do. 2 Wl!l tKt. do. Art., do, 2,7.413 Hat cords, Intt. no do. Hospi tal Ktewards. 141 EhkIcs lorLt, Art. cans. 8 Tulips, do. do. 27.111 111. ICi.Kloa. 7, 4211 do. casile4. 4 u:i2 (-iiellsuud Hamcs. IMi.ki. Crossed 8 tbres. 42,iiiH do. canuou. 277. 1 IS Hat l)il l; 1 1 . 30,707 do. cords, Cav alry. R0.107 co. do. Artillery. l,2o2,ijiil do. letters. ;ts do. t.'ord audTas pels. 430 Hotp. Stewards C.ip Wreuihs. 2,'t K nit Druwers. y0 Lull'. C iats, loft., Ilnys. 42 Trowsers, foot, It's, h i 1'nirs 11 intees, do. lull Kiiirts.I'luniiel.iti). 760 Cri y liluo (irual Coats: foot. T I Trowsers, lout, lii Trowsers, loot, Orey Hlin. 17 Talmusuiid Hoods 1)1 Unl'. Coals, Art., Kersey. 1 1 'I'll rljuii , uave. Ouj Wall Tent Pules, sets. l.",S"H Coniijioi do. do. 10,747 Jlnspitul Tent l'lns, largo. 13,,-,os Do. do., small. S7M 01,1 Common do. 8.327 Wall do., larRe, 2,uoa bloves for fciloley Tebts. 108 Stoves for Slliley Tents and Pipe. 37,2h! prs. Chevrons, tiiil.bio.'a yds. Worsted Lace. B Hut Cords, Ord'ce. 4k,37 Leather N'kSt'ks. 1)0,012 Scules, CorpTs aud l'rlvates, prs. SI Tron i'om. 1,310 Machine SHIPPING Sewed bootees, nrs. Also, a quantity of Irregular and damaged clothing and eiiuipuge. hamples ol all can be seen at the depot lor ten ilas prior to the sale, and Catalogues will bo furiiiKhed on application at this olllce, or at the depot, Mo. 4iu Washington street. Terms cai-h. In Ooverntnent funds; ten per cent, down and the ba'auce before the goods ure taken from the depots. The poods must he removed from the depot within ten days from date ol sale, under forfeiture ot iiurchuse and the ten per cent, deposited. 11 y order of the U'larteruiuslor-Oennral. V. U. HA WTELLE, lit. lirlfr.-Gen. aud Q'ui'r U. S. A. la charge of Depot A. C. and K. 10 4 141 SALE OF UNSERVICEABLE QUARTER HAS 1 Ell til OllKS. Dl'POT Q P A HTKa MAST Kll'8 OFFICE, Wamunoton, D. C, October 4, lst7. Py direction ol the (.Jiiurturiiiusiurnenerul. a large lot ol Quartermaster fciiores, rated as unserviceable, will lie sold ut uiielion, ut Lincoln Depot, under tho supervision ol lirevet Colonel Asa P. lllunt, A. (J. M., eommeiieliiR 011 MOM DA Y.October 14, ut 10 A.M.,cou- bluiiHK in pari 01 2 I hupping Axes and handles. Mil Itliiukels. lS.iibO Carriage Holts, (Ho2 lbs.) .'..(en Tire Polls. 211 Dull Duckets. 32 Hum do. 2.1. .2 lireust Chains. 4,'n Halter do. 1,337 Truce do. Ill I lay Forks. 17U seis I.eud .Mule Har ness. 84 suisVt heel Jlulellur liess. ill feel large lirellose. 6s ti et leather Hose. ,T'.' leetsuiull water do, loo Picks. 1,74' His. Manilla Pope. fiO Cross Cut fcaws. 131 Miovels, 41 Anvils. 113 llrin-e Hits. 141 Mule Bus. 22 Kidlug llrldlo Bits. 1,11.0 Wagon lirldles, h.i Ambuluiieu lirldles, 414 ( illice Chairs. 3,11,11 II. A M. i iilliirs. 1,1140 Wagon Covers, tlii Ollien Desks. 910 Handsaw Piles. Its'2 assorted Piles, . 700 Head Halters and Sirups. 3'ifl lbs. Siheet Iron. 404 yards Cocoa Mat linn. .looJnhiiB Stove ripe. OnO lireeehlng HIiiuh. 00 McClelhui Saddles. 40 Wagon Sudilles. I8.9HO ltn. drain Sucks, 037 lbs, bheetZiiio. 1 Iron Sale. Ann a large "ml of other firtlelen. Terms Cush, In Ooveriimeiit Hinds, Purchases must be removed within ten days. J. C, McPKKIlAN, Deputy Q.tlurlenii.tsler-1 ieuer.il, 10.1't Pievet Hi huiller- Hen. U.S. Arniy. PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. PAPER HANGINGS. NEW r.KTAItMNIIMKNT. I.. 4'OHNKU or TKNTII AND WAISCT, J. O. FINN & SONS lave opened with an extensive assortment of DECO BAT1VK and PLAIN WALL PAPBKH, embracing every quality to suit all tastes. 9 14 8m COAL. BM1DPLKT0N A CO., DEALERS IN . HA KI.J' KUI I, Kit IO II .nil hiui.k'. V:iN COAL. Kept dry nuder cover. Prepared expreHsly I ftr ntuilly tine. Yard, No. 122 WAuiiOTOlS I Ivumu. (Ilti. No. IUWtljii'rLi,... 1 -r.yi w wmwr, ipiti M mi v wYVt . I 'ft STEAM TO LI VEltl'OUly CALL Mfe.-itiij inn aiw.ii'ciiKiown. 1 ne Hunan l.lne.aull Imk Heiiii-weekly.cnrriing the l'nlt"d States Malls. UJ VUPM.W VOUK Wednesday, October i ('in OK lillSTON Setiirday.lii tolierr. l li , i'K 1A 1.1 I MOltti Saturday, October IP S V? I (,M"'N Saturday. Oeti)ler2.i CI I W WAMIIMI idn Wednesday, October 30 And each hui-eeeuliiK aturdiiy and W ednesday , kl noon, lroui Pltr ro. 4.1, N'th Klvor. ItATKS OF PASSAUK By the mall nteamer sailing every Saturday. .t r .K, BBule '" ""'d.i Payable In Curronry First Cabin fi,H, steerage ,. ( lo London nr,i Tit I.0111I01 m lo Paris 115I T parts 4i I at-Huge. by the W ednesilav Steamers: First Cabin I'.iio: steerage, i. PayahlH III V. H. Currency. I'uHseugers amo forwarded 11. Iluvru iiu,..i.,.r t n I f II e! f . Ul mll,.Pln ' ,. .., ..iv. i v iiiti.i.'i ,.ie ii,ii-n. Steerage iihhshkh from Liverpool or Qnepnstowit, In , -f ' i" i. wwiisiu Here uy pel sous seuu lug lor their friends. l or further Informal Ion apply nt thn Comnany'i oUicin, JOHN (. IMLK Akoih Nw- Is BROADWAY, ,N. V 8 7 or No. 411QHKS.N U I' St., Phl.adelplifn. HAVANA STEAMERS, '.'I t , r . . v.m, SFM I -MON'i n r.v iivr nYA,l,iXllV, lllK "JN1T1UJ bil-ATjfca MAIL, 1 he steamships HKMHtlCK IlL'DSOM CAPTAIN TIOWTv M A PH AND STIill'KS (API A IN Hiii.mh Thee SleRiners will leave this port for Hava "verv other Tuesday ut 8 A. M. The Steamship STAItH AN D K'l lUI'K5 f rf lm" Muster), w ill sail lor lluvuna on TU KrtDA V MOttN. IKH, October If, Rt 8 o'clock. li'av 10 Havana. 5 currency. No Ireiflit received after Saturday, lor freight or Passage appl to THOalAH WATTSON A HONM, 81 No. 1411 N. DKf.AWA UK Arena . TIIR IMIII. AIKI.Illf AXU rtt'fnv IHKl'.N MAIL MI'KAMsil II coj ZL ijiJ. PA N' i ' liKUULAil BliMI-MtJATHLV rn SKW KI.KANM, Ii . JT'NIATA, 121.1 tons, I uotuln P. K. Ilniln, ST A It Ol "I II K U.N ION. 107.) Ions, dipt, I . N.i 'uiiksey. '1 he J I N I ATA w ill leave for New Orleans 01 Sutiir dny, Oclnher 10, at 8 o'clock A, M., from Plur is, bdiilh Wharves, lhe STAh OKTHK CN ION, will leave New Or leans tor this poi' October Is. Through bills of lulling signed for freight 10 Mohl'e O'liveston. Null lira, Viekburg, Aiempliis, Na',hvll. Cairo, St. Louis, Louisville, and Clnclnnutl. Aleuts at New Orleans, Creevy, Nickersoil A Co. WILLIAM I,. JAMKS, Oeneral Ageut. CUAB. K. D1LKKS, Freight Agent, '.1 No. 811 H, Delaware avenue, f III . 1 ).' ! I 4 III. PiT, AND NOKPOLK H't'KAMsli IP LINK. ' iiKii.TnLOlJOH A1H LIN; TO THE tiUUTB AND W KS 11 TITROrOH RKCKIPTS To KKWDERS, Also all points In North and South Carolina, v' Seaboard aud Itoauoke Kallroud, and to Lynchbura Vs.i leunessee and the West, via Norfolk, Petert burg, Houth-Slde Kailroad, aud Kiuhmoud aud Dao Ville Kallroad. The regularity, safety, and chenpness of this rout Com mend It to the public as tlie most desirable medium lor carry log every desci Ipliou of freight. No charge for commisslou, drayage, or any expense ot Irnnsler. Steumshlps Infiire at lowest rates, and leave regu larly Irom first wharf above Market street. t rtighi received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., No. 14 North and Smith Wll AKVKS. W. P. POIlTi.ll, Ageut at Iliohtuoiid aud City Point. T. P. C'ROWEIX A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 1 3 T II V I. .' m. n jPts SOU'lllKHN A1A1L STKAMSlilP COM 1 X 1 o iv r.v. nil i i.Airj HUl NAVANNAII. Ut. TONAWANDA. 8M1 tons, Captain Wol Jennings. W V UMIMI. 8f.o tons, Captain Jacob Teal. The Hleaiiislilli TONAWANDA will l.uivo tnr thm above port on Saturday. October 12, at 8 o'clock A, au.. nuui x iei-10 rtotiui w uarves. i'hroiigli uassuee tickets sold, and rrelcht taken fn. all points 111 connection Willi the Georgia Central liall road. Wl 1,1,1 A M L. JAM EH, Oeneral Agent. CHAtt. K. DII.KKS, Prelght Agent, No. 814 S. Delaware avenue. Agents at Savannah. Hunter A Uaimuell. 4 1 j 4ffffV, .THK lI31LAIKH'II I A AND l2,TH It h.olILA K SK.M l-MONTHLY LIPK. m -mw r mi m -Fi", . jsi 1 he Htennmhlt) PION ii.Rir. hi-2 t e,,m,iin t da nett. Will leave li.r Lite mI.iivm iwirl. itt, il'hu.'i.ii. ., Orlol.f r 17. ut 8 o clock A. M.. ruiu I'lor lit MouLL w mil es. in 1 Is 01 ludmg signed at through and reduced rates to all principal points in North Caroliuu. Ariim ta muni klutl , )) urill is OHllll'l. WILLIAM L. JAMKS, Oeneral Agent, CUAS. K D1I.KKS. Pieiglit Agent, '5 No. 314 H Delaware uveuue, AUCTION SALES. -r-fV r P A S S A (i E TO AND EROS! w 1 w- ,, ua, jiii 1 i 1 j llvr.liAJ41 lij olKAMollIP ANUSAILINUPAClilwP, DIIA b 1S AV AlliAbliK'l l.KOIJOlloUTKNOItAJSl ........,..i.,.,v ,,1 jjix.y, XJ VVAlilU), ror pitrticuhirs apply 10 TAPsCOTTS, nriOTITFTtS 4 CO Iso. ;'(,t;OCTll Street, nod No. 23 Pill AD WAY. 1 1 r to 'I DOS. T. IKAHLifi, No, 217 WA IJXUT 3 -f . Alexaiinrla, Ueorgetown, and Washington, m tH.V': D. C. Vlltt::il'HlLI,l.llAHIl l.UU..,UUl !!.. .l wuli countctious ai Alexundria Horn the most dlroci route lor l yuchbnrg, lii Istol, K noxvllle, Nashville Lthitnn, and the Simthwest. bteniiiers leave regularly from theflrut wharf aljoTi tu'iirket street. Prcfclit received dully. WM. P. CLYDE 4 CO., No, 14 North and South Wharvt J. H. DAVIDSON, A lieu t atOeorgmowu. M. KLD1UDUK & Co., Amenta at Alexandria, Vll K'tila. f OI'I'OKITION T4 MONO iSSStiSMsA MOltli. via Chesuoeake ami I tel. wuit Cattul. Phlliidelphla and Baltimore Union Steamboat Com. pai.y, dally at 2 o'clock P. M. The bteuuiers 01 this line are now plying regularly Detneen this port and Pultimore, leuviug tlie second whnrf below Arch street dully ut 2 o'clock. P. M (Sundays excepted). ' Carrying all description of Freight as low as an Other line. Preight handled with great care, delivered promptly, aud .forwarded to all points beyond the leiTniuus tree of couiuih-stoii. Particular attention paid to the transportation oj all description ol Merchuudlse, Hoi oca, Curriuge etc. etc. for further iuformatlon apply to JOHN D. ItUOFF, Agent, 6 16 No. 18 N. DlUiA W Altai Aveuue. ff, FOB N KW YOltH, VIA DELA kuk. wureund Harllun Cuuul. e.xureHS bteaiuboat Comitauy Steam ProDellnra leave Dally from first wharf below Market street, Through in twenty-four hours. Ooods forwarded lo all points, North, Kast, and West, free of oommlsslon, Freight received at the lowest rales. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, ,, . . No. I4bouth WUarve JAMKS n AND, Agent, No. 104 Wall street, New Yorlc, I U esnnmm FOH N K W IOKH.-NWIPT tIj'-Hrlt fcf Ha. Transportatlou Cumpauy De- epatcbuiid bwlllsuro Lines, via Dela- vTuie auu itarltau Canal, on and alter the lath ol March, leaving daily at 12 M. and 6 P. M., couuecllui with all Northern aud Kastern lines. For freight, which will be taken on accommodatlnt terms, apply U. WIMJAM ' baird A CO., 1 JJ No. 132 b. DKLAWAKhl Avenue. f.,,. TO SHIP CAITA1N8 AND OWNERS, Tlie undersigned having lessed tlie KKn, biAo luN bCHh-W DOCK, begs to Inform his frlendi aud lite patrons ol the Dock thut he la prepared wltb lucreutted facilities lo accommodate those Laving vet Dels to be raised or repaired, and being a practical Bhip-carpenter and caulker, will give personal mien lion to the veescla entrusted to him for repairs. Captaiusor Agents, Ship-Carpenters, aud Machlnlau having vessels to repair, are solicited Utcall. Having the agency for the sale of " Welterstedt'i Patent Metallic Composition" for Copper palut, foi the preservation of vessels' bottoms, foi this city, I arc preoured to iuruleh the same 011 ruunonaoln terms, JOHN H. HAM Ml IT', Kensington Screw I Kick, if PFLAWARE Aveuue, above Laurel stret t. FOR SALE. TOR BALK TUG FOLR-STORiT DWKLL uit House, No. 108 LOCUST Street, handsomely furnished, and replete with every convenience. The furniture can bo sold with the house. Apply on the premises. 10 3 lot TO RENT, TO RICNT-ELEOANT COUNTRY SKAT, Liiihundooinely furnished, to rent for two yeurs and a"nair from November 1, 1867, lit Montgomery county, Bhort distance fr. m Jenklnlown station, on the Nyrlh l ennsylvuuialUllroud j'l'p" Ml'IRTIEID, 0 3 plt No. 2oz ti, SIXTH Street. QEORCC PLOWMAN, OAHPKNTpnt AND BUILDER' To No. 131 OCIC Street, il cCLBLI, AND is, (Hni censors lo Phllln I'ord A Y .1. AVCTiONJiJaUi. No. tVK) MAIIK.KT btreet. C O BALE OF IWiO CASKS BOOTS, SHOES, BltO OANH. HALMOHALS, ETC. On Thursday Morning, Ortdber 10, commrn Ins at lo o'clock, wo will sell by catalogue, fur cash, .Sim cases Men's, Boys', and lonths' Boots, shoes, Prngans, Balmorals, etc Also, a superior assortment of Women's, Misses', and Children's wear, to which the attention of the trade Is called. 10A It TOI1N M. MVKKS 4 CO., AUCTIONEER? J Nos. 2.2 and 234 MA KKKT Street, LABOR PI' IIFMI'TOBY SAI.KOF HOOTS. SHOES IlltOOANs, 1 Ka VK.LI.INO B AOS, Itlc, On Tuenluy Morning, oe . s, at. Kio'elnek. 011 fnr monihs' credit, Side packiigt s hootH, hhoes, bulmoiali, etc in 2 61 AllMY BKOOANS, On Tuesday, Oc'ober S, ln.cefl pahs sewed army brogans. It LAP.Ui: HALF. OK BltlTISH, FP.INCtl, UK .MAN, AND DOMI-sTTO DHY OOODS. On four 1111111:1, b' credit, On 'I lull', day Morning, Ot tiiher lo at hi t.i liMk, eiulii ai ing hum packages and Inis ol luncy aud sluple urllcles. 1 iu i 01 BHO- HALK OP 19 n CAIjh BOOTS, RHOKS HANS, IIAI.MOKAI.S, K 1 C. 1 iniini, ny iiiorning. October 10, coiiuni neing ut 10 oVlncK, we will sttll by t iituU.guo, lor cash. I;hi ra'in Men s, lluvs , und "j oitlhs llools, Shoei., Brogans, etc. Also. Women's, MWfes, Hti.l thililrens wear, lo which Hie early attention ol the trade idcalled. (10 7 31 La nn e positive sa le op caupetinos, f.tc. On Friday Morning, October 11, at 11 o'clock, on lour mouths' credit, ibmu 1 it ces ol Ingrain, Venetian, list, hemp, cut luge, and reg carpi tlngn. lu s 51 T M. r.l'JIMKY A SOilS, AUCTIONEERS, t) . No. ties WALNUT Htrei t. Hold PepnlnrSiiIes ol ItJ-.AL J-s'lATE, STOCKS, AND SECUUITIKS AI 1111. PHILADELPHIA EXCHANUK. Huiidliills ol escli property Ixsiied separately. Iik u cuiiilogties published and circulated, containing full descriptions ol property to be sold, as also a par tial list or pmperty contiiineil In our Ileal Kutale Be glHter, and ottered at private sale. Seles advertined dully In all the dslly newspapers. rpiIOMAS MUCH cV SON, AUCTIONEERS X AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, No. 1 1 in I II EiiN L"T blieeti rear eutrauce No. 1107 Bansom street. M THOMAS A bONS, N0t. 13U AND 14.C B. POULTH blreek HAND'OME WALNUT EUHNITCRE, KLEU XNT PIKK M IBUOIts, LA HO E BOOKCASE, CHAN- . DELI Kits, II A N IISOM E IIKUSSELS A NDOTUEIt CAitPiiTb. MATT BESSES, ETC., ETC. On Wednesday Morning, nth instant, at hi o'clock, by catalogue, at No. 1121 Walnntstreet, the entire furniture. 111 7 3t PANCOAST V WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS No. ZMMABKET bTKEET. LT!;E POSITIVE SALE OF AMERICAN AND IM I'oltTh I) DRY OOOliS, LINEN AND Ho S1EKY OOODS, NOI-lo.NS, I'.TC, by catalogue. On Thur-day Mori Ing, October 10, commencing at hi o'clock, comprlsln g a large assortment of uew and desirable goods worthy ol special attention. ( m 7 :tt NEW PUBLICATIONS. OW READY, Tlie Orpsn ot the Manufacturers of the United States, T11K "PilOTKCTIONIS " And Aniirivun Munufiwlurr.rs' Monthly Circular, A Commercial Journal advocating a Turifr for the Protection of Auk rican Slanufantiires. The recent publication of tho "LEAGUE," the organ of the "Atnerlcau Kreo Trade Leagno," devoted to tho propagation of doctrines and meusurealioatilo loour iiiatHif.icturlug interesta rentiers this Journal a ueooKity, not only to the manufacturer, but to the people at lar, who arc ever anxious to bo thoroughly Informed oil all subjcclti connected with our national wel fare. Tlio "MIOTECTIONIST, AND AMERICAN" MANUFACTUJEHS'CIUCULAK"IspubU.,hed MontLly, AT 3 PElt ANN CM, IN ADVANCE Every one Interested in Home Manufactures should subscribe to this Journal. Bend in your orders at once. J. HERBERT, rUDLISiiEIt OF THE " rKOTECTIONXST," 10 4fmw3t Mo. 307 BROADWAY, N. Y. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. PAINTING. THOMAS A, FAI1T, IIOI'MK AM) MIUN PAINTER, (Late Fahy A Bro.) No. 31 North THIltD Street Above Market. OLD BRICK FRONTS done op, and made to look equal to ine nncsi press orick. bam pies at the shop City and country trade solicited, All orders by Post promptly attendeaiO; by Post 4 lit fmw WANTS. JOOK AGENTS IN LUCK AT LAST. The crisis Is passed. The boar has come to lift the yell of secresy hlch has hitherto enveloped the Inner history ol the great civil war, and this la done by oiler lug to the public Oeneral L. V, ilukur'a "HISTORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE." For thrilling Interest this book transcends all the romances ol a thousuudiyeurs, and coucluaively prove 1 'ml "truth lsBlrunger than fiction." Agents are cleuriti( from (200 to t'kKl per month, A'hlch we can prove lo any doubting applicant. A 'ew more can obtain agencies in territory yet uuoccu pied. Address P, A It RETT A COM NO. 70H tHEJSNUT MTKKKT, f 2tf PIIILADKLPIIIA. W 'ANTED FOK THE U. S. MARINE Corps, able-bodied l KN. Recruits must be Able-bodied, young, unmarried men. They will he employed In the Oovernment Navy-yards ana In ships of War on foielu stations. For further lnlor. luatlon apply to JAMES LEWIS, Captain and KecruttiiiK Oiltcer, 4J9 Imw No. mi H. FHONT Mueet O T I C E. AnRANUCStKNT Or NEW tOKlCLlM:! 1IIO.U W'tST rillLAOELiPIIIA DEPOT, On and alter MONDAY, October 7, lG7, passengers for New Yoik will take the 9 A. ts l'BO, and M I' M. lines. FA UK m.m... $,'125 Returning from New York to West Philadelphia Depot at 10 A. M 12 M and t P. M. 103t W. H. OAT 7.MER, Agent. T L. CRACIN & CO., NO. 420 COMMERCE L. Wreet Oeneral Commission Merchant. t'on stauily on band aud for sale at lowest marsei price., W lit e, Klephaut. Black Fish. Cod I.tver. and Buertu Oils, dli eel from New Bedford, bolo MtUiM r the AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OK u p at rt f.vc.'ii .mfntTm ukaTin" Un' With the110LK "aJ N 1UIPIXY i.l , I K AND BKAUTY OF riULA DKLPTIIA" duc.Wd 'f8 n"'f,t , ""eou', "Pelade vtV W0 TlIK BLACK CROOK, and the magnificent K BLACK CltOOK PA Jt 1M KNNE BALLET TIIOTJPE. A lio are receivi d nightly n hh MMiliTts OF AI-M1UATION. 11 liTIf K Le..ii( nts of nitji imng tow ns have now an cppi riupliy of wlti.essli.g II li Orand Spectacla sml leiiiin h. me nt seeui ly hour. '1 he performance clot es ut In', o'ch ek. ' A OKA Nit MATINFK I.VKItY SATURDAY AH Hi NOON AT a O'CLOCK, ni .f I'.- .""'uietl wlUnnii mini inir(;o at LEE ft WALkKIl'H Slusle store. I UK,MiT (Street, above St venth Hrect, nd at the ACA DKM V from 10 until 3 o clock, "OHTORI-ACADIOIY Of ML'SIC. J-V Director J. ORAU iMr.UHAl- Ihih me l.onorto 11 111 Iice'tiilii JIADAMK AliKLAIDK Itls'l'OItl f, .F Vfsl.iiiisiBsoii 01 HVK N loll 13 AND ONiS W A 1 IN b.l',, co mine fie I ni; on AllNDA V. October 21, I fie Benson v, 111 he Inaugurate.! by the celebrated trHi eiiy ,,, H.lABl-.l II, Wnlch M'm-KUTOItt w in "i s alii lu r aumiruble Imj eis..uullou of ULKHIM r.l,l.A I1KI II, am,.'.,iV."".,?"yof M'm" "ITOHI has been much TiiTy . ". ,y ", w ArtlMM- A "t Ihem IsHlgnor' ' 'i " H,,,,",, 01 'ho lew greut Dramatic A rtlstl lin. rn i,v m1,HIV' ".'i'" g't-iut'tl the hlghestdls- w ho ni tnul'S "c!:'"-"-' ' '' perionut Ions, an.l hi the 1. w rT, h h "r,HI P,"Br'""'9 hi I'lilladulphla MAItV K TakT ',ISl'.-. .illll li ght, N iVt rir 1 1 V '".r' n'tbt, MAKIH ANTOl' !. UK, I lie siilmcr ptlnns for the , nights will comm. nee o' Mon da y',. i"r,erni4f inVT? TSLW fllESNLT STHEKT THEATRE. X Dtors open at 7 o'clock; comraeneo i 7" LsST I KK OK ' THE ORKAT HISIHIONIO A RTIS4T . SIM. JAMKS K'. Ml'ltDOClI. ' IMIOUMiKII KNTTIL'NI AMM 'HUH (Monday) KVKN'INO, tktoberY 1S67. He will appear In his great Impersonation ol 1 11 A ItLKH SfltKACK in Sheridan Knowln's noble Comedy, entitled TI! K 1st JJOOL FOR fcCANDAL hnpportrd ly iho JtKbT HTUCK COM PAN V IN AMERICA I iirsdBy -i i I k i A M F.sTETt etlnet-duy 'pM K VtiNiif t Thursday M I t'll A DO A ItODT NOT'H I N't 1 riduj -FARi.WF.LL HKN FIT OF M 11. J. K. MUlt- THE ST'HAN'OER. bATLRDAY AFTERNOON-FAMILY MATINEE CAhT'g. MUS. JOHN DREWS ARCH STREET TI! FATRK Doors open at 7: commences at 7. FIRST N K.II1 OK IN N LF, LI. FN. MONDAY, AND K VF.lt Y KVKN1NO. First time In Philudelpliia, Edmund Falconer's great Drama, with new Scenery, etc., entitled INN'ISFALLEN. Miss KATE RKIONOLD8 In her original pari of KATY MAO CI HE. 0'ltyan 01 Ei,Jdl;K1' FALCONER, as Terreoce Friday BENEFIT OF MR. FALCONER. In preparation HUB F. WALNUT STREET THKATRE. ,,,N'f"cor' NINTH and WALNUT. Begins at 8. lllll-i (Monday) KVEN'INO. OtUoher 7, first ap rearHiice of the accomplished actress, MlssClfAK LOT1F1 THOM PhON. conceded !y the public aud the press the FIRST ACTRESS OF T HE DAV. She wlllappesr In her enchnutlng character ot turn PAULINE, lu Bulwcr's beautiful play, In live acts, of THE LADY OF LYONS. To conclude with Drama of THE WKNTINEU Linda (lirst appearance) Miss EllieOermon FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. EVERY JiVENINO AND (SATURDAY AFTERNOON. OREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand Kullets FUhlopian Burlesques, bongs, DanOOS, Pan torn lines, Oymnast Acts, etc. -VTEW PHILADELPHIA OPERA HOUSE, X bEVENTH (Street, below Arch. GREAT fcUCCEHH OF TUN1SON A CO.'S MINSTRELS. L. V. TUNIHON and II. PARONB...M Proprletori isAMUi-L 8. sanfoud ... ......tstage Manager OPEN FOR Tili (SEASON WITH EPII.HOltN. FRASK MORAN, W. BUDWORTH. C. CHURCH, AND Til E LARGEST AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY JN 11 IF! WORLD. Seats cau be secured lu advance without Extra t'h urge. t Doois open at 7 o'clock. Performance begins at 8, jTEIV ELEVL'NTll STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVFNTH bTRF ET, ABOVE CHESNUT. TIIK lAJllir BEIOBT OrEN FOH THE SEASON, CARNCRCSS t DIXEV'S IBINSTRELS, TH E GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, IN THXIB UAN It-lill.M'lAN HOI BEEN, I.L, CARNCROaa Manager. R. F. PIMPSON. Treasurer. 8 wtf ASSEMBLY R U I L D I V O LAST WEEK OF "THE PLAINS I wn ROCKY MOUNTAINS." J, . RIN(JVVAIT'2 ILLUSTRATED LECTURES will be repeated every eveuuig during the week, commencing 1 . alVKJUAY October 7, l,i7, 8 and while each entertainment will be comnlntu In itselt, he will speak partlculurly of TH E PACTFm RA1 1 LKOADS on MONDA Y ami T 1 1 ESI) A Y Oc W tr.t'.JV.Vy ouer 'S M INKS OF THE R6CK Y MOUNTAINS, on WF.DNESDA Y anil THU1U4DA Y October and October hi. TH K INDIA ol, HON, on FRIDAY and SATURDAY IvNTNUa ' Ottober 11 and October 12. .vmius, The Lectures will be illustrated by a large number ot Maps, Paintings, and Views. IncludfiiK min never heretofore ejhlbited of tbe Rocky Mountain; V.olrVhejI.',i,oia 0resani 'be famous YOsj Ail 1 1 J'j V A LjLjI'j V 1 Admission, IX) cents. Children's tickets. 25 cento. Id 7 it v " HORTICULTURAL HAL L. GRAND MATINEK, Ly CARL BENT.'S ORCHhSTRA of 40 Performers. EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON (Commencing October 8, lsti7), at 3 o'clock. Vocullst Mr. Jtuu Louis, Musicul Director of ITen. delbsohu Society. SINGLE ADMISSION, 60 CENTS. Package of four Tickets for ft. To he Lad at iioner A Co.'a Muslo Store, No. 1102 Cbesnut street, and at the door. 0 2j im FURS. 1867 FALL AND WINTER- 1867 (E FUR HOUSE, In IOIO.) stablished The undersigned Invite the special attention of tbe Ladles to their large slock of FUR3, consisting of MutTs, Tippets, Collars, Etc., IN RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON'S BAY SABLE, MINK SABLH ROYAL FIRMINE. CHINCHILLA, FITCH, ETC All of the LATEST STYLES, SUPERIOR FINISH, and ai reasonable prices. Ladles In mourning will Uud handsome article FERSIANNE3 and SIMIA8; the latter a most bean, tllul tur. CARRIAGE ROBES, SLEIOU ROBES, and FOOT MUFFS, lu great variety. A. K. & F. K. WO M RATH, llm MO. 417 AHCII STKKKT. EXCURSIONS. rAirr:N Wilmington steam"at IMZ. link-chanuk of HOOK. Km on una uiter TUFJSDA Y , October 1st, tltu 'u; H. M. FELTON and ARIEL will rail Leave C 11 h SNUT street wharf at 9 A. M. anl 3 P. JJ. leave WlI!INGTON at 7 A, , M. ni r Bt ppliiK at CH FSTEIl and HO K . eat, rf M. to WlluihiKlon 16 cents. -ur "lt ot iKtok . 10 boat, is ceiits. Fare lo caes-"f maim Cil-: rTiirv EXCURSIONS TO WIL , p..XITTJi yA,LY itel-Oii and atter TUEH JLiii32 """'f1,',''! iTuei- ELIZA HANCSJJC Larf J b?v A rch Street dal at will -leave sccouil wn jutuilHg, leave Ma RiLk. f'toiM '",a u,p z."..::::r...j..o MUi "Wm ;---v Mow Fare for m - ...........m.....sJ SltiKle "I'A MarcVs-Hook ....-. M t j,eier ttu "ViV.-uLus. apply ou I'oarrt.