THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII PHILADELPHIA, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 5, 1867. CITY INTELLIOKNOE. FOB ADDITIONAL XOVAJ. ITKIIR KEt ('UTS IBB FAQES. It. STOCKETT MATTHEWS. What a Lojal Marylaiucr Thinks of the Situation. Ihc rcai Mams Meeting at JVn tional Hall JmhI jEtcniiig. Kte., Etc, Kte., Kte., -to., Kte. Labt evening, notwithstanding the inclemency of the weather, National Hall wns nearly filled with the citizens of the N'inth Waul, to listen to the addresses of H. Stockctt Matthews and others upon the issues of the day. The assem blage was very enthusiastic, ami as Mr. Mat thews appeared upon the platform, cheer after cheer rent the air. lie was Introduced by the Chairman, and, after the applause hud subsided, ppoke lieaiiy as follows: Mr. Chairman, Only with a simple pica upon my lips, and only with an Intense yearning lu my heart lr the goon ot our common country, uo I appear before you to-night. You will pnrdon me If I Ray that 1 lack adequate words lu which to Kive expression to the profound gratltlcailon which your warm and cordial greeting lias awakened In iuy.harc. The Utile bosvtho were horn seven years ago have i eut their brief Ills lu the midst of civil discord and elements at strife. 'Ihe men with venerable heads who looked forward seven years auo with Inuring eyes towards the repose of they die now will pass into the dark valley so lull of shadows with the sounds of conten tions and auger, controversy and llei ce debate, linger ing upon their tars. "Alter life's uilul fever tney may sleep well, but they leave men lu the prime of manhood, and those who are lust pacing bevond the bounds of youth luto the active arena ol struggle, to curry on to Us ultimate, Its Inevitable, and I believe Its triumphant conclusion, the prolonged contest In which out countrymen have been engaged, and which Las so widely divided them. Ihey leave us to carry ou the old battle the battle that was not alone a rolltlcal, but a philosophical ne cessity. In the midst ot which such strong and brve and Irreslmlbie moral energies and Ideas had buna eliminated, that the people of this laud, by their own eeuxe of right and by their Inherent aud Ineradicable eevollon to Justice, liavo compelled the representa tive men of the nation, In all departments ol the Gov ernment, little by little, step by step, to elevate them selves to the high level of the national demand aud of the national necessity, until to-day in the republic there hiut beeu bred. In the midst of the tires of civil war, scorching all by its conflagration, hut warning ail by lis regenerating beat, a ruce ol men who will not rest unili the crowning capstone has been put upon the superb structure ot universal, exact, and lioeral lrcedom to all men, which is, In all save foun dation, the work of their hands. ( Applause.) As the issue Is an old ouo. so are the contending; parties who appear before the trlbuual ot public opinion, aud ask each for ltsell a verdict at your liui'ds. It may be better. In a brief and condensed summary, to recall to your minds the leading incidents sun events which distinguish the career of each, and, contrasting them, enabie you to determine which of the two most merits your confidence and your sym pathy, and the fruition ot coulideuce and sympathy, which Is your suffrages If one of your acquaintances should approach you In the ordluary routine ot busi ness, and ask from you a partial luveitmeut of your capital In some adventure of his own, or, what Is bolder, perhaps, seek to induce you to Intrust him with the exclusive management of your affairs, It would be the part of a prudent and wise man, trained In all the discipline of practical life, to Inves tigate bis claims to your talth, and to see upon what baa Is be would ask to be permitted to risk your for tune, your honor, and your reputation. Becuure not merely by that would you be putting ytiur reputation aud wealth at the perils of future en gagements, but it might be that he would bring into lht.t copartnership all bis own autecedents, all the entanglements of bis past life, all thw embarrassments from which he had not beeu able to rid htnis If, aud the Dew concern might upon the verv first day of its creation be covered over with the contempt, the Htlgma, and the retrench which would come from a union with a disreputable and unreliable partner. Xsow, il i can show to you, my countrymen, that the preterit unhappy aud distracted condition ot the country menaces us with more perils than those through which we have passed, and that we are op posing, not a brave and geuerous toe, but an enemy ti.e more to be dreaded because be professes to be a friend if 1 cau show you that there has been no epoch so irauuhtwllh imminent hazard to the unity of our people, and Hi security ot our Institutions, you will shun ailiunce with mat hypocritical aud canting band ot placemen who ask you to surrender Into their bands the pacillcation of the vexed questions of our doubtful peace. The end ot war is peace the har vests ol peace should be gathered by those who sowed its seeds the men who conquered a reluctant peace, full ot honor aud dignity, should establish the terms of our future dealing with those who scattered the seeds of war. The nutlou's brave anil loyal men not Iib secret and subtle foes must work out an ample salvation lor us. We look oack upon the perils through which we have gone, aud through which we have borne our selves so proudly, so boldly, aud so valiantly, and we know that these were dangers which brave men In the exercise ot honorable Intelligence, and by putting forth all the Inborn Btrengtb of the nobility and man hood of our people, could meet aud overcome. But the hazards wblcb underlie these times are those which spring from perjury, recreancy, and turpitude In high places; from tue malign and corrupt ambi tion of public servants notorious for their perverse and dogged wills, for their crooked and tortuous temperaments; from men ot Implacable resentments, the urea of whose seething passions are fanned and kept hot by the machinations of debauched and bank rupt politicians, the Jackals and parasites who sur round the President and his Cabinet Ministers; and to-day there reigns, with terrible power for evil. In the lofty places ot the republic, a wretched cabal of plotters ot discord and brewers of mischief, who are prepared to risk anything upon the chances of the Lour, for the attainment oi their purposes, although tbe consummation of their schemes may beget the ruin and deeolutlon of the land. There are two parties the one with a short record ot but seven years. 'Tls scarcely seven years since Lib erty, driven from your Capitol, sought asylum in tbe eyrie of the eagle, and borne upwards upon ltswlngs, sent through all the land her lamentations over the perverse ruin which the existing domiuant party of the time was seeking to bring upon tbe couulrv, and sail ing over the fHSlnMwes ot the mountains, over the recesses of tbe valleys, over the rural hamlets, Over tbe workshops, over the country, over every place where the men of the cation plied their dally toll and earned their daily bread, awakened every man to the necessity of organising a new party; and la the summer of I860 the iteuubllcan party, as It is now called, first sprang into existence as a national organi sation (applause) and demanded the support ol lb franchises of the American people. What has been its career since then ? There never yet has lived lb any land a poet who could give u an epic that would tell Its dally glories. Tuere never yet has lived a painter whose skilful brush, dipped In tbe colors of the rainbow even, c.uld give ub the radiant splendor of Its achievements. 1 from day to day it bas carried forward the accomplishment of God's holy purposes, and the working outof justice and right among all men. (Vociferous applause.) No sculptor amid the classic trudl ions of Rome, no statuary amid the the palaces 01 art of the Old World, filled with the Inspirations of autlqulty or of modern times, cau be found to execute abjure or group or tigureB that would fitly tell posterity, lu symbolical grandeur of attitude, grace, aud atupli ude of outline, and symmetry ot proportion, what tliit new party, this party of a new epoch, born amid tribulation, has done, m l aloue for the United Htates, not alone for the continent ot America, but lor all lands, for all continent, for all people, aud for all time. (Renewed It sent its first repre sentative man to the home of our Presidents, with a Blmple, unsullied unadulterated Western nature, who needed no kingly trappings, no Insignia ot royally, for Nature herselt uad adorned hint with all that was strong and lovely (applause) aud bad given him her patent of nobility, w ith seals upon it that are Indestructible and Imperishable, so that hereafter, when men come to write of the proudest lineage in our land, they will place the simple birth, rise, glow th, expansion, useluiuess, ami tame of Abra ham Lincoln above all the deeds and lite of all. (Tre mendous applause, continued tor sever.ii minutes.) As the President stepped over the threshold of emar.tug responsibility, aud duty too vast lor his prescience to compass trembling with apprehen sions I t the next step iii me nation's seeming head long rUHh to destruction d lllldent ot his own faculties to bear the vast cares which were impos d upon him borrllled by tue wldesurend auguries o evil which conliontrd his vision ou every slue he met bis weak aud wretched predecessor rushing forth luto Infamy and execration waiktuv ff.pii. f....n. .i.a imiu wharti he bad presided over the Intrigues ot the nation's consi Iratois, to contemplate in retirement the sad record ot a recreant Administration, pregnaut with unutterable degredation walking loi lb. from four years of mlhldasaiice and crime the lining Incarna tion of Democratic utocllvlmw. ....... i..r...t... John Wilkes Booth lu the logical consummation of m i,u" ,"" maxim, "uuiu to the country spoils in ,uir tittrtv. ' Abraham Lincoln went, already burdened. Into the White lloime, If I may call it by that name. He found Vrveiliim not tottering unoii her . lier prostrated In the dust. He found the sceptre of the republto orokeu, the reins of government thrown ti.a hacks of careening sleeila. .,! iv.u ..... ship of state ready to be dashed In irremediable He lound the Senate and House ol Ken lives full ot bis enemies. He found tue nation uiurrnud. sensitive, apprehensive, gloom v. distrustful of him, treading, as It were, upon the burning orest of a a volcano that wasseethlog within Its bosom, with petit up tires that threatened at any moment to break forth .. ...i nuuiimlm the land, as llerculaiieum aud Pum- neil bad been overwhelmed years and years ago. lie found, too, that commerce was singing to Itself jijtasabfr promise 0 security, found (hat trade was nnsy with Its mmi'nciiir, the merchant In hlarouniitii room, cmiming over Ms hnlauc i snoot; he (oiiVd every man felnim U.e b, hefts ot his dally llle. snd throughout all the nst on a reluctance t be lieve that there wes danger ahead, an unwillingness to think tbst our Southern (!) brethren (how much that word "brethren" has cost us In tnls long struggle) actually, bodily, and meaningly meant in take up arm lor the purpose of asserting the rigid wblcu thv claimed to have, and claimed to have been vio lated snrt trampled upon by the Congress of the United Hates, as the representatives of the people. There w as not a single man In the whole North who bad courage enough to say the people of the South must not sucreed.aud the peopleofthe North must lake up arms and enter into the arena fully armed from liesd to foot prepared to light In reality, and right to exterminate. II need be, rather than the He illion should sttccted. (Applanee.) Wl'llam It Kejvnrd prophesied us trom day to day that we would have peace, that the war would hot last more than thirty day. From the 4th or March to the 1.1th of April. Isfil. there was plenty ol trickery, chicanery, corrupt dip nicv, and not a single man In the laud hosald to the Mouth eru people as he ought to have said. and asa 1 ourpuii lie men should have said-at that lime, Be It so. The very moment you nnshea'b the sword we will not only follow voni example, but we will do more: we will throw awny the scabbnrd from our own. You tell us that this civil war shall be wnged over all our Innd.atd you expect to he exempt irom luthorois and Its devastations, that you alone willbe able to bear its hardships. 'We tell you we will not permit the (laming line of combat to cross the borders that liebtweo tlie capital and the new country whch you promle to stalillsh upon the ruins of the Union; that we will march down Into the hnuth, not with a single army, hui with army alter army, with all the Im plements ot modern wartare: ana wherever you In vite a struggle you shall have It at your floors, at your firesides, in the midst of the graves of your forefathers, on the wide savannas of the South, by your winding rivers, at tbe feel ot your lofty moun tains, and we will push you step by step, and step by step, to the surges of the ocean and the gulf, and the longer you resist, the worse it will be for you. "We intend to light on until we have made you renlize that tbe Institutions of the Government ot the United StateB are the best not only lor us, but fur you and your children; and although you bave never appreciated them, and have derided them for years, because you sought to put an antagonistic Institu tion above them, we will wipe out that antagonism, and will detroy the single institution which has been the sole source of your arrogance, your pretended de votion to a republican form of government. We wll give you equal and exact laws, and Institutions In which you can cherish a feeling of pride, and be b'essed. And we will show you that the republic, which l ad Its birth-place on the battle-fields ot the Revolution, that has gone through two foreign wars triumphantly, can go through a civil war, save, preserve, protect, and de lend all the purposes which are embodied In our organic law, and make a grander, a nobler, and a more nolent civilization than we have ever bad be fore as a heritage tor your posterity." (Loud ap plause.) There were no men In 1801 to utter such brave words. There have been those Blnce then to do such brave things (renewed applause), and what was not foretold as menacing or as prophecy, has been real ized us fact, and stands as Immutable as the everlast ing bills. You remember what transpired from the 16th of April. I want to go over tbe first year ol tbe war, and I mean to do so as rapidly, but as succinctly, as Is possible. You know bow difficult a task It Is to condense Into Bpeecb of an hour the leading events in the grand march ot the people up to a higher life, higher honor, higher privileges, and higher usefulness, and the con sciousness and sell-respect of tbe individual dignity and Individual value which none of us had until we wiped slavery out aud learned the first les son of real liberty. I forget with you, for tbe time being, Sumter, with Its starving garrison, wblcb the Kebels would never have taken If God, In His wise aud Inscrutable provldeuce, hau not seen that II was best lor us that the fortress upon which we set our hopes, and upon which cen i red onr tears tor so many thrilling and anxious days, should yield to His will, and not to the guns of the batteries which were planted around the Horse Shoe in Charleston harbor. I won't recall to yon Baltimore, with its bloody streets with the attack upon United States troops I won't recall to you that spirit of loyally wulch swept over tbe land and carried men nway fromthelr places ot business to combat with those who attempted to dissolve the Union. I won't speak to you ot Big Bethel, nor of Bull Kun, nor of Ball's BlufV, nor of the army that, week after week and montn alter month, was permitted to lie In idleness and In activity witbln and beyond theforllflcatiODsat Wash ington. I won't ipeBk to you of the march to Yorktown: 1 won't tell you of Manassas, with Its qunker guns, but desire to speak of tbe year laz, when doubtful men were called upon to put out their flags, when doubtful Journals hung out their banners, and when those who sympathized with the Rebellion were compelled to be silent at least, aud respectful, if they had no love for und no faith in the Institutions of the country. After that the Democratic party, throwing aside all disguises, all attempts to mislead and deceive, came out openly, flagrantly, as the acknowledged and con fessed allies, alders, abettors and sympathizers with the people ot Hie South, who were In arms against the Government of the United Urates. I take tbe two parties from that hour. The Republican party has been tne rignt arm, me neari, me brains, tne motive newer, the treasury, the army, and the Congress of the United Htates. The Democracy has been the whining, w retched, whimpering, political buckstery. me spenKer men proeoeata to review tne course or the two parties. at length characterizing the De mocracy as the friends of the Kebels and the enemies ol the Government, doing all they could during the iieoeuion to nverinrow me lusuiuiinns or uie uov ernnient, ale ing the Kebels In their attempts to estab lish Blav. ry as an Institution of the country on a firm basis. The speaker also referred to the course of the Democratic Judges, condemning in strong terms their oeclslons lu regard to tbe national curieucy, aud tbe law in regard to minors enlisting In the army and navy. Ha closed by exhorting his audience to stand by the Republican party, ami elect their candidates by an overwhelming majority at the election on Tues day next. We regret mat we cannot give tne succeeding por tions of Mr, Matthews' exhaustive argument, particu larly his exposition ot the gradual Inroads upon the purity of tbe Beuch which liad been made by Demo cratic Judges, and the conversion oi our Courts into manufactories of Democratic precedents. His perora tion, which was interrupted by frequent and pro longed applause, was a superb portraiture of the Re publican party, and a grand outburst of elouuent pro phecy of the growth snd expansion of our country. 1 hose most familiar with the speaker pronounce the effort of lsBt night far superior to any ot bis former speeches In this city. Hbarino at the Central Station. George Brotfaerton, Thomas Brotberton, and Peter Burns bud a turther bearing before Alderman Be! tier at 2 o'clock yesleiday afternoon. james jieynoia testinea won in wareroom, rnre Dlxville Station; live northward on the HUI; two barrelBof flour came there on the lsth ult., marked " A. U ughes:" Ueorge Brot herton called for them, and I delivered them to bim; he did not take them away; another gentleman was with bim. Mr. Henry McUucken testified Reside in North Ward. Phtenlxvllle; am In tbe flour, feed, and ooal business: saw prisoner at Pbcenlx vllle on the lsth of September, I met bim on the street; be said be had two oarreu or nour at me uepot. misiirectea; asked me to buy them, and I did bo; paid tin per barrel; I went to the depot and examined the Hour; the barrels were marked ''Red Htone Mills:" "A. Hughes" was marked on the other end ot the barrels. Mr. Reynolds, recalled, said the Hour came from Philadelphia. Mr. Moraecai fli kuis testified Live in south Ward, Phcenixvllle; am engaged as clerk at depot; saw prl soierou the 18 h ot last month; he settled for two barrels of Hour consigned to A. Hughes, thirty-two renin; he purchased two tickets for the 6 -so train lor Philadelphia; nau a person with mm. nve feel six inches high, wlio long black balr and whiskers. Mr. Frank Manning testified Am. ;a salesman for Bunting & Turner, atHecond and CbesnutBlreets; on tbe 16th had my attention called by an officer of the Corn Kxchauge Bunk to Thomas Brotherton at tbe paying teller a desk ot Corn Exchange Bank: be was counting money; be left tbe bank and went over to tbe corner or cuesnui street, and down Second quite fust; he was quite pale while lu tbe bank. They were heio in sseoo pan, answer. Thb Philadelphia Baptist Association. The trustees cf this Association have made the following report: Balance in the Treasurer's hands for general expenses, $42'47; building fund, $12r45. The Honeywell School Fund is pratlually increasing, and now amounts to the sum of $3768. Four trustees are to be elected at the present session, two in the place of Rev. t. S. Henson, D. D., and George W. Lee. F.sq., whose terms expire by tbe charter; one lor the unexpired term of Rev. James B. Simmons, and one in dace of Itev. Reuben Jeffrey. D. D.. who are now no longer pastors wunm me nounus or the Association. The committee on time and ulace of next meeting reported In favor of the cm l uepnav m uciooer, ima, at litu vary napusi Church, I'hi'adeiphia. Republican Meeting. A large RepuLlican meeting was held last evening at Town nan, nermiintown. General Owen presided, and on taking the chair stated that be hai iust returned trnm a triD through a number of the western counties of the State, and was glad to say that the nrosnects of a oriuiant Repuoiican victory were very enconiaglbg. Speeches were made by Hon. James M. Campbell, General Littlefleld, at.A nllmn. A Republican meeting was alno held at the Commissioners' Hall. Thirty-seventh and Market, arBrhp were inaae ov tne uon. vriiuam I). Kelley, Colonel Louis Wagner, ex-Governor I'ollock, ana otnets. Yesterday afternoon, after the adjournment of the Quarter Sessions. Thomas j ones, convicted some time alnce of robbing the American Hotel, escaped from one of the court oilicers. There was a motion for a pew trial Tv.,nn in hiu mm. Shortly before the ad fourrjment Jones f eigned sickness, and while out of the court room the van left for prison. The officer In charge then started to walk to the prison. On the way Jones escaped by running up an auey. Lrcturb bt John B. Gonon A lecture Is advertised to be delivered by this gcuritiuiin on Wednenlay evening oext, at Hortic iltur j Hull. The fubitct ot tbe lecture, "Kloqiieu e and Orators," Is one which will at once a"rct the attention of our lecture-going community, as It is one of his very best platform efforts. Another lecture will be piven by the same gentleman on Thursday evening, when he will deliver his world-renowned "Fact and Fiction." Tickets at Aehmead'con Wednesday morning. Captain Brown Rack Aoain. Captain Brown, wfco vat taken irom the custody of Superintendent Perkins, of the County Prison, by a New York judge, when held on a chamo of contempt of court, was surrendered to Mr. Per kins jesterday. Tiik Shares now being sold in aid of the Riverside institute are going oil' so rapidly that It is hoped the flual distribution of presents will take place before January next, the time announced. Those who con template assisting lu the endowment of this borne tor soldiers' and sailors' orphaus should act at ouce. Of fice Ivo, ItiSi C'besnnt street. CliKAP PoapI Oood tSOAPl Natrona Refined p linn, tier or Concentrated Two cents a pound lor suptrlor Ifnrd Soap. Twelve pounds of Soft Soap tor one cent. Every family can make their own Hoap. 411 varieties of Soap as easily made as a cup of colTeo, ts a new concentrated lye for making Soap, Just dis covered In Greenland, in the Arctic Seas, and Is com posed mainly of alumlnate of snda, which, when mixed wltb refuse fat, produces the best detersive Boap in the world. One box will make 17S pounds of good Bo ft Bonp, or lis equivalent In superior Hard Koap. Retailed by all druggists and grocevs In the United States. Full recipes with each box. Dealers can obtain It wholesale in cases, each containing 48 ttoxes, at a liberal discount, of all the wholesale grocers and druggists In all the towns and cities of the t'nited Mates, or of VIAhb'OHU PKilBiiKTON, General Agent, l'lttsburg, Pa. Important to Buyers op Hosiery Goods. Messrs. Cook & Brother, Ho. 63 North KlijUth street, clulm to be tbe only firm In Philadel delpbia keeping all grades of Hosiery Rt Retail who Import their own gooda. They feel snred . '"'ittt by avoiding tbe profits and commis Rionn a toned In the ordinary course of trade, tbey save v'-elr customers ot least 25 per cent. 2. That they bave the quality of their goods under complete control ,uslDg the beat yarns, and employing the is i workmen in their manufacture. 8. That, having direct access to Knropean rcarkets, tbey can keep a more complete slock than if dependent upon purchases made here of foreign goods. A call from the reader la solicited at their store, No. 63 North Eighth street. "Tint Capti'RR of RirnMONn!" This rebellious town was attacked on Friday witli a detachment of Marines from the Navy Yard, conveyed to tbe front in lour horse-cars of the Hecond and Third streets Hue. Immediately on arriving in front of the enemy, our forces got ofT the rear pTatlorm and deployed around the back streets to hunt for "worms." The enemy, In leaving the mash-tubs, were beard to exclaim, "Och, me Hiclimind, wld all her fault" I love her MIL" The Marshal, alter having destroyed the Illicit distilleries, returned the Marines to the Navy Yard, and bought himself a new suit of clothes from Churles Blokes A Co., under the Continental, in place of tbe one he spoilt In the war. Poonf.r on Later, a neglected Cold will develop a constant Cough, r-hortness of Breath, Falling isirength, and Wasting of Flesh tbe avaut courriers of Consumption. In some Instances tbe same cause win produce isroncbiiis, a aisease or the branches or the windpipe. In all affection of the Pulmonary nrarsns. as well as In Bronchial ComDl Alms. Javne's Expectorant Is both a palliative and a curative, a the testimony ot thousands and its world-wide reputa tion attest while in Coughs and Colds it acts speedily, and when taken according to directions, promptly removes them. Why not give this standard remedy an Immediate trial? Bold by all Druggists. Whole Columns might be written on the eflectlve and beautiful operations of the Great American riewlng, Over-seaming, and Button-hole Machlue. all bannily combined in one Instrument: easily understood, and not likely to get out of order. It Is the last made, and certainly the bent of all the sewing machines. It Is placed before the public, on Its own merits, as tne only perfect saw ing machine In Ihe ninrket. Call at the Kxhtbition rnnms. southwest corner of Kleventh and OhesuuC (streets, and be convinced of the truthfuluess of this statement. TrtE American Combination Buttonhole Over- seaming !aml Bewlng Machine Company, are now pushing their business tremendously to keep pace with the demand for their machines. They have brought tbe quality and finish of their workmanship to great perfection, and can now defy all competition, balesro jms at the corner of Kleventh and Cliesnut. rlAI.K 1F J'' I'll f Ann nuiirvn o special attention of the trade to the large fall sale ot McClelland fe Co., auctioneers, at their store. No. oti5 Market street, on Monday morning. October 7, com mencing at 10 o'clock precisely. ftkf tnrvNFErrrroNS. At Oeoree W. Jenkins'. No. 1037 Spring Garden afreet, can be obtained foreign lrulls. nuts, atmontia, etc.. as wen aa a fine assortment of confections. Jeukina la worthy of a calh TtFtMF.R. Second stt eft. above Greon, photographer. has been established nineteen years. I-ouk experience bas made the pbotographB emanating trom this gal lery superior. Blx cards, or one large picture, f U Twelve ferrotypes, 60 cents. Is Comfort on thb Bhoi't.dkr WantepT AjrPurcbase the "Model Hhoulder-Beam Hhlrt." ;s-Purcliase the "Model bhoulder-Seain Khirt," AaTf urcbase tbe "Model Bhoulder-Seam Bhlrt." McIntikb & Buo., No. 1036 Ohesnut street. Orover & Baker's Highest Premium Sew ing Macnlncs, No. 730Cnesnut street. Jones k Thacheb. Printers, 610 JMlnor Bt. stx-Tremendous Assortment 6-7renun(Unis Astortnunt ft jr" Vremendout Asiwtmenl BM'Trarujukiui Auortmenl Men't and Hay? Clothing .'T Aim's ana jsoyr morning I '"dm Mtn'i and hojjt' Clothing d Men't and Mom' CUithina !'L a WVlxttftt and Beit fttvlri I 0 jrinf"jtt atut hett Mytu ! g' j ah f si ana litti cxtiwi tHriMtal und Mat HtuUt t WAJVAMAKKtt CV JlHUWfll. The Largest Clot hi. mo House, Oak Haij, The Corner of bisth and Market Btreets. 3IAB1HE TELEGRAPII. For additional Marine Newt tee First Page, ALMANAC fOB PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY, Strar Bmm. S'OI ; Moqbt Risks. ..11-12 Bus Bkts......... 6 371 Hie H V a fka.. 7 tM PHILADELPHIA BOARD CUT TRADE, Henry Winhor, Charles Whkklkr, Mosthlt Committer, James T. Tousu, J MOVEMENTS OV OCEAN STEAMERS. FOR AMERICA. Bcotla.......M.LIverpool...rew York...., Sept. 21 baxoula-..........Hamburg.tNew York. sept. 21 Mellta ........Liverpool... Huston , C.oiMaucheter..Llverpool.New York.. .Sept, 21 Sept, 2i Weaer Bouiuampiou...piew iurt BepU 21 WMelropollsBoulliauuiton..New York -Bopt. x4 Siberia Llverpool...New York Hept. 25 C of Bosiou.....-.Llverpool...New York....M.,Bept. 26 Nova Bcollau x.iverpooi...uueoec... ept. 26 Cuba Llverpool...IinMton ept. 2S Tripoli.... ....Llverpool...New York.........Bept. 2H 1 :111a......... Antwerp....New J ork '. Bept, 28 .New 1 ork....?Hiuuiauipi.ou nw lunt .tJcu 1 (jermauia...J30uinaiiiiiLoii...iiev l or FOR EUROPE. Autwern ..New York...I.lverpool Denmark New York...Llverpool Britannia New York...UlaMKOw..., . Out. .....Oct. mm. Oct. .....Oct. C of Anlwerp...New York. ..Liverpool Ht. Laurent New York...liavre , uct. Oct, H ammonia New York. ..Hamburg Oct. Col N. York New York...Llverpool .Oot. Chicago New York... Liverpool.... -Oct, Java m.Bobiou Liverpool .. Biberla New York ...Liverpool Oct, Am erica .Hew York... Bremen............ Oct. Cella. ...New York. ..London Oct. COASTWISE. DOMKB1TO, ETC Georgia .....New York...Vera Cruis ..Oct. Corsica New York...Nasnau Oct, Monterey. ....... -New York... New Orleans.. Oct. Wyoming Phliada .Kavanuah Oi!t, Btarof theUulon.Phlladtt.....New Orleans .........Oct. Bun r ianciHCO.-new 1 ora...esau juan Out, H. Chauucey....New ork...ABpiuwall Oct. Alliance rniiaort....viiarlesiou Oct. Btars and BtrlpesPhllada Havana ...OoL Pioneer. ..Phllada.....-WUmlngtou.MTO .Oct. N. America New York. ..Rio Janeiro Oct. Malls are iorwarded by every steamer in the regular lines. The steamers lor or from Liverpool call at Queenstuwn, except the Canadian Hue, which call at Londonderry. The steamers Juror irom the Conti nent call at Bouthampton, CLKARED YKMTERDAY. Bteamslilp Wyoming. Teal, bavaunau, Philadelphia and Southern Mall bteamshlp Co. Brig Mary, Mcculloch, Antwerp. O. C. Van Horn. H hr Fanny Keating, Dauiels, Boston, Borda, Keller S 14 Nutting. uhr Ruby. Lee. Newburyport, Wannemanher Co. Bt'r J. B.Bhrlver, Dennis, Baltimore, A. droves. Jr. Bl'r Philadelphia, F'ulti, New York. W. P. Clyde R Co. Tug Thos. Jellerson, Allen, for BalUinuxe, Willi a tow ox bargus, W. P. Clyde dk Co. ARRIV3D VRSTFltDAf. Btenmsblp Btars and stripes, Holmes, from Havana 2'i riays, with sugar, etc,, aud paasengers to Thomas Wattsnn A Bons. Unique Istrla, Hewell. M days from Liverpool, with mtlse. to order. Tewed up by tug K. A. rtoudr. Hchr E. B. Reeves. Oheen. 7 days from Rappahan nock river, with posts to Bacon. Collins A Co. Hchr J. Weeks, Vandersllce, 1 day Irom Odessa.wltb grnln to Chiintlun A Co. Hchr S. I. Ineraham, Dickinson, t days Irom Mld dletown, with stone tn captain. Hchr Lottie. Taylor, 6 nays from Boston, with mdse. to Crewell A Collins. Rchr Clayton and Lowber. Jackson, 1 day from Pmyrna. with grain to J L. Bewley A Co. Bteamer Diamond Btate. Talbot, 13 bours from Bal timore, with niilw. to J. D. Kuuir. Bteamer Beverly Pierce, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyi'e A Co. Bteamer Mars. Orumley, 24 hours from New York, wll h mdse, to W. P. Clyde A Co. Tug Thos. Jetierson. Allen, irom Baltimore, with tow or barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. MEMORANDA Bhlp L. Bkolfleld. Hkollleld, from Liverpool for Phi ladelphia, wai spoken 2ftd ult.. lut 4$. luu. Hi 21. Hchr R. R. Townsend, Townseud, bencrt, at Oalves ton vrnh 11 1U .- t li r Ida Nlcbol8on, for Philadelphia, at Bavannah 1st Inst. Hchr John Atwood. from Provlncetown for Philadel phia, sailed Irom Newport 1st Inst. Hchr Reading RR. No. 41, for Philadelphia, sailed from Norwich 2d Inst, chr K. W. Pratt, from Boston lor Philadelphia, at Kdgarlown 29th ult. Hclir J. O. Babcock. Fisher, hence, at Halem 2d Inst. Hchrs A. Mason, Rose, and 1. Thompson, Baker, hence, at Georgetown 3d Inst. Hchr W. O. Darborn. Foster, lor Philadelphia, cleared at Y'tlnilnglon 2d Inst. Hchrs T. C, Omith.Lake; A.M. Flanagan, Cain; A. K. Martin, Lloyd: J. Kenr.le. Lake: Rescue, Kelly: O. E. Paige. Frlnk: Ell.a and Rebecca. Price; Restless, Banter; E. O. Wlllard, Parsons; M. Mllnes, Burilgn: J. Allderdice. Jackaway; O. E. Elmer, Haley; and L 8. Levering. (Vrson. hence, at Boston Sd Inst. Bteamer New York, Jones, for Philadelphia, sailed from Georgetown 3d lust. . . . , . , , , t-teamer Mayflower, Robinson, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. MISCELLANY. 6chr Oeorgo Kdwards, bence, was ashore yesterday on Bandy Hook, There were two fore-and-aft schrs ashore on the Romer Hhnal. A despatch from Sandy Hook, dated noon yesterday, savs the scbr Ueorge Edw ards had bilged, aud is lull of water. Bbe lies well up on the beech. Hchr Clara Bell. Ameshnry, for New York, sailed from Key West 1st Inst., with the damaged cargo ot the steamship Oeorge Cromwell. A SHORT RECEIPT TO CHEAPEN COAL Buy a Patent Ash Bhlfter of 1KUUAH E nilAW, No. 8M (Eight Tblrty-flve) Market Bt., below Ninth. THE SYNOPTICAL NEEDLE CASE HAS lour 8178 extra quality needles, each in Its sona- rate compartment, enclosed in an ornamental case. For sale by TRUMAN A BHAW, No. 836 (Eight Thlrty-Hve) Market Bt., oetow in nun. t'rpflEY COST TOO MUCH!' 'THAT 13, A j. domes wringer at trom rroiiiofia. wny a few mouths' abstinence from cigars and rum toddles would provide tbe means, and your wife and family would think the better of you for the sacrifice. .Seve ral kinds are for sale by TRUMAN A HHAW, No. 836 (Eight Thlrty-Bve) Market Bt peiow juintn. OWARBDRTON'S IMPROVED VENTI lated and Easy-fitting DREBH HATS) (patented), in all the approved fashions of theseason. CHKSNUT Btreet. next door to the Post OlTice. 8 15 JONES. TEMPLE & CO., FASHIONABLE HATTKBB, No. 28 & NINTH Btreet, First Btore above Chestnut street. 49 ra poster, FABHIONABLK HA mm 4 11 6m5pl No. 7 B. SIXTH Street. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRlP tlons oi Character, with advice on Business, Health, Education, etc., given dally by J. L CA.PEN 8 28wsm5p at No. 722 CHEBNUT Street. ' PA T E N T E D. PANTS SCOURED AND NTKETl'IIKD trom 1 to 5 Inches, at Mottet French Bteam Dyeing and Bconrlng, NO. 209 B. NINTH Btreet and No. 7X8 RACE Street. 9 17jj5p Jj O R S E CHEAPEST IN THB CITY, No. KU MARKET Btreet, Where the Bid HORSE BLANKETS. Is In the Door. 4 11 tnths 4 DEaFNESB iCVERY INSTRUMENT THAI science and skill have Invented to assist the hearing In every degree of deafness: also. Respirators: also, Craudail's Patent Crutches, superior to any others In use, at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 115 TENTH t-treet, Detow cneennu sspi TP R E N C H CIKCCLATINU LIBRARY. I ' PAUL E, f IRARD, FRENCH BOOKSELLER, STATIONER AND ENURAVKR, No. 202 B. ELEVENTH Street THII.A PHt.PHU 22SP "DOIKJERS'ANI) WOST UN HOLM'S POCKET I LTIDTtrlj'U lna1 U. IX 41. v 1 mr a a a w iwj. a muu ciing a t Li liirxi, 111 irrnubiiui tinlBh. RO DOERS' and WADK A BUTCHER'S RA.UHH, and tbe celebrated LEOOULTRE RAZOR. BCIBHORH of the fluent quality. Razors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Cutlery Ground and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S, No. US TENTH Btreet, below Chesnot. 165p WILLIAM S. GRANT COMMISSION MERCHANT, NO 83 8. DELAWARE Avenue, Philadelphia, AtiKNT rOR Dnportt's Gunpowder, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, Etc, W, Baker A Co.'s Chocolate, Cicoa, and Broma. Crocker Bros. A Co.'s Yellow Metal Bheathlng, lions, ana 0 ana. 1 s 1 TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND INVALIDS. Tbe undersigned respectfully calls the attention of the publlo to the stock of Prime Cider and Pure Cider Vinegar for pickling and general family use also, to bis popular "Toulo Ale," free from all Impa rities, and endorsed by tbe medical faoulty as a safe and wholesome beverage tor weak aud delicate con stitutions. Delivered free ot charge to ail parte of the city. P. J. JORDAN, No. 420 PEAR Street, 11 7Sp Below Third . and Walnut and Dock. ROOFS. WALLS, DECKS, ETC. AMERI CAN CONCRETE PAINT COMPANY, Ottice No 618 N. THIRD Street. For preventing all roofs from leaks, to keep walls tree from dampness, and decks, tanks, cisterns, and joints of every kind tight, and bottoms ot ships, etc, from worms, ends of posts that go Into the earth sound, and materials generally from corroding aud decay, this Paint stands un equalled. For sale In cans or casks, ready for use at all times, ana suited to ail cumaies. 10 8 lm JOSEPH LEEDS, JJOUSE-FURNISIIING DEPOT, IBOSIMG TABLES, SAFE, NTKPIADDEBf), COAL HODS And a general variety of Kitchen Utensils, at 11. A. WILOMAN'S, 8 28 No. 1011 SPRING GARDEN Street pRANC'S .A-M EX5 1 CAN CIIROMOS IN IMITATION OF OIL FAINTINUS, Published by L. PRANG A CO., Boston. Sold In all Picture Stores. Bend lor Catalogue, lnltuthaira DiDDING OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT REDUCED PRICES. WHOLESALE AMD BET AIL, MO.8 BIDUK AVENUE NEAB TIME T J. O. FULLER. 8 2Stu thsrp ' ' w qaUCH'S RAW BONE ajfjPEB-PnOSPHATB OF LIME, Tbe great Fertiliser or all crops. Quick li action, aud permanent In Its ellects. Established nick In IU over lWDeIfem supplied by the cargo, direct from the wharf ol the manufactory, on liberal terms. Manulactured only by n a irriw a snitm. Office Mo. 20 South DELAWARE Avenue. RE Avenue, Philadelphia. (tamwfro O T I C E. ARBANCEMEMT or NEW YORK LINES BOH WET Pill tADEIiPIII DEPOT. On and alter MONDAY, October 7, 1847, passengers for New York will take the A. M., 180. and 30 P M. lines. s V A TJ K iHimnrtnimMHH 't eMwmmwiiHinmy' W Returning from New York to West Philadelphia Depot at 10 A. M., 12 M, and 5 P.M. j,4 ,t W. H. 0AT2aiER, AgenU MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. DONNET OPENING. WOOD & CARY, No. 725 CHESNUT STREET, WILL OPEN FALL BONNETS, TIU'RWDAY, OCTOBER S. 9 302mrp MRS. R. DILLON, KOR. 823 AND 881 SOUTH STREET Hss all the novelties in FALL MILLINERY, for Ladies, Misses, and Children. Also, Crapes, Bilks, Ribbons, Velvets, Flowers, Feathers, Frames, eta Milliners supplied. 816 BONNET OPENING, WEDNESDAY, October 2. E. P. GILL & CO., 10 2 2U NO. 730 ARCH STREET. CURTAINS. QURTAIN ESTABLISHMENT. The subscribers are now receiving their FALL ASSORTMENT OF NEW AND ELEGANT MATERIALS FOR DRAWIHO-ROOH, CHAMBER, LIBRARY, AND DININO-ROOn WINDOW CURTAINS, LAMUBEtCINS, CHAIR AND SOFA COVERI3US, ETC. Comprising the Latest Importations and Newest Designs and Fabrics, in RICH PLAINSATIN3, BROCATEL8, LAMPIBADES, BILK TERRY, COTELINE, SATIN DE LA INE, PLAIN WOOL REPS, NEW STYLE BROl'HE AND SATIN STBIPED REPS AND TERRY, French Embroidered Lace Curtains, Tbe richest Imported, and a very large assortment of NOTTINGHAM, SWISS AND MUSLIN COR TAITS, CORNICES, TASSELS, ETC., all of which will be PUT VP when desired, In the newest and most tasteful manner, In town or country, by experienced and reliable workmen. SHEPPARD, VAN HARL1NGEN & ARRISON, 0I8ws6t NO. 1008 CHEMNCT STREET. MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM. Positively a Certain Cure. NO QUACK MEDICINE. NO IODIDE, POTASS, COLCHICTJM, OR MERCURY. DR. J. pTfITLER'S GREAT RHEUMATIC EEMEDY, FOR RHEUMATISM, NEURALIGIA. USED INWARDLY. USED INWARDLY. A legal guarantee given, stating exact quantity warranted to cure, or money refunded. Tbe only permanent Bheumatio Cure prepared by a regular physician In America. It la warranted not Injurious. Best Philadelphia physicians prescribe It, endeared by It. Among them Dr. Walton, No, 154 North Seventh street. Best lawyers and Judges cured by It. Among them Hon. Judge Lee. Camden, opposite Philadelphia, An Alderman of the city cured by It His Honor Alderman Comly, Twenty-third Ward. And tbour ands ot certificates endorse Its curative power, and Its discovery was truly a modern miracle. Prepared by Dr. FITLEft. one of Philadelphia'! oldest regular physicians. Principal Office No. 29 South FOURTH St., BETWEEN MARKET AND CHESNUT. Advice and consultations free of charge, dally. All Orders and Inquiries by mall answered. 829mws tftp SEWING MACHINES. QET THE DESTI "Comparison tbe only test. FLORENCE SEWING MACHINE THE FIR8T PRIZE at tbe PARIS EXPO .ITION. Making four different Stitches with self-ad' justing Tension in Shuttle. WHITNEY & LUKENS, GENERAL AGENTS, lb wamtf NO. 11B3 CRESNUT STREET. GOVERNMENT SALES. s ALE OP UNSERVICEABLE QUABTEKJIAS- IKii STORKS. Dfpot Qhabtkkmastkb's Office, Washington, 1). C, October 1, 17. J By direction ot the QuarteruioMer-General. a large lot of Quartermaster btores, rated as utiherviceaulu, will be sold at auction, at I.iimuln Depot, under tlie Bupervlhion ot Brevet Colonel Asa I'. Blunt, A. 14. M., commencing on MONDAY, October It, at 10 A.M., con- Mating lit part OI 72 (.'hupping Axes and 45 Anvils. 113 Brace lilts. 144 Mule Bits, m Killing Bridle Bits. 1,1m) WuKon Bridles, 153 Anibulauce Bridles. 414 OlUce Ciiairs. 8.II.MI H.AM. Collars. 1,114(1 Wagon Covers, Idi Oillce Desks. B:ttf Handsaw Kilos. Iim assorted Files, 7oti Head Halters aud Straps. 800 lbs. Sheet Iron. i'H yards Cocoa Mat ting. oo loliiia Stovepipe. tMK llreeclil.ig Ruiks. Wi McClellun Saddles. 4 Wbkoii baddies. 18 9ml lbs. Grain Hacks. 8)7 lbs. bheelZluc. bandies. r,l(l Blankets. IB.ihiU Carriage Bolts, (1402 lbs) 6,000 Tire Dolls. 216 Hall Buckets. 8. .2(1 mn do. 2,IM Breast Chains. i.'lHu llalier do. 1.8H7 Truce do. Ill Hay Forks. 176 sen Lead Mule Dar rens. 84 sets W heel Mule H ar neis, , MS feet large fire Hose, 5HS feet leather Hone. Ml ieet small water do. loo ) Icks. 1,74 lbs. Manilla Rope. 60 Cross t ut baws. 134 hbovels, 1 Iron hale. A nd a lame lot of other articles. Terms Cash, in Government Hindi. Purchases must be removed within ten davs. J. C. Mot Ell KAN, Deputy Quartern) asier-Ueuerul, 10 1 71 Brevet Brigadier Ueu. V- o. Army. AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF M U 81. (V J.K JlclM)NoaGH.....I(iee and Manager, KACI'lrMENT JNCRKAKtNt. j HOLbE 1HRONGLD NIGHTLY ( ;L1TE AND BEAUTY OF PHILADELPHIA, to witness the mot gorgeous spectacle ever pro duced, , TIIK BLACK! CROOK. . THE BLACK CROOK and the magnificent PAK1SIENNE BALLET TROUPE, . . , . who are received nightly wlib 1 . SHOUTS OF ADMIRATION. ' NOTICK BeHlrients of adjoining towns bave now an opportunity of wltneMlng thU Grand Spectacle and leturn hiitne at aueuriy hour. The performance closes at I0 o'clock. .,.. A URAXlil) MAT1KKE ftVttlll nAlUAUAl AF1 fcBMlON AT 2 O CLOCK. Keats sernrpd without extra rharee at LESS A WALKER'S Music Store, CHEBNUT rtreet, above Seventh street, and at tbe ACADEMY from 10 until 8 o'clock. NEW CUESNLT STREET THEATRE Commencing at 8 o'clock. , THIS (baturnay) r. v kin jini, octooer o. ltmy, . A HOUPLK HILL. TWO GKKAT I'LAYS. SIXTH MU11 1 OK MR. JAMES E MURI'OCH, AM) LAST TIME Of the benutlfiil piny entitled vijj; wukkm wiiiij!;ti3; OK .TIIK INCONSTANT. Young Mirabel JAMES E. MURDOCH bupported by , THE BEST COMPANY IX THIS CITY. To conclude with a Melo Drama, In two acts, en titled ' HAWK, THE HIGHWAYMAN; OR, TUB CONVICT'S DEATH. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock, TH Its AFTERNOON. FAMILY MATIN K. W, w ALNTJT STREET THEATRE, M IT. rxr KTKTl! mnA UiT Vtr n si . ... this (tsaturaay) EVENING, October 5, enrftR. tn tut lor oneniKhtouly of the celbrted Comedian. wi, or.r ivu,, wnu win appear in me cnarao tor of Jemmy Twltcher, in the Drama of tbeGOLDKN FARMKH. Flntt nlKht of the Drama ot WAITLNt v.i n'ULi i.-t.'i.i.r..',. -vii,i. i, . . . . . Gomersal: Sarah lawyer, Mrs. W. Unmersal. with, original Duet and Dance by Mr. and Mrs. GomersaL, entitled, "Dance, Sarah. Dance." Monday, of tlie accomplished actress. Mlns C THOAtFWQN. MKS. JOHN DBEW'8 ARCH STREET THEATRE. Doors open at 7; commences at IU. LAST NIGH l" OK K. EDDY ' and MIUS HENRIETTA IRVING. ' A great Bill. Three pieces, Tragedy, Drama, and Paree. -THIS (Saturday) EVENING, Oct. S. 187.- ' WILLIAM TELL, BI.ACK-EYKU SUSAN, and the DUMB BELLE, - ' Mr. EDDY and Miss IRVING In all three pieces, A Monday F ALCONER'S INNISFALLUN, " Wlih new Scenery and (treat Cant, MIssKATEREIGNOLDS and Mr. K. FALCONER. FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE.--. EVERY Jj.VF.NINO AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. ' GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE, -In GrandUallels.Elhloplan Burlesques, SougB, Dances, Fan torn Inien, Gymnast Acts, etc. ; NEW PHILADELPHIA OPERA DOUSE. SEVENTH Street, below Arch. GREAT SUCCESS OF TUNBSON A CO.'8. . MINSTRELS. L. V. TUNISON and H. PAR80NS.... Proprietors SAMUEL S. SANFORD Stage Manager OPEN FOR THE SEASON WITH EPH. HORN. FRANK MORAN, ' '. W. BUD WORTH, C CHURCH, r AND THE LARGEST AND MOST TALENTED COMPANY IN THE WORLD. Seats can be secured In advance without Extra Charge. ' : Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance begins at 8. JEW ELEVENTH STREET 0PESA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT. " C IHE FAMILY BKSOBT ", OPEN FOR THE SEASON, .. ; CARNCROSS & DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, ' IN TUKia (BAND JCXMlUriAN SOIREES. J. L. CARNCROSM Manager. ' R. F. SIMPSON. Treasurer. 8 18ti ASSEMBLY BUILDIN G. "111K PLA1NC AiVD ROCKY MOUNTAINS," J. L. RING WALT'S 1 LLUST KAT KD LECTURE having proved eminently successful, will be repeated evtry evening auring the week, cummeucing MONDAY. September 80. ' WUNDEBLICH'S MAOiM HCENT PAINTINGS, k. Illustrative of Plain and Mountain Scenery, and -many other large aud accurate views, will -, be exhibited every evening. - ; Admission, 60 cents. Children's tickets. 26 cents. Secured sealB, without extra charge, at Trumpler'a music store, No. KMj Cbesnut Btreet: also at Turner Ha milton's bookstore, No. lot) bomb. Tenth street. Doors open at 7 o'clock; commence at 8. ( 80 St O N C E R T; HALL, ; CHEoNUT STREET . ABOVE TWELFTH BLIND TOM'S CONCERTS. POSITIVELY THE LAST DAY. THIS AFTERNOON at I 30, Farewell Matinee. AND EVENING, at 8 o'clock. . . Admission ............m...-. cent Children under 12.........,...M'i6 cents Reserved Seats 76 cents Tickets at Charles W. A. Trnmpler's Music Store, No. ttts Cbesnut Btreet; also, at tbe Hall. 19 80 St Balcony reserved for colored persons. Admission, 260. TICKETS NOW READY FOR BLIND TOM'S COACERT AT HORTICULTURAL HALL, ' ' " ON FRIDAY EVENING, October 11, Cents18' E 1Uy CenU' Je'ved Beats, Seventy-five For sale at Perklnplne A Hlgglns', No. '88 N. Fourth street. Also, at Methodist Episcopal Book: Rooms, No. 1018 Arch street. unAipai iogA (Come and bear bis laatOonoert. Secure your seats early, as the number of reserved seats are limited. it HE MEAGHER TESTIMONIAL. THB BUST OF - . MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS F. MHAGILER I WILL BK ON EXHIBITION AT NO. 710 SANSOM STREET, ) FROM OCTOBER 1st, UNTIL I HE BTtT. THE PUB UO ARK INVITED. HOf- LTOBTICULTURAL U A L L, JZL GRAND MATINEE, ByCARL RENTZ's ORCHKMTRA of 40 Performers. EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON i (Commencing October 8, lxo"), at I o'clock. Vocalist Mr. Jean Louis, Musical Director of Men delBohn Society, SINGLE ADMISSION, 60 CENTS. Package of four Tickets for 11. To be bad at Boner A Co.'s Music Btore, No. 1103 Cbesnut street, and at tbe door. 926 Ira INSURANCE COMPANIES. BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE OF NEW YORK, MUTUAL. POLICIES NON-FOIIFEITABLE. Thirty days grace given In payment ot Premiums. No extra charge for residence) or travel In any portion of the world. Dividends declared annually, and paid In cash. Dividend In 1867, 40 per cent. E. B. COLTON, GENERAL AGENT. M, E. CORNER SEVENTH AND CHESS CT. Agents and Solicitors wanted In all tbe cities and towns In Pennsylvania and Southern New Jr ey JU$ OTERLINQ SILVERWARE MANUFACTORY KO. 414 I.OCUST STREET. geobob s1 AIt p . . w-ii and Cube patterns, manufactures PteD'!TLintloo? line STERLING SILVER. wTrE oZrslor ..... wbo.-al. and retail. . cTotortmsntof rich and beautiful goods of new .il.. at low prices. l 2 litt J. M. SHARP. A, ROBERT'S,