c n A POETICAL CONTRAST. Iu tbc mouth of June, 1854, a negro by the Nsnie of Anthony Burns, was adjudged in Bos Jto be a fupitlve from slavery. President thereupon ordeied him to be carried to perpetual bondaeo In 'Old Virginia,'' find placed the Unltod States ' revenue cutler Morris at the disposal of the Federal authorities for that obuoxious purpose. On the deck of a Government vessel, with the Stars and Stripes floating over him, Burns wa transported from haid-eanied freedom to slavery. General Charles (?. Ilalpiuc, the edilor of the New York Citizen, then as now a Democrat, wrote, aud the New York Tribune of June 13, 18G4, pub lltbcd ibe following stirring and pathetic poem iu commemoration of this eveot: MIL TO THE STARS AND STRIPES. ITnll to the Stars and Rtrlpes' The boosllnl Hat: nil hil The tyrant trembles now. And at the slight prows palp; TneOld World groans In pain, And turns her rye to aoa. Beyond the Western malu, I he emblem of the free. Hall to the Mars and Stripes! Hope beams In every ray. And. shining through the bars Ol (loom, points out the way. The Old World sees tho light That si all her cells lllnnie; And, shrinking bunk to night, Opprcss'oii reads herdoum. Hall to the Stars and Stripes! They ll'iai in every sea; '1 lie crvtnl wnves speed on The emblem ol the Free! llonealh the azure sky H sott ItHha's cMme, Or whee auroras die Jn solitudes sublime. Al hall the flaunting Me ! The stars grow pale and dim Tue stripes ar lhody scars, A lie the Haunting liymn t It shields the pirate's deck., It buds a nian In chains; It yukes the captive's neck. Aud wipes the bloody stains. Tear (own the flaunting Me 1 II all-mast the starry Hug! Insult no sunny sky With Hate's poll ted rag 1 Destroy It, ye who can t Deep sink It In the waves 1 It bears a fellow-man To groan with feliow-slsves. Awake the burning scorn! The vengeance long and deep, That, till a belter morn, Shall neither tire nor sleep t Swear once again the vow, O freemen ! dare to do ! Cod's will Is ever now ! May Ills thy will renew ! Enfurl the boasted Lie! Till Freedom lives again. To rtlgn once more In truth Among uulrammeled meu ! ltoll up the starry sheen Conceal Its bloody stains; For In Its lo'ds are seen The stamp ol rusting chains. Be bold, ye heroes all I (Sunru, spurn the flaunting Lie, Till Peace, and Truth, and Love Shall till the bending sky; Then, floating Iu the air, O'er hill, and dale and sea, 'T will stand forever air, The .Emblem of Ibe Free! We ate prompted to reprint the above, that we may place by its side another effusion of this same General Charles G. Halpine, which is now going the rounds of the press, and being quoted With great gusto by the organs of the Demo cracy. . It will be seen that "Private Miles O'Beilly' herein advocates an out-and-out war of the races in the South, and thinks it no more than right that the freedman should be given Over to the tender mercies oi Rebels who share his "misfortune" in being white, because they did not raise an insurrection In the South, that the Democracy might have sf.ll another proof Of the enormity of .Radical sin. We give the latest poem below, aud our readers can judge of , its aniaius for themselves: " BLACK LOYALTY." Ict the Trutb of History be Preserved! Nlsh a million of lives we have spent And three billions uf dollars or more, Thul each fetter iu twain should he rent And the Blave horn he heard never more; Full six years we have given to the black, And tne thins, was undoubtedly right Row suppose, just to alter the tack, We devote half uu hour to the white. When the South In Its hour of mad pride At Fort Kumter let drive the II rut shoe, Keck aud heels our poor Sambo was lied, Aud the North held one end of the knot; But our hold we let go at the sound, For both hands we required lu the fight And the war tor the biuok was then lound Uuile a tough Job ot work lor the white. Well, we fought -ay, for our years we fought," J'oii, lug oul lavish treasure and lite J Did the black then arise us he ought, Cleaving nortbuard with torcu and with kiii.'e? All hit- masters were lor from his truck Under Johnston and Lee In the fight; There was nolhiug to hold the bluck buck From abslutlug Lis champion, the white. Did he aid us when bleeding we stood To cbiixe from him shivery 'a d renins, C r to l.ee sent he clothing, md food, 11 ariie-, powder. equipments, and teams? Wo a'l know that lu ono single blule A revolt would have endeJ the tight; t o no more oi their ' loyalty" prato, For the bluck ltebs were worte than the whits. The while Rebels came with a cheer, Thfc:r bayonets aslant uud aglow. While the black Kebuls slunk In the rear, Assisting (and freely) our foe; Phillips, Knur nor, and men of that school. Way click-clutter from morning till night But li black or white UebelB must rule, Then, by Heaven ! count me In lor the white ! t would sicken a dog, this vile cant ' Thai we hear of black loyalty" now And I notice the twaddlers who rant On the subject, were far from the row; But since cold has been l eu's latest gnu, And since Johnston stacked arms after fight, We a lold "by. black valor we won" 'lis ail humbug to laurel the while! To the black Rebel clnrv and power, To the whito ltebel chains aud disgrace! Oh. madness and wor?e, rules the hour. We are f-lse to faith, wisdom, and race! To my heart with you Longbtreet and Hill, Johnston. Lee every man In the tight You were Rebels, aud bad ones, but gull, You bhate my misiortune you're white! MILKS O'KKILLT, Late Private 47th RoRlmoui N. Y. Vol. Inlaatry. What Camb of Buhino a Newspapbr. Mr. Sandts, member of the British Parliament for Dalhoutiio, Las rebigned hid seat in conse quence of the disclosures affecting hia charac ter in a recent action for libel which he was foolibh enough to bring against the proprietor of a country newspaper. On the trial evi dence was given which showed that he had got up a subscription for himself from persons whose interests he represented himself as capable of promoting with the Government; and it was very clearly proved that ministers are in the habit of granting all sorts of favors to those whom their followers recommend. Changes ih England. The London Tele graph says: "The rivalry between north and south, not only as regards race horses, but tlso as regards special products, or even lite rature, is rapidly disappearing. The very dialects of Yorkshire and Somersetshire are in course of assimilation to each other through the inifchty invention of Stephenson." H ARRISON'S PATENT PAINT RESOLVANT, or I'alul aud Varnish Remover, lor palnlers. fur niture ud carriage makers, printers, and lamlly use. The preparation will remove the hardest and oldest fmlut from any surluce without scraping and without njuring the wood, or making It unlit ir fresh pal'it. It wast es oft with water, taking ttie paint, varulHh. or oil w ith It. It Is cheaper, more expeditious, aud wore thorough than burning. ' For sale l,y all liruggiHts and Taint dealers In the tolled tittles. Couadaa, and West ludlua, uuuuwhiui TTiTHTL'" L I A M H. GRANT W COV MIH'UON MERCHANT, NO 83 B. LELAWAKE Avenue, Philadelphia, AO K NT Wilt Pniiont's Onnpowder, Refined Nitre, Charcoal, Etc. vi' n tr :.i Chocolate. O sioa, and Hroma. Crrtl er liros. it Co.'s Yellow Melal bheuihlng, Bolls, and Nal.S TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPII PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, RAILROAD LINES. 1 ftfl7 -F01i NEW YORK.-TIIE CAMDEN -t-UVJ f . and Amboyand Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company's Lines, from Philadelphia to New Tujrk and Way Places, from WALiSUT btreet Wharf, I ARS, Alo A. di .. via ( anirien arid A mhnv. innm . At 8 A. M via Camden aud Jersey (Jlty, Express Alalia A t 2 1'. M., via I amilen and A mboy, ExpreflV.'."?,"." 81H) At 6 P. At., via Camden and A in boy, Ac-J 1st class 22 comniodallon aud Emigrant.. 1 2t class' l no At 8 A. Al 2 and 6 P. Al., for Mount Holly, Kw'ansvllle i,,'i,.''x,'-n iIr,n,,l1,"",B'"' ud Vluceutown.aud 6 P Al . lor Mount Holly only. At f! A. M. and ii P. Al. for Freehold. At 8, 8 and iu A. At., 2 and 4 P. M., for Trenton. Atfl, 8 and in A. M., 1,2, 4,6,6. and linn P.M., lor Hordentown. Uiirllngton, Reverly.and Delanoo. Flounce'. A M U ' 4' 8' B1 "" M" tor At 8 and in A. If., 1, 4, 6, 6, and 11-80 P. M.. for Kdim. water. Riverside, Rlverton, and PalmvraT' iJ7l'Vl"d 11,30 Pl ,M- Une leae rom Market Street leiry, uiiner side. , f'ROM KENSINGTON DEPOT W 111 leave as folio ws: At 11 A. At., 4 l P. At., and 12 P. M. (night), via Ken nlnglon aud Jersey Uty, New York iutpreas Line. t are, f At 8, 1(115 and 11 A. Af., 2-80, 8'30, 4'30, 5, and 12 P. M., ftir Trenton and lirlHtol, At 8 and 1015 A. M.. 2 80, 6, and 12 P. M.. for Morrls Vllle aud Tullylown. AtSandlUTSA. M., 280, 4'80, 6. and 12 P. M., tor Bchencks. ' At 10-16 A. M., 2-3o and 6 P. M for Eddlngton. At 7-80 and 1(1-15 A. At., 2-30, 4,6, , and 12 p. Jf., for C'ornwell's, Torreadale, lloluieshurg, Tacony Wlssl poining. RrKtesburg. aud Frankford, and at 8 P. M, for lloinicKhurg and Intermediate stations. BEL V WKKK JJKL A WAKKKAI LROAJD LINES, From Kensington .Depot, At 11,11, tor Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dnnklrs:, liiiiai.dalKUB, Klmlra, Ithaca, Owego. Rochester, llini.-hntoioii. Oswerjn, tSvrucuse, Ureal Rend. Mon Ic8e'tc 1JkBSbarre' tcr"'tou,fc)iroudsburg1 Water Uap, At A. M. and 8-30 P. At. for Belvldere. Easton Lamhertvllle, Flemlngton, etc. v'ere, juwton, '1 he 8-ao P.M. Line connects direct with the Train etc l0f WBUCb Cuunk Alloutown, Relhle- Al 6 P. At. for LambertvUle and Intermediate Sta tions. Lint from West Philadelphia Depot, via Connect lug Railway, will leave as follows: uu, At l-;o A. M ., and l-ao and 6 80 P. M.Washington and York '-H'reRS Lines, via Jersey City, Fare, la 26. The pro A. Al. and o P. M. Lines wlli ruu. dally All others, hnnnuys excepted. October 1, 1867. WM. H. OATZMER. Agenu PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL. TIAIORK RAILROAD. T1MK TABLE. Commencing MONDAY, September 80, 1H87, Trains Tli'A ilKie fP"'' rner BROAD btreet aud WASH INGTON Avenue, as follows: Wtay Mall Train at 8 80 A. M. (Sundays excepted, for Raltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Con necting w ith Delaware Railroad at Wilmington lor Crlslield aud Inlermediule stations. Express Train at 12 AL (Sunday excepted) for Baltimore and Washington. Express Train at 8-tU P. M. ((Sundays excepted) ft r Baltimore and Washington, stopping atChester.Thur. low, Llnwood, (Jlaymont, Wllmlugtou, NewDort, Ktan. ton, Newark, Elkton, Northeast, Churieslowu, Perry, vllie. Havre-do-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edge wood, Magnolia, Chase's, and 8iemmer's Run. N lght Express at 1100 P.M. (dal ly) for Raltimore and ........ vviuiicvmi a.,, uiiuiiukivu (naiuruays excepted) with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at Newcastle, Mlddletown, Clayton, Dover, Harring ton, beaford, Halisbury, Princess Anne, aud connevU inirat ("rislield with llrvat (,,r tVinna,. u, ivt folk, Portsaiouth, and the Houth. lassengers for i'ortress Monroe and Norfoltt via. Baltimore will take the 11 M. Train. Via Crta. field will take the H'OO P. Al. Train. . .WILMINGTON TRAIN8. VVlington " 3utlon between Philadelphia and Leave Philadolnhla at 1-80. 4-30, 8-00, and 11-80 (dally) P. M. Tlie 4-8() P. M. Train connect with Delaware Railroad tor Mllford and Intermediate sta tions. The 6-tio P. M. Traiu runs to New Caatle. .Mly)Wpl.1MinBt0,1 " 7 and 8 A. M., 4 00. and FROM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA Leave Baltimore 7 26 A. M Way Mall, 88 A. Af .- S'pfMxpr' iX1,reM' '... -BXPW- . bUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leaves Baltimore at 866 P. M., stopping at Havre-oe-Grace. Perry ville, and Wllmlngtou. Also stops at Northeast, Elkton, and Newark to take passengers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washing ton or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave Dasaenters from Washington or Baltimore. ftwoeugeii Through Tickets to all points West, South, and bouth west, may be procured at the Ticket Office, No. 828 CHKUNUT btreet, under the Continental .Hotel whore.also state-rooms and berths In sleeplngcars can at this oflice can havt their baggage,chbcked at their residence by th( Lulon Transfer Company. WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA MEDIA. BUJUMf.lt & llltAXSUH.Mi'.IVT. ftn &nn iftm Mniuniv i , u. m . .ji , uuo , irnma will leave Depot, THIRT Y-FlilTaudCHEdNUT blreeta, West Philadelphia, as follows: . Leave Philadelphia for West Chester, at7-15A.M., 11 A. M., 2-80 P. M 416 P. AL, 4 60 P. AL, 7 00 P. AL, ami Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on Eaut Market Btreet, at 6'16 A. At., 7T5 A. At., 7-80 aud lu-46 A. 11., 1-66 P, Al., 4-60 aud '50 P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7-80 A. AL. and leav ing Philadelphia at 4 60 P. Al., will stop at B. O. Junc tion aud Media only. Passengers to or from stations between Went Che ter aud It. C. Junction going east, will take train leaving West Chester al 7"16 A. M., and going west will taTte train leaving Philadelphia at 4-60 P. AL.and transfer at B. C. Juiiellou. "" uu Leave Philadelphia for Media at 6-30 P. M. Leave Aledia for Philadelphia at 8-o P. AL Htopplng at all stations. 1 he Alarket btreet curs will be In walling, m usual, at Thirty-first aud Murket hireets, ou the arrival of each train, to convey passengers Into the city: and for lines leaving the Depot take the cars on Ala-kot ctreel. Die last car courjeotlng with eacf train leuvin Front aud Market btreeis thirty uiumtes previous to del arttue. The Chesnnt and Walnnt Street cars connect with till of the above trains, carrying passengers d iwn ( heautit street, past thepiiitciprj hotels and Uielani den and Amhoy RR, oliice, at Walnut street wharf, passing out Waluut street to the di pot, ON bUNDAYU. Leave Philadelphia at &! A. M, and 2 P. M. I.eitve V est Chtfiler at 7 46 A. M. and 6 P. M. The tars ou Alarket street will connect with all buiiduy trains, both ways, as nsual; leaving Front uuil Market street thirty-five minuted before the train lea eu Depot, and will leave Dopol ou arrival of each train, to carry passengers Into the city. Trains leaving Philadelphia at 716 A. Al. and 4'50 P. A1-, and leaving Went Cnt-ler at 7'40 A. M. a. id 4vji P, M., connect at 11, c. Junction with trains ou P, and B. C. H. R., tor Oxford aud lulermedlaie polnu. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only, as bbguge, and the Company will not lu any case he rt itpoiihihle for an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars, uuieds a bpeolal coutraot is made for the same, HENRY WOOD, A IMJ General Superintendent. IjIllLADELPHIA, UEKMAN'IOWN, AN1 X. NORRlbTOWN RAILROAD. TIAIE TABLE, On and after Wednesday, Aluy 1, 1HW. FOR GERMANTOWN, Leave Phlladeli'hla 8,7, 8, K05, 10.11,12 A. M, 1,2, S,1, 8), 4,6, b, ti-10, 7, 8,9, In, 11, 12 P. M. Leave Oermaiilown 6, 7, 7,, 8, b-,40, 8, 10, 11, 12 A. M 1, 2,8, 4. 4X, 7, 8, , 10, 11 P. M. The 8-20 Down Tralu and 8V aud 6i Up Trains will not Slop on the Germatitown Branch, ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 94 A. At. 2, 7, 10V P, AL Leave Germuntown Hit A. M. 1. 8, ' P. AL CHESNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 8, 8, 10, Li A.M. 2, 8X. X,7. and 11 P. M. Leave Chesnut Hill 7-10, 8. 9'40. and U'10 A, Af. I'M, 8'40, 6 40, 8-4U, 6-40. and 10-40 P. M- ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia .' A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chesuut Hill 7'60 A. M. 1240. 6'40, and 9'28 P.A1. FOR CONSHOHOCKEN AND NORRI8TOWN. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7',,, and 11 06 A. M. ltf.I, 4!3, 64, 8 06, aud lli P. M. Leave Norrislown 6 40, 7, 7'60, , and U A. At, li, I, ad..M.N SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia B A, M 2 0and 7-15 P, AL Leave Norrislown 7 A. Al., 5 80 and 9 P. M. FOR AIANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7S, . aud H OB A, AL IX, S, 4H. IH, 0l4, 8 U5, ),, and 11, P. M. Leave Manyuuk 6'10, 7, b"A), and U'i A. At.' 1 8, 6, t.V, 9, aud loV P. M, ' ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 2iand7VP, M. Leave Maiiayunk 7S A, M. Sand 9 P. M, W. b. WILSON, General Superintendent. 8 Depot, NINTH aud GREKN Streets. FOR CAPE MAY MY RAILROAD, FROM foot of MARUtT Street (Uppor Ferry). liCommeuciUK TL'EMLA Y, September 3, 1867, 4'tiO P.M. Cape May. Punaenger. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE CAPE ISLAND, u.lO A. Al. Morning Mall, The bUNDAY MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7'uo A. M., returuiug leaves Cape Isluud at 6tKi P. AL Commutation tickew, good for ONE, THREE, or TWELVE months, can be procured at the OUlce of the Company. Camden, N. J. Through tickets cau be procured at No, 828 0hesnnt Btreet (imder the Continental Hotel). Persons purchasing tickets at tills ollloe Can have their bag gage checked at their residences. from foot of MARKET Street (Upper Ferry), Commenciiif TUESDAY, beplemher 17, 17. For liridgeluu, fcalear Vlnelaud, Miilvllle, aud In terniedlale stations, 8-00 A. M. Mall, 8-80 P. M. F-isseuger. Citpe May 8'3u P. M. . .,, W est Jersey Freight Train leaves Camden at U M. nF?eiV'ht will be received at Second Covered Wharf below Walnut street, from 7)0 A. M. until 6-uO P. M. Frelglit received before 9-o0 A. AL Will go lorword the Ssnie day. Fr. igut Delivery. No. B8 B. DELAWARE Avenue. 1 1 If WILLIAM J, bEWKLL, buperluleudeul. FINANCIAL. BANKIWi JJOUSK Olr' JayCooke&0). U2 and 114 So. THIRD ST. PHILAP' A. Dealers in all Government CcourUios. OLD 6-20 WANTED 111 EXCHANGE FCR KEW! A LHIDBit BirFEKEXtE ALLOWED, 1 Compound Interest Kotos Wantod. lATlHUT ALLOWED ON lErOSlTS. OollactloBi made, blocks bouglat and aold od CommlBston. Bpecial bnslne3 RooommodallouB reserved foi ladles. r 2i 8m ft WITH MISSOIKI IlAILItOAI) FIRBT MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. Having purchased 600,000 of the FIKBT MORT GAGE OOUPON BONDS OF THE NORTH MIB SOURI RAILROAD COliPAJ!fY,BKAfiLNO SEVEN PER CENT INTEREST, bavInB 80 years to run, we are now prepared to tell the some at the low late o SO, And the accrued lntereBtf rom this date, thus paying the Investor over 8 per cent. Interest, which la paya ble semi-annually. This Loan Is secured by a First Mortcare anon the Company's Railroad, 171 miles already constructed and In running nler, and 62 miles additional to be completed by thelirst of October next, extending from the city ol bl, Louis Into. Northern and Central Mis souri. full particulars will be given on application to either ol the anderslgLed. appucauon to E. W. CLABK k CO. JfA V COUHK A CO. DBEXKL A CO. P. B. Parties holding other securities, and wlphlni to change them lor this Loan, can do so at the market rates. s i bim N ATION AL CMK OF THE REPUBLIC, 309 and 811 CLTESNUT STEEET, PHILADELPHIA. tAPIIAL ..1,000,000 DIRECTORS. Joseph T. Bailey. -Nathan HI lies, Ben). Rowland, Jr., bamuel A. Rlspham, j-UwardR. Orue, William Krvlon. Osgood Welau, Frederick A, Hoyt Wm. II, Rhawn. A M. H. RHAWN, President, LaU Cashier of ( Central national Sank. JOB. P. MTJMFORD Cashier, 6 lil LaUoftht Philadelphia National Han. 7 3-lOs, ALL SERIESy CONVERTED INTO FIVE-TWE IS TI ES. liORl N DKLIVLBLD IMMElil ATELr. DE HA YEN & BKOTHEI 10 2 rp Q. 40 H. TlllftU WTHECT. 6. 8ECURIT8i;;;, A SPECIALTY. SMITH, KANDOLPH H CO., B AUREUS AND EEOKEEU, jio.ies TniBDftTjii. a n asm aw hi rBJLADKLFHIA. I KEW TOBV Orders for Stocks and Cold executed in Phita delvhia and New York. 1 1 GRIFFITH & PACE, ISO. 600 AI1CII STREET, MEW KTVLE FIItE-PBOOF. BRITANNIA WAKE. HOUSE-FERNIMIINU OOIS, 410 KITCHEN I7TEN.HIL8. pITLER, WEAVER it CO, MANUFACTURERS OI Man lla and Tarred Cordsce, Cords Twines Etc. 00. 23 North WATER Btreet. and ISO. llNorlb DELAWARE AvehDC, PH1ULD.ICI.I-B I A, EWtff II FlTI-KB, MjORASLWEAVKR, NBAly Cl.OTH jm. 9 141 OOBN EXO HANOI BAG MANUFACTORY, JOHN T. BAILEY A CO., BKMOVKD TO N. K. Corner of MARKET and WATER 6treeU Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAHtS AND BAGQINO . Of every Description, lor Uraln, Flour, Bait, Buper-Phosphale of Lime, Bone Dust, Etc. Large and small QUNN y HAWK constantly on hand iWJJ Also. WOOL BACKS. J" T BAIT.KY. Jahm Casoatikm JOHN CRUMP, OAllPKNTKK AND BUILDBR. NUOIft: KO, US I,ODIi NTREET, AND NO. I7KS CIIENNVT HTKKET, ' rHrLAMtr.pirx. GARDNER M FlSlNG, COACH MAKKH8, mo. an fcouTii rirnt miukkt. New and Hecond-hand Carrlases for tale. Far llcularatleuUou paid to rupaUlug. FIRE AND BURGLAR PHOOF SAFtS $84,500 SAVED HUSH ntKtHiARS IN ONE OF MARVIN'S SAFES. b'ce New York Papers ofllth September. TY.P Tlnrolora meiA of wta1 1.iS. last baturday Kiglit, and till 3 P. M, Sunday, and failed to secure a dollar. MARVIN'S PATENT FIOE AN!) BUKGLIK ALUM AKD DHY PLASTEH. Are Always Dry. Kever Corrode the Iron. Never lose their Fire-Proof Qualities. MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT St.i MasonicHall AND NO. 263 IIIIO.IBIV.IY, N. T. Eend lor Illustrated Catalogue. t) 19 mw3;im llj C. L. MAISER. MAKUTACTCBKB OW riBfi AND BVBULsBrBOOr BAFK8, LOCKSMITH, HKI.LrJIANeFh, AMU AKAI.Clt IN BUIA.1IK IIAUUWABK, t NO. 484 BAfH HTBKKT, rr-j A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FIBE f&Jb and Burglar-proofHAFEB on hand, with Inside doors. Dwelling-house Hefrs, free from dauipueus Prices low. C. llANKNFOKIKH, 6 No. 422 VINE btreet CiHOCSiRtES, fcTQ. pHCSH FRUITS, 1067. PKACUEft, PTAIIS, PINEAPPLE-1', PL15IN, AI'RIrOTM, C'llEBBIKH, BLAl'KBI RBIDi, IITIN('E, ETC. rBISEBVIU AND Fit EN II, IN CANS AND tiLA&M JABS), Put op for our particular trade, and for sale by the dozen, or lu smaller quantities, by MITCHELL & FLETCHER, 910 8m NO. 1204 CIIEMNUT HTKEET. Q U P E R I O R VINEGARS VIM'IKE 1BENCU WHITE WINB AN1 Pl'BE OI.I CI DEB VINESiAIH, - POIl SALE BY JA9IEM B. Wl.bll, s Iff trner WAIBOT and JftOilTH e .'" y U1TE rKESERYliViJ BRAN DY, PUKE CIBEP AND WINE VINEOAK, Gr.EEN OINGEK. MUSTARD SEEP.SPICKS, ET' . All the requleites for Pr8ervlng and Pickling pj. POBes, AMEItT C. IlOItKHTAI, Denier In Fine Groceries, J.Jirf Comer ELKVFNTH aud VINliKU, REMOVAL. E Kl O V A C. W. A. TRUMPLER FAS-fiEKGVED ISIS KUSIO -STOSt FH031 NEVENXJi AND H EHX U f MX.' TO No. 926 CHESNUT STKEE H 12trt) PHILADELPHIA. fr- .. P K N N 6TKAM S(iINE AT, 2bk U-BOILEB WOKKW.-NEAflE & LliVVl Tl..l T1CAL AND TDEoKE-PlCAL ENUiNhiLiKt; W AlHlNltlH, JtOlLEK-MAK.EKi.-l KLAI.J-." BilL'lllb, and ytiCNDEJUS, huvlnir for many (,. bet-u lu sm-cchiiui opeit-iion, end buc-ii nxolu,loiu -ni't iitiHu hulliiins! and repairing Marlue add R'v l Engines, high p.iiu iov.-prt.suure, Jron fullers, Vni."t lankd, Propellers, ei. etc. re')-ct(ullv odtr thdir services to Hie public as hulne Itihy orepured tj con Iriicl lor eukliK of all :w.. Marine, tiiver and btuUonary; huvlnssetsof pitta-rnaof ulllorunt uta are prepared to eJteeute orders with quia ueaphtrh' Evei-7 Uesoription of patteru-niuklng ninde at ti e ahortf-Ht nonce. litfh and Lotv j.-!Ti.,u:o l-'li e Tubular, and cyliudor Dolh rs, ot the bmt Pounn l' VAnla chaieoa! nou. I'oigii.ysof ail BizeasnU k:iii;.-i-Iron and hriuis tastlturs of all dencrIptious; I'ui uing, Srrew CutiliiK, and ail other wore couneuUd with the above business, L'ra iufs end spec ticntiona for all wrc dote at tlie estahllhuujeut tree oj churgs, and wurlc unli-ed. The subscribers hnve ample wuarf-dock room r r t-p:.lrsof biints, where they can lie iu perieet snM:y i.;id are provided with bln-ars, blocks, uills, etc. ot.. ri.r rrii'ti heavy or hht Heights. JAtDB U. NFiAl IH. JOHN P. LIOVV. g ! BEACH and PALM Kit Streets. I, MAVaUAS MCHUICK, WIL1.IA.M H. MUI'IK JOHN X. oopjc. OOCTUWARK lOLNDRY, FIFIU A:n O WAbltLNUTON Btr.ets, " PillIlf.l.PKIA. Ml iUUCK di MJFM. EKCHNJUtS AND MACil.1.". iVj sianiifiu-lui'0 High and Low Preemire Hteaiii Eni'lr.es ti-i J, Mid, Klver, and Iilrlne iSi-i vice. Xoili r'i, Oasoineiers, 'I'ankB, Iron Duati, etc Cftelin :b of all kludn, either Iron or liruiu. Iron I Vauio Koois lor Oa'jVorlt, Workshops, ar.d 1-tftilroRil blatlons, etc Kotorta aud Gas Machinery, of the latent aud mist improved conslrucliou. Every dehcrlption of Plantutlou Machinery, ud -ugar, Baw, and Orlst Mill Vacuum pin, Oiieu ht-.-aiu Trains, Deiecalora, Eilters, Pnuipliig En- fcoieApenH for N. P.!l!-nx's l atent Hugar Koillrg I Appuratua, Ninniylh'sPatoul HWum Uuniuiur, at 3 I AbpniwHii ot. ..vwufo. h.ttu. vDuvrituui oii'.r Draining Machine- Ho BUIDBSBUKO MACllINB WORKS OKPKK, No. 5 N. EltON V k'.TREET, Pirir.AOUI.PHlA. We are prepaid to till orders to any txieut for oar ffeil-liiiown HACUlNEliY EOB CO'PrON AND WOOLLEN WILLS, including H recent Improvement Id Warding, Spin iliifr, and Weavlni?. - w Invite the alleUtlOD Of nianufnr nrer tnimni. 1 ALFHF1) JFUVH ON, Tn T- STEWART BROVN, ( ;' '"-" VJ J B,E- Corner of f-if ;rt; ' fOUETH and CHESTNUT STS X aOJKS, VALISE3, arid BAGS suitabl or Europs (Formerly it 708 CHESTNUT ST.) QCOnCE PLOWMAN, OAltPKNTliRAND TJUILDKIt iciiovir.i3 To ISO. 131 DOCK Stroct, UJ ' PHILADELPHIA. SAFES, OCTOBER 2, 18G7. SMiPPlNU f,? ; S'ilOAM TO LIVKK!'(),)ICALL Ing aiytieei.Btown. Ttn- imiihii l.lii-,saii-li.i; m nil-eel. ly. t nir tug the Li 1 1, d btule-i dia'l-J U'l Y OF AN l'V'-T:i ..Satur.liiv, (K-toher S Cl l y Ot .W OilK W-dndnv, October I I'lY l- HOSrTON Si-Uji.Ii.y, Oeioher 12 CITY OK HAITI MOKE -vtuitlav, D'Mobir tl Cl'IY fi" LONDON Sut'iuiey, October i A I'd c ch piu-ci edlntr ntnrd:iy and Wednesday, Bl noon, liom l ler No. 4",, Noilli llivei-. IIA'll-S tiK I'AB.-AHE By the n.nll sleHtner nuUii'g every Hnturi'ny. ... l'e able In Oclrt, 1'nyable In Currency Hr:,t Cahiti aino BteerRu,. 2" London lev To Loudot hi lo Paris us! To I'arN IS I segt- ,y the ednesilav HtPHnu rn; l- lrst Cabin, fioo: HeniHKc, t hp. Payable III U. M. Cu'reiicv, PasuengfrH elHo fcrwardid lo Hiwre, Humburc, Bre nien, etc., nt moileriite rales. Hli-i ra: e piifsuee Iron- Ijivrrpool or fjueenstown, $4'' curreiu-y. '1 h-kets can be bought hereby persons send ii'K lr their frleuiK l;or lurther Inlormation Rpply at tlie Company's 'fl'Cis, JOHN tl. DALE. Agent. ... No. 15 HHOADWAY, N. Y., g .? . or No. 411 (,il i;sn u 1 St., Phl.adelphla. EfJ',,'AWV'a KL;DAH HEMLMONTULY riTXiT?.! . EW "KI F S n-,. A i A.' r-18 t,,nH- c l'tin P. E Hoxlo. Ti, t. ,H 1 ' lo"H- t npiain J. T. Morse, ni .i, UA h'':v ew Orli ans on tATTJR .i::s' at 8 oci Ai M- OcIoheJrL&ilATA W'U 'eftV0 KtW rleans '"la Port oifivV, k'T if lB "B, Rl,E",,d for fre,';nt 10 Mobil OHlVenion. Ni u-hi. , VtcktbuiK, .-.eniphls, Nashvilig Cairo. St. Loi.li, Louisville, mid CiiM-iunntl. ua"v1"" Ageuw at New Orleai s, ( reevy, Nlckersnn A Co. r u aI.'1 JlrV; ',' M Ks- )"'-'il Agent, CHAH. E, DII.KES, ErelKht Agent, 'J No. Ki t b Deiavt are avennn, l.II.C l lllrt - .. - - - mmrm ww mj ia till II ,11(1,1 It "fx AND NOKKOI.K KT K .1SH I V LI N E ' MJb'i HltUUOH A1K Hi E TO THE SOUTH '1HHOI Oil KEC'EIPTa TO NEWBKUN, Alo all points In Nortli and south Carolina, vli Seaboarti and Hoannke ltn !!n.d, and to Lynohmtrg a., JenneacH and the Weat, vlB Norfolk, I'eter? btirK Moiith.si,te lUllroad, and Klchmoud and Dan Vine lttiirohd. Hie regularity, safety, and cheapness of this rouu eoninen.J it to the public at the most doilrable medium lor curry log every de.ici lotion of freight, ol tra'is'lef tt"J'U1''rfK",' drt.yage, or any expenss Steni.-,hips In' tire Bt lowest rates, and leave reao lBrly from lirni. wharr above Market streeu Irclglit received dailv. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO., PoUi't r0Ili-H, Agent at Klchmoud and Cltj T. P. CHOW ELL A CO., Agents at Norfolk. 8 i Till.- Kim a . ... . . . ?.".. SOUlHEHN MAIL HTltA Mhuid . SI J. 'tatt fi. "ix'vu KKOULAH LINK OH SAVANNAH, A. SAYttX1' m 10 118' "i'laiu Wni. Jennings, V OillNO -8, 0 tons. t'Bptiiin Jacob TeaU The steamship WYOMING will leave for ths above pert on Saturday. October 6. at 8 o'clock A ii.. Horn Pier 18 south Wharves. cioca A IhriitiKh paPKage tickets sold, and freight taken foi all points in cuniiecllon with the Georgia Central Kali. road. WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent. CH AS. E. DI LE EH, Freight Ageut. . . No. U 8. Delaware avonne. Agents at Savannah. Hunter A Oammell. 4 1 THE PIIII.AMKI.PIIf A awvv SOUTHERN MAIL niKAMsiiIP niu. ANi'S llKdULAH BKM l-WONTHLY LIFE, The stenniship PIONEEK, iil tons, Captain J. Ben nett, will leave lor the above port on Thursday, October 8, at 8 o'clock A. U., from Pier 18 Boutb W harves. Bills ol lading signed at through and reduced rates to all principal points In North Carolina. Agents at Wilmington, Worth A DauieL WILLIAM L. JAMES, General Agent, CHAS. E. D1LKE 8. Freight Agent, 'i No. 8U B. Delaware avenne, fffcfj HAVANA STEAMERS. CKiwi-JMUNTHLY LINE, The Steaomhips BKMUltU'K HUDSON CAPTAIN HOWE STAltH AND BTKIPES CAPTAIN HOLME These Steauiers will leave this port for Havaci every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. The Steamship ST A HH AND 8TEIPEafUolir.es. liSG, October It, at 8 o'clock. Pnage to Havana, tr.ti currency. No freight renelved after Saturday, For Froigbt or PriRnaKe apply to TLOMAS WATTBON A SONtj, . 91 Ko. '-10 N. DKLAWA RE A ver.o tf , PAbdAUfc TO AND FROA- irtin-f oiiiiarfl aixd lKKLANf jljl Drr.Aiwnrur -ix it I ftu JrAOEE T. AT JK EDUCED P.ATEH. Ol' A FT" A V-A ILA iLE Ti i KO ti i OUT ENOI-A N T IJvELAND.toCO'l LA T. X. AND W A LESJ. l or par lieu lers apply to , 'K AP-V-'OTTS, KKOTnERH A CO., No. M,Sul,'l H street, and No. us DHOADWAY -LL-V-f tf' EAKI.e; No. 217 W ALNUT , -t; A,Klt:Jy, EXPKKHS XINB T fS t--' Aw'fnndrla, Oeorgotowu. aud Washington iirtitrfv'-. D. (.., viaOiiesapiuite aud Delaware Canal wah miiiicctioi s f.i Alexandria from the most tilreoi n lite icr Lyii,.-:,hnrg, liiiuiol. Knoxville, NasUvlli Daltoii, eiiu tLe Somiiwet.t. o"vij. Steamers leave regularly from thefirat wharf air,-". sirfcot, hlret-t, i'reltiif. rccblved dally. WM, P. oLYDE'A CO.. i n haw A',''!41''"' 'v;ou"' Wharvw J. It. DA 11 "SON, Afc .'iit st George'own. ti. ELDIUI'GE it Co., Agf.ita at Alexandria, V:. 61 OlT'OMffM T MONO -f-1 OL V. D.UL . LUx'E FOR HALTI ;'jIilOj.tE, virt Ciiesupeake aud Dels r ' . ... .1. l.ir,:.l. J hlli tit Ifiilii ai-d Hultliuor,; Union Steamboat Com- ni y, daily at x o'clock I'..".. ; i e fc'li umei'N or this Due are now plying" regularly te'uten ih:s pert anil Liiltini re, leaving tue second T-:.rl htli.w .'.lcli su.-ct .aii at 2 o'oluc P. M ( t'lidnj n except-ju). t arijing nil diAc:iiliou or Freight as low as ony O'.iier iii-e, jniijit Imndiid with put care, delivered p. on i t y, and lorwarded to ull poinis beyond the icii.i .us tri-eoi cu.'i ini-filon, I'l'.riicuiiir alleiiiioi, raid to tho lraniortM!on or a'l liercript ion oi Lrurchuiiiiihe, lio.si-s, Carriugrt tic. etc For lurther Information avply to JOHN D. HnOFK, Airent, B It ' No. It N. DeLAVVAUb: Avenue, rtPr rBNi:w i own, vu kla t-- .'' wait! uud Kariiau Canal. i.ApKSS ttuuiiibout Company Steam Propeller leave D.iily Iruui lirnt whuri helow Market street 'Ibrough iu tw.uty-lour koura. Goods forwarded io all points. North, liunt.lind tbl, tree of oomixilsnion Freight received at tne lowest rales. WM. P. CLYDE A CO., Agents, No, H South Wharvea. JAin.H HAND. Agent, No. im Wall street, New Y'ork. 1 tf -rr'w '4lt M1W 0tK. NWIFT kT' -"v1, SUJvE TraiiMiiorLatlou Company le trtis''' Talcii and swit'iHiire Lint s, via Delo. viiilu anil Kuril K-i Canal, on and atler theism of lviaich, leaving daily at 12 M. and s P. M connecting with nil Northern and Eauteru Hues. For (n i:lit, which will he tukeu ou accommodating teinjs, apply to , WILLI 4 M M. BAIRD A CO , 11J No. IH2B. DELA WAKE Avenue. . tFis '-1'0 Sllll l-'Al'TAH AND OWNERS, &jfii', Tlie nnderfiigned having lessed tne KEN. SliNU lON SCK.F.W DOCK, begs to lulorm his frlendi and the patronti of lire Dock tliet he Ih prepared wuh liicrei'Sed facilities to accommodate those liavln voi sola to he rained or repaired, and being a practical bhip-c arpeutor and caulker, will give personal alien tlou U the vessels entrusted to him for rei-Mrs. Cepunusor Ageuts.Shlp-Carpeniers, aud Machlniu bavmg vessels to repair, are solicited to call. Having the agency lor the sale of "Wettersteril i Pan nl Meiallio Umipobitiou" lor Copper paint, for the preservation of vwiiels' bottoms, foi ti,H c.ty.I am prepured to luruish the name on reasonanle ti-rias. JOHN 11. HAMMll'f, Kenslngion Screw Dock, 1 1 DELAWARE Avenue, above Laurel street. WANTS. B 00K AGENTS IN LUCK AT LAST. The crisis Is passed. The bonr has come to lift the Veil of secresy which has hitherto enveloped the inner hisiory of the great civil war, and this Is done by oiler lug lo the public General L. C, .Baker's "HISTORY OF THE SECRET SE1WICE." Eor thrilling Interest this book trend vnds U the romance ol a thouuaudiyears, and C' 'jicidaively puve? that "truth is stranger II an fiction." Agents are clearing from 2uo to ;x) per month, which we can prove to any doubting applicant. A few more can obtain agencies lu territory yet tiuoocu pled. Address I. OA BRETT A CO., NO. 70 lUtt-U'T NTH HUT, T2tf PHILADELPHIA. WANTED FOR THE U. S. MARINE Corps, able-bodied M FN. Recruits must he able-bodied, young, unmarried men. They will be employed lu the Government Navy-yttnls and In Ships of War ou foielgn stations. For further luli,. luaiiou apply to , JAM EH LEW 1 8, i ,a f Captain and Recruiting oilit ir, 1u'-w ' rxo,ailtt.l&ONTiiot. AUCriON SALES. V v I. L E L 1, A N D jf Od t 1 to Plii:i IV.rl , t o ), A UCTlOcx'EF IdS ixn. w t iiiAKUET Hlr-rit. SALE OF lBliO CASKS HOOT8, SHOES, BHO CM NS, ETC. On TliurHday Morning, October 3. commencitig a. lu o'clocR, we will sell by catalogue, P.r cbsIi. jhiiu catvi Hoots, bhoes, HiotxnH. 1 in I moralH. etc. Also. Women's, Mimics', an J Children's wear, ta which the itllention ol the irndf Is culled. 9 gs 4t JOHN U. WYKIcI A ('()., A UC;T ION EEul tl Nos. Ui!2 aud 284 MARE ETBireot. , LA WOK POSITIVE BALK. ("fBRITWI, FRKMCH. MERMAN. AND DJilESlTO DRY OOOLDI. On four mouths' credit, On hurptlsy morning, October 3, at It) o'clock, embracing luuO packaaes and lots ol sin pie aud fancy articles, ZJ St LA ROE POSITI VE SA LE OF CARPETIN03, ETO. On Friday Morning, October 4, at llj o'clock, on lour months' credit, about SMi pieces of lugrein, Venetian, llat, hemp, collate, and rag carpelings, z5i LA ROE PEREMPTORY S A LE OF FRENOtT AND OTHER El 'LOIEAN DRY (HIODS, ETO., On Monday Morning, October 7, at lo o'clock, on tour months' credit, 709 loix of French, ludia, German, aud liritinli Dry Cood, ii si LARGE PEREMPTORY SALE OF ROOTS. AII0E3. ltKOUANS. TRAVELLINH RAOS, E1U, On '1 ueday Morning, Oct. 8, nt in o'elocK, on four months' credit, 2000 pat-kiigeh boot, shoes, balmorals, eio. 1 10 2 U ' 'IHOjlAH & SUNb, Mjjj. I3l AUD lT JAJL. B. FOURTH Street. ., a v,,Br.,,?.f5ale.S0H- """"l I' s- Fourth street. l,i?iNiTrJjMn,VV,M;'1' 1 UltNlTCHE, PIANO J1" 5 I.R1Al.,ilS' KLK,i vN1 VELVET, BKU8- 'AJ, 'MPEHIAL CARPEl's. CHANUK- lffi,VmilKa REUS, FRENCH On Thursday Morning, Atoooltck, at the auction rooms, a very extensive BEnorinient of FiirnlUire. 10 1 t "I OUWMKY SO.NS, AUCTIOKEERS. 0 . No. 08 WALNUT Street, vixrwo, Hold RegularSales ot REAL ESTA'l'E. STOCK8, AND SECURITIES AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANOK. Hanoi, 11,8 ol escli property Issued separately li u catalogues publislied and circulated, containing full tleaci iptions o I property to be sold, as also a par tial list of property contained In our Real Juitale Re gister, and otleted at private sale. bales advertised dally In all the dally newspaper. SALE ON MONDAY, Oct. 7. will Include, Ry order of Heirs Tbree-story Brick Store and lour Rrlck Dwellings, 8. E. corner of Twenty loortb and Caldwell streeut, below Walnut, No. 72ti Lombard street, thre-tory Rrlck Dwelling, with lour Dwellings in the-rear, running through to , Cullen street. Three-story Prick Dwelling, with baok building and modern conveniences, iSo. 1028 Vernon street (above Rrown bu eel). THOMASnBIRCfl fc SON, AUCTIONEERS AMD COMMISSION MERCHANTH, No, 1110 (.'HESNUT Street; rear entrance No. 1107 bauson street. Sale at No. llio Chesnnt street. NEW AND SECOND-HAND HOUSEHOLD FTJR- '.vv Aixu r-I'.v v.i l, un ai i Aitjuoii.iiuijtj r u K i 1TC HE, FIN E CARPETS, LOOK I NH-O LASSES. lANO-FOK'lE, FRENCH CHINA, CUTOLAtttt. 'AbES, ETC. Nl, Pli VASES. On Friday Moraine. At V o'clock, at the auctiou store. No. 1110 Chesnut street, will be sold, a large assortment of superior fiarlor, chamber, dining-room, and library lurulture, rom families declining housekeeping. FRENCH CHINA, GLASSWARE ETO. Also, French China dinner and tea sets; sets of rich ttt glass: French China and Bohemian glass vases; Jnncy Inkstands; China figures; seta of fine tea trays; ivory handle table cutlery, etc 111) 1 2t PANCOA8T A. WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS, No. S40 MARKET HTREET. PROPOSALS. iROPOSALb FOR DREDUEBOAT. OffickU. S. Enoinekr Agbnoy, fcseDtember 10. 18u7. 1 The ucderslened hereov invites sealed proposals for bulldiDK and equipping ready for aca and for work - tk Arab OI the two Uredgeboats (authorized by Joint resolution of CoDgress approved March. 29, lbtt7) lor Improving the mouth of tha MlmlsMppl river, in acenrdanoe with models, OruwihgH. and specifications visible at this olllcp, and instructions to be furnished by the Epgiueer lncnaiKe; the Dretlgeboat to be de livered Ht such point in the Mississippi river at or below New Orleans, as the Engineer la charge may direct. , The Dredueboat to be a double-ender, 160 'eet long, 80 fret beam, end 22 feet high, measured Horn the bottom.'oi the h.vl 10 M,fi surface of th spar-deck at amidships; to have a screw pro peller at each end, one of which is to be II feet diameter, driven by two engines, and the other " iiiiumiiii-ujr, hiju unveil Dy one: to be n I ted with water compartments for readily adjusting; the draft to any depth from H to 20 feet; to be filled with an auxiliary scraper at each end pud ii)Huy.oj the parts to have a strength con siderably exceeding that of 11 tie parts of steamers ol like dimensions designed for ordinary ocean navigation. During tho constrnctlon of the Dredgeboat reasonable fneilHlPs for inspecting the mate Hula and workmanship immt be afforded the t-ft'eer or agent appointed lor the purpose. The Lueogeboal lo tie propelled throughout hirfcta voynpe bet weeu the points of construc tion and delivery by her own engines alone. r.iOa which do not cover the entire conslruo Uini stud equipment ready for the sea and for w ork of tue Di edgeboat, and her delivery at ' the point designated, will not be considered. No bids will be considered except from those pracilcaily i iiuflged in the const ruction of ocean steamers, or screw orope.ler machinery tor the (.nine, and who have personally inxpooted the model and drawings of the bredgeboat. or en, ploy ed ex ports for the purpose of Informing tin iu cl its diameter. B llids lo be indorsed (on the envelope) "Propo sals lor Dredgiibout," and addressed to the un ueisignt'd at thisofllce. Kacli bid must be accompanied by a guaran tce, signed by two gunruulors, that the bidder will enter into contract as herein stated, and a cei tiilcateof tlie responsibility of the guaran tors, and specifying the occupation of tne bid ders, signed by an oUlcer of tho United Hi h tea C'orj s of Engineers, or some other competent ' person known to tho undersigned, Proposals will be received till 12 M., ou the 12lh day of October, ltSo7, at which time they will be opened. The contiact and bond must .be signed by ttieUth day of October, 1H07; worlc lniibt be actually begun on both hull and ma chinery by the 20th day of October, 1807; the boat must tie completed, ready for sua and for work, aud the trials and trial trip had by the olht day of March, lbo8, and no unnecessary delay thereafter must occur In her delivery at the point designated. Payments will be made as follows: Forty per cent, of the contract prloe on launching the boat, aud completion of the boilers and the cylinders of the three propeller engines, pro vided all these shull havo been duly approved-thirty-live per ceut. on approval of the boat , alter completion oi all its parts, ready for sea and for work, by the duly authorized officer or agent of the United States, all the trials and the trial trip having been had, provided the terms of the contract shall thus lar have been compiled with, and the balance on final accep tance at the point of deli ver-y. Bonds for the faithful performance of the con tract in t he sum of $25,000 will bo required, with, two Rurellcs, whose sufficiency must be certi fied by the Clerk of the nearest District Court, the names of the sureties, wiiU the certificate! to be submitted with the bid. The bids and guarantees must be made ont on tlie printed forms to be bad at this ollloe. Model and detailed di a wings can be seen and copies of specifications hud at this office. Copies oi the Hpeciticntlons cau also bo seen at the ami Hostou 'H LD6'ueer'8 om 1'hihtdelpUla i?..aTtwerT8,uie r,atiuo rejeot In order that no time maybe lott after the com, act shall bo slguod, full detailed drawings of ail piu is of the Dredncboat are In progress, and will be in iva-lint-h to turn over to the cn tniclor so that, w oik may be be sun wlThonV PAPER HANGINGS, ETC. PAPER HANGING Q. KKW l.HTAltLIHUNEMT. B. lOltNIM OFTI.M1I AND IVALNOT, J. O. FINN & SONS II ve opened with an extensive assortment of DECO RATIVE aud PLAIN WALL PAPEIIS, embraoin e very quality lo suit all tasit. ( u 8iu ueiay on account of preparation of working dlUrlr8Sr . M. 1). MuAEEy'i'EIt. liifcvet Bi'ig-Cie.u, U. 8. A., iMal of Eng's lDbimdrJfiev 'venl, mouiu of Al?ssl8. . bippimei. lai