CITY INTIi;J,LiGE.NOE. ITOK ADDITION Ax, UK'AL 1THIH MLB opniDU PiUIS.J (iKAXD Mrttino AT TnOAD AND PAMtinn hTi:EE7P.-l,fist iiiclit a prand unci rn tlinsitistic linioti Kcrut)li''Uii incetinar wns licM nt the corner oi lfroad and I nn ish street. It was more cprc'iilly Intoinlc.l lor the citizens of Ml-c l'onrtccntli, Eilteenll), and Twentieth wV.rds, who tinned out vn mom-e. II. W. O'rny, Esq., who Pelcetcd n I'rcf uit'iit, nnd on taking the chnir nmde Rome pertinent. rouKirk?. The lollowin? fji utleaieu wero i iio?, n to the posi tions nnnied: Vice -Presidents Mrnr.. ( iponje V. Hill. Edward I. M"kps, W illhim .dann, ,l.,ii'' i NenI, John John son, Watson De 1 uy, nlanlii li i: act, Colo.iel W. I!, Thnniss, lliiiry . Mimrc, t'harlei Hoeiler, Jimifl Palmer, lfenry Hick, ok, Jiilm I'. Jtiilov, Robert Merchant, A. C. Roberts, Wi.lunu Warulck, and Joseph Chapman. Secretin it s-.Me-srs. A. Fr.iirlck, IT. C. Stl-i. Samuel Rain, J oh 11 IIhwuiii, A. D. Irvin, Samuel Ward, and Edward Loinliion. A line Im"nm hand was ou tlio platform aud dis coursed appri prlnte minne. William I'.. Mann, 1 was flr.a Introduced, nnd made a sterling and Hllirimr spot rh. In which he wni greatly applauded. He rib rred to the put rim ism mid t-ervli-ts el Majur-Heiieial Sheridan, whom the people el Philadelphia had recently turned out to honor. TIkinu wlio lia 1 the Kood ol i i n- country ftt heart would mippoit, lit I ho ruining HecUou, luun wuo were known to be loyal ami into. Now, more tliHii ever, was tho tltno to trlve ft henvy liidtirM'ment id iliti uiini i iit0M, mill be lelt coulldcnt nil who heard hint would (In their entire only. At the mention ol ' ieneral M'Cnd iu mime the applause mid cheering wire most lieaieimig, nnd Itwnitmie m iuitt'1 helme the bpriiKi'r could proceed. We vmld nit do otherwise tnun elect, the Republican t.'kit. lion. Morton McMieimid wm tbe,i Introduced, and flier M.'ine hni,.onin I ii t ioUik: oi V lemarki lie pro eei di'M to say u, at the present members uf the Select liiul I i) ii i m . in Coliu'IIm were as cmp'-tont, deserving, and Loin st pentleiiinti as he had ever olliclally iMin joimitnieil with. The city of Philadelphia was toe lniirtli large! Ciiy In tin, world, the t,rade being Lou non, 1'i.rls, ev York, and rniia,e;ihln, and helore leu years lie I ri (n,:leil tlie iipiiI(t:i o, I'liiladelphla w i, ulit exeeei! Unit ol jSew Voi k, and Jtroad street oil w hich ll:ty were now Blaniliinr, woul l be ono ol the beM avenues on I he Kiohu. 'J'lus wan n ntronir exprea hlon, but one which lonnv pri Bent w mild see verilied '1 he clly ot l'hiluileljihi.i wan eiui'iently the ho ne fir Hie workliiKionn, ami II thai body ol citizens w ould ailow the power ol tlie (Jiiverineut to pass Into the hands of the JJemoeratic p irty, ihero would be a virtual mirrrntier ef all Rained by the loyal men timing the war. He urted those present to look at Die present political iniesLlon with reterenee to home eonifortand the fiirtherHiiee of those b'cssliiL's Kaiued by the victory of the (iovernnient over rebellion and laKKlIouniima. He was Balislied thai the men of sense, honor, and forethought would see the eminent neresHity of voting the llepublleun ticket. l'erBoually he hud nothlui; to bay to such or the Hemocratio party, but tnose upon tho Kcpublicaii ntket were Hitter ciualiliud, and Were eunrely ile Sirvingof thffHuppert of the people The no-nlnee for iky treasurer the sneaker Ineorsed highly, upon the score ol cupaeity und laiti-(uluos:j, aud ho would not believe thai any man callln:' himself a Kepubli can would, for the sake ol grmllyliig a personal Hpleen, lo aught auaiiist his election, und thus cm. tribute hi Hit) success ot a parly whosesuccess would be lata to the hem Inieresls of the Uovernmont Our present I'lty Treasurer had administered the Bltnirsol his olhce to the entire satisfaction ol his constituents, and his success was In a great decree owing to the vigilance und cupacltv of I)avld Jones, the present iiouiinee of the !eputi j,:an party. The hue and ciy about the rateor taxaiion was all both. The rale o' taxation in Philadelphia was comoara lively less anu the advaotag-s gr"ater than oiher cities, liiiprovements had beeu made and, ot course, must be paid lor. lie won d go as lar as any man to corn et and rebuke exl ravagance; but the Councils of .Philadelphia were endeavoring to ndwtulator ollalrs BS economically as possible. 'The bad man at Washington, who by an accident occupied the Presidential cnair, was endeavoring to inlllct ou us evils worse than the Hobels themselves would have done. There was uo way of rebuking this bad man excepting through the bullot-box, and nsthe-voies are cust on Tuesday uuxt so will be re garded the voice ot Philadelphia. The question for all who are governed by high and prooer motive is to Inquire, not who is on me ltcpublicau ticket, but what does it embody and represent? Any man who votes lor a portion of the liemociatic par'iy voles to aid the traitors who couducted the Rebellion. (A voice We want no despotism.) Wo; aud we will have none, and we will not permit Andrew Johnson or anv one like him to ride roughshod over tho rights and liberties of the people, even 11 by accident he (should have been called to a high, place. On Tuesday next the people would mark his condemnation in a most clear and distinct manner. A united and vigorous ell', rt was at this time ne cessary, as evidenced by the chuckling over a partial Victory by tlie Democrats I , f allfornlit, becauno or linloruimito dissensions. Andrew Johnson, on the reception oftiis newn, telegraphed to Vulluudlghnni, congratulating hini, aud other ncoiiiidr'ls like him. Bud urging him to greater and further success. Iln concluded by urging theui to do their whole rtntv at - the polls, and secure a graud aud gratifying victory fe Hon. (Jeoi geT. 'Ihoru then read the following rejo- ! lutions, which were adoiHed unanimously: Jxoulutd. The legislative pow- r of the United States being vested by the Constitution in the. National Con gress, tlie attempts ot ucting President Andrew Johu hon to nullify the laws regularly passed by that body, are entirely unconstitutional, aud fraught with dan ger to our rights and libeitles. Jiisulvid, 'I bat the reconstruction measures of Con rre:;s meet our cordial approval, mid should I).) faith lully and fully executed In order that the Uebel Hlu'es may resume their places In the Union upon such terms as wPl Insure the future peace and safety of the country. Jiemlvtd, That the removal ef Edwin M. Stanton and Uenerals isheriduu and Mcklos from the pnsHIons whl h they filled with so much honor to themselves and ad vantage to the country, was an outrage upju the patriotic leelinesof the Anierlcnn people. Jii That a judicious tariff lor the protection ot American industry is demanded by the best interests of ail classes ol business men. AtKtitiid. Tnat we endorse the Republican Union I'lki'i lor judicial, ictginoui e, tii, hiiu couui.v om ceis, In ad its parts und, in view ol the moral eflect ol lis success upon tlie pi esent disturbed political eon .(liiiotiol our country, we earnestly hopo for the tri umphant e;ecilon of every oneot Its candidates. JUxiivrd, 'I lint we believe in the principles of our fathers as announced in the 'cclsr.itlon of Indepen dence: "That all men are created fr-teand equal; that they are endowed with certain Inalienable rights, and lb it i among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness." ii'i solved, That the elective franchise, the most valuable privilege of a lrejman. is also one of his most luip-railve dunes, and ir he fall to exorcise it lie) Iff! is la his duly to his couulry aud his fellow Citizens. he would simply endorse the seutluients uttered by ' tne uon. iiuyiir oi uie city ana tue oiuer speakers. He had almost worn himself out in the service, and could not speak at as great length as he desired. The Itepuhlican party would rebuke tlie treason of all classes, whether It came from Andrew Johnson at tlie White House or others nearer home. He trusted all good party men would do their duty in Philadelphia. Ihe majority for Judge Williams would not be less than that given to the Hon. John W. deary. As goes Pennsylvania so goes the Union, and there were good leaders to marshal on to action. Urant. Bherldau, aud bickles were with the cause, aud with tbelr aid, and the aid ol such other good men as were before him, all would be well. Hon. William 1. Kelley was then Introduced, and received with much applause. He thanked them lor their kindness, and gave an account or his recent trip through the dillerent state of the Union. He had come home to take part in the present contest. The 5 real question was between the usurper Andrew ohnson and the people. The Democratic party represented Andrew John son; the Republican tue people, the Constitution, and liberty. What means the (Governor ot Maryland by the reorganization ot the mllltlu? The candidates of the Democratic party In JSlurvland are allot them men who sympathized witli the it-belllou, or lought directly against the efforts of ihe North. Read the Rebel papers of the Kouih, and therein Urant and Hherldau are decried, hucli is the spirit of the people which Andrew Johnson aud the Democratic party are fosteilng. They are afraid to hold large public meetings as heretofore, and ure llgbtlutf a guerilla political war. The speaker honored George ftharswood as a gen tleman and a lawyer, but Henry W, Williams was a man of rare prolesslonal abilities, a man of great knowledge and Judicial learning; and he put tho question, why give a vote to a man which would aid the Andrew Johnson side, w hen Judge Williams pos sessed such rare qualillcallont,? So with AI. Russell Thayer, who was a geutlemuu uud a lawyer of emi nence. J udge Ludlow, the nominee o! the Democratic party, was on the Johnson ticket, and should be, therefore, defeated at the polls. They said the minority should have a repn m niative on the bench, but when the Democracy are in power, the dootriue does not hind good. The speaker then i.rged a support of Ihe Colon, Congress und the Constitution, by al Hug the Republican ncuiiiii es. Hon. Charles O'Neill and Hon. It. Bucher Swopo riosid the meeting with clnqip-nt and cheering speeches, urmng their frh nils to tuvu a hearty support to the tcuiluees uu Tutuny. Blioht Firks. There was a fire yesterday afternoon Ht LitUo vandereiV, Tenth trnd fch ppen btreeu, which wuo exHii-juinhed belore it hud mude much piosrosa. aud without creamiR a pantc amonif the cUililreu. The roof ot the dwelliuir No. 1019 North Second btreet was Bligh'.ly dama 'ed by fire jebterday Hfteniotrj. about about half-past 6 o'clock. It was iKiiiied byoome bovg, who were Dgaged lu fcrnnkliijT pipes. Cecelty to a SKAMA.-?efor United States CommlBstoner Phillips, vester lay.Sumuel B Her fey, lirist mate of the Bhlp Rflort, lyina at Arch Btrf ft wharf, was charged with heutiuir aneanian named Frank WilHou, on the hiu seas. The !.... . f..olin.l ihat Vin hnri cl,1 r. .....1 f. i inn-1 ! now i, ...uwm u i.u wu,i-i,.u nun! Litver pool on the ElTort, and thut, without any provo cation, the de'cudaot beat and knocked hiin flown, iiersey wus neiu nv a tanner hearing . , . . . . i OU ClUUIUUJ. TIIE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA. WEDNESDAY, tixoi.-i.AR CoNr.rcx (if A Maniac ()n of the jiussi.pecis over die Non hern Cenfrnl Hail rouil, wlio rriiebed lialtimore on Monday, iron the West, ftates that wl-ile tlie Irani Irnin ( lr cii nati lor Harrlwhtirp was nctii-lng Mnnayunk hridpe, on tlie I'enn-i.vlvnnia CVnlral Uailiiiad, mi Haturdny afternoon, a l'ienehn,an, reopeeta I'ly (lad, wliose natue was diHcoveied to be Joseph Kournler, and a bootmnker by tra le. cnttred the la.lir-s' ear, and quietly sat down, lemarkiiir; that panics in the other cur were tijtnjT to ret his watch from him. When the news nsriit passed throtiph the cars wiih a box ol candy, l oumier wished to buy a parkn" but had only bye cent-, and ibis bein lusuiiiciont, box 1 his watch and pocket-book lor the The news npcnt. made a joctilnr remark and pns- cil on, when l oumier laid the above articles en his, n ut, plnced his hnnds on the bucks f two seiils uud brLakinir the window pane with Lis. shi-.ul.lers in,nie,l.aif l.y jumped th outrh tue opcr me leet to)-. nio.. A m-m ber of the I'l, a dclPliin bar r, J. U. Wl.ccler, sittii.R in a seat rext bchiud 1 oiiihier, made an effort to clutch Inm and draw him buck, hut irom the suddeu m ?s o the jump was unable to hold hiin. Four ih r, UiroiiMh the momentary check. fcllvm hU iret aiid rolled over to the side track. The en puie, tliouth riiuniiifr at the raic oi fifteen miles an hour, i-lofped, and Fournier was seen to ri-e ..x... i,,,, tnun uistaiice ana then s-ton. As soon as tl e pas-sctiffprB neared him he fell on Ins knees, and ciossmp; h!8 Lands over bis ircaM, cried out in tones of tho mostabject tear, "'.I K1 '!e,e 1 "'"."Ri'd soon t'len nttcr, "Oh. p,.HSp, t(11it kill nic," acting as if he were in mortal dread of poiuo one. llis luce aui, uir.ds weie lucei-a'.cd Irom the trlass ot tlie window pnt.c ami the sliitrp atones between the sh ci'ers U1 on which he fell. The man wus evi dently lnsntic, and but very little; in!brnvition. besul, 9 Inn rnnie and trade, and that he was on Inn v, ajo iTiiladclph'n, could be elicited from linn, ilis pocket book contained a lew ralUe tickets and several cards, appaiently but a day in Lis possession, marked "A. Tuch-chim Ii, Aiiuiienn Home, Cincinnati." The conductor ailer placimr him in the ctrs, did all in hU power to alleviate his su Henna-, but owintr pro bnbly to internal injuries, Fournier sank rapidly intouncon'ciousneps, and upon reaehinp- Miilliu statiou was placed in churtre of the I'uu.-rul railroad ay,out of that place. The National Orphans' Homestead at Get tvsuuko The followincr contributions in behalf of this most worthy charity are very thankfully acknowledged: ilrioii (additional). -Matthew Ralrd, Railroad lioml, tlelrnj t: &H.H., Slio: J'luh Haptist t;iiurch Sabbath School, uw; Nn.aretli M. K. Church Sahbatli tM-hool Rlai:kinslon,",UralI A-JCo., PritcnettC- Rsugli, each .V: bt. Pidllp's Protectant n p'si opsl Babliath S-chool, fin; Henry Croskey A Co., Tnoniaa 1'. si'otes bury, C. II. Cu nmii gs, J. w. Tliomas, J. T. Wuy, Young A Co., Fifth Presbyterian sj.bhath School, 1 weluli street M. K. Sabbath Si hool Third Presbyte rlau Sabha'h School ((lermautowrj), each fii: T. W. Kva- s, A. W lit ik son. eacu flu; W. W.Cald.vell, John A. Jlruner, and six others, each, fi; cas'j, cash, each t.1: cash, cash, each tl. Total, J1H7I. Midia, l'a.l)T. Jsaac Kerlln (for Glee Club) Ci.arles . Poultney, euch f-li; P.urnley, (iledhlll & t o., n; H. 1 arle. Mrs. C. S., J. ('. Iteattv. J. D. JlHldeman R. H, Smith. T. R. Meergan, 11. J. H lUliishell l aluter, each fi; Clinrles 11. ftutlth. Cash", each Cash li., each ft; Mary Shaw. J. O. C., M. Paker, O. S . U., H.irah Slrlckler M. Packard. J. J. H., M. Hoirer, Cash. J. W. Williams. W. T. W.. Cash, (.'ash. each l. Total, f 123. Jsmv liiuitrh, A. J. Daniel T. Hortg, William Ren nie, each Henry JO, Davis, Woolmnu stokes, Jacob Herbert, cash, each ?10: T, ts Babbitt, K.ra Newlanu, Mrs. Kills, Mrs. I'atchln, and nine others, each jS; cash, H: W. U i'hayer, III. D. Prllspra, Mas' ter A. F. Hei.ry. and three others, each i Ida Bar ton, Gertrude Whltlemore, aud four others, each il; Cash, fl-M; Fanny Clarke, as cents; Jenny Porter. Freddie Martin, each lu cpuIr. Total, Jl-.s-sn. AlHjoim J-ti.H. C. Baser, lor l'resbvierlan Sabbath School, fr-5; Church Collection, fll-na; T. M fouler, M. Runeyiird, John M. Wilson, Fdward H. Williams, W. N. Wilson, John Boyd, J. L. Ickei, each Si: William Louden, A. (1. piiik.d. W. Patlon, W. D. Couch, aud seven others, each $': ICdrtaid Kaylor, R. Waring, A. B. lichol.s. Henry Putin, and fourteen others, each (i: lour otheis, each 0 cents; cash 25 cents. Totul. (11H2S. W hole amount Included in this lint, f 2"8i;-i8. Treasurer of the Jiomestuad, Peter li. bluions, No. 018 buusom sireet, l'h i la. Meetino of TnB IIohticultueal Society. A special meeting of tLe Horticultural Society was held last evening, at their new hall, Broad street, below Locust. An essay by J. I'. Berckmans, of Aueusta, Georgia (subject, "The Diilerciice between Northern and s-juthern aidens"). was read by Thomas Mct-han, Ksq., CoiTesponding Secretary ot the .Society, which was lavorabiy received, and a vote ot tuanks tendered the author. In the discussion which eiii-aicd, A; W. Harri son, Esq., said that It had tor years been a wonder to him that tho odorous flowers of the South Lad not been utilized. In France, whence we inipott immense quantities of the extracts of flowers, they are compelled to resort to the most expensive melhocis of cultivation, while in the South the wooris are filled with fragrance from tue same flowers prowiug wild. He asserted that at least halt, it not a majority, ot what pur port to be cxti acts are made by combinations, and that, in a commercial point of view, the cost of tranBportation Irom the flower region of Kiaticc to the seaboard, thence across the ecus, togeiher with the heavy import duties, would be a sufficient protection to any one that had energy enongh to start tho business. Pickpocket Akrebted. John McBride Lad a hearing before Alderman lieitler yesterday afternoon, charged with picking pockets al the fire at Lleveuth and Noble streets. It seems that two young ladies, while couversiHg toge ther, missed their pocket books, and, after moving to the corner, they questioned a young man about their loss. At that time McBride appeared aud shook his list at one of the girls, and remarked, "What are you telling ou me for?" Information was then given that he was the thief, whpn McBride ran down the 6treet to Tenth, and thence to Yine, where he was captured. McBiide was held for a further hearing this afternoon at the Central Station, and the young ladles are requested to be present. Another Military Oroakiz ation. Wo Tin ders tan d that it Is contemplation to form a Highland Guard in this city, similar to the one in Chicago. Such a company would meet with the admiration and encouragement of a large clasB ot citizens. TaikfuIi Accident. Micliael Connelly, twenty-tive jeais old, residing at No. 1!)34 Mar ket street, had a collar-bone broken aud was otherwise injured yesterday, at Buird's marble yard. lie was removed to the Hospital. AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Mubic feignor Baptlstln has arranged quite a number of novelties for his danstuxtspiemiere , for the preseut week. 1'epita, Antlutiio, Hetty lvlgl, Frank, Emily ttlgl, Allieiticl, Ciistellar, uud others, appuur lu mag niilecnt groupings aud dunces each evening. The Alack Crook is now attracting very larg;e and labhlotiable audiences:, it will be played every night and ou buturday afternoon, CiJESiNCT Street Tiikathe. Mr. Murdoch is now playing a very successful ongaireineut at this establishment. The present week; u de voted to comedy. On Monday evening Mr. Murdoch appeared before a large and elite audience as "Young Mirabel" in M'nie Wurks Wonders, a role of great brilliancy, aud ono that Be has made lii.l own. Last nipbt Mr. Murdoch performed "Alfred Evelyn," Jn llulwer's comedy of Money, to n large aud appreciative audience. To-nigiil Willi On Is announced, with Mr. Murdoch in lila favorite part of "Hover," In which he. has no Buperlor on tne stauo. Miss Joslo Orton, Mr. J. AV. Jennings, Mr. Leake, Mr. Lennox, and other eimi any favorites ure in the cabt. To morrow evening,' by general request, Afnew will be repented. On l i ida.v, for the beneilt of Mr. Jaincs E. Murdoch, Hhakesprare'a Much Ado About A'vtftii'U Will be pluyed, with a powerful cast. At the luatiut-e, ou Saturday, T. VV. ltoberthou's comedy of Cante will bo played. Aitcn Ktiieet Tiikatkk. The engmioment of Mr. K. Eddy is drawing toa close. This even ing he will play the "Kagpleker of Pirij" a Hurt which is not attempted by any other actor nowadays. Mr. Eddy will be supported by the entire strength of the stock company. The brilliant little comedy of A Day Ajler the Wed diitr will conclude the entertainment, lu whlolt Miss Henrietta Irving. Mrs. Tliaj er, aud Mr. O. W aleot will appear. Ou Friday Mr. Eddy will take his farewell benefit. Next Moudayeven Iuk Jmtiffulten will be pro luued, lti which MisH Kate HeiVitiolds and Mr, Edtnuud Falcouer, tho author, will uppour. Ai.KtJT Rths ft Theatric CrMfe Is tho card at thin establishment for the present week, ami o,'.x,0'f!,ln,!lv '" I'la.Vfd. Mrs. O .mersil as l oily, and Miss IPna rrentlee as "Esther," ' i. ,iib phiiii ior gineeful nuU cm reel ant J ay lor tints not shine in " 'nnf ain lluur Ve - will be played nunln to night. on 1-rlil y e von I mr Mrs. Oomeihal tukei her larewell beneht., when slie wl II appear In three capital pieces, Introducing six new songs and tl ree new (Inneea. Next onday evening Miss Charlotte Thomp son w ill a), pear. AMUticAW Thkatkk. The variety troupe niMi.r In a splendid tiill to-nitit. Pipwrni Cirful prisiiiaiic lotinlHln will bn exuiliiteil , , f.ry evening. This la one ol tlio lunsl beuutl itil discoveries of modern tlmeH. Cam. Hkm'h first grnnil inntlnee will bo pl cu ot HotlictilturHl Hull lo-iiinrrow ( l'liiirs Ofii ) nl crnonu. A very attractive prourutnme lins been prepared, as follows: Hyn i tiony No. A ( I) major) Mozart l.AI'eeioeon Sjdrllo. 2. Andante. J. Mlmietlo. 4. 1- inale i'resto, fciCR Schubert Mil. W. 1IA IITUAX, Overture, "Ttien.l" (With all the nnrts ns written , lor the original scorer. h. Wauner .inn a, evuiii'ki'ii x-1 ii ii (i- nuni oi rancv Mtrausi Qiiiii'rllle, "H inter ueu Coulisseu" (Behind the Scenes) Strauss Cialop, "il oi tauo" Herlel I'l.isn Tom continues bis solrnrs at Concert II all every evening, and ou Saturday afternoon. I his ii uslcul prodigy Mcr niN to row more won der. Ill every day. Ills musical rcporloire ts end less, ai d be always fcivuu a inoit satisfactory tnii rlainment. i:riiilioi)Y slionld ro to see Rnm. SanforJ, Horn, nnd Frank Mormi atTunison .t On.'s New l'hiliiiielpliia Opera House, iu Hcveuth sin et, I elow Arch. Tne entertainment at this (".'a1 llsliinent is lirs: cIhh free from anything I I in t i tin ollcnd tlie most lustidioua full of in xioei nt lun and song. Cakkchosh & Dixky have been prevatleil tn on to ruu their Hurrah Trip Around fi ll'oWr' n few nights longer. ' The burlesques of the J'.Uick (Yoofc Jhtllct and the Theatrical Aycnvy ure also presented. Mn. J. I.UTnrn Kinowabt, by special request, repeats his lecture on tho "i'laius aud lloeky Mi untniiis" every evetiiui, this week. Tho loc tuie Is enhanced in Interest by the exhibition of sis ty splendid views of tho country, drawn fiom nature by an eminent artist of this city. MAltlftE 1ELEQ11APR. For additional Marine News tee h'irst Page, AutlANAC JjOU PHILADELPHIA-THia DAY, PON ilisiw M.M....5-671MnoN Rihks. ...,...... g-i-,3 BdMSm 5 4i,HnaH Watkb.... 4- i riilLADKLPHIA BOAiUJ OF TJ1A1JS. HKNRY WlNHOK, " l n in. i s, Monthly CovuiTTEa. Jaiikb T. "S oiimi, J MOVEMENTS OF OCEAN STEAMERS. FOR AMERICA Cella Loudon .New York., America Bremen Mew York... WMetroiollsSiouthamiton..Mew York.., Chicago ..Liverpool...J"ew York.., Ii amnion la Hamburg. ..New York.. C. ol Antwerp Llverpool...Kew York.. ..Pent. 14 .-seil. 14 ..Wept, 14 ..Sept. 17 ..bepu is ..Sept. 18 ..bept. iu ..Hopt, 21 ..feepl. 21 Hlberuiuu ...,Llverpool...uuebec Hcotiu... Llverpool...Jew York..., baxonia- Hamburg... New York...., FOB KL'IUJPK. r.ussla New York...Liverpool Oct." 2 C. ot Cork New York...A utwerp ...Oct " 2 mruiru J,-ew I orK...iireiueU.. ....Oct. CoiuinDia New YorkHavana .Oct. A nlw trn New York...Llverpool Oct. lienniark New York...Llverpool ..Oct. Briiunnia New Y ork...Glasicow Oct. C. of Autweru...New York...Llvernnnl iim Baltic New York.Bremen Oct, ht. Laurent .New York...Havre Oot. Hamuionla New York...llamburg Oct. Col N. Y ork New York...Llverpool ...Oct. h icago New Y'oik...Liverpool Oct. Juva... Boston Liverpool ...Oct. , ifi 1M, XIU.11 v?m iu, JtlU, J.W. Kvermau..l'hlinda Charleston ..Rent. Hoiieer......llillal wwtlailiigton .-Oct. Corsica New Y'ork...NBssau OcU 6 Houterey.......,..New York. ..New Orleaus.......Oct. 5 Wyoinliiu Phllada ..Havannaii Oct, 5 Hluroi lheL'nlon.l'hllada....Now Orleans Oct. 5 b: n PrauclBco..New York...bau Juan Oct. 10 H. Ciiauucey New York...A8piuwall Oct. 11 A lliance I'hilada Charleston Oct. 12 BliirHftiidWlriposPhllada Havana -OcU 15 Blahs are forwarded by every steamer lu the regular lines. The steumers lor or irom Liverpool call at i nhtown, except the Canadian line, which call at 1 oiu oiiilei ry. '1 he steamers lor or from tue Conti nent caU at eiouibamplou. CLKARKD YKSTKRDAY. ft'r IT. T,. flaw, Her, Baltimore, A. droves. Jr. t-t'r Mayflower, Robinson, New Y'ork, W.P.Civdp.y.fY, sieen teg A merica, Monday, Niimhiiii, N. P.. Cuptahi. TiK '1 i'i b. Jelierson. Alien, lor Balllxnore, with a tow ol baries, W. P. Clyde & Co. ARIUVKB YKHTKP.DAY. "" ' "3 PchrF. A. Heath, Williams. 8 days from Bangor, with lumber to captain. bchr Bird, Lufleli, 2 days from Lewes, with mdse. tocuplain. . . -w( bchr Vardalia, Lord, 3 days from Now York, with cement 10 J. K. Bazley k Co. steamer Philadelphia, l-'ullK. 21 hours from New Yolk, with nidse. to W . P. Clyde fc Co. bteanier Chester. Joiicb, 24 hours from New York, wl' h nidse. to W. P. Clyde & Co. Tun Thus. Jeilei-Hon, a lien, trom Baltimore, wuu a tow oi barges to W. P. Clyde & Co. wl MEUOKANriA. Steamship 1 loga. Morse, from New Orleans 21st nit,, via Havana 26th, lor Philadelphia, was burned at sea 51? bAa on board 28 bales cotton, etc., when sue ieit new Orleans. fg bieauishtp Touawauda, Jennings, hence, at Savau unh yesteroBy. HiearxiBhip Roman, Baker, hence, at Boston yesterday- v "is bt earn ship Ktars and Stripes, Holmes, for Philadel phia, sailed irom Havana 2th ulu went bchr it, H. Baker, KuiKht, hence, at Portland 2UIU ultimo. bchrs L. A. Danenhower. Bheppard, and M. Wil liams, Day, hence, at Boston 2nth ult, bchr Armenia, Kale, hence, at Georgetown, D C, t th Ult, (UHf Bchr M. R. Bomers, Bomers, for Mobile, cleared at Boston Mib ult. bebrs Cerro (Jordo, Hodgdon, and' Hiawatha, New man, hence, at New bury part 2Slh ult. bchr Kale E. Rich, Doughty, hence, at Salem 2)th ultimo. iwr" MISCELLANY.- SUifll Among the marine losses tor the past mouth the barque Isabella C. Jones, from Philadelphia lor bt. Thomas, is set down al $46,000; brigs John Ueddes, from Sombrero lor Philadelphia. J25.D00; and Garibaldi, Lorn Ulrgeutl for Philadelphia, tlu.OOO.KEa NOTICE TrrMARINlSr3 The llRht station at Tybee Island, on theNB. end of the island, soulh side of entrance toTaavannah river, bevu re-estahllMhed, and the ligutswlll be ex hibited therefrom on the evening of Oct. 1, 187. The Illuminating apparatus of Ihe main light Is a FreMiel lens of Hie first order, showim? a fixed white lll'bt. BISM fl'T4a The focal plane Is ISO feet above theTevWTolUhel SaT and the light should be seen la clear weather a dis tance ot twenty-two miles. feKtiCVCTS The tower Is brick, octagonal In torm, coloreu white, surmounted by a black lauteru. wum, The 'I vbee Beacon light will be Bituated in front of the main light at a distance of 2i)0 leet and lsdeslgned "ah rK-'er8 cronslug the bar eutrauce to bavau- The Illuminating apparatus Is a lens of the fourth order, Bhowlug a ilxed hlle light. a he tower Is wooden, coioied white, the lower nart mien li-anie. and the upper part closed, surmounted by a black lantern. mjm Latitude of Tybee Llphthonse 32 01 20 N., lonKlluue f0 Mi 81 W. from Greenwich. Latitude of Beacon m ni 17, longitude 60 till U8. C"TSSa On and Bfter the IRth ot September, lm, thereout bo biiriilng a new light on the rock called L'Atrlca I in in lea. at Mouta Chrislo, in Ihe Tuscan Archl 1 ( laiio, Blinnwd snuthwent S3 deg.2l mln. of the Island cr Alonte Chrislo, at the dlNtaiiceof ten nautical mile. J he lighthouse Is built on an amiHraiim. Mimi, sysiem, with Iron buttresses, lu the ceutre ot the Llirhtlng apparatus, lenticular, fourth elasi. alS '1 lie llL'ht Is fixed and red. foi !US 17 niMtrrta2n Mntl. metres above Ihe sea level, and In a clear atmosphere will be visible at t he d lata nee ol eleven nautical ml let and 111 lljjht the whole horizon. KkMtf J'J JfJJ'Kfopldeal poslllon of Ihe lltfUhtmse Is lu l' 42 V is N.. Ion. 7 43 411 K. of farls. - '. i he bearings are magnetic. Variation 14 :w W. T i . T. BUCCUIa, Director. Leghorn, August 16, 1887. ' ""ol"lur OTEAM ENGINE MANUFACTURED BY t.,,.h uilI'Jbb," Providence, blxe of cylinder, 2n inch dlsmeterhy 48 luch stroke-about one hundred and ten horse power. Apply io v lit lilit 1 -y rt T F VAV Cor, ot Vfroon and TWENTY-FPU It TH His., Phlia. T I CKAGIN & CO., NO. 420 COMMERCE wn.iirlr(it'.ue,'H.1 ,t;"uminHlon Merchanui.-(;in- li?Ji J i i ' t'"1 ?" , f,,r !e l lowest market prices, Oil- n'r't HI',Wni,'ck riah' -'u1 Llver. "d !''" ' oeka (..,7, B,18 IIM 0 i-.uieka tympany Maidilnerv nll. mim hir lor hX , i,o',i"r."" nillUB '"ler. A'ao. Lum i?a l urrt Pin U ,' custmneM. Also. While ?i iIIUHiVr'"- O. M W IU i'lNU, N. K. cor uer of GlltABD Avenue and VIKNNA bt. I au lm uu. moruauDt.,ai "Jfon. tleorgo H'Alrov," i" v,ery Kood! anl Mr- Olianrnau, as "Old J . celt s, Ms passable, though not equal to Mr. 1 l'(ivl(l(.-e or Mr. Jenninus lu the same role. Mr. INSURANCE COMPANIES. DEI.AWABE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCH. COM PAN Y, Incorporated by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania, Cnice, 8, E. coiner ofTIllltn and WALNUT Streets, Phllailelplila. MARIA K 1NKUKANC'I4 on VtPfiels, carko, and freh-ht to all parts of the world. INLAND 1NSUHAM K.-t on goods hy r.ver, canal, lake, oud laud carriage, to all nai ls of the I'nlon. UltK- INHURAN'JKSJ on merchandise generally. On Stores, liwelllug-Heuses, etc, ASbLTH OK TIIK COM PAN Y Noven.her I. lH';iL lirp.POO United Stales 5 Percent. Loan, ls.71. IVO.fKO V. lied btates 6 1'er Ceut. Ijan, lsst iV'O.UOO United States 7 8-ill Per Cent, Loan, Treasury Notes ISB.OOOCity of Philadelphia 6 l'er CeuU Los ns (exempts) 54,000 Slate ol Pennsylvania 6 Per Cent. Loan 6(i,he0 Slate ol Pennsylvania 5 Per Cent. Loan 60,000 Stale ol New Jersey Six l'er CeuL Loan 20,0POPeunnlvaiil Railroad, lit Mort gage, Six l'er Cent, Hoods 25,014) l'eniinyivmiia Railroad, second MorlgHge six Per Cent. Bonds.... 20,000 We tern Pennsylvania Hail road Six Per lent, x,onds (Pennsyl vania Railroad guaranlees)......,, SO.OOOState ot Tennessee five Per CuuU Loan 7,0(0 State of Tuuuessee Six Per Ce'iit, Ixinn 15,000 tin shares Mock of Germaniown Gas Company (principal and in terpHt puaranteed by the city of Philadelphia) 7.1.riO,143 Shares Stock of Pennsylvania Railroad Couipnnv 5,tm0,100 Shares stock of North Pennsylva nia Railroad Company 2P (1W80 Share- Slock of Philadelphia and Southern Mall Mean, ship Coin- H4,000'00 13fi,500'00 211, 6110 "00 126,62'50 64.700 -00 44,6a-W 60.750-00 20,500-00 24,250 0 20,75000 18,000 00 40' 00 -on 8,208-2.5 8,050UO 20,000-00 195,000-00 1P5.PO0 panys... l oans on l'.ondl and Mortgage, lirst ileus ou City Property 1,(H'),050 par. Market value,,070,280 78 n . . Cost, l,030,5j2-(K. Real Estate oon-oo Ijills receivable lor insurances made 2,.l7'2U Baliinco due at agencies Premiums on Ma . i "IS p,ollc,?S' Accrued Interest, and other debts due to the Company 88,923-90 scrip and Stock of Bunury Insurance and ,fTt,on,fnlm';',,T3' KsHmated value... 2.930D0 .ash In Bank, (sll,li2'28. Cash in Drawer, fri47T4 41,540-00 i,4f7,32re 'This being- a new enterprise, the Par Is assumed Thomas O. Hand, Samuel K. Stokes, Henry Sloan, William G. Bmlton, Kdward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Kdward Lal'ourcude, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McKarland, Joshua P. Kyre, Spencer Mcllvalne, J. B. Semple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, " jonii u. uaviH, Pomund A. Souder, l'heophilus Paululug, John R. Penrose, James Traonlr, Henry C. I ailett, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwlg Joseph H. Seal, George G. Lelper, Hugh Craig, John 1). Taylor, x. i . Bioruan, jucoo megei, llnnrva U H.i-n.nlAfl THOMA st (. if A JOHN C. DAVIS, Vice-President. Hknby Lylbubn, Secretary. lsj 1829 011 AUTER TERrETUAIs FraiiKHn Fire Iusuraiicc Co. OF riIIl,AOI.IIIIA. OFFIC3S: ft OS. 4 113 AND 4137 CIIEgS UT SfHEET. ATS ON JANUARY 1, 1807, Carllal 400,OCO-00 Accrued . im,7ls-i8 Premiums ... 2iw.iifii'15 UNSLTTLED CLAIMS, 7,4allH, LNCOAf a Foil 1866, JLOSBJKM PAID SI ACE 1829 OVER 3,300,000. Perpetual aud Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTORS'. Charles N. Banclrnr. George Fales, Toblas W'asiier, Samuel Grant, George W. Richards, Aiired itler, Krancls W. Cewln. M. Tl I Pu,a. M ,.1 'al . 1 W horn as sparks, x .... .... , ji vvxn e y. x reniueni, T .OJ.OKGK PALKS, Vice-Presldeut. J. W. McALLlal Hit, Secretary pro tern, ii 111231J INSURANCE COMPAin OP NOltTli AMEJtlG'A. OFl' ICK, No. 2.2 WALNUT a PilixOj .LPHIA. INCORPORATJiD 17 W. CHARTJiK PJiRPKTUAU C4PI1AL, fc.VOO.OOO, AMNETBi JANCAKV 8, I87....1,7B3,7.80 IN ht' 11 KM MAltllN'K, lNlxANO TUANSPUS IA1TOJI ANPF1BJB UISUM. Cli A 111 I, U rv- i . . i. i . D1RLUI0R3. X ,11, or fi CilHri George L. Harrison, iruucls it. Cope, iuiwurd H. Trotler. Kdward a Ciarke, William Cummiugs, T. Charltoa Heury? Samuel VV. Jouea, John A Brown, Charles Taylor, Ambrose While, Richard D. Wood, W illiam Welsh, a Morris wain, John P. White, John Mason. , I ri Louis C. Madeira, . John P. Wlilia " - - " vuj xxi , xTesiuenc Cbarlks Piatt, secretary. -pliOVlDENT LIFE 1 AND TKUST.COMPANI No. Ill South FOURTH hLrnot 1KCORPORATJJ.D sd MONTH 22d. IMR. m V.uv,uw, A AAA XXI. insurance on Lives, by yearly Premiums; or hvs 10 or 'Hi year prvmlums, Non-lorieiture, jro Annuities granted on favorable terms. Term Policies, Children's Kudowiueuts, This Company, while giving Hie Insured thesecnrltv 01 a paid-up Capital, w ill divide the entire Prolitan the Lile buhinebs among II policy holders. -" Moneys received at Interest, aud paid on demand Authorized by charter to execute Trusts, aud to act as Executor or Administrator. Assignee or Guardian! and iu othfr fiduciary capacities, uuder appointment ot any Court of this Commonwealth, or axiy person or persona, or bodies politic or corporate, " lllHuiyi'mtu BAMUELK.SxJiri.KY, "iUAH.MORRia, lltNBT HArNES, T. W1STAR BROWW W. C LONGSi'l'ltKTw' RlCliARD ItxCllARD CADIS DRY. . I WILL1A M lCKJui F. COFFIN. 1 Lit AltX.l'JS hamufx B.auiPLii.y, row lain d parry. preoiueni. Actuarw wm. C. LONGST1UJ.TU. Vice President. y' THOMAto WIS! AR, M. D., J. B, TOWN8KNx. 7Xil JUtniaUiM J1.A OlitHJ Legal Adviser, TTIKE INbURANCE EXCLUSIVELY. THE H PENNSYLVANIA F1RK 1NBURANCK COM. ftjiV-incorporated 15 Charter Perpetual No tu, WALNUT Bireet, opposite Independence Square. 'lhiB company, lavorabiy known to the community lor over forty years, coutiuues to insure against loii or damage by fire on Public or Private Jjuildiugs, either peruiauently or for limited time. Also, Id vuruliure. Stocks of Goods, axid ilercluuidlae gene rally, on liberal leixus. I heir capital, together with a large Surplus unil invested hi the most carelul manner, which enalilei t " eiiii o otier to the Insured an undoubted seotxrUy io the WM 'OSS. DI RRCTflRfl. imnlel Pmitn, jr.. J oho Dever.,rf Alexander Benson, Thomas Smith. Isaac HalcbuiBt, Heury Lewis, Thomas Robblns, I J Gllllughaxu Fell, jv imuiHiLji, jr. DAN ifl smith, ja., President. WiLLlAH O. Cbowkij., Secretary, J PiHO-.NlX INSURANCE COMPANY 0? PHI LA DKLPH 1 A, iNiWlHiltAUn lbti4-CHARTKR PFRPETDAL. ii4 WALNUT Street, opposite the Kxohange. ft a'ddmou to MARIN il and INLAND 1NSUR. ani L this Company tuaures from loss or damage by iuk for liberal terms ou buildings, merchandise hihxj . ,ln.iuu! er ods. uid nnm,. .,...,,, Iu'ul r:.wdr of vxemiuiiu OU UUII",""..Ti i.xxu hMit in tirLIVH on ' . . , li UU I1MHU 111 HUH YD UllDI nilllll TfiP ITinM han SIXTY YKAKH, during wlxloll ail losaea lutVf eeu promptly oaT John L. Hodg. W. R. Mahony, John T. Lewis, Willi""" a Grant, Robert W. Learning, D. Clark Wharlxju, lxmrrenee Lewis, Jr, i ... r .... 1'KTiu XKinia, Benjamin Kttlng, Thomas If. Powers, A. K. McHenry, Kdmund CaHtlllon, bamuel W ucox Ijoilis i norris. JOHN WUl M PriMUeat. SamcfX WlWX. Secretaxjf OCTOBER 2, 1867. INSURANCE COMPANIES. 23KOOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE OF NEW YORK, Jf VTVAIj. POLICIES NON-FORFEITABLE. Thirty days grace given In payment ot Premiums. No extra charge for residence; or travel In any portion of the world. Dividends declared annually, aud paid In cash. Dividend In 107, 40 per cent, E, B, COLTON, , OENKRAL AGENT, N.E, (OnXEKXIiVEJiTH AS1) CIIE5t'T. A gents and Solicitors wanted In all the cities anil towns In Pennsylvania aud Southern New Jer vri QIRARD FIRE AND MARINE INSUIlANOIi COMPANY, (No. 639) N. E. COR. CIIEENUT AND SEVENTH ETS. PniLADKirBIA. CAPITAL AND HUrilH OVFR 03iO,OOO IBit OBIE toil 180, $ICa,t!t4i. Losses Paid and Accrued lu 186S, 17.000 Of which amonnt not i00 remain nnpeld at t'-'sdait lini.oen.Oiin of property has beeu SucceHsinily ias iret, by this Company in thirteen years, and jblght Hun died Losses by Fire promptly paid. DIRh-CTOnS. Thomas Crayon. Silas YerkiM. Jr., Allred o. Gillelt, N. S Iwrence, Charhn I. liiipout, Henry F. Keniu.v. Furman Sheppard Thomas Maclvellar, John Snoplee, John W. laghorn, Joseph app, ra. u. THOMAS) ( 1UVM PriHililont A. R. GTLLETT, Vice-Pretddent. SHfmw JAM KS B. A LVORD. fecretar FURS. 18G7. FALL AKD W1NTER' 1807 FUR HOUSE, (Established in 1818.) The undersigned Invite the special attention of the Ladles to their large stock of FURS, consisting of Muffs, Tippets, Collars, Etc., IN RUSSIAN SABLE, HUDSON'S BAY SABLE, MINK SABLB ROYAL ERMINK. CHINCHILLA, FITCH, KTO. All Of the LATEST STYLES, SUPERIOR FINISH, and at reasonable prices. Ladles In mourning will had handsome articles FFRSIANNE3 and S1MIAS; the latter a most bean tifnlfur. CARRIAGE ROBES, SLEIGH ROBES, and FOOl MUFFS, In great variety. A. K. & F. K. WOWS RATH, 8114m NO. 417 AlUII NTBEF.T. CHINA, GLASSWARE, ETC. gELLING OFF! SELLING OFF KERR'G CHINA HALL, NO. 5X0 T NTUEET, ON ACCOUNT F REMOVAL TO NEW STORE. NO. 1818 I'lIEWNlI-r MTKEET, (Late Messchert's Mansion), S1C0,0G0 Worth or China, Glass and StoiiewarCf To be sold at a great reduction In pi-Ice, In order to -reduce stock, previous to removal to new store. Families, Hotels, Boarding Houses, and Restau lantsi now have an opportunity of purchasing China. Glass, or Stoneware at greatly reduced prices, A large assortment of rich Cut and Engraved Glass were aud Stone China, marked down less than manu facturers' prices. 9 20 Imwlm JAMKS K. It 13 Kit & BRO. INTERNAL REVENUE REVENUE STAMPS FOB SALE AT TIIE PRINCIPAL. AGENCY, NO. 67 &OIT1I THIRD STREET, PIIILA. A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED. Orders or Stamped Checks received, and delivered with despatch. Orders by mall or express promptly attended to, T29tl JACOB E. B I DO WAT. GAS FIXTURES. CALL AND BUY YOUK GAS FIXTUKES Irom the manufacturers, VANK.1RK A MARSHALL, No. 912 A RCH Street. VANKIEK & MAK8IIALL, No. 012 ARGH Street, manufacture and keep all styles of Oas Fixtures and Chandeliers: also reUulHh old Bxturea. ANKIKK & MARSHALL HAVE A COM plete stock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Portable EtandB, and Bronzes, at No. 912 ARCH Street. AN KIRK & MARSHALL, No. 912 ARCH Street, give especial attention to titling ud Churches, Puhllo Halls, aud Dwellings. Pip auur at TiiK IOWKHT BATHS, OLD, GILT, AND ELECTRO SILVER, plated Oas Fixtures, at VAlNKLRK & MAR SHALL'S, No. 912 ARCH s'treer, All work guaranteed to give satisfaction. None but rltst-classworlimen employed. a I2d2w mwfau HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. PAINTING. TUOMAii A. PAIIT, nOVMB AN1 MldlN PAIMTEB, (Late Fahy A, Bro.) No. 31 North TH II ID Street Above Market, OLD BRICK FRONTS done np, and made to look equal to the lineet press brick. Samples at the shop, City and country trade solicited. All orders by Post promptly attended to. 4 19 fmw EXCURSIONS. rfTS DAILY EXCURSIONS TO WIN t- nr" - i- mltiglon, Del. On and after TUt Da 1 . September 10, Ihe steamer ELIZA HANCJK will leave second wharf above Arch Sireet dally al lu A. M. aud 4 P. M. Returning, leave MAKKil Street Wharf, Wilmington, al 7 A. M. aud 1 P. M. Fare for the rouud ulp..........................,.i oent. Single ticket , ceuta Chester and Marcus Hook 20 Coal For further particulars, apply on Imard. 7 22 If L. W. P. URNS. Captain. QERLACH & KLING, 191 POSTERS OF IIOCIC WINEV, M. 116 KOVTU MIXTII 8TUKET, A flrnt-clMSS Restaurant Is connected with ths Wholesale and lutall W ine House, where ralroua may ohtalu.'.ou sncommodallug terms, every delicacy the market affords. Patronage solicited. 9 U Vui AMUSEMENTS. ACADEMY OF MUSIC J. K. McI)()N(i70H.... J esse and Manager, nt lTl MKN I IM RKAHINU. IlOtfcE 1HRONOED N1UHTLY with the FLl'in AND BFACTY OF PHILADELrniA,' tn w Units the most gorgeous spectacle cvtr pro duced, 'IHE BLACK CROOK. , . TnE BLACK CROOK, ard the msgnlflrpnt PAKISIKNNK BALLET TROUrE, who are received nightly with SHOUTS OF ADMIRATION. NOTrCK. IteMrients of adjelulng towns have no v an opportunity or witnessing 1M1 Orand Spectacle and leiurn heme at anearly hour. The performance closes nt U'!i o'clock. A ORAN1' MAT1NFE EVERY BATURDAY AI THtNCON Al 2 O'CLOCK. Feats Brrured wllhout etra cherge at LER A WALKER'S MiikIc Store, I HE'-N li'i street, above Seventh i-tiect, aud al the ACADKM Y from 10 until a o'clock. EW CHKSNL'T STIt EKT TiIttATRIr I Commencinit at 8 o'clock. THIRD N1UHT OF THE COMEDY SEASON. ard t t 1 1 xx mi ir ii t mil otif FOli TWELVE NIOnTS ONLY, OF HIK OR FAT HIUHI'iNK; A1UT9T, M It. JAMEM L. MURDOCH, who will appear xlllS (Wednesday) EVENING, as ROVER, In O'Keefe's beaiitirtil Comedy, In five acts, entitled WILD OATt; OR, TIIE PTHOLLINtl OKNTLFMAV, SUPPOllll-.D BY '111 K NEW COMPANY. Thursday Last time of Mi IN KY. Friday lieuelit of Mr. J. K. M IT ItDOCH, MUCH ADO All'lUT NOITiiNO. WX'I'l'lHlA V In.l lltrta , ...... ..wi.ik-,,, Saturday Matinee, only ilnv pcrformanco of 'CASTE.'' WINK WORKS WONDERS. ne nag ricker i .i i ..I i.... ... 1 1 .,. ...... i.., n A DAY AFTICK THE WEDDTNO. Lady Ellzaheih Freelove Miss IRVING FRIDAY BENEFIT OF MR. E. EDDY. MONDAY Falconer'B INN'ISFALLKN. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. K. cor. NINTH and WALNU1'. Begins at a. IBIS (Wednesday) EVENING. Oct, 2, Third night of Robertson's Comedy of m. CASTE I The non. George D'Alroy Mr. F. Mordaunt Captain Hawtree Mr. James Taylor To concluile with the laughable Farce of MR. AND MRS. PETER WHITE. Duet by Mr. ard Mm. Unmorsal, "When a Little iawn We Keep." Imitations of celebrated opera singers, and BLACK CROOK DANCES. FOX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATRE. EVERY EVENING AND SATURDAY AFTERNOON. GREAT COMBINATION TROUPE. In Grand bullets Ethiopian Burlesques.Sougs, Dances, Pantomimes, Gymnast Acta, etc. , "VIEW PHILADELPHIA OPERA HOUSE, JN SEVENTH Street, below Arch. GREAT SUCCESS OF TUNISON & CO.'S MINSTRELS. x v. x uxuavjxi uu xx. raiwuna,.mB x'roprieiors SAMUEL 8. BANFORD Stage Manager OTKN FOR TdE SEASON WITH EPH. HORN. FRANK MORAN, W. BUDWORTH, C CHURCH, AND THE LARGEST AND MOST TALENTED) COMPANY' IN THE WORLD. Seats can be secured In advance without Extra Charge. Doors open at 7 o'clock. Performance begins at 8. N EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CBLESNUT. TIIE F A9III,T IlESOBT OPEN FOR THE SEASON, CARNCR OSS & DIXEY'S ffilNSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE wnnr.n. IN THKIB 4S1ANI I'.TlllOl IAN HOIREEM. J. L. CARNCROSa Manager. R. F. SIMPSON, Treasurer. 8 l9tf O N C E K T H A L L, CHESNUT STREET, AR VE TWELFTH. BLIND TOM'S CONCERT. ' POSITIVELY 'I'H I. AMI' uriru-ir WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY AFTERNOONS (li'inliPPQnnd H nw.-jn . ,. M. VJ. I hll,lrn H... V., mill JIUIJU 1C1BIUII... WLt Reserved teals....;.7."!""".T."".';;3" :scenLt Tickets at Charles W. A. Trumpler's Music Store! No. yj Chesnut street; also, at the Hall. 9 3D t Balcony reserved for colored persons. Admission, 20c. SSEMBLI 1) U I L D IS G. ''THE PLAINS AND ROCKY MOUNTAINS" J. L. RING WALT'S I LLUST RATED LECI URE having proved eminently successful, will be repeated every eveuiug ouring the week, coinmeuoinr 1'""eu MONDAY, September 3a WCNDERLICU'S MAGNIFICENT PAINTINGS i. Illustrative of Plain aud Mouutalu Scenery, aud many other large aud accurate views, will be exhibited every evening. Admission, 60 cents. Children's tickets, 15 centa. Secured seals, wllhout extra charge, at 'Trumpler's music Btore, No. 921! Chesnut sireet: also at Turner Ha milton's boeksioie, No. lot) South Tenth Bireet. Doors open at 7 o'clock: commence at 8. 9 80 6t THE MEAGIIRR TESTIMONIAL. THE BUST OK MAJOR-GENERAL THOMAS F. MEAGHER WILL BE ON EXHIBITION AT NO. 710 SANSOM, ST R EKT. FROM OCTOBER 1st, UNTIL THE 5th. THE PUBLIC ARE INVITED. 9 30 8t BTORTICULTURAL HAL L. L GRAND MATINEE. By CARL BENT.'S ORCn HSTRA of 40 Performers. EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON (Commencing October 3, 18U7), at 1 o'clock. Vocalist Mr. William Hartmaun, from the Ger Biau Opera. SINGLE ADMISSION, 60 CENTS. Package of four Tickets for U To be had at Boner A Co.'s Music Btore, No, 1102 Chesnut street, and at the door. 9 2o lm LEGAL NOTICES. IN BANKRUPTCY. EASTERN DISTRICT of Pennsylvania, s.s : A l Philadelphia, the 24th day of July, A. D. 1X67. The undersigned hereby gives notice of his ap pointment us assignee of GEORGE FERDINAND SMITH, of Philadelphia, lu the county of Phila delphia and Slate of Pennsylvania, within said dis trict, who has been adjudged a bankrupt, upon his own petition, by the District Court of said district. JOsllUA L. BA1LY, Assignee, etc. To the creditors ol said Bankrupt. - FOR SALE. wpst ttti Pfi-nnriCRN STREET. GEH-- i M a ntiiwn ion SALE A handsome double .... ..i..,. aai,in..A ..nniihiiiiiiir fourteen rooms, exclu sive ol Washroom, Pantry, Storeroom, and China Closet, and with extra convenances. Lot lijo feet by 2IH leet deep; beautifully improved. Location moat , desirable. Also, superior CurpeU and Furniture, nearly new, lor sale ?'UMlrEY A RONS, g 28 7t No. bun WALNUT Street. BOARDING. -MO-I ('IK Alii) STREET. BETWEEN I Zi Chesnut and Market aud Eleventh and Twelilh streeis-ceutrally located. Accommodation for perm aiient, tranleut. aud table Boarders. L llaxq pR E N C H STEAM SCOTJHINa. ALDCDYLL. MARX &' CO. HO, , 89 Si U 1 A. 11 V KN ' TJIiMT AND . HOBt"TltKCT' Mlmwl ACTION. ALL PERSONS ARE CAU T . a i . iinrchasing or negotiating Cer ,ili(.a,esUof DKe?r.t C! .17. orV. No. ISO lor PUfcll 'jo o. H. WADS WORTH. Parties to whom the same maybe oflerad are re parties iowuou. Company's Oillce. quejded to give uuliif cu ,)T B,reet iTlVY WE1XB-OWHERSO? rROPIRTY-i The only place to gel Prlyy Wela Cieaued aud au.lnfeclJ at vary low prices. PEYHON, Manufactnrer of Poudreite, I io GOLDnU'U HALL, iAMMAH I- blrel MRS. JOHN DU LAV'S ARCH 8TREKT TIIKATKK. Doors open at 7: commences at 7;. LAST WEEK OF M K. K. EDDY. LAST VEFK Ol' MiS.S HKNRIEITA IRVING. TO-NIU1IT (Wednesday). October 2, 1W7, TIIE RAO PICKER OF PA RIM. The Rag Picker Mr. E. EDDY