THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPHSPHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 27, 1867. 6 AN IMPORTANT ARREST. f the Loalirlllt Road a-ad te Hobbrr " w .Una- tfAOOO, Wbtli Property, , Recovered, Md tit AlUg Holhber Arrested II Proves I Our President. , .,t vpr sbo. and a week or so previous . .f. of AndV Johnson toChicaKO, great totbe visit of Anay - Louisville, Ky by xclleri bondS nnd rromlssory notes to the robbery of bon as nnu ftl,trH0U.a frora tbo value of W property oi a wealthy safe, and wf,repld resident, of that oily, lady. Mrs. Jane M. Keeo At the Uiue ' e rob ry werj n Korope "d Jxhe latter snfe was blown the care j d dcmer,ts abstracted. APheav7re ward was offered for the arrest of the tii iff and for the recovery of the treasure, by hi foiilevllle police aulborliles, bnt no trace nr clue whatever could be found as to who was the perretiator of the transaction. Upon the occasion of President Johnson's visit to this cl'y. which occurred on the UMi of September, lHWi, cnni a young man named Frank Klley, lie set mid quite at borne among his lellow-trsivellers, and whs evidently well rnnvn bv a treat raanvof them. He came here with several letters of introduction, which, he failed not to ue. On the day of tan arrival he called at A. U. liadgor's bans: and attempted to dispose of several railway bonds which he had In his possession. Not being acquainted vfltta the young man, Mr. Badger refused to re ceive the bonds until the bolder was vouched for by some person of responsibility. Klley departed from the bank, but soon returned sgaln, brintclng with him one of the editors of the Louisville Journal, and, upon the laller's recommendation, Mr. lialntr bought forty bond, advancing Riley $ZSO0 on them. A day or two subsequent to t he transaction, Mr. tattler sent the bonds lo Louisville to bj redeemed, and to his surprise very quickly re ceived a telegraphic despatch Informing film that the boml.s could not bo sold, as they were a portion of those stolen, and for the recovery of which a reward had boon offered. Upon re ceiving this Intelligence, M r. lladger at once went to Louisville, and upon his arrival there was attached for the value of the bonds. From tbe date of having received the money from Mr. Madeer, Kitey alternately lived in this city and New York, in tbe latter city being em ployed at the Custom-House, a posit ion he re ceived on the direct recommendation of Mr. Johnr-on, as will be seen Irora tbe following letter which was found in his possession yester day, upon bis arrest in this city; Executive Mansion, Washington, D. C, Deo. IS, twa. Henry A. 8m)' the. Collector of Customs, New Yore City. Sir: This will Introduce to your favor able consideration Frank Kiley, of New York city, wttu wborie character I became acquainted In Ten nesnee, and whom t commend to you as worthy of a suitable appointment under you. With great respect, very truly yours, ANDREW JOHNSON. The whole affair was kept pretty dark, and not until Monduydld it transpire that Klley was 'wanted." Detective Johu J. Kelly, In the meantime, had on several occasions met Klley, '"as well acquainted with him. When he learned what wai matter, he set to work to find the bird. lie 6o0h learnt d that ituy had left a large number of bonds and notes With a pawnbroker on Clark street, and going to the place, obtained possession ofaihe following pro perty: Fifty shares of J .diet, Chicago, and Alton Kullroad stock; three shares of Louisville and Nashville Railroad stock; eight shares of Bank of Louisville stock, an t promissory notes to the amount of $30,100 the whole, notes and bonds, representing over $10,000, and consti tuting the property abstracter irom Mr. Heed's safe. Alter getting possession of this property, Detective Kelly, on Tuesdny afternoon, visited the Brings House No. 2, where Riley bad been stopping, and learned tbat he had quit the bouse, and contemplated leaving tbe city that evening. To prevent his departure, the detective pro cured tho services of live other oilUers, and stationed them at the several depots. Yester day morning information was left at the Cen tral Btatlon that Riley was on State street, near Madison, in a saloon. Detective Sam Ellis was at once directed to arrest him. Upon reach ing the place where it was said Riley would be found, be was informed that t he bird had llown. Going np State street towards Washington, ho saw Klley, but the latter individual saw him at the same Instant, ami dodging under the side walk, y lost to sight. EU18 jumped upon a rtreet oar that was passing, and reaolied. lae (nrner of Washington street lust as Riley emerged from his hiding place, and before the fellow con lit oner any resistance naj mm secured. n uni mrAlirned at the Police Court yester day afternoon, and committed to Jail in default of 850,000 ball to await a requisition from the Governor of Kentucky for his return to that 13 tat e. Riley bas-nunierons aliaset, being known in this city and elsewhere as Wallace and Lynch. He is a shrewd fellow, having served as a spy during the Rebellion. uncago nep., iMn. TIIE FASHIONS. xtit n-t.rkwa The new stvle of kid elove is finished with a cord and tassel, lacing on the back of the wrist for ornament, not use. But tons are used to some extent for fastening gloves; bnt the new gloves are clasped witii ulnds mechanically fastened to one Bide. The varieties of gloves are tne plain, with two but tons; long wrists, with welt and baud, fastened With three buttons, or with two Btuds; a wider band, with tnree studs; and long-armed gloves, ii)i at.iirls. and larcer ones with six. The Kt.iwlH tnke tbe nlace ol three buttons. The fanhtnnntilfl colors in ErlovtB aro "culr." Russian crey, a purple hue, French grey, a lavender tint, lilac, purple lavender, aniuer, and Ulrufle. Perhaps the ladies who purchase Alexandre's gloves do not know that a gentleman who nerves them is the genius who devises the im provements, and deslens new colors and styles for the retail trade. lie goes through the forest and gainers autumn leaves of every hue. blends them, and studies the effect in light and shade, and so devises new colors. During the day lie la in his place at tbe counter. Ills evenings are pent, often to a late hour, in study and In Bet ting up new designs ana colors tuuturoior warded to the manufacturer. rtrkkt and Home Dresses. Short dressas for walking are gaining in popularity; they are more worn in Europe than formerly, Kugenie having appeared in one. An elegant black silk was embroidered in jet and sl.'k, with a large medallion on each breadth and a smaller one on tbe Bucoue to matcii. A velveteen liismark brown has skirt andsucaue trimmed with black -silk ribbon with cord edge. Blue and purple and brown Donlln suits are trimmed with satin folds of the same shade. A pretty mode of trimming is a satin fold around tne skirt ana denendiua from it scollops of ooplln edaed with satin piping. Tbe under skirt is sometimes of a contrasting color, aud when they harmonize lias a pretty effect. A new style that will be worn is tbe pelisse, is made with two skirts, the under one quite lo'ig. The body U close ntilng, and trimmed with plaited fold. This win he worn later in the season. tnijKiLiNG Lapikk' Faces. This is the Way it Is it.,.,... -v,. !. . - ,. l. .i.-VliP8 WB8h f elder water.which removes InlwLroitu.rU3f .,ThUll,me' yu lave tne face flntu mM waler-,hen 3ry lue Bkln with line linen till It is nvrfecUv sinnnth ii ; pink XL to intrf,PMfaou; wuTte; .pins while, or a creain white enamel 7?,V!alTBDd ,ure Parl" " Is 8?lKhllv tinted. It is a past, and envera the snrfi.. dmooihlv. inobi.,,, ""H?. suiraoe flnlal nnvrln i,PUr,.w .?:!l"e- .thlsarti Kntthf.rU",r.V. ' oiig time. remove any Impurity from the'skln w - .u0 from tbe enamel, a small sponge dipp water is ubed, aud the enamel c7,,V,'r"8,e ar.ored. jr io Itiwtorl's face is enamelled nightly. Tbe loiioweis oi mis ' oiou are, in VnirlonH Miss Burdett Ooults.and the fair lady fiSS husband refused to pay several thousand nnnmla for numberless enamelllugs. "und The price for a "permanent euumelunB w If skilfully done, and the oheekg touched with rouge, with a lHUe- "fixing up" of eyebrows, you cannot at night, and a fool or twoolt.tml u ......n.n frfim n vnnnir one. i A a riiBrina. the fair Mrs. It. follows this ....... ., n.nrniiutiiv i hat nil e coals face. arms. r. . ,.i, hii ibu imurlv nrenaratioo. Hhe is S"".ur ntpnunna bv the wealthy Mr. 11. The ladies of the demi-monde however, are ihe tuofct fervent or mmwiw Th Piebt MftrTixo. The Rppubltcans of this It and vicinity held their flr-t meatin In ths -.iirt .ouare last eveninif. Stirring addresses were delivered by lion. Ja-nes M. Hcovt Hew Jersey, ana vmimm uwinuu. j.t. -right pirlt is abroad, and the lndlcationi are that the work will be done nebt. The ineetiog was a rouser, (Jhetter h-puUican. SPECIAL NOTICES. J2T RECEPTION Mf JOR-GENERAL SHERIDAN. TJNION LEAGUE HOUSE, I'n jladm. mi a. September 20, 1857, . The mtnibers of ttid UN ION LKAOUK OF PI1ILA DELPHIA. wlih the indies or their families, are In vited to meet it sjor Central P. H. BHE1HJDAN at TI1U LEAGUE IIOUSe, ON I'll I DA Y, 27-rjr 1KST., Eetwecn 12 o'clock noon and 3 o'clock P. M. 9 26 2t GEORGE n. BOKEIt, Seoretary. FOURTEENTH WARD UNION I. K AG UK C1KK.F.TINI4 TO Till! 1.ITTI.U CORPORAL. A Mass Meeting of the members of the Union League and other cltiens opposed to the persecution of oui noble lieneraiH, who have faithfully executed the Reconstruction laws of ConKrecs, will meet at SPKJNU OAK DEN HALL this evening, at 7 o'clock, for I be purpose of uniting with the Army of the hepuolic luat.ranU IieinoiiHtralion at National Hall, thin evening, lo conllrin the victories of the battle-field. JAMHS MACN'jCIIOL, M. V., U Keoretary, rggp NEWSPAPER ADVERTISING. JO COK & CO., Agents for tbe "TsxiseiiArir" and Newspaper Press of tne wholecountry, have RE MOVED from FIFTII and CHESNUT Streets to No. 144 8. BlXTJt Street, second door above WALNUT. Offices: No. 144 8, SIXTH Street, Philadelphia: TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. New York. 78oJ4p PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COM PANY. TltKASURKJl'S DEPABTWirNT, PniLADKi.eiiiA. September 10. Ibti7,i KOIIC'KTO BONDHOLDERS. At a meeting of tht Hoard of Directors, held on 4th luHiaot.tue following preamble aud resolution were adopted: Whereas, Numerous applications have been made to this Company from the holders of the First and Second Mortgage Coupon Bonds to convert the same into the KettlHtured Ueueral Mortgage Bonds, dated July 1, lxt,7, therefore be it Resolved. That tbe Treasurer be and he Is hereby Instructed to caiiBe public notice to be given tbat tills Company Is now prepared to exchange lis Iteg'stered BonUH, secured bya general mortgg npou the line from Philadelphia to I'litnliurg, ol the estate, real and personal, and c rporatn IranchiHtis thereiu mentioned, dated July 1 lbii7. lor the.Firwt and becond Mortgage Coupon Hondsxf said Compan;, on the road between liarrbhurg and PIltBburu. Any further information can be obtained on appll- B l(i 30t TnoiiAS t. firth, Treaaiirer. 1ST, 11KDICAL F.OARD FOR THE EXAMI- Datlon ot Candidates tor Admlasiun into tbe Navy us Assistant Burgeons. A lionrrt of Medical OUicern Is now In seHelon at the Naval Anyium, Philadelphia, for tbe examination of candidates for udtnlKt-ion Into the MedUal Corps of the Navy. uentiemnn oenirous oi appearing oe.ore mo iiuaru roust make application to the Honorable bieure- Ury of the Aavv. or to the undersigned, stating resi dence, place and date of birth. Applications to be accumpanied by respectable testimonials of moral character. Candidates must not be leBS than twenty-one nor more than twenty-six years of age. No expense is allowed by the Government to can didates attending the sessions ot tbe Board, aaasuo ceesiul examination is a legal prerequisite for appoint ment in the avy. 'I lie mai y vacancies existing in me mmucai jorps Insure immediate appointments to successful can didates. . . 1. J . BUKwni, tjniei or nurenu. Bureau of Medicine and Burgery, Navy Department, AUVtlRl H IBt(. MUM PAKDEE SCIENTIFIC COURSE IN UFATEXTE COLLEGE. The next term commences on THURSDAY, Sep tember 12. Candidates or admission may oe exam ined the day before (Bept ember 11), or on Tuesday, July K. tbe day before the annual commencement. For circulars apply to President CAT1 JUi, or to ProteRsor B. B. YOUNuitADf, Clerk of tbe Faculty. Faston, Pa., July. 1ROT. 7 20 4pti KTy OFFICE OF TUB LKUlCiU UOAL AK1J KAV1GATION CO. . . PMU.AHKLPHI4. BeDtember zo. 1867. A tnelsl mpptinu-nt the ttluckhohlers Ol the Lehlgb Coal and Navigation Co., will be held at tbo Hoard of Trade Jtnnms. CHKSNUT Street, above Filib, on TUI'JSDAY, the 1st day oi October, lo7, at !0)a o'clock A. M., lor the purpose of authorizing a loan under the Act of Assembly approved ihe loth day ot April, 1867. p Zlj ut J A ill r.- o. v.v , rruaiutjuR WIEGANU'S PATKNT ST K. A 51 UKJNrJ- HA lurt is cneap, compact, tfoouoiuicar iu uao, and ABSOLUTELY fcSAFJS FKOM Ay ros&l BILITY OF KXPLOSION Apply at the Office of SAMUEL WORK, N. E. cor- ner of THIRD and DOCK S'reets. 818 4p TIIE BRANSONS HAVE NOT SOLD out the old Coal Yard, No. 607 South BKUAD Street, below Lomuurd, as has been reported, but continue selling the at fair prices. (Superior LEHIGH and genuine EAGLE VEIN always on hand. B Is2m4p VtT" BATCIIELOH'S HAIR DTE. THIS bZZJ splendid Hair Dye Is the best in the world. The only true and perfect Dye Harmless. Reliable. In. alantaueous. NO disappointment, No ridiculous tints. Natural Black or Brown. Remedies the 111 ef recta or Bad Ityct. invigorates the hair, leaving It son and beautiful. The genuine Is signed WILLIAM A. BATCHELOR. All others are mere imitations, ana should be avoided, bold by all Druggists and Per fumers. Factory. No. U Htreet, mew York. i 6fmw SKIN DISEASES! S "Use Bm'ayne's Ointment." It n' Have You 'letter? t RiT L8K DWAYKKH UINTMKNT. lug- Have you scald Ueadr t MttT "l'8E KWAVJdtS UlNimtN'T.'' "(k Uif Jiftve l ou any rain uiseasear y B- "UHK bWAYMKS OlNTMKNT." Jtjr A Speed jr Cure Guaranteed. i Jti Hwsyne'i Ointment Is warranted a quick and sure cure. It allays all itching at once; is purely vegetable; can be used on tbe most lender Infant. Cures llch la from 12 to 48 hours. fiwaynf:'$ Ointment Cures Itch! Itch! Itch! Cures Tetter! Cures Bait Rheum Cures Itching Piles! Cures Bcald Head! Cures Barber's Itch 1 ftiMi.iw; ' uinw tiiraytu'i Oinlmint Hwayne't Ointment Hieoyne. I Uinrmrnt tiwayne'i Ointment Nwaynr I Otntnunl Swuyne? Oinfwioif Snmynr's Ointment ftu'aynr'i Olvtvwnl ffivayne" Httiine'M OintintlU Mayor UcUlciiael'a counaenua Hum, J, it I 11 Hi c nu.i . f 8. W. Cohnku Fifth and CiiesnuT Stbkbts. Was cured of a very obstinate eruptive ajisbbsb ou the tare, which bad ballie.1 the skill of our most emi nent physicians, trieu a grcnn wuj procured RWAY1JI,.( AlI,.iItlI,lm Ointment" Which made a per lect cure. Bkepilcs, cull and see him, and he will wnnngiy rmuw waiuk " f " Ointmknt" baa done for him. 132mwf4p hold by the leading urngKiHia, arm v toowaiuoi Principal OUica No. BJUN.blxtU street, above Vine. NEW VtRK DYEINd AND PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT Works on Htateu Island. otllue in Philadelphia, No. 40 N. EIGHTH Blreet liTi.',B?11 Bnd well-known Company, the laroett of ti ll,e world, and In the iorty-nlnth year of I WPKtN HI. ai.a i. ""i. Is prepared, with the mosl extensive r.. ""Proved uinciiuiKrv. tn iLr.. c.lnmi. and ttntth. . lHADUhr lin.uUli.,l ..lulu tl vt.riYil.lil Oil plUM VU.l. 1 1 " " ' " without ?,!li.1 rr"'".'- hy our new Frenoh process W l7tnths'Aiu O "xmiiKi?.9lNK MANUFACTURED BY inch dlaniHiir . ",rov,"liioe. Hlan of cylinder, ai auu ten hoiaa ""ke about cue huudrod VUM 'fUVVM. Apply lo Cor. of WOOD and Tw bm. w- n-I K VAN, 'iSJijy.EN rY-FOuit i H bts., Puila, T" T. rniniu a. . . toSSi'rl.. 0. 420 COMMERCE Blanily oil hand aud for saia?1!" r1,'r''''"-,J0 Whale. Elephant. Hla.-k f wi," Vj",",1 ."""""l VTioM iiiii,,uim inom uminira. KuIm mvT.M t. i T " e V V llU FOR SALE. O FOR SALE-ALT. THAT VALUABLE Tract or Lund situate In Montgomery ZJkZ county, Pa., on the iletblehem Pike, ID miles nnrm of Philadelphia, near tbe ISorth Pennsylvania Rll road; It contains 2AS acres. The Improvement are large, com-luting of stone man-Inn, with bath, water closets, range, etc.; two tenant houses, two large barns, stabling for 100 boreon and cattle, Carriage house, wag"n-boime, tranary. Ice bonie, sprlng house, etc. The farm la under good fence, and w0l watered hy three streams; the avenues leading to tbe nianf Ion are ornamented by two rows of large shade trees: largs shade trees surround the mansion. Theie area variety ol rrult tree ; about 8) acres in valuable timber, 110 acres In meadow, balance In arable land. Ills well adapted for grain, breeding, and grar.lng purposes, while its kltiiallon, tine old trees, fruit, and modern Improvements, cniiimenil It ana gentleman's country neat. Also the stock, con slnting ot eiKhly-four head of cattle and horsei, and all the utensils ol a wt 11-regulatnil farm. R. i. DOBBINS, Rervind Story Ledger Building. 282t SIXTH and CHKoNU f Htree ts. QROYN'S PATENT tOHBINED CARIKT-TRETClieB AND TA4 K DKlV I'ft, With this machine a lady can alone stretch and tack down at tbe same time her carpets as easily as to sweep them, savlug back aches, bruised fingers, temper, time, and money. It will stretch all kinds or carpets without the least damage, better, quicker, and easier than any other Stretcher made, and drive from 2 to 20-os. tacks with or without leather beads; Is simple, easily worked, and will last a lifetime. Agents wanted. Liberal terms given. It Is a nice machine for ladies to sell. For Machines or Agencies call on or address WILLIAM No. F. KfllKIHLE, 49 B. THIRD Street, Philadelphia. 1 f)27tfrp GEkTLLmS FURNISHING GOODS. ine FINE NIIIRT EMPORIUM, Ros. 1 &ua 3 Serin SIXTH Street. JOHN O. ARRISON, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dsaler Im Every Description of sMFRTIKJlFN'S FI7R1VINHINO OOOPS, Would invite inspection to his FINS STOCK. O GOODS, suitable 1 or the season, selling off at moderate prices. Ep pedal attention given to the mannnvetore ol FE hHlKTS AND COLLARS. W arranted to give satisfaction. t rp "KtW KCUF.KING GTCRE," No. 1U3 CHESNUT Street, 'blliAlin R4MV." A. MYERS. 918 wfir 21. REGISTER'S NOTICE. TO ALL CREDI tois, Legatees, ai d other persons interested: police Is hereby given that the following named peiHuns did, on the dales Hllixed to their names, tile the accounts ol lhelr Administration lo tbe euates of those peisons deceased, and Guardians' and Trustees' accounts whose names are undermentioned, in the ollice of tbe Register for the 1'iouate ol Wills and Granting Letters of Administration, lu and for the City una County of Philadelphia: and that tne same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of said city and county for continuation and on the third i 111CAY In October next, at 10 o'clock lu lite morning, at the County Court Uousu lu said city. Istt7 Sent 4. Cbnrles Hathaway, Aimlnlstratorof MARIA HATHA WAY. OKce;itd 4, James Furies, Executor of CHARLES IIEP- BUBN, deceased. 4 Thomas Flu ey, Administrator of CHARLES ' H KM M ANN, deceased. oi -. Henry W. Kpencer, Administrator d. b. n. c u af. and Trustee of W1LLUU McULHN bEY, deceased. " s Daniel M. Fox, Trustee of ELIZABETH ' FRAHEH. deceased. 6 George T, KispUaui, AdmlnlBtrutor of SAML. ' B. TUCKER, deceased. " 8 Edward At. 1'axs n et al.. Executors of Dr. DAVID J iYKli, deceased. 7 George W. Human, Administrator ot ' muMAB Dll. NAN, deceased. 11 Henry Pratt AIcKean el al., Trustees under the will of HENRY PRATT, deceased. " 12 rianclsca Kalstr, Administratrix ol MAX.A ' M1LIAN KAISKlt, deceased. " 12, John Clayton. Guardian ot JOiii 'lODiiUiN- TKR. a uiitior. " 13 Henry Rilner. Executor of CECELIA McCAS- ' FERY deceased. " 13 Byton Woodatd, Adminlstralor d. b. n. c. t. - tiiiiM in Al!i!AFFEKY. deceased. ' 13. SusaniiBh Rhoadselul.. xecutora ot VVIL 1 1AM RHOAK8. deceased. j tTHS 14 Johu Clayton and Joseph B. Townsend. Exs- ' cutors or M. W. BALDWIN, deceased. ' 14. James Chambers, Executor of PHILIP UAL ZELL, deceased. 10. Anna A. Albright. Administratrix of JACOB ALBRIGHT, deceased. ' 16. Joseph Jones and John Jordan, Jr., Admlnls tratoisof ANNA M. UlLiER, deceased. 16 iliBiibetb G. Rutherlord et al., Executors or JOHN RUTUEREORD, Jr., deoeastd. " 18. John Jordan, Jr.. and Joseph Jones, h-xecu-,J toraot H KNKY J. HULLEK, dii'Seased. " 16 Heury Wright, Administrator ol UARllllfil ' c. WATtStJN. deceased. ,,,-,. a a " 18 Esmtiel W. Black, Aumiulsirator of THO J AS MOORE, deceased. 18, John Uurton. Administrator ' (m filed by his Executors) of BENJAMIN E. VALEN TIN E, deceased. ... , rnn w " 18 John F. Metz, Administrator of JOHN W. WARWICK. deceased. 18, Teler Armbruhter and John P. Yeser . Fxe cutors of FKANCld F. WOLGAilUltt. " 18 EdriwadBeHergesbelmer, Aamr,H,lFi? ' boms nou 01 G EORG E H ERGEbHElM ER, 20 Peouaecof 'for Ins. on I.Ives, etc.. Guardians of E. LEWIS AN DUE ti, late a minor. 20 Pcnns. Co. lor Ins. on Lives, etc.. Executors ' ot MIRIAM CR1DLAND, deceased. 21 Penna Co. tor Ins on Lives, etc., Guardians of HOWARD aud JOSEPH DUBrt. late minors. umm MI men in 21 John H. Hammltt. Administrator of PUR i i, j u.. f . i, a uiiki'I UN. deceased. i r x. u ti. ii........-" - , , , , 3 John TCralg M .rrT Trustee as filed by his ex i' wutor).uiinor the first clause of the first codicil to the will of MARY W. DALE, de- 84, Bieuctr Roberts, Trustee of ELEANOR TY- 25, GeorBe'Keeler, Executor of WILLIAM H, .. 25 RoSutn'lstrator of ESTHER OI.DDEN. deceased. ,nn . ' 25 GeoiKeRemsen, Administrator of JOHN A. REM teEN, deceased. TTwecntora of 'ION, deceased. , .,,., nI1 26, Pei nsylvaula Company for cn Lives, etc.. (Jnardlaus of CllAltl-W O. t OXE. late a minor. 1M flieri hy 20. William 11. Coleman. Execn or "v his Adinlnlstiaior d. b. u.) or joiiix a. COLEMAN deceased. ,IR, .nL " ffl, (Samuel K. Asuion. Guaid'an of IbAAC 1m TVbON. late a minor. , - u - r,..i.. a.i. nistrator C. t. a. o JA11 O UKINK.ueiseiit.ed- JAE " 28. John 11. Jones. Executor ol MARY ROWAN, deceased. . - (..mio ' 20, Charles W. Trotter Executor of bUSAN TROTTKIt. lec('ased. noo-lster 9 27 f4t FREDERICK M. ADAMS. Reglater. . ..Tiniireii v. ROLAND, ""''"' ...'T" .ur.,L. nlHlma will present mem to bUbAN C. HENDEKHON Ex oiurix. THOMAS H POWEIW 9 17 ft1 No 11 HPRUCE SlryetJ orVoMfe r'Attorner WI.IAM J. MCELROY B. E. cor. blXTH aud WAUUf ot-' r OCRL&CH & KLINC, inroHTERM or iioc it whi MO. llfl OUTU SIXTH STREET, . . , im MnnnAflted With tbe WlioUsule aud Rtilall Wine House, where Patrol ua may obtalo.lon ixx.uurioOatliis tA.rmB, every oeiioacy ttie uiarkel aUorda. Pauouana aoUcltod. Iaboiu 21. Alfred Fass'ltl. Guardian of U. O. BT1LKS late a minor. -p w 21 Charles V. Merrefleld. Administrator of 21. Charley M ERUEr' I ELD, deceased 23 T. A. Budd. Jr., Aduiinlstrator of 1HOM.AH CABPETINGS. 1867. CARPETINCS. 1G67. JAS. H. ORNE, 6ON & CO., .mEftlVIJT NTBI'.ET, BF.LOIV NET EX I'll, InPOBlERS AND Df ALKRs Iff FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC CA3PETING ENGLISH BRUSSELS CAlt PETI NGS. By late arrivals we have a full assortment of the It I. ST KNtiLISil HiHM, JAS. H. ORNE. SON & CO., CIIF.SXUT ST BEET, It FLOW SEVENTH. ENGLISH AND FRENCH AXMInSIER, BOTAL WILTOK8, AMD V Et VET CAIJPETINGS, A I.I, TIIE NEW EXHIBITION DEMION). Now In (Store and for sale by JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., CIIESNUT STREET, BF.I.OW NBVENTII. J-HR EC-PLY AND INGRAIN C Gr, IN CiBEAT VARIEtY OF DE9IUN. OIL CLOTHS, In Bheelsfrom one yard to eight yards wide IIEM)EBs01f A VO.'H AI.1aWOB.STED VEMETIAXft. JAS. H. ORNE, SON & CO., tllESMJT STREET, I1ELOIT NKVEMII, 9 23 m wf2m PHILADELPHIA. ARPETING8. WHOLESALE AH D RETAIL. L IDE DOM & 9IIA.Wj NO. 10 ARCH STREET, BETWEEN KINTH AND TENTH BTREHT8, We are now opening a fall and com lete assortment, both Foreign and Do mestic, for Fall Bales. 8 27 8mrp 832 CABPETIXCS. 832 ARCH STREET. FALL STOCK NOW OPEN AT THB ARCH STHEKT CARPET WAREHOUSE JOSEPH CLACkVOOD, NO. 833 ABC II HTBEET, 9 10 2m Two doors below Ninth, South Bide. CLARK & BIDDLEj No. 712 CHESNUT Street, WIEIa open ON MONDAY. September S3, With tlic Largest Assortmctit OP SILVER-WARE 1VHICH THEY HAVE GTEB OFFERED, INtXllDINU MEW AND PAT TERNS, NEVER IlEI'OKl! kOtU IM PIIIEAIKEPIIIA. 9 18 wfmlairp gAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. Tne Fidelity Insurance, Trust and Safe Peposlt Coinpauvi for the Safe Kceiln of Bonds, Stocks, and Otncr Valuable. CAPITA!. 9500,000 BiBEcrroBa. N B. BROWNE. KUWARD W. O' A IK. CLAKKM Ii: 11 . CLARK A LUX A N b h R 11KNRV, r . ai uivmi J. OILUKOHAM FKLI. IIKNRY t) HBiSON, t'HAHl.Ktj MAUALKrirKK Ofllee In the Flre-nroof Hiilidiuir oftlie Plilladnlphla ISailonal nanK, 1 11 u 1 rMrte'. auova f ourth. 'I'lila ( oinimnv receives on deposit, and (HI . MAN' TFKH T11K bAFK KEEP1NU OF VALUABLliUi upon tbe followiuu rates a yeur, vIl.: Coupe n Bonds - t per flouO Wetrlntered Bonds aud Securities .So oentn per tiuoo (.old Coin or buliiou rm per t iftXl Silver Coin or Hullion. i per fluuu Hold or bllver Plate .... 1 jier HiU Cash ltolbtt or small tin boxes ot Hunkers, Hrokera, t'aiiKBl'stx. etc.. coiitunis uukiiowu lo lue Company, iluliilltv limited. '5 a year. The Compauy oilers for KKNT (renter exoluilvely holding the key) hAKM IMIDK ITH VAULTS at l"0. iiiil, lo, M, auu t?6 a ear, ai cording to oUe and loMllon Coupons and Interent Collected tor one per cent. T.,lun..L AilloWd Oil Ml.llHV 1ImIMkM. Ibui I'nmpauy Is atilliorlzd lo receive and execute Triinti 01 every utworiptiou. 12 simwfrp) N. a BROWNE. President, RouaJiT PATTKBsON.becrelai-y aud Treaaurvr. DRY UOOOS. I 15. It. 1 11 13, No. 43 North EIGHTH Street, WIEE Ol'FH ON HON DAT HORNING, I IIOH NEW TOIIK AtCTION, 1 ease ofOenolne Waterproof loiklng, '25. 1 ceae ol French Rep Poplins, ft. very cheap, to pieces Black Fopllo Atj acss, all gradce. IIAMJSOME PI.AID PVPEINM. HEAVY CORDED REP POPLINS. SO pieces Corded Rep Poplins, 1 25. 1 case of Wrapper Cashmeres, (1 centi, very hand le me. louses ROCKBALK BLANKKTS. very cheap. 200duten LADIKB' BILK MS IK TIK8, balf price. 1.YONH IXOAKINU VELVET. Pupf rb Quality Cloak Ing Velvets. ELEfcANT BLACK NlLHV. HEAVY PFRI'EE EDGE GROW GRAIN. BLACK &ILKH at 00 r welMcnowo low prices. REAL. VAEENCIENNEHDUFS. ' 75 real Val. Lace Ildkfs., t (H'2S. ex.ra cheap. ISO real Val ndkfc., l lo tu. bargalus. Handsome Polole Collars. Kew Hamburg Kmerolderles, Klegnnt quality Irish Poplins. BaiidBoa.e new tbades Corded Bilk French Poplins. EINEN GOODS t LIKEN GOODS! Handiome Daraaalc Table Linens from auction. 8oo deien Linen Towels from auction. 2t lo62conts. Handsome I)amak Towels. Slcliardson'a IilHh LtneDs, from auction. 8 4 Wide Cloth and Doylltt. EMVEBGARIHENIM MERINO UNDER GARMENTS. A fu.l assortment of Lad lis' Merino Veits and Drawers. .Men's Mei ino Vests and Drawers, itoja'fend Aliases' Vests and Drawers. Handsome assortment ot WIN 1 JU;uLOVE3. JOUVIN KID GLOVES. Jonvln's Rest Quality Kid. Full Shades, Handsome Will Hllrk Kans While bilk Fans. Colored Fans. HOOP SHIRTS 1 HOOP SKIRTS! CloMng out Hoop BklrU at bargains. f I0RII1K nut Hoop rklrts lor waulol room. Cheap Bargains 111 Hoop bkirts. Bt 1 1 Mechanic Corsets, - E. R. I.EE, 0 24tuh3t No. North F.MIITH StreeU 727 CHESNUT STREET. 727 I OFVLAR PKICES IN Bilks. Ehawls. Velvets. Poplins, Reps, Yelour Fusee, Merinoes, Mous I)elaines. Alpacas, Mohairs, Alpaca Poplins, Chene Poplins, Melange Poplins, Irish and French Poplins, and Plaids Also, Bombazines, Biarritz, Tamise, and other Monrnine Goods in great variety together with as extensive and varied an assortment of Miscellaneous Ery Gocds as can be found in the market. Also, Blankets. Flannels, Linens, Hcuse-Furnuhicg Goods, Cloths, Cas simeres, etc., in reliable qualities, at low prices. EICKEY, SHAEP & CO., UTI JAS. H. CAM Pit FEE A CO., NO. 727 CHESNUT STREET. WHOLESALE DEPARTMENT. I1!Y ;oODS, BT PIECE OR PACKAGE, AT AND UNDER NABXET RATES. RICKEY, SHARP & CO., NO. 77 CHESNUT STREET. 9 21m 229 FAMES & WARNER, 229 NORTH NINTH STREET, ABOVE RACE, Have now on hand a full supply of Ladles', Gents', and Boys' Merino Goods, suitable for Fall sales. Ladles' Merino Vests fl, 11 12, tl 25. $1 87, to IX 1 case Gents' Merino Shirts and Drawers, (1. Gents' Merino bblrts and Drawers, from $1 to (3. Boys' Merino Goods, all sizes. Infants' and Misses' Merino Vests. The above goods were ordered early In the season, from 1 to (3 below present prices. W aler-proof Cloakluffs, 1'25 and 1 37. All-wool Blankets, r75 and fS-75. Bargain. 1 bale best all-wool Flannels, wide. VSa, All-wool Flannels, 81, 874. 40. 43 5", 86, 8. 75,85c., etc. Ballardvale Flaunels, Bacque Flannels, etc Bhlrtlng Flannels, large assortment. 60 doc Linen Huckaback Towels 12,'aO. One bale American Clash. 12l,o. Unbleached and Power-loom Table Linens, Fine Buowdrop and Damaslc do. do. Canton Flaunels, 18, 20, 22, 25, and 28c. Bleached and Bron Mnallns. lowest prices. Ueod yurd-wide B'eacbed Muslin, 150. Pillow-case and (Sheeting Muslin. Black Alpacas, 45,60 56, 65, 70, 75c , etc. Cotton und Linen Nursery Diaper, etc Black and White Balmorals, II Black and White Plaid Wool bhawls. 1, Lluen Btiti t Fronts, Hosiery. Handkerchiefs, eto. F ARIES & WARN ELI. NO. HO N. NINTH STREET, 22!) fB S. JAFFRAY t5c CO., NO. 608 CHESSliT STREET, ARE RECEIVINU AND NOW OPENINU tOR PALE TRADE, I'VLb LINES OP LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS, NAPKINS, UUCKABACKS, DIAPERS, TOWELLINGS, DAMASKS, SHEETINGS, PILLOW LINENS, L. C. IIDKFS., HOSIERY, GLOVES, CRAPES, VEILS, QUILTS, Ladles', Gents', and Children' Under, wear, Kmbrolderleii Net, Ribbons, Kte. Kto. ThA AhnM Will bO BOld at tbO lowest Nav York prices, and on tbe most advantageous terms. Represented by 8. Btory. I wfin3m DRY GOODS. QPUlSIt WATKB-rilOOr (XOAHLN, IPS7X. Genuine Water-Proof Cloaking, V5o. Genuine Water-Proof Cloaking, J. C. STRAWURIDOE CO., N. W. Corner EIGHTH and MARKET Btreeta. 12i C MT CAl,1VOr'm 'AST COLORS. It cent Calicoes, new fall styles, 18 cent elegant fall styles Chintzes. J. C. STBAWBslDtlE St CO. 200 rC9 CLOTII! AND CASSlHERES All-wool, f7 cents, 90 cents, fl.and 11 16 per xard, J. C. kTRAWBItinei A CO. Q CENT BLACK ALPACAS, CHEAP. to cent Figured Alpacas, 75 cent heavy Alpaca Poplins. Colored Poplin Alpacas. J. C. STRAW BRIO KE A CO 2 BLACK SILKS, VERT CHEAP. 12-25 Black tllks, gold edge. tt 25 Black Oros Grains, a bargain. J. C. NTBAITBBIDUfS A CO. glj 1 Cac:NT FRENCH CHINTZES, FALL STYLES. 87 i French Ginghams. J.C M1BAWI1RIDOE A CO. CASE CANTON FLANNELS, 80 CENTS. 1 cae Canton Flannels, 25 cents. 1 case Canton Flannels, 28 cents. 1 case Canton Flannels, 81 cents. Buyers for Hotels. Boarding-Houses, Public Insti tutions, and Private Families, will do well to call and examine our Immense stock and extremely low prices. Many of the above goods we are offering at less than Importers' and manufacturers' prices. All goods warranted as represented. J. C. STUAWBRIDQE A CO., N. W. corner EIGHTU and MARKET btreeta. B LANKETS.-I000 PAIRS. We now offer lor sale 1000 pairs fine Bed Blankets , . purchased for cash during the early summer, at greatly reduced prices. We will sell a good sound Blanket for a less price than soiled or damaged ones are sold for. All-wool Blankets, 3 per pair. Good size wool Blankets, 4 per pair. Fine all-wool Blankets, 14-60 per pair. Large size Blankets, 5 to tO-50 per pair. ' Very large Blankets, 6 60 te 850 per pair. 200 pairs of slightly damaged Blankets, wHi be sold atabont halt price. Now la the opportunity to get a good Blanket for a smalt sum ot money, J. C. STRAWRRIDOE A CO., NORTH WEST CORNER 1 11 fomrp EIGHTH and MARKET Streets. DEPOT FOR FURNISHING DRY GOODS. A CARD. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, NO. 1008 CUESNUT STREET, Whose establishment tor the sale of IIouse-Furnlsblng Dry Goods Is unequalled In the extent and variety of Us assort ment, beg to announce to HOUSEKEEPERS RE NEWING THKIK feUPPLY, or perrons about U furnish, that they are now receiving their FALL ASSORTMENT OF FRESH LINEN, COTTON, AND WOOLLEN ' UOOSN FOR HOUSEHOLD USE, SUCH AS LIN EN SH EETI 4f SS, COTTON SHEETINGS, PILLOW LINENS, PILLOW HI SLIMS, DAMASK TARLK CLOTHS,. TABLE LINENS, DAHAfcK NAPKINS, DO R D IK H ED VOWELS, TOWELLIN4.S, QUILTS. R LANH ETS,TARLE AND EHBROIDEUED 1'IASO AND TABLE ' COVERS, A ad (very other article suitable for a well-ordered household. 17 tut GIKARO ROW. Em Ma NEEDLES & CO. Invite attention to their first-class stock ef LACKS AND LACE GOODS, KM BROIDERIES, HDKFS., VEILS, ura To which additions will constantly be made oft the NOV ELl'I KH OF T!U SEASON. They offer lo their WHITE GOODS DEPART MENT HEAVY SKIRTING CAMBRICS, At SO. 85, and 40 cents, a Great Sacjliioa, 10"4 ALL-WOOL BLANKETS, AT S3 7". Kztra heavy, fine Blankets, al 86. 11-4 All-wool Blankets, at fs. Very Hue heavy Blankets, at f! 50. Extra flue All-wool Blankets. 18, fS BO, fs. 11-4 and 12-4 Premium Blankets. 11- 4 and 12-4 extra Premium Blankets. 12- 4 and 18-4 Fnglldh Whitney Blankets, H-4 and 12 Swanskin Blankets. 12-4 very fine Melton Blankets CRIB Aliil CRADLE BLANKETS. MARSEILLES COUNTERPANES. Lanoisler, Allendale, and Honeycomb Quilts, Marseilles Crib Qull's. AT LOW PRICE. 1 IT. STEEL & SON, Noa. 713 and 715 H. TESTH Btreet.