The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, September 17, 1867, FIFTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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JHTo'"TI,eI!olton Guardian, Hpeakln
rXni .nil 2?enV conectc,I with muslo
?Rle hlm 10 accomplish one half of
beh.n,MHe" aocoraP. and to loave far
' e roft"Pc-of his appreciation and
to th ?ii71B?r wl,. have devotea a lorn? life
f0VI?1 h, en'l Inferiority la other
tn lf,P'"y of so much uncommon
f?, w R dll1u" mit.Joot cnn only be an
counted for on the ground of a degree or miml
cni Inspiration granted but to few.
lie is at once a prodigy and a mystery."
True "Ulack Crook," at the Aendeiny of
i.i i . "Ktuiiiiin io create aurore. iam
nigtilalaitie and lnnhlon(bleaudlenoeattcnded
the Academy, compoH. d litrtrely of ladles. All
present were del iguiod. Betty KIr1, Peplta,
" unjiirmj wcri) nirown fnninmcent uou
quetn and vehemently applauded. "Ooenua"
uuouwiiiiiio riiinwr were also maae me rc
clplentsof floral tokens of admiration.
ral BntlHfnctlon lust evening. Burnett hits all
the powers of the parly In the "Arabian Nights'
KntortalnmoiH" for amusing the public. Ills
flrst Matinee, to-morrow at , should not be for
potteu. Halurdav terminates his stay In this
v i J x wo jinm x.ij.j uuiiuiuq in uio i ui uilli
. if- . r. -. , n. I I. n f I ii .1 ...... I
IJiioir, Clio vyiirnuui, r iiutwiuif lull Mild
fashionable audiences. Ills a delightful comedy
Citt Politics A Mtstebiowh Conclave
meeting 01 ine uemocratio citizens of the Third
Legislative District who were outraged by tho
Hon. Samuel JoHeph's advocacy and supposed
authorship of "the notorious Oattlo bill," which
was advertised to take place last evening at
"Literary Hall," on 1'lfth street above South,
was, according to all the accounts we have of It
a very mysterious and not less interesting
affair.. Our Democratic morning noni Am nnrarir
Ignores the conclave altogether, as does also our
iiuuui'Hc-ripi. morning contemporary . Another
morning Journal states that at 8 o'clock no
body was present who could Impart any Infor
mation as to who called the meeting. We are
told that a delay of a few minutes then ensued
whereupon, there being about two score and a
naif of the Democracy present, a gentleman.
irun. wio, nuu niu: "i oeneve in la meet
ing was called for the purpose of ratifying the
noinini iion or Mr. Hamuel Josephs." The
?;entleman who delivered himself In this fash
on was evidently a little Joker, or else had not
read the advertisement. However, the crowd
hjcbicu lu iciiMu uis aviempt abwit. and when
he conUnued by requesting ail who favored
that version tosignliy the same by saying aye.
we are assured that there was a unanimous
response and a hasty scrambling for the lower
Another inornlngjournal gives the key to the
baste manifested in the adjournment, by In
forming us that on the lower lloor lager, and
divers other liquids are dispensed to the thirsty
ones of the locality. But this same Journal
likewise informs us that, previous to the liqui
dating process, a string o resolutions denounc
ing Mr. Josephs for his advncacv or "tho rh.
nozlons fettle bill" was passed, thus leaving-
v MVUrlj ruuuviu ictti uuuui as lo wnat
transpired in the upper room, and rendering It
more than probable that the attendants of the
meeting paused on their way thereto, to sharnea
their wits by a generous draught.
But this is not all, for still another morning
Journal makes no mention ef the resolutions,
while It wravely assures us that sundry citizens
there present, whose interests were affected by
"the notorious Cattle bill," indulged In strong
denunciations of Mr. Josephs and his fresh beef
Now all this Is clearly mysterious, and we
confess our Inability to reconcile the different
versions of thA nfTnlr nut ... .. I
. . " " iy w "'iu uut It L fat LI L
ourselves, and therefore have not the power of
unravelling the mystery. As one of our con
temporaries informs us that other meetings in
relation to the subject are to follow, we will
endeavor to be on hand when next the dissat
isfied Demooraoy of the Third Representative
District meet to ventilate their views.
The Republican meeting in Spring Garden
Hall, In the Fourteenth Ward, last evening,
was a large and enthusiastic gathering, and
will doubtless have an appreciable effect upon
the approaching contest in that Ward.
Last evening. Mechanics' Hall was filled to
Its utmost capacity, the occasion being a meet
ing of our German fellow-citizens. In support
of the Union cause. Mr. Proehey presided, and
Mr. Van Trouk read au earnest and able ad
dress, In which the record of the sham Demo
cracy during the war was held up In Its true
aspect. A series of resolutions were presented
to 'the consideration of the meeting, and
heartily approved or. They discountenance
the party which sided with the Kebels in the
hour of the country's peril, and which Invoked
the aid of the enemies of republican Institu
tions In the Old World; dropping all side issues,
they endorse the principles of the Republican
party, and the platform adopted for the
present campaign; they pledge supp.rt
of Judge Henry "W. Williams for the
Supreme Court; they demand the Impeach
ment of President Johnson at the next session
of Congress, and denounce the leniency of the
conservative element of that body, by reason of
which such action has not already been taken:
they tender thanks to Congress for Its Just and
liberal legislation on the subject of emigration;
they request the State Legislature to grant to
the citizens of Philadelphia the turne rights and
privileges as are enjoyed In ot her cities of the
State; they favor tne passage of a law which, If
necessary, will force people to send their chil
dren to school, and which will prohibit chil
dren of the ages In which they should attend
school from toiling In factories, and thus lm-
Serlliing their health; and, finally, they ratify
denomination of F. W. Thomas, Jr., as their
candidate for the Legislature from the Ninth
Representative District, inviting all Germans
without regard to politics, to vote for him as a
man of sound nrlnolDles. and nnrlcrht IioiibhI.
character. The meeting also organized Itself
into a campaign ciuo, ana naving appointed an
executive committee, and listened) to an elo
quent address by Mr. Schneider, adjourned
With hearty cheers for the whole ticket.
This evening meetings will be held at the fol
lowing places, under Republican ansploes:
The First ward Republican Association will
'meet at the corner of Sixth and Diokerson
streets, at 8 o'clock.
The Ninth Ward Republican Association will
meet in the hall at the corner of Market and
Merrick streets, at 8 o'clock, when addresses
win De ueiiverea Dy tne lion. Charles O'JNelil
and others.
The Republicans of the Second Division of
me uenin waru win meet at tne in. w. corner
Of Ninth and Cherry streets, at 8 o'clock.
The Republicans of the Fourth Division of
the Tenth Ward will meet at the corner of
Eleventh and Race streets, at 8 o'clock.
The Seventeenth Ward Republican Assocla
tlA will meet at the N. W. corner of Front and
Muster streets, at 8 o'clock.
1 he Republicans of the Fourth Division of the
Twenty-sixth Ward will meet at the precinct
Hvugo. n.g u i iui.Hi
The Republicans of the Eleventh Division of
me j. weniy-sixin ward will meet at the house
Of James Hazelton. at 8 o'clock.
we trust mat every Republican voter who
resides In the above uistricls will perform his
whole duty to the cause, by being present at the
appointed time and place. It Is these little
gatherings in the different wards that accom
plish the greatest amount of good In a political
campaign. .
Btoee Robbket. A couple of lads, Jamea
Buffee and John Welton, were arrested on a
charge of larceny at Broad and Prime streets,
yesterday afternoon. It is alleged that they
obtained entrance Into a store on Market street
by getting down through the gratings of the
cellar-window, and then forcing their way
through the door at the head of the cellar-
Stairs, iuey got into me store. They then broke
open the money -drawer and took all the money
It contained, amounting to and escaped.
When arrested they were at the Balllmore
depot, just on the point of starting on a tour of
pleasure. Instead of going there, they went to
Alderman Mink's office, aud were sent below to
await a further hearing.
Absaultiko Ait Offices Offloer Burleigh
made an arrest of an elderly man named Bell,
for disorderly conduct, last evening. When
they got to Twentieth and Fltzwater streets,
on their way to the Station House, the son of
the prisoner, Robert Bell, It Is said made an
attack upon the oiilcer, In attempting to resoua
the prisoner, it is alleged that he snatobed the
ofUcer's ibllly from his belt, and attempted to
moke it acquainted with his head. Theoltlcer
foiled him In his generous Intentions, and ar
rested and took him Uefore Alderman Mink,
Vho ait r n hoarlnk. hUa hlm lu 1000 ball, to
ai.swer the cL.i By of assaulting au oUloer.
Am for the SoFFEERits. By an advertise-
.iriik emewnero given, it win De seen tnat tne
kuijisoi ine i-niiaiieipnia and southern Mall
Steamship Company have generously offered
iu iiniixpori, ireeoi an cnarges, such contribu
tions of monev or mnt.nriAl na nnr nlf.t7.ana ma.
feel disposed to give towards the relief of the
mmerers irom me yellow lever in Olllf Cities.
1-ood and medicines of all kinds, blankets, and
other articles which will he of service, will be
thankfully received and promptly forwarder!.
1 here Is also a great demand for nurses for the
sick, their hopes of recovery depending chiefly
upon proper cure and attention. The ravages
of the fever In some seotlons of Louisiana aud
Texas are, Indeed, fearful, and call londly upon
us lor svmnat.hv and naKlHtnnc iinnirihn.
tlons of all kinds mav be sc ht to William L
James, the general agent of the steamshin
company In this clly, or to Messrs. William (J.
Harris A Co., at No. l3o Month Third streot.
Sunday School Tracurrs'Isstitutb. Under
the auspices of the Pennsylvania Sabbath
Bchoel Association, a Teachers' Normal Insti
tute la about to be held In this city, the exer
cises commencing Ihisevenlng with an address
at the West Arch Street Presbyterian Church,
at the corner of KlKhieenth and Arch streots.
by the Rev. A. A. Wil'itts.D. I)., Pustor of the
Church, at half-psst 7 o'clock. The Institute
wl'I continuednring Wednesday and Thursday
afternoons and evenings, and It is expected
that several prominent educators of this and
other cities will participate In the exercises.
At 3 o clock to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon,
th me will be a great meeting of Sunday School
children, and a very Interesting time may be
anticipated. .
Robbed in an Omnibus While a number of
persons were returning from a picnic to Straw
berry Mansion yesterday, one of the picnickers.
Mr. John D. Myers, overcome by the pleasures
of the day, fell Into the arms of Morpheus, and
the hands of an alleged pickpocket, Kdwar.l
Becker. The latter, It is said, relieved Mr.
Myers of his watch, and then escaped. When
he went to look for the time he found that it
had fled. He gave Information that led to the
arrest of Becker, at Sixteenth and Thompson
streets, last evening, aud alsoof Hugh Develln.
They had a hearing before Alderman Fitch,
and Becker was committed In default of bail,
and Develln held In (800 to answer.
Anotheb Victim of the Scourge. It is but
a few weeks since we noticed the death of two
sons of the late Albert Worrell, of this cltv.
both of whom were murdered In their bed by
a man in their employ, at Corpus Chrlsti,
Texas. To-day we are called upon to chroniole
the death of Mr. W. W. Worrell, another mem
ber of this unfortunate family, who has just
fallen a victim to the yellow fever. He was
urged by bis friends to return to his home in
the North, but this appeal he answered by
entering the hospital as a nurse, and has
fallen at his post like a brave man, as he was.
He was the only son of a widowed lady.
Railroad Accident. Last evening, as the
train from Atlantic City which Is due at Cam
den at .7-38 was passing Cooper's Point, one of
the passengers, Mr. Relff, attempted to Jump off
while the ours were in motion. He missed his
footing, and fell between the cars aud platform,
breaking his collar-bone and three ribs. He
was taken to his home, at No. 1510 Lombard
street, by Mr. D. H. Mnnday, the agent of the
road, Mr. Wells, and Mr. Archer, In a waion
belonging to the latter gentleman. Mr. Reiff'8
Injuries are of a very serious character.
Attempt at Suicide Valentine Meyers,
living at Thirteenth and Shippen streets, being
sick and tired of the "slings and arrows of for
tune," resolved "not to be." aud In order
potto, he got a rope ad attempted to hang
himself. But be miscalculated his weight, and
did not secure a rope strong enough. The con
sequence was that Valentine broke the rope
and fell to the floor more frightened than hurt.
Alderman TiUermnry sent him to Moyamen
sing lor a;llttle while to recover his equilibrium
of mind.
The Steamship Juniata, 1200 tons register,
Captain P. F. Hoxle, Is now receiving freight
for New Orleans and connecting ports In the
Gulf States, and all principal points on the
Mississippi river. The present admirable
arrangements of the Philadelphia and Southern
Mall SteamsbiD Coinnan v nfrr fnl.rinrrllii.rtr
Inducements to shippers by their line, and odr
merchants owe it to themselves, no less than
to the enterprise of which this vphshI forms a
part, that she goes out on Saturday with a full
Cruelty to Animals. Yesterday afternoon
Francis Fanst and .loQu Dolan were arrested,
at Twenty-fifth street and Girard avenue, for
an Infringement of the ordinance against
cruelty to animals. They had a wagon In which
they were carrying a nn rubor of live sheep,
piled one upon the other in a manner that must
have been a source of extreme torture to the
poor animals. They were taken before Alder
man Kemble, who fined them for breach of
ordinance. '
Anniversary. Enterprise Lodge, No. 201,
I. O. of O. F., celebrated the twenty-first annl
sary of Its organization, in the Grand Lodge
room of the hall. Sixth and Cresson streets,
last evening. The Degree of Rebekah was con
ferred upon a number of ladies by P. G. Charles
C. Hall, and the festivities were kept up until
11 o'clock. The music, vocal and instrumental,
was excellent, and the whole affair was plea
santly managed.
Robbert on the Road. Last evening, about
8 o'clock, while Mr. K. K. Stewart was driving
along the Providence road to Media, a man
stopped him. and, putting a plstoljto his head,
demanded his money. As he had no one but
bis daughter with hlm,;he had to comply, and
gave up his money, but managed to save his
valuable gold watch. Although he secured
assistance soon after, the robber escaped.
Light-Fingbred William Ballinger' had a
hearing, on the charge of larceny, before Alder
man Jones, yesterday afternoon. It is alleged
that William stole a piece of cloth from In front
of an establishment at Seventeenth and Market
streets, which is kept by Mr. Thomas Wlllard.
He was arrested soon after. He was held In S00O
ball to answer.
Fatal Fall From a Window. About 1
o'clock this morning, Joseph Kent, a boarder
at the National Hotel, No. 1715 Market street,
fell from the third story window to the ground.
The fearful fall so Jarred and crushed him that
he died very soon afterwards. The Coroner
took charge of the body. It Is supposed he fell
out while asleep.
A Meetino of the Tress Club will be held
to-morrow afternoon, at the usual hour, at the
Club rooms, No. 615 Cbesnut street. This is the
meeting at which the memorials of the de
ceased members of the Club were appointed to
be read, and It behooves every member of the
association to be present on the occasion.
Hotel Thief. About half-past 5 o'clock
this morning, one of the boarders at the Ame
rican Hotel heard some oue trying to get In at
his door by picking the lock. Hewa'.ted until
the thief got thoroughly Interested In his Job.
and then suddenly opened the door, and run
ning out, caught the depredator.
The Eagle Hose Company. The Eagle
Hose Company, No. 3, of Buffalo, New York,
are being handsomely entertained by our fire
men. Yesterday they visited many points of
Interest In the city ami suburbs. This morulng
they visited League Island, aud Inspected tho
monster lron-cluds.
Case of Captain Bhown. The case of Cap
tain Brown, who was committed for contempt
of Court by Judge Pierce, has assumed another
shape. A writ of habeas corpus ad testiju
tandem issued by the United Slates District
Court of New ork city, was served upon Mr.
Perkins, the keeper of the Prison, this morning!
Stolbn Goodb. Yesterday afternoon John
Hughes was arrested at Klghth and Bedford
streets upon a charge ol larceny. He had In
bis possession three balmoral skirts, whloh he
Is supposed to have stolen. He was committed
by Alderman Tittermary to answer. Th skirts
are at the (South wark Hall Station House await
ing an wner1
Recovered. The piece of oloth valued at
tlCOO, that was stolen from In front of No 210
Chesnut street, yesterday afternoon, and the
loss of which was not found out until evening
was recovered by Detectives Xuggart aud
Smflh before 12 o'clock last night.
Fall. About half-past eight o'clock last
evening a boy named Ward, whilst, riding in
his father's cart, at Crown and Race streets, full
upon the street, and was badly hurt, lie was
taken to his residence, at Ninth aud Callowhlll
Betiding, Curtains, fciiadeo, and Upholstery.
No, liUo Chesnut street.
!?ir.w Ktvt.ks Fa 1,1, CriTttTNn
Kkw Stvi.ks 1 Al l, i othino
Btw bi vi.Ks Fall Cia)tiuno
IJrrrtvtnp Pally.
Hrceivtiif) jHilly.
. Mrrrivliig Vttily.
Guvnnrr (Jnoit clotlnornit at ivry Inw ratet.
Unit wny brlMftn "1 BfiKNK'I'T A XJ.,
ffth mui V TOW EH HALL,
iWxtA $treeU.) No. 8 MA RK F,T bTRKFCT,
t That the Washington Library Company
111 sucaeed In raising asnfflclent sum to secure
the permanent endowment of the Riverside
Institute, there is no doubt. The shares, selling
at oue dollar each, are going ofl rapidly. The
principal office, No 1225 Chesnut street, Is crowd
ed day and night. The beautiful steel p-late en
gravings given to those who purchase a ticket
are pronounced by all tq be perfect works of
erf, and worth much more than It costs to
obtain them in this way. Besides this the long
list of valuable presents to be awarded to the
shareholders Is no small Inducement to aid In
tbli great charitable and patriotic work. Pre
sents worth SIO.OIX), S20.W), $18,000. tl'i.000, $10,000,
$.riUC0, $2500, $1000, and so on, are among the lists
of those to be given. There will be no blanks,
each share guaranteeing one present named In
the printed circulars, which mav be had upon
application at the office, No. 1225 Chesnut streot.
or of any of the Agents.
Hoi.LOWAY'a Pills. Debility and Languor.
To remove the cause aud provent the ellects is
the true theory on which the treatment by
these medicines is founded. Languor arises
from debility, and debility from impoverish
ment ot the blood or derangementof the diges
tive organs. If from the latter, the Pills are the
best tonic medicines In use, and for their puri
fying and sanative properties they stand un
equalled. For sick headache, nervous disor
ders, enervation, Indigestion, and depression
of spirits, they are the only remedy. Sold by
all Druggists.
Ladies' Skirts Made Up.
Open this day
a large assortment of
handsome made-up Skirts
at Si, $0, and $3,
Which are great bargains, to
close out this department.
J. W. Proctor A Co,,
No. 0J0 Chesnut street.
Leaders of Fashion, as well as gentlemen
of moderate taste In matters of dress, are re
spectfully invited lo Inspect Warburton's new
styles of hats for autumn wear. Due regard
has been given to the best American and foreign
productions, with the sole view of presenting
to his patrons, in the new styles now offered,
all that Is desirable in shape, durability, easy
fitting, and ventilation. Warbcrton,
Fashionable Hatter,
No. 430 Chesnut street, next door to the Post
Office. I
Bargains in Ladiks' Cloaks continued
until October 1. 'Addition! are this day msde
of Cloaks adapted for a more ad vanoed stage of
the season, which will be sold at a large reduc
tion. Ulack Hasquines and Chesterfields at $12,
formerly $;I0. Handsome Fancy and Plain Cit
ored Ba&quines and Chesterfields at $8. formerly
$18; do. do. do. at $10, formerly $21.
J. W. Proctor & Co.,
No. 020 Chesnut street.
A Mass Meeting of the friends of reform
will be held at Charles Stokes & Co.'s First-class
Ready-Mode Clothlug Store, No. 824 Chesnut
street, under the Continental, every day this
week, to take Into consideration the1 purchase
ot their Fall Clothing of the new styles and
reduced prices. All persons, without distimction
of party, are Invited.
Mattrfsses made over, Hair renovated, and
Beds sent home as good as new. Patten. No.
1408 Cbesnut street.
Fine Confections. At George W. Jenkins'.
No. 1U87 Spring Garden street, can be obtained
foreign fruits, nuts, almonc's, etc., as well as a
fine assortment of confections. Jenkins Is
worthy of a call.
Go to Reimer's Photograph Oallkhv,
Second street, above Green, when you waut tine
pictures. A gem of Photo-Miniature only $1 00;
a large, orsixsmall cards, $l-y0; twelve Ferro
types, 50 cents
Lyons' Magnetic inskct powdik, for iciii
lng Fleas, Moths, Koaohos, and Bugs. The
original and only sure article. Sold by all re
spectable dealers.
A Word to the wise is sufficient. If you are
hungry, and want an excellent dinner for a
very moderate price. Just step lu 10 Morse's
Dining Rooms, Nob. 902 and 901 Arch street.
Grovf.R & Bakfr's Highest Premium Sew
ing Machines, No. 7!10 Chesnut street.
The Celebrated Waverly Zephyr,
Warranted Fast Colors.
Warranted Fast Colors.
tSWarranted Fast Colors.
McIntirk & Brother,
No. 1036 Chesnut street.
Jones A Thaoher, Printers. 510 Minor St.
its-Fall Ovkbcoats and Suits.
tHfFull (ht rcoals and Suits.
U i'till Overcoats and Suits,
tt'iall Overcoats and Suits.
Fanhionnhle and Clfap.H
Fashionuhle und f 'Ao.-5
Fashionable and CVi(p,li ft
iXishlonable and (Vimi." u
tYW (hir preparations for all and winter have been
tt-on scale, and we are .now ready with the
Kti'best and largest stack of Men's and Boys' Clothing
ttsTever ojjered in J'htlndelithia.
Wanaiiakeb A Bbown,
Tlie Laryest Clothing House,
Oak Hall,
The corner of Sixth and Market streets.
I.E GRAND BARR. On September 10, by the Very
Rev. P. A. Stanton, JOSEPH A. LK (J It AND to KO
BANNA J. BAKU, both of this City.
SMI TH SIMON. On the 15th Instant, at the M. E.
C. PrsiDBre, Brintol, Pa., by Kev. W. V. Henrtrirk
all of Bristol, Pa.
FISHER. On the morning ot the 17th Instant, Mrs.
MARY JANK, wife of Wllllitm W. Flsber, and eldest
daughter of Thomas and Klizabeth Graham, Id her
321 year.
Xiue notice of the funeral will be given,
II A INKS. On Monday, the itttb Instant, LAU t V
MAY, luiuiit child of William C. aud Mary Kmrua
Bullies, aged 1 year and 23 days.
The relatives aud ti lends are respectfully Invited to
attend the funeral, from tne residence of her parents,
No. ltWS i rtmkllu street, on Thuruiluy afteruoon, the
nth liiHtatit, at 2 o'clock. To proceed to American
Mechanics' Cemetery.
KF.JXER.-On the 17th Instant, JOHN C. KELTEU,
in the itd year of uIh age.
l)uo notice of the funeral will be given.
STEWARD. -On the 10th lust., MARY STEWARD,
The relatives aud friends 01 (tie family are respect
fully Invited to attend the funeral, from the residence
ol her mother, Elizabeth Steward, No. 1118 Race
street, ou Thursday afternoon at 8 o'clock, without
furtoer notice. To proceed to Monument Cemetery,
WHITE. On the 13th Instant, EDITH, widow of the
late Arthur White, in the7otb year of her age.
Her relatives are respectfully Invited to attend her
funeral, Irotu the residence ot her brother-in-law,
Mr. Edward Maltinsoo. Twenty-six tn and Poplar
streets, ou Wednesday afternoon, the 18tn Inatam, at
t o'clock. Interment at Monument Cemetery.
clothes, strains In the muscles and rips In tne
garments, muy belessened on washday, and a saving
of time and temper promoted, by uslug a Patent Cog.
wheel Clothes-Wringer (winch we most approve),
although we keep other A fiHAW
No. 885 (ElKht Thlrty-flve) Market St., bwluw Ninth.
Cott'ee and Tea Pot. Pans, Kettles, Wash
Basins, colttudura, Butler-kettles, and other articles
ol 'lluware aud HousekeepiiiAjUcUa, joy 'e"
NO. 35 (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market St.. below Ninth.
Superior Swedes Iron Carpet Tacks for uphol
sterers, bnoe and Hungarian Nulls, Sprig, Finishing,
Clout, and Cigar Box l3alls. '
No. 835 fElght Thlrty-flve) Market St., below Ninth
IN Tnu
OFFICE 413 5p
General Grant at the War Offlcc.
lie Kcccivcrt No Invitation to
Etc, Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.
WAsnreoTOK, Sept. 1".
Official Diulntii,
The absence of the President and hi Secre
taries at Antletam makes everything here cx
ceedlnely dull. At the White Ilouse there were
no visitors, and the messengers have hud one
day's rest. Llftle business is beinsr done at any
of the Departments except the Treasury, where
Assistant Secretary Hsitley is officiating, In the
absence of Mr. McCulloch.
Ueucra.1 Grant.
General Grant did not go with the President's
party, hut was at his office during the morning,
attending to business. He received very few
calls, as it was generally supposed he had gone
to Antietam. It is said no invitation was ex
tended to him by the Committee of Arrange
ments to participate in the celebration, at least
none was received. This creates much com.
ment to-day, tn all circles.
General Mulford.
General James Mulford, appointed Collector
of Internal Revenue for the Third District of
Virginia, tn place of William James, suspended
for misconduct, was formerly the Federal Com
missioner for the Exchange of Prisioners, and
was highlyrecommendod by the civil andmilltary
officers and bankers ot Richmond for this
The Weather.
The weather is close, sultry, and oppressive.
Tne Port or Habile.
In anticipation that the yellow fever may
reach the city of Mobile, and the place be aban
doned by the Government officials, General
Spinner, TJ. 8. .Treasurer, has, from prudential
motives, thought proper to withdraw all Gov
ernment funds deposited there, and place
thtm In some city further North.
Tht Llghthoui, Board.
111? Lighthouse Board has official information
that a light was exhibited from the movable
beacon oo Amelia Island, coast ot Florida, on
the 6th Instant.
RRulatione for Drawback on Exported
WiSHINOTOM. Sim!. 17 T?.l1 -
for the allowance ot drawback 011 iulerual reve
nue taxes on expor'ed merchandise huve been
issued by the Secretary of the Treasury, to take
etlect ou the 1st ot October next.
uue or tne main points in them is that the ex
porter, instead, of trat tiling an entry at tne
Custom House. Is liirrmrio,l t,. m ., i-; .., n
shipment, describing t! o goois and statins
wu-ic luujr me iu uu ueposiiea, upon wuieathev
are eamue4 by a proper inspector, who will
report in detail. ShvptmI i.nt.c.a mo., ,n i j
ior liitlerem lots of goods shipped on t tie same
r crcci, twin v. 1 1 niii ien niiyrt arCHt- l no cluariuir of
tlie cbsoL the entry will be til"d at t lie Custom
llousu covering alt tho koous pbtnped.
Iu Cases Of Pvnnv ntir,i V... .1-..
Canada, or any ot the British North American
x iuijuut, iu me tvesi mqies and tlie Gulf,
Atlantic, and frontier ports in Mexico, to Atlan
tic ports in Central Amoriea, an t to Atlantic
po:ts north ot the Equator, in South America,
and in all cases where an American Consul is
not knon to reride at the port of destination,
drawback will not be allowed until after the
landing ctrtilicate has been received aud filed
with the Superintendent of Exports.
But when the merctiandise is exported to auy
port other than those named, the exporter may
obtain a drawback belere the receipt of the
landing certificate, provided the merchandise
numed In the entry Is In all respects identical
with that speciaed in the Inspector's return of
lading, by tiling a sufficient and satisfactory
bond, with two good aud sufficient sureties, with
the Collector ot Customs at the port of exporta
tion, in a penal sum equal to double the amount
of the Internal revenue taxes claimed thereon.
The landing certificate will embrace evidence
ot the following description:
First. The certificate of the con9lcnce of the
exporter at the foreign port, describing the arti
cles exported, aud declaring that the ame
have been received by him from , on board
the vessel (specifying the name and nation of
the vessel from which they were received,
together with the date ot landing and other
particulars, as given in the form of. certificate
Second. The certificate of the chief revenue
officer or collector of the foreign port, uuder the
hand and seal of that officer, certifylu? that
tho merchandise described has been landed
duly entered at the Custom- House at the said
port, and that the duties Imposed thereon by
the laws of the country in which the port is
situated, have been fully paid or eecured to be
Third. The certificate of the consul or agent
of the United States, residing at such port cer
tifying to the truth of the statements set forth
in the ccitiflcate ot the consignee, and also that
the person signing the foregoing certificate is
the chief revenue officer of the port, and that
his s'g nature is genuine.
No proof whatever will be received as a sub
stitute lor the above prescribed landing certifi
cate, except in cases of exportation to the Do
minion of Canada, or any of tne British North
American Provinces, where the consular certi
ficate will be required in cases where the
amount of drawback claimed exceeds $50.
Another change from the old regulations Is
that the weight of cotton fabrics will hereafter
be ascertained by aCustom House officer instead
of a Collector of Internal Revenue.
The Steamer St. (ieorge at Father Point.
Quebec, Sept. 12. The steamer St. Geortro
from GlaBgow, has passed Father Point, on her
way to this port.
Markets bj Telegraph,
New York, Sept. 17. Cotton onlot nt 9 .. .i.i
dlU.. Flour .lull; Wo bbls sold? 3 aw iViir Ol m"
I:i-78; Calilornia, 10I5 75 vvnt tirlU"'r ? n
bushels bold; amher bute. 12-50 Corn lirmr nrt
c. hiKher: Uriels sold; n Ixed We,tr
1-24. OaUdull snd l(u c lo er 18 , L',.
Western, B0 Beef iuit. Pork h&vy llw' barrati
. -Id ai ,4-1621 50. Lard dull at K80
Additional Shipping Intelligence.
Barounll?KED Tim MORNINU.
S2?d 4 Co. toruw11' I'0"1". Loulou, It. Wester
h&Ca.' A' VttMot Hatoh, Charlesliown, J. , Deia
Cob!0"'1'11'1' Bloa Prov,,leuo'' festmorelaud
HZh'r J' w'lh?-!111, IAk0- toa. Itoraranl ITunter.
belli m!,. Vl 1,i,l?k9-t'ai'tal".
Disastrous Fire In East AMngton, Mass.
The house of Mr. Jalrus Keene, furniture
denier, lormerly Sampson & Kerne, was burned
to the ground last niirht; and, sad to record. Mr.
Keene's two daughters and only children, Abby,
nineteen, and Lucy, tweoty-ono years of age,
were burned to death. Mr. Keene Is in New
Orleans, and his wife and daughters were alone
in the house. The mother slept in the lower
part of the house a story and a half cot'asre
and the young ladies directly over her, front.
About 11 o'clock Mrs. Keene was awakened
by the noise of hor daughters running
around their chamber and screaming. She
rushed immediately to the stairs, but the
passnce-way was so filUd with smoko,
and the stairs themselves so entirely on fire,
that she could not get to her children. She then
tan to the neatest neighbor's for help. Dr. Un
derwood was the first to reach the burning
house. Finding it impossible to gain access to
the chamber in auy other way, he procured a
ladder, and at preat personal hazard got Into
tho window. The room was ko filled with smoko
thrtt he could live iu it only by crawliun along
tho floor. Ff eltng his way he found the bed,
but it was empty; he then felt around tor the
bodies of the young ladies, but could not find
th m, and was compelled to make his wav out
ns soon a possible, his hair and face scorched
by tho flames. No etforts of the neighbors,
who had rallied at the cry ot tire, could discover
or rescue the ladies, or save the house from
entire destruction.
This morning the charred remains of the two
accomplished and esteemed young ladies were
found among the ruins of the burnt house.
It is not certalnlv known how the tire on.
currcd: but it is surmised that it must have
been communicated to the clothlnorin the closet
of the back chamber, when the ladles hungup
their Sunday dresses. They had both attended
evening service, and returned home and retired
between 8 and 10 o'clock. The fire probably
had been smouldering and burning in tiie closet
and In the back chamber until it hud tilled the
cbumbers with so dense a smoke as to bewilder
and suffocate the poor girls on being awakened
to their terrible danger. Boston Trave ler of last
Balb of Real Estate, Stocks, Etc. Messrs.
Thomas & Sons sold at the Exchange, this after
noon, the following stocks and real estate, viz.:
RICHMOND No. 8234. Genteel dwelling
nnd carriage house; 120 feel trout, ISo lout
SClTfjYLkL'LTo'UNT V;"pX-UoalTan'dT:
65S acres........ -... f 1000
IIFTKI'N'I JI No. 743, north of Catliarlue
Uenlpel dwelling i32'0
QUKKN Nos. 823 and 326. Two neat dwell-
'"!".-" 43050 each
ePJtljCIir e. 2217. modern residence J7D00
fcKCOND No. 444, south of Noble, store aud
dwelling 12 100
WOOD No. 1022, Ri-nteol dwelling fcnuo
Kllt. HAL No. 2711. store and dwelling 20
BKOAD No. .23, extending through totjer-
111 an town rond, dwelling and stable. J'inflO
1 share Meicantlle Library.. js-75
2 (SCO Union I.rngue 6 per cent, ootids J42S
loslinres Horticultural iiall. par ;o
12 shares Philadelphia uml southern Mail
8teamshlp Company, par 2S J.-fl
40sbares orth America National Uank...... 242'60
46 shares Southvtark National Han k..... f luA'&t
lis shares First National l!nnk tUl-so
f I5u Pennsylvania utatf Loan, 1k67, IU and 15.. itoibo
$3IHI Camden City (N. J ) II per cent, lonn $90
'mo Philadelphia City 8s, nw loan, clear of
taxes f 101
125 shares Peniifylvauia bait Manufacturing
Company S47'2-i,l7M2'i
11 shares t-Ueubmville and Indiana Railroad.. f lu-50
20 h bares TJnlou Tinimporiatlon Cumpauy...... 60
100 shares Green and Coaiei Streets Passenger
Railway Company ., $3150
liooo Bond Greeu anuCoaus -li bels Passenger
Jin lwy Company, 7 per cent. January and
. J"iy iiwso
5 shares Academy of Music, with ticket i$0a
2 shares Ocean Kteam Navigation Company.. 7o
MO First Murtgg Couoon . ond ot the Hus-
anehanna Steam Lumber and Lath Mills... II
4i0 shares American Antl-Inorustratlon Co...ftn and $7
who iray wish to convert them luto the
Union Taciflc Eailroad Co.,
We publish below the terms upon which they may
now be exchanged at the ofllce of the Agents of the
Company In this city,
It will be seen that a handsome profit may be
realized by the exchange.
On 6-20s of 1862, a difference of 234 33 will be paid.
00 5-209 01 1664, do, 1189 83 will be paid.
On 8-208 of 18G5, do. 1199-33 w 111 be paid.
On 5-0s of July 5, do $174-33 will be paid.
On 1881s, do. 1209-31 win be paid.
Onl0-4ts, do. ts i-38 will be paid.
On 7-808, 2d series, do." S180-88 will be paid.
On 7-308, 3d series, do, ' .74-83 will be paid.
- (For each thousand exchanged.) 8 l,m5p
f ity TPON J
JON Kei & CO.'S
Corner Of TU I HO and G ASKILL Utreets,
Helow Lombard.
yORSAt.KAT . '
J. The undersigned respectfully calls the attention
of the publlo to the stock of Prime Older aud Pure
Cider Vinegar for pickling and general family one
alno, lo his popular "Toulc Ale," free from all Impu
rities, and endorsed by the medical faculty as a sale
and wholesome beverage lor weak and delicate con.
Delivered free Of charge to all parts or the city.
No. 420 PKAK HI root.
Below Third. and Walnut and Doc.
KNI VKB, Pearl and Blag Handles, of heautilul
fluloh. RODUEUH' aud WiDK & BUTCHER'S
RAZ.OKS.and the celebrated LLXJOULTRB RAZOR.
SCISSORS of the finest quality.
Razors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Cutlery Oronnd
and Polifihedat P. MADEIRA'S, No, 116 TENTH
Street, below Chesnut. 2 8 5n
L. Street General Commission Merchants. Con
stantly on hand and for sale at lowest market prices,
Whale, Elephant, Black Fish, Cod Liver, aud sperm
Oils, direct from New Bedtoid. Sole agents lor the
Kureka Company Machinery oils. U9 lm
.No. 202 6. ELEVENTH Street
TUU.ADicr.PnrA 22 5p
science and skill have Invented to assist the
bearing in every degreeof deafness; also, Respirators;
also, Ciaudall Patent Crutches, superior to auy
oihers in vae, at P. MADEIRA'S, NO. lla TENTH
Street, below Chesnut 86p
lated and Easy-nttlng DKKKH HATS (patented).
In all the approved laahlons ol the season, CiiKtiMTI
tiureet. next door to the Poat Oitlce. 15
No. 25 S. NINTH Wtrwt,
First Store above ChoMnitt street. 14 ,'
11 BrnflpJ
No. 7 B. f'lXTH Street,
Xj Olive Oil now Landing, aud for sale by F. LA
V E RU NE, Agent. No. 102 WALNUT StrtxH. 9 lttsf
Street, above Geriuantown road. 9 17 2t
,w.utBd,-Ulahost prion. PMma A
9 16 at Mo. 0 a THIRD Street.
aTHKTf'll ICIft from 1 to 5 Inches, at Mottet
French Steam Dyeing and Scouring, N O. Z' S.
NINTH Street and No. 788 BACK Street. 9 I7?5p
No, 631 MARKKT Street,
IntusPtfor. UUtutU5rt
Arrival of the Eicurilonliti at Keedra.
viae, Hie.
KEEDYSviLtB, Md., Sept. 17. The railroa
train Irom Daltimore, aud that from WashiDfr
toh, bavipg met at the Relay ilouso, proceeded
on their way hither, wbirh plnce the reached
at about 12 o'clock. AmoDff the invited Km-ata
In the Wafhtnuton train weie President Joliu
e.,ii, Secretaries ScwarJ, McCulloch, and Welles, '
ro&tmastor-UeDcral Randall, Assistant Secretary
ot the Navy Faxon, Colonel Morrow, of the
Fref-iilcnt's staff, aud toe iollowing-namcd repra
srutatives of lorclan countries:
Ureal Brltalu-Fraucis Clare Ford, E,q., Secretary
of I. million.
France M. J. Berthotny, Envoy Extraordinary and!
Minister Plenipotentiary, and the Viscount de St
lerriol, Secretary ol Legation.
KimiJt Mr.J-dward uestoeckel, V.avoy Extraordi
nary and MltilMer Pleniiiotenllary.and Mr. Waldeiuar
de Itntllsco, secretary or Legation.
Spain Henor d'n Facumlo Oonl, Envoy ETtrordl
liury and AllnlBier Plenipotentiary, aud Svnor doa
Enr'nue Valler, Secretary of Legation.
Italy The Chevalier Cerruil. Envoy Extraordinary
and Minister Plenipotentiary, aud M. Romeo Coa
togalll Secretary of Legation.
Austria Baron Frankenstein, Charge d'Afrslrea.
Nicaragua aud Honduras Senor Doa Luis Moliua,
Envoy Extra rdloary and Minister Plenipotentiary.
Mexico Senor Don M. Romero, Envoy Extraor
dinary and Minuter Plenipotentiary; Senor Doa
jguucio Marlseal, heore ary of Legatioe; and Sail or
uou k ayeiano Romero, Second Seorotnry.
Turkey M. Blacque, Euvoy Extraordinary and
Minister Plenipotentiary; M. Baiue, Bscreiary of
There were also ou the Washington Iraln
Flou. William E. Robinsou, Congressman - trom
the Brook Ivn District, New iork; General
Thomas W. Egau; Hon. G. V. Fox, ex-Ahtant
Secretary ot the Navy; Mr. Chutou and Mr.
Donaldson, of the State Department; Mr. Flev
eauts, of the Attorney-General's OiEee; Colonel
James R. O'Beirne, and numerous other gentle
men occupying public position".
On the Baltimore train were, among other.
Governor Swaun, of Maryland, with his staff,
consisting of Ariiutaut-General Berry, Brigadier-
ucuerai nr. tx. meitson, junge Advocate; lion. .
John H. B. Latrobo, and Colonel Waters, Aid-de-camp.
Also, ex Governor Bradford and
Lieutenant-Governor Cox, General Sbrlver, Pro
vost of Ballmore, and Colonel Selleck the two
last named being of the Committee of Arrange
menu and Colonel Webster, Collector ot the
Port of Baltimore.
Governor Fenton. of New York, with his staff.
linuictj-,. Aujutuni-uenerat aiarvin, lnspccior-
uenerai Datcnclor, Commissary-General of
Ordnance Palmer, Judge Advocate-General
Young, Paymaster-General Olcutt, and Colonel
Mott, Aid-de-camp.
Governor English, of Connecticutt, with staff
officers Adjutant-General lngereoll and Pay master-General
Governor Ward, of New Jersey, and his suite,
as follows: General Lewis Perriue. Quarter
muster-General: General William Strylter, Adjutant-General:
General Lewis W. Oakley, Bur-geon-Gfneral;
General Edward L. CaropbelL
State Military Agent; General A. T. A. Torbert,
U.S. A ; Lieutenant-Colonel if. N. Hatstead,
Aid-de-Camp; Lieutenant-Colonel Robert 8.
Swoids, Aid de-Camp; L eiitenant-ColoDel Wil
liam E. Potter, Aid-ue Camp ; Lieutenant
Colonel James W. Woodruff, Deputy Quarter
master. Also the following civil officers: Hon.
Horace N. Congar, Secretary or state; Hon.
William L. Dayton, Jr., Private Secretary to
Govirnor; Hon. William K. McDonald, Comp
troller: Hon. Geore-n IT. ITai
Congress; Hon. Jobn W. Foster, historian.
Dr. 8. B. Hunt, editor of the Newark Daily
Governor Bullock, of Massachusetts, betnir
unable to attend, that State was represented by
the following-named gentlemen: General com
manding, Adiutant-Geueral Cuuuinehanv.Gene.
ral Wilnam K. Lee, Brigadier-General Paltrey.
and Brigadier-General William 8. King. Allot
whom were in the battle of Antictam.
One of the can was engagej. exclusively by
the Governor or New Jersey, who has Governor
fen tor, of New York, for his guest.
Governor Swann invited all the Governors to
share in hia hospitalities on board ni car. and
extended to them nil an earnest invitation to
visit him at the sent of government.
M?": Mon'fniery Blair, Major-Generala
McMahon, A. Duryee, Gregory and Torbett.
w. Prescott Smith, and other prominent r?entl!
men were on board. ruj
A TirOOf'ftinn u n a fnrmAtl nt IT .1
. , . - ' "ix. xxt. ixccujsyme, con
sisting for the greatest part of military, bo h in-
Tfmtiv onil nfill.w m . " . .
'j ""nrij, i-A-utut-frs ana soldiers of
the Army of the Potomac, and the Masonic and
Odd-l-ellow fraternities, formiu an escort to
the Presidpnt nnrl nlhur iai!.,,,i.,i.j t.'x
guests on the their way to the battle-field.
TWO O'clock Reuort at ATarU..
By Atlantic Cable.
" , r ' - xx. (US' J'j I (J
K. R 41: fj. 8. flv.fivpnlv
unaltered. F
London. 8rnt. 1 79 P T fl
- , - . ...... uuboiua3IW(ltUUi:tl
to 25s.
Ltvehpoot.. Hpnf. TT9 P M nn i
active, with sules of 10,000 bales, but the prices
. r. ,111 o I , .1 '
M. V. UU1I1.I .1. Xt
HreH nut ii tVa firm Onvn h.. a
- , . r xxx xxaa nuVUUt'CU VllQ
shilling, and is now selling at 39s. Cheese has '
advanced to 3s. Llnncerl
10 6?. ,
ANTWERP. Sent. 172 P. M Pofrnl,,,, a.... '
at 63i trnc.
Official Returns.
Auousti. Maine. Sept. 17. The official r.
tutns ot the Maine election have been received
at the office ot the Secretary of the State. Four
hundred and forty towns srivo Chamberlain
66,406, and Pillsbury 44,702. "The majority for
Chamberlain is 11,704.
The same towns last year gave Chamberlain
68,022, and Pillsbury 40,316.
New York financial Blatter,
New York. Sept. 172 P. M. The monev and
gold markets are firm; the latter is quoted at
1444. ine lioveramem is selling goia. uovern
ment securities are steady. State stocks are
The firm ofGilletts&Noyes, tea dealers, have
failed, with indebtedness amounting to half a
From Washington.
Washinbton, 8ept. 17. A despatch received
at the Treasury Department this morning from
New Orleans states that Epeoial Agent Sher
boume divd at that place latt night of yellow
fever. A despatch received by General Dent
states that General Whcaton Is considered out
ot danger.
The Yellow Fever.
Boston, Sept. 17. The steamer Oriental, from
New Orleans, is anchored at quarantine witb
three cases of jello w fever on board.
Philada. Stock Exchange Bales, Sept. 17
Eeported by De Haven A Bro., No. o 8. Tulrd street
700 V S T-Me-Je- lu-
fiuous-aw ..c-p...ciu)i
taimo C'liy Sh, M hw. nil
fnn)u do. New lol
fiK) do. New...ii'-'
fiutO (I0...OI1I uxv.
;i00Odk AuiC-i.'iu.... c
tliKMtPa K 1 in fl. .... w
l'i4lKl.fbli8'64...S8Wa. BH'i
n Keud II..
Dill. OI
l,ui tin
do s 11. 61
100 do.....tiiw- p;.'(
inn i.... c. a'
lo nh V R o
no r'
..b0. Vil
4 sli Mecll BK.
It.OHli liltf Mi.
,1000R-2n '6, 1 61I nil Monh Bit..
81 Ht
J:W Clly t. New. lul lrusli K
21K) do. New 101 ISdhl't
:nyHl'e Zinc... 1
enna K... 6.i
,li N mk...b5
M I.ell klH - SIX H.-lBll I.Mll
timuo I.L'lil4ili lia '64 Sb. in aU Bouthwk ilk Iu
(.In-8 Kootnn corner of I'KNTH "1 WALNUT
Blrr-KtH. CliculKie ii)y he olitnlned "1 pupil eulxred
Kt the Oltice. No. l-JM CHKaN UT btruot, fioin 10 lo
A. M. mil to 1'. M. ' 6f
for auv luforiputlon cuucsruliiir tne driver o(
tl'O cub ciinsli.if tUe rolliHlon ou 1-iIUi eiroet, uuftt
V,.;ar. on Bunuay. at 1'. M. q A N(,of,r
nan MHIJQl Ran WAtiitu bi.ev.u