CITY INTELLIGENCE. IFOR ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITKMS SKK OBT8ID PASES. ThrRefobm in irm Uiti Postai, Sbiivicb.-. ixmtracts were awarded ih monunn; for "Local HolmePburfrnj berry, Bonier ton. Olney, Ta- an-C- rchla"d Torrcsdale, nna return, twice daily, except Sunday, for lour years, irom the 5r.oxlmw . 1!8lmaMcr Bingham has suc ceeded in obtaining a uniform rate of pewtaeo for all the ioregointr porWofllces within the limils of the county of Philadelphia, which Is a If i rr"at,on 8S equitable as desirable and essen tial. To require a three cent stomp for ten post ofrices within the county, and only a two cent lor others which were, in some instances, actu ally funher from tho Central distributing cflice than those where a three cent stamp was called tor, was an Injustice, not to speak of the Incon venience and annoyance experienced by our citizens 1n having their letters retained, when addressed to said ten offices, because of insuffi cient postage. No notice had been given, that we can remember, that a three cent stamp was necessary, until the one some time ap-o, given by Postmaster Bingham. Hence, people being In the dark on the subject, would place on their letters addressed to said offices a stamp of the wrong description. In awarding said contracts the Postmaster reserves the right to order the wagons to stop at any point bi t ween the stations, to receive and deliver the mails. Bidders are also re quired 1o give good security for the laithful performance of their duties as the intention is to complete postal facilities for these oAlces. Sunday School Institute. An Institute for the Sunday School Teachers of Philadelphia has been announced by the Pennsylvania Sunday School Association. It will be in session on the 17th, 18th, and lt(th instant, in the West Aich Street Presbyterian Church. The opening ad dress will be delivered by the Rev. Dr. Willptts, and the Hon. James P. Wickersham will givo the Institute some instructions as to the manner of raising the standard of Sunday School teach ing In a measure corresponding with what has teen done in tho common schools. Tle Kev. G. A. Pelte, Kev. Mr. Barnitz, Rev. Alfred Cook. man, Kev. Alfred Taylor, Ralph Wells, A. A. fcmUb, Professor Osborn, and Professor Joba S. Hart will take part In the exercises. A gather ing ot Sunday School children will be held on Wednesday afteaooou, the 18th inst., at the West Arch Street Church, when addresses will be made by Rev. Richard Newton, D. D., Ralph Wells Esq of New York, Kev. G. A. Peltz, and Kev. Alfred Taylor. ' Consumebs op Water in this City. -There are 79,189 persons in this city who annually pay water rent. They are distributed as follows: Wardt. Tenants. Wardt. Firbt 3090 (Fifteenth. . Second .... 4730 Sixteenth . Third 2679 Seventeenth Tenants. . 6815 . 2772 . 2820 . 8G39 . 4871 . 6845 . 312 . 722 . 02 . 1668 . 796 . 4071 79,189 jourtn .... 2G10iKiBhteenth ifirtu. ..... 29.r8 Nineteenth . . Sixth 8003 Seventh .... 4162 Eighth .... 3292 Ninth 3016 Tenth 3408 Eleventh .... 2166 Twellth .... 2977 Thirteenth . . . 3191 Fourteenth . . . 3741 Twentieth . . Twentv-first . .- Twenty-second. rwcnty-th'rd . Twenty-lourth . Twenty-fifth . . Twenty sixth . Total . . , ' Democratic Mass Meeting A meeting of the Democracy of the Fifteenth Ward was held last evening at Twenty-second and Hami'ton streets. Mr. Robert Austin presided, and intro duced Mr. John Campbell, who made an address, In which he stated that the debt of the city was $40,000,000, and that it had beeu nearly treb'cd during the last six yenrs. The national debt Is about $2,700,000,000, and each Philadelphia voter owes about $1200. Flour, which sold In 1860 at $5, now brings $15, and all the articles ol consumpf'on are in proportion, 'le con trasted the Republican and Demociatic lickets, the former having1 no rames of soldiers upon it, while the latter exhibited the names of many who had fought for the preservation of the Union. He was followed by Mr. J. 8. Leisen ring and others. Bishop Wood'b Reception. Last evening a meeting of representatives of conferences of St. Vincent Society was held at Philomathean Hall, Chief Marshal Frank McLaughlin in the chair. John B. Colahan was elected Marshal. A committee was appointed to procure a hand aud standard-bearer, and it was also agreed that conferences should take their positions in line as thev ariive on the ground, and not in accordance witn tne (late ol their organization. It was stated that about 20,000 tickets for the festival have already been disposed of. The meeting soon alter adjourned. Hospital Cases. The following cases were admitted to the Pennsylvania Hospital yesterday : Thoma9 O'Maley, aged seven years, residing at No. 531 Fitzwater street, who fell from the second stoiy window of his house, and injured himself severely about the body. David Thomas, about thirty-four years of age, residing at No. 30 St. Mary's CDurt. who had his hand hurt by a pane ot glass while trying to raise a window sash. Drowning Cases. Mary Rightley, aged ten year?, fell overboard at Green street wharf last evening, and was drowned. The body was recovered and taken to the parents of the de ceased, No. 11 Mansfield place, Front street, above Noble. The Coroner was notified yesterday afternoon to hold an inquest on the body of John Boyle, fifty-six years of age, who was drowned in a pond at Twenty-fcecond and Fitzwater streets. Fee Bill of Quarter Sessions. The Grand Jury acted upon two hundred and fifty four bills of indictment during the July term of Qua-ter Sessions. Of this number 118 were Ignored, and 136 were returned bh true bills. Tho con victions numbered 45. The fo-.'s for tho term were as lollows: District Attorney. $1091: Clerk, $741-60; Sheriff, $317 '87; making a total Of $2180 47. Meeting of tub Boaud of Appeals. The Board for bearing ny appeals that may be made by the owners of property, will commence their sessions on the 17iu inst. The tax-payers of the Eolith Ward will be the first heard. This course has been rendered i)e.-esarv in conse queiice of the books of the first seven wards not being reaay ior examination. Expenses of our Municipal 'Election. There arenow in the city 202 election precincts, eleven more than in 180C. In conducting the elect oq niue persons are required at onch pre circt, wfco receive from the c ty live dollars '.ach. ujak'nc a total of forty-live dollars for each precinct. Thetjtal expeLse ot these oh ctrs is $11.71)0. (jiving Short Weiuht. Yesterday morning the cirrkH of the dillVrent markets made report to the C' tiiuiinsiorer ol the seizure of i'orty-one pounds ot buttor, for fhort weiarJt, during the week precerliurr. Tim is a much less quautity vuhu is irequcutty rfptyried as seized. City Gas lkiiits. The number of tmbllo lampe at nk-ht lis tiling the city of Philadelphia m luiu, vi uin uuuuer ( iku fue suppiien irom tho works UUiler the chump of Hip trust ni tha city. 427 from the Northern Liberty Gaa Works, uuu xu u.iv ouppn-u wuu llulu. keceipts of i axes The receipts from taxes at toe pieseut time ore quite small. All persona W bo ni elect to pav th( lv laxni nit rr tiofYti'O tin Int of October Will hayp U per cent, added to VJ-U liii.uuut ui u.i-ir urns. bLiciiT 1'iuB me alarm of fire yesterday mornini?, iiuum o o ciock. ..n....,! i.n ti. paiilnl buruini? ol a grocery store. N. w comer wi .v H..w iiiiuuuTy avenue. One of tha Japanese troupe, in Porting fell a distance of sixteen feet, and struck nnml an orchestra chair, while performing in that city, lie was ronaureii inseusitle, but re suuifcd his performance m a few minutes. TIffiJ) AlXYEVENINGTELEGIlAPn--PHIL ADELPEIA, TUESDAY, SEEMBERl 0, JL867, MAIUJSB TELEGRAPH. additional Marine Kew tee Pint Page, ALMANAU FOB PHILADELPHIA-THI8 DAY, Str Rrnm, ,fm Moon Risks 2 is .6 17jlllH Wllia 1T27 BUM bTS, PHILADELPHIA BOARD OP TRADE, William (J. K kmt, ) Thomas E. Arhmbad, I-Monthlt Oommittki. Chablks Wrbklkb, J MUVKUKJITB OF OCEAN TKAU kll. FOB AMERICA, Edinburgh Liverpool. ..New York An?. 24 Persia...... Llveiool...Kew York .aU;. 4 M ultB..M... Liverpool. ..New York Au. !i7 lierniann......tSoulliamton,..New York -Auit. 27 ALlaullo Houiiiauiptou...New YorH..........Aui. 27 AlHmKiilR..bouUmmpton.IN'ew York............. AU. 28 O. ul lialllinor6..Llveriool...New York .au. 28 Austrian...... Llveriool...lJiielec -Au. 29 CHlKloulB........UUi(cow.....New York mAuij. no . IiIiib... .... Liverpool... Hoston .Auk. 31 Clinbrla .. Hani ourg... New York ui HI Europe..... .Brest .New York........M.Aii2'. 31 lieilona Jxiidoii New York ..Auk. hi C.orWk8hinglon.Liverpool...New York Auif 31 FOR It.llRllPR.. Manhattan... New York...Llverpool ..Sunt II j,um,........iew York. Cuba...... lionton -Liverpool Wept. 11 Atlantic New YomKrnin ..Liverpool .3ept. u .-Sept. 14 ...Sept. 14 ..-dept. 14 C. olllalllinore.New YorK...Llveriool., -Ui uui uinHMHM,.nw I orK.,.MlasgOW, Atalanla New York...I,oii(lon., Sept. 14 Sept. 14 Virginia Mew York... Liverpool Pen la New York...Llverpool Europe New YorkHavre Helvetia New York...Llverpool , Minnesota New York. ..Liverpool Arimo New York...llavr ....Went. 18 ttept. 21 Sept. 21 ...-Sept. VI Bellona New York... London..... .Sept. 128 Sept. 28 (V)AHTWIMIi' llilMlTUTIil l."!. W. F.verrun..Fhllfl(l Charleston Rent. TonKWRuda...,UllB(la. SHVaunah Spiii m Allinncc Phllada .CharlB8ton Ht'It 14 Hiursai dHLripesPlillwla Havana ..seiii. 16 Pioiieer.w.....plilla(la Wilmington ,Hcpt. l'j Jiimata .thllaua New Urii'una Sent. 21 Al nils are lorwardud hy every Bleauicr In Hie rumilar lines. Ihe Bteauiers tor or from Liverpool call at Wutensiown, except the Canaillaa line, wbicli call at 1 onoomlerry. The steamers lor or Iroiu theOoml nent call at houthampton. . , CLKAHBJ VKHTEBDAY. Brig Ij. Warren, Cobb, Gibraltar, for orders, E. A. bonder & Co. BrhjLuclda, Blssett, Bay de Verd, N. B., J. R. Rue A Brig AnnaM. Knight, Knight, Bath, Audenrled, Nor ton A Co. BrlR a. P. Hmlth, Knowlton, Boston, Castner. Stlck- ney A Wellington. Bchr Albert Field, Petttt. Portsmouth, do. tclir Dcean Wave, Baker, Fall Klver. do. bchr Baltimore, I)lx, Boston, Audenrled, Norton&Co. (Schr Hpecle, Hmltb, Norfolk, do. (ScbrOrozlmbo, Bagley, Boston, do. Bohr Admiral, bteelman, Bos to D, J. G. & O. H. Rop- pller. Bchr A. II. Cain, Simpson, Hallowell, Tyler A Co. Hchr J. B. Bhlndler, Lee. Koston, do. Bchr B. P. M. Tasker, Allen, Boston, Borda, Keller A Rutting. Bchr W. U. Audenrled, Hewitt, Boston, J. R. Tomllu so n. Bchr A.F. Larrabee, Carlisle, Boston, Mammoth Vein Consolidated Coal Co. Bchr T. T. Tasker, Allen, Boston, Van Dusen, Loch- man A Co. Bchr Open Bea, Coombs, Boston, Btreot A Co, Bchr B. Btrong, Browu, Providence, Blaklston. GraetT A Co. Fchr Wave Crest, Davis. Boston, do. Bchr Transit, KackPtt, Oloiicester, do. Bchr Reading RR. flo. 60 Corson, Norwich, Day, Hud dell & Co. Bchr Ann 8. Cannon, Cobb, Boston, do. Bchr H. W. Benedict, Case, New London, Rommel A Hunter. Bchr Philanthropist, Warren, Baco, do. Bchr Busan Borantou, Hervey, New London, do, St'r 11. L. Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. ARRIVED YKSTKRDA Y. Steamship Hun ter.Rogere, 36 hours from Providence, with mdse. to D. B. Stetson fe Co. Bchr Jfi. F. Crowell, Btevens, 4 days from Province town, with rudsa to G. B. Kertoot A Co, Bchr Vrale. Masen, from New York. Bchr K. T. Allen, Corson, trom Boston. Bcbr W. G. Audenrled, Hewitt, from Boston. Bchr Wave Crest. Davis, from Boston. Bti8. Scranton, Hervey, from Cromwell. Bchr A. Field. Pettit. from Couassett Narrows. Bcbr Ocean Wave, Baker, trom Pine Island. bcbr J. P. McDevilt, McFadden, from Georgetown. Bchr H. W. Benedict, Case, from Tiverton. Bchr Reading RR. No. 80. Corson, from New London. Bchr Philanlbropist, Warren, trom Full River. Bchr Transit, Rackett, from Gloucester. Bcbr B. Strong Brown, trom Providence. Steamer C. Comstnck, Drake. 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. M. Baird A Co. MEMORANDA Steamship Alliance, Kelley.for Philadelphia, sailed from Charleston yesterday. .... , . Bteamahlp Pioneer, Bennett, hence, at Wilmington 8ih Inst. tchrShlloh.Cook, for Philadelphia, at Savannah. 6tb inst. K.,r Presto. Ttrlircn. henra. at TJnwnort 8th In St. Bchr A. 8. Perry, Poulson, hence, at Georgetown, D. C.. Vth lust. , . Bchrs A. Bartlett, Bartlett; M. A.Tyler, Tyler; J. A. Baker, Wilson; and E. Knglish, Slpple, heuce, at Washington 7tl Inst. , -tv.i Bchr B. L. Crocker, Presbrey. from Taunton for Phi ladelphia, at Newport 6th lust. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. PAINTING. TIIOBIAB A. rA"Ii HOtSE AND HHUti l'AIJSTEK, (Late Fahy A Bro.) No. 31 North 'XlilltlJ estreat Above Market. riT.n wrick FRONTS done op. and made to look ommi to the linest Dress brick, bum plea at the shop, City aud country trade solicited. AU orders by Post promptiv attuuueu to. 4iu lain FERTILIZERS. MJIOS I ATED PHOSPHATE, AM I'KKl'EI'ASSED FEBTIUIEB For Wheat, Com, Oats Potatoes.Grass, the VegetabU Garden, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Eta Eto. This Fertllirer contains Ground Bone and the bea Fertilizing baits. Price r0 per ton 01 iguuu pounos, xor .bid ay mi VKiulaclurers, WILLIAM ELLIS A CO., ChemlsU,' 1 2Smwf No. 724 MARKET Street. GAS FIXTURES. CALL AND BUY YOUR GA9 FIXTURES from the manufacturers, V A.JN Ji-lXVlV CB Xrl A I W3 n ALU, No. 812 AKCJt blietft. VANK1RK & MARSHALL, No. 912 ARGH Street, manufacture and keep all styles or Uas Fixtures and Chandeliers; also retlulsh old fixtures. VANKIHK & MARSHALL nAVB A COM ulele stock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Portable Stands, and Bronzes, at No. 12 ARCH Street. AN KIRK & MARSHALL, No. 912 ARCH street, slve esueclal attention to fitting up Churches. Public Halls, aud Dwellings. Piru bum ax THB 1.OW10BT BATKH. OLD, GILT, AND .ELECTRO SILVER plated Uas Fixtures, at VAN KIRK A MAR SHA LL'H, No. 812 ARCH Street. t , All work guaranteed to give Batlsfacllon. None but Ursl-class workmeu eujployea. 8 IMtw iuw13ui p R E N C II STEAM SOOXJJEIING. ALDCDYLL. MARX & CO. LVD s . 1 10 lUf'r. Nflll'HT. SlOmwl TAMES R. EVANS, GUN-MAKER, SOUTH I Kireet above Heoond, would cull the attention of .i,rUm"uto W ( Choice selection of BUHOKS' TKOUT ffiT" Obii (a new, Flies, and all th'e.tleeli.ot FISHING TACKLE in aU iUI T Vi'a'n d'U'Z I'E I.OA DING GUNS altered to BKEECH-UMUKRS In the best manner, at .th lowest ratea. 7 !H TTM1TED STATE9 REVENUE STAMP3. I 3 Princinai Dei oT. No M CHESNUT Street. cVutraVDepotaNoe'loiSou.h FI FTH Street, one do lelow C.iiesnut E.stahllshea IShZ. Revenue Stamps of every de.crlption ooutantly l band In any anioiuit. , .iui.,i.iii. Order by Mall or ExpreaB oromptly attended to, AMUSEMENTS. NEW CIIESNTJT BTUEET THEATRE. Begins at s o'clnrk. TUJKSDA Y KVF.MNG, Sept. 10. 1S67. BKCON 1 NIGHT OF TITR FALL AND WINTKIl PEAflON of 1WI7-8. Knitngenientor Mr. and Mrs W.J. FLORENCK. The M aiiBgeaierit, takes great pleasure In producing, for tlii- first time in this city, T. w. Robertson's GREAT LONDON AND NEW YORK BUCCEB3, In three acts entitled CASTE. NEW AND ELKMA NT f CF.NERY, And the lollowlng powenul distribution ol characters: The Hon. (ieorgu d' A iry ......... Mr. W. J. FI.OKKNCH Polly cclw Mrs W. J. Fllh KNCK sitier rties .....Miss Joule Orion Capisln Ilawtree Mr. W. F. Leake 'loconclii) e Wlih THKQtJIKT FAMILY. BA'JLRDAY AFTKRNOON. FAMILY MATINEE, THE ROAD TO RUIN. M1 "US. JOHN DRKW'S ARCH STREET THFATRK. IIckIiib U tog o'clock. SRCONIJ NIUliT OF JUl.IA DEAN. THIS (Tuetdaj) EVEN 1NG, Bcpi. W, 1807, FAZIO; Or, THE ITALIAN WIFJC. Rlar C8........ J ULI A DF, A N Mr. F. Lawlor To coni'lude with thecaiiltal piece or TO PAREN'IS AND GUARDIANS. Bob Nettles Mra. O. Walcot, Jr. Waddllove , Mr. B. Ilemplp. Mens. 1 oui bil on Mr. C. Walcot, jr. FRIDAY. BENEFIT OF JULIA DEAN. In rebtarBBl, THE WOMAN IN WHITE. WALNUT STREET THEATRE. N. E. corner of NINTH aud W ALN U V Streets. Begins at s o'clock. Til IB AND EVERY EVENING. A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM", with Us unrivalled Scenery, Panorama, Costumes, Accoutrements, triple TRANSFORMATION SCENE, etc., the whole constituting a UNIFORMITY OF EXCELLENCE never equalled In the production of this or any other 'lay. Chairs secured six days In advance. A C A DEM Y OP MUSI C- XA. J.E. M cDON OKI U Lessee. AlUISIJA V, BCUl. V, AND EVERY EVEN I NO; Also, SATUKO Y AFTERNOON, THE GREAT NEW YORK HENSiriON, ' THE BLACK CROOK." WITH PARISIENNE BALLET. MAD'LLEPF PITA, BEITY REGAL. EM1LRY REOAL, TRESSA AN'l'ANONO MAD'LLE ALBERTINE MILL FRANK. Box hheet open at Lee A Walker's, No. 122 Chesnut si i eel. from In A. M. unlit 8 P. M. No extra charge tcr reserved seats. 9 7 6t pW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH STREET, ABOVE CHESNUT. . T II F. FAMILY RESORT OPEN FOR THE 8EAS0N, MONDAY VftKIN, AUOV'ST 86, CARNCROSS & DIXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT STAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, IN TBEIE CI BAND ETHIOPIAN SOIREES. For particulars! future advertisemeuts. J. L. CARNCROSS Manager. R. F. SIMPSON. Treasurer. 8 19tf c ONCERT HALL, CHESNUT STREET, AB VE TWELFTH. BLJNJJ TOai CONCERTS. Encouraged by large and enthusiastic audiences, BLIND TOM will appear at the above Hail EVERY NIGHT THIS WEEK, at 8 P.M. MATTNEFS WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, September 11 and 14, at 2-30 P. M. Admission, Fifty Cents. Reserved Seats, Seventy five Cents. Balcony reserved for colored persons; c. Tickets at Charles W. A. Trumpler's Music Store, No. ICO Chesnut street; also, at the Hall. 9 3 It HOOP SKIRTS. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, HOPKINS' "OWN MAKE." 628 PKILES KJJUCAUIII I affords ns much pleasure to annonnce to om numerous patrons una the public, that In conse cpienceifa slight decline In lioop Skirt material togetner with uur Increased facilities for manufac turing, and a strict adherence to BUYING! and SELLINU for CASU, we aie enabled to oiler all our JUSTLY CELk PRATED HOOP SKIRTS at RE DUCED PRICES. And our Skirts will always, as heretoiore, be found In every respect more desirable, an J really cheaper tbau auy single or double, aprlDg lioop Skirt In the market, while our assortment U unequalled. . A lso, constantly receiving from New York and th Eastern Stales lull lines ot low priced Skirts, at very low prices; among which is a lot of Plain Skirts at the lollowluu rales; 16 springs, 65c.; ai springs, 65c.; ii springs, 7rc; so springs, b&c.j to springs, 96c; and 19 'Skirts' ufad'e to order, altered, and repaired. Whole sale aud retail, at the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Em porium, No. W ARCH btreet, below Seventh. 6 10 8m rp WILLIAM T. HOPKINS. g ALE OP RAILROAD PROPERTY AND FBANCI1ISES. Notice hereby given that by virtue of a decree ot the Supreme Court ol Pennsylvania, we will expose to sale at Public Auction, AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, In the City of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania on the 10X11 UAI tJT WUUIIKH, A. D. 1667, at 12 o'clock, noon, ot that day. all and singular the RAILROADS AND RAILWAYS, LAJNJJW, AitAUivcs,, ivailo, uausoijiiusi CHA1KS, SPIKES, FROOS, SWITCUES, aud other IRON. RR1DOES, WAYS and RIGHTS OE WAY, MATERIALS, HOUSES, RU1LDINOS, SHOPS, PIERS. WHAKVES, BBBirnyjNS, jranupjs, WALLS, FIXTURES, DEPOTS, RIGHTS AND INTERESTS, and all aud every other properly aud estate, real, personal, and mixed, of, belonging or appertaining to tne RENO OIL CHEEK AJNU Pl'lHOLE RAILWAY COMPANY, and allthecor- rmraie rights, franchises, and privileges of, or beloug ng to the sal' Company, together with all and singu lar the Locomotives aud other Endues, Tenders, Cars, Machinery, Tools, Materials, and Implements, as w 11 as materials lor constructing, repairing, re plaining, using aud operating said Railroad and Rail way, All of which said property Is situate in Ve naugo County, in the .State of Pennsylvania, and beiug the muie property, rights, privileges, and franchises which said Company , by luduuture ot mortgage, dated the &ul day of May, A. D. istui, and duly recorded in the ollice of the Recorder ot Deeds of Venango County aforesaid, In Mortgage Rook No. 2, page 645, etc., on the 4th day ot June, A. D. 1S6H, grained aud conveyed to the undersigned John S. Sauade, lr IruH. to secure certain bonds therein mentioned. And which the said Company wy indenture ot mort gage, dated April , IH'itj, and duly recorded la the ollice of said Kecorder of 1 eeds of Venango County, a lore said, In Mortgage Book No. 2, page 474, etc., on the 9th day of April, A, D. lHlfi, granted and conveyed to Moms K. Jefsup, and the undersigned Willium J. llarr, In trust to secure certain deuui therein men linnitl. Thw sale will be made under, aud in pursu ance of a decreu entered by the said Supreme Court of tiie Slate of Pennsylvania, ou the art day of July, A. D, im7, in a cause pending in equity In said court, upon a bill tiled by the Bald John S. Saussade, Trustee, ataiiist the said Company, mid the said Morris K, Jessup and William J liarr, defendants, praying, Inter alia, for a decree of sale of the ald mortgaged premises. TUt terms aud conditions of sale will be as follows: First. The mortgaged premises will be sold In one i areel, aud will be struck oil to the highest aud beat lidder lor cash. becend. Five per cent, of the purchase money shall be paid to the undersigned at the time of the sale by ihe purchaser, aud be must also sign the terms and col unions of sale, otherwise, the said prsmises will he immediately resold. 'Ihlrd. The balance ot the purchase money shall be paid to the undersigned, at the Ranking House of Diexel A Co., No. 84 8. Third Btreet, Phlladol i, within thirty days from and after the duyof BUle" YH1! ' B A KR' T'e JOHN S. SAUZADE, Trustee. Philadelphia, July 6, iss7. M. Thomas A Sons, Auctioneers. 7 0tuf3m JpITLER, WEAVER ft CO., MANUFACTURERS Oif Manilla and Tarred Cordage, Cords Twines Etc. No. S8 Noitb WATER Street, and M. tarth DELAWARE Avenue, t'HU tktllA, EDWIN H lllK, WllBilLWiAMS. t y tv t (mmn, i 'JOHN CRUMP, i OAHPISNTKIt AND BUILDEIl. Kiiorm n. sis LomiB street, and DO. 178s 11IEHNUT KTHEET, rUILAPSXPHIA, PROPOSALS. T-R0 POSALS FOR A NEW JAIL DFPAKTMBNT t.F TUB INTERIOR, Washington, 1). V., July 31, Ihiiv. f ISmled rroprpais will be received at this De rhrinient until 12 o'clock M.,on TUESDAY, the 17th til bt-ptf.niber, lK(i7, for the erection of the Jail Id and for the District of C'oltimhln, Htitho llzt'd uud provided for by the act of Congress, Kpproved July 25, 1S((6. aud the Joint resolution upbioved March 2, 1W7. The desiKiis, detail, drawings, anil specifica tions can be seen at Die architect's ollice, in the eastern grounds ol the Capitol, Washington city, every tiny, except HtindHys, between the liours of U A. M. and 8 P. M. Bei'Binte bids will be received for the ma sonry work, brick work, iron work, and car pentry work. Hie contractor whose bid may be aocopted will be required to enter Into a sufficient bond, to le approved by the (Secretary of the Interior, for the faithful completion of hi contract. Payment wl" t)e made as the work progresses, on estimates certified to hy the architect: but twenty pet ceiuum of the esllnintes will be retained until the contract Is completed. The contract will be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder, but the Department re serves the richt to reject any or allot the bids should It be deemed for the Interest of the Government to do so. 1 he bids will be opened at noon on the 18th day of September next, in presence of sucU of the bidders as may choose to attend. Proposals should be endorsed on the envelope 'FiopoFUls for New Jail," and be directed to the "Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D.C." O. H. BROWNING, 8 21 1 0 17 Secretary of the Interior. -pilOrOSALS FOR CAVALRY IlORSEd. Cavalry Depot, ' Carlisle Barracks, Pa., Acting Ass't IIcabtekmastkk's Office, AliBlist 2(1. 18(17. Sealed Proposals will be received at tills Oftioo until 8 o'clock 1'. M,, the 11th ol September, 1HU7, for furnishing this Depot with (25) twenty.flve Cavalry Horses, to be delivered at Carlisle liar- Tucks, Pa., on or before the 10th of October next. ' The Horses must be sound in all particulars, well broken, in full llesh and good condition, from (15) fifteen to (10) sixteen hands high, from (5) five to (ti) nine years old, and well adapted in every way to cavalry purposes. The foregoing specifications will be rigidly aonerea to. Each bid must be Rnaranteed by two respon sible persons, whose signatures must be ap pended to the bid, and certified to as being good and Kulllclent security for the amount involved, by the United States District Judge, Attorney, or other public officer. The right is reserved to reject any bid deemed too high, and no bid from a defaulting con tractor win oe received. By order of Brevet Major-Gen. G. H. CROSMAN, Ass't O. M. Gen. U. 8. Army, And Chief Q,. M. Department of the Kabt. JOHN A. IRWIN, Captain 6th U. 8. Cavalry, 8 67t A. A. Q. M. U. S. A. INTERNAL REVENUE U, S. REVENUE STAMPS. PBINCIPAIj DEPOT, No. 304 OHESNUT Street, CENTRAL. DEPOT, No. 103 South FIFTH Street (One Poor below Chesnut). ESTABLISHED 1803. Revenue Stamps of all descriptions con stantly on hand, and in any amount. Onr fctock comprises every denomination printed by the Government, and all order filled and forwarded on the day of receipt. United HtHtes Notes, National Ilank Notes, Drafts on Philadelphia, and Post Ollice Orders received in payment, The decisions of the Commission can be con sulted, and any Information regarding the law cheerfully anu gratuitously given. The commission is payable in stamps. The following rates are allowed: On 825 TWO PER CENT. On $100 THREE PER CENT. Ou 8300 and upwards FOUR PER CENT, All orders, etc., should be sent to STAMP AGENCY, No. 304 OHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. ORDERS RECEIVED "FOR STAMPED CHECKS. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES C. L. MAISER. MANTJVACTTJBKB OT VIBE AMD BITRUI.AB-PBOO SAFES. LOCHSHITn, BELIi-HANOEB, AMD DEALCB IN BIIILDIAU HARDWARE, 6i NO. 484 BACE MTREET. r-i A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FIRE ILsLi and Burglar-proof SAFES on band, with Inside lloorS, Dweiiing-noUBB Pml, tree irum uauipucoo. Prices low. v lASsiii'iiVJt, ,5 No. 4M VINK street UlKaUU ROW. E. JN. NEEDLES & CO., Eleventh and Cbesnut Street. HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS, Bi.ugut at the Recent Depressed Prices. Ffilrtlrg, Pillow. Fhf etlng, and Table Linens. Tuble t Tnlbs and Napkins, to match. WineCloths.Doylies, Towels and Towelling Marseilles Quills aud Toilet Covers. jiiunkelH. Poneycomb, Lancaster, Allendale, Jacuard. aud other Spreads. DOMESTIC MUSLINS AND SHEETINGS, In all qualities and widths, at the lowest ratoa. "AVOH OUV ll Trl Jj L T A M 8. OR A N'T, ss S. 1F.LA WARK Aveuie Philadelphia, . jU o . AGKNT IfOR Tintinnt's Gunpowder, Kellned Nitre, Charcoal, Eto. HY'vA I'o.'s Chocolate. O ro, aod Bro in a. rocker Bros. A Co.'s Yellow Metal Bheathlng, Tt.Tt.a. and al . L' QOTTON AKD FLiX Of . lomirff. Tinnk. an K. AND CANVAS. Of all numbers and brands. aud YVagou lover Luck. .' runt Wsuu'rcturers' Drier k'elU, 1 Iroiu oue to l wine, eto. CO.. S 61 NO. 103 J ON ICS' AUy, INSURANCE COMPANIES. D l-iu EI.AWaBK mutual safktv insu- R a NCE (M PA N Y. Incorporated by the Legts- lure of Pennsylvania, 1SJ6. Ofllce, 8. E. comer of TH 1RD and WALNUT Streets, 1'hlladelplila, MARINE INSURANCES on vessels, cargo, and freight to all parts of the world, IK DA N D 1NHURANCKM on goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage, to all parts or the Union. H HE INSURANCES cn merchandise jpnetally. On Stores, Dweiling-Houscs, etc ASSETS OF THE COMPANY November I . IWiS. tlCO.oOO United Slates t Pel Ceuk Loan, jrwi Ii0.0 United Slates e Per Cent. Loan, 136.300-00 2il,S00'00 12,502'S0 61.700 -00 44,620-OB 60,750-00 20,500 U0 24,250 00 20,750-00 18,000 00 WOO 1KSI SI 0,000 United States 7 8 10 Per Cent. Loan, Treaurj Notes 12)1,000 Cliy of Philadelphia 6 Per Cent. Loans (exempts) 64,000 Slate of Pennsylvania 6 Per Cent, Loan 6,000 State ot Pennsylvania 5 Per Cent. Loan- 60,000 State ol New Jersey Six Per Cent. Loan 20,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, 1st Mort gage, Six Per Cent. Honda...... 26,(00 Pennsylvania liailruad, second Mortgnge Six Per Cent. Bonds.... 25,000 Western Pennsylvania Hallroad Six Per Cent, jk.ot.da (Pennsyl vsnla Railroad gnsrntes). ....... RO.OOOEtate ol Tennessee Five PerCeuU Loan 7,000 State of Tennessee Six Per Ceul, Ixnn 15,000 t(Hl shares Muck of Uermautowa Uas C ompany (principal aud in terest guaranteed by the city of Philadelphia) 15,000 00 8,258 8,950-00 20,000-00 195,00O-Ol 7,160,143 Shares Stock of Pennsylvania Huil-road Company 6,000.100 Shares Stock of North Peuusylva ttta itallroad Comnanv 20,000'80 Sliarex Slock of Philadelphia and soutiirru iuuu rtteamsnip com- pnnys..... . 1(5,000 Loans on llondl and Mortgage, first liens on City Propeity. 11,045,050 par. Market value...1.070,280 75 Cost. I.OHii.fwi2-l!li. Real Estate. Srt.OfW OO RiIIb ri ceivable for insurances made 27,037'20 lialance due at agencies Premiums on Ma-, hub j-oncies. Accruea interest, ana otuer debts due to the ( iimiianv. S8.923'90 Scrip and Block of sunury insurance and other Companies, IM73. Kailuialed value... 2,93000 Cash In Rank, (Bll,lti2-20, Cash in JJrawer, 844714 - 41,640 00 11,4117,321-66 This being a new entemrlse. the Par is assumed as me martlet value. Thomas C. Hand. Pamuol K. Stokes, HeuryHlean. William O. R mlton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones Brooke, Kdward Lafourcade, Jacob P. Jones, James R. McFarland, Joshua P. Kyre, Spencer Mcllvalne. I. B. bemple, Pittsburg, A. B. Berger, ' D. T. Morgan, Unortre VV. Bernardotl. John V. Davis, .oaiuud A. Honder, Theophtlus Paulding, jonn it. i'enrose, James Traqiiair, Itenrv V. liallett, Jr., James C. lland, William U Ludwlg Joseoh H. beal. George O. Leiper, liugu uraig, Jolin I). Tu.rlor, Jacob Rlegul, inuMAS u. hahii. t-resiaeni. JOHN O. DA V1H, Vice-President. Henry Lvlbtjkn, Becretary. 1 329CnARTEIl PERPETUAL Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF PIIILASELP1IIA. OFFICE: NOS. 435 AND 437 CUESSUI 8TBEET. ASSETS ON JANUARY 1, 1S07, a,533,110-13. Capital ...... ...........400.000-00 Wrt,718DS i, ......... .mm, n.l 200,43216 INCOME FOR 1806, Accrueu eurpiua. premluuiB tKBKTTLED CLAIMS, LOSSES PAID SIKCE 1SH9 OVER s,svo,too. Perpetual and Temporary Policies oa liberal Terms. Dill i. UXORS. Charles N. Bancker, loblas W agner, Buuuuel Urtuil, beorge W, Richards, oeorge Fales, Allied Fitter, l-'rancls W. Lewis, II. D., feler McC'ali, i'boixMM sparks. CHARLES M. RANOKKIt, Presfaeut, GiOPOhl FALKS, Vice-President. J. W. MoALLIblKR, Htcretary pro teui. LHU2ili INSURANCE COMPANY NOUTJ-l AMKItlO . OF! ICE, AO, 2.2 WALiSUl' o fillx. -lDx-Li-IIIA. IKLORPORATED 17S4. CilAHTHJR Fuji PET U A L, PPITA1, S0O,O0O, ASSETS JANUARY 8, 187.. l,763,a07M0 IAMJUES MARINE, INLAND TRANSPOR TATION AND 1'lRIi R1&K8. DlRitC I'ORS. Arthur O. Coffin. ueorge L. Ilarrison. D'rauoli 11. cope, ii;uward H. Trotter. Edward b. Oiarjte, William Cummtugs, T. Charltou Heury, Allied D. dessup, John P. White, bamuel W. J ones jolm A iirowo, Charlts Taylor, Ambrose White, Rlcnard D. Wood, VI. ham Welsh, B. hi orris Wain, joliu Mason, Louts (J. Madeira. ARTHUR G. COFKLN. President. i C HAHLKH Pltt, fciecretary. WH.L1AM HVJliULKR, ilarrlsbure. Pa.. Central Agent lor the (state ol Pennsylvania. l T-)IiOVlDliM LIFE AND TRUST COMPANY V OF PlllLADJiLPRIA, BwT.. Ill L.,.,,.1, Li ill 1'l'Ll 1 . AIUf AAA DUUtU f VUltlU nuevt) XKCOK1 ORATiO) Hd MOJNTH 2J.O, 186BL CAPITAL, tfloO.OUO, PAID 1JS. Insurance ou Lives, by Yearly Premiums: or bvs IU or 'Hi year Premiums, laou-lorlelture. Aunuiiies grauieu ou uivorauie wriui. lerm Policies, Children's KnuowuieuUi, ' This Company , while giving the insured thesecnrlty ol a paid-up Capital, will aiviue me enure .proliuj of ibe Lite bubine.ii) among iu poncy uoiuers. Moneys receivea ai luuerest, auu paiu ou aemana, ! AuLborlzed by charter to execute Trusus. aud to act a Executor or Aumluiuirator, Assignee or Guardian, aud lu oiher fiduciary cupuuiilea, under appointment ol any Court of this Commonwealth, or any person or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. SAMUEL B,6HIPLlV, ti ivi t V TT A Twva T. WilsTARRROWN, w. c LUiiuoi Kran, 1 11 AKLES V. COFFIN. SAMTJKli R. BUlPLliy, ROWLAND PARRY, tt M. C. LONGBTRilli. Vice President THOMAb W "IfcSTAR, U. D J. R. TOWN8ENB. 7 278 iueuioai iuuumvr, xivam auy utter. 1, I UK lCMJKAJNCUi AACiiCfSl VHiH. XUUi J? PKMISYLVAMA F1RK 1NBURANOK COM- pi j llicurjiuraieu ioi-vuwwr x 01 it3iui" A u, ,10 W ALIS LT blreet, opposite Independence bquare. 'i i,Ih ouioaiiv. favorably known to thecommuuitv v., nvtr ic.n v vears. continues to Insure aualust loss or damage by hre on Public or Private Buildings, elllier permanently or ior a uumra uuio, auu, ou b'nrnllure, blocks of Goods, and Merchandise gene rally, on liberal terms. 1 ..VI:-. ....t...i uihav wtth a larffA aurnllia Ihinrf .inv..i,.ii iii Hih moHt caret ul manner, which enablM them to oiler to the insured axi undoubted security In the caae of loss. Daniel Hmlth, Jr.. John Devereai. Alexander Beiiaon, Uhhii Haxleliurst. Thomas bin all, Ilvury Lewis, J. Gllllmrham Fell. Thomas Robbius, U 11 ' ' 1 I t.U'.lll.ll . W.. LAM1FL HM1TU, J President. William G. CBOWKi.ii, becretary. Bo PHCRNIX INSURANCE COMPANY OF Pill LADELPHl A. INCORPORATED l04 CHARTER PERPETUAL. tio. iCi4 WALK UT btreet, opposite the Kxchange. lu addition to MAR1INIS aud IN LAM O INbUR ANCK, this Company liuiurea lrom loss or damage hy Hills, for liberal terms on buildings, merchandise, turuiiure, etc., lor limited periods, and. permanently ou buildings, by del osll of premium. The Company has been In active operation for more ban felXT Y YKARB. during which all lotutea baya ten promptly adjusted and paid. .u(a1 Tl V dll.M.I 1. iiutjwioao. John L. Hodge. Iwrence Lewis, If. David Lewis, Runjamln Filing, Thomas H. Powers, A. It- Mcllenry, Kdmuud (taaiillon. M. R. maiioiiy, John T. Lewis, W illiam H. Grant, . Robert W. Learning, I). Clark Wharton, baiuuet wucox, TliltH It. NorrlH. JOHN WTJttlLtaUCR, -rldut. BAMUKL WxJ-COXi fcesretarj FURNITURE, ETC. X O H O U 8EKEEPEIl I have large stock of every variety ot FUItNITUHK. Whlf-n I will sell at reduced prices, consisting ot PLAIN AND MARBLK TOP CO! iAUK 8UI1T9. WALNUT CHAM B Kit BUI'I'S, PA1IIXJK eill'l S IN VKLVKT PLTJ8H, PARLOK HIHTS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN RFPS. Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Book asee, Mattresses, Lounges, etc etc P. P. eUSTINR, it W. K. corner BKCONI) and RACK Btxwem. ESTABLISHED 1795. A. S. ROBINSON. French Tlate Looking-Glassos, FJS'QRAVINGB, PA IN TIN 8, DRAWINGS, KTO Manufacturer of all kinds of LOOKIfttt-OLAftN, PORTRAIT, ANU Pit). tube ruAjnni to order. No. OlO CHESNUT STREET. THIRD LOOR ABOVE THE CONTINENTAL, yHIT.APKT.PHT A.' ' 1S LEGAL NOTICES. 7 N TUB DISTIilCT COUUT FOU TUB CUT i ANl) COUNTY OK FH 1LADF.LP11IA. LLMONIi J. GOLOWN to tlie use, vs. JAMES la MOKFb, Veu. Ex. Jnne Term, 1867. No. 1S8. The undersigned appointed to cllstrlbute the fund aru lug trom tbe Hhentrs sale In the above case of all thai certain two-story brick store and dwelllng-bouse and lot whereon the same la erected, situate on the noitliwest corner of Ilaverlord and bomaraet sireeis. Twenty-lourth Ward, Philadelphia, cnnta'ulng lu ' frcnt on 11 aver ford street Zo feet, and In depth no feet,, will attend to the duties of his appointment on MON DAY, Hepttmber lfl, 1MI7, at 4 ocIckIc P. M. at bis office, No. IMS. FIFTH blreet, In tbe city of Phila delphia, when and where all parties Interested must make their claims, or they will be debarred from coming in on said luud. S. P. RUOWN, JR., M 2 Kit Auditor. f TN THE COURT OP COMMON PLEA8 FOR JL THE CITY AND COUNTY OF PHILADEL PHIA. AMANDA BENNETT vi. JERVI8 H. RENNETT. March Term, 1SB7. No. 11 In Divorce. To JKRV18 H. RKNNKTT, Respondent Take notice ot a rule has been granted In the above case, returnable on MONDAY, September 1, 18U7, at 10 o'clock A. M., to show cause why a divorce a vinculo matrimonii should not be decreed In said case. KUQAB K, PETIT, 9 StuthB 51 Attorney lor Lil)ollaat. GROCERIES, ETC. gUPERIOR VINEGARS, CilNVINE FRENCH WHITE WINB AND PUKE OLD CIDER TINEGARS, FOR bALE BY JAMES B. WEBB, 814 Corner WALNUT and EIGHTH 8b; "yillTE PRESERVING BRANDT, PURE CIDER AND WINK VINEGAR, GREEN GINGER. MUSTARD SEEDSPICES, E7CV All the requisites for Preserving and Pickling p. C poses. AlAERT C. ROBERTS, Dealer In Fine Groceries,' 11 7jrp Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Bta. HARDWARE, CUTLERY, ETC. . gTANDBRlDGE, BARE Sj CO., IMP0BTEE8 Or AND DEALBSS IS FOREIGN AND AMERICAN HARDWARE. . NO, 1831 MARKET STREET, Offer tor sale a large stock ol Hardware and Cutlery, TOGETHER WITH lOOO KEGS 1ST A IL S AT BEBUCED PBICES. 87thstu CUTLERY. A fine assortment of POCKET and TABT.K CUTLERY, RAZOUH, BOlta, PAPER 'AND TAILORS' SHEARS, ETC.. Tm V. HICI.MOLT)'H Cutlery Store, No. 1S8 Benth TENTH Btreot, Three doors above Walnut. 11 STOVES, RANGES, ETO. QULVER'S NEW PATENT DEEP BANB-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. BARCIES . OF AI.Ii SISES, Also, Phllegar's New Low Pressure Steam Heating Apparatus, for sate by CBABLIH WIXUAIIl, 5 If No. 118 MARKET Btreet. THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER; OR EUROPEAN RANGE, for Families, Ho tels, or Public Institutions, Id TWENTY Dlb". KK.RKNT HIZKH. Also. Philadelphia Ranees. Hot-AIr Furnaces, Portable Heaters, IiOwdowntratos, Flreboard hloves, Ratb Boilers, Btewhole Plates, Boilers, Cooking Htoves, eta. wholesale aud retail, by tbe manufacturers, BHARPE A THOMWON, 627stutham JHo. Hot N. BEOOND Btreet, GAG LIG H T FOR THE COUNTRY FIBBIS CO.'S AUTOMATIC GAM MACHINES FOR PRIVATE RESIDENCES, MILLS, HOTELS, CHURCHES, ETC, FURNISHING FROM ONE TO SIX HUNDRED LIGHTS, AB MAY BE REQUIRED. This machine Is guaranteed) does not get oat ol order, and the time to manage It Is about five minutes a week. The simplicity of this apparatus, Its entire freedom from danger, the cheapness and quality of the light over all others.have gained for It the favorable opinion ot those acquainted with Its merit The names of those having used them for the last three years will be given by calling at our OFFICE, NO. 105 SOUTH FOUBTII STBEET, Where the machines can be seen in operation. FERRIS A CO., Box . a 7 atuthasm Bend for a Pamphlet. iT Tbe only place to SVf"" " diolnfeoied a t very low prux FkthoN, nr.nnfafltnrer of Pondrette, IJ0I GOIMITB&""-