THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA; TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 18C7. BLAISE PASCAL MP SIR ISftflC NEWTON. Letter Laid Befora the French Academy. ivrrcqyonacnce of the N. Y. Kvenlng riH. Pabis, AugtiRt 10, 18G7.-Tli3 question of the letters ot Tnscal has bj no raeaus boon laid to rest by the skepticism of M. Fautrcre. M. Chasles hnc read at the Academy several letters of the interesting correspondence purporting to have been held between Pascal and Newton, be ginninR when the latter was a boy at school. M. Charles posse sees nearly five hundred papers Blened by Pascal, and several hundred signed by Newton, Leibnitz, Jacqueline, Pascal, Perrier, Rohault, and others, which contain mutual re ferences to one another. No new argument baa been presented to contest the authenticity of these signatures, and M. Cha les has advanced nothing new In their defense. Except the statement, intended to parry a remark of M. Faye, that Pascal would have cal culated the mass of Saturn from the movement of Its second satellite, which was known in 1655, M. Chasles also disposes of the objection that Pascal would have taken pains to publish such Important speculations, by reference to the fact that Pascal neslected to publish his principal works. Not only his theological writings, as the PenRces, were collected after his death, thoumh evidently forming the fragments of a syste matic treatise that he had intended completing, but his scientiSc treatises on the "Equilibrium Of Fluids," and the "Weight of tho Atmo sphere," finithed in 1C53, were equally left for posthumous publication, and his writings, enti tie! "Tactioues ephcricic, Tactiones contain, Loci plaui ac solidi, Perspective methodus," have been entirely lost. However it may be, thcletteis read by M. Ohisles are interesting. The following are translations ot the more im portant of tbem: PASCAL TO ROBERT BOYLK. 6 Janvier. Monsieur: I have recently received a letter accompauicd by a memoir from a young English student, treating of the calcu lation of the infinite, another on the system of vortex, and a third on the equilibrium of fluids and on weight. I have observed in these divers memoirs marks ot intelligence which have really surprised roe, above all on the part of a young man hardly emerged from childhood; for 1 am told that he is hardly thirteen years old. My aBtonishmeut wad po great that lor a moment I was tempted to believe that these works originated with some savant well versed In such matters, but who, lor the sake of some, mystification, had boirowed the name of a young student. There are some of your coun trymen who have such bizarre ideas, If you will permit top the expression. However it may be, these memoirs are full of talent, and it is easy to see that their author has not only studied with care Kepler and Descartes, aa also my experiments on the weight oi the atmosphere, but that he himself has known how to observe the complicated effects ot nature and devise new experiments. That seems to me a great deal for a young man. However, without doubt, you know him. He is called Isaac Newton. I should be very glad if you could give me some informa tion concerning this precocious young savant. for I wish to know with whom I have to do -before 1 reply. I am, air, your well affectioned, Pascal To M. Robert Boyle. PASCAL TO KBWTON. Paris, 20 May, 1654. My Young Friend : I have learned with what care you seek to Initiate yourself into the mathematical and geometricul sciences, ana that you desire to explore thor oughly the works ot the late M. Descartes. I send you several of his papers, which have been remitted to me by one ot his good friends. I send you, also, aivers problems which have been formerly the object of my preoccupations, touch ing the laws of abstraction, in order to exercise - your genius. I entreat you to tell me what you think of tbem. But be careful, my young friend, that you do not too greatly iatigue your ima- f ination. Work, study, but do it with motera ion. It is the best means to acquire, and to profit by what you have learned. I speak to you by experience. For also from my youth, I was in haste to learn, and nothing could hinder my young intelligence, if I may so speak. To day! find that I have overcharged my memory, and it begins to fail me at the moment that I have most need of it. I do not say this te you, my young friend, to turn you away from your studies, but to induce you to study with moderation. Knowledge grows insensibly and with time. No more at present, my young iriend, except to assure you oi my anecuon. vi. To young Newton, student at Grantham. PASCAL TO NEWTON. May 2, 1C65. Monsieur and Young Friend: What ha9 been toll me of your precocious genius has been very agreeable to me, and has recalled the happy recollections ot my own childhood. Ah ! now beautiful was the time, 'When I first heard the eulogy of great men, and nepired to tread in their steps. And now f say to myself: Happy lu he whose imagination is bold, lively, and powerful, and who has the noble ardor to wish to elevate himself to glory ! These violent transports which lead us to thirst for reputation are themselves auguries that an nounce that we shall one day merit it. My young friend, remember well what I am going to say to you. No man who does not aspire to make a name (or himself will ever achieve anything great. Whoso passes along with nonchalance and coldness in the career that be has embraced, suffers all the an noyances and the disgusts of his profession without enjoying the hi. nor or the recompense. The soul must be stirred by the contem plation of great things. We should as much as possible, as has been well said by Longinus, nourish our miud with grandeur; keep it full and enlarged with a certain noble and generous pride. Above all, let us banish too great self-distrui-t: Hisalangour of the soul which pre vents her Irotn taking flight, and proceeding with rapidity towards the end which she desires. Belt-diitrust i9 to our faculties what cold is for the earth; it cripples them, stifles them; it pre vents one from perceiving that which he is, and from teeling that which he mlent De one uay. But the dew of the raorniug is less useful to the flowers, than emulation is to the faculties of the mind. It sets them at liberty, and fecundates tbem with activity. Therefore, my young iriend, I engage you to read with care our classic authors who have written on the sciences. Study Euclid, Archimedes, Copernifius, Des cartes. Oalileo, etc., and tell me what inspira tions these writers shall have suggested to you. 1 am your well affectioned, Pascal. To youDg Newton. PASCAL TO NEWTON. December 2, 1657. My Young Friend: I send to you by the medium of one of my friends, who is about to journey in Europe, a packet of little writings that 1 have collected, to serve for your Instruction, as you have requested me in one of your letters. They are notes, reflec tions, and thoughts touching the sciences, among others the laws of attraction and equi librium. I engage you to read them with atten tion, and 1 dare to hope that you will find In them something which my be agreeable to you, and which may lead you to reflect on the system of the worm, bucu is my desire. Your letters are always hom agreeable to nie. 1 am always jour well ailectiu?d Pascal. To young Newton, student. PASCAL TO MltWTON. November 22, 1668. Monsieur and Young Friend:-When Copernicus had discovered aud announced that the earth obeyed three principal movements, it was natural, after the principles of mechanics already known, to pursue tue rheuomena necessarily resulting from each one of these movements, and to appreciate their reciprocal influence. Thence sprang explana tions aud experiments on the variations of gravity (?) pesatUt-ur), concerning which I have already spoken to you, and about which Thence also is come all tho order anl division of astronomy into periodical movement, and movements ot rotation, and oscillations, to which are subjected the axes of rotation ol all the planets, 11 Is, therefore, the njstem of Co pernicus thorotiahiv ineditaled and followed out, which opens the career for all researches made since blm, and wbieh has given the clue to a srent number of truths now recognised. I wiii write 10 you no more to-day. You will find with this letier some new ob servations on this subject, and an article on astronomy that I communicate to you. I am your well-allcctioned Pascal. lo IVlons. Isaac Newton. PASCAL TO NEWTON. 20 Janvier, I860. Monsieur and Youni Friend: You who know how to enjoy the charms ot meditation, listeu to me; let us penetrate to gether into this asylum surrounded by silence, where the soul of Descartes is profoundly occu pied with sublime objects, and ts plunged in sweet lavishments unknown to the vulgar. Be hold him, blessed with a conteutment such as kings cannot buy: tho august stamp of reflec tion is on his lorchead; the ligut or ibouorut ourns in his eyes; his Intellect, enlightened by the purest rays oi human reason. Is in a glo rious communion with Nature, with God Him self. In this moment his eye, pierces the highest heaven"; seeks the secret knots, the concealed principles, the marvellous enchainment of cause and eitect; embraces the universe, which is not more vast than his genius. Let us follow him id his labors, in bis meditations; let us examine theni with care. It is a good rule to follow; and tor a long time I have been trying to make a professional study ot his life, and of the his tory of bis philosophy and his other works. This is why I have collected everything remark able which occuircd to him In the course ot bis career. 1 have a great number of notes on the subject, which I will communicate to you if you wisn. Pascal. NEWTON TO TASCAL. Monsieur: Lately the thought occurred to me to verity a calculation of wbicU I have already spoken to yon, which is, to examine according to wr. at line descends a body which falls from an elevation, taking account of the movement of the earth around its axis, and of which one ot your notes has given me the idea. As such a body has the same movement as the place from which it ' falls has by the rotation of the earth, it ought to be considered as being pro jected forwards, and at the same time attracted towards the centre of the earth. This research, which has much connection with the motion of the moon, has induced me to resume my labors. To proceed with security, I wished to establish no principle, and to make no supposi tion. I have consulted Nature herseii. I have carefully followed her operations, and have only aspired to discover her secrets by experiments selected and repeated. Firm in my project, I have resolved to admit no objections against an evident expeiiment whirjh have been deduced from metaphysical considerations. Such is the plan of study that bave formed, and that I wish to follow henceforth. If I were not afraid of troubling you, I would st-ud yon. now as tormerly, niy experiments. I wait for your reply. I am, sir, your very humble and well atteciioned Isaac Newton. To M. B. Pascal. NEWTON TO PASCAL. 2 Fevrler, 1659. Monsieur: The divers notes that you have been so kind as to send mc, touching the late M. Descartes, bave been eo agreeable to me that I permit myself to demand of you pcrinisMOu to keep them a while longer, wlbhing to reread tbem again, and I pray you, alto, to give me some more information con cerning this illustrious personage, whom, with out doubt, you have known in private lite, and whom you bave been so well able to appreciate. Certes, Descartes is tbe greatest genius of our century, no one can doubt and, therefore, it is a great pleasure for me to know all the details of his existence. I write to you no more to-day, Monsieur. I wait for a reply from you, which will be agreeable to me, if you will be kiud enough to tell me more about the late M. Des cartes, and conceal from me nothing that you know. I should be glad also to know where hir) papers can be found, that I am told returned to France some years ago. I have found here among the papers ol the Chevalier d'ltiby, who had several conferences witb M. Descartes, aud who was among tbe number of hi principal friends 1 have found. I say. certain letters extremely curioHS, which have hehtened my esteem for him. It by chance you kow the letters that the Chevalier d'Igby has written to M. Descartes, I should be much obliged to you to Instruct me concerning them. I am, sir, and very good counsellor, your humble servant ana inena, isaao jnewton. To Moris. Pascal. NEWTON TO PASCAL. 12 Mars, 1661. I have learned, Monsieur, to my great displeasure, that you are always sut- Tertng. xntil IS wnnout uouoi tne reason tuav for so long a time I have received no letter irom you. Will it be possible tor me to receive any morer il your disease is not me cause which has Drevented vou from writing to me. can it be that you have something to complain ol in regard to mer 1 ao not tuinic 1 aeserve complaint. The service that you have ren dered me are too great to let it be possible that I should be euilty of incivility towards you: though possibly by ignorance, certainly not with intention. I know that you wrote to me that you had abandoned the sciences, to devote yourself to other studies, which are probably no more connected with mine. If that be the reason, I regret it; but I am not and cannot be less all my life your admirer, aud your very bumble and well-afl'ectioned Bervant, Isaac Newton. To Monsieur Pascal. NEWTON TO PASCAL. May 8, 1C61. Monsieur: I have learned from one ol your iriends, and that with much pain, of the state of suffering in which you are. I am much moved by it, I assure you; you to whom 1 owe so many good counsels and instruc tions for which be assured that I shall preserve eternal uratitude. Monsieur, 1 have not forgotten that some years ago you sent me several manuscripts, and a great number of notes; two hundred at least. I have consulted and abstracted with much enre and interest all these documents, which have initiated me in certain thing9 ot which I was ignorant, and for which knowledge I am in debted to you. But I do not now remember whether you have given me permission to Keep these precious documents, or whether I must return them to you concerning this I beg you to reply to me if you please. For I should have remorse of conscience it 1 kept them without being well assured oi your nueuuou in me matter. I await, Monsieur, your reply with great impatience, and be assured that 1 always am and shall be your humble, much obliged, and well-attectioned servant, Isaao NtwroN. To 31. Blaise Pascal, at Paris. ' NEWTON TO ROHAULT. 8 Novembre (aprcU672. Mousieur: You are without doubt not ignorant of the great im portance that attaches to a correct valuation of the velocity of light, and how much knowledge on this subject would influence the progress of astronomy, and extend the sphere of our ideas on the constitution ol the universe. I must alo make you acquainted with au imporuut tact touching gravity (pesantour). One of your countrymen, M. Richer, having been sent' in 1672 by your Government to Cay enne to observe the parallax of Mars, wrole to me tnat he perceived that bin clock, regulated at Paris betore his departure, had retarded near the eauator nearly three minutes In twenty- ' I . . in. mncl nAnnlniln tKuf four nours; wututo wo wuv.iu.... .v eravltv (pnanteur) varies in the different latt ...Hihot it increases In going from the equa- A Alnti niuhna in anility frnm t Vto tor to tne poies, nuu B Doles to the equator. This phenomenon is pours w . . rtomnntttrnl nn nf thn diurnal movement of the earth, and ought to make us acqnainted with the real 8ure of our "irr.V lt. - w, time I have had a glimpse i .v.. .V t fnnnrl traces of it in certain ..! . m,inipaterl to me by the late M Pu.nui or.,1 thi observation of M. Hicher's contirinB the fact. I soy nothing further to you at piesent, but leave you to think about the matter. I am, sir, your humble nervant, ' J I. NswroN. To Hoiwieur Rohault. RAILROAD LINES. P ENNbYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD L'MMF.R TIME, TAKING EFFECT JUNE 1, 1SS7. The trains ol the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leiwethe lpot. at H1IR1 Y-HRST and MARK KT hi reels, which la reiicbed directly by the curs of the Market Btreel Passenger Railway. Those of the Che, nut and Walnut HlrMU RjlIiwat ran wiLhln rm square of It. . wu punnay-t mvrirpi nireet Cftrn leave From end Market HtreeM thirty-five minutes before the departure of eiu'h train, Sleeping Car Tickets can be had on application at the Ticket othoe. N. W.cor. Ninth and Chesnut street. Agent of the Union Trimmer Company will call (or and deliver baggage at the Depot. Orders left at No, tun t 'he 11 lit. street, or So, 1 bculh Eleventh street, wUl receive attention. 'iRAirti aicavav vmui', v Mall Train 800 A. M. 1 noil Accommodation, No. 1. F'unt Line and Kne Kx preen.. ,..1010 A. M. .. 1210 P it. 1'roiI Accommodation, No. g. ID0P, M. M. Harrlsburg Accommodation (Tf 4 00 P. ......... 8-30 P l-anc.Hiiter Accom niooation ParkesbuiR Trull) .M. M. Western Accommodation iraln... . 5 4(1 P. Cincinnati Express..... , ........ 7 80 P. M. Man .. t:v p. m. .. SlKl P. M, raoll Accommodation, No, I t'hliadeipnia Express 1116 P. M. rle Mall leave dally, except Saturday. Philadelphia Express leaves dally. AU other trains dally, except etuuuny. The Western Accommodation Train rans dally, except Kunday. For lull parttuiilam an to fare and acconimoOHtlons, apply to F'RANCI-) PUNK., Agent, Wo. 187 1H1UK t-tireet TKA1JNI AKIUVfi Al UJUVl. vizi.: Cincinnati Kxprem . 1-15 A.. M Philadelphia Kxpreua. J-.rie Mall - 1'ttiiH Accommodation. Ho. 1 1'arkeshurK Train.... .... Lancanter Train Pam Line and Krle KxiiretM...... .... 7-10 A. M, 7'IUA, M. rai a. m ". A. M ,.12-40 P. M. ... I ll) P. M. ... 4'I0 P. M. - 6-2(1 P. M. . TiD P. M. 9 60 P, M. i anil Accommodation, i0. lay KxpreHH raon AcconiuiouHnun, !. o llBrrlHburif Accommodation I or tarluer information appiy JOHN C. ALL to i.'Kt IMaIpa, . .... . No. mil Cll ks.N UT Street! SAMUEL 11. WALLACK, Ticket Agent at the Depot The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not an ome any for BuKKage, except tor Wearing Ap- arei, ami limit tneir roHiionairjiiuy to une uunarea KillarR In value. All Haggage exceeding that amount n value will he at the rink ol the owner, nnleas taken by special co'ilraut. 4 28 General (Superintendent, Altooua, Pa, 1 RfV7 -FOU NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN J.OU I and Amboyand Philadelphia and Trenton Itailroad Company's Linen, from Philadelphia to New York and W ay Places, from WALNUT tSLraet Wharf. will leave as follows, vIe.: farh. At 6 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom ii a A 1 8 A, M., via Camden and Jersey City, Kxpress Mail 8tX) At 2 P. M via Camden and Aiuboy, Express. . 800 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Ac-V lBt clast, commodallOD aud Emigrant.. 12d class, l'SU At 8 A. M., 2. 5 and 6 P. fit., for Mount Holly, Kwaua ville, Pemberton, Birmingham, and VTncentown, At S A. 11. and 2 P. M. for .Freehold. At 8, 8 and 1U A. M., 2 aud 4 P. M., for Trenton, At S, 8 and 111 A. M., 1,2, 4. 6, 8. and ll'3u P. M., lor Borden town. Burlington, Beverly, and Delanco. At 6 and 10 A. M. 1, 2,4, S, 6, and IPSO P.M., for Florence. At 6 and 10 A. M., i, 4, 5, 6, and 1180 P. M., for Edge water, Klvereide, Klverton, aud Palmvra. At 6 and 10 A. M., 1. 4, 6, and 1180 P. M., for Fish House. The 1 and Ipso P. M. Lines leave from Market Street Perry, upper side. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave as follows: At 11 A. M 4 ao P. M.. and 12 P. M. (night), via Ken sington and Jersey City, New York Express Lines. Fare, S3. At 8, 10-1E and 11 A. M., 280 , 880, 480 , 5, and 12 P. M., for Trenton and Bristol. At 8 and 10-15 A. M.. 280, 6, and 12 P. M- for Morrls vllle and Tullytown. AtSandlOTSA. M., 280, 430, 6. and 12 P.M., lor Kcnencks. At 1016 A. M., 230 and S P. M., for Eddlngton. At 780 and 10-16 A. M., 230, 4, 6, 6, and 12 P. M., for CornweU's, Torresdale, iioimesoura, Tacony, WIkhI Doming, Brluesburg. and F'rauklora, and at 8 P. M. for Uolmesburg and Intermediate stations. BELV LDEBFj DELAWARE HAILKOAD LINES, From Kensington Depot. At 8 A. M. lor Niagara Falls, Buffalo, Dunkirk, C'unandalgua, Elmlra, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, KiUKhamion. Osweeo. Syracuse. Great Bend. Mod- irose.W Ukesharre, bcranton, Stroudsburg, Water Clap, At 8 A. M. and 880 P. M. for Belvldere, Kaaton, l.ambertville, Flemiugtou, etc. Tbe 88ii P.M. Line connects direct with tbe Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Alleutown, Bethle hem, etc At 6 P.M. for Lambertville and intermediate sta tions. Lines from West Philadelphia Depot, via Connect In it Railway, will leave as follows: At l:o A. M and 130 and 8 3D P. M. Washington and New York Express Lines, via Jersey City, F'are, i-i 25. The 130 A. M. anus u r. M. Lines will run dully, All others, Sundays excepted. Juiy 16, 1867. WM. 11. GATZMER, Agent. -IpOR CAPE MAY BY RAILROAD, FROM I foot of mark ex street I u pper Ferry ). Commencing Tuesday, September i, 1867 r,vt 40O P.M. Cape Mav, Passenger. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. M.4IO A.M. Morning Mall. The fc-UNDAY MAIL aud PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 700 A. M., returning leaves Cape Island at 6 00 P. M. Commutation tickets, goou iur (wu, i umi-.j,, or WELVF: montbB. can be procured at the OUlce of tbe Com pan v, Camden, N. J. 'Ihrougn iicaets can ne prouureu at nu. ois uneenui street (under the Continental Motel). Persona purchasing tickets at this ouice can nave their uug gttee checked at their residences. W t. a X Jlt-IVBH, ikiiuifcwflLu iiinxis, from loot of MARKET Street (Upper Ferry), Commencing TUESDAY, September 8, ISO". s0o A. M. Morning Mail, for Brldgeton. t-uiem. M illvHIe, Vlnelnnd, aud Intermediate Btatlons, 330 p. M. iiridgetou and eaiem rasseuger, 400 P. M. Cape May Passenger. 6wi P. M. Woodbury Accommodation. Cape May F'reight leaves Camdeu at S20 A. M. West Jersey Freight Train leaves Camdeu at 1150 A.M. , , F reight will De receivea at tseconu uovereu v nan below Walnut street, from 700 A. M. uutil 600 P. M.. Freight received before tf'OU A. M.. wui go lorwaru tue same day. T . F reight neuvery, iio. seco r. imua, Avenue 7 2 tf WILLIAM J. SEWELL, Superintendent. 3HILADEL,rHIA, GERMANTOWN, AN1 . NORlUbTOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, On and alter Wednesday, May 1, 18ST. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia , 7, 8. 8 05, 10, 11, 12 A. M, I, 8-4, 3V. 4, 6, bJi, 810, 7, 8, V, 111, 11. 12 P. M. Leave Germaulown , 7, 7, 8, 8 20, 8, 10, 11, 12 A. M. 1, 2,8,4,4,6,Bi.7,8, t, 10,11P.M. 1 1)6 6-aJ UU" jroiu uu o, BUU sjy iiaiug will not stoD on tbe Uermaniown Branch, Leave Philadelphia 4 A. M. 2, 7, 10V P, M. Leave Germautown bU A. M. i, 8. V P. M. CHtsKUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 6, 8, 10, U A. M. 2, tV, 6X, 7. 9 Ml!iaveCheBnut Hill 7-10, 8. 940. and 11-40 A. M. P40, 340. 640, 840, b40i and 1040 P. M. Leave Phlladelpiiia 9i A. M. 2 and 7 P. H. Leave Chesnut Hill 7 60 A. M. 12-40. 640, and 928 P.M. nr,w .r, T,vo.M Leave Philadelphia 8, 7, 9, aud 1106 A. M. 1,I, 4 6. a, S'UO, auu n- r. ax. Leave Norrlstown 640, 7, 760, 9, and 11 A. M. m , t, W.W.MdWl'.M RTfTNTl A VR. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.,2iloand 7-18 P.M. Leave Norrlstown 7 A. M., 63u and IP, M. " ' FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 6, 7S, e. aud 1108 A, M, 1, 8, 4', 5'i.6'i, 8-08, 95, and 11 P. M. L-ave Many uuk 810. 7, 8 20, 9, and 11X A. M. 1 8. 6.BX... TV iiijtri A VB Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 2 and 7 P, M. Leave Mauayuuk7X A.M. 6 aud 9 P.M. w. b, WIIJSON, General Superintendent. 8 Deuot, NINTH aud GREEN Streets. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE EAILEOAD.- SUMMER TIME TABLE. Tti rough and direct route between Philadelphia, RUiiimr,?e. Harrlsburg. WllllaniBPort. and the Great Ull Region of Pennsylvania. "V.V?..'!,..; Sf i.'t,-Uf toll ATRH nn all Klhl H..I... ii. ...i u, tor MONDAY. April 29. 1SS7. the trains on the Philadelphia u4 xlUroad will run as ioiiows: ...ot. m nil Train leaves Philadelphia... 7-00 P. M. " " leaves Wllliamsport " arrives at Erle................ Erie Express leaves Philadelphia .. Bi;!W" iu(tVe8 Willlamtiport.... " arrives at Erie..... Elmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia....... 480 A. M. .... 408 P. M. 12-ou noon. ..... 845 P, M, ....,10 00 A. M, I.KM Wlillainsporl. . 6S6 P. M. " " arrives at Lock Haven KAHTWaaD, ... 8T0.P, M. Man Train leaves Erie.., ..1026 A. M. 1 u o u. UllllunihnlirL ,.1010 P. M arrives at Ph i i at PbMaueipuia-... -.. jx. Erie Exoress leaves Erie. ......... O ' ni. 4 I U.UU, Wtlll.ntuiiArL , 426 A. M. " i arrives at Philadelphia-.--.. i'jj P. M. Elmlra Mall leaves Iock Haven....- ' A- M. II .1 luuvu ullll..,..r.rt. . B 36 A. M. arrives at Philadelphia p i ad Express connect with all trains on Warreo ikllii Railway, passengers leaving Philadel. 2-U0 M, arrive at Lrvlueton at -W A, U, aud arrives at Philadelphia 640 P. M, Mall and aud Frank: nh a at 12-uo 1,11 f M,u .1 Q'hl A . M "Leaving Philadelphia at 7'80 P. M., rrlv)atOU C ' AUU'oifwarran and Franklin Railway make Close connections at OH City with trains for F rankllg and Petroleum CenUe. Lrp'i'D'L'YLEf ll Oeutral buperiuUuduut. RAILROAD LINES. READING RAILROA ORKAT TRTJNK LINE 1KOH PH1LADF.LPI11A 1UTHK INTERIOR OI PFNNsYLVANJA, 1 HE SCHUYLKILL. SUS QL FH ANNA, CUM BKKLAN I),AN1) WIOMINH VALLEYS. THE ORlIl, NORlUWFiJT, AND 1IK t ANA DAS oUMMER ARRANGEMENT OP PAK8KNGKB TRAINS, May , 1K7, Leaving tbe C ompany's Deriot, at THIRTKFNTW and c A LLOWUILL Streets. Philadelphia, at tbe fol lowing hours: MORNING ACCOMMODATION, At7M)A.M., for Reading and Intermediate Stations Returning, leaves Reading at HOP, M arriving In Phllmilelnlua at 8-10 I'. M . At 816 A. M. fur Reading. Lebanon. Harrtahara Pottsvllle, Pineyrove, Tamaqua, Suubury, Willlaina- port, Fimlra, Rochester, Niagara F'alls, Hutlalo. Alleutown, WilkeHharre, Pltuton, York, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Hageretown, etc. etc This train connects at READING with Kant Penn sylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, etc, and th Lebanon vaueytrain tor narrinnurg, etc, at rum CLINTON with Caiawlssa Railroad trains lor WU lianmburg. Lock Haven, Elmlra, etc.; at JIAKKl.- Rlj'RG with Northern Central IXimberland Valley and Schuylkill and Susquehanna trains for Northum berland, wuuamnpori, jorx, tjiiamoersDnxg, nne grove, etc ivrirRKniiH irvpciruii T.evea Philadelphia at 8'80 P. M.. for Renrlln. p.,tiiil. Ilarrisburg. etc. counectlntr with K.uiii. and Columbia Railroad trains for ColJinbla, ow. ruiiriunii AVA.umino'JAlloCl leaves 1'otistown at 6'i0 A, M.. atoniiimr at Inter biediate Stations; arrives In Philadelphia at 840 A. M Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 680 P. M.; arrive In Pottittow u at 845 P. M. READING AtWUnuiJAIlUH Leaves Reading at T'M A.M.. slonnlns at all mi Btatious, arriving at Philadelphia at 1016 A. M. Reluming, leaves ruiiaoeipnla at 6"0U p. M arrive-, n Reading at 7'45 P. M. Trains lor Philadelphia leave Harrlsburg at 810 A M., and Pottsvllle at 845 A. M., arriving in Pliiludel i.lila at l'uu P. M. A Iternoou trains leave Uurrixburk at 2'iu P. M., Pottsvllle at 2 4S P. M., arriving In Phils delphla ais-45 P. M. leaves Reading at 7 lb A. M., and iiarrlnburg at 4'luP. M. Connecting at Reading wltn A iter idol Accommodation south at 630 P, M., arriving lu Phila delphia at S iu P. M. Market train, with passenger car attached, leave Philadelphia at 1246 noon tor Pottsvllle and all waj siatlotiB. Leaves Pottsvilleat 7'0 A. M. for Philadel phia and all way stations. A 11 tbe above trains run dally. Sundays excepted. Suuday trains leave Pottsvllle at S'oo A. M,,ane Philadelphia at 8'ir P. M. Leave Philadelphia foi Heading at 800 A. M., returning lrom Ueadiug at 4 21 i,,M ch ester valley railroad. Passengers lor Downlugtown and luteriuedlate Iiolnts take the 780 A. M and 6ou P, M, trains fiom Jhiladelphla, returning from Downlugtown at 610 A. M. and 100 P. M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG AN! TUE WF-JST Leaves New York at 9 A. M, and 6 and 8 P. M, passing Reading at lbO A. M and 150 and 10'oti P, M.. and connecting at Harrisburg wltn Pennsylvania and Northern Central itailroad express trains lor Pitts burg, Chicago. Wi'lhirusport, Elmlra, Baltimore, etc. Returning, express train leaves Harrimburg on ar rival of the Pennsylvania express from Pittsburg, ai 8 and 8'4S A. M. and V P. M., passing Reading at 44 and 1030 A. M., aud 4211 and 1116 P. M and arrivlni lu New York at 1010 A. M., aud 44o and 62n P. M Sleeplngicars accompany these trains through betweei Jersey City and Plltaburg, without change. A mail train lor New York leaves Harrlshurg at 211 P. M, Mall train for Harrlsburg leaves New Yorl ' " MbCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvllle at 7 and 1190 A. M., and 7u P. M.. returning from Tamaqua at 7'85 A. M. audi Kiirl 4-IK P. M. bi 11UYLKILL AND SUSQUEHANNA RAILROAL Trains leave Auourn at vou a. c. lor i-iuegrove and Jlarrisburg, and 160 if. ai. lor I'lnegroveand l'remont returning from Harrlsburg at 820 P. M., and lrom Tre moul at 7 36 A. at. auu i a jr. m. TICKETS. Through first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all the principal points In the North aud West and Canada. , Excursion tickets lrom Philadelphia to Reading and Interniediatestatlous. good for one day only, aru sold by Morulng Accommodation, Market train, Reading and Poltstown Accommodation trains, at reduced rates. F.xcurslon tickets to Philadelphia, good only lor one day, are sold at Reading and intermediate stations, by Reading and Poltstown Accommodation trains, at reaucea rates. Tbe lollowlng tickets are obtainable only at tht oHice ol 8. UKAUiUMU, treasurer, jno, ia!7 8 FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, or ofG. A. NICOLLb General buperiuteuueut. Keuuing: COMMUTATION TICKETS At 28 per ceiit.discouut, between any points deslreC for laiuuies ana nrms. MILEAGE TICKETS. Good for 2CH0 mile, between all points, S2S0 each for lamllieu ana urms. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, nine, or twelve months, for holden only, to all polnta, at reaucea rates. clergymf:n Residlne on tbe line of the road will be furnisher. cards eulilUng themselves and wives to tickets at hall fare. EXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good fo Hnliirday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced tare, to be had only at the Ticket Olllce, at THIRTEENTH ana uaIjJLAJ w hi i i cireeui. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the abnvt points from tbe Company's Freight Depot, BROAD and w ixoAJW -streets. 1-R.t-.1U H I I K a irs a Leave Phlladelnlna dally at 630 A. M., 1245 noon and 6 P. M., lor Reading, Lebanon, Harrisburg, Potts Vine, port Clinton, ana an points iorwaro. JUAllB Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all placet on the road and lis branches at o A, M., and lor the principal stations only at 2 IS P. M. 4 8 EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA MEAi.A. bUMMFJR ARRANGEMENT. On and alter MONDAY, Juue 24, .nfl. Trains will leav e Depot , i n i Ki y -F iro r and CH EaN U I btreeta, West Philadelphia, as follows: x.eave r uniiueipuia ior west -c.iiesier.uii .- m.. 11 A. M .. 230 P. M., 416 P. M 4 60 P. M., 7 00 P. li. ami 1U-3V r. oi. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depo on East Market street, at SWA. M., 715 A. M., 7UT and 10 45 v, sa., i oo r, m., s ou ana e'au r. m. lug Philadelphia at 460 P. M will stop at B. C. Juuc- Uun ana aieum uiuy. pKKHeiiueni lo or from stations between Went Chea ler and li. C. Junction going east, will take train leaving West Chester at 716 A. M., and going wtMt will take tram leaving Philadelphia at 4'60 P, M., aud transfer at B. C Junction. Leave Philadelphia lor Media at 680 P. M. Leave Media for Philadelphia at 640 P. M. .....i..a it 1 n 1 1 nljilinna. E: "li . , . ; .. mill ha I- nl,l. '1 lie JViarKOl Direei. UIB v. " nm,m5,w uouni. atThirty-Urst and Market Btreets, on the arrival of each train, to convey passengers into the city; and for Hues leaving the Depot take the cars on Market Mreet, the last car connecting with each train leaving j. rout and Market streets thirty minutes previous to e''helchesiiut and Walnut Street cars connect with all of the above trains, carrying passengers down i nt .trcet. iiaat thepriucipal hotels aud ine Cam. deuuud Amboy KK. office, at Walnut street wharf, passing out murJuKiAJyS; Jn" Leave Philadelphia at 8oo A. M. and 2 P. M. T uuvd Wmi Cheater at 745 A. M. aud 6 P. M, 'I lie cars on Market street will connect with all Suuduy trains, both ways, as usual, leaving l ...... ..,a Mnrket Btreets thlrlv-llve minutes before the train leaves Depot, aud will leave Depot on arrival of each train, to carry paaaeuKt-rD uw ,un i.n. e n taMin. PhllKdelolila at 7T5 A. M. and 480 P i. luHvinir West Cheater at 730 A. M, aud 460 P. M connect at B. C. Junction wliu trains on P, aud B, C 'k R., for Oxford aud Intermediate poluw. Passeiigere are alloweo. to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not lu any case he responsible for an amount exceeding one hun dred doUare, nuleus a special contract Is made forithe name. T ) General Superintendent. TilllLADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE CEN. TRAL RAILROAD. Summer Arrangements, On and alter SATURDAY, Juue L 1887, Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the West 1 1 hNter aud Philadelphia Railroad, corner ol I m rt Y-F1R8T and C11ESN UT Streel (West Phlia- iieiijhla), at 716 A. M. aud 4 i P M. Iave Rising Sun at 6 15 and,Oxford MIDtLU,, n ,, . , luuve til lOEU U tl . A Market Train, with Passenger Car attached, will LlUh0-ioA. M., Oxford at 1200 k., aud Keunett at 100 p il connecting at West Chester Junction with a awn for Philadelphia, on weanesaays ana Satur days trains leave PhUadelphla at 230 P. M., run lJE'n.ri?.toi,r,?-phlladeIDhU at 715 A. M. con. i.f Viixlord with a dally liueol Stages for Peach VuTttfim. iu Lancaster county. Ateturuing, leaves -""'rioV.iii.i to connect at Oxford with the Alter- "rilVfnghttphl. at P. M. run. to leuw'rifallowed to take wearing apparel only. NNAMESSIO SHORT LINE AND TfJsiUtd 8tt M HonU to th South and Southwest. On and flr JULY , trains wlU leav Depot Phila delphia Wilmington, and Baltimore Bailroad.BRO AD Street and WASHINGTON Avenue, at 11 P. M.,con. nectlng closely with Express train for the prlaclpal cities teonth, Including Wilmington, N. a, Qoldsboro Newbern, Charleston, 6avannah, Raleigh, Charlotte, rv,lnnibla. Macon, aunuu-i, muuuuiu, nuuue New Orleans. nl1ln,Wrm'.P'"l. oi I,'TBOVVRxU.DUK,UeueraX Pauoeugec Ageub "."Sfe lor an amount egceediug one hundred ieHX""unia ipeclal contract be made for theBame. dollars, unless a v jucmry WOOD, General bup't. ill and b2 CHESNUT Street, or at Depot, RltOAO ii V?ei aud WASHINGTON Avenue. 7 1 8m ""rlv n-iiMPKlNS. General Agent, Norfolk. Va, RAILROAD LINES. NORTH F fcNNST LV A N IA RAILROAD. THE MllilJLE ROUTF . iiliortest au niO'.t dneot route to iteti letiein , Aiientown, hihiicih iihiik, Ilarelton, White Haven, Wiikelarre, Mahunoy City, I.. on nt i Hiu.ei, ana an poiuui in tne iuigu, m I nnov, and Wnmlng coh! reglnns. PanoenMer Depot In Pliltaoeipiua, R, w, corner ui l.ERKS aiid AMEUICAN Sireets, hUni6l.K AKKAMirail'-nl, NINE DAILY TKAlMs. On and after W h:l.N Th1)A Y . Mkv 8. 1S07. Passongor li alns leave the New lepot. corner berks ami Amerl i.u strrrels, dully (Mindays excepted), as follows: ni i a. jm. morning express mr iteniieneui -iu I'rii.clpRi Hi et Ions on North l-ennivlv unla Railroad, connecting at Belhlehepi with LehiKh Valley Railroad fi t Allen town, CetaSRiflAia, Ingion, M nuch limn k, v emueny, jeansvuie, llattoiion, n line jiaven, NMikeHbHrre, Kingston, l'lltoKin, and all points In I eliiKb and Wvominir VKllevM! uIho. In connection v.llb Lenlgb and Mahanoy Railroad, for Mahauoy City, and with CaUwiasa Railroad, tor Rupert, I uuvllle. Milton. &nil WI'.llRioMooit. Arrive at ti.M'Cb Chunk at I2n6 A. M.: at Wilkes tarre at 8 P. M.s at Mahanoy CHy at S P. M. 1 HFeengera by this train can take the Iehlgb Valley wi:i, pmiBiiig i.einieneru at :r&& P. li., lot ruwion, ful points on New Jersey Cenlial Railroad to New ork. aha, M. Accommodation mrjxivlentown.stoti. ping at all Intermediate stations. Paisengers lor V mow Grove, Hatboro, ana Haru ville, by this train, tnke tbe stage at Old York road. At ni'16 A. M Accom moo at ion lor Fort Washing ton, sioppliig at Intel mediate siallons. At 1 mi P. M. FxnreHS for Bethlehem. Allentown (lauch Chunk, White Haven, WilKesbarre, Mahauoy City, Centralln, Shenandoah, Mount t armel.and all Points In the Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal regions. 1 aiweiigers for Greenville take this train to Quaker town. At 24r i: m. Accommodation lor Doylestown, Slopping at all Intermediate suit Ions. Pavienxcr tal.e tiiage in l'o iestowu for New Hope; at North Wales li r t--iimiieyiow u. At 4 P. Accommooation 10 uoyientown, stop ping at all Intermediate station i, PahHeugers for Vlilow Grove, Hatboro, and HartbVllle. lake atase at Ablnct a: lor Lumberviile ai Doyiomown. At 6 20 p. M. Through aixommodatlo i for Betbl Iirui and all stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehlgb Valley Evening train lor Easton. Alleutown. aud Mauch Chunk, At 6-20 p. M. Accommodation for Lansdale. stoo ping at all Intermediate stations. At 1130 P. M. Accommodation for Fort Wash ington. 'IKAIOBAHKIVUIO rillliAUKLt'rll&. From Bethlehem, at 9-16 A. M., 2-06 and 840 P, M. 2ii6 P. M. train makes direct connection with Lehigh Valle7 trains from Easton. Wllkesburre. Mahanoy City, and Hasleton, Passengers leaving Eastoa at li w a m. arrive in rnuaueipma at voo r. ai. pHwengers leave Wllkesbarre at 1 80 P. M., connect at Lelhlchem at 816 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia at N-40 P, M. From Doyiestown at via a. ai e'lii p. u.. ana T'40 P. M. . . From Lansaaie at irm a. m. From Fort Washington at ll-fio A. M. and 806 P. M. ON SUN DA VS. Philadelphia lor Bethlehem at 930 A. M. Philadelphia for Doyiestown at 246 P. M. Doyiestown to Philadelphia at vai a. m. Bethlehem to Philadelphia at 430 P. M. Filth aud Sixth Htrecia Pastienger cars convey pas sengers to and Irom the new depot. w hue cars oi necona ana 1 n ira c i.-eeui una ana TL niou line run within a short dinlanc? ot the Depot, l'lbete must be procured at the lukel Uliloe in oi dor to ecure the lowest rates ol fare. ELLIS CLiAKK, Agent, Tickets solu and Baggage checked through to prln ctal polniH at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage . x press omce, l if ii o. iuo p. ririn otreeu ,11ILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAL TLMORE RAILROAD. TIME TABLE. Commencing MONDAY, July 8, 1887, Trains wV leave Depot, corner BROAD Streel aud WASH INGTON Avenue, as follows: Way Mall Train at 8'3U a. ni. (sunaays excepted for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Col nectius with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington fix Ciislield and Intermediate statlonB. F.x press Train at lr&o A. au (Hunaaya axcepteaj ro liulnmore and Washlneton. i. xtirMta 'i rain at a-iu no., innuuays excepteoi xoi baltimore aud Washington, stoppingatChester, Thar low, Lin wood, Claymout, w umiugton, xnewDort, man. ton. Newark. Elklon. Northeast, Charleetown, Perry. vil e, Havre-oe-urace, Aoeraeen, x-erryman a, Auge- A . I ..1 . .. i, .nil UlAmmaWM Ron Night Ex press at liuo r. ai, laany ) ior oaitimore ana TA u.liiniriiin. iinnpclH at Wllnitmrlon IHaturdavil exct pled) with Delaware Railroad Due, stopping at Newcastle, Mlddlelown, Clayton, Dover, Harrlng U a, Seaford, Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecl- U g at urisneia wiin .coat ior fortress juuuroe, '.-.or. foiit. Fortaainutn. ana tne Houtn. 1'HsBengers for Fortress Monroe and Norfolk via Baltimore will take tbe ll'BO A. M. Train. Via Crls- lield will Uke tbe 1100 P. M. l'raiu. WII.MINHTIIN TKAinn. stopping at ail Stations between Philadelphia and Wilmington, Leave ruiiaueipma at iz au. zuv, -ou, d uu, ana li'sii (oaily) P. to.. The 480 p.m. Train connects with Delaware Railroad lor Mjlford aud Intermediate sta tions. The 600 p. m. Train runs lo New castle. Leave Wilmington 830, 716 and 8 A. M 400 and 6 . t (dally) P. M. The 7 16 A.M. Train will not stop at stations oetween vneuier anu r-uiiaueipuia.i KKUM rSAlil 1H1UK11. 1U f H 1 LiA L) IL,Juf ti. LA txave Baltimore 7 25 A. M.. Wav Metl. traoA. M, 1-ii, reus. 215 P. M.. Excreta. 686 P.M.. Express u.hK l. M e.xirpaH. bUiMJA TL 'l ltAii-i nium a All l IMUK1V, Leavoa Baltimore at 8 66 P. M.. stonulug at Havre n-Grace, perryvlUe. aud Wiiuilngtou. Also stops al Northeast, Elklon, aud Newark to take passe n gen lor Philadelphia and leave passengers Irom Washing ton or Baltimore, aud at Chewier to leave passenger from Washington or Baltimore. inrougn iicaeui iaj m puiuvo nwh numu, uu SouthweHt, may be procured at the Ticket Office, No. bM CH hJSJS II I -street, unoer uie toutiuentai iiotei, w here.also state-rooms and hen). a Insleeplngcarscan he Heciired dnrlnir .he day. Persons uurchaslug tickets at this office can havi their buggage.cliecked at their residence by the union Transfer iwompauy. 5j XX. X. J-.lx-i .H JS, I , DUl(UIIUUUlt SIIOKTEST KUUTE IU THE BEA-SHUKE! CAMDEN AND ATLANTIC RAILROAD. On aud alter MON DAY,Sepieuiner 2, lsb7, trains will leave VINE Street Ferry, as follows; Mall .780 A. M. Freight, with Passenger Car attached 915 A. M. Atlantic Accommodation. .....415 p, M. Aim ciux irsu iiX.n. y c-j al uax ii'v. Mall .4-40 P. M. Freight -HMO A. M. iicc. niiiiodatioii lo a. m. Junction Accommoualion to jacKSOU ana interme diate biations leaves Vine sliet-t. .5'80 P. M. P.eturning leaves Jackson 628 A. M. XI AUlJKJSiT 1 1.1. IV AjJiil ... uuai lUil A nai., Leave Vine street at lu ia A. M., 2-11O P. M, Leave Haddonlleld at )uo P, M., 8-15 p. M, SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN 'iUA'lliABiiUUl'I Leaves Vine street at 780 A. M and Atlantic at 440 P. M. . , . Fare to Atlantic Z. Jtonna trip iioneia, gooa only or the day and train onuihich tliey are Utued. :i. Aickeis ior saie at tue uiuueui me rmiiwcijun Local Express Company, No. 626 CHESNUT Streel and at No. 828 CHESNUT Street, Continental Hotel. The Philadelphia Local Express Company, No. 825 CHF:SNUT Street, will call for baggage lu any part of tbe city and suburbs, aud cbosk to hotel or cottage at Atlantic Clt . xx. BiuaJJi, 6 24tf rjio PERSONS GOING OUT OP TOWN. CALL, AT SMITH'S, SUtl C'UESNt'x ST BELT HO, And supply yonrselves with STATIONERY t-BTl OLIOS TOL'BISTS' WBITIHU DESKS, PRESSING CASES CHESSMEN, CHECKER HOARDS ETC. All kinds ol Blank Books, Printing, Stationery Pocket Books, Pocket tutiery, eiu iu very greatly reduced prices. ' B" p R E N C H STEAM SCOURING. ALBEDYLL. MARX & CO. no. iaai ovut eeetentu street AMD Vf. BIO RACE WBECT. 810mwf JITLER, WEAVER & CO., MAN UTACTUREIta Of Manilla and Tarred Cordaee,:Cords Twines Etc. NO. 28 North WATER Street, and No. li Worth DELAWARE AveuCA, rmi.A nxxy m a. iDwn H InuM, hicHinWiiviit, Combat) V Clothiiib. . lit COTTON JISP FLAX, BALL DUCK AND CANVAS; Of all nam burs and bianrla Trnt Awning. Tmnk.BndWagonOoverDuck. Also, Paper iiannlm tuiers' Drier Fells, from oua Wauven leet wiuei raunng, r nn g,-ii iwiue.eic JOtiN Vv'iVtltliAls ACO kc.ltULMitAlle-f! SHIPPING -r,V"K HTEAM TO LlVEai'OOI-CALI X.J ng atUiieeiistown. The Inmno I.lne.sail- w( iin- eek ly, ciirrj ing toe uiii-.i ovnie- in ,. I1Y OF BOSTON Saiunhiy. trteptemner V ETNA.... Wednes'lav, Seplemner II 11Y IK BALTIMORE Hatnrday, Mieuior i DINBUHGH, Sentenibef IT CITY OF LONDON Snturday, September a A nd eccli succi edlng Haiuriiiiy ana weuneHuay, noou, lrom I'ler ?o. 4;i, jNoitn uiver. KAlKSOr I AD-1AK-1 By the mell stennier sailing every Batnrnsy. Payable In Golil.i Payable In Currency. First Cabin fliK) Steerage . 4 TO London fin o i.oikioii . To Paris 1I6 To Paris 4 Paneage by the Wednesday Steamer.-) F'lrst Cabin, ion. iMeoragp. Paysble In U. S. Currency. passengers also forwarded lu Jiavre, xiamuurg, on- men, etc, at moderate rales. Mleeraie pssnage from Liverpool or wueenntown, currency. Hi ketscan be bought hereby persousseua- ui! lor uieir frlenos. For further Information apply at the Company' Ofllces, JOHN G. I1AIK Agnt. 01), lit HtlUAIIWAI, n. X .. 8 7 or No. 41 1 CHK-iNUT Ht., Plil.adelphls. TIIK Pilll.AIKKI.I'HIA AMI X(Ft SOU I H EBN MAIL 1 KA Mrtll IP C 4- tZUttttjs, PAN l S REGULAR SEMI-MONTHLY i.i e FOK onLRANi l.A. JUNIATA, rlo lous. Captain P. F lloxle. illdiA . Ui7.i tons. CroihIu J. F. Morse. STAR OF THE UMON. if.H tuns, Captain T. II. CoonBev. The TIOGA will leare lor New Orleans on SATUR DAY, September 7. from Pier Is (second wharf below Spruce street). The M A R ok TliK union will loava New or- lea in, lor this port Heplember 7. Throuuh bl of lini ginned for frelirht to Mo'ille. Gnlvesion. IsnUhe7, Vickbburg, ifemplilit, Nashville), Cairo, SI. Lonl-i, Louisville, and Ciucinnail, w u. l.l AM L. j A M KS, Geuerul Agent, CHAb. E, D1LK1:-), F'reUht Agent, 4 1? No. 814 8 Delaware avenue. Agents at New Orleans, Creevy, Nlckersnn & On. TPiin.Ani.tLPiiiA. RirnnoNn. :-f.AM NOKFOLK BIEAMSHII- LINK THROUGH AIR I, IN K TO THE SOUTH ANL) WErtTI lIIROUim RECEIPTS TO NEWBERN. Also all points in North and Mouth Carolina, via. f-ealiounl and Roanoke Railroad, aud to Lynchburg, Va., 1 eniiesnee and the West, via Norfolk, Peters burg. bouth-Hlde Railroad, and Richmoud and Dan ville FiHilroad. The regularity, safety, and cheapness of this rone commend It to the public as the most deslraailc medium lor carry ing every desci lotion of freight. No chHrge for commission, dray age, or any expense Of trans ler. SteBiiiBb ns In'ure at lowest rates, and Inava mn- larly Irom II rat wharf above Market street. Freight received dally. WILLIAM P. CLYDE A CO.. No. 14 North aud Soutu WHARVES. W. P. PORTER. Aseut at Richmond and IliLV Point. T. P. CROWFJLL ft CO., Agents at Norfolk. 8 I THE PIIII.AnKI.PHIA AMD cntlo IIPDHI Ki l t u-i' L. a .., ri- ftii i a s rsv cstirv ijjtn FOK NAVAMNA1I. A. ti a w viu i tL'ri t r a l r i v u TONAWANDA, tao tons, Captalu Wnt, Jennings. WYOMING 8.0 tons. Captain Jacob Teal. The Hleamshln WYOMING will leave for thai above port on Saturday, September 7, at 8 o'clook A. M.. lrom Pier 19 South Wharves, Through oansaue tickets sold, and freight taken for all points in connection with IheGeorgla Central Rail- roaa. w itLlAOl i.. j amm, ueuerai Agent, CHAM. E. DILKES, Freight Agent. N o. 314 h. jjoiaware avenue. Agents at Savannah, Hunter ft Gammell. I1AVAUA STEAMERS. oi?irT.llnv-nul V T TWW CARRYING THE UNITED STATES MAIL, The Steamships HENDRICK HUDSON ...CAPTAIN" HOWTttS STARS AND STRIPES JAP IAIN HOLMBH These steamers will leave this port for Havana every other Tuesday at 8 A. M. Tbe Steamship STARBAND STRIFES, (Holmes. Master), will sail for Havana on TUESDAY MOUS ING, September 10, at 8 o'clock. Passage to Havana, 50 currency. No freight received after Saturday. For Freight or Passage apply w THOMAS WATTSON A BON3, 9 1 No. 140 N. DELAWARE AvenB tF&t-, PASSAGE TO AND FROM J.U,.U.T- GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND BY STEAMSHIP AN D SAILING PACKET AT RFJDUCED RATFa. DRAFTS AVA1LABLETHROUGHOUTENGLAOT IRF:LANtD, SCOTLAND, AND WALES. For particulars apply lo T A PtSOOTTS, BROTH ER8 ft OO, No. 86 SOUTH Street, and No. 23 BltOADWAY, 11 OrtoTHOS.T. SEARLE, No, 217 WALNUT TUB PHILADELPHIA AITB SOUTHERN MAIL Hl'KAMShtrP COM.. lai'i x a . BFJOULA R BKMI-MONTHLY LIFE, rwH niu-aiiiin)n,i;. The steamship PIONEER, 812 tons, Captain J. Ben nett, will leave lor the above port on Thursday. September 6, al 8 o clock A. M., from Pier 18 (second wharf below Hpruce streel). Bills of lading signed at through and reduced rates) to all principal points lu North Carolina. Agents at Wilmington, Worth ft Daniel. WILLIAM L. JAMEd, General Agent, 4 Ig No. 314 S, Delaware avenue. MKW KXFKE8M Ull T Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, D. C. via Chesapeake and Delaware Canal. Willi connections R4 Alexandria from the roost direct route for Lynchburg, Bristol, Knoxvllle, Nashvlll Imlton, and the Southwest. steamers leave regularly from the first wharf abOVI s'arket street. Freight received daily. WM. P. CLYDE ft CO., No, 14 North and South Wharves, J, B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Georgetown. M.ELDRIDGK dt Co.. Agents at Alexandria. VI ginia. tl iOSVW OPPOSITION to mono rgljyK.... POLY. DAILY LINE FOR BALTI" fc?ilitS6iir MOnE, via Chesapeake aud Deis," Wui. Caliul. Philadelphia ana uaitimore union steamboat fjom- pai.y, daily at 2 o clock P.M. 'ihe fciieaniers oi this line are now plying regularly betweeu ibis port aud Baltimore, leaving the second wharf below Arch street daily at 2 o'clock P. M. nndaya excepted). Uarryiugaall description of Freight as low as any Other line. , , Freight imnuiea witu great care, delivered promptly, and lorwaraed to all points beyond the terminus iree in uuiuuiiibiuu. Particular attention paid to the transportation ot all description of Merchandise, Hoi sea, Carriages, etc etc. , , , For lurtner information apuiy to JOHN D. RUOFF. Agent, 5 ie No. 18 N. DELAWARE Avenue. FOR NEW YORK, VIA DELA- ware and Rarltan Caual. h i i,i hsu bieanibcat Company Bieam x-vopeiiera leave Daily Irom first whart below Market street. Through lu tweniy-four hours. Goods forwarded to ail points, North, East, and W est, free of oommlseioD. F'reight received at the lowest rates. WM. P. CLYDE & CO., Agents, No. 14 rioulb Wharves. JAMES HAND, Agent, No. 1U4 W all street, New York. I tf !m FOR NEW YORK.-SWIPT rfivW- 6URH, Transportation Company De-wfrMi!zT- Bpatchand bwlfisure Lines, via Deia vTuie enu Rarltau Caual, on aud alter the 16th of March, leaving dally at 12 M. and A P. 61., connecting; with all Northern and Easlern Hues. For freight, which will be taken ou accommodating; teims, apply to WILLIAM M. B4.IRD 4 CO., 11 No. U2 fc. DFXAWARE Avenue. TO SHIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. MjAiMli.--The undersigned having leased the KEN. biNU'ioN BCREW DOCK, begs to Inform his friends) aud the patrons of tbe Dock that he la prepared with increased facilities to accommodate those Laving vea selB to De raised or repaired, and belug a practical ship-carpenter and caulker, will give personal atten tion to the vessels entrusted to him for repairs. Captaiusor Agents, IShip-Carpenlers, and Machinist having vessels to repair, are solicited to call. Having the agency for the sale of "Wetteratedt'a Patent Melallio Composition" for Copper paint, foe the preservation of vessels' bottoms, for this city, I sua prepared to furnish the game on reasonable terms. JOHN H. HAMMITT. . . Kensington borew Dock, Il .PEWAJjAvenM 912 ARCH STREET. OAS FIXTURES. C1IANDEL1ERM. BRONZE STATUARY. ETC. VA N KIRK & CO. would respeotfully direct the attention of their friends and tbe public gene rally, to their large and elegant assortment of OAH F'l XTL'REH, CM ANDFXIERH. and ORNAMENTAL xiRornE WARE-). Those wishing handsome ana thoroughly made Goods, at very reasonable prices, will find It to their advantage to give u call before purchasing elsewhere, . . , , N.B. fciolled or tarnished fixtures reflnlshed will special care and at reasonable prices. la em ANKIRK A OQ( T. STEWART BROWN, B.B. Corner at MnjRTH nd CHESTNUT BTt i.A HAMDACTnaxtt or TETJ-Xfl. VALISBS. BAGS. BWICTngJ - UVtMJA A yj bluu REVTTNTJB STAMPS.- ttvitwt. STATES U i'rinclpal lWtFvir?" rintral Deuot.No. loa '.L'i..,l iSHt . j f,r iv v a ' z IAVW E.veneb-PsTfrer,iP--t.ntl,a, tta&V!aU w Express promptly glided tw It: i v yOU Will D'10- BU0JO1UOU BUYClili uuni lauuiu. V X,