ROYAL INSURANCE COMPANY. Annual Meeting. i.Th?,tlnual meeting of the Shareholders In this i Company wnn held yesterday, at 11 o'clock. b the Central Olllces of the Company, North John street, Liverpool. In the absence, through Parliamentary duties, of the Chairman, Mr. Cliai leu 1 urner, M. P.. the chair was taken by Mr. Brocklebank. the respected Chairman of the Mersey Docks and Harbor Board. LiXlrao ts from the REPORT FOR TEE TEAR 1SW5. The year Ihco, which comprises the period to be embraced in the present Annual K.'port of the business of the Royal Insurance Company, has becu marked, as the previous year was, by conflagrations In some cases Individually large, but stll more by fires all bnt unexampled In numbers both here and abroad. Notwithstanding the facts that ap-aln the Revenue of the Company for the year has ulti mately turned out to be larger, and that the Claims have proved somewhat less than they were estimated, the unsatisfactory result of the entire year Is shown by the Accounts whloh Will be read to jou in detail, giving a final on the FIUK BRANCH or 28,103 13s. lid. (814(1,815). Whilst it is undoubtedly true that an occa sional balance, to the debit, of such a compara tively small sum as this in such large tnnwo Hons, would be, in Itself, of minor conso quenoe, 11 becomes significant when combined wltti the results of two successive years, eaoh bearing more or less the same characteristics; and ll assumes a still more grave importance When aocompanleU by reports of kindred eata bllshmenlsexblbltitiga like phase of experience over a like period, and especially when some of these count a ratio of disasters far exoeeding that which the Directors of this Company have to announce. This dlt-closure of nn Increasing amount of loss attending Fire Insurance business gene rally, now shown unmistakably to exist by successive announcements from all sides, and the consequent Impression that elements of risk not pre-existing, or, at any rate, not so to the same extent, are now In foroe, have led to an increased caution on the part of the Execu tive of i his Company In accepting the Fire Pro- fiotals, and to other remedial measures refer ng to the personal characters of proposed In surers, which at flrslslgbt would have appeared calculated to induce a large reduction In the business of the year. The Impetus, however, of a long' continued progression could not, even by these means, be speedily reduced. It thus ultimately turns out, notwithstanding these retarding Influences designedly applied to the business, that, with the exception of one company, whose affairs nave been conducted for the last two or three years with considerable vigor, no other Insu rance office bas paid the same Increase on fire duty to the Government in the year as the " Royal." This Is shown by the usual test of the Government returns, ordered to be printed by the House of Commons. It is evident, therefore, that If the checks adverted to had not been applied, the advanoe of the last year would have been equal to that of any year In the records of the Establishment. The faot is, indeed, amply verified by the foU, lowing comparative statement oi tne fire Business for the last five years, viz.: Premium. 1862 300.690 1863 341,668 1864 400,403 JK66 414,733 1866 417,271 The Improvement of rates shown to have been happily obtained Is, of course, of too recent a date to have bad much Influence yet on the revenue or profit of the Company. It Is, however, a matter of satisfaction to announce that. Independently of this new advantage, to be regarded prospectively, the operations of tne past six montns oi tne present year nave been productive of a fair amount of profit. This favorable change has very properly had Its Influence In the determination of the Directors in their recommendation of the amount of dividend and bonus to be declared at this men ting, LIFE BRANCH. The present aspect and future prospects of the Iilte Branch remain as promising as ever, and It Is confidently believed that the measures to be announced on this oocasion will lead to Its lnci eased permanent prosperity. The report of the last year exhibited the pro gress of the Company by grouping the Sums As sured Into Four quinquennial periods, showing In the- lsl period of 5 years to 1849 a total sum Assured of . 272,798 2d " " " 1854 " 733,408 8d " " " 1S59 " " 1,655,678 4th " " " 1864 " " 8,439,1115 Two years have now expired of a fresh quin quennial period, and It cannot but be deemed satisfactory evidence of great success to find that In those years (1865 and 1866), assurances have been effected to the extent of 1,748,571. being more than the entire five years to the 3d period, viz.. to 1859 inclusive. It can be shown that in those same two years the standard of eligibility has been strictly maintained, as 774 Lives have been declined In the period for no less an aggregate Sum Assured than 418,975 12s. 3d. These figures should not be passed over un heeded, sinoe they Indicate clearly the caution still exercised in accepting Lives, and they form the weigbtlestargument to Induce good Lives to elect a Company which gives to Its Assurers an entire body of copartners with the best, pros dects of longevity. ThA nirnr.tnra would ae-aln refer to the esti mate In the last Aoturlal Report of a probable Increase to tue Lire ana Annuity r uau oi uu -Minion HtAritne' in ten vears. or of 100.000 an nually during that period. The actual increase to those funds In the past year Is 124,1& vs. oa DIVIDEND AND BONUS. Tha nimMnn nrnnoaA to the Proorletors that a Dividend be declared of 8s. per Share and a Bonus of 4s. per share, togetner s. per ou, urn ui locuiui uu. The considerations which have ladnoed the Plreetors to propose a continuance of the same Dividend and Bonus for the present year have been partly anticipated in a preceuiug par sranh of the Report. It Is true that the payment of tv e dividend m ovKaimt tha Amount remaining at the credit of profit and loss standing at the end of . l .. hmvADdr It. CDH YtK ftlVtrtl. pllshed wit hout encroaching on the amount of reserve, whloh will stand as Deiore at tne sum rf iioiS2.lOd.. It has been considered con sistent with propriety to continue the same -munt mthitr than declare a reduoed .mm rn one occasion. which, from 1,0 nrAcont somewhat Improved asrject of the accounts, might possibly nnthn deemed needful again. Looking at tne heavy losses throughout the entire year visiting all parts of the world, and hardly oaring one Insurance Establishment In this u, nnnntrr.itvu not anticlDaed (until the acoounts were made up and found to exhibit more favorable features than expected) that the Dividend could be paid out of Profit and Loss, leaving the- Reserve to stand at the r . Jt nhir, it. atnnri in the orecedlng year. Thpr. win moreover, remain a sum of about tiniM .in.. oririad to the credit of Profit and Loss on account of the Profits of the present 'm!'.n. .lnl..nlll nnt full in fltaW the fol' - lowing Inevitable conclusions from a review or tne wnoiesuDjeou Istly That If the adverse experience of the riant, tvn wnav. YiaA hMM Olirried OQ tO tUO same extent during the six months of the must have resulted in tne ue-i-Adnced Dividend, ex tending through and possibly far beyond the period whloh marked the continuance of such disasters. VI lv That the nnlfnrm roslutanna made by the Directors in times past to the declaration of any ni"iuoim iiaeiy to oe reuuoea in vhub w come. Is now shown to be In entire aocerdanoe with the true government of an Insurance Company; ana gdly That any future periods of prosperity, when they arrive, should nrlmarilv be used to accumulate such a lotKrv t.'nnr1 ab will give at least a high degree of probability that any future Dividends declared by the Direc tors shall be declared permanently continued. Thia are the axioms whloh flxd thmiiel va on the minds of the first projectors of the Royal Insuranoe Company, as self-evident truths. In their eflbrts to work out the m-oblem of irood management which was then given them to amnnatrKte. They bave been conitHtontiw kept In view by the past and present Directors of the Company; and it will doubtless be oon .Mr.,1 hv the Shareholders In aocordanoa with fi i ,nunt Interests and future expectation of prosperity, that they should be continuously nAlnilexlWy maintained. . - CHARJ.K8 TURNER, Chairman. AnctUt 8. 1867. Mr. Dora alo read the Tarloua statements of aooouat. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 3, 1807. AMUSEME2TTS. Tn FrRST Matiner of the season at the walnut Street Theatre will oocur on Saturday afternoon next, when A Midsummer Jfighl't Dream will be presented complete, Alf. Burnett. This celebrated humorist made bis first appearance last evening, at As sembly Buildings, to a house crowded lo the door. His audience was one of the best pleased we ever witnessed. Mr. Burnetv does not de pend upon his personation of funny characters alone, but shines brightly as an elocutionist of the most brilliant character his recitations being reoel ved with rounds of applause. When he depicted the different changes in his faolal reportolre, we never beard an audience laugh more heartily. Miss Helen Nash Is a young lady of great personal attractions, and recites With much feeling. Take the entertainment in all, it Is the best we have had as yet In this city. La Coterie Carnival. The First Fancy Press and Masquerade ball of the season. Messrs. P. E. Abet and Hnrrv C Rlslev have se cured the Academy of Music for the evening of xwonaay, January 20, 1868. The success hereto fore attending the entertainments given under the management of the above-named gentlemen. Is a sufficient guarantee that this a flair will not lack the splendor and magnlfloence of their former glorious achieve ments. Carncrobs A Dixry's Eleventh Street Opeka Housk Tills popular family resort, which Is nightly orowded with the tlitt of tills city, presents an attractive programme this week. "The Two Johnsons" is a decided hit, While the Irish scene, "Our Father Sould Char coal," and the Ethiopian burlesque, Black lligutny. are received with screams of laugh ter. A good laugh may be guaranteed at this first-class place of amusement. Blind Tom, the prodigious Afrlco-Amerloan musical phenomenon, was greeted with muoh applause at Concert Hall last night, which filace was crowded to witness his performance, illnd Tom Is really wonderful, and everybody should see and hear him play the piano. Mati nees every Wednesday and Saturday. Miss Belle Boyd, of Virginia, late Mrs. II ar- dlnge of England, appeared as "Julia." In the Hwv.hback, at the Varieties. St. Louis, last eve ning, to a sparsely filled house. She did not make a very favorable Impression. CITY INTELLIGENCE. roa ADDITIONAL local items se INSIDE PASES, THE DEMOCRACY. Their City, County, Judicial, Legislative, and Ward Conventions in Session. Nominations for Judge of Common Picas, Sheriff, City Treasurer, City Commissioner, Register of W ills, Clerk of Orphans' Court, Members of the legislature, Conncllmen, Alder men, and School Directors. The fall campaign in local politics was duly Inaugurated lust evening on the part of the Democracy, with whom, of course, are to be counted the magnificently small number of Johnsonlzed Republicans with whloh this com munity is blessed. The first thing to be done was the selection of delegates to no less than fifty different conventions, for which purpose polls in eaoh precinct, even where the Demo cracy and their friends scarcely reach the dimensions of a corporal's guard In point of numDers, were Kept open irom o o'oiook iu tue afternoon until 8 o'clock In the evening. It having been already settled that Oeneral Peter Lyle was to be the candidate for Sheriff, that gentleman received a very heavy and flattering vote; in addition to which, It was generally understood that Oeneral Ballier was the favorite candidate for City Commissioner. For the other offices there were several aspirants who were willing to saorlflce their personal Interest for the good of the public at large, and therefore quite an ani mated contest took place. In several of the Legislative districts the contest between the rival candidates was extremely animated: this being the case more especially In the Third Senatorial, and Third, Thirteenth, and Fif teenth Representative Districts, in all of whloh considerable comusion prevailed, xne meeting of the Judicial Convention was fixed for 2 o'clock this afternoon, but wltn this single ex ception the time of meeting was JW o'clock this morning. The Third District Senatorial Con- Ttillon made a desperate attempt to get together at ten o'clock, the place of meeting belug the third story of Ladner's Military Hall, No. o32 N. Third street, liut no sooner nau a temporary organi zation been effected than it was discovered that a ereat number of seats were contested, and it required a long time and an immense amount of talking to settle their uimcuities, before a per manent organization could be effected and the resuiar worn or tne aav commenced in earnest. Meanwhile, the saloon below, and the sidewalks and street In front, were fearfully crowded with canvassers of the u in ere at candi dates, and sundry lookers-on, who considered the occasion a fitting one for a regu lar joinncaiion. Tne contest ior tne nomina tion was a quadrangular one, the rival aspirants for senatorial honors being Charles M. Dono van, David Nagle, George Q,uigley, and James Donneney. The Ilepresentatlve Conventions were held at the following places: District. 1. Farley's, Eleventh ana eaersi streets. 2. Mealey's, Tenth and Carpenter streets. 3. McDonougb's. Sixth street, below bhippen. 4. Is'aultv's. Twenty-fourth and Lombard streets. 6. McKlroy's, Plflh and Prune streets. A. Dougherty's, noma Penn (Square, above Broad st, 7. Kallenberg's, Ninth street, above Noble. (. McLaughlin's, .Broad and Race streets, 9. Caller j7b, No. ia7Cal)owhill street. In. Carroll's, Twenty-fourth and -Spring Oardea sis. 11. Apple's, Sixth and Coales streets. 12. Aimer's, Frank lord road and Hanover street. 13. Kelley's, Cadwalader and Master streets. 14. Thirteenth ana uirara avenue. 15. Bassler's, Seventh st , above Uermantown road. 16. Shingle's. Uermantown. 17. Mullen's, Frankford. 18. Cedar Hall. Fortieth ana Market streets. The nominations in the diilereut Represent tatlve Conventions, as fur as received, were as follows: IHstrict. Candidate. 1. josepn caiuweu. 2. John Maglnnls. 3. Samuel Josephs. 5. Thomas Mullen. 6. Bernard McNalley. 7. "William MoClary. 9. Samuel D. Dailey. 10. George Lelsenring. 11. Daniel Wltham, 13. Michael Mullln. 15. Albert R. Bchofleld. 17. Silas Tomlinson. The City Convention. Pursuant to the announcement of the Demo cratic Executive Committee, the various wards lust night elected their representatives to the nt.v convention. The delegates to this Conven- lion assemDieu in iuu innuuiu uuwua xmu ' r , , . i . . . , ' . i i rl.....l . I u it thin morn In a at 101 o'clock, in i hn ahunnr.ft of the Chairman of the Demo cratic Committee, Mr. Charles M. Leisenring, of the First Wara, canoa tue oouy to oruer. Mr. TiHnrinir was elected lemDorarv v uair- man. MesBrs. 1. J. lJippincuti, unu juuu j. -w I , . . - . T I X Hnrr were elected as Secretaries pro urn. on motion, which evoked an uullmited num i,p nf nominations, the following gentleraeu were elected as temporary Door-keepers: J as. rt'Hnra. Jacob Hummell. and Charles O'Brien. The business next in oruer was iub oaiuug iur ihn rinipcates of the nrecincts In the various wards. The following precincts were found to becontestea:- Fourtn waru oixm r-reciuui.. Sixth Ward Seoond Precinct. Tenth Ward Seventh Precinct. Twelfth Ward Seventh Precinct. Fourteenth Ward-Sixth Precinct. Sixteenth Ward-Second Precinct. Nineteenth Ward-Twelfth Precinct. m....m.iith Ward Fourth Precinct. a ereat number of vacancies were reported of the various precincts. during tue utm During the presentation of credentials by the delegates confusion reigned supreme. All was ilniKi talking, laughing, and canvassing the dividual standing of the various gentlemen Hered to admit none but members of the Con- ventlon. . PruMt ... The election oi a pm tbV.rnor.nan.ewere made: and. on motlon.UMr. Philip Lowry. of U. .Twenty- eventn wara, was eiei niu-v. dent, by acolacnaUon. On taking the chair the President said that he was confident that the Convention won Id pre sent a ticket before the voters of this city that would be elected without the shadow of a doubt (!), and with an overwhelming majority. Messrs. Edward MoOovern and Dr. Sites were unanimously elected Yloe-Presldents on motion of a delegate. The following gentlemen were elected as Sao retsries: Charles M. Leisenring and Archibald McNeill. The names of John Deal and Luke Kegan were oflered by two delegates for the oflloe of Tres surer. This excited violent debate with those gentle men whose candidates were stricken from the list of nominations. Upon a vote by acclamation, bv some ezre- glous mistake, two of the candldatos named were elected to fill the one oflico. This caused more trouble, aud upon a call of the roll, after additional nominations had been made, the following vote was taken for Treasurer: Luke Regan, 63; Jhn Deal, 03; Robert Arm strong, 1; Michael Waterman, 41); John Dab- blnglon, lu. The president announces mat jonn Deal wm duly elected Treasurer of the Convention. It was moved mat tne present JJoorkeeners be retained throughout the sessions of the Con vention, whlck was unanimously carried. On motion the Convention adjourned until 2 o'clock. The County Convention. The County Convention assembled at 10 o'clock this morning, in Washington Hall, at the corner of Eighth and Spring Garden streets. un motion oi it. Murpny, jjsq., reter Am bruster, Esq., was elected temporary Chairman. J. w. uaiuow and John 11. Plait were elected temnorary Secretaries. John owinn and William LOgue were ap pointed Doorkeepers. diaries yy. uarrigan movea mat tne conven tion take a recess of one hour, to enable the Secretaries to make an alphabetical list of dole- gates, according 10 tne ruies, ana mat tne Chairman have authority to appoint a suffi cient number of additional Secretaries to assist the temporary ones in the rapid execution of trial duty, carried. The Convention reassembled at 12 o'clock. Un motion. It waa resolved that all thoie who were not delPKates be requented to leave the room. The Secretary was requented to call the roll, and the members to rlae In answering their names, in order to facilitate the carrying out of the motion. On motion of Mr. John Hill, the Convention pro ceeded to nominate permanent olllcera, MeSHrs. Jesne Johnson, Peter A. Armbrnflter, and Colonel W. O. Morehnad were placed in nomination ior permanent unairman. The Convention then proceeded to ballot for oer- manent omcera. The vote was announced to be as follows: AmbruRter - 119 Johnson 68 Morebead 57 Mr. Ambruitsr was declared elected, having re ceived the majority of tbe votes cast. unon taking tne chair Mr. AmDruster saia ne was not a speech-maker, bnt a working Democrat. He thanked the centlemen tor their kindness in electing blm to occupy the chair. There were many present who were more capable of fulfilling the position ot President than the speaker, but be craved the Indul- fence of the Convention to enable blm to carry out be rules ot the Democratic party governing the Con vention, The Ward Conventions were held at the following places: 1. Bald's, Fifth and Reed s tree's. 2. Mealey's, Tenth and Carpenter. S. Oeican's. Eiebth and Catharine. 4. McDonough's. Sixth, below Snippet). 6. McCroBseu's, Filth and Prune. 6. Quarry and Hecond streets. 7. Kerrlnan's, Eighteenth and Naudain. 8. Latterly ,s, Eleventh and George, 9. CaMllne's. Broad, above Chesnut. 10. McLaughlin's, Broad and Race. 11. Royaton's, New Market and Brown streets. 12. Bnell's, Crown aud Callowbill. 13. Klgth and Button wood, 14. Green street and Ridge avenue. 15. Fagen's, Newbold and Callowbill. 16. Heck's, Fourth, above Culvert. 17. Sherry's, Master and American. 18. Girard avenue and Marlborough street. IS. I.entz's. Franktord road and Norrls street. 20. Girard avenue and War nook street. 21. Bramble's. Manavnnk. 22. Hughes', opposite Town Hall, Qermantown. 'is. Mullen's, rana(ora. 24. No. 3734 Martlet street. 2a. Lang's, Hftrrogale. 2. McCullom's. Seventeenth and Carpenter. 27. Cedar Hall, Fortieth and Market, 28. Clearfield street, west of Twenty-second street. Among the Ward nominations made were the followlne: becond Ward School Directors, John N- Henry, Charles H. Ttsdall, John 11. Koagers. Third Ward Alderman, Frank Devltt. Constable Frank Relley. school Directors John Franklin, T.Arrv Hflnri. JnRAnh ArmtttroBS. Fourth Ward. Alderman William McMullln. School Directors David Hulllvan, Joseph Ralston, and Henry Logan. School Directors. Jacob Reed, John Kalsh, William Conway, Dr. Laughllu (unexpired term). 1,'ittti wdm f nmmon tnuncn. jHmtn r. uuiuu. KlKUin wara no organization. win meci uu Thursday evening. ..... , Ninth, wara (jommon council. Aoranaui j. uniter. A I I M fUnl.ln Phaflu tl IIm.ik.ii. Unlinnl III. rectors, Richard Ludlow, Edward Hurley, H. (i. Leisenring. w. nvetith wara jonn uaniu. Aiuerman. Thirteenth Ward Common Council. Colonel Tav- lor; Alderman, James H. Pogley; School Directors, TT w TTIldehrandt. Thomas Grav. Fifteenth Ward Common Council, Cbarles Keich- line; School Director, i). Braaiey. Thb Great Intbrstatb Fair. The most important agricultural exhibition that has taken place In this State for many years will be tne interstate r air, to oe oeiu ai norristowu on September 11. and continue until the 18th lnnLanL. xne managers are nara at worn, nau a very brilliant and Interesting display may be anticipated. Thousands will be present from tbe eastern section of this State and a number of other States. Ex traordinary efforts are being made to make this Fair a most triumphant suc cess, and, from tne cnaracter oi tne arrange ments, soraetmng unusual may aaieiy oe unu- cipated. The different county agricultural socl- tHlca Ul XjiMBteiu I cuuDjriTnum, nu" uoiogj. Delaware, and Maryland bave responded and all the departments will be well filled. Among the features of the Fair will be a trial or Jieyarick's steam piougn.ana an exuioi tion of tbe powers of the noted patent fire ex tinguisher. Some exciting trotting matches may be loOKea ior, as Liauy xnorn, mountain Maid, and other first-class stock have been en tered, xne f air grounas are cnarimngry lo cated, one mile from Norrls town and about sixteen miles from Fblladelpnia. and are easy of access by means of the Philadelphia and Norristown ana Heading naiiroaus. Attack Upon ah Okficbr. A man named Morgan got into a fight this morning at Third and Catherine streets, during which Officer Burns Interfered, and attempted to make an arrest. In so doing he was resisted by tbe men ii y tnem. uuring tne aisiumance shots were fired, slightly Injuring the olhcer. The ball also took efleot in the hip of a boy, causing a severe wound. Tbe alleged perpetrator of the act, Lester Smith, was pursued, but succeeded iu making bis escape. Morgan was captured, and taken before Alderman Morrow, who held him to await tne result oi tne injuries lnnicted. A Mean Swindlb Frank Wood, who had been paying attention to a widow lady living In the western part of the city, Ingratiated himself so far into her confidence as to get from her a gold watch, bed and bedding, bureau, oar- pet, and chairs, together with the lady's wear ing apparel, lie look the articles In a car and. It is supposeu, pawneu mem. lie was arrested lUn murntnff hv bArtmon r. ITomtllnn r.4 . V. lino ..w. ..... n J ...vnwuw J.i.'ii.i iju. yit Sixth District, who took him before Alderman Beitler. lie was nemin si.KHl bail. Interfering with an Officer Robert Mercler was before Alderman Hutchinson this morning, to answer ine charge of Interfering with Onloers Urlndell and Evans on Sunday morning inst, wuuo m me uisuuarge oi their duty. A tight took place at Seventeenth and wood streets, unimg wnu-n atones wereturown end violence used towards tbe officers in (itiestlQu. Mercier was men arrested and taken to the station, lie was held In $ot0 ball to answer. Assaulting His Family. James Smith, re siding at No. 1530 Pearl street, was before Al. derman Hutchinson yesterday, to answer the charge of committing an assault upon mem bers of his family and using violent language towards them, ills conduct greatly annoyed the neluhhora who interfered and had hlua taken Into cus tody, lie was held lu $1000 ball to answer at court, Fight at a Tavern. Robert Iligghis and Henry Nell were before Alderman Morrow this morning, answer;! he charge of creating a dis turbance at Constantlne's tavern, Secoud and Walnut streets. During tbe affair a large num ber of persons were drawn lo tbe spot, and for awhile much excitement was created. After hearing the case the Alderman held O'Nell in ilovO and Atiggins in irAW ban to answer at Court lot the alleged House. Stealing Dry Goorm. Jacob Mullen was arrested yesterday at Seventh and Shlppen streets, having In his possession a quantity of muslin Intended for shirting, lie could give no account of himself, and was therefore taken before Alderman Fitch, who held him to answer In S600 ball. Selling Liquor. J. Aiken and Jacob Stein, keepers of saloons on Vine street, above Fifth, were before Alderman Williams yesterday on the charge of selling liquor on Sunday. They were held to answer at court for the alleged violation of law. Thb Frb38 Club will hold a regular stated meeting to-morrow afternoon, at tbe rooms, No. 615 Chesnut street, when business of Im portance to every member will be brought up lor consideration. Linki I)ust una. Ihtrt proof, fitting ne.ntty at (As vrck. No one ran trnvrl eomfortnhly without one tell inp al rrihuwi price, to clonr. mil uock. Ualf way txmitnn 1 AJUiWi. k it s vnh. tnn ana iuvi,n inn., bixlh itrttU. No. MS MARKKT HTRKKT, PHILADELPHIA, And No. 6O0 BROADWAY. HRW YORK. trr AH klntl of Hummer dothina Man' I. Youtht. and Jloyt', doting out at. vrry lout prirr. Goon News ! ! A Card. Charles Stokes A. Co. . tbe eminent Clothing House under tbe Conti nental, have just received a handsome lot of Very Fink French andEnolishCassimerks and Coatings of their own Importation, to which they wish to call the attention of their customers and the publlo generally. All in want of new Fall Clothing are Invited to look at these goods and the prices of Heady-made Bulls before purchasing elsewhere. r articular attention given to customer worK. Charles Stokes A Co., First Class Clothiers, No. 824 Chesnut street, Under the Continental Hotel. Purchasers of stock in aid of the Riverside Institute can take their choice from a collection of eight different steel-plate engravings, with the assurance that for eaoh share of stock held a gift will be awarded. Hollow ay's Pills. Dizziness Headache. Who would with patlenoe suffer the pangs of excruciating headache the gnawing stings of indigestion, tbe sickening nausea oi Due tue tremor of shattered nerves, the broken and troubled Bleep with the gradual constitutional decav from excess when these evils may be avoided or permanently Cured by the agency of these invaluable medicines? aoia ny an urug- glsts. No plan more liberal than that presented for the endowment of the Riverside Institute was ever adopted. An engraving and a present guaranteed for every dollar invested. No. 1087 Spring Garden street, can be obtained foreign fruits, nuts, almonds, etc., as well as a fine assortment of confections. Jenkins la rinn Luni js.i7iivr3. n.w unmei tt jonniua , worthy of a call. Every share of stock costing tl'00, purchased In aid of tbe Riverside Institute, guarantees besides a handsome steel-plate engraving, one present. Lyons' Magnetic Insect Powder, for kill Ins Fleas. Moths, Roaches, and BugB. The original and only sure article. Sold by all re spectable dealers. Of the presents to be distributed among those who purchase stock In aid of the Riverside In stitute, there are nearly 400 valued atfrom$o0 up to 810,000. A Word to tbe wise is sufficient. If you are hnnerv. and want an excellent dinner for a verv moderate price, just step In to Morse's Dining Rooms, jnqb. won and wi Aron street. There are several presents worth quite for tunes to be distributed among the purchasers of stock for the benefit of the Riverside Institute moroan H. Troth. Wholesale and Retail ProvlHlon Dealer (stalls Nos. 137 and 139). Fifth avenue, Fifth street Market, Fifth street, above Chesnut. Troth's Hams, Beef, Lard, Tongues, Pickled PorK, etc. Help the orphans of soldiers and sailors by subscribing towards tbe endowment of the Riverside Institute. Use Dexter's Hair Restorative. "lrevenU the Hair from Falling Off. Mw Prevent the Hair from Falling Off. jrPreveia ttie Hair from Falling Off. McIntire fe Brother, No. 1035 Chesnut street. S300.000 worth of presents will be distributed on tbe 25th Inst, among those who subscribe for the benefit of the Riverside Institute. Six Cards, or one large Photograph, Jl'00. Photo-Miniatures, 8100, at Relmer's Gallery, Second street, above Green. Twelve Ferrotypes, 50 cents. Riverside Institute, for soldiers' and sailors' orphans. Shares, 81 each, securing a handsome engraving and a present besides. Jones A Thacher. Printers. 510 Minor St. JK3-BKST R. M. CLOTH1N6 Ht-JirM R. M. Clothinu. Hi- JJett it. M. Clothing. Me M Reasonable JVic.-ff Reasonable. J'rices.'tiy, Reasonable Price. "6 ji ra- ttv haw the Lament A .uortment of Mens" ami Roui ClvtMnp, and the price of Hummer and fall toud ttrtally reduced, . The Labokst Clothing Bouse, Oajc Halk, The Corner of Smith and Mabkbt Hthkxts. MARRIED. DAVIS-HESS. On Tuesday morning. September ; lki7. by Rev. J. Suencer Kennard, at the residence or the bride's parents. Mr. EUHKB1UB MORTON PAVIe to Miss FANJNIK M. UiMS, both of this city. EYRB VIQUKKS. on ids evening or tne tstn ul timo at tbe realdeoce of tbe bride's motker, la Cam den N. J., by Rev. J. H. Peters, Captain O. C. EYRE, ol this city, to Miss MARY B. VIOUJCRS, formerly of Philadelphia. nmT-FINKENl. on the 15th or January. 18S7. hv the Rev. Robert Q. Chase, Rector of the Church of St. Matthias, Mr. OUHTAVU8 HART. J a., of New York to m las uirii ununuivi ui iu im xrfue rlck Finkenl, of this city. DIED. fnPT.T.AND.-On the 1st Instant. Mrs. MARGERA ANN COPKLAND, wife of Thomas Copeland, In the HIS Fol1"-" -uu n: 11 n u v. -"VJ .u.i.iij w..j . ' i fc- h.ii invited to attend the funeral, from the reeldeuce ot ber husband. No. 407 Washington avenue, on Thurs day afternoon, tbe Mb luHtaut, al 3 o'clotik. To pro ceed to Macbpelah Cemetery. HAL8EY. in upper cnicBester. Delaware county, Ptt on Sunday evening, Heptember L LAV1NIA jt-OBKL. youngest daughter of bamuel F, aud Emoii M Ilaley. aged 6 months. Tbe frlenda and relatives ot tbe family will meet the body at Broad aud Prime streets depot, on the arrival ot tbe 11 o'clock train. To proceed to Laurel lilll for lnie""""". HENDERSON. At uevoriy, n. j.. eeptemner 8. THOMAS HANtORU, laiaut sou or John T. ana Mary HUUl.uu, B,m w n wao. TinBBF.RT. Suddenly, on tbe list ultimo, Mr. rkNJAMIN BUBBKKT, In the 74th year of bla age. The relatives and friends of the ramlly are renpect fiillv Invited to attend bis funeral, from tbe renldenoe nt his son-in-law, Mr. Jos. B. Hodgson; No. 2317 Green trret on Wednesday afternoon, the 4th Instant, at 1 o'clock. Bervlces to be held at St. John's M. K. Church. REED. On tne sum uiuuiu, nn, niiniiWA jr., Klfeof Jonathan O. Reed, In the 66th year of her age. n i. .lativea and mends of the ramlly are resDect- ...f, i.,iid tn attend the funeral, Irom her lata real- dinee No. 687 N. Tweiah street, on Wednesday, 8ep oen. i i,i-.w p x. Kr vines at Kihnrnnh temDer -.-- " Baptist Church. MrOUADB. un tne isciosiaut, nuoa, wiieoi rat H?L McQuade, in the th year of her age. The relatives and trimids. also the members of St. .".iii.i R. V. KocietT. are respectfully Invited to -iru-iid the tuneral. from the residence of her husband, ii.irdi. arvniii A rumlliirn. ITr&nkfnrH n Kn j J) 11 1. 1 1 m t - - , Wednesday morning at 8 o'oiock. WYNKOOP. On tbe 80th ultimo, MARGARET, Ira of John Wynkoop, and daughter ot tbe late jnienh aud Rachel Dyer, In the 48th year of her age. Tha relatives and mends ol ths family are reeoect J invlwd to attend her fimeral, from the residence Ir her husband. No IH Water street. White Hall, Tniv-thlrd Ward, on Wednesday morning, tbe ttb taTiaut it 10 o'clock. To proceed to William Peuo Cemetery. Somerton. BENCH CIRCULATING LIBRARY-. PAUL K. WiUAKD, TT FRENCH BOOli-HKLLHIK, hiATIONKR AJID ENGRAVER. Ko. V& S. KLKVKN1H Btreet raiLA.oat.ruiA. sz ip THIRD EDITION THE LATEST NEWS. DEATH OF SENATOR M'DOUGAL The Now York State Demo cratic Convention. Death of Senator McDougall. A T n . w 0 PI,a TT A HT DonpaU, United States Senator from California, died in this city to-day. New York Democratic Convention. 13 Albany, Sept. 3. At a mcetlnir of the Demo cratic State Committee, held at the Delavan House to-day, it was resolved to bold the Demo cratic State Convention for the nomination of State officers at Treddlo Hall, in this city, on Thursday, the 3d of Ootobcr. Stocks in New York. AFTERNOON REPORT. New York, Sept. 3. Smith, Randolph A Co., Bankers, No. 16 Houth Third street, and No. 8 Nassau street, New York, report at 1 o'clock; this afternoon as follows: 1881s, lllvll2. United BUiies 5-20s, 1RA2. lU'Ul'. United States 5-HOs, 1M14, 10U,144111). United States 6-20s, 1866, t.U. United States 5-20s, new, 1H. 10H!4108. United States 6-20s, 18(77. IOMEGA lUi. United States 10-40s, K);loi). August 7'30s, 107l(r7!. June and July 7 30s, 107107 but firm. United States 5 20s are quoted in London, this afternoon, at 73, Arm. Latest Markets by Telegraph Nkw York, Beplemoer s. -Stocks firm, Chicago aud Rock Island, K7,; Reading. 1U37,'; Canton Com pany, 471; Krie, 70; Cleveland and Toledo, 1W: Cleveland and Pltteourg, 93'4: Fittsburg and Fort Wayne, 104V; Michigan Central, 109S: Michigan Southern, sax; New York Central, 10SM: Illinois Cen tral, 120S: Cumberland preferred, 26; Virginia Sizes, SO; U.S. Five-twenties, 18W2, HV,: do. 1884, 110; do. 1885, 111; Ten-forties. W ,; Seven-thirties, lo"V, sterling ex change, Uold, Hl4. Money, 45 per cent. JpOR THE INFORMATION OF HOLDERS OP GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, who may wish to convert them Into the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OP THE Union Pacific Railroad Co., We publish below tbe terms npon which they may now be exchanged at tbe oDlce of the Agents of ths Company in this city, WM. PAINTER & CO., NO. 80 MOUTH THIRD STREET. It will be seen that a handsome profit may be realized by tbe exchange. On 6-2fls of 1862, a difference of 1234 33 will be paid. On 5-20s ot 1864, a difference or) 189 S3 will be paid On 1-208 of 186S, a difference ol S199-83 will be paid. On 6-20sof July '65. a difference of 1 174-33 will be paid. On 1881a, a difference of 2o9'Si will be paid. On 1O-40S, a difference of ftsi'83 will be paid. On 7-308, 2d series, a difference of$l80-33 will be paid. On 7-308, sd series, a difference of i74,88 wltl be paid . (For eaoh thousand exchanged.) 8 lmfip QEDDINC OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT REDUCED PRICES. WDOLENALK AND BET All., ffO.OSS BIIE AVENUE HEAB VINE ST 8 2stuthsn J G. FULLER. OWARBUETON'8 IMPEOVED VENTI lated and Easy-fltting DR1S HATS (patented), lu all the approved fashions of the season. CiLKfJNCT btreet. next door to the Post Office. I5 JONES, TEMPLE & CO., FASHIONABLE HATIKS8, No. 25 8. NINTH Street, First Store above Chestnat street. 4J Tf FOSTER, VABHIONABLK BATTER, 11 sxriBpJ No. 7 S. SIXTH Street. TOHN8T0N & SELDEN ) Attorneys at Law and Solicitors in Bankruptcy, Nc. 484 WALNUT Htiwt. Philadelphia. (8 108m Vx-tiov. W. F. JOUNHTON. Oh.O. b. BELUEN F LT) K N E A S S & C O., I No. 831 MARKET Street, 1 illli UUHBJl NETSj In the Door. 4 11 tnths8p EAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill have Invented to assist ths bearing in every degree of deafness; also, Respirators; also, Crandall's PaleBt Crutches, superior to any others in Bee, at P. MADEIRA S, No. IU TENTH blreetfcelow Cbesnnt 85p REWARD. SCOLEN, ON THE NIGHT tDrJUof September 2, from tbe Stable, Carlton street, below Twelfth, a valuable small brown MARE, near fifteen bands high, and ten years old, UAH NK8S, and an old Rockaway CARRIAGE. Tbe above reward will be paid for the recovery of tbe property. T. E. LONGSHORE, at No. 1328 ARCH Btreet. RO DOERS' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, Pearl and Stag Handles, of beautiful finish. RO DOERS' and WADE A RUTCHF.R'8 RAZORS, and the celebrated LECOCLTRE RAZOR. fcCllSfcORS of the finest quality. Razors, Knives, Scissors, and Table Cutlery Oronnd and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S, No. US TENTH Street, below Chesnnt. FAKE TO WILMINGTON, 15 font? Chester or Hook. 10 cents. in, null ulUtr al l f. 1J A l . juiy 0. Hits oaujorAiur.u will leave CHESNUT Street wharr at u jl. m. ana 8 45 P. M. Returning, leaves Wilmington at 6 A. M. and U"45 P. M. . . w . . Fare to Wilmington, 15 cents; excursion tickets, 25 cents. Fare to Chester or Hook:. 10 cents. 9 8 im 6QQ ARCH STREET. 600 aBIFTTTII A PAOE. ItKKT CROQUET 8AM7i5S. PATENT WATEB 109U.B11, WIBE DISH COVER. Slut EXC7EIJIrW BBrBIEWTOKS fTRUIT JARS AND CANS, CEMENT, JHKJfc UVIWG KETTI.ES, BEFBI EBATOBiS, WATEB COOLEBS, And a general variety of Houae-Furnlshlug Ooods, at ' D. A. WILDHAN'S, g 28 tuthssp r o. lOH BVBINQ QARDEN Btreet. MOWEY TO ANY AMOUNT LOAN El UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEW Corndr0 Blow Lombard. ... , N b. DIAMONDS WATCHES, JEWELRY OVmKl-a. yoa SAtiSi at REMARKABLY U)W PRICES. 625 8m TV) HOUSEKEEPERS AND INVALIDS. I The nnderslgned respeotrully calls ths attention rTT t'ae puhllo to the stock of Prlm 7a. finuar fVir nlckllns and eel ma Cider and Purs eneral family use ree from all Impa .iiln. to bis nopuUr "Tonic Ale," free from all Imps- rl tlti and endorsed by the medical faculty as a safe f.ud wholesome beverage lor weak and dailoais oon- r.ud wholesome beverage Delivered tres of charge to aU No. 41 PEAR Sireet, 11 7&s Below Third. aui Waluut aud Doulc. 5 FOURTH EDITION FAREAGUT IN RUSSIA. Olileinl Account ot Xloceptlon. IllH Ktc, ECom Etc., EU., Etc., Et. IROM WASHINGTON THIS P. if. Naval Intelligence, WAsniNOTOif, Sept. 3. European Squadron Admiral Farragut gives tbe following offloial account of bis enthuslasllo receptloa by ta ItasslaDs: UirritD Btatks FLAOsnip FRArVRLirr, orr Cronhtadt, Uussia, AUKttst 13, 1N07. Hlr: I bave the honor to report my arrival la tbe Franklin at this place, on the 10th Inst., after a very pleasant passage or eleven a ays irons. Cherbourg, having anchored two nights whilst ronniDg vnrougn trie ureal ueit. our reception nere by the Kussian auinort tles, naval and civil, was most gratly lng, both nationally and Individually. From the time we passed the first vessel we were greeted by cheers and salutes until we anohored, tbe har bor becoming so dense from smoke that we could no longer distinguish whence the gun were urea, whether irom forts or shins, the Russians always taking tbe Initiative. We re turned In kind cheers and salutes, oheerlns; wben they cheered, and firing when tuey fired, but It was one burst of the most cordial wel come. Tbe uommandlnct Admiral. Lf ssofsky. called as soon as possible to inform me that quarters were prepareu ior me on snore, where it was expected that I would take up my abode, and thence visit other points as I felt disoosed. Ha also notified me that he would bring all the senior officers under his command lo oall on me on Monday, at any time most agreeable to me. I named l o'clock, ana at that hour the Admiral came on board, acoompaaled by the Fort Admiral and many other otlloers. They were entertained with all tbe usual ooar testes on such occasions, and spent an hour or two on board, and on their departure received the proper salutes. To-day 1 received the Mayor and civil autho rlties of Cronstadt, who did me tbe honor to call and par their respeots. It Is my purpose to-morrow to visit Ht. Petersburg, and oall oa our Minister, tbe Hob. Cassius M. Clay. I am accompanied Dy tne cananuaigua ana Tlconderoga, and I am expecting the Frolla every hour from Stettin. very reapeoiiuiiy. Your obedient servant, D. U. Fa BR AO DT, Admiral Corad'g the European Squadron. Bon. Gideon Welles, Beoretary of the Navy, Washington, D.C. Another Prize Fight. New York, Sept. 3. A' prize fight took place in New Jersey to-day, resulting in Jim Glass whipping Teddy Mack, after twenty-one rounds of brutal pounding. Railroad Slaughter. Nbwabk, N. J.. Sept., 3. Albert Baker and William Stapg, cltieeus of Rah way, were hor ribly manpled and scalded by a locomotive oa. tbe'Central Railway, near Railway, this morn ing. The Judicial Cenvsntlon met at the new Court House at 2 o'clock this afternoon, and prooeeded to business at onoe. In a very harmonious manner. William Badger. Esq., was elected temporary Chairman, and Messrs. Washington Quigley and William S. Gregory temporary Secretaries. Sals of Real Estate, Stocks, Etc. Messrs. Thomas & Sons sold at the Exobange, to-day at noon, tbe following slocks and real estate, viz.: 617 shares Philadelphia aud Gray's Ferry (Spruce and Piuej Passenger Railway Co... S2S'o4 165 shares Hhamokin Coal Company 8 shares Third National Rank 1121S SO shares Central National Rank .. m 77 B0 shares Union Mutual losurauce Co... , 11 oe 1 share Cape Hay Knd 14 ill ville Railroad..., 21 DO 600 shares Cambria Iron Co..... 18'875 lu7 shares Empire Transportation Co..... J WOO 62 shares Union Transportation Co 64'6S loo shares Central Transportation Co fiss-oe 150 Delaware Mutual Insurance bcrip .78 per ct. Buaiwa Aieruar.iue Ajiurary ;o VTv IS shares Green aud Coates Streets Passen cor Kali war Company.. SI -ex IC00 Union Iieavue Bond 425fKl Dwelling, itlcumond street, between the Frankford road and Khackamazon street. Business location large building and lot, kuown as the "Ninth United Presbyterian Church," K os. 2005, 2TI07, aad 2iK N. Second street, 64 feet front, 109 feet deep to Pale thorp street, two fronts....... Very valuable hotel and large lot, known 2950-O4 28D0'0a a toe -viooey,- 'rownsuip line roaa, near lu. vy is.auicauu OH lands. 2m 0 acres. Weal Vlnrinla.. I9,900ll Three-story brick store and dwelling, No. 1726 Cailoivblil sireel Country nlace. 3' acres. Uimmuntnn. At. won 285009 Untie county. New Jeraey 100000 Valuable bimlness stand Ktore, No. 136 P. Fig-nth street, below Chesnut street; 2oi feetlront .... . SOOOUft Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, Sept. 3 Bsported by De Haven A Bra, No. 40 8. Third street BfiTWEKH BOARDS. 91500 Pas,l series 85.102V JKIOO All County Co 5s. 75, finooN Penna Cs.. 2ds 89 li 2oou Leh s 'St. ss 4iioo U s lo-409.reg.-. tix 17 sh Mlneblll. 674 8 ah Penna H...... 682 4 sh Bk N A..........240 100 sh Phil A K........W, iSLi ruiu city sa, risw -it MO do..- nil Jtsoo do. loi S.100 do Kit fiouo W JerRts.b5wn. 87j W-WOtttt. do.... b5... 87i BIOOND BOARDt cone Pa Rim 6s loo iim0 City a, New. 101 11 coo do lon UKI0 do lOtfi 1000 sh Cornplanter .... n x an i am a inu,.!!)1. 12 sh Mlneblll KB 57)4 15shCfc Amu. , 8 BRITANNIA METAL CUPS, SPOONS, Lamps, and Soup Ladles, with other Ttousp keep ing Hardware, at TRUMAN A SHAW'S, No. sas (Fight Thirty-five) Market 8U, below Ninth. CIDER, WINE, AND VINEGAR SPIGOTS. Ale Cocks, and a variety ot Faucets, at TRUMAN A SHAW'S, No. 8S5 (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market St., below Ninth. THOSE ABOUT TO BEGIN HOUSEKEBPINO are invited to examine our stock of Table Cut lery, Housekeeping Hardware, and Cooklnrr Utensils. TRUMAN A SHAW, No. 8.15 (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market St., below Ninth. NSURE YOUR LIFE IN THE AMERICAN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICK: 4U5p B. CORNER FOURTH AND WALNUT. a K. SMYTH. B, r. ADAIR & ADAIR. Practical Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers la Superior silver - Plated Ware, GOLD AND SILVER PLATERS, Factory and salesrooms iso, t9 houiu tdibd utkkb' (Upstairs.) WABEROOH, NO, lit WITM (Second Floor), raiLADaXPOIA, 1 27 thatutorp J.