THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY. SEPTEMBER 2, 18GT. AMUSEMENTS. At thi Walwtjt we have tha nineteenth representation of A Midsummer Nifihi't Dream, In all lis ror:oous array. The Walnut la still crowded every nlubt to witness tbls magnlu cent spectacle, cow In the fourth week of its run. We have no doubt it will hold the stavo to good com puny for a month longer, but it will Je 10 withdrawn shortly to make way for other novelties. No one should miss seeing the great Hhakesperlan spectacle. Tub Arch Btrkkt Theatre opens next Saturday eveniDg with Sheridan's witty and elegant comedy of The School for Nrandal. Mrs. John Drew will appear in her finished role of "I,ady Teazle," supported by Mr. F. F. Mackay. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Waloot, Jr., and other favorites. Thk New Chesnut Rtrkkt Theatrb opens on Monday nexr, with Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Flo rence, Vatic, and the new stock company. Thk American Thkatkk Is already nearly flnUbed, and will be opened positively on the Id th, with a first-rate variety troupe. Ai,r. Burnett. This extraordinary genius In the way of facial absurdities aud comical representations of the funny and queer people we meet in life's Journey, oommenoes this even lnst, at "Assembly Buildings," a series of tils fashionable and laugtmble entertainments. He will be assisted bv Miss Helen Nash. Mr. Burnett's chauues are lustantaneous, nnd in variably eonvulse his audience. He will re main during the week. None should fall to see Burnett, who can enjoy the ludicrous when presented by a finished artist. Thk friends of Miss Emma Fowler (sister of the beautiful Millie and Clara Fowler, lost on the Evening Star) will be glad to learn that, she has been engaged as a donna seconda by Miss Klohlngs for her English Opera Troupe. CITY INTELLIGENCE. WOm ADDITIONAL LOCAL IT RMS SRR INSIDB PASES. The Republican Exboutivb Committer. On Ratnrdsy evening the various Ward Execu tive Committees elected one member each for the City Executive Committee. This morning the members elect assembled at No. 410 LlDrary street forjthe purpose ol organi zation. James McManus, of the Seventh Ward, acted as Chairman, and John G. Butler as Se cretary pro tern. The following permanent officers were elected: William R. Leeds, Tenth Ward, Pre sident; Samuel Daniels, FUteentU Ward, and William W. Taylor, Twenty-second Ward,Vloe Presidents; Robert F. Gill, Second Ward, Trea surer; Isaac MoBrlde. Twenty.slxth Ward, and John L. Hill, Ninth Ward, Secretaries. The following are the members: Ward. Ward. 1. win. Harvey Money, is. tsamusl Daniels, z. nooert 1. uiu, a. Robert G. Pigeon, 4. Richard Butler, 5. John W. Donnslly, 6. John O. Butler, 7. Ueoriie W. Myers. I 8. Henry L Mclotyre, 9. John L. lllll, la William R. Leeds, 11. KdwardS. McUlue, 12. William Andreas, in. Charles O'Neill. 14. Thomas J. Close, id. Joseph Haiti. 17. James McManes, 18. Joseph H. Allen, is. Joseph Karneet, '20. . 21. John Harris, Jr., 22. William M. Taylor, JA. William Taylor, 24. . 2 John gees. 2. Isaac McHride. 27. . 2. . BarLDiNO Piemits. The number of building permits issued during the past month, as com pared with the corresponding month of last year, was as iouows: auo,1367. Dwellings: Four-story Three-story 178 Two-story 134 Aug., 1S66. 5 144 o4 Total Dwellings 312 School Houses 1 Breweries 1 Banks 1 Dve-House 2 213 Coach-Houses Foundries. 3 3 1 2 1 "5 2 17 19 20 4 1 2 2 2 300 110 419 Tee-Houses Bake-Houses. Slaughter-Houses.. Distilleries Offloes Factories Sheds Shops . B tores ... Stables 3 2 1 13 21 15 Oburobes 3 Engine-Houses 1 Qreen-Houses Saloons 2 Utorehouses 4 Total 395 Alterations and additions... 08 Grand total.. 403 The Police Statistics kob the Mouth of August. The following is the number of arrests in the various police districts of the elty. It will be seen that the Third District (Lieutenant Ooldey) carries off the palm in point of number: JHstrtct. .District. I................ 277 11 - 46 2 46 15 49 3... 000 1 18 207 4 .. 824118 126 f, .419 Vacrant Detectives.. 65 6.. .135 'Day Sergeants........... 23 7 1 14 1 Reserve Corps 162 ft........................... -213 1 Delaware Harbor 60 9 ..208 Schuylkill Harbor. ,. 35 7 4250 10... 11 12... 13... ,....246; Park Police 9001 ....182; Total 331 A Boy Severely Kicked. Jacob Walton, a little deformed boy, residing In Lei per street, Frank ford, was violently kicked by a boy named Charles Fitzpatriok last night, and In ternally Injured. It seems that a number ot boys bad been quarrelling before Walton's house, when a stone was thrown which struck T'llxnatriek. Walton then comlne out. it was supposed, but wrongly, that he did it, and he Was Immediately assaulted; and being unable to defend himself, his right arm being de formed, and his left wrist but partially re nmml fmm a severe fracture, he was thrown dawn, and it is said, kicked in the side. It Is thought that he will recover. Alderman Coux ley held Fltepatrlck n I1W0 bail to answer. Sratchino 155. Alexander Boyd, James Burk, and Patrick O'Donnel, the latter seml lntoxloated, went into a place together in Dun cannon street, near FHteenth. Vhlle In this ?. winuiinm Minditlon. O'Donnel com- Tnnmi to aount over his money. He had laid tsj BhiKi Rnvri. It is alleged, snatched It. O'Donnel managed toget this back, and nothing daunted, commenced attain to count, and had plied up $155, when Burk essaying his hand, Snatched the whole lot and made oft He was arrested near by. as was also Boyd, and both were committed by Aluerinan Mink indelault of $1000 ball. Vir ! T?irx ! Fire 1 At 12 o'clock noon pre eisely the neighborhood of Third and Cbesnut streets enjoyed the delicious sensation of an alarm of lire, rne oamgiuun;wu uj lie U. V. " VJ. i p. - - , -. .um.i vor-r triflinar indeed, and m. r.w hnpkiiu nr vitar Htaved its career. The mnnnf mlnlolnra Ann lav ration WBS the third tory of the earpenter-shop at No. 26 Hudson's iKtt .n. at lAaut, tip hundred peopfe, three hose carriages, and a steam Are .,lni nil nf vhih irMiul after the subsi dence of the flames. It is needless to say that Ave hundred disgusted people lett the scene. Burglars. Last night some burglarious Individuals effected an eu trance Into the resi dence of Mr. James Moore, No. 1941 South street, through the secoad story front window. A trunk was opened by means of a false key, and $27 appropriated. In this trunk was a valise, which was out open, but no plunder greeted the avaricious eyes of the burglars. After disposing of the $27, tbe enterprising gentlemen effected trheir escape. Houhe Entered. On Saturday afternoon, the dwelling occupied by Mr. Magowen, No. IH5 Green street, was entered by uneves and tho roughly ransacked, tbe family being absent at the time. It Is supposed tnat a huge amount of clothing was stolen. Stbaliho a Watch. A man and wife, Bur named Greenwood, were arrested and com mitted by Alderman Tnnlson. for eniiolDg a Granger into their house, on Seventh near St. Mary 's street, end robbing him of his watch. A Broond Timi. William MoKelvey, tbe keener of Bfcloon on Main street, Krankford. jteepr . time, vesterdav. for deal- Tlf ttZ lTouor. contrary lo 1W. Aldocmau Ali.kord IIorri Thrft. Patrick MoQinler was arrested at Thirty-fourth and Darby road, for the alleged crime of horse-stealing. Alder man Mauie committed to await a further hearing. Fihk iw Cooprrsvilir. About eight o'olook on Saturday a fire broke out in a cabinet shop In Coopersvllle, owned by Ootlieb Hadell. The damage was not serious, I.tnrm Dttstkrs. Ttrpf. atiorfrnent, different ntvlet, imperrdmu to dutt flUing neatly at the ner.k, tril'ng at redured nriret, to dote out trork. Hatf wnv bftooeen BKNNKTT OO., tVth and V TOWKH HALL. tiixlh ttreeto.) No. SIS MAP.KKT HTRKRT, PHILAI) KLFHIA, And No. 0fl BROADWAY, NKW YORK. Iff AU kinds of (tummer UiMhtng telling off to dote Out stock, at very low priret. By thk purohaae of one or tne shares of stock now being sold for the benefit of the Uirorside Institute, you secure more for your money than oould be realized were you to expend It in the ordinary way. Thk First Day of Fall. Not, we hope, of our nation's progress or our individual for tunes, but of the calendar year. A fall in prices of Ready made Clothing, at Charles Htokes 4 Co.'s First Class House, under the Continental, would be inaugurated If the prices were not already at the lowest for the style of goods. Any one doubting Is Invited to call and see the garments and prices, at No. Wil Chosnut street- The HAwpfioiiR engravings given to those who purchase stock in aid of the Riverside Institute are worth, at retail, fifty per cent, more than It costs those who seoure them in this way. Mr. W. fT. Oravkh, Agknt Bhrkkhirk Life Insurance) Company, No. 829 Walnut Btbrbt: Dear Sin I beg leave to acknowledge receipt of five thousand dollars Injtull ot all claims, under policy in your Company on life of the late Mr. James McCutcbeoD, Issued September 14, 1466, which amount wot paid tome time beore due. I have much pleasure in thanking you for all the mcllttles you afforded me for proving the claim, and think that such prompt dealing should entitle the Berkshire to the confidence and patronage el the public Yours respectfully, CHARLES ROBB, Administrator. Philadelphia, August 80, 1867. Growing Reputation, If the entire corres pondence from South America, Central Ame rica, and the West Indies, received by Messrs. Hostetter & Smith during the last twelve months, were published at length, it would probably be considered one of the most extra ordinary collections of approbatory testimony on record. The letters, written in every variety of style, and emanating from Individuals of almost every class, are, nevertheless, all of the same tenor. Pbyslolans, priests, merchants planters, military officers, artisans, lawyers, etc., tell one story, admitting, without reserve or qualification, that the tonics heretofore in use In those regions have been generally and justly superseded by Hostettek's Bitters. The confidence manifested by the people of these countries might be fairly ca'.led enthusi astic. Yet these are not the only tokens of the growing popularity of Hostettek's Stomach Bitters. The foreign orders for the article from Europe, Australia, New Zealand, China, Japan, East Indies, Cape of Good Hope, Sandwioh Islands, etc, have been heavier than at any former period. As an antidote to malaria, a stomaohio, and general lnvigorant, they all testify to its re markable efficiency. The most valuable of the presents to be dis tributed by the Washington Library Company, organized in aid of the Riverside Institute, are worth $40,000, $20,000, $18,000, $15,000, $10,000, $T000, $2500, $1000, $500, and so on. Dr. Jayns's alterative is a Standard Medicine a compound of those articles which long experience has proven to nossess the most safe and efficient alterative and deobstruent properties, and containing no concealed pol anna, no mercurial or other metallic prepara tions. Having beiore us tne testimonials oi thousands of persons who have been restored to sound heaitn from its use, it is recommenaea to the afflicted with entire confidence la the belief that It will effectually eradicate from the human system the diseases for whose cure It Is flofillrnMl. For Purifying the Blood, the Alterative Will be found to oe a most eneouve meaicine. Acting directly on tbe circulation. It purines the blood, and passes with it Into every tissue and fibre of tbe body, removing every particle nf iinpftse rrom tne system. FoRSCROFULA.ln all its lorms.whether Ulceraf Hons of the Meth or ones, EnXaraement ot the .Taints. Glands, towellings. Eruptions. Tumm, etc. tbe Alterative has been found pre-eminently successful. By its action on tne Diooa. it ae- stroys the virus or poisonous principle irom ucnien inose diseases orieinaie. For Skin Diseases, the immediate cause oi which will nearly always De iouna to oe an obstructed state of the pores, Jaynb's Altera- tivi is a certain remedy, it not only removes the obstinate state of tbe pores, but it frees tbe blood and perspiration from ail impurities ana gross particles wnicn are so name to oosiruui tne small perspiratory vesNeis. Prepared only at Mo. are cnesnut street. "They made her a grave too cold and damp For a soul so honestand true." If they bad been wise, the dire necessity of opening the graVe for one so lovely might have been averted. Plantation Bitters, if timely used, are sure to rescue the young and lovely, the middle-aged, and the ailing, from confirmed sickness. Almost all diseases have their beginning In some slight difficulty of the stomach, which would eventuate in Dyspepsia, Headache, Liver Complaints, Night Sweats, Consumption. Death. Plantation Bitters will prevent these premonitory symptoms, and keep the blood pure and tbe health good. While they invigorate the system, they en liven the mind. Magnolia Water. A delightful toilet artUle superior to Cologne, and at half the price. A handsome steel-plate engraving and a pre sent besides are guaranteed to every purchaser of a single share of stock in aid of the Washing ton Libiary Company, I'll. Luri r.lliuni5. wtoibc n, jvukiuvj No. 10U7 Spring Garden street, can be obtained . .. 1 1 rjoAMA nr i..i.u.i foreign fruits, nuU, almonils, etc., as well as a Hue assortment of confections. Jenkins is worthy of a call. LTona' Maonktio Issect Powdkb, for kill ing Fleas, Moths, touches, and Bugs. The original and only sure article. oiu uy ail re- spectanle dealers. Frozkn Pkaches. lvaeh Ice Cream and TMrh Water Ice may be had every day and i.,r at Morse's Saloons. Nos. m aud W1 Arch street. Try tnein. a Coneti or tironcblRl a Beet Ion creeping on the lunKs. lake Ayer's Cuerry Veo lUIU'i rable. . . i .. i f i rum 1 1. ur.vr v Remember the orphans ol our crave soldiers and sailors by contributing towarua ujo euuuw went of the Riverside institute. Photo-Miniatures only 1 at B. Y. Relmer's oriferv o.24 Arch street. AU lovers of art USliery, l A. V; i. irnma of art. cannot rail to UBB DEXTER'S HAIB RaWBATIVB. -JPrevenU the Hair from W'W arJevenU Die Hair from talUnff OfT. events O 'iHrHER. No. 10iH Uhesnut street. J0S8 A TttAOlucx, Prlttters, 6U) Muor St. YirBnsT R, M. OrvrntNO ; Hifllrtl R. M. fOi(I. M-Bctt H. M. aotJime. Rrnmnnhte, iViff ii.""?? Heatonahle I'rirei.'xiQ, Rratmxnhl Prtret.ti 11' We have the Lareett A itortment of Ment and Ho (' ClotJiina. and the nHcet ol Summer and Fall Uoodt yrtatly reduced. WNAMAKKHS HBOWW, THK ItABUKfT Cl.OTHINO Houhb, Oak Halk, Th CoRfTEB or Sixth and Mabkht Htrrrts. MARRIED. BLOOD ORAFFFN-On Thursday evening, the r)IS iililruA, by HiKht Kv. Dr. Klevnna, OolftnAl 11KNKY B. BLOOD, of Mercer county, I'a., to ANNA B daughter of Robert Oration, of FUtladelpbla. WALKFR TRIKBKLH. On th 2!th ultimo, by the Rev. William Catiicart. JOSK1MI O. WAI.KKtl to JKNNIR U., daughter of P. W. Trleuels. hm., all ol this city. DIED. ROWEN.-On the 1st Instant, Mr. ALLEN ROWEN, aged 40 years. The relatives and friends. Philadelphia Typographi cal Sootety, Kcptune Hose Company, and Typncra- Iihlcal Union. Is'o. 2, are renpectruliy lnvitd to attend i In funeral, from his late residence, No. &21 Dlckersou street, ou Tueuday afternoon at t o oiock. linn. fcT a ....-. a I . ft. m ... T Mm. KLLKW BUWM, late of Alfertoa, Kngland, aged 6,1 years. 1 he relatives and friends of the family are Invited to attend the funeral, from her late residence. No. IIS Cooper street, Camden, N, J., oa Tuesday afternoon, tbe 3d Instant, at 1 o'clock. HALBEY. On Bunday evening, September I, LA V1NIA 1 HOB EL, youngest daughter nf Samuel F, and Fnima M. llalsey, aj i mooUia. (lioston and Mew York papers please copy.) HUBBERT. Hnddanly, on the Xlnt ultimo, Mr. BENJAMIN HUMBERT. In the 74th year of his ace. Tbe relatives and friends ot the family are respect hilly Invited to attend bis funeral, from the residence oi his son-in-law, nr. J on a. iiixinnoii. ro. z-nv ureen street, on Wednesday afternoon, tlie 4lh Instant, at 1 o'clock, nervines to be held at Ht. John's ML. K. Church. Interment at Odd Fellows' Cemetery. REED. On the 80th ultimo, Mrs. REBECCA F.. wile oi jonaman v. Keen, in tne s.w year oi her age. The relatives and friends or tbe family are respect hilly Invited to attend the funeral, from her lata resi dence. No, 6X7 N. Twelfth street, on Wednesday, Sep tember 4, at 1 o'clock P. M. Services at Koxborougb Baptist Church. McQTJADE. On the 1st Instant, ROSE, wife of Pat rick Mcuuade. In tbe Dftb year of her ace. The relatives and friends, also the members of St. Josephine B. V. Society, are respectfully invited to attend the tunerai, rrom tne residence or her nusoana, Jso. 72 Huckuts street. Arannngo. Frankford, on Wednesday morning at 8 o'clock. WYNKOOP.-On the 80th ultimo, MARGARET, wire or jonn wynKoop. ana aausnter or tne late Joseph and Racket Dver. In the 4sth year of her aire. The relatives and friends of the family are rennect- fully invited to attend her funeral, from the residence of her husband. No. 4M9 Water street, White Hall, 1 wenty-tbtrd Ward, on Wednesday morning, the 4iu Instant, at 10 o'clock. To proceed to William Pena Cemetery, Bouierton. THK PATENT CORN GRATER OPENS THE hull at tbe grain, and then scrapes out all the pulp, leaving the Indigestible skins attached to the con. for piiduioRs. soups, fritters, etc.. made of sreen corn, or for elderly persons who cannot masticate their boiled corn, they will prove themselves a desirable housekeeping uteuslu Sold by TRUMAN A SHAW. No. 835 f Eight Thlrty-flve) Market St.. below Ninth, "HVO YOU WANT ANY ARTICLE OF HOUSE JLv keeping or Building Hardware or Tools. You are Invited to examine the stock of TRUMAN A SHAW. No. SS5 (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market St., below Ninth. OX) LOCKSMITHS. A LARGE VARIETY OP J. Keys and other Hardware suitable for your use, may ds iouna at tne store or TRUMAN A SHAW. No. B35 (Eight Thirty five) Market St., below Ninth. NSURE YOUR LIFE IS TH1 AMERICAIS Life Insurance Company, OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE 4 USp B. K. OOBNEB FOURTH AND WALNUT T9 WARBURTON'8 IMPROVED VENTI- 4 la ted and Easy-fitting DRESS HATS (patented 1. in all the approved fashions of the season. CHESNUT Street, next door to the Post Office. JONES, TEMPLE & CO.. FASHIONABLE HATTERS, No. 25 S. NINTH Street. First Store above Cbestnnt street. 4l FOSTER. FASHIONABLE HA ITER. siiemEp No. 7 S. SIXTH Street. JOHNSTON Attorneys at Law and & S E L I) E N and Solicitors In Bankruptcy. no. n vvAutui mrooi, i-uiiaueipaia. ibiusm Vx-Gov. W. F. JOHNSTON. OEO. H. SELDEN T7 BENCH CIRCULATING LIBRARY. J ' PAUL K, WHAKD, FRENCH BOOKSELLER. STATIONER AND NO. 202 B. ELEVENTH Street - rHILADXXPHIA. 22 5p WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRIP- tlons of Character, with advice on Business, xieuuu, iuucuiiun, etc., given uaiiy oy J. Ij. CAriJN, 8 28wfmSp at No. 722 CHESNCT Street. DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill have Invented to assist the beartnc In every degree of deafness; also, Respirators; also, Crandall's faient Crutches, superior to any others in use, at P. MADKLRA'S, No, 116 TKNTH BtreetoeK)W cneenot sopt "D 0D0 ERS'AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET 1Y KNIVK8. Fearl and Htae Handles, of beautiful finish. KOixiisatB' ana wauk s butuhekb MAZOH& and the celebrated LKCOULTBK KAZOO. bCIHbOKS of tbe finest quality. Razors. Knives. (Scissors, ana i sole cutlery wrnnna and Polished St P. MADKIKA'B, No. 116 TKNTH street, below Cbesnut. 1 fifin ARCH STREET. G00 GBIFFITH A PlfiK, v.vht CKoturr abikm. PATEHIT WATER COSLEBS, WIRE DISH COTEBS. 4 10f EXCELSIOR REFBI6EBATOBS C-RUIT JARS AND CANS, t'EMEHT, JKKKBI KETTLES. BEFBIVIBATOBS, WATER COOLERS, And a general variety ot Bouse-Furnishing Goods, at B. A. WILDHAN'8, S W tuths-jp? 10 o. 1U HPBINO HARDEN Rtrest. I UPON PUMO.NDH, WATCHm, JKW Oi KLKY, platk. ciArrMiwu, jtm, at 3 JONK8 A CU.'B OLD KS 1 A Bijisii.e'U iaa urriun. Corner of THIKD aud OASKILL tKreeia, Kfktw Lombard. N. B. DIAMONDS WAlVUli8. JKWKLRY faUS,KlC., REMARKABLY J.1W PRIChM. 6S 3m rTV) HODSEKEEFEKS AND INVALIDS. X The undersigned respectfully calls the attention of tb public to tne aujva i rriua uiaeT ana rur tliter Vinegar for pir-siiuK and ihwu family use- iim. m lin ixiiiular "Toulc Ale." free from all lmun. rules, and snaorara oy iui uieuicai ibcuivt as a aais and wholesome beverage lor weak ana aeilcaie coo sittutions. Delivered tree oi cuarge to an parts or ins city, P. J. JORDAN, No. 42U PKAK brreeL 11 7( Btilow Third. and Walnut, aud Doos. TN THK DISTBICT CODKT FOR THE CITY" A AND COUN1Y OK PHILADELPHIA. DMOND J. OOUOWN to Hie use. vs. JAMKd L. MOmKs, Ves. Ex. June Term. 187. No. 1H. Tlia undersigned aDnolnted to dlairibiita the fuud arinus from the BherllTs sale in the above case of all thai certain two-story brick store and dwelling-house and lot wberaon the same i erected, situate on lbs noilbwest corner of Haverlord and bomoreel tresis. Twenty-fourth Ward. PhiladelDhla. c'Mita'ulng In frent on Haverford street 26 feet, and in depth llo feet, will attend lo the duties of bis appointment on MON DAY. Heotember lrt. I'll? t nVlunk P. At. at his office. No. FIFTH Htreet.lo tbe city of Phila delphia, when and where all pardea Interested must maae ujeir uikiujb. or iuey wu t oe ueatrrvu iroui ceniing In on said fund. D. P. BKUVVM, JK., 2 lul Auditor. riETTHK BKHT. THK HOLY BIBLR-HARD. I T Inv's Kdlilous Familv. Pulnlt aud Pocket Hlblea. in kuiuLinil atvlea of TurKev MoriKKO and autkiua blndlnK. A new edition, arranged for puotograpulo p,,.aa..f UuiUie. HARDINQ. PuWI.h.,. Kf. m CHAoJS UT blrsoi. bslvw iWitk, THIRD EDITION LATER FE0EI EUROPE BY THE ATLANTIC CABLE The Kuropoan Market To-Day. FROM EUROPE BY CABLE. Noon Report of Markets. London, Sept. 2 Noon. Consols for money, 94?; Erie Railroad, 44$; U. 3. 5-20a, 73J; Illi noifl Central, 77i; Oreat Western Railway, 22. Litfhpool, Sept. 2 Noon. Cotton quiet and unchanged. The Bales to-day are esti mated at 10,000 bales. BreadstuSd are unchanged. Provisions heavy. Cheese has declined to 49a. Refined Petroleum has advanced to la. 41.; other articles are unaltered. Antwerj, Sept. 2. Petroleum is active and firmer; the price has advanced to 47f. SKOOMD DESPATCH. London, Sept. 2. Consols have declined 1-1 G. Oreat Western Railread, 23j; Illinois Central, 7"i. LrvERPooL, Sept. 2. The weather is delight ful, and favorable for the crops. Beef has advanced to 145s. Corn has de clined to 45s. Tallow has declined to 49s. 6d. Other articles unaltered. Ahtwbrp, Sept. 2. Petroleum ia firmer, with sales at 45f. 50c. Steamers Arrived Out. Southampton, Sept. 2. The steamer Weser, from New York on the 22d, arrived at mid night. Londonderry, Sept. 2. The steamer Peru vian, from Quebec on the 22d, arrived to-day. Stocks in New York. AFTERNOON REPORT. Nf.W York. Sept. 2. Smith. Randolph &Co.. Kaukers. Ho. U (South Third street, and No. 8 MasHau street, New York, report at 1 o'clock this afternoon as iouows: 1881s, llllia. United States 5-20s, 1862, 1U'U1'. United States 6-20s, 164, 109?lll). United States 5-28, lBto, lltyaC3lU. United states o-uus, new, ia. iu3stu; 5. United States 5-20s. 1867. 108U108J. United States KMOs, lu9luy. August 7U8. IU7raillJ7i. .imie ana juiv 'aus. iuix,niut;u. muricetuuii Unlud States 5-20s are Quoted In London, this afternoon, at 7ayfi. Latest Markets by Telegraph. New Yoiik. SenU 2. Cotton quiet: mlddtlac up lunds. 77c Flour aulet: sales of 70(H) barrels State Hoiitliern, t18; California. S12'29('ir60. Wheat quiet; sales or 70i O duhiicih amoir niaie. ,orn uuu; sales of 41.000 busbel.H mxed We iera. 8t-l3ftSi 17 Oats dull: sales of 12.000 bushels Western, u07Oc Beet quiet. Fork dull; new Mews, IJ'Si lara uuu l2tuU4c Whisky active; Western, 2 4c. THE PARAGUAYAN WAR. The Brazilians Abandon Carina for New Move up the Parana How the Strategic Change Took Place Ths Paraguayans Already Fortified Against ths Diew Stove. Rio Jakeiro. Auk. 1. To employ the lan- Ruage of one of your contemporaries, wiiue re- lectins' the simile ana aetestinir tne itram mar, "the eye ot tue puouo nas Deen on tiptoe of expectation" iu reference to a ereat victory that was anticipated by the Brazilian arms over tbe Paraguayans. I say Brazlliau, because thealliance n longer practically exists. The French packet, which brought news from the seat of war to the 7th ultimo, reports nothing to mitigate the feverish feeling whioh has taken possession of an minus lor tue last lew weeks. On the contrary, she has Increased the anxiety with which we await steamers from the river Plate. At Montevideo information was ex pected oi a general battle, whioh was to take SI ace under tbe lead of the General-in-Chief, larques de Caxias. On tne zaouniy tue uurou rorio Aiecre naa an interview with the Admiral on board the flagship. It has leaked out slnee that the Mar ques aeeiareu mm ne was boiuk to aoanuon nut encampment and proceed to the spot where be was to meet tbe Baron tie Herral, his troops carrying rations for three days. It appears also that x3aron roruj Aiegre was ot opinion tnat they should await the arrival of Ueueral Mitre, with his six thousand promised troops, as he thought it rashness to penetrate further Into tne enemy s territory witn only twenty-seven thousand men the present available force of the allies f?). A heavy rain commenced on tne ou, m consequence or which the intended movement of the Marques was not carried out. On tbe same day six steamers arrived at Curnzu, from Paso de Patrta, to laae away tne remaioaer oi tne forces, including tne aruuery, as it was deter mined to aDanuon mo position. x seems mat the Paraguayans, aiseovenng tue projected operations of tbe Brazilians, opened a tremen dous fire on tbe latter, killing and wonndlng a considerable number of them. Carrying out his determination, on tne sin me .Marques de Caxias abandoned and reduced to ashes bis encampment, to tne sorrow oi tue brave fellows who at a great sacrifice once conquered this fine position. On the 5th the fleet continued to move. The fighting ships in the rear ascenaea tne river a suori uisiaace, and tbe pontoons, transports, and floating bat tery With Otner vessels, leu uuca iruiu iuruzu. In order to facilitate operations, tbe fleet was now formed Into three divisions. The first is under the immediate command of the Admiral-in-Chlef, and is intended to operate above Curl- palty; the secona is to operate irom iuruzu downwards, and the third, subdivided into two flotillas, has for its special mlHslon to watch the Parana river, ana support an tne troops oi tue Barcn de Herral. It 1 expected that as soon as the rains cease a combined march ot all t tie land and naval forces will beeln simultaneously, tiut anu mere s the rub tbe stars of heaven foucnt against Bisera, and it now seems that tbe same heavens are fighting against the Brazilians, in their continuous rains. These are not the days of portents and omens; if they were, we mignt De disposed to sav that. Brazil ought to abandon . - - . . II. WA . n v maawn I h n I the oe-lre of conquest is opposed to tne will of hortr flmm ill I " I ii 1 1 uri k ui munj . bun. God. Hut let us leave punosopuuiius uuu go w dry facts. iii....,.,niMiin 1 1 seems iuui. - t.i. .niiiiinri ia meet tbe enemy, rele- wire are laid all over tne line of mmch wherever tbe line advances. Bv these means communlcatlou is kept up witn Taso de Pntrla and Baron tie Herral. It Is oelleved, and with good reason, that the inVixtins' fortes will encounter a stubborn re- . t Kan Solano, another new place be fore unknown. They are always discovering nlauev. t ut) t arHK"ii.vnii are aaiu to uave fn I!i.rvr t he excellent strategy of the Para i ..... n n in i mi ui n. cuavans, I must, say t hat Kal bolano, the lately !ii...v.rMi posit ion of the Paraguayans, was an u . ..... i .. . i.....,i. ,i..v. onen neut iu ijwhuuci, tieneral lors penetrated to a great distance into the Paragupyan encampment. Additional Shipping Intelligence. CLEARED THIS MORNING. Rhln EltHJtrlo, Junse, 11 am burg, Workman A Co. Barutia Lltirts. Howard. Hotou. J. E. Baaley Co. f . T Kail.. KmUin. do. Bri5 Ortolan. Thouoaa ano. Warren. Or-KgAMorrls. BchrHambors, Bprague, l rovldenca, Vao Diuen, tkfffR?!" asrfcrosby. Portsmouth, K. A. Sooder fe m.ii llniwul Siotiin nniiriU A Nulll bciir lt.0. Wsl'dsu. Messlck, Ueoigeluwa, Caldwell, Bt" B : iteiadsi. Hockhlll. Worteosowek,Vao Hlnkls fit twwuiews, WUson, &autfrM liver, J. K. Vtom. FOURTH EDITION IMPORTANT FROM WASHINGTON, THE YELLOW FEVER IN TEXAB VI vf Millions In Gold Paid Oat or tbe Vnltcd States Trcasnrj To-day. 8PK0IAL DB8FAT0BKS TO BTKNI1( TKI.KUBAPH. WisnmoTOK, Sept. 2 r. ai. vna a enow r.ver . a. a... A telegram reoeived this morning from the special agent of the Treasury Department at Galveston, Texas, reports that out of twenty five employes in the Custom House at that post, only three are able t do duty, all the others being either dead, dying, or ill with the yellow fever. The reoently appointed Col lector, Kiapaugh, In the plaoe of General Kent, whe died of the fever, has also been attaefcea s .-n m. t - . I ana 13 lying very iu mm ti,. Intsrsst ox th Ten-forties. Fire millions In gold, in round numbers, will be paid out to-day for interest on the Ten- forties. Personal. Senator Cameron left for Ilarrisburg this morning. The Sickles Cass. The report of Assistant Attorney-General Binokley is regarded here as a weak and puerile argument on the Sickles case, de signed to bolster up the Administration, by making it appear that Siokles was resisting the lawfully constituted authorities, and to set up his own will above the orders of his supe riors. A general desire is expressed to see the correspondence between Grant and Sickles on the subject, which it is thought will put an entirely different face on the matter. The real cause for Sickles' removal has not yet been given, and will never be fully known until this correspondence is brought to light. Sickles' friends here say he will give a fall statement of the whole case after his arrival in New York, which he can do then without im propriety. LEGAL INTELLIGENCE. COURT OF QUARTER SESSIONS Judge Pierce. Tbe September term of tbls Court began to-day, Levi Knowlea. luiq, was appointed foreman ot tne Grand Jury. The Judge, In giving liia Instructions to tbe Uraud Jury, remarked upon tbe nature of tbe oatb taken by tbe men, hera and tbe solemn, responsi ble duties that oath plainly uiarkad oat; sad, among otber thmga said: "Upon you, gentlemen, are ths eyes or thu great community; you are to Judge from tbe evidence If tbe laws bave In anyway been broaen. You are not to allow your private opinions to nlas you la tbe least, and you are Dot to judge of the pro priety of any law, but only to inquire whether tbat law has been violated. I only nay tbls because here tofore lb ere bave been sometlrand Jurors who seemed to consider themselves makers and arbiters of tbe law." Tbe Judge remarked, as a matter of publlo con gratulaliou, that It U a remarkably peaceable coal. mutiny; ana tbat while tbere have betn many lnquiriea Into the rlguls of laborers to neeure tbem their dues, yet tbere has not been a single unlawfal combination to effect such an end. The . Grand Jurors were then given In charge of u mcers iiarosr ana eimpson, ana aismitsea to ensir room. The Jades then beard ths excuses of a number of (urors. Absent jurors were fined Slou. Tbe Jurors were men uiscuargeu until weaueAaay. Tbe habeas cornns case of the Commonwealth ax. rel. Mrs. Lewis Hamilton vs. Captain A. M. Brown, of the united states army, before reported, was resumed, and several witnesses were examined. Tbls was a writ lor tbe discharge of tbe relator, a miuor, from tbe army. The respondent failed to produce the re lator at the return of the writ, making return that at tbe time the writ was served unnn him tha r. lator was not iu nis custody. This return was tra versed by tbe relator, and evidence was heard to-day 10 prove tutu at tne service or tue writ the relator was In the custody of the resnonuent. At th cins of our ranort tbe case bad not been ronnliulsit luai'iiiirr wukt Judge Btroud.Tlie September term oi tue uiainct ixiuri was Inaugurated to-day. Severs! motions were made, rules made abunluta. judgments taken, and otber miscellaneous business irausaciea, anu me court adjourned until asxl Moa dar week. UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT-Judee Cad- walader Charles Qllptn and John K. Valentine, United States District Attorneys. The United states vs. One steam engine, and boiler, etc.: John J. Philloa claimant. Ibis was an information of tbe seizure of tue claimant a uisiiuery, at iiroad and Catherine atresia, for an alleged violation of the Revenue law in making false returns of tne whisky manufactured, and claiming tbat the nrnnnnv ahnnlri k. A lor tnia rtmaoti, 10 tne uovernment. The manner of proving tne lauacy or tne Claimant's returns was by Undine tbe Quantity ot mash uned. anil hv iA,Miin computation finding out the quantity of wbisKy that nuuuiu uc luiuv uuiu turn, auu tuen comparlug tue returns with the result of this work. Tha .limine lion ot Revenue Inspector Hignman occupied ths whole mornlna. Ths property Involved was appraised at about ru'v. yu tnat. tuyier ts. jucAnaiess for claimant. inibi rsiiis-Judge Read. The equity argument list was before this Court tbls mornlnir. Lyons vs. Roberta. On motion ot A. V. Parsons, rrvc' iiiuhii, juuvoieoi on return or two """'"' "' ' appearance. Andrew Korler vs. QanL. rm mMinnnrVf rsuitinn lor plaintIB, Joditmeut granted for want of an aflldavlt of defense, and ths JProthonotary to aasess the Heveral other sncb judgments were taken. The following interesting case was tnen taken up The Citv ot Philadelphia vs. Ram tint inM t .1 To the UonurtMe the J udgtt of the said CourUYout viature cuuiiuaiu auu say: I. That they are a municipal corporation, created originally such by a charter granted to them by Wil liam I'enn, the former Proprietor and Governor of the blate of I'ennsylvania, dated the ijlli day of October, 1701. and by various acts of Assembly of the State or Pennsylvania, tbe first oue whereof Is dated the nth day of March. 1789, and Is entitled "An act to Incorporate ths city sf miiaoeipoia,' ana ins various supplement! thereto, passed respectively on the 2d day of April, 17U0; ths bth day of March. 1792; the 4th day or April, lTiiti: tbe lsih day ot February, 180S, and ths 2d day of Febru ary, 1S4, the latter being generally known as ths Consolidation Act, and to which last mentioned act various supplements havs been addod. with all tbe powers, rights, immnuitles and privileges inuident thereto, and necessary for the government of the territory Included within the limits of tbe city of i'nitaiiripuia. an ui wmcu eaiu auis. original ana sup plementary, your orators pray may be taken as part hereof. II. Tbat yonr orators are seized and possessed of large public squares, extensive water and gas works, wharves, market houses, lundlngs, police station bouses, school bouse, and other real and personal estate, from which they derive income, and opoa which tbere Is a large annual expenditure, and that lor tbe cent of said grounds, buiidiugs, audotbtr pro perty, auu ivruivern uiuvr neceasury ex penaitures, your orators bave incurred and now owe a funded debt of thirty-seven millions of dollars. Thatvmir orators have a Vtayor, a Select and Common Council, aCLlaf Engineer aud Surveyor, and Hoard ulsnrt.v. or, a Commissioner ol Highways, a Commissioner of City Property, ana many anu an oilier necesiary officers, legislative and executive, to provide for and to lake charge of the aforesaid proueriv of vanrnr.. ton, aid to accomplish and perform all their several trusts, powers, and duties. 111. That by an act of the General Assembly of ths Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, passed the liith day of May. A, 1). latsl, acopy whereof is hereto annexed. marked Jx hlbtt A . which your orators unv m h. taken as part of this bill, the Councils ot tbs City of ruuaoeipuia wvrv auu required, SS Sona as practicable, to erect a good and substantial bridge over the river Hcbu vlklll. at or opposite South Btreet. at a coal not exceeding fiju.owj. sod to create a loan of mat Binuuut. iv Th.t. hv an Act of tha Aen.v.t a....ui- paseed ths 6ih day of April, A. D. lsm, a copy of wnicn is uermu uiuw, uiaraeu exuioit B, aud wlilch your orators pray may be also taken as part ot this bill, tbe brat twenty persons ahnv. .... created a commission to build said bridge, aud are fully empowered to cieaie a loan not exceeding StiO.lXKi, payable by tbe city of Philadelphia tarty years from the dale of said loau, negotiable at a rats not less id.u ai. imuh per auuilul. V. Tbato y an set of tha lieoeral Assembly of ths Oommouweaith o Pen uny Ivan la, passed tbs &lh day of April, A. It. 1S7. a copy qt which act Is hereto an nexed, marsea exhibit O. and which vour orators pray may be takea as part of this bill. It Is made the duty or tne t.;niei juigmeer and Hurrytr of the otty of Philadelphia to direct the building f said brlde, nder tbe supervUlou and ooutroi ttl lb aal lim m Union, and the said Coiuuilaalaanra are aoHinr- Ua w vrsats an adaiiloual loau i If aece- I 5 I of Vhilsdelphla are reiirl to V ,h me.lof the IntereTt tVrl Lnf?'' PT- erection of the said bridge to provide a . inVi. .l2 : h. iin m rtyy exp. . I i.i, ..-,u.-7L. SZ"'. '" m rr or the cit the President of the Con Ontinili of sa.rt Vl Commission. uuw sat4 VI. That yonr orators did not request the of either of th. above mentioned lowef iSiM? tbe bill was in the bauds of the (lovernorol the Co, monwealtb and unslgne.1 by him, tbey protested bi resolutions, a copy pi which was ds fvered it? ill before l,e had signed said bill and a oopy of which Zi liaroto annexed. insrUa.1 iri.iku rv "i . ,co orators pray may be lakers "as 7Wto u.ZBhi?i.,TS wealth, and your orator, have sfnee passed l i itw resolution expressive of their disapproval of hats 2 r I Kshibit k, and which tbey pr.y may ieukwut rites' of this bill. ' uo Prt VII . That by tbs act of February 2 154 eallerf tn city; nor can be make disourssme X Z?.Z?? muners. nor and ndit the account. tZ;,-"',y.r'" any other executive dut lye duty whatever. 1 "'""" the 3th dav ot ii.rii i n .. VI1L Tbaion Morton McMlcbael was and still Is Marnr n't th. citv of Philadelobla. Josbna h?i. I.0.0'1.118 President of tbe Helect Coonoll. and7nJh ? aJ.Ji " 111 la was and still is President of th. rv. :r y . .. . , . . . - wvuiiiiuu Kin a pi I mi as aforesaid, and the said Josoua swrTn. A"ri'i ar,,J V. Marcer. i'reHldeDts as aforesaid. If.J'? Ll. H K 111 III,. Kill! III... 11 l. r Fl ......... . f,,i!?!!,0JLt..T.,2,.n. S"'Sta ol th. cTty sinoe too of i""r"1:VV"."vi".I,lu,,1 nat is.slnnath. nreiosv ui june a. i iwt. aostalned from meeUar tbe said Commission, and havs taken bo farther r7a therein. v. IX. That under the charter of said elty, and ths varf ous act of Assembly paxsed in relation thereia. tT. legislaUve powers of tbe said city are exclusivaie vestcd In ths Select and Common Councils th.rt tlith. anl. nnwornt a.lin.l lr,. , K. ... .... . J the taxes lor municipal purposes la vested a roar orators, and tbat under the provisions oi tha a.iii Dodebtorooolract can be binding qdob theclivaf Philadelphia unless authorlied by ist or ordlnaiies and an appropriation sulllcient to pay the same Se yjrwTiuun.j uiwiv wuuuiini anu do money oaa be) borrowed on the faith and credit ot said city unless the ordinance, or otber authority authorising ta same, shall bave been Introduced at one stated meet ing of tbe Common Council, and the draft thereof published In two newspapers of said city dally for five weeks, before the final consideration and pas sate and shall bave been adopted by a vote ot two-thirds of the whole number of each branch of ths Councils of tha said city. JL. tdm Becoming to tne true intent and meanlncsr tha said sots of April ft. m. aud Anrll s. iu ..w contract or contracts tbat shall be made for the cea struction of a bridge across ths river Schuylkill at South street. In said city, must be mads with ths oltr ui ruuwimiiiiw, .imhuiuB n yivTiiiuni of exist ing laws governing such contracts, and that aoooreV lng tbereto suoh oontracts must be preceded by set appropriation duly made by Councils, and that any loau required to meet tbe amount ot such ooatraot must be mads In compliance with ths aforesaid acta of Assembly regulating city loans. XI. Tbat said defendants do not hold any commis sions from tbe Governor ot this Commonwealth. All. J oat tnesaia aeienuanui, acting as said com. miseloners, have advertised for proposals, and have receivea a proposal lor tne construction or saia bridge, and propose, and threaten to award a contract there for, and cause the said contract to be executed, and borrow the amount necessary for tbs payment of the) liability thereby incurred, without consulting your orators or obtaining tbeir assent thereto, orprocarln tbe passage of any ordinance on ths part ol said Select and Common Council approving of tbe same ec assenting tnereto or airecting tne amount to De ex pended therein, or authorizing ths loan for ths pay. ment thereof. . XIII. That by reason of ths late civil war the cost of materials and of labor has so muoh Increased thag it has not been practicable at any time sinoe ths Utk day of May, A. I. 1861, to construct the said bridge foe tbe sum of 1200,000, and by reason of the said Rebel. lion, tbe city or runaoeipnia nas incurred so many and so large expenditures as to seriously embarrass its nuances, impair its creuit anu w reuuw toe ova- struction of said bridge at anytime since said date both improper ana impracticable, ana mas ins levy, lng of toe whole cost of construction of said bridgo upon the city of Philadelphia will be an lmpoeiag upon it or mors tnan its snare or tne taxes necessary to be asf eesedand levied for the construction thereof. XIV. That unless said defendants, acting as sack commissioners, are restrained by the order el this Honorable Court, great and Irreparable loss aud data ase will be sustained by plalntiuV. tbat an attempt te aau so largely to tne punnc dent 01 piaintins without tbeir consent, will gierttly Impair the value of their public loans, and greatly increase ths cost of raking funds by loan for tbeir future needs. XV. Your orators aver and charge that the sale! Acts of April s, 1866, and of April s, 167, are ia viola- ation oi tue uonstttutieit or tills btate. And your orators pray: 1. Tbat the said defendants, and' eaob and everv of them, may be restraintd by tbs Injunction of this honorable Court, specially pending this bUl, and thereafter perpetually, from acting as Commissioners iinuer tne saiu acta, or meeting as sucn, or attempting to carry out tbe provisions thereof. 2. Tbat said defendants, until the Councils of tha city ot Philadelphia sbail have duly authorised the making or a contract ror tne construction or said brides, shall be specially enjoined from maklnrlaur coniractfor the construction thereof, a. That tbe said defendants may be specially aa- iolred from creating any Inaa payable by tbs city of Philadelphia, until tbe CoudoIIs of tbe said city shall bave duly authorized Ibe creation of tbe asm. 4. Tbat tbe said derendants, toe Mayor or toe oity r Philadelphia, the President of the Select Counoil, and tbe President of the Common Cosnctl thereof, may hasneciallv enioiued from meeting and aotlna with the other defendants above named, as Commissioners as atoresata. S. Such otber and further relief as to the Court may appear material. WILLIAM P. UESSICK, y AJ1A3 lor Complainants. , Philada. Stock Exchange Sales, Sept. Z Reported by De Haven aY Brc, No. o B, Third street BETWEEN BOARDS. $7000 V 8 7-30s..Jy 107 I 20 eh Mech Bk. ....... B 12 sh Del Div 67 do S2 BXCOND BOARD. $900 City 8s, Old. ....... 98 Aoo city 6s, New lot 31 sh Manuf Nt Bk... 32V lot sh Read R......b St 24 sh N Ceutral.... L LARET WINE. TEBT FIXE TABLE CLARET, OF OUR OWN IMPORTATION, FOB BALK AT LOW PRICES. Also. WILLIAM TOVMSEB'M 1PABK UN EDINBCBOH ALE, BY TUB CASK OR DOZEN. SIMON C0LT0N & CLARKE, at. W. COB. BBOAD AUD WALNUT STaL. 9 U tnthMp PHILADELPHIA. RARE MANUFACTURES IN FINE CONFECTIONS, FOB CHOICE FBEMEJITSI. STEPHEN P. WHITMAN, 827tuthslmrp MO. ISIO MARKET T. EFFERVESCING GRANULAR SALTS OF CITRATE OF MAGNESIA. KIft;IiEH, VICHT, ILIDUTI, SJABATOAKTC Tbeee Salts, so popular In Euglaud, ar pseparsd ai tbe taooratory of . : CHABLES R1XU, HO CO . OtBt s and Store, corner MARKKT aud !r Trade suwlld M llharal tarma. TSsWthimrp UNITED 8TATB3 RKVKNCB PTAMl. Principal Depot. No. .Vtf maW Central Dpot. No. c South 1 11 ".'TSf' "C below C1.HHUI, . I.l 11. Bovenue btamua t .vary deaorlpUOB soustaktly as) boVds?MaU " Vprsss promptly .'.Wue4ts. tnat your orators would have brotastad .!.,.. Tr above Mentioned ant of ism. but thater waii iJi rant of ths Intended, passage ol the san bn-n annroTPQ nr the