CITY INTELLIGENCE. I FOR ADDITIONAL L(H.AL ITKI1S 8KB OUTSIDB PA9XS. A Mill Near Point Breeze. Another exhl-5i..?Vhe..?,Rn'-T artc' 'If ilcicnse came off r wttL,n v0,,r citJ 1,mllB At a place ltr.o.- .r'0r8ent,ck somewhat below Point rk, h prle-ruiR was staked off, and twocaumpions of the tistic sport entered it as i11fttl,A.Pftl ftml McManua. Ihe puree ior which they contended whs $50. .iV-5 ''f1 PTclRt,J tbe men prepnrcd them fives lor the hiht and entered tberimr. About live hundred perf-ons were present, and dis played preat interest in the sport. Four or live carriHpe loads of la-lies aio honored the meet BiR with their preat me. The whole aUuir was Kept in profound secrecy; the police were unac quainted with the ina'tcr, and cousequcntiy no pprchenii u was K it oi ollicial inuriemice. a hi knowledge produced a decree of quiet and ease among the spectators, and heightened their eniojmeutot the pport. Thirteen rounds were fought, durint? which the men were severely nuniKhed. i ho nVht. np. eupied twentj-eipht minutes. McMamia was declared the victor, and the purse was handed him by Uu- Lindaey, who acted as tlnil staxe bolder. McManus, the victor, drew the tirst blood and won the first knock down. Honest Lrkk was the relerec. Butt Riley acted as second for JlcManus, and Coon ILiHtinps as second for Daly. Jerry Nolan was the umpire for McAiamiB. and Thick Tulnuan fur Daly. Dick, Lynch, ot New York, was the stakeholder. At the conclusion ol the thirteenth round the audi ence dispersed, apparently satisfied with the result ol the Hunt. Consecration Servicks. Yesterday morn ing the lecture room of the new Moravian church, corner ot Franklin and Thompson streets, Rev. Dr. Hoffman pastor, was dedicated to the worship ot God, in the precnce ot a large number of persons. The dedicatory sermon was preached by the Kev. Edmund de fichweiniir, President ol the Mciavmn Theolo gical Seminary. Ac the close ol the discourse a collection was lakeu up in aid of the new enter prise, amounting to about $2000. In the atter noon a union niectms-, composed largely of the scholars belonging to the Sunday School, and their teachers, was held in the sume place, when addresses were made by the Rev. Drs. Hutter, Mitchell, Hoffman, and N. Gehr. Iu the even ing Bishop D. Bigler ordained to the Presbytery the pastor, Rev. Dr. Hollmau. Rev. Robert de fSchweinitz, President of the Provincial Bard at Bethlehem, also took part in the service. ' The building is ccnatructed of stone, and has been in prowess aBuut one year. The lower floor embraces the lecture-room, infant and adult Sunday School rooms, pastor's study, and library room. The windows are of stained glass, the pews are of chesuut, and are constructed in a man ner which adds to the comfort of the worshio- pers. The ceiling, which is of plaster paris, is panelled in a way that give9 beauty to the entire room. The pulpit is ot walnut, and is furnished ' with an Fpiscopal chair surmounted with a cross. The floor is ul.-o covered with a line carpet. The Inter-State Fair at Norristown. The inter-State lair, to be held at Norristown on Sen tember 11, continuing one week, promises to be nite successful. The fair grounds are delight fully situated, and have natural and artificial advantages, They cover thirty acres, and, in aaamon to ouiicungs, are lurnishea with a well laid race course. The distance from Pbiladel phi a is about sixteen miles, easily accessible bv railroads. The managers are displaying unusual energy in getting up the fair, and it will be under the auspices of the East Pennsylvania State Agricultural Society. .Extensive co-operation is guaranteed from numerous county societies in Eastern Pennsyl- Tama, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland, and other States. Among the specialties ot the fair will be a steam plough, winch will be practi cally tested. It is claimed that the engine of the plough can be run over ordinary roads, and ascend hills at an angle of forty-live degrees. A fire-extinguisher will also be tested. Among the horses entered are "Lady Thorn" and "Mountain jsiaid." These aro among the best stock in the country, and can only be surpassed by "Dexter," who has retired from the turf. Fire. At the corner of Fitler and Harrison streets there is a large laboratory and chemical works, known as Harrison's, a conglomeration of wooden buildings, tinted a russet by the fumes fiom the acids, etc., manufactured wit urn, One of the buildings took tiro yesterday morning about lour o'clock, and was totally de stroyed. It appears that the workmen do not labor ou Saturdays, but that the furnaces used in the business are kept going under the superinten dence of two firemen. One of them had occa sion to po into the consumed shed a few mo ments before the fire with a lighted lamp in his band. He had scarcely set it on the ground the floor is the bare soil when the air seemed to have taken fire. He ran out, and escaped with a slight singeing. The iumes of the acids Vpnt in several cisterns and exhalations from a still were inflammable hence the catastrophe. It is a wonder that all the buildings did not go, but the firemen were on haud in good time and saved them. The loss is ubout five thousand dollars. Insured. A Wonderful Escape. Rev. A. 0. Halsey, the Pastor of the Dutch Reformed Church at Churchville, in the Twenty-third Ward, made a miraculous escape from instant death on Friday last. He was driving across the tract of the North Pennsylvania Railroad, at the crossing of Nicetown lane, which is between Fisher's lane and Erie Station, when the locomotive of the 4 o'clock train up struck the rear of his wagon au-1 completely demolished it. Mr. Halsey was thrown a distance of thirty leet, and sustained some severe bruises, although fortunately no bones were broken. The train was stopped, and Mr. Halsey was conveyed to Jenkintown, irom which placa he was taken to his home by Mr. B. John Stevenson. He is supposed to be inter nally injured. Mr. Halsey is seventy years of age. . The Commerce op Philadelphia. The an nexed statement shows the n dm ber of foreign and coastwise vessels that arrived at the port ot Philadelphia during the month ot August, as compared with the same period last year: 1867. , 1866. Fur, Coast. Iht. For. Cvast. Tut. 2 ... 2 2 ... 2 4 ... 4 6 3 0 13 2 1 17 4 21 21 1!) 40 Hi 25 6!) 10 0-.7 U'i7 la 812 8.07 ... frlti ftlif ... 328 3'J8 ... 304 301 ... 25 2H5 ... lill! Iil2 ... 77 2 772 ... 15!U 15U1 ... 1S03 18u3 (Ships ISarqueK., bloope Hteulner'...X.iv Jiuies r.., iloUtB Total..., ... 50 864 3i".4 74 4002 413U TriE RErErTiox of Bishop Wood. It is propobcel to have a prand Te Veum buuk lu tbe Catbedial on the nioruin); of tbe reception, alter which those present will lortQ iu Hue and proceed to bt. John's Orphan Asylum. West Philadelphia, where the welcome will be ex tended lormaUv, and the Bishop will 'probably address the people. It H estimated thtt at least ten thousand persous will paiticipate in tno exercises of the day. It will doubtless bs 6iicU a demonstration b has nit token place in this city lor n.atty years, for no on Btanda hifrlier m the estimation of the CotUolA s of l'hilaiielptilu than the venerable and levred biwhop oi the UlULCBC. I rKoiiAHLE Natality. fs. Tizzard, wife of mi, iiztiicu, iivuiR ou DPiterson street, below MovaineuBiujr avenue, mill with a set-iout aeiti dent oue evtuine hift week. At the pieent time 1. n I., i.,;,. In a a.m .1 r 1 . - . Blir in iviun iu a vcij uiui i;ot l.US COllillttnu., TU acricfni. wtuti mine loilowiiitf mannei: bhe lert ner oco-room ior ihe bath house, to ob tain a oann or water, and on returuinu hhe inisfed ner way iinii 1411 ueadlonir down ttie ntuir, DreHitiii1; twin net, arms, receiving a severe rut over the eye, ana otherwise in urin-i Uericlf, Jars. Tizard remained liusensible for over three days. She was soaiewjliat better on HitlurUy THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 2, 18G7. Ii'FNTiFiFri. The lady kilted on the Phila del,hia aid Baltimore Railroad, at lhiirlow Gallon, has been idoutirtcd as Mr. Wp.rr, who rebioed near Filteeuth and Spring Garden streets. 1 MARINE 1ELEG11API1. tor additional Marine New tee Pint Page, A1MANAQ PT7W Rls.. 8un biTB...... FOB PHILADELPHIA THI8 DAY. i..... ...SSjMno- Risim....m P 07 ..............s ailMiaH WATii,. . 4'.i MOON'S PHASKs. FIULADKI.I'HIA. W ASH INOTOW, D. H.M.. M.M. ... 6 :) mo. -a mo. niu, mo. lo w ev. ' jit,7 ev. 'I" 641 IUO. 0 84 llifi. SHI'TKMHKR. I list Uuiiiier.., Full Minm I nut Uuiirier.... Mew Moon PH1LA DKLPHlA BOA 111) OF TRADK. William C. K knt, Thomas K Ashmkad, Monthly Committer. tHlBI.KH Whkklkb, J HOVUUENT8 OV OCKAN 8XKAM KI18. FOR AMKKICA. AtBlenta ...London New York Auk. 17 ma Liverpool. ..New York Au n Utrn am HauiljurK...New York ..An if. 17 jlttiiRB ,.aouiiiHiiipton.New York -Aim. 20 Munliituur I.iverpool...New York Auk. 21 Minimis btar Havre....... .New Y'ork Auir. 'i (!. of homou J.ivprMiol....ew York ..Aim. 21 VHK'nia lJtverpool...rew York Auk. 21 Jloriivian,...Llveriool...Oilt'hec Ans. '21 KUinburgu l, York Aug. 24 furnia- LiverMHfi...i'sew 1 otk ..auk. 24 Liverpool... New Y'ork Auk. 27 iienittuitt..t50UiiiHinii(n..iNpw ork -Auk. 28 FUR KUKOPK. Heotin- New Y ork... LI verpool Hnpt. vine ne i'uria...rew x orK... Havre- ...-Mcpu ot Boston ew York...Liveriiool ..HeoL. IViiiihj New Yoi k...l,lvei pool .-seol. L. &IIIKOI m rs ew l ork...uiiiHKuw .nepi. V. ol Cork New York. ..Antwerp -seut. ManliBltan New York...Ltverpool .Hepi. 11 Ktim New YorkLivorpool kciil 11 ( 111 a iioRlon Liverpool -.tsepl. 11 Alluuuo New ) ork...lireuien (sept. 14 C oi Baltluiore,New Y'ork...Iilverpool ..Hept. 14 Colon liiH....New "i'ork...01axgow... efept. 14 Bun FiaiK'iac'j... New York. ..Sun Juan .Auk. o lloro labile New Y ork...liavaim bepu 6 IXJAK1WIHK. I)( MKhT I!. Junlfttn .l'lillBila Nf w OrleniiB Ann. AnzoiiH .New York,.. AHplnwall .4epl. I H. HikIhod Plitlnda Havana.... Hept. 8 Pioneer... . Phllaila Wllrulneuin .HeoL B llnga. Phllada New Orleans Hept, 5 Wyoming Phllada Havannali -Kent. 7 J.W. KvermaD..Plillu(la Charleston ..Hept. JUallu are lorwarded bv everv steamer In the regular lines. The steamers tor or from Liverpool call at Queenstown, except the Canadian line, which call at i onoonuerry. 1 lie Rieauers tor or irom the con u. nent call at Uouthampton. ARRIVED YKSTKHUaI. Barque A mie, Reed, 68 days from Liverpool, with DjOhp. to Peter Wright & Kons. Br. oris La Creolla. Jordan. 28 days from Nassau, via Cotluary Cay, with logwood, etc., to Budd & i:nm iv. Brig Fanny, Turner, 8 days from New Y'ork, In bal last to i. ts. BteiBon a co. CLEARED BATURDAY. Steamphlp Tonawauda, JennliigH, (savannah, Phlla uelphla and tsoulhern Mall HtearnMhip Co. Barque Thomas Jjallett, Duncan, Richmond, J. Dallett &Co. Barque Halfdan, Borby (having repaired), Rotterdam, workman s i n. Brig Ortolan, Thomas, Genoa, Warren, GreggAMorrls, Bchr Win. John, Bireet, Annapolis, L. Audenrled&Co. hclir J. Waples, Robinson, Lynn, Rommel fe Hunter. Bchr M. A. Tyler, Tyler, Washington, Caldwell, Gor don A CO. Bcbr M. Hand. Brooks, Greenport, Castner, Stlckney & Wellington. Bchr R. Peterson, English, Baco, Captain. Bl'r G. II. Btout, Ford, Richmond, W. P. Clyde & Co. Bt'rNew York. Marshall, Washington, do. Bt'r Ann Eliza, Richards, New York. W. P. Clydeb Co. Bt'r H. L. Gaw, Her, Baltimore, A. Groves, Jr. TugThos. Jellerson, Allen, tor Baltimore, with a tow ot barges, W. P. Clyde & Co. Tug Clyde, Duncan, Chester river, W. P. Clyde & Co. ARRIVED-ATFIVDAY. Ship Wyoming, Burton, 83 d aye from Liverpool, with mdse. and 65 paasengers to Cope Bros. 17th ult., lat. 45, Ion. 2 22, apke ship Btadacona, from Bt. John, N. B., lor Londonderry. Brig 8. V.Merrick, Munday, 12 days irom Trinidad de Cuba, In ballast to B. & W. Welsh. Brig J. Bickmore. Gratlam, 7 days from Portland, with mdse. to Warren, Greug 4 Morris. Bchr E. B. Shaw, Bhaw, from Balem. Bcbr M. Hand. Brooks, from Greenport. Bchr M. A. Tyler. Tyler, from Providence, Bchr D. H. Blner, Huntley, Irom Boston. Bcbr J. Ponder. Hudson, from Boston. Bteanier Philadelphia. FuUz,from Washlngton.wltn mdse. to W.P.Clyde & Co. Bteamer Norfolk, Vance, from Richmond, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde A Co. Bteamer Mayflower. Robinson. 24 hours from New Y'ork, with niOHe. to W. M. Boird & Co. Tug Thos. Jefferson. Allen, troru Baltimore, with a tow nfbarees to W. P. Clyde Co. Tug Clyde, Duncan, from Chester river, with peaches to W. P. Clyde & Co. MEMORANDA. Steamship Roman, Baker, hence, at Bo9ton 31st ult. lirli; ( ' V. Williams. Tlmmtixnu. heuce tor Charles ton, was passed oil Cape Lookout, by the steamship Falcon, at Baltimore Both ult. Brig Fanny Foulke, Towuseud, from Wilmington, at New Y ork 81st ult, . . Bcbr Village Queen. Tlllottson, bence, at Btonlng- ton Stith ult. .. . , . Bchr R. Bullwlnkle. Hlgglns, for Philadelphia, sailed from Bavannah 29th ult. ' , Bcbr T, D. Wilder, Heather, hence for Galveston, Balled from Norfolk 29lh ult. Bchr Mary Price, Garrison, for Philadelphia, cleared at Pl mouth 24th nit. Bchr a. Bruen, Mersbon, for Philadelphia, at Wil mington. N. C, 2tu ult. . , , Bchrs J. P. McDevItt, McFadden. and Mary Haley, Haley, hence, at Georgetown. D. C, 80th ult. The J. P. McDevitt sailed again to return. Bchr Nautilus, JameBon, lor Philadelphia, sai.ed from Rockland 25th ult. . ti.i..a t u,..nkho.r T)Im1v: W. F. Phe os. Cranmer; A. Hallock, croweu; aruituiit. uio, bert, Crowell. bence, at Boston dutn uii. Bcbr Daniel Holmes. Jtiaywoou, uu ir at Holmes' Hole 29lh ult. Reports lost a man by the me of William ueis, wniie at wur uu uo uuw, ' " i .. r.ii,.hnr,m Kent a boat lor him. nut De went down before assistance could reach him. . Bloop Mary and Emily. Hewitt, for Philadelphia, cleared at Baltimore 80th ulU bteamer Black Diamond, Meredith, for Philadel phia, cleared at New Y'ork yesterday. INTERNAL REVENUE Jb S. REVENUE STAMPS. EH PKINCIPAI. DEPOT,'. No. 304. CHESNUT Street CENTBAI. DEPOT, No. 103 South IFIFTH IStreetS (One Door below Chesnut).S ESTABLISHED 1803. Revenue Stamps ol all descriptions con stantly on hand, una m any uuiounU Our stock coin prises every denomination printed by the Government, and all vrders tilled and forwarded on the day of receipt. United Mutes liotes, National Hunk Notes, Dratw on 1'lailadelptila, and robt Ollloe Orders received 1UTbe decisions of the Commission can be con suited, and any Information regarding the law cheerlully and (jratuitotiwly uiveu. Tlieeoinmisslon Is payable in stamps. The following rates are allowed: 0n 505 TWO PER CENT. Ou tioo" THKEE I'EIl CENT. On 8J00 and upwards FOUU PK1X CENT. All orders, etc., should be bent to STAMP AGEMCT, No. 304 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA. AMUSEMENTS. WALNUT 8TIIKBT N. K. corner of NINTH bug Til F, ATIiK. d WALNUT Btreeui. Iteglni at 8 o'clock. MOISLIAir AINU I'.VKKY ! V ftNlNO, JUl.Jtl'H WKKK OF Shakespeare's 'atry Knoctnole, In Hve acts. of A ftlll'MUMJMf.KN IUH rs 1IKKA1I, Itb ltd unrivalled Hceoerv. Pailnrauia. CoHluines. Accoutrements triple 1 HANbKOItMATION 8CKNE, etc., the whole coiihiHnling a tnuuKWiry ot i-.ach.l.iinci1; never equnlled In ll.e production of thin Play. aci i. peciarnlar Opi nlnn Mcen. at e o'clock. Act 2. 1 he Mlver Calaracu at 9 o'clock. Acts. The I Humiliated fairy Fountain, at A. Act 4. Th Panorama or Athens, at 10. Act 5. The Trliile Triinslormiulon Scene The (lolden Vines and itelulgeut Temples of Arcadia, at il', a. Git AND MAT1NFK ON BATURDAY. AFFKHNOON, at 2 o'clock. KhakeHeare'a Fairy -.pectacle, tn 5 aci. of A JkllD.sUMMFH NIHHT'H DUE AM. Chairs secured six days lu advance. t 2 jJSEW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HOUSE, ELEVENTH (STREET, ABOVE CHEHNUT. THE FAMILY BEIOBI OPEN FOR THE EEASON, MnNDAT EVtNINU, Al'iUNT 20, CARNCROSS & DiXEY'S MINSTRELS, THE GREAT bTAR TROUPE OF THE WORLD, IN THEIR UKANO K1UIIOFIAN WOlItEKN. For partlculurw-H future advertlsemeuts. J. L. CARNCFOH8 Manager. R. F. UIMPKON. Treasurer. 19tf A SSEMI3LY BUILDINGS. THl (Monday) EVENING. Hept. 2. THK MAN OF MANY FACEB. MR, ALK. HUKNK 11, ASSISTED BY MIHa HELKN NASH, In their Brilliant and Humorous l-.ntertulnmenU Mr. BTJ UN KTT will give Forty Phuses ol tba COMIC ELEMENTS OF SOCIETY, as exhibited by hlin, for twenty years, in all the prin cipal cities In this country and Europe. ,ALF. BURNETT AB PETROLEUM V. NASBY. Doors open Bl"; commence ats. Admission, tocents; children, 2fi cents. Secured Seats, without extra charge, at Trumplcr's, No. Cbeanut street. 0 2 St HO! FOR BWITH'S ISLAND 1 FRESH AIR BKAUTI F UL BCEN ERY H E A LT HFUL EX ERC1BE TH E BATH-ENTERTAiNMEJSiT OB THE isEBT KIND. MRK MARY LAKEMEYER respectfolly In forms herlriends and thepubllo gene rally, that she will open the beautiful Island Pleasure Ground known as SMITH'S ISLAND, on SUNDAY next, Mays. Bhe Invites all to come and enjoy with her the delights of this favorite sum mer resort. 4 80U HOOP SKIRTS. 628 HOOP SKIRTS, HOPKINS' "OWN MAKE." 628 PRICES REDUCED I II I', affords ns much pleasure to announce to onr numerous patrons and the public, that In conse quence if a Blight decline In Hoop Skirt material together with our Increased facilities lor manufac turing, and a strict adherence to BUYING and BELLING for CASH, we ate enabled to oiler all out J U bl L Y CELEBRATED HOOP BKIRTB at RE DUCED PRICES. And our Skirts will always, as beretotore, be found in every respect more desirable, and really cheaper than any single or double spring Hoop Skirt In the market, while onr asaortmeut in unequalled. Also, constantly receiving from New York and th Eastern States full lines ot low priced Skirts, at very low prices; among which Is a lot of Plain Skirls at the following rates: 16 springs, 55c.; 2fl springs, 65c; 25 springs, 75c; 80 springs, 86c.; 85 springs, 95c; and 40 BPSklrt8 nude to order, altered, and repaired. Whole sale and retail, at the Philadelphia Hoop Skirt Em porium, No. 628 ARCH Btreet, below Seventh. 6 10 8m rp WILLIAM T. HOPKINS, WANTS. W A n t e AGEK-IM IN EYKltY CITT AND TOWN IN Iciirsjlvania and Southern New Jersey yOR THE BROOKLYN LIIE IKSTJEAKCHCOMPAU'S OF NEW YORK Also, a lew good SOLICTTOP.S lor Philadelphia. Call or address E. B. COLTON, GENERAL AGENT HO. 637 C'HF.NNVT KTKEET. B OOK AQliNTS IN LUCK AT LAST. Tbe crisis Is passed. The hour has come to lift the veil of secresy which has hitherto enveloped the Inner history ot the great civil war, and this la done by oiler lug to the public General L. C, Baker's "HISTORY OF THE SECRET SERVICE." For thrilling Interest this book transcends all the romances ol a thousbndyears, aud conclusively prevea that "truth is stranger than tiction." Agents are clearing from frzuo to 1300 per month, which we can prove to uy doubtlug applicant. few more can obtain agencies in territory yet unoccu pied. Address " P. OABBETT A CO., MO, 70 CIlEaNUT NTREET, 7 2tf PHILADELPHIA. WANTED FOR THE U. S. MARINE Corps, able-bodied HEN. Retro Its must be able-bodied, youug, unmarried men, Tbey will be employed In the Government Navy-yrds and In Ships vt War on loielgn stations. For iurlher lulor- uatlon apply to . . JAMES LEWIS, Captain and Recruiting Ollioer, 19 fmw tf No. 811 S. FliONTbieet. GOVERNMENT SALES. L ARGE SALE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. Office Army Clothing and Equipage,! Kt. Louis, Mo AurusI 15, 1807. j Will be sold at Dublin auction, ut, thn DEPOT OF AltMY CLOTllINO AND EQUIPAOE, No. W North MAIN btreet. Bt. Louis, ou TUES DAY, the 8d day of Beptember next, coia-mt-uclUK at 11 o'olocfc A. M., to be continued irom uay 10 aay, me loiiowlng articles of Army Clothing and Equipage. 72.000 Great Coats (lootmen's). 58,000 Great Coats (horsemen's). 50,000 Uniform Uats. 50,000 OstricU Feathers, 60,000 Hat Cords and Tassels (blue). 50,000 Forage Caps. 8,111 Uniform Frock Coats. 45,000 Uniform Jackets. 8,451 Veteran Ueserve Jackets, Knit Jackets. 18 oM) Lined Back Coats. 50,2I2 Unllned Back Coats. 7,000 Overalls. 6,000 Ktable Frocks. S,4irj KuitBuirls. 6 B15 Knit Drawers. 20,000 Leather Neck Stocks. 1,000 Worsted Baslies. 282 Pairs Hoots. 11,o.j8 Pairs Kootees. 12 KhU Pairs Trowsers (footmen's). 15,000 Pairs Trowsers (uorseinen'B), 60,000 Haversacks, 60,010 Kniipsacks. 25,000 ltubbtr PlHiikets. :l 5f 0 Wtiolien Ulankets. 2o!oo0 Pick Axes. 15,100 Pick Axe Handles. . Tiiehe articles are all new, and offer great in ducements to dealers throughout the country. A small Quantity of dumaged properly will be solJ Ht tt e same lime and place. Samples of all ..,no t,a ter-n ut. the Depot wlthlu leu Uavs ol ' Biile. and catalogues bad. . . . U 'ivrniH Cash in Oovernmeni ntnas, ten per cent tlowu, the uniauce ui mm mo ,bwiu are taken from the Depot, which must be within live days after the sale, under forloiture of the purchase aud the ten per cent, deposited. By order of the T Cnntaiu and Military Btorekoeper r United Btates Army. J ' - J 8 19 .3l WA I C.hS, JEWELRY. fcTC. LEWIS LADOMU5 Ik CO., Hi. Hli C1IKMNUT HTH rHII.AnEl.PIHA Would Invite the KUenilon Ol purchaaera to tli Ir large and hanuaome KsBOrtuient of DUMONIIW, j:m t l.Hl, BilJLVKIt WAKK. ICE PITCH E118 In great variety. A large aortn.eut of auiaU tiTUDS. for eyel holes, iust received. WATCHES repaired In the best guaranteed. manner, an 4 S1J4P FINE WATCHES. We keep always on bond an assortment ot LAD1EN' AND WEan' "IINE WATC'HE' Of the best American and Foreign Makers, all war ranted to give complete satisfaction, and at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. FAIIR & BROTHER, Importers of Watches, Jewelry, Musical Boxes, etc. 11 llsmthjrpj No. 824 CHEBNUT Bt., below Foartb, Especial attention glvfn to repairing Watches and Musical Boxes by E1RB T- CLABB workmen. WATCHES, JEWELRY. V. W. OASSIDY NO. 12 sOllll KKCONIH NTREET, Otlprs an entirely new and most careiully selected stock ol AMERICAN AND GENEVA WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES Ol EVERY DESCRIPTION, suitable FOB BRIDAL OB HOLIDAY PRESENT! An examination will show my stock to be nusui passed In quality and cheapness. Particular attention paid to repairing. 816 HENRY HARPER, No. 5Q0 ARCH Street Manufacturer and Dealer In WATCHES, FINE JEWELRY, KILVER-PLATCD WARE, AND 81 SOLID SILVER-WARE. AMERICAN WATCHES. ITbe best In the world, sold at Factory Prices, BY C. & A. PEQUICNOT, MANUFACTURERS OF WATCH CASES, No. 13 South SIXTH Street. 8 8 Alarmactors, A'o. 22. 8. FIFTH Street. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. nMRS. R. DILLON, NOB. 8X3 AND 83 1 HOVTH MTKEET, Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILLI NUKV. Ladles', Hisses', and Children's Straw and Fancy Bonnets and Hals ol tbe latent styles. Also, bilks. Velvets, Klubons, Crapes, Feathers, V lowers, frames etc 8 IB O U RN INC MILLINERY. ALWAYS ON HAND A LA-ROE ASSORTMENT OP MOTJK3NINGr BONNETS, AT HO, V04 WALNUT STREET. 827 6m MAD'LLE KEOCH. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES MAISER. MAK U JTACTUBBB OF FIRE AND BVBOLAB'PIIOOF SAFES. lACHSinrra, belliiangeb, and PKALEB IS UVILDINtt HAKKWABK, i 6BJ NO. 484 RACE STBBKT. rr?-r A LAKCiE ASSORTMENT OF FIRE tsLl' and Burglar-proof SAFES on hand, with Inside doors. Dwelling-house Sures, free trom dampness. Prices lOW. C. IIAKNENIORIUJB, i t No. 422 IXK Street GAS FIXTURES. CALL AND BUY YOUK GA8 FIXTURES from the manufacturers, VANK.1RK A MARSHALL. No. 912 ARCU Btreet. TTANKIRK fc MARSHALL, No. 912 ARCH V btreet, manufacture and keep U styles of Uai Fixtures and Chandeliers; also reHiilsh old Uxtures. ANKIKK & MARSHALL HAVE A COM plete stock of Chandeliers, Brackets, Portable Stands, aud Brontes, at No. D12 ARCH btreet. TTANKIRK & MARSHALL, No. 912 ARCH V btreet. give especial attention to fitting up Churches. Public Halls, aud Dwellings. Pipe bun at TH LOW KMT BATES. r0LD, GILT, AND ELECTRO SILVER- I T nlaied Gas Fixtures, at VANKIRK & MAR SHALL'S. No. t12 ARCH Btreet. All wora gurauteeu iu give hhiibiuuuuu. auuq uui first-class workmen employed. 8 12d2w mwf3u HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. PAINTING. TnoMAS a. faitt, BOUSE AMI SIN PAINTER, (Late Faby A Bro.) No. 31 North THIRD Street Above Market, OLD BRICK FRONTHdone np, and made to look equal to the Uuest press brick, bam pies at the shop, City aud country trade solicited. All orders by Post DrtllllllUY HCiHru w. i"iiuw COAL. B, MIDDI.ETON . & CO., DEALERS IN HARLFIOH LEUIOU and FAULK VKIN (OA I- Kept dry nnuer cover, rrenared expressly ft family use. Yard, No. 1215 WAHHINUTOJS Avenue. Ottlce. No. 614 WALMUT Htreeu 1 ij ORN EXOHA NOB ISAM J nwurai'iutti, JOHN T. BAILEY A O 0 KfMIIV KU TO N. E. Coiner of MARKET and WATER Streets, - Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAOb AND BAGGING Of everv Description, lor (iraln. Flour, bait, super-Phosphate of Lime, Bone ' Dust, Ktc. I are and small GTJNN Y BAGH constantly ou hand. JohmT juii-ityj .Iaukr Cauda nwn. JOHN CRUMP, OAKPKNTBIt AND B17IL.DUK. SHOPS' WO. SIS I-OmJE STREET, AMI) NO. 17U CHESNUT STREET, 52 PUIUBKLPHIi, QEORCE PLOWMAN, OAUI'L'NTEHAND DOILDEB, lllSMOVJIlO Xo DOCK Street, Ill .PHILADELPHIA. L2 INSURANCE COMPANiES. DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INHU R A NCK COM PA N Y, Incorporated by the Legis lature of Pennsylvania. iftice B. E. coiner of Til I III) and WALNUTBireeta. riillarlelptiia. MARIN K INMUIlANCm -...flis cargo, and freight to all parts of the world. on goods by river, canal, lake, and land carriage, to .iiL.i, ol the Union. all pans oi v, INHTjranCE8 .h nmllne Kenei ally. i.ii Blores. Lweiling-lU usra, , etc. ASSETS OF THE COMPANY, November I. limt. inn 000 United Biales 6 Per Cent. Loan, flU.OOO'OO 110.000 lin I led States' i'p'er Cent. Loan, 1MHI 21,0 000 United States 7 3 lu Per Cent. ' Loan, Trpnsury Notes 125 000 City of Philadelphia 6 Per Cent. Loans (exeaints) M.00O Stale of Pennsylvania 6 Per Cent. lao.MO'OO 211,50000 128,582 50 61.700-00 44,020-W 5O.750-O0 200000 24,250 00 20,750 "00 uunu 66,000 Btate ol Pennsylvania 5 Per Cent. ln 80,000 State ot New Jersey Six PerCeuW Loan 20 000 Pennsylvania Railroad, lit Mortr ' gage, Blx Per Cent. liondH........ 25,000 Pennsylvania Railroad, second Mortgage six Per t ent. Bonds.... 15,000 We tern Pennsylvania Katlroad Blx Per Cent, Bonds (Pennsyl veiila Railroad gii.rnie"s). nO.OOObtaleot '1 ennp.sauo Five Per Cent. Iamii 7,6 0 State of Tennessee Blx Per Cent, Loan 15,000 too shares -.lock of Gerinantown Gas Company (principal and in terest guaranteed by the city of Philadelphia) 7,160,143 Shares Block of Pennsylvania Railroad Company 5,000,100 Shares Block of Norih Pennsylva nia Railroad Company 20,000'80 Shares Stock of Philadelphia and 13,000 00 40-00 , 15,000 00 8,258 -25 souineru jnan nteumsuip uim- ,. panys... 20,000-00 1(6,000 I.oans on Bond! and Mortgage, ,,. first liens on City Propeity 195,900-nn I i,iH5,050 par. Market value...ll,070,280 75 r-fint. tl.A.1n.;i.i2-na. Real Estate on Bills receivable lor Insurances made 27,6J7'20 Balance due at agencies Premiums on Mo ilne Policies. Accrued Interest, and other debts due to the Company., 38,9-3-90 Scrip and Stock of sunory Insurance and other Companies, $5173. Estimated value... 2,330 00 Cssb In Rank, Cash in Drawer, t-147 14 - 41.640-00 ft,4l i7,32tfl ""ry,a being a new enterprise, the Par is assumed as the market vaiue. '1 homas C. Hand, Samuel K Stokes, Henry Slean, John C. Davis, Kumund A. Bonder. Tbeoplnlus Paulaing, John R, Penrose, James Traquair, Henry C. Halleti, Jr., James C. Hand, William C. Ludwlg. Joseph H. Seal, George t. Leiper, Hugh Craig, John D. Taylor, William u. Bouiton, Edward Darlington, H. Jones BYooke. Edward Lafourcude, Jacob P. Jones, James B. McEarland, Joshua P. Eyre, Spencer Mclivalne. j, 23. oeoipie, .riibsuuig, A. a. Merger, - D. T. Morgan, ieorsre W. Bernardou. Jacob Rlegei, THOMAA !. HAND. President. JOHN C. DA VIS, Vice-President. Henry Lvlbukn. Secretary. 182 1829CIIAIlTErk TEIirETUAL. Franklin Fire Insurance Co. OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE: AOS. 433 AND 437 CHESNUT STREET. ASSETS ON JANUARY 1,1407, 3,S33,14618. Capitals . Accrued fcurpius. Premiums UNSETTLED CLAIMS, :7,4aii8. . B4S,7li- ..i -iKi.m-is INCOME FOB 1866, S.IZi.WO. LOSSES PAID SINCE OVER Perpetual and Temporary Policies on Liberal Terms. DIRECTOR!?. Charles N. Bancker, (George Fales, Tolilas W agner, Alfred Fitler, bamuel Urnt, Francis W. Lewis, II. D., beorge W. Richards, IPeter McCal., Isauc Lea, m homas Sparks, CHARLES N. BANCKEtt, President. OKOUOU FALES, Vice-President. J. W. McALLlHTElt, Secretary pro teui. U U12 31J INSURANCE COMPANY OK NOHTJH. AMEHlGA. OFFICE, NO. 2j2 WALK L P eT . PillL ADliLfUIA. INCORPORATED 17W. CHARTER PERPETUAL. CAPITAL, 3U0,000, ASNETS JANUARY 8, 1807 173,S6730 INfeUKES MARINE, INLAND TRANSPOR TATION AND I IBU RISiRS. DIRECTORS. Arthur G. Collin. tieorge L. Harrison. iitmii it. (June. juuu A urowo, Itiuward H. Trotter, inward B. CiarKe, William Cuinimugs, T, Cnarltou Henry, Allrad 1). Jessup, John P. White, Charles Tayi-r, Ainbroue While, Richard 1). Wood, William Welsh, H. Morris Wain, 1 r. Uiuinn. Louis (J. Mudelra. , COFFIN, President. " ARTHUR G, i.ii. Putt, becretary, WILLIAM BUKHLEU, Harrisbnrg, Pa., Agent lor the btate ot Pennsylvania. Central PROVIDENT LIFE AMD TRUST COMPANY OF PHILADELPHIA, No. Ill bouth iOURTH btreet, USCORPUKATitD d MONTH 241, 1865. CAPITAL, SIMI.OUU, PAID UN. Insurance ou Lives, by Yearly Premiums; or by 5, 10 or 2U year Premiums, fton-lorteiture. Annuities granted on lavorable terms. Term Policies, Children's Kndowmeuts. This Company, while giving the Insured the security of a paid-up Capital, will divide the entire .profits of f uu hiiuinHM unioni! Its oolicy holders. Moneys received at interest, aud paid on demand. Authorized by charier to execute Trusts, and to act as Kxevutor or Administrator. Assignee orUuardtaa. and iu other fiduciary capacities, under appotuinieut ol any Court of this commonwealth, or any person or persons, or bodies politic or corporate. SAMUEL R. SHIPLEY, , . .,UV TT A TXT DM JUbHUA ii. JMUiuilO, T. WlbTAR BROWN, W. C. LOJSUSTRKTH, WILLIAM. HACKLUR, Kltil AK1J v,Vlir,,r F. COFFIN. BAMTJF-L R. BHIPLi Y, ROWLAJND PARRY, President. Actuary, WM. C. LOKGBTRKTH. Vice President. TThOMAb WlbTAR, M.TJ,, J. H, TOWN8END. 7 27 Medical Examiner. Legal AdvIaer.U XTIKE INSURANCE EXCLUSIVELY.-THE I I J-litiNSil,VArU4 una jnouniBUJiuoM PAN V Incorporated 185 Charter Perpetual No. mo WALSIT Street, opposite Independence buuure. This company, favorably known to the community tor over lorty years, continues to Insure against loss or damage by lire ou Public or Private Buildings, either permanently or lor a limited time. Also, on Furniture, blocks of Goods, aud Merchandise gene- tUercapHra,1oge8t-ber with a large Surplus , and. 8 Invested lu the most caret til manner, which enables them to offer to the insured an uudoubted security In the cane of loss. Daniel Smith, Jr, John Devereu, Thomas bmitU, Henry Lewis, J.Glllinuhaiu Fell. Alexander Beufcon, lButtcHaslehural, Thomas iwuuum Daniel Haddock, Jr. 1 1 a n l kl iM IT U. Ja President. WnxiAM G. CBQWttLL, Secretary. TD II (EN IX INSURANCE COMPANY OF fecoRPORATKD 1864-CHARTER PERPpUAL. iu. .. wa LNLT Street, opposite the Kxchange. i.ii r a nit I.PM I A. Iu addition to M A RUN K aud INLAND 1NSUR ANCK. tins Company Insures Irom 14 or damage by Kl Kft ior liberal terms ou biillulugs, merchaudlue, furniture, etc. lor limited periods, aud permanently oil buildings, by del osit of premium. The Company bus been In active operation for more hau biXTV vEARS. during wUcu all losses have een promptly adjusted and paid. . IliaKCTOKS. Tnhn L. HodgS, Lawrence Lewis, jr, David Lewis, , Benjamin Fttlng, Thomas H. Powers, A. R. McUeury, Kdniund Custlllon, TyinmfV Ntkprln. W. B- Mabony, , John T. Iwis, William H. Grant, Robert W. Learning, I). Clark Wharton, ' b&muel Wilcox. JOHN WUCHlOUai rJAMCSt Wilcox, Secretary PrwsWMht, INSURANCE COMPANIES. Q1IIARD FIRE ASD MARINE IN St J RAN CK COMPANY, (No. 63) N. E. COR. CDESNTJT AND SEVENTH BTS. rHILADXLPBla. CAPITA I, AND HI RII.m OTIB t0t INCOME FOR 1N0, IOt,SI4. Losses Paid and Accrued In 18M, Of which amount not fft0 remain nnpeldat U la data lliK'.lmi ivm of properly has been Successlully lennred by thlx Company In thirteen years, and iOgtrtl Hun dred Losses by Fire promptly paid. DIRKCTOKH. lliom as Craven. Silas YerkHi, jr., Alired b. Glllett, N.S Lawrence, Chat les I. Dupont, Henry F. Kenney. I urinan Sbeppard 1 homas MacKellar, John Stuiplee, John W. laghorn Joseph Klanii. M. I). TllOMAH CRAVEN, President A. B. GTLLETT, Vice-PrwIilenU 2 2fni v. JA.MKS B. A LVORD, Becretarw PROPOSALS. PIIOPORAL8 FOIt DREDUE-BOAT. Ollice United fttales Enulueer Agency, No. 7 BOWLING UKEEN, New Yoi k City, August 2b, 1807. The uiK'erHlgued lierehy invites sealed proposals for building nnd muipplng ready for sea and for work, ttie first ot the two Dredge Boats, authorized by Joint resolution of Con gress, approved March 29, 1807), for improving the mouth of the Mississippi river, In accord ance with models, drawings, and specifications visible at this olfice. pud Instructions to be furnisbed by tbo Engineer iu charge; the Dredge-Boat to be delivered at such point on the Mississippi river at or below .New Orleans, as the Engineer in charge may direct. Tbe Dreoge-lloat to be a double-ender. 100 feet long, 80 feet beam, and 22 feet high, measured from the bottom of keel to the surface of the par deck at amidships; to iiave a screw propel ler at each end, one ol' which is to be 14 feet in rMameter, driven by two englneR, and tbe other 12 feet in diameter, driven by oue; to be fitted with water compartments fur readily adjusting; ttie draught to any depth from 14 to 20 feet; to be fitted with an auxiliary scraper at eacli eud, and many ot the parts to have a strength con Mderably exceeding that of like parts of steam ers of like dimensions designed for ordinary ocean navigation. During the construction of the Dredge-Boat, reasonable facilities for inspecting tue mate rials and workmanship must be afforded the oilicer or agent appointed lor the purpose. The Dredge-Boat to be propelled throughout her sea voyage between tbe points of construc tion and delivery by her own engines alone. Bids which do not cover thenutlre construc tion and equipments, ready for sea and for work, of the Dredge-Boat, aud her delivery at the point designated, will not be considered. Mo bids will be considered except from those practically engaged in the construction of ocean steamers or screw propeller maohlnery for the same, and who have personally in spected the model and drawings of tbe Dredge Boat, or employed experts for the purpose of Informing them of lis character. Bids to be indorsed (on the envelope) "Propo sals for Dredge-Boat." and addressed to the undersigned, at this ofllce. Each bid must be accompanied by a guarantee, signed by two guaiantors, ttat tbe bidder will enter into contract as herein stated;, and a cer tiflnntenf the responsibility ol the guarantors. and specifying the occupation of the bidders, signed by an officer of the United States Corps of Engineers, or some other competent person known to the undersigned. Proposals will be received till lOo'clock on the 10th day of September, 1807, at which time they will be opened. , t The contract and bond must be signed by tho 14th day of September, 1807; work must be actu ally begun on both bull and machinery by the . 20th of September, 1807; tbe boat must be com pleted, ready for sea and for work, and the trial trip bad by tbe loth day of January, 1808, and no unnecessary delay thereafter must occur lu her delivery at the point designated. Payments will be made as follows: 75 per cent, of tbe contract price on approval of the boat, after the trial trip, by the duly authorized officer or agent of the United Slates, provided tbe terms of tbe contract shall thus far have been complied with, and tbe balance on final acceptance at tbe point of delivery. Bonds for the faithful performance of the con tract, in the sum of 825,000, will be required, with two sureties, whose sufficiency .must be certified by the Clerk of the nearest District Court, the names of tbe sureties, wltn the cer tificate, to be submitted with the old. A full copy of the specifications, and of this advertisement, must be attached to each, bid. Bidders to use the printed forms whicn will be furnished them at this office. . . Model and detailed drawlcgs can be seen, and copies of specifications had, at thlsoflice. Copies of the specifications can also be seen at the United Slates Engineer Offices in Philadelphia and Boston. The Government reserves the right to reiect any bid deemed to be unreasonable, or made by persons wuose responsiDiiity may De ques tioned. In order that no lime may be lost after tbe contract snail be signed, full detailed draw ings of all parts of the Dredge-Boat are in pro- frets, and will be in readiness to turn over to be contractor, so that work may be begun without delay on account of preparations of working drawings. JM. JJ. AlCALiliSTK, Brevet Brig. -Gen. United Btates Army, 8 20 101 Major or Engineers, In Charge Improvement of Mouth Miss. River. DR0P0SAL8 FOR A NEW JAIL Department of the Interior, 1 Washington, D. C, July 81, 1807. J Sealed proposals will be received at this T)a. partment until 12 o'clock M., on TUESDAY, the 17th of September, 1807, for tbe ereotlon of the Jail In and for the District of Columbia, autho rized and provided for by tbe act of Congress, approved July 25. 1866. and the Joint resolution approved March 2, 1807. The designs, detail, drawings, and specifica tions can be seen At. the'. nffin. in the eastern grounds ot the Capitol, Washington city, every Uuy, except Hundays, between the hours or tf A. M. and 3 P. M. Separate bids will be received for thn ma sonry work, brick work. Iron work, and car pen try wum. The contractor whose bid msVA.ul accepted, will be required to enter luto asaiQclent bond, to be approved by the Hecretary of the Interior, for the faithful completion -of his contract. Payments will be made as the work progresses, on estimates certified to by tbe architect; but twenty per centum of the estimates will be retained until tbe contract is completed. The contract will be awwded to the lowest responsible bidder, but the Department re serves the right to reject any or allot the bids should it be deemed for the Interest of the Government to do so. The bids will be opened at noon on the 18th day of September next, in presence of such of the bidders as may choose lu attend. Proposals should be entire- p4 on the envelope 'Proposals for Hew Jailv" and be directed to the Secretary of the Interior, Washington, O. H. BROWNING, 8 21 1 9 17 Secretary of the Interior. STOVES, RANGES, ETC, QULVER'S NEW PATENT PEEP SAND-JOINT HOT-AIR FURNACE. RANUES OF ALL HIES, Also, PblleKar's New Low Pressure 8 team Heatlns Apparatus. For saie by CUARLKM WII.UA JU, No. 118 MARKET Btreet. till THOMPSON'S LONDON KITCHENER )R KUROPKAN RAM UK, for Pauilllvo, Hal tels. or Piiullu Institutions, In TWIlNTYTDI p. )H ILUnUrbAH .UllUJb. IDT f i. 1 1 1 1 1 1 . FhRKJNT biz.r.B,. Aifo,l-hlladolphlaRaiie Hot-Atr Furuaees.rortaoie iteaU)rB,Irf)wdowni4ru.iI' rueuvwu . .... . , , . . . . , c7iwuula t IkI Boilers, Cooking btoves, etc., wholesale and retail h Uie nianula.:iers. bHARFK fe T H O M HON Klreboard blovea, Ratb Rollers, btewhole 627 stuthbm o. o in. b-fcCOND btreet. TTJNlTlilt fiAiiw) KrJVKNUE STAMP STATES 11 Principal Depot. No. am CHKSNDT Mirr Central Depot, No. InH Koulh FIFTH HiVw.t? ouedn . um uinuuh r.SlallllMtied l62 Revenue damps ol every description con'sUntlyii bund tn any amount, o"uiiy)i Orders by Mail or Express oromptly attended to, ? last, out is not yet out 101 uatiger. ORDEItH KECE1VE FOR STAMPED CQEC1C