CITY INTELLIGENCE. (FOB ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITBIfl 8 INSIDS rAOCft.) A Uhitkb Statks Iron-clad w Port. Yes terday the United Rlau-a monitor Mlantono mat). Commander Beaumont, and the Uolul (states steamer Aukuhir, captain Murray, ar rived at this port, having been five days and eight hours from Nassau, New Provldenoa. W.l. These vessels Hailed Irorn New York on tbe 6th or May, IKOU, and have, therefore, hoen absent Irom the United mates near fifteen months. They went to accompany the late AaaiainDt Secretary of the Navy. U. V. Fox, Kfcq., to KtiHHln, he hPtim the bearer of tbe con gratulations of OonsrreNs on the Emperors escape from assassination. , tr ,. They havevlsiied t he following places: Hal fax, Nova Bootls; Hu Joliua, jNewfoundlarid; Queenalown, Ireland; Portsmouth and Bilker. nesa. KiiKlaud: CoptnhHgen, Denmark; llel BltiHlora, Finland; cronaladt, UuhhU, where the oflicers visited Ht. IVtersburjj and Mo.hoow by invitation of the Kniporur, and being tits trneata; fr"m tbeie to HioeKhoIro, Hwcden; Kiel, Prussia: Hamburg. Oermany: Cherbourg and liiest. into north ot Kraue; Llstwin, In Fortu-roI- Cadiz, Malnjja, Olbrallar, CaitlinRena, and Barcelona, in M.iu; Marseilles and Toulon, In the south of France; I'ort Mahon, Island of Minorca, Genoa, Leghorn, Spczzta, Rome, and Naples returning ty wayol lliet'anary Islands, Cape de Verde. Harbadoes, and Nassau. ' They were visited at Hheerness by the Prince of W ales, the JDuke of Edinburgh, and Iords of the Admiralty; at Copenhagen by the King and Koyal family of Denmark; at (Tonstadt, by the Emperor and llmul family of ltussm; at 8tocs bolm, by the King of Sweden; and Prince Ohcar and at Lisbon, by the King of Portugal. - Of course, the great cause of attraction was the monitor. .... Ti es a-golng qunlitles or this huge monster have been lully and tlior. uglily testod, and no doubt can now exist as to her pelted capa blllty hn an ocean vessel. During the terrific storm and hurricane that occurred on the southern coast of Europe on the Irtkli f Feoru.ii-v, IWM, t-he rode In purled safety, and sailed from Toulon the same day as tbeFieuch lron-clal tleet. The latter returned to port with a loss of boats and several lives, wtill- the monitor rode out the gale, clearly demonstrating her superiority over me French lron-clndH. The passage across the Atlantlo, from St. Johns to l,ueonstown, was accomplished In ten days, and the homewurd, from Cape de Verde to Harbadoes, in tuirteeu days, the average speed beig seven nautical miles. The following Is a list of officers of the Augusta: Captain and Senior Officer, Alex ander Murrav; Lieutenant-Commander and Executive Oflloer. James M. Prlokett; Lieutenant-Commander and Navigation Oliver, James D. Graham; Paymaster, Judson S. Post; Chief Engineer, James M. Adams; Surgeon, W. K. Schofleld; Masters, J. D. Weaver, C. 11. Davis, and II. W. Dickins; Ensign. B. C. Hooker; Acting First Assistant Eugineer, Charles Slick; Acting Second Assistant Engineers, J. E. HU Hard, J. "Waubens, and G. C. Cartell; Acting Third Assistant Engineers, Hughes and Pen . ningtonjlJoatswalu.GeorgeSnilth; Paymaster's Clerk. J. U. Fancher; Captain's Clerk, Joshua Blake. An Excitiko Incident. Last Saturday after noon, about 4 o'cIock, as the steamer Ariel was ringing the last bell, announcing the starting time for Chester and Wilmington, two ladles dressed in mourning, a little girl of twelve or fourteen years, and a colored nurse and baby, appeared on the south side of Chesnut street, hurrying to gel aboard. Befere they reached tbe end of the wharf the bell had ceased ring- lng, toe gang planks were hauled In, all the Hues, except the forward hawser, were oast off, and the wheels bad turned in tbe water. The party, however, seemed very anxious to get aboard, and many of the passengers rushed to ' the port side to witness their efforts. The steamer forced ahead a little and the elder lady was gotten aboard without much dlffloully. The little girl came next, but oy this time tbe tern of the boat had swung out Into the stream, and it seemed next to impossible for tbe child to make tbe step. The pilot, however, with tbe single hawser mentioned, beid tbe boat "by the nose," as sailors call it, as well as be could, and a gentleman lowered himself frotn the hurri cane deck to the outside of tbe guards, and, holding on to tbe jack stays with one hand, oangbl her left band in the other, a second gentleman, leaning out of the side port, caught er by the right baud, and in a moment she was hurrying over tbe rushing waters, not less than thirty feet deep, with only the tips of her toes on tbe narrow ledge of tbe guards. Slowly and carefully she was drawn to the port, and, to 'be great relief or all, was safely embarkeu. During all this time tbe tide continued to in crease tbe distance from the wharf, by cutting me steamer out; ana it wus now considered absolutely impossible to get any more of the party aboard. The young lady looked very muoh perplexed at the odd situation of affairs, and the nurse was wondering what she should do with ber little charge, when a gallant colored boy Jumped out on tbe guards, and, holding on by bis right bund, moved rapidly to the nearest point to (be shore, where, by a long and dexte rous reach, he managed to grasp tbe baby around tbe middle with his leit band, and tear It from tbe arms of the bewildered nurse. For a few moments the little thing, enveloped in a red hood and cloak, was suspended in midair; but a dozen strong arms hurried to the rescue, and tbe boy and the baby (which was as good as a kitten.) were unceremoniously hauled in side, greatly to the delight ot the anxious mother. Such scenes on the river are fortu nately rare. Gentlemen frequently jump on to steamers after the planks are ir; but babiua, we believe, are seldom "shipped" by such sum mary process. A little reflection must convince all of the danger of such acts, either by young or old. Thb Monthly Meeting of the Young Men's Christian Association was held lust night in the Hall, No. 1210 Chesnut street, Peter B. Simons, Esq., presiding. Alter brief religious exercises, the minutes of last meeting were read and ap proved Mr. Simons then stated that tbe meet ing would be addressed by delegates from the Montreal Convention. He gave an interesting account of the meetings of the Convention, which, be remarked, commenced on tbe Hud son river boat. He also stated that the reports nf different BMPoclutions showed them to be in a most prosperous condition. Mr. Tolman spoke of tbe deep religious feeling that pervaded the meetings, and hoped that tbe good derived from these meetings would result in greater religious activity at borne. He offered tbe following resolution, which was passed: xnniiirit. That th. Devotional Committee be in. ttrucled to bold religious services In the reading room for bitten minutes belor. closing every nlgbt. Mr. Cull las spoke ot the hearty welcome given to the Convention, and the respect and honor paid tbem by the Christian people or Montreal, not only oecause iiuey woio uimunu but because they were American. He related several Incidents showing tbe respect for and deen Interest in our national prosperity enter- fnfnert hv the beat or her Majesty's Subjects. He stated tha, as a result of the Convention, new life was Imparted to many associations; while new organizations were springing up everywhere. Mr. Thlssell spoke or the power of printed truth distributed among the people, and n flnreri to donate as much as the Associa tion oould use. The offer was acoepted, and the matter referred to the proper committee. After tiia Atentinn nf seventeen new members tbe exercises, whlcb were deeply interesting throughout, closed with singing. Plkabaht Excursions. This summer the . railroad running from Camden, N. J., to Cape May has beco ue exceedingly popular as an excursion route, the different bodies Which have gone over it having been well pleased with the exoeriment thv had made. It is certainly a delightful summer trip, and Cape Island, the rolnt of destination, is unrivalled in lis altrao- , lions S a MUmmnp rairtrt. On the West Jersey Kailroad, at a distance of iweniy-uuo mues only from rniiaueipui, b charming place known ns "Union Grove" has Vuen opened, and is now larcnlv natronized bv " churches and Sunday Schools who deBire to go on short excursions, so as to have almost the -.entire day to themselves In the woods. For such purposes "Union Grove" is one of the most attractive witnm reach of Philadelphia. . Enforcing thb Law Yesterday, Dennis Consldine, who la i the proprietor of the saloon at seoouu uun biuui, streets, where Mr. Blunderi was siauoeu on nuoday evening, was arrested lor selling liquors contrary to law, tk.rAhT endangering the near i .. ,...,; lounlty. lieooider Eneu held Ulm in ,1000 bull tO RUB V. CI a s-'v . Ah Irrkpbbsbiblh Again in Limbo William , Huntington, one or the party ot tuPe wh0 so violently assaulted Mr. Pollock at Tttnth and Filbert streets a nigui or iu aiuoe, wu. again ' ...,.n in eustodT last evening, for enmurin in a street fight. Otlleer Moullle conveyed him to the lock-up, and Alderman Swift held him la r . . . en 4 Vm ft. lttll fci ftuuwor at Court. THE DAILY EVENING TfiLEGItAPlT PHILADELPIIIA, TUESDAY, An Explosion Two Mkh Sbvkhrlt Injurbd. AM A 8THBKT Fkaoas. Last night about 11 o'chwk an exr'l"ton o-ciirred In the whisky distillery owned by Owen Kavanagh, and lo cated on Warnoch street, lelow Jefferson. It appear that two men, Edward McShay and John Dorsey, were draw lng off spirits Irom a tub into barrels, when the former, thinking that it did not run last enough, started for a light. In order to makean examination. He came too near to where the spirits were flowing, whloh, being Ignited by the flame ot the candle, blew up with great lorce. scattering drops of the flaming liquid all around. McShay and Dorsey were seveiely burned about their faces. The former was taken to St. Joseph s Hospital, and the latter to bis home, on Prospeot street, below JeffoiKon. . . ..... The alarm of fire, or course, orougni ae ur companies to the spot, ana in ine excitement common to a sc ne Where everybody bunts lor a tire when such a thing has neased to exist, the members or ottaco! the It nggold Hose and the Humane Hose got into a squaooie, wherein one Wll lam Hurly was struck over tbe head bv a fireman's trumpet, and knocked down, with a large gash extend ng across bis forehead, from wnicn tne mmw uuwru !' fuely. He got up and walked to Kuntz's iivirn nt Eleventh and Master Btreets. and from thence to Dr. Hoberla' otttce, where he be came Imenslble, and remained so until this morning. The wound is a severe one. tnonscn not considered dangerous. Tbe building wherein tbe Are occurred was not damaged to anv very sreat extent, tbe woodwork only receiving a scorching. ' Tub Firr Last Nioht about 12 o'clock ori ginated In Whltheliuer's shoe store, No. 2( N. Second street The stock, fixtures, etc., of the store were greatly damaged, and the loss will probably reach $1000, fully covered by in surance. The fire is supposed to have been caused by the tbrowinp ot the stumps of llghied cigars into a hi illi.oa filled with sawdust. The firemen arrived on the pot and soon extin guished the flames. The family were asleep in the upper part of the building when the Are broke out, and it was with great difficulty they made their escape- Filtht Strerts. The citizens in the vicinity of Perth street, between Parrlsh and Poplar, call the attention of our municipal authorities iho-iewho are supposed to have law in the matter to the flfthy condition or that thor oughfare; made so, as alleged, by the nlzhtly cleaning of about thirty horses on the pave ment aud walk, and shaking the straw from quantities of manure in the street. Can't some thing be done tot-top it? Fatal Railroad Accident. About 11 '30 last evening an unknown man was lustantly killed by falling off or tbe bumper or one of Adams A fo.'s Express freight cars, and being run over, at Twenty-third and Market streets. The body was taken to the Station House, and has not since been recognized. Assaulting an Officbr was the charge upon which John Deltz was held in ?8U0 ball to answer at Court. He was drunk, and when being taken along Cadwalader street, near Thompson, slabbed the officer in the back with a pocket-knlftv A Femalb 1'dkloinkr named Margaret McGinnis was arrested at her residence, No. 624 North Twelfth street, for the thel'l of some wearing apparel and a finger ring. Alderman Hurley held her in r00 bail to answer at Court. United States Steamer Juniata. The stenm corvette Juniata, recently from the Brazil station, was rlaeed on the Naval Dry Dock at high water on Saturday. She will probably be prepared for a new cruise. A Brutal Brother, named Joseph Jacka way, was yesterday arrested on Vienna street, for an alleged brutal assault on his sister som days before. Alderman Slnex held him in S1000 bail to answer at Court. Slight Firb. A slight fire occurred at No. 617 Swanson street, last, evening. I.IN1W DnsTEBS Dvt proof, mi inn neatly at the n'fk-. jVo one. cun iravel comfortably wWtuut one srllinfi cheap. Half way betuven BENNETT A CO..- tfth and Y TOWKR HALL, (Sixth itreeU.) No. 818 MARKET STREET, PHILADELPHIA. AnA No. 600 BROADWAY. NEW YORK. Hi,-All kinds of Summer Clothing JHen'i, Youtht', and hoys', Tiik Reason Why. Many inquiries have been made as to how the Washington Library Company can afford to act so liberally in the plan which tbey have adopted for the raising of funds In aid of the Riverside Institute for sol diers' and sailors' orphans. It will be remem bered that every purchaser of stock not only re ceives a handsome steel-plate engraving, worth fifty per cent, more than tbe price of tbe stock, but is also guaranteed some present in tbe great distribution to take place hereafter. The com pany are enabled to act thus liberally from the simple fact that they have made a binding con tract with the publisher of these engravings for many tbousand copies. Taking a large number in this way tbe price per single copy Is, of course, greatly reduced, and consequently the same engraving which Is retailed at many stores in this city for eight dollars, the Wash ington Library Company can present to the purchaser of five Bhares of stock, costing Ave dollars, with a good profit left, which accrues to the Institute. The 1300,000 worth of presents to be awarded have also been obtained In the same manner. Having purchased everything In the largest possible quantities, the cost is of course much reduced, while to buy one of the same articles at retail would require fifty per cent, more cash man is necessary to invest with the Washington Library Company. noLLo-WAY's Pills. Diarrhea. a suppression of the evaouatious frequently ends in collapse. The action of Holloway's medi cines are based on a more rational principle: by wiuuiuiug ma utspiMveu numors tney neutralize and expel them through the natural channels. They purify the fluids, cleanse th bowels, invigorate tbe stomach, and by regula ting the various functions restore the body to its normal stale ot health. sold by ail Druggists. Sacramental wine. a cure and nnintvri. eating wine, prepared from the finest native grown Port Grapes, especially for tbe use of Christian churches, and guaranteed to retain its grutelul flavor and essential qualities uuim pulred for any period, by A. Speer, Passaic. N. J., and No. 208 Broadway, New York. Our druggists have some that is four years old.i Once for All. The reduction in the nrloei of Hummer Clothing at Charles Stokes & Co.'s, under tbe continental, is now accomplished. The publio can purchase Summer Clothing of the nrst quality at mis nouse, at the same price Inferior clothing is sold for at other places. A First-class Confectionery. The lovers of tine Confections will find a superb assort ment at George vv, Jenkins', No. 1037 Spring Garden street. He has also a fine display of Forelitn IrultS. JNuts. Almonds, etc. Call on Jenkins! Whitman's Chocolate. The best f able Cho colate lor famines, hotels, and restaurants Is manuiacturea at ine rblladalDhla Hteam Cho colate and Coooa Works. Offloe and Store No, 1Z10 MOTKet street,. htbpitbk F. WHITMAN. A Word to the wise is sufflcleut. If you are hungry, and want an excellent dinner for a very moderate price. Just step in to Morse's Dining itooui"i inos. wua ami mu rcn street. Lyons' Magnetic Insect Powder, for kill leg Fleas, Moths, Roaches, and Bugs. The original and only sure article. Bold by all re spectable dealers. DspoT FOB TBI BALB ot Lash'a Fiv-dnllar W ashing Machines, Cloth e-Wrlngers, andBtep Ladder, JNU, ii iui.ei street, rauauelpbla, J. . iABH A uo. THK TBAVKLINO 80IT8 Tlte White luck Vntt. She Colored JHtek 6uiU, 1e Alpaca (al; The J rap dlKU tiackl, The Short lhick tiivi kt, The Linen JAut ... . Tlie Liyht Cainiei e tjultt, Are all popular at thlt Ha. hernia they are uf the thing for thU hot weather. Our ttylet are a, eiraa.U at in vnu eutloin ettablUhiiunU. Our irict are to laai, people,i,aclAvAVKKmAnRoyrK , Turn Iiei-ix Clothinu Housk, Oak ilii.K, Tu Co9M or Sixth ako lUuitin Bra-hm- Neck -ttes only 25oenls. , fiea-rtrie Tie l SV cents. tit-iiria 7m -!.!...7..".'.".'.".".....'!at !Pt nK- Hra-tide J'iet ".'."" '."at ". nlH- Urn ride Kw at 2w MolNTlBE A Broth kb, 1086 Chesnut street. Jones A Thaoher, Printers, 610 Minor Hi.,- MAnniED. BROWN YEA MANB. On Bunday evening, Janu ary . IW17. h) tlie Kev. J, II. Paiem, r, OI1ARL.KS L. HltOWN to If las EMMA K. YKAMAMS, boiu of Lb Is cliy. MKII-OK-nOOPEH. On July 4, at the Bnrean Parsonage, No. 4nlft ClieMiut street, oy Kev. James Cooper. Mr. WILLIAM l MKLLUH to Allan AMANDA M. UOUrKM. all ol this city. DIED. RTJItOIN. At Frankford, on Pnnday. the 21st In stant. MaKY ANN, wltHOf Dr. Oourge H. IJurglu, in Hie 70ll year ol her age. .... Tte relatives are invited to attend the funeral, on Wednesday mornlnu. thellih Instant, a 10 o'clock, from the residence of her busriitiid, No. Wit S. Flliti street, POUUH FRTY.On the 21st Instant, MARY, wife of Michael Dougherty, aged 47 years. The relatives anrt friends ol Hie tamlly are respect fully Invited to attend the nineral, trom the residence of her huNhand. No. HHW Bedford street, on Waduen day afternoon t t o'clock, without further notice. To proceed to Cathedral Cemetery. FKKN F.Y. Huddanly, on the2lst instant, PATRICK FKKNKY, aued 67 years. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral. Irom his late resi dence. No. 2:4Llnn street. onWef nesday morning at 8 o'rlock, wlibout further notice. To proceed to Cathe dral Cemetery. H1CK. On ths2h Instant. Mrs. REBECCA, wife Ol Vt 111 lam Hicks. , .,. . Ker relatives and friends are respectfully Invited to attend ber funeral, from her husband's residence, No. (x7 N.EIeveulh street, on Thursday, tna S5in niKtauu, at It) o'clock. To proceed to Laurel Hill Cemetery. BEEHJI. On the 20th Instant, WILLIAM H. It J-.:, In the Kid year of his age. The relatives and friends ot tne family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late real deuce, In the borough of Media, on Wednesday, tbe 24th Instant, at 3 o'clock. To proceed to tue Media Cemetery. it RYNER. On the 21st Instant, after a lingering Ill ness. KM 1LY KYNKlt. wlie of John Kyuer. In tbe 43d The relVtvSand friends of the family are respect full Invited to attend the funeral. Funeral services at the North BaptlHt Churcb, JKIghth street, above Mat ter, on 1 hursday morning at s o'clock. To proceed to Mount Pleasant, Montgomery county. Pa. PCATTEKGOOD. On the 2oth Instant, DAVID BCATTJlKOOOB, in the Cist year of his age. Bis relatives and friends are Invited to attend tbe funeral, at 3 o'clock on Fourth-day, the 24th instant, trom bis late residence, Haddonfleld, N. J, without turiber notice. Cars leave Vine street wharf all o'clock ana return at 4 45 and 7 2i) P. M. THkl PATENT CORN-GRATER OPENS Ibe hull of tbe grain and then scrapes out all the pulp, leaving the Indigestible sklus attached to tha cob. For puddings, soups, fritters, etc., made ot green corn, or lor elderly perilous wbo cannot masticate their boiled corn, tbey will prove themselves to be a desirable housekeeping utensil. Suld by TRUMAN 4 SHAW, No, ftlffi (Right Thirty-five) Market 8C, below Ninth. A FUNNEL AND MEASURE ARE UNITED in the 1'ate in Combinational tide. Tbe Measure U KraOualed by ribs on its side to indicate oue, two, i.iul thi te gills and a quart. Tbe Funnel Is on Its side, and enables you to pour directly into a bottle or other narrow-mouthed vessel. i-ursiUnby TRUMAN A BHAW, No. gag (Eight Thirty-five) Market at., belt w Ninth. rINC NAILS. COPPER TACKS. BRASS AND AJ iron Hcujiper Nails, Tluned Tacks, Plated and Porctlaln-head l uruliuie Nails, rorsale oy TRUMAN A SHAW, No. S35 (Eight Thirty-five) Market Ht.. below Ninth. g HSU RE YOUR LIFE IN TBI AMERICAN Life Insurance Company, . OP PHILADELPHIA. OFFICR FOURTH 4185p S.I?. CORNER AND WALXl'I. ft WARBUSTON'S IMPROVED VENTI- M lated aud Easy-Uttlng DKK8H HATS (patented). In all the approved fashions of the season. CLH.KHNUT Street, next door to the Poat OOlce. 16 JONES, TEMPLE & CO., A8HIONABLE H A T T K B 8, No. 25 8. NINTH Street, First Store above Chestnut street. 4 9 FOSTER. FASHION ABLK HATTER, 4 11 emnp No. 7 6. SIXTH Street. JO H AttOT! N8TON & S ELD EN Attorneys at Iaw and Solicitors In Bankruptcy. No. 434 WALNUT Street, Philadelphia, 10Sm Vx-Oov. W. F. JOHNSTON. OKO. 8. SELDKN. FRENCH CIRCULATING LIBRARY". e- PAUL K. U1KARD. FRENCH BOOKSELLER, STATION JR AND ENGRAVER. No. 202 8. ELEVENTH Street PHILADELPHIA, 22 5p gADDLERT AND HARNESS. 411 tutbsSpl FOB CITY AND COUNTRY, Wholesale and Retail, Very Cheap. Big Horse in the Door. iCNEASS No. 631 MARKET Street. DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill have invented to assiit the bearing in every degree of deafness; also, Respirators: also, CrandaU's Palent Crutches, superior to any others in nse. at P. MATiIi'.tui'q xfn nt tl-m-i'i! Street, below Chesnut ; 85p RODOERS'AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVES, Pearl and Stag Handles, of beautimi finish. KOIXiERS' and WADE 4 BUTCHER'S RAZORS, and the celebrated LiiAJOULTKE RAZOR. SCISSORS of the 11 neat quality. razors, ji nives, BciHHorH. ana Table Cutlery Ground and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S. No. us tmth Street. below Chesnut. 'Jo.5i -w WON KY TO ANY AMOUNT LOANED J UPON DIAMONDS, WATCHES. JEW S TvKLRY, PLATE, CLOTHINO, ETC!, at J XJ JONES A CO.'S OLD ESTABLISHED LOAN OFFICE, Corner of THIRD and OAs KILL Streets, Below Lombard. N. B. DIAMONDS WATCHES GCNB,,TC, ' rOR SAT.K AT REMARKABLY I-OW PRlCfA 6 25 3ro TO HOUSEKEEPERS AND INVALIDS thT.b,SS!le,?!BK!,1 .r.e8R.ectilll1y u tne attention r,.j r" . vi riima (jiaer aud Pure Cider Vinegar for plcklln and general family use! bibo, w iui popular " t onic Ale," free irom all imuu rltles, and endorsed by tbe melllcal f aou I ty as a sale Jt1?urionir,nebVera8e iQt " dIl"t?con" iieUvered free ot charge to all parts of tbe city. P. J. JORDAN, H 785, Below Tal,d . . fflaK? 600 ARCH STREET. 600 TO CB04fTJET PLATERS. UASIES 7', tlO-OO, AND tlt'OO. URirriTU A PACE, NO. 00 AKCH RBEKT. 10f QNE TRICE CLOTHING J0HES' OLD ESTABLISHED ONE PRICE ' CLOTHING HOUSE, No. G04 MARKET St. I 7 l lm ABOVB SIXTH. FERTILIZERS. MMOiN I ATED PIIOSPIIATE, an rritPAii,i n febtiuieb j For Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Oraas, the Vegetablt . Gardes. Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Etc Eto, This Fert 111 ter contains Ground Bona and tr,h Fertllldiiit; Sail. " " Price l per ton of 2000 pounds, For Mia bv thi wrnulacturers, ' " WILLIAM KLUB A CO,, Chemists,' j No- TU MARKET Street IKmwfl THIRD EDITION TRIAL OF JOHN n. SURRATT. . Snrratt was resumed tu,, morning In the crimi nal court, jdK6 F,8hor di j,tr Ilerrepont .aldatthl. stage of the cat, be w.inusci to offer in evidence th. ol the . Other day by General Eckort. The paper waa not ,n booth's handwriting, but from the Inquiries A0" "i been made about it, he thought it proper that It should be offered in ovldencf. The letter rrfm re1 1( W the one ourDortlntr (a have been written Booth to Dr. Stewart, en clocing an -mount money. The offer was eccepted, the defense Av,f,lrlnR to show that the two letters had bepH off. 4 as originals, they being In different hand-writ 'ng, both purporting to have been written on leave, 8 lorn from Booth's diary. The Court ordered atUcbme to Issue for the appiehension of E. W. Cas U and T. J. Osborne, conductors on the Northe."a Central Railroad, who refused to obey the suiPQona of the Court. Ezra B. Westfall sworn, and examined b.T Mr. Plerrepont In April, 18C5, I waa train mak ter on the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad; On April 13, 18G5, 1 was at the ferry at Williamsport; the depot for the train south waa three-quartors of a mile from the ferry; that day, April 13, two trains arrived at Williamsport'irom Klmlra; the train leaving Elmira at 8 o'clock arrived be tween VI and 2 o'clock, and the extra train arrived later; a man came in the extra train, and was anxious to cot through; I took him to be a Rebel spy or a Gov. erniient detective, and I gave him but little satisfaction about the moving of the trains, as I thought it was . none of bis business how the trains ran; I know the ferryman at Williams port; it was between 12 and 2 o'clock when the man came on the extra train; I had a conversation with the ferryman at G o'clock that evening; it is my impression that the prisoner is the man who ques tioned me about the trains, but I cannot say so positively; I did not see the man after that conversation that day; on April 13, 1805, two construction tiains and one switching train was running to Suubury, one train was run ning between Watsontown and Suubury, and the switch train between Suubury and the ferry; the construotitn trains were running fast at the time, as the work was urgent; they made about the s ime time as the passenger trains; I have known extra fare to be charged for extra spsed.. Bv Mr. Bradley My knowledge of the latter fact is from persons telling me; there was at connection, or could be a connection between the construction train and the regular trains;: on April 13 no train left Williamsport; it left the ferry a train left the ferry at 6 o'clock trom Montoursville, another train left at 8-30, and the other train at 9-30 P.M.; these were the only regular trains; the irregular gravel train left Montoursville; the switch engine ran from the ferry to Montoursville, and on April 13 they were running at intervals all days; the gravel trains are allowed to run at the rate of twenty miles per hour; I can't say what speed they made on April 13, 1854; I know trains were running between the ferry and Montoursville; I am sure the trains went to Watsontown; the trains' laid over night at Montoursville; it is twenty miles from Montoursville to Watson town; trains that day started from Montourj villc to work; I can't say that a con struction train left Montoursville at two o'clock; I have no actual knowledge of the fact tbey went to Watsonsown, but I know they were working between those points; the trains went to Watsontown for water; there was at that time no water between Montoursville and Watsontown; there has been a water tank erected and supplied since; I know of times when the construction would run from Mon. toarsville to Watsontown and back before two o'clock, and retnrn in the after noon ; I can't fix any date when that was done, however; I first saw the prisoner in Court sitting where he is now; I can't remember who pointed him out to me: I was summoned here by Mr. Montgomery, who testified at the assassination trial; 1 was sum moned last Saturday a week; Mr. Montgomery asked me what I remembered about April 13; he told me about a man passing through on the 13th of April: he tola me at what time the man was supposed to have reached Williams port; he described the man's clothing; 1 do not know that Montgomery said auytning about the man crossing the terry at the first Interview: he may have done so at tbe second interview; I have summoned two witnesses for the prose cution In this cane. 'J'HE INTEREST IN GOLD ON TUB FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF TIIK CftlON PACIFIC K4ILWAT COMPANY, KAMTKHX DIVISION, BCE Acer ST I, 1867, Will be paid, on presentation of the Coupon tbercior, at me jA.jMitiiS'u HOUSE Ol'" DABKET, BIOBOAN Jfc CO., SO. 83 BXCHAWUE PLACE, NEW TOrtK, On and after that date. (Signed) WM. J. PALMER, 7 23tuthsl0t Treasurer. OAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY. o Vb Fidelity UsartBM, Trait amd Rf ppoatt Company, for tn Umtm Keeping of Vondi, Htocka, n inner Valuable. CAPITA!. 100,000 DIBBOTORS. ' r pnnWNK. JtJUWAKD W. CLARK. ALKXANDKR HaLMttV a A. CALDWELL, wvnCK 1U CLARK. CHAKLKH MACALKHTKH. ' flfnoetn tha t ire proot JHuiUiiug of the Philadelphia Kiloiial Bank. ClfcrtJS UT blrael above Fourth. This Compaay receive on dupoalt, and UUAKAN TKTilK BAFJfi KKEPINfi VALUABLE J,tn the followUig fauna year, tuw- fjimpon Bonds............-" per I100C KwJWeredBonda and beouritlea. M aou per IluuO Sofa Coin or Bullion...... . ...........ii-A.Der liou ntlver Coin or Buii)on..n.....,........M per , Gold or bilvof i,'';vVi"T "V H per I0 b Boie of ll bot of Banker: Brokera, Capitalist. ew.,coiiieiiUj i unknown to the Joiupauy ind llttblltty limited, i a yakr. r Tlie Company oflr f..r ItKrT trenter exclnnlvely holding the ey,?AFiH INIDl;iSVAULVal f,xi.Ju.iJ,W. year, aooordJug to nut aud '"o.upon and InUweat Collected for one per cent. ' ,. ZHinl allowed on Money Depualta. i n'bl Company la aiuhortaed toreoalve and xeout4 Tr,,u ol ry daacrlpliou. Hsun wtrp N. B, BTtOWNK, Prwdaanl. 1 jiujji.aT f ATTM0XHKUMy and XitHuiWli JULY 23, 1867. EE E L 11 B O L & HEIIBOLDS EXTRACT OF BUCIIU. At the Cape of Good Hop the Hottentots Lave long used BUCIIU for a yariety of dia eaaes; it waa borrowed from those rude prac titioners by the Kngliah and Dutch physicians, on whose recommendation it was employed in Europe, and has now come into general use. It is given chiefly in GRAVEL, CHRONIC CATARRH OP TUB BLADDER, FOR FEMALE WEAKNESS AND DEBILITY, FOR PROLAPSUS UTERI, DISEASES OF THE PROSTATE GLAND, RETEN TION OR INCONTI- NENCE OF URINE, And aH diseases requiring the aid of a diuretic, arising from a loss of tone in the parts con cerned in its evacuation. It is also recom mended in case of DYSPEPSIA, CHRONIC RHEUMATISM, CU TANEOUS AFFBCTIONS AND DROPSY. To cure these diseases we must bring into action the muscles which are engaged in their various functions. To neglect them, however slight may be the attack, is sure to affect the bodily health and mental powers. Our flesh and blood are supported from these sources. Persons at every period of life, from INFANCY TO OLD AGE, And in every state of health, are liable to be subjects of these diseases. The causes in many instances are unknown. The patient, has, however, an admirable remedy in HELMBOLD'S FLUID EXTRACT OF BUCIIU.! HELMBOLD'S EXTEACT OF BUCHU. PREPARED BY H. T. HELMBOLD, PRINCIPAL DEP0T3, NO. BHOIDWAT, MEW YOKK, AND NO. 14 MUTII TENTH HTBB KT, rill LA. HELMBOLD, FOURTH EDITlOtj The Tycoon of Japan Pre sented with a $100 Watch. Copy of Inscription Tlioroow Cf n. Stilldan Co Appear Before ft Special Coniumtcc oftbc House. Tho Pickings of tho Paymas ter-General's Office. Kt Etc., SUe., Etc., Bte., Kta srBClAf, DESPATCH TO TBI EVENING TELBOBATK. WA8uiNoT0, July 23 The President ban had a gold watch purchased, at a oost of far hundred dollars, to be sent by the ram Stone wall aa a present to the Tycoon of Japan. It bears Che inscription, "To his Majesty the Tycoon of Japan. From the President of the United States, 1867." General Sheridan has been summoned U appear before the Special Committee of the House to investigate the alleged frauds in the Paymaster-General's office. Peter Blow a Government agent, who was sent down South to investigate these frauds, testified to-day before this Committee in regard to the Low enthal frauds. It is alleged that parties con nected with the Paymaster-General's offioe received two and a half per cent, on all busi ness transaoted by Lowenthal as claim agent with that department. . , , FROM EUROPE THIS P. M. , Two o'clock Market Report. By Atlantic Cable. London, July 232 P. M. Consols, 94 5-16; United States Five-twenties, 72 11-16; Atlantie and Great Western, 24i; other securities un changed. LivBBPOot, July 232 P. M California Wheat, 13s. 9d. Teas, 41s. Refinod ' Petro leum, Is. Ad. Cheese deolined to 55s. Pork declined to 73s. Other artioles unchanged. ' Arrival Out of the Ville de Paris. BnKST, July 23. The steamship Ville de Paris, from New York July 13, arrived here to-day. LARGE FIRE IN BUFFALO. Lois 100,000. Buffalo, July 23. A destructive fire occurred here this morning between 3 and 4 o'clock, in buildings Nos. 194, 196, and 193 Main street, owned by T. C. Riley. The buildings were occupied by Messrs. C. W. & E. Partridge, dry goods merchants; S. Berg wan, clothing store; T. C. Riley, millinery goods; Clay, Cossack & Co., lithographers; William Knight, photographer; and others. No. 196 is a complete wreck; Nos. 194 and 198 considerably damaged by water and fire. Mr. Riley holds insurance for $38,000. Messrs. Partridge's stock is damaged to the extent of $50,000. They insured $62,000, principally in the New York companies. Mr. Bergman's loss is $5000, which is covered by insurance. Mr. Knight's loss is also about $5000, and also covered by insurance. Professional Pickpockets. Louisa Jordan, alias Elizabeth Thompson, Martha Welach, and Emma Bnyder, had a hearing before Mayor McMlcbael to-day, charged with being pro fessional pickpockets. They were arrested this morning, at Klghlh and Filbert streets, by De tectives Brown and Bteveus. Louisa and Martha were committed under the ninety day act, and Emma was held In SoOO ball to keep the peace, her antecedents being unknown to the detectives, while the others are notorious. Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, July 23 Reported by De Baven A Bnx, No. o S. Thlrt street BETWEKIf HOARDS. 11000 City Sew..bBlu0 WOO doNew......l00 4K do-New loO $18(00 do. New....loO 140 do. New W?i IStOO PCp5" 87 H V.0 Pn6n.WUcpjai.loSH 15 sh l'eun M 63 20 do 63 li 1 H mi. I an V R 69 IW0 Bh KBd R.......bt0. IB.'i 100 do sU 7 do.........trf. 6Sli 200 . do...-.b60L ffi loo do .Si.H'44 ion ah Mcllheooy....- -M Soo do..... - 'M BKOOND BOARD. fcroo City te, Nw ino I4i oo do. Kew.U.Uo l0 do.. Old...... 8V l00lh6 'H4... ......... IllXtiO H cp M "74 6 5b bp & Flue 23 44 ab Leh N bdwn. 4Tf SS h Lob V K- o is sb Feuna B....... (3 6 do - 68 &f do....U.a. MEDICAL. RHEUMATISM. RHEUMATISM. 'NEURALGIA. NO CURE NO PAY. NO CURE NO PAY. DR. FITLER'O GREAT R1TEUMATIC JIES1EDT. . WABRANTID DAEMLESS. ,' BEri!BEMC'K-aOOO WBEI BErEBEHCBS-HOt CUBES IH l'UII.AEI.IPI- AsVOWB. DR. FITLER, ONB r OVU OVUKHT FllVMItlABIS ADVISVA tIBATM DAII.T, pBIBiCIPAt, DEPOT, ItSmwsttt No. 29 South FOURTH St.