8 CELEBRITIES IN COURT. ...Mamber of Coail vd an ....... or the United States Before i.stue Va.rpo.l-Mr. Aecl ,"fmt,r.!lt we gave a brief report of f .lams Graham ana inuip the exBnilui""'- ------- n lha inlng before Justice uis ' .wDdllng the Railway PMtwiljN Justice Burt, on the charge artford, out of lou. Ij- v. fHH0. "'"SawM arraigned before Justloe !! ? B"lv7J!d with compilolty In. the Vantierp""". h, n .tandlug In society, ,fl"";',f 1? Riven 10 the matter. Mr. i'ec of Congress for .eight years, an a eck and "occupied ' udlstrteL ha eP.re?.e ""hnnt Teveuty year, of age. He was ilein puw nf -lbe ion. Mlilaru rui- nr ex President of the wore, rrUn ed a seat by his Hide at. Hi a l'ollee Court OMI LH 111 " " ' . " . . AVAm ml IM examination 3 r"'" afternoon District Attorney Bass yesterday ";r""""nia and A. P. Laulng, r.so 'rr'defe e.PT.? Charlim K. Warn- -for the delemw. j ,,- BUt . Of ?ftThVcaHO was tinally SSt till was nnuiiy adjourned till T"ihJ aa 'nfl f Aso Is llkolyto ocenpy the ,VnMon of oui ourU for Rome time, It would tIf1li r?l?ere8UrJK to Rive what lew of the bt, H?i.n-le, Vrtor have Deen able to nnr renorteru have Deen ' B. 1 i" ..1 iVTA . h airalr. ODtain in "f," 'hrlea F. ,Dtain in f,. ;hnrie8 F. Warner and it KWIll i ' " . vn,l. T.lvlncrfitnn Thoma. 0. nni . - " veHt for KpSrVSSa locating some land. imrLKU inn . - . . . . I. lit ina 111 n Iht of the inoniu imj iuiiv . -- ifir taking a view of the city they bought iieketB Ol James Graham, at his ofllee on Ex change stre. nearly oppwilte the Central lK'tH While In the onice tuuro wan some eou Terwalion about accident assurance tickets, or..lVani trylni? to Induce thorn to purchase S,Vne nl they declined. They then started for the wVt over the Lake Shore Railroad, but in accident occurred u short distance iroin ?le,and Hunt was killed. It Is said that a few moments before the accident occurred one of the agents of the Company was passing throueh the car. and hpoke to Warner and lluntr who were eating some refresh man ts, if ihpv did not wish to be insured, when one of them remarked, "No, we will trust to cur lunch bnfcktt." The neit day Dv. W arner returned with the corpse to Buffalo, and while nuit.inir for t he train to uoout. he met Graham and Lansing in the depot, when, It is charged, the plan was oncocled to Issue tickets of In nriniwnn the lifu of Ilunt. dating them on the IHlb; that tbe scheme was carried out, and lr. Warner returned to Nunda with the dead hortT it is charcea that Lansing Informed Mrs. Hunt and her counsel, the Hon. L. iX Peck, that these tickets were not gennlne, but represented that It would be for the benefit of tbe Assurance Company to pay up the policy, and that they contented to the arrangeuieut with the under Standing that Graham, Lansing, and Warner were to have one thousand dollars each, and tbe widow three thousand. The plan, it appears, did not work very well, for a gentleman named L. li. W arner was appointed administrator of the estule, and re ceived tbe sum of $WHHJ from the Company, but When tbe alleged conspirators claimed their hare, the administrator declined to disburse any of the funds, on the ground that the whole scheme was simply a plot on their part to defraud the widow oat of a portion of her just dues. There were freqnent meetings between the parties, bnt tbe administrator remained firm, and by some mearjs the state of nil'alrs came to tbe knowledge of the detective of the Com pany. On tbe second day of July, 1807, the detective applied to Superintendent Reynolds, of the Nlogai a Frontier Police, saying be had reason to suppose that a fraud bad been perpe trated on the Company in this city, and asked the assistance 01 an oincer to aid hi in in appre sending the suspected parlies. Detective Wal' ter Bmllh was detailed to act in con (unction with the Company's detective. Graham was Immediately arrested and placed In confine ment. Bralth then started for Nunda, but dis covered Dr. Warner on tbe cars at Utica, and returned with him as a prisoner. The Doctor made an open confession, implicating several other persons, alter wnicn ue was released on ball. On the Cth of July the officers started for De troit in search, of Liansing. Detective tadler tameto their assistance. A tug was brought into service and took them to Belle Isle, below (he St. Clair Flats, where Lansing was found dealing out laRer beer. He was brought totiiis milg. Detective Smith ariested Mr. Peck, on the 12lh Instant, at Nunda. Last week be was brought before Justice Vanderpoel and com mitted to the custody Of his counsel. Mr. As- food by, tbe Company's counsel at Nunda, was n Court yesterday watching the progress of the examination. Lansing and Graham are both at large on ball of iSWjO.JJuJfaio Expreta, 10!h. AFFAIRS IN RICHMOND. Karly Completion of Registration Ex pected Revival of Cotton Claims Against tbe Government Release of an Alleged Murderess. IticujtOND. July 19. Registration will be completed throughout tbe State before tbe time to which It was limited, the 1st of August, by General Bchofleld. Tbe Board will then give ten days' notice and reconvene for the revision of the lists, when all those who may have been Incapacitated by illness from registering durlug the regular term, or bad been Irregularly chal lenged, will be beard and their ousts con sidered. Tbe recent decision against the Government In tbe cotton claims of loyal owners Is interest ing a good many here who lost property through F ederal acts of belligerency and the proceed ings of Treasnry agents, and who, claiming to be loyal, are about to Institute suits for the re covery of means confiscated or destroyed, Tbe following has been Issued by General Bchofleld In the case of a Mrs. Kir by, who was arrested for the murder of her hut band la Octo ber, I860, but a plea of Insanity being put for ward in her favor, she was sent to the State Asylum at Staunton, until she rcoovered some lew months ago, and tben was recommitted for trial before Judge Lyons. The death of this gentleman caused a vacancy In the Court, which not having been yet filled, It was deemed proper to release the prisoner on ball: H BADQUiRTKHS Fl BHT M Il.ITA B Y DlHTR ICT, STATU Vihuinia, Richmond, July IK, 1867. Mrs. Ana K. Kirhy, now confined in the city JhII of the city of ittchmond, on the charge of murder, having given aatttcteni bond and security for her appearauce for trial before the next term of the Hustings Court of tbe c,;;j of Richmond, will be Immediately released Lorn coiiOnement. Uy order ot Brigadier and Brevet Malor-Qeneral 3. V. Bl llOFIKl.n, United Btales Army. H, F. I'hapi.in, Assistant Adttnaiit-Gnneral, Clerk 1 the Hunting Court, city ot Richmond. Railways and Telegraphs In India. Before the Sepoy mutiny In ludia, the irrops expenditure on public works In that country by tbe Britltjh Government averaged $12,000,000 annually. But the nnanclal years 1858 9 were seriously ftflccted by the revolt of the native troops. The disbursement for the former yenr was only 56,600,000, and lor the latter $2,000 000 In I860 the Imperial Government, on the abroga tion of the powers of the East India Company bad the entire administration of the oriental dominion in Its hands, and the "authorized ex penditure" ot Uat year lor public works was $16,110,000. Fourteen vears neo the first railroad was opened In India; it ran from Bombay to Tan- nub. in ibo. in tne presidency or uombay 35 nines WW 1U use, .uu iu hue luiivwuiK jotir ILL miles were opened in Bengal; In 1857 Madras had 68 miles in operation. This, with addi tional mileage which bad In the meanwhile been opened in the other presidencies, brought the total up to 274 miles. By the end of 1858 ludia posoecsed 332 workine miles of permanent way. In seven years this mileage bad Increased more than eight-fold. At midsummer, 18C5, it had stretched out to 2747 miles, divided among the diflereut presidencies and provinces as fol lows: Prttidtnclr. Hunte c Cbmpaiiku at Mitttuii mt; U6S. Bengal ana me i Noribwtieru- Etr.t Indian...-..-.. ... - provlaoM.. 1261 Eastern Bengal, Calcutta, - rind Hoiitheimlei u ? Madras and Ureal Boulli- - 1 ern ol I o la....... Great Jndiun leuUisula i and Bwuitmy, Raroda, 1 m.m C:entralH...M Bengal.... Madras... Bombay.. Kelnrie Faiijab.-, A50 61K 114 Koindeaud Indus Flotilla. TUl... Isdian railway companies derive a much lwj potuva ( tbelr je venue bm govij Uiua nrrm. me apra-res-ate yield from from pa. ourlnp the three year ending with both ionrres M f 3o,ooo,0u0; of this amonnt June, 1HG5, Wu '''" from niprchandlfie tralTic, J 20.000,1)0" Hi tie. 'aiiic produced $16,00(M00. bM aLso (rroWQ ?h.oiS tht The Indian telegraph. -nimu rapidly, in mot, iu. v years ago a th uiiii-i ui iriiciu "v.-i - . uiuue in one. spring of 1804-there were 11, ,v " ODe ration. Tht N.w School Pr.sbyterlan Cftureu. The following atatiKMcM iron it w e New Hchool General Assembly ot the I r, jterian Church rto. Increase tbfl the New Hchool general '"""" V" Interian Church 'ho ' B, , tbe, miniHtry and membership .of the Chur; d 1 in 1 ho rontrlBlltlODS' ' I f n l auvnuvv 1866. a 169 1,739 no 215 1,528 10.2M) 6.1M9 150,601 ,.'t.r)7 8.455 8.1133 143,((,i9 88,3ilfl 100,812 112,322 2J,107 10,107 6,104 1,78K,4(1 420,70(1 nynoas Presbyteries M lniHter.....M Licentiates... 21 1,870 115 27a l,f)(l() 13.2.V1 161 SW Candida' Cbor .0 nes .rtdded on Examination... Added on Certificates Communicants or whom unknown 770 Adult Baptisms ,7Ni nfant liantlHtns Hunday ychool Members 16:1.242 oenerai Assemuiy r una o p.-eu Home Missions 120.7W) Foreign Missions 110.319 Education ,nni Publication l.r),!Kfl Ministers' Relief 9,617 Congregational i,M&jw Miscellaneous 454,714 If It Is Vliiown In Your Tseth, That you do wot keep your dental apparatus In proper trim. Ills your own fault, for all the world know t hut you might do so by using that matchless vtgctable dentiinco, Sozodont. FINANCIAL. K0RTII MISSOURI RAILROAD Fill ST MORTGAGE SEVEN PER CENT. BONDS. Having purchased $600,000 of the FIRST MORT GAGE COUPON BONDS OF THE NORTH MI3 BOTJRI RAILROAD COMPANY, BEARING SEVEN PKR CENT INTEREST, having to years to run, we are now prepared to sell tbe same at the low late of 5, And the accrued Interest from this date, thus paying the Investor over 8 per cent, interest, which is paya ble r end-annually. This Loan 1b secured bv a First Morteace noon the Company's Railroad, 171 miles already constructed ana in running order, and 62 miles additional to be completed by the first or October next, extending from Hie city ofbl. LouUs into Nortuern and Central Mis souri. lull particulars will be given on application to either of the undersigned. . W. CXABKE dc CO. JA V CO Oil K A CO. DREXEIi dc CO. P. S. Parties holding other securities, and wishing to change tbein lor this Loan, cam do so at the market rates. 7 15 lm THE UNDERSIGNED PURCHASED THE HAVE NEW SIX PER CENT. REGISTERED LOAN op inn LEHIGH COAL AND N AVI OA TION COMPANY, DUE IN 1807. lNTEBm FAIAIILE QUABTEKLT, FItEE OF UKITED STATES AND STATE TAXES, AN1 Of FEB IT FOB SALE AT THE LOW PRICE OF NINETY-TWO, AND ACCBUED INTEREST FROM UAT This LOAN is secured by a first mortgage on Company's Railroad, constructed and to be structed, extending from the southern boundary lha borough of Hanch Chunk to the Delaware River at Eaaton, including their bridge across the sal driver now In process of construction, together with all the Company's rights, liberties, and franchises appertain- log w the said Railroad and Bridge, Copies ot the mortgage may be bad on application at tbe ofnee of the Company, or o either of the under signed, PBEXEIi CO. E. W. CIABK A CO. J AT COOKE A CO. 1 11 tt W. II. NEW BOLD, SON A A Eli TS EN, JSq- ATIONAL BANK OF TIIE REPUBLIC, E09 end 811 CHESNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. CAPITAL... ..91,000,000 DIRECTORS. Joseph T. Bailey, Naihun Hillee, Ben). Rowland, Jr., bttimiel A. Risiiham, Edward R. Oreo, William Ervlen, Osgood Welsh, ' Frederick A, Hoyt, Wm. H, Rhawn. WM. H. KHAWK, President, Late (Xuhier ofUte Central National Bank, JOB. P. MTJAIFORD Cashier, fi 1J Late of 1te Philadelphia National Bank COLTCN DENTAL ASSOCIATION, ORIGINATORS OF THE NITROUS OXIDE GAS, Extract Teeth without pain or any ill effects. OFFICE, NO. 737 WALNUT STREET, 6 7 wsgrn Below Eighth, PlUladslphla, EFFERVESCING GRANULAR SALTS OP CITBATE OP MAGNESIA. KINSINGEN. VICIIT, SEIDLITZ, SARATOGA, ETC. the LtlVoiPOpuUr ,n n8l-u-d, ars prepared at CHARLES ELLIS, SON A CO., Offloe and Store, cornar MARKET and SEVENTH. Trads supplied on liba, m 7 6stuth2mrp Q E D D I N Q OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. AT REDUCED iTtlCES. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO. S3 RIDGE AVENUE NEAR TINE ST. J, O.PTJLLEII, 82Uuthrp n TRAVEL VIA NORTH PEHMT LVANI4. RAW.ROAB. SHORTEST AND MOST PLEASANT ItODTH TO WILKESBARR 0"a liABTON. ALLENTOWrf. MOUNT UAflMPX. UAZ.LKTON, BETHLEHEM. V And all pMnts in tbe MAHA&OY, AND WYOMING VAI.LKY3 'Cdimod1on Cars, Smooth Truck. Firm Roennrv. and Excellent HoIpM are the pe!lnlil(a ol in I rout. ThrotiKh to Wllkeebarre and M.auch Chank wilkout cbange of cars. EXCURSION TICKETS, From Plillsdelprila to Principal Points, tuned frern tbi Til K KT uniiw unui,uiurau tiawm, on bBtDrflsyn, Rood to return till Monday evening. JlXtUKMlUiM 1IUHBIB IU W LUlLllUAnn Good forlfN I)AVH, Issued any day. ihrmich 1'rains leave the Denot. BKTIK8 and AW KK1CAN BtreetS, at 7'4A A. M., 1110 P. M., and 5 20 . M. For particulars see Time Table In dHy papers. ELLIS CLARK, Oenerai Agent, Philadelphia, July 1, IW. Tlrkeis sold and IdiKKHH Checked thronirh to the prlnlpnl point at Vanirs North Pennsylvania Hag gage Kxpress OlUce, No. 106 8. FIFTH BU 7 Urn 'AMP MEETING, VIKELAND, NEW JERSET, COnraEXCINB WEDNESDAT, JULY 17. WEST JEBSET RAILROAD LINES Leave foot nf MARKET Street (Upper Ferry), as follows, commencing July 17. I8S7: FOR v IN KLAND, 8 00 A. M 8 00 A. M., 3 00 P. M., and s-80 F. M. RETURNING TRAINS. LEAVE VINELAND FOR PHILADELPHIA at 13 A. M., "-!8 A. M .. 819 P. M., and "6 P. M. XCl'KmoN TICKFAU.Kood any time during the Camp, 1176. WU. J. SKWELU 7 lb lot (superintendent. Q R O Q U E T. AMERICAN CROQUET COMPANY. It. H0SKINS & CO., NO. 91 ARCH STREET. SOLE AGENTS. CROQUET, t)7-50, 1000. Iia-oo, AN I4-0O FEB SET. OCR 7SO SET IS EQUAL TOJOTIIE MANtTFACTCBEBS' 10-00 SETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. Jl. ROkKINS A CO 1 1 tnthsemrp NO. SIS ARCH STREET. WEDDING CARDG. PARTY INVITATIONS. TIIE LATEST NOVELTIES. E. H0SKINS & CO., STATIONERS APD ENBATEBfl, SltnthsAmrp NO. 01S ARCH STREET. GJENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS. . ' TIIE FINE SHIRT EMPORIUM, Kos. 1 and 3 North SIXTH Street. II 0 JOHN C. ARRISON, Importer, Manufacturer, and Dealer In Every Description of GENTLEMEN'S FURNISHING GOODS, Wonld Invite Inspection to bis FINE STOCK OF GOODS Callable for the season, selling offal moderate prices. Especial attention gtven to the manufacture of FINE BHIRTS AND COLLARS. Warranted to give satisfaction. 28 rp r0 PERSONS GOING OUT OF TOWN. ' CALL AT SMITH'S, NO. S28 CHESNUT STREET And supply yourselves with STATIONERT PORTFOLIOS, TOURISTS' WRITING DESKS, DRESSING CASES, CHESSMEN, CHECKER BOARDS, ETC All kinds of Blank Books, Printing, Stationery Pocket Boobs, Pocket Cutlery, etc fie,, at very greatly reduced prices. 7 6 tf (EEP THEM AT HAND! PATENTED Uth MONTII, I860. 7 12 2m8p M O R N To Insurance Companies, Manufacturers of Fateo Medicines, and Business Men generally. Tbe undersigned beg leave to Inform tbe publlo that they are lurnislilng, in larne quantities, Bhow t'-ards and Blgns of any design, suitable for outdoor and In door display. Oold-leaf Letters on Japanned Tin. Tbey are superior to work done by hand, as regards finish and durability, and can be furnished for less than one-half the price. Also, Paper Cutters as busi ness cards. , Ordinary Plgns constantly on hand, and a f rea variety of XllhOKraptilo Engravings, Call and ex amine specimens of work. JAGQERB 6l WILLIAMS, M lmrp Ko. 12 CREfiNCT Btreet, Room 15. QAUCH'S RAW DONE SUPER-PHOSPHATE OP LIMB. The great Fenlilier or all crops. Quick in tts action, and perniaueut In Its etlecto, Estabiuihed over twelve years. Dealers supplied by the carvo, direct front the wnarl ol the manufactory, on liberal terms, Manoiaotuxed ouly by u BATTOH A SONS, Office No. K) South DELAWARK Avenue, 4smw)rp Pblladttlpliia. ROPER'S NEW AMERICAN BREECH-LOADING REPEATING SHOT GUN, FIRING FOUR SHOTS IN TWO SECONDS, Using ordinary Ammunition. Manufactured by the ROPER RJLPEATINO RIFLE COM FAN Y. Am herst, Massachusetts, under personal supervlaloa of C M. SPENCER, Inventor of lbs famous BPENOER Q u r.i M CAMPH0R TROCHE8, r7 nrBC OLE IK -A-"J ys ,4, Sole F Krtor, C. K. Kdle., Druu, ,ceT Mm bm bu., rtii. gfr DRY GOODS. 3IIAVL0! GHAWLOI tmmmer Shawls, 4lTl Bummer Shawls, 9175. White Shetland Shawls, 13 00. "White Shetland Shawls, 93 00. White and Black Llama Shawls. White and Black Barege Shawls. Bea-slde Shawls. Sea-side Shawls. Wide Iron Barege and Bernanl for Shawls. LAWNS! LAWNS ! Fine French Law m, 25 cents. French Jaconet Lawns, 28 cents. Best French Percales, reduced to S7 cents, Jiiner.B for Men's Wear. and Boys' riald and Stripe Linen Drills for Boys. Linen Duck Coatings. Extra Beavy Linen Duck for Salts. Heavy White Basket Duck. Linens for Ladles' Travelling Bults. Immense Stock of Linens, all grades. House-Furnishing Linen Goods Sheeting, Towels and Napkins. Heavy Barns-' ley Linen Sheetings, in 5-1-inch, 72-Inch, 80-iuoh, and 00-lnch widths. 10- 4 Fine Linen Sheetings, fl-25. 11-4 and 12-4 Huguenot Sheetings. Fine Cotton Sheetings, all widths. TOWELS AND TOWELLINGS. Diaper, Huck, Bath, Red Border, Fringed, and Damask Towela, Towellings by tbe yard of every description. Nursery Diapers, Napkins, and Doylies. Scotch. Loom and Barnuley Table Damask. QUILTS AND COMFORTABLES. Immense Stock of all slues of white and colored Marseilles Quilts, Honeycomb, colored Albambra Spreads, Lancaster and Heavy J ac quard Quilts. Bnyers for Hotols, Boarding Houses, rublio Institutions, and Private Families will do well to examine our stock. J. C. STRAWBRIDGE & CO. NORTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. 1 Ufcmrpt PHILADELPHIA. 229 FARIES & WARNER. 229 NORTH NINTH STREET, ABOVEl RACE, Have just received Large lot of Hamburg Edgings and Inserting. Fine Lace Hdkfti., from auction, bargain. Fine quality Shirred Muslins, 0, 7b, 85a, $1 and f 1-15. Plaid Nainsook Muslins, 29, U, S7H, is, to, and 60c, Soft Finish Jaconets and Cambrics. Nainsook Muslins, Swiss Molls, euvetc. White Piques, KW. Bbirtlng Linens, 60, SS, to, 8, 75, 85 cents, etc. Linen Shirt Fronts, 80, 87X, 45, 50, 2X cents. Ladles' and Oents' Linen Hdklb., cheap. Gents' Bummer Undershirts, 75c Linen Fans below Importers' prices. Table Linens, 45, 50, 65, and 75 cents. Linen Napkins, Towela. Doylies, etc. Linen Drills for Pants, 37., 45, and 50c. Plain Linens, 25 cents. , Fine quality Bley Linens, 37),. 40, 45, and 60 cents DOMESTICS DOMESTICS I Bleached Muslins, 12X, 14. 15, K, 16, 20c., etc Pillow Case and Sheeting Muslins. Unbleached Muslins, 12X, 15, It, 18, 19, 20c etc. Cotton and Wool Shaker Flannel, 26 cents, Domet Flannels, 25, 81, and WJ cents, Orey Twilled Flannel for Bathing Robes. Black and White Balmorals, II. Best Hoop Skirt In the city, fl-25. FARIES & WARNER, NO. ta NORTH NINTH STREET, 129!1 ABOVE BACK. No. 1101 CUEHNUT Street. TO TIIE LADIES; LINEN CAMBRICS, PRINTED FOR DRESSES, WHITE FOR BODIES. These! goods are essential for SUMMER WEAR, and we are now selling tbe balance! ot oar Importation at a GREAT SACRIFICE. E. M. NEEDLES & CO., N.W. Corner Eleventh and Chesnnt. laejfh xriNHHin ion "on 608. REMOVAL. 60S. E. S. JAFFIUY & CO. Beg to inform their friends and the publlo that they save removed their place of business from No, 822 to NO. COS CHESNUT STREET, . UP STAIRS. Having greater facilities, and more room for doing business, tbelr stock will be considerably increased la the various departments. Represented by a STORY. 7 1 lm J. CHAMBERS, KO. 810 AKCIJ BTKEET Novelties Opening Daily, Keal Clunr Lacva. fclack Uulpure Laes. -Point Applique Laces Folate do Gaite Ucw. Thread Veils rxom txtO. WHITE GOODS, Marseille for Dreaoea Bargains, t rench Muslins, 1 yards wide, at SO oents. Shirred and Tucked I oe Muslins; India Twilled Lougl'loib I Plaid, Stripe, and Plain Nainsook, j son) flu lull Cambric, lit yard wide t Ciuubrlg JUltftnic and icerOobibw oIa, vary oitap, JMUn JULY 20, 186?. DRY GOODS. 1 -A. 13 rr r r o LADIES1 UATniSQ ROBES, Ol toodqoallty, at tbe row ptlceoflJoo. CLOAK ROOM. Waier.prnnf Clnalc. fnrtonrlstn. . !'.?ir"liq"7' I"-, 'or tonrNt. W wu bheiland SliawlN auotner good low BOYS' CLOTHING BOOH. i'!"nVB' ltls. a good a snrtmei.t. oj Clothing generally reduced In price. WHITE PIQUE. S.x,Iu9n",,,'".'Wbl, Corded, at and tvnii o d Hliow White Pluue. at 75 cenia ' Fine t lock White GooU8; Kc"CjJblery. eto? RLACK silks. A complete stock, from 11-40 to f 00 per yard. Ulsck Alpacus lrom40toViceni. Black Glossy Mohair Aloscas. 75 cents to 11-50. Black Wool Deluincs, extra cbcup. . KM ftVtW9"f MUSLINS Ot every width and quality, low down pi-lee.. hhlrtlugs and bbeellug., wboleaale prlues by the piece. DOMESTIC GOODS. . Tickings from 23 cents up to Onent made, Flanne'S, Gmid White Unmet, si cents. Flannels, Grey twnled extra, for 87.S OfttflA. Flannels, the riuht kinds for suns, etc Brown Huck and other Towellings. lltstutblp Q T O K E S WOOD. NO. 70S ARCH STREET, DRY GOODS AT Al STILL GREATER REDVCTIONI LOOM TABLE LINEN, EXCELLENT, AT SO, ANM 70 CENTS. Vklta HEAVY LOOM 8-4 TABLE LINEN, AT 81-00 AND l'lH. HEAVY Ill t'KAllACK TOWELLING, SO, SK, AND 31 CENTS. 1I1AVY SEA-SIlE TOWELS, l.'i YARD LONG, VERY DESIRABLE. FINE DAMASK TOWEIJt, IN GREAT VA RIETY. HEAVY LINEN CHECKS FORHEN'S AND BOYS' WEAR, 37!i CENTS. FINE BROWN LINEN DRILLINGS, 40, 45, AND SO CENTS. WAMSUTTA, WILLI AMSVILLE AND NEW YOBH MILLS MUSLINS. 89s JAMES MJVlULLArJ, SUCCESSOR TO J. V. OOWELL & SON, HAS IN BTOCK AND RECEIVING DAILY A LARGE SUPPLY 07 KOUSE-FUENISKING DRY GOODS. " The facilities he has for supplying his customers with the BEST GOODS at the LOWEST RATE are unsurpassed. He baa now a full line ot LIN-EN SHEETINGS, at reduced price. Also, PILLOW-CASE LINENS, TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS, TABLE DAMASK by the yard, TOWELS AND TOWELLING by tbe yard. MARSEILLES, LANCABTER, HONEtVCOMB and ALLENDALE QUILTS. FLANNELS, greatly reduced In price. BHEETING AND SHIRTING MUSLINS. FURNITURE CHINTZES AND DIMITIES. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. TOILANET by the yard. WHITE GOODS SELLING OFF CHEAP. RICHARDSON'S LINENS always a specialty. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for, at the 4 30 smthSm S. W. COR. SEVENTH AND CHESNUT. P J O T I C E ! ENTIRE STOCK OP SUMMER DRESS GOODS TO BE CLOSED OUT, JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos.405 and 407 North SECOND St. OFFERS THE BALANCE OF HIS STOCK OP GRENADINES, HERN AN BS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, tlwsmSmrp FIO.UEM, ETC. GOODS FOR TRAVELLING SUITS SUMMER POPLINS, ETC. ETC, AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. Cooper 8. K. Cor. NINTH and ARCH Streets. g A GENERAL REDUCTION IN PRICES. Linens for Ladles', Gents', and Boys' Wear, Linen Drills, White and Colored Bosom Linens, and Shirt ing Llneus.wtumii Aiuslins, Bleached and Unbleached, loo. per yard W inie Goods In every variety and Dries. wuuia m every variviy. a. i... i.. i ... - I alienee, lo, Vii, 15, and 18c,; best qualities. we now nave a complete St ocK of Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery at competition price. Our slock of bhlrt Fronts better than ever arerv style and pattern, and every price; guaranteed ail Linen, and warianted to give satisfaction. Cheap lot Table Linens, 4-t, 450.; bargains. Bleached, g-4, Sac. per yard. Madame Foy's Corset and Skirt Suppoaterst every lady should have one. Lawns closing out al 20c. per yard. COOPER'S, 1 15 HuOHp. NINTH and AROII Streets. CHEAP DRY UOOI'S, CARPETS, MATTINGS, OIL CLOTHS. AND WINDOW SfcfADKK -Great Bargains from Auction. v. K. AKCHAMBAULT, M. au corner of ELKVKNTHaud MAHKltl "ireei, will open Ibis morning louo yards extra quality dou ble imperial White Gauton Mailing, slightly stalued, will be sold at H7S worth 75c i Bed Check Matting. 25, 87. and 60c., Lixraln Carpels, all wool, ai A 76, S7o. l,l-5, (1-87, and ij'to; Ingrain Carpel, wool Ulllng to, 46, 5u, and 2c; Three-ply Carpois, tivr, Englluk Tapestry Brussels Carpets. 1'82 and IllS; Hemp Uar peLS, Bite fticj Oil Cloths, too,; Kutry and Htalr Car pets, 50 to 7o,:Wludow Hbadea, 1 K Plain Uliadlng It; and 6oo.; Table Linens, ezc loil-KK Towels, lito iio Flsuuel for Bathing Hobes, lie. Moailna, 10 to 2..; Caltuoes. 10 to lKo.: Ijiwns. !. Wholesale and ileiail Store, N. E. uixut iLLXyKMlU. aad MARKET bUvvtS, tlrOu( AUCTION SALES. Frii.ip Fobo, Auctioneer. M c C L L L L A N I) V C 0. (MnrTwsnrs to Pbllln Ford IYA Tttion;khs. No. ajwi MAHin' strwt JOHN B. 11TKK8 A Ct)., AUCTIONEERS Nos, 283 and XS4 MARKET Street, AT PRIVATE BALK 28 rases fine palm fans, round handle. ts SAMUFL C. F0RD4BONS, AUCTIONEEIta No. VO B. FOURTH Street, Psles ot Real Estate. Block., Loans, etc., at Phila delphia Exchange, .very Friday at 12 o'clock, noon. Our sales are advertised In all the dally and several ol the weekly newspapers, by separate handbills of each property, ana by pnmolilet catalogue!, one thousand of which will be issued on Wednesday pre ceding each tale. KKAL K8TATE AT PRIVATE RALE. JM, GUM MET & PONS, AUCTIONEERS No. to WALNUT Street Fold Rcirnlsr Salon of REAL FKI'ATE, STOCKS. AND BEOURTTIjSJS AT THE PHILADELPHIA KXCUANO&, .Handout of each property l:.snp! separately, loiucataloirneii published and cln-ulnted, contaltilPt rnll dehcrlptions of property to be sold, as also, a par tial 11 el property cohtalned in our Real Estate Keel, ter. and tillered at private sale. Hales adverlKed daily In ell tha dally nrnrsoarMTS M TIIOJIAS A f0NS. M)S. 130 AMD 111 . 8. FOURTH Street. rW0tT,T,A.1 FNGlNB'.a, TtttlTtLAR POtLEIia, "MUL1U9. HEADING MACHINE, E1XJ. . , On Tuesday A fiernoon, 23d Inst., lit 8 o'clock, on Tacouy Creek, below Ortho dox sirtel. 1 rank lord, 2 steam engines, complete, tlf teen and live boi se power tulmUr boilers, carding ma chines, 2 mil 1,8, m spindles each: speeders, bobbing spreaders, hcadlug machlue, heating pipes, vlse, tooin, eic, 7 20 'is May beaten on the morning of the sale at 8 o'clock.. Si'PERRjR FURNITUKK FINE BIlUS-JEI.SC tR--PKl's, K I'O. . . On Wednesday Morning. x4tn Inst., at to n'f-w.u u , x:.. o.i. vuii. Ihetiupert. r walnul parlor and dlulug-room furniture.. Deal chamber iurnltiire, eia i7-u:a fH PUBlJLc, SALE 0P C"Y PROPERTY. lflMA & SONS, Aiictlobeers, 1AE VALUABLE IaA-WnIw M ARRET WABdV ""fl. ELEVEN ill- Piirsusnt' to Ordinance of tbe Select and tommon. I oi ricils of the City nl PhUaoelphia wll" bi "id a public sa.e. without reserve, hy order ol Corn ml, sloner ot Clt l'roerty, on TUEsii A Y. in so. isu? at 12 o'clock noon, a. the Philadelphia Kohnnge', tbe lollowlnz described Real Estate. belonaluK to tbe city of Philadelphia;- ' ue,on,us No. 1. A II thnt lot of ground situate at the southeast corner of New Market and Callewhill sir.ew. F.leyenth Ward, containing in front on New Market street l left, ana extending in deptU along Callowbill street e No. 2. All that lot of crround sltunte at tbe southwest corner of New Market and Callowbill Btreets con talnipir In front on New Market screet feet aud exteutllbg iu uepth along Cailowhlll street o feetl No. k. All that lot of ground situate at the northeast comer ot New Market aud Callowbill streets con taining In Irout ou Nw Market Btreet 20 ieeU aud extending Id depth 60 leet. - ' The shove are very valuBble and deslrahle Bulldlnr Lots, worlhv the attention ol capitalism, bulloers manufacturers, and others. ' M. THOMAS 4 SON, Auctioneers. 7 1 8 13 20 27 la, and 1.1 hoiuU FOURTH Mtreet. B Y TI70MA8 BIRCH t SON, No. 1110 CHE6- Sa'e at No. 12W Brown street. HOUnFHOLD KUHN1TURK. On Tuesday Morn ni, July 23. at 10 o'clock, at No. I Zai Brown street will, be sold the Furniture or a family removing iroin the city, comprising Brussels and Ingrain carpels, walnut parlor lurnlture. covered with balr cloth, walnut chamber suits, beds and mattresses, looklnz gliu-ses, dining-room lurnlture, etc. 7 29 at Can be seen on the morning of sale, at 9 o'clock. PANCOA8T & WARNOCK, AUCTIONEEBS. No. 240 MARKET 8TREKT 104 B A R R K 3 BARRELS FLOUR, Will be sold at A notion by i o v ji,lju si vvr.at . No. 28 MOUTH FRONT STREET, 104 BARRELS FLOUR,. Tbe property of the Government, and sold be cause ol surplus quantity. Hale to begin at It o'clock A. M., 23il JULY. 187, o. - L- KILBURN. 7 19 3t ?rIXLEyS-n'.A.0. O- S. EXCURSIONS. rKf aF0K CAPE MAY. THE SPLE afe&ts&RMcLi Old steamer SUE, Captain C. TAO MaV'roUTE11 luB"ellou'" Pla; on the CAFE The SUE was built to run In the Chesapeake Bay, Is handsomely furnished, has fine state-room accom modation, and fined up with everything necessary for the safety and comfort ot passenger. The SUE will leave CHEisM UT ntreet Wharf on Tuesdays, Thursdays, aud Saturdays, returning on alternate days. Fare to Cape May, I2-50. Including carriage hire;. Servants, l-75; Chlldreu.l-2i. 7 1t G. IT. HPDPELL. r-rTT excursions upthe riter.- ftiiaffri'T- j3i The ipleudid steamboat JOHN A. VvAltisEK makes dally Afternoon Excursion, to Burlington aud Bristol, stopping at Rlvarton, Torres dale. Andalusia, and Beverly, each way. These excursion leave CHESNUT STREET WHARF at 2 o'clock in the Afternoon. Returning, leave Bristol at 4 o'clock, arriving In the city at t o'clock P. M. FARE Excursion. 40 ts. Each way, 260. 8 26 8ra PjhJTTS thesteamerelizahancox JbaattrfiareS. having met with an accident to her luat muery, will be withdrawn from the Wilmington aud Chester Line for a lew days to undergo repairs. Due notice will be given when she is ready to resume her trips. , 7 16tl LW. BURNS , Captaln. BOARDING WANTED Board wanted by a young man, by the 1st of August, Private family preferred. Best of reference given, Addres, stating terms, etc.. MUTUAL, this Olllce. 7 18 8l FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES hriRE AND BURGLAR SAFES! IklAHVIN'S PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER TIieROVUHLT FlRE-PROP. PER FECT IT DRT. ALWAYS RETAIN THESE QUALITIES BAN T THOUSANDS OP OUR SAPES IN USE. ' EXAMINE REPORE PURCHASING ELSE. IV II ERE. MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT St.cMasonicHall) AND SOS BROAD WAT, NEW TORS. FAMILY SAFES lOReiiTr ,. ETC. ETC. ---,-.ry.x., BAHHERS STEEL CHESTS SECOND-IIAND SAFES. SAPES KXfIIAN?a-n A TERMS. v" ,7, " SEND EOR ILLUSTRATED CATAlJouUE. JAf, I -.N-MAKER, BOUTIt .i.orlHine,, t,, "-"". w uuiu can tne attention of tL. usual .el:,...'0. ," S?" and all various branchea. xaunnii lu all lis Tip-'i .M.u.WADINO OCN8 altered to '" MWIWI'UJ1WJI-H UMISTJH .BlUISHtjiin a.