CITY J NTELLIGEN (JE. i ior additional uhl itkmh nkr oct1idb paobc. Thk Office Repoiit of Ister-mmm. Ihe followmit it the wc kly report of the flpaths and interment in tho city of Phllndel Tul8, for the week ending on Saturday, July 13, 1K67: Catjbes of Death. Atf. Absces, 1; apoplexy, 1; cant er. 1; sDniach, 1; casualties, 1: conaeBtton ol brain, 2; coup do solid, 2; cholera morbus 2; consumption of lung, 38; compression of brain, 1; cirrhosis ef Hver, 1; diarrhaa, 1; dropsy, 3j do. liver. 1; do. heart, 2; disease ot brain, 1; do. heart, 3; do. kid neys, lj do. stomach, 1; drowned, 6; dys entery, 2; debility, 6; epilepsy, 1: fever puerperal, l; do. tvpuuf, 1; do. typboid, 9; hernia, 1; hemorrliaup, 2; inflammation of brain, 2; do. broncliT, 2; do. heart, 1; do. liver, 2; do. lungs, 3; do. peritoneum. 1; do. stomach and bowelp, 3; mama-a ootu, 1; marasmus, 1; old ape, 16; obstruction of bowels, 1; palsy, 6; tiofteninjt ot brain, 1; suicide, 1; syphilis, 1; ulceration of a-sophasfux, 1; urtrmla, lj un known. 6. Total, 139. t Jlmort. Asphyxia, 2; casualties, 1; cronp, 1; coneestlon of brain, 12; do. limes, 1; cramps, 2; cholera infantum, 99; cerebro-spinal meningitis, 1; consumption of lungs, 7; convulsions, 23; dlarrbflca, 11; dropsy of brain, 6; disease of brain, 2; do. heart. 1; drowned, t; dysentery, 4; de bility, 12; effusion on brain, 2; lever, scarlet, 6; do. typhus, 1; do. typboid, 4; inflammation of biatn, 16; do. luntr, 2; Ai. stomach and bowels, 5; inanition, 6; intussuception, 1; mal formation, 1; marasmus, tz; measles, 6; still born. 17;1eethine, 1; unknown, 8. Total, 282. Toial adults and minors 421. Ages. Under 1 jear, 206; ono to two, 35; two to five, 18; five to ten, 8; ten to littecn, 6; fltteen to twenty, 11; twenty to thirty, 25; thirty to forty, :'8; forty to rilty, 20; fifty to sixty, 17; sixty to seventy, 22: seventy to elehty, 16; eipbry to ninety, 6; ninety to oue hundred, 5. Total, 421. Location. First Ward, 13; Second, 22; Third, 8; Fourth, 27; Fifth, 14: Sixth, 7; 8eventh, 32; Hghth. 13; Ninth, 6; Tenth, 16; Eleventh, 7: Twelfth, 14; Thirteenth, 11; Fourteenth, 9; Fif teenth, 31; Sixteenth, 21; ftevent"enth. 25; Eighteenth, 11; Nineteenth, 19; Twentieth, 15; Twenty-flrst, 9: Twenty-second, 6; Twenty-third, 12; Twenty-fourth, 10; Twenty-fifth, 11; Twenty sixth, 18; Twenty-seventh, 17; unknown, 16. Total, 421. Deduct 16 deaths from the country, leaves the net deaths In tbe city, 405. Nativity. United States, 335; Foreign, 69; Unknown, 17; People of color, 16. There were 8 deaths from the Almshouse. Sex. Males, 222; Females, 199; Boys, 148; Girls, 134. Tbe number of deathR, compared with the corresponding week ot 1866, and of last week, was as follows: Week ending July 14, 1866, was 473; week ending July 6, lfcU7, was 2C4. In Favor of Enforcing thh Liquor Law. A very large and enthusiastic mass meeting of citizens favorable to the fa'thful and riRld en forcement of the State Liquor law was held in Templar's Hall, Uermantown avenue and Berks street, on Thursday evening,July 11, at 8 o'clock. David B. Thomas, Esq., was called to the chair, and It. Maris appointed Secretary. After prayer being offered by the Uev. W. C. Bendrlckson, the following resolutions were unanimously adopted : Whereas, The Legislature did at its last ses sion enact a new license law. which, it strictly , enforced, will materially mitigate the horrible evils ol intemperance; and by tbe filth section of said act thelsa lefof lio uor is cntirel v orohi bited on tbe Bnbbath day, thus giving us a respite from the evil effects of its sale for at least one. dav out of the seven: therefore Resolved, That we hail with oy and hope for the tutore tbis token of improvement in our Legislature for the promotion of the morals of me community. Other resolutions were adopted calling on the authorities to perform their whole duty, and promising tbe support of the meeting, and to that end it was resolved to form a committee of twenty-five citizens of the Nineteenth Ward to act as a vigilance committee. Accidents. Peter Young, residing at No. 217 Merion street, aged twelve years, was taken to the Fennsvlvauia Hospital on Saturday, with his leg injured by being run over by a car on the Fourth and Eiehth street line. The boy at tempted to leave the car bv the front nlatform. Last evening, about 6 o'clock, James Halbeck. aged twelve years, bad his hand mashed be tween the ferry boat and Shackamaxon street wharf. He was taken to bis home, Fourth and Brown streets. A small bov was rnn over bv ft Race and Vine street car at Twenty-first and Vine streets, and had a foot so badly crushed that it had to be amputated. Jesse Solvers, tne driver ot the car, was arrested aud taken before Alderman Hutch inson, and held in 1 1200 ball for a further bearing. Visiting Firemen. The K-celslor Fire Com- Dflny. of Bridgeport, Connecticut, will reach this city this evening on a visit to the Good Intent Engine Company. They will be escorted to their quarters by a fair representation of the firemen ot Philadelphia. The strangers will arrive about 7 P. M. at the foot of Walnut street. and will paBB up Walnut to Third: thence to Chesnut street; thence to Eleventh: uo Ele venth to Girard aveaue: down Girard avenue to Filth: up Fifth to Jefferson: down Jefferson to Oermantown road; down Germantown road to Thompson; thence to 8hackamaxon; down Shack amaxon to Girard avenue; down Girard avenue to Marlborough; thence to Klchmond street: along Richmond to Shackamaxou: thence to Alien street, anl along Allen to the house or tneir entertainers. The Delaware Regatta, from Cooper's Point, on Friday afternoon, was a well-con tested and pleasant affair. Fifteen boats were entered for tbe race, At 210 P. M. the signal gun was fired, and the various craft started on both "lacks." . The race was from Cooper's Point, abreast of tbe fudge's boat Megoalea), to Sore House Point buov boat: thence down the river to a buoy boat off the lower end of Point Airy, and repeat the distance, being Alteon miles. The following is the time made by the four leading boats: Mariana, Z'zu; witkins. M3; Mav berry, 2-334; Nellie, The wltinin: boats were presented with priges. Improvement. The work of opening and cradmg Broad street, from the Germantown road to Fisher's lane, a dutaoce of about 8U00 feet, will be completed In about a month, and when the bridge over the Heading Railroad, above Germantown road, Is completed, the street will be opened to travel. The macadamizing and pavine of the street Irom. Columbia ave nue, has been completed as lar north as Dan phin street. The preparations for tho laying of the Nicholson pavement soutn ot uolurnoia ave nue are now completed, and the work has already teen commenced. Sixth National Bank Duildino. The new building lor the Sixth National Bank, erected on the N. W. corner ot Second and Pine streets is now under roof, and workmen are engaeed upon the interior. It has quite an imposing appearance, and will contribute much to the improvement of that part of the city. To the second story it is of iron, with semt-circular door and window heads. Above that it Is of DncK, with white marble dresalroa. The first etory will be used for banking purposes, and the upper niunes win pe reutcd lor society meetings. The New Court House Tim Committee on City Property has decided to make certain altera tions in the Dew coiu-t house to better adapt it ... ior neimz. iue ludges aud attorneys complain mm, uu..uii mo i' r ogress or a trial,!. a consider aoie poruon Ol the testimony m aa thP argument is lost, owing to the defective acoustic properties ot the room. The nmmm . pose to construct a false ceiling over the judge' desk, and will also introduce other improve ments to remedy, if possible, the defects now COmpi&iueu vi. Payment of Interest Up to Saturday the City Treasurer had paid out the sum of 848,-426-15 on account of interest due on tbe funded debt of the city. THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, Fires. Yesterday afternoon about 4 o'clock rcme shelving look fire at the hat and cap store soothfast corner of Second and Almond Erects, orrnMoned by children playing with matches. The alarm at balf-past 7 o'clock last evening was caused by the partial burning of a canal boat at South street wharf on the Schuylkill. Focnp Drowned. The Coroner held an In que."t yesterday on the body of an unknowu while man, aged about thirty-live years, who was lound drowned at Race street wharf on the Delaware. The deceased was dressofi in black pants and dark woollen shirt. The Coroner took charge of the body. Embbzzlement. John fliven, the young man charged with embezzling the funds of Bisphaiii & Co., drucgists, by whom he was em ployed, had a further hearing belore Aldermau Xiitermary. At lour place it was proved he had collected money due to bis employers. He was held in $ 800 ball In each case for trial. Thk Hat Market. During the past week 320 loads of hay and 60 ol straw were weighed and sold at the Farmers' Hay Market, North Savcnth Mieet. Best quality Timothy hay sold attl-80fi?l'90$10011s.; mixed at WloQl'M. Straw sold at $l'60Ml-70, New Bripoe. The old stone bridge over Gunner's run, on the Frank ford road, between Allecheny avenue and Webtmoreland street, partly washed away a few weeks since, Is to be replaced by a new wooden structure the entire wiinn 01 tne siretT. Chcrch to br Erected. The Extension Commission of the Baptist Church have re cently purchased lots at the corner of Broad and Master streets, lor the purpoQe of erecting thereon a commodious cnapei. ine worn is 10 be commenced immediately. Larcent. Patrick O'Neill was arrested at Chesnut street wharf on Friday night, charged v.ith stealing a set 01 harness valued at uh. a watcb, and a lot of wearing apparel from Mr. William 11. Dcoie. The prisoner, a uostier at Foiut Breeze Park, was committed to answer. Robbing? the Mail. A letter-carrier in this city was arrested on Saturday, on the charge of robbing the mail. It is alleged that he bad a letter upon bis person wmcn nc naa appro priated. Charged with Arson. Thomas Daffy Las been held for a further hearing by Alderman isomer, to answer tne cnarge ot setting me to his residence, on the Lancaster pike, east of Meeting-House lane. MARINE TELEGRAPH. For additional Marine News tee First Page, ' ALMANAC FOB PHILADELPHIA THIH DAT, Sim Rism. Bum Brtsmmm ,4'41 Moow Kism. 8'52 ,7'291 Hisa Wat-b,.......,U'28 PHILADELPHIA HOARD OF TRADB. William O. Kent, 1 Thomas . Ahhmkad, V Monthly Committkb, CHAB1.US WHKKLKB, J UOVUUENTS OF OCEAN lIEAUERg, FOB AMERICA. Bonj)horiis......Liveipoul...ltu8ioQ.......m.J..June 79 Kdluburgu Ltverpooi...r6w uric. ............ June Hecla.... ...Llverpooi...New York.........July 2 Herniann...3oulhamptou...New York...., July C 01 Paris Liverpool. .. r ew j or........, Julv Grnimiila...bouUiamptou ..New Yorlc.......,Jiily ..New York.......July ..Quebec Jul v KiiKland ......Liverpool, N. Ameriuuii...LIverpool, Clilou go............ ..Liverpool. Kurone ..Brest ..New York. ............ July ,.New York July C.ofV'ualiliJitOQ.LIverpool...New York July Cnlitt.................. Liverpool. ..lloe ton ...July Bellona Loudon JNew York .July AlemaunlaM,BoutlJamitun.N'ew York ..July ..July ..July -July -July FOR KUROP1- Aleppo ...New York...Llverpool........ Ktoa-......New Y orkLi veri)Ool. .......... Java.... Boston ...Liverpool Huuaa,. ...ISew York.Breruen (X)AHTWIHK. DOMESTIC. ETC Stars and 8trlpePlillaila.......HavBna ......July IS J.W. Evcrman..Pbllada C'harleston...........July Tonnwanda...Phllada Bavamiuh. ........... July 20 Gen. Grunt. New York...New Orleans July 20 Arizona .New York... Asplnwall July 21 N. Anierica......New York... Rio Janeiro...- July 22 Pioneer... .....Phllada WUmlugton...,.....Inly Moro Castle New York... Havana July 23 Malls are iorwardea by every steamer in the regular Hue. The steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queenstown, except the Canadian line, wblcb call at Lonaonaerry. -ine steamer ior or irom usuguu- n ent oai 1 at uoathampton. ARRIVED YKSTJCRUAY. Br. barnue Barlow. Dunn. fiO days from London. with mdse. to Henry Kara ten. Hchr Anna atyrick. oteveus, o oays irom rrovince town, wtlb mdse. to G. B. Kerfoot A Co. Kchr J. paiue. Kicn. 6 days iroul provincetown.wun mdse to G. B. Kerfoot & Co. CLEARED SATURDAY. Steamship Alexandria, Pratt, Klcumoud, W. P. Clyde v uo. Steumsblp Roman, Raker. Boston, H. Wlnsor A Co. Sblp btadacona, Cassldy, bk John, N. B., K. Taylor A Co. Brig Gen. Banks, Ketchum, Providence, Hnntzlnger s V.O. Brlc Matilda, Six, Portland, New York and Schuyl kill uoai uo. Brig J, Freeman, Baker, Boston, J. C. Scott A Sons, Brig Lucy Ann, Rose, Boston, Caldwell, Gordon &Co. bchrM. Haley, Ualey, Boston, Blaktslon.Uraeit'&Go. IScbr C. L. Herrlck, Baldwin, IJighton, do. Hchr Minnesota, Phlnney, New Bedford, do. bolir J. G. Babcock, Kisher, Boston. do. Irclir W. Wallace, bcull. Portsmouth, J. R. WhltebCo. bchr Bophle Ann, Bm Ith, Providence, do. fechr Adelaide, Crowley, Somerset; Dovey, Buckley A uo. Bchr L. F. Smith, Crle, Boston, Van Uusen, Lochman A Co. Bchr K. English, Blpple, Providence, do. Bchr G. FuleB, Nlckerson. Providence. do, bchr Cr.Hr, Hammond, Boston, Custner, StlckneyA Wellington. Bchr Km ma B. Shaw, Shaw, Boston, do. bchr J. Ailderdice, jackaway, BOBtoo, w. u. jonusa Bro. Ruhr 8. R. Russell, Bmlth, Boston, Slnnlckson &Co. bchrC. Cooper, Nlckerson, Harwich, do. bchr baran. uouo. jnw aeoioru, no. bchr R. J. Mercer, btelson, Providence, do. bebr Pennsylvania, Davis, Washington, Pena Gas Coal Co. Bchr Neptune, Blizzard, Hartford, Rommel A Hunter, bchr M. Baud. Brooks, Newport, do. Bchr J. C. JUiuyon, Miller, Bristol. do. bchr J.J. worimngton, terry, jNewport, ao. bchr J. (.', Mcshalu, Glbbs, Alexandria, Caldwell, Gor. aon al J. Bchr J. McDevltt. McFadden, Hartford, GriscoradtCo. bchr A. H. Brown, Pierce, Fall River, Uulutard, Ward & Co. Bchr M. M. Pote. Urann, Portsmouth, do. bchr W. Capes, Baker, Portland. L, Audenrled St Co. bchr John Faruum, Kelly, Boston, New York aud bchnylklll tJoai uo. Bchr Klvle Davis, Wheaton. Boston, Captain, bchr James Veldren. Cavalier, Boston, Captain. bchrM. O. Jnoseiey, tjrauu. ihidiuu. Miaiu, Bchr I. Baker. Thompson, Boston, Captain. Bchr Golden Kagle, Howes, New Bedlord, Captain, bchr American Kagle. Kanisey, Washington. Captain. Bcbr K. Hegur, Amsden, Portsmouth, Captain, bchr Lady Kllen. Hwoy, Cambrldgeport, Captain, bchr Kllut aud Rebecca. Price, Wlckford, Captain. bt'r H. L. Gaw, lier. Jiaitimore. a. uroves, jr. bt'r W. WhilUlen. Klggitns, Baltimore. J. D. Ruoff. Ki'r Vhlladelnhla. Fulls. Waslilngton.W. P. Cl.vde&Oo. TugThos. Jeflersnn. Allen, for Baltimore, with a tow of barges, W. P. Clyde A Co. ARRIVED SATURDAY. Brie Ida C. Bouart. IS days Iroul Nevassa. with guano to J. K. Bazley A Co. ling ueu. tiauks, neicuum. iroiu rruviuence. Brig Lucy Ann, Rose, from Bo.itou. Brig J. Freeman. Baker, Irom New London, bchr W. Henry, Corkran, 6 days from Federalsburg, with railroad ties to Bacou, Collins A Co. bchr bophle Ann, bmlth, from Providence, bcbr K. FmtllHh. Hippie, from Providence. Hchr M. Hand. Brooks, trom Providence, bchr J. Itunyon. Miller, from Piovldence. bchr G. Fales, Nickeraoii, from Providence, bchr Mary Haley, Haley, Irom Uwttou, bchr K. Davis, Wheaton, from Boston. Bchr L. F. Hnillh, Crle, from Boston, bcbr J Ballenbwalle. Long, trom Boston, bchr W. Capes, Baker, from Boston. bchr J. Alloerdlce, Jackaway, from Roston, bchr J. G Babcock, Fthher. from Boston, bcbr J. Faruum, Kelly, from Bristol. Bchr W. Wallace, bcull, from Marblebead, Bchr Adelaide. Crowley, from boinerseU bchr J. C. McHhane, Glbbs, from Weitpnrt. bchr I. Thompson, Baker, from New York, Bchr R. J. Mercer, Btelson, from Now York, Bchr C. L. Herrick. Baldwin, from Dlghlou. bchr A. II- Brown, Pierce, from DlKbum. bchr J. J. WorthlngUin, Terry, from New London. bcbr Neptune. Blluard, from New Haven. bchr J. P. McDevlit, McFadden, rrom Bridgeport. Bchr ("tar. Hammond, from bionlngton, Hchr K B. bhaw. Hhaw, from Wareham. Bchr Minnesota, Phlnney. from Hyauuls. iM'hr M. M. Pole. Urann, trom iruniHrt. Bcbr C Cooper. Nlckerson. from Harwich. bchr American Kagle. Ramsey, from Derby, bchr barah. Cobb, from New Bedford. Bcbr K. Begnr. Amsden, from Portsmouth, bchr Idy Kllen, Hwoy, from Cambrldgeport. Bohr Mla aud Rehecx a, Price, from Fall River. bcbr J. Veinren. Cavalier, from Tuckerlon, bteamerNew York. Marshall, trom Washington, wlih indue to W. P. Clyde A Co. btkamer Mav flower. Roblnaon, 24 hour, from New York, with imUe. W W. P. Clyde fc Co. Hfentner O. If. Rtnnt. Ford, from Richmond and Korlolk, wlih tiirt-ie. to V. t cilytlo A ' Hlmm.r (A Ci.nintni'lt, lrkp, 4 hours from K York, with riKlnp. in W. M. limrd A C'o. Wrampr Vuii-an. Morrmnn. 'iA hours frVn wsw York. with ml. to W. M. Baird A Co. Tug Tho. Jetimnn. A Men. Irom Baltimore, wltb low of barge to W. P. Clyde A Co. Onrrrtprmdrnre of thg Philadelphia Krehano. I.kwem. Del.. July 12 1-. M. The following; vewelt re reported by the pilot boat Henry Cope aa having raaaerl In the t ape In day for Philadelphia: Barque Oak Rlftee. from Honibrero. and a foreign brlx, from 1 rlnldau. Karque uiiana, trom nmaueipuia ior ixr-, went 10 ea llii morulug. , jusiLtu uain NOT1CK TOMARTNRRR. Official Informal Ion baa been received at thin office thai, from the ll (lay or Hepleniher, IWi7, the follow 111 alteration will lake place In tbe Low light at fcrrn Point, entrance of the Humher river: J ne light will be coioreu reu, vmioie irom aiwru between the hearlnga NW. by N. (cutting two cables UK. of the band Hayle buoy), round northerly to SK. by E. K.,on which latter bearing It will cut one cable north ot Grlmnny ller. -m By order. W. J. BltUrtRft K, Chairman. Treasury Department. Office LlgUthoune Hoard, Wash- lngton, 1). C., June 8. urn. Notice Is bereby given thnt the fog bell at West Quodoy Head Light Hlailon will be tmed aa a tog nigral until further notice. Instead of the trumpet, which baa been olacontiaued tor lew day for repairs. Portland, July 10, ltW7. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES pARRELL & HERRING'S SAFES NTOBE, NO. 68ft CilKSNUT STREET. ASOTBIB TBtUMPH, MORE TESTIMONY OP TIIEIR BALAM ANDES VIHTTJKS. Norfolk, Va., May 27. 18S7. Mefwrs. FARREL, HEK1UNW A CO.. Philadelphia: Ueiitleiuen-On the 611) Instant tbe targe Pour-Story Iron-lrom Warehouse, then occupied by us as a llrl clans Liquor fcjtore, was entirely destroyed by lire, am altliough the heat was Intense, all our Papers, Books and Accounts were preserved In good order In one ol your bales. The Bale, however, Is not fit for nse again; therefore we desire to get another from you, provided you wll allow us something lor tbe one we now have. Nont ol the iron work Is broken from tbe Kale, but tin sides are pulled out, knob broken oil, and It Is steamed inside; otht-rwlse we believe It all right. We have bad nn experienced mechanic to examine It, and be gave It as his opinion that tbe Safe, as It now Is, will not be reliable In another tire: but that, under the bands ot hale mnnulacturers, it can be made good again; and lie suggested the Idea to us that you nili;lit allow us something lor It, In our purchase of a new oue. The Hate Is a small one, and was purchased from you by Mr. William Johnson, formerly liquor dealer la this city, from wbom we purchased It. 1 he key la numbered 12017. Let us bear from you. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, I)IISON tr KA1NUR, Wholesale Liquor Dealers, 8. W. corner ROANOKK Bquare and W. WIDE WATER (street. N. B. We forgot to mention the fact that when the Bale was taken from the fire it was unlocked without difficulty by lis own key. 7 lost CAR, C. L. MAISER. MANCFACTCBXB OT riBE AND BCBflLAR PBOOr SAFES. lOC'KSHITlT, BELlrllANGEB, AND IiEALEU IK llCIl.IMe HARDWARE, 5 NO. 44 BACH STREET. A LARGE ASSORTMENT OP FIKB and Bnrglar-proof 8AFE8 on band, with Inside doors, Dwelling-House sates, iree irom aampueoo. Prices low. C JAAf!E KiKM, e ft No. 422 VINE utreet. MILLINERY, TRIMMINGS, ETC. OURNI NC MILLINERY. ALWAYS ON HAND A LARGE ASSORTMENT 07 MOURlNIlVGr BONNETS, AT SO, 0O4 WALNUT STREET, 827 6m MAD'LLE KEOCH. HKS, R. DILLON, HOS. AND t81 SOUTH STREET Has a handsome assortment of SPRING MILXJ Ni.kV. Ladles', Misses',- and Children's Straw and Fancy Ronneta and Mata of the latest atvlee. Also, bilks, Velvets, Kibbona, Crapes, Veathera. Flowers. Jframea. etc HI FURNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. WILLIAM WITTFELD, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN CABINET FURNITURE, KOS..64, 06 AND 08 iJBTII BECOSO STM Below Arch, West Bide, Philadelphia, Calls attention to bis extensive assortment ot FIRST- CLASS FURNITURE, comprising; SOLID BOSEWOOD, SOLID WALNUT, FAB LOR SUITS OF PLUSH, TERRY, REPS, AND HAIR CLOTH, ELEGANT CHAMBER AND COTTAGE SUITS BEST DINING BOOM AND KITCHEN FURNITURE. ALSO. WRITING DESKS, MARBLE-TOP STANDS, ETC., All of which are manufactured by ourselves, of tha beat materials, and will be sold for casta only, at touch lowerrates than are ofiered elsewhere. N. B. Goods packed and shipped to all parts of the CoUDtry. 61tsmthlm fJJO HOUSEKEEPERS. I have a large stock ot every variety ot FURNITURE, Which I will sell at reduced prices, consisting of PLAIN AND MARBLK TOP COaaAO BUiTB, WALNUT CHAMBKR SUITS. PARISH SUI'lH IN VluLVKT PLUSH. PARLOR SUITS IN HAIR CLOTH. PARLOR SUITS IN KKPS, Sideboards, Extension Tables, Wardrobes, Book oases, Mat Lr eases, Lounges, etc, etc P. p. eirsTiHB, 8 H N. K. corner BKOOND and RACK Btreets. STOVES, RANGES, ETC. QULVER'S NEW PATENT DEEP HAaB-JOINT IIOT-AIU FUKNAOE. B1H6EI OF Al- IIIEft, , Also, Phllecr ars New Low Pressure steam Heating Apparatus, i or sale by CUABLEII WIIXIABS, SlClt No. 1181 MARKET Btreet. THOMPSON'S L0SD0N KITCIIENEBl OR KUUOPKAN RANGE, for Pamlllee, Ho tels, or Public Institutions, In TWKNTY DIK PKRENT bIZKS. Also. Philadeliihla Rans. H ot-AIr Furnaces, Portable Heaters, LowdownOrates, Plreboard biovee, Bath Boilers, btewhole Plates. Boilers, Cooking Stoves, etc., wholesale and retail, by the manufacturers. . BHARPK A THOMHON, 6 27HMHliHm No. Kn N. SE4XIND blreeU N E X C IT A N Q B MAO MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. BAILUY A OO., BttMOVKD TO E. Coiner of MARKET and WATER Streets, N. Philadelphia, DEALERS IN BAUB AND BAOOINQ Ol everv Description, for Grain, Flour, Ball, Super-Phospnale of Lime, Boa liust, Ktc Large and small GUN N Y Bags constantly on ham t41 Also, WOOL BACKS. Johm T BAri.iey. Jam i CasoadicW. P1IILADKLPHIA BUEOBCK'9 J BANDAOK 1KS1ITUTK, No. 14 N. NINTH Btreet. above Market K. C KV JlKETT, after thirty veara' practical exiennr4 guarautee the skilful adlunment of hla Premluq Pateol Graduating Prefsiire Truxs, aud a variety others. bupporlero, i.lallo btuaklngs. Should . Braces, CruU lies, buspenders, etc. Ladles' ner lucuiouduuted by a Lady, tM RAILROAD LINES. E A u.. N O H A I L R 0 A D . ,.f-A.r TRUNK LINK uUMMKH PABSENGEB ml I ll ' low AyPW.?!' .??;, " TITIRTKFNTB lowing hours:- " i-uuaaotpuia, at the fol. AtMHiTS AXX)MMODATIOW. R;infn.Miii-it,J', -'" Intermed.ate Stations Phlldeinhl. at V-.oP mu,0m WF.M., arriving In IkrlORN 1 Vfl XT- DT) f-a At 15 A. M . f ,r l; ....1 1 .. r I ... I Pottsvllle. Pinir-,S-":.rj?n' rrr, r-.inura. Rochester. Niauara ... . - 'vwv. a niij .! tin . rrii II i i i rv w !. Falls. Allentown, WllkeHharrn. IMi.i,,., Hullalo Chanibershurg, Hamratwnin iA York, Carlisle. 1 his train connects at RKADING with East Penn sj lvanlaRullroad trains for Allentown. etc.. and' tht Lebimon Valley train for Harrlshurg, etc. at PORT CLIN ION with Catawlssa Railroad trains for Wll .r..s...n. n.. n jinvfii, j..iuur, at 11A KHI BURG with Northern Central Cumberland Valley and bcliuylklll and btisquehanna IrSilns for Northum berland, WlJIlamspoit, York, Chambersburg. Plu grove, etc, leaves Philadelphia at a HO p. M tnr t.i Pottsvllle, liarrlsburg. etc.. connectlmr with u...,h,.. and tXlunibla Railroad trains lor Coldmhla. etc rvijsiuwfl AOOOMMOLATION Leaves Poll Blown at 910 A. M .ninni,i,w mediate blatlons; arrives In Philadelphia at 8-40 A M Reltirnlug, leaves Philadelphia at CM) p. M.1 arrives In Potlelow n at S-4B P. M. v" RKADING ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading at 7'u A. Al., slopping at all wn tatlons, arriving at Philadeliihla at 10 15 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6 M0 P, arrives In Reading at 7 44 P. M. Trains lor Philadelphia leave Jiarrisbnrg at 8' 10 A. M., and Pottsvllle at 8-45 A. M.. arriving In I'lilladel i.hla al 1(0 P. M. Afternoon trains leave HarrlHlmra at 2'10 P. M., Pottsvllle at i 45 P. M., arriving In Phila delphia al6-4S P. M. Leaves Reading at 7'lf A. M.. and Harrlsbnrg at 410 P.M. Connecting at Reading with Altemoou Accnniniodatlon south at 6 80 P, M arriving In Phila delphia al trio P. M. Market train, with passenger car attached, leave Philadelphia at 12-45 noon for Pollsvllle and all way stations. Leaves Potlsvllleat 7 00 A, M. for Philadel phia and all way stations. All tne aoove trains run umijr, nunuayn excepieu. .... .4 i. .. I r .. I r. I ii u .7 u tjivlll A .1 MSrfl A X I Philadelphia at 8'ir P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at t'00 A. M., returning from Reading at V21 VAtLAI ltAlJiKOAU. Passeneera for Downlugtown and intermediate points take the 780 A. M aud s-oo P, M. trains from Philadelphia, returning from Downing town at 6T0 A. M and 1V0 P. M. KKW YORK KXPBES8 FOR PITT8BURQ ANI Leaves NewYork at 8 A. M. and S and 8 P. M. ........... Lanilln. 1 Vt A M A 1 UI.H 1 1I -I Ol II k ( and connecting at Harrlshurg wltn Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad express trains lor Pitta- burg, Chicago. Wlillamsport, Jimira, Raltlmore, etc. Returning, express train leaves narrisourg on ar rival or the Pennsylvania express from Pitteburg, ai 8 and 845 A. M. aud 9 P. M.. passing Reading at 4' and 1080 A. M., and 4-20 and 1116 P.M., and arriving in New York at 10'iO A, M.. and 4'4o and 6"to P. M. bleeping'.cars accom pany these trains through between Jaraev I'liv and PlttHbure. without chanire. A mall train tor New York leaves Harrl.sbnrg at 2'1C P. M. MaU train lor narrisourg leaves Jew xorg bCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottavllle at 7 aud 11'8H A. M.. and 7'lt P. M., returning from T am aqua at 7 '85 A. M. and l'0 .nd I'll '. M. St. HUYLK1LL AND BUSQUEHANN A RAILROAD Trains leave Atiourn at v oo a. m. ior nnegrove aua Harrlsburg, and l-50 P. M. for Pluegroveaud I'remont, returning from liarrlsburg at 3 20 P. M., and from Tre- taont at l oo a. jxu auu a r. m. TICKETS. Throngh first-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all tbe principal polnuln the North and West and Canada. Excursion tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediatestallons, good for one day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market train, Reading and Pottstown Accommodation trulns, at reduced rates. Excursion tickets to Philadelphia, good only for one day, are sold at Reading and Intermediate stations, by Reading and Pottstown Accommodation trains, at reduced rales. Tbe following tickets are obtainable only at tha nflieo ol ft. BRADFORD. Treasurer. No. 227 H. FOURTH, btreet, jrniiaueipuia.or ui u. -a.. jMiuoiLU, rjonernl buneriiitendeut. Reading: (XJM MUTATION TICKETS At 28 per cent.dlscount. between any points desired for lain u its anu nrms. MILKAGE TICKETS. Good for S00O miles between ail points, 152-50 each forlamuies ana nrms. bKASON TICKETS. For three, six, nine, or twelve mouths, for holder only, to ail points, at reauceu rates. CLERGYMEN Residing on the Hue of tbe road will be furnished cards entitling themselves and wives to tickets at hall laxe. EXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, at reduced tare, to be bad only at the Ticket ouice, at PilLlti Jb.ikNTH ana ualiai w jij r-itreets. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all the above points from the Company's Freight Depot, BROAD auu vviaaiajvv otreets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dally at 6-40 A. M., 12-4S noon, and 6 P. M., tor Reading, Lebanon, Harrlsburg, Potts vllle, Port Clinton, and all points forward. MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and Its branches at 6 A. M., and for tbe principal stations only ai z la i . at. hj TIT EST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA I I BA1L11UA1J, VIA MKillA. SUMMER ARRANGEMENTS. On and alter MONDAY, June 24, 1x67. Trains wll) leave Depot, THIRTY-FIRST and CHESNUT Bireew, aa ioiiowb; WEST CHESTER TRAINS. Tave Pllllurlulnhiu. f,,r l,,id. .eMK 1 u 11 A. Mj. 2-ao p. M 4-u P. M., 4 S0 P. M..7 0U P. M-. auu IVW E 111. Leave West Chester for Philadelphia, from Depot on H.B81 market street, al S'lo A. . M., 7'15 A. M., TUU anu m -jo a ja.t i do r. m., f ou anu 6 oU P. M. Trains leaving West Chester at 7-81) A. M., and leav ing x-unaueiiiiiiK at oo r, m., wm stop al ii. U. Juuc- viou auu uifui. uuiy. Leave PhiladeiDhla for Media atB-sfl P.M. Leave M edla for Philadelphia al '40 P. M.. stopping at all stations. PaBtteiiKerH to or from stations between West. oh ter and B. C. Junction going east, will take trains leaving went uuester i cio A. ju., ana going west will take train leaving Philadelphia al 4-60 P, M., and oanRlur at R. (V JnncLlnn. Tbe Market Street cars will be in waiting, as nsnal. at Tblrty-urst aud Market streets on the arrival of each train, to convey passeugers into the city; and for lines leaving the Depot take tbe cars on Market street, the last car connecting with each train leaving Front and Market streets thirty minutes previous to act anu re. The Chesnut and Walnut Street oars connect with ! all of tne above trains, carrying passengers down Chesnut sireui. iiant me principal hotels auu the Cam. den and Amboy RR. otlloe, at Walnut Btreet wharf. V ON bUNDAYS, Leave Philadelphia al bin A. M. and I P. M. lave Weal Chester al 7'4fi A. M. aud 8 P. M, CHy Passenger cars, on Market street, will connect with all bnndav trains. hoLh wava. as usual, leavliiff I. rout and Market streets thirtv-Uve minutes before tha train leaves Depot, and will leave Depot on arrival of each train, to carry paaseugera into uia city. ' ruins leavlns PhilaUeiuliia at 718 A. M. and 4'SO P. m . and leavlmr West Chesier at 7 WJ A. M. and 4-60 P. M., connect al B. C, Junction with trains on P. and B, C. R. K., for Oxlord aud intermediate poiuls. Passengers are-ailowea to take wearing apparel only, as baggage, at d the Company will not lu any u... ha reoounit)le tor an amount exceeding one hun dred dollars unless a special contract Is mane for the Sail) e, xw nwu, 4 mi General Superintendent, NNAMESSIC SHORT LINE United States Mall Route to the South stud Southwest. On and after JULY 8, trains will leave Depot Pblla delphla.Wllmlngton, and Baltimore Railroad, BROAD street and WASHINGTON Avenue, at 11 P. M., con necting closely wilh Express trains for tbe principal cities South, Including Wilmington, N. C Goldsooro, N ewbern, Charleston, Savannah, Raleigh, Charlotte, Columbia, Macon, AugUBta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Orleans, and Intermediate points. For tickets and Inlormatlon Inquire at Offices, Nos, 111 and 828 CHKbNUT Btreet, or at Depot. BKOaD street and wabhiiuiv.i Aveuue. 17 1 Km B h. v. TOMPK1NH. General Aitent Norftilk. Va. O J. TKuWBHIOUK, General Pas teiiger AgenU TPArT FKEIUHT LINE, VIA NORTH PENN- i BYLVAN1A KAlbliOAD, to Wllkesbarre, Ha hanoy City. Mouul Carmel. Ceulralla, aud ail points on Lehigh Valley Railroad and lis branches. Ry new arrangements, perfected this day, this road is enabled to give luoreated despatch 10 merchandise OOllSlgneu lu ut) auuvv-unuivu poinut. Gtods delivered at the Through Freight Depot, S E. Cor. of FRoNT and NOBLE Streets KpfnrsSP. M.. will reach Iikeabarre. Mount Car mel. Mabonoy City, and the other stations la Maim uoy aud Wyoming VaileysLbefore 11 A. M. of the suc ceeding day. KI.I.1S CLARK. 818 Im Agent. w EST JEB8E7 RAILROAD. bTTNDAY MAIL TRAIN FOR CAPR MAY. Oomuienclng BUN DAY, June Vi, ls7. Ibe BUN DAY Villi AiMU rAooMiiiK 1KA1N will leave pniia dWiihla, fooiol Maiket street (upper ferry), at 7 A. M. Returning leave Cape lulaud al A P. M., stopplug al prlucipa' Stations only. Fare. 8Jm Kxcurslou Tickets, 4 00. Good this day and train uwy. WILLIAM J. BKWELL. tKtt Bupexiulendunt, PKNN-fvi viWUI TO THK INTERIOR Ol I h H A N N A f ,A) , T H R W II U Y 1. K I L I .. BUrt VAI I KH t'iVbH?11" '"'I'jANI) WVOMI.NO 1HK CANAtiiJ1 1'u. NORTHWEST, AND JULY 15, 186L RAILROAD LINES. OKTII PKNNSYLVANIA RATLIIOAD. il THKMIMiLK ROIJ'l'K. bhortest and mwl direct routeto RetWehtm, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, Harellon. While Haven, Wilk-sbarre, Mahanoy C'ty, Mount t'armei.and all polnUi In tue LeUign, Ma hanoy, and Wyoming coal regions. Paenger Depot In Philadelphia, N. W. corner Of BKkKHaod AMKRICAN btreew. BUMMKK AKRANGKMF.NT. N INK DAILY TRAIN On and sfter W KDN hXDAY. May 8, ISCT, Passenger trains leave tbe New Depot, corner Berks and Ameri can str eta, daily (oundays excepted), as lollows: At 7-46 A. M. Morning Kpres for Bethlehem and Principal blatlons on North Pennsylvania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Railroad Ar A lien i own. ('uiu.uiwom. siailnn'on. Mauch Chunk. Wfiuherly. Jeanaviiie, Hazelton, VV hlte Haven, wiikeshurre, Kingston, rnwtoii, and all poiiiis in Lehigh and Wyoming valleys: also. In connection wlih Lehigh and Mahanoy Railroad, for Malianoy City, and. with Catawlssa Bailroad, lor Rupert, '""vine, Milton, and W.iiiauiHiioru Arrive n JUncb Chunk at 121W A. M.s at Wilkes, barre at 8 p. M at M.lmnnv r-ltv at 1 P. M. J aaneuger, by , trH,r, can ,Bl(e tl)e jhlgh Vally train. hammI.... I(U,i.i..k..m ..... x , i.. York "a ew Jey Central Railroad to Ne Ulll.Slonoln. t t ' ". "" J;u" " "" lAll.hni, ..m . .17 n .. . I .. All "J1, M. K.xpreKs for Bethleh (, Mount uarmel and all points In the Mahanoy and Wyoming talVeKhms. towne.Dger" Urenv h- train to t,uker At Z'48 P. M. Accomnitulfttlnn r. rknniA-. stopping at all lnl4rmediarfe stuilons. Passmigers tak a lageanioyiestown lor New Hope; al North Wale for bum uey town. Al 4 P. M. Accommodation for Doylestown, ston r'ng at all Intermediate stations. Passengers for tyiiiow urove, itaiooro, ana Hartsvllle, take stage u, iui Aiuiiiuvrvtiie afc Ajoyiesiown, Al 8 20 P. M. Through accommodation for Bethle hem and all stations on main line of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehlgn Valley Evening train for Eaaton. Allentown. and Mauch Chunk. ' Al82n P. M. Accommodation for Lansdate. stop ping at all Intermediate stations. At 11-80 P. M. Accommodation for Fort Wash ington. IKAiruB AK1UVB IN PHILADELPHIA. From Bethlehem, at 8-18 A. M., 2ii6 and 8-41 P. M. 206 P. M. train niAlrM dlnwit mnnwl.lnn wli I .(..,. vane7 trains from Eaaton, Wllkesbarre, Muhanoy City, and Haslelon. Passengers leaving Eastoa at ii -w a. ai. arrive In Philadelphia at ai P. M. Passengers leave Wllkesbarre at 180 P. M., oonnect . .?: . i I. le lna arrive in pniiadelpul at 8'40 P. M. From Dovlestown at 8'2S A. M. . 8-in p. xr and From LanBdnle at 7 -30 A- M. From Fori Washington at 11-60 A. M. and 8'0S P. M. Philadelphia tor Bethlehem at ('30 A , M. Philadelphia for Doylestown at 2-45 P. M. Doylestown to Philadelphia at 7-J0 A. M. Betblehem to Philadelphia at 4-30 P. M. Filth and Sixth Btreets Pansenaer cars itanrn nu. sengeis to and from the new denote vtnitecarsoi eecoua ana Third streets line and Union line run within a short distance ot the Depot. Tickets must be procured at the Ticket otlloa In oraer to secure me lowest rates ot tare. K . . Hli.ARK A front. Tickets sold and Baggage checked thrnuirh tn nrln. clpal points ai Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage ..ilCH VUII3, 1 1 no. lua p. fiirru street. 1 QT -FOR NEW YOHK. THE CAMDEN J.UU I and Amboy and Philadelphia and Trenton Railroad Company's Lines, Irom Philadelphia to New York and Way Places, from WALNUT BLrent Wharf. v. Ill leave as lollowB, viz.: j-arh. At 8 A. M., via Camden and Amboy, Accom. ....,.$25 At 8 A. M., via Camden aud Jersey City. Express mbii... stio At 2 P. M.. via Camden and Amboy. Express. 8-00 At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Ac-( 1st class, 8"2S c-amuiooation ana .migranb 1 ia class, I (hi At 8 A. M.. 2 aud 8 P. M.. for Mount Hollv. Kwsna. vllle, Pemberton, Birmingham, and Vlnoentown, aud at o a, ai. ior mount xioiiy only. Al 6 A. M. and 2 P. M. for Freehold. At 6, 8 and 10 A. M.. 2 and 4 P. M.. for Trenton. At 6. 8 aud 1(1 A. M.. 1. 2. 4.6.8. and ll-au P. M.. for Borden town, Burlington. Beverly, and Delanco. At 6 and 10 A. M. 1, 2,4, 6, 8, and 1D30 P.M., for Florence. At 6 and 10 A. M., 1, 4. B, 6. and 1180 p. M., for Edge water, Riverside, Rlverton, and Palmyra. At 6 and 10 A. M., 1. 4, 8, and U 80 P.M., for Fish Hollaed The 1 and 1180 P. M. Lines leave rrom Market Street retry, upper side. LINES FROM KENSINGTON DEPOT Will leave aa fnllfiwH: At II A. M.. 4 an P. M.. and 12 P. M..(nlgnt). via Ken sington and Jersey City, New York Express Lines. Kara. IX. Al 8, 1015'and 11 A. M 2-80, 8-30,'4'30, 8, and 12 P, M., ior Trenton anu uriMtoi. At 8 and 10-I6 A. M.. 2-80. e. ana 12 P. m.. for Morris- vllle and 'luliytown. At 8 and 1015 A. M.,2'30, 4-80 , 5.ttand 12 P. M., for Bchencks. . , Al 10-15 A. M., 2-30 ann 0 r. m ior .cuuingion. At 7 80 and 10 15 A. M.. 2-80, 4, 5, 8, and 12 P. M., for Cornwell's, Torresdale, Holmesburg, Tacouy, WIshI, Homing, Brldenhurg, and Frankford, and al 8 P. M. for Holmeaburg ami Intermediate stations. 1IL I U I ni 1L. tl.T A VL7 aUC u.rr ltf A T For the Delaware River Valley. Northern Peunsyl- V a 11 la. and New York Ktate. and the Great Lakes. daily (Sundays excepted), from Kensington Depot as uijuws; At 8 A. M. for Nlaeara Falls. Buffalo. Dunkirk. Canandalgua, Elmlra, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, Dinguamton uswego, eyracuse, Great uena, Mon trose, W ilkesbarre, bcranlon, btroudaburg. Water Gup. etc etc At 8 A.M. and 8-30 P. M. for Belvldere. Eaaton. Lambertvllle, Flemington, etc. Ibe 8-80 P.M. Line connects direct with tbe Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethle hem, etc At 6 P. M. for Lambertvllle and Intermediate Sta tions. Lines from Weft Philadelphia Denot. via Connect ing Rallwuy, will leave as follow: At 1-ao aud 8 so P. M. Washington and NewYork Ex press Li nes, v la J ersey City, Fare, 4 The 8 80 P. M. Line will run dailv. All others. Sun days excepted. WM. H. GATZMER, Ageuu juueua, 1B07. PHILADELPHIA, WILM1NGTOJS AND BAL TIMORE RAILROAD. 'llMHi lABLIt, Commencing MONDAY, July 8. Igs7. Trains will leave Depot, comer BROAD Street aud WASH INGTON Aveuue, as follows: way Man -t rain at s-ao A. M. fnunuays exoepted for Baltimore, stopping at all regular stations. Con necting with Delaware Railroad at Wilmington n.i Crlhlleld and intermediate Blatlons. Express Train at 11-60 A. M. (Sundays excepted) for Baltimore and Washington. .x press Train at 8'io P. M. (snnaaya excepted) foi Baltimore aud Washington, stopping at Chester, Tliur- low, Linwoou, uiaymoot, w iimtugton, newDort. star ton, Newark, Elk ton, Northeast, Charlestown, Perry. vllle. Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Perryman's, Edge wood, Magnolia, Chase's, and Btemmer's Run. N lghl Ex prena al 11-00 P. M. (dully ) tor Baltimore and Waahlngton. Connects at Wilmington (Saturdays ixcepted) with Delaware Railroad Line, stopping at Newcastle, Mlddletowu, Clayton, Dover, Harring ton, heatord, Hultentiry, PrluoeRS Anne, and connect ing at Crlstleld wilb Bout for Fortress Monroe, Nor lolk, Portamouth, and the South. Pasttetifrer for Fortresf Mourf.e and Nc-PiIK via Baltimore will take the 1180 A. M. Train. Via Crib field will take tbe 11-00 P. M. Train. Wil, MING ION TRAINS. Stopping at ail Buttons between Philadelphia and Wilmington. Leave Philadelphia at 12-80. fflO, 4-80, S-00, and 11-80 i dally) P. M. The 4'0 p. M. Train connects with Jelaware Railroad for Mllford and Intermediate sta tions. The S'OO P. M. Train New Castle. Leave Wllmlngtou -8o, 71ft aud 8 A. M., 4 00 and 'W (dally) P.M. The 7 15 A M. Train will not stop at stations between Chesier and Philadelphia,! FROM BALTIMORE TO PHILADELPHIA. Leave Baltimore Tib A. M Way Mail. '. A. K Express, 215 P. M., Express, 888 P.M., Express u(ac i Jy( lXl'T sHfl bUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. ' Leaves Baltimore at 8 56 P. M., stopping at Havre-du-Grace. perry vllle, and Wllmlugtou. Also stops at Northeast, Klktou.and Newark to lake pussungers for Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washing ton or Baltimore, aud at Chester to leave paaseugvrs from Washington or Baltimore. Through Tickets to all points West, south, and 8ouihwet, may be procured at the Ticket OUlce, No. Bat CHESNUT Btreet, under the Continental Hotel. Persons purchasing tickets at this otUce can have their baggage checkedl at their residence by the s IIOKTEST ROUTE I'O THK oKA-SHOREI CAMDKN AND ATLANTIC RA1 LROAI). Five Trains dally to Atlautlo City, aud one on Bun- 1 HIU III in i VT V JIVU1U3, day. . . n.rmrt.V T .1 n A AO IDM . 1 ... On and ener miuhuai,.. w(, uium win leave VINE Street erry, m iuiw- Hprclal Excursion .00 A.M. .7'80 A. M. . IS A. M. .2 00 P. M. Mall 1. u. irh Faaaeuuer L'r aitacueu... Express (through in two hour........, A,i..,iin Ac.iuimodallon 418 P. M. HU1 I, J i 1 1.. VJI A.A.A V AM3 AAA.A.AH X X .r ......... 1 v . 1 l, 1 irvj imi Ppeclal EACurnluu.-. 6-18 P. M, Mali m w . m, r refill , ....1 1 "40 A. M. Express (through lu two hours) 7 08 A. M. accommodation 6-45 A. M. Junction Accommodation to Jacksuu and Interme diate nations leaves Vine street... 8i)P. M. Iteturnlug leaves Jackson tpas A. M. H ADDON FI ELD ACCOM MODATiON TR A I N Leave Vine slret at.... 1016 A. M., 2-U P. M. Leave UaddonUeld at....... l'ou P. M.. 818 P. M. SUNDAY MAIL TRAIN TO ATLANTIC CITY Leaves Vine street at 7'8D A. M.. and AllautlC at 4 4U P. M. 1 M Fare to Atlantlo X Round Trip Tickets, flood oni or the tiny and fruln 011 which Utn ar Uiurit, Tickeis fur sale at the Oiu.ce ol Hie Phlladelplila 'Lticul Express Company. No. ua CHEiiNUT sireet and aliNo, em uit ltlN u T street, tiunueuwi The Philadelphia Local Express Company, No, V8 CIIFSNUT Btreet, will call for baggage In any part of the city and suburbs, ud check 10 hotel or cottage at Atlantic City. D. H. MUNDY. fait AgeuU Al 8'46 A. M. AffAlTimMt.tlnn ftipTln.llnM '.Inn. Ct'i'iin- ?ii.JnlV,,.';ai-1 t"Un. Pawengera for'Olw V At 1016 A. M. ArcnmniAil.iini, . . 'y-. . nr..ui.. RAILROAD LINES. O ENNSYLVANI A CEMRAL RAILROAD. bUMMFR TIME, TAKING EFFECT JUNK t. 1M7. The trains ot the Pennsylvania Central Railroad leave the Depot, at THIRTY -FIKST and MARKKT btreets, which Is reached directly by the cars oiios Market btreet Passenger Railway. Those Of the Ches nut and Walnut Streets Railway run within cue sonar of It, ,...,.. c. . ,.. -, and Market Street thirty -five mlunteS before the departure of each train. ... .n bleeping t ar '1 icgeis can m nau on ,";""" theUcketoMlce.N. W.cor. Ninth and Chesnut street. A..n ..r tha Union Transfer limnany will Call lor and otllver hBggA;e at Ibe Depot, orders lelt at No, mil Chesnnt street, or No. 1 boutU Eleventh street, will nceiveaiietilion. .-v. li(AII l. L A y r. jr.iwj, t iu.. Mall Train. rmill AccommniiKi ion. xo. i t aal Line and Knw F.xpreas lO'OO A. 12-I0 P 1-00 P. l'aoll Accominooatloii. No. 1...... Harrmliurg Accoinmoiiatloii 1 ancacter AccomnioUalloo..... I'Hrk.-hhiitir Train m ! P. 4 Oil r. 8'30 P. Western Acroinmodutlon Train . 8 40 P. . P. M. 7-8U P. M, ... -00 P. M. 1P1S P. M. Cincinnati Expr-rss.....M...... h.rie Man -.. l'aoll Accommodation, No. s.... Philadelphia .xpreas.... l-.rle Alan leaves oaiiy. except naiuruay. Phlliulelphia Express leaves daily. All other trains dally, except Huutlay. 1 he Western accoidiiiuuihii nm. mua unn, except Sunday. For full particulars as to fare aud accommodations, apply to FRANCIS FUNK, Agent, WO.W7JHUCKBIIWI. Tix,n VT,. Ctnclnnail Express..., 1 1 ia At JUL. 7-10 A. M. pniianelpnia l-.xprees-.. 1- rle Alalia ....- 710 A. M. 8 20 A. M. Paoll Accommodation. NO. 1.. ParkeHhurg 'l ralu... ......... Lancaster Train S-io A. M. 18-4D P. M. Fast Line and Erie Express.. Paoll Aocommodallon,No. 2.. Day F.xrreaH.......... ... Paoll Accommodation, No. 8 110 P. M. , 418 P. M. 6-2U P. M. ..... 7110 P. M. IHP.1L iiarnsotirg Acconimnoaiion.. For further inlormatlon apply to JOHN C. ALLJ1.N, 1 lcaei Agent, No. tiol CU KnN UT Street. SAMUEL H. WALLACE, Ticket Agent al the Depot. Tbe Pennsylvania Railroad Conmanv will nut as sume any rink for Baggage, except for Wearing Ap parel, and limit ihelr responsibility to One Hundred Dollars In value. Ail Baggage exceeding th.M amount In value will be at the risk of tha owner, nniaaa taken by special contract. JEDWARD H. WILLIAMS, 420 General Superintendent, Altooua, Pa. PHILADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD.- BUMMER TIME TABLE. TLronch and nlrect mute hetwaan Phlladnlnhla. Baltimore. Harrlsburg. WililamsDort. and tne Great Oil Region of Pennsylvania. ELF.GANT SLKEPING CAR? On all Nigh Tram. On aud aftrr MONDAY. ADrll 78. 18S7. thetraluaun the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run aa follows: WESTWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia....... 7t P. M. , 4-80 A. M. .... 4-1)8 P. M. leaves Wlillamsport...., arrives at Erie.- Erie Express leaves Philadelphia... ,12-00 noon. leaves winiamspori., 8-46 P. M. arrives at Erie .10-00 A. M, Elmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia...., 8-00 A. M. 8-46 P. M. .. 8-10 P. K. leaves Wlillamsport........, arrives at Lock Haven......... UHTWIKD. aiaii Train leaves Erie.. .10t8 A. M. leaves Wllliamsporl . arrives ai PhiladelDhia ,.10-10 P. M. 7-00 A. M. Erie Express leaves Erie , U0 P. M. leaves wmiHiuspori " A. si, arrives at Phlladelnhla 1-00 P. M. Elmlra Mail leaves Lock Haven.......... 7-15 A. M. " " leaves W llllamsport I'll A, M, " arrives at Philadelphia 4'40 P. M, Mall and Ex Dress connect with all trains on Warren and Franklin Railway. Passengers leaving Philadel phia at rznu m. arrive al Irvlnetou at S'tO A, M. ana 11 City at 8-60 A.M. Leavlns- Philadeliihla at 7-80 P. M.. arnvsatOll City at 4 '35 P. M. All trains on Warren and Franklin Railway make close connections at OH City with trains for Franklin ana petroleum Centre. Baggage cnecsea tnrougn. AlittUW 1a 1, 1U General Superintendent. FOR CAPE MAY BY RAILROAD, FROM foot of MARKET Street (Upper Ferry). Commencing SATURDAY, Jnly 13. 1867. 9-00 A. M. Morning Mall. Due 12-25 P. M. a-tiO P.M. Cape May, Passenger. Due 7'18 P. M. , 4-O0 P. M. Express. Due 7 05 P. M. RETURNING TRAINS LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. 8-kO A. M. Morning Mali. Due 10-07 A. M. 0-00 A. M. Fast Express. Due U 07 P. M. 6-00 P. M. Cape May Express. Due 8-26 P.M. Tbe SUNDAY MAIL and PASSENGER TRAIN leaves Philadelphia at 7-u0 A. M., returning leaves Cape Island at 6 00 P. M. Commutation tickets, good for ONE, THREE, or T v KLVE months, can be procured at the Cilice of tbe Company, Camden, N. J, Through tickets can be procured at No. 828 Chesnut street (under the Continental Hotel), Persons purchasing tickets at this ofnee can have their Dag gage checked at their residences. YVK8T JKIISKY 11 AIL. ROAD LINES, from foot of MARKET Sireet (Coper Ferry), Commencing SATURDAY, July 13, 1867. 8-no A. M. Morning Mall, for Brldgeton, fealem, Mill vllle. Vlneland, aud Intermediate stations. 9 IKI A. M. Cape May Morning Mall. 8 08 P. M. Cape May Accommodation. 8-uo P. Al. Brldgeton and Salem Passenger, 4t0 P. M. Cape May Express. 6'00 P. M. Woodbury Accommodation. Cape May Freight leaves Camden at 8-20 A. M. West Jersey Freight Train leaves Camden at 12 M. (noon). Freight will be received at Second Covered Wharf below Walnut street, from 7-00 A. M. until 8-00 P. M. Freight received before VOO A. M. will go forward the same day. Freight Delivery. No. 228 B. DELAWARE Avenu 7 2 if WILLIAM J. BKWELL. Superinteudeul. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANI0WN, AN NORRISTOWN RAILROAD. TIME TABLE, On and after Wednesday, May 1, 18flT. FOR GERMANTOWN. Leave Philadelphia e, 7, 8,( 05, 10,11. It A. M. 1. XV. .g . 4.8. 6X. 810. 7. 8. 8. 10. 11. 12 P. M. Leave Germantown 8. 7, 7X, 8, 8-20, 9, 10, II, 12 A. M. 1, 2, 8, 4, 45i , , 84, 7, 8, , 10, 11 P. M. The 8-20 Down Train and i aud b Up Trains will not stop on the Germantown Branch. " ON SUNDAYS. Leave Philadelphia 8S A, M. 2, 7. 10V P, M. Leave Germantown ' A. M. 1, 8. V P. M. CHESNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia , 8, 10, 12 A.M. 2, IS, V. Leave Chesnnt Hill 7-10. 8, 8-40. and 1P40 A. M. 140, nundaHb. Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Chesnut H1U 7 60 A. M. 12 40. 6'40, and t-2B P'iOR CON3HOHOCKEN AND NORRISTOWN. Leave Philadelphia S.7X.8, and lltA.M, Di.l. 44,'4.06,and 114 P.M. Leave Norrlstown S 40, 7, 7-60, t, and 11A.M. IK, 8, iW. 8X. aud 8X P. M. .o,auuo . qjj BUNDAY8, Leave Philadelphia 8 A. M-. 2 80 and 7'1S P. M. Leave Norrlalown 7 A. M.. 8 80 and P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 8, 7S. 9. and U OJ A.M. W , t, H, Hi. . 8'U5. and 11 P. M. Teave M anyuuk 810. V. 8 20, V, and 11X A. M. fc10oVUNI)ATS. - Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. and 7Y P. M. Alanavunk A. M. IsndliU P. tr. W. , B. v iieun, general btiperintendent , . i" . . 1 viTii oiuriiit4)naent. Depot. NINTH and OKKEN streets. PHJLADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE CE. TRAL RA I LROAD. Summer Arrangements. On and alter SATURDAY, June 1, 1887, Trains will leave Philadelphia, from the Depot of the West Chester and Philadelphia Railroad, corner of THIRTY-FIRST and CHESN UT Streets (West Phila delphia), at 715 A. M. and 4'6n P M. Leave Rising Sun at 6-15 and.Oxford at (-08 A. ML. and leave Oxlord at 8Z6 P. M. . A Market Train, with Paasencer Car attached, will run 011 Tuesdays and Fridays, leaving tlieKlslug Bun at 11-16 A. M., Oxford at 12ooM.,and Keunett atl'uO P. M connecting at West Chester Juuouou with a Train for Philadelphia. On Wednesdays and Satur days trains leave Philadelphia at 10 P, M run lug through to Oxford. The Train leaving Philadelphia at 7lg A. If .con nects at Oxlord with a dally Una ot Stage for Peach Bottom, In Lancaster county. Returning, leave Peach Bottom to connect at Oxford wUn the After, noon Train tor Philadelphia, Tbe Train leaving Philadelphia at 410 P. M. ran to BlKlngSun.Md. Passengeis allowed to take wearing apparel only as baggage, and the Company will not In any case be responsible tor an amount exceeding oue hundred dollars, unless a special contract be mads ior the same. 6 lit HENRY WOOD, (Antral Sup't HOOP SKIRTS. rQQ HOOP SKIRTS, rjOO 0-5O HOPKINS' "OWN MAKji" O4o PRICES RKDUCEDIII V--" It affords us much pleasure to announce to onr numerous patrons and the public, that In com. queue if a slight decline In'liuop Skirt matorlaT together with our Increased facilities for SlnunSv turlng. and a strict adherence to BUYING and SELLING for CASH, we aie enabled to ,?trr all n? DLCED PRICES. And our Skirt wll) always, as our Skirt rv msiu-ii "' ."",;' vu"u".,u ry reopeo niore desirable. and really cheaper lhao any .TigT. nJSri . onel,uaufe,U "" UU XAm;"t'l5 t .m??!?. T.JT 'lH from ,N,W York and the . . .. .0 w "' . . , ana repaired. Wliol ul and retail, al ti e l iilladelpl, la Hoou Hclrt L', porluui.No. MitlUl Sin el. briow Seventh 8 10 am ip . WILlJlAal T. HOPKINH, ..1,1.1. Inuiluln Au. . ...... Iu i,.wv. uw unwa nitiri. at verv low price.; among which 1 a 01 t.f plalu Skirt at the follow lug ratea:-15 springs, tac.; Bprings. 8,0." 2 Vl'r L'gs' H'(H Prtu.s.Mc.t'and v