I I rj 1 1 1 l -i " SOiSPi.- rt, .a All'j o i r a tyvu ci I ON w ; CONVOCATION IV R A rj d , fKKDAKCR 1. film.,.,. J In t'' r in it . fA 7 srcx of riijinr. -: h. Pop delivered an ! the SttSAS . prnintpa. In th. '"-"""U to the n. I Winn,., MUlo Valley il, - ... w..,v, , lno 'ii ii iv, s . mo world i iiu v ir,i, . .- v"8 mcrpn.o i j r i "ou of the r-ano, - " lit .It -.iir . . J . '.'ori, Atk.,.-: T. i ,a- i iI. I nine'. . - A l I v Urm I .. I J1JIII1IA lj . Li H .ktin I." . -. .j - ... i V 'i Jf Vffl OF BfficisTM,! In watB Jo ooys . ' i A1NTO HI I OH AT 1 y th . . rn rtty h t an' ! r.. " Jbe8t ,.' WHU WDENCE SQUARE : CM J i noli..,,, J'Iiuuh.4b'.'. : lue evils wliloh opr, . ..r" V,""n or repair. ho Holy Father" iOReV hhurchJt now !parUnthe 1'ontdcaj Ion2,i!'l!loullon-W uv n "vmiu W per dint ;PerH r?""'"'"1 Percent. fact- iT.r; ""ki'TM "!.'. .1 ; , upou iiu,t 1 ""'".. I. ,?r c,?nt' I Missouri , o ri I. rr.- w '. 21 o2 f ? " 1 y'J -'" in... to2nU Vlritlriia. . Pf CPIW. I KT d, ' - I . , 11, OKC, ay m -.10 .xnfi UNION a great ffymin unci lvm.n whT:0110 prelate Tand - ""7 ""went thnre a t i uiid oJerByman n,i ;p ' 't'1 boH tlilrtv rorn the l'n,N HufiS Ulty.. ?lced ArnhMi-nrnB f.?..,?f Amorlei ar Kenrick, of 'si' FJS " . of rhnrici -LittlH iew lop and tim iri.. ".esea lu JBritluh t ... i " ' W II, 'SHI- -nen tn . .. ! s and rif.v e::c,y.e( the American onotra the yer:- i, J'DIO. i .. M pur reo. "i. VKt c,"it. 3 Der Cnnr iOtst. mi.i.. - 'owl viur. i i .-T Jnc'rtfti i-V."u.u". three fJn-Arta.T Jen per - nhJ there i. ;wSrT5r.?u.P-':.o.n: of r ih ""L" 01 winter barleV b,ti,y. airnin- thiwKbSit tf,:"?nion of dov:;?:" '.r and th MuT.-uniwnanviin.",". JS'ew York. A !?"'lit bTZT: t random .- ' ' "B i bin " Juble for th- (lit 7. ."w Wo Vl . . Till . rf" V tOHDAT nOBHSS, 'fl . ;', Commencing at o clo , 1 .7. 1 I.&.IND A CO.,4lCli,K' 1, i t tbelr Store, Nn tf ABKT StrMt, C ABES riUMJC B(HTs ANU lo tloi i onmf nmeninfor tic f fenent wuon, n rf .fx . id HboM wiuaad it to toelr "Hv.uuru L ! I hit T ... . . MEETING, on 1 '".'lOMWfflbi,,, MT" AT . ThDwl.ratlo ... ' KK AddMdo,,,, bdu... T,,,b9re. and Will Mtnim,,n lt. . nounoethleeti,,, ,rom Ida cu.. Aictloneen, i&BKT Btroet. 10 i 1 I -viirn. xn.i ii.. ' "Jiisiiii....... ".'"my lor ..., . k : forcing the 17"."" a .h. -y . " r ' ."T . K : 1 1 ... i. i.. , i-ih I .... ...... - f ' ( . r I -. Ci. .-:r, tul.VfS. fikl ' ' . - fi t v.. . i . ,i. v ' . to TMPirn k.- . n(, P" A N I) 'lhed peker, who ereclali- l!B',r I pre- ii wi two 531 , 'o presentation of th . u'.u DBl1' ' . """e to hl?nj0i, ?of the yaeht J'l be cae, unld wlu, '.HS.?"'1 ds bve n?ore f0: '" ,r 48 AnAru... i ' ireely trnnn l.noH i turs'deieTnndtrwr -r1 s-v ParariveVT',"0!5 MhSS,il2 'iu JfiHt VMMlio;. i. ..""""K as Oiirni,u..j DKlaud. The" VoreaKa nf r?,nfttnder of'Sow Usual: lu the uyJCi ,a,B,e ?f t" la larirfir ii. fc jCRITTEN DCfl 's C O TIT Ur t t clTr lAIt- PPX. LEGE WBlGhT'S ALCONATEH fif.YPffWTX TABLET OF HOLIDIFIEU tI.V!k-.n. k . fni di jmootlm the aktu; iaiparta beamy . iinesd io thocomplfxlou. In doliclously fmicr,ii nhpabbmt. and auDerb u a. TniiuN.... 7 in bur drutjgiBt. 2sic i" fo T I C'E. APPLICATION1 HAS 'BFf , ninoe io in went thwlct and Pbllwlsl . od CompBDy lor ccrilllckte No. 2M. lor ! i preierrwa atock in the name of t CUIIH Vfl fcinr , kidelphla. June , l67. , . iau -' - eoiaon corgo on .f-sent nrt nh.,... "lueAme- 1 their proKrew. i.M.S5"?Mtel i.'i cneeriur manr "ua c,v". la 4er,Pr0feBfior k-i.,..a ie.8.ln Kme.andof o:0PSSpa.di Yellow Fever-n.. Sher,d.a ,.,1 ' 0.i Fraud. ' :7 . nvna, " junior is current i "uape. . Geoeral Sheridan iS soon? "011 c'rcle that General JL. k i,"00" to be sunerjiPHiA "ai n UJULItr kf "-ajr UUIII in 0 1 1 t -v JmnoTeta'rar'on of the matter Is belni i.. .5...are.roPorted. r ,lh? ftUthoritieB. iv.Vr"'B'ed by the at the pre in Borne dr.?" 5a?. rtaln Tom, ... nowever. that thV i""' " quite iifc7 m sa?5Hv5 iiZSf s'vg "u'oras and lia; i """'oe whiKkw P. Plain kno ornm-... . n.iiinprui . ... i r, . ia n.n.... ." BU0J1 h.,.,l. I -talwow fnrnhUi lo 7. P. M. At. ATCHES, JEWELRY; ETC i ... 1028;CHEBNF MB BWl, Spa J F an o'clock p. jhV' hourt for ladles In, 7 T I. J. T tl"W IT! .c"onTpC1lB'ton ' the public Is hi t'MMws Watches, . - ? tolAJMOXBs, ' K S. GreajJ,Pirc works. "inoR PlaTEA, tAKDlXS, I BOl'KETI, fOrtPriJ, FIBE CRACKER! ETC. had In i v f variety, Wholmale and Retail, ol .v'trr.t:'B:K or cnoiiK fine f CONtEClIOKM, NO. 06 MARKET HTREET. , . , ''rr' FIREWORKS. i i .'r? "FIREWORKS. A l g C"1 vtled KMiortment of Small Work! fbr f .Icr . . P ri)ii. ,v rjored aud Elegant Kxhl- ' .j VA'.0OWjrLOWI. ' i ,iTtBTti rT? 1 1 t r w ytiiiu VA- af W 4 AT, j . EWE1. CROB8, ' ' V0LCAK0E8, i , i or saie oy I2SU4 ' NO. S3 S. FKOST ITHEET. ax. U! riFCES. UALliAP'L ES, ' KUMUfiD RXAItS, TIU NDKR WHI.KLf;, BATTi-iVrBH, ETC AEav EXJSWAXT J nueied at 3WI7. iA?". 'r"m the . Y" JJOif fiST' FIFTH LI ( EC- irANV, July J, ine And nil watches 'repaj? u.d a: ith3mp C. o. it 2u II, STREET f5l ar v cnESMJT. chblsfion TV r5"mt In November . at f h . "? "10 ;y on Haturdav " VU B6 reter'a .'? tolra astof have li ln Poo ailhe Vm'S. jw ..." "S4;ilj" fE t 1 m cdn-4. the rluht Vfrr.ti.h.. . U'i? ',. n fact. : h. '.u-. i."""ca"Si DlBbooB and i,h. "wn ip W21' t' lit.,-. I .k,' l.J it . ii,'!...' ii - (;ImI. (ill llk f.. ion and poBlttou nnaer ttte Klnir. In conse- v.o ot the suppression o the chief army tiand. - . . bureau is to be formed for the suppression :e chief military commands formed in the during the war with Auatria. IE GREA T PARIS EXHIBITION. - I war da to American Kxhlbltors. Ir, Jane 28. The following is the official ! awards lo Americans to be given at the 1 Exposition, on Monday, July 1. .The a are K'ven in the order in which the re tv iU be made: j GBAND PBIZE8. , ' 'chapln, of Masa., for well-conducted factory i'issor Hughes, of Kentucky, fbr printing tele ' s W, Field, of New York, promoter of thesys f ooean telegraphy. T. W. Evans, of Paris, sanitary collections. . GOLD MEDALS. b way & Sons, of New York city, pianos. Kerlng & bona, ot New York aud Boston, a. 4 White, orPhlladelphla, artificial leetb. etc eeu Woollen Mills, Kuu k'rauolsoo, blaukets, sis. etc. MhseU A Bons, of Philadelphia, Pa., for fine Haupt, of Philadelphia, Pa., for steam drill tun g maobiue. Tanker A Co., of Philadelphia, wringing fries. i Justice, of Philadelphia, power hammer. I more aud Cuba biut'lilug Company, Baltimore, mgol and sheet copper. nout Oil Company, Philadelphia, Western Vlr, lietroleuiA. .banks A Co., New York, railroad scale. (' ring, Earrei & bherman. New .York, lire 1 roof . muicuw v. ..... . I1HU1U.WII, Jt ,, Sf the United Slates. ?ndusen, model ol Fleetwlng. t'X bellers A. Co., Pblladelphla. machine tools. J"r fc Wilson, ci New York city, sewing f uVe, ol New York olty, Inventor of sewing ivpr hi i,' . . rr, vii inu. j,i ,irv SILVEB MEDALS. i?i?Mreh,of New York, oil painting; Mason JkNew York, wgaim; J, K. liuroeo. aur- ,v' tbe United ttiates Army, military Slua; Wm. Wales, ot Port Lee. N. J., Vot glaHP8; Ciark Thread C'ompaoy, . threads: H. Eourulir, of New Or A'luir tell-tale clocks, etc.; Call's 'Picturing Cernprfuy. of llartrord, Vh',, HemWigUiu& Hons, of lliou, "-'(iij tireormv. 8miih A We ' .ii-eams and metallic or Company, of Company, of fluque, of Baa r , Till mineral; i, Cal., colleo- .Co.. of Pltls- New York, ( Pjlludil tiu- r-vt i. vfifl An 'yi:r -t. er.-iv' ,'LI' -TC . li rv . , n . v ' -li . ' T Si : a..." dnnarv Mo.i ..r?i k. "." ARK. ikn 'mirk ."iT :fcew-.,ia.-rAPU.,: Persons dPHT7.r:,r " -- " "veuea on tuiiity now ol ielf cilr.. J-11 8ta have i1 AJRMEIoi fiiiS: Jf.Sood location. Ve sale lor .11 ih."'" " I 1. 1 IK) ( Alf AN PRICES. i tbis Market a ' an oppor- DELAWAkR ln RA7T.fcWY : AKDf l-Cr'fM CANAL LTER-WARE, a. KrvriH . (IA?1.S 12 PLAIU FIOTJBEfci. -' ,A"'i JEWELRY CAREFULLY RE ALL G' ' '. '. , station paid to Mannfacturlng all artl- two ""o'l'C'oiii rii riTri.i" ,.un,nif JULv ii," "U1 eciosei r; Wat PA IX rs21 thsm y ERANDAH STRIPES.' CBI3ISON, OREF..1, BLl'E AND BIFF LINEN ST RIP FOB AND COTTON YEKANDAUS AND AWNINGS. ALSO, r.ClAL NOTICE ble A 1 1 1 i iV. , ... P leclred ir . ' Ju;r i. m7. - "" "."... wade to TnV H.mr,llr . 'Jla8lockhoM ... " "."'a.Oldepr ne Phlladelbhii . J:"' .a.ve Com n i .. . . ."""'.I'" ' and T.. ,r , ' J'7. have ih rih AND CULTTJKi CUKr anu A. M. and BKADLK. V J 1 1 "UBlliar T , . : . .--T A"" llalu. " nuuxr? f, I . U' " Wmr-gc-u" terTaK' r.. Pastor, WVK. prea" fc, f eJ- between ixj. P. M bv Ii.." i.r.'"orw at luji - wr, Aiev. e, r; and 8 P. M. 8eaPre? To-mor7ow 'ti.H1 ? iorstrangA. ' BYTlKlAflWN OREFJS Streets. A. JU. and 7. iinnois, NORTH A& -BYTKHIAN fj CLARKE, of ,1 BTV . btrets.-Prcactilng at )VH. BROAD and (tkl-i; Dr. BKKO, from New BluYT- nd VV p &r huil,ir ICK. ' ' '" calvir yr " L;L'aT fRESBTTEKIlv Pieaclilnit To-mornw MnA't. abov pin Rev. T.T. WATKHMAN rV ?2V?,n;tlth. '3 or .n.fv.? !lu iy vT'ir i v 1 -- v. . . v. rsr iiciu ana wal lu A. M. and SP. it.. 1'astor. Experience lieetisg beats free. i nr. II. l . .. II,., i .. uiucft in UAviueuu. Any VtrJtZS 'e,"' wl not "e '" Pyt'-nt on the "bares so to h d?r "" VoH"l'"ber K U7. by pay l"lutei,lkeo "A" .rlkt,: T fer.ceut. pir annnm. f J.lhiereon l rl!hl ' ; " forfeited. 827 w lVtrP y. Trcaaurer. . pTTrrrrx Lfuis. and heading if.V M'j CXIMPAXY-OPFICE. No. 2Z7 , PuriAptLPHiA, June 26, 18C7. rilVIDKKU NOTICE. J 'Af". 'T i o'lijc'V,. UNION M. ArSa? JAMKS NElLL CLKVEL A N It at 8 P. M rs era r K 1 S W A T XiST f'Ufclil'IJ TIltBTS'eiOl. lace. Rev. N. B. BALDWIN willr- N HAPTIJII at A. M. IU-v, L, p. HOtt, 8u-pe,iibove wiu will preach his Second Aqv ,iroacb Tn-Bwr, P.M. . . i KbuIU'KK. r1" jv'-p- REV. AXb7 PuDior of to ' SIT1 I Nf .skKary tierwott V H . ,'WJ!R EIGHTH Street, morrow at A. neCHOU WHO ' iiMMMH. I'.cT Ci TAbERNACI.K !.M", btrt-et. west . t uh and 7 P. MVt-uiiiln.'srr ' : V; itt ivi A. FRONT Blrcet, b o . ;,r,,if; W f - PRJS' and EVuiu. M- I. ,. ... ,.. I' I'l-VP BKI'iStt - " " - -J. (ti-n;orrow Uornln s?$tm :'. :. i. V ai- inP. M. Ai'di? ol 1' ... , . - J. I'KiB t.4 'e'llnir 1 ' UESNl 1 Hole I Vchtne: J Via- t IB will pr' ! in BOR. bi JN'!-'. day Evenln. - 1 '. , H;.i " HC'li .!" -" u Ji'N -iri-'-l. 1 U) rt'ii"- - t.pniNCIPAL .. em Pliilailelpmu, THE INTKUCKJS below BrontV Hun- i " liTr.,.f,r Books at this Company will be closed onAA-i-i Ht'AY- toth of Ju"r ""'t, and be re-oni-77a , DA V, July 16, 1807. i ,Ui..Vueml ol i 1 VE PER CENT has been (loolarArt on Uii' Preferred aud Common Stock.clear of National aud i 'J axDs. payable In cash on and after tbe 161.. ot J ily next to tbe holders thereof, as tbey shall gitnd wintered on the books of the Company on the 61 vj of Jmy next. ah orai-rs tor JJiviaenas must be witnessed and .lamped, , .8. BRADKOUD. - hw Treasurer. PHILADELPHIA AND READING R.R. FOURTH OF JULY EXCURSION TICKETS Will be sold at reduced rates between all stations on tbe Reading Railroad and branches, good from SATURDAY, June 29, , ! TO MONDAY. July 8. 1897. 624 17 OFFICE OP THE LEHIGH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY. Philadelphia, June 20, 1887. A meeting of tbe Stockholders of tbe LhJUluH COAL AND NAVIGATION COMPANY will be held atbte Board of Trade Rooms, CHESNUT Street, above Fifth. on TUESDAY, the second day or July next, at lo1, o'clock A. M., fbr tbe purpose ot con sidering an agreement for tbe consolidation and juierger of tbe corporate righto, powers, franchises, and property of tbe Nantiuoke Railroad Company wlih and Into tbe Lehigh Coal and Navigation Com pany, and also an agreement for a similar merger of the Leblgh and Delaware Water Oap Railroad Com pany Into ibe Lehigh Coal and Navigation Compauy, and of determining by a vote of the stockholder, to be tben and there taken, In person or by proxy, for the adoption or rejecliou ol eauh or either of the suld agreemeuUi, , JAMKS b. COX, 0 'a Prealdent, OFFICE OF THE FRANK FORD ASD PHILADELPHIA PASSENUER RAIL W A V COMPANY. All persons who are subscribers to or holders of the Capital Stock of this Company, and who bave not -t paid the ell'thjM"''t.ll?MO'ti;jn'"w.,.i1'i''. wn '' T4!XBOPRIETORS OF : HOTELS . . .., steamboat companiem. Ti nnrterslfiined hpir leave to inform Prnnrletro. nf floielB, Restaurants, ana Stenioboat Companies tbat ttuy are now oeuer preparea man ever to supply them with FIHST yUALITY HARD METAL, SILVER SOLDERIO), TRIPLK-PLATED TABLE WARE, viz.: Forks aud Sooous (heavy stock), Din ner and Tea Castois, Sugars, Creams, Bread and Cake Baskets, Pickle Jars, Side Dishes (all ftizes), Syrup Cups. Dinner. Dessert, nd Tea Knives (plated or uu pluied), ai-d lu lact everything required to furnish tables In the most complete manner. These goods are all ef our own manufacture and plate, bearing our stamp, and warranted in every respect to he as represented. Otir facilities tor getting out goods In the shortest possible space ol lime are unsurpassed. Having fur nished some of tbe largest Hotels and Steamboat8ln the country, we ruler to them with pride, and our Ware can be examined and seen in daily use at the La Pierre House, Philadelphia, Ashland House, Philadelphia, St. Charles Hotel. Pittsburg. Untied states Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J. National Hotel. Washington. Bteiimer Great Republic, St. Louis and New Orleans trade. Steamship Tioga, Philadelphia and Southern Mail Bteamshlp Company, etc. etc. -MEAT) & CO., Manufactnrsrs of fell ver-Plated Ware and Furnishers of Hotels and Steamers, NO. 1 CBESNTJT HTREET, SOUTH BIDE, SECOND FLOOR, 44 SmrpJ QARD TO JTHE PUBLIC. The undersigned would call the attention ot tbe trade, ai well as tbe public, to the large and superior stock of NTKBLlNti SILVER AND PI.ATF.D-WARS To be found at their manufactory, No. 85 South TH1 HO street, and at the Wareroom, No. lli CHHSNUT Street. These goods are all ol tbelr own manufacture. As Mr. bMY I H is a practical workman, their PLATED aud SILVER-WARE is superior to any In tbe market. Having furnished some of the largest hotels In the country when he was the practical partner of the late firm known as Mead A Smyth, the goods can be seen In daily use, and will recommend themselves, at tbe following hotels' G1RARD HOUr-E. Philadelphia. LA PIERRE HOUSE. Philadelphia, AHBLAND HOOi-K. Philadelphia, ST. i HAHLkH HOTEL Pittsburg. UNITED STATES HOTEL, Atlantic City, N. J. NATIONAL HOTEL. Washington, D. U Although we keep constantly on hand a large and varied slock ot tbe above goods, when desired they may be made lo order of snv irtven pattern, at short notice. SMYTH A AlttIK, 6 S7 Ul6tu8mrpl Manufactory. No. 85 S. THIRD St. Wareroom, No. 1128 CHESNUT Street. BoblBds and Musqulto Nettings, WITH THE PATENT UMBRELLA FRAME ' FOR BEJUM AND CRIOS. SHADES. . .PLAIN AND GILT BORDERED, WHITE, BUFF, AND ORE EN i. ; .LINEN AND HOLLAND SHADES, MADE AND PUT VPINTHWNOR COUN TRY BY EXPERIENCED WORKMEN. AT THE LOW KMT PRICES. SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, 6 2 10t NO. 1008 CUESNCT STREET. E .W . SMOKED AND SPICED SALMON, THE FIRST OF THE SEASON. JUST RECEIVED BY THOMPSON BLACK & SON, BROAD AND CHESNCT STREETS, 1 80 Btuthsmrp Philadelphia, M R N T I To Insurance Companies, Manufacturers of Patent Medicines, and Business Men generally. The undersigned beg leave to Inform the public tbat they are furnishing, in large quantities. Show Cards and Signs of any oeslgn, suitable lor outdoor and la door display. Uold-leaf Letters on Japanned Tin. They are superior to work done by hand, as regards finish and durability, and can be furnished for less than one-ball' the price. Also, Paper Cutlers as busi ness cards. Ordinary Eigne constantly on hand, and a great variety ot Llihograpuic Engravings. Call ana ex amine specimens ol work. JAGGERS A WILLIAMS, 1 28 lmrp No. 612 CIIESNUT Street, Room 15. gEDDINC OF EVERY DESCRIPTipNi .- ,, , ' I., I. I A j.ter- lary; pula. japer; ooks: f. lead f Iflotal '4.htey hi Mll ,,yon fc well - atef . mm . c v - CHAPEL.Tv-! . i- Evenlug. eervHi-. . V. . ii ri- i-i.. ai. yT, REV. ". P.- -fcrj preach In Ai HI TEKNTH Street, above Jeir nxm al n't o'clock. Come au... ir SPtClAL NOTICES. ir-jsp ; RFRT(ERAIOR BAZAAR. B. 8. It-3-''. HARRIS a cv. have. In addition to a fine awiurinirnl ol Rett iterators of best quality, three new paisnts. vl.-H arris' patent. Reee fe Tevls' Patent, an Wrlu'bl'a Patent lee-Water Refrigerator, all wul ranted lo preserve meal, etc. etc, dry aud (meet, and to be tnore eoouointcel In ice than auy Aier AMjii igeraioi-. . B. H. n ARRIS A CO.. I IS 8m4p No. 1 9orth Niuth street, near Race. T r NEWSPAPER ADVEHTTRINTfJ TOY. )E A CO. ' A keata for the "TcusaiiAPH" mnit NtwauHDer Press of Hie whole cbuutrr. h.vt KB. is MOVED from FIFTH ai.d CUEfc UT Streets to No "", w. Iaa k hitth street second deor iove walnut. Viftrt f Oy kick:-No. 1-M 8. SIXTH Street, Philadelphia; ' . . a Bm The ,' I IH' V tl I''-., J I 3pJ TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. New York. known PROCLAMATIO N.-BY VIRTUE of iiuthorHy In uie vi-ated, I hereby m-jke and proclaim lliut by reaioo oi u Biecnuu, :jCTAT1UN Of HTA, and by subsequent Judicial pro- iMa ai'PIii ion oi prne in iiHuioni.. - -i.-ut the said Association has the "("OUMl-HLliL E.K S,PHIA." NCUMAN, rxesl1nt, -ntee d on Ults 2.fU UhV of Mav lHt PPX 'Ihe Ccupot s for In tt rest ou bouds of tbeCompany, due July l, ik7. will be paid (free oi tax) on presenta tion at the Office of JACOB K. Kl DO WAY, No. 67 B. THIRD street, on and after July 1. t)Ct W. h. K EM BLE, Treasurer. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA OAS WORKS. Jiinu 1. lain Proposals will be received at this otlice. No. a) 8. SEVENTH Street, until noon of tbe 1st day ot July, lor the sale to the Trustees ol tbe Philadelphia Uas Works of tbe block In the Ciermunuiwu, Richmond, Mmiyunk, and Southwaik aud Moyamenslug Oaa Companies, lo be used as investments ioi the Sink, leg I undo! said Compaules. ,4'm - BENJAMIN S. RILEY, Cashier. OFFICE OF THE PHILADELPHIA a-? AND. TRENTON RAILROAD CJOAIPAN V. No. 224 b. DELAWARE Avenue. Up Kialrs. Philadelphia. June 27, 1887. Notice is hereby given that the Transfer Books of this Company will be closed on the 1st of July, iSd7. ami ho continue for two weeks. 8 27 M J. Park EH NORRIS. Treasurer. 0 .-8 T " 0 I? F I C E. Philadelphia. Pa.. June m ik,:7 The malls for 11 avium, oaba, per sieaiuauip II KS DR1CK HUDSON, will close al Hit oiuce on TUES DAY, July X, at o'c ock A. M , the day or sailing. taiat Hkwry ii. miM.iuM, p. M. rr ' GEORGE W. FORD, "LOClTsTREET, one door below Third, colloots Bounty, Pen sion; Batlou Money, and all claims aguu.nt the Unv ei-nmeui. or a !ilr 6eliieinul. cail on ilr. FoKD, who is wuli ve:id WiUi aj Uiedutuila of the bu km en. uDu I OGERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP, House, 11 rooms, newly papered, and oa.nted: tan. but and cold water, location hiirh and well shaded: lot 80 by 110 feet. Terms easy. . Iinme Clsie possession. Apply al WILSON'S Tea Ware- bouse. No. 288 CHEsi 1 Street. 1U FOR SALE-VERY DESIRABLE RESI O dence. No. 121 N. TWENTIETH Streot. above Anh (opposite St. Clement's Church). Now vacant. Open from 8 to 12 A. M. aud 1 to ft P. M. Price, (llou. t ; 2 l TO RENT. f TO RENT-IN CAMDEN, N. J., il CM)TTAOE, WITH LARUE UARDEN. Immediate possession. A line collage, fourteen rooms, fountain in front yard, and large garden in the rear, well slocked with a variety ol fruit I rees: for rent until 1st of April next. Location No. 418 N. SECOND Street. Apply to JOSEPH J. READ. No, 111 MARKET Street, It Camden, N. J. fy TO LET A COMMODIOUS STONE MAN SION, with luree Garden, Carriage House, eta, attached, on PROSPECT HILL, Dear Frankford, 'iwenty-flftu Ward. Easy of access by Filth b'x tb Streets Railroad. Inquire oi JOHN O. 8TKT" LEit. No. lMl til HARD Avenue. a 1&UP TO LET-PART OF THE II0U9BN0. X k 508 H. FOURTH Street, below Lombard, east ... e. Inquire bu the pxeiuioea. ltcareiMies re ijuUetl, t 20 SEW REGISTERED LOAN OF THE LEHIGH ;WAL AND NAVIOA- TION COMPANY, YIELDING BIX PER CENT. INTEREST, payable quarterly, free from Tax, for sale in sums to suit, at SS, and accrued iuterest fiom May L BACON A WARDER, 6 27 thstoflt NO. atHK WALNUT ST. T HE EX H I BIT. ION OF THB PEABODY MINIATURE OK QUEEN VICTORIA. ' WILL BE CliOSED ON SATURDAY, - - JULY Sin. EARI.ES' OALLERIKS. 8277trp NO. 818 CHESNUT STREET. BALANCE 0F STOCK AT COST. IN order to close out tbe balance of our summer siock of i'lolb, Silk, and Laos Mantillas, we have (narked them down al cost. . MRS. F, HENRY, 82Mw ' ' yd. 18 N. K1GUTH Street. TUKNIP SEEDS ALL THE BEST VA. rletlee. Also. Snap-Hhort Beans. Sugar Corn, live. Pickling Cucumber, and other Seeds In sea- avo. XI, A. Dill-. ttlt. Seed warehouse, it No. 714 CHEtoNUXbueet, '20CIUIILL Z WILOOn, as aV CL0THINO HOUSE, Nos.603and 605 CHESNUT St. The Public are invited to ex amine our extensive assortment of Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, for Spring and Sum mer Wear, just made of fresh materials, and in the latest and most approved styles. Clothing made to order for Gents and Bovs in the most ar tistic manner, and reasonable prices. The best Cutters and Work men employed. Our Stock of Readv-made Clothing is well made, well trim med, and Reliable. 616 t7 8 p piRE AND BURGLAR SAFES! MARVIN'S PATENT ALUM AND DRY PLASTER THOROUGHLY FIRE-PROOF. i '. . ' , PERFECTLY DBY ALWAYS RETAIN THESE QUALITIES4 ' MANY THOUSANDS OF OUR .SAFES IK- . ' USE.- EXAM INK BEFORE PURCIIAS1NCI ELSE WHERE. . MARVIN & CO., 721 CHESTNUT St.(MasonicHaIi . . AND S6S BROADWAY, NEW YORK. FAMILY SAFES FOR PLATE, JEWELRY. ETC. ETC. BANKERS' STEEL CHESTS, SECOND-HAND SAFES. SAFES EXCHANGED ON LIBERAL TERMS. Slstnthlm SEND FOB ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE. Q R O Q U E T. AMERICAN CB04VET COMPANY. E. HOSKINS & CO., NO. 1 ARCH STREET. ' SOLE AGENTS. CROQUET, S7'B0, SIO'00. tl00. AND 14-00 PER SET. OUR 7'00 SET IS EQUAL TO OTHER MANUFACTURERS 910-00 SETS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEND FOR CIRCULAR. R. HOSKINS CO., 1 1 tuthsemrp WO. 1 ABl'U STREET. WEDDING CARDOs PAIlTTtT INVITATIONS. THE LATEST NOVELTIES. XI. HOSKINS & CO., ' STATIONERS AND ENGRAVERS, l IltutbsSmrp HO. SIB ARCH STREET. JOHN 0. ARRISON, Kos. 1 and 3 North Sixth Street, PhiladelpMa, ! d invite the attention of his friends md customers to his superior j ' assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Good; Abo. to his Improved Pattern Shirt; the material, workmanship and finish cannot he surpassed by any in the Market. rini g AUG II 8 RAW D0H SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF LIMB. ' Tbe great Fertiliser or all crops. Quick in Ita action, aud permanent In lis si) acta, Estahliahed over twelve years. Dealers supplied by the canto, direct from tka wharf of tbe manufactory, on ltbexU terms. Manufactured only by BAUQH A BONS, Office No. 20 South DELAWARE Avenue, 4amwrp Philadelphia. 600 ARCJI STREET. 600 TO CROQUET PLAYERS. GAMES 7 60, I0 0t), AND 1'0. GRIFElfU A PAGX3, i NO. 0ABtn SXJtJULT. . 1