THE DAILY VEKlKGr TIXEGRAFH PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1867. B A TTEMPT AT MURDER AND SUI CIDE IN NEW YORK. Yesterday morninR about sir o'clock, a trade, affair occurred In the premie No. 49 aveiiue B hlch reulted In the death of an Of rman named John Smith. It appear, that 8a, tth for the last four year had been livm with Eliza beth Knouer, who, a lew days flliico. left iUl .-a ,,!: in M w'lh ""tucr man in the game t-o;,:'TbT, conduct "on the part o( t"'beth wenweed Smith that he resolved to .ftake her Me, and then end hi. o'V'i-w rSm m" hut Preceded only in lnfl.ctlnK, severe ra'h over She IcA je. nother r n' lbe baolt l her head. She became friebt.T, ud Mi to he Poor when Smith riuhed dovn stnin-, at the bottom or which be Mopped ad cut a frightful h in hi" own throat wi'.fl the ranor he had Ktd upon bit former wAslroM. Ho Ml from log, of blood, and. -whs ! removed to Bcllcvue Hospital, where he expired soon after WibBion. Ccroner t'ebirmer was notiued, and held an. inquest on the body Riibiolnco win oe juuuu . u..nt fnaiimouv elicited on tue verdict of UI ta the JUrJ,M0NT 0F H.I7ABETH KK0UEK. Elizabeth Knoncr, being duly sworn, say I live at No. 49 avenue 15: 1 used formerly to live with the deceased; I was with him four years, And four days ago I left him and came to live with Joseph time; the dectased turned me out, and said he would live with me no longer; this morning, at 6 o'clock, he came up here; no one was in the ioom but mysell; the deceased came up to me and said, "Shake hands." and I held out my riftht hand, which he grasped, and with the leit hand he drew a rtzor and cut me over the left eye and buck of the head; I became so frienlcned that I fell down, and then he hastened away, and alter running down stairs cut his own throat. TESTIMONY OF FREDKKICK SMITH. Frederick Smith beinsr sworn, says I live in First avenue, between Fllty-lourth and Fifty fifth streets; the deceased was my father: for the last Ave or six years he has been living with a woman, and was not mairled to her; the name of this woman is Elizabeth Knouer, who is in the habit of drinking, and has spent all the money my father had accumulated as a farmer; lor a living he was In the habit of peddling vegetables and other thin its; thia woman he lived with pot, besides, $390 from her son in Andersonville, which she also spent; latterly they became veiy much reduced in circum stances, and this woman lett my father to live with another man in the same house; this ex cited deceased so much that I heard he cut this woman In the lace, and after going into her room cut his own throat, this morning, at halt past C o'clock, alter which he was taken to the hospital, and died in half an hour. MEDICAL TESTIMONY. Joseph VT. Howe, M. D., Head Surgeon of Eellevuo Hospital, deposed that John Saiitb. was admitted to that institution yesterday moraine, suffering from an incised wound of the throat; death ensued half an hour alter ad mission, ironi excestive hemorrhage. This closed the testimony, and the case being submitted to the jury, they returned a verdict el'aeuth from suicide. Deceased was sixty-five years of age. The woman Knoner will be around again in a lew days. tf. Y. lleraid to day. THE LORD BOND ROBBERY. On Million Two Hundred Thousand Dollar Worth of Bond Hectored. Tbe Lord bond robbery, which created so much excitement at tbe time of its communion, for months past has almost been forgotten by the public; but yesterday a new phase in the affair occurred, which will no doubt be the caue of considerable comment in certain circles for some time to come. It appears that during the past year Detective Elder and Cap tain Jourdan scoured portions of New Hamp shire, Rhode Island, MaisncbuseUs, Pennsylva nia, Maine, and Canada to ferret out the where abouts of persons connected with the rob bery, and they succeeded in their searcb.ins'B in arresting: Charles Petteueill, Charles Howard, John Stewart, VV. A. Babcock, aud John Lynch, and ieciverin? $300,000 worth of tbe bonds stolen. Last week these officers, aecerta nine that a prominent broker tn this country bad a large quantity of the stolen bonds m nis possession, lortbwitb baa bim Indicted by tbe Grand Jury. This party acd, it is sulci, another broker who does not reside in the United States, no doubt becoming alarmed at the aspect aflairs were assuming, and desirous of clearing their skirts as fui as they were able of participation in the robbery, yesterday sent to Mr. Lord $1,200,000 worth of the bonds stolen irom him, the owner thereby recovering all the money he had lost with the exception of about $90,000 in seven-thirties and sixes of 1881. The parties concerned are said to be "resectable," but it would be a matter of great public interest could It be known who these par ties are, how they came into possession of tbe bonds, and why tbey have kept them for so long a time from lrom their rightful owner. N. Y. Herald to-day. THE INDIAN TROUBLES. Indian Demonstrations and Capture of Cattleat Fort Dodge Pursuit of a Party f Kiowa.-Colorado Scalp Hunters in the Field. Leavenworth, Kansas, June 24. A letter lrom Fort Dodge, Kansas, on tbe SautaKe road, says that on the 30th ulU a baud of Indian.', numbering; 159, led by Satanta, chief of the Klowas, who lately made a treaty with General Hancock, dashed np within 400 yards of the fort and captured 92 horses belonging to Com pany B, 7th Cavalry. Only two men were on guard, one of whom escaped, but the other had five arrows shot into his body. The earrison rescued him in a dying condition. The Indians escaped with the stock. Duriog the same nlpbt two men came into the Fort, closely putsaed by Indians, and stated that the Kibwas were murdering settlers aud Pteiiiintr stuck thirty miles west. Company I, 37th Infantry, were at once put into sis-mule watrous and sent in pursuit, but up to the 16th . inst. nuthiog bad been heard from them. The railroad emplojes west of Fort Harker were attacked and driven in. Many Mexican trains on tbe Santa Fe toad arc In preat danger. Tbe letter states that the border settlers are fleeinpto tne military forts, leaving -property behind them. The citizens of Colorado have raised a large fund, and oner $20 eaca tor Indian scalps. Over 200 men have taken the field in small parties to obtain scalps. At a reoent wedding in Detroit, the bride groom was called on for a song. He cheerfully promised to comply, and Baid he would give fi frinds a new version of "Hunkadorl." On taking the paper from his vest pocket, it Jroved to be not a slip front a newspaper, as io had calculated, but a greenback which he Lad intended for the clergyman's fee. Imagine the bridegroom's consternation at the trick he had unwittingly played on the clergyman; and imagine also the indignant surprise of the latter when he found only a new version of "Hunkadorl," when he wanted some money for marketing next day I It is a well-known rale of etiquette for the marriage fee to be given and received quietly, without examina tion. A boy, who Joined the Pha-be, a British steam corvette, as a midHhiptnan, was seized by his fellow-middies, lashed to a gun-earriage, and the 'broad arrow"of the navy, with which her Majesty's Btores are usually marked, was indelibly tattooed on the unollending victim's nose. The ringleader in the outrage, who cinght to have been doubly tattooed, was only dismissed the ship as a puni&lunent, DRY GOODS. LIKEN STORE. 98 ARCH STREET. Largest Linen Stock In the City. ORE AT REDUCTION IN PRICES. LINEKS RETAILING AT P BICES. inroHTEnt' Lately opened, direct from Europe, FINE SCOTCH TABLE CLOTH AND NAPKINS, RICHARDSON'S TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. HCOTCII TOWELLINCIM,SCARCE GOODS. II LOO 91 DAMASK TOWELS. LINEN DBILL STAIB CBASII, BED BOBBER. BROWN LINEN CRUMB CLOTH, H, AND 4 YARDS WIDE. SEVERAL BALES POWER-LOOM TABLE LI MENS. LINEN CAMBRIC DRESSES, NEW TV LES, PRINTED SHIRTING LINENS, ETC. GEORGE MILLIKEN, LIKEN IMPORTER AND DEALER, 4 6 tbstasmrp No. 888 ARCH STREET. REDUCTION IN PRICES. IN CONSEQUENCE OF ALTERATIONS TO BE MADE ON OR ABOUT AUGUST I, We shall sell till that time our Stock of SPEING AKD SUMMER GOODS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. PERKINS, 621tftp No. 9 S. NINTH Street. THE ONE PRICE STORE. I HATE OPENED THIS "OBNINO, Great novelties in Dress Goods, COMPRISING IN PART; at nlerps fine Cambric Lawns at 25 cents. j pieces fine fswlss J.awns at half price. 25 pieces hue Organdie .Lawns, corded In French printing. . . . , l ine Lawn Robes, ust one-third their value, 80 pieces prlnU-d PlqutB. in oll-palnted Solon. for beauty cf design and coloring they have no equal. Tourists and others in want of such goods would do well to call. ... j uHt opened, anomer case oi muse uuq wuiw jtujuw, handsome goods, only 60 cents. TRAVELLING GOODS. TRAVELLING GOODS. Granite Poplins, Glade Mobalr, Poplin Cashmere. Popliuella, plain aud mottled Goods, all at tow PY'yard black Glacle, or Dresses, equal to silk: appearance and lustre. JSiW GOOD8 opening daily, from New York, Phila delphia, and other markets. MTJBLINS! MUSLINS! MTJSLLNS1 All the leading makes ot SHIRTING, SHEETING, and A t tbe lowest market prices. i I lm Yard Wide Brown Heavy, only 1214 cents. No. 7 Norm EIGHTH mreet. No. 1101 UH.EBNUT IStreeL. Ladles leaving tor the Country or Watering Places will find 1FI.ENPID ASSORTMENTS OF MATEBIALS FOB WHITE BODIES, EMBROIDERED BREAKFAST BETS, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFB, LINEN UNDERSLEEVEd, PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS, PLAIN AND PRINTED PIQUES, AT E. M. NEEDLES & CO.'S, N. W. Corner Eleventh nd Cbasnut leeilft iriMWHO UIII 'OiJ Q O O P E R ' S, 8. E, Cor. NINTH and AUCH Streets. A GENERAL REDUCTION IN PRICES. Linens for Ladles', Gents', and Boys' Wear, Linen Drills, White and Colored Bosom Liuens, aud bhlrt loir Linens. Muslins, Bleached and Unbleached, 10c. per yard anu uu. Willie Goods In every variety and price. Quilts lu every variety. Calicoes. 10. vi'X. 16. ami 18c.! bpst nnalltlns. We now have a complete stock of Ladies' and Gents' HuHlery at competition prices. Our slock of Khirt Fronts better than ever every style and pattern, and every price; guaranteed all Linen, and warranted to (five sulUfuctlon. Cheap lot Table Linens, 6-4, 45o.; bargains. Bleached, Madame toy's Corset and Skirt Supporters; every Imuy Huuuiu nave one. Lawus closing out at 20c. per yard. COOPER'S, 6 IS Btutb4p. NINTH and ARCH Streets. jrt 11V i O TTJV r:n(i IlS PATJTSlTTa T ITTTWflB J (ji L CLOTHS. AND W1W 1HJW H M A Dm Great Bamalus irom uuu.-t,, wjm am kauli W. ik. corner of ELEVENTH aud MARKET Btreeui will open this morning lOoo yards ex ira qnalliy dou ble Imperial White canton Matting. slightly slaluod, will be sold at 7'-. worth 76c. ! Red Cheek Matting. 23, .... f .vnol. &i t B't UK an Si. tl-xS.ll'Sl, aud sl fiS; Ingrain Carpets, wool ailing 4i.45, 6o7 and sac.; Three-ply CarpeiH, lino; Ku((iisk Tapestry Brussels CarMis, fret "u fiemn c . .'. ui , ....... m ,',,i t.. ion.! Entry and HLalr ', uets! 60 to B7c; Window Whades, II UK Plain Hhadlng, 7 auu K.; Ttibla Linens, 62a tol-6o; Towels. 12 to 2Ao Flaoue; for llamnig lioow, on- i . j khj. .i. . ,u.. . i ...... u u U'hn . Akild Hah, btreets. DRY GOODS. is rv AND R & CO litre a, FULL FRESH STOTir ff R&innMA Ooods. the treat bulk of which helm imr. cl)(utP(l,n(fMAINI,Y FOR CASH offers iipeclal in ducements to CLOBE CABH JJU YJCRS. DOMESTIC GOODS. . Hood Blenched Muslins, 12', IS, and is cents. Rest jard-whls Hient heri, 20 to 2 cents. Unbleached uhli tin pa, low by tbe yard or piece. Wide theelngs, est goodi, 45 to M cenui. Mosquito IS ft, white, pink, blue, and yellow. . DHEW GOOD. All the new materials for short dresses, (mat's Hair In all the new shades. Plain Alpacas and Poplin Mixtures. Lawn and Organdies, select styles. Rlack Goods of every description. CALICO COUNTER , 15, end 18 cent fast color prints, over 200 pieces. Choicest sty les American Prims, at these low prices. . Wrapper Prints, entirely new deigns, iS acd aocls. ulngDams, a superb stock, bett goods, lrom tt to 88 cents. cloak noon, 3 00 Shetland Bhawls, still another lot. 2'S0 and t-llH) Llama Neat Hhawls. Superb Shawl Htork, f nm tv-uo (0900. J.lBina Lace Polo les and Motondes, bilk and Cloth Bucques reduced in price. M EN'S TTEAB. Jq Stoat Linen Frills and Duck. French Padded Drills, lor bent custom. .Fancy Drlllsand Duck tor pants. Iltstuthlp CoatlnK for business, dress, hot weather, etc. Casslnieres, 76 cents np, all (trades, immense stocV. Bapldly selling at almost lowest old prices. pRICE & WOOD, N. W, CORNER KIGHTII AND FIIJUERT, DATE JUST OPENED A new lot of Cambric Edgings, very cheap. Dimity Bands, 15, 16, 22, 23, and 2c Ladles' and Gents' Hosiery and Gloves, Summer TJnder-Vests and Punts. Gents' Shirt Feonts and Suspenders. Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, etc. etc. Tooth Brushes, Hair Brubhes, and Nail Brushes. Buffalo and Iudla-rubbci Dressing Combs. Liuen and Silk Fans, very cheap. Ladles' and Gents' Linen Hdkfs. Ladles' Hemstitched and Tucked Hdkfs. WHITE tlOOSSl WHITE WOODS 1 White Piques, 50, 00, 75, 85 cents, and 1 per yard, , Plaid and Stripe Muslins, Solt Finish Cambrics, Jaconets, and Nainsooks. Victoria Lawns and Swiss Muslins, eta Best makes Bleacned and Unbleached Muslins. Pillow-case and Sheeting Muslins, etc French Lawns, 26 cents a yard. French Percales. Fine colored Mohair Alpacas. Mixed Poplins for Travelling Dresses. Cheap Plaid Goods, !6 cents a yard. CHEAP BLACK SILKS. 10 22 PRICE & WOOD. N. W. Corner EIGHTH and FILBERT Bta. 5000 YARDS BEST FRENCH LAWN3i IN SMALL. DESIGNS, REDUCED TO S3 CENTS. JAS. R. CAMPBELL & CO., NO. 727 CIIESNCT STREET. SUMMER DRESS GOODS, AT 23,85,00,63,75 CENTS, ALL OBEAILT REDUCED IN PRICE. JAS. H. CAMPBELL & CO., NO. 787 CHESNUT STREET. BLACK SILKS OF SUPERIOR QUALITT, TERT CHEAP. "WHITE GrOOJJS IN GREAT VARIETY, AT LOW PRICES. BALES FROM NOW UNTIL 27th DAY OP JUNE WILL BE MADE AT GREATLY REDUCED RATES, IN ORDER TO CLOdU OUT BTOCK. ONE PRICE ONLY. JAS. It. CAMPBELL & CO., IS 12trp NO. 7X7 CHESNUT STHJEKT. QREAT REDUCTION IN FANCY DRY GOODS. GEORGE FliYEK, No. 916 CHESNUT STREET, " Informs his customers that be ia selling bis entire Stock of 4 18 Sm SILHS, SHAWLS. AND DRESS OOODS 0 Regardless of cost, to close them out by July k OILKS ! SILKS! SILKS! ULACK SILKS, VBET DO. PURPLE DO. WHITE DO. ttHIS PELS DO. STRIPED DO, And many other RICH BTIADE8, all of SUPERIOR QUALITIES AND REST MAKEtt, ar offered at LOW 1IGURE, at MAD'LLE KEOGH'S, illthltutm NO. 004 WALNUT STREET J. CHAMBERS, NO. 810 AKCJ1 STREET. . Movemes opening vn Khm1 (Jluur Lkom. black tiulpure Laoee. Polut Applique Lacafl Polule de Gbm Iju'c. Thread Veils truui Z'ia. WHITE GOODS. Marseilles for Presses Bargains. French Munllna. I yards wide, at DO cents. Shirred and Tueked Laua MunIIiis: India Twilled Long ( loth ; Fluid, hiriiie, aud Plain NalnHooks; soft UnlBh Cambric, H, yard wide Cambrlo EUgliiKS aud deip rr cheap 1 6 Sim BALANCE OF STOCK AT COST. IN order to close out the balance of our Bummer block of Cloth, bilk, and Lacs Mantillas, we have maraud tbew down At cost. MRS. K. HENRY, f 22 2(V Fo. lfl H. EIUUIU Blret. DRY GOODS. 229 PARSES & YARtlER. 229 NORTH NINTH STREET, ABOVE RACE, Have Just received Organdy Lawns, neat flgitres, J6c worth Xrno. Black Alpacas, 37. 40, 45, 60, 56,C2; (9,75, to, S3, and nn.cents One bale Cotton and Wool Flannel, JSo, Shirting Linens. 60, 60, 2'-i . 70, 73, 60. S3, 90, etc. Honey Comb Quills, 22o; a bargain. 00 pieces riald Nainsooks, 23, 87'(, 43, 60, and 60c, Handsome Plaid Nainsooks for Wrappers. Bsrgrlns ia Hhlrred Muslins, 60, 73, 8ft, II, II'IS. Linen Shirt Fronts. 80, 87 45, 60, 2.', and 73c. Gents' Summer Undershirts, 78c and $1, Plain Linen Ducks, 20 and !Uc Linen Drill. 37. 43, and 600. White Linen Duck, 90c. and ft; Basket do., 1 1-60. Muslins, UuHllns, 15, 16, IS, 19, 20, 22, 23, 25c., etc Pillow Cass and Sheeting Muslins. - Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, and SwIhs Malls. Soa Finish Jaconets and Caiubrlos. White Piques, 60C Imported Whalebone Corsets, li'25. Hosiery, Gloves, Udkfs., Hoop Skirts, FAMES & WARNER, NO. 2 NORTH NINTH STREET, 2 29 ABOVE It ACE. "PARIS.-AU PAGE, No. 16 RUE VIVTENNE, A. jotioTn ot m uouri i iiu,on me leu iirrti neor. BPfcCIALlY tOK MLKM, M ANTl.fc.H, iS(l UACIES HOUVEAUTES FOR SALE. FOR SALE A COTTAGE WITH modern conveniences, gns, bath, etc.. sllnatn no u. hill back of the Mount Carbon House. Potlsvllle. l a., coniniuuding a uuiKiiiflcetit view, and containing an acre oi ground wen iouuivaieu. 1 rice, ii.xiu. 1'uo- togruphs may be seen on appncniion. S 22t Ko. 218'j WALNUT Htreet. FOR SALE TVX SUBSCRIBER OFFERS J tier for sale the vul ji ble property, conslstlna of oi m on ion JioOBR. csiaoie. ixi ot urounu. miuuie at the Northwest corner of M'RUCE and ELEVENTH Streets, In the city of Philadelphia, containing la front ou pi uce street 144 feet and on Eleventh street loo ieei. Apply to llwiq it. itciun&K, 6 2i tf Ho. 152 outh FOURTH Street. FOR SALE THE FOUR-STORY" Dwelling, with three-story back bulldliiK. No. 737 K WINTH btreet, containing twelve rooms besides water closet, store rooms, ana oath room, with all the modern conveniences. Terms easy. Apply on the premises. 6 2zstulh3t OERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE A4CHEA1', House, II rooms, newly papered, and pa oted; gas, hot and cold water; location high and well shaded; lot SO by 110 feet. Terms easy. Imme diate possession. Apply at WlLSO'd Tea Ware house, Bo. 236 CUESHUT street. 1 It TO RENT. TO LET A COMMODIOUS STONE MAN- kSION. with lame Garden, Carriage House, etc.. Twenly-ilflh Ward. Easy of access by Filth and t.lxth streets Railroad. Inquire ol JOHN G. 8TKT- LER, No. 1321 G1RARD Avenue. 16 tftp dTIt TO LET- PART OF THE HOUSE NO. JA&0 S. IOUKT1I Street, below Lombard, east -ide. Inaulre on tbe premises. References ro quired. ll 26 C H O Q U E T. AMERICAN CROQUET COM PANT. E. H0SKINS & C0.f ISO. SIS ABCH STBCET, SOLE AGENTS. CROQUET, 97'SO, 91000. gia-OO, AND 914-00 PER MET. OUR 97SO SET IS EQUAL TO OTHER MANUFACTURERS' 91000 SETS). WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. SEND FOlt CIRCULAR. R. HOSKINS CO., NO. fl ARCH STREET. 1 1 tuthsemrp jJ E D D I fi C CAR DO. PARTY INVITATIONS. THE LATEST NOVELTIES. It. HOSKINS & CO., STATIONERS AND EN RATERS, tltnthsamrp MO. Sit ARCH STREET. QOLD'S IMPROVED PATENT LOW STEAM ADD HOT WATER APPARATUS, FOR WAHMINO AND TENTILATINO WITH PURE EXTERNA!, AIR. Also, tbe approved Cook log Apparatus, THE AMERICAN KITCHENS On the European plan or heavy castings, durability aud neatneHS ot construction. Suitable tor Hotels, Puhllo Institutions, and the better class oi rrivate itesiueucea. Also, Agents for tbe ale ol SPEARMAN'S PATENT SAFETY VALVE, Which should be connected with every water back ud boiler, and OKLfc 1TH'8 PATENT ARCHIMEDEAN VENTILATOR. UNION STEAM AND WATER KEATING COMPANY. JAMES P. WOOD A CO., NO. 41 SOUTH FOURTH STREET. B. M. FELT WELL, Superintendent 4 26 8m THE GENUINE EA0L8 VEIN, THE CELE hrated PRKSTON. and the pure bard GHhKN WOOD (,'UAL, Kgg and Btove, sent to all parts ot the City at t SO per ton; superior Ll.illUH at 6-7n. EhcIi of ths above articles are warranted to give perfect satisfaction I i every respect. Orders received at Mo. 114 8. TUIKD bireet; Ewporluuj, Mo. nit WAbUIMUTON Avenue. it (JOO AIIOH STREET. 600 TO CROQUET PLATERS. UAHES , mo-oo, and iaoo. ORirriTu at page, flGf MO, 000 ARCH STREET, RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE. rUE WASHINGTON LIBRARY COMITY. TRINCITAL OFFICE, No. 1225 CIIESNIT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. I SUBSCRIPTION ONE DOLLAR. 1300,000 PKl SF.JiTID TO SUBSCRIBERS ONE CASH rRRNENT OF (40,000. ONE CASH PRESENT Or 930,000. ONE CASH PRESENT OF 910,000. ONE. CAS II PRESENT OF 95000. TWO CASH PRESENTS OF 98300 EACH. . Rc ad full Schedule of Fresonts beiow. EACH CERTIFICATM OF STOCK IS AO COmPANIKD WITH A BEAUTIfUI. RTEELPLATB ENW RAVING, WORTH MORE AT RETAII. THAN THE COST OF CERTIFICATE, AND ALSO INSURES TO THE HOLDER A PRESENT IN TUB CI HEAT DISTRIBUTION. THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY CO. Is chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and or ganized In aid ot THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Incorporated by th State of New Jersey, April 8, 1807, Pltonte at Riverside, Burlington county, T7ew Jersey, Slid founded for the pmpone oi gratuitously euucitilng the sons of deceased bolulers and Seamen of the United States. The Board of Trustees consists of the following well- know n citlcens of Pennsylvania and Mew Jersey: , HON. WILLIAM B. MAISN, umirici Ain rney, runuuumuia, ra HON. LEWIS R. B ROOM A LL, Ex-Culel Coiner, U.B. iVlinv, ana iiecoroer or ueens . PhUadelDhia. Pa HON. JAMES M. BCOVEL, . New Jersey HON. W. W. WARE, , itew Jersey HENRI GORMAN, ESQ.. Twl, , , . Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa, J. K. COE, EbU., . . . oi joy ooe ol vo., ruiiaaeipniA. THKASTTBT DltPABTMItNT. WASHlNeTOW, T. C. April, is, 1807. OtHce or Internal Revenue: Having received satlslactory evidence that the proceed! of tbe enterprise conducted by tbe "Washiuglot Library Company" -will be devoted to charlt,abl Ufces, perruiesion is hereby granted to said Coinpan to conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, wnetoer irom special tax ur uinrt uuiy. in. a.. nui.Liio, uummissioner. THE LIBRARY WASHINGTON COMPANT, In order that this benevolent object may be auc cessiuPy accomplished, jave Issued live series of UNE B1EI-L-PLATE ENGKAVIUOH, whirb we put on subscription at prices much below their retail value, CERTIFICATES OP STOCK IN TOE WASHING TOM L1BBARY COMPANY ...II, Ka Intti,, A .l.mnMl ulth I l,u 1 11 1 tlm Pin.n. n and sluued bv the Secretary. (None others eennlne.t Any person sending tONE, TWO, THREE, iOL'R, Agents, will receive, Immedl alely, fine Steel-Plate Engraving, as set fortb below, aud as many eartln- cates oi bioch as iu uuuiuer ui uoiiars pain: insuring tM K PRKBENT lu our published schedule fur EACH one-dollar engravings. No. l-"My Child I My Child II" Na -"They're bveai ! uey re oavea i r- xto. jia fceveuly-BH; or, xue JLuriy u.b ui ,u. avvuiuuuii," T WO-DOLLAR EMGHA VINGS. No. 1 "'Washington's Courtship." M 2 ''Waeb log ton's Last Interview with his Mother." THREK-LOLLAH EMGRAVNQ. HOME FROM THE WAR." and Three Cerlliicales of block, insuring Three PrMiDLl. FOUR-DOLLAR ENGRAVING. "THE PERI 1.8 OK OUR FOKEFATHERS," and Four Certificate ol block, insuring Four Presents. FIVE-DOLLAR ENGRAVING. "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS," and Five Certificates olbiock, lnsuriug Five Presents. The engravings and certificates will be delivered at our Local Agencies, or sent by mail postpaid, or express, as may be ordered, THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY COMPANY V1U AWARD THREE HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL UBS IN PRESENTS TO THE (SHAREHOLDERS ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1867, I AT PHILADELPHIA, PENNA., OB AT TBJt INSTITUTE. SCHEDULE OP PRESENTS. 1 Cash Present..-....-.......- ftO.OOO 1 Cash Preseu 1 Cash Preseiit...... ........ Cash Preneul.......... ............ .......................... &.W0 g Cash Presenu of 260u each ... 5 ow 1 Handsome Country Residence, Stable, Grounds, etc, Germantowo, Phlla. ig oon 1 Double Residence, three-story brick, Cam den, N. J.. .............. J5 go 1 Coal Depot, olllces, Sheds, aud Ground.wllh business established. No, 1314 Wasltlugton avenue, Philadelphia, 15,000 1 Country Residence, Riverside, N. J with Ground, Fruits, etc,... 10,000 1 Three-story Collage, Lot, elc 6,000 25 Valuable Building Lots.Rlversida, f 300 each 6,000 1 Elegant Turnout Family Carriage, bpan of Horses, Harness, etc, complete 6,000 10 Valuable Bulldtug Lots, Riverside. taoO each 8.U00 1 Beautiful bllver-grey Horse, l!!i bauds high, sired by the celebrated Imported Arabian Horse "Caliph;" also, a light Road Wagon, weight 140 pounds, with set ot superior blngle Uaruesa, Lap Blauket, Whip, elc...- , 5,000 20 Pianos, (too each 10,110 20 Melodeons. each ...... 4,noo 4 Rosewood Sewing Much lues, Aju each l.uoo 10 Family Sewing Machines, t luo each..... 1,000 60 Flue Gold Watches, each...... j 000 100 Oil Paintings, by leading artists aggregate ' value...- 10.000 8 Camel's Hair Shawls, Kki0 each g ooo 2 Camel's Hair Shawls, tilooo each...,M..,. b.imo g Hmidaume Luce bliHWls, (io encli. ........ ...... 750 10 Cashmere Shawls, 160 each 51,0 20 Silk Dress Patterns. 75 em-h , . .. 1 guo 60 t'lty Building Lots. 1176 each.... t 750 The renmluder will consist of Sliver Ware, Musical Boxes, Opera Glasses, Pocket Bibles, and dlllereut articles of ornament and use, amounting to.. MM...M..... 82,000 Total ... 4300,000 JIT All the pioperlles aie given clear of incum brance HOW TO ODTAIN SHARES AND EN URAVINUS. Rend orders by mall, eucloslng from tl to I20, either by Post Otlice orders or lu a registered letter, at our risk. Larger amounts should be seut by draft or ex press. 10 shares, with Engravings.. . 49-50 2d MNNNMiHmlMIMHIItUN 2360 M) " " " 46 60 76 JJ U 6 HO Ixjcal and Travelling AGENTS WANTED through out the United btales. Tbe Association bave appointed a Receiver Messrs. QEORQE A. COOKE & CO. Bankers, No. 38 8, THIRD Street, whose well-known lutegrlty and bosi. ness experience will be a sufficient guarantee that the money entrusted to them will be promptly applied to tbe purposes stated, Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1867. Jb A OJUceri and Memberi of the Wathinuton Library Vumpuny, Ji. H. &MAD, becreUiry. Gentlemen: On receipt of your favor of the 15th Instant, nolifylug us ol our appolntmeut as Receivers for your Company, we took the libi-rty to submit a copy of your Charter, with a plan of your enterprise, to the highest legal authority of the Stale, and having received his favorable opinion lu regard to Its legality, aud sy 111 path ir.lug with the benevolent object or yoar Association, viz., the education aud maintenance of the orphan child' en of our soldiers and sailors at tbe Riverside lusillute, we bave concluded to accept trust, and to use our best ellorta to promote so worm an object. Respectfully, yours, etc, GEO. A. COOKH A CO. All order by mall should be addressed to GKORG A. COOKE fc CO.. UtkUkws, JSo, jU S, XUUUJ blre SUMMER RESORTS. u n F HOUSE,' ft ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The above House will be opened on tbe 1st of JUR.R. For particulars, etc., address Wlf, T. CATLER PROPRIETOR, UU ATLANTIC CITY. N. I, S u r-i n e r nnconTa ON LINK OP Reading liallroad and Branehcse iANSlON HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON Mrs. Caroline Wander, PottsvlUe P. a.Bchurlkii TUSCAR0RA HOTEL, Mrs. nannab Miller, Tuscarora P. a, Bchnylkllloo MANSION HOUSE, a. W. Frost. Mahanoy City p. oM BchuyikUl oonntjT WHITE HOUSE, Mrs. BusanMandorf, Reading P.O. ANDALUSIA, James 8. Madeira, Reading P. O. LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL. Dr. A.Bmlth, Wernersvllle P. O., Berks county. SOUTH MOUNTAIN HOUSE, u. u. uanaerbach, Womelsdorf P. O,, Berk ee. COLD SPRINGS HOTEL, Lebanon co., Mrs, M. Rodermel.HarrlBbargP.Cv B 0 YER TO WN SEMINAR Y F. H, Btanffer, Royertown P, O., Rerks co, YELLOW SPRINGS HOTEL, A. TJ. Bnyder, Yellow Gprlngs P. O., Chester CO. LITIZ SPRINGS B. Llcbtentbaler A. Bon Litis P, Lancaster co, EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, A. B. Feather, Ephrata P. P., Lancaster co. 5 6tm EXCHANGE ATLANTIC HOTEL. CITY. The asbscrlber, grateful lor past favors, tender, thanks to hi patron and tbe public for the generous custom given bim, and begs leave to say that h la bouse is now open for tbe season, and ready to re celve boarders, permanent and transient, on the most moderate terms. The bar will always be supplied with tbe choicest ot wines, liquors, and cigars, and superior old ale. The table will be set with the best tbe market affords. Fishing lines and tackle always on hand. Stable room on tbe premises. All the comfort of a borne can always be found a the Exchange. GEORGE IIAYDAY. PROPRIETOR. 128 tuths2m (J ft IT ED STATES HOTEL. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., WILL. OPEN ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE tJ6f FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS DROWN dc WOELPPER, ATLANTIC CITY, Or No. 827 RICHMOND Street, 510 2m Philadelphia. PITMAN'S, FORMERLY THE UNITE1V Slates Hotel, Long Branch, N, J,. Is now open lor the accommodation of families aud the public, 1 he lessee leels warranted lu saying that It will be kept second to none on the Branch, and hopes to secure the patronage of those who may favor him with their company this season. U 8. PITMAN, Formerly of the btetsou House. llOlm LONG BRANCH, N. J. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, CAPB ISLAND, will open lor tbe Summer Season, June 20. Fami lies desiring a quiet home at the seanhore, at a mode rate price, call or address E. GRIFFITH, Mo. 1004 CHESNUT Street. Attached to the establishment is a line of ct aches for the accommodation of the gnefcl"; lm JEA BATHING-NATIONAL HALL, CAPB KJ IbLAMl), M. J Th;s large aud commodious rge auc If all, la Hotel, known as the National Hall, ia now receiving viBiiors. lerms mouerate. ( til id ran anil arnni. half price, AARON UARRKTSON, t 2m Proprietor. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOF SAFES piRE AND BURGLAR SAFES! MARVIN'S PATEHtJ ALTJM AND DRY PLASTER Ai tr TROROUdDLY FIRE-PROOF, PERFECTLY ALWAYS RETAIN THESE QUALITIC '4 MANY TUOUSANDS OF OUR SAFES use. r Vf EX AH INK BEFORE PURCIIASIN9 El S WIIERE. 1 i I MARVIN & CO., f 721 CHESTNUT SteiMasonici: :.!! t ; AND tea RROADWAY, NEW YOC! FAMILY SAFES FOR PLATE, JEWL-Ul ETC ETC BANKERS' STEEL CITESTS, ; SECOND-HAND SAFES. SAVES EJKCUANftlED ON I.IF TER9IS. ll SEND FOR ILLUSTRATED CATALt IA ia. fOPER'S NEW AMERICA. BREECn-LOADINO REPEATING UN, FIRINOFOURSIIOIS IN TWO SECOND Using ordinary Ammunition. Manufactured by t ROPER RKPEATINO RIFLH COMPANV, A herst. Massachusetts, under personal UDervist,.. I C M. BP KMCER, Inventor of tbe famous BPl.ciV ni r Bend for circular. g u Smt B c d d 1 n c OF EVERY DESORXPTIOI ItEDUOED PRICE J. WIIOLESAUB AND RETAII NO 99 BID4UE AVENUE NEAR VI 751