THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, MONDAY, JUNE 24, 1807. 8 THE SOUTH. REGISTRATION IN LOUISIANA. tlEKBHAL BHEBIDAK'8 PROTEST AOAWST A M OFBKIBO or TUB HBOISTRT LI8TB A SHARP AROCMraXAOAWBT TUB ATTOBNBT-flENBRAL 8 ireOtwAiw, Jane 22-General Sheridan nf Ueneral UraVt the following to-dy:-- HaSabtr8 Fifth Military "ct. obhass, June 22, 18U7. Oeneral U. 8. rat WaJDEtonoeneral:-I am In receipt if S elegrm from too rrdenk thronfto Wrcvet Mdlor-Oeneral Townsend. Adjutant Ueneral United I Htates Army. dlreoUnic m to exlend the registration In this city ami Htate Sntll August 1, unless I have some good rea n.lo the contrary, and ordering me to report Lmccess and such, reasons for Disinformation, and f alios xatlng that In bis judgment this ex tension neccisary lofull and lair registration, ind that the lime M.ould be thus extended because other dlstrlcio.oinmanders will not get through before that time. M7 renoni for closing registration In this city were becauBe I had given the city two arid a half months, and there were no more to regis ter I have given the Btnte two and a half inontha, and registration will be extiaiisted by mat vixne. i u m m-i. n . - - - - , n boards of reglHtratlon at lanie expense to milt new issues coming In at the eleventli hour. The registration will be completed In Louisiana at the time specified, unless I am ordered to carry out the law under Mr. Stanbery's Inter pretation, which practically In registration 1 opening a broad macadamized road tor perjury and fraud to travel on. I do not see why my registration should bo dependent on the time when other district oom manders get through. 1 have given more time for the registration of Louisiana than they pro pose to give In their commands, for 1 com menced six weeks before they did. I regret that I should have to differ with the President, but It must be recollected that I have been ordered to exercHe a law to which the l'resldent has been In hitler antagonism. If after this report the lime Is to be extended, please notily and It will be done. I would do It at once, but the President's telegram wascoudi tioiial, and there Is sufficient time left to issue the necessary orders. J?. II. BiiKKiiiAN, Mnjor-Oeneral U. S. A. SKCOND MILITARY DISTRICT. LETTER OF GENERAL SICKLES TO 8ESAT0R WILSON INSUFFICIENCY OF THE APPROPRIATION TO CARRY OUT THE RECONSTRUCTION LAW. IlKAIHlUARTERS SECOND MILITARY DISTRICT, Charleston, 8. 0., June 18, 1807. Hon. Henry Wilson, Chairman Military Committee, United BtatesHenate. My Dear Hir: It Is probable, in view of existing circumstances, that Congress will convene in July. It is proper, there .ore, I should Inform you that the appropriation of 1500,000 to execute the Reconstruction acts is altogether inadequate. I am informed that my estimates for April and May are less than those of other district commanders. Indeed, the whole torn was more than absorbed by the estimates for May. For the Carollnas, at least $.300,000 will be required. I Lave applied to the Navy and Treasury De partments lor certain facilities, which, iu view of the small appropriation, I presumed would be granted, but my requests have not been favorably considered. I understand that the Secretary of the Navy assigned as his reason that no aid must be expected from the Depart xnent in the execution of the Reconstruction acta of Cong less. The Secretary of tee Treasury expressed iiis desire to do all lie could, but did not feel at liberty to make any disbursements for objects not precisely wllhlu tuo Jurisdiction of his department. It Is usual, I believe, when the appropriation for an object authorised by Congress Is insuffi cient, to make the necetsary expenditures, and trust to a "deficiency bill;" but iu the execution of these acts this course will be impracticable, Inasmuch as the principal disbursements are for the services of persons who depend upon their pay for support. I have the honor to suggest for your consideration, and of your colleagues as well, that the iuterestsof the pub lic service require without delay a further appropriation to execute the aots of Congress for the government of the Rebel States, Very respectfully, . JX E. Sickles, Major General Commanding. . ' ,' RIST0R1 IN PARIS. Reception audi Engagement of Rlstorl Prtpantioii. for liar Return to Am. rlca The llajr of "Marie Antoinette" Rlstorl Informing the King of Prussia of the Future of the United States. PAi.iS, June 6. M'me Rlstorl has been most warmly welcomed to the scene of her early triumphs, and honors flow upon her every day. She is only anticipating with pleusure her return to America, but she Is making arrange ments to render her next visit as attractive aa the lormerone. She will add some great artists to her company. Among these it is probable Majeronl will be engaged an artist who takes rank with Salvinl and Rossi. Muob difficulty attends the engagement of such an artist, but nothing will be left undone to secure Majeroni's invaluable services. It has been quite amusing to witness the efforts made by the lithographers and photo graphers to rival each other in making pictures of Madame Rlstorl. Glacoraetti, the author of Elizabeth and Judith, who is the most effective dramatist of Italy, is now in this olty on a visit to Madame Rlstorl. The plot of Marie Antoinette has been decided upon, and the play will be completed by the middle of July. Mous. Worth, the consumer. Is making a study of the costumes, which will be correct in every particular. The Library of Paris is full of interesting details pertaining to the period and the scenes of the play, and the librarian has undertaken to afford every facility to those employed to prepare the requisite drawings for the scenery and dresses. Among the many entertainments to which Madame Rlstorl has been invited since her arrival was that at M. Iluffer's, the Prussian Minister. It was a ball given in honor o( the King of Prussia. It was a very brilliant affair, and lasted till late in the morning, Mada-ne Klstorl and her family engaging the attention of the King for two or three hours. He was very much interested with regard to Madame's exalted opinions of America in every respect, nd its great future. It will be interesting for you to know how the publlo at large have been urging managers to engage Madame Rlstorl. M. Bagier, of the Italian Opera, has followed the suggestions of the pi ess, and has seoured her for lour repre sentations. On Wednesday, the 12ln Instant, she will appear as "Elizabeth," on Friday, the 14th, as "Mary bluart," and on Tuesday, the 18lb, as "Medea." Prom present appearanoes the entire fashion of Paris will attend tliesa performances; for the success of Rlstorl In America has made such a sensation here that even those who have seen her are anxious to renew their memories of her style. The great artiste Old not wish to accept even this engaee ment, but she could not resist the importuni ties that sue should gratify the public and the press, clamorous for her reappearance. y JJeralU. Pictures at a Dicocht. The art exhibition in the Champs ElyisfieB misses this year Its usual throng of visitors. Tha Parisian eye has S0 much to see at present that ft cannot spare even a glance lor the finest paintings. Czars and kings do not promenade the boule vards every year, and sight-seeing hay, like all other varieties, must be made while the sun shines. Besides, for the same admission fee one can visit the Exhibition itself, and he should be an eccentric man indeed who would At the present time prefer the Champs Elyacea to the Champ de Mars. A Nbw Way ok Creeping Under thr Cer tain M. Arnault, Of the Chinese Theatre at Paris, has been made the victim of a knavish trick. A sharp but dishonest person lias mounted a telescope on the stops of the Bridge of Jena, which commands the greater part of MY Arnault's Btage, and tor two sous admits illicit spectators to the performance for which M. Arnault is compelled to ask fifty. This particular kind of star-gasting must be very unpleasant for tha swindled manager. Panic-Struck Beauty. . It is a terrible shook to a charming: woman Indeed, to any woman to And (hat her teeth are "benlnnlnu to ui." Never will any human being who uses the fragrant Ho.ohint, while the teeth are atlll umimY. make ttat discovers. Kv.ii when decay has commenced, it iiuuie- uiaieiy Monsus progress. DRY GOODS. REDUCTION IN PRICES. IK CORIEqvMl'EOr AIMBATIOM TO BB NADU OH OR ABOUT AUGUST 1, We shall sell till that time onr Stock of SPRING ADD SUMMER GOODS AT A GREAT REDUCTION. , PERKINS, No. 9 S. NINTH Street. e 21 tftp JAMES MT.1ULLAN, SUCCESSOR TO J. V. COWELL & SON, HAS IN STOCK AND RECEIVING DAILY A LARGE SUPPLY OF HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS. The facilities he has for supplying his customers with the BEST GOODS at the LOWEST RATE are unsurpassed. He has now a full Hoe ot LINEN SHEETINGS, at reduced prices. Also, PILLOW-CASE LINENS. TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. TABLE DAMASK by the yard. TOWELS AND TOWELLING by the yard. MARSEILLES, LANCASTER, HONEYCOMB and ALLENDALE QUILTS. FLANNELS, greatly reduced in price. 611 EETING AND SHIRTING MUSLINS. FURNITURE CHINTZES AND DIMITIES. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. TOILANET by the yard. WHITE GOODS SELLING OFF CHEAP. RICHARDSON'S LINENS always a specialty. All goods warranted to be what they are sold for, at the 4 SO smtham S. W. COB. SEVENTH AND CIIESNUT. fj o t i c ni ENTIRE STOCK OF SUMMER DRESS GOODS TO BE CLOSED OUT. JOHN W. THOMAS, Nos.405 and 407 North SECOND St. OFFERS THE BALANCE OF IIIS STOCK OP dHENADINES, IIERNANIS, ORGANDIES, LAWNS, Stwsmemrp PIQ.UES, ETC., GOODS FOR TRAVELLING SUITS, SUMMER POPLINS, ETC. ETC., AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. THE ONE PRICE STORE. I HAVE OPENED THIS HORNING, Great Novelties in Dress Goods, COMPRISING IN PART I 6f pieces fine Cambric Lawns at 2S cents, 2u nieces line Bwltts Lawns at half price. 26 jilfceB tine Organdie Lawns, corded In French pruning. Fine Lawn Robes. Just one-third their value. 80 uleces printed Plants, in oll-Dalnled aolora. lor bt-nuty of design and colorlriB tliev hava nn equal. Tourists and others in want of such goods would do well to cull. Just opened, auotner case ot those one white Piques, TRAVELLING GOODS. TRAVELLING GOODS, Granite Poplins. Glade Mohair. Poplin Cashmera. Pcullnelts. plain and mottled Goods, all at low prices. 1 yard black Glacle, or Dresses, equal tosllkl aimearance and lumre. N U.W (iOOJiH opening; dally. from New Yorlc.Pb.lla. aeipuia, auu oiuer wariteui. MUBLINB! MUBLINS! MUSLINS! A 11 the leadlns makes oi SHIRTING, eaiuTiAU. ana PILLOW CASE MUSLINS At the lowest market prices. 6 1 lin Yard Wide Brown Heavy, only 1? cents. UKORK D. WIHIIAM. No. 7 North JUGUl'U btreet. No. U01 CHEgNOT Btreet. Ladles leaving for the Country or Waterlnt Places will Had SPLENDID ASSORTMENTS or MATERIALS FOR WHITE BODIES, EMBROIDERED BREAKFAST BETS, LINEN COLLARS AND CUFF8, LINKS UNDEBBLEEVE9, PRINTED LINEN CAMBRICS, PLAIN AJl PRINTED PIQUES, AT E. M. NEEDLES & CO.'S, M. W. Corner EWventU and Chesaut 1WJW J.flMHMHQ Hill out' QREAT REDUCTION IN FANCY DRY GOO D S. GEORGE FRYEE, No. 916 CHESNUT STREET, Informs his customers that he la selling his entire Stock ol 118 Sin NILKM, SHAWLS, AND DRESS GOODS Regardless of cost, to close them out by July 1. DRY GOODS. J, C. STMWBIUDCE & CO. SILKS ! SILKS! FIEAVT BLACK CIBOS CHAINS. 17S tOBDED MILKS FOB aAC4UEM. tl-OO AND M-BO. VERT HEAVY COLD-EnOED MLR. PLAID If ILK POPLINS, f l-OO. CHECK 8ILRM, ALL COLORS, tl-00 PER YARD. BLACK AND WHITE PLAID SILKS, tl. DEES 3 Q00DS! HEW MATERIALS FOR TRAVELLINO COSTUME. riOVRED ORENADINEM. SILK AND WOOL POPLINS. FRENCII JACONET LAWNS, SI CENTS. B000 YARDS FRENCH LAWNS, SS AMD SI CENTS. COTTON GOODS ! Slill Further Depression In Prices. . laru-wiue jueacneo. xansiin, lift cents. C Excellent Yard-wide Bhlrtlngs, 18, 18, and 20 cents. New York Mills, WUliamsvlUe, and Warn- sotta. Wide Sheetings, very low. rillow Muslins, 23 and 25 cents. Good Yard-wide Unbleached, 15, 16, and 18 cents. Very Best Heavy Unbleached Muslins, 20 and 22 cents. Unbleached Sheetings, cheap. Cloth and Cassimere Depart ment. All-wool Casslmeres, 75, 85 cents, and 8100. Fine Casslmeres for Boys' Wear, 65 cents to $100. Mixed Casslmeres, for sultf, tl'25. 8111c Mixtures for Business Bolts, 9l S7lA to 200. Linen Drills and Backs. Stripe and Plaid Linens. 5000 yards Cloths for Ladles' Wear, one hun dred different styles. Prices, $1-25 to M 50. J. C. STIUWBRIDCE & CO. NORTHWEST CORNER EIGHTH AND MARKET STS. 1 UtomrpS PHILADELPHIA. PRICE & WOOD, N. W. CORNER EIUIITII AND FILBERT, HAVE JUST OPENED A new lot of Cambric Edgings, very cheap. Dimity Bands, 15, 16, 22. 25, and 28c. Ladies' and Gents' Hosiery and Gloves. Bummer Under-Vests and Pants. Gents' Bhirt Feonts and Suspenders. Fancy Soaps, Perfumery, etc. etc. Tooth Brushes, Hair Brushes, and Nail Brushes. Buffalo and Indla-rubbei Dressing Combs. Linen and Sllit Fans, very cheap. Ladles' and Gents' Linen n ditto. Ladles' Hemstitched and Tacked Hdkfs. WHITE GOODS! TWITE GOODSt White Piques, so, 60, 75, 85 cents, and l per yard, Plaid and Btripe Muslins, Bolt Finish Cambrics, Jaconets, and Nainsooks, Victoria Lawns and Swiss Muslins, etc Beat makes Bleached and Unbleached Muslins. Pillow-case and Bheetlug Musllns,etc. French Lawns, 28 cents a yard, French Percales. Fine colored Mohair Alpacas. Mixed Poplins for Travelling Dresses. Cheap Plaid Goods, is cents a yard. CHEAP BLACK BILKS. 10 22 PIUOE S WOOD. N. W. Corner ETOHTIT and FILBERT Hts. 1807!!! PRICES GREATLT DEDUCED DRY GOODS ARE CHEAP I WE ARE SELLING VERT LOW! SPECIAL RARGATNS THIS MONTH 1 I WE WANT TO CLOSE OUT STOCK I Good Muslins and Calicoes for 12X cents. : New styles of Ch allies and Delaines, 22 cents. . Exctlleut All-wool Casslmeres for 70 cents. Bfaetland Bhawls and Grenadine Bbawls lor 13, " Blch Heavy Black Bilks. 1'(0, l-7, 12. Buperb Gros Gram Bilks, 11-75. 1225, 13,13 6(1, and (4-50. French Lawns, Percales, Piques, and Chintzes. - Materials for Ladles' Bulls, In great variety. Linen Drills, Linen Ducks, etc, for men and boys. Hoop Bkirts, Balmorals, Hdkls., Shirred Muslins etc. eta , Bummer Flannels, Table Linens, Towels, Napkins, etc etc., at JOSEPH H. THORNLEY'S. N. B. CORNER EIGHTH AND SPRING GARDEN STREETS. 8 28 8m8p -t hit 1 D 1M v rnn i ill maowa MiTTtH'S VJ OIL t'I.(l 11H, AND WINDOW NHADltM-Great Bargains from Auction. V. JC ARCH AM BAULT, N. jl. corner of ELKVKNTH and MAKK1DT t-Hretua, Will open this morning luou yards extra qiiulll dou- Die iniieriai wniwuinion Mailing. sliKbtiy siumea, will be sold ftt 87',. WOl tb 76c.: llml Cbeuk MtltUnf. 25. 87, and 600., InKraln Carpets, all wool, at Si, lb, 87o.. si, nn, ir7, ana ii-nc: juitrain Unrpeta, woul mini i. 48. to. and ttis.: Tlirce-nlv Crnv littc KunlLuk Tapeatry Brussels Carpets, ll-8aiid 176; Uemp Ur pels, 81 to aCi Oil Cloliis, 600.; Ku try and bllr Car few, 60 to 7c: Window hlmdea, t ui a: PIhIu 8lm(lllij, 87 and 611c.; Txble Linens, sic to Towels. 12 to 2oo ; Flaunel for Bathing Hones, 81c ; Munllus, 10 to Hoc.! Calleoss, 10 to 18c.; Lawns. 26c. whole-mle and Retail hlore, , toruex M.LXV MMItk aud MARK Kf wwii g ttua DHY GOODS. 5000 YARDS tEST FRENCH LAWNS, IN SMALL DESIGNS, REDUCED TO tS CENTS. JAS. It. CAMPBELL & CO., NO. 787 CHESNCT STREET. 3UMMER DRESS GOODS, AT 88,85,50,69,711 CENTS, ALL GREATLY REDUCED IN PRICE. JAS. It. CAMPBELL & CO., NO. 787 CIIESNUT STREET. QLACK SILKS OP SUPERIOR QfJALITT, VERT CnEAP. WHITE O O O 13 H IN GREAT VARIETY, AT LOW PRICES. PALES FROM NOW UNTIL 27th DAT OF JUNH WILL BB MADE AT GREATLY REDUCED BATES, IN ORDER TO CLOSB OUT BTOCK. ONK PRICE ONLY. JAS. It. CAMPBELL & CO., 6 18 12trp NO, 77 CIIESNUT STREET. 229 FAMES & YARNEP. 229 NORTH NINTH 8THEBT, AROVE RACE, Havejust received- Organdy Lawns, neat figures, tsc. vorth 37,';c Black AlpacbS, 37,'. 40, 45, 50, 56, 62J, 6'J, 75, 80. 85, and U Keen is. One bale Cotton and Wool Flannel, 25c. Shirting Linens, 50, 56, 62 , 70, 75, 80, 8J, 90, etc. Honey Comb Quilts, (2-25; a bargain. 100 pieces Plaid Nainsooks, 25, 87t, 45, 50, and 600, Handsome Plaid Nainsooks for Wrappers. Bargains In Bblrred Muslins, 60, 75, 83, (1, f 1-15. Linen Bhlrt Fronts, 80, 87, 45, 50, 62, an 75c. Oents' Bummer Undershirts, 75c. and i. Plain Linen Ducks, 20 and 25c. Linen Drills, 37X. 45. and 50c. White Linen Duck, 80c. and (1; Basket do., 81-50. Muslins, Uuallns, 12! i. 15, 1G, 18, 19, 20. 22, 23, 2iC, etc- Pillow Case and Sheeting Muslins. Victoria Lawns, Nainsooks, and SwUs Mulls. Bolt Finish Jaconets and Cambrics. White Piques, 50c. Imported Whalebone Corsets, tl'25. Hosiery, Gloves, Hdkls., Hoop bkirts, FAMES & WARNER, NO. NORTH NINTH STREET, 2951 . ABOVE RACE. B.W. Corner of ZTorurtlA and Ajroll 8ts. LARGE STOCK OF SUMMER QUILTS, 10- 4 AND 11-4 LANCASTER QUILTS. 11- 4 HOIr.T01HBllll.'l'N. PINK AN It Itl.lTK: MAKNICII.LVNQITILTS. HNKST WillTK ttlllLTN inPOKTEU. HOTU.S NI'FI'I.IKU WITH QUILTS, S1IKKTIN4JM, BT:. KTV. ' HAVE J I' ST OPENED ANOTHER CASE Sll.t l lt POPMNN. FUR LADIM'NtlTS. DAHK LA WNS. FRENCH ANn ENGLISH. THIN CMIOIW, rVM. VARIETY. SI MMER SILKS, REDUCED. P. H.-WII1TE SHAWLS, AND RETAIL. WHOLESALE 1 6 wfnisia J CHAMBERS, " NO. 810 AKG1 8TUEET Novelties Opening Dallyi Real Cluny Laces. . Black Guipure Laces. Polnte Applique Laros Polnte de Oaze Laces. Thread Veils from 2-g WHITE GOODS. Marseilles for Dresses Bargains. French Muslins, 2 yards wide, at 60 cents. Bblrred and Tucked Lace Muslins; India Twilled Long Cloth; Plaid, Ktrlpe, and Plain Nainsooks; sort finish Cambric, IX yard wide: Cambric Edgings and Insertions, new design vary cheap i6lin BALANCE OF STOCK AT COST. IN order to close out the balance of our Bummer block of Clolb, Bilk, and Lace Mantillas, we have marked them down at cost. MRS. K. HENRY, 6 22 2w 2To. 16 N. EIGHTH Btreet. FOR SALE. QFOR SALE A COTTAGE WITH modern conveniences, gas, bath, eic, situate oa the hill back of the Mount Carbon House, Pottavllle. Pa commanding a magnificent view, and containing an acre of ground well luultlvated. Price, (7500. Pho tographs may be seen on appl ication. WILLIAM H. BACO. 6 22 41 No. 2l WALNUT Htreet, frf, FOR SALE THE SUBSCRIBER OFFERS LiiiloHera for sale tbe valuable property , consist I n g of Mansion House, Stable, and Lot of Mround. silUHle at the Northwest corner or BPRUC'K and ELEVEN I'll Streets, In the city of Philadelphia, containing In front on Spruce street 144 feet and on Eleventh street 100 feet. Applyto . LEWIS H. KKDNEK, U 21 tf No. 162 South FOOKTH Street. GGERMANTOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE CHEAP. House, 11 rooms, newly papered, and pamted; gas, hot and cold water; location high and well shaded; lot 80 by 110 feet. Terms eany. Imme diate possession. Apply at WILfiUN'i Tea Ware house, No2M CHEbStreet. 6 1 U TO RENT. f TO LET A COMMODIOUS STONKMAN LijKION, with larne Harden, Carriage House, etc., aiiuclifd, on PKObPECT HILL, near i'rnnklonl. 1 wenty-firtb Ward. Eaxy of access by Filth and Sixth Streets Hullrond. Inquire ot JOHN (i. STET LEU. No. 1321 U1UAKD Avenue. 6 15 tf4u OTO LET PART OF THE HOUSE NO. 509 S. IUUKTH street, below Lombard, east sale. Inquire on the premises. Keferenoes re qulred. 828 "i WANTSl " V ANTE D, , A HOUSE ON WEST WALNUT STREET, PRICE FROM TWENTY-FIVE TO THIRTY FIVE THOUSAND DOLLAR1). ' Address, stating size, when possession can be had and lowest cash price. Tbe names of persons offer ing will be treated lu confidence, Ko Baal Eslate agent need answer this advertisement. Addrets IMPORTER, care of Philadelphia "In qnlrer" ofllce. 6 VI lot I THE GENUINE EAGLB VEIN, THE CELE brated PUKSTON. and tbe pure bard OKKK.V WOOD COAL, Ek aud Stove, sent to all parts of the city al (i 6U lr Ion; superior LLllIUU at )i-7j. Each of Ilia above articles are warranted to give perlffl satlslactlon In every respect. Orders received at No. 114 h. 'I ll I HO Street; Emporium, No. iai4 WAbHINUTON Avenue, 4 RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE. rpIE WASHIKOTON LIBRARY COMfANY. mmcirAL OFFICE, Ko. 1225 CIIESMT STREET, rniLADELrniA. SURSCRIPTION ONR DOLLAR. 1800,000 PRESENTED TO SUBSCRIBERS ONE CASH PRESEST OF 10,000. ONE CASH PRESENT OF 10,000. ONR CASH PRESENT OF 010,000. ONEwCANn PRESENT OF SS00O. TWO CASH PRESENTS OF tSOOO EACH. Bead full Schedule of Presents beiow. EACH CERTIFICATM OF STOCK IS AC COHPAHIED WITH A BEAUTIFUL STEEL-PLATE EN f RAVIN 0, WORTH MOKE AT RETAIL THAN THE COST OF CERTIFICATE, AND ALSO INSURES TO THE HOLDER A PRESENT IN THE UREAT DISTRIBUTION. THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY CO. Is chartered by the State of Pennsylvania, and or ganlzed In aid of THE RIVERSIDE INSTITUTE, Incorporated by- tbe State of New Jersey, April 8, 1807, Situate at Riverside, Burlington county, New Jersey, and founded for the purpose of gratuitously educating the sons of deceased Soldiers and Seamen of the United States. The Board of Trustees consists of the following well known riiir.ensof Pennsylvania aud New Jersey: HON. WILLIAM It. MAMN, District Attorney, Philadelphia, Pa BON. LEWIS R. B ROOM ALL. Ex -Chief Coluer, U.S. Mlnl.and Recorder of Deeds Philadelphia, Pa HON. JAMES M. 800VEL, New Jersey BON. W. W. WARE, New Jersey HENRT GORMAN, ESQ., Agent Adams' Express, Philadelphia, Pa. J. E. cob. Esu.. , Of Joy Coe A Co., Philadelphia. Tbeahdbt Dbpabtmknt. Wabhinstok. Tt. n. April. 18, 1867. OiUce of Internal ltevenu?: Having receivvti Bmuincwr wiuuu .nab tue proceeul of the enterprise conducted by tbe "Waslilngtoi Library Company" will be devoted to chariibl uses, permission is hereby granted to said Comnant lo conduct such enterprise exempt from all charge, K. A. UOLLINS, Commissioner. THE WASIIINTON LIRRART COM PANT, In order tbat this benevolent object may be sue- cessiui'y autxiujininiieu, duvo insueu nve series or FINE S'lEKL-PLATE EJSGHA VIJIO. wblcb we put on subscription at prices much below ineir reinii viu, CERT1FICA1 ES OF STOCK IN THE WASHING TON LIBRARY COMPANY- ar"u will be Issued, stamped with the seal ol theRnmnnnv. and signed by the Secretary. (None others genuine.) Any person sending lONE, TWO, THREE, FOUR, OR FIVE LOLLARS. or paying the same to onr local Agents, will receive, immedi alely, a fine Steel-Plate Eogiaving, as set forth below, aud as many earlld caies of stock as the number of dollars paid; Insuring ON K PRESEN T in our published schedule for EACH CERTIFICATE held. ONE-DOLLAR ENORA VINOS. No. 1 "'My Child I MyChildil" No. 2-"They're Saved I They're Saved 11" No. 8 "Old Seventy-slxi or, The Early Days of the Revolution." TWO-DOLLAR ENQRA VINOS. No. 1 '-Wasnlngton's Courishlp." N i. 2 ''Wash ington's Last Interview with his Mother." THKEE-LOLLAtt ENGKAV'NO. HOilK FROM THE WAR," and Three Certificates or Stock, Insuring Three Presents. FOUR-DOLLAR ENORA VINO. -"TTIE PER1LM OF OUH FOREFATHERS," . and Four Ceriltlcales ot Slock, Insuring Four Presents. FIVE-DOLLAR ENGRAVING. "THE MARRIAGE OF POCAHONTAS," and Five Certllicates ol Stock, insuring Five Presents, Tbe engravings and certllicates will be delivered at our Local AgeuclHs. or sent by mall postpaid, or express, as may be ordered, . . . . , THE WASHINGTON LIBRARY COMPANY WIU AWABO , THREE : HUNDRED THOUSAND DOL LARS IN PRESENTS TO THE SHAREHOLDERS ON WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 1867, AT THE ACADEMY OF MUSIC, PHILADELPHIA, PENNA., OB AT TAB INSTITUTE. SCHEDULE OF PRESENTS. 1 Cash Present............... . $40,000 1 Cash Present.................... ...... 20,uoo 1 (.-ash Frfwut.M.MMM,HMM..MMMH........H.,HMM,, lo.uoO 1 Cash Present,.. ......m........... 6.MO0 2 Cash Presents of (2&uu each .. g ouo 1 Handsome Country Residence, Stable, ' Grounds, etc., Uermantown, Phi I a. 18 000 1 rouble Residenee, three-story Drick, Cam- den. N. J 15m ' 1 Coal Depot, Ofllces, Sheds, and Ground, wltu business establlsned, No. 1814 Washington avenue, Philadelphia, , 15 000 1 Country Residence, Riverside, N. J., with Ground, Fruits, tc , ,. .. 10 000 1 Tbree-siory Cottage, Lot, etc. ,,. j'ouy 25 Valuable Building Lots.Rlveralde, SJoOeach fi'uuo 1 Elegant Turnout Family Carriage, Spau of ' Hon-es, Harness, etc., complete . 5 000 10 Valuable Building Lota, Rlverside.tJOO each siouo lBeauiifUl Silver-grey Horse, 15f bauds high, sired by the celebrated Imported Arablau Horse "Caliph;" also, a light - Road Wagon, weight HO pounds, with set ot superior Single Harness, Lap Blanket, Whip, etc........... ... 6,000 20 Pianos, 50U each .....m....... ....... .... ....... ...... 10.ISK) 20Melodeons, $2J5 each . . 4,000 4 Rosewood Sewing Muobiues, tAiu eacti ra 1,1100 10 lamily Sewing Muchluea, tluo each.,., j.ouo 60 Fine Gold Watches, -00 eucb... 10,000 luo Oil Paintings, by leading artists aggregate value ...... ....... .. 10,000 8 Camel's Hair Shawls, JUiw) each ... 8,1100 2 C amel's Hair Shawls, IMHi each.....,......... . 6,1X0 8 Handsome Lace Shawls, eaoh...... . 1 760 10 Cashmere Shawls, o0 each um 5KI 20 Silk Dress Patterns, 475 eaoh .. 1.6 50 t'liy Building Lots. I75 each - 8.7J0 'J he remainder will consist of Silver Ware, , Musical Boxes, Opera Glasses, Pocket Bibles, aud dltlereut artloUsof ornament 1 aud use, amounting 10...... ...... 82,000 1 Total . '. - .too,uoo ' gTAU (he pioperlies are given clear of Incum brance , HOW TO OBTAIN SHAKES AND EN - tlltAVIMUM. ! Bend orders by mall, enclosing Irom (1 to 120, Cither by Post Otlloe orders or In a registered leKer, al our risk. Larger amounts should be sent by draft Or express. ..'. 10 shares, with Engravings .. 19-50 S6 ' " " ........... Zi 50 tO " " .. 4U 0O 75 " " " ' 6S-00 1(0 " " 60 00 Local and Travelling AGENTS WANTED through out the Culled Status. - Tbe Association have appoluted as Receivers Messrs. GEORGE A. COOKE & CO. Bunkers, No. 88 S, THIRD Street, whose well-known Integrity and busi ness experience will be a sufllcltnt guarantee that the money entrusted 10 them will be promptly applied to ths purposes stated. Philadelphia, Pa., May 20, 1867. To the Offlceri and Member! 0 the, Wtuhtiiyton Mlbrary (Xiwjiaiiy, S. tl. Hi.AU, bearttnry. Geutlemen: On receipt of your favor of ths 15th Instant, notifying us ot our appointment as Receivers for your Company, we took the liberty to submit a copy or your Charter, with a plan of your enterprise, to the blk hest legal authority of the Slitle, and having received his favorable opinion in regard to its legality, and sympathising with the beuovoleut object of your Association, vis., the education and maintenance ol Hie orphan child en of our soldiers and sailors at ths Riverside Iustitale, we have concluded to aucep trust, aud to use out best ellurls to promote so worm an object. . Respectfully, yours, etc., GEO. A. COOKE A CO. All orders by mall should be addressed to GEORG A, COOEE CO.. Bankers, Nu, IMS, THIRD Street SUMMER RESORTS. S u r. 1 Men resorts ON LINE OP "V Reading Railroad ana Branches. MANSION HOUSE, MOUNT CARBON MCarollne Wander, Fottsvllle P. ft, Schnylkn TUSCAR0RA HOTEL, Mrs. Hannah Miller, Tuscarora P.O., BchnylkUloo 3JANSI0N HOUSE, G. W. Frost, Mabanoy City P. Schnylklll county WHITE HOUSE, Mrs. Susan Mandorf, Reading p. o. ANDALUSIA, James S. Madeira, Reading P, o. LIVING SPRINGS HOTEL, ur. A..ejmiin, wernersvine P. O., Berks oonnty SO UTH MO UNTA1N HO USE, A. 11. Alanderbach. Womelsdorf P. 0 Berks oa COLD SPRINGS HO TEL, Lebanon co., Mrs. M. Bodermel, Harrlsburg P O D 0 YER TO WN SEMINAR Y F, H. fctauffer. Boy srtown P. O., Berks Co. YELL 0 W SPRINGS HOTEL, A. TJ. Bnyder, Ysllow Springs P. O., Chester CO. LITIZ SPRINGS S. Llcbtenihaler A Son Litis P, O.. Lancaster CO, EPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, A. B. Feather, Fphrata p. p., Lancaster co. S82ra CAPE MAY, CAPE I&LAK D. NE W 4ERSET.. Since the close of DOS much enterprise bat been disilaedut this celebiated seashore resort nTJ Bid inagnlllctnt collages bave been ereciud' thi Hotels baveheed remodelled; a fine park, with a w?ii matte one mile drive, bas beeu Inaugurated; and In a I tne essentials 01 a popular summer resort, a suiritni Improvement Is largely mauliesled. The geographical position ol Cape Island Is In Itself popular leature, wheu properly understood. Sua. aied at ths extreme southern portion of tbe Stale aa occupying a neck or land at the confluence 0 tU Delaware Bay with the Atlantic Ocean. It becoma entirely surrounded by salt water, hence favored n continual breezes from tbe sea. Tbe bluil luruisbes a beautiful view of the Oceatf Delaware Bay, and picturesque back country, taklis in Cbls Heuiopen distinctly al a diaiance of sixteel n lies. The beach Is acknowledged to surpass am other point 11 pou ths Atlantic coast, being of asmeoiU compact sand, which declines so gently to the sue that eveu a child can batbe with security Added to these attractions is ths fact tbat tha effrct 01 the Gull Stream upon this point renders tbe water 01 mparalively warm a poiut noi lo be overlooked by persons seeking heslth Irom ocean bathing. The distance from Philadelphia lo Cape Island Is 81 miles by rnll, and about tiie same dl tance by steamer down the Bay, and by either route the facilities tor travel promise to beol the most sallslactory charac ter. The Island has Hotel aud Boarding-house ac commodations for about ten thousand persons. The leaolug Hotels are Ue Columbia House, with George J. Bolton as proprietor; Congress Hall. Willi J. If. Cake as pioprieior; aud Unlteu states, with West and Miller as proprietors, all under the management of gentlemen who have well-established reputations as hotel men. a raws low UNITED STATES HOTEL. ATLAKTIO CITY, JT. J., WILL OPEN ON WEDNESDAY, JUNE . FOR PARTICULARS, ADDRESS BROWN 4c WOELPPER, ATLANTIC CITY, Or No. 827 RICHMOND Street, 610 2m ' ' Philadelphia. gURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. JV The above House will be opened o a the 1st of JUNE. For particulars, etc., address ... WBL T. CALEB PROPRIETOR, M ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. PITMAN'S, FORMERLY THE UNITED States Hotel, Long Branch, N. J., Is now open lor the accommodation of fumilles and tbe public, Tbe lessee leels warranted in saying that It will be kept second to none on tbe Brunch, and hopes to secure the patronage of those who may favor hlia with their company this season. C. 8. PITMAN, - Formerly of the stetson House, flOlm LONG BRANCH. N.J. PHILADELPHIA HOUSE, CAPE ISLAND,, will open for the Summer Season, June 20, Fami lies desiring a quiet borne at the seashore, at a mode rate price, call or address E. GRIFFITH, No. luo4 CHESNUT Street. Attached to the establishment Is a line of ct aches for the accommodation of the guests. 8 8 ha C1EA BATHING NATIONAL HALL, CAPE, kj ISLAND, N. J. This large and commodious Hotel, known as the National Hall, Is now receiving visitors. Terms moderate. Children and servauls half price. AARON OARRKTSON, 2m Proprietor. V7. FADER'S OELEDR A.T E D SIBERIAN LEAD PENCILS.. TEN DEGREES OF HARDNESS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS ARTISTS, AND COUNTINO-HOUSK USE, FOR BALE, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, BY MOSS 6 CO., (AGENTS FOR PHILADELPHIA.) STATION ER8,BLANK BOOK M A NU FACT URERB . AND PRINTEltS, , . . J KO. 413a CIIESNUT STREET. X. BTOPPEL'8 Great Lead Pencil Drawing of "AFFINITY OF CHOICE," drawn wflb Siberian Pencils, now on exhibition. 8 2a im4p SAFE DEPOSIT COMPANY, Tbe Fidelity Insurance, Trait and H-fa, . JJ epos it Company, for lb Mn.f ' SieeplB n of Bond s, Stocks, sal 1 Other Valuables. . CAPITAL , , , .f 500,000 P1BKCTOR. N. B. BROWNE, IEi)WARp W. CLARIC, CLARENCE H. CLARK, ALEXANDER HILNkV JOHN WELSH, s. A. CALDWELlZ J. UILLLNU1JAM FELL, HENRY O. GIBSON. CHARLEH MACALEBTER, ' Ofllce In the Fire orool Btilldlug of the Philadelphia National Bank, CllXNUT BtreSt above Fouriiu ThisCimpaBy lecelveson depoHlt, and GUARAN TEES TH K SAFE K tCKI'ING O VALUABLES uiku the following rates a year, vis.: CtuiKu Bouds per I1000 Beg)sterd Bonds and Securlties.w..60 cents per Ikkm) Gold Coin or Bulllon..... l,n Sliver Coin or Bulllon.JTT!Z.7r 2 br l o Gold or Silver Plate tl ier 110 Cash Boxes or small tin boxes of Bankers, Brokers, Capitalists, etc, Contents unknown to the Cotuoauv. and liublllty limited, Sua a year. wnupauy. The Company oilers for KENT (renter exclusively holding the key) SAFEM INSIDE ITS VAULTS at m'atfou ' yeW' 0oral,a to od i Coupons and Interest Collected for one per cent. I Interest allowed on Money Deposits. Tbis Company is authorised torecelve and execute Trusts of every description. lvuimwlrp N. B. BROWNE, President . RuBKaTPATTKasow.becranwr and Treaeurerw ROPER'S NEW AMERICAN BREECII-LOARINO BEPEATINO SHOT ) ' OUN, FIRING FOUR SIIOIS IM TWO SECONDS. Using ordinary Ammunition. Manufactured by tha ROPER REPEATING RIFLE COMPANY, Am herst, Massachusetts, nuder personal supervision of C. M. SPENCER, Inventor of the famous BPKNCEll RIFLE, bend for circular. us Salt