A c THE COQUETTE'S GLOVE. Ah, little glove I ah, little glove t How many hearts thou 'st broken 1 IIow manj times thou 'st talked of love When not a word wan spoken I What faithless signals thou hast made I What cruel kindness granted I What buds of promise caused to fade ! What seeds of sorrow planted 1 How strong thy unsuspecting strength, Thou mite of a magician, Leading, as thou has hast ever led, From pleasure to perdition I IIow oft thou 'st hired poor mortals on By some concealed attraction t How oft, too, like fair Circe's wand, Thy touch has caused distraction t IIow many are thy charming crimes, Thy guilty facinations, Thy virgin virtues, modest signs, Mere mocking machinations t Moat dangerous when most demure, Most wicked when most winning, Thou mak'st thy trusting lover doubt If such sin can be sinning. Thy victim keeps thee next hts heart, Long after thou 'st deceived him, And fondles in his breast the dart That of his joy bereaved him. He'll hovering stand 'twixt love and hate, His dear tormentor nuTsing; Will curse thee for his cruel fate, Yet kiss thee e'en while cursing. SENTENCE OF A WIFE-MURDERER. Maurice Lanergan having on Monday last been found guilty of murder In the first degree, or the murder of hu wife, was yesterday brought before Recorder Ilackett in the Court of General (Sessions tor sentence. The court room was crowded to Its utmost capacity. A motion for a new trial was overruled, aud the Recorder proceeded to pronounce the following sentence: Lanergan: On the 7th day of November, ten yean since, you were convicted In this Court for an assault and battery. You were convicted ot -be offense, and the humane consideration of the presiding judge prompted him to Inflict upon you a slight and merci ful sentence. That mercy which, had you been a right-uilnded man, should have prompted you to a life without reproach, seems not to have been valued; and the seed of your former oheuse has ripened luto the poisonous Iralt of murder. A painful duty now devolves upon me, a closing one so far as tbls Court and this case Is concerned. I do not propone to add to the Inevitable remorse that you must endure in your present situation, by recapitulating the facts proven upon your irlal, whlcn must be vividly before you. You were very ably and zealously and technically defended; nothing la my judgment was left undone In your behalf which couTd be urg-d by Counsel. The Jury, after a lair, Impartial trial, have convicted you of taking the lite of your wile, whom you had sworn at God's holy altar "to love, comfort, honor, and to keep In sickness and In health." The verdict of the jury brands you as a perjurer, aud withal a murderer. The crimes of parricide and fratricide were recognized by the ancients as crimes ot the utmost atrocity, aud visited by punishments at the bare recital ol which modern civilisation shudders. The homicidal vice oi this age would seem to be wile murder. In earlier times to a man who purposely and from malice killed another, the cities of refuge or even the temple adorned no protection. I fully concur, with the jury In the verdict tney have ren dered; Itaey have substantially found that you. with in a Jew hours before ber death, threatened her Hie, bhe was found dead In the very matrimonial bed, exhibiting upon ber persou a mass of bruises and of liicerated and Incised wounds. It would seem that after accomplishing the deed yon locked ber In the room, and leaving Its stillness of death you hastened to carouse with your boon companions. In ex pressing my concurrence with the vsrdlct of the Jury. I regret to add that atteudaut circumstances exhibit a fiendlsbness seldom paralleled. Mere brutality towards a wife Is perjury In Itself, In view of Ood's boly ordinance; but wife-murder la a crime which demands tbe severest penalty known to tbe law. It remains for tbe court to pronounce sentence that Justice should be satisfied. The ra tional end of punishment Is the prevention of crimes. This is evidently the e d of laws; and punishments are only means of making laws etleclual. The pre vention ot crimes may be aimed at in two ways; by the e fleet which punishments are Intended to have upon the minds of others, aud by their effect upon the criminal himself. Lanergan. the sentence of the Court Is that you be taken bence to the County Prison, tbere to remain until tbe Vtb of August next, aud thence to the place of execution designated by law, and ou that day, between the hours of V o'clock In the morning and VI at noon, you be banged by the neck until you are dead, aud In Hie Judicial prayer that has beeu trans mitted to us from earliest English civilization, may the Almighty and ever living God have mercy on yoursoui. m t The prisoner was then remanded to the County Prison., V. llot ld. A REMARKABLE CASE. A GIBL IKSBNBIBLE FOB BBVEM WKEKB. From the Rochester Express. At Dansvllle, New York, a little girl named Robinson, aged about ten years, was seized alter dinner with a sort of fit, her muscles be coming as stiff asa board. Her Jaws were firmly locked, the abdominal muscles hard, the toes drawn to tbe bottom of the feet, the fingers tightly clenched and drawn into the palms of the hands, and the entire form so rigid that she could be raised on end by tbe head or feet like a B BUCK. At tne same lims nor luiearuis vera Vevolvlns around each other with a rapidity that no well person could Imitate. This motion continued lor SDOnt nail n uy. uer rtjupi- ration, and the circulation of the blood, con tinued normal. In this strange condition she continued about seven weeks, without taking a particle of nourishment, although every effort was made to Introduce food In liquid form through an opening made by ex tracting a tooth, or by injections. The only medical agent that could soften the muscles was chloroform, and the effeole of an applica tion lasted only four or five mtnntes. Ouoe site opened her eyes and replied to a question from her father: "Are you sick, Busan?" "Yes, father, X am very sick, and going to die." A iimmenV OUUipUBOU Ul liutwiynnm. arii,,i,iiic, camphor, and turpentine was finally resorted to and tbe entire skin made red with Iriotlon, the nee of which, alter a ew days, seemed to relax the muBcular rigidity, and she at last be came able to make sigus for food. About seven days after she opeued her eyes she recovered the full use of her faculties, and she is now as well and as hearty as ever. OBITUARY. THE BEV. DR. MILLS. T After the annual meeting of the Presbyterian Committee on Kduoation in N.York, W edneaday afternoon, its Secretary, the llov. Thornton A. Mills, D. D.. took a lloboken ferry-boat for his home in Dover, N. J., bat at the ferry gate in Uoboken he fell under a stroke of apoplexy, and died almost instantly. An inquest havlug been held by Coroner White, the lie v. Henry Kendall, who had been summoned from the Presbteriun Committee's rooms In tills city, Bent the corpse on by railroad to Dover. Dr. Mills, who was widely known aud highly esteemed in the Church, was a sou of Judge Mills, of Kentucky. In early life he was editor of the Cincinnati Christian Herald, but reslgued the editorial chair to takea pastorate at Iuilian apolls, and thence, about ten years ago, went to Dover. This loss must fall with double weight upon bis widow, since she burled her second son by ber first husband on Tuesday last. Dr. Mills was about riUy-seven years of age. TUB BON. ISAAC NEW TON. The Hon. Isaac Newton, Commissioner ot Agriculture, died at his residence in Washing- i . i n i . riiL,a 4 if t au fif t Ha rtfri ftf 111 tm mlhslouer ad interim will devolve upon John W. Stokes, Chief Clerk of the Department. A B(ecial Department of Aurlculluie was estab lished by an aol of Congress approved Mt-y 15, lXGii. The olllcers of the Department are a Com iulBfeioner, a Chief Clerk, and a Statistical Clerk. Mr. Newton was the first CommUalouer of the Department. HOUSE AND SIGN PAINTING. p A I N T I N C, THOMAS A. FAHT, UOrkE AMD HlfiS PAINTEB, (Late Fahy Bra) No. 31 North TIIIllD Street, Above Market. ' 0T1D BRICK FRONTS done up, and made to look City aud country trade solicited. All orders by Post flllltl LO lliO llDMk VIOW Ulll'Si 1 """K i.wmi, ALIHUUUU lUi w r f'V"!"" " ( w THK BEST UiBJ Jtoi-x mni.B-n nu i r....r. v,itil,.Famllv. Puli.lt and Pocket hlblt In beautiful ftyl of Turkey iluruso and anll.ii.s bindltiK. A new edition, arranged for photographs . . P. - s.sT aVu.., I1Ims mr-ran.. w HARDING, Puhiisber, No. 826 CHKbN UT btre helow Kourth THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, RAILROAD LINES. RK A JJ I N (1 R A 1 L II O A 1) (iKKAT TRUNK LINK JtltOM PH 1 LA DELPH I A TO Til K INTKRI0R Ol ;NNVLVAMA. THE HCHUYLKILL. U( QU tllANNA, CUM BK KLAN D. AND WYOMING VALLEYS. T11K NORTH, NORTHWEST, AND 1 UK c anadah. i-l'MMliH AJlliAFfORMKNT OT PAS8ENQEB TKAINH, May 8, 1867, Leaving the Company's Depot, at TTTIRTEKNTH and a LI.OWHILL fctireets. Philadelphia, at the fol lowing bourn: MORNING ACCOMMODATION, At 7-DOA.M., for Reading and Intermediate Stations, Returning, leaves Rending at 6 su P. Mm arriving In Philadelphia at 9-to P. M. MORNING EXPRESS, At 816 A. M. for Reading, Lebanon, ITarrlsborg, Pottavllle, Pinegrove, Tamamia, Hunbury, Williams port, Elmlra. Rochester, Nlaitara Kails, KiifTalo, A lien town, Wlikesbarre, Plttston, York, Carlisle, Chambersburg, Ilagerntown, etc. etc. Tins train connects at RKAliINU with Fast Penn sylvania Railroad trains for Allentown, etc, and the Lebsnon Valley train for If arrlsbiirg, eta, at PORT CLINTON with Catawlssa Railroad trains for Wil liamsburg. Lock Haven, Elmlra. etc.; at HARRIS RUKW with Northern Central Qunberland Valley and Hchuylklll and Susquehanna tnttlns for Northum berland, Wllllamsport, York, Chambersburg, Pine grove, etc ' AFTERNOON EXPRESS Leaves Philadelphia at 81 P. M., for Rending Pottsvllle, Harrlsburg, etc., connecting with Reading and Columbia Railroad trains for Columbia, etc. POTTbTOWN ACCOMMODATION Leaves Pottslown at 6 20 A. M., slopping at Inter mediate Stations: arrives in Philadelphia at 8'40 A. M. Returning, leaves Philadelphia at 6'SU P. M.I arrives In Potletown at '46 P. M. . READ1NO ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading at 7H0 A. M stopping at all way stations, arriving at Philadelphia at 1015 A. M. Reluming, leaves Philadelphia at tvO P. M arrives In Reading at 7 U P. M. Trains tor Philadelphia leave Harrlsburg at 8-10 A. M.,and Pottsvllleat H-46 A. M arriving in Philadel phia at 1-00 P. M. Afternoon trains leave Harrlsburg at 210 P. M., Pottsvllle at 2 46 P. M., arriving In Phila delphia at 6-48 P. M. IIARR1HHURG ACCOMMODATION Leaves Reading at 715 A. M., and Harrlsburg at 410 P. M. Connecting at Reading with Afternoon Accommodation south at 6 3U P, M., arriving In Phila delphia at '10 P. M. Market train, with passenger car attached, leaves Philadelphia at 12-45 noon for Pottsvllle and all way stations. Leaves Pottsvllleat 7 00 A, M, for Philadel phia and all way stations. All the above trains run dally, Sundays excepted. Bunday trains leave Pottsvllle at 800 A. IL.and Philadelphia at 8'lf P. M. Leave Philadelphia for Reading at 800 A. M., returning from Reading at i'U ' " CHESTER VALLEY RAILROAD. Passengers tor Downluglown and intermediate points lake the 780 A. M.. and fou P, M, i rains from Philadelphia, returning from Downing town at 610 A. M. and TOO P. M. NEW YORK EXPRESS FOR PITTSBURG ANA THE WEST Leaves New York at 0 A. M, and 6 and 8 P. M. passlug Reading at 11)0 A. M and 160 and 10-06 P. M., end connecting at Harrlsburg wlln Pennsylvania and Northern Central Railroad express trains for Pitta burg, Chicago, Wllllamsport, Elmlra, Baltimore, etc Reluming, express train leaves Harrlsburg on ar rival of tbe Pennsylvania express from Pittsburg, at 8 and 846 A, M. aud 1 P. M., passlug Reading at 4 and 10-80 A. M., aud 4"20 and 11-15 P. M., and arriving in New York at 1010 A. M., and 4'4o and 6-o P. M. Bieepingicars accompany these trains through between Jersey City aud PHUiburg, without change. A mail train tor New Y ork leaves Harrlsburg at J10 P. M, Mall train for Harrlsburg leaves New York at 12 M. SCHUYLKILL VALLEY RAILROAD. Trains leave Pottsvllle at 7 aud 11-80 A. M., and 715 P. M returning from Tamaqua at 7 35 A. AL aud P40 and 4-15 P. M. Bl HUYLKILL AND 8TJ8QTJEHANN A RAILROAD Trains leave Auburn at 7 60 A. M. lor Pluegrove and Harrlsburg, and r&u P. M. for Pinegrove and Treinont, returning from Harrlsburg at .120 P. M., and from Tre mout at 7'36 A. M. and 6-25 P. M. TICjK ETB. Through flrst-class tickets and emigrant tickets to all tbe principal points In the North and West and Canada. Excursion tickets from Philadelphia to Reading and Intermediatestalious, good for one day only, are sold by Morning Accommodation, Market train, Reading and Pottslown Accommodation trains, at reduced rales. Excursion tickets to Philadelphia, good only lor one day, are sold at Reading aud Intermediate stations by Reading and Potuiiown Accommodation trains, at reduced rales. Tbe lollowUig tickets are obtainable only at the office of a BRADFORD, Treasurer, No. 227 8 FOURTH Street, Philadelphia, or ofU. A. NICOLLS General tuperintendeut, Reading: COMMUTATION TICKETS At 25 per cent.dlsconnt, between any points desired for families and firms. M1LEAOE TICKETS. Good for 2000 miles between all points, 452-50 each for families aud firms. SEASON TICKETS, For three, six, nine, or twelve months, for holder only, to all points, at reduced rules. CLERGYMEN Residing on tbe line of the road will be furnished cards entitling themselves and wives to tickets at half fare. FXCURSION TICKETS From Philadelphia to principal stations, good for Saturday, Bunday, and Monday, at reduced lure, to be bad only at thi Ticket Olllce, at T1LLKTK JiiN Tli ana UAiaAJ w xxxitj ntreein. FREIGHT. Goods of all descriptions forwarded to all tbe above polnte from the Company's Freight Depot, BROAD and WILLOW Streets. FREIGHT TRAINS Leave Philadelphia dally at fi-SO A. M., 12-45 noon, and 6 P. M., for Reading, LebanoiwSHarrisburg, Potts vllle, Port Clinton, and all points forward, MAILS Close at the Philadelphia Post Office for all places on the road and Its branches at 5 A. M., and lor tbe principal stations only at 2 15 P. M. 4 8 -i QnT7 FOR NEW YORK. THE CAMDEN JlOU I andAmboyand Philadelphia aud Trenton Railroad Company's Lines, Irom Philadelphia to New Y'ork and Way Places, from WALNUT Street Wharf, will leave as tallows, viz.: iah. At 5 A. M., via Camden and Amboy. Accom Vl& At 8 A. M., via Camden and Jersey City, Express Mail 8-00 At 2 P. M.. via lamden and Amboy, Express. 3-OU At 6 P. M., via Camden and Amboy, Ac-J 1st class, 8-25 coniniodaiion and Emigrant.. iza class, i so At 8 A. M,, 2 aud 5 P. M., lor Mount Holly, Ewans vllle, Pemberton, Birmingham, and Vlnceutown, and at o r. m. ior mount jtony oniy. At 5 A. M. and 2 P. M, for Freehold. At 6. 8 and 10 A. M.. 2 and 4 P. M.. for Trenton. At 5, 8 and 10 A.M., 1,2, 4.5,8. and IPSO P. M for Bordeutown. BurlliiKlon. Beverly, and Delanco. At 6 and 10 A. M.I, 2,4, 5, 6, and 1V30 P. M., for Florence. At 6 and 10 A. M.. i, 4, 6. 6, and 11 HO P. M., for Edge- water, Riverside, mverion, ana I'aunvra. At 6 and 10 A. M., L 4, 6, and 11 80 P. M., for Fish TJouset The 1 and 11-30 P. M. Lines leave from Market Street retry, upper sloe. LINES FROM EEJMIS1JNUTUJN DEPOT Will leave as follows: At II A. M.. 4 80 P. M.. ana 12 p. M.,(nignt). via Ken sington ana jersey city, new xorit jutpress Lines. r urn. m.. At 8. 10 l5!and 11 A. M.. 2-808-304-80. 5. and 12 P. M.. or 'i renion ana Bristol. At 8 aud 10-15 A. M.. 2-aO. a. and 12 P. M.. for Morris- vllle and Tullvtown. At 8 and 1015 A. M., 2 30, 4 80, 6. and 12 P. M., tor DCuencBO. At lu-15 A. M.. 2-30 and dp. Mm for Enaincton. At 7-30 and 10-16 A. M.. 2'30. 4.5. 8. and 12 P. M.. for tjornweirs, lorresaaie, iioimesuurK, xacony, wishi noniing. uriaesuurg, ana rrmmioru, ana at s 1; ju.. for Iiolmeeburg and Intermediate stations. For the Delaware River V.lley, Northern Pennsyl iir.li v 1 iy iviL iri'iin unimuiAU. vania, and New Y'ork State, and the Great Lakes, dally (Sundays excepted), from Kensington Depot as IOIIOWBI At M A. M. for Nlairara Falls. Buffalo. Dunkirk. Ciiuandaigua, Elniira, Ithaca, Owego, Rochester, niukiiamion. usweuo. -Syracuse, orem nana. Mon trose, W ilkesbarrc boranlon, Btrouduburg, Water Gap, etc. etc At s A.M. and 3-30 r. m. for ueividere, Easton, Lambertvllle, Flemlngton, etc 'Ihe 8-30 P.M. Line connects direct with tbe Train leaving Easton for Mauch Chunk, Alleutown, Bethle hem, etc At 6 p. M. for LambertvUle and Intermediate Sta tions. Lines from West Philadelphia Depot, via Connect ing Hallway, w ill leave as follow--: At i w ana 6 30 1'. M. wasningioa ana rsew xork Express Lines, via Jersey City, Fare, $3 2i, 1 ne su tr. ax. x.iue win run unity, All others. Bun- days excepted. WM. H. UATZMER, Agent. June bo, ibh7. FREIGHT LINES FOR NEW YORK A XI) all the Stations on the CAMDEN Bnd AMBOY andcounectlng Railroads. INCREASED DESPATCH, 1 11 E CAMDEN AND AMHOY RAILROAD AND TRANSPUUl A nun cuiiirAiNY F'RKIGHT LINES lor New York will leave WALNUT Street u. i.urf at 1 o'ohK-k P. M. dally (Sundays Hunurli. Freight must be delivered beiore 4i o'clock, to be fprwarueu iUe uuio Returulug, the above lines will leave New York at io ..in... ,iH i iiil 8 F. If. Freight for Trenton- Princeton, Klngslou. New Brunswick, and all rolnls on the Camden aud Amboy Liii-nurt- Alan, nn tlie Belvldere. Delaware and Flem- liiKton, the New Jereey. the Freehold and Jamesbarg, and iheBurliugton aud Mount Holly Railroads, re- ce ved ana iorwarueu up vu i u. arhe Belvldere aud Delaware Railroad connects at -n.f. V.E X it.? .he Ihlah Valley lullroad. aud i. '.':...."": :,.h. ,.ir -i.h all nolnu on the Delaware. r.L...,,,,, .d Western Railroad, forwarding to Syracuse, Buflalo, aud other polnia lu western jnsw The New Jersey Rallrcvl cennecU at F.Miabeth wit b the New J ersey Central Railroad, and at Newark A mip meinorauduui, hptKiifyiug tne marks na stance, be sent with each load of goods, or no receipt will be given. . . . ... N. B. Increased facilities have been made (tir the transportation of live stork. Drovers are Invited to try the route. When sux-k Is turnlshed in quautitia o! five carloads ormore.lt will he delivered at ihetoq of Fortieth street, near the Drove Yard, or at Pier N I, North River, as the shippers may designate at tin time ot shipment. For terms, or other luformatloi apply to WAITER FREEMAN, Freight Agent, 111 No. 2X0 b. DELAWAlOfi Avenue, I'hliada ' RAILROAD LINES. PHILADELPHIA, WILMINGTON AND BAI TIM ORE RAILROAD. TIM IC T RT.V Commencing MONDAY. .Inn. mr. rr..i.. m '."vi , v,?t corher Street and WASU- INOTO Avenue, as follows: , - i? i, 1 rain at S iW A. M. (Hnndaya excepted) lor Ralilmore. sinpnlns at rII rini.,.i.nnn. '-' neciiiig with Delaware Railroad at Wllmlugion for Crlsfleld and Intermediate stations. iiuinV.! IVrtZ.- Vw A- (Sundays excepted) foi Baltimore and Vashlngton. Express '1 rain at 8 i P. M. (Hnndays excepted) t Baltimore and Washington, slonpl.iK at Clieler, Thlli low, Lin wood, Claymout, Wilmington, Newoort. Stan ton. Newark, Elklon, Northeast, Charlextown, Perry, vll e. Havre-de-Grace, Aberdeen, Ferryman's, Edge, wood. Magnolia, Chase's, and Siemmer's Run. Con nects at Vv llmlnsrton with IMIiwm Klii-ril t in. stopping at Newcnsile.Mlddletown, Clavton. Smyrna! Dover, Camden, Fellon, Harrington, Mlirordearordl Salisbury, Princess Anne, and connecting at Crlsfleld wilt host lor Norfolk. Portsmouth, and the South. i.iKin j--Kpressatii-our.M.taaiiy) fur Baltimore and Washington. I'assenpeis by Boat from Baltimore for Fortress Mourte and No-folk will take tne 1 l-Ao A. M. Train. II,HIIM1U THAI IN II. StOtin nVftt.ll Klallnna kulw.an 1) , U . H 11! t, I A n. . ' uwv..a WT.VU A till Ul UtllU pHU ilniington. 1eave Phlladelnhla at 4 -In s-nn r.A (dally) P. M. The 4H0 P. M. Train connects with Delaware Railroad for Dover and Intermediate sta- ,111 1 in. Leave Wllmlneton T-no and A. M . inn mil s-on (dally) P.M. riium nnLji Lmrniii ij riilLA DKLPTTIA. Leave Baltimore 7-26 A. M.. w Mull a-is a nr F.I li reus. 2-16 P. M.. KxDreaa. s l. M v.,n,. 816 P. M., Express. ' , SUNDAY TRAIN FROM BALTIMORE. Leaves Baltimore at 8 R.s P. M . i,nni A, u de-Grace. Perryvllle, and Wilmington. Also stops af iiumiitjuii. r.iiuiM.auu jewarK to lake passengers lor Philadelphia and leave passengers from Washing Ion or Baltimore, and at Chester to leave passengers from Washington or Baltimore. through Tickets to ail points West, South, and Southwest, may be procured at the Ticket Olllce, No. sv CHESNUT Street, under the Continental Hotel. i-ersons purcnasing tickets at this office can bavt their bnggagk cheeked! at their residence by tbe uitiu i raumer i nmpan) 4l ii. F. K ElHNg r , HuperlntendenU WEST CHESTER AND PHILADELPHIA RAILROAD, VIA MKDIA. KUJUlHl AKRANOKMENTS. On and alterSATURDAY. Jnnel. ISST. Trnlna will leave Depot. THIRTY-FIRST and CIIKMNUTMLrjiuM as follows: WEST CHESTER TRAINS. Leave Phlladelohla for West Chester, at 7-15 A. M.. 11 A. M 2'3U P. M.. 4 15 P. M.. 4 50 P. M.. 6 25. aud IU'30 P. M. I Leave West Chester for Phlladelnhla. from Danot on Kant Market street, at 8'I6 A. M.,7'15 A. M., 7-ao and 10-46 A M., 1-56 P. M., 4-50 aud 8-50 P. M. t rains leaving w est Chester at 7'80 A, M., and leav ing Philadelphia at 4 50 P. M., will stop at B. C Junc tion and Media only. Pasweugers to or Irom stations between Went Ches ter and It. O. Junction going east, will take trains leaving West Chester at 7-16 A. M., and golug west will take train leaving Philadelphia at 4-50 P, M., and transfer at B. C Junction. . The C-'hesnut and Walnut Street cars connect with all of the above trains, cunylag passengers down I besnul slrtet, past theprincipal hotels aud the Cam (len'and Amboy RR. olllce, at Walnut street wharf, passlug out Walnut street to the dt pot. Leave Philadelphia at 8s3 A. M. and 2 P. M, Leave West Chester at 7-45 A. M. and 6 P. M. t Ity Pusseuser cars, on Market street, will connect with ail Sunday trains, botb ways, as usual, leaving Front and Market streets thirty-live minutes before the train leaves Depot, and will leave Depot on arrival of uch train, to carry passengers into the city. i rains leaving ruiiaueipuia at 7-io a. m. ana 4'no p, M-, ai d leaving West Chester at TU A. M. and 450 P. M connect at B. C. Junction with trains on P. and B. C. R. R., lor Oxford and Intermediate points. Passengers are allowed to take wearing apparel only, as baggage, and tbe Company will not In anv case be responi-ihle tor an amount exceeding one hon ored Hollars unless a special contract Is made for tbe same. HENRY WOOD, " General Superintendent. PHILADELPHIA, GERMANTOWN, AND TIME TABLE, On and alter Wednesday, May i, I8BT, FOR GERMA1STOWN. Leave Philadelphia , 7, 8, 05, lo. U, 12 A. M. 1. i)a. 33i. 4.6. 6Ji. 10. 7, 8, 9. It). 11 12 P. M. Leave Germanlown 8. 7. T,i. 8. 820. 9. 10. 11. 12 A. M. i, z, a. . , d, oa, , o. v, in, ii jr. m. The 8-20 Down Train and H and Vp Trains will not stop on tbe Germantown Brauch. Leave Philadelphia l4 A. M. 2, 7, 10V P, M. Leave Germantown 8sf A. M. 1, . S'Z P. M. C11FXNUT HILL RAILROAD. Leave Philadelphia 8. 8. 10. 12 A.M. 2. 8K. 8V.7. 9 and 11 P. M. Leave Chesnnt Hill 7'10. 8. 9-40. and 1140 A. M 140. 3-40, 6'40, 840. 8-40, and 10 40 P. fit. V7 1 ouro'Ain. Leave Phlladelnhla i A. M. 2 and 7 P. M. Leave Obesnut Hill V&O A. M. 12 40. 6-40. and 9-25 r. ji . , for cuiNinnuiiucJirjjw ajnjj jnuukibtuvvjn. Leave l'hiladelpliia 6, 7Si,9, and 1106 A. M. 1S, t' s'. s-05. and 11 i-. M. Uhvk NnrrlHtown S'4U. 7. 7 00. . and U A. M. IX. 8. 4,'4, 6)4. aud 8 P. M. vX"4 ro j j-i aj n. a t j T uva Phlladelnhla 9 A. M.. 2'30 and 71S P. M. Leave Norrlstown 7 A. M.,6'30 and 9 P. M. FOR MANAYUNK. Leave Philadelphia 8. 7., 9. aud 1105 A.M. li, S, H, 6. 8-05, 9',, and lli P. M. Leave Manyunk 810. 7X. 8'20, 9X, and 114 A. M. 2 8H. 6. ex.19, ana io-, r. ,ra . va f.esve Phlladelnhla 9 A. M. Hi and 7X P. M. Leave Manay link 7H A. M. Sand P. M. W. B. WlIiiON, General Superintendent, 80 Depot, NINTH and GREEN Streets. rjillLADELPHIA AND ERIE RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME TABLE. Tkronch and direct route between Phlladelnhla. Piiltlmore. llurrlsbiire. Wllllamsport. and the Great OU Region of Pennsylvania. F'LJioA r I tiLeii-iiNU tAH-i on an xsigut Trains, (lu and alUr MONDAY. April 29. 1.167. the trains ou the Philadelphia and Erie Railroad will run as loiiows: WK8TWARD. Mail Train leaves Philadelphia 700 P. M. leaves Wllllamsport 4-au a. m. " arrives at Krle ... 4 08 p. M. Erie Express leaves ruiiatieipbia a m noon. leaves wiuiamsport.u mj r. ji. " arrives at Erie Uroo A. M. Elmlra Mall leaves Philadelphia 8o) A. M. leaves Wllllamsport tits f. M, ' arrived at Ixck Haven 81J.P. M. KAHTWAUO. Ma'l Train leaves Frle 1025 A. M. leaves WllilamBport 10-10 P. M. " arrives at Philadelphia. 700 A. M. Erie Express leaves Erie 6-m) P. M. leaves wiiiiemsuor. ta A. u. " arrives at Phlludelnhls l oo P. M. Elmlra Mall leaves Lock Haven 715 A. fit. ' leaves w lliiamsport , 8 A. M, " arrives at Phllaifelphla 5-40 P. M, Mall and Ex Dress connect with all trains on W'arrnn and Franklin Railway. PafcBengers leaving Philade - phla st 12-00 M. arrive at Irvinelou at 6W A.M. aud on city at v u a. m. Leaving Philadelphia at 780 P. M., arrive at OU Cltv at 4-36 P. M. All trains on warren ana Fran gun Railway make close connections at oil City witu trains for Frauklln ana Petroleum centre. Baggage checked through. ALifltClJ U. ilLK ti, 1 1 General Superintendent. TXT EST JERSEY RAILROAD LINES FROM VV foot of MARKET Street (Upper Ferry). commencing w tLunxjsuA. x . j uue i&. istrz. LEAVE PHILADELPHIA AS FOLLOWH: For BrldKelon. balem. Vtueland. Millvllle. and in. termeoaie puiuus, at s a. ju., auu a-3u r. ax. For woououry, s a. m.. s ao anas -. ax. RE1URNING TRAINS LEAVE Bridgetown at 7'0S A. M. and 3'20 P. M. Salem at 8'45 A. M. aud 3116 P. M. Millvllle at 6-55 A. M. and 8118 P. M. " Vlne'and, 7-13 A. M. and a 271'. M. Woodhurv at 7-15 and 8-40 A. M.. and 4 51 P. M. Freight wJll be received atSeco..d Covered Whaif neiow walnut street, irom viwa, ax. until o-uu i. M.. Freight received before 900 A. M. Will go forward the luine day. ireiiitil l'eiivery. ino, Tan b, jjci.a w amis Avenue, 'i nAins r uiv tarsi mxn. x , 800 A. fit Morning Mall. a'UOP.M Cape May, Passenger. REICRNINW LEAVE CAPE ISLAND. 5-00 A. M. Morning Mall u4 P. M. Cane May Passencrer. Commutation tickets, good for ONE. THREE, or TWF LVE mouths, can be procured at the Olllce. of tne tympany iu uiuuucu. 'I'liri.nh tickets can be procured at No. 828 Chesnnt street (under the Continental Hotel), Persons purchasing iicaeis ai hub uincu cau nave meir og gage checked at their residence by the Union Trans fer companv. 0 IU W IJjlllAlU I'l" " ...ill. I.HIJI'-IIIIHIIIUOIIL. TjIIILADELPIIIA AND BALTIMORE CEN- X '1 HAL RAILROAD. Summer Arraugementa. i. .,i nr (SATURDAY. June 1. 1867. Tralus will irtva l'liiiHda.olila. from me ueoot or the weul i i.i uT.r Hurt I'hliadeliihla Railroad, corner of TH1RTY-F1 RST and C1I EHNUT StreetB (West Phlla- ............I i n . i m u -ill an., . m . uu I 11 ill I, Bl , ,u ma. " Leave Rising Suu at 6 'is anu.uxiora ai o uo A. ax.. aim leave oxioru at "to r. as. A Market Train, with Fassen?er carattacnea, win run on TumhIrvi and Fridays. leavliiK the Rlslna: Sun at 11-16 A. M., Oxford at 12 on M., and Keunelt at POO P.fM., connecting at West Chester junction wuu a Tmlu lor 1'I.I1u..IhIi,IiIh. on Wednesdays aud Satur days trains leave Philadelphia at 2 80 P. M., run lug turougn to iixtoro. . The 'Ira n leavli ir Ph lade otna at 7id a. oi. con- rpnts at Ox lord wlLh a ilullv Hue ot Stares for Pouch ,1111,11111. ii, 11(1111 11 1 1 (ill U 1 1 . i in . i. . . . . r I ' Peach luiltoiu to connect at Oxford with the Alter- ..inn Traill lor I'll 1 1 ml.. 1 1 ililu The Trslu leaving Phlladelohla at 4' 50 P. M. tWi to Rising ull, aia. Patutenueis all' wed to take wearing app'.rel only, aa bagxaite, and the Company will not 111 any case be responsible lor an amount exceeding one buudred dollars, uuleas a special coi truct he mans lor ihesame. 11( Ai&44Vl vrou, ueutraioup fc RAILROAD LINES. KIORTII PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. TllEMIDDLK ROUTK. shortest and moil direct route to Bethlehem, Allentown, Msurh Chunk, llsrellon. White Haven, Wllksbarre, Mahanny City, Mount Carmel, and all points lu the Lehigh, Ma linnoy, and Wyoming coal regions. Passenger Depot In Philadelphia, N. W, corner Of BERKS aud AMKHICAN Hirei-ls. KUMMF.R ARRANGEMENT. N1NK DAILY TRAINS. On and sfter WEDN K-sDAY. Mt8, 1W7. Passenger trains leave Ihe New Denot. comer Berks and Amerl. can strtets, dally (nnndays excepted), as follows: a -jo a. m. morning i.xpress ror jieiruenem ana Principal rotations on North Pennsrlvanla Rnllrond. connecting at Bethlehem with Ihlgh Valley Railroad ior a ueniown, cHiasnuqua. Hiatlng on, Mauch Chunk, nrnuirrij, jeansvine, fiuxeiion, wntte itaven, Wlikesbarre. Klnirstnn. l'liijunn nrt kU noinn in Lehigb and Wyoming valleys; also. In connection with Lehigh and Mafianoy Railroad, for Mahanoy ('ity, and with Calawls-a Railroad, lor Rupert, Danville, Mllfoo, and Wllllamsport. Arrive at Mmch Chunk at 121'8 A. M.: at Wilkes, barre at 8 P. M.j at Mahanoy City at I p. M. Passengers by this train can lake the Lehlgli Valley train, passing Bethlehem at :i55 p. M., for Kaston, and points on New Jersey Central Railroad to New X Of IV. At 8 45 A. M. Accommodation fbrDovlestown.'slon. nlng at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove, liathoro. and llartsvillo, by this train, take tbe stage at Old York road. At 10-16 A. M. Accommodation for Fort Washing ton, slopping at Intermediate stations. At 1 3i P. M. Express for Bethlehem, Allentown, Mauch Chunk, While Haven, Wilaesbarre, Mahanoy City, Centralis., Shenandoah, Mount ( annul, and all Points In the Mahanoy and Wyoming Coal regions. Passengers for Greenville take tbls train lo Uuaker- town. At 2' 45 P. Mi Accommodation for Dnvlestown. Slopping at all intermediate stations. Passengers lake hiege at Doyiesiown for New Hope; at North Wales ior fumneytown. At 4 P. ai. Accommodation for Dovlestown. stop ping at all intermediate stations. Passengers for Willow Grove. II albnro. and Hartsvllle. take at aire alAblngt n; for Lumbervtlle at Doylestown. At 6 YO F. M Through accommodation ror Bethle hem and all stations on main Hue of North Pennsyl vania Railroad, connecting at Bethlehem with Lehigh Valley Evening train lor Easton, Allentown, aud Mauch Chunk. At 8"2n p. M. Accommodation for Lansdale. stoo ping at all Intermediate stations. At 11-80 P. M. Accommodation for Fort Wash ington, IKAlPiB AilKlVK 1JN rillliAD.r.L,nilA. From Bethlehem, at 9-15 A. M.. 2ii5 and 8'40 P. M". - 2'U5 P. M. train makeadirect connection with Lehlirh Valley trains from Easton. Wlikesbarre. Mahanov Cltv, and Haxleton, Passengers leaving Easton at ii-au a. si. arrive in iTiiiaoeipma at - r. tvu passencers leave Wlikesbarre at 1 80 P. M-. connect at Bethlehem at 6'15 P. M., and arrive In Philadelphia at 8-40 P. M. From Doylestown at 8 25 A. M.. 5-10 P. M.. and 7-4(1 P. M. From Lansaaie at 730 A. M. From Fort Washington at 11-50 A. M. and 806 P. M. on bumiJA ltd Phlladelnhla lor Bethlehem at 9 30 A. M. l'hiladelpliia for Doylestown at 2 45 P. fif. Doylestown to 1'hlladelphla nll'tl A. M. Bethlehem to Phlladelohla at 4'30 P. M. F ilth and Sixth Streets Passem-er cars convey Das- BengeiB vo anu irom ine newuepov. White cars ol Second and Third streets line aud Union line run within a short distance ol tbe Depot. Tickets must be urocured at the Ticket Olllce In order to secure the .owest rates ol fare. Elil.JB CLARK, Agent. Tickets sold and Baggnge checked through to orln- clpal points at Mann's North Pennsylvania Baggage i!.x press uiuce, 1 j; no. ims, mr l ii rttreet. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD. SUMMER TIME, TAKING EFFECT JUNE 2, 1867. The trains oi tne i-eunsyivania central Railroad leave the Depot, at THIRTY-FIRST aud MARKET Streets, which is reached directly by the cars of the Market Street Passenger Railway. Those of the Ches nnt and Wuluut streets Railway ruu within one square of It. on ruuimyB iuo iunnei otreev cam leave f ront and Market Streets thirty-live mluules before the departure of each train. bleeping car x lutteui cnu uu imu un -application at the Ticket otlice.N. W.cor. Nlntb and Chesuut streets. Agents of tbe Union Trausler Company will call tor and oellver baggage at the Depot, Orders lelt at No. 901 cnesnui Bireut.or ao. i eouiu .ieveuin street, will receive attention. TUAir-iS LH.AV. iuurui, vi.:- Mall Train. 800 a; M. paoll Accom modailon. No. 1 Fast Line and Erie Express......... Paul! Accommodation, No. 2........ Harrlsburg Accommodation ....10 00 A. M. I.-12T0 P. M. .... TOO r. M. .... 2 1 P. JL Lancaster Accommodation...... Pitrkeaburir '1 rain 4 00 P. M. 5D0 P. M. Western Accommodation Train., Cincinnati Express Erie Mail Paoli Accommodation, No, 8 .. 5-40 P. M. .. 7H0 P. M. ,.. 7-80 P. M. .. 9110 F. M. Philadelphia Express U-15 P. M. F rle Mail leaves dally, except Saturday, Phlladelnhla Express leaves dally. All other trains dB'Ly'"f.'J.V.lU"V. h.. except bunday. F'or lull pnrilculn.ni as to fare and nccommooatlous, apply toFKANCIij F UNK, Ageut, Eio. 137 uut a wreui THAirsM Aumv j. ai x n-i j i , vii.: Cincinnati Fxiircau.. 115 A. M. I'lilluneipnia express Erie Mall Paoli Accommodation. No. 1... 7-10 A. 710 A. 8 20 A. 920 A. ,...12-40 P. 110 P. fit. M. M. M. M. l'arkesburg '1 ral u.. ................... Lancaster Train Fast Line and Erie Express... Paoll Accommodation, No. 2.., Day ExrresM.... Paoll Accommodation, No. 8... M. 4 10 P. M. ...i. 8-20 P. M. 71HI P. M. Harrlsburg Accommouauon.. ..... 8 50 P. M, Vnr inrther iulormatlou aDuly to JOHN C. ALLEN, Ticket Agents No. 901 CHESN UT Street BAMUEL H. WALLcVCE, Ticket Auent at tbe DeuuU The Pennsylvania Rallroud Company will not as sume any risk for Baggage, except for Wearlug Ap parel, and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. Ail Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk ol the owner, unless taken by special contract. J -v-mxr i Tin rr .it IT T T ,rj CiiHAiw ii, n miiiaiuD, 4 29 General Superintendent, Allooua. Pa. LUMBER. i Oan SELKCT WUJTB PINE BOARDS lOU I AND PLANK. 4-4, o-4, o-v z, -t, s, ana i incn CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COMMON, 16 eet long, 4-4, 6 4. 6-4, 2, t, 8, and 4-lnch WHITE PINE, PANEL PATTERN PLANK, LARGE AND SUPERIOR STOCK ON HAND. H QCV7 u i L d i n ui BUILDING mil 1 . j-un-uiiMJi -- w f , . , i . i i , t iiiunirui r.ninivn 1 J I I ll II J'l I V WH1 I 4-4 LA ROL1N A FLOORING. 6-4 CAROLINA FLOORING. 4-4 DELA W A RE FLOORING, g-4 DF. LA WARE FLOORING, WHl'lE PINE FLOORING. ASH FLOORING WALNUT FLOORINGS SPRUCE FLOORING, SI EP B04 IDS. RAIL PLANE. PLASTERING LATH. - I uur7 -U t h A h ANJJ JaJflibtB lOU I SH1NGLFJS. -- . . , . . . . . . .1 111 111111 u iAINt. I.IU'An oninujijua, SHORT CF:DAR SHlNGLEt?, COOPER SHINGLES. FINE ASSOR1 M F.N T FOR SALE LOW, No. 1 CEDAR LOGS AND POSTS. lbt7 LUMBER FOR UNDERlAKEhfl . LUMBER F'OR UNDERTAKERS! RED CEDAR, WALNUT, AND PINE. 18b7 ALBANY LUMBER UFALLKINf S. , ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KLNlb Kli AMinKll WAL.aU'1. DRY POPLAR, CHERRY, AND ASH. OAK PLANK AND BOARDS. MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOD. AND WALNUT VENEERS. lbb7 --CKJAK-B0X MANUFACTURERS. . CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. SPANISH CEDAR BOX BOARDS. 1 jln SPRUCE JUlHXl Bl'BUCE JUlfcX lOU I SPRUCE JOIST FROM 14 'JU IB r fl.R.1 uuiivi. BTTPli Kllili NORWAY HCANTLING. MAUI.E, BROTHER A CO., A I Irp No, 2500 SOUTH STREET. M S. BUILDERS'. MILL, at. B4.se. and xs m. ii.. xxx , ESIiEB & BUO., Proprietors. Always on hand, made of tbe Best Seasoned Lumber, at low prioes. WOOD MOTJLDIN08, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS, AND NEWELS. Newe s. Balusters, Bracket and Wcod Mouldings. WOOD MOULDINGS, BRACKETS, BALUSTERS, AND NEWELS, Walnut and Ash Hand Railing, 8, 8X, and 4 laches. BUTTERNUT. CHESN U T, and WALNUT MOULDING to order. Ity pm H. WILLIAMS, fcov'Dtccrtli ana Spring Garden. 1JTJIL13IINO LU31BEII I AHIBIUBP WOOM. 515wm2m T C. P E R K I N S, LUMBER MERCHANT Buoceu-or to It Clark, Jr., ! K0. 824 CHRISTIAN STREET. Constantly ou hand a large aud varied IwaOrtment Of IH'HUIPM Lumber. JUKE 21, 18C7. SHIPPING. PiiiTLnn.riiA .KK'iinrfri. AND NORFOLK STKaMwIIIP LINK .THROUGH A I It LINE TO THE SOUTH AND W hKT. TnROTDOII RECKIPTrt 1( NRWUMtf. Also, all points In North and Smith Carolina, via Feaboard and Roanoke Railroad, and to Lynohbtirg, V., Tennessee, and the West, via Norfolk, Peters burg, Soul h-Hiile Railroad, and Richmond and Dan ville Railroad. '1 be regularity, safely, and cheapness or tbls route commend It to tbe public as tbe most denlrable me dium for carrying every description of freight. No charge for commission, drayage, or any expense of transfer. Steamships Insure at lowest rates, and leave regu larly from first wharf above Market street. k reigbt received daily. wm, X . ci-ix i-rw v. lAr. TVn. 14 Nnrlli Mud fenntlk W'hnrvwl. W. P. PORTER. A uent at lllrlitnoliil anil Cltv Point. ' T. P. CROWELL & CO, Agents at Norfolk. 1 THK PllII,Af.i.lli la AMU liiiv-in. SOD'l HERN MAIL SikAUalilPiiiM. AiV S REGULAR LINE lOll SAVANNAH, 1A. TONAWANDA.Hbvtons, Cnptalu w m. Jennings, WVtlMiiNU. hfU tons. Clintliill Jnroh Teal. The SteaUlSlllD WVOMING will I .. nr tha abov port on Satnrday, Juue 29, at 8.0 clock A. M., from Arch street wharf. .until lurtner notice, tbe TON A WAN DA will be withdrawn, and the WYOM1NU will make semi Uiotilbly trips, l broiiL'h tiassave tickets sold and frelirht taken ftw all points In connec' Ion with theGeorgla Central Rail- roaa. wiJjLIAM x jamkpi. ueuerai Ageut, No. 314 S. llelaware avetiuA Agents at Savannah, Hunter A Ganimell. 4 1 .UaSOUlUEItN MAIL SI EAMSUIP COM- fAi Y'b REGULAR SEMI-MONTHLY LINK, F4K it:w Ilkl.lTNl. M. BTAROF'l HF, UNiON,l(; tuns, Ct.pt. T. N.Cooksey vki ia, izio tous, captiuu r. t. noxie, '11(1(1 A. 1(174 totia. ( ai.luln J. V. Mnraa. Will leave litis Itort uvurv Iwn WMUm i,llrtrnal6lV. touching at Havana reluming, lor freight and pas- The STAR OF THE TJNION will leave for Naw Or. leaua ou Tuesday, July 2, at 8 o'clock A. M., Irom Pier 16 (second wharf u i Spruce street). Ihe TIOGA Will leave Ne Orleans lor this port June 29, 1 broiiEh bills of lading signed for frelirht to At o j.. Galveston, Natches, Vlcksburg, Memphis, Naauya. Cairo, ot. i.ouis, i.ouiHvine, aua ciiicinnati. WILLIAM L. JAMra. General Agent, 4 151 No. 814 S. Delaware avenue. Agents at iNew Orleans, creevy. Nicker son & Co, THK PIIII,I)F.LP1IIA AMD SOUTHERN MAIL HTS.AMHH IP (XlM l-ANx'B REGULAR SEMI-MONTHLY LINK t ell VV 1 1.91 1 N 4jT1 ON , fi. V. Tbe steumshlD PIONEER. 812 tons, (antaln J. Ben. nell, will leave lor the above port on Saturday, June 22, at 8 o'clock A. M., from Pier 18 isecoud wharl below fcoruce street). Bills o ilauing signed at throng Aid reduced rate to ail principal points in North Carolina. Agents at w nmingion, worm at janiei. WILLIAM L. JAM IX, Geueral Agent, No. 814 8 Delaware avenue. 411 NEW EXPRGSK I.I9IK TO Alexandria, Georgetown, and Washington, L D. C, via Chesapeake and Delaware t anal. V.HU coiiueclious at Alexandria from the most direct route lor Lvuchburtf. Bristol. Knoxvllle. Nashville. Dallon, and tbe Southwest. bieamers leave regularly irom tne nrat wnarr asove Market street. ireltht received dully. w ai. r. -.Li ux s. No. 14 North and bomb Wharves. J. B. DAVIDSON, Agent at Geoigetown. M.ELDR1DGE & Co.. Ageuts at Alexandria. Vir ginia. 81 OPPOSITION TO MOM O- f"?-r- FOLY. DAILY LliME FOR SAliTl- JiiAiiaMUUE, via Chesapeake aud Dela- V.. e Lanui. Philadelphia and Baltimore Union Steamboat Com (.aiiy, daily at 2 o clock P. M. I ue oieumers oi tins uue arw uuw piying reauiariy betwetnthls port aud Baltimore, leaving the second whi.rf be,ow Arch street daily at it o'clock P, M. (Sundnys excepted), C arr. lim all uescnutlon of Freight as low as any Olher In e. Iirelubt bandied with great care, delivered promptly, and forwaided lo all points beyond the terminus nee oi coatuuinoiuu. i aitlculur atteutiou paiu to tne transportation or all description of Merchandise, Horses, Carriages, etc. ( tc. Fur lurtner iniormation, appiy to JOH D. RTJOFF, Agent, 8 16J ' No. 18 N. DELAWARE Avenue. HAVANA STEAMERS. SEMI-MONTHLY LINE. UARRTINU THE UNITED STATES MAIL. 1 lit HLeunislilns HENLR1CK HUDSON ..CAPTAIN HOWES S'lAl.S AND bTUIl'ES CAP1A1N HOLMES 1 lithe bifRirn will leave this Dorr, for Havana vtr other Tuesday at S.A. M. Ihe meumsuip ii,iiiiuia mjuaun iiiowea Master), will tall tor Havana on TUESDAY MORN ING, July 2, at s o'clock. l aseage to -iuvulu, f-u turrcuu, No lieiglit received ufler Saturday. F or Freight or Passage apply to ' THOM AS WA TTSON A SONS, 5 18 No. 140 N.DELAWARE Avenue. STEAM TO LIVERPOOL CALL- Imr at Uueeustown. The Inman Liue. b.nniiK seuil-weekly, carrying the United Slates Alalls, RETURN TTCKE1S IO PARIS AND BACK. FIRS!' . CLASS. fMU GOLD. CITY OF AKTVVEIU1.,.. .Saturday, June 22 CITY OF t ORE Weduesday, Juue 28 CITY OF BOS!ON Saturday, June 29 CITY OF NEW YORK ........-Wednesday, July 8 CITY OF UALTTJU.UHJB, !-aiuruay. j uiy a And each succeeding eaiuruay auu Tveuuesuay, at Loon, fjom 1 ier No. 4o North River. ' 1. . -1 L W 1 1 1.' L A A 4 A IX1. By the mall steami r sailing every Saturday, in i i .1 1 vji i r. b mil u Payable lu Gold. Payable in Currency. First Cabin ..-..-I no bteernije ..(ja0 To LonUou 35 '1 O l.CllUOU Hit To Puns 1- To Paris 45 l'assute by the Weduesuay Steamers: First Cabin, tllo; bleetuge, :!( Payable lu U. S. Currency. .rubfeengcrB aiso nirwarueu boxiuvre, xiuuiuurg, uio- men, etc., at moderate rates. ten, etc., at inuueraie ruies, btenage passage Irom Liverpool to Queenstown, flo jiiei.cy. Tickets can be bought here by peisuus CUI fimiil tiir tor lliitlr (rleio H. l or lurther lulormalion apply at the Company's olLce. JOHN o. IJAliK, Ageut, JNO. 15 JirtOAl' wax, n. ., 8 11 or No. 411 CHFJ3N UT St., Philadelphia. PASSAGE TO AND PROM GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND xjX bTEAMblilP AND SAILING PACKE1', AT RFDUCED ItATl'X DRAFTS AVAILABLE TllROUOlloUT ENGLAND lltFLAJND, bCOl LAJD, AJND WALES. For purtlculais apply to TAPbCOT'I-H, BROTHERS CO. No. 86 SOUTH Street, and No. 23 BROADWAY, 11 Or to '1 DOS. R. SEA RLE, No, 217 W'ALN UT St. FOB NEW YOItK, VIA DELA. Ware and Rarltan Canal. Ex press Steamboat Company Steam Fro- iitntis leave Daily Irom first whan below Market Bluet, Ihiough in twenty-roor hours. Goods tor- waided to all points, .North, East aua west, tree 01 commission. F'rtlalils received at tne lowest rates. , WM. P. CLYDE A CO.. A rents. No. II boutb Wharves. JAMES n AND. Agent. No. 104 Wall street. New York, 8 1 tf FfIR NEW YORK 8W1FTSTTRH ly-A-r-Trausportatlon Company Deenauib rand swiltsure Lines, via Delawarv and Rarltan Canal, on and after the 15th of Marco, leaving daily at 12 jh. auu o r. m., wjuutxumj wiu ail Northern and Eastern lines. Or irelgUt, WUIUU SUl U. I.I.U KVl MiWVUUUVM tin, teraia, apply WILTjIAM BAIRD CO., I j mo. ma p. uxL.A w a a venue TO SUIP CAPTAINS AND OWNERS. !!ThA iinderaliirned having leased the KEN bjAG'loN SCREW DOCK, begs to luloriu his frieudi and the patrons of the Dock that he la prepared wilt increased facilities to accommodate those havlug ve uia in tie rallied or repaired, aud bemg a practical ship-carpenter and caulker, will give personal alien. lion to tue vesseia .uuwcu w 1 mi . i.un Captaiusor Agents, Shlp-Carpeiiteis, and Machinists having vessels to repair, are solicited to call. Having the ageucy for the sale of "Welterstedt'i Patent Metallic Composition" for Copper paint, for the preservation or vessels' bottoms, for this oily, I am iireuared to furnish the same on reasonable terms, prepareo w luxmau . c jqjijj HAMMIIT Kensington Screw Dock, DELAWARE Avenue, above Laurel street. EXCURSIONS. ar.iT?TJs EXCURSIONS OPTHERlVK.il.- Ja3The spleudld steamboat JOHN A. V Atx I'.iii manes uauy Aiieruoun . Burlington aud Bristol, stopping at Rlverton, l""9 dale, Andalusia, and Beverly, each way. 'nese excursions leave CHESNUT STRFH.T WUARf at 2 o'clock in the Allernoon. Returning, leave Rriaioi at 4 o'clock, arriving in the city at o e. FARE-ExcursloiT, 40 cts. Each way.2oo. l M 8m r rr EXCURSIONS ON THE aSlS SCHUYLEILL-smers leave Fair- mount P.Ik lloot ot Coa.e. -JBJf(UR, TOR LAUREL HILL CEMETERY. .. tw.Tr 1 viii Fairm 011 11 1 al 7 20 A. M.: last boat atPW at living lallsof bchuyikiliat 8 58P.M . -r a fW LEGAL NOTICES. RECJI8TER'S NOTICE.-TO ALL CREDI tors, Lesalees, and other persons Interested: Notice Is hereby given that the following named persons did, on the dates aflixed to their names, file the accounts ot their Administration to the eiiAten of those peisons deceased, and Guardians' and Trustee' accounts whose names are undermentioned, In the ollice of the Register for the Prooate ot Wilis and Granting Letters of Administration. In and fur the City and County of Philadelphia: and tbat the Same will be presented to the Orphans' Court of saldvlty RUU Vlllllll, IV. IIMIIII IIIUMIIM RUU Ml ,,F rw nil , VI. third FRIDAY In June next, at 10 o'clock la the morning, at the County Court House iu said city. 1HH7. Apr. 27, Joshua Llpptiicntl el al., Executors of JAMBS DUN DA 8, deceased. " 27, Ellen McManus, Executrix of FRANCIrJ Mt. MAN US, deceased. " 29, Peter J. Masierson and John Daley, Execu tors of MICHAEL MASTER-JON, de ceased. " 80, Adnm Everly and John C. Cresson, Executors of MARY EVK.RLY. deceased. " 80, GeorxeJ. Riobarilsnn et al,, Executors and Trustee- ol WILLIAM RICHARDSON deceased. May 1, Hugh Gamble, Executor of JOHN TURNER deceased. " 2, John R. NelT, Jr., et al.. Executors ol cnARLErt BIRD, deceased. " 2, Charles Wurts, F xecutor of MARIA B LENTZ, deceased. " 4, George W. and Catharine Bremer, Executors ol LEWIS BREMER, deceased. " 8, Charles H. F'.brenpfort and Lorenze Htern heiu, executors oi JOHN BESSINGER, de ceased. " 8. Anna M. Howell, t al.. Administrators. JOHN A. HOWELL, deceased. " 8, Jacob Hollmau, Aduilulstraior of CHARLES N UOENT, deceased. " 8, John smith. etai.,AdmlnlstralorsotTHOMAS . READING, deceased. " 8, John C. and Alexander G. Mercer, Adminis trators el II ALL W. M ERCER. deceased. ' 7 Char lis L Bowen, Executor or ELIJAH Jit) WEN, deceased. " 7, Edward A.Pa e.AdminlslralororCUARLBS F. PAGE. deceased. " 7, Robert Tempest and Elijah Jones, Executors ol PETER J. DECKER, deceaied. " 9, Berunrd Owens, Administrator 01 HENRY M I'.V I l.i y,, deceased. " 9, Charles W. Hornnr, Administrator d. b. n. o. I. a. f JOHN NORTH ROP, Sr., decased. " S, John Trucks. Guardian ot HENRY C. TRUCnS, late a minor. " 10, Jane s. Com tort et al. Executors Of EZRA COMFORT, deceased. " 10, Tbe Gliard Lile Insurance, eto- Co., Execu tors of I'KTKR Mli. I P. deceased. 10, TbomnsCadwalader, Kieoulor and Trustee ot J AMEN HAMILTON, deceased. " 11, John C. Davis, Administrator of ELIZA Austin, deceased. " 18, Vt llllaoi P. Cresson and Thomas R. Watlson, Executors of EDWARD GASK1LL, de- " 13, John ll." Goldbeck, Administrator of JOHN RAU. deceased. " 13, Elizabeth Schneider, Administratrix ot AN THONY SCHNEIDER, deceased. " 14, John W, Lawton, F.xecutor oi MARTIN McH ALE, deceased. " 14, William C Coitlnan and John Rees, Execu tors of JACOB BAKER, deceased. " 14. Joseph R. aud Jacob A. Paul, Administrators ol WILLI A. HR. PAUL deceased. " IS, Emma N. Alion et al., Executors oi WIL LIAM ALLEN, deceased. " 13, Charles S. Llver.ey aud Joseph Lever, Exe cutors ofALlCFJ UEALD, deceased. " 15, Chniles Welsh, Executor ot ANN HUNTER, " 15, Lewis A. Scott, Administrator in Pennsyl vania of JOSEPH D. SMITH, deceased. " IS, Peter Met all, Executor of SARAH McCALXi, deceased. " 15, William T. I.owberet al., Executors ot JOHH R. WORRELL, deceased. " 18, Peter Ileal, Admlniblrator of HANNAH CRAMER, deoeused. 17, Henry Barry. Executor ot HENRY BARRY, Sr., deceused. " 17, Joseph M. l'lle, Administrator ot ROBERT B. WOODBURN. deceased. " 18, John Colburn, Administrator Of JAMES COLBURN, deceased. " 18, Gideou L. Fisher, Executor of HENRY CHE EN. deceased. . " 18, Patrick A. Fagau, Executor Of THERESA CLARK, deceased. , ia Hugh I ampbell et ai., Executors Of JOSEPH T AGOFiRT, deceased. ., " 20, Tbomns Barker, Administrator of GEO RGB BARKER, deceased. . " 20, William 11. Main, Trustee and Executor Of STEPHEN 11. 8IMMONS,.deceatied. " 21. H, C. Prlmiose aud A. Thompson, Executors of VIOLET PRIMROSE, deceased. " 21, Edmund aud Benjamin Young, Executors of JACOB YOUNG, sr., deceased. " 22, Samuel Davis and John Dight, FJxecutors or CHARLES GAM BER, deceased. " 23, James Page, Administrator of THOMAS II. RICHARDS, deceased. ' 23, James L. Bewley, Adminlstratorof MARY O. SCHUTZENBACH, deceased. " 24, ratrlck Mullen. Execulurot PATRlCKBOW, deceased. , 4 Rebecca Jane Fulton and George Henderson, Executors ol JAMK8 FU LION, deceased. " 24, Anna K. Jones (formerly Keyser), Executrix ol CHARLES KEYSER, deceased. ' 24, Frederick Koons. Admiuistrator of THEO- liollU ClKAliKIN, deceased. " 24, John O Byrne, A umlu'strator of jVARUAXtJ A SCAN LAN, deceased. 24, John O' Byrne, Administrator of PETER SF:iGFRlED, deceased. " 24, Frederick Koons, Administrator of ELIZA- BETH WILL, deceased. " 25, Sarah Healu, Administratrix of JOHN O. H EALD, deceased. " 27, Horace Moses and Henry Cramond, Execu tors Ot JOSEPH GRATZ. deceased. " 27, Charles B. F;ngle, Administrator ot JOHN PREVOST, deceased. " 28, Rebecca and Susan R. Jackson, Executrlces of JObEPU JACKSON, deceased. " 28, Wliliaf. M. I- arr, Administrator of WILMON WHILLD1N, deceastd. " 28. Mahloo Fox, Administrator Of HORATIO W OHRAl.Ii, deceased. " 29, Cbsrles M. Waguer, Administrator of JAME3 BOYER, deceased. " 29, Dr seth C. Huston, Guardian (as filed by bia Executor) ol the LE1B mluoiS. " 2D, Auiaudal'arsons.Admlmstratrixof DANIEL M. PAltsoNS. deceased. " 29, Caroline Swift and P. S. Jacoby, Executors of MARY SWIFT, deceased. " 29, Caihaiine Smith, Administratrix of ROBERT W. SMITH, deceased. 30, Jehu McArtbur, Jr., Executor of WILLIAM DENNEY. deceased. 80, Jacob M. Clark, Admiuistrator of MARY M. CLARK, deceased. " 30, Henry Ball, Jr., Administrator of HENRY BALL, deceased. " 30, William S. ilelvorson, Administrator of HANNAH COOK . deceased. " 30, Hugh De Haven, Executor of HOLSTETN DK HAVEN, deceased. " 80, The Pennsylvania Company for Insuranceon Ilv( elf. Ve-nU,rn of JOHN MKIlt. V1NG, deceased. " 80, John B. Wagner et al.. Executors ot WIL LIAM WAGNER, deceased. " 30, Jonathan Rooke, Executor of SAMUEL It, JONES, deceased. 80, William U. F'lauagan, Executor (as hi Ml by his Executrixi ot MARY C. NAYLlt, da ceased. " 80, LouLsa P. Carr, Administratrix d. b. n. c. t. a. of EDWARD W. CA RR, deceased. FREDERICK M. ADAMS, 8 81 f4t Register. I N 'Hit ORPHANS' COURT FOH THE CITY" Land county of Philadelphia. Estate oi LEWIS H. DUNGAN, deceased. The Auditor appointed ty the Court to audit, settle, and adjust the tit at account ot RFNJAMlN M. DUNGAN, Administrator ol LEWIS 11. DUN GAN, deceased, and to report distribution of the balance lu the bauds of the accountant, will meet the parlies Interested lor the purpose of his appoint ment, on TUESDAY. July 2, A. D. 1HS7, at 11 o clock A.M., al his otbee, No.402 WALNUT Street. In tha Cliy ot Philadelphia. W. D, BAKER, 6 21 fiuwol ' Auditor. IK THE ORPHANS' COURT FOR THE CIIY X AND. COUNTY OF PHILADELPHIA. Estaleof WILLIAM HARDIN, deceased. -The A udltor appointed by the Court to audit, settle, aud adjust the account of MARY HARDIN .Admin istratrix pendente lite to the estate "f. y V;irj?i HARDIN, deceased, and to report distribution of tha 1... 1. 1.1 ii.iiitii ..c 11,. aa-ouutant, will meet HlllHllHH ,1, , U 11 11 Hull w. - - 1, I tin. .lur-lo. hiinruiiii fni- tliA UurPOSS OI BIS TESTATE OF R03ANXA SMITH, DECEASED. ill Letters "'Z llti undersigned, all cersooa having V,1?,1'' payment, and those having Claim indebted will nJKJY,,r1,t deiav. to will present tbem wltboutlay. 6 81 16t . JNO. jizt nainiitou pireet. STOVES, RANGES. ETC. QULVER'S NEW PATENT DEEP SAM ID-JOINT HOT-AIR FUUNAOE. BUOEa OF ALIi IIIEi. Also, Phllepar'B New Low Pressure Btaam Heallnt; Apparatus, ior sale by t'MABLJBS ytlXX&AMMt 610 ' No. I18t MAJ-.KET Strf -RUTLER, WEAVER & CO., MANUPACTCREIU3 0 Manilla and Tarred corde,'Cord Twines, Eto. Wo. North WATER Street, and.. ,; .,, 'No, JSorth DELAWARE AveuUO, . (, tBWit H, r 0lA,xHiaa. i-4 appoint- went on mondayT July 1. a. d. .iEl" L'."';'0 A.M.. at bis Olllce, No. 402 .WL,S!!' " the cliy ol Phlladoipiiia. AMOS J. Kfc oiuwimn