01TY INTELLIGENCE. trOB ADDITIONAL LOCAL IMMBBICMOUTJIDl! PAOIS.J J Ji iC TJ,,C Th" Knlar meeting of City Council wers held yesteroay afternoon. The bn. alness was as follows: chair"' Branc-IlrMldent Sperm wu la the A communication wu received from Richard ruts, Receiver of Taxes, representing tbat collec tor of delinquent taxes enter security In fsouo. Tbe arrangements made are such tbat no collector can bold tbat amount of money at one time. Thle M .lven by the Receiver in reply to a resolution of Inquiry on tbe part of the Ubamber. The lie. celver also says tbat It Is impossible for him to f.'T'..1? ,'"8 ,r,or ,0 0WD administration, a list of defaulting collectors. Snob persons could not be known to the department until tbe amount of their receipts Is brought to light through the re ports made to LUty Councils. A not was received, Jointly signed by the va rious steam fire engines of the city, asking for an Increase of the sum now annually appropriated to J-, 11 WM referred to the Committee on Fire and Trusts. A PrMln petition was received from cltlwns in the southwestern section of tbe city, now suffer Ing from the effects of a damaging Inundation, for Ihe construction of sundry culverts. This waa referred. An elf otlon for Directors of Oirard Oollega was entered Into. Charles E. Lex, Robert T. Olll and Augustus Heaton, were chosen. Mr. Hodgdon, from the Committee on Finance, reported an ordinance providing that Turbine wheels be substituted at Fairmount for the old wheels known as Nos S and 3. For this purpose an appropriation of 125,000 was recommended. -,r" hodgdon ead a communication from the Chief Engineer relative to the Imperative, neces 'Ji end, Indeed, the economy of this expenditure. Mr. Marcus moved a postponement of the sub ject for one week, but after further explanation he withdrew his motion, and tbe ordinance passed. Mr. Oattell, from the Committee on Qlrard Es tales, submitted an ordinance providing for the conversion Into stores of premises Nos. HIS and lmchernut street, appropriating 825.000 for tbe purpose. ' Mr. Marcus contended that this sum waa too large for the mere alteration of two dwellings into stores. , Mr. Cattell explained that for the rental of the two stores an auctioneer had offered 913,000, which was an ample interest upon tbe property, repairs Included. Mr. Hopkins further opposed the passage of tbe ordinance, not deeming tbe proposed plan of alteration a wise one. Mr. Barlow likewise opposed the plan, because the ordinance did not provide that tbe work should be given to the lowest and best bidder. The bill, after a good deal of desultory and de cidedly tedious debate, was amended. - Dr. Kamerly moved a proviso that the tenant ef tbe altered buildings shall enter into an agreement to pay all the expenses of the alteration over and above the sum ot 25,0OO. This was agreed to, and the Chamber passed the ordinance. Mr. Ritchie reported a bill for the erection of school-houses as follows: On the west side of Nineteenth street, below Chesnut, Cost 838,765. James O'Rourke, con tractor. Another on the northwest corner of Oallowhlll and Dillwyn streets, for ll,:i!Ki. Contractors Thomas 11. Boos and Samuel Ogden. Another on the northwest corner of Christian and G rover streets, for 81,733. Alex. Cassidy contractor. The ordinance passed. An ordinance was reported by Mr. Wagner, . from tbe Committee on Law, providing for tbe appointment of inspectors of steam boilers. This was ordered to be printed, and its conside ration deferred until the next meeting. A report relative to the eligibility of Mr. Van Cleve to the position of Assistant City Solicitor was now read, and was relerred to the Committee on Law. A resolution by Mr. Cattell, permitting a reli gious body to erect a woodn building In the sub urbs, was referred to the Committee on Police. A report was made from the Special Committee appointed to inquire into the expediency of tbe Philadelphia Gas Works. It embodied an opinion from the City Solicitor, setting forth tbat tbe trans fer could be effected after gaining the assent of a majority of the holders of the loan. Tbe report was accompanied with a negative recommenda tion, and the subject was laid over. Mr. Bumm, in place, submitted an ordinance. It requires that tbe committing magistrates of the city shall keep dockets of all cases In which fines and penalties are exacted; that a strict record shall be kept by them of all moneys so received, of the names of the parties mulcted, and that they shall make full returne every three months, on oath or affirmation, to the City Controller the penalty for non-compliance being a deprivation of the right to collect fines and penalities, and to be ineligible to office thereafter. Several members expressed approbation of the ordinance, and It passed finally. The bills from Common Counoll were then taken up. No other business of pnbllo Importance was transacted. Adjourned. Common Branch Common Council met at three o'clock, Mr. Marcer in the chair. Mr. Clerk Eckstein read a communication from the City Commissioners, praying for an appro priation of two hundred and fifty dollars. A petition was read, requesting the grading of Ash street, Twenty-fifth ward. Mr. Ray presented a petition from tbe steam Are engine companies of the city, requesting an in crease of gratuity. They now receive two thou sand dollars per annum. A statement of the run. nlng expenees of each steamer was appended, showing that these outlays are much heavier now than they were when the ordinance was passed: therefore the companies request three thousand dollars. Mr. BUlington, from the Police Committee, re ported an oidinance requiring all persons using the city telegraph to pay an annual rent of fifty dollars. Passed. The same committee reported a resolution ask lng to be discharged from the consideration of the -veto message of the Mayor on a division of the re ward for the arrest of the murderer of Mrs. Mil ler. Agreed to. -,,, Also, a resolution to change tbe name of Mifflin street, in the Seventeenth ward, to that of Ran dolph street. Agreed to. Also, a resolution giving Messrs. J. D. Lewis Bro. permission to erect wooden buildings at their manufactory in the Eighteenth ward. Agreed to. The Committee on Fire and Trust reported an ordinace appropriating three thousand five nun dred dollars to extend the city telegraph to certain hose houses. - Mr. H arper moved an amen dment that the ordin ance shall not go into effect until January 1, 1WS8. The amendment was agreed to and the ordinance MrBardsley submitted an ordinance authoriz ing the construction of a sewer on Kitteuhjuse street, from Germantown avenue to Honey run, Twenty-second ward. Passed. Also, an ordinance tocbangethenameof Emmett street to Fletcher street. Passed. Also, an ordinance dlreotlng the footways on Kensington avenue to be thirteen feet In width. An ordinance roported by Mr. Stockton, Chair man of the Port Warden's Committee, to cancel the lease of Cbesnut street wharf, on the Delaware, with B. H. Huddle, and to renew it for three years, Mr' Ray! "of the Highway Committee, reported thOrdVnMce'maklng an appropriation tor rebuild in and extending Reed street culvert. Resolution for tbe grading of Thirteenth, street, from Norrls to Diamond. Resolution to tramway Fillmore street The above were passed. The epeoial committee for the proper observance of the Fourth of July reported that, in view of the faot that eight thousand dollars would be re ouired to properly observe the day. the committee wm compelled to report that It Is inexpedient to make an appropriation, as the treasury of the city Accompanytng 'the report was a resolution ask lnl fo? the discharge of the committee from the further consideration of the subject, which was gM?dBardley, of the special committee to inquire into t'heaUeged abuse on the Board of Health, re Inr Jd that they have had three meetings, and have Kfned "be officer, of the Board of Health, night workers? and measurers of the Board, to., and , iht is 000 has been appropriated for re- " ..i of nS Uances in the annual appropriation to fiZ Mn.rd if Health for tbe ye.rlb67. General the Board or . .rt Washineton L. Bla- h S Viwif ClerkT tostitted that only 81100 of that ?VnDrlation has epent so lar for this year, !ES thSVtbink that only between 80000 and 810,000 win be qu?r"d of that appropriation r the pur. iiPJZtiotmoj for the present, and give . B of Health the means and officers to par. ethf .anl.aTy measures in anticipation of the VI ill cholera. Your committee ask to be WU1 th.7 n.u Ur UTeeUgation, THE DAILY which will require a week or ten days' farther time 1 hey then-fore report the following: Knolted, 1 hat tbe City Controller is hereby an tboriwd to transfer from Hera seven, in tbe appro priation to tbe Hoard cl Health for the year lt-67, to tbe following items, via: To item 1. For the salaries of ten sanitary In pectors for three months, 8IA50; for the salary of one assistant clerk, 8900, in all 82151). To Item 8. For the salaries of ten permit clerks for three months, 8410. To Item 6. For disinfectants, 8800: for the care and treatment of cholera patients in tbe event of cholera, 81330, In all 82130. Tbe resolution was agreed to." ' Mr Potter rend in place an ordinance empower ing tbe Pork Commission for the purpose ot ex lendlrg Fairmount park to take possession ot all that plot of ground lying between the Spring Gar. den Water Works and Columbia bridge and tbe Reading Railroad and tbe Schuylkill. Agreed to. Mr. Smith read In place an ordinance making an appropriation of three hundred dollars to tbe Coroner for the recovery of the remaining bodies lying under tbe debris caused by the late explo sion in Sansom street. Agreed to. Mr. Harper offered a resolution that tbe assistant clerks of Councils be Instructed hereafter te fur. nish the newspapers of the city with a copy of the proceedings of Councils. Mr. Harper said tbat tbe debates were published When they were ol no interest to the public. Mr. Hetzell moved to postpone for tbe present. Agreed to. Mr. Hetzell offered the following: . Whereas by the act of February 2, 1855, consoll dating tbe city of Philadelphia, it is provided that 'no member of Councils during the term for which he is elected shall hold any office or employment, herein created or provided for, of a municipal character;" and by tbe act of March 18. 1HS3, it is further provided that "no member of Council of said city shall be eligible to any office, employ ment, or agency directly or Indirectly chosen by Councils, or eitber branch of them, during the term for which he shall have been elected to Councils;" And whereas it is manifestly tbe intention of said acts to prevent tbe members of Councils from using their positions as such to the obtaining, upon resignation therefrom, of any such office, employment or agency mentioned in said acts, in asmuch as seotion 48 of the Consolidation act already exprecsly forbids a salaried officer, under Councils, from being a member thereof; And whereas, t . A. Van Cleve, Esq., has re cently been appointed Assistant Solicitor for tbe city, an c trice oreated by these Councils, under au thority of the act of Consolidation (section 15), du ring the term tor which he bad been eleoteda member of Select Council, said appointment hav ing been procured and made upon the recommen. datioa of a number of bis colleagues, while an other appointment to the said position had been rejected by the same influences and for tbe same purpote prior to the resignation of the said F. A. V"n Cleve; therefore, Resolved, By tbe Select and Common Councils of the city ot Philadelphia, That in the opinion of these Councils F. A. Van Cleve, Esq., is not ell gible to the position of Assistant City Solicitor, to which be baa been recently appointed. Tbe resolution was discussed until the hoar of adjournment. What is Thought of our Public Schools. The editor of tbe Wilkesbarre Record of the Times has been visiting our public schools, and tbo following article from bis puper shows what he thinks of thera: "We (houiil like to see our friends of the School Board of the borough, with thclrsuper iniendent, Mi. Collins, take a few of the halting and doubtine, who have intelligence to compre hend it, to the commencement of tbe Girls' High School in Philadelphia on the 28th instant, and let tbem see the results of a careful and con scientious training under the system. "At the suggestion ot General Iloyt and Colonel R. B. Kicketts, we accompanied them to tbe High School on a recent visit to Phila delphia. . "Lewis' Elken, Esq., a member of tbe Board of Controllers ot Public Schools, and one of the Committee on this Echool, kindly introduced our party, and ebowed us through tbe school. We vltiied the several class-rooms, tilled with bright and intelligent voung ladies, all seem ing eagerly intent on the lessons they were re citing. Each room, devoted to its particular branch of study, had its teacher, aud the classes moved froai one to the other, coming in time unoer ine examination ot an tne teachers. These, we believe, are all graduates of tbe school, and they furnish the best testimony of the completeness of the education afforded. General hoyt, one of our School Directore, derply interested in tbe success of our new school, was in search of information as to the working ol tne system, ana we venture to say he was as much astonished as delighted with the evidence of what may be accomplished by it. This is a Normal School, all the young ladies, many of tbem daughters of wealthy parents, fitting themselves to become teachers; and what belter training for tbe position can be found than the course of study from the Primary Schools, passing with credit up to and graduating with honor from this High School f "After tbe classes were passed the whole were assembled in the large hall, where we listened to recitations from one or two young ladies, beauti fully rendered, and to singing by neatly all the pupils, under the lead Ot tbe Professor, who pre sided at the piano. "Our short visit baa given us a new view of the common school system, and increased confi dence In it." Coroner'b Investigation. The following additional testimony was elicited at the Coio ret's Investigation into tbe murder of Edward C. Burton, held yesterday afternoon: James Young sworn On Tuesday morning went to Mr. .Brown's tavern, opposite Curby's shop; it was half publt o'clock; witness tben came oat aud went to a cigar store near by, where he remained a quarter of an hour: four coopers came to him and asked for employment; be thought be saw the prisoner, Quinn, parsing down Lombard Blreet. It was a quarter to 10 o'clock. Dr. bbaplelgh sworn The nose of deceased was broken by a blow hum a blunt Instrument; tbe upper lip bruised aud cut; lower part of Hp was also cut; tbe eyes were blackened and swollen; there were two wounds on tbe letl side ot the bead one two and a bait Inches above the outer end of the eyebrow, two Inches long; tbe other, a similar wound, waa directly above the ear. parallel with the first three wounds, extending through the scalp, but tbe bone was not marked us 11 atTiarp lnstruuieut bad been used; there was elluved blood under the whole scalp, showiug tbat heavy blows bad beeu received upon the tup of the bead; the bones of tbe bead were beparaled horn each otber and tractured; the bones of the nose and tbe bones between tbe nose aud the hair were all frac tured; upon tbe rlKbt sldo of the hair a large olot of blood wub resting; death waa caused by compression of iliebrulu; all tbtse wounds aud blows mluht have been given by tbe stave shown. Lieutenant Ooldey was then sworn. His testimony bad relerence to a conversation with tbe prUouer, In which the accused stalea that be bad bad a conversa tion with Hie deceased. After leaving him be weut along the wharf, aud returned borne about 8 o'clock. Tbe case wu here closed until Saturday, at 12 o'clock. The Uhitbd Hbbrew Association This As sociation during the jear ending May last col lected $6255-40, being $224385 more than the previous ear. Relief was granted to about sixty families, numbering ninety-five adults and two hundred aud tiitv minors. $2782 worth of Kroceiies and bread was distributed among tbem. Medical attendance and medicines were also aflorded whenever needed. The lollowing gentlemen now constitute the Board ot Oth cers: J. Binswanger, President; Abraham S. Wolf, Vice-President; Mason Ilirsh, Treasurer; Michael Hassler, Secretary; L. liecht, Record ing Secretary; Isaac May, Dr. J. Isaacs, Elms Wolf, 11. De Boer, Isuac Cohen, Solomon Gans, Sr., Joi-eph Kinstein, Solomon Teller, II. Rosen bacb, aud Majer Frank, Managers. Six new members wire added to the Society during the jear. Franklin Institute Meeting. A stated meeting ol tbe Franklin Institute was held last evening, when the ordinance relating to the election of a Boaid of Boiler Inspectors was taken up by sections, and adopted with a few onimpoitant amendments. Tub Tooth of a Mammoth A large fossil lump of the lower maxillary of a mammoth has been discovered in Nottingham, Eugland. . 1 1 .. . .4 nnrl. in Sit Flfw.lkflul citwAnt A lauorer wao at nvi Bwfo excavating sandstone rock, when he came upon a stone-like substance. It was handed over to tbe Nottingham Philosophical Society, by which it has been examined. The centre ef the stump is greatly worn y constant mastication, but the enamel line of the series of grinders are very bright and very clear. The tooth was found in the sand-drift, 8 feet 6 inches below the surface; it weighs about 4J ounds. P EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, FRIDAY, AMUSEMENTS. . Benefits fob thb Puffkri-rr. 5xt week, at tbe New Arch and Cue.'nut Sticct Thea'TP, benefits will be given in aid of tbe Nmilies of those brave firemen who were killeJ and wounded at the tocent conflagration at the American Theatre. We shall announce the par ticulars as soon as tbo arrangements are com pleted. New Arch Ftkeet Thbatbr. Mr. O. L. Fox takes a benefit to-nigtr. To capital panto mines and a comedietta will bo plavcd. On Monday next Jock oni Gill will be produced. To-n,oriow afternoon ibe Foxes give a grand matinee, presenting two ol their Uvorlto panto mimes. Three hundred deaf mutes from our Philadelphia asylum will be present, by invita tion of Mr, Fox and Mrs. John Drew. Walnut Street Theatre. Benefit of Mr. Joseph Jefferson. This very popular actor will appear in two pieces to night, the extravaganza called Mateppa, and Buckstone's delightful farce of Lend Me Five ShiUinfj. Mr. JefiVrson will be supported In both fiieces by Miss Susan Denin, and all the favorites of the company. Carnckorb A Dixet present a great bill this evening. Their season closes In a shot (time, and thoe who have not recently visited the "t aroiiy Eesnrt" should do so at once. CAMDEN AFFAIRS. Clothes Stolen The yards of Mr. Robert Y. Boimln Oeorire E. Wll.um, aud Mm. Know, re siding adjacent to each other, on Cliesnut street, belt w Third, were entered during Wednesday even lng and about fiuo worth of ciotnlnc, that bad bee hnng up to Cry, was taken ofT. This Is becoming ver prevalent In Camden, and the citizens, If they do no desire to have their linen carried otr, should tak warning, and not leave anything banging on tb clothes line after nightfall. No arrests were made. Attempted Burglary. Last evening, an attempt wns made to enter the dwelling of Hollan der J. Murray, situated at tbe corner of Fifth and hptuce streets. 1 be side window was firnt attacked, hut that would not yield. Tbe rascals then went lo the back door, and made so much noise In endeavor ing to force it open that It awakened Mrs. Murray, who bolsled one of the windows. This proceeding flattened tbe would-be burglars, and they lucouli iii ntiy (led. MARINE TE-LEGRAPII. Fbr additional Marine New tee Ftrtt Page. ALMANAC FOB PHILA DELPHI A-THIB DAT. Btjk RlBgg..... 4-29 MOOH Ki8ias...J.......lni22 BOWKKT8...........7-81iHl8H WlTIB.. . 4 20 PHILADELPHIA BOAKD Of TKADi. WILLIAM U Kknt, "J Thomas E. Ashmkad, S-Momthlt Oommitteh, CUAHLhA WUKJU.KR, J MUVKUKNTH OK OCEAN grEAUEIlg, FOR AMERICA. Columbia.-. .Glasgow. .....New York. ....... ..May 31 PrOpOll I 1S......m.. I .Iverp.wil . Pliilal ,.,i J u tie 1 feuxonla .Haniburg...New York ....June 2 WMelropollabotilliamplou...New York ..June S Nestorian,........Liverpoul...Uuebec June 6 Chicago Liverpool. ...New York ...June 7 Melita.. ...LIverpool...Pbllnda June 8 t Ityot N.Y oik... Liverpool. ..New York.... June 8 Chins Liverpool... Hoaton June 8 Win. Penn l.oiidon....New York June 8 Union ..Southampton... New York. ....... J nue 11 Palmyra Llverpool.New Y'ork...June 11 C. of Boston Llverpool...New York...-...June 12 IIamnioniaHoulbampton...New Y'ork... June li FOR KUKOPK. C. of Antwerp...New York...Llverpool...... June 22 I.(iilnlana....New York... Liverpool .June 22 Cella- .New York...London...........,..Juue 22 Columbla.....New York...(41iuigow...........Juue 22 W lB8lHtppl. New Y'ork...Havre-.....Juue 22 merU..m..New York...I)reiuen.........Juue 22 Clnibrla.. ....... ....New York...Kamburg...June 22 Ixjulslaua..New York...Llverpool...June 22 C. ol t ork ..New York.Llverpool.......June 26 C. of Boston. .....New York.Liverpool. ........ June 2S C.of N.York New Y'ork... Liverpool ..Juiy 8 COAHTWISK, DOMESTIC, ETU Arizona... .New York...t alllornla -..June 21 Pioneer Pbllada.....,'Wllmlngton...June 22 Havana New York... Rio Janelro.....Juue 22 Marlposa.New York. ..New Orleans....June 22 Menlmac.New Y'ork... Kio Janetro..June 22 tien. Orant....New YorkNew Or.eaua......June 22 Kagle...........New York...Havana........Juoe 27 J.W. EvermanPhllada..Charleaton....Juue 2 Wyonilng..Pbllada -Havanouh ......June 29 Tinge N. Orleans... Phllailelphla.....June 2 11- Hudson Phllada -Havana. ..........July 2 Btarol the Union. Phllada..New Orleana....,..J uly S btarsand btripeaPbilada Havana July 14 id ails are forwarded by every steamer In tbe regu lar lines Tbe steamers for or from Liverpool call at Queeii4towD, except the Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. Tbe steamers for or from the Conti nent eav 1 at Southampton. OLKARDO YESTERDAY. BteamBblp Alliance, Kelly, Charleston, Lathbury, Wlckeraham fe Co. Steamship r-axon, Matthews, Boston, II. Wlnsor&Co. Brig J. t'oflll, CoUil, Cork, lor orders, C. C. Van Horn. Bilg H. P. bmltb, Veazle, Boston, L. Audeurled A Co. Brig Kdltb, Putnam, Bang r. Warren, Ureggfcltorria. fccbr Express. Wallace. Dorchester, Captain. fccbr It. M. Ward. Loper, Maurice Kiver,S.& W.Welsh. fscbr D. H. Merriman. Tracy. Indian River, Captain. Hchr b. Purves, Tretetheu, Dover, Rommel & Hunter. fcchr Mary Anna, Adams, Norwich, do. bebr fciarah Helen, Rowe, New Louden, do. fschr W. Kallahan, Clark, Washington, J. T. Justus. Bcbr Telegraph, Rbuark, Rappahannock, do. fschr R. II. Daley, Saunders, Newport, Castner, Ullck ney & Wellington. gg Scbr D. E. W one, Dole, Boston, Hammett iNeat. Scbr J. Wilson, Connelly. Cbarlastown, do. Schr Nellie C. Paine, Doane, Boston, Preston Coal Co. t-clir W. W. Marcy, Champion, Boston, do. Scbr A. H. Cannon, Cobb, Boston, Day, Huddell & Co. Schr K. Matthews. McElwee. Commercial Pt, do. Scbr A. M. Lee, Taylor, Providence, slnulckson A Co. Bcbr W. B. Thomas, WlnBmore, Baleui, Audenrled, Norton 4 Co. Scbr Viola. Treworgy, Boston, W. H. Johns & Bro. ticlir R. Carletou, Reed, Washington, Caldwell. Gor don 4 Co. Scbr S.H. Sharp, Webb, Salem, Blaklstou, GraeffA Co. SchrCbas. Hill, t hceseman, East Cambridge. Borda. Kellar A Nutting. ' Schr W. U. Audeurled, Hewitt, Boston, L, Audenrled ACo. Scbr J. Lancaster, Williams, East Cambridge, do. Schr T. Luke. Adams, Cambridge. do. Scbr Seal. Podgett, Halem, Bancroft, Lewis t Co, St'r Mayflower, Robinson, New York, W.P.CIydeACo. St'r Diamond State, Talbot, Baltimore. J. f, ttuo't. St'r F. Franklin i'lerson, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. Tug Tbos. Jeflerson, Allen, for Baltimore, with a tow ol barges, W. P. Clyde & Co. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Norman, Crow ell, 43 hours from Boston, with mdse. and pasiengers to 11. Winsor fe Co. Passed In the bay barquentlne Ariadne, from New York, aud brig J. B. Klrby, from Turks Island. Brig B. and W. Welsh. WaWon.ltf days from CleafUe gos. with sugar to S. & W. Welsh. Br. schr Grand Master, Bey boy er, 9 days from Ponce, P. R., with sugxr aud molalities to J. Mason & Co. SchrM. W. Hupper, Hupper, 12 days from bU John. N. B., with lumber to D. Trump, Son & Co. bcbr J. B. Marshall, Marshall. 12 days IromSt.John. N. B., with lumber to T. P. Galvln A Co. Schr W. B. Morgau, Blades, 8 days from Concord, with ties to I. B. Phillips. ft bcnr'l elegrapb.lthuark, from Rappahannock river, In ballast to J. T. Justus. Scbr Arludne. Thomas, 1 day from Smyrna, with grain to J. L. Bewley & Co. Scbr s. P. thane. Davis, 1 day from Smyrna, with grain to J. L. Bewley A Co. Scbr A. S. Percy, Poulson, from Washington. Steamer W. Wbllldiu. Rlggans, 18 hours from Balti more, with mdse. to J. D. RuotT. Steamer B. C. Walker, Sberln, 24 hours from New York, with indue, to W. M. Balrd A Co. Steamer Mars, Grumley, 24 hours Irom New York, with mdse. to W. M. Balrd A Co. Steamer E. C. Blddle, McCue, 24 hours from New York, with mdse. to W. P. Clyde Co. Tug Tbos. Jetlerson. Allen, from Baltimore, with a tow of barges to W. P. Clyde 4 Co. MEMORANDA. Phlp Charlotte. Gnijeu, tor Philadelphia, cleared at New Y'ork yesterday. steamship Propoutls, Hlgginson, from Liverpool, at Boston yesterday. Steamship Star of the Union, Cooksey, for Pnlladol jj hla, sailed fioiu New Orleans 15th Inst. Steamship Heudrlck Hudson. Howes, from Havana for Philadelphia, at Fortress Monroe lUlh luit., short of coal. Steamship Stars and Stripes, ITolmes, bence for Havana, was spoken l'Jlu Inst., off tbe Capes of Vir ginia, Bai que Argo, Jlilmer, hence, at Trinidad 6th Inst,, and lemalned lVlb. Bui que Victoria, Knudson, hence f or London, sailed from (jueeiistown 6th iust. Baiuue Linda. Hewitt, lor Philadelphia, sailed Irom Trtnluad Stb inst. Barque John Wonder. Knowles, for Philadelphia, Cleared at Boston Huh insu Barque Bruho.Vauderhay den. from Great Yarmouth for Philadelphia, was off Aldoooroii,-h 7th Inst. : Barque Eagle, Potter, for Philadelphia, cleared at j Brig star of tbe Union, Daken, for Philadelphia, at Havana ibtb lust. Brig Loch Lomond, Black, hence, at Portland 18th Instant. bebrs J. Burley, Williams, and Sarah. Cobb, for Phi ladelphia, cleared at New York yesterday. Bchr Davla Kaust, Lord, for Philadelphia, cleared at Wilmington, N. C, mil luai. Schr cherub, Layman, hence, at Washington 17th instant. rxhr T. W. Wilder, Heather, for Philadelphia, Balled from Trinidad Sib lust. Bcbr 1'eiro, Rogers, lor Philadelphia, cleared at Calais lain lout. Bcbr James House, Gage, for Philadelphia, sailed from Klchmnnd I2ili lust, BcbrF.lt Balrd. Irelaud, for Philadelphia, at New Orleans lih lust, Bchr Gertrude for Philadelphia, Balled from St. John, N.B., 18th lusu Bchr Burg end G. R.Murney, hence, at Norwich Iflth Inst. Honrs Rnnny Boat, Kelly, and W. P. Phelps, Cran Difr. I.etice. si Himlnn Pub lust. Brhr II. Curils, Haskell. Irom Piovldence fur Phila delphia, at Newport 17th Inst. NOTICE TO MARINER. A bell bnoy, painted black, with a atafT and globe, has been placed In the position lornierlv occnpie I by the spiral buoy, vis.:-!,1, cable BW. of tbe Ruudle stonr, Land's End. A bell buoy will he placed In the onurne of the pre sent Rummer In the position now occupied by tbe Manacles buoy. By order. P. IT. BERTnON. Secretary. Trinity House, London. June 1, ls7. Notice la hereby given that a Spar Rnoy has been placed to mark Thorn's Hock, outer entraiioalo Ken nebec river. Me., Instead or a third class nun buoy, aa heretofore. Also, that the Spar Bnoy on Fort Point Rip, Penob scot river. Me., has been removed, and a tntnl close nun bnoy set In Us plane for tbe summer season. Portland, June 15, 1R(7. PROPOSALS. TDIIILAUELPUIA DEPOT APftlSTAWT QrAKTRRMAflTKIt's OrPIOK, Ho. 1138 OtKAKD Htkkbt, June !20, 18(17. Proposals will be received at this office uutll 12 o'clock M., TUEHDA Y, June 25, lKb7, for the linniediHte delivery at the United States Htore house. Hanover Street Wharf, the following described (Quartermaster's Stores, properly pnektd, and ready for shipment, viz.: 100 Tall Hoards for Army wagons, "Army Standard. " 60 W agon Tongues, Ironed complete, "Army Standard." 800 11 a Her Straps with Roller Buckles, "Army Standard." W Pairs Pouble Lines. 100 gross Harness Kings, "Assorted." 644 Kings. "U." 6 its. Saddler's Silk, "Yellow." All of the above-named articles to be of the best quality, and to be subject to Inspection. Samples oftlie Lines, Kings, and Silk must be deilveit d at tbla office twenty-four (24) hours previous to the opening of the bids. Kneh bid must be guaranteed by two respon sible pertODS, whose signatures and residences must be appended to the guarantee, and certi fied to as being good and sufficient security, by the United H tales District Judge, Attorney, Col lector, or oilier public officer. The right is reserved to reject all bids deemed unreasonable, and no bids from a defaulting contractor will be received. All proposals to be made out on the regular forms, in duplicate (which will be furnished on application at this office), and conform to the terms of tbls advertisement, a copy ot which must accompany each proposal. Envelopes to be Indorsed "Proposals for Quar termaster's Stores." Bidders are requested to be present at the opening of the proposals. By order of Brevet Maj.-Oen. O. II. CROSMAN, Asst. Quartermaster-Gen. U. S. A. HENRY W. JANES, Captain and Asst. Quartermaster, 6 20 4t Brevet Major U. S. A. "pROPOSALS FOR STATIONERY, ETC. Collector's Office, Custom House,! Philadelphia, June 6, 1807. J Sealed and Indorsed Proposals for Books, Blanks, and Btatloneiy for the Custom House, Philadelphia, will be received at this OUice until the 28th day of JUNE, inclusive, for sup- J .lying the Custom House for one year from the st of July, 1807. Blank Books for Entries, Records, Abstracts, etc. Printed Books of Bonds, etc. Printed Blacks lor Enrolments, Licenses, Reports, Permits, Accounts, eto. (stationery, viz.: Penslnk, Paper, Penoils, etc. The whole probably not to exceed $3000. Liberty Is reserved to accept such pioposals for the whole or any portion of the articles therein named. It is also to be understood that all such arti cles as may be required, and which are not ex pressly mentioned in the Schedules, shall be luruibhed by the contractors, at the usual mar ket prices, or may, at the option of the Collector, be purchased in open market. Schedules of articles and estimated quan ti the, with specimens, and other required par ticulars, furnished on application to this onice. Bi nds, with satisfactory security, will be re quired lor tbe lailhful performance of the contract. 7 Ht JOSKTH W. CAKE, Collector. Li U 8 T O 41 HOUSE, PHILADELPHIA Col.LKCTUB'8 OVKIC'H. JUUB S, 1867. Sealed Proposals will oe received at this ollloe until the 2t.-tli oay olJUNK, for tbe supply ot RATIONS lor the petty olflcers and seamen of tbe United States revenue cutters ot tbls station, for the term of one j ear, Horn tbe 1st day ot July next. '1 he Bullous to be of good and wholesome quality; to be approved by the captain; and the different arti cles comprising the Rations lo be delivered on board the vesoels In good and suOiclent casks and vessels, to be provided oy tbe contractors, aud tbe contents tbereot distinctly marked on each. It is to be understood that tbe contractor will be bound to furnish, upon reasonable notice, as often as may be required by tbe captain ot the vessel, with tbe approbation of tbe Collector (not exceeding upon an average one day In each week), such l'resb meat and fresh vegetables as may be equivalent to the corresponding parts of tbe ration allowed In the naval service. Specifications will be furnished at this office. JOSKP1I W. CAKE, 6 7 f Collector. ICE COMPANIES. CE ! ICE ! ICE ! INCORPORATED 1861. ICE ! COLD SPItlNGr ICE ADD COAL COMPANY, DEALERS IN AND Shippers or Eastern Ice and Coal, THOU AS E. CAIIILX, PRESIDENT, JOUN eOODTEAR, SEVBETABT. I1EKRV TUOHAS.KITPERINTEXDENT. Having now completed our arrangements for a full supply of Ice, we are prepared to enter Into contracts with large or small customers lor a pure article, with guarantee of being supplied promptly lor the season Wagons run daily In all paved limits of the consoli dated city, West Philadelphia, Mantua, Tioga, Frank lord, Brldesburg, Richmond, and Oermautowu. A trial Is asked, bend your orders to the Office, lTo. 43D WALNUT Street. DEPOTS: H. W. roRNKB IWEUIU AND WILLOW kIKUlki 15 11 siuwuiu NORTH PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD AND MASTER STREET, LOMBARD AND TWENTY riFTn TS., PINE STREET WllAPr, Wt'llUT LHILL. i FERTILIZERS. MMONIATED niOSPIIATE, AN UNSURPASSED FERTILIZER For Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, the Vegetablt Garde a , Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Etc. Etc. This Fertlllr-er contains Ground Bone and the best F Price person of 2000 pounds. For sale by tb VMiulaclurers, WILLIAM EIXIS A CO., Chemists, I igmwf No. 734 MARKET 8treel. p It E N C H STEAM i S SCOURING. ALDEDYLL MARX & CO.. 1 ' MO. 1 SOCTU ELEVENTH STREET ADO NO. 61t RACE STREET. 810mw JUNE 21, 18G7. WATCHES JEWELRY, ETC. LEVIS LADOMUS & CO., Diamond Dealer si-d Jeweller, no. go tnrssuT stm Philadelphia' Wonld Invite the attention of purchasers to their large and hsnasome assortment ot DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRT, SILVER-WARE, ETC. ETC. ICE PITCHERS In great variety. A large assortment of small BTTJDB, for eyelet holes. Just received. WATCIIK8 repaired In the best manner, and guaranteed. 5,4p FRENCH CLOCKS. . RTSSELL ft CO.. NO. 9 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Itave Just received per steamship Europe, an invoice of MANTLE CLOCKS, Purchased In Paris since the opening of the Exposl tlon, which lor beauty of design and workmanship, cannot be excelled, and they are offered at prices which Invite competition. jjbj JOHN BOWMAN. No. 704 AKOH 8t,.. PHILADBLraiA, MANUFACTURER AND DEALER IN SILVEB AND PLATEDWAE-. Our GOODS are decidedly the cheapest in theciti for TRIPLE PLATE, A NO. 1. a HATCHES, JEWELttY. W. W. CASSIDY. N. IS SOTJTH SECOND STREET, - Offers an entirely new and most carefully select stock of AMERICAN AND GENEVA WATCHES JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, AND FANCY ARTICLES EVERY DESCRIPTION suitable for BRIDAL OR no LID AT PHIJimiT. An examination will show my itoca. to be unsn- pansed la quality and cheapness. Particular attention paid to repairing. C. & A. PEQUIGNOT, Manufacturers of Hold mid Silver Watclt Cases. And Wholesale Dealer In AMERICAN WATCH (XVB, HOWARD A CO.'B, And TREMON1 AMEltlCAN WATCHES 48 NO. II SOUTH FIFTH STREET. HENRY HARPER, No. 520 ARCH Street, Manufacturer and Dealer In WATCHES, FINE JEWELRT, SILVER-PLATED WARE, AND BU SOLID SILVER-WARN GHOCEBIES, ETC. THE' "EXCELSIOR" HAMS, SE1ECTED FROM THE REST CORN-FED IIO,N, ARE OF STANDARD REPI1TA TION, AND THE REST IN TUB WORLD. J. H. MICHENER & CO., UENEHAL PROVISION DEALER, AND 1'CRERS OF THE CELEBRATED X XCELHIO It" SI'CiAR-CURED HAMS, TON6H7ES, AND Koe. 142 and 144 N. FRONT Street. None genuine unless branded "J. II. M. & Co., F.X-Ci-LMIOK." Ibe Juhtly celebrated "EXCELSIOR" HAMS are cured by J. H. M. 4 .Co. (In a stria peculiar lo them selves), expressly lor FAMILY VldK; are of delicious flavor; free Irom the unpleasant taate of salt, and are Jirououuced by epicures superior to any now offered or sale. Hi tmw8m JAPANESE TOWCIIONG TEA, .TBE FINEST QUALITY IMPORTED. Emperor and other fine chops OOLONGS. New crop YfeUNQ HYSON and GUNPOWDER and genuine CHOLAN TEA. For sale by tbe package or retail, at JAR KM R. WEBB'S, 814 Corner WALNUT and EIGHTH Bta. rpo FAMILIES RESIDING IN THE RURAL DISTRICTS. ' We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Country Residences with every description of FINE UROCERIES, TEAS ETC. ETC. ALBERT C. ROBERTS, 11 7jrp Corner ELEVENTH and VINE Bta. QARFIELD'S SUPERIOR CIDER VINECAI Warranted tree from all POISONOUS ACIDS. For sale by all Grocers, and by the Sole Agent, PAUL. & FERGUSON, 419 9m NO. 18 NORTH WATER ST. 0 R N EXCnANQE J HAG MANUFACTORY. JOHN T. RAILKY k CO.. BKMOVKD TO N. E. Coiner of MARKET and WATER Btreeta, Philadelphia. DEALERS IN BAUS AND BAOOINQ Ot everv Description, tor drain, Flour, bait, Super-Phosphate of Lime, Bon Dust, Ktc. Large and small GUNN Y BAGS constantly on hand, t-hi A ujo, WOOLSACKS. JuiiM T. Bailky. Jam Kg Camcupicm. QEORCE PLOWMAN, CARPENTER AND BUILDEU Mo. SSS CARTER STREET, And No, Ml DOCK Btreet Machln Work and MJUwrlghUng promptly ended to. - PHILADELPHIA BUBOBON'8 E VaJtETT, SheAhlrtT TTLK:fi& guarantee he skilful adjcment ' rateui oraauaiiugrw;u.. ---- Buomdr others. Supporters, ... Liniaa' anaru Braces, Cruu&a, boarders, etc. Lauwa apart, mama onmliw-rad bv a Ia. T PtflVY WP'LI.8 UWrDvr rairiu" 1TLr,Pu,Prlvy WU. Cleaned and OiBlnleotedatvawlowprwe-' PKYSON. Manuraeturer of Poudretle, COLPbMlTH'B HALL. L1BBAHY Btreet. AMUSEMENTS. NEW CHESNUT iaRKET TIIEATBE. The Management take tbls method of request- mImbers of th k tit -atrical profession now disengaged 10 meet at the Theatre PATUHDAY MORNIKO, at l0,' o'clock, for the purpose of arramilng for A MKNEilT In aid or the FA Mil. IKS AND BTTFFERER9 KILLED AND WlU'NDKI) by the late Are at TliK AftlKKICAN Til KATKIC The Theaire and expenses on tbls occasion will bt tendered FREE OF ALT, COST. WILLIAM K. HINPT A CO., It Lenaees aud Mauagera w ALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E, Cor. NINTH aud WALN UT-Begins at A TH IB (Friday) EVENING, June 21, BENEFIT OF MR. J. JtJffKHUOS, wbo appears In TWO ol bis HAPPIEST COM 10 TRIUMPHS. The celebrated Musical Kxtravagausa. ( MAZEPPA. Mawpp .Mr. J. JEFFERSON. Buckstone's ili lmli tful Farce, LEND ME FIVE BHILLINOa Mr. Oollglitly Mr. J. JEFFERSON MKH. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at 1 o'clock. AN KNT1RK tllAKU OF PKKFOBMANCK, BENE-IT OF O. L. FOX, who will appear in two new pieces. TO-NIGHT (Friday), Jnne 21, tbe amusing Pantomime ot M. DUCHALUMEAU, and the Comic Bullet or THE FOUR LOVERS. G. L. FOX and TROUPE In botb pieces. Previous to wbicb, HUH! J- R AND CRASHER. MATINEE 8ATL KDAY, at 8 o'clock. ) MONDAY Mi.X'1-JACK AND GILL. BIERSTADT'8 LAST GREAT PAINTING HIE HOMES OF THE GREAT YO-BEMITE, now on exhibition, DAY AND EVENING, In tbe Boutheant Gallery of tbe ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS. 6 5tf "VJ EW ELEVENTH STREET OPERA HODS)' IlLKVEM U Htreet, aljove CHEHNUT. 1IIE FAMILY HOHT" OPEN FOR THE ftKAMON. 0AMN4 I1ONS A UUkli 'l HINkTUKLnV the Great ttar Troupe of the World, In tbelr GRAN ETHIOPIAN bOlREKH, BONGH, DANCKB, NEW BURLEtWjUEH, and PLANTATION BCENEtJ. D00.S open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'clock. 180 J. L. C ARN CROHH. Manager. HO! FOR f JIITH'8 ISLAND I FRESH Afl -BEAUHH'L PtlNERY HEIALTHFU . F X KRClsK 1 II E BATli EN TERTAINMENT Ol IDE i-EbT KIND. MRS. MARY LA KEMEYFR respectfully lutorms herlriends and tbe pnbllo genf rally that she will open the beautiful Island Pleas u Ground known as SMITH'S ISLAND, on hVNPAY next, Mays, bbe Invites all to coirs' and enjoy with her the delights of this favorite sum mer resort. aotf GOVERNMENT SALES. A UCTION BALE OP ARMY CLOTHING Deputy Q. M.-Genekal's Office,! HALTIMOKK, JtlOelM, IMI. I A large amount of CLOTHING, CAMP, and GARRISON KCiUIPAGE, will be sold at Public Auction, on July 9, 18U7, 12 M., at the Clothing Depot in this city, No, lau South EUTAvV' Btreet, consisting of GUI Uniform Artillery Coala. Ib87 Uulforrn Infantry Coats. 145 Uniform Cavalry Jackets. 82UUnliorm Light Artillery Jackets. 12t Uniform Veteran Keserve Jackets, 2HH Footmen's Trowsers. 97 Horsemen's Trowsers. - 603 Horsemen's Great Coats. 1018 Footmen's Great Coats. 1H9 Wool Blankets. 1084 Rubber Blankets. 1500 Hack Coats lined and nnllned. ' 900 Pairs Boots and Bootees. 682 Pairs Stockings. 1400 Uniform Hals and Ostrich Feathers 622 Forage Caps. 123 Hatchets end Handles. 107 Khovels. 624 Knapsacks. lOott Canteens, eto. etc. eto. The above articles aie all new and In good condition. There will also be sold at the same time and place a small quantity of CLOTHING whlcll hes been worn and condemned. 'terms oi saie casn. 8TKWART VAN- Vr.TVT 6 20 17t Deputy Q. M. General U. S. A. g ALE OF PUBLIC PROPERTY ofkice of Army Clothing and Equipage. No. 2U Broadway, New Yohk. U Will be sold at Publio Auction" at helJepat of Army Clothing and Equipage, No. 400 WrtMli Ington street, Nl)W YORK CITY, on TUES DAY, tbe Dili ot July next, commencing at 11 o'clock A. W the following described pro perty: 25,2.14 pairs Machine-Sewed Boots. 68,289 pairs Machine-Hewed Bootees. 13,000 pounds of Wall Tents. tJ.OOO pounds of Common Tents. 18,(00 pounds of Hospital Tents. 10,000 pounds of blielier Tents. T,o55 pounds of tun vug. Samples of the above may be seen at the depot and further information obtained. Terms Cash in Government funds; ten' pa; cent, down, and balance before goods are laker from the depot, which must be within live day, of sale, under forieiture of purchase. Bvt. Maj.-Genl. D. H. VINTON. 6 20 13t Asst. Q,. M. G U. & A. ROOFING. JR, O O F I N G OLT MniHLE ROOFN. FUT OBimf CUt tBHI Willi UlTTA PKBt'llA ltM INjI- 14TII.and coated with UttUlU UIITTi ' rfeUUllA fAlJiT, tuaxing thern perieoUy waAJ proor. IKAKT CIBATEl. BOOM repaired with Suta : Percba Paint, aud warranted tor Ave years, 1.KAHY aLATli KOOlS coated with Llqult , Qulia Percha Paint, which becomes as hard as slateT l or TlNlJit'lKlt,INC,and lltOAf KO '.his Paint is tbe tie vlut uira of all other protection. It forms a perfectly impervious covering, eomplatal resists the action of the weather, aud constitutes) a tborouyh protection against leaks bv rust or oUier 1 wise. Price only Irom one to two cents persquaM foot. TIN and QRAVEIj BOOFINO done at the shortest notice. Material constantly on hand and for sale bvtha HAlllltllU UOOriNM fOMPANY, " bUaUEIW A feVKKETT, No. 90 QRKEN BUreel. FIRE AND BURGLAR PROOFSAFES i C. L. MAISERs tike and MciteAii riaoor SAFES. ' " '! LOCBmiTlf, BIIA-HAHOEB, AND " UEALLB 1M HARDWARE, 6 bi NO. 48 BACK STBEET, , F-l A LAEGB A8SOETMENT OP FIRE IMJi and Burslar-proof 8AFKS on hand, with Inside 1 uVoTs. Dwelllug-houne Kafjs. free from Jampuees. . Price, low. C ''AyOHD - "TuRNITURE, BEDDING, ETC. po H O U BEKEEPERS: s l have a huge stock ol every variety ol , FUniJITUllE. Wblch I will sell at rednced prices, eonslstfnr ot PLA1M AND MARHJLK TOP UITAUH hCIIT. WALMJT CHAatillLR 8U118, PAhlX'It r-L'l'lh IN Va-LVKT PLTJfcJH, PARIXJK BUl'lb IN HAIR CLOi'H, PAllDUR bUITrt IN RK1H. bldeboarda, Kutenslon Tables, Wardrobes, Boolr ' auuss. Uatlresnea, Louuses, eto. etc p. p. eusTtarB, t N. K. comer BKUUMD and RACK Streets. MEDICAL. M 18 11 L E B SHERBBITnCR ORIEL 4 BROTHKR. . Philadelphia, Pa. All orders promptly "dd to. and delUeiedfrl olthargetoallparuofthscuy. tUlm