The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, June 18, 1867, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Co.'s New Hpii.mNr. The former
residence of Mr. John A. Ilrown, on tho south
east corner of Twelfth mid C'tiesnut streols, a
large brick builUlng, will shortly be razed to
the ground to irive plnnn to n mora Imposing
dlfl 5e. Messrs. tialley & Co., so well knowu to
tbe l'bllRriclphlu community as Jewellers, lo
cated at No. 819 CliMtnut street, desirlo? more
ample accommodations for their Increased
business, have nliendy luken the Initiatory
steps for the erection t their new store, willed
Will realize the appearance and rawll the name
of the "Alnrbio Palace." MtHsrH. Hlonn & Mut
ton, arclilteota, havetiuished the plan and com
pleted all its details, and bulore the outgoing of
the present month the work will have been
commenced. - The edifice will hare a front of
44 feet ou Ctieauut street unci a depth, of 220 feet
on Twelfth Rtreot: will be live storing in height,
eaoh laid out In lle must convenient manner,
and ample in accowimorintlons and space.
The facade will be of purest while marble,
built In tbe most tasteful yet substantial style
of Italian architecture, while tho Twelfth street
front will bo formed d iluent prosstid brick, and
beautified by marble facing, making an exqui
site contrast. The h.wer lloor, whtoh will be
thrown Inlo a grand mai ble hall, will be wholly
oojopled es t he Jewelry establishment of Mosxrs.
Bnlley A Co., and will own no superior through
out the country for beauty of appearance, and
every convenience which modern improve
ments can add. The floor will lie of tessellated
marble, and twenty-three feet above it the
celling, frescoed in the highest style of art,
enriched with ornaments lu relief, and sur
rounded by an elegant cornice. The show win
dows upon which so largely depend the at
tractive fetinre of the building's Iront will be 9
b JH feet in Hize, atd of the finest plate glass.
It would be supererogation to eay that the edl
e will he constructed on the most approved
principles of the buildir'sai t, blending elegance
Willi siiustantlntillity. It will be perfectly fire
proof, the beams lelnt of iron, and the celling
corBtructed of arched brick, aud with oil, Ches
nnt street will not bo able to set forward a nioro
1m poking building.
Its cost, when completed, will not fall short
Of $180 000, but rat her exceed that sum. This,
of Itself, will assure the finest results of the
builder's skill. Mr. Huuiuel While will occupy
the second floor as a Dental Uallerv, while
below the ant ball of Messrs. Bailey A Co.
filled with its rows of cases, will lustre forth
sparkling rays from tbe fine gold and silver
works and ornaments without number.
Disabled Voujnthers. Tb.6 Managers of
"The National Asylum for Disabled Volunteer
Soldiers" have Issued the following o roular:
The Hoard ef Manager or the National Asylum for
Disabled Volunteer .Soldiers glye notice thai they are
row prepared to receive beneiViarie Into either
branches near Augusta, Me.: Milwaukee, Wis.: or at
tbe Central Amino, near Columbus, Oli'o.
Volunteer 8oldlers are admitted upon application
by letter to either of tlie Manners, or at the Branch
Asylum nearest to their nlaee of resilience : whore
upoa blank applications will be snnoto tlio applicant,
arid. If duly qualiliwl, transportation will bo fur
nished him.
The requirements are: First. An honorable dis
charge from the vo.unUer service.
B court. Disability by wounds received or sickness
cor traded in ih line of duty.
If the applicant is unlie to travel, or for other
Sufficient cauie, reUer will bo furnished un ler tbe
Direction of tbe manager to wbom application is
Theoveis 'era of all almshouses and charity hospi
tals having disabled soldiers subsisting upou privats
bf n: c jium ,-re respect u ly urired lorep irtsuch cases
to either ot Hie Manageis. as it is not III tbat merito
rious disabled soldiors oi the nation should be sup
ported hy private or public charity. Soldiers are
specially informed ihut the Aaylvms are neither
fbosnlials nor almshouses, but homes where subsist
ence, care, education, relleious instruction, and em
ployment are provided lor disabled soldlo.-s by the
Congress ot the United Rtates. to be paid lor from the
forfeitures atid fines of deserters from the army. The
S revision Is not charily. It Is a contribution by the
- unty-juuiner and bad soldiers lo llio brave and de
serving, and la their right.
b'oldieis having a wile, child, or parent dependent
upon them, are Dot required to give up their pensions
upon coming to tbe Asylum, other soldiers are re
quired to as ign their pensions to the Asylum la spe
cial cases on y, to be detei'imued by the Board.
Suitable compensation will be given for profitable
labor In tbe Asylum. Guod behavior will Insure the
kindest treatment. Wives and children will not be
cared for at tbe Asylum until a'ter the sold er has
Shown, by his ability to aid ii In self and al J them In
part, by bis labor and steadiness, that taking bis
family In ebargo will not Increase his expenses to the
Asylum ubove the cost ef other helpless beneficiaries,
la which cases provision will hereafter be made.
Prealdeutot tbe B ard of M auagers.
Tbe following gentlemen constitute the Board
Of Managers:
Tbe President of the United States,-)
The Chief Justice Ex-OfflclIs.
The (secretary of War, )
MaJ.-Gen. U. F. Kntler, President. Lowell. Mass.
Ma.-Uen. John II. Martludale, Sr. Vice-President,
Rochester, N. V.
Jay Cooke, Esq., Jr. Vlce-Presldens, Philadelphia,
Hob, Lewis B. Gunckel, Becretary. Dayton, Ohio.
Gov, ltlehard J. Oglesby. (spring Held, 111.
Oov. Frederick Hmyib. ir anchextor. N. II.
Dr. Krastus K. Wolcott, Milwaukee, Wis.
MaJ -Gen. John 8. Cavender, St. Louis. Mo.
Rev. Horace G. Stebbins, Ban t ranclsco, CaU
Fob thb Sansom Strebt Sitvpeer8. .
Thomas T. Mason, Treasurer of the Home Mis
sionary Society, acknowledges the receipt of
$5 from A Young Lady
20 . T.
$8 -W. D.
Tbe missionaries, Mr. E. H. 'Poland and Mr.
W. W". Walter, bad visited all tbe bereaved
families before any other organization had been
Xormed. They bave a large experience in
rnlnlsteriDg to suffering humanity, and are to
day belter acquainted with the presont and
prospective wants of the sufferers than any
other parties. Messrs, Toland and Walter are
employed by and responsible to a Hoard of
jlaDn rs composed of twenty-four1 of Philadel
phia's best citizens, embracing nearly all the
Evangelical denominations of Christians.
Therefore contributors to this fund may ba
assured that their contributions will be properly
and Judiciously disbursed.
(Since onr last report of subscriptions, tho
following additional amounts .are acknow
ledged by the Mayo: f
H t Rlnir A Sons 20 00
l'hlla. Prng Kxchange (additional) JiOO OO
Spring Garden lit) pt 1st Bund ay School
(through Drug Exchange Committee) 3175
Employes of Morgan, Orr A Co 6100
W. H. Johns A Bro...
... PIUU ou
Mrs. It. M. Lewis.
Miss Murgaret T. Lewis.,
Frederick t'raly
60 00
Meeting ov Unitru Statbs Okficials. A
meeting of the Assessors and Collectors of I u
temal ltevenue of the five Congressional Dis
tricts oi this city was held yesterday afternoon,
at tbe .lllca of Johu W. Krnzler, Assessor of the
TM..i.i.,t a. N!. 0'l hi .Vtitrlh ntrout tntulrA
r iibv I'm1 1 n i, ui iiu. , ti v.. -
jnto consideration tt e tender tiie President of a
fitting reception ou His passage iuxouku tueciiy
on bis ifctnrn from tlie Mas uio colebratlon at
Hoston. Mr. John V. Dlchl, Collector of the
. . i TMut.Lii m-.'sliW.rl A rnmmlt.lAft. rmn-
rjccuuu iiDviivi, . . - ,
iBtlngof General H. M. 7.ullck, Collector of tbe
Third District, John W. Trszler, Assessor of tbe
T'lrst P Ktrlct, and Chai li s Abel, Collector of tbe
Bame District, were appointed to confer with
other United biaies oiiiciuin, mm iu wnao m
- ..tu iwv a .nitaiilo rcinnMnn nf thH Pre.
tident. The meeting wns of the most oordlal
Character, and tbe bent of reeling prevailed.
Bukdat Scnooi, Recoshtroction. On Sunday
ofin.non. while addressing theHuuday Schools
Of the Tabernacle Baptist Church, west Chesnut
atreef. Kev. Dr. Brautly couveyed to those pre-
sont a message oi lyiirisnau ium, nuiuu uunu
ki,riv Krliral. at Atlanta. (orgla. I ad autho
rised hi in to present. The Tabernacle 8o tool.
linmediatfiy, by a rising yoi,uiuuium iji.
iir0,Miv ia rumvpvs tdmiiar message of amity
and sobdwiU to bis own school on bis return to
Atlanta. It would be profitable to all sections
of our country Ifsucn expression i uvw oci
lug were more frequent,
ri'h a'h,Urata H nola will bold, their annl
veisary and grand musical "
Academy of Music, on Thursday evening at 8
clock. tickets for wlilcli are for sale at Irump
ler's. i'or programme see adveitlsoment.
BoKBOWisa. Mary Murray, a young negro
ladv had lived with Dr. Young, at Seventh and
Willow streets, for some time. Hut late y
another young gill. Mry thought, came to j o, lMi levenuo. she
Save sly notloe'to her compeer that she was
for That parllcular oeoaslon sundry things
whereby to rightly cloi he her form. This was
refuaedf but Mary stole them-a Jockey cap,
dries even to the most minute th ug known to
B wmnai. "apparel, and then madeoir. Dotec
. . "r. i,r In miHtudv vestrrdav.
and ihe remains In the Central Hlattou House
The Ftokm. A prelnde, which almost Inra
rlnbly Is an augury foreboding a sudden change,
was the great beat tbat )rlor to the lole storm
came over this city. Huddeu in Itself, Its ex
istence was abruptly cut short iff the sudden
rain on Hundny afternoon, that attained the
zenith of Its violence at midnight, realizing the
qnaint saying of "buckets full lustead of drops."
Ho quickly did It come that Its foroe and con
tact destroyed much valuable property which
bod been left unprotected.
In tiie northeastern part of the city, where
improvements in the shape ot brick buildings
re fnst going up, tbe damage was great. The
plasleung, yet green, was washed from the
stones, and brick Walls in some places, Just
renred, bore the semblance of bavlng been
gnawed by time and wear. Along tho German
town road, all yesterday afternoon, during the
Dhort recesses that the drenching element in
dulged In, the inhabitants were pumping and
balling to clear tlicir cellars, The break In tlie
street nt Uermantown and tlirard avenues,
which yesterday morning seemed as if but little
labor would repair It, has extended to twenty
feet in length, and from six lo eight feet in
width, reaching the broken culvert In depth.
The pnssetiKer railroads there crossing bave
built a temporary bridge whereon to draw over
their cars. A woman aud child were standing
at tbe edge of the flsmre last evening, when
suddenly the crumbling earth gave way and
f recipitated them to the bottom, from which
hey were rescued, not hurt but frightened, and
in a muddled condition.
The low lauds lying at the north of the city
and along the borders of the river were cfl'eo
tually deluged; and those which had been
rlougbed from which the coreals bad made
heir appearance la an embryo state were
watered, and their crops destroyed.
TbeSchuylklll,Metermlned that it should not
be left in tranquillity, got Its back up, and also
its waters, and an addition of two feet of the
acquired element poured over the dam aud de
luged tlie boHimeuls and cellars along Its course.
In some Instances, steam fire engines were u ed
In relieving tbe lower stories of tho bousu ou
the finis of the Insinuating flood Of water.
It was currently reported that much damage
bad been done in '.Vest Philadelphia. Tho only
disaster of consequonce lu that locality was the
undermining of a portion of the wall enclosing
tlie ground of the Pennsylvania Hospital for
tbe Insane. A day or two will only be required
to repair the damn ge. in the lower grounds of
t he southern part oi that d istrlct the water f reel y
flowed, but did no material damage. It went
like a mlll-raco through the railroad tuuncl
Just west of the PerinanrnlBrldge, but no dam
age was done to that subterranean structure.
There happens to be situated near tbe lachuyl
kill a number of breweries, each having its
beer vault beneath the surface of tho earth In
the vicinity, in order that the beverage may
bave its proper temperature. The sudden rain
Boon caused an overflow of tho gutters, aud the
surplus, seeking its lowest level, penetrated
these beer vaults, deluging and filling tbe huge
cavity with muddy warm water, and raising
the temj ernture of the vault from four to about
thirty degrees, souring vast quantities of the
German's delectable thereby. Messrs. Uorguer
and Iluln & Iioun, we hoar, sustain serious
diamine to their establishments aud stock by
this fl.rd.
Cm South Front street a number of Junk
fchoi s, and Die cellars of some of the ware
lK.uses, were filled, destroying all their contents
tbat were vulnerable lo tho aqueous clement.
Cape May. There are many considerations
i bat Cape May foremost on the list,
und It is only necessary for the people to be
better acquainted with its advantages to pro
perly appreciate it. Now Yorkers are lavish In
their priuse oi Long Branch, and even Phlladel
pliliins bnve wheeled Into the line, and are
freely spending money and influence to build
up the "Branch,".whlch, in every sense of the
word, Is a thorough Now York institution; un
consciously, it is true. Our citizens may be
aiding a .New York Institution to the great
detriment of their own interests, and we there
fore feel It to be our duty to call attention to It,
and at the same time point to the splendid op
portunity to render Cape May the most attrac
tive of ull the watering places on our Atlantic
coast, when considered in the light of a family
resort. Wo would arouse Philadelphia people
to reflection on this subject aud tll'ort in this
olrectlon, that our city may bo benefited by
the vast influx of visitors to the Island who
necessarily must tiass through Philnilulnhlii.
and whose supples must of course be largely
drawn from our city.
rl" I w m nnn I fl nt r t. l- o l- at . a si ni
smooth and even, so safe for bathers, and so
pleasant lor wains ana drives, is beyond ques
tion uncquauou. rue nearness to rnuaueipnia
and tbe convenient arrangement of travel, tbe
short time trains, all should weigh with those
woo are annul uociuing where to spend the
Rummer; and business loon who would like to
locate meir lam l lies ai the snore, ana wno need
occasionally lo come to the city, will specially
make a note of the special effort of the Cape
May Railroad Company to accommodate In this
Many Improvements In the streets, drives,
aud public bouses at the Island have been made
since last summer, and no netter noteis are
found auywhere tban Congress Hall, so admi
rably kept by J. F. Cake, Esq., nnd ably assisted
by Colonel Ware. The Columbia and United
States are tlso first-class. Our sojourn at Con
grots Hall, and knowledge of its excellent
arrangements, enable us to speak in lis nigu
eat praise.
A Oekebal Fight of Rampant Roughs. We
have In our midst an immutable individual by
the name of Tom Holland, short, stout, not
particular in his company or language, aud
hailing liom England. Twice has be been re
ported as dangling between neaven and earth;
thrice bad it been Eaid tbat be has succumbed
to some stronger foe; twice stabbed, and as
many times shot, the last of which la still fresh
in tbe public memory. Yet he exists, as ram
pant as ever, and continues to manage his
''habitat" for kindred spiiils at Front and
Walnut streets.
About 8 o'clock this morning his bouse had
received Its complement of callers John
Itobrrl, Annie Koberls, John Bigley, Maggie
Minston, John Holland. Bridget Dockerty, and
Johanna McDermolt, among which the otiief in
mischief was Tom. Whisky was soon getting
tkebistof theiu, and about half-past 3 o'clock
a regular row was inaugurated. Such fighting,
and yelling, and throwing of glasses, and goug
ing, nnd swearing, amid which Auule Roberts
was kicked down stairs, and Maggie Minston
knocked into a conur, aud Bridget, with eyes
clofccl, and presenting a frightful spectacle,
was doing that with ber lungs which her hands
were unable to do altogether presenting a
spectacle which surpassed auytulug of u similar
uatuie in preceding years.
Tbe wrath of the parlies culminated when
Tom Holland, dnshlng up stairs as fast as his
shaky legs could carry him, seized "York Ann,"
an inmate, aud dragging her to tho window,
unmludlul of her shrieks, dashed her from the
fecond-stoiy window to the pavement. Otll er
Canine, arriving with nthi r ofliours, secured
the whole company, while the woman who had
been dashed to tiie ground lay senseless, blood
streaming from ber face, aud her body dread
fully brul-ed. She was taken lo tho Hospital,
where he lies in a very critical condition.
Aldermnn Butler put Holland under $800 o.ili
for keeping a disorderly house, aud committed
him to answer his outrage us conduct at Court.
Tlie d ber inmates were held in $300 bull lokeep
the pt ace.
Gbakd Kxcuitfiiosf to Cape May. A grand
union excursion toCapn May has beeu arrunged
lo come oil' on the 17th of July, under the
auspices ol the following lodges of Odd Fellows:
Friendship, Decatur, Amity, Morning Star,
and Enterprise. Tickets may be obtained at
the Odd Fellows' Hall, in Sixth street, below
lUiov, for adults at $175, and for childrou at
MO cents each Tills will be one of the most
OfcHiihtlol excursion of the season, and all
friends of the Order should make a nnle of the
f.ccasion, date, destination, and low price of
ticueis. . .
Aiuiebtkd kob Lakckny. Officer Kultev
arrested a colored man named Jesso Clay, alias
James Jones, about 5 o'clock thlsjaorniug, who
bad in ins posbts-ion a lot oi names, garden
ltum n m liw.l lull emits nnil lud !' wan rt nil un.
parei, which he bad taken lroin some plaoo. He
kuld that another man bad Invited him to go
with him to a place about six miles north of
the city; be did so.'and alleged that the other
narlv stole the goods and gave them iuto his
custody. As this would not go down with the
olHcer Clay was locued up, aud Alderman Maule
held Him to answer.
The Wueatlet Deamatio Association will
perforin at their new ball, Fifth and Gasklll
slrtcts, to-morrow evtiilu, to ralso fund for
th i moose of still further improving tholr
stupe accessories. J,ucretia Jlorgia and Jtobert
JJueaire will be played, with casts embracing
all tiie favorite umateuis of the Association.
All of the friends of tbe Wbealley, as well as
iiiiumwIih wish to foster amateur dramatic
talent iu our city, tiliould attend to-morrow
Thb Tbials o Albert K, BrHOFiKin ITb
m AsaAUTKn Tint Mokwin. Mr. Albert R.
Hcbofleld appeared at tbe Mavor's ollioe
yesterday morning and entered a oom
plaint against Assemblyman Josephs It
is alleged that on Hnlurday night Josephs
and two or three friends sol Into a carriage and
wen ? 'he house of SchoOeld, No. l.iZJ N.
Twelfth street. They reached the house about
I'V-i o olook. The bell was rang, and Mr. Soho
fluid opened the door. It Is then charged that
Josephs struck him on the head and face with
a black-jack. A warrant for the arrest of
Josephs was Issued, and a bearing in the case
will lake place before Alderman Beitlcr to
morrow afternoon.
There was a good deal of excitement In the
fourth Ward yesterday and earnett endeavors
are being made towards a pacification of the
trouble. Alderman McMullen, who Is bail for
Air. Josephs, will probably succeed In smooth
ing the troubled waters.
This morning, however, the tribulations of
Mr. echofleld received quite an impetus. He
was standing quietly lu froutof Independence
Ilali, discussing bis recpnt difficulties with a
friend, and debating various modes of settling
thein.when one Kd ward F Con way approached,
and, it la said, delivered himself in the follow
ing style: "What do you moan by calling a
man a liar tn the Convention, go !"
Mr. JSchofleld thereupon requested Mr. Con
way to go about his owu ofTnlrs, as he did not
wish to have anything to do with him. Conway
then made unmistakable preparations to as
sault Mr. KcUolleld, when tbe latter moved out
of his way.
At this moment lieutenant Fuller appeared
upon the field of battle, and at the request of
Mr. Schoflold bis antagonist was forthwith
taken into oustody. The combative Conway
was conducted into the presence of Alderman
lieitler, who happened to be on the bench,
when tho above fats were developed by the
testimony of tlie spectators of the row. The
result was that Mr. Conway was required to
give bull for his appearance at Court, in the
sum of JflOO.
A Mysterious Affair A Man Haply Bbaten.
About 11 o'clock this morning, a man named
Edwurd Burton, workman In acooner establish
ment No. 601) Fenn street, was round by his
brother workmen lying in the shop, terribly
beaten and senseless. The affair is somewhat
mysterious. Mr, Burton was taken to the hos
pital In an insensible condition.
Inquiry into the case has led to no clue as to
who committed the deed. Twolittle boys, going
iuto the shop for shavings, upon feeling around
in the piles of stick and timber, discovered the
wounded man lying near his bench. Calling
Borne workmen, aid wns procured, and he was
carried to the hospital. An examination by the
surgeon resulted iu finding two marks on the
forepart of the hcad.abrasures of the scalp and
bone of the skull, as If done with the sharp end
of a club. It Is said that the deed was committed
with a heavy stave, which was found in the
vicinity of where the man lay, covered with
Burton's face Is terribly lacerated, as If struck
with some pronged Instrument; the flesh ts
torn, and wounds appear ull over him. A large
contusion was found near the outer eJi?e of the
left eye, seemingly caused bv being struck with
a sharp stake. It is believed by the medical gen
tlemen in atteudance that the wounded man
cannot survive long, and that bis death, should
it occur, will result from the wound near the
eye. Burton resides at No. 11 1 Carpenter street,
and haslbecn but lately married.
1 be aflair is Involved in deepest mystery, no
evidence of the perpetrator being obtained It
could not have been for money, for Burton had
but six pennies and an old memorandum-book
in bis pocket. He worked alone In the shop,
which accounts for tho discovery Just at 11
o'clock, when the congealed blood and thick
clots about were palpable evldenoe that the
deed had been committed some lime before.
The young wife of Burton is at tlie hospital,
almost distracted with sorrow.
"Stop Thief I" Yesterday the attention of
Day Bergeanl Johnson was called to the cry of
"Blop thief!" as lie was proceeding up Eighth
street, near Race. He overhauled the muu and
found in his possession lle dozen handker
chiefs. He bad a hearing belore Alderman
Beit ler tills morn I tig and gave the nameoflsaae
Wise. He is a German, and arrived In this
country on Friday last, when someof bis fellow
countrymen of the Jewish persuasion took htm
in band, and started blm out with the handker
chiefs to sell, he not being familiar with the law
lu regard to licenses for peddling.
Tbe Israelite who gave blm tbe goods to soil,
swore at the bearing that he gave tbe man tbe
goods for no purpose wbalevor, aud did not
expect a return of any kind. Tbe parties who
imposed upon tbe poor ignorant fellow were
mnde to pay the costs, and Wise was released.
V bo raised tne cry ot stop itiiot y or ior wnat
purpose it was done, we could not ascertain.
A Sad Accident Results from the Care
less Handling of a Pistol. Mr. John Gra
ham, residing at No. li).!0 Howell street, was
last evening, about 7 o'clock, carelessly hand
ling a pistol. He thought it unloaded, but in
drawing back ti e hammer it slipped, and Hred
olf the pistol, its contents taklug efl'eot on the
leu biueti tneneauoi niswiio, mailing a very
serious wound. Mrs. Graham fully exonerates
ber huBbaud from any evil intent. The couple
bave been married but a short time. As soon
as the accident bad occurred end the wounded
lady bad beeu properly cared for, Mr. Graham
gave himself into the custody of an officer of
the bixtn Disirici, ana was piaoeu in tne wiauon
House cell, to await the result of his wife's
A Lawyer on thb Muscle. liarly yesterday
morning a rather amusing scene occurred in
the neighborhood of Eighth and Jetlersou
streets, llezekiah C. Ullinan, a member of a
Fifth street law firm, indulged In tho use of bis
lists to buch an extent as to bring blood from
the nose of a liquor merchant named James E.
Tbe ofialr arose out of an Interference on the
part oi the said I merchant with a business
transaction of the lawyer In Allentown. One
ol the belligerents was taken off the Meld by a
policeman, aud the other was left to adjust bis
disordered wardrobe.
An Assault with Intent to Kill. Ilen-
rlotta Waters, a colored woman of 05 years, got
into a diliictiity with a female compeer ot sua
and ago alike, at Sixth and Bedford streets,
last night. An anray ensued, lu which Henriet
ta snatched a large oase knlle from a table near
at band, and stabbed ber opponent in the left
breast, making a irignimi wound. Tne latter
was taken to the hospital, and the former was
conveyed to the look-up. This morning Alder
man TUieimary committed her to prison.
Stolb a Valise. Alderman Allen committed
John Thompson yesterday for stealing a valise
tilled with cioiniDg iroiu the Pennsylvania
Facts for the pvblio.
That we have unequalled facilities for con
ducting business to tlie advantage both of our
selves and our patrons, we submit the following
TKVTiis well known as feucb to the entire busi
ness community :
1. We havenbuudant capital therefore,
2. We litJY for cahh exclusively.
3. We sell for cash exclusively,
4. Ye bnve a business experience of a quarter
of a century, bavlng beeu longer established
tban any house in our trade in Philadelphia.
5. Our business Is thoroughly systematized,
tbe result of long experience,
6. We employ the best talent in all depart
ments: our garmeuts are therefore unsurpassed
in style, lit, or workmaushlp.
7. Our business Is large and constantly in
creasing. . We bave and constantly keep the largest
stock and best assortment of Men's, YouIds",
and Boys' Clothing In Philadelphia, which, or
reasons already mentioned.
ti. b e sell at price in all ccuet guaranteed lower
Uianthe lonttt elsewhere; aUo.utl Mittinfaction in
every jmrchate made of u, or th tale cancelled and
moiie reunacu.
ilalf ' between') Bennett A Co.,
Jntt and y Towkii Hall,
MxiiUti. ) No.fil8 Makkbt ax.,
and No. 600 Broadway. New York.
Who has not been asked to Insure bis life?
Yet bow many husbands and fathers bavu
negiecitu to do ill A new icaiureiu una run
fkitukk of 1'oi.ity is wesented by the John
Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company, of
Boston, w hose statement appoars in our issue
to-nay, very eueclually removing a serious ou
lection often made nialnst life insurance.
This Isaiuongour most prosperous aud careful
companies, and we confidently commend It lo
tlie attention and patronage of our friends.
Their nisi loss by death In this community was
paid last month, 8i000, to the widow of ouo of
our late Chesnut street merchants. H. E. Lin
coln, No. U37 CUesuut street, Is the Agent for
l euusyivaniu.
v v. u & run nil r y. at n I inn Yf UIW
8 .KllMitrick, No. 1744 Olive street, cured by Hr.
Y' i t lar'u lfammlv. Nn stiis- ns s-.ur
The RrvERSiPK lNSTrrb"B; Tbe eritrravlngs
prerented to thoRe who purcho stock in aid of
tbe Riverside Institute, have fcn pronounced
by competent Judges to be fully equal In style
and finish to engravings of the Ban character,
now retailing in this city at nearly double the
price charged. The Washington Library Com
pany, under whose auspices funds are' being
raised for the maintenance of tbe Riverside In
stitute, bave entered Into a contract for the
printing of an enormous quantity of these
handsome pictures. In this way they can dis
pose of thorn at less than retail price, with a
fair margin left for profit, which accrues to the
Institute. Every purchaser of stock not only
gets bis fine steel-plate engraving, but is also
Insured a present (there being no blanks) as set
forth In the published schedule. Shares are
only 81, each share guaranteeing some gift,
with a fair chance of securing, something very
Pf.rkmptory Bale 7500 Aprm Coal Ann
Timhek Lands We see by an advertisement
in another column that Messrs. Thomas A Hons
win sell on Tuesday next, at the Exchange, the
valuable Coal and Timber Lands of the Tlo
ne ta Oil, Lumber, and Mining Company, com
prising 7.r,() acres 8ar and Grist Mills, and the
Village of Nebraska. Bale absolute.
Gkovkr A Baker's
H igbest Premium
"Elastic" Hiltch and "Look" Stitch
hbwino Machines,
With Latent Improvement.
No. 7110 Chesnut street.
The Great Ratw. While the heavens are
flooding our streets with their purifying and
cleansing element, we should feel grateful, as
a iso tne rewi or low prices for Mummer
Clothing at Charles Blokes & Co.'s Clothing
uouse, unuer me i.onnneniai.
Tun Grand Surrender. Renndlatlmr all
their foimer prejudices in favor of European
perfumes, tbe ladies of America now admit that
Pl.aion s 'Night-Blooming Cereus." like the
land where It originated, has no eaual under
the sun. Danville Korth iSar.
Rkcoud Street, above Green, la where
Relmer's old famous Photograph Gallery Is,
where such good and cheap pictures are made.
Six cards, or ono large picture on fine porcelain,
for f 1-CO; 12 Ferrotypes 50 cents.
Thb Great Resort for Fine Confectionery Is
at George W. Jenkins', No. 1087 Spring Garden
street. His Caramels, Bonbons. Fruit Drops.
Chocolates, etc., are deservedly In the highest
repute. Foreign Fruits in great variety.
Lyons' Magnetic Insi ct Powder, for kill
ing Fleas, Moths, Roaches, and Bugs. The
original and only sure article. Sold by all re
spectable dealers.
Water-Coolers for tiie Million. Refrige
rators, Moth-proof Chests, Ice-Cream Freezers,
etc , at E. B. b arson & Co.'s Manufactory No.
220 Dock streot.
Depot for the salb of Lash's Five-dollar
U.rQiihina' Munhlnoii ' M a( Vt aa-W ri n n are atirl Ulan
VI nnu 1 1-1 1 iu cava s 1 M r. viwiiva- If m lUEVl Os C1UU UM7I
Ladders, No, 727 Market street, Philadelphia.
J. P. AiAHH a CO.
Fifty different styles and sizes of Refrlge
rators. prices from 87 upwards. E. 8. Farson
& Co., Manufacturers, No. 220 Dock street, below
Warm Weather, Gauze Shirts, only 8100.
Wurm Weather. Gauze Shirts, only 81-00.
Warm Weather. Linen Drawers, only 8P75.
Warm Weather. Lluen Drawers, only 8175.
MrlNTiRB & Brother's,
No. 1035 Chesnut street.
ayTnKOnnKii or tub Day.
nirThs Ordi r of the, Dan,
An" The Order of the J lay.
IM'The Order of the Day.
jjinen, jitpaca. ana DiicK.itQ.
JAnen, Alpaca, ami JHtek.'ixM
Jjinen. Alpaca, am lucc.t a
Liiicn. Aloaca. and. XlucA-.-Y. 11
tdTMen and Poy'i Clothtna.
Kg-Men aud lln.u't Clothing.
"-Vrt fiir( Jloi't Clnthinu.
IHrMm and lioy'i VlolMni,
Ji'ieew unaentaof jsnvcn,-it
JYier Undeniably IjotoetWixH
I'ricet 1'ndenlnbty a
Jrtcea Undeniably M.oweU,'tt.
Wanamakkb A Brown,
Tim Latioickt Clothing IIodsh or Pmr..,
P. 10. t'ORNKK or Sixth and Markkt Htbkkts.
Ante Linen Dwiteri. Hacks, and Alpacat by the
dozen, at low ju ice.
fniii'nftiii r.iurjfti, a bnuiUllu;o, jumn., I'll
the 4th tustant. by Kev. A. V. Peabody, IK D.. K 11 WIN
FAltlSIiAM.ot Beverly, N, J., to CAROLINE BELL,
daughter ol James W. Emery, Esq.. of Cambridge.
NIPPEKD-HMITII. Oa tbe 13th Instant, bv the
Kev. L. I. Jiornberger, at the residence of the bride's
hiaer, Mr. JU1IN A. NJPi'EUD lo Miss KATE a,
blUTU, both ot this city.
BAILEY. At Washington City, of typhoid fever,
on Hittorday, the 15th limuini, la her 22.1 year. Mm.
EMKLVN WKBSl'EH. wins of Major Marcellus
Bailey, aud UuugUtor of I'rofessor Charles O. aud Mrs.
V. W. raise.
Funeral services at tbe Rev. .Dr. Sunderland's
Cburcb. l'cur aud-a-bftll street, at 3 o'clock P. M. to
day. B A STI AN. On tbe 14th Instant, after a lingering
IllneKS, MAKOAHET WHKLAN, wife of Jerome A.
Banlian, and daughter of the late Jereinlab binltli.
Tbe relatives and trlendg of the family are respect
fully invited to attend tbe funeral, from tbe reildence
of ber mother, Mrs. M. Kunth. No. 1343 tt. Seventh
street, ou Wednesday afternoon at 4 o'clock.
' FOKD.-On the 16tb Instant. THOMAS FORD, Jr.,
son ot Thomas Ford, Br., aued 10 years.
The relatives and friends of tne family are respect
fully Invited to attend ids funeral, from tbe reHldxuce
ot bis parents. No. 719 Birch street (between Fifteenth
and (sixteenth, below Fiuwatar Btreet), on Wudues
dBy morning at 8 o'clock, without lurlber uotlce. In
terment at Calbsdral Cemetery,
McNICHOLL. On tbe leth Instant, DANIEL
WoNlCIlOLL, aged 33 years.
Tbe relatives and lriends of the family are respect
fully Invited to attend tbe funeral, from bis late resi
dence. No. WO boulk street, on Wednesday morning at
X bave several patterns of convenient ani neat
btaoe-blackening Stools, with compartment for the
brushes, blacking, and boot-Jack.
No. MS (Eight Thirty-five) Market BU. below Ninth.
or other fruits, we have Bell Metal, Brass, and
Lnamelled i'reaxrvlug Kettles, of various sizes.
No. 838 (Eight Thirty-five) Market St.. below Ninth.
have the mones removed In an hour by the una of
one of the Patent Cherry-Htoulng Machines. This
should make it urolitable todry your cherries. Sold by
No. 8.15 (Eluht Thirty-five) Market St., below Ninth.
Life Insurance Company,
m. e.
lated and Kasy-fiuing DMK8H HAW (pateiitmt).
In all the approved laahluna of theseasou. Cli-tNUT
Street, next door to the l'ot Ofllce, 15
No. 25 a NINTH Street,
First Store above Chestnut street. 4 9(
4 11 Bniflpj
No. 7 H. SIXTH Btreet.
J0 east corner or ttMH and C1IKSNUT S:reeta.
'1 lie pulrtiuage of old customer of Chesnut mreet.
Mfiove pixiu. uuu ineHiiuir airuei, aDove JUgum, Bull
died. 1'KAItL and 1) It All CAbSIMUIlli: IlATd, tor
Summer, i'rice, $5 and . 6 4 dp
AM variety, and at reduced priced, nt M t.'ALLA'S,
Nuribeuai comer of TKNTH and CHKSNOT Htreew,
Formerly Cheanuc, above Sixth, aud Chesuut, above
r.'giua. o 4 up
at M'CALLA'b, N, li corner TEN Til aud Cli
bUT Stream. 8Splf
T O II N s7!: O.N '4 S K L D E N
tj Attorneys at Law and Solloltorn In Bankruptcy
No. 4li4 WAI NUT Kii..l
I'IiIIuiImIiiIiI IftlliU.ii'
Ei-4J0V. ff . V. JOUiSbTON
JCTNE 18 1807-
fBP0IAtI)MPAT0a to THB TW "'"""'H 1
Tbt Impeachment (taeatlon w Pctd
Meeting mt Coagrcia.
The Clerk of the House Judiciary Crmtm.
la biiNlly enpaireil In preparing a report of v. ,
evidence taken before that Imrlv on tli a rrna.
tlon of Impeachment, Id expectancy of a (jno-
ui uura xiouaea oi congreas in .inly, a
portion at least of that Committee confidently
anticipate a aeaaion. Other indications point
In the same direction, and show a general be
lief nnd deaire In Ilepubllcan quartern for an
immediate asnemblnge of Congress.
Mablllry- of Btocbltolderrj of National
Banks Important Decision of Judge
Giles, Ktc.
Baltimore, June IS. Jadfre Giles, of Ilia
United (States District Court, has doclded.ii the
case of tbe Merchants' National Bank of Wash,
ir.gton, to enforce against certain cltlaena of
Maryland the Individual liability clause in the
National Ilankluir law, whroh subject enoh
stockholder to a pro rata liability for the debts
of the Insolvent bank, lo the extent of tho par
value of the stock held bv each. The Court de
cides tbat no other official but the Comptroller
ol the Currency has the power, under tlie law.
loiaaean account oi tne (letila and assets of
any insolvent banklna association, and tn rln.
clare the deficiency which the slocaholders are
required to make good to tho- creditors of said
asKodat Ion.
The effect of the decision Is that no suit can
be maintained against the stockholders on the
Individual liability clause until tlie Comptroller
tf the Currency has audited the acoounts of the
insolvent asaoclatlon, ami ascertained, after
clue notice to creditors, the amount of its lla
billtiea. Politics in California
SAN Francisco. June 10. The Union Third
Congressional Ulstrlct Convention nominated
Chancellor llorton for Congress. There Is great
dissatisfaction with tbe ticket nominated by
tne union istnto convention, it u expeoied,
that there will be an Independent Union ticket
Dlnced in tbe field, bo that the Democrats are
sanguine of carrying the State iu the fall elec
tions. Minister Campbell's Position.
New Orleans, Juno 17. Minister Cimpboll
declines slating what has transpired between
the (State Department and himself, but feuls
assured- that the people will sustain him iu
the noHition he has taken when the records aro
Cholera at New Orleans.
New Orleans, June 17. Daring the past
week there were tli roe deaths from cholera lu
this city.
Markets by Telegraph.
Sax Francisco, Jim 18. Kastern Butter dull at tt
(a iic. for extreme to standard brands. Candles steady
at 23(.itac. Flour dull at ;i-7.). Wheat dull: no
trarsnctiona. Alining Slocks Savaga, UI7S; Yelluw
Jacket, (l'JSn; Crown foint, i50; Oouid fe Curry, $iW0;
KenUirk, S'if-,0: Chollar I'utusl, tfU2; Onhlr, (:!!&: Over
man, $-285: Imperial, 191: Empire, S'uu; liellelir. f 00:
Bullion, til. Legal tenders, 7;l'2'.
Naw YOBK, Juue ts. Stocks strong. Chicago and
Rock Island, Kl; Heading, l7vV. Canton. 4li; lOriu,
fiOi; Cleveland and Toledo, Cleveland and Pitta
burg, 77).,'; I'iltsliurg aud Fort Wayne, W; Michigan
Central, 113; Michigan Southern, !).'; New York
Central, 1112'.;: Illinois Central. 120: Cumberland pre
ferred. 81; Hudson River, lO'J',;: United Stales Five
twenllea. 1862, lli'Xi "o. 1804 llHi.V- o. IHflV, lt)7l4; new
Issue, mi1,,; Ten-forties, Wd'i; Seven-thlrttes, first
Issue, lo6f, all others, 106; Mouey, 67 cuat.
Sterling. Id?,'. Golil; V.tfi.
Niw Yokk, June 18. Cotton qulot al 27c Flour
dull, declined iscrf'i'.c. sales ot BOoo linrrels ot State at
i7-,r. n ;" 3.'iijf.l'2'5(i; Western, 7-5Uf'6t2: Houth
ern. .i WKHiir,. Wheat dull and decllniu. Cora firmer;
stock scarce. Oats llrmen Western. 7 Vd,lin. Provl
rionsquiet nnd dull; rewMess I'ork lower; sale at
20'&0, Whisky quiel and utxady.
Iaiportant Internal Rkvbsuk Ducwions.--Hy
the courtesy of W. B. Elliott. Ksq., United
Klates Assessor of the Third District, we are
enabled to lay before our readers the folio wing
Important decisions:
CLKS. Trbasuby Dki'ARTmknt, Opkicr of Internal
Rkvknuk, Washington, June 14. 18)7. Sir: In your
letter of the lath Instant, you luquire whether a manu
facturer ot patented Is hound to return the
full price nt which tlicy are sold. Including the patent
fee, or whether be should be allowed lo deduct said
In reply, I bave to say tbat whenever a patent en
ter Inlo the combination of an article or machine,
f:lving additional value to the same, and enhanclug
is cost or price to the purchaser, such patent bee mes
an element of value, and cannot he separated any
more tban any other element of value. The actual
sales price, Including royalty, must be returned toe
taxation. Yours respectfully,
K. A. ROLLINS, Commissioner.
To W. B, Elliott, Esq.
bpkcial tax ov 1ibkwkrs.
Trkasurt Dkpartment, Officr 8f Intkrnal
Rhvbnuk, Washington, June I, 1887. Sir: I reply
to yours ot the 23d ult., that a brewer not operaiiu;,
aud not liable as such during May, June, July, aud
August (as you stale), should he assessed for paly the
balance of the special tax year as breaker.
It the party, ou the expiration of his special tax re
ceipt at brewer, transacts business as liquor,
be should be assessed as liquor dealer. The manu
facturer of fermented liquor may thus elect to pay as
brewer for the whole yeur. or pay lu the two capacities
ot brvwer and liquor dealer.
Urewers pay lug special tax at the rate of 0 only,
u D dor the proviso of paragruph 17, section 19, should
be assessed "tor a ratable proportion of the amount to
be brswed, as well as for a ratable proportion of the
tax to be asesised."
For example, a brewer of this clais. liable from ths
1st nfSeptenber (as slated),pays fWXS (the two-thirds
of IM) w ith liberty to manufacture any quantity leas
than the two-thirds of ot'U barrels. If, In ouu or two
months, or one or two weeks, etc, lie reaches this
limit, im special lax recflpt Is exhausted, and theuce
forth be should be astessed at the rate of per
anunm, as a brewer manufacturing at a greater rate
tban 600 barrels per year, as pur said proviso and de
cision U7, still iu force. Very respectfully,
J. E. MKl'RUW, Deputy Comuilssiouer,
To W. B. Elliott, Esq. ,
A Desertion Cask. Henry Keerl was
before Alderman Bottler this morning, charged
with deserting his wife and taking up with
another woman. lie was held In 8'JOO bail for
a further hearing.
I 10 KIliaKUATO Ii H,
it. a. wiinnts',
8 2Iluthslm5p OPEN UN 11 L V. M.
Wholesale and Retail,
Very Cheap.
Big Horse la ths Door.
No. 631 MARKET btreet.
4 11 luthB&pi
science and skill bave luveuted to assist tbe
bearing lu every degree of deafness; also, Respirators;
also, CraudaU's Patent Crutches, supeilor to aur
others In ur-e, at P. MAUEIRA'S, No. lla TENTU
Ktreei. neinw i nesuuu zaapc
Ncs. 1 and 3 North Siztk Street,
wtuld invite the attention of his friends
and customers to his superior
assortment of
Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods;
ilso, to his
Improved Pattern Shirt;
the materia', workmanship and finish
cannot he surpassed by any in the
Market, u tt rpi
7309 ACRES, --
saw ami uitivr mvvH
On TCFHDA Y, Juna 2.1, 1BIT7. at 12 o'oloclt, Noon.
rXAt.Mo- Wltb0ut
MPANl. llonesta Township, Forest llountr.
i pa n v.' " V. rr"-" iN
srp.1t a. nnd Vlllaire of Nebraska, situate 7mlIos
ai.v ii. "'0r,i.0liefT,lo,i'"t8ll,v,r- Theraar.
over 2"9 m. """'"cellent timber land.
A plan mi,' ",re fu" deacrlption maybe soon at
ths sucilon ro
bale about tile, . . .
M. T. IOMA.S v SOM8, Aiictlnnnnni.
8 H 21 MSI Nr lit) and 141 a FOURTH Htrget.
Fitly or one hundred acres ltrlstok I'lue, above
the seven-mile stone, and near Tacony.
Mansion House, Coach Hbop, aud Dwelling to Lt.
Apply on ths premises.
6 17 2t R. WHITAKER.
jtj,SION, with larnre Harden, Carrlana House, etc.,
anached, on Pltosl'ECr HILL, near Frantcrord,
Twenty-firth Ward. Eajr of acness hy Fifth and
btxth streets Kailrosd. Inquire ot JOIIN (4. HTKT
LKR, No. Vtil OIRARD A Venus. S tf4t
509 H. FOUKTII (street, below Lombard, east
side. Inquire on the premises, lleferences re
qnlred. s 2a
Cotlase. Phutneranh of whlrh can be sunn nt v.
Corner of TENTIf and CHESNUT Sts. 6 St tf
Address, statin? size, when possession can be had
and lowest cash price. The names of persons offer
ing will be treated la confidence. No Real Estate
agent Deed answer this advertisement.
Address IMPORTER, care ot Philadelphia "la
qulrer" (.fllce. 6 12 19t
Wo. 1101 CHE8NUT HtreeU
N, W. Car. Eleventh aud Chduut,
Ladles who have used THESE GOODS will
not fall to appreciate them at the prices,
S2f3, 30, 35 Cents.
lee-nw J.ftNSWTfn WTT "OH
Using ordinary Ammunition. Manufactured by the,
heist, Wassachnsetf, under personal supervision of
C. M. BPENCER, Inventor of the famous bPENC'EB
R1FI.K fend tor circular. l8ai
X The understaned reiectfully calls the attention
of tbe public to the stock of Prime Cider aud Pur
lliUeUve?ed free of charge to all ffi
No. 420 PEAR Street,
11 75p Below Third, and Walnut and UocJr.
vv Manufactured hv
ttanuiaciurea ut
Oi tv Aunsn m iswnn.
Ho. 11 N. SIXTH. Street,
10 am
12 balel Cotton.
63 barrels Tar.
881 barrels Pale nnd No. 1 Virgin Rosin, ou board
steamship Pioneer, from Wilmington, N. C
For sale by
0 15 Sl No. 18 South Wharves.
0 8 I N OIL.
... i.iikU
i0 barrels 1st, Si, aud 84 run r.osio uuwvwi.
for palming and lubricating.
For sale by . EDWARD IL ROWLEY.
8 ,8 8l, no. ie South Wharves.
made tTthe West .Chaster and I'hllade'phl
Itallrosd'mp-'ny if "'J'ianle 01' "
share, prefer.ed stock In the &LK3 FIL
PkUadelphla, June 0, 1807. WUmttl
CHKAK ilouss. II ,'ooms. newly rmpered, in1
pa uted; riis, hot and cold water; locatfon high and
well shaded: lot SO bv MO feev. Terms easv. lmm
dime possession. Apply at vLHOH'a Tea Waro
hniife. No. KM CHESNUT Htrenu I "
cell fur a furiuer oeai