CITY INTELLIGENCE E. lrt ADDITIONAL LOCAL ITKMS H. OUTSID PA0B9. Taxes on tiir MxnuFArTFRB op Cars The lJI! k ,Dg letle couttt'n'"K'roporttiut decisions, has b ea received in tins c,ty iroin the Cunil mjBMonerot Internal Revenue: Triarchy ; I'epartmknt, Office of Internal KBVKNDE Washington, May 29.-Sir:-Yonr icticr ol (tie 20th ultimo, (submitting a series of rn les for the consideration of this oilice, rela tive to the mode ol tux ng cars, etc., has received due. attention. The act of July 13, 18(10, exempts from taxa tion repairs ot article ol all kinds. Tins ex emption leaves tho question of taxation of cars iTeclecly whore it was prior to the act or Juuo 30, 1864, with these exceptions. Ino present law exempts car-wheels Iroin taxation; but prior to June 30, 18UI, the taxes paid on cur-wheels rpre allowed to be deducted from tho tax as jeesed on the flniBhed car, and the presf nt law imposes a lax ol five peP cent, ad valorem, while the act of Jnly, 1MJ2, imposed only three per cent, nd valorem. Under the act of July, 1802, this office ruled tout every new car or locomotive must bo re- jtaiucu bob manutactuie, ruj tanable as such, even thouRh it be made to take the place of a car or locomotive which Is worn out aud thrown aside. An old car or locomotive would not be liablo to an ad valorem tax on account of any repairs made theieon, but all articles used in such repairs, or new parts furnished, which have In thcmsMvcs a commercial valic, and which would be liable to tax it sold or removed from the place of manufacture for sale, are equally liable to tax when made for and used in the repairs of old cars and engines. The ruling is believed to have been strictly in accordabce with the law tu f.;rce at that time, and I know of no reaon why It is not entirely and strictly in accordance with the provision of the law as now In force. It is believed to be impracticable to determine what is new work, or what is repairs, by udoptinn hs a rule the relative percentaL-e which the new aud the old bear to tue tinisbed car or engine. Repair, however preat, which do not destroy the identity of the article or thing repaired, are still repairs, and not taxable; but when a car or engine is substantially new. thoueh containinar some part or pieces which have been more or less used in other caw or engines, they are to be taxed on their entire value, less such deductions as the law allows; car bodies and trucks, when made by different persons, Arms, or companies, are considered as separate and distinct manu factures, aud each is to be assessed upon them when put together, unless they shall be increased in value by paintintr, varniBhlug, or beiug other wise more completely Bnlshed, or fitted lor uso or sale, in which event they will be liable to an additional tax of five per cent, on the amount of increased value. When a new car body is made for an old truck, or new trucks for an o'd ar body, the car body or trucks are to be taxed as new work. Cars which are reconstructed by placing bodies which have been in use, and on which a tax has been paid, and trucks which have in like manner been in use and subject to tax, are not liable to an additional tax, and trucks which are reconstructed from material selected from two or more trucks which have been in use, will not be considered "new manufactures," but repairs only. Wheels and other castings ot iron, copper, or brass, which are in themselves separate and dis tinct manufactures, made tor cars or used in the repairs of cars prior to March 2, 1807, were not exempted from tax, but by the act of March 2, 1867, all castings for cars are exempt, whether nsed in the construction of new work or in re pairs. Railroad compauies are not required to pay a special tax lor any machine shoos where onJv repairs are made. Yours, respectfully, E. A, Rollins, Commissioner. The Final Resting Place. The mortal remains of the late Signor Perelli, which, at the time of the funeral, were temporarily de posited in the vault ot the Cathedral Cemetery, were yesterday consigned to their final resting piace in ino wooaiana uemetery, west or tue hchuylkill, At about 6 o'clock iu the evening a iiuuiuci ui i. tu i iui;u3 buuiuiuiiit; 1110 liicuua ul the deceaacd, arrived at the Cemetery, where, alter otfering up a fervent prayer to the Turoue of Grace, the richly ornamented coffin holding the remains was lowered into the grave. The scene was a highly impressive one, and wben the last sad look was taken at the remains, many present were affected even to tears. Madame D'Hervilly, Madame Ruiz, Miss R liz, Miss E. Gilraore, Sienior P. Rondinella, Elias Durand, A. B. Durand, II. T. Peck, VictorSemi ladis, J. B. McCaulley, J. D. Uervilly, Esq., and others of Signor Perelli's many devoted friends, were present, and plainly showed by their de meanor the strong hold the distinguished de ceased had had on their affections. Tub New Rdtledqe Scuool-IIouse. The dedication of the new school-house in the First Ward, known as the "Rutledge," located at Seventh and Morris streets, took place at 4 J'UIUCa VCBLl'I UttV UllflUUULI. IU IUU yHTrut Ul je Committee of Property ot the Board of 'tfiool Control, Messrs. William C. Haines, John 5reen, Leonara R. Fletcher, M. Hall Stanton, tries V. Carriuau. Lewis II. Esler. Inspector o Board; Heury W. Hal li well, Secretary of Ioard; Mr. Uilliugton, ot Common uouucii, number of invited guesis, together with G UOW U 14 I 1V1 1U A3 U J. IS Ul ll.VV UUU V. UUM -J stories hitrh. It has twelve chtsn rooms, The new gchool-house cost in tlio neighbor Freedmen's Relief Society took place yesterday wiinmlnB-. t their rooms. No. 711 Saosom street. This Association is a branch of the Pennsylvania Freedmen's Union Commission, having branches also throughout the tstato, ana co-operuuug with other Aid Societies for the education and faro nf fh h'repdmen. i-Yom thi President's (Mrs. Aubrey II. Smith) report read at tho nueiing, it appears that over t;Min worth of donations in clothing, etc., have hnn roroiipd since November latt. and all the applications for relief made since they have been able to meet. The donations in money received Hnrimr this Deriod were $3473-80. Expenditures for educational purposes, supplies, and rent, were $2397-88. Six teachers nave oeeu uuuunuu iu the South during the year. Rebuilding of the Reed Street Sewer. The Dlans for repairing and rebuilding the Reed atveet culvert. Irooi Otsepo ttreet to the river Delaware, a distance of about 1000 feet, have Iwpd aonroved. and the woik will shortly be .nmieiitred. For a distance of 459 feet from iMevcrn srtp.e.t the tOD of the old sewer will be takeu off, and replaced with a new arch, 9 feet in diameter, aud lor a oiBiance oi itsv icei mere will bo a new sewer of the-jame dimensions. A unnilen trunk. 9 feet wide and 8 feet hiirb.. will i,r otiemli-d from tho work to the river, th trunk to have on each side of It crib-work 8 leet wide. SwiMi.iK(i on a Small Scale. Attention has w,n iioi to the fact that there are beveral places in this city where poor people who are in want of houses are siudled. When house hunters call, they are toid that the house adver tised has lust been rented, but if the parties will reei&ter their na-nea and pay one dollar, a house ., ni.tpitwd the next uav. The money iapuii and day alter day the promised nouse is upt forthcoming. Persons iu waut ot houses should inquire caiefull? Into the character of tho house nu Ant A before emnlovlug them. 1 T.u'cvrs. I'n to yesterday the City Com ranted tavt ru licenses to 34U0 HIinriwM-t" , L. persons. The entire nuuiotr win icaen uuai 4000. A large number who have applied lor licenses have cot yet paid the City Treasurer. All who ueelect to pay by the 15th inst. will be iubject to prosecution. Aldbrmabio Fines ahd Penalties. The fol lowing named Aldermen have paid over to the Cltv Treasurer the fines and neuiltles received bv tbeui duriosr May:-J. B. Masey, $70: Jjhn t'louds, 36j Loui Godbou, $49; and William THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, WEDNESDAY, Not Turin Fadi.t. The Hoard of Health have tmsed a resolution d eclating that tney arc unable to itiB'igiiiaio such sanitary measures as are considered proper aud necessary, in con fequence of Councils rehiring to make tno necessary appropriations, and that the public must regard the Department of IJealtn relieved Irom reFponsibdity, and look elsewhere for relief and protection. Tup. Schuylkill. The recent heavy rains caused arise In the Schuylkill of about twelve inches ol water. AMU3EMENT3. "Cendrili.on." This gorgeous Frolcan spec tacle whs pioduced last evening, at the Chesnut btrect Theatre, in an admirable manner. The tcencry, drcecs. ballet, tricks, transformations. and macbiiicry are ail superior to any that have ; spectado pacsed off with remarkable smooth ness, and gave general satisfaction to tho large audience present. The character-dancing by Mad'llcs Teresa Wood, Llna Windell, aud Auua Kmger was unusually fine, while the acting of Misses JobIo Orton, Julia Daly, Annie Ward, Mr. Walter Lennox, Mr. Michael Woo If, and Mr. J. W. Jennings was excellent. These Rcntlemea exhibit a keen appreciation ot tho burlesque briHianle, and were descrviugly applauded. The Patisiau fairy spectacle of Crnaritton will be repeated every night for many weeks, we have no doubt. It forms a most dclihttul suiuuicr evenlng's entertainment. "Little Boy Blue." This Is the title of Mr. G. L. Fox's last pantomime, and it is the best in every particular that has ever been preseuted in this city. The comic acting of O. L. Fox, and his diminutive brother "Charley," each evening at the ArcbStreet. Theatre, as Clown and Panta loon, is inimitable. The scenery is good, and the mounting of the piece is a credit to the theatre. The "Brand base ball match" is pro bably the most laucbable part of the pantomime, and the audience relish it the more because the ball Is batted into all parts of the house, and men, women, and children are suddenly turned into "shoit stops" and "pitchers." Some of the tricks in the pautomime are really wonder ful. The best, we think, are the 4 Hindoo Bas ket Deception," the "Prize Fight," and mam moth "Magic Photoeraph Album." The lant scene is truly beautiful. Ldtle lion Blue will bo played at the Arch every evening, and on Satur day afternoon". Go, and take tue children. Rip Van Winkle." Tho Walnut Street Theatre was crowded last night again to witues the wonucriui acting or Air, Joseph Jefferson in Bouclcault's Hip Van Winkle. Miss Susan Denin, as "Gre'.chen," was veiy good, and tho minor characters were tolerably well repre sented. Ji'.p Van Winkle will be played this evening. Great preparations are being made to produce Shakespeare's fairy play of A Alidsummir-yighVs Lreom at the Walnut, with scenery, dresses, etc., imported expressly from Paris and Loudon. At ms American the "Demon Dance" con tinues to attiact very large audiences. Mablowe's Farewell. A.t the Academv of Mubic to-night Mr. Owen Marlowe will receive a complimentary benetit. and wilt make his last appearance upon the Phlbidelphia stage. The attractions Mr. Marlowe presents are very great, being the comedy of h.xtremes, so inseparably connected with the name of Caroline Richings; ine recuaiion oi isnamus u'Mnen, oy Mr. juar lowe. and the farce of JTie Live Indian. Mr. Marlowe will likewise deliver a farewell address. The attention of our readers is invited to the splendid array of talent which is to open the musical career ot the beautiful new Hall of the Horticultural Society. The names of the artists are a guarantee of the enloyment to the ear, while the eye will nave the vast proportions ot the Hall, with the charming arrneaient of plants and flowers, to fill it with delight. irtE Mendelssohn Society. This Society nas offered its services tor the benetit of the Soutn- ern Famine Relief Fund, and in the concert it will give to-morrow evening at the Academy will present a choice program me and favorite artists. Hartz, the Illusionist, takes a farewell benetit at Concert Hall to-night. It will be his last appearance iu this city. He offers an at tractive programme, embracing several novel ties in magic. TriE Rentz Conckrt at Musical Fund Hall ant nicht was a brilliant and pleasant success. We hope soon to aunounce another of these de- lfjLttuI musical soirees. Cabnckoss & Dixey are having great success with their burlesque opera ot The Bohemian Cfiri. Too season at tne -ramuy nesori" is drawing to a close. AlAlilM: TJLl,i:UltAllI. For additional Marine Hew tee Firtt Page, ALMANAC F OK .PHILADELPHIA THIS DAY. Bun Rises, hum bjtis... .4'30'Mooi Kihkh 10 20 7-27UiaK WiTKH... 4 21 MOON'S PMASKS. PUlLAOKl.t'lilA. WA8JIINOT0X, JI'NK. D. Jl.M. 11. M. New Moon 2 lu ll mo. lutil mo. First Quarter l'KU mo, 1 2'J mo. Full Moon 18 I'5:t ev. lri'l ev. LastUuurter 26 0'i8 nio. U'il mo, PHILADELPHIA BOAKD VST TKADS. Gko, Mokrihcin Coatks,') J. Pkick Wethkbill, V-Monthly Oommittkb, Jaukh Douoiiuu'i'v, J S10VKA1KJNT8 OK OCEAN 81AUEIIS, FOR AMERICA. Peruvian Llverpool.,.Phlluda .-May 13 Heclu Llverpool...New York .Mar 21 DenlHOhland.bouthaiiiptoii..New York May 21 Col London... ....LIverpool...New York ..May 22 Helvetia .Liverpool...New York May 22 N. Aiiieriouu...LIverpool...Uuebi'C .May 2 Al In nehota. ......... J. I verpool...iNew York May 24 bt. Laurent ..Havre New York May 24 Cuba ,Liverpool...Uoton -My 25 AleniUiiuitt...boulhuuiplou...New Yolk ilay 2o F",Ii KUKOPK. Asia Boston Liverpool ..-June Hero sou New York. ..Bremen June C. of Louuou.....New York...Llverpool June 11 iherulu New York. .. Glasgow June New York... Havre June .New Y'ork... Havre June .New York... Liverpool June Arago Tnmpico Virginia Beliuua., Ncw York. ..London Juue (UAHI'WISK. DOMESTIC. ETO. Pioneer.... .PhllaUa Wlluilnxiou June S FHule New ork... Havana June 6 J.W, Kvi-ril.BllHlilhKU Charleston .June 8 H. Cl.nuucfy,...New Vork...Asiiuw all ....June 11 Rifting btar .New Vol k...AsiiuwulL June 11 tireica New York... Havana .Juue 15 Rraraaml nliliexPhila(1a II avana Juue 15 Mwrrlmae Now Vuik...Rlu Janeiro Juue 22 Al ii 1h aru lorwariled by every siMiuuer lu tne reiiular lliiei The Btenuiers for or from Liverpool call al yuee.iiUiwQ, except the Cauad'.aa line, which call at Londonderry. Thuateamera lor or from theCouti upii t cai 1 at Honthanmton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. etenmnhlp Pioneer, Bennett, Wilmington, N. O , Phi ladelphia ii nd Huulli i ru Mail bleambhlp Co. VarqtiC sea Eugle, Jullua, Jr., Barbados, T. Wattson & buns. Bmque Thomas, Peterson, Cardenas, H. A W, Welsh. B uiii! Rounoke, Davis, Lau'Uiiyru. J. I)alllt St Co. clrr A mile A nisclen, liunxs, Bohioii, Tyler & Co, bchr R. Bullu Inkle, Ereucti.ipsw ch. biunickHon AC'O. bcl.r R. M. W'Mrd. I.upur, MauricH River, Captain, bclir 1. ai d E. Kelly, Kelly, iHiaiou.ltouiaielJiUuntur. !clir 1'l.vawiiy, Kelly. Boton, do. bchr I'olly Pi Ice, Vales, Boston. do. bchr J. 11. Moore, Nlckersou, Boston, Day, IludUelt & Co. bchr N. E. Clark. Clark. Providence, do. bchr W. V. Alwaler, Ulover, l'all River, Prestuu Coal Co. Bchr Alahama, Varjgllder, East Cambridge. do. bchr F. Fern.baunders, Pawiucket, L. Aiuh-urleJiCo. bchr Crisis. Boweu, Lyun, Itatnbun, bLearns 4: Co. bchr J. b. Watson, Jlonck. Maldeu, do. bchr E. B. Whoatou, Llnlo, baletn, Custuer, Stlckney & WellliiRtou. F-chr L. Audenried, Crawford, Daovorsport, Buffolk Coal Co, bchr lieu. Banks, Ryder, Bangor, Hammeit b Neal. bchr A. M. Noweou-iu, Eiuaraou, balem, Buucrolt, Lewis & Co. Bchr J. M, Flanngan. Bhaw, Halem, Tylfir A Co, bchr Amos Edwards, bouieri, Bostou, Westiuorelaad Coal Co. bchr J. K bhlndler, Lee, Boston, BlBklnton.Oraefr,tCo, bchr Port Royal, Moore, Norwich, bluulcksou A Co. bchr Pathway, Haley, Bostou. Captain. bchr U b. l.e erinir. Corsou, Old CamOrldije, Captain. bi hr M. A. Bell, Oillelt. Bnldmore, Captaiu. bt'r J. B. bhriver, Dennis, Ballliuore. A. Uroves, Jr. ARRIVED YESTERDAY. Steamship Touawanda, Jeiialuipi. 70 hours from Savannah, wllh cotton, eta, lo Philadeluhln and Southern MallbleauishlpCo. Passeugers W. b Hol land H. A. Ryan, A. Dulen hotter, A. Campbell, lady, and tervaiil, Daniel Johnson U A. Vand.ini. W. F. Preslou, (JeorKu Lauijlan, M. Hindoo. James Murrar, 11 Wauer, Julius IUhu,C. Buuuey, Miss Kate A. Wll- MinMtM Ttzcta Qiiarte, W. Modote, wile, daughter, hlMl ('Mlrirrn, l-i lir Hiidkii Kllen, Brin':fli1. 1 rtnys from Utieiter lilvrr, n tn gri'ln to Hirmilun A Co. t-iir I rt'eiiiHAon. Kurinftii. 2 l ays torn Indian Hlver, w Kli corn lo Union, Culllim A l . K lir JerntB Amk rfn, 'l uiincll, t dnvs from Indian Kler, with corn ti Ilauon. Collins A Co. Ischr D. und K. Kelly, Kplly. Irom Biton. h ln p. price, Yaips, Irom Maker's jnlmir. hclir W. i: A'waiiT. Olover. irum I'rcivldmico. t-rlir Fanny Fern, Handera, from Providence. htlir N. K. Clark. Clark, from Hosiou. fr lir Ij. lieaid, Perry, from liostou. frlir K, H. Whenton. Mule, Irom llooton. ISrlir J. II. Hflixire, NIcKoraon. Iroin liuaton. Hclir Flyaway, Kelly, Irom lioalon. Hclir Ij. Hi. Leverlox, Coraon. from lloaton. Nclir ( Orean, WeHtiMiit, fiom Lynn. ISchr Patliauay, llalpy, Irom Pnriamnuth. Sc lirt rmln. Hovvon, from Dun verxorl. ohr J. H. 'W'aifon, Honek, from Waiilon. t-rtr A. tsiptarrl, Itowdltcli, from I'Mdy vllle. Hrhr Alahnma. Vannlldpr, Irom Hhiio, helir 1J. e. HlmmoiiB. ronton, from Hloiieeaior. r-rlir A. M. Newromb. Kiueraon, irom S;ilem. Ht l r I.. Audi nrleil, Crawford, Irom U.mverHport r-teamer Frank. Hliropahlro. "I hours Irom New York, wllh uidae. to W. Al. llalrd A Co. Ship l.saex. Ilarker, lor I'hlladelphla, cleared at LOIIUOD V2M oil. Hilp (irplipna. WpmpIr, for Philadelphia, sailed from lirenierhavou 101 b nil, Klilpr-miirKnilH, (lerrtah, for Phllndelphla, entered out at Liverpool Zlat Inat. hlpiiiMili Norninn, Crowell, for Philadelphia, cleared at Bunion Hi I Inat, hleaniKhip Peruvian, (Hover, from Liverpool for Boston. Hulled from UoppiihIowu Slut ult, - r-lenninlilp Warn and btripva, Holmes, for rhlladel- I'iiih, i Havana un. bieun.Hhlp Alliancp, Kelly, for Philadelphia, sailed trfeiii C'liarlt'Bton yextprday. l.ariiie OicIiIIIh, lluvener. hence for KlnKSton, Jo., a as opoken 2d Innt.. Int. 80, Ion. 7K. - - ' Iiur(iie tdollque. Murphy, for Philadelphia, went to sei- Irom tixhaven IKth ult. BnrqneMary, Moon, for Cutbarlen and Philadelphia, Ikiui Havana liTlh oil. , ""'1 I'arcnie Adelaide, Couovr, hence, at Marseilles 19lh Paione Advance. Croaby. from Newport. E.. for PI. ilutielphla, whs spoken xd lrn-t., lat. 39 :to. Ion. 73 28. hri: Herald, Wood, lience, at Havana Until lilt. PilK Ilairlet Amelia, Cox, for Philadelphia, sailed from Havana '.sili till, .-..-j. Brig N. Cllltord. Lliilefleld, tor Philadelphia, sailed from MhIhhhhb 2Hlh nit. m-vJ llrlK W. II awes, Pierce, for Philadelphia, cleared at 1'.bii( r Iht IllHt. Biik tlonnihln Kagle, hherman, for Philadelphia, at Jlnai n 2.sth ult. .-.l,e,l " 1'rm W. Kelly, HaHkelt, hence, at Salem 2d lnl Bchr l ynlhla Jane, lor Philadelphia, sallid Irom Norwich Int IriKl. ... ,, . bchr J. I. WorthlUKton, for Philadelphia, sailed from K w London illhl ult. bchr Kate K. llch, Cordery, hence, at Portland 2d lUHiant. . . 'i bchre New Ilavpn, O. F. JIawley, and James H. Guilder, hence at New London 1st lint. bchr II. blinnions, Uodlrey, for Philadelphia, sailed from balem Iht Inst. tuv --' 4 bthrs A. Tnidell. Barrett; L. Frailer, bteelman; M. Hall, GrilTln; M. Tlllon, Frt'slnger; J. W. Toll, Bob I. Inn: and W. Jf. Garrison, Lloyd, hence, at balem 2d luMnnt. bchrs J. P. Cake, Kndleolt. and C. TUtou, Bnmers, lience, nl New Bedford st lust. n bchr Fxtra, Taylor, hence at Htchmnnd 2d Inst. 4 bchrs A. Falkenliuru, Terrell; M. V Cook, Falken bnm; h It. Beunetl, Bnycs and FllKtit, Crowell, for Philadelphia, Railed from Providence lnt Inst. Hch rail. Bluckman. bieelman; ltevenue. Gaudy; Vlrulnla. Beame; H. H. Huly. tJninders; and General Corbllt, Johnnon. hence, at Providence 2d Inst., the latter lor Pawtucket. S --" bchr Gtorne F:dward, Weeks, lor Philadelphia, sailed Irom ust Ureenwlch 1st mat. NOTICE To"maRINKRH. The Board ol t onjinlanlonera of l ilota have applied to the LlKlilhouse Hoard to place a linlitvessel near the wreck ot the steamship bcotland. on which two vefnelH liave already atriick, and Beveral others have narrowly eitcaped mrlklnit. The Lighthouse Board has informed paid Commissioners that It has no power to place a veSHel there. As the appropriation to re move said wreck has been repealed by Congress, and, under ihe circumstances, there Is no probability of Its being removed lor a very long time, the Commis sioners recommend that vessels Irom the southward, Intending to cross the bar by the regtilarshlpchunnel, should give the New Jersey shoreabenh ot abouttwo and one-half utiles, until the west beacon Is well open with the Hook light, to the northward ot It. BCSSKLL. BTUBGIS, President. New York, May 28, JHb7. LUMBtR, 1867." SELECT WHITE PIKE BOARDS AND PLANK. i i( vt w f "i iitu CHOICE PANEL AND 1st COMMON, 16 eet l0O(, 4-4, 5-4, -t, 2, 2, 8, and 4-inch WHITE PINE, PANEL PATTERN PLANK, LABGE AND bUPEKIOK STOCK ON HAND.;, A .1 fc. A a A o UL atf 4 IhiIi i O AT BUILDIKG1 BUILDING J.OD I BU1LD1NG1 LUMlii-RI LUMBER! LTJMBEB 4 4 CA ROL1N A F LOOKING. 6-4 CAROLINA F'LOOKING. 4-4 IjELAW ARF; FLOOK1NG. 5-1 DELAWARE FLOOKlJSOl WHITE P1NFJ FLOORING. ABU F LOORING WALNUT FLOORING, 8PRI CE F LOORING, bTEP liOJ H.DH, KAIL PLaNK. PLASTERING LATH. -i CAT c E D A K AND CYPKUS XOD I BH1NGLEH. IAJNG CF.DAR BHINGLFS. bHOKT CEDAR blllNGLECf, COOPF.K blllNGLES. FINE AbbOKTMENT FOR BALE LOW. I ISO. I t.l)Jtl ASXU fUSIB, ! -1 CAT LUMBER FOB UNDERTAKERS ! JLOO I LUMBER FOR UNDERTAKERS! j RED CF:DAR, WALNUT, AND PINE. i CAT ALBANY LUMBER OF ALL KIN Dl I OU I ALBANY' LUMBF-R OF Al.r. miiDa bF AbONED WALNUT. DRY POPLAR. CHERRY. AND ASH, OAK PLANK AND BOAUDtt. MAHOGANY, ROSEWOOD. AND WALNUT VENEERS. i OAT CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS JLOU I CIGAR-BOX MANUFACTURERS. bPANIbH CF.UAK BOX BOA RDM. 1867 SPRUCE JOIST I SPRUCE J0IS , bPRUCE JOlbT F ROM 14 TO 82 FEET LONG. BUPEJUOR NORWAY bCANTLINO, MAULE, BROTH ER & CO., 6 I Jrp No. 25i0 bUUTH.BTREET. Pb H. WILLIAMS, Scviiiteciith and Sprlii Gnrdcu. 15UILT3IISGr LXJBXliER AND IIARI WOOM, rsiswsm2m J. c. PERKINS, LUMI5ER MEHCIIANT. bucce.-for to U Clark, Jr., NO. 324 CHRISTIAN BTKEET. CnnFtantly on hand a large and varied aaaortmei of Building Luuiher. 6Z1J MEDICAL. M I 8 II L E It H HERB BITTERS. ORIEL A BROTHER, GENERAL AOENTS, No. 2 b. blXTEENTIl btreet, Philadelphia, Pa. All orders promptly attended to, aud delUered free of t hai ge to all pui u. of the city, 6 23 lui Government PROPERTVAT PRIVATE SALE AWM1NM, WAUOM lOTlltS, IIACiS, ETC. I' you want an extra Awulnn virv cheap, let our awmiiu inukcra lake the measure, and uaake It from a lot or 16( P hospital tentH, lately pureliani-d hy ui. ninny el which me entirely new, and ol the be it li ounce duck. Alao. baddies and lturnths of all kiuds, etc PI I K I .M ,fe J')., 8:im Nns. 8S7and S3 North Ip'KOMT Htrext. p-RENCM STEAM scoumisra. ALDEDYLL MARX & CO.. NO. 139 SOUTH ELEVENTH STREET AND HO, 010 RACK STREET, PROPOSALS EW PIEIU4 AT MAHCUa UOOK, ITiNNA. UITD HTATKB KbOINKKR OFfKIt, O. 2UH H. blXTH bTKF.KT. PlIII-A , Mhv 22. 1HU7 Realed Proposals. In dnollcnte. with a copy o( this dverUneiiieiil ntiaolieil lo each, will bo Tectlved at UilM oltlcf, until 12 o'clock M., THURSDAY. June l;i, 1HII7, for furolsliin rniito- riaia aoo laoor lor the const ruction oi lour new plfia at Marcus Hook, Leluware River, i'eniiit, 1 he Buperatruclure of eaoti pier lo be of bard and durable atone. The lacing lu alx conrsea, or hewdera and Rtrelchera dovetailed; Ihu riae of eitoli course 2 feet; the cubic contents of blocks varying from 20 lo 60 ttet; the fuceo, axe or pean liamiuer work; heOs and joints koimI Joint work; lewis and dowel boles lo he drilled H required; buck- ii K to ot: oi rtiooie aiouo. The too to lie mtved with atones from one to two fett In thlckiirHK. with cood natural fuoo. and Jointed lo lengths of 6 leet aud random WKllllH. The atone to be delivered at suoli points, at or Hear Marcus Hook, aud lo such oeraoUH a-i may be t' sl(itmieil by the proper ollloer or auentof the United States; and any other material lo bo deliverable under like conditions. The cribs tinou which the olers are to rest nre to be sunk In dt nlhs varylua from 20 lo 21 foot. or IhcicahoulM, al ordinary low-water. LciuLlt of (ucb ul bottom about 77 leet by 84 In width; at top 74 by 82. To be of hemlock wburf timber, lo woi k lu Inches it am dlmeualon. There will be rt uuired for the suucrstruclure Of eiicli pier about 7W)U cubic feel of liarumered faclntj Stone, giving 2 0 Huprrflclnl feet of face, and 7800 HuperUcial feel til Lt d and Joint work. I80O cubic feel ol oavlnir atone, clvinz 1700 feet joint work. otu percues, oi 2o cuuic leer, eacu, oi ruooie backing;. For tacu crib about 18.000 feet face of crib work. 8001) lbs. of Iron bolts, etc, 7uu perches ol rubble filling to be delivered la crib. Proposals for pntllns tho stone of superstruc ture ol eucb pier In plaee iiiuhI state the rate of lulior per cubic yard of lacing and pavlnx stone, and per perch ol 2o cublo feet lor backing With rubble. All ul ones to be laid dry, in the best manner, and In accordance wllh instructions to be given. The rales to cover every expenditure necessary In receiving, caring for, aud putting the clones in pOHllion. Proposals for labor for cribs to state the rate f er foot of face, measured In the work, and to nclude every expense of receiving aud caring for materials, tramlng, pulling together, and Kinking the cribs In proper positions, etc., in accordance Willi Instructions that may be given. All materials and labor to be of the best quality, subject lo inspection, and rejection if not approved. A deduction of $0 per centum to be made on any pay ment made in part for material or labor accepted. Separate proposals to be made for alone, for lumber, and for iron; also for lubor, for masonry, and labor for crib work. Kacli bid must be guaranteed by two respon Bible persons, wbose signatures should be ap pended lo the guarantee, and who should be certified to as being goodand surliclent security, by the United b tales District Judge, Attorney, Collector, or other public ollloer. Kuvelopes to be endorsed, "Proposals for New Piers at Marcus Hook." Bids lo be opened at 12 o'clock M,, on Thurs day, June 13, 1807. Bidders are invited to be present. For further particulars inquire at this office). C. SEAFOKTH STEWART, 5 23 l"it Lt.-Col. of Engineers. D K V AKXMKNT OF AGRICULTURE, X7 A ontwriTAnT Th r Maw Q 1 UTT IT AOUltlVlVili 1S VSf All l J ut lUUIt Proposals will be received at this Department ur til 12 o'clock, June 6, 1K47, for furnishing all the materials ana perlorming tbe work re quired lu tbe construction of a Brick Building for the line of tbe Department of Agr'.cullure, to be erected on reservation No. 2, lu this city, according lo plans and specifications that can be seen at tlio office of the Commissioner of Agriculture, where full luformalion with regal d to Ihe proposed building can be obtained; en id proposals lo be either lor the whole build- Iuk, or bcparately lor the dilTerent kinds of worn. No proposal will be entertained from any Eemm who Is not known to be a practical uilder. liiotlers are requested to state the shortest time poBMtjio in wuicn me ouuaing is to be completed, the work to be commenced In three days after the signing of the contract. The Department reserves the l ight to reject any or all bids, if it be deemed for the Interest of the Government to do so. and no bid will be received that does not conform to the require ments oi tne pians anu specifications ana oi mis advertisement. Ninoty percent, of the amount of work done and materials lurnisneu, according to con tract price (said amount to be ascertained by the esti mate of tbe Kunerlntendent). will be paid from time to time as the work proceeds, and ton nor cent retained until me completion oi me cm ! tract and the acceptance of Ihe work by the lipimrlnitm. - Every proposal must be accompanied by the bond of two responsible persons in the sum of 11 twenty thoutuud dollars, llial toe Didder will accept r.nd periorm the contract if awarded lo him. Hie sufheieucy of the security lo be certi- Iieu ly me ciiiieu states jjisinci juiirc, uuueu biutew Dlbtricl Attorney, or Clerk of the United blntes Court. l'rnnoi-alH should be Inclosed In a sealed en velope, indorsed "Proposals for a Building for the Department of Agriculture." and addressed lo tne commissioner ot Agriculture. 6 10 2!tt JHAAC NEW TON. Commissioner. TTNJTKD 8TATES ENGINEER, OFFICE, NO, U 0'J H. BJA'l li wireet. linr.APELPniA. Mny29, 1807. REPAIRS OF P1EKS AT CliEdl EK. PA. boated IropobalH. lu duplicate, with a coov of this advertihemeiit attached to each, will be re ceived at this oflice until I J o'clock M., TUES DAY, June 25, 1S07, for materials aud labor for repairs ol Government Piers at Chester, Penn sylvania. htparate proposals must be made for timber, for iron, and tor labor. Cup Ions, bridge timbers, mooring posts, and upper house oi piersof while piue: lie timber ol litmloeli, lenders, etc., of while oak. 1'iopobalb will Ktaie ihe rate per running foot ot timber, per foot of face, aud por foot board measure, as the case may require; the rate per pound ol bolts, etc. All the materials to be of the best quality, de liverable at such points, at or near Chester, and to such ptrsous as maybe designated, and to bo Mibjecl to Inspection and approval before acceptance. '1 be .roposals for labor to state tho rate per foot of luce and per fool board measure, etc., as in. asuted in pluce; and these rates to cover all lubor necessary for putting tbe works in good repair, such as removing old work, receiving, caring lor, framing, putting together, and re placing materials to be UNed or moved. All work to be subject to Inspection and ap proval before payment is made, aud a deduc tion of iw tnty per centum to be made ou auy payment for labor or material, in ease of purl pa mtnt before the completion of all the work. Each bid must be guaranteed by two respon sible poisons, wbose signatures should bo ap pended to the guarantee, and who should be certified to as being ood aud sufficient security by the United Htates District Judge, Attorney, Colli ctor, or olber publlo ollieer. Envelopes to be endorsed, "Proposals, for tto. pairs ol Government Piers at Chester." Bids will be opened ou TUEHDAY. June 2, 1K67, at 12 o'clock M. Bidders are invited lo be prestnt. For further particulars Inquire at this ofllco. C. BEAFOUTJl STEWART, 5 30 15t Lleut.-Colonol of Engineers, HEADQUAKTEItS TUIUD MILITARY DISTRICT. Office Chief Quartermaster, Atlanta, Oa., May 8, lo7. J BY ORDER OF THE QUARTERMASTER GENERAL. Sealed proposals will ba received at ihis olllce for the sale of seven thousand lour hundred (7400) tons of COAL at Buracoas, Florida, payment to be made In Government fUThe'propoRals will beopenpd at 12 M. SATUR DAY, the 8th of June, 18o7, aud should be marked "Proposals to purchase Coal," and addressed ret Brlp.-Gen. R. SAXTON, Chief Qnartermaater Third Military piglet, Atlanta, Ga. , Jl?", KIVY WfcLLS OWNEKSOF PROPERTY 1 he only place to ii Privy WU oleaued an Okdnlected al var, tow prices. PKTK0N torturer of Pondrelta, 8101 COLDeiilTn1 AJLL.lJ.BllAilYBuiM JUNE 5, 18G7. AMUSEMENTS. -"jpllC CETTYSDURC ASYLUM I21N TElt 11 1 1 irow rmcnAnr.Rfl of c:btificatf. AIIE PHOTECTEO. Tl cllonrd of Puporvlsors of tho Gettysburg Ayltim,EnterprlHe, for tbe purpoae of COKVINtlKO THE Pl'BLIC Ti nt the provisions of the project will bo fairly and honorably carried out, have entered Into an agreement Willi well-known and responsible partita to RETAIN IOMNi:KIoai OF ALL I t SIW Received In payment for cerllfloites, until suoli time as the legality or Illegality of the scheme for erecting aud endowing a NATION AL HOL DIRKS' HUM Els made manifest through the dcclMon of tlio Supreme Court. Every dollar paid for chances In this OR EAT GIFT PISTBIIU'TIOS Will be entrusted to the hands of a gcntlomtu occupying an official position In this city, whose name will soon be made public; said money to be deroaited by blm lu tbe PHILADELPHIA NATIONAL BANK, and in case of an advorss decision by ihe Supreme Court, ou the 3d ot July next EVERT DOLLAR WILL BE REFUNDED. The Board of Supervisors, while feeling con fident that tbe decision of the Court will be In their favor, Intend adopting the above plan to CONVINCE riRCIIASEKS OF CERTIFI CATES That they are PROTECTED AGAINST L033 under any circumstances whatever. The particulars of the arrangemont entered Into will be presented to the publlo through tho medium of the publlo press in a short time. 6 3 If GLLEY'S GRAND N OH TH AMERICAN Gift Concert will take place AT THE COOPER INSTITUTE, N. Y. CITY, ON SATURDAY, July 13, 18G7. A CARD. Trmtirnnrletnrsofthe NORTH. AMERICAN GIFT COrsCKKT, whleh whs advertised lo take place at tbe WAllABtl AVKKUU KINK,, Illinois, and pontponed, have the Pleasure to auuuuuce that it will luke plate at THE I'UOPElt INSTITVIE, NEW TOBtt CITY, Py the earnest request ot thousands of subscribers in the Midoie aud Kniilera Hiates, where a BUare of our iltkelB have been sold. 'I he bale ul tickets has been Immense, and without a parallel on this & niineuU Five hundred thousand tickets irxued, only a lew remain unsold. 'Ine delay In lis couipletlou has been unavoidable, out the Tickets UDHold la the bauds of ouruutneruus ageats have now been gathered lu, and but a lew thousand remain 10 lie diMuotied ul. Uuder any circumstances the Concert will now I e given us above slated, aud the uitm w in tin distributed In an honorable aud Impartial manner by a committee to he chosen by the; ticket ho'.ueis at tne concert, arm men report win uo puu llhhed, ai.d seat lo all ageuls aud ticket holders with out uelay. T he extraordinary patroniure which has been be stowed ui,ou ih .8 enterprise by the publlo has pioiupted the proprietors to announce tliat uOlt'l' will be presented to every Concert ticket holder. 500,000 Valuable Gifts, Valued at Five Hundred Thouiaad Dollars, will be I'reituUd to TleWet Holder, lu tludlUK $100,000 lu Greenbacks. NL3111KH OF TICKETS IMVKII 500,000' I'ltUT, 8fOO EACH. A l'KESKAT GIVEN WITH EVERY CON Cl lt T TICKET. 1 Gift in Greenbacks. ...f30,noo 1 do uo 1 do do 1 Oo do 1 do do 1 do do M uo do lo do do 2D do do l!o do do 8f0 do do 101 o do do ltl.OUU &.0iO 4.UU0 8.UOU Z,i,tm tKn.O each M.iMt t-iuu euch lii.noo il'id eueh .i"" (.in eucl - 1 (00 flu each b.uou ft5 each 6.1 no 1 do Residence lu Chieagi o.U hi 10 do City Lots in Chicago, 0ou each. S,u.H) 4(i do l'lauus, t&oo each iu.iHJO Vo do Melodeous, j ljo each a.ouu iO Oo t-e 1 n K Machines, ((75 each. I,6u0 H O do Gents' Gold Watclies, Hio each ffi.uou au do l adies' ;old V utches, luueach. ii,im 2n0 do Silver Watches, 5 eiu h... 2W do Silver Watches, jlo each s.oou uiid the balance comprising Handsome Bool.s, Uich hleel 1 ugraviucB. aud other arliclus lu addition lo the above, amountlUK to 801,000, MAKING 500,000 GIFTS, OK A Ilti:st:NT GIVEN WITII EVERY tONCEKT TICKET. The balance of Ihe unsold Tickets heretofore In tbe huuds ol numerous Agents all over the country, have now been returned; and the thousands of persons, who.disappoluleo In being tumble al our principal oil ires lo obtain them, can now be supplied, as lou as they last, by uddrenslng- us at No. rid ilkOAhWAY, NKW YORK. Tickets will be seat promptly by mall, ou receipt of price. uLd slump lor returu postage. CLCIt HATES. We will send 5 tickets to oue address, tl'50; to tlcketi for 'J u ; zu tickets lor fivau. bend the name of each bub.icriber anu I'ostOllice address. Money by Uraft. Post Olllce order, Express, or in Registered Letters, may he sent at our risk. All communications should he aud rested to A. A. K EL LEY & CO., 6 3m2t NO. 601 HROAlMVAYj N EW YOHIi. UKUCtKlhS, tTC. r0 FAMILIES RESIDING! IN TI1E RURAL DISTRICTS. We are prepared, as heretofore, to supply Families at their Counlr lteoideuces wllh every descrlpt.oa of I INE GEO CI HI EN, TEAM, ETC. ETC. AEHEHT '. ROBERTA, U 7rp lioriier KL&VKMT Tf and VINEHU. QA 11 F I E L D ' S SUPERIOR CIDER VlfJECAH Warranted tree frou ail l'OIRONOTJS ACIDS. 1 or sale b, all Grocers, aud by the Bole Agents, PAUL & FERGUSON, 4193ms NO. IS NORTH WATER ST. QPAMSH OLIVES. THREE HUNDRED GALLONS OF Fine SpauiHli Ollvoe, For tale hr tbe gallon. wocU below the cost o wportutlou, by J AMIS R. WEBB 14 CorperWJAJ1NJ"Hin. Q0TI0M AKUAXjcl canvas Qt all aumlwrs and brand Tent A wnlnjr Tronk, and Waou Cover luck. Alsi P-.?J T rVacturera' lrier Felt a. from One Ultevt r.t ildJIi-aullnK. Belling. l!" J', . . I ? JOHN W. EVERMAN A CO., V0.1U8 JONES Allay, 3 AMUSEMENTS. AMERICAN ACADEMY OF MUBIC W r.l I i hat j r..i i ,,,,n COA1PL1M KNTAHV KAKKWELL 'I KS 1 1 MO.MAL, tendered by his friends to (Heine his ll appesrsnreon the Philadelphia mtsge 1 lie perlorniiiUCe win ronnnencw wi.u mu vmiwouj v r I. V I H I. M KS Pnrlng the piece Wind J. MlfHlNQS will sing, by remiest, the "Hong or Home" nd "La Manola." WBik Alylierr..:. Mr. l'KIKK KIC'UINria ( Vt ho hnn kindly volunteer"'", belnn his 11 appear ance ou II. e Riuge previous to his retirement lu No vember next). . ,r,Q inward ! rum Mr. I henez. r Oldrlcl J. h. VKItll A M Middle,,, an IllgKlus CI I A KLIH l.KVVIH A HKiiMtia bnilley UW r.N M A n I, r w iu AlKrleve - O. JI. GJillFFITUd I'Htrlck J.nir.wiii, nonir U. 11. CHAIU Joh Oasklus, Alayberry's nenro "erviiiit, TTVr Mrs. Crosby, with songs. , a (Who hns kindly volunteered, belns ber lust aiipoar- anee lorever lu Druuia). . JellV m. flliws l.lAlrt rn,i;rj Mrs. Oldrlch Mrs. CAPPKLb VirulnlH MIk EMILY Y A l eisl Alter which KHANK LAWLOK will recite Lover s eel, braled poem, ' Mianum (J Ilrlun." Mr. UWKN MAKLOWK wl l deliver a Farewell Address a good-bye to old friends. To conclude with tne j-,!itrBVKaii eniuieu TH K L1VK INDIAN, r hnrnrtArn hv M pknth. 1). W. KiirroP. J. Broms. A. V. F. McCollln. W. H. Live, and Mies Bslle Charlton. of the W heatley LrHmHtle (. pmpiwiy. Iioors open al 7, ( urtatn rtntw at s. Adint-Blon. W) reins. Kenerved neats, t. Family? Circle, 15 cents, (seats can be secured al TRUMP; Lllt'H, beveiith and Cbeiniil ntreela. ti ii 11. it. iir.LLir.u. Jiuninewi jiBinvgf r. A CADEMY OF MUSI C The Committee on Public Amtifements In akl of the r-OIlllHtN FAMINK HKLl&V FUD respectfully annonnce that the Mi:Mi l r-l-OHN SOCIETY have generously volunteered their services, Willi thelr POJ.OIRT8 AND SPLENDID CIIORU8, to give a Concert In nld or the Fund at the ACADJlMY OF WUfcJlO. on the . . . iVEKIKO Vt tjiui-bjiay; June b, lmj, Ith the asslBtauce of the following eminent artists and latent: Hit, CA HI, OAF.RTNFR, Violinist, Alll. W.t. IHUKl'Mti I'lBlllSl, TH. HABKLMAN the Popnlar Tenor.' MRS. BFHKKNC, Mlh CUNN INGTON, Alltjlj JlLAtKUlKPii'i mir roKui!, illl. Gi-OKOK R13UOF, GRAND ORCHESTRA. 1 FADER ...Dr. CUNNINGTOH tUMll'l'lOlt, -Mr. J KAN irOWJjJ TICK K I S. UMS LIULLAtt liACll, Including a reserved seat. tor pale at TBUMPLKil 8 Mnsio utore. as 41 VTEW CHEfNCT STREET THEATRE XN CHESNUT Btreet, above Twelfth. Tills (Wednesday) KVKNino, June s, FAJKlblAN FAIRY bPKCTACLJi, CEND1ULLON. Froduced after an ACTUAL OUTLAY OF fHOOf). NEW AND MAGNIK1CENT RCBMERY, M AGN1 KICKNT COBTUMES. MECHANICAL EFFKCTS. AND ELEQAN1 PltOPKKTIKS. A POWERFUL DRAM ATTO CAST. M1SM JULIA DA IjY, MJMH JOSIK GHTON. THRFK PKEMIfcRKH DANSEU8ES, M'lle LENA WKNDKI.L, M'lle THKREsA WOOO, M'lle ANNIK KKUOKR. A BALLET OF BEVKNTY-FIVK YOUNG LADIES, AND A HOST OF AUXILIARIES, ending with a ORAND TRANSFORMATION SCENE. TI11S FAIRY KINGDOM. SATURDAY A FT KK NOON, FAMILY MATI0KK, Fonts secured six days In advance. Curtain rises at 8 o'clock. Prices as usual. MR?. JOHN DREW'S ARCH STREET THEATRE. Begins at 8 o'clock, ilrst Week of the new Pantomime by O. L. FOX. C. K. FOX, AND PANTOMIME TROUPE. MONDAY, AND EVERY EVENING, AN1 SATURDAY AFTKKNUJON AT 8 O'CLOCK, with new scenery, tricks, etc. LI1TLE BOY BLUE, 11 UbU-A BYE BABY, and PATTY AND HER PITCHER Disturbance Discomfiture.... G. L. I''O.X Ungraielul IiiKratllude .......C. K. F04 Previous to which a favorite Comedietta. MATINEE BATUKDAY AFTERNOON, at 3 O'clock. "TXTALNUT STREET THEATRE, N. E. VV Cor. NINTH and WALNUT BO. Begins at 8. THIS (Wednesday) AND KVEKY NIGHT. MR. JOaKPH JEFFKKSON, In his celebrated character of RIP VAN WINKLE, received ou each representation with the most enthu siastic applause. Third night ot Dion Bouclcault's Drama of KIP VAN WINK LK: OR, THE BLEEP OF TWENTY YEARS. Rip Van Winkle Mr. J. JEPKEKSOM Oretchen Miss SUB A N DENIfi FOX'S AMERICAN VARIKTY THEATRE. EVERY EVENING, the celebrated hallet of TllKDKMONDANCa IMMENBE COKPH OF ARTISTS. Bongs. Dances, Etnlopian Acts, etc S2S GRAND OPENING CONCERT OP Tlllf NEW HALL OF THE PENNSYLVANIA HORTICULTURA1 BOITKTY, FOR THE BENEFIT OF THE IiADIES' BAZAAR, ON TUESDAY' EVENING. June II, when tbe following distinguished artistes will appear M IBM CAROLINE IUCUlNOa and her entire Opera Company, Mr. W. G. lUfcritlcri. Leader. THE MjENNEKCHOK BtlCTKTY, who have kindly volunteered, a id will sing two new and heautliul choruses. Mr. L. ENGFLKE, Leader. ... THK (tlHMAKIA OilCUUiTlU, with thirty odd performers, Mr. C. M. BC11 "ITZ, Leader. Tickets, fl each, may be obtained at Mr. CHARLES IliUMPLER'H Music Store BKVENTH and CUES NUT btreels, and at the Hall, BUG AD and BHRUt'E. Due notice will he given of the opening of the ticket; oillces. No extra charge lor Reserved Seats. Pool s pen at 7. Concert commences at 8. 6 B St o O N C E B T HALL. PHll.nKl.rHlA, May 80. 1S87. ?l?VUI?)er8!ffned be8 ll've to announce that bfs iC-M I l pf'BHiVl'iy LAST BKANCIC Will . . w, I. . 1 Dr.AlU, Will mjB place on WEDNESDAY EV h NING, June 5. 1 he Entertainment will embrace Illusions never befoie Bhonu to au audience In this cltv; Indeed, tbey have attoult.hcd the beat scleutillo and nhilodophlual minds throuKhoiit Europe, He alto lakes this opportunity to thank the citizens lor the generous manner in which thejr have pairo nized theBeauces at this elegant establishment. Very respecllully, v , M. HARTZ, Illusionist, Box Sheet now open. Cards ot A1 mission..... ........... .Flfty Cents Beserved Beats One Dollar To be had at C W. A. Trumpler's, B. E. ooruer of Beventh aud Chesnut streets, and at Ihe Ticket OlUcft ol the Hall 6 3 at BIERSTADT'8 LAST GREAT PAINTINtJ, THE DOMES OF THE GREAT YO-BKMITE, now on exhibition, DAY' AND EVENING, In tbe Southeast Gallery of the ACADEMY Of USE ARTS. 6 5tf VT EW ELfcVtNTH bTKfc.LT OPEHA HOUSfl LN 1XEVKNTH Btreet. above CHKBNUy. "THE I'AMUV B1AOKT" OPEN EOJt 1IK SKAMOn. CARNCHONM A MIDI'S, MINM'f HEUL the Great BlarTrouoe or the World, lu their GRANI ETHIOPIAN B0l6ElJi. BONGH DANChW NEVf BURLEBQUEB, and PLANTATION BCENEH. Doo.s open at 7 o'clock. Commencing at 8 o'clock 8 80 J. L. CA KNCKOsS. Manager. oTTon SMITH'S ISLAND I FRESH AIR -Bl AI T1KUL BCENRKY HEALTH FUI. XKlU.'Ir-ETIlEJBATU ENTERTAINMENT 09, THE tVRV LAKEMEYER respectfully Imornis her trienils aud tbe public gen rally thai she will opeu the beautiful Island Pleasure Ground known as U SMITH'S ISLAND, on BUffDAY next, Mays, she Invites all to comf rnd enjoy with her the delights of this favorite nih iu f reaort. . 80 ii LAFICE AND MAGNIFICENT STOCK OP CLOTHS, 8 4 AND 6-4 CAHDIEHEI, ICOATINU, AND IAIHINU8, l'LOVI."IU OUT CHEAP AT THE IXOTH KTOBE OF WILLIAM T. SKODGIUSS & CO,, KO. 84 SOUTH IBECOMD. BTREET, AND NO. 88 IIHAWBEBBY STREET, 8 20 131 PHILADELPHIA.