r 8 TOE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHILADELPHIA, THURSDAY, MAY 30, 18G7. A PROFESSIONAL WEDDING. from the New York Home Journal. Frobobiy the most notable evont of the beau no,.,f, during lftHt vwlr.wm the marrlHge of Mr Louie Jennings to Miss Madeline Henri ;ue. Both the bride and Rroorn are widely known by rpputaiiou: the Ittlter as American correspondent of the Iiondon Tim, and the foraioneof the ornaments of the Amerl ian Btfltf. ot which profession she took her leave lorne lew weelte -Ince. The ceremony won performed in an Impressive manner by Kev. Henry O. Weston, of Trinity Church. In the evening the Kueste gat down to a splendid banquet, Rot up by Dolmc ntco. The company embraced aome or onr lending citizens; not merely those who are weallny and fashionable, but men and women of gcnias and tulent, and benrlng most re spected names in the world of art. literature, the drama, Journalism, etc. Among the wen feuown "public men" present were Senator n,. I). Morpan, Chief Justice Kobertson, Mr. Tlinr low Weed, hi Honor Mayor Hollmsn, Mr. W d Mey Webster, and Mr. Howard Walnwr gut. Home pleasant speeches were made, , in wiiion the bride was hiElily complimented ' for her many virtues." 'J he guests all seemed In good humor; and yet there whs an objection to the inarrluge in which the whole company shared, and It was that the New York stage is thus de urivcd of the Hbllll ie of a lutly who has earned the esteem of all in making a success and a name in her arduous profession. PEDl GREE A D VER T1SEMENTS. It is curious Low particular some people are Alxwt tbelr pedigree; and if, ling commo m themselven", they chance to have a lord or a biBhop in their family, care full, when marrying, they advertiee the fad. Rce, Pera is an example from the Times of the 0th ult.: "On the SOth of April, at BL George's Church, l)ub lin by the Very Rev. the J'eiin of ArdaKh. cousin 10 A vmiiliile. countv Wicklow. etniiddaugliu-r ol Rear Admiral Charles Steward, V. H. Navy, great grand daughter or bir John Piiniill, Chancellor of Uio.Irish Kxclunupr, nnd of the Hun. Himh Ho-.vnrd, uumu.v Park (brother lo Hie Karl of Wlck'ow), and Colonel VV. 'i'udor, Alile-de-Cnmn to (Jeneral Waslil nt' n, nnd grandnelce or Blr ltalpli Howard, and of the late Vis counteHS l'owerscourt." Now, pTay "what imports the nomination" of these eight latter people t When Miss Bnohley has the fortune to inarry Mr. Snooks, it surely is sufficient to announce who is her father, without dragging in her grandfathers, great-grandfathers, aud great-uncles, to swell out the advertisement, and make many people laugh. Miss Snobley's friends and relatives know quite well who she is, and people who don't know her, she may be sure, don't greatly care. If such a paragraph as the above be taken as a precedent, Miss Buggins, when she marries, will think it needful to announce her descent from the De Bogyns, who came over with the Conqueror ; or Miss Brown will not te hnppy unless it be expressly stated In the Times that her brother-in-law's great-uncle was travelling chiropodist to the King of the Cannibal Islands, and once upon a time ex tracted at a sitting no fewer than five corns from Hia Majesty's big toe. London Punch. ROSE CROP. - Mr. Blunt, the British Vice-Consul at Adriano plc, in his report to the Foreign Oitice this year, gives an account of the rose fields of the vilajet of AUrlatiople, extending over 12,000 or 14,000 acres, and supply ina by far the most im portant source of wealth in the district. This is the ceason lor picking the roses, from the latter part of April to the eatly part of June; and at sunrise the plains look like a vast gar den full of life and Iraerauce, with hundreds of Bulgarian bovs and girls gathering the flowers into baskets and sacks, the air im pregnated with the delicious scent, and the ecene enlivened by songs, duncin?, and djuiic. It is estimated that tbe rose districts ot Adiia- noplo produced in the season of 1866 about 700.000 rul?cals of ottar of ioscs (the mi seal belnar k drachm), tbe price averaging rattier moie than 3s. per mlscal. If the weather is cool in sprirg, and tbere are copious falls or dew and occasional showers, toe crops nro-ocr. aud an abunaant yield ot on is secured. The i-ean in 1&66 was so favorable that eieht okes of petals (less than 23 lbs.), and in some cases seven okes, yielded amiscai ot ou. it tne weamer is very not and drv it takes double that quantity ol nelals. The culture of the robe does not outail much Irouble or expanse. Ltmd Is ciieap and moderately taxed. Id lavoraoie seasons a aonum (40 paces square), well cultivated, will produce J.UUU okes oi perai, or iuu iu items oi on, valued at 1500 piastres; the expenses would be about 540 piastres, management of the laud, 55; tithe, 150; picking, 75; extraction, 2G0; leaving a net profit of 9G0 piastres, or about 8 lis. An avemgo crop generally gives about JE5 per donum, clear of all expenses. Tbe oil is extracted from the petals by the ordinary process of distillation. The attar is bought up for foreign markets, to which tt passes through Constantinople and smvrna, wnere it is eeue- -rally despatched to undergo the process of adulteration witu sauuat-wooa ana otuer oils. It is said that in London the Adrianople attar finds a readier sale when it is adulterated than 'when it is genuine. .'. - Bless thb Baby. Lord Granville, Chan cellor of the University of London, remarked on a recent public occasion that he had been charged by a bishop in the House of Lords with incompetence to discuss the subject of education, on the ground that be had no chil dren. "A recent circumstance," he gravely added, "lias put me in a better position; but 1 cannot say that it has changed a single view I ever held on the subject of education." That was a neat use to put a baby to. . Education in .England. In the year I860' the total amount granted by the British Par liament for the building of schoolhouses in Great Britain was 24,222 2s. lid.; the total number 01 tne schools inspected, 12,130; the average attendance, 1,03!),183; present at the inspection, 1,2(14,29; and the number of cer- tihed teachers, 11,871. SPECIAL NOTICES. rp OIFrCr3 OP THE LEHIGH COAL - "r AMI Pi AV1UA I lOii OuMfANV, I'UlLADKI.l lUA. MttV SO 1S7 The Subscribers to the New block ol this Company, In the terms of tbelr circular o August 2 i,su6 are hereby notified that (lie balance due on tbelr aubsoniHlona. if not uaid on tba 1st of June next, uiiu be clitirg-eable with interest at tbe rate el six per Full psyiueal will be required on tbe 3lit of Octo- 6 80 at TreHurr. OFFICE OF THE TttEUONT COAL No. If. Fhm ATiri piiiA Kxchaniik. Mav nil liar The lntrHt Psmnmia on the Mortif Hue liitud or Hia THKMOMT COAL COMPANY, due June 1. will lie Sold ou presentation at Ibis cilice, on and after that ate. - S80 6t (JKOItOTC H. COLKKT Trosiurer rZZT' POBT O F F 1 O E. T. Philadki.piiia, Pa., May 29, lci7. fiw mn, . "r Havana, l.unu, per sieaumr ni &iv Vw-TIlk,,N10N will, lose lUthiaoUlceonSATOH. Vo". " ..wviiji;i A.UJ., Ilia uu; m nuuiuc, . au! HKNKY If. HI Null AM, P. SL POST OFFIC E. TT. ,, . Pnii.ADKi.PHiA, Pa., May 29, 18(17. i.Mti7 ' 1 a ail , 1 uu.i, ,jr iiflttuiBuiii 11 n.n- 11 i v t "UlJhON. will . ! neat tnlsoUlce on MATU1V- 1 'ui i, e o c omu. a. m., 1119 aav or haiiiuk. t t(Ultt HKNKY 11. lUNUHAM. P. H. tfSZT' CONCERT OF THE 8ABBATH KtlUJOL of tbe WHAltTON blKKET x-iwLoiii 1 Art uxt u iik;rt, corner or JVlNliiaud WHAHTON tiirefts, TllUUoUAY EVENING Mat Vu, , rT w v..--. , .... .uo "vutiit VI tile VjUUTCQ. Prort'sttor WilKATON will be In alteuduuce on ftnm uucutiiuu. Tickets-Adults, csnts; Cldldrcn, is cent. II unfavorable wealber, tbe Concert to be given the iuijuwiuk wTitiiiim. 11 rS3" THE FAIR AND SALE OF FANCY -s-' and 1'seful Articles has commenced at MKS HIAH KVANtiKI.ICAL I.D'I'll KHAN OHUKOH OXtORU blrrel, above I blrtventb, To be continued Hum j'tiuay, Aiajr . UMH SPECIAL NOTICES. irbr additional Stxrlal Xottcet Kt, the Bteond iv. isr, KEFKTOKRATOR HAZAAR. B. 8. IT A 14 14 IM i ' ft haul. In nH.lllin.i Ij. Ann axnortmentol Refrigerators ol'best quality, three new jwwh'", tw.1 jmrrin' i'airni, jwh (V j Bfn rtwn.. Dd W right's Patent lue-V.air H frlgeraior) all warranted to preserve meat, etc etc., dry and sweet, and to be more economical Id lea than any other Refrigerators. n. p. tiarrm a co., BlflSirHp No. H9 North Ninth street, near RaoA. t?" NEWSPAPER ADVERTISINO.-JOY, OOE CO. Agent for the "TlLMBAFB " and Newspaper Press of the whole country, have KB MOVED from FIFTH and CHESNUT Btreeta to No 144 8. 8IXTH Btreet second door above WALNUT. Officfw-No. 144 a BIXTII Street, Philadelphia; TRIBUNE BUILDINGS. New York. ?H0ip GRAND HORTICULTURAL 1IAZAAII, VISPJLAT and FAIIt, AT IIORTICUJLTUBAI, HALL, Draad Street, Next the Academy ofMuslc, ' THE HALF, OF USEECE AND FANCY ARTICLES, FJLOWEBN, FRUIT, ETC., WOW OPEN. Season Tickets, (l. Bingle Tickets, SO cents. Children' Tickets, 28 cents. Members of the Horticultural Society will receive tbelr tickets ou application to tbe becretary, at the J lull. 6 2H tf frST" P. GUTEKUN8T, 712 ARCH KJt' street, would hereby nolily the public that no Interference with busme. will result from the lati fire lu bis naileries, and would heartily thank Hie police, firemen, and others for their prompt and elli clenl services ou the premises. it OF THE MULTITUDES WHOSE avocntloiiH restrict idem to asltdnv oosture, moretliHn iwo lbiM's sutler Iroru Constlimtion Do tbey not know that an occasional resort to T4K KAM"S BK11ZKK APKKI fc.Nl' would preveut all their nd-erj f its iegulutug properties are uu pHrallclrd. Jo 29 tmh'tlp lOlt HAI.K BY ALL DKAT.TCRS IN M KDIOINB j. WTlGIiT'S ALCONATED GLYCERINE TAULET OF bULIUIFIEU (JL.YCKR.NR softens and smooths the skin; imparls beauty and briKhuifsa to tbe complex Ion. is deliclously fragrant, transi'akknt, and superb as a ToUelboap. Order of your drugKltt. 6 28 4ptf fffffi STEIN WAY & SONS' GRAND SQUARE AND UPRIGHT PIANO FORTES. 8TEINWAY & BOKS direct special attention to tbelr newly Invented "Upright" Pianos, with tbelr "1'alcnt lieionator" and doubt Iron Frame, patented. ' June 6, 1806, which, by their volume and exqtuV'e quality of tone, have elicited the unqualified admi ration ot the musical profession and all who have heard them. Every Piano Is constructed wtth their Patent Agraffe Arrangement applied directly to the full Iron Frame, For sale only by OLASIUS BROTHERS, 1 2 4p No. 11)06 CHKSNUT Btreet. PbUada ffffifj STECKfic CO. PIANOS, AMD MASCVt & HAMLIN CABINET ORGANS. These beautiful Instruments constantly Increase In pirolarity, and are to be found lu splendid assort ment at J. IS. GOULD'S, 625 Stuthtt SEVENTH ASi CHE SWT. ftcn PARTIES WISHING TO PURCHASE V tf f will lind It to tbelr advantage to call and """CU-XKBHATED SCHOMACKER PIANO, at their wardrooms, .NO. lblS UlltBiN Ui B1XVJMV1-, .... 4 23 4n Philadelphia. rnrrm the pianos which we hand- 7 k V t Itacture recommend tbemseivea. We pro- workmanship, durability, aud reasonable prices, oora himi with a full guarantee. For Bale oulv at No. 1017 WA LNTJT Street. . m TCH! TETTER! SKIIST DISEASES. ITCH 1 ITCH 1 ITCH. 1 ' SWAfKfc'S 0INT3IENT Entirely eradicates thls',loathsoma disease, oftentimes In from 1 to 48 Hours I S WAYNE'S Atl-nEiLING OINTMENT SWAVNI'li AI.E-IlKAI.IJfO OINTMENT SWAVKK'N ALLHKALIKU OINTMENT KWAING'S ALL-HKALINU OINTMENT K1YAIKES AEE.-I1EAK.INO OINTMENT. kWAlNE's AEE-1IEAEINU OINTMENT. Don't be alarmed it you have the ITCH, TKTTER, ERVBIPKLAa. SALT nHETJM, 6CALO HEAD, BARBER'S ITCH. OR, IN FACT, ANY DISEASE OF THE SKIN. It is warranted a speedy cure. Prepared by DE. SWAINE & SON, NO. 830 NORTH SIXTH STREET, Above Vine, Philadelphia, bold by all best Druggists 8 2 stuln4p CLARET WINE. BOO CARES HIGH AND MEDIUM GRADES CLARET, Our Own Importation and Bottling, i FOR SALE IN QUANTITIES TO STIT THE BUYER, AT THE LOWEST CASH PRICES. i SIMON C0LT0N & CLABKE, h.W. COR. BROAD AND WALNUT STS., 14 tuths4p PHILADELPHIA, ! T HOMPSON BLACK & SOri i RROAD AND CRESjrT STREETS, PHILADELPHIA, IDEALERS IN FINE TEA.H AMD CHOICE FAMILY CROCEltlES. Goods delivered la any part of the city, or pc'ted securely tot the couniiy. I SOetuthainrp ROCIUIILt. & VILGON, CLOTHING HOUSE, Nos.603 and 605 CHESNUT St. The Public are invited to ex amine our extensive assortment of Men's, Youths', and Boys' Clothing, for Spring and Sum mer Wear, just made of fresh materials, and in the latest and most approved stvles. Clothing made to order for 6 ents and Bovs in the most ar tistic manner, and reasonable prices. The best Cutters and Work men employed. Our Stock of Ready-made Clothing is well made, well trim med, and Reliable. 5 16 t7 31p RELTY CAMLT01U & CO., No. 723 CHESNUT Street, PHILADELPHIA, IMPORTERS OF: AND "WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS is CURTAIN MATERIALS AND MANUFACTURERS OF WINDOW SHADES. SWISS, FRENCH, NOTTINGHAM, AND APPLICATION EACE CURTAINS, LACE AND MUSLIN CURTAIN GOODS BI THE YARD. WINDOW SHADES, ALL COLORS, ALL QUALITIES, ALL SIZES. WINDOW SHADES OF ALL DE SCRIPTIONS MADE TO ORDER. WE ARE CONSTANTLY RECEIVING NEW AND REAUTIFUL STYLES OF THE ABOVE GOODS, AND ARE SELLING AT SUCH REDUCED PRICES AS CANNOT FAIL TO SUIT PURCHASERS. 723 CHESNUT St. 4 29 mtbs26trp J U LY COUPONS WANTED. JAY COOKE & CO., No. 114 South THIRD St. 5 29 lm PHILADELPHIA. faa W. FADER'S " CELEBRATED SIBERIAN LEAD PENCILS, TEN DEGREES OF HARDNESS, ESPECIALLY ADAPTED FOR CIVIL ENGINEERS, ARCHITECTS, ARTISTS, AND COUNTING-HOUSE ISE. FOB BALE, WHOLESALE AND BETAIL, BY MOSS & CO.. (AGENTS FOR PHILADELPHIA.) STATION ERB.BLANK BOOK M ANUFACTUOERS ASM PHINTJOW, NO. 43S CIIESNUT STREET. X. BTOPPEL'S Great Lead Pencil Drawing of AFFINITT OF CHOICE," drawn with Siberian Pencils, now on exhibition. 5 23 lm4p BLANK DOOICQ, OF THE BEST QUALITY, i OH HAND AMD HADE TO ORDER. ' COCNTING-nOXJSE STATIONERT. 11. E0SKIITS & CO., BLANK BOOK MAN UFACTTJKERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS, 1 1 tuthsfimrp NO. Bill ARCH STREET . VCDDING CAR DO. PARTY INVITATIONS. THE LA TEST NO VEL TIES. R. H0SKIHS & CO., STATION ERS AMD ENGBATERS, 1 Itnthaeairp ARCH STREET, NbW PUBLICATIONS. JJ E 7 DOOKO. CECIL CASTLEMAINE'S OAOK, AND OTHER BTOKlF.a Br Oulda. author ,! "Idalla." -Birath-morf, ' "Chandos." "Granrlileda Vltna," ato. Ke Tlsed for publication by the author. One vol. 12mo. Cloth. Price, Ill ART-BREATHINGS; OR, THE SOUL'S DfblRB BXPRhflSED IN KARNK8TN ESS: A Srrlee of Prayers, Meditations, and Belectlons for "The Jlooue Uliole." By tt. P. Uodwla. 1 vol, 18mo. Cloth txtra, 7 cents. COMING WONDERS, EXPECTED BETWEEN 1867 and 187S. By the Rev. M. Baxter, author of "llie Coming liultle." One volume. 12ruo. Neat cloth (100. TLAIN SERMONS ON PERSONAL RELI GION. By the Rev. O. W. Natt, late Rector of St. Andrew's Church, Wf st Philadelphia, Umo. Cloth. NEARLY READY, BRYAN MAURICE, THE SEEKER. BY REV. Walter Mltokell. One vol. 12mo. These works are (or sale by Booksellers generally, or sent by mall on receipt of price by J. B. LIPPINCOTT & CO., " PUBLISHER?, NOS. 713 AND 717 MARKET STREET, 6 29JI . .' PIIILADELPUIA. " "KXJ OMAN'S WORK IN THE CIVIL WAK. V V JSo ( tlier work cau compare with this in the mipi, t and romrileteiiHSB of Its sketches, or the accu- rucy ot its statements. It is prepared under tne sniiction and approval or tne bnuitury anu uiinstluti Ci'DinilHSiuns, nnd Is, thereloie, the stundard work ou the suhject. Hie variety or its sketches fives it a rhurm i hut causes evei y reader to be interested and ellKhted with It. Our terms are liberal, and the den.and for the work is so great tnai energetic age;ts eaftily make ironi if0 to ll per month. The work Is liiHt issued and the Held is new. Knergetic men aud ladies wanted to canvass the city of Philadelphia, end other towns. Address or call on Zli.Gi.KK, mccukhy co., Ho. 601 CUKSNUT Btreet. 6 221m Philadelphia, Pa. TO RENT. TO RLNT A UANDSOMELY FUR- niHiied Coniitrv beat, with acres ol Ground. blue uilles distant from the cIly.havlnitanabundHnce of J-iuit m d ornamenial Trees, ana larKe anu pro ducilve Vetelnhln Garden, large Barn, btablmg and all other liecessury outhuildlngs. Convenient of access to the cltv by the ortn Pennsylvania uutironn. A ply t'o LEWIS H. KKDNKR. 6 a Ko. 15J a. FOL'RTH Street. Tf HKNT DESItlAliLiE COTTAGE. u-dli r'..urii llniiHO mid Ktattlp. RltlliLtltiri llish u...i tiL.iii.v win, itifittv i.r nhAln. Onlv litleen min utes ride by stvaru twelve times dully. Apply at No, CHKSNUT Street. 6i7ll a TO LET PART OF THE HOUSE NO. iiUo9 B. FuUllTU street, below I.ornb.ird, ensl Sidf. Inquire - OU tne pruiniaea. xteiereuuua ro- quli eu. S Hi EXCURSIONS. .JT- EXCURSIONS UPTHE RIVEH.- TlCiZiJ--3The snletnlld sleaiubuat JOHN A. Kiiriinuiiiii and llrlslol. otODDiiiK at itlverton, Torres- riniM. Aniluluslu. and Beverly, each way. These excursions ltnve CHESNUT BTREET WlIARb' at 2 o'clock In I he Allerutiou. ie:urniiiK, leave isnstoi at 4 o clock, arriving In tlieciiy at o ciock i'. ra. FA UK Excursion, 40 cents. Each way, 25 cents. B 55 am wKn7t DOWN RIVER MONDAYS AND SsSfeSttC'ril iflwDA Y,at o'clock, from Hei ond ; i. . ..itui a Kill rirevh oitfuuitfr nii;i. mr u t-n- ter. VeunPKrovH. Hew Castle, Deluwaro City, I'jrt Penn. ond Uombay Hook. WfdnsclBys and buturrtays the SWAN iuhv be Chartered lor EXtJUHalONij. BZl- JOHN O. ARRIS ON, Nos. 1 and 3 North. Sixth Street Philadelphia, would' ivitethe attention of his friends and customers to his superior assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods; Also, to his Improved Pattern "Shirt ; the material, workmanship and finish cannot he surpassed by any in the g Market. n 22 rpi REY SPRING STYLES riiiladelphia Wall Papers ! J HOWELL & DOURKET, N. E . lorncr F01RTU aud MAKKET, MANUFACTURE tiS OF PAPER HANGINGS AND 818mrp CURTAIN MATERIALS, QEDDINC OF EVERY DESCRIPTION! AT REDUCED PRICES. .. WHOUESAI.E AND BETAIIi, NO S RIDGE AVENUE NEAR TINE ST. 1 J. O. FULLER. 823tuthsrp ROPER'S NEW AMERICAN kiBEECII-I.OADIK3 REPEATINS - SHOT UN, C-IRINU FOUR SHOTS IN TWO SECONDS, Valug ordinary Ammunition. Manufactured by tbe KOl'liR REPEATINU Jtlli,ei uuMraar, Am herst, Massachnsetf, under personal fiipervisioa 1 C. M. 6FENCER, Inventor ot the famous BPENCB HI FI.E. tend lor circular. o IS ami I'EST PENN SQUARE SEMINARY, ,,n 11 ir V iT datt A XI Tivrrtur U . .r r J 110 ialj 1 itiii win Luuiuibiiun nt'uieiuuur 10. inn Tn nLs ilfAfilrlns lo enter thmr dauuht'orti lu this Instl. tutlou are requested to make application before June Vi. la ini'lu WARY E. HOlil'T. MARY E. TaV.IlWKLiS, No. Ill NORTH FOURTH STREET. JADIE8, SAVE VOUtt CLOTH AND YOUJt J money, by culllnn at Mrs. UU1ILK H, No. I2:i7 AltKK'l' H'reet, aud learu to cut your own dreHsna; alto, learn her new style ol Raised Worsted Work, Ureases, Ilawiues, etc, In Que hour, Aytull wauled, S131m4p CaKPETINGS RATTING WAREHOUSE ! fiCCALLUMS, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET, Would Call tbe Attention of tha Trad to their Kxtsnslve Stock of CANTON AND COCOA MATTINGS. pnCSH CANTON MATTINGS AT RETAIL. WHITE, RED, CHECKED, AND FANCY STYLES. Tba Largest Assortment In tbe Clt jr. McCALLlBIS, CKEASE & SLOAN, No. 519 CHESNUT STREET, 6 22 lmrp PHILADELPHIA. Q ANTON MATTINGS, CAHrETINCiM OIL CLOTHS, WISDOff SHADES, ETC. KTC ETC., WHOLESAI-.13 AND 11 1ST AIL. JOHN R. WHITE, NO 13 KORTII SGCOKD STREET, . IS ROW OFFERING THE ABOVE WOODS AT TKBI LOW FIUVBES. CALL AND BEE. 8 81m REMOVAL OP TOVUSEND & CO. TO No, 50 North SECOND Street, BELOW ARCH, EAST SIDE. CARFETIMaS, etc. Tbe attention ot our riends and patrous 1b called to our To. No. 59 North SECOND Street, below Arch east Bide, where It will he our aim w Keep in more such GOODS only as we have every con fidence will give satlwaction lo our cus lowers. nwmmfluri WATCHES, JEWELRY, ETC. 910 MEAD & CO., 910 , FORMERLY AT; TUB CORNER OF RIM Til ANDC1IEMKVT NTS. ABB NOW AT No. 910 CHESNUT STREET, 160TJTH SIDE, BEOOND FLOOR, Have Just finished over (60) FIFTY NEW 8TVLE8 OF TEA BETH,- which they - are offering at euor mously low prices. Tea Bets, plain and chased $23-0 ! ,M I ...i...5..- ,...t3-00 " rich chased 1 18-50 " " 3600 " , very handeoiue.. .....,........t:i7 o0 h very rich and iuedallious...... $io oo ' " M fisoo ICE PITCHERS a specialty, ranging lu price from WW to iis-oa . .. MEAD & CO., Manufacturers, NO. BIO CIIESNUT STREET, 4 4 8rrrp1 BOUTH BIIK, HECOND FLOOR. 1028 CHESNUT. I. J. TAYLOR, J E'-W-E L L E R, The attention ot the public la Invited to my Stock. comprising r FINE WATCHES, " ' ' s' ' - DIAMONDS, SIX. VER-WARE, EIiEtiANT JEWELRY", CLOCK!, MUSIC ROXES, -And all articles appertaining to the trade offered at reduced prices. WATCHES REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. 1028. r8 26tuths3mSp LEWIS LADOMUS & CO.. Diamond Dealer and Jewellers, no, soa cnESNUT sr., piiii.adei.phia, Would Invite tbe attention of purchasers ts their large and handsome atsonment of DIAMONDS, ! ' '"' WATCHES, i SILVER-WARE, j ETC. ETC. ICE PITCHERS In great variety. A large assortment of small STUD, for eyelet holes. Just received. - J - . WATCHES repaired In the best manner, and guaranteed. - ' ' 5 Midi Qm B. KITCHEN, JEWELER, ! S.E. Corner TtNTH and CHESNIT. CHEAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, ' JEWELRY, SILVER. WARE,' , . ' . . RRONZES. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIOURES. . WATCHES AND JEWELRY CAREFULLY R PAIRED. Particular attention paid lo Manufacturing all arU clee In our line. " ' rt n thlia, JOHN CRUMP, CARPENTER AND RUILDElt, 10PSl NO. 813 LODGE STREET, AND NO 178S CIIESNUT STREET, Hi AUCTION SALES. rir,ti f oan, Anctmner. C ?, L K L L, A N D A C oj M BALE OF 1200 CAR, K.k,tb. ?T,OE8. BROUAN8, (in Moiuliiy iiinrnlnir LT.?. "1":!?!'.':' A J" o'chK-kTwe will sU b ,,.,.,(U,.t,,r0,. .,; i,.;.r .v.r..."". 'J1'.1"' w""'" iiioS ..m.iua ui me trikiln la ; ; 6)it OHN li. MYKKit A ft)., AUCTION EKRS I Nos. Z.i arid 2S4 MARKET btreet. t,1K3 LARCiE rOSITIVES A LK OF CATtPRTINGS mv . On Frlilny Morulnir, Mav M. L II n'r.t....b ..nil... . . . four m , Urn' "cr i ;ZnZi m Tpo W,mtT.IP'1 00 line utxl line InsralnV? nif hinW.Xf,,l"" "'P mCrnln. ol sulei ""7 uo ""m'uea e"". iUo LAROK rKRFMf Ton Y PA r,K OF TRVXM im On Holiday MornliiK. June S, Btl0 O'clock, will he .lu. by catalon. on four D.oi.ths' credit, abni.t 700 l,,t,' 7 Fronc , ind? wors.eu,. wool!ens Ih.eTad'cTmons. N. R.-U(,ods arranRPd for examlnatlOQ and cata logues ready eurly ou morning of sale. 2g LA??.Av?Tnr,1,iPT,(,,RY AKOF BOOTS, SHOES. JllUA 4. Will ha a.. 1. 1 ... i..J BV- . lactur manu- the1morr?no7,ale?tl0n WUh J0. M. GUM MEY & SONS. AUCTHiKi. h-na Hold RpKular halm ot IlKAL. KS'l'ATK. KTIll'TTH A n c r. . ' TlIBPUflviiiqiTX-,"AT j Handbills ol po. i, n,..ffn iwio CHtalopes punished and circulai5, conialnln. hill dehcrlptloiis of property to be wild as au,, ttr. and tillered at private Half. wii bales advertised dally In all the dally newspaper wil..nclUde8iLE0N WAY, June 3. OIU'HAS1 COURT PAI.E-Kstato of Alexander Galloway, deceased. -btone Residence and lot of B'ur.dAUeu'blaije.TvNeuiy-secoud Ward, near Oer- BY ORDER OF nEIIW-EslatcofUoirer McDonald, deceased. Iwo-sioiy brick Tavern and four brlolr' liwellliiHS, corner of Twcniyluurth aud Cald v.ell streets, between Walnut aud Locust streets r FLt-? A T 1 V 1 1 K YK A 'l' " " c ot'land. Church lane, adjoining the city line, i miles iroui iluiketfttreet Brl.fge. e um WAhHIfcGToIS fcUUARE AND LOCUST STREET Handsome Reoldenco, vi Uh side Ullice and Lot. feel liont. HANDfSOMK MODERN RESIENOE-No. 31 & South lentil Btreet. CHK3KUT Hl'KKET WRST PHILADELPHIA.-. II audoome Modern Residence. Fourth, east ol 1' orliefl slroet norlUtide. KOU1H KUTH STREET No. 005 Fairfax place Elcvf n brick Dwellings and Lot, A'i by reel. i-XKCL'l OK B ejALE Kituie of btupheu Benton, deceased. Four modern three-stury brick UwelUum o. 1122, 1)4.1111. und il'.'s Carpenter street. t?snio Estitie Two lluee-story brick liwelllnirq. h'os. ttae and .ih Kirg, now Cross street, be ow D10 kersou street. Paine ltate Two two-slory Dwoillnpi, wt iMt Church, now Otsego street, between Reed and I'rluie Blrceis. same Kstate Biick ilCbuuoge and lot of ground, No 274U Federal street, Same Kitiite Yearly Ground Rent of Iffi'SO. bnnie i.alaie Fig'it yearly Ground Routs of $02 each. 1 Siime Estate Five yearly Ground Rents ol each, oue ol tM. and one ul ;h4. 2atft s A ML' EL C. FOhb & 60NS, AUCTIONEER! No. 127 8. FOURTH btreet. Sales of Real Estate, blocks, Loans, etc, at Phlla delplua Exchange, every Friday at 12 o'clock, noon tiur sales are advertised lu all the dally andsevera of the weekly newspapers, by separate handbills ok each property, anu by pamphlet catalogues, one thousand of which will be issued on Wednesday pre ceding each sale. REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE BALE. SALE OF REAL ESTATE, bTOCKS, LOANS, ETC. On Friday, May HI, At 12 o'clock, at the t xciiaiiKu, will Include: TRLs'l'KE iS PKREMfl'OK V BALfci 8 shares onuthwark llniliond Co. ituii nlinres Philadelphia aud fcrie Railroad Co. . H'i shares buniutliumia Cunal Co. 2.0 shares lUstonvllle PaHNenirer Hallway Co. ' fioiii nusquehauua Canal C'o.'s 6 per cent. Coupon Bonds. , For other accounts. M (00 Camden aud AUuutlo Railroad Co.'s 2d Mort gasel per cent. Bnuds. iuteient April aud October. F.LEUAM COBNTRy bF.AT. 7 acres at Olney. Twenty-sFccud Ward, lately the resldenoe or Dr. lllluni Camac. Larpe Blond house, 20 rooms, sta bling, tenant house, 2 green houses, bowilnic alley, etc. OruuudH beauliJully laid out aud plauled with elegant Shrubbery. LARGE AND VALUABLE TRIANGULAR LOT, Paasyunk road aud twelfth street, lis feet ll1 Inches on I'asbj unk roud, 174 leet t Indies on Tweliui street. VALUABLE BUILDING LOT. B. Broad Btreet, below AlcKeau street. 40 leet by 2iij icet toaoofeet fctreet. ' LARGE AND VALUABLF. BUUDING LOT, N. E. coi ner ol N I uih and olcKrau streets, on leet on Ninth ttreet, 14a lee t u inches on McKean st. TO 26 6t B Y THOMAS BIRUH A fcON, NO. 1110 CHEfj ui eireet, aoova leveutn street. large; balk of fine curomos and en. liLlSH ENOKAVIiNGrt. ' On Wednesday and Thursday Evenings, . At 8 o'clock, at the Auciiou btore, No. lilo Chesnut street, will be sold, a large culleclluuot choice English Chromos and bleel PlBie EnKravlngs. after LauUseer, Uerrlng, Turner, Wilkle, Uarllii, and others. 'lhe collection will be open for examination on Tuesday uud Wednesday. , 162S8I Bale No. lllu Chesnnt street. KUPERTOU HOUSEHOLD FUKNITURF. PIANO FORT KM. M 1 RltORS, CARPE 1 S, PLATED WAJi. 'Hi. UN Kb, IC ' Ou Frlduy Morning, At 9 o'clock, ai the auction more, No. 1110 Chesnnt street, will be sold, u l.ue assortment ol superior household fmmiure, from lamllles declining bouse keeping. ELEGANT FRENCH CHINA DINNER SERVICE. On Friday, At 1 o'clock,, will be sold, one splendid larze French China riuhly decorated dluner and de.is if service. 5 w 2t LARGE BALE OF ELEGANT FURNITURE CARD Our ale on F1UUAY MOHlNINu at ft o'clock, at the auction store, comprises a large assort men l 01 carpets, rich parlor sun, lu sail 11 brocatelle plush, reps, aud hair cloth; walnut and oak aldei boards and extension dining tables, walnut chamber suits. tlnlslieO In oil and variimu; waluut, uhetiiiut and painted cottage chamber suits; elegaut centre tables w ith marble tops: oak library tab.es, splendid dinner seivloe of French chioa, t-evres china, bhellield plated ware, librsry suits, sewing machines. 8 roswoori ulauo tortes, lecrelarles and buokcRes. travelling trunks cedar clivals, matting, china and Klas ware, vases sic' LARGE FRENCH PLATE MI UKulW. Also, 10 large French plate mantel mirrors, Aixo. uo no uo pier do t B. wl2aII0HE,ni''H AUCTION BALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITTTR B. bCOTT. Jr., will give his personal aMeuilc to sales ot household furniture, nt th ri.iu ot parties removing or breaking up honsekeenlnJ-n trif miiiiL fkvnr&Klu tr.A . iery, xo. lo-u Chesuut street, will be sold within . rilurti, an lnu..l.iu . . r 1 t ; i .. r 1 . , w chests, fur and mull' boxes, all mauulactured ol red cedar, and liulahed in 11 rst-class style, TERRA COTTA AND OlitEU FANCY GOODS Also an Invoice ol terra eotla and other fuucv goods, silver-plated Ice-pitchers, eto. etc 5 t 3t PANCOAST A WAR NOCK, A UCTI ONE Ena No. 240 MARKET B'IREET. LARGE POSITIVE SPECIAL 8AL OF 4M ' CAbEb BTRA W GOODS, by Catalogue, oa a credit. On Friday Alornlntf. May8!st. commenciug at lu o'clock, com prising . full assortment ol newest siyles Bonnets aud 11 ml, , Ladies, Misses, and Children. u M THOMAS & SUNS, 0S. 139 AND 14. . B. FOURTH BlreeU C. MAC KEY. AUCTION EEf Onioe v. W COMkjmCB btr-k. gg rpilE OLD STAND REaODELLRi) NEW STOKE FOB HNK CONFErTI4'VS Eullie new stock of FineOoufeoilona, brut s, eu., Pnn-AOh.Li'HiA, May 14, Iks-;, ' Having taken tbe old esabllhd blur-e Nu, ' MARKET e-treet, lormeriy occupied by John Hu. and completely redtied and rt'uovated the em premise.", we are prepared to supply all article, our line, at as reasonable price as can be purchu, Our long experience In the business, together wi tbe eOicient ooips of workmen, at our oomiaud, W enable us to lurntah the uuest arllceis at thelovr,, P A Mil IsrespectiullysoMnitel ,,rrn, 171mrp WO. 0 Htt;.;T WAi.l kH e, Laua, . jm CEDAR CLOTHES CHKHTS, FUR AND Mf " BOX KH. On Monday Uorning Next, 1 jiiub o. ni. ji o ciiu'if nrome v. &r. K-nri'. f-ww. I