."V CITY INTELLIGENCE. Ire ADDITION AXi IQQaL hums Safe 6tiT8tDl t AOIM. bod'' CKCitB Tbe regular meeting of these "v . wer held yesterday afternoon. Seltcl Branch Mr. fcrering, President, was in the chair, i A communication vvas received from tbe City Treasurer, submitting a statement of returns ot money made by aldeimen. Referred to Commit . tee on Police, with Instruotloa to learn end to r port tbe pecuniary resnlts of the feei In tbe hands of aldermen who make no returns. The returns named were: From Alderman Maguey, M)4: Clouds, f lOMJortbou, T7.; liamsdell, I5 60; Beit ler, .)-, Bwtn,i8. The totalis titbits 60. A noie was received from tbe Superintendent of tbe City Railroad, saying that tbe approaches to tbe Market street bridge ttie In a dangerous condi tion, in consequence ol the insecurity of the em- bankment upon either side. - j - . i Mr. Vau t)leve having resigned his teat as a member of Select Council, ibe Chair announoed, tbe followit g changes In committees of which Mr. , Van (Jlev had been a mem bur. His place Is thus filled: - On Finance, Mr. BilUngham; Law, Mr. King: ; Fnrveya, Mr. Jones; Schools, Mr. Iuffy; Prisons, ; Mr. Kballcross, (ebAirman), Mr. Mareos; Trust , and Fire, Mr. Campbell; Maikete, Mr. Sham; Poor, Mr. Meoutcheon, In place oi Mr. Kherraer; Ulrard .. litate, Mr. Shermer, In place of Mr. Barlow, who resigned from the committee some time ago. A motion to confirm tbe appointment of Freder- let A. Van Cleve, late member of the body from i the Fourteenth, ward, as Atsistant City Solicitor. I was oflered. , , i (., . . Mr. Hodgdon moved to refer'to the Committee on Law, as be entertained seriona doubts whatber Mr. Van Cleve was eligible to the position. Lost by a vote of 13 to 6. , ' r Col. Page announced that he should Vote somt ' v the voctirmation of Mr. Van Oleve, because the law provided that no member of Council wasellgl- " ble to the office of Assistant City Moltolior during . tbe term of his office as Select Councilman. It ; . was but a prevarication to say that he had resigned his seat as a member of Councils. The speaker thought that all party obligations should be sub servient to tbe law of the land. Col. Page made a long and elaborate speech on this point. . lir. Kamerlv Lectured t.hilt hn nnnlil nnV nta fri tbe conilrmatlon ot Mr. Van Cleve. He was quite confident that Mr. Van Cleve lacked tbe ability to Eerform the functions of the oflloe, and, moreover, e did not believe him In any respect a suitable , person fof such a position., i - On the question of 'the confirmation the yeas Were 16, tbe nays 6. ., , , . , l". The special order of tbe day, the subject of erect ing, at this time, new publio bnlldlngs, was taken op, and a very long debate ensned. i )'-" 1 The bill pasted by a rote of ltt to J. ' I ' A bill by Mr. Fox permitting folks to wash their pavements as late as 8 o'clock in the mora- log, instead ot 7, was passed. A resolution to lay pipe in Gaul and other streets was passed. Mr Bum m offered an ordinance appropriating; Sl'-HiO to repair the fences at Fairmouut Pari.. Passed without debate. . An ordinance to obange the place of voting in the Ninth division of the Tenth ward to the house of John OincreekVas reported by the Committee on Law. It passed. A resolution disagreeing with the proposed change In tbe time of holding meetings of Coun cils to once every two weeks, Instead of every week, was offered by the committee to.whlch the matter was referred. , The resolution was adopted. An ordinance approving a batch of contracts for the erection of school buildings was concurred In. An ordinance for the purchase ot a lot of ground , in Wood street, near Eleventh, for school pur A poees, o tiered by Mr. Campbell, was passed finally. John H. Jones and William V. McQrath were accepted as securities of Charles Dixey, Commis sioner of City Property. A resolution from Common Council was offered requesting the Mayor to compel the contractor for the northern district of the city to fulfil his con tract for cleaning tbe streets. ' , Mr. Marcus said that tbe Mayor had given Mr.' Blckley fifteen days In whloh to perform his duty, and that his oontraot wonld be revoked if he per sisted In his negligence. ' Mr. Kamerly said that the late meeting of the Street-cleaning Committee was the first one that V has been held for a long time. - Its Chairman has ' not seen fit to call It together. The Mayor cannot be ubiquitous. If tbis commit lee did its duty it would. have informed tbe Mayor that the streets were not cleaned. How can the Mayor see, at one view, over tbe whole cityl Mr. Marcns said that the fanlt was with the Po lice Lieutenants, who evidently do not report to tbe Mayor, as they are bound to do, the really very bad condition of the streets. Mr. Hodgdon remarked that Mr. Blckley has had but a few days of fair weather In which to work. Tbe length of street Is 260 miles. Though Mr. Blckley has a large force of men and carts, vet he cannot possibly clean tbe entire city In one week. Mr. Hodgdon urged that Blckley was doing all that human means and industry could accom plish. The resolution was referred to the Committee on Street Cleaning. Adjourned. Common .Branca President Marcer In thachalr. From the Mayor was received a communication slating that, In his opinion, the reward offered for tbe arrest and convlotton of Gottlieb Williams should not be given entirely to Mr. McNalr, who arrested the murderer. To the skill and sagacity of Chief Detective Franklin the conviction of Wil liams was mainly due, and for the examination of tbe blood on the murderer's clothes and the cast of his teeth the city is indebted for three hundred dollars. This sbould be paid from the five hundred dollars reward, and the remainder given - to Mr. McNalr. For these reasons tha Mayor vetoed the bill giving the entire reward to the man Who made the arrest. Mr. Hewell said that Councils should not sustain the veto. If this be done, and the money paid to the men who were simply witnesses for the prose cution, a precedent fatal to the future justice of tbe city will be established. BeslCes, the duty of Mr. Franklin, who at the lime of the trial of Wil liams was chief detective, was simply to convict tbe prisoner. To no otnoeroi me city oi m a simple oflioial duty should a reward be paid. Mr. Potter defended tbe veto. Tbe skill and assiduity of Mr. Franklin were the prlnolpal cause of the conviction of Williams. To this gen tleman not only credit but compensation is due, and the reward should be placed in the bands of tbe Mayor, who will wisely and judiciously dis- trTheChamber referred the veto to the Police ' TneCity'Commissloners petitioned for nine hun dred dollars extra appropriation for witness lees dnrlng the balance oi tbe year. .... Mr. Harper presented a resolution instructing the Committee on Law to Inquire Into the const!, tntlonallty ot the act of Assembly direcung tue erection of a bridge over the Schuylkill river at South street, Agreed to. .. Mr? Hetwll offered a resolution request ng the ' ' Mavor to notify the contractor for cleaning the treat of tbe northern district to cleanse these tborooghlares regularly. Mr. Hetaeil said that the streets n the northern cart of the city have not been cleaned, In many EiaceaYlor six months. In localities under his supervision this Is specially the "-.. Mr Harrison said that in Innumerable Instances the contractor has violated his agreement. Last Sunday the speaker saw boxes of ashes lining the sidewalks. The contract says that on certain days the contractor shall give notice to the citizens that he will at a future specified time remove the ashes. The people then place the ash barrels on the side walks, but the contractor fails to keep hit promise. Mr Stockhain said that the street in which he llved'nad been cleaned but once since 1105. i The resolution was opposed oy Mr. Harper.J It Theordnce regulating the prices of sewer connection-the special older of the day for four ' 'ZJ!Xf0Z$ZA directing the iXuteuante of Police to overlook the cleansmg of S Streets Sent to the Committee on Highways L. V". . - a a a t tin i n 1 1 n & laniwr for && new K at Six hundred dollars per annum. St SIS ffieventh ward, non-concurred in. n,n.n a number of Resolution to it r ' ,rrnUornan"red1st?ict the election precinct. ' of the Third ward, creating anew t concurred in.- . sale of a lot of ground In ' 'J." VJ1?! m iu4 ." discharge ml iCotamli Jh'lWl'iw fro 5 "vUXnou directing them to tee on Law from me pjnger rail way consider a ""Vn Ttheir rails with the companies to pave beweeo " 4 lranstere in Nlcolson pavement to make nd t0 a OTIlffi images, were al, resoinuoa to -Ucharge the Committee on Law i'frfm the coulderation ol , b 2 tSa d"?. "C,V was reTpord front the Coinmltiee 00 Law. ; , . ,. I'i'il i.l ! , , . , , I ' - THE DAILY Mr lletzell asked for the names of tbe signers of tbe r port. Ibe (iierli rend them. Among them was that of Mr Fprlng, Prsldent ol Select Council. Mr. Iletsell raised the point of order that the President of Select Council eould not sign a com rnlMee's report. Mr. Marcer so decided the point, and tbe report was returned to Select Council. 1 be resolution In reference to the Fritnklln Fire Inturance Company and tbe Insurance on Iiiova mensir g Hall was concurred lo, Tbe ordinance to appropriate five hundred dol lars lor out-bouscs lor Oermantown school build ings was referred to tbe Committee on Schools of Common Council. Tbe lesolutlun allowing the Presidents of Coun cil" to vole In committees was concurred In. The resolution directing the Chief Kugineer of the Wtiter Depariment to enter Into a contract for WftUr pipe with li. D. Wood 4c Co., excited a long, bitter and personal debate, which grew morn and mote acrimonious as it progressed, until the Cham ber was adjourned by Mr, Marcer at seven o'clock, whlieamoilon to refer to the Committee on Law was pending. ' ' DifTiLLFBB. A meeting of distillers esta lushed and doinff business within the first five Collection Districts of the city, convened yes terday at the Wetherill Ilouae. The object of the cull was staled to be to ask the Secretary of the Treasury to ermpend an order issued on. the 1st of May in relation to the placing meter In tbe distilleries, until tbe article can be fur nished to tlie dibtillers. The order requires distillers to pay several months in advance lor the meters, the cost of the eame ranglue from $760 to $1800, the j-nce being recralaied by the size of tbe sttlU. It wn aigutdtbat distillers have no ritrht to pay tor tbe meters beiore thev are ltirniphed. and an entire willingocss was expressed to give bonds for the payment ot tbe articles when placed In use. It was stiBfrested that, In the event of the Secretary refuMug to comply with, the wishes of the distillers, the matter would be thrown into Court lor a decision as to the legality of the order. A Committee was appointed for the pur pose of carrjinp out the bjecti of the meeting. They then adjourned to meet next Monday evening. ... ' TnB OKriiANa' IIomb at Gettysburg Mekt rso or MiNAGEBS. The Corporators ot this Institution convened yesterday In this city, in compliance with the charter granted at the fate session ot the Leplslatnre. A quorum was in attendance, ' namelyt Major Ueueral Meade, Rev. Bishop Simpson, Kev. Dr. Newton, Rev. Dr. Reed, Rev. R. Heber Newton, J. Marshall Paul, M. D., Thomas JVatson, Abraham Martin, Allred M. Hiocura, M.D., and J. Francis bourns, M. D. General Meade was called to the chair, and Dr. Bourns appointed Secretary, a Tbe act of incorporation was read, and twenty-eight eentlumen were elected by ballot to constitute tbe Board of Directors for the ensuing year. The Secretary was notified to authorize tho Directors to meet on Monday, tbe 27th Instant, in this city. ......... Thb Clobiko Sessions. Tbe yearly meeting of the Society of Friends closes to-day. Two sessions a day nave been held, and the number' of people who bave visited the city to partici pate in the meeting cannot be less than five thousand. That all may enjoy to the fullest ex tent the advantages of the convocation, dinner is served each noon by resident Friends, in the second story ot the meeiing-house.to the Friends who come from a distance. The proceedings, conducted In private, we are permitted to say, bave been more than usually pleasant. Tbe attendance fioin New Jersey and Maryland has been very large. AM through the district repre sented at Fifteenth and Race streets, in the im portant interview just terminating, the princi ples of the Society appear to be gaining instead of losing ground. , , . : , Neaeino Completion. The steam sugar re finery, at Sbippeu street and Delaware avenue, which was commenced last summer, 1st nearly completed. It is probably the largest sugar re finery in the United States, tbe main building having a front of 120 feet, while it Is 150 feet deep, and nine stories in height. The refinery, with the engine and boiler-house, and other appendages, covers the entire gtound from Dela ware avenue to Penn street. All the buildings aie of brick, but the Delaware avenue irout of the main stiuctnre is so ornamented as to give it a very striking appearance. The part of the city in which the retinery is located Is under going very great change. On the west side of Penn street, extending from Shippen south ward, a block ot stores, belonging to Mr. Jesse Godley, has just been roofed lu. An Accident. The train on the North Pennsylvania Railroad, from Bethlehem, due in the city at 3 o'clock on Wednesday atternoon, did not arrive until nearly 4, owing to the break ing of a wheel on one of the cars. The accident occurred a few miles out ot the city. None of the passengers were Injured. Another Launch. Yesterday, at noon, a new schooner, called tbe George 11. Squires, was launched Irom the shipyard of Messrs. Taylor & Mather, at Cooper's Point, New Jersey, ishe is built in the best manner, and is valued at $22,000. She has a capacity of about 326 tons, and will be commanded by Captain Timmins, of Camden, New Jersey. , AMUSEMENTS. Academy of Music The sale of tickets for Mis. Lander's represenlations of Elizabeth next week continues brltk at Ttumpler's, Seventh and Cbescut streets, and tuere is everv pros pect that tbe enterprise will prove eminently succesBiui. Thb Theatres. At the Chesnnt, Miss Julia Daly continues to draw very large audiences, The distribution of gifts among the audiences' at tbe close of the entertainment la entirely satisfactory. At the Walnut, Miss Susan Denin takes a benefit, and will appear in two of her most popular characters, assisted by the entire com pany. At the Arch Mr. Bryant takes his first benefit. He will prebent an attiactive bill, and will be aided in his lunny efforts by "Little Mac," and all of the Company favorites. At tbe American the usual attractive variety entertainment will be given. To-morrow aiter noon and evening gifts will be distributed as usual., . . Tns Gebmania will present the following programme to-morrow auernoon:-!-Uverture "Semiramide" (by request) Rossini Sont;"The Tear" (by tequest) Fr. Kueckeu Cornet Solo, by G. Dunn. Talifnmne Waltz .... Lanner Andante con moto from Fifth Siu- ftnie ...... Beethoven Overture Oberon (by request) . Weber Duet from jltxir of Love (urst time) . . . ... . Donizetti Selections from Vinorah . . Meyerbeer At Caknceoss & Dixey's Opera House, two excellent burlesques are played to-night, with tbe usual olio entertainment, tbe whole lorming a delightful performance. Thb Lubim Bbothbhs continue their magical seances at the Assembly Buildings, and are favored with large and fashionable audiences. tjnited states revenue stamps FOR SALE. PRINCIPAL AGENCY, NO. 87 Btll'TU TIIIUU STREET, PlItXA OBDEBB DECEIVED FOB (STAMPED CHECKS. OBDEK8 IlKCEIVED BY MAIL . fKOMPTLY ATTEKDtDTO. ... A LIBERAL DISCOUNT ALLOWED. J. K. RID QV AY,, Him MO. 57 W. TIIIB1) WTItKKT. HARD RUBBEK ARTIFICIAL A LI U 118. Arms, Ig, Appliauoes for A) DHlormlty. eW- eto. Aliens Limbs are ) iraiisterreu irom mo sre Hie lulttt musv uunum, com fortable, urlHjt, and arltalio subsil. -! tnvRiiled. Tln'y are p- ..r..f ..rt arioiitud by the Unluxl I "Si. aih,u"1 l ""Vim'Ma t5b. rawphlels.'r. ; EVENING TELEGRAPH" For atiiUHonal Marine Aewi tee IHrst Page. ALMANAC JTOIl PHlLADELPUIA-THIl DAY. 8T1N KlBKa....M..-.4 42 MooH KlRltfl...MMaMl...M 4 29 8rwHKT 711 Hinh Water 0 a PHILADELPHIA BOAJtD O TKADK. T. V. UcCasmoM, Wash. Hutch km, VMonthlt Committkc, John pakhawk, J UUVKMKNTB OK UCKAH BT1CASIIC11S FOR AMKRICA. Alalsntn Lonilnn New York .....April 27 J iiHlHi.d Llvi'rpoul...New YorK My 1 LrUsiiiil.....OlMfti)W New York My ( City i Dubilu..M.Livi'rHiol...Nw York...... May 4 hHXbi.lu llainburg...New York May i Iniioll .... l.lvi'rpiMiT...Nw Yoi My 7 iiuspliiirus.M.. ,l.lvnrpiol...Phila(la. ...My 4 ll( ilnaiiu..S()Ulliamloii....NflW Vork. ..... May T Ileum buiitliaiii)toi)...N0W York. .My 7 Col I'dKlull l.lvriol...Npw Yoi k Mty M 1 i.oimy lvmji..Llveriool...New Yorit. ..... May s JVl ivluii,... i.lvrpool...minb M iiy 9 ljlnn ; Liverpool. ..Nw York My in i hIh. .... 1,1 veruiM.I... Huston ....May II OtiiijLi..,boulliMiiiiiM...NfW Vurk. ........ ,Mny 11 FOR fcUROPR. th1cnR0 New York...I.ivtrpool......M. May 18 ytt Nw York... Liverpool May IS IUDiIiioiiIh New ork...llamburv - My IS Vllle rte l'Hrm...New York...llavre .May 1H C. of N. York. ...New York.. .Liverpool My IS t'ili flouls New York...(il.sKiiw....... My IS Noitht rn LlghUN'ew York...lre.nien ....May IS C.oN York Mew York... Liverpool -..May 18 N m Penn ..New York... Lundon .My 21 t'.ol JlancUesierNew York...Llverpool May 12 LijcIiiImI New York...Llverpool...n ..May t-i Atu mils New Yjrk...Lonnon... .............. My i" Cut Usioii.....New York. ..Liverpool. ...... May ij O. law ... New York...A niwerp ,My Si UUAM'WISK, DOMK.1110, KTU Jutilfttn..m...lliluia...wNew Oriru........rr U Wyonjiiiit. Phlladu .Hnvamiau May Is feuirn immI fcU Ij.n Pliiiiiila 11 avmitt.. May 1 i Mrt,l(.., NVw York... Havana May IS rioii.er..........,..i'MIla.,.....WIIniliiKU)0........Mny 14 1 IIHK k-huey.....New YorK...ilooif Ki'Uk-m May IS Oet. Grant. New Y ork... New Oi leans........ May Is ArlMtns ...New York...Anpin whII... .May 21 Nevsdn .New York...Snu Jo.au .May 2 H Aiu. rlca.....N-w York..,Brall.. M ay ti AlllBi(e... Phllarin Cliarlenion May taallr aie lorwarded by every steamer lu tlie regular lines The stenoiers for or from Liverpool call al Quee.'itnwn, except tbe Canadian line, which call at Londonderry. The steamers for or from UieOonl nept eel' at Honthampton. CLEARED YESTERDAY. Bteamslilp J. W. Kverman, Tullle, Cliarleston, Lath- bniy, V. I keniliam & Co. Sclir K. M. LuUleid, ltogers, Pawtucket. L. Audenrled A Co. Bclir Kllen Holgate, Ooldlng, Newbern, Latbbury, WIckerHbani Co. Pl'r J. b. bhriver, Dennis, Baltimore. A. Groves, Jr. M'r O. II. titoui. Ford. New Yoik, W. P. ClyoeACo. Tug U UGHon. Carr, Buitlmore, wuu a tow ol barges, w, r. ciyae & co. " V. ' ARRIVED YESTERDAY. ' ' I '' Bhlp Invluclbie. Lester, iroui ban Frauolsco Jan. 30, VvHli wtieal lo H. K. Cuninilnfja. hr. barque Tboinas, Peieisou. davs Irom Sagua, V lib sunar and molasses lu H & W. Welsh. hclir lw M. DnUisld, Rogers, from Portland, with Stone to rupialu. fcchr Ella F. Crowell, Freeman, from Provlucetown, Willi md.ie, to O. B. Kerloou KcbrKC Fitbian, Tuli, 1 day from Port Deposit, Viilb groin ic j. ,. Be w ley & Co. tkhr M. C Burulte, Klckarls, 1 day from Camden, V. Itb grulu to J. L. Bewley A Co. Bcbr J. T. Long, Tunnel 1, 2 days from Indian River, Willi (train to J. L. Bewley & t o. klirr. Croft, Jetlerson, 2 days Irom Chesapeake City, with grain lo CbrlHtlan A Co. hi fir A. A. Andrews. Kelly, Irom Newport. fc-ebr Oeorge Fales. Nlckerson, iroui Providence. tcbr Minnie Klunle. Parsons, Irom proviUouce. Heauier Frank, Pierce, 24 lioura irou New York, Willi mdse. to W. M. Baird A Co. bl earner Beverly. Pierce. 24 hours from New York, w lib mdse. to W. P. Clydeldi Co. Tug Mudnon, Carr. front Baltimore, with a tow Of barges to W. P. Clyde A Co. - RETURNED. " ' v BcbrW. B. Jenkins, beamau. hence lor New B ford, with coal, was ran luioon We "' -y ariernov. below Cliester, by tbe Bcbr F.H. e. hence lor Boston. Tlie w. B. Jenkins lof' uuoom, had rail and boat stove, and sustained v . Uaiuage; she re lumed to port yenlerday for ly-irs. The Krl received no aamags, and proceeded. . , . ' 1 SAILED. - Sblp Lancaster, Jackbou, leu Smith's wharf yester day for Bremen, with a curgo ot tHuO barrels of reliued petroleum, wblcli Is equal to 7142 barrels of 42 gullons each. '1 b Is Is said to be tbe largest oai go or petroleum ever sent iroui liie Cnlled btaiea. MEMORANDA. Chip Linda, Howard, tor Philadelphia, entered out at London Ihi Inst. ' Blilp Moiioneo. McOnnaele. for Philadelphia, sailed liom Londonderry 2d Inst. Barque Ausgur, Asboe, hence for Stettin, passed l)tBl 1(1 llibl. iii'g Princeton, Wells, bence, at Portland 14th Inst, fcx brj. Burbeck, Kelly, hence, at llaliraz 6lb Inst, bchr J. o. TbouiPHon, Vansaul, beuce,at Cbarleslou yesierdxy. . bcbr James S. Watson, Itouck, hence, at Boston 15th lustunl. bcbr (ieoige Taulalne, Adams, bence, at Gloucester Killl It St. bob r t Idella, Stone, bence, at Boston yesterday. bchr Decatur Oukes, Berry, hence, at Gloucester 14th liiHti.m. Bchr K. FngllHb, Bipple, from Providence for Phila delphia, at Fall Klver 14tb luiit. bchrM.M. Pole. Abbott, for Philadelphia, sailed i irom jnkw ueuiora ioiu lust. I fcchrs B. K. Parker, uherman; Wave Crest, Davis: A. ; M. Lee, Decker; Pathway, Daley: and A. Uurwood, Ocidirey, bence, at Portsmouih 15th Inau I bchr M. K. Banks, SiiiHh, for Philadelphia, oleared at Clixrlt-siou laib luat. bchr L. Bttlubelder, English, hence, at New Orleans llih Inst. ,, M i bchrli. nnrt E. Kelly. Keliy, hence for Boston, sailed Irom Newport I3lb lust, bclir N. C. Paine. Doane. for Philadelphia, oleared ! at Portland 15tb lust. . ... bchr Mary Caroline, bence, at uia roini i.uq uiHt bchr A. UuDjniond, Payne, hence, at Portland 15th IIBlBlll. bcbr L. and A. Baboock, Smith, for Philadelphia, was on the bar, Jacksonville, 7tU luut., wultlug tor bcbr Hiawatha, Newman, hence, at Newburyport bchr btar, Crowell, for Philadelphia, cleared at Boston lata luU . . ... bcbr Paul beavers, Gulliver, bence, at Bangor 12th ''bchrAmella.Beebe, honoe, at Fall River 13th Inst. bchr Kodasb, Travers, for Philadelphia, cleared at Georgetown, D. C, 1Mb lust. BthrF.bt. Clair Edwards, ashore near Gay tlend, remains In good condltlou, and will be got oft Tha Monohansetl s steam-pump was being put aboard ou 1 uesday, and she will be either pumped out or iloated oil wlib CBbkS. - M , . , , , , . bteamer Vulcan, Morrison, for Philadelphia, cleared at New York yesterday , NOTICE TO MARINERS. Notice Is hereby given that a uew spiral buoy, colored black, aud marked "East blilowasti." has been placed on the eastern sldeot the Whlpwasu Sand, lu twelve and one-hall fathoms at low water spring tides, with the following marks and compass buar. Iumh: Alderton Mill, In line with the third Martello tower, euHt ol Bawdaey bea Mark (tower VJW, bblpwssb Llghtvessel N. by ii. '4 K., distant three and seveo-teiilhs mllea. Middle ShlpwasU Buoy W. by N., distant one aud flve-leotbs mile. . bW. bhlpwash BuoySW. W.,dlstaut four and nine-tenths miles. , By order. P. H. BKRTHON, Secretary. Trinity House, London, April 24, HM7. Tbe Breakwater at thelslandofSt. Michael, A no res, which was commenced iu January. has now oeej coUBiruoted mors than hall ot llafnleuded leoglb, aud already oliers a sale harbor lo such veBel as may enter Into tbe artificial port formed by IU Tbe Islam! ol bt. Michael Is uow a very secure retuge lo vemeis crosNlng the Atlantic. An abundance ot provision can be bad, and good facilities lor repair lug vessels and steau.ers HOOP SKIRTS. iflg HOOI' 8K1KTP. DiO LATEoT bTYLE, JUbT OUT. UiS 3 LE PETIT TUAIIor the Promenade, l yanls rouud, the CHAMPION TRAIL, for the Drawing room, 8 yards round. '1 beebklru are lu every way the most deslrabit that we have heretofore offered to the public: also complete lines of Ladies', Muutea', aud Children'. Plain and Trail Hoop bklrts from tSi to 4 yards lu cu cumleri nee, of every leukib, all of "our own make,' wholesale aud retail, and warranted to give satlslao- "constantly ou hand low-priced New York mad rtklrts. Plain ami Trail, 2 spriugs, 90 ceuls; Us spriugs Si: W sprluga, fl'lO; aud lu springs. IU. bklrts made to order, altered, and repaired. t all or send lor Circular of style, sires, and prices Manufactory and saleBrooiun, 1 - No. Sis ARCH Wreet 12gm WILLIAM T. HOPKINS, WWI. D. ROGERS, OAHHIAGK BUILD Kit 1 Atanulactursr of Flrst-Class Carriages . . ONLY. . I 100 AMI 1011 CMESWUT KTBEBT B?llrrw2m PHILADELPHIA Tim: R KMT 'I'll K HOLY BIBLE HARf . Ji ing s itAiiiioiis rauiiiy, ruipi au 1 lit beaulifui styles of Turkey Morocco aud aiithiu blnrtlnaH. A new edition, arranged for pUotograput K'-raiis of family ARinN(J l,.teh , , Uo. rMCJJKbM' i hire hUw oarlh. r . .... .. .... 1 11 t, Ml. la PHILADELPHIA, EKIDAY, FIREANP DURGLARrrtOOFSAFES VORC AOOUT Ll LL I E'S CH I LLED-I RON SAFES IMPORTANT FACTS W1U11I TIIR rEOI'I.E MIOl'LI ' ' MAKE A NOTE O F." FACT I.-LTLLtK'R CniLLKD-IKON BAFRR bave been larsely 1 11 In d need fur Hie last twelve years, and sold lo those liuvluu the lament amount ol vaiuiibles, as ibe best and most thoroughly Burglar P1O0I bale; and, up lo Ibelxnt thrkS yeais, II lias been ss t sre to hear 01 one ol Lllllx's Ba'es bavin been xibhed by bursl' rs. s to ee or hear ot a white blai kblra or a while elephant. Fact II. It Is notorious Ibat the prolWton of the burglar lias advanced al a raoid pace within the I ant clfchi years, and what was tbon uglily burglar-proof then Is not so now. which accounts for the luct that wllhln Die last three years very few of Llllle's Bales bave been robbed, and the svcrnt anonymoux circulars dlhlrlbuted by other Safe-makers lat terly, show lug very ttw cases Ofifu, In the strongest evidence that b t a very small number bavt been robbed to this lime, nola ItbHlamllug ibe large num ber lu use, aud the amount at slake 11 successiul. . Fact III. Th re are two, and only two, general aud leading prim Idles upon which all burglar-prom Shies are coimtiueied. The one Is pouring liquid Iron betw een and around bars of wrought lreu. bard emd slreel, or any proper combination of nielala. This principle Ik adpud by Llille, In the Chilled Iron bale, atd covered and controlled by his letters patent. . . , Ihr. other Is marie up of layers nf plalea, or different melalft, held luteiber u bolls or riveix, or both. To this irli ripie H ere are tailoua objections: Tlie coKl Is double. The wrought Iron plain,, wnicli are Iheslreiigih of ihesale, are bui side, and are operated upon by the w bole catalogue ol burglars' tools. Hie Lolls or rivels are mmiy lorced by auitable tn.ilH, with or without powder, and cannot be siiHtnlued. 3ie lorfiirr jiiie.e, adopted ly Llille, avoids all thexe objerlions. rail he made any Ihli-kneBS, and w illixlaiid any amount of resistance required; avoids the rivets, bolls, etc.: has no w rought Iron outside to be operated upon by burglars' Unpiemeuts. . , Fact IV. Mr. LI'lle, tha Pat er tee, so soon as he lfarued that ll was postihle wuu the modern Im proved tools lor burgUrs to grind through clilll-d Iron or hardened steel, bi gau experimenting to avoid the difficulty, and alter much labor and expense lie has 1 erlected a system lor chilling Iron aud combin ing metals that In entl:ely pioot against theburglar's drill, r any other ot his tools, even toe wedge, war ranted to stand the baldest test practicable for any burglar lo make. As a 1 root of his success, the fol lowing rerilllcate Is now oiler' a Irom the Novelty Works, New York; , 1. ... OKKICE NOVKI.TY IROM WoRKPI. , ' N kw York, lsih Lecember. 1868. JuVnirrf. TsMXt LUHe Nun: 4knti.kmkn: Wa have subjected tha sample of Chilled lrou you furnished us loihe moot severe tests (as regards drilling through It) that we could bring lo bear upon It. and without success. It Is our opinion that It can only be penetrated by the use ol a large number ol drills, and the oipeudl lure ot much power, with days of lime. Aud we think it iniposalbie lor a burglar, with his time and power, pa peuelrale It at all. Y ouis truly, , Iraac V. Uoi.MEs. Superintendent. Lyman O. Hai.u Foreman. And tbe following extensive lion manufacturers In Philadelphia, Boston, and Chicago, atler ibe ruoMt thoruugh tests, find the result to be substantially tbe tame, , And their principal Iron Workers so certify: Messrs. Merrick dt bou, bouthwark Foundry, Phila delphia. I heFlnklev & Williams Works, Boston, Mass, The Union Fouudry and tbe Northwestern Foun v.. Chicago, III, V. The proposition made the publlo hereto 1 is now renewed : 1 will furnish bales or Vault Doors, ot same size and capacity ol olber bent maker, and at cue-third lens price; aud the same may be tested when finished, and I will furnish tue man to test tbe work of any other maker, aud be shall fur nlfcb the man to test my work ; aud the party so order ing may accept the work which stauds the most re slsiance,iu auj way or manuer practicable lor a uurglar to work. Fact VI. I would now say to any of the owners of Lillle's bales, thai, In view ot the preceding facta, If they feel the ueed ofaUdlilonal security, I will ex change with them, ou fair terms, gtvln ihein all the lute improvements, ana ine incieaaea security. which Is claimed to be beyond the reach of Burglars, until some uew system shall be de eloped in the working ' oi Iron, which would iiow seem baldly possible. - Fact Vii. It is true that the Sheet-Iron or common Saie, as bow made, under ordinary circumstances (and when not crushed by ibe I all ot walls or timbers; uituuliy saves the written mailer, but If the tire Is se vere 11 has to be copied, lor the Ink will soou fade out) besides, the sale Is twisted up aud useless. Ills equally true that the C'bllled-lron Safe saves the wrllleu matter In a perfect stale, thai It does not lade out or require copying, and thai the safe Itself Is ready for lurlher une. Any number of trials lu tires, certttled to, prove these lacls, aud if any of the sale venders who are distributing Becret, anonymous circulars to injure the reputation ot LILLlU'et BAFK are not satisfied with these statements, ihey can have the- opportunity ol testing by fire one of their own bafes with ULLIE'H, ou equal terms, wheuever they so decide. Fact VIII. In answer to the story circulated by ' Interested parties, that Lillie's Sale had goue up, aud had ruined Lillle, etc., I would say that at no time lu the last two years could Lllue&bon hall supply the demand lot titles, and were under the necessity of Homing a large stock company, with a very large capital, to mtei tbe demand; and Mr. Lewis Lnlte. br.. is uow tbe president ol Ibal company, which is located ' tin the Delaware. In Pennsylvania, near Eastou, aud Isthelaigesl bafe Works probably In ex Isteuce, and will be abie to supply all uemauds fur bales, Locks, Chllied-lron Vaults, etc In conclusion, I beg to call the attention of my patrons and friends, and the public to Hie facts hero presented, and to say thai I am very tiiaukiul for iiasi lavors, ana mat, 1 am urepareu to iiiriiiNU Xiiir JWH BLKOLAK AND FIRE AND BCRULAIt 1BOOF bAFEb, VAULT DOOBS. CHILLKU IRON VAULTS and COM BIN ATI NN LOCKS, all at short notice, warranted to be the best aud cheapest iu market- 1 also keep coiifclan'ly a large assortment of second-band Fire Prools, taken lu exchauge for Lillie's Burglar Proofs, of tho best-known makers, all put In good order, and oflored at below usual auc tion prices. - 31. C. SADLER, AGENT FOR LILLIE'S SAFE AND IRON COMPANY, No. 030 ARCH Street, 8 9fmw2m PHILADELPHIA.'' COPARTNERSHIPS. O0PARTN EES HI P. E. B. EDWARDS (OP the lale ttrm or Mitchell ds Edwards) has lull day associated with him bia sou, TliOMbON F. FDWAKDO, forth transaction ol a General Lumber Business, under tbe firm name of E. B. DilWAKDH & CO., DKLAWARJii Avenue, first wharf below Noble street. Puii-sumi.i'HiA.May 1, 1867. J lmrp FERTILIZERS. J M M O IS I AT ED PIIOSPIIATE, Alt I'NsUBPAMEO FEBTILUEB For Wheat, Corn, Oats, Potatoes, Grass, tbe Vegetable Garden, Fruit Trees, Grape Vines, Etc Eta. This Fertiliser contains Oround Bone aud tha beat Fei Hilling bait. Price f,Ai per ton of 2lioil pounds. For sale by tht q.uiaciurera, WILLIAM ELLIS A CO., Chemists, 1 fmwf No. TM MARKET BtreeU O E M C V A L. jV. Sc II. L12JAMBRE, Late No, K112 Cbesnut street, have removed their FUfiMfURE AND UPHOLSTERY WAREROO.YIS o AO. 1103 ClIKSiHUT S rUsCKT, UP bTAlRH 4 iii Irn QCORCC PLOWMAN. OAIIPHNTER AND BUILDKH Ho. I C1KTKB IkTBKET, ' And No. Ml DOCK Btreet 1 Machine Work and Mlllwrightlug promptly at- tended to. ' ' ptiTT npf pnri unnoifnuiq '3 BANDAGE INcirlTUTlu. No. 14 N. NINTH falraet. ahova Market. B, a E Vis.it ETT, a her thirty years' practWU experience, f uar an lees the skilful ad)uHtnaeut of his Premium 'aleut Gradual lug PresNiirs Iruaa. and a variety of others. bopportera, Elastic btockiugs, bhouidft Braces. CruUies. buspondsra. eut. Ladlea' anru unuw couuuctoa y a xjtuy, , MAY 17, 18G7. AMUSEMENTS. G BTTY BBUBO A 8Y L U M FOR INVALID SOLDIERS, Incorporated by Act ot Assembly of the Common wealth of Feunsylvaula, March 6, 1967. The Brard of Supervisors, appointed by the above Corpoisi on to carry out the objects of the Act of In corporation, respectfully announce to the public that tli i I.t glnialure of l'enns Ivaula bus authorised the raising ot funds for the erection. UNtahllnhmeni, and naliitci snoe ol sn Asylum for Invalid boldlers of the lull' war. to be built ou the battle-ileld of Gettysburg; and as sn inducement to patriot " cltlr.ens to contri bute lo this benevolent objeor, have empowered tha Corpoialloii lo distribute aaionaat the subscriber Midi . i Hi It ft of value and Interest from association with the Isle war. or any moneys, eirects, property, or i stale real or personal, whaievei , In Ibis Mate or else where, si such time or upon such terms, and uisucli way and manner whatsoever, a to them shall seem III, any laws ol this Commonwealth to the contrary uot wltlmtaniiir.g. . T he sue lor the Institution (thirty aorai) has already fx en purchased, and ll Is hoped that the good work may commence belore midsummer. i buiiscrlpilons will he received at IbeolBcB of th Association, No. 1126 Chesnut street, Philadelphia. For each sulwcrlplkin ol five dollnM acerllllcats will be Issued, which will entitle the holder to such an lele of value as may be awarded to Its number. 1 lie first distribution ol awards will be mnde Imme diately upon the receipt of bV.uuo subscriptions of K each. Hie distribution will be public, aud under tha direct supei vision ol the corporators. Persons at a distance are requested to remit their suhserlpllcns (when practicable) by Pont Ollice money oider, or registered letter, lo insure prompt delivery. , Direct all letter lo ! J. D. HOFFMAN, Secretary Board ol bupervlsors, : ' . Box I4l P.O.. Philadelphia.. Tlie following Is a schedule ol tlie awards to be niaoe under the Drsl distribution. Tbe Items of Dia monds and oilier prctou stones were purchased Irom clllrsns of the rtouia during tue war. and their genuineness Is certithd to by Messrs. Ilenle A Bros., Ibe mot tex tensive diamond Importers In Hie country, aud by J. Uermauu, diamond setter. New York. . , ' T 1 GETTY8BURQ ASYLUM FOR INVALID 60L DiEHh, Incorporated by Act of Assembly of tbe Common wealth of Pennsylvania, March , IKH7. Office, .No. il26 CUEbNUT btreet, Philadelphia. ' FIRST DIbPOSITIOJT. Eighty Tbonsand FnbsrrlUeis at Five Dollars Each. 1 1 Diamond Necklace; 48 brliliauia. valued at J l Diamond Cluster Brooch aud Ear (30,000 18,000 10,i HX) 7,000 6.00tl 6,( 4. WI0 4.000 1 4,onO 4.000 4,000 8,600 8,1 HI 8 000 8,000 8.01)0 t.MO 8,600 5. fcOO 2.U0O l.iOII 1.600 1,61 HI rings : S 1 Award io-4U Government Bouda... 4 1 Diamond Cross set iu sliver. ' 6 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.... 8 1 Award ln-40 Government Buuds... ' 7 1 Diamond blngl btooe King...... 8 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet........... ( 1 Dluniund Hli gle Stone bcarl Plu. Its 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch mm.... . II 1 Diamond cluster Bracelet. lit 1 Pair blugle bione Dlamoad Ear riti gs m...... . ....................... .......... 18 1 Diamond Cluster Brooch.. 14 1 Award 10 4t Government Bonds... IV- 1 Diamond blngle Btoue Fin..... IK Diamond blugle btone biud. 17 . 1 IHamond Cluster Brooch..... ...... Is r 1 Diamond blngle B one Klnn. ... ID 1 Diamond aim Emerald Brooch.... SO 1 Diamond biugle btone Ring. . 21 1 Diamond Cluster Ring...- M 22 1 Long India Camel's Hair shawl 2-i 1 Choice Ku.eraid blud 4 1 blugle btoue Diamoud King. . 1,000 1,000 800 8110 : 6oo ' 500 600 600 600 ' 400 " 861) 25 to 34 10 Awards of iu-tu uoveruinent Bond., each 80 lTbree-stone Diamoud and Buoy, - hall hoop Ring....... ... . 86 1 Diamond blniile Hloue Ear Knobs (7 1 Pair Diamond Cluster binds ,. i as 1 Diamond blugle Btoue King, star setting 89 1 Diamond binnle btone Pin ' 40 1 Diamond Cluster Bracelet..... ' 41 to 60 10 Award oi tu-40 Uoverumeut Bonds, each fit 1 Laoy's Dlumond set Waicli. ...... 62 1 Diauiunri blngle btone King - bit 1 Diamond and Opal Cluster Ring... 64 1 Diamond blugle btone Klug. ....... ' ' 66 1 Pair Emerald Hcarf Pins. 6 1 Diamond blugle btoue blud., '' 67- 1 Diamond Cluster Pin. 6s i Cameo and Pearl Brooch aud Ear Rings 69 to 158 100 Awards, lu-M Uoverumeut Bonds, each . 69to2S8 100 Awards, Goveruuieul Legal-leu- ders, each .i.i 8000 Awards, Government Legal-lea 260 2IHI . 800 1,V) 100 ; ; ioo "' 100 60 ders, eacu .......... o The distribution of the aboveawards will be made In public as soon as ibe subscription Is full, of which due notice will be given through the papers. The Dia monds are uow.ou exhlbtlou at the Ollice of the Asso ciation. . . i . , . The publlo can confidently rely on everything being conducted lo tlie most honorable and fair manner. All the awards will be baudoci to certlUcale holders, im mediately after the distribution, free of all cost, at the Ollice of the Cou-pauy, No. ILtt CUEdNUT btreet, Philadelphia. , ' . CERTIFICATE. ' ' We hereby certlly thai we have examined the Dia mond Goods, Pearls, Emeralds, Rubies, and other J. HERMANN. Diamond belter. No. 894 BROOME btreet, New York, AGENTS WANTED. , Book can be bad containing Twenty Certificates, ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS. All orders for Certificate must be addressed to ' J, D. HOFFMAN, Secretary, 8 IS ' . Box 1481, P. O.. Philadelphia. EXHIBITION OF PAINTING AND SCULPTURE: Th Forty-Fourth Annual Exhibition OF THB j PENNSYLVANIA ACADEMY OF FINE ARTS ' CHEBNUT STREET, ABOVE TENTH. Is now open day and evening, from 9 A. M. till 7 P M. , aud from till lolu thee reulug. ; Admittance, 28 cents. beano u Ticket, 60 cents. 4 22 881 ASSEMBLY BUILDINGS. I MYbTKRY TRlUMPHANi. t btcond w eek ot TUELUBIN BROTHERS J in their ojjjpj. CONJURATIONS, I Tbe beautilui AN'i HROPoULObal aud the comi cal LILLIPUTIAN FAMILY, EVERY NlUHT, AND WEDNESDAY , AND BA'iURDAY AFTERNOONS, Admission, 86 cents. Reserved beats, 60 cents, ! MATINEES. ' Adults, 86 cents. Children, 15 cents. 1 8 18 6t, nONCEEI HAL L.-H A R T Z J Will commence MONDAY, May 20, IN HIS CELEBRATED MAGICAL SEANCES. To continue EVERY EVENING tor TWO WEEKS, ilalluees WEDNESDAYS uud SATURDAYS, al 2 Among other Miracles. THE MYSTERY. I A HUMAN HEAD t LOATi NU IN THE AIR, THE INbTAN'l AN EOUb GROWTH OF LOWER3, THE DEVIL'S HAT aud bTRlKlNU WATCHES J Will be introduced for tbe FIRbT TIME. i Tickets 60 ceuts; iti-served beats, 81. Cau be se emed, coniiiieiicing Friday, May 17, at Charles Truiu. pier's M usic btore, corner bevenlh aod Chesnut streets, aud al the Hail. Matinees Children, ball price. Doors opeu ai7)l Matinees at if-j. CHAS. LEVI, Matiager. F OX'S AMERICAN VARIETY THEATEBL JMMJ-NbK ATTRACTION. FOX'S COMBINATION T ROUPS I tvwii avrjMivu, , i 0 RA ND CORI DE BA LLKT.COM IX" PA NTOM IM1 E'ililOPIAN BURLESQUE, COMIC PANTOMIM8 XTEW EI.EVFNTH BTREET OPERA UOUfil IN fcDEVFNTH birH, above CD EH NUT. "tlM, 1AMILV UAKT' fi. run Tin; , NKisoN, I'sRkthllsN a IlIAEVN niltSiUCIA. the Ureal Star Troupe of the World, lu thoir Git jinI ETHIOPIAN bOLHEES, SONUS, DANCKfi, JNKw BURLFisUUES, aud PLANTATION SCENES., Duo. open at 1 o'clock. Commencing at o'oloc H J. L. CAltNCItOSS. US.'Sl. GERJUAMA 0RCUESTKA.-PL?BLIC 1 8E licarsals every SA'iURDAY Ari'EKNOO i , a MUSICAL FUND 11 A LL, 8i o'chek. Eiigagenieiiia made by aodiwi,,,, UXlRGE BAS'lEKl, Agenj, ao. 12ol MONTEREY St., between Koa atid V'u. l 8 The le reneaisal will take ul' ' J""e HOI FOR tMITH'S '.aIV-uvIitv -BEAUTI I- UL XPiwxiXUkJfT nfc EX ERCIbK 1 HEjUATH-E EKTALNMENT OF THE BEb'i' KIND. '.VJHVauV LAKEMEYKR . I Tlulorms herirlends and the publlo y luiorms noi i uiiAil Island PI, . nr Ajrt ... . ,-..,. . .r irleliu. uir iiuuiiu anna XrTurXZMvZZ U.. W Wua Plea.,ur Orouud known as 1TH lHLANDi .1 on .rNDiY next. May f sn Invites all to con. e and enjoy wlV ",,,,hu ' lul fvoru sum. met rtavrt. ... 8oti rnTKianTeUuiuerci,oeu iu uJuu, ii""m n?'.. Ucb;.w7ihih 1 O. ZO JUA A lb IX LiBUB.weW X UriC. 1 AMUSEMENTS. MKIUCAN ACAUhM X0F MUSIC I blX CXAhSICAL ErTTICUTAISrirKNTS. , i ' i . MRS, f. W. LANDER ' ' " Ioher great Classic and Illstoiio Impersonation 0 ELIZABETH, QUEEN OF ENGLAND, pronounced by Critics as superior to WstOrl la thJ same part, . . . , f . OPENING NIGHT, TUESDAY, itay Jl.,., Box sheet now open at Trnmpler'B Mnsle Btor, corner bEVKNTH and t'HmNL'T Hlreets, where seats may be secured lor auy performance during the season. Malmee. H' nrday. Mav 2.1. Admission to Ine Parrmtjue, Parquett Circle, and Balcony. ONE DOLLAR. No extra charge lor Reserved Beat. Family Circle. Fluy Cenla. . , Amphitheatre, Twenty live Cents, Proscenium Boxes, tin, ACADBMT OK M V HI COMPLIMENTAHY TESTIMONIAL J1ABTOW Htfil,, WiDNEbDAY All KB NOON, MAYli, 1S67. 1 Reserved Beat Tickets Jl.lor sal at TrnmpleT"!! MiihIo btore, corner BEVENTH aud CUKhNUT blreetfl. 14 4t EW CHESNUT STREET TIIEATUE FIK IU NlGili' OF . JULiA DALV. t and revival of DION BOTJCICAULT'S " great drama, lu ihtee ai ls, entitled tb - , tXiLI EE. BAWN; ' ' - Oil. THE BKlDlvO OF UA KKVOWEN. - Klly O'Couner Mini JULIA DALV bA'll'RDAV AFIEKNOON, GRAND FAMILY MATIN KE. WALNUT STREET THEATRE,' N . E. corner of NINTH and WA-LK OT Blreels.' Begins atfe to 8 o'clock. mi. ' BOUCIOATJLT'8 1 1 thrilling drama (esteemed by himself his most tfleclive production) of je'anie deans. .:;,.) jkanik okanh, having been received ou each evening with CNblBPAbbED KV1DF.MK OF FAVOH, will ba presented every night until further nollcei New scenes by Wltbam. , , blHAN DENIN Ab JKANTB DWANB. ; ' Act I View ot Edinburgh: Ilia Discovery. Act 11 Realisation of Lauder's Picture, th "Trial Ot Kflie Deans." , Act ill Preparations for th Execution; Attack; on tbe Tolbootu. . . . . Conclude with BrongTiarn's ExtravagaotA of " ' l'ti-Cti-HON-l A!i. . , BUftAN DENIN A8 POCOHONtAS. ' M R.S. J0JT1N DREW'8 ARCH BTEEE Begins at H to 8 o'clock, i. THEA1KK. BENEFIT 'OF Mil, DAN BRYANT. ' ' I . 'lO-NlGHT (Friday), May 17, : . . First NiRhl of the gresl Drama, ' ' bliAAlUM G'BKIAN; . OR, TirE BOLD BOY OF OLfcGAtt, ' with lis great cast, flue (Heels, songs, and dance.' bhamus O Brlai ....Mr. DAN HRYaNI LITTLE MACJbC In lb JtUcroWlSI JiU To couclude with , TDB1 1RI81I TUTOR. r'T?' Dr.O'Toole.. . Mr. DAVf BRYANI In rehearsal-THE BELLS OF bHaNDON.- REAL ESTATE SALES- Tl PUBLIC KALK CITY PBOPERTr I Business Loca TDOMAb t-ONb, Auctioneers, . tion, lhiee-stoiv brick dweillns. No. 4.11 Haca stieet, w ith lour dwellings lu the rear, ou BichaxUsoa sueet. , l urstiantto ordinances of the. Helect and Common Councils ol the City of Phliaiieipliia. will be sold at Publio bale, without reserve, by order ol Commis sioner ol l ily Properly.! n Tuesday, May 88. 1S67. at 12 o'clock. Noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, tbe lollowiug described real estaie belonging to th City, of Philadelphia! '- . 1 , - . ... - - . No. 1. - All that lot of ground, with the messthvr now erected thereon, situate ou the north side of Race street, 68 feet 8 Inches east of Filth Btreet, No. 481, con taining lu front on Fac street, 18 teell inches, and extending of that width so leet, with the right and privilege Into au U leet 10 Inch wide court, called Richardson's court, leadlug southward Into the said, Bacestreet. c . ,, . j,v ., .-.u off , fru No. 1 . ' All that lot of ground, with the messnage sow erected liiertou, situate on the west sldeot Richard sou's court ibelng No. 1), so feet north of Knee street, containing In front on Blcburdson' court feet 8 Inches, and extending of that width 1 feet 10 Inches, with use and privilege of the privies al th north end ol said Richardson's court. . Mo. 8. . . - ' All that lot of around, with the tnesurjage novr elected thereon, sliuata on th west side of RJcbard boii's court (being No. 2), U leet 8 Inches north of Race street; containing in Irout on Richardson' court 81 leet 9 inches, and extending of thai width 19 leet 10 Inches, with the use and privilege of th privies on the north end oi said Richardson's court. .... No. 4. . . i ; All that lot or ground, with tbe messuage now erected thereon, situate on tbe weal side ol Richard- win. vuui ir uriiii a-u. o, iti jeet o inones uurtu or Race street; containing la front on Richardson's oourt 21 leet lo Inches, aud extending ol that width 19 leet 10 Indies, with the use and privilege of tbe privies en the north end of said Ricliarduou's court, , r No. t. . ''- JIT All that lot of ground, with tbe messuage thereon Creeled, sltuale on the west side of Richardson's the north end of said Rlcliardsou's court. iso. i. . . Business Stand, 2-iory brick ' building, Fronl street, norlh ol Noble. All that lot of ground, will tbe 2,-lory brick building thereon ereoled, eltuau on the east side of Front street. 42 teet3 Inches nortl of Noble street, iu the Eleventh Ward; containing Is front on Front slreel 21 feet 9 iucuos, and xtenJui in depth 62 feet. . NO.1. . ..... r '.... Lot, corner south and Carbon streets. Twenty-fonrtV Ward. All that lot of ground, situate; on th M. Ei. corner of South aud Carbuu streets, lu the Twenty fourth Ward; containing Id fiontoobouta street 10 feet, and exleudlug In depth aloug Carbon street 2o No. 8. J 1 Two-BDd-a-half-story irame building, Front stroet. north of Noble.-All that lot of ground, with the two and ahall-fctory frame building thereon ersoted. situate on lb east side ot Frout street. In tbe Eleven IU Ward, 84 leet sXt lucbes north oi Noble street, thenca extending easterly at right angle 62 leeti theace e x tending northerly 21 feel 9 Inches; thence extending; westerly 62 feet 1H Inch to Frout street, and then co extending southerly along Fronl street 26 feet and ii. oi an men to tne place oi oeginniug. i Terms Cash or, at the option ol th purchaser, twenty per cent, of tbe purcbaa money may ba paid, in cash, aud the balauce secured by bond aud mort gage of the premises, payable lu flv year, with In terest at the rai ol six per ceut. per annum, payabla semi-annually on tbe first days of July and January lu each year, with, th usual stipulation to be Inserted In said bond and mortgage, that In case ol default la payment of interest lor thirty days, the whole princi pal sum shall thereupon become due and recoverable by law: Provided, Thai wher the lot of ground hereby authorised to be sold Is unimproved and vacant, tlie purchaser, at bis option, iu lieu of the said mortgage to secure the balauce of the purchase money as above mentioned, may have tba said balance charged upon tbe ground bygrouudTentdeedordeeds, lu ibe usual form. The said grouud rents thereby created to be paid In equal semi-annual payments oo, the first ot July and Jauuary In each year. And pro vided thither. That tha purchasers shall pay all ex penses for deeds, bonds, mortgages, stamps, acknow ledgments, and other expenses lu lb matter of makli.'g th conveyauc from the city to th pur chasers, .i . ' :i ,.,.:: ' bee plaus at the Auction Rooms. M. '1 UuMAS A bONS, Auctioneer. 4 25 lm 12t Nos. 189 and 141 a FOURTH Street. PUBLIC SALE-CITY PROPERTY A ii. ' M. 1 HOM AS A SONS, Auctioneers. Larg and Valuable LOT, N. W.t'drnwoflWEKTl. 'itiiitii Mnn I ii hSMi'r nihwim. iroiiLinir ftiHO (ill O'weiiiy-fourth street aud Slme streets, ihree Valua- - hie Fronts. - Pursuaul to ordinances of th Beleot adCommoa Councils of the city of Philadelphia, will be sold at public sale, without reserve, by order of the Comails sloter ol City Property, , . . Ou TUESDAY, May r7, lf7, at Ho'clocK, Noon, at the Philadelphia Exchange, , - AH that lot of ground situate on the north sid of Chesnut street, hegiuulng at the northwest corner of 'lwenty-lhlrd street, and exleudlug along said Ches nut street W feet lo Twenty-lout th street, and In deulh northward saofeeHo a tweu ty-four leet street called Simes street- Bounded on the north by Slinea slreel. ou the eajii by 1 wenly-tblid street, aod oo tha south by t:besnu slieet, ana on the west by Twenty liwitli x'reel, lately, occupied by th Philadelphia Ga. vt'o1KS. , 'j lis above will be divided Into 40 lots, and sold ac cording to a plan that maybe seen al lbs Audio Rooms the purchaser to have the privilege ol taking four additional lots adjoining each other. 1 erms-20 per cent oi the purchase tuonejr shall b paid in cash at the liiu of the delivery ol the deed and the balauce may be secured ou the premises by mortgage or ground-rent deeds, or may t paid li cash, al the option ol the purchaser. , , M. THOMAS SONS, Auctioneer, 4tflmfl t Nos. l;isnd 141 S. FOURTH Street. s .... i:.. : 4b .'J . ' ' Pmemr of Natural :Flovext, A, M. PQWELL, Ro. 723 ABC1J Btreet. Below Eghth Bouoiiets, Wreaths, Baskets. Pyramids ol Cut FK.J erfuruihdtooiderl'iesot-. 18811 I i . J n-