THE DAILY EVENING TELEGRAPH PHIL AD ELPHI A, THURSDAY, MAY 16, 1867. THE DO&iES OF THE GREAT YO-SEBIITE. Jrt the Jldilor dS the Kvcning I'clepraph. FniLADKLFBU, May lfi. U the writer of this article were to lollow ke tiBRRO consecrated by Mm and tradition, lie would bave to commence his remarks by making complimentary allusion to the valuable paced yonr journal, and indulge In a n tim ber of ap"lofrics lor venturing to encroach upon its columns. I shall do neither; for your recent exhaustive essays upon the Fine Arts (as repre sented in the present annual exhibition of our Academy) have abundantly proved that the interest you feel in matters pertaining to the arts is sufficiently to warrant the belief that you will inert this c mtmmication. I Am one of the few who bave fa'.th In the artistic abilities ol American painters, and bo Heve that a penerous recognition of their merits should be fairly accorded them. Amoug tho names of t'uone that are found at the head ot the list of fine lamlHcape artists is Albort flier, stadt; and, until the other day, a great many unsophisticated persons believed that he was capable of producing a work of some merit, and there were some few to be found who backed their Ideas on the subject by paying thousands of dollars for his productions. Unfortunate creatures! how dreadfully harrowed will they be after a perusal of the slashing criticism that appeared in last Saturday's New York Tribune on this artUt's last painting! It may be perti nent to tne subject in hand to stale, for the benefit of the uniuiWed, that theie are two ways of being toncidered a successful critic. The first manner is to be delighted with every thlug, to distribute praise rUrhtund left, to writhe and grovel belore works are from the easels of celebrated painter?. This is one way of writing about paintings, and it has been made to pay ; but our critical friend of the Tribune seems to consider the other method tho best, for reasons best known to himself. Consequently he wields a trenchant blade, and Is merciless to those who have not taken pains to conciliate him after the fashion he likes best. There arc, then, two styles of criticism, and In like man ner there are two classes of critics. In the tirst class we tball place the man who, having studied the works of the best masters in all countries, draws as result of their study this lessou that In all conf-cientous efforts to reproduce the beautiful in nature, a certain amount of good is to be lound ; in fact, a critic of this class feels a large share of sympathy with all who endeavor to repment nature in a poetic sense, and never thinks ot preaching from a fanciful eminence to the abashed crowd of art-followers, as the in ferior art critic would do. Our second-clnss writer is distinguished from the first by this great feature he knows abso lutely nothing in reference to nature, and, for the matter ot thai, very little about art; but his great forte is fliopancy, and this is a very strong point indeed. How easy it is lor such an one to examine iu a few miuutes the work of an artist, who has, perhaps, given months upon months to the development of the subject, rnd then, with a few lines of witty scribbling, con sign both artist and picture to the contemptuous miles ot the public 1 Our carping friend of the Tribune belongs to this category; but he over estima ea his force if he thinks he can displace Bierttadt lrom the estimation in which he is held by amateurs. The Domes of the Yo-Semite is now on exhi bition iu New York for the beuotit of a Suutu eru relief fund, and the lady managers ot the exhibition have a printed description of the work scattered arouud the room, iu order to ex plain the points of interest of the picture t visitors. A few complimentary allusions are there to be tound in reference to merits of the artists, and these laudatory remarks seem to have had a maddening effect upon the temper of our critical friend. I extract from his own article the remarks fiom the priuted descrip tion that excites his ire. Here they are: "Famous as other paintings or Mr. Blerstadt have become, llils, tils latest gut to Ilia world of art, merits the highest adruirallou ever accorded to bis guulus, The singleness ol us Idea, the sublimity of Its subject, lhe masterly skill which nan drawn lis perspective, and deludes us with lu seeintuxiy eudiess iter I a I dU- lanceB, ueiray tun revereui woisuipper ol the lleauu lul, and the uutalterlug artist," To those who have looked with unqualified admiration upon this artist's Bublinie production of "The Storm in the Rocky Mountains,"' this does not seem by any means too ereat a meed of praise to accord to one who Is certainlv a con- sclentious student of nature, and yet It Is over powering in Its effect, for with con.entrated ppite does the writer in the Iribune exclaim : "Wby Mr. Blerstadt should think for a moment of fallenug, wlih such backers as this all over i "e 11 md we really do not know. It will be. to our miu a plain case of flying la the face or Frov iuc". w wish, with all our hearts, he would taller." I am sorry that I cannot agree with the wish to heartily expressed, but, on the contrary, fervently pray that an artist of Buch power and ability as Mr. Blerstadt may long continue to give us such delightful renditions ot nature's charms as may be found in this last ereat work of the Yo-Bemlte. Lover of nature have al wajs been solemnly impressed with the abun dance of beauty that the Creator has lavished on all lands. The apparent waste of lovelluess that grows and decays in solitude is a lesson for us all, impressing us as it does with the Illimitable resources of our Heavenly father, vho renders the most inaccessible retreats' monuments of His glory aud His goodness! Fancy, for a moment, the woodland gleus where the foot of man has never fat crushed the modest daisy or tram pled upon the waving fern. The flowers bud and grow in beauty. The chequered sun light silvers here and there the murmuring river, and we canuot look thereon. To those who pass their lives in the study and research of these beauties, we owe a debt of gratitude for presenting to us the counterfeit presentments of such woody nooks; and foremost among them all may be placed tho name of Blerstadt, the adventurous artist whose labors have ren dered us familiar with the severe grandeur of the Eocky Mountain range, and with the soli tude of Its woods. But our friend of the Tribune interrupts us at this point, and tells us, la the dogmatic style usual to bis class, that "Mr. Blerstndl Is entirely dead to all senBU of what fa nrnnerlv termed color. He iiuinia with asues, with clay, with brimstone, but never with light. He ha but little accurate knowledge of nature, either In her ceueral forms or in her detail; the proof ot which Is at hand in the cloud-drawing of the present picture, in the vegelallou throughout, and Iu the uninterest ing aud uuvarled foreground." The readers of this communication cannot at present see the picture under consideration, but en attendant we would advise any person Inte rested In the subject to examine the right-hand foreground of "Mount Hood," now on exhibl tion at Uie Academy of Flue Arte. A rjsore ex quisitely truthful rendering of foreground, both In color and form, I have never seen; and yet the foreground in the "Domes of the Yo Bemlte," which Is at least as equally well realized, causes the writer in the Tribune to regard the very qualities which I, In common with thousands of others, admire, as lacking in color, form, and detail. But perhaps, after all, I do not know as well as the gentleman who "uses up" Brlerstadt in such an unceremonious manner. A thorough acquaintance with the wrks of every landscape painter both in Europe and America, may not help in any way to form a comparative idea of the various merits of artists. A love and de light In studying nature, in all her changeable forms and moocl, may not assist one in forming an opinion of the studies that are made from nature by landscape artists. All this is of no use whatever In aiding one to become a judge of the beautiful. No! it Is (rue, we were once vain enough to believe Hint that sort of study aided a man to become a judge of pictures; but our friend of the Tribune has convinced us that no other qualification is necessary but one of un blushing cheek, plenty of assurance, and a gift of gab. These are the attributes to render a sharp writer able to attack, with some noise, an artist who has produced a great work that will live for ages, namely "The Domes of the Great Yo-Pimite." DRY GOODS. 11 A. 1NTTNTII. 0 83 CENT LlffHS, 81 cent real French Jaconet Lawn. 1-1 ne display Fust Color Lawns at these prices. Freuch Organdies in rlcu designs. 25 (EST ui:nadineh. 2S cent Plaid Grpnadlnes, Blues, Greens, etc. Hi rent fluid Grenadines, nil the colors. Flue slock 81 aud 37 Hi In Dress Good. WHITE OOI.. White laree Satin Plaid Muslins. Kent ( net k Nainsooks, -triped and Plaid Muslins. India Twills, S isses, Bishop s Uwiis. Linen I ambric ana i.ouk Lawn. x (-client While Ploue, iu cems. Berlin Gloves lor Ladles and Children. Veil Bareges, two (mantles, all colors. Veil Greiadiiits Blues. Greens. Modes. Browns. Hosiery a lull ttock I, miles', good qualities, t.enis Half Hose kimmI Englisu. for 60 cents. Gems' Hdkfs. Hemstitched, Hemmed, Colored Bolder, etc. 5 dozen Ladles' Hemstitched Hdkfs., 2.1 cents. Miperb assortment Ladles Hemstitched Hdkfs., single or e or dozen, at lower prices than fur yeuis. liiif n Collars aud Culls. I.I.XEVS. Complete Stock Irish Linens, bv the yard or piece. Table Damasks, every grade, trow 5n cenu to s;c40 per yarn. T els some r cent n od bargains. Butcher's and Shoe l.tii-ns, oy the yard or piece. billow Linens a lair ussortmeut. Very cheap now good lime to buy. (2,0 and :ri o Quilts, several kinds. 1 1 i stuth4p Marseilles Quilts, every size aud quality, $3 to tlo IAEV.ES M'MULLAN, SUCCESSOR TO J. V. COWELL & SON, HAS IN STOCK AND RECEIVING DAILY A LARUE SUPPLY 01' HOUSE-FURNISHING DRY GOODS. The facilities he has for supplying his customers with the BEST GOODS at the LOWEST RATE are unsurpassed. He has now a full line ot LINEN SHEETINGS, at reduced prices. Also, PILLOW-CASE LINENS. TABLE CLOTHS AND NAPKINS. TABLE DAMASK by the yard. TOWELS AND TOWELLING by the yard. MARSEILLES, LANCASTER, HONEYCOMB and ALLENDALE Q LILTS. FLANNELS, greatly reduced In price. SHEETING AND SHIRTING MUSLINS. FURNITURE CHINTZES AND DIMITIES. PIANO AND TABLE COVERS. TOILANET by the yard. WHITE GOODS SELLING OFF CHEAP. RICHARDSON'S LINENS always a specialty. AH goods warranted to be what they are sold for, at the 4 20 sinth3ut H. YV. (OK. SEVENTH AMD CIIEMNCT. No. llul CHESNUT Street. E. M. NEEDLES & CO., AT THEIR NEW STORE, H W. Corner Eleventh and Cheenut WILL OPEN ON WEUNl'.NDAY DIAV1, BLACK TIIKKAD LACS SHAWLS. BLACK LLAMA LACE fcHAWLS, Willi K LLAMA LACE SHAWLS, Ol entirely new designs, at LOW PRICES. iw j-.iiJHttHa IQI 1 'QM SPRING ASSORTMENT liousc-Hiniishtng Dry Goods, CONSISTING OF LINEN, C'OTTOK, AND WOOLLEN OOOON FOR UOl'NEIIOLD I7HE, AT VERY REDUCED PRICEW, BUCH AS MNKN SHEETINGS, ICOTTON BITKETINQS, PILLOW JjlirIN, m,lAW MUSI.1KS, DAMASK TABLK. TABLK IJNKNb. Cl.O'l jib. 2 to 7 yards long, DAMiSK NAfKTNa, QUIL'lb. BORDKltlOl TOWKLd, BLANKETS. EMBItOIDEEKD TABLE AND PIANO COVERS, JlTO, KTC SHEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRISON, t U lOtrp NO. 1009 CUESNCT TBEJET, DRY GOODS. LINEN STORE. 28 AltOH KTKEF.T. Largest Llucn Stock In the City. VRRAT BEIX7CTIOX IW PRICKS. I.I Kit N RETAILIWU AT I VI PORTER 8 PBICM, Lately opened, direct from Europe, FINE NCOTCII APKINM. TAIltK CLOTHS AND HICIIARDMON'N H A PH INN. TARI.E CI.OTII ANI NCOT II TOWEEI.ISHJH.M AKCE OOI. ItLOOM IAMAK TOWCM. LIKEN IIII LI. STAIR CHANII, BED IMIRVER. I1HUWN LINE CHUM II CLOTH, S ARD 4 YARD WIUK. HEVKRALBALK POWER LOON TilILK LISJEAM. LINEN CAMBRIC DHESES, NEW T LEW, PRINTED KIIIBTINU LINENS, ETC. aiOIlGrl3 MILLIKEN, LINEN IMPORTER AND DEALER, 4 5thstu3mrp No. 838 ARCH STREET. CHEAP LINEN GOODS. SKEPPARD, VAN HARLINGEN & ARRIS3N, NO. 1008 CHEM.WT STREET, Are dow receiving from the recent AUCTION MALES, SOME VERY CHEAP LOTS OF KARNStLEY SHEETINM,TOWEL,HUCK- ABACUS AND OTHER LINEN UOODS, To which they Invite the attention of buyers, AS BLING NEARER TO OL.D Pit ICE than anything they have been able to cU'er. 5 it loiro WANTS. WANTED, FIVE HUNDRED RECliUITS lor l lie 17. H. Murine Corps. Recruits mint oe able-bodied, ynun. iiomai rled men. They will he en plojed in the Government Navy-yards and in buips oi vv ar on loieiKn stations. or turtner luiur niatlon apply to JAMLS LliWlS, Captain and Kocruitlnn Oillcer, 4 19 rmw tf No, XII FHiiNTbireet. DRACG Him AN' WANTE D A FIRST class LraiiKiimniaa wanted (uone other need apply) at the olhce of JU11JN .MCA III MU it, JR., S 10 3t Ko. H, blXTil htreet. JAKE A LIFE POLICY IN THE BROOKLYN LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK. OFFICE: X. E. Cor. SEVLNTII and CHESNUT. E. B. COLTON, 2 232 CiENERAI. AUENT. EDDINC OF EVERY DESCRIPTION AT REDUCED PIXICISS. WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, NO aa BID6E AVENUE NEAR TINE ST. 3n, J. G. FULLER. TTNITED STATES ENGINEER OFFICE U No. 209 a. B1XTI1 Street. 1'HiLADKi.i'HiA. May 15, 1S67. TtVPAIRS AT MARCUS H(M)K. PA, Roaled ProDusals. In duultcute. with a copy of llils udverliaemf ni anacneu to each, win u r (Hiveil at thin oltlce unill twelve o'cUick M. k ati I ItUAY. Juue 1. 18o7. lor Mrtterlitis aua Lubor lor repairs ot Govern ruent Wharves aud LudUHjCS at Murcus Hook, Fa. Iseparale proposals muht tie made for each clubs ol inaienal, and for labor. Cup lots, bridge Umbers, tuoorlne posts, etc., tn Iih ol white riint-: hIho. miner courses of vhuiven, tie and wharf tlmu r, and plllutf ot In in lock, tenders, etc., ot white o.iK. I'mpomls will fclale the lute per monlnx fool of timber, per foot ot luce, aud pur loot of b mrd meiimre, as the ciise may be; the rate per pouud of bolls nnu otner iron worKH, etc All IiinitTiaiB to uvui uie uei iuiii-j , llvunlil.- at such Dolnts at or near Murcus llook as may be required, and lo be subject to In spection and approval nciore being useu. The proposals for labor to stale Ibe rate per fool or fiiee, per lineal foot, ami per fool board nu nuire. etc.. as measured iu Dlace. and tht-se rales lo coverall labor neceKsary for putting the w orks in good rt oalr, such an removing old work and obstructions, receiving, oaring for, framing, pulling together, aud replacing the materials lo be used or moved. All work done lo be subject lo Inspection and approval before paymeui is made, and twenty per centum to be deducted from any payment, that may ba made before the completion of ttll the labor. Each bid must bo guaranteed by two respon sible persons, whose Mnuulurea should be ap- Delldtd to Llm nuurnnloii. mill who aUOUld b" certified to as being good and nuftlcienl (security, by the United Htales Dlsli let Judge, Attorney, Collector, or other public ofll-er. Envelopes to be eudoraed "Proposals for Ke palis of Government Wharves, etc." Ulds will be opened on Saturday. June 1, 18ti", at 12 o'clock M. ISidders are invited to be pi sent. For particulars, Inquire at this office. U HEAKOUTIf HI'kWAKT. 510Ht MbJ. of Engineers and llvt. Iit.-Col AMERICAN CONCRETE PAINT AND ROOF 1 i lade i.lila.-Koonomy, Promptness, Kelialnliiy. 1 '''? P.ttl",l.w.11' ur"Br ve Wood"aiii MeiaW. KU"f Kalimt all daaiiuean and wt, and thoroutflily pre- ii L. u int ii iv. , "n t(H" r '"UK prwarved wun this Paint. Koofti il every kind, old Hliinulea hicludd. covereo. repaired, and made perfectly tlKht and war-'V!-aAU "f'1"" ''ve tuomutitteullon. Work 6 8 inirpj JUhKPH LKEDH. Actuary, Lmuu y D. Hoiujix, Superluieadeut of Work. Q L E N ECHO MILLS, CIERSIANTWir, PHILADELPHIA. McCALIlJMS, CREASE & SLOAN, No. 509 CHESNUT STREET. MANUFACTURERS OP THREE-PLY CARPKTIH GS, EXTRA BUPER 1NUKAXN SUPERFINE INUKAXN, FINE INUUA1N, TWILLED AND PLAIN VENETIAN, BUOH. MATH. ETC. (JANTON MATTINGS, FRESH IMPORTATIONS, All AVicltliH unci Style. M CAUUMS, CREASE & SLOAN No. 509 CHESNUT STREET. RETAIL DEPARTMENT, No. 519 CHESNUT STREET. JIlTALLl'MS, CUEASE & SLOAN, REMOVAL OF TOWNSEND & CO. TO No. 50 North SECOND Street, BELOW ARCH, EAST SIDE. CAiirEmcs, ETC. The nttentlon ot our rietids and patrons Is called to our REMOVAL, To. 'o. 59 North bELONI) Street, below Arch tut,! side, wl ere It will be our alia to keep In store Eucn GOODS only as we have every con fidence will give satisfaction to our ou.v torn ei s. l 30 stu th 2m rp t . (jAlU'ETlNUal J. T. DELACROIX. No. 37 South SECOND Stret Has received per late arrivals, ajarge and varied assortment of J. CUOMSLEY A NOK'N BRrUELS CAB PtTlNUM, NEW DEWlWSM. Also, a large line 01 Three-ply Extra (Super 2d Fln INGKAIN CARPETING, COTT AGE aud H ' 'J CAR rkTK. Oli, ULAJ'l'HB. BHAIsiU). ClU. WUlcn Will I old at greatly reduced prices, wuoiesaie ami reuui. J. T. DELACROIX, NO. 87 Houtb SECOND Street, Between Market and Chesnnt streets. N. B. Particular attention paid to the fitting upo' Otlici B and l oimtlnK-roonis. x am QANTON MATTINGS, I'AUrETIKCIS OIK. ILOTIIS, WINDOW SHADES, ETC. ETC. ETC., WHOL.KSA1.E AND 11KTAIL.. JOHN It. WHITE, NO 13 NORTH SECOND STREET, IS NOW OFFERING THE ABOVE CIOODM AT TEBY LOW FIGURES. CALL AND BEE. 5 81m WATCHLS, JEWELRY, ETC. 1028 CHESNUT. I. J. TAYLOR, J E "W E L L E Ifc. The attention ot the public Is Invited to my Stock, comprising FINE WATCHES, DIAMONDS, SILVER-WARE, ELEUAMT JEWELRY, . CLOCK, III MIC BOXF.1, And all articles appertaining to the trade offered at reduced prices. WATCHES REPAIRED AND WARRANTED. t fO0 IUZiO. 8 2Atuths3mSD c. D. KITCHEN, J E W E L E 1, S.L Corner TKNTII and CHESMJT. UK EAT REDUCTION IN PRICES. DIAMONDS, WATCHES, JEWELRY, SILVER-WARE, URONZES. ALL GOODS MARKED IN PLAIN FIGURES. WATCHES AND JEWELRT CAREFULLY RE PAIRED. Particular attention paid lo Manufacturing aU arU- cles In our line. ICC PITCHERS. MEAD & CO., FORMERLY AT THE CORNER OF NINTH AND CHESNUT STS., ARE NOW AT No. 910 CHESNUT STREET, SECOND FLOOR, We have lust finished. In a very superior manner. OVER (1IKI) ONE HUNDRED NEW STYLES OF ICE PlTCllEJUS, all of our own plate, and warranted In every respect, which we .are now oQ'eriug at enormously low prices. ICE PITCHERS, Chased and Engraved, m.fs- . . . 9 line Chased-. lo o ' a " -ll'O ' Very floe and rich.. .U'0 ' HnperlorCliased aud Medalliou.18'0 Very Elegaul Medallion 16tK) MEAD & CO., Manufacturers, HO. 10 CHESNCT NTREET H8m SECOND FLOOR, SUMMER RESORTS. SUMMER RESORTG ON LINE OF Reading Itailroad ana Branches. 21ANS10N 1I0USE, MOUNT CARBON, Mrs. Carolina W under. Fottavllls P. O., BchaylklU county. TVSCAR0RA HOTEL, Mrs. Hannah Miller, Tutcarora P.O., Schuylkill co. MANSION HOUSE, a. W. Frost, Mahaooy City P. O,, Bchuylkltl county. WHITE HOUSE, Mrs. busan Mandorl, Beading P. O. ANDALUSIA, James 8. Madeira, Beading P, O. LI VJN G SPRIN GS JiO TEL, Dr. A.fcmllh, Weruersvllle P. O., Berks county. SOUTH MOUNTAIN HOUSE, II. U. Mauderoai'h, Wotnelsdorf P. O., Berks co. COLD SPRINGS HO TEL, Lebanon co. , Mrs. M, Bodermel, liarrlsburg r. O. B 0 YER TO VN SEMINAR Y l 11. btaofler, Boyertown P. O., Berks co. YELLOW SPRINGS HOTEL, A. U. Bnyder, Yellow Springs P. O., Chester co. LITIZ SPRINGS, H. Llchlenthaler Atton, Litis P, O., Lancaster co. EPPHRATA MOUNTAIN SPRINGS, A. P. leather, Kphrata P.O., Lancaster co. 13 6 2m QON CRESS HALL, CAPE INLAND, NEW JERSEY. This bagnincent HUMMER IIOTKL will open on the F1KS1' OF JUNE. Families wbo secure rooms from June 10 lo Sep tember 2, a period of twelve weeks, will be taken at reduced rates. Address. J. F. CAKE, CONGRESS HALL, CAPE ISLAND. S 11 stuthSt gURF HOUSE, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. The ibove House will be opeuedon the 1st of JUNE. For putllculurs, etc., addiesa ' W1I. T. I'ALKU PROPRIETOR, SS tt ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. C COLLEGE HILL HOTEL, POUGHKEEPSlE, J iEW OltK. 1 his dellghitul summer Hoiel, under the manage menl ol WILLIAM PEKRY, formerly pioprieior of the Colliimore House, JNew lorn, win oe upni.NJi.u hIioui June 1. Applicuiiou may be muiio to GEO HUE MORGAN, l'roi Dpi leior. 6 IU liu COUNTRY BOARD. VERY DESIRABLE accommodations aud excellent BOA RU cuu be hud at Moirliilow u, N. J tor u season ot twei ve weeks lrom the VWIh of June. Retereuces giveu and re quired. Address Post Otlice RbZ Nc. Hj. Atorrl.itowi New Jersey. 6 IU lirj SUMMER BOARDING.1 THAT SPLENDID, heaiihy, and pupulur place Known as CHESNUT GROVE, et Media (on the West Chesier Railroad), Delaware county. Peuusylvaula, is now opeu for the roooptlnu of guests 41h FOR SALE. FOR SALE OR RENT A WOOL uJji l'ullinir EHtuOllshmeiit. Willi 'I'.i acres of i.uuU. In Rur.liiuton. N. J.: or suitable for mauy 0Ui?i- manulucluni g iiurj oses. or a poitery yard. Apply to J. E. PHILLIPS, No. iil BROAD Street, Burling, lou. N. J. & 10 til FOR SALE OR TO LET THE HOUSE No. 4l LOCUST btreet, 28 by 120 feet; furnished 01 iuniurulabed. Apply at No. 221 CHESNUT street, 4 27 tt Second story. FOR SALE-74 ACRES OS THE fZ it Delaware, uear a siatlon. twenty miles fmm" nwu,wun lurnibiieu uouse, siaoie, ice-uouse, Ouk house, and woiksliop, old shade trees, abundunl Irull, uud a superior garden, with crops in. Apply to C. H. MUtRHEll), 6 8 lOt No. 205 S. SIXTH Street. TO RENT. C 0 Nn CERT HALL, Ibis eleuant and suacious Hali is now ready for RENT nightly or Bhoit seasons. It is particularly adapted lor Concerw, Leciurs, Fairs, Festivals, elc etc Connected with the sau e is a Banqueting Room seventy teet ioug and lifteeu leet wi. e, a coin niudious Kitchen aud Range, Hot and Cold Water, DresHing-Rooni. etc. For terms, apply to BEATTY & LUT1MAN, Lessees. 2J4w Box 106 Philadelphia P P., or at tho Hall. TO RENT AN OFFICE ROOM ON THE I first floor of No. 621 Chesuut street, the cbeaueet leutlu the City. Inquireol CHAMBERS k FRENCH, General Agents Wasnlugton Lite IusurauceCompuny, Bank pf the Republic Building, Noa. bos aud sli CHESNUT Street. 81 mA PLEASANT COUNTRY RESIDENCE TO RENT A large House, twelve rooms, haud buue lawn, ice-house t tilled), carrlage-bouse.alabliug, etc., 2, miles from Moorestowu, N. J., 24 lrom sta tion on C. aud A. R. 1L, l,1, from sieumboat lauding. Rent, :ou Inquire of T. EaRP, No. 1oZ8 ARCH Street, or address WM. A. GARRiGTJES, Moores town, BuillngUin county. N. J. 6 1(1 101 fn TO LET DWELLING UP TOWN, NINE MiUL looiiw, t-moue, 125; two, (18, central; one tour rouuis, rent, lo; one West Philadelphia, five rooms. 14. Apply No. &i7 RACE btreet, 5 10 Ul f TO RtNT, WITH POWER A FIRST- ia class jouuiiig juacuiue Shop In tne umnulaclur- na district: a line chance, and UARRleON Hi reels. Apply at Mill, HOWARD 6 10 lot ff A FURNISHhD HOUSE AT CHESNUT lj,niLI, 'lO RENT. Near the Depot. Addrens"Cues uut Hill," Box I20S, Post UlUce. 5 1& Sl BLANK BOOKS, OF TI1E BEST (JlALITr, ON HAND AND HADE TO ORDER, COUNTING HOLME MTATIONERT. E. H0SKINS & CO., BLANK BOOK MANUFACTURERS, STATIONERS AND PRINTERS, 1 1 tuthssnirp No. 018 ARCH STREET WEDDING CARDS. PARTY INVITATIONS. THE LATEST NOVELTIES. R. H08KII7S & CO., STATION CRM AND EHUBATEBI, I ltuthstmrp NO, ! ARCH MTBEET, AUCTION SALES. M rnii,ip Foan, Aoctionwr, cCLKLLANI) A COJi (Nnrrwwnin tn Vlillln Ford tv AUCTION D.JHUJ. Ho. Ui MARKET Btreet. SALE OF U00 CASKS Tuxyrfl, eHOES, BBOGAN8 i KTO. KTI). , On Monday Morntne, May 20, commencing at lo o'clock. w will soil, by ralalogue.loi casn. 14itOMeM,rt, Hnyt'and Youths' Hoots, hlinpfi. JlroRans, Balmoraln, io. AIo, Women's, Mlbnes', and Children s Wear, from city nd Kusiern nianufactiirers, euiDracius a general assortment of desirable goods. 6 16 si T0HN B. MYERS A CO., AUCTIONEERS O Nos, 2X2 and 284 MAHKET Wireet, LARGE erFriAL 8ALF, OF 10,000 DOZEN HOISIEKY, ULOVFjS, ETC. Ou Friday, May 17, at lu o'clock, Ifi.ino doren Garmao cotton hosiery, comnrlsmif while, brown, and mixed hose, half-hose, and children s three-quarter hose, all quali ties, of a rolutirnted linponallon. lso silk, llle tlireud, Berlin, and fancy spring gloves aud guuullels. it 4 LA BOB FOS1TIVE BALK OT CARPETIN08. CAM ON MATT1NMH, ETC. On rridny Morning, Mav 17. at 11 o'clock, will lie sola by catalogue, on four monilis' credit, about pieces superflna and flue ingrain, royal damask, Venetian, list benip, cottsg and rag carpeting:; HI rolls canton whliw und red check mni;innn, which may he eiamlned. early on the mornhiH ol snle. ftU6l LA EOF PFRF.MPTORY HALE OF FRENCH ANI OTUi B tUHOl'KAN HKY MOODS, KTC. tin Monday Morning, May 20. alio o'clock, will he sold by catalogue, on four mouths' credit, aliout mil lots ot French, India, Merman, and British dry goods, embracing a lull ufurinicnt of lancy and siRple articles in silks, worsteds, woollens, linens, and cottons. N. B. Unods arrangid lor examination, and cata logues ready early ou the morning of sale, IS 14 6t LAltOK PF.RFMPTORY bALEOF BOOTH, tTTOH8, lHAVli.Lt.INil ltAiu h.'rukU ufiikiku v 111 , On Tuesday Morning, ' lit May 21, will be sold, at lu o'clock, by catalosne. on Ss riiur niontlm' credit, about lsuo package boots, tboes.lbalmorals. elc, ot city und Eastern mauu lacture. Opeu for examination with catalogues early 00 the morulng of Bale, Lo I i it JM. (il'IUMEY & AL'CTIONEEES Ho. bos WALKUT btrseu Hold Regular Bales ot REAL TATE, bTOCKH, AND BFX'URITIES AT THE PHILADELPHIA EXCHANGE, xi tiiiuuiiin ui entii uriiiifriy iHUueu separately. lone catalogues 1 pulilislied and circulated, com containing Hllin A ,,a r full descriptions of property to be sold, as also, a par- lial list el property contained In our Real Estate Regis ter, and oilered at private sale. Sales advertised dally In all the dally newspapers, Ledger, North American, German Free Prens, In quirer, Evening Bulletin, (iarnian Democrat, Age, 'Evening Telegraph," Press, aud Legal Hiteliigeucer, Bale on Monday, May 20th, will Include Peremptory Sale LEAtSE AND FIXTURES OF Tllik DlSTli.i.EKV.NO. 618 MUCKLEY Street, lu-, eluding Conner SUIls. Mlxinu Tub. Musb Tub. Pumns. Hose, and everything requisite for a large Distillery. oaie HUKuiuif. . Orphans' CourlSnle Estate ofCatliarlne Arnold. da. ceased V A LC ABLE lil;Sli !'! oTAND, S, E. cor. uer sr.t uru nnu iimuj streets. i MODERN Rl S1DENCE, stable, and Carriage House, . uud Lot M by 22u leet. No. 871S CHEsNU I 1 bree-story brick R1CSIDENCE, No. 325 PINS Street. : NORRISTOWN Two elegant newr Residences, JACOBY and UREBN Streets. I Hunusome Jiiilliling sue, :'0 acres, Wissnhlckod Hveuun (Township line road) uud AUeu's lane, Tweniy-tlrst Ward. Four-blory brick Dwelling, No. 023 LOCTJSt Btreet. 5 11 7t s A ML' EL C. FOhD & 80NS, AUCTIONEER!, No. 127 S. iUUKlJH street. 44 sales of Real Estate. Stocks. Loans, etc., al Phil delphia Exchange, every hrlday at 12 o'clock, noonV t Our salts are advertised in ail the dally and severaA 1 of the weekly newspapers, by separate hanubllls otf each property, aim by pamphlet catalogues, on I tbousaud of which will be Issued on Wednesday pre. I ceding each saie. ; J REAL ESTATE AT PRfVATE SALE. I( M. TiioaiA.s Js o5. S. FOURTH Street. NOS. 139 AND Ul Fale at No. 11 v I spruce street, NEAT IIOL'sEHOLD FL'RMIURE. CARPETS. DENTAL CHAIR, ELEC'l ItlCAL APPARATUS, L.A.1U&, Jilc. Oit Friday Mornlug, Ktli Instant, nt in o'clock, by catalogue, the nedji Household uruuure, uui pels ciiiua. iio zt Bale at No. 130 North Fourth street. superior walnut furniture, loud'S 1'1A0, FINE BRUSSELS CARk'El'S.El'C. On Saturday Mornlug, 8th Instant, al luo'cmca, the Walnut Parlor Fur nliuie. 5 15 at BY TH0S1A& BIRCH A SUN, UO. 1110 CHEJ NUT Street, above Eleventh street. Sale at No. 11 HI Chesnut street. SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, PIANO- FORTES. COT 1 AUK hUll1, CARFETO, MIR RO US, CEDAR CHEST. KTC On Friday Morning, ' At 9 o'clock, at li,e auction store. No. 1110 Cliesnut street, will be sold a large assonineul of superior fur niture. SIS 41 SALE OF JAPANESE AND CIIINP.RE GOODS, RICH INDIA AND Ol HER SHAWLS, CURIO- SI 1 IKS, ETC. On Monday Morning, May 20tli, al lu o'clock, at the auction store, No. lilt Chesnut street, will be sold a rich and lulerestini assortment ot goods frum China andJapau, comprii lug Flue Chiua; Jupauese cabinet tables, wurk buxet; Jewel cases; curd receiveis, uiuiiufuciurtd lu uiusnli; win ks of precious woods, sunual wood and oilier rich funs; elegant wallers; shell Mowers- beitullti shawls, and an uilinlle varlsty ot Curiosities ot Ori ental manufacture. The Couds will be open lor exhibition on Saturday, when the public are luviled to call aud exaiulnt them. 5 13 tit Rule at No. l6o5tilrard Avenue. nOVSEHOLD FURNITURE. CARI'EIS, BOOK CASES, ETC. OnTuesiiav Morning. At in o'clock, at No. 1606 Uli ard avenue, will be sold, the furniture ol a family declliilue housekeeping, com prising Velvet, Brussels, and other carpels: waluut and rosewood purlor;furuliure: chamber, dining-room, aud library furniture; china; plated ware; large book esses; kitchen luruiture, elc. Can be examined on morning of sale. 16 St SCOTT. JR.. AUCTIONEER, No. 1038 , CHESNUT Streeu AUCTION SALES OF HOUSEHOLD FURNITURB, J Liyi-rr 1, H.-MI irlvtt U1M iipnional aLU,nLI,in c . vv i , w.., . ; to sales ot household furniture, at the resldeuca of parlies removing or breaking up housekeeping, oo the most favorable terms. BALE OF ELEGANTLY ZFRAMED CHR0M08 EMiRA V1NUB. On Thursday Next, Itilh Instant, At 10 o'clock A. M and quurler belore S P. M.,at Scott's Art Oallery, No. li 'ZuCUesnut street, will bo sold without reserve, an elegant assortment of ele guntly lrumed Foreign Cluomos-Eugravlugs. etc. Now opeu lor examiualiou. l& 15 2t PTNCOAST V WARNOCK, AUCTIONEERS No. SW MARKET STREET. TARGE POSITIVE SI'ECTAL SALE OF 0 CASES s'rRAW UOODS, BY CATALOUUE, ON A CREDIT. Qn Frlday Mornl)jf May 17. commencing at 10 o'clock, comprising a full ssVoitmeut of newest styles and haw foe ladles, misses, aud children. l OC MAC KEY. AUCTIONEER . Othce No. i21 OOMMKBCB Btreet. mt GENT.'S FURNISHING GOODS. JOHN 0. ARRISON, Kos. 1 and 3 Korth Sixth 6treet Philadelphia, would invite the attention of hit frienrla and customers to his superior assortment of Gentlemen's Furnishing Goods; Also, to his Improved Pattern Shirt; j the material, workmanship and finish cannot be surpassed by any in tho Market. n2rP