The evening telegraph. (Philadelphia [Pa.]) 1864-1918, May 16, 1867, FOURTH EDITION, Page 5, Image 5

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Two or three months since a friend of ours
returned from Rome. IMns well acquainted
With the Abb6 Liszt, he told him of the rumorn
current in America relative to hia proposed
visit to that country. The Abbe replied that
he feared he should never visit America. He
had heard ot the terrors of the sea voyage,
and dreaded to attempt it. Besides, he would
not visit it as a publio performer, as he had
given np all ambition in that direction. At
one time he thought he would go, and give
grand vocal and instrumental concerts of a
sacred character, the proceeds of which should
go to the Church, but that Idea he ha3 since
"I wished to visit America for two things,"
Said the Abltf Liszt; "the one was to see
Niagara and the prairies, and the other to try
the Chickering Pianos, of which I have heard
eo much."
The AIM was delighted when he heard that
Chickering & Sons would send pianos to the
French Imposition, and said, "1 will go to
Paris if only to play upon the Chickering
Pianos." American Art Journal,
Complimentary Dinner. Mr. Philip Powell,
until recently a member of the well-known
firm of Henry 8. llnunls A Co.. being about to
depart lor Europe, was yesterday the reclpiont
of. a complimentary banquet, given him by
some of our lending merchants. The dinner
was served by M. Petry. lu his best style, uud
the gustatory and blbular enjoyments, Inter-speti-ed
with speeches and song, extended Into
ihe "wt-e sina' hours." Mr. Po well's career In
life, from humble position to ample compe
tency. Is a lesson well worth studying by our
young and rising business men. The banquet
was given In accordance with the following
I'iiiladkli'Iiia. May 13th, IS417- riilllp Powell. Ksq
Dear bin L'nlernlunlliiK Unit vou are about to
leave lis to visit Hie Old World, and enjoy a brief
respite from business cares, the underslgued desire
Unit von will do ibein the honor ol dinitif with tbem
prior to your departure, in order that they may have
an opportunity to evince their sincere regard and
respect lor you. and express their best wishes Tor your
Unalloyed enloyment oi your trip, and safe return.
If you will name the time moat agreeable and con
venient to yourself to meet ns,
You will greatly oblige,
R. C. Rlcicwav.
xruiy your irienas.
mukq i assiay,
Hubert H. Beattie,
James Hay,
Bearnerd (Jorr,
J. P. Bun Kaon,
George 11. Jarden,
Kdward Htirton,
Charles J. UaliHrher,
LuoIcd T. bnvder,
George llllrhlo,
John iiiurenn,
Henry 8. liaunts,
n. Aincicy,
William A. Millar,
I James Ii. Taylor.
PHIA. 14th May, 1807 Gentlemen: Your kind Invita
tion of the lath has been received, and, assuring you
or the great pleasure it will give me to meet you. and
my gratelul appreciation ol the compliment tendered,
I beg leave to name Wednesduv, the Mill, at -Hi P. M.,
as toe time most convenient to myself, aud which I
trust will prove agreeable to you.
Very respecllully, your friend.
To Messrs Hannls, Bldgway, Mucky, Taylor, Miller,
Corr, and others.
IIrarikg Before U. 3. Commissioner
Skkgkant United States vs. A. C. Stevenson,
charged with keeping an Irregular book of pur
chases and sales of liquor, was heard before
United Hlates Commissioner Sergeant this
Garvin II. Woodward sworn I am Revenue In
spector for the First, Second, Third, Fourth, and
f ifth Districts ol Pennsylvania. On the 13th instant.
In company with Revenue Inspector Mlchener, I
visited the premises of Mesirs. Harmer A Co., Fifth
near Vine: ascertained there that the defendant was
a member of that firm; called upon him at his leather
store, Third, above Kace: asked him to show me his
whisky book containing purchases and sales; took a
copy or it, and tben went to the firm ot B. W. Illlus
& Co., Third street above Race; took a copy ot their
book aud found a discrepancy ot over 4700 gallons of
whisky; ;tbe whisky In Mr. Stevenson's book was
marked as having been sold by A. C. Stevenson alone.
Upon the examination of the ledger ot B. W, Illlus A
Co., I could iind no Individual act ol A. C. Htevenson.
The whisky purchased from him was carried to
meichandise account: could makennth ng atall satis
factory out of It: I asked Mr. Htevensoo if be had any
books oilier than those presented? be said, no; I then
said to him, "Is it possible you sell so much whisky
and keep no account 1" He said be kept none: that he
so d his whisky for cash or short notes.
Mr. Stevenson's books were presented and
examined, and only a slight discrepancy was
discovered. The bookkeeper of the firm was
then sworn, and testitled as to the manner of
keeping the books and paying for purchases.
It was proved that there was no Intent to de
fraud, aud the case was dismissed.
An Unlicky Torn. Two boys, named
James McKnlght and Justice Havens, eachaged
fifteen, and resldttig respectively at No. 1:123
Olive street and No. 3 Delta place, were yester
cay In want of some change. They have always
teietofore borne a good name. It Is alleged
that they were Induced to appropriate one
tutter-knlfe and one dollar In money from a
JUrs. Clarke. This they did, but the lady dis
covering her loss, and entertaining well
grounded suspicions, caused their arrest by
Officer Mathews. Alderman Masseycotnmitted
ach In default of 800 ball to appear at Court.
Malicious Mischiep was committed by some
rersou or persons unknown, In the vicinity of
Twelfth aud urown streets, niso uigut, uuuui,
i n'oiruitr 1'Iiav were malicious euouea to
diub the steps, windows, and marble facings of
tie buildings in tnat netgtiuornoou wim uruwu fiiKflirnrlnif their aDDearance. and de
facing the wood and murUe, from which It will
t almost impossible to remove iu yaiuu
nhnnirl nnh nersons be arrested they should
be severely dealt with, to the fullest extent of
tte law.
Rai.r of Real Estate. Messrs. Thomas &
Sins sold at the Exchange.yisterday noon, the
viluoble property known as the "Baltic
Voollen Mills." Fourth and Lawrence streets,
ftr JO-T.5O0. Also on the premises at Beverly,
4 lots Warren street c'S,'n
2 " River Delaware o.jou
8 " Church street
Total JG1.015
K Fioht Results Unsatisfactorily. Two
nun, named "Shiuney" Buck and Burns,
Stfndlng at Ninth and Locust streets, finding It
an lmpotslbility to settle a dispute with an
artumeut. resorted to physical force. The
.:,i. ti, ut ltiw-k lost one ear. which was
alaost entirely severed by a knife In the hands
of jurns. They were not arrested, as the officer
on hat beat had Just conveyed two prisoners
to the Station uouso.
Troubling the Doo-Catchers. George II.
Ket, Duniel Daily, and James Lynch were ar
i ..out v ut. Twelfth and Hamilton
streets, for interfering with and assaulting the
dog catchers, who were busy lussooiug all such
" T.i,.. noninci wei wi t hou t in u.zles and
collars. Alderman Mussey held each to ball for
apptarauce at Court.
Ak Alleged Larceny of i:5u'. Mary Cox was
...... -I.,!,!, arrested on complaint of an old man
who had visited her place, on Water street, last
i,;T.L.'i,im nViiin h was In a somewhat som
. Nria IN I' 1 1 H I I.' till wilu UNTlllK
nolent condition, caused by too much of the
"potable." Alderman Beltler committed Mary
to answer.
SrBAUNO A Cloak. William Cush was ar
rested yesterday for stealing a cloak rrom a
re8,.,f.r...i.. it u mild, be keeps company.
ginwiiuw""'"! .V --.-;--, ' ,L.i nn,l Willi
hn article, vaiueu ai ', " , - -- ---feluuds
purchased lor ills own com ortahat
id coat For this unfriendly and tl shonest
and coat. For
noinmlltea oy Aiuciumu
Beiller. In default of 1W0 "ail.
ttt. aMT'a CnvrvRT To-nioht. Many
reaue'sts have ben made for the repetition of
request nPniirit of the great
V""a.wl tor seats We are authorized to say
demand lor Beats, we artists' en-
tbat ii is uw"EXT wiii not permit the
thought of a repetition
llshman, resiatng u tr-'Uenoe. last
night, by Oiiicer .v " " - rr8 been
This manes wur w..- ,l4,rinftn 8wUt,
1 j i,r im aine act. Alderman owiii.
arrested for tins samo ..,.,,,
commuted him In deiauit oi
Mad Doo. Adog that gave every evidenoe
lS i rabid, afir
of lielng rabW.afier ir ..
iue v.c.u.ij , ..iu,o, of bV
B VlClUlty OI Oiaicr u. - .
yesterday wternoon, w r-
Appointmrnt of Reoibtrrs in IUitKRurrcT.
It Is reported that Chlel Justloe Chase hai made
the following appointments as Hegisters under
the Bankrupt law: First Dlstrlot, 11. Hund I
Hmlth; Becoud Dlstrlot Aubrey H. Smith; Third
District, George Krety; Fourth Dlstrlot, Joseph
Marcer; Fifth District, u B. Thompson, of
Apsaclts. I'klward Braceland and Charles
Butler were ariested yesterday on a warrant
for assaulting Detective Heeder, near Franklin
Kquare, and rescuing a prisoner that he was
escorting to the lock up. Alderman Beltlerheld
each In 8000 loil to answer at Quirt.
Reckless Drivino. John McMulIen was ar
rosted at. Thirteenth nnd Market streets, for
reckless driving, notwithstanding the remon
strutices of the (.Ulcers. Alderman Jones held
lilm for a further hearing.
A Uskkui. Ann Kt'ONoMicAL Accomplish-mkkt.-To
he able to work in zephyrs and
worsteds neatly and elegantly to be proficient
In the art of representing beautiful flowers,
fruits, and birds, and to give such embellish
ments a natural and (leasing appearance, Is
no doubt desired by all Indies, since household
furniture, covers for chnirs, ottomans, etc., can
be finished elegantly, ns well as economically,
by this means of ornHtnentatlon. This ac
complishment, and others of no les value,
such as the neat cutting nnd perfect fitting of
garments are tnuuht in a thoroughly elllclent
manner by a thoroughly proficient lady, Mrs.
Coble, now stopping at No. 12:17 Market street.
While such an opportunity Is within the reach
of our fair readers, they should quickly avail
themselves of It
Wk arkRelling
Men's Cassiiuere (Suits, all-wool, as low as $11-00
" " " better for 12 00
" ' " 15-00
Boys' ' all-wool, as low as 5 0J
" " " better for 700
Tlirxe arc all frond, srrriccable garmrnfs, well
adapted to ordinary or bwtiiies wear. Ad vancl ug
from these, we have all grades and prices up to
the finest and best of French and English
fnbrlcs, surpassed bv none in the city lu style
and fit, aud made with especial care by the best
workmen in the city. Notwithstanding large
and rnpldjsales, our stock Is kept full and oom-
flele by large dally sddltions of fresh goods
ntroducing all new styles as they appear.
Half way between Bennktt A tX).,
Fifth and ToWBll II all,
HixthSts. j No.518 Markkt HT.,
No. HOP Broadway, New York.
A Trunk Fui.i. of Dirty Shirts. A remedy
for this evil. You go on a Journey. To keep
a respectable appearance 'vou must takea large
supply of clean shirts. You return with your
trunk-load of dirty apparel. Would you have
a remedy? Buy a Water-proof Bhlrt Front.
You can wear this over your colored or under
shirt. When It becomes soiled, you turn to
your washstand, and wipe It clean with a little
soap and water. Cue will last a mouth, and
looks belter than linen. Merchants should
take asupply of these, both for themselves and
customers. They are sold at all the furnishing
stores throughout our city. Factory, No. 41
8outh Third street.
Thk GKTTYsnuRO Enterprise. The Dia
monds advertised for distribution among the
subscribers to this fund are now on exhibition
at the office of tho Board of Supervisors, No.
1126 Chesnut street. We are told that subscrip
tions are coming in rapidly from all parts of
the country, and that the office Is thronged by
persons attracted by the brilliance of these
costly Jewels.
New Method of Smokino Touacco." "The
American Smoking Casket." Hmoke drawn
vp through the tobacco, not down-, as In ordi
nary pipes. No nicotln. No gunimlug of the
bowl. Can be replenished while smoking.
Entirely safe. No danger from sparks. Not
only a pipe, but a cigar-holder. Sold as low as
other pipes. Sold everywhere.
P. A. Snell St Co., General Agents,
No. 125 South Third street.
Jeff. Davis Arrestedon Another Charge!
As Davis was walking along the streets of '
Richmond, he was suddenly arrested by a no
tice of a great reduction In the charge lor pas
sage by the Kichmond and Gordonsville Rail
road. How many of our citizens have had their
attention arrested at the low price asked for the
elegant Clothing sold at Charles Stokes & Co. 's
Clothing House, under the Continental I
Headache, Languor, and Melancholy
generally spring from a Disordered Stomach,
Costiveuess, or a Torpid Liver. Each may
readily De removed oy Dr. jj. jayne's sanative
l'llls, a few doses of which will be found to
stimulate the Liver and Stomach to healthy
action, removing all Biliousness, aud producing
regular evacuations of the Bowels. Sold by all
Druggists. Prepared only at No. ii unesnut
PoKTRYlias Immortalized the "Nlght-Bloom-
Iniz Cereus" In "thoughts that breathe," aud
Phalon bus rendered Its fragrance Immortal lu
his celebrated perfume. Thus poesy and
chemistry have united to make it famous, and
the press is waiting its praises uirougootii
the length and breadth of the laud. Lynn lie-
TnE Germania Rehearsal season draws
near Its close, full and appreciative audiences
test! vine to tneir aoie periormances. xue
Orchestra still continues to make engagements
for any number of instruments for Oratorio,
Concert, Opera, or any performance where they
are assured of competent Conductorshlp.
B. T. Babihtt's Ture Concentrated Potash, or
the Ready Soap Maker, for sale lu lots to suit
purchasers, at the Agency.
IlKiVKt J. JV KljUUliW,
S. W. cor. Water and Chesnut streets.
All parties are legally privileged to sell Bab-
but a Ready soap Matter, ana win ue protected.
A Refrigerator that is notthoroughly ven-
tllatine is a nuisance, Kchooley's American
Refrigerator Is warranted to keep sweet and
free from foul ouors, n property managed.
Manufactured by E. S. Farson & Co., No. 220
Dock street.
Tint OnirAT Kksort for Finn Confeetlmierv Is
at Georire W. Jenkins . No. 1037 Spring Garden
street. His Caramels, Bonbons, Fruit Drops,
Chocolates, etc., are deservedly In the highest
repute, t oreign t runs m great variety.
Persons wishing to contribute to sale of
pnintlngs to take place at the Art Gallery, No.
1020 Chesnut street, during the coming week,
must have them on the premises on or before
esaiuruay next, iniu inst.
Ci.otjdy weather, or even rainy weather.
does not prevent Relmer from making his
usual good Photographs. One large picture or
six small cards, $100. Relmer, Second street,
auove ureen.
Depot for thk balk of Lash's Five-dollar
Washing Machines, Clothes-Wringers, and Step
Ladders, No, tl Market street, I'unuueipnia.
J. ItASH & UO.
Buy your Hats from Bourne. No. 40 North
Sixth street.
A Cure for Rheumatism Woktu Seeing.
S. Kilnatrlck, No. 17 H Olive street, cured by Dr.
Fltier s Remedy. No cure, no pay.
Sixty Dii'ferentJ'atterns.
Fancy Shirts. Mel utire & Brother,
Fancy Shirts. Mclntire & Brot her,
Fancy Shirts. Mclntire & Brother,
aianutactory. no. uto tMiesnut street.
Spring clothing
now retuly.
H. K. Cor. SIXTH and MARKET Streets.
eveiilnu, uie Kth Instant, at the residence of the brtio's
. .... ...... I ...... it, hi I L' f 1.' it L i.. r i ,
lamer, uv xrv. i, ajuuki .&-.u i i r.ijitci
WER. ot Philadelphia, to MARY E. EPRlUlir, of
i'euu square, juouiyumery uuuuiy, i-a. xho carus.
TlAKEHTRAW ARTIIUR. On the 14th Instant, at
the house of the bride's tatber. No. 1H16 Mervlne
street, Philadelphia, by Rev. William Cooper. D, IJ.
iuv. n. (i. It A K EST RAW. of the Philadelphia Confe
rence, to Mlas HARRIET S. ARTIIUR, dauxhterof
Rev, J. W. Arthur, ot the Philadelphia Conference.
I1A ?SETT. On Third-day evenlnfr, th 14th Instant,
MAJtOARET fc, wile ot Josiab Rassett, Jr., and
youngest (laughter OI J ease w. uu miiuueiu now
. .-n , wltUoul funner notice, from the
a . . m nn rrienns nr ine lamiiT bibiut uru ,.t l,ur iHtber. NO. 17ZS Mount Vernou
street, ou SUtU-day , tlie 171U lusUnt, at 8 o'clock,
rjmiFr"-n th 15lh Instant, Mrs. WILLIAM
DUFFY, aged SSyesrs.
'I hi friends ol the fitmlly are Invited to attend ths
rtinernl, from her late reeltlence, H. K. corner ot Filth
b nd Vine streets, on baturday morning at 8V o'clock.
Funeral service aud lutermeut at BU Aueustloe's
HYMPLK MACLEAN, alter a short Illness, agedisft
The relatives anil friends are rrapnctlnlly Invited to
attend his funeral, from the residence ol UN brother,
Wlllliim McliPun, No. ISitt Poplar street, ou Thursday
atsn'rlock. To proceed to Laurel Hill.
OHNK, On the 14th instant, after a short Illness,
II HUM ON till.NK, In thetwth year ol bis
Ills relatives and friends are invited to attend the
funeral, on Thursday allernoon. the l'lth Instant, at 8
o'clock, from bis late residence, No, l:i'2 Poplar
TOWNHKND. On the morning rf the ISth Instant,
ol consumption, 8AKAM Jt. TOWNSEN I), wile of
(leome N. 'lownsend, and dnnuhterof Curisliau It
F'annce, In the 29 th year of her ago.
1 he relatives and IrlendK of the lamlly are Invited to
attend the Inn era I. from the residence of her husband.
No, if! 8. Sixth atreel, below Walnut, on Friday after
noon, the 17th Instant, at 1 o'clock. To proceed to
I.unrel Hill.
penalty o' the dog law (now being put Into Mctlve
eiilorc ment), by Muitzlea, t 'dlnri. nti'l Chains. Hueu
uresoldby TRUMAN A SH AW,
No. sap; Fight Thirty-five) Market HU, below Ninth.
J. not be picked, and have a very small key, which
it is almost Impossible to counterfeit, lib one upon
your front door yon may feel secure from all "entry
thieves." Hold, with a variety of others, and money
drawer locks upon the same prlnclplo, by
No. IBB (Right Thlrty-ftve) Market Bt., below Ninth.
Insects Is afforded by Wire iJInh-Covers, ot the
lound oval, and oblong shapes, for sale at the Hard
ware Store ot TRUMAN fe till AW,
No. (Eight Thirty-five) Market bu, below Ninth.
Life Insurance Company,
OFFICE, (4 I88p
P. & C. R. TAYLOR,
At holeale Onlv 5 in Kpl
l.liul ...rf Va...fll,ln TDL-UU U.1J n n ..... .
In all the approved fashions ot theseasou. Cli-faNUT
street, next door to the Post OIHce. 9 l.S
No. iM H. NINTH street.
First More above chestnut street. 4 ii
11 flmKpl
No. 7 s. HI.VTH Street.
1 eattt corner ol TENTH and CHKrtNUT HireeU.
1 he putronaKe of old customers of Chesnut street.
above bixth, and Chesnut street, above Eighth, soli
cued. Cull and examine the largest assortment of
II ATS and CAPS in the cltv for Hutinit. Kveiv article
bus price marked on It in plain figures. 5 4 op
The greatest variety, and at rMnced prices, at
Northeast corner of TENTH aud CHESNUT.
Formerly Chesnut. above Sixth. and Chesuut. above
F.lghtb. 5 4.-ptf
Manufacturer ol
cio. iuua m, ruuKin nireei.
17 Sm.lp
WlioleRAln and HetjLll.
Very Cheap.
Big Horse lu the Door.
No. 631 MARKET Street.
4 11 tuths.'j)
The undersigned respectfully calls the attention
ot the public to toe sioca or rnue inuer ana 1'ure
Cider Vinegar for pickling and general family use-
also, to his popular "Tonic Ale," free from all Impu
rities, and endorsed by the medical faculty as a sate
and wholesome beverage lor weak, and delicate con
Delivered free or charge to an parts or cue city.
1 . J. jukuadi,
No. 420 PEAK Street,
11 7!5p Below Third, and Walnut and Dock.
science and skill have Invented to assist the
o earing lu every degreeol deatness; also, Respirators;
also, Crandall 8 i'aient Crutches, supeilor to any
., thers in use, at 1. MADEIRA'S, No. 115 TENTH
Street, below Chesnut. Z 8 6p
IV KNIVES. Pearl and Stag Handles, of beautiful
finish. KUlHiEKH' ana WAUf, m u icii r.ivs
ItA.ORS. and the celebrated L,lcui;L.iltli; RAZOR.
sciksoks of the finest Quality.
Razors, Knives, scissors, ana i aoie cutlery urouna
and Pollsheu at l: no. iid i r..i tu
Street, below Chesnut. UdSoJ
manuiBcruspo vy
227 Am No. 11 N. SIXTH Street.
4JEKTK' 111.4.4 KIN4J TAULL.S,
IIreather 'Warehouse,
Feathers of all qualities, Feather Reds, Bol
sters and Pillows, Straw, Husk, Hair, aud
Spring Mattresses.
A lariee assortment of Blankets. Comfortables.
and Red Quills, or all kinds. Marseilles Coun
terpanes, of very handsome patterns, from the
lowest price to the finest quality.
SprinK eua aud Spring Cola, Iron Bedsteads
Of all
Cli L Rt H CUSHIONS made to order.
A II KOods sold at the very lowest market prices
No, 44 North TENTH Street,
Below Arch.
N. 11. A larpe stock of Window Shades, of
every quality, irom tue coeapest to ttie hand
somest ruaae. o i siumambp
On and alter Wednesday, May 1, ISflV,
Leave Philadelphia tl, 7, 8, D05, lu. 11. 12 A.M. 1,2,
:fk, . UV. 4. 5. 63... 6-10. 7. 8. H. 10. 11 la P. M.
Leave Gerriiiinlown 6. 7. 7'., , 8"J0 '9, 10, 11, 12 A. M
1 ' u A A A KK' 7 M U 1A. 11 P. M
I heS'ZU Down tram auu .v4 ami 0 4 up 1 ruins will
not stop ou the Oei miiuiown Brunch,
Leave Philadelphia '' A. M. 2, 7, 10V P, M.
Leave Oei inaiitnw n 8'4 A. M. 1, 6 H'i K M.
Leave Philadelphia 6. 8. 10. Ii A. M. 2. S.V, fi', ?. 9
and II P. M.
Leave Chesnut Hill 710. 8. 8'40. and 11'40 A. M, lMU,
S'4U,0'4U, ti-4u, 8'4u,anil lu 40 P. M.
uji suiNi'Ayn.
Leave Philadelphia IP A. M. 2 and 7 P. M.
Leave Chesnut Hill 7 60 A. M. 12 4u. 6 4o, and 9-24
P. M.
Leave Philadelphia ,7'i, S, aud H'OoA.M. 1,3,
4.'a, 6',.'4,H-0J, and II', P. M.
1-euve Norrlstown 6'40, 7, 7'W, 9, and 11 A. M. Hi, 8
4.1a,ti,,4,auds, P.M.
Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M.. 2 80 and 7-15 V, M.
Leave Norrlstown 7 A. M..S i and 9 P. M.
Leave Philadelphia 6, ? s. 9, aud 110 A. M. IX, i,
4.'v, i;,ti, s ou, and If, P. M.
Leave Many unk ril), 7i. ), 9L aud lli A.-M.
8, 6. , and 9 P. M.
Leave Philadelphia 9 A. M. 2i and 7i P. M.
Leave Manaynnk 7' A. M. Sand mi P. M.
W. b, W lLfcON.Oeneral Superlnieudent.
4 30 Leuol, NINTH aud UAWLN btreats.
Washimoton, May 1G.
Heavy Itobberjr of National Itauk Notes.
A liieNNeniter nnmed SfnimHti. la the ofllce of
the Comptroller of the currency, has be ti ar-
rested, hii1 Is iintlerKolrig a private examina
tion, on the chaigeol the abstraction of a larne
amount of National Imok notes In transitu
from the Treasury Department to the banks.
J lie sluuiilures of the officers or the minus
had been forced, and the put In clicula
Hon. tshuman. It is supios.3ij. is only the tout
of others. The n mount abslrncted is reported
to be upwards of one hundred and fifty thou
sand dollars.
The Commissioner of Aurleultura has ap
pointed John W. Stokes, or riilliulelphta. Chief
Clerk of Ihe Acrlcullural Department. Mr.
Hlokes lormerlv held Hie position, and resic;ned
in feiiteniher to take the pohU on or Ctilleotor
of Internal Hevenue of 1 he Fourth District ot
'ennsvl vanla. Commissioner Newton N in
Imd hesltli. and has retired to his firm In Dela
ware, leaving Mr. Stokes as Acting Commis
sioner. Hecrelary Browninir was able to visit the In
terior Deiarlinent to-day.
The Reconstruction Acts.
Washington. May 10. The opinion of Attor-
ney-Oeneral Stansbery on the Reconstruction
aeis Mill, it is expected bereadyfor puiiiuli;a
lion this week. All the points have been de
cided on and approved by the President and
Cabinet. The utmost pains have been taken
to render clear and beyoud doubt the meaning
of the vnrious branches of those acts. The
preparation of the document has involved ao
examination ol the laws of IheHouthern States,
In order to understand precisely what classes
of persons are affected by the Congressional
action, and to afford a guide by which this may
lie carried Into execution with the least possible
degree of embarrassment to all parties con
Fire at Norfolk.
Norfolk. Vo.. Mav 16. An exteuslve Are
broke out at 2 o'clock this morning, In a ware
house, one of the finest in tue city, occupied by
Dobson & Ralner.lmnortersof liquors, of wnlch.
occurring In the lower story. It was Impossible
to save anything. The building ana siock was
entirely destroyed. The building Is lnsnred for
$4000 In the National Company, of Bultlmore.
The stock is Insured for 87000 In seven com
panies, the Security, of New York; Home, ot
New Haven; the union, of Btlttmore; the
American, of Norfolk; the Valley, of Win
ehesler; the James Klver, of Vltgluiu; and the
Jefferson, of Albemarle county.
The names commuuicateu to the Dutiaing
occupied by Wllllmn H. Jones, wholesale
grocer. His loss will be So'K). Also, 1. N.
whi""iir8i s warehouse. Junk dealer. The loss
Latest Markets by Telegraph,
Nkw Yokk. May IK. Cotton firmer at 28',ai2!ic.
Flour declined 10(ml5e.: sales of ftfuiohbls. Stale. SlKul
4 S": Ohio. U-"NiU. sir western, 81 l(ol5HO: Southern.
I3'8i!vi8,al). Wheal dull and declined 24-:.: quota
tions are nominal. Corn advancing and excited:
advanced 'Ma)4c. sales of Wi.ooci l)U-h. mixed Western
nl tl'2tu.l27 lor Old and f l'l7(ul 20 for new, whit''
Southern. l-2i. Oats quiet ami unchanged: sales of
XSXOOhush. Rye firmer: in Hi hush, sold at lT0'y f7l.
Keel quiel and unchaiiKed. Pork firm: new ines at
8 prime, lmiil0'2-. Lard quiet at 12'k(9l3'nC
w niskv quiei.
Rai.timokk. May la Cotton firmer at 2Se. for
middling uplands: no sales. Rio Coffee dull and
nominaliv uucnuiiKed. Hour mill: marRet ihvois
buyers. Wheal-Ciiolce Maryland held above buyers'
views: medium Maryland, white. 9:141: Pennsylvania
dull and nominal. Corn (inner, la Improved demand,
at fl'lM'ul'IS; yellow at tlU9iul12: large sales ol mixed
Wesiern at l-i'2bM, mostly at $102. Oats easier
at777tsc. Provisions steady, quiet and uouhamge l.
tsuirar quiet audlirm at;ioJ,'(i0'.c. tor fair to eood re-fln1-
. Whisky lu bono: country at t2'20iand Western
at (2 30.
Continued from tlie Second Edition.
Cross-examined I think it was about half-Dst 7
when I lirst saw Murray that evening: we were
tOKether 110 to the time or the occurrence; 1 aiun t
notice whether any others weut luto O'ToohiU's
but our parly; we all took one or two drinks
at all the places we visited, except Dougherty s;
he told us to ko out, which we aid; he ordered
us out; we asked him tor drluks; there were
two men drinking at thenar at U'Tooiiiirs when
we went In: 110 one was waltinK oil them: we beat the
drums, and that brought O'Toohlll and he came In: I
aid not bsk ior anuKs; x saw no one try to reaon over
the bar and get the bottles, or go around the
bar lor the same purpose; we were all in a line facing
the bar: he told us to clear out; none ot our party weut
into tlie kitchen; I can't say that any of the parly
knew O'Toohlll; some of the party backed out slowly:
I went out before Murray; be was the last; I didn't
see any one of our party take on, or attempt to take
off their coals, as if to light: we were not drunk.
Matthew McUoldriok corroborated the previous wit
ness' testimony. Christian Hawkins and Ed
ward O'Connor testified that they associated
together, and were known as the "murderers," he
tound the puity at Twenty-tirst and Market streets,
on the night In question, at about buir-pait 10 O clock
'1 he Commonwealth here closed.
The Court at 116 adjourned to half-past 2 o'clock.
BUPREMK COURT. The following opinions were
received by the Prothouotary from the Supreme Court
ai narrisourg:
The Ninth Presbyterian Church ,ot Philadelphia,
vs. Josenh Hlull. William Wilson, and Maruaret Uor
don, executors of Nathaniel Gordon, decease !. Appeal
from Common Pleas of Philadelphia. Decree atliruied.
upimon oy iteau, j.
Btnytb vs. Commonwealth. Certiorari to the Quar
ter bessions of Cdnton county. Judgment alltruued,
Opinion by A gnew, i.
bniylh vs. Commonwealth. Certiorari to the Quar
ter bessions of Clinton county. Judgment reversed.
Opinion by Woodward. C. J.
Merrlrk A Hons vs. The Germania. Hanover. Ful
ton, und Lorlilard Insurance Companies. Certificaie
lrom iNisi I'rius, juugmuut umrmeu. upimou oy
btrong, J.
Karu vs. Cummins. Frror to District Court of Phtln
delphla. Judumenl aillrmed. and venire facias de
novo awarded, (million by Woodward, C. J
The Philadelphia und lialtlmore Central Railroad
Company vs. John U. Johnson. Krror to District
Court ot Philadelphia, Judgmunt amrmed. Opinion
br Woodward. C, J.
'The Philadelphia. Wilmington and Baltimore Rail
road Company vs, Wltllanixou aud wife. Krror to
lilstrlcl Court of Philadelphia. Judgment reversed,
and Judgment entered for aeleudaula below. Opinion
bi:u5lfr,,OF QUARTER SE9SION8-Judge Brew
ster T. llradford DwIkIiI, Assistant District Attoruey,
prosecuting. rue following oruer or ine ixiuri regu
lutlnu the business, which has been very much cjii
fused and irregular, was read lor the beuetil ef the
iueniners 01 the uar ana an omers:
Ordered That during the special session of this
Court, now being held in Court-room -No. 2, no bull
ctbe can he tried until the cases ot defendants now in
urixon shall nave ueeii uispnsi a or.
That the Clerk preoarea lislof all untried 1) ill cases.
arranging them in order of seniority; said list to he
in ail inn s onen to the inspection of counsel, and
that alter toe prison cases are all disposed of, the cases
011 I lie hull 1 1-1 be called In their order, not exceeding
iwnity-tlve cases per clem.
Patrick Lynob was charged in a bl'l of Indictment
found 0111 In the April term, with selling tue flesh of
a oiseased box. and exposing tue same Mr sale. Mr.
DaIl'Iii slated thut this was a very "erious charge;
one that might seriouslv affect the business ot the de
fendant and he bad been very anxious to have It
tried, but had been unanie to procure the atteudsn -e
01 Ihe proxe 'Ulor, and there'ore he anhiiillted the bill
who. ul evidence, und a verdict of not guilty was
reoderi a.
Junies McOlnley was convicted of a charge of as
ssull ml bailery upon Ills wile. James went home
one ntiiht boisterously drunk, ami whipped his wile
niost unmercifully, saying, th at "If It wasn't for the
tuke ol decency lie would inunl"r her."
pttirtk Hughes wa charged with assault and bat
turv noon bis wile. Toal worthy woman told u
pililul tale uhout the brutal treatment Patrick gave
i.ur iievoed lit ait. P.itrlck. on his own behall. aruut-d
to thejury bis Injured affections In consequence ol his
wile's falililessiiefs. I he Jury returned a verdict of
guilty, wlih a recommendation to the mercy ot tue
The certiorari list was before this Court to-day.
Philaaa. Stock Exchange Sales, May 16
Reported by Ue Haven A Bro., No. 40 8. Third street
IW'l'WIt liUAKtlM.
f,i)H0 city s. New 103
loush Phil Erie.
sb Re-nilug....n
do New I(i2
0o Isew 102
doNew. b'2
do.. New 102
do.. New 102
H,i 11 H f t In U7
- tl
..s:i. 6 112
do ...
..s3o.. 61V
...b30.5l-8l 61 'i
..iuui AICo on fiN hnvvn 7ii4
tniiio do bjwu. 7fi',
oo0 Siisn Rds c. 85
26 sh bch Nav Pf....M 80j
S sh N stk..... 8s
82 sh Leh V R.. 6H
8 do bVi
100 sli Phil A iL....i6.. 28
...hOO. Bljj
....b(i0. Sl'J
17 sh Peuua Rl'l....". H
iiwnCltyes, New 102 I it? sh Leh N... 5;l
11200'i I 126 ill Pauua & Is. 61
T I H Cam A Aui.,.l,w I 0u... H u;l
MAY 1(3, 18G7.
A Young Man Attempts to Murdor
a Young Girl, and then
Commits f uicide.
Etc., Ktc, Ktc, Etc., Etc., Etc.
About teu minutes past 1 o'clock: this after
noon a youug mail named James roluer,
about twenty-three years old, eutered tlio
bouse No. 033 Wharton street, went up Into tho
third story, lu thecliamberoccupled by a young
lady named Maria llolcrort, aged about fifteen
years, of unusunlly fine personal appearance
and of known respectability, and attempted, it
Is thought, to commit au outrage upon her
Miss Ilolcroft resisted the endeavors of the
young limn, und culled nlotiil for assistance.
Jler struggles were such ns to cause 1'olner to
desist for a time, when he repeated his attempt
to commit an outrnge, and sue exceeded her
previous ellorts to call for aid.
FindinR himself lolled and fearing discovery,
he drew a very small razor from his vest-Docket
and with 11 inflicted two fieightful guslies
across Miss Holcroft'a throat and a third cut
upon the righljaw. Miss Ilolcroft loll to the
lloor in a swoon.
1'olner then attempted, in his desneratlon. to
escape by getting upon a chair aud drawing
himself up Into a loft, where he remained hid
behind the chimney until the outcry had
brought to the scene Ofllcers Weston of the
Second and Hchaell'er of the First District, who
proceeded first to care for the wounded alrl. by
removing her to tho first floor, where every at
tention was paid tier by several physicians and
ninny sorrowing friends.
The ofllcers then entered the loft, and finding
Foiner there, dod to drag htm out by main
force to the room below, where they discovered
that be had cut his throat from ear to ear.
The dying man was then oonveyed down
stairs to the second lloor, where, upon exami
nation, It was found that, 1'olner 3 ii had
cut himself with tho small razor In several
pluces, nnd was covet ed from head to foot with
Clotted blond.
l'oirierdid not sneak after his capture, and
he expired In about an hour after lie had been
removed to the lower part of the house.
1'olner and Miss Ilolcroft were first cousins.
and it Is not believed that they were attached
to each other. The traeeuy created great ex
citement In tho vicinity.
We are Dleased to snv that Miss Holcroft was
Improving at four o'clock: this afteruoon, and
the ntteudlug physicians have hopes of her
She is bearing uo bravely under her wounds.
and seems to enjoy an almost angella satisfac
tion lu Knowing that sue nas saveu uer nonor.
The Trip from Richmond to New
York-Movements There To
Dav Crowds of People
Anxious to See Him.
Nkw Yokk, May IS. The recently released
prisoner of State, the ex-Rebel President, Jeff.
Davis, arrived at the New York Hotel in this
city, about half past one o'clock this morning,
from Kichmond, In the steamer Niagara. Dur
ing yesterday evening numbers of persons as
sembled In the neighborhood of pier No. 21
North Klver, in expectation of witnessing the
lunding of tho great exponent of the Rebellion
on loyal Northern soil. As the night advanoed,
end no tidings of the steamer came, the crowd
gradually thinned ; and when me steamer
reached her dock, at nearly one o clock, scarcely
anybody was present.
Three carriages were In waiting, Into which
Mr. Davis and suite, consisting of his brother,
General Joseph Davis, of Mlssiasippl- Mrs. Jeff.
Davis aud her sister, Miss Howell: Dr. Uraveu
and Governor Frauk Pearson, of Newark, and
others, were hurried, and the party drove to
the hotel named at a rapid rate.
During the passage from Kichmond to New
York, Mr. Davis ate at the regular table and
mixed freely with the passengers, entering
cheerfully into conveisation with very one
who addressed him. When the steamer reuohed
Fortress Monroe Mrs. Davis left the boat and
took passage for Norfolk, where she was Joined
by her sister, and then returned to the Niagara
at the Fortress, Mr. Davis remaining on hoard
in the intertill.
There was no demonstration of any kind at
Fortress Monroe on Mr. Davis' arrival. The
trip to New York was a very pleasant one, and
not marked by any incident worth reoordlng.
Tlie New York Hotel is besieged this morn
ing by Mr. Davis' peisoual friends, aud others
either for an interview, but at the present
writing (12 o'clock) the stern statesman has
closely kept his room, and declined to gee any
body. Representations of the New York press
are out In force, wailing to see the distinguished
Ihe following prominent New Yorkers have
snt their cards to Mr. Davis: Gideon J.
Tucker, W. W. Cochran, Judge Russell, Francis
Marcoe, James A. McMaslers, James J. Van
Allen. C. Powell, O. K. Bherburn, William
Howard, and Mr. Variau, Chairman of the
New York States Rights Committee; General
Robert Anderson, of Fort Butnter fame, is
about the New York Hotel, and It is supposed
he Is awaiting an Interview with Mr. Davis.
1 have just had an interview with General
Davis, brother ot the great original, and he
Hales that nothing Is arranged definitely re
garding Mr. Davis' movements. It is under
stood, however, that he will leave tlie New
York Hotel this afternoon, and take quarters
with his conn. el, Charles O'Conor, on Fifth
avenue, during the remainder of his stay in
the city,
M r. Davis is evidently determined to make his
future Journey through the North us private as
possible. His ultimate destination is Montreal,
Opening of the Aerial I) ridge at Broad
wty aud Fultuu hlreet.
New York, May 18. Tue Broadway Bridge
was thrown open to the public tins morning,
and thousunds of people are crossing. Viewed
from the street the bridge isau ornament to the
great city thoroughfare. The tasteful manner
in which it Is painted and decorated relieves it
of nearly all the sombreuess und heaviness
which at first characterized it.
Tlie floor of the structure Is ubovo the level of
the second-story windows on the east side of
Btoauway. Whether the bridge, as uu Institu
tion, will become popular or not remains to be
seen. Very few ludles have as yet ascended the
1 he Fox and Queen Libel Suit.
Nw Yohk, May 18 The OX. Fox and Frank
Queen libel suit was up again for examination
ibis morning. The only witness on the stand
w. G. ti. Fox, and ho was examined for two
hours by the counsel for the defense. The case
has been postponed until Tues-lny, the 28th,
when a number of wituesses will appear lor
the defense. The case Is attracting consider
able utteutlon In theutrioal us well us private
Last night a man named Smith, residing In
Bradford, Massachusetts, shot aud killed Mr.
Bumtitl C Webster, a resident of that town,
under the following circumstancestsmiin is a
spiritualist, and for several mouths past mis
been holding seances at his house, which upou
several occasions, it is stated, baye been 1 dls
turbed by a partv of young men. ue naa made
threats that If they persisted h w u. Id retaliate.
About half-past Id o'clock lMt t"V
berof persons again made a visit to Ills resi
dent, and created a disturbance. Btnith
rushed out of the house, armed with a double
barrelled pistol, or revolver and pursued the
parly Uowu lue i"vU " Urea Into the crowd,
and trie ball took effect upon Mr Samuel Web
ster, who fell to th ground. Bmith then ran
tip to Webster and shot him through the head,
killing Mm Instantly. Tho tleceasod leaves a
Wife aud family. ...
The murderer surrendered himself to the
authorities. He Is a shoemaker, and has a wife
and children.
Another account stales that the name of the
murderer Is Joseph T. Hmlth Tne parties re
sided on what Is known as Depot street, and
their estates adjoined each other. Bolh men
were heads of families, and were considered
quiet and peacelul citizens. Just before the
trngedy occurred Websler. In company with
Ihtee or four others, assembled la front of
Bmlth's house, and his duor boll wan rung
and a horn blown, tin hearing the disturb
ance Bmlth rushed out, pistol In hand, and
pursued the men, whom de saw across a field,
to Plenssnt street. He flrd several shots at
t hem, one of which passed directly through the
liend of WVbster. who was In the rear of the
others, killing him Instantly. Smith, after
nccomplishing the deed, returned to his home,
but was soon alter arrested. When being car
ried from his house, his wife and mother came
lo the door, and one snld, "Good-bye, Joe, take
rare of yourself." Ronton Traveller last evening.
Avery exciting and exceedingly dangerous
shooting affray occurred In front of Drtl
monico's, No. 'ii Broad street, about half-past 8
o'clock yesterday afternoon.
It appears that for some lime past there has
been aUIUlculty regarding money matters ex
isting between William H. 11. Full and a
man named Harry Newton, who are said
to be known as "curb stone operators" in
gold. At a casual meeting, between
these parties yesterday morning It is al
leged that Newton, who is a large and very
powerful man, threatened to inflict personal
violence upon Fall, and fearing that the threat
would be carried into execution, tue latter, as
he frankly confesses, purchased two Derringer
pistols, loaded them with powder and ball, and
placed them in his pocket lor self-protection in
case he should be assaulted by Newton. At the
time above named these parlies met again on
the walk In front of Delmonlco's, and became
involved in a Quarrel, which soou collected a
crowd of several hundred persons. . During the
wrangle both JSewton and Fall drew pistols;
aud commenced firing, whereupon the crowd
scattered In every direction. Unly two barrelsof
their pistols were discharged, but neither
of the principals In the shooting wero Injured.
A bullet from one of their weapons, however,
look elicct 00 tne breast uone 01 nir. t leuerioK
J. Grace, superintendent of the Western Uuiou
Telegraph Company, No. 22 Broad street, pass
ing inwaras anil uownwarus xnn longtng unaer
the skin about four inches from the point of
Tho discharge of firearms brought Ulllcera
Kea.ofthe First precinct, and Duunislou, of
the Third precinct, the latter of whom Is de
tailed for duty at the Gold Room, and they stio
Cfciled lu arresting Fall, but Newlon ran
thiough Delmonlco's and made hlsesoape.
Mr. Grace was assisted to the New Btreot
Police Btallon, where Police Burgeon Andrews
extracted the bullet from his breast, Tne
wound, although a severe one, is not consid
ered necessarily dangerous. Subsequently
Ofllcers Ilea aud Denulstou made search for
Newlon, but he was not to Do found ut his
ofllce, No. 117 Brondway, nor elsewhere.
l.uler lu the utteruoon Fall and a man named
George 11. Bed hike, suid to have been Indi
rectly mixed up in the quarrel, were taken
before Justice Howling, at, the Tombs, where
Mr. Grace 11I.-0 appeared und made a statement
to the etTecl tliul he hud been shot cither by the
prisoner or Newton, but which of them he was
unable 10 say. Fall confessed to the magistrate
that the pistols lound in his pockets were his
propcrt; thai he bought and loaded them in
the morning, lor the purpose of protecting li I ni
sei! ngulnst un assault which he feared Newton
won In make upon him.
The prisoner expressed great sorrow that an
innocent man's life should have been Jeop
ardized, aud said he was willing to reuder
any satisfaction to Mr. Grace that he might
Fall pleaded plteously against being inoaroe
rated in the I'ouibs, and wished to be released
on bail, but the magistrate, in a few appropriate
remarks on the utter recklessness and disregard
of human lite displayed by him (.Fall) and New
ton In discharging their tlreurms in sucli a
crowded thoroughfare, declined to take ball at
present, and committed him to the Tombs for
examination. There being nooomplalnt against
Mr. Bedlake, he was discharged fioin custody.
The magistrate directed the ofllcers to teuew
their efforts to arrest Newton, and doubtless he
will soon be taken. Mr. Grace, the Injured gen
tleman, resides lu Scotch Plains, N. J.N. Y.
On Tuesday evening, at half-past nineo'clook,
the Inhabitants of the tenement house No. 2j(J
Tenth avenue were startled by the report of a
revolver. The Inmates of the building at one
suspected that the room occupied by James
McL'uffray and his wife Annie was the scene of
the difficulty, aud on repairing there found
the door locked aud everything quiet.
One of the female occupants proceeded
to Twenty-seventh street, where a friend
of McCaffrey, named John Hmlth, resides,
and returned In his company. The door was
loiced in, when McCaffruy was found in bed
beside a child, aged about five mouths, and the
wife lying on the floor of the bedroom in an
apparently Insensible condition. McCuflray
was sleeping souudly, aud on examining the
bed a large navy revolver, empty, was found
beside him, which was taken possession of by
Bmith. Word was at onoe sent to the Sixteenth,
precinct headquarters, and Odicer Perkins re
paired to the scene of the tragedy aud arrested
McCaffray, who denied all knowledge of the
shootlrg. The ofticer represented that he was
then quite drunff. On directing his attention
lo the woman, Officer Perkins lound her lying
upon the floor moaning plteonslv. Hue des
cribed the particulars ot the difficulty, and
stated that McCaffray had choked her aud fired
at her, but she was not uware tnat tue ball hod
entered her person.
Ou observing blood the officer examined the
woman, and found that the bull had entered the
left shoulder and taken a downward direction.
Dr. .Smith was called lu and probed the wound,
but failed 10 discover the lodgment of the ball.
The woman was at once removed to the Je wisU
(Mount Blnal) hospital, when the doctor again
probed the v nod; but failed to reach the ball.
At this tlnio i,u bout 11 o clock) Mrs. McCaffray
was suffering much pain, but It was believed
she was not mortally wounded. McCuffray was
lodged In the Station House, and was yesterday
brought before Justloe Dodge, at the Jefferson,
Market Police Court.
James Perkins, of the Sixteenth Precinct po
lice, appeared before Justice Dodge yesterday
morning and made a complaint against James
McCuflray, on the suggestion of his wife, charg
ing him with having committed a violent
assault upon her. The words of the complaint ara
"that the said James Is the husband of Annie,
and that they reside at No. 250 Tenth avenue;
that most of the duy(the 14th lnstaut) James
remained in the house, at home, quarrelling
with his wife, and several times threatened lu
shoot her with a huge navy revolver; that at
about ID o'clock at night tne acoused became
very violent, and drew the repolver, whloti
was loaded with powder and bill, sad
levelled it at Annie, aud tired and dis
charged the same ut her, the ball thereof
taking effect In said Annie's left shoulder,
taking a downward course; thesald James then
choked the suld Aunie until she fell lu a sense
less condition on the floor; tbut he then looked
the door; that while she so lav there, bleeding
firofusely, the neighbors heard the affray, and
n about an hour suoceedod In openlug the
door of the room, and Ofllcers Smith and
Bulhard were called, aud deponent also; that
denouent arrested suld James, and the aaid
Bulhard took said Annie lo the Jews' Hospital
in Twenty-eighth steeet, where she now lies
in a dying condition, the surgeon In atten
dance having probed the wouud, but had not
been able to flud the ball."
Coroner Wildey was then notified to hold an
ante-mortem examination; but before the
Coroner arrived the woman died.
An inquest will be held this morning at half
past eight o'clock at the hospital.
The statements regardlug the murder seem
to be very coullicting. One of the female occu
pants of the house says she heard the report of
three pistol shots. The facts as near as they
can be ascertained at this writing, are as given
above. The murderer, McCuffray, is represented
by those who knew him well as an Industrious
aud devoted husband and lather wheu not
under the influence of liquor; but when drunk
as very quarrelsome aim passionate. lie has
been in the employ of Fluuegau A Wallaos,
brewers, ot this city, aud was twenty-four years
of age. Deceased Is twenty-eigbt years of age.
The neighbors report that Mrs. MoCaflVay was
also so druuk that she was compelled to retire
at an early hour on the night of the murder.
N. X. iivt aia.
f ectjlvlug a lOKU OI UUtmuui.