""""""' ,.....-.. J .mn.-.-iF.i i.ri.-. . . . t THE DAILY EYENIKG TELEGRAFII PHILADELPHIA, TUESDAY, MAY 14, 1807. CITY INTELLIGENCE. IFOR ADDITIONAL LOCAL 1TKMS 8KB THIRD PAO J Tub rmLADRi-pniA Saving Funi Society Thftr I'hopohkd Kkmoval The Philadelphia Having Fund Society was Incorporated la the yt ar 18111, being thus one of the oldest, as it cer tainly is one of the most substantial, establish nimUul the kind In the United States. Ju organisation Is quite peculiar, being free from tin- joint-slock principle, and of a purely bene ficial character. Its affairs are conducted by a Hrd of Managers, which la self-perpetuating;. Whenever a vacancy therein wcurs, the re maining members of the Hoard maae out a 1 Ih t of five names, which is submitted to a Hoard Of Appointment consisting of the Chief Justice of the Hupremo Court of the fta'e, and t he l'rr siuent Judges of the Court of Coin mon 11 ess and District Court of I'll I Itnlel phlu. From the list of Ave names, the Hoard Of ppointment selects one to Mil the vacancy; but hi case a majority cannot agree upon any one of the Ave, u new list must be made out by the Manners and presented lor their con spiration, the ceremony being repealed until the vacuncy Is Ihled. The entire all'nirs of the Institution are under the control of the Managem, no one of whom, excepting the President, Is permitted to receive any remuneration for his services. Nor Is anyluember ol (lie Hoard permitted to bor row money irom the lUHiitutlou, or to be in terested, directly or Indirectly, in any of the Invest menu made by the Hociety. Deposits are received In sums of one dollar and up wards, interest being allowed on the same when they amount 10 five dollars, the wliole amount, including inteiesl, lo be repaid on two weeks' notice. V hen the Hociety commenced Its operations, ne: rly fifty years ago, it was in an humble way, the manager attending at the olllco in turn, lor the purpose ot receiving I lie deposit. Hut the Institution gradually worked Its way tnto poi ularlly wi:h the laboring classes, and by and by a Treasurer was a mointcd, on a small salary, to attend to the olll 'o business. After several removals, the Hociety, In 18W. moved Into the handsome building at Mo. 3.Hi Wnlnut streit, which It still occupies. At that time the depositors numbered about 7000. Sluco then the business has Increased to such an extent, that there are at present about gj.OUO de positors, and a surplus fund, to provide ugatust any contingencies, has been accumulated lo the amount of over half a million of dollars. The present accommodations of the Institu tion have long been too restricted for the ex tent of its business. For this reason, the pro perty at the comer of Walnut street and West Washington Square has just been purchased, at au expense of 850,000. The purchase includes the large mansion at the corner, which was for many years the resi dence of the late Joslih Randall, as well as the adjoining properly of Hobert Walu, risq., giving a total lronluge on Walnut street of ol leet, with a depth of 17a feet. On this Nlte, which is perhaps the most central and eligible for the purpose lu the city, It is tiieinteutlou of the Hociety to erect a commodious and con vent) nt building, which shall be absolutely fire and I'limlar-proof. As the present lease of the W aln property will not expire for several mouths yet, a year will probably elapse before the projected improvements cau be under taken. The officers of the Institution consist of the following gentlemen: President Caleb Cope. Treasurer William Purves. Managers John A. Urown, Francis Gurney Smith, Tobias Wagner, Samuel W. Jones, Thomas Koblns, Adolphus K. Borle, Samuel "Welsh. Joseph Swift, John It. Wucherer. Wil liam II. Hart, William V.Keating, M. P., Wil liam Hai mar, 8. Mori is Wain, James Hayard, Joshua H. lilppincolt, John Lambert, Charles "Willing, M. D., George W. Norris, M. D., Alex ander ltiddle, Kdward Sulppen, Joseph Harri son, Jr., Samuel Field, and James C. Hand. Bounty Swindlers in Camden $20,000 In volved. on the 20th of March, 18H5, a law was passed by the New Jersev Legislature appro priating 88 a month to all soldiers, sailors, or murines irom that time to the date of dis charge, provided they had families or widowed mothers dependent upon them. The papers of those entitled to it are made out by the Mayors of the different cities and forwarded to Trenton, with tilo recommendation that they are correot, and payment is required. The money is then forwarded to their Honors, and by them handed to the claimants. Heretofore it has been the custom, when any one appeared and swore that he had a wife or widowed mother residing in ihe State on the 20th of March, IStio. not to question his veracity; but Mayor Cox came to the conclu sion that thhre was something wrong, so he set about making an Investigation, lieiore he had proceeded far, he became confident that fraud vras being practised. Yesterday, William Smith and John Breene called upon him and requested their back pay, their papers having been made out, forwarded to Trenton for approval, and returned with the money, with instructions to pay them. The Mayor questioned them as to their families, and tuey gave such contradictory statements that they were looked up for a fur ther examination. Smith bad stated to his Honor that his wife formerly lived lu Glouces ter, but that now she resided with her mother, at the northwest corner of Third and South streets. Philadelphia. An officer was despatched to see her, and Interrogated her as to her know ledge of Smith whom Btia denied kuowlng at flist and to her residence in New Jersey. This she denied also; but afterwards, no doubt judg ing frm th anxletv of the otHoer that some thing was wrong, said she did live in New Jersey atone time, but could not recollect the no me ol the place. .... . , I ast venlng Hreene had a hearing, when he scknowle iged that he was induced to vlsU (.m i,n hv some nurtles Amllh among the ni-inber who told him all that was necessary was for him to swear he had a wile In some ci nntry town, aad he would be sure to get the money; also, that he had no wife. He was then r.. n tct tn nrison to stand his trial. Smith liad already received his money, amountlug to $130, but the others naa not. l, la oRtlmntPd that of $20,000 paid ont within the last two mouths to those representing that they had persons dependent upon them, three fourths has been obtained by fraud. The city I'cmitnn win lose this money If the State claims it. Mayor Cox is entitled to the enco miums of the public for the thorough manner In which he has exploded this little swindling came, and we have no doubt, in the future, those who make application for Sta e pay will have to bring sufficient guaraulees as to the Justness of their claims, or depart from the office minus the "greens." A Pnti.AnRi.PHlA Dancing Girl Commits a,,,..To. tt Mirur ort.kanh. On the 7th In r. ir,ov,riv nufcflnf suicide occurred In Hew Orleans, the self-murderer being a girl of eighteen or twenty years oi ngu, uy r ittio Hha was a native of this c ty where he 'mother, Rebecca C. Little, still resided Miss Louise being a dauseuse by pro- fession. parsed unuer toe h-bj um i i T ... ii withm a week of her death she had been performing at the Olympic Music Hall in W "r ,T2 rnnitHrTcon Hall. Dis appointed allectlou appears to have been the iiuse of taking the dose oi morphine wh en te salted in her death. The unfaithful swain was a noliceman by the name of John Uouole. who Pri? tim on dutv at the Olympic. Being thus thrown much together, the two be- S?.I."' V2 . -horn he had been married u a yoarrmado related efforts . to have her husband wl eved from duty at the Concert ed' Writ, and J'Si tier miseraoie m'"""1-"' ' cA,,Kn Divir-mats has liecome an insti- turedpionamonga dlsposeu persons, "Vankey. of the Flitu and south street, with four mats in nis possHS- ownenderran rrow commuted him in default Of SHOO ball to appear hi. TBOIIBLINO the Doo CATCHEBS. -ro when Officer Tomlinson 1 oterfered, Ve an irate mood, began punch Md 'ave. whereat he was arrested, and held by Alderman Lutz to answer for bis misdemeanors. t. TT.n r.n,oii Terrence Lovett, DKATiriu r" -"fh"ahovathe Wire wno resides on we ww i;-- ".Buied hy Dridge, was yesterday a&'fl Officer Westoott. for outrageously bating nis daughter while In a fit o-'iu,ni too xuan Hutchinson fined him $500 for inuchof the potable, and held htm In al vo answer ml court ior vne uuv BdFPAIiO TORNRD IjOOSK IN rHII,ADEI.rHIA. Let not our readers be alarmed, nor anxious for their personal safaty, when we disclose the fact that we have a bulTulo in our midst a bifur cated Individual of the genus homo, hailing from a city on the eastern shores of Lake Krle, from whence he derives his name. While wandering through the lahvrlnths of this city, surveying, no doubt with wonder, the architectural beauty of Its edifices, walking in astonishment through some of our seemingly never-ending streets, looking with verdant amazement upon the varied scenes transpiring In our metropolis, and entranced with the hriqht and comeliness of Philadelphia ladles, he is suddenly im pressed with the idea that some of our Western towns are in utter dark ness, so far ai a ktiowleCue of the existence of Philadelphia Is concerned; and writes that thev ate entirely Ignorant of the size, area, and population of the "Quaker City" discovering, too, that it 1 of some commercial Importance, somewhat larger than Gotham, innocently and earnestly asserting thvtt we have several hundred dwellings more than that much vaunted city, when the number even exceeds 15.MM. He intimates, too, In his correspondence, that we are a "modest, unpre tending sort of filk, "living peacefully, and over guldtd by the imprisslve if not eloquent iimt'er emanating from the subtle brain of the Prophet liricham, "Verily, who-o bloweth not , his own horn, the same shall not be blowed!" He asserts, too, that for beauty and height of stature, whence they can look down very properly upon the masculine part of the community, the ladies of this city are only secondary to the ladles of Buffalo, when lie should learn that Philadelphia owns no superior in that respect. He hints In his letter, and somewhat myste riously, about the building of a railroad that will bring luto closer connection the place from where he comes, and this "town," which Is becoming of great importance, and may prove advantageous to the af iresaid, will she but cultivate our acquaintance. Kind that one should take It upon himself lo Inform the people that Philadelphia does exist In fict, and Is not secondary to uuy city in the country except Hulfalol A Firk, and Distressing Calamity Youno Man Iti'N Ovkh and Killed. About two and ont-linlf o'clock this morning the bells struck the alarm of fire boyond the western limits of the city. As far as could bo ascertained, the property on fire was the large woollen mill owned by Simeon Lord, located on the creek at Darby, Delaware county. Tho mill covers almost one entire square, is built of stone, three stories high, and at the time of the fire was In full operation. Some time ngo half of this property was burned down, but was soon built up. The conflagration this tlmedostroycd that part which at tile previous fire escaped destruction. The particulars of the losses have not yet been ascertained. At the first alarm of tire the Good Will Steam Kuuine Company started forthescene. When at Maylaudville, on the Darby road, one of the hoisesdrawlng the steamer became frightened uta vivid Hash of lightning which illumined the darkness of the night, and obstinately re fused to proceed another step. The director of the Company. William Howard Coyle, aged 22 years, in company with others, placed a rope around the horse'a neck, and attempted to start him by pulling, when suddenly the horse plunged lorward, knocking Coyle down, who fell under tho wheels of the steamer, which passed over his face, crushing the lower jaw, and laying open a part of the skull. AU avail able aid was procured to aid the dying man, but he expired Just, as he was being taken into the Twenty-fourth Ward Station House. The body of Coyle was taken to his late residence, on Pearl street, between Twentieth and Twenty first streets. It is a most sad calamity which has thus come over the household of which he was an inmate. I'urther Particulars Another Man Killed. Another equally tatal calamity followed close ui on the death of Mr. Covle. The Monroe En gine, when running at a quick rate of speed near the fire, struck some obstacle in the road. and throwing oil" the driver, who fell to the ground. The engine passed over him without causing any Injury, but following close upon the engine came the hose carriaue. which f Hissed over his body. Injuring him so badly bat he expired In a few momeuls. The body was removed to the corner or Forty - fourth street and Lancaster avenue, where the Coroner will hold an Inquest. These accidents were the result ol the great darkness, which so surrounded all objects as to make them imper ceptible, and, the street lamps wore not lighted. coroner Daniels convened a jury at one o'clock this afternoon to investigate Into tho cause of Coyle's death. After the inquest was concluded the following verdict was reudered: "That the said William H. Coyle came to his death by being accidentally run over by the Good Will Hose Steam Fire Euglue, near M.ay- laudvllle, on the morning or May 14, is7." Annual Examination. The annual exami nation of St. Michael's schools, at Second and Oxford streets, took place last evening, in the presence of a numerous audience, among wnom were a number of the clergy and many of the parents of the pupils. The exercises were not only interesting, nut niguiy lusiruuuve iu an present. After the performance of an overture by the Brass band, an admirable address was delivered by P. F. McGettlgan. The speaker acquitted himself In a manner highly creditable to D1S instructors, ana on utiiiug uis aettii wua rapturously applauded. The examples lu Eng lish grammar and composition, by E. J. Hyan, and oiners, were wen recuea, ami eviuenceu a high degree of proficiency on the part of the scholars. The recitations in ancient and modern history, geometry, and trigonometry, by J. McEvoy. J. P.radley, A. Moyer, P. F. McGettlgan, and others, were niguiy com mendable. The nnmber of.nanlls in these schools is very large, and constantly on the in crease. The New Ward Moving. The Republicans of theTwenty-elghih Ward, recentlya parlor the Twenty-lirst.heldameelingattheSorrel Tavern last night, to make such changes in their poli tical organization as their condition has made necessary. General Hobert S. Bodlne presided, and Captain A. M. K. Storrle acted as Secretary. The meeting was large and harmonious. The action of the City Commissioners In arranging the elective divisions eight in number was approved. After a free interchange of opinion, and several spirited speeches had been made, the meeting adjourned to meet at the same place on the first Monday in June, when a per manent organization ol the ward and precincts will be consummated for the fall campaign. Beating a Horse. Nicholas Speck, aged forty-seven years, was arrested yesterday after noon, at Water and Vine streets, for merci lessly beating a horse which was trying its Desttouraw a neavy load, it is anegeu tutu he pounded the dumb brute in the face with his clenched fist in an outrageous manner. His residence is at No. Wi Toor street. Officer Hart madu the arrest, and Alderman Toland fined mad- the arrest, i bpeck.and held hi m in s.tio nan to answer. Larceny of an Oil Cloth Table Spread George Kone, aged thirty-nine, who gives his residence at No. 243 New Market street, was taken in custody by a gentleman, yesterday afternoon, for stealing an oil cloth table spread. It appears that Kone stepped Into the roui Io nian's house, at h-ecoud and Button wood, and, according to allegation, appropriated the article when none could see. lie was caught, and Alderman Toland committed him in de fault of $500 bail to answer at Court. Assaults. Andrew Welsh was arrested last night by Officer McCormick, for assaulting his sutler, at ner residence. Twenty-first and Pine streelB. Alderman Patchel held him In $500 ball to appear at Court. Mary Ann i,itou last night assaulted two ladles In Dupont street, for which she was ar rested, aud committed by Alderman Tunlsou in default of 8500 ball to appear at Court. An Alleged Larceny of ?200. At an early hour t his morning a man appeared at the Se cond District Station, aud complained of being robbed by two young ladles, named respectively Melinda Clark and Mary Drew, of two hundred dollars, at a disreputable house on Trout street. The ladles aforesaid were taken in custody, and were nut in durence until a iuriner neanng shall be ordered. A Youthful Till-Taitkr. A boy named Hngh Mulholland. aged 13 years, yesterday afternoon attempted to rob the money-drawer of a grocery store in the neighborhood of Girard avenue ana uunion sireei. no was caugut without having appropriated anything, but for the evil Intent was held by Alderman Shoe maker In $100 bail to answer. Floub Storb Robbbd. The flour and feed store of T. J. Derrick, No. 1525 Germantown road, was entered yesterday afternoon, d,uriug ths absence of the proprietor, and the money drawer broken open and robbed of $00 in cur rency and sliver. No clue has boeu obtaluou as to who Uie. depredators we. Wk Abe Selling Cunnin.eie fuits, all-wool, as low as flO-OO Casslmere Hulls, belter, for 12 (0 Cassimere Suits, better, for 15-00 Black Bults, all-wool, as low as 18 (K) Black Suits, better, for 20 00 Black Suits, belter, for 25 00 Advancing from these, we have all aradesand prices tip to the finest and best of French and Kngllsh fabrics, surpassed by none for style and III, and manufactun d with special care by the IH-Rt workmen in the city. Persons accustomed '" hnving their goods made to order can save 2i to S3 per cent. by selecting from our ready made slock, and secure garments equal lu all iespctp. Half uay between) Bennett A Co., tfth and y Tower Hall, HixthSU. ) No. 518 Makkkt sr., Philadelphia, and No. HOP Broadway, New York. A Meritorious Dihoovkry. Every Judicious nousi keeper Justly holds In high estimation the gieat utility of a superior kitchen range. 1 his laigo class of the community will be grati fied to learn that J. H. Clark, the well known inventor of the best and most celebrated Im provement in stoves aud ranges, has perfected, and is now Introducing his Gold Medal Hinge, which is pronounced by the most competent Judges to be far superior to all others. The merits of this highly Improved range con sist In Its great economy of fuel, lis simplicity and convenience of management, and tho etll clency and quickness with which it performs the Important processes of cooking and baking. It will heat water for a bath-room, and will heat three rooms comfortably. Send for a cir cular. J. S. CLARK, No. 1008 Market street. Fashions fok Ladies May, 1807. New Paris Mantles. Llama Lace Points and Uotondes. Promenade Suits. Travelling Suits. Black Dress Silks, From $J to 810. Dressmaking in the latest Paris styles, aud at short notice. J. W. Proctor & Co., No. itJO Chesuut street. New Method of Smoking Toiiacco." "The Ameilcnn Smoking Casket." Smoke drawn vp through the tobacco, not down, as in ordi nary pipes. No ulcotln. No gumming of the howl. Can be replenished while smoking. Entirely safe. No danger from sparks. Not only a pipe, but a clear-holdcr. Sold as low as other pipes. Sold everywhere. P. A. Snkll 4 'o.. General Agents, No. 12.) South Third street. Headache, Languor, and Melancholy generally spring from a Disordered Stomach, Cosliveness, or a Torpid Liver. Each may readily be removed by Dr. D. Jayne's Sanative Pills, a few doses of which will be found to stimulate the Liver and Stomach to healthy action, removing all Biliousness, aud producing regular evacuations of the Bowels. Sold by alt Druggists. Prepared only at No. 212 Chesnut street. Makk-helieve foreign perfumes the genu ine being excluded by the enormous duties Hood the market. They are poor imitations of extrnclB which in themselves are far Inferior In odor, purity, and durability to Phalon's "Night-Blooming C'ereus," manufactured from the most fragrant flower ever used for perfum ing purposes. A'orth Adams Transcript. A Ukfrioerator that is not thoroughly ven tilating is a nuisance. Schooley's American Refrigerator is warranted to keep sweet aud free from foul odors, if properly managed. Manufactured by E. S. Furson dc Co., No. 20 Dock street. The Great Resort for Fine Confectionery Is at George W. Jenkins", No. 1037 Spring Garden street. His Caramels. Bonbons, Fruit Drops, Chocolates, etc., are deservedly in the highest repute. Foreign FrullB In great variety. B. F. Reimer, the renowned Photographer, is a benefactor, In that he makes superior pic tures at a small charge, thereby enabling people of small means, as well as the rich, to have Photographs of themselves aud friends. One large, or six small Photographs, $1. No. 621 Arch street. Ick Cream Freezers. Packer's Patent is the most substantial aud complete Freezer In use. There are four family sizes and ttree sizes for saloons. Manufactured at No. 220 Dock street. E. S. Farson & Co. If yon are In want of Spring Clothing, call at Stokes ii Co.'s, under the Continental. Either ready-made or made to order, the best goods at the lowest prices. Depot for the sale of Lash's Five-dollar Washing Machines, Clothes-Wringers, and Step Ladders, No, 727 Market street, Philadelphia. J. H. LA3H & CO. Buy your Hats from Bourne, No. 40 North Sixth street. A Cure for Rheumatism Worth Seeing. R. Kllpatrlck, No. 1741 Olive street, cured by Dr. Fitler's Remedy. No cure, no pay. Sixty Different-Patterns. Fancy Shirts. Mclntire & Brother, Fancy Shirts. Mclntire fe Brother, Fancy Shirts. Mclntire fc Brother, Manulactory, No. 1035 Chesnut street, Spring clothing FOR MEN AND BOYS now ready. LARQK A8SOKTMEN2 and LOW PRICKS. WANAMAKEK ?ROWN, POPULAR CLOTHING HOUSE, OAK HALL. P. E. Cor. SIXTH and MARKET Streets. KAEBIED. DAVENPORT WRIGTIT. On the Sth day of May, W t.n 11 .... A I IJnnl 1 w TllU V 14 A A r IT iij inc jev, AJCAHiiun . mu.ai ut. v mxv- l'OKT to Mina ANNIE V. WKIGliT, all ot this city. FRIES GRIE8EM ER. On the2t;th of September, lRfifi, by the Rev. Willlum Callicart, WALTER 8. FRIES to SALLIE E. URIESKMEU, all of this city. NUTTALL LYNCH. May 3, 1H07, by Rev. Daniel Murxh, Pastor of Clinton btreet Church, JAM KS A. NL'TTALL, of New York, to Mrs. ELIZABETH LYNCH, ol I'lillaueUihla. DIED. CAFFEE. On Monday morning. May 13, WARD J. CA 1' FKE, In the 371b year of bis aue. The rrleuds ot the family, tbeudlcers and members of I.ougM No. 61, A. Y. M., and the Order in Keneral, are respectfully invited lo attend his funeral, from bis late residence, Mo. 314 U. Filieeutb street, on Thursday niorniiiK. the ictb Instant, at lu o'clock. To proceed to McGOWEN. On the 12th Inst., JOHN McOOWEN. in me qom year oi ma age. The relatives and friends of the family are respect fully Invited to attend the funeral, from his late resi dence, No. 610 S. Juniper street, ou Wednesday morn ing at by, o'clock. TOWNSENP. On the mornlnn ef the 13th Instant, ol coi)iunillon. hAKAll R. '1'OVVNSENU. wlre.ii Gnome N. Townsend, and daughter of Christian It, Fun nee. In the 29lh Tear of her aue. The relatives and trlends of the family are Invited to attend the innerni, rrom me residence or her hu.stmnd. No. 237 8. Sixth street, below Walnut, on Friday aru-r-noon, the 17lh instant, at 1 o'clock. To proceed lo i,uurei tun. TROUBLE BOILERS B if USING WHICH. .1 J In preparlUK Milk, Farina. Corn 8tarb, Etc., there is no rink of buiuing. Several sizeH fur sale by j nujaaj s nil a v , No. 838 (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market Bu. below Ninth PATENT SUSPENSION TWINE HOLDERS are convenient and ornamental. They keep the twine orr llie counter, u mat several persoufc liny iiho the one ball without Inconvenience or enLanirlu. mout. Alsoi'ateut Twine Cutters fr connter'uso, at TRUMAN & SHAW'S, No. S35 (Eight Thirty-Bye) Market BU, below Ninth OMALL OUOITS FOR LADIES' RECREA. O tlon at sea-shore or other summer resorU, and several sizes lor genueuieu n una. mr aaie ny TRUMAN A BHAW. No. 835 (Eight Thlrty-flve) Market HU, below Ninth. NSURE YOUR LIFE Uf THB AMERICAN Life Insurance Company, OF riULADKLrHIA. OFFICE, 4185p S. E. COBNEB rOVBTII AND WALNUT. XT P. & C. E. TAYLOR. PERFUMERY AND TOTI.F.T BOAPS, No, W NORTH NINTH HTAXJCT. At WUultxmle Vul . 5 10 A THIRD EDITION EUROPE THIS P.M. Finmiclnl and Commercial A-tlvloof. By the Atlantic Cable. Paris, May 142 P. M. M. Moustior, Pre sident of the Corps Legi.slatit, officially an nounced to that body that the peace of Europe will not be disturbed. LotinoK, May 14 1 P. M. American securi ties are quoted at this hour as follows: U. S. Five-twenties, 72; Erie Railroad, 42; Illinois Central, 7(ij. Livi'.itrooL, May 14 2 P. M. Since noon the Cotton Market lias become quite brisk, aud the sales will largely exceed the estimate made at the opening, reaching, perhaps, 15,000 bales. No change, however, in price has been effected. Brest, May 14 2 P. M. The stoauier Pe reire, from New York on the 4th inst., arrived here to-day. Bale of Stocks and Real Estate. The fol- iowiuu stocks mill real estuto were offered for Rale at the I'lillaUel pliia, Exchange, by M. Tiioiiihs & Hons, commencing at noon to-day, wiiu ine annexed result: 1 oliare Mercantile I.lbraiy H-25 4 Nl.ore-, ocean Mphiu iSavUutioii frsZ'itl t'HH Delaware Mutual Insurance " ' r,i, I ii to o, JilU DO, 7 .til ,"n CoiiNolliliillnii National limik H i 7" b-2 shares 1'enii Nations! Hank fiiii'im (HI Hbares r reeooin Iron auu siHel Uo Wi W 4n.-h.ireH lla.lei,,n ItHilroail O'Q ji)'ii mm Hlmre McCltmock Oil Co 27 cu I'l-w No. 22. Si. M ark'B Church, middle aisle... IIM SECOND Kl'HKKT, No. 227 auU 22a. Uovo Hare Two Stores I19.8U0 Altt'U AND NINTH KTRKKist. N. W. corner UiiHlnehR Properly $60,000 BHIPfKN bTR&ET No. 1116. Store aud IjwpIIhic 12500 ELKVKNTIl HTKKF.T No. "02. below Sliiiipen. Tavern andUwelline S3800 ThNTH BTRKKT No. (H7, above l'uulur tfenteel Dwelling J2(i0 VI NK tsTKhKT No. 1231. Dwelling 3H I'UMHKIUiAMlKT.-No. 133. Dwelling 2ww SWAI.N WTKKKT-NO. Hill. Dwelling 26i0 THOMPSON S1REKT N. V. of Dauuhlu. 1 en DwellliiK 2 for ?lonO, 8 for SIIKI0 GROl'ND RENT fill 60 a year.. (OtOI'ND RENT $i:ii'4iia year CihOV ND l(l-NT-72ayear $121 $1100 EM ill 1 f.ri.M 11AM) KilThJUOlilBSIlS h. K. corner. I.aige Lot, HI leet front, 113 tret deep $18,000 $1000 $1400 FRONT STREET Between Tanker and Dennmrk. Lot TWKNTY-HIXTH STREET BuihliiiK Lot.. 121 At K ESS. quarter ot a mile ot Ulnucexter Railrnad Station, Camden county, N. J...?5 an acre. ACHES, Metliodlxt Lane, hull a milt; ol Oak Lane Stutiou $11,000 Tf WAllBURTON'S IMPROVED VENTI- lated utid Easy-lilting DRESS HATd (nateuiedi, in all the approved IkbIiIoiis ot theseasou. (J11EH.N U'l Bireet. next door to the Post Office. h n JONES, TEMPLE & CO., F A S 111 t) N A 11 L li ilATTBRS, No. iM W. NINTH Street, First Store above chestnut Htreet. 4 9 POSTER, FASHION A BLR HATTER, 4 It 6ml5p iJ I". J t . A . . ... No, 7 . SIXTH 8trt. Tf McCALl.A'S NhW IIAr STORE. NORTH &' eaot corner of TENTH and CI1KSMU C S.retfla. Ttie palroiiBKO ol old custouieru of Chesnut si reet, above Mxtti, and Cheiinut alreet. above EiKlith, soli cited. Call hdi exaruine tbo largest assortment of HATS and CAPS In Ihe city fur Spring, Kveiy article Iiiih price marked on It in plain figures. 5 4 Ap f J BOYS' II ATS AND CAPS FOR SPRING! y Tlie greuieit variety, and at reduced prlcea, at McCALLA'S, Northeiist corner of TENTH and CHESNUT, Formerly Clieeuut, above Six 111, aud Clieauut, above Elglilh. 6 4.1plf JOSEPH FUSSELL, Manufacturer of UMBRELLAS AND PARASOLS, 0, 2 auu 4 Pi. r UUlHH street. 4 17 2m5p Philadelphia. WRITTEN AND VERBAL DESCRIP- ylons of Character, with Advice on Buslueus I iieaiin, ji.(iucauon, etc. given dally, by Zlliuiunajiirj j. u. ua rHri, at No. CHESNUT Htreet JADDLERY FOR CITY AND COUNrRY, Wliolesale and Retail, , Very Cheap. Big Home In the Door. KNEA9S, No. 631 MARKET Street. AND HARNES& 4 11 llltllMSl( DEAFNESS. EVERY INSTRUMENT THAT science and skill have Invented to ualst the bearing In every decree oi deafness; also. Respirators also, Crandall's Patent Cratches, superior to anr others In use, at P. MADEIRA'S, No. 115 TENTH btreet, below Cliesnnt. S8 5p RODGERS' AND WOSTENHOLM'S POCKET KNIVES. Pearl and Stag Handles, or beauttlui finish. RODUERH' aud WADE A BUTCHER'S RAZORS, and the celebrated LEOOULTKK RAZOR &CISBORS of the liueet quality. Razors, Knives, Bcissore, and Table Cutlery Ground and Polished at P. MADEIRA'S, Mo. 11$ TENTH Btreet, below Chesnut $8&p O HOUSEKEEPERS AND INVALIDS. The undersigned respectlully calls the attention of the public to the stock of Prime Cider and Pure Cider vinegar for pickling and general family use also, to his popular "Tonic Ale," free from all Impu rities, and endorsed by the medical faculty as a safe and wholesome beverage tor weak aud delicate con stitutions. Delivered free of charge to all parts of the city. P. J. JORDAN, No. 420 PEAR Btreet, 11 75p Below Third, and Walnut and Dock. AMERICAN CONCRETE PAINT AND BOOF COMPANY. No. 648 NORTH THIRD Street, Philadelphia, Economy, Promptness, Reliability. 'i bis Palut will preserve all Woods and Meials, guard aga!"81 dampness and wet, and thoroughly pre vents all leaks. Old tin roots are long preserved with this Paint. Roofs of every kind, old shingles included, covered, repaired, and made perfectly tight aud war ranted. All orders will have prompt uttoutiou. Work will be done In the best manner. S 8 lnirpl JOSEPH LEEDS. Actuary. Fmohy D. nonABT. Superintendent of Work. pATENT WIRE WORK FOR RAILINGS, BTORK FRONTS, OUARDH, PARTITIONS, KTO. COAL SCREENS, FOURDRINIER WIRES, ETU Manufactured by U., WALK Kit A HON, 127 8m No. 11 N. SIXTH Street. fi00 A 11 9 n STREET. COO MEW COMBINED WATER COOLKB AND BEFB1MEBATOK, ftlO'OO. CIEMTH' BLACKINU TABLES, MEAT SAFES, ICE CREAM FREEZERS. VKIFtlTH A PAE, 410 NO. SOO ABCH STREET. BEDDING AND IFeather Warehouse, TENTH STBEET, BELOW ABCH. Feathers of all qualities, Feather Beds. Bol- stem and Pillows. Straw, Husk, Hair. " . Y .. i- "I unu, fuu biirlng Mattresses. A large assortment of Blankets, Comfortables, and Red Quilts, of all kinds. Marseilles Oouu- ud j,,.,., w v. j W.UUBUU1. f"mus, iroxn i ne lowest price to the fluent quality. ttnrliiK Uda and burins Com. Iron HAtaA, Of all slues. imuum vuBuiuw maas to order. A 11 goods SOM at the varv lowest mrrat nHM. always. AMOS HILI.BORir, NO, 44 NorU TENTH Street, i. t. w niuuuw ouautv, O A lo.tr. ,a.W T-.TI . i . t soniestiuada, llilutuuuftp FOURTH EDITIONIFIFTI! EDIViON ho of the Ship Continent. I?oton, Mny 14. The brqre Alrrlra Coombs, from .Mnvtia In (Jrnnde, Brrlvert to-day, brlnlni in the oiew of the ship Continent, of New York, C'HptRln Maxey, fiom New Orlenns for Hvre, which vi hkcI wrh ahandnnerl hi, sea In a Nliiltin condition. The ship sprung a leak in a hetvy Kuleonthe 8ih of May. Inlat. 31 ), lontf. 7, 14; and tbo wntcr continued trtgnition tier rumps, which were keit couhtaull v eoitiK, with lliir teenfeetof water in tho hold, the main and inl.sr.eiirimstR out awny, but It airordeil no relief. Theea broke over the Milp, ripplnv up her deck and mavlns her hut warier. On tho9tii ttie barque Almlia Coombs hove In sight, b.ttowiuir to lue coiitinnitiice of i lie mile the crew were not taken ofT until 0 I M. on the Itlthlnst.. when they were nil tmnslerred. with iiotiiinx KHveii but wlmt thev mood In. The ship wan it complete wieck. and the crew only saved tliein rlvea by oltnlnK to the riauliiir. The carito coiiNlMed of 2i(MI linlcs of eoltou, X!,00U staves, Uhd 8M)00 lu specie. Fires in f hicngo nnd Brooklyn. Chicacjo, Miiy H. MarxliN ilrym r liouse was deftro.ved by lire this morniiiK. Tlie bulldlmr contained about thirty thouHiind bustiels of piain, which, together with all the muciiluery, were totally cotiHiiined. The loss Ih about JSO.ODO, with comparatively Slimll Insurance. Hkooki.vn, May 11. About 1 1 Ml P. M. last evet'luK, a lire oecuned in Archer's storehouse, Ht the loot of Van Dyke Htreet, caused by the building helnii si ruck by lUhinliiK There win biut J.JOO.tloO worth ot saltpetre and nltrnte of sotlH stoied In the building, about ote - o irth of v. hlch was devtroveil. i he loss of the hull, lin Itoelf, which ii owned by Mr. Archer, anion its to $10,000. The stock was owne l iy New York niereliiints. A quantity of the siltpetre ex p'oded.and set fire to the barque l.ouls. Ivln it t the dock. Two boys Jumped ovi rliotrd from the Vtssel, one of whom was drowued. Steamboat Accident. Chicago, May 11. The Hock Island Aran of last even I tot suys that tue Wcsleru Union Hal road steuiner Iiiiuiimr, running between that island and Port li.vrou, exploded her ootler about eliiht miles above toe city. I'iiu lollowi'K persons wire killed: (Jeotue White, pilot; Vil I;nin Vt asslkth, cook; James Tracey, Urunr.tn; W. II. Noble, of UuilltiKton; and W. H. Ileeiiee, Of Colorado. II. Curtis, of Oubuaue. Is missiuz. and is supposed to be drowned. Several persons were badly scalded. The boat, immediately took lire, und Is a total loss. Milwaukee, May 14. The following persons are reporteu wounded by tne explosion on board the steamer Lansing: Judge Huhoell, of New Mexico; Isuao VV. 1'owell, of Ottawa; aud J. .1. Keudle, residence unknown. The Amended Mississippi Bill. Washington, May 11. Considerable Interest attaches to the amended Mississippi bill, and the complainants entertain stiiuiK hopes lli it the Court will taae ooKnl.ance of Geueral Ord's iictions, al least to theexieutof reslralulntc 111 in Itom nieusnres wlilch expos,- the State properly to waste. The bill has been submitted without argument, aud from t he fact tl) H It was not dis posed tif yesterday, it Is interred that the amend ments have weight Willi l lie Court. Indictment for Murder. St. Taul, Minn., May 11. M. A. Hawks, who killed ills wife to get Ihe insurance on her life, has been indicted lor mur ier in the first degree. Latest Markets by Telegraph Nrw Yokk. May H. Cotton s:eady ut inc. Flour tit in und in Knd oemitiid: sulesof 6i'0u harreis; imtrkei wlibi ut d cided cbauge: htaie. (rwiaHli; Obio, J14 (u.Ki '20. Wlieat quiel und uucnaiiKH l. Coru null and oeciined tOi'M:. Oats dull and declined lc: Weiieru at 4(u-s6o.: Slate, sue. Hyeiiull; miles o I 15ii Implie s bi i'ti'Jmi vi. ueei uui i auci u iciifcHKri. Port Urm ana iinchaiiKed. Lard dull. Whlskv aulet. Bai.timuuk. May 14. Cotton siettdy and inactive at C7o. for middling- uplands. CoM-e quiet aud un cbKliufd. Klourilull, iKiuiinnl, and uncuanced. Corn declining; whiieut Jri,r((jil 17; yellow, $ri2vl'15; mixed Weslern al $riii(itril. Oais steady at 80c. sui(iir dull and uiicbmiged Provismus quiet; Jtuik Meats steady; shoulder, 8c: sides, louse, tti',c.: packed, lil'i'a: Hai on dull; Mess Pork steudv al 23'75: Lurd ulflidm t:i'., for city and Western lu tierces. Wblsky in bond, 9 ODlcs al. LEG AIi INTELLIGENCE. TBI LEIS HOMIC1DB. Continued from the Second Edition. Kranz Wlllard (continued) I noticed tlmtbe didn't lo'.k al peisons as culujly as before; sometimes waea tbe murder was talked about ne looked wild; lie naid lie would like to bave tbe mailer decided: be said tbt be and bis family were dlsyi actd very olieu; be c iuld not attend Vt bis bi siness hs be did bulore: ne said tbere was nobooe of bavhm It setlled; be often slied tears about ttiedlslionorHnn disgrace mat would c one upon lils lamlly; ne said that he never bad any quiet li ie tits; I saw Leis about tw i days before Kller whs sboi; lie waM not very wild, but be was dowucast and melancholy; bis mind was not as formerly. W. Do you believe that be was Insane upon this sub ject 1 Objected to, and objection sustained. Cross-examined When a man is no longer as be was belore, he Is Insane; Leis fully comprehended all the circumstances ol tbe case; I dou'l know whether he comprehended the tbhiKs around turn; his mind had a morbid tendency on tula BUbJect; oil all others he was rational. oiger lunger sworn Thomas Lels worked for me three ears; be was a steady workman before April, 1HK; alter that I could'nt set him to do anything: I Rave him work, but I had to take liie material away und give it lo iineiher man; bis spirits seemed to me kind of low and depressed; be was not tbe same man: when be came to me be talked of nothing but bis fami ly; I bad to discharge hiui, as I could not get the work done; about six weeks belore Kiler was shot, I irave him some work, but I took it awav when be was shot; 1 told my family tbut 1 thought hs would gel crazy; he got lower and lower in spirits every time I saw bun; the trouble made him wronir In his mind; he said he was a rulued man, aud bis luniiiy rulued aud dis graced, tio cross-examination. Dr. Thomas Hemming sworn I am a practitioner of medicine: I have practised about elgut year lu this city; I know Thomas Lets; I attended bis faintly three or four years before this thing occurred; I always looked upon him as a good father, a good husiiaud, aud a kind and orderly man: be was rather intelligent tor one In his station in life; I never saw him oilier than well-behaved; I never heard anything against his character in any wuv; he sought my ser vices lor his oldest girl, LouUa, in April, IstM; I exam ined the child; I saw Lels In April, aud subsequently about the new year; then there was a per ceptible change in his manner, conver sation, and personal appearance, he bad become worn, haggard, thin, aud pale; in conversation, In stead of listening attentively to anything that was said lo him, and answering correctly questions given lo him, his mind seemed constantly occupied wltu one thought and one Idea, and that was thai he, his family, and child were ruined; sometimes in the course ot remarks he would interrupt me nud eaoialifir am ruined:" the lust time I saw iiiiu wosou iheday juier was Kilieo; it was a few mouieuts alter when cams to me as I was about stepping into my car riage, and requested me Income that evening to the court house, as he thought ihe trial would corns up; I told him that I regreiled I could not go. as arrange ments which I could not postpone would prevent mo from going; he then having but a lew moments before told me to come to the t'ourl-house, and be present al tbe trial which wus to come up; I made the remark, "Oh, it is no use to co ne ll will not come ua;" I then excused myself, and drove off, leaving him standing upon the pavement: there he stood fi r several momenu, making uo motion, as one who knew not whut to do; he said on the occasion mat he was a ruined man; he wanted mn as a witness In the case of the Commonwealth vs. idler; in which Kiler was charged with committing a rape upou bis child; I thluk, however, from my own observation, that the muu's mind had received a severe shock, und, to all appear and, when I left him saaixilng upon my pavement theday Kiler was killed, 1 believe that he was in such a condition that an Insane impulse would bave driven him to the commission r any di ed; 1 communicated the result of the examination of ihe child to Mr. Lets. Q What was ihul condition resumed I told tbe father that the person of the child bsd been violated. Cross-examined I believe that if Lels had shot Elier upon tee day the child was violated, ll would have been a natural Impulse, but ai the time be com mitted !the deed his mind was In such a chaotic condition that the lnane lmpu,se ruled him, aud that reasou had no sway. The Court, at hall-past one, adjuurued until tbree o'clock, Fhilada. Stock Exchange Sales, May 14 Reported by D Haven A Bro No. 40 8. Third street BETWEEN ilOAEr WOO City 6s, New Inl ', lStiOO Pa 6s, 8d serlos.c.I0'l iiao0PaKlms iliKJO Mor C 1 m 6n.b5.. Wi 4 sii Cam & Am...lfsi-ii 20 ah Leh V R M! S do.scrlp.... ZVl 60 sh Panna ii Is. &2'i 2n0sb Kead.....H30wn.ti'8l loo oo. -..01 'H 1 do.... M.lHO'jl 4uu do... , fi; B8h Morris U ?f...-llt SECOND BOARD. 100 B-Ms ,6..Jy.cp....lO iloooo City s. New 102 fciuiO do..Newb(Mttt 1100 do-New 14 ilu do. New.Jfi am do. Old..- VI il(M rUll A Kris .... 9V-i Wi UMHIUW 9W luoel.eh Val bs...n 90 ,imA I Jt, A Urn sy lo no iMa v it M' s all Cam 4 Aus. 13o; 20 so fauna s do... fcjV IWeUNCtiuWaUbaj. it The Indian War. Bt. r,ouis,May 14. The Democrat' correwpin dent with General Hancock's epedition, wn't in from Fort Hayes, says: "Toe Oeneral- miaflon on the plains was to feel the temper the Indians; to ascertain what tribe were In clined for war aud what for peao : tmtk' treaties, and, if necessary, separate the penoeftil from the hostile tribes; and to post more troop on the Hinoky Illli and Hanta Ke ronds. Th results are as follows: The troops niarctied 4o0 miles: the tribes dlsnnsed for war. viz . tbe) Hloux and ( heyenncs, have been foiitid out ana separated from tneir sworn auies, nw Kiowas. Arrapahoes, and Camanehes; IIOO.OUO worth of Indian property was burnt; Kanaim Is free from hoRlile Indians; and the Hinoky Hill and Santa i e routes are belter guarded, than belore." General fHister is at Fort Haves, where his cavalry will remain unt il the grass appears and his horses are in better condition, when ho will commence active operations against the Hloux and Cheyeniies. The Meurvy hag appeared amongst his men, but no serious results are apprehended. When Hancock returns to the jmmi , ieiierni . I. rriuill win com iiihiiu 1,110 Ueiiarlnient of the Unuer Arkansas, with hl lenipornry iiendquarters at Fort Marker, but I'm ldii, in Colorado, will be tbe permanent headquarters. The Case of General Dlair. St. I.otnu. May 14. The decision of the Cir cuit! ouri in the caseof Ueneral Blair against the JudKeof Klcctlous for refusing to reoelve bis vote unless be took the Constitutional oath, which decision was adverse to lilalr, watt yeslerduy affirmed by the (Supremo Court. IIbarin'os at the Central Station. Helore Alderman Keitler, all! o'clock to-dny. Hllzatieth Dean, Cnroline Dean, aited 17; Dinh l liean. aued 12: F.mma Kllzabeth Dean, aired 15: and Martha Jane Dean, axed 18, ere cli rged wiin neepinp a tnsorneriv nnuse. lnenrsinne nient loned is the mother of tne rest. They live In Market street, near Thlrly-slxt h. Two olbcers testified that, they heard quarrel ling and cursing and Rwearlng in the house, bonie of the neighbors test I fled that they Heard noise there; and others testified they had not.or any account. Mrs. Dean was held in Jl'iOO hail, and Caroline in tum ball to answer at Court. The others were sent home. PERSONAL. ALL PERSONS ARE IJ.ERRBT WARNED against iiigotialiug a 1IUAK1' of Five liuti-nr-d and Thirty-one Dollars and seventy-live Ceuts UMl '.fi). drawn by A. O, BKCKUL in favor of OKOIHiK I. YKAUKK, and Indorsed by the said Oeorne I. Yeager. as the said di art has bsn,andls, fraudiileiitlv witliheld, and no value for said draft baa been received oy me. OEOUOE I. YKAI1KR. fhilatjelphla, Hay 14, 1S67. 6 M 21 MEDICAL. jyj EDICAL ELECTRICI7V Latest audi Host Important DlseoTerie In tbe Treatment of Ctironle Diseases. DR. S. W. BECKWITn'S ELECTRICAL INSTITUTE, No. 220 WALNUT Street. Curing our Investigations In the treatment of dis ease In Its various forms by the agency of electricity, we have obtained very many valuable and startliac tacts, which, added to the previous though limited Information possessed by other and less fortunate operators, place us beyond all previous knowledge ot ibis mysterious agent. During the course of our prac tice we have treated and cured, through the know ledge thus gained, many thousands, aud by means of our new discoveries have established ourselves as the most successful Medical Electricians In this country orEusope. Electrical Investigation has proved that the humaa body acts on tbe principle of the galvanic battery-. Tbe brain, mucous and serous membranes, the ski a tissues, and fluids, constitute tbe negative and post, tlve lorces, and every action, whether mental or phy sical, la the result of these antagonistic foroes. Diges tion, respiration, circulation, secretion, and excretion are due solely to electrical Influence. There Is a polar action established throughout the nervous system which connects with every part of tbe body, establish lug and preserving a proper balance of the olectiioal element which constitutes health, and a disturbance of which causes disease. There are strictly but two conditions el disease one ot Inflammation or posi tive; the other, weak, debilitated, negative and aa electricity contains these two conditions in the action of the positive and negative currents, all we have to do is to neutralize the disease and restore proper healthy action. Among the chronic diseases In which electrloltv has been au3 Is dally being, by our agenoyTof the Sit utility, a cure being rapidly fjjgaed after the UUure ot all other means, are: " 1. Epilepsy, Chorea, or St, Vitus' Dance, Paralysis (Hemplegia), Neuralgia, Hysteria, Nervousness. Pal pitation of ihe Heari, Lockfaw, elo. 2. Bore Throat. Dvspepsia, Marrhosa, Dysentory. Obstinate Constipation, Hemorrhoids, or Biles llllious, Flatulent, and Painter's Colic a. id all aflun! lions of tbe I jver and Spleen. 8. Catarrh, Cough. lusueuza, Aathma when not caused by organic diseases of tbe heart), Brouchliu Pleurisy, Pleurodynia, or Rheumatism of the 'iiTt Consumption In tbe early stages. vueel, 4. Gravel, Diabetes, and Kidney Complaint. 6. Rheumatism. Oout, Lumbago, Htill Neck. Snlnat Curvature, Hip Diseases, Cancers. Tumors ttuoaeiaut named always cured without pain, or plasters in amr forui). 8. Uterus Complaints, Involving a mal-posltlon a Prolapsus, Autroversion, Retroversion, Tullamina tion, Clceration, and various olher ailectlons. i'or information desired upou other diseases an nil. calion ay be made at the oOice, or by letter Mrs. RECK WITH has entire charge ot the Ladlm Department, and all delicacy will be used toward those who entrust themselves to her care. In teuua diseases, it Is universally successful In her handa. For ihe convenience of those desiring Information, we give (by permission) a few names ol S among the beet business men aud others of this cit3 and elsewhere, whom we have treated aud ourL-. A. R, Htewart, Mill Creek, Huntingdon comay Pa. cured of rheumatism of ulteen years' sundlui MnL J. Y. Cummlng, Klshicoguldas: Mlllllii Tolumy. Pa!, cancer of the stomach: John Kirkpatrlck. New Caatli county, Del., cured ot i oiucer In Tthe breastTnthreJ V . I V A.iu, iCM jiamiibOQ sire i. T. Rouldeu: taZSTSuSGZ S w'atei parniJ-siB ou llie lOH 8106, Cured In three Hiwlne JS. McClam, No. iti Juniper streetT dysoelaT.dt nervous debility; Lieuleniiut Robert O. Wilson V II. C. dysiepHia cured lu seven davs: R.J Robertson Eos We, Wisconsin, bronchitis. ali,hfjolm O.' tarter, Commander United Mlales Navy, Brooklyn: Jdeediug piles and Ustula of ibrly-six years' siandms: Charles II. Hammond, Western National Bauk. Bal limore, dyspepsia aud sick headache, of tweutv-Uve years' staiidlug. cured lu three weeks: William Row botham, No. I:f27 Front street, obsuoate pus. cured In three applications: C A. Byran, lumbago and dvs pepsia. of ten years; N. B. Baldwin, late pastor ol the Olivet Baptist Cburcb, Philadelphia, nervous prostra tion, after three applications; c. D. Cooper, Port Jer vis.N.Y.. esvere case of catarrh: William Holtzwortki No. '257 Market stieet, ulcerated bowels, dyspeush orcbltes, etc.. of seven years' standing: Hon. J M Butler, No. 780 8. Tenth street; J. W. Bradley No lU N. Fourth street; Colonel T. W. Sweeney. WaliiiT? Btreet, below E'ghth; Ueorge O. Kvans, No. 1M2 N Fifteenth street: Mr. Pelouxe. Chesuut aud Tbirit streets; BrlgadleMieueral A. J. JMeasunton. No uni Hnruce street; George Douglass, Fifth street, abovS Cliesnut; M. O. Had lei, No. Oil Arch street: ?i u Emack, No. 488 Chesnut street; A. L. Whiteman rSl ner of third and Market streets; J, Andrews f? mi Pine street; M. Errlckson. No.ma ,,t,r2S Thomas Simpson, No. 1314 Front street W u S No. Ufa Hanover street: George iTBuzbv and 838 Market street: Thomas TDrake Owmir William Stevenson. W,ih and Market sfr" Marshall. No. 61 B. Nluik r? w, h.nS' 14o Master street; Thomas Gregg. VluelaiTd 222?15!E$. t: i-AVdii Physicians or students desiring to have Initmnti... in the correct application of ElJotriolty to? !h i2 of diseases, cau apply at tbe offlee. ' lu our t'ousnliatlon free. Descriptive Daannhlnt of mm enected, with numerous reterencTTnd lludK treatise on the subject, can k had by aonlkmiion a? Uieofilce. All letters addressed te PP"cuon at Dr. S. W. BEOKWITII- . NO. latO WALNUT THEBsTi lWwBmgmBp PI1ILADKLPHXA. " GKT THE BKHT. TITK HOLT BIBLB-HARJD-ing's Editions Family, Pulpit and Pis:ket BUitss, in beautiful styles of Turkey Morocco and anifjue bindings. A new edition, arranged for pholografiUia pvrtraiks f lamliles. , WM. W. HARDINa. PublWier, KOi Hmm SI' ttuwtt Ww Avfun wuipped tua girl. I